500 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02116-3741
                      Phone 617-954-4340 / Fax 617-954-7723

                                        February 19, 2008

VIA EDGAR (as Correspondence)
United States Securities & Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, DC  20549

     RE:  Post-Effective  Amendment No. 8 to Registration Statement on Form N-1A
          for  MFS  Series  Trust  XII  (the  "Trust")  (File  Nos.  333-126328;

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     On behalf of MFS Series Trust XII (File Nos.  333-126328;  811-21780)  (the
"Registrant"),  this letter  sets forth our  responses  to your  comments on the
Registrant's  Post-Effective Amendment No. 8 to the Registration Statement filed
on December  28, 2007 in  connection  with the  creation of class R1,  class R2,
class R3, class R4 and class W shares and to make other  disclosure  changes for
the MFS Sector Rotational Fund (the "Fund").

1.       Comment: Please file a "Tandy" representation letter in connection with
         the comment process for the above-referenced Registration Statements.

         Response: A "Tandy"  representation  letter will be filed on or before
         the effective date of the filing.

2.       Comment: In the "Investment Objective" section of the "Risk Return
         Summary," please consider explaining to shareholders the procedure for
         notifying shareholders of a change in the Fund's investment objective.

         Response: We indicate in the "Investment Objective" section that the
         Fund's investment objective may be changed without shareholder approval
         as required by Item 4 of Form N-1A. We are not aware of any requirement
         to include disclosure of how we notify shareholders of a change in the
         Fund's investment objective in these circumstances.

3.       Comment: Please provide a definition of "equity securities" in the
         "Risk Return Summary."

         Response: A definition of "equity securities" is included in the
         "Principal Investment Types" section of the "Risk Return Summary."

4.       Comment: Please avoid using the phrase "such as" in the definition of
         derivatives in the "Principal Investment Types" section of the "Risk

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         Summary" and include a list of the specific  types of  derivatives  in
         which the Fund may invest.

         Response: Item 4(b)(1) of Form N-1A requires a description of the
         particular types of security in which the fund principally invests. It
         does not require an exhaustive list of every type of investment that a
         fund may make. We believe our current description of derivatives is
         consistent with this requirement and therefore respectfully decline to
         modify our "derivatives" disclosure. The phrase "such as" in the
         subsection describing "derivatives" in the "Principal Investment Types"
         in the "Risk Return Summary" is used to identify the types of the
         indicators upon which the value of a derivative could be based. The
         final sentence within this subsection includes a nonexhaustive list of
         various types of derivatives.

5.       Comment: Please include a definition of "foreign securities" in the
         "Principal Investment Types" section of the "Risk Return Summary."

         Response: The principal investment types in which the Fund may invest
         are equity securities and derivatives. We do not consider "foreign
         securities" to be a type of security in which the fund principally
         invests. Please note we include the section entitled "Foreign Risk" in
         order to describe one of the risks involved in investing in equity
         securities. We therefore respectfully decline to modify our disclosure.

6.       Comment: The "Principal Risks" section for the Fund contains "foreign
         risk" which includes disclosure regarding foreign currency risk. Please
         explain in the "Principal Investment Strategies" section whether the
         Fund may invest in foreign currencies.

         Response: Investing in foreign currencies is not a principal investment
         strategy of the fund and therefore does not need to be disclosed in the
         "Principal Investment Strategies" section. The "Principal Investment
         Strategies" section of the prospectus for the Fund does includes
         disclosure that the Fund may invest in foreign securities. We believe
         that changes in currency exchange rates may affect the U.S. value of
         these foreign securities and that this risk is appropriately described
         in the "foreign risk" disclosure.

7.       Comment: Please include disclosure in the "Principal Investment
         Strategies" section of the "Risk Return Summary" that the Fund may
         invest in investments that trade in over-the-counter market.

         Response: While some of the Fund's investments may trade in
         over-the-counter markets, we do not believe that this is a principal
         investment strategy of the Fund and therefore respectfully decline to
         modify our disclosure.

8.       Comment: Please include disclosure in the Fund's Statement of
         Additional Information that the Fund will not leverage the Fund while
         outstanding borrowing of the Fund exceeds five percent.

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         Response: We are not aware of any requirement for your requested
         disclosure. However, the following disclosure will be added to Part II
         of the Statement of Additional Information under the section entitled
         "Appendix E-Investment Strategies and Risks-Borrowing":

               The fund may borrow money for temporary or emergency  purposes in
               an amount not  exceeding 33 1/3% of its total  assets  (including
               the amount borrowed) less liabilities  (other than borrowings) or
               in connection with engaging in transactions considered by the SEC
               to constitute a form of borrowing  under the  Investment  Company
               Act of 1940 (e.g.,  reverse repurchase  agreements) to the extent
               permitted by the fund's investment objectives and policies.

9.       Comment: In footnote (2) to the Fund's Expense Table in the "Expense
         Summary" section, please explain whether the "expense offset
         arrangement" that reduces the Fund's custodian fee is contractual.

         Response: The expense offset arrangement is part of the written fee
         schedule with the custodian. However, pursuant to 2(g) of rule 6-07 of
         Regulation S-X, the impact of the expense offset arrangement is not
         included in the fee table or in the expense examples. Therefore we do
         not believe it is necessary to provide any further information about
         the expense offset arrangement as it does not have any impact on the
         expense information shown.

10.      Comment: In the Fund's Expense Table in the "Expense Summary" section,
         do the "Other Expenses" include the administrative services fee paid to

         Response:  Yes.

11.      Comment: In the "Investment Adviser" section of "Management of the
         Fund," please explain that because certain expenses and fees are
         excluded from the expense limitation arrangement, the Fund's operating
         expenses may be more than the amount that MFS has agreed to bear.

         Response: We believe that the disclosure describing MFS' agreement to
         bear certain of the Fund's expenses adequately describes the expense
         limitation arrangement. Please note that the fund's expenses did not
         exceed the expense limitation. However, if the fund's expenses had
         exceeded the expense limitation, the presentation of the fund's
         expenses net of the expense limitation would have shown the actual
         level of net expenses, including the impact of the expense limitation
         exclusions. We therefore respectfully decline to modify our disclosure.

12.      Comment: In the "How to Purchase Shares" section of "How to Purchase,
         Redeem and Exchange Shares," please explain the procedure for
         determining "proper form." Please also identify the party by whom the
         purchase order must be received. Please add similar disclosure to the
         sections regarding how to redeem and exchange shares.

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         Response: Because the specific requirements as to what must be included
         in a purchase order vary depending on the type of account and the
         method of purchase, we believe including disclosure for each possible
         transaction would result in lengthy, technical disclosure that would be
         confusing and inapplicable to most investors. We will however add the
         following sentence to the sections describing the procedures for how to
         purchase and redeem shares: "The specific requirements for proper form
         vary among types of accounts and transactions; contact MFSC if you have
         questions about your particular circumstances." In addition, we will
         delete the reference to "proper form" from the exchange section.

         Because the fund is sold through various types of financial
         intermediaries who have different legal obligations and procedures with
         respect to forwarding their customers orders to the fund, MFS does not
         believe that it is appropriate for the prospectus for the fund to
         discuss and have liability for the various legal obligations and
         procedures of the financial intermediaries through whom the fund is
         sold. In deciding not to adopt a hard cut off pursuant to Rule 22c-1
         (Release No. IC-26288), the SEC recognized the complexity of this issue
         and determined not to impose such an obligation on funds. However, in
         order to alert investors to the fact that they are relying on their
         financial intermediary to transmit the order to the fund in a timely
         manner and in the proper form, we will add the following disclosure to
         the purchase section: "Your financial intermediary is responsible for
         transmitting your purchase order to the fund in proper form and in a
         timely manner." In addition, we will add comparable disclosure to the
         redemption section.

13.      Comment: In the "How to Purchase Shares" section of "How to Purchase,
         Redeem and Exchange Shares," please specify which net asset value the
         customer receives on purchases. Please provide similar disclosure to
         the sections regarding how to redeem shares.

         Response: In the sections describing how to purchase and redeem shares,
         we indicate that an investor will receive the offering price or sale
         price next calculated after the investor's purchase order or redemption
         order is received in proper form. The section entitled "Other
         Information-Valuation," describes when the Fund's net asset value is
         calculated each day as follows: "The net asset value of each class of
         shares is determined each day the New York Stock Exchange (the
         Exchange) is open for trading as of the close of regular trading on the
         Exchange (generally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time). However, net asset value
         may be calculated earlier in emergency situations or as otherwise
         permitted by the SEC." We believe that this disclosure adequately
         informs investors when shares are valued. We do not believe it is
         necessary to provide this detailed disclosure in the purchase and
         redemption section of the prospectus as well as in the valuation

14.      Comment: In the second paragraph of the "How to Purchase Shares"
         section under "How to Purchase, Redeem and Exchange Shares," please
         clarify that the Fund may not reject the redemption transaction in an

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         Response: We will modify the disclosure as follows: "The fund may
         reject for any reason, or cancel as permitted or required by law, any
         purchase orders."

15.      Comment: In "Other Considerations-Frequent Trading" under "How to
         Purchase, Redeem and Exchange Shares," please explain whether the Board
         of Trustees of the Trust has adopted procedures to accommodate frequent

         Response: In the section entitled "Other Considerations-Frequent
         Trading-Right to Reject or Restrict Purchase and Exchange Orders," we
         indicate that the Board of Trustees has adopted purchase and exchange
         limitation policies which it believes are reasonably designed to
         discourage frequent fund share transactions. We believe this disclosure
         adequately complies with the requirements of Item 6(e) of Form N-1A.

16.      Comment: Pursuant to the section entitled "Other
         Considerations-Reservation of Other Rights," may MFSC discontinue at
         any time without notice any redemption service or redemption privilege?

     Response:    Yes,   as   stated   in   the   sections    entitled    "Other
     Considerations-Reservation      of     Other     Rights"     and     "Other
     Considerations-Anti-Money  Laundering  Restrictions":  "In  addition to the
     rights expressly  stated  elsewhere in this  prospectus,  MFSC reserves the
     right to:  1) alter,  add,  or  discontinue  any  conditions  of  purchase,
     service, or privilege at any time without notice; and 2) freeze any account
     or  suspend  account  services  when MFSC has  received  reasonable  notice
     (written  or  otherwise)  of a dispute  between  registered  or  beneficial
     account owners or when MFSC believes a fraudulent  transaction may occur or
     has occurred."

     "The fund, consistent with applicable federal law, may redeem your shares
     and close your account; suspend, restrict or cancel purchase and redemption
     orders; process redemption requests and withhold your proceeds; and take
     other action if it is unable to verify your identity within a reasonable
     time or conduct required due diligence on your account or as otherwise
     permitted by its anti-money laundering policies and procedures."

     This would include the right to modify or eliminate methods of redemption
     (e.g. telephone redemption) or redemption services (e.g., systematic
     withdrawal programs). Of course, such changes in a fund's methods of
     redemption or redemption services would have to be consistent with the
     requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940 with respect to the
     rights of a shareholder to redeem his or her mutual fund shares.

17.      Comment: Please identify the holidays for which net asset value will
         not be calculated in accordance with Item 6(a)(3) in the section
         entitled "Other Information-Valuation."

         Response: The instructions to Item 6(a)(3) provides that "a Fund may
         use a list of specific days or any other means that effectively
         communicates the

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         information  (e.g.,  explaining  that shares will not be priced on the
         days on which the New York Stock Exchange is closed for trading)." The
         section  entitled "Other  Information-Valuation"  includes  disclosure
         that the net asset value of the Fund's  shares will be  calculated  on
         each day the New York Stock  Exchange is open for trading.  We believe
         that this disclosure adequately complies with the requirements of Item
         6(e) of Form N-1A and that Item 6(e) does not require  disclosure with
         respect to which  holidays the New York Stock  Exchange is closed.  We
         therefore respectfully decline to modify our disclosure.

18.      Comment: In the section entitled "Other Information-Valuation," please
         remove disclosure regarding the valuation of debt securities.

         Response: We will delete the following paragraph: "Under the fund's
         valuation policies and procedures, market quotations are not considered
         to be readily available for many types of debt instruments and certain
         types of derivatives. These investments are generally valued at fair
         value based on information from independent pricing services. These
         valuations can be based on both dealer-supplied valuations and
         electronic data processing techniques, which take into account factors
         such as institutional-size trading in similar groups of securities,
         yield, quality, coupon rate, maturity, type of issue, trading
         characteristics, and other market data."

19.      Comment: In the first sentence of the last paragraph of the section
         entitled "Other Information-Valuation," please add "as permitted by the
         SEC" after the phrase "halting of trading."

         Response: We are not aware of any requirement that the SEC must permit
         the halting of trading of a security in order for a fund to determine
         that a market quotation is not available for that security. In a letter
         dated April 30, 2001, from the Securities and Exchange Commission to
         the Investment Company Institute, the SEC stated that if trading of a
         security is halted during the trading day and does not resume prior to
         the end of the day, the last quotation prior to the halt would not be
         considered a readily available market quotation and that fair value
         pricing would be appropriate. We believe our disclosure accurately
         reflects this SEC position.

20.      Comment: In the section of Part II of the Statement of Additional
         Information entitled "Appendix E-Investment Strategies and Risks,"
         please indicate which strategies are investment strategies of the Fund.

         Response: The following sentence will be added to the end of the first
         paragraph in the section entitled "Appendix E-Investment Strategies and
         Risk": "Unless an investment strategy or investment practice described
         below is prohibited by the investment policies and investment
         strategies discussed in a fund's prospectus or in this SAI, or by
         applicable law, a fund may engage in each of the practices described

21.      Comment: In either the section of Part II of the Statement of
         Additional Information entitled "Appendix E-Investment Strategies and
         Risks" or the

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         section of Part II of the Statement of Additional Information entitled
         "Appendix  F-Investment  Restrictions,"  please  describe  the maximum
         percentage of the Fund's assets devoted to borrowing and making loans.

         Response: The requested disclosure will be made. Please refer to the
         Response to Comment 8 for language with respect to borrowing. With
         respect to making loans, the following disclosure will be added to the
         section entitled "Appendix E-Investment Strategies and Risks-Lending":
         "The fund may not lend any security or make any loan, if as a result,
         more than 33 1/3% of its total assets would be lent to other parties.
         This limitation does not apply to the purchase of debt instruments,
         money market instruments, repurchase agreements, loans or other direct

22.      Comment: In the section of Part II of the Statement of Additional
         Information entitled "Appendix E-Investment Strategies and Risks",
         please clarify that reverse repurchase agreements constitute a form of
         borrowing under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

         Response: The requested disclosure will be made. Please refer to the
         Response to Comment 8 for language with respect to borrowing.

23.      Comment: In the section of Part II of the Statement of Additional
         Information entitled "Appendix E-Investment Strategies and Risks",
         please describe the maximum percentage of the Fund's assets that may be
         invested in repurchase agreements.

         Response: We are not aware of any requirement for your requested
         disclosure. We therefore respectfully decline to modify the disclosure.

24.      Comment: In the section of Part II of the Statement of Additional
         Information entitled "Appendix F-Investment Restrictions" for the MFS
         High Income Fund, please clarify MFS High Income Fund's concentration

         Response: The following non-fundamental investment policy for the MFS
         High Income Fund will be added to "Appendix F-Investment
         Restrictions-For MFS High Income Fund":

              The Fund may not purchase any securities of an issuer in a
              particular industry if as a result 25% or more of its total assets
              (taken at market value at the time of purchase) would be invested
              in securities of issuers whose principal business activities are
              in the same industry.

         The following language will also be added to this section: "For
         purposes of investment restriction (6), MFS uses a customized set of
         industry groups for classifying securities based on classifications
         developed by third party providers."

25.      Comment: In the section of Part II of the Statement of Additional
         Information entitled "Appendix F-Investment Restrictions", please
         clarify that in applying

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         concentration  limits for the MFS Lifetime Retirement Income Fund, the
         MFS Lifetime 2010 Fund,  the MFS Lifetime 2020 Fund,  the MFS Lifetime
         2030  Fund,  the  MFS  Lifetime  2040  Fund,  the  MFS   International
         Diversification  Fund, the MFS Aggressive  Growth Allocation Fund, the
         MFS Conservative Allocation Fund, the MFS Moderate Allocation Fund and
         the MFS Growth Allocation Fund (collectively, the MFS funds-of-funds),
         the MFS funds-of funds will look through to the underlying fund.

         Response: We are not aware of any requirement that the MFS
         funds-of-funds in applying their policy of not investing more than 25%
         of their assets in a particular industry must look through to the
         underlying funds in which they invest. We therefore respectfully
         decline to make this disclosure.

26.      Comment: In the section of Part II of the Statement of Additional
         Information entitled "Appendix F-Investment Restrictions", for every
         investment restriction that provides an exception for activities
         granted by an exemptive order describe the exemptive order.

         Response: We are not currently relying on any exemptive order in
         connection with the fund's fundamental investments restrictions
         concerning borrowing, lending, senior securities or underwriting.

         If you have any questions concerning the foregoing, please call the
undersigned at 617-954-4340.


                                        /S/ Susan A. Pereira
                                        Susan A. Pereira
                                        Vice President and Senior

Cc:  Kimberley Browning