DATE:    30th June 1999


(1)  MARATHON  MEDICAL  TECHNOLOGIES,  INC.,  an Oregon  corporation,  having an
     office at 7620 S.W. Bridgeport Road, Portland,  Oregon 97224, United States
     of America ("Marathon")

(2)  HYPOGUARD  DEVELOPMENT CO. LIMITED an exempted company  incorporated  under
     the laws of Bermuda, and having its registered office at Clarendon House, 2
     Church St., Hamilton, Bermuda ("JV Co").

(3)  ELAN  CORPORATION,  PLC,  an Irish  company,  with a  registered  office at
     Lincoln House, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2, Ireland ("Elan");


A.   Marathon and Elan entered into a license  agreement dated 15th October 1997
     ("Marathon Licence") for the development of a glucose monitoring device.

B.   Marathon  has agreed with the JV Co to assign the  benefit of the  Marathon
     License, the goodwill and custom associated with such Marathon Licence, and
     all other intellectual  property owned or licensed by Marathon, to JV Co in
     accordance with the terms set forth in this Agreement.


Subject to the terms and conditions hereof,  Marathon as beneficial owner hereby
assigns to the JV Co all the following property, rights, claims and liberties:

1.1  the full benefit of the Marathon Licence;

1.2  the goodwill and custom associated with the Marathon Licence; and


1.3  all JV SUB KNOW-HOW,  JV SUB PATENT RIGHTS and all its rights in and to the
     JOINT  IMPROVEMENTS  (such words in capitals to have the meaning defined in
     the Marathon Licence) and all other intellectual property owned or licensed
     by Marathon including but not limited to:

         a)       in vitro data on sensor improvements/expirimentation,
         b)       in vivo data from human trials,
         c)       design analysis,
         d)       chemical analysis including toxicology data,
         e)       sensor membrane analysis and experimentation:  membrane
                    thickness, solvents,
         f)       active layer composition data,
         g)       variability and drift studies,
         h)       electronic and software designs,
         i)       electronic pulsing variations and associated data,
         j)       electronic sampling variations and associated data, and
         k)       monitor housing and design.

TO HOLD the same unto JV Co absolutely.


2.1  In consideration of the assignment set forth in Clause 1 above, JV Co shall
     pay the following amounts to Marathon:

     (i)  $4,000,000 in cash upon the execution of this Assignment, and

     (ii) the royalty payments described in Clause 2.2 below.

2.2  Subject  to the  following  sentence,  JV Co  shall  pay  Marathon  royalty
     payments  equal to 3% of (i) all In Market Net Sales of  Products  and (ii)
     all Licence Fees following the date hereof in the Territory. After Marathon
     has received  $10 million in  cumulative  royalty  payments on the Products
     from JV Co,  the  royalty  payable  by JV Co to  Marathon  pursuant  to the
     preceding sentence shall be reduced from 3% to 1%.

     "Affiliate" of any entity means any other entity controlling, controlled by
     or under common  control with such first entity,  as the case may be, where
     "control"  means (a) in the  context of a company  limited  by shares,  the
     direct or indirect ownership of at least 50% of the voting rights attaching
     to the shares thereof,  or (b) the ability to control or direct the affairs
     of the other  entity or (c) if not  meeting  the  preceding  criteria,  the
     maximum  control or ownership  right  permitted  in the country  where such
     entity  exists,  and  "controlling"  and  "controlled"  shall be  construed


     "In  Market"  shall  mean  the  sale  of the  Products  by JV Co or JV Co's
     sublicensee  or any of their  Affiliates  to a third  party  (other than an
     Affiliate of JV Co) such as (i) an end-user consumer of the Product or (ii)
     a wholesaler,  distributor, managed care organisation, hospital or pharmacy
     or other third party payor for final  commercial  sale by such party to the
     consumer,  and  shall  exclude  in any event the  transfer  pricing  of the
     Products by JV Co to an Affiliate or any permitted sub-licensee.

     "Licence Fees" shall mean  consideration  paid by a third party (other than
     an  Affiliate  of JV CO) to JV Co or its  Affiliates  for the  granting  of
     rights, whether by license,  sublicense or otherwise of any rights relating
     to the development or commercialisation of one or more Products,  including
     licence  fees,  advance  royalties  on sales and other  ongoing  fees,  but
     excluding bona fide research or development fees or payments.

     "Net Sales" shall mean the gross amount  invoiced for sales of the Products
     reduced by the following to the extent that they are properly  allocable to
     the quantity of Products so sold:  all trade,  quantity and cash  discounts
     allowed;  credits or allowances  actually granted on account of rejections;
     returns,  billing  errors  and  retroactive  price  reductions  (including,
     without limitation, shelf stock adjustments);  credits, rebates, chargeback
     rebates,  fees,  reimbursements  or  similar  payments  granted or given to
     wholesalers and other  distributors,  buying groups,  health care insurance
     carriers,  governmental  agencies and other  institutions in respect of the
     purchase  price;  freight,  transportation,  insurance  or  other  delivery
     charges;  and all taxes (except  income taxes),  tariffs,  duties and other
     similar governmental charges paid by the seller on sale of the Products and
     not reimbursed by the purchaser.

     "Products" shall have the meaning assigned in the Amended Marathon Licence.
     For the  avoidance of doubt,  this  definition  of "Products" is not in any
     material  respect  different  from  the  definition  of  "Products"  in the
     Marathon Licence.

     "Territory"  shall  have  the  meaning  assigned  in the  Amended  Marathon

2.3  Royalty  payments  due to  Marathon  pursuant  to Clause 2.2 above shall be
     payable  semi-annually  on the 45th day following the end of each six month
     period  ending  30th June or 31st  December.  JV Co  reserves  the right to
     deduct before  effecting  payment to Marathon the amount of any taxation it
     is required by law to withhold  from  Marathon in respect of the payment of
     royalties due hereunder to Marathon. In the event of any such deduction, JV
     Co shall  secure and furnish  promptly to Marathon  official  tax  receipts
     evidencing the


     payment of such taxation.

2.4  JV Co shall  deliver to Marathon  semi-annually,  on the 45th day following
     the end of each six month period  referred to in Clause 2.3 above,  a sales
     summary  showing  all In Market  sales of Products  during the  immediately
     preceding six month period,  a statement  certifying its calculation of the
     In Market Net Sales from gross revenues  during such six month period,  the
     units  of  Products  so  sold,  and a  computation  of the  amounts  due to

2.5  For the 90 day period  following  the close of each  calendar  year,  JV Co
     will, upon request,  provide Marathon's  independent  certified accountants
     (reasonably acceptable to JV Co) with access, during regular business hours
     and subject to customary  confidentiality  provisions  which are reasonably
     acceptable to JV Co, to JV Co's books and records relating to the Products,
     solely for the purpose of verifying the accuracy and reasonable composition
     of  the   calculations   hereunder   (including  the  half  yearly  royalty
     calculation) for the calendar year then ended.

2.6  In the event of a discovery of a  discrepancy  which  exceeds 5% or $5,000,
     whichever  is the lesser,  of the amount due to Marathon  for any six month
     period  referred to in Clause  2.3,  the cost of such  accountant  shall be
     borne by JV Co; otherwise, such cost shall be borne by Marathon.


3.1  Marathon represents and warrants to JV Co that:

     (i)  all  development  work in the  ELAN  GLUCOSE  MONITOR  TECHNOLOGY  (as
          defined in the Marathon Licence) has been performed by Marathon, or by
          a third party on behalf of  Marathon so that  Marathon is the owner of
          all intellectual property rights arising or developed during such work
          relating to the ELAN GLUCOSE MONITOR TECHNOLOGY; and

     (ii) Marathon has the sole,  unrestricted and unencumbered  right to assign
          the Marathon  Licence,  the goodwill  and custom  associated  with the
          Marathon  License,  and  all  other  intellectual  property  owned  or
          licensed by Marathon as more fully  described in Clause 1.3 above,  to
          JV Co.

3.2  As  soon  as  is  reasonably  possible  following  the  execution  of  this
     Assignment, Marathon shall furnish a legal opinion with respect to Marathon
     in a form which is reasonably accepted to JV Co.



4.1  Immediately  after the  assignment  of the  Marathon  Licence to JV Co, the
     Marathon  Licence shall be amended and restated as set forth in the Amended
     Marathon Licence Agreement, of even date herewith, by and among Elan and JV
     Co,  in the form  attached  as  Exhibit  A hereto  (the  "Amended  Marathon
     Licence").  The Amended  Marathon  Licence  shall replace and supersede the
     Marathon Licence in its entirety.

4.2  The  parties  to this  Assignment  here  intend  to  clarify  their  mutual
     understanding  of the Marathon  Licence (as replaced  herein by the Amended
     Marathon  Licence).  It is the understanding of all of the parties that the
     technology licensed from Elan to JV Co does not include any infusion device
     as  part  of  the  combination  infusor/monitor   incorporating  a  ratchet
     mechanism.  Such infusion devices  contemplated by the Marathon Licence (as
     replaced herein by the Amended Marathon  Licence) only include those having
     a  flexible  diaphragm  drug  reservoir  capable  of  deformation  upon the
     introduction  of  pressurized  gas and only for use in  combination  with a
     monitor  device as disclosed  and  described  in the Elan  Glucose  Monitor
     Technology (as defined in the Amended Marathon Licence). Furthermore, it is
     the  understanding  of the  parties to this  Assignment  that the Field (as
     defined in the Amended  Marathon  Licence) does not  contemplate the use of
     any cleaning fluid or compound in connection  with the Elan Glucose Monitor


At the request and cost of JV Co, Marathon,  at all times after the date of this
Assignment,  shall do all acts and execute all  documents  as may be  reasonably
necessary  or  desirable  to secure  the  vesting  in the JV Co of the  Marathon
Licence,  the goodwill and custom associated with the Marathon Licence,  and all
other intellectual property owned or licensed by Marathon,  free from all liens,
charges, options or encumbrances or adverse interests of any kind.


Any notice  required or  permitted  to be given under this  Assignment  shall be
sufficiently  given if in writing and delivered by registered or certified  mail
(return  receipt  requested),  facsimile  (with  confirmation  of  transmittal),
overnight  courier  (with  confirmation  of  delivery),  or hand delivery to the
appropriate  party at the address set forth below,  or to such other  address as
such party may from time to time specify for that purpose in a notice  similarly


If to Marathon:

Marathon Medical Technologies, Inc.
7620 S.W. Bridgeport Road,
Oregon 97224
United States of America

Attn:    President & Chief Executive Officer
Fax:     503 620 6431

If to JV Co:

Hypoguard Development Co. Limited
Clarendon House
2 Church Street
Bermuda  HM11

Attn:    David Doyle
Fax:     441 292 4720

If to Elan:

Elan Corporation, plc
Lincoln House
Lincoln Place
Dublin 2

Attn:    Vice President & General Counsel
         Elan Pharmaceutical Technologies
         A division of Elan Corporation, plc
Fax:     353 1 709 4124

Any such notice  shall be  effective  (i) if sent by mail,  as  aforesaid,  five
business days after mailing, (ii) if sent by facsimile, as aforesaid, when sent,
and (iii) if sent by courier or hand  delivered,  as aforesaid,  when  received.
Provided that if any such notice shall have been sent by mail and if on the date
of  mailing  thereof  or  during  the  period  prior to the  expiry of the third
business  day  following  the date of mailing  there  shall be a general  postal
disruption  (whether as a result of  rotating  strikes or  otherwise)  then such
notice shall not become  effective  until the fifth  business day  following the
date of resumption of normal mail service.



7.1  If a dispute arises between any of the parties to this Assignment and which
     cannot be resolved in the normal course of events, any party to the dispute
     may give  notice in  writing to the other  party or parties as  applicable,
     specifying  the  subject  matter of the dispute  and its  proposal  for its
     resolution. Each party must procure that the dispute is considered by their
     respective  authorised  representatives  and  that  such  parties  use  all
     reasonable endeavours, in good faith, to resolve the dispute within 14 days
     of the  date  of the  notice  specifying  the  dispute.  If the  authorised
     representatives  reach  agreement  on the  matter in  dispute in the period
     specified  in this  Clause  7.1,  the  parties  shall  procure  that  their
     respective representatives sign a joint memorandum to that effect recording
     the  resolution  and  procure  that such  agreement  is fully and  promptly
     carried into effect.

7.2  If the authorised  representatives  fail to reach  agreement,  any party to
     this  Assignment  may refer the  matter  to, in the case of  Marathon,  the
     President & Chief Operating Officer,  in the case of Elan, the President of
     Elan  Pharmaceutical  Technologies  and,  in the case of JV Co, the JV Co's
     management  committee (together the "Senior  Officers").  The Parties shall
     respectively  procure  that the  Senior  Officers  attempt in good faith to
     resolve the dispute.  If the Senior  Officers reach agreement on the matter
     in dispute  within 14 days of the dispute  being  referred to them (or such
     other  period as the parties  may  mutually  agree in writing)  the parties
     shall  procure that their  respective  Senior  Officers  shall sign a joint
     memorandum to that effect  recording the  resolution  and procure that such
     agreement is promptly and fully carried in to effect.

7.3  The dispute resolution procedure shall have been exhausted if the matter in

     7.3.1     has not been  resolved in  accordance  with Clause 7.1 within the
               relevant period and is not referred to the Senior Officers within
               the relevant period; or

     7.3.2     where it is so referred, has not been resolved in accordance with
               Clause 7.2 within the relevant period.

7.4  For the avoidance of doubt, the fact that the dispute resolution  procedure
     has been exhausted  without  resolution  shall not prevent the parties from
     agreeing that the dispute be referred to an independent alternative form of
     dispute resolution and/or to arbitration.

7.5  The forgoing  provisions  shall not prevent any party from commencing legal
     proceedings or applying to the court for injunctive or other interim relief
     at any time.



This Assignment shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York,  without
regard to principles of conflicts of law. Subject to the provisions of Clause 7,
each of the parties hereby  irrevocably  submits to the  jurisdiction of any New
York State or United States Federal court sitting in the County,  City and State
of New York over any disputes arising out of or related to this Assignment which
are not resolved after the dispute resolution  procedure set out in Clause 7 has
been  exhausted,  and each party hereby  waives the defence of any  inconvenient
forum for the maintenance of such action.


IN WITNESS whereof the parties have executed and delivered this document the day
and year first above written.

SIGNED BY: /s/ Illegible
for and on behalf of

in the presence of:  /s/ Illegible

for and on behalf of

in the presence of: ------------------------

for and on behalf of

in the presence of: ------------------------