500 BOYLSTON STREET, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02116-3741

                                        July 14, 2009

John Grzeskiewicz, Esq.
Division of Investment Management
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549

Re:   MFS Series Trust XV
      Request for Withdrawal of Post-Effective Amendments
      File Nos. 02-96738 and 811-04253

Dear Mr. Grzeskiewicz:

Pursuant to Rule 477 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, MFS Series
Trust XV (the "Trust") respectfully requests withdrawal of the following
Post-Effective Amendments to the Trust's Registration Statement on Form N-1A:

 Post Effective          Date             Submission
Amendment Number        Filed                 Type          Accession Number
- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------- -----------------------
- ---------------- ------------------- ------------------- -----------------------

      30             10/10/2008             485APOS        0001193125-08-209155

      31             12/23/2008             485BXT         0001193125-08-259262

      32             01/22/2009             485BXT         0001193125-09-009624

      33             02/20/2009             485BXT         0001193125-09-033893

      35             03/20/2009             485BXT         0001193125-09-059680

      36             04/21/2009             485BXT         0001193125-09-083310

      37             05/21/2009             485BXT         0001193125-09-116380

      38             06/18/2009             485BXT         0001193125-09-133093

These Post-Effective Amendments relate to a new series of the Trust, MFS
Fundamental 130/30 Fund (the "Fund").

The Trust has determined that it has no plans to proceed with the offering of
the Fund at this time. No securities were sold in connection with these
Post-Effective Amendments.

Should you have any questions or comments, please contact me at (617) 954-5843.

/s/ Brian E. Langenfeld

Brian E. Langenfeld
Assistant Secretary