Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act
                                   of 1934

  Filed by the Registrant    [X]
  Filed by a Party other than Registrant    [  ]

  Check the appropriate box:

  [ ]     Preliminary Proxy Statement

  [ ]     Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted
          by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

  [X]     Definitive Proxy Statement

  [ ]     Definitive Additional Materials

  [ ]     Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11 (c) or Rule

                            CANMAX INC.

         (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

   (Name of Person(s) filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

  Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

  [X]     No fee required.

  [ ]     Fee computed on the table below per Exchange Act Rules
          14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

          (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction
          (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction
          (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed 
              pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on 
              which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was 
          (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
          (5) Total fee paid:

  [ ]     Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

  [ ]     Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by
          Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the
          offsetting fee was paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by
          registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date 
          of its filing.
          (1) Amount Previously Paid:
          (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
          (3) Filing Party:
          (4) Date Filed:
  [Company Letterhead]
  February 28, 1997

  Dear Shareholder:

  You are cordially invited to attend the annual meeting of shareholders of
  Canmax Inc. which will be held at the Summerfield Suites Hotel, 5901
  North MacArthur Boulevard, Irving, Texas  75039, on Monday, April 21,
  1997 at 2:00 p.m., Central Time.  I look forward to meeting as many of
  our shareholders as possible.

  Details of the business to be conducted at the annual meeting are given
  in the attached Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement.
  Whether or not you attend the annual meeting, it is important that your
  shares be represented and voted at the meeting.  Therefore, I urge you to
  sign, date and promptly return the enclosed proxy.   If you decide to
  attend the annual meeting and vote in person, you will of course have
  that opportunity.

  On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to express our
  appreciation for your continued interest in the affairs of the Company.

  /s/ Roger D. Bryant

  Roger D. Bryant
  President & Chief Executive Officer

                                    CANMAX INC.
                             150 West Carpenter Freeway
                                 Irving, TX  75039

                   Notice of 1997 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                         To Be Held Monday, April 21, 1997

  To the Shareholders of Canmax Inc.:

  Notice is hereby given that the 1997 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the
  "Meeting") of Canmax Inc. (the "Company") will be held at The Summerfield 
  Suites Hotel, 5901 North MacArthur Boulevard, Irving, Texas  75039 on 
  Monday, April 21, 1997 at 2:00 p.m., Central Time, for the following 

      1.  To elect 7 Directors to serve until the 1998 Annual Meeting of
          Shareholders and until their successors are duly elected and
      2.  To consider and act upon a proposal to ratify the selection of
          Ernst & Young LLP, to serve as independent auditors for its current
          fiscal year; and
      3.  To transact such other business as may properly come before the
          Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

  The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on February 20,
  1997 as the record date for the determination of Shareholders entitled
  to notice of and to vote at the Meeting or any adjournments thereof.
  A list of shareholders of the Company entitled to notice of and to vote
  at the Meeting will be available for examination at the Meeting and
  during ordinary business hours from February 28, 1997 to the date of the
  Meeting at the principal offices of the Company at the address set forth

  You are cordially invited to attend the Meeting.


  By Order of the Board of Directors,
  /s/  Debra L. Burgess
  Debra L. Burgess

  February 28, 1997

                               PROXY STATEMENT
                                 CANMAX INC.
                         150 West Carpenter Freeway
                            Irving, Texas  75039

                    1997 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                           Monday, April 21, 1997


  This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of
  proxies on behalf of the Board of Directors of Canmax Inc., a Wyoming
  corporation (the "Company") for use at the 1997 Annual Meeting of
  Shareholders (the "Meeting") to be held at The Summerfield Suites Hotel, 
  5901 North MacArthur Boulevard, Irving, Texas  75039 on Monday, April 21, 
  1997, at 2:00 p.m., Central Time, and at any adjournments thereof.

  This Proxy Statement, the accompanying proxy card and the Annual Report
  of the Company are first being mailed on or about March 7, 1997, to all
  shareholders of the Company.  Although the Annual Report and this Proxy
  Statement are being mailed together, the Annual Report shall not be
  deemed a part of this Proxy Statement.

  The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on February 20,
  1997 as the record date (the "Record Date") for the determination of
  Shareholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the Meeting and at any
  adjournments thereof. As of the Record Date, the Company had outstanding
  5,012,869 shares of Common Stock, no par value ("Common Stock").  Each
  share of Common Stock entitles the holder to one vote.  There is no
  cumulative voting and there are no other voting securities of the
  Company outstanding.

  All properly executed proxies received by the Company prior to the
  Meeting and not revoked will be voted in accordance with the
  instructions marked thereon.  Unless instructions to the contrary are
  marked thereon, proxies will be voted "FOR" the election as directors
  of those persons named below and "FOR" the ratification of the Board of
  Directors' selection of independent auditors for the Company's current
  fiscal year. The Board of Directors of the Company knows of no business
  other than that mentioned herein, which will be presented for
  consideration at the Meeting.  If any other matter is properly
  presented, it is the intention of the persons named in the enclosed
  proxy to vote in accordance with their best judgment.  You may revoke
  your proxy at any time prior to the exercise thereof by giving written
  notice to the Secretary of the Company at the Company's address
  indicated above, by submitting a duly executed proxy bearing a later
  date, or by attending the Annual Meeting and expressing a desire to vote
  in person.  Attendance at the Meeting will not, in itself, constitute
  revocation of a proxy.


  Seven directors are to be elected at the Meeting, to serve until the
  Company's next annual meeting of shareholders and until their respective
  successors are elected and qualified, or until their earlier resignation
  or removal.  Each of the nominees listed below currently serves as a
  director of the Company and was elected to the Board of Directors at the
  Company's 1996 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, except Mr. C. William
  Robertson.  Under the Bylaws of the Company and consistent with Wyoming
  law, directors shall be elected by plurality vote at each annual meeting
  of shareholders and, accordingly, abstentions and "broker non-votes"
  will have no effect on the election of directors.  A broker non-vote
  occurs if a broker or other nominee does not have discretionary
  authority and has not received instructions with respect to a particular
  item.  Shareholders may not cumulate their votes in the election of

  Unless authority to vote for one or more nominees is withheld, the
  enclosed proxy will be voted "FOR" the election of the nominees listed
  below.  Although the Board of Directors does not contemplate that any of
  the nominees will be unable to serve, if such a situation arises prior to
  the Meeting, the persons named in the enclosed proxy will vote for the
  election of such other person(s) as may be nominated by the Board of

  The following information with respect to the principal occupation or
  employment, other affiliations and business experience of each nominee
  during the last five years has been furnished to the Company by such
  nominee.  Except as otherwise indicated, each of the nominees has had the
  same principal occupation for the last five years.

  Roger D. Bryant, 54, has served as President, Chief Executive Officer and
  a director of the Company since November 15, 1994.  Prior to joining the
  Company, Mr. Bryant was President of Network Data Corporation, a private
  corporation in the software development industry.  Mr. Bryant has also
  served as President of Wayne Division, USA, of Dresser Industries Inc., a
  manufacturer of fuel dispensing equipment, and President of Retail
  Petroleum Division, USA, of Schlumberger Limited.  Mr. Bryant holds a
  degree in electrical engineering.

  Debra L. Burgess, 38, has served the Company since 1989 in increasingly
  responsible positions.  Since November 1994, she has been the Company's
  Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President, Secretary and a
  director.  Ms. Burgess was previously Manager of retail automation at
  Fina Oil and Chemical Company.  Ms. Burgess is a Certified Public

  Nick DeMare, 42, has served as a director of the Company since January
  1991.  Since May, 1991, Mr. DeMare has been the President and Chief
  Financial Officer of Chase Management Ltd., where his overall
  responsibility included providing a broad range of administrative,
  management and financial services to private and public companies with
  varied interests in mineral exploration and development, precious and
  base metals production, oil and gas, venture capital and computer
  software.  Mr. DeMare has served and continues to serve on the boards of
  a number of Canadian public companies, and is a Chartered Accountant

  Robert M. Fidler, 58, has served as a director of the Company since
  November 1994.  Mr. Fidler joined Atlantic Richfield Company ("ARCO") in
  1960, was a member of ARCO's executive management team from 1976-1993 and
  was ARCO's manager of New Marketing Programs from 1985 until his
  retirement in 1994.  Mr. Fidler has extensive knowledge and experience in
  managing retail petroleum operations.
  Philip M. Parsons, 38, has served as Executive Vice President Finance,
  Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer since June 1, 1995 and was elected
  a director in December, 1995.  Previously, Mr. Parsons was a Director of
  Financial Planning and Business Analysis for KFC International.  Mr.
  Parsons is a Chartered Accountant (Australia).

  W. Thomas Rinehart, 57, has served as a director since May, 1991.  He was
  co-founder and Executive Vice President of BASS, Inc. from June 1981
  until his retirement in September 1992.  BASS, Inc., a private
  corporation, is a supplier of retail automation hardware and software to
  the grocery store marketplace.  Mr. Rinehart joined NCR in 1964 where he
  held various staff and management levels within its retail software
  development divisions.

  C. William Robertson, 55, is nominated by the Board of Directors.  Since
  1994, Mr. Robertson has been the Vice President Brand Marketing for Amoco
  Oil Company with responsibilities for all marketing activities of the
  petroleum products division of Amoco.  Mr. Robertson joined Amoco in 1964
  and has held several senior positions including Vice President of
  Commercial and Industrial Sales (1992-1993) and Manager - Operations and
  Planning Department (1991-1992).  Mr. Robertson has significant
  experience in the petroleum and convenience store industry.
  Meetings of the Board of Directors
  The Board of Directors held 4 meetings during the  fiscal year ended
  October 31, 1996.  The Board of Directors has two standing committees:
  an Audit Committee and a Compensation Committee.  There is no standing
  nominating committee.  Each of the directors attended all meetings of 
  the Board of Directors and any committee on which such director served 
  held during the 1996 fiscal year.

  Committees of the Board of Directors
  The Audit Committee currently consists of Nick DeMare and W. Thomas
  Rinehart.  The Audit Committee makes recommendations to the Board of
  Directors or Management concerning the engagement of the Company's
  independent public accountants and matters relating to the Company's
  financial statements, the Company's accounting principles and its system
  of internal accounting controls. The Audit Committee also reports its
  recommendations to the Board of Directors as to the approval of the
  financial statements of the Company.  Three meetings of the Audit
  Committee were held during the fiscal year ended October 31, 1996.
  The Compensation Committee consists of Nick DeMare, Robert M. Fidler and
  W. Thomas Rinehart.  The Compensation Committee is responsible for
  considering and making recommendations to the Board of Directors
  regarding executive compensation and is also responsible for
  administration of the Company's stock option and executive incentive
  compensation plans.  Four meetings of the Compensation Committee were
  held during the fiscal year ended October 31, 1996.

  Compensation of Directors
  Each director who is not an officer of the Company receives a fee of
  $1,500 for each Board meeting attended. Directors are not compensated for
  attending committee meetings.  Further, all directors participate in the
  Company's Stock Option Plan and are awarded non-qualified stock options
  for 5,000 shares of Common Stock, at the prevailing market prices each
  year, for service on the Board of Directors.

  Significant Employees

  A brief description of the business experience, age and position of certain
  significant employees of the Company and its subsidiaries who are not also 
  directors is provided below.

  William C. Doolittle, 46, is Vice President of Sales and Marketing of Canmax 
  Retail Systems Inc. and has served in that capacity since October 1996.  
  Prior to joining the company, he held several sales and marketing positions
  at PHH Corporation over 17 years, including Director of Sales / Account
  Management and Vice President of Client Relations.  Immediately prior to 
  joining the Company, he was the Director of Strategic Accounts for PHH
  Vehicle Management Services.

  Ivor J. Flannery, 38, is Vice President of Advanced Research of Canmax 
  Retail Systems Inc. and has served in that capacity since January 1989.
  Mr. Flannery joined the Company in 1983 and has held positions of 
  increasing responsibility.  Prior to joining the Company he was an Advanced
  Systems Engineer for a software development company which developed point
  of sale systems for the retail petroleum industry.

  Lynn G. Chianese, 36, is Vice President of Customer Service for Canmax
  Retail Systems Inc. and has served in that capacity since April 1993.
  Ms. Chianese joined the Company in September 1986 and has held positions
  of increasing responsibility.  Prior to joining the Company, she was the 
  Operations Manager for Darnell / Darcor, an international manufacturing

  Richard Stephens, 43, is Vice President of Development of Canmax Retail
  Systems Inc. and has served in that capacity since April 1995.  Previously,
  he spent 7 years with the Wayne Division of Dresser Industries Inc., a
  manufacturer of fuel dispensing equipment, as Manager - Systems Software, 
  responsible for developing point of sale systems and applications.


  The following table sets forth information, as of February 20, 1997,
  with respect to the beneficial ownership of the Company's Common Stock by
  (i) each shareholder known by the Company to own beneficially more than
  5% of such outstanding Common Stock, (ii) each current director or
  nominee as director of the Company, (iii) each Named Executive, as
  defined herein, and (iv) all executive officers and directors of the
  Company as a group.  Except as otherwise indicated below, each of the
  entities or persons named in the table has sole voting and investment
  power with respect to all shares of Common Stock beneficially owned.

  Name of Beneficial Owner                  of Shares      % of Class

  Electronic Data Systems Corporation(1)    1,864,164 (2)      25.0%

  Roger D. Bryant                             145,000 (3)       2.8%

  Nick DeMare                                  41,880 (4)       0.8%

  W. Thomas Rinehart                           96,600 (5)       1.9%

  Philip M. Parsons                            40,400 (6)       0.8%

  Debra L. Burgess                             74,800 (7)       1.5%

  Ivor J. Flannery                             69,718 (8)       1.4%

  Robert M. Fidler                             20,000 (9)         *

  Gerald R. Seay                               17,600 (10)        *

  Richard Stephens                             15,000 (11)        *
  All Executive Officers and Directors        520,998           9.4%
  as a group (9 persons)

  * Less than 0.5%

  1. The business address for Electronic Data Systems Corporation is 5400
     Legacy Drive, Plano, Texas 75024.

  2. Includes 1,598,936 shares of Common Stock which may be acquired
     through the exercise of stock options which are exercisable within 60
     days of the Record Date ("Vested Options").  EDS has an option to
     acquire up to 25% of the Common Stock of the Company calculated on a
     fully diluted basis at the time of exercise.

  3. Includes  145,000 Vested Options.

  4. Includes 31,600 Vested Options.

  5. Includes 30,000 Vested Options.

  6. Includes 40,000 Vested Options.

  7. Includes 72,800 Vested Options.

  8. Includes 26,500 Vested Options.
  9. Includes 15,000 Vested Options.

 10. Includes 17,000 Vested Options.

 11. Includes 15,000 Vested Options.


  The following table summarizes the compensation paid by the Company and
  its subsidiaries during the fiscal years ended October 31, 1996, 1995 and
  1994 for services in all capacities to each of the Company's chief
  executive officer and the four highest paid executive officers of the
  Company and its subsidiaries whose total annual salary and bonus exceeded 
  $100,000 (the "Named Executives").

                             SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                 Annual Compensation

                                                                          Long Term
                                                          Other           Compensation
                                                          Annual          Awards
  Name and             Fiscal    Salary($)    Bonus ($)   Compensation    Securities
  Principal Position   Year                   (1)         ($)             Underlying Options (#)
  Roger D. Bryant      1996      169,750      73,920      18,733 (2)      210,000
  President & CEO      1995      149,827      10,000           -           35,000
                       1994            -           -           -                -

  Debra L. Burgess     1996      118,542      40,320           -           69,000
  Executive Vice       1995      104,260       4,000           -           15,800
  President, Chief     1994       78,339      30,000           -                -
  Operating Officer
  Philip M. Parsons    1996      108,750      36,960           -           55,000
  Executive Vice       1995       36,070       4,000           -           10,000
  President, Treasurer 1994            -           -           -                -

  Ivor Flannery        1996       94,050      21,056           -           15,000
  Vice President-      1995       91,055      12,750           -                -
  Advanced Research(3) 1994       83,469           -           -           11,000

  Richard Stephens     1996       94,000      21,056           -           20,000
  Vice President-      1995       52,724       4,500           -            5,000
  Development(3)       1994            -           -           -                -

  (1) Reflects bonus earned during the fiscal year but paid during the next
  (2) Reflects compensation associated with relocation expenses incurred by
      Mr. Bryant.
  (3) Reflects positions held with the Company's subsidiary, Canmax Retail
      Systems Inc.

  Employment Agreements

  Dwight J. Romanica and Nancy L. Romanica, the co-founders of the Company,
  resigned as executive officers of the Company in November and December
  1994, respectively.  In January 1995, Mr. Romanica and Mrs. Romanica
  resigned as directors.  Each of Mr. and Mrs. Romanica signed consulting
  agreements with the Company, whereby each individual received $55,000 per
  year for consulting services and agreed not to compete with the Company.
  The agreements expired December 31, 1996.

  Peter Lucas resigned as Chief Financial Officer and Director of the
  Company on June 30, 1995. Under the terms of his resignation agreement,
  Mr. Lucas received $4,000 per month through December 31, 1995.

  Roger D. Bryant joined the Company as its President and Chief Executive
  Officer on November 15, 1994.  Mr. Bryant and the Company have signed an
  employment contract which was effective November 15, 1994 and expires
  November 14, 1997.  In the event the Company terminates Mr. Bryant's
  employment between November 15, 1996 and November 14, 1997, Mr. Bryant
  will continue to receive his salary until November 14, 1997.

  Debra L. Burgess and the Company signed an employment contract which is
  effective November 1, 1994 and expires October 31, 1997.  In the event
  the Company terminates Ms. Burgess' employment prior to October 31, 1997,
  without cause, Ms. Burgess is to receive up to twelve months salary.

  Stock Options

  The following table sets forth the stock options and certain hypothetical
  values that would exist for such options granted during the fiscal year
  ended October 31, 1996 to each of the Named Executives.

                                                   Realizable Value at Assumed
  Individual Grants                                Annual Rates of Stock 
                                                   Price Appreciation for Option Term (1)

                                    % of Total
                   Number of        Options
                   Securities       Granted to
                   Underlying       Employees      Exercise     Expiration
                   Options          in Fiscal      Price        Date                 5%       10%
Name               Granted          Year           ($/Sh)                           ($)       ($)

Roger D. Bryant    10,000                          2.00         7/22/01              5,526    12,210
                   50,000                          2.25        12/28/00             31,082    68,682
                   50,000                          2.25        12/28/01             38,261    86,801
                   50,000                          2.25        12/28/02             45,799   106,731
                   50,000                          2.25        12/28/03             53,714   128,654
                  ______________________                                           __________________
                  210,000           33%                                            174,381   403,078

Debra L. Burgess   19,000                          2.00         7/22/01             10,499    23,199
                   12,500                          2.25        12/28/00              7,770    17,171
                   12,500                          2.25        12/28/01              9,565    21,700
                   12,500                          2.25        12/28/02             11,450    26,683
                   12,500                          2.25        12/28/03             13,428    32,163
                  ______________________                                           __________________
                   69,000           11%                                             52,712   120,916

Philip M. Parsons   5,000                          2.00         7/22/01              2,763     6,105
                   12,500                          2.25        12/28/00              7,770    17,171
                   12,500                          2.25        12/28/01              9,565    21,700
                   12,500                          2.25        12/28/02             11,450    26,683
                   12,500                          2.25        12/28/03             13,428    32,163
                  ______________________                                           __________________
                   55,000            9%                                             44,977   103,822

Ivor J. Flannery    3,750                          2.25        12/28/00              2,331     5,151
                    3,750                          2.25        12/28/01              2,870     6,510
                    3,750                          2.25        12/28/02              3,435     8,005
                    3,750                          2.25        12/28/03              4,029     9,649
                  ______________________                                           __________________
                   15,000            2%                                             12,664    29,315

Richard Stephens    5,000                          2.25        12/28/00              3,108     6,868
                    5,000                          2.25        12/28/01              3,826     8,680
                    5,000                          2.25        12/28/02              4,580    10,673
                    5,000                          2.25        12/28/03              5,371    12,865
                  ______________________                                           __________________
                   20,000            3%                                             16,885    39,087

 (1)  Based upon the per share market price on the date of grant and on
      annual appreciation of such market price through the expiration date 
      of such options at the stated rates.  These amounts represent assumed 
      rates of appreciation only and may not necessarily be achieved.  Actual 
      gains, if any, are dependent on the future performance of the Common 
      Stock, as well as the continued employment of the Named Executives 
      through the vesting period.  The potential realizable values indicated 
      have not taken into account amounts required to be paid as income tax 
      under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and any applicable 
      state laws.

  The following table provides information concerning the exercise of
  options by the Named Executives during the fiscal year ended October 31,
  1996 and the number and value of such officers' unexercised options at
  October 31, 1996.

                               YEAR-END OPTION VALUES

                                                             Number of
                                                             Securities                   Value of
                                                             Underlying                   Unexercised
                                                             Unexercised                  "In-the-Money"
                                                             Options at                   Options at
                   Shares                                    FY-End (#)                   FY-End ($)
                   Acquired on      Value
 Name              Exercise (#)     Realized ($)     Exercisable  Unexercisable     Exercisable    Unexercisable
 Roger D. Bryant       0                0               95,000        150,000            0               0

 Debra L. Burgess      0                0               60,300         37,500            0               0

 Philip M. Parsons     0                0               27,500         37,500            0               0

 Ivor J. Flannery      0                0               22,750         11,250            0               0

 Richard Stephens      0                0               10,000         15,000            0               0

 The following table sets forth certain information concerning the
 repricing of options held by Named Executives during the 1996 fiscal year.  
 See "Compensation Committee Report," below, for information concerning the 
 repricing of options during the fiscal year ended October 31, 1996.

 Name and          Date       Number of        Market Price      Exercise Price   New         Length of
 Position                     Securities       of Stock at       at Time of       Exercise    Original
                              Underlying       Time of           Repricing or     Price ($)   Option Term
                              of               Repricing or      Amendment                    Remaining at
                              Options          Amendment         ($)                          Date of Repricing
                              Repriced         ($)                                            or Amendment
                              or Amended (#)                                  
Debra L. Burgess   12/29/95   5,000            $2.25             $5.00            $2.25       05/12/97
Executive Vice                8,000            $2.25             $5.00            $2.25       11/10/98
President, Chief                                                               
Operating Officer                                                               

Ivor J. Flannery   12/29/95   5,000            $2.25             $6.25            $2.25       10/01/99
Vice President-               6,000            $2.25             $5.00            $2.25       08/25/99
Advanced Research             8,000            $2.25             $5.00            $2.25       05/12/97
Canmax Retail 
Systems Inc.
 On October 31, 1996, there were 1,051,050 outstanding stock options with
 a weighted average exercise price of $3.04 per share.

  Certain Transactions

  During fiscal 1995, a director, W. Thomas Rinehart advanced the Company
  $250,000.  The advance is unsecured and has an interest rate of 10%.
  The Company repaid principal of $124,235 and paid interest of $37,732 in
  fiscal 1996.  The remaining principal balance of $95,765, as of October
  31, 1996, is being repaid in weekly installments.

  Dwight J. Romanica and Nancy L. Romanica, the co-founders of the Company,
  resigned as executive officers of the Company in November and December
  1994, respectively.  In January 1995, Mr. Romanica and Mrs. Romanica
  resigned as directors.  Each of Mr. and Mrs. Romanica have signed
  consulting agreements with the Company, whereby each individual received
  $55,000 per year for consulting services and agreed not to compete with
  the Company.  The agreements expired December 31, 1996.
  Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

  The Company has no interlocking relationships involving any of its
  Compensation Committee members which would be required by the Securities
  and Exchange Commission to be reported herein, and no officer or
  employee of the Company serves on its Compensation Committee.
  Compensation Committee Report

  In fiscal 1996 the Company's Compensation Committee consisted of 3
  outside directors; Messrs.  DeMare, Rinehart and Fidler.  The Committee
  was responsible for determining the compensation of the Company's
  executive officers and other key senior employees, including Roger D.
  Bryant, the Company's Chief Executive Officer, (the "Chief Executive").

  Determination of CEO and Executive Officer Compensation.  The Company has
  strived to structure its executive compensation programs in a manner
  designed to attract and retain a talented and capable management team,
  and to provide appropriate compensation based on that team's achievement
  of financial performance objectives.  During fiscal 1996, the
  Compensation Committee held primary responsibility for determining the
  compensation of the Chief Executive, and for approving the determinations
  of compensation paid to other officers and senior executives, as proposed
  by the Chief Executive.

  Compensation is normally paid to the Chief Executive in the form of base
  compensation, bonus compensation and the granting of options to buy
  shares of the Company's Common Stock at then prevailing market prices.
  Each year the Board of Directors of the Company sets forth certain
  financial performance objectives for the Company.  The Company's ability
  to meet such targeted financial goals, and the Chief Executive's previous
  base compensation level, are the most important criteria utilized by the
  Compensation Committee in determining the compensation of the Chief
  Executive, although the Compensation Committee reviews other factors,
  including the compensation awarded to chief executive officers of similar
  corporations.  Based on a review of such criteria, the Compensation
  Committee will determine the annual base and bonus compensation of the
  Chief Executive.  In addition, the Compensation Committee may grant stock
  options in order to align the interests of the Chief Executive with those
  of the shareholders.  With respect to the Chief Executive's compensation
  during fiscal 1996, the Compensation Committee primarily considered the
  Company's financial performance and the previously existing compensation
  level of the Chief Executive.

  Compensation to other executive officers is also provided in the form of
  base compensation, bonus compensation and the granting of stock options.
  Base compensation is determined based on industry norms associated with
  the position held by the executive and the recommendation of the Chief
  Executive, while bonus compensation is normally linked to specific
  shorter-term (e.g., one to three years) financial performance objectives.
  Stock options are granted to align the interests of the executive
  officers with those of the shareholders.  The Chief Executive is
  principally responsible for the performance assessment of individual
  executive officers and provides his recommendations to the Compensation
  Committee for its review and approval.

  Stock Option Repricing.  The Company's Stock Option Plan is intended to
  provide directors, executives and other key employees with increased
  motivation and incentive to exert their best efforts on behalf of the
  Company through the opportunity to benefit from appreciation in the value
  of the Common Stock.  Due to declines in the price of the Common Stock,
  certain options outstanding under the Stock Option Plan were exercisable
  at prices which exceeded the then current market value of the Common
  Stock.  In order to restore the incentive value to such options, the
  Compensation Committee in December 1995, approved the repricing of
  certain options held by employees, including certain Named Executives.

  On December 29, 1995, outstanding employee stock options with respect to
  87,100 shares of Common Stock, with exercise prices ranging from $5.00 to
  $ 6.25 per share, were repriced at an exercise price of $2.25 per share,
  the market price of the Common Stock on that date.  All other terms and
  conditions of the repriced options remained the same.  The Committee
  believes that by repricing these options, the Company has restored the
  incentive for such employees that was intended to be provided by the
  prior grant of such options.


  Nick DeMare
  W. Thomas Rinehart (Chairman)
  Robert M. Fidler

  Stock Performance Graph

  The following performance table compares the cumulative total shareholder 
  return on the Company's stock with the Nasdaq Stock Market Total Return 
  Index (Nasdaq Index) and the Nasdaq Computer and Data Processing Services 
  Stocks Total Return Index (Industry Index).

  The Company's stock has traded on the Nasdaq SmallCap market tier of The
  Nasdaq Stock Market since February 10, 1994.  The comparison assumes that
  $100 was invested on February 10, 1994 in the Company's shares and in
  each of the indices.  Past performance is not necessarily an indicator of
  future performance.

                               CUMULATIVE TOTAL RETURN
         Canmax Inc., Nasdaq Stock Market Index and Nasdaq Computer and Data
                              Processing Services Index

                     February  10, 1994  October  31, 1994  October 31, 1995  October 31, 1996
 Canmax Inc.         100                  39.29              21.43             11.07

 Nasdaq Index        100                  98.77             132.90            156.96

 Nasdaq Industry     100                 114.62             174.99            203.20

  The data set forth in the above table was obtained from the Nasdaq Stock 
  Market.  All Canmax share data is based on the last closing price of the 
  month.  The total return calculation is based upon weighting at the 
  beginning of the period.

  Section 16(a) Reporting

  Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
  requires the Company's directors and executive officers and persons who
  own more than 10% of the Company's common stock to file with the SEC
  initial reports of ownership and reports of changes in ownership of
  common stock and other equity securities of the Company.  Officers,
  directors and greater than 10% shareholders are required by SEC
  regulations to furnish the Company with copies of all Section 16(a)
  reports they file.  To the Company's knowledge, based solely on the
  review of the copies of such reports filed during the fiscal year ended
  October 31, 1996, all Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to
  its officers, directors and greater than 10% beneficial owners were
  complied with, except Mr. Robert Fidler filed one late report concerning
  the purchase of 5,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock in August,

  The Board of Directors has approved Ernst & Young LLP, which has served
  as independent auditors of the Company since 1986, to serve as
  independent auditors of the Company for the fiscal year ending October
  31, 1997, and recommends ratification by the shareholders of such
  appointment.  Such ratification requires the affirmative vote of the
  holders of  a majority of the Common Stock of the Company entitled to
  vote on this matter and represented in person or by proxy at the Meeting.
  Abstentions on this proposal will have the same legal effect as a vote
  against this proposal.  Broker non-votes will have no effect on the
  outcome of the vote on this proposal.

  In the event the appointment is not ratified, the Board of Directors
  will consider the appointment of other independent auditors.  The Board
  of Directors may terminate the appointment of Ernst & Young as the
  Company's independent auditors without the approval of the shareholders
  of the Company if the Board of Directors deems such termination
  necessary or appropriate,  A representative of Ernst & Young is expected
  to attend the Meeting and will have the opportunity to make a statement,
  if such representative desires to do so, and will be available to
  respond to appropriate questions.

                          SOLICITATION OF PROXIES

  The solicitation of proxies by the Board of Directors will be conducted
  primarily by mail.  The Herman Group, Inc. has been retained to assist
  the Company in the solicitation of proxies in connection with the
  Meeting for a fee of $4,000 plus out-of-pocket expenses.  In addition,
  officers, directors and employees of the Company may solicit proxies 
  personally or by telephone, telegram or other forms of wire or facsimile
  communication.  These persons will receive no special compensation for
  any solicitation activities.  The Company will, upon request, reimburse
  brokers, custodians, nominees and fiduciaries for reasonable expenses
  incurred by them in forwarding proxy material to beneficial owners of
  Common Stock. The costs of the solicitation will be borne by the

                          SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

  Any shareholder who wishes to submit a proposal for inclusion in the
  Company's proxy material and for presentation at the Company's 1998
  Annual Meeting of Shareholders must forward such proposal to the
  Secretary of the Company at the address indicated on the first page of
  this proxy statement, so that the Secretary receives it no later than
  January 31, 1998.

                             OTHER MATTERS
  The Board of Directors is not aware of any other matters that are to be
  presented for action at the Meeting.  However, if any other matters
  properly come before the Meeting or any adjournment(s) thereof, it is
  intended that the enclosed proxy will be voted in accordance with the
  judgment of the persons voting the proxy.

  By Order of the Board of Directors.

  /s/  Debra L. Burgess

  Debra L. Burgess

  February 28, 1997


                                     CANMAX INC.
                           ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                    APRIL 21, 1997


  The undersigned  hereby  constitutes and  appoints  Roger D.  Bryant  and
  Robert M. Fidler, or either of them, as the true  and lawful attorneys
  and proxies  of the  undersigned,  with full  power  of substitution,  to
  represent the undersigned and to vote  all of the shares of  Common Stock
  of Canmax Inc.  (the "Company"), that  the undersigned  is entitled  to
  vote at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the Company to be held on
  April 21, 1997 and at any adjournments thereof.

  1. Election of Directors

        FOR              WITHHOLD             NOMINEES:
   All nominees         AUTHORITY             Roger D. Bryant, Debra L.
 named to the right   to vote for all         Burgess, Nick DeMare, Robert   
 (except as marked     nominees named         M. Fidler, Philip M. Parsons, 
  to the contrary)      to the right          W. Thomas Rinehart, C. William
                                              (INSTRUCTION: To withhold 
       [   ]               [   ]              authority to vote for any
                                              individual nominee, write the 
                                              nominee's name on the line 


  2. To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young LLP to serve as independent
     public accountants for the Company for the 1997 fiscal year.

     FOR  [  ]          AGAINST  [  ]           ABSTAIN [  ]

  3. In their discretion, to vote upon such other business as may properly
     come before the meeting or any adjournments thereof.


  Please sign exactly as the name appears on the certificate or
  certificates representing shares to be voted by this proxy.  When signing
  as executor, administrator, attorney, trustee or guardian, please give
  full title as such.  If a corporation, please sign in full corporate name
  by president or other authorized person.  If a partnership, please sign
  in partnership name by authorized person.
  Dated: __________________________     __________________________________
                                        Signature of Shareholder
     [INSERT MAILING LABEL]             __________________________________
                                        Signature  (if jointly owned)