<ARTICLE> 5 <LEGEND> This schedule contains summary financial information extracted from the financial statements of Farrel Corporation as of 7/2/00 and for the quarterly period then ended and is qualified in its entirety by reference to such statements. </LEGEND> <CIK> 0000034645 <NAME> Farrel Corporation <MULTIPLIER> 1,000 <CURRENCY> US$ <PERIOD-TYPE> 3-MOS <FISCAL-YEAR-END> DEC-31-2000 <PERIOD-START> JAN-1-2000 <PERIOD-END> JUL-2-2000 <EXCHANGE-RATE> 1 <CASH> 3,283 <SECURITIES> 0 <RECEIVABLES> 11,472 <ALLOWANCES> 198 <INVENTORY> 17,555 <CURRENT-ASSETS> 33,291 <PP&E> 23,446 <DEPRECIATION> 13,571 <TOTAL-ASSETS> 46,890 <CURRENT-LIABILITIES> 18,364 <BONDS> 1,011 <PREFERRED-MANDATORY> 0 <PREFERRED> 0 <COMMON> 61 <OTHER-SE> 23,246 <TOTAL-LIABILITY-AND-EQUITY> 46,890 <SALES> 27,113 <TOTAL-REVENUES> 27,113 <CGS> 20,732 <TOTAL-COSTS> 20,732 <OTHER-EXPENSES> 8,379 <LOSS-PROVISION> 50 <INTEREST-EXPENSE> (148) <INCOME-PRETAX> (2,090) <INCOME-TAX> (662) <INCOME-CONTINUING> (1,428) <DISCONTINUED> 0 <EXTRAORDINARY> 0 <CHANGES> 0 <NET-INCOME> (1,428) <EPS-BASIC> (0.27) <EPS-DILUTED> (0.27)