                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION
                               MOTIENT CORPORATION

         MOTIENT CORPORATION,  a corporation organized and existing under and by
virtue of the  Delaware  General  Corporation  Law (the  "Corporation"),  hereby
certifies as follows:
         1.       The name of the Corporation is  MOTIENT  CORPORATION;  it  was
                  originally   incorporated  under  the  name  "American  Mobile
                  Satellite  Consortium,  Inc.," and its original Certificate of
                  Incorporation  was filed on May 3, 1988 and renamed  "American
                  Mobile   Satellite   Corporation"   in  its   Certificate   of

         2.       This Restated  Certificate of Incorporation,  the  entirety of
                  which is set forth below,  has been duly adopted in accordance
                  with Section 245 of the Delaware General Corporation Law, only
                  restates  and  integrates  and  does  not  further  amend  the
                  provisions of the  Corporation's  certificate of incorporation
                  as  heretofore  amended  or  supplemented,  and  there  is  no
                  discrepancy  between those  provisions  and the  provisions of
                  this Restated Certificate of Incorporation.

         FIRST:  The name of the Corporation is MOTIENT CORPORATION.

         SECOND:  The address of the registered office of the Corporation in the
State of Delaware is Corporation  Trust Center,  1209 Orange Street, in the City
of Wilmington,  County of New Castle,  and the name of its  registered  agent at
that address is The Corporation Trust Company.

          THIRD:  The purpose of the  Corporation is to engage in any lawful act
or  activity  for  which   corporations  may  be  organized  under  the  General
Corporation Law of the State of Delaware,  including  specifically to act as the
registered agent of its wholly owned subsidiaries.

         A. Authorized  Capital Stock. The total number of shares of all classes
of stock which the Corporation shall be authorized to issue shall be one hundred
fifty  million two hundred  thousand  (150,200,000)  shares.  One hundred  fifty
million  (150,000,000)  of said shares shall be of a par value of $.01 per share
and shall be designated  common stock ("Common  Stock") and two hundred thousand
(200,000)  of said shares shall be of a par value of $.01 per share and shall be
designated Series Preferred Stock.

         B. Series  Preferred  Stock.  The Series  Preferred Stock may be issued
from time to time by the board of  directors  as herein  provided in one or more
series.  The  designations,  relative  rights,  preferences and limitations with
respect to the Series  Preferred  Stock,  and with respect to the shares of each
series thereof, may, to the extent permitted by law, be similar to or may differ
from those of any other  series.  The board of directors of the  Corporation  is
hereby  expressly  granted  authority,  subject to the provision of this Article
FOURTH, to issue from time to time Series Preferred Stock in one or more series,
and to fix from time to time before issuance thereof, by filing of a certificate
pursuant to the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware,  the number of
shares in each such series, and all designations, relative rights (including the
right,  to the extent  permitted  by law, to convert into shares of any class or
into  shares of any series of any class),  preferences  and  limitations  of the

shares in each such series,  including,  but without  limiting the generality of
the foregoing, the following:

         1. The number of  shares to constitute such series (which number may at
any time,  or from  time to time,  be  increased  or  decreased  by the board of
directors,  notwithstanding  that shares of the series may be outstanding at the
time of such  increase or  decrease,  unless the board of  directors  shall have
otherwise  provided in creating  such  series) and the  distinctive  designation

         2. The  dividend  rate on the  shares of such  series,  whether  or not
dividends  on the  shares of such  series  shall be  cumulative  and the date or
dates, if any, from which dividends thereon shall be cumulative;

         3. Whether or not the shares of such series shall be  redeemable,  and,
if  redeemable,  the date or dates upon or after which they shall be  redeemable
and  the  amount  or  amounts  per  share  payable  thereon  in the  case of the
redemption  thereof,  which  amount may vary at  different  redemption  dates or
otherwise as permitted by law;

         4. The right,  if any,  of holders of shares of such  series to convert
the same  into,  or  exchange  the same for,  shares  of  Common  Stock or other
securities as permitted by law, and the terms and conditions of such  conversion
or exchange, as well as provisions for adjustment of the conversion rate in such
events as the board of directors shall determine;

         5. The amount per share payable on the shares of such  series  upon the
voluntary  and  involuntary  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up  of  the

         6. Whether the holders of shares  of  such  series  shall  have  voting
power,  full or limited,  in addition to the voting powers provided by law, and,
in case additional voting powers are accorded, to fix the extent thereof; and

         7. Generally  to  fix   the  other  rights  and   privileges   and  any
qualifications,  limitations  or  restrictions  on such rights and privileges of
such series, provided, however, that no such rights, privileges, qualifications,
limitations  or  restrictions  shall  be in  conflict  with the  Certificate  of
Incorporation  of the Corporation or with the resolution or resolutions  adopted
by the board of directors  providing  for the issue of any series of which there
are shares then outstanding.

         C. Voting.

         1. On  all  matters  upon which holders of Common Stock are entitled or
permitted  to vote,  every  holder of Common  Stock shall be entitled to one (1)
vote in person  or by proxy for each  share of  Common  Stock  standing  in such
holder's name on the transfer books of the Corporation.

         2. Except as otherwise  specifically  provided in the certificate filed
pursuant  to law with  respect  to any  series of Series  Preferred  Stock or as
otherwise  provided by law, the Series  Preferred Stock shall not have any right
to  vote  on any  matters  submitted  to the  stockholders  of the  Corporation,
including,  without limitation,  the election of directors.  In all instances in
which voting rights are granted to Series Preferred Stock or any series thereof,
such Series  Preferred Stock or series shall vote as provided in the certificate
filed pursuant to law with respect to any series of Series Preferred Stock or as
otherwise provided by law.

         D. Dividends.  The holders of Common Stock shall be entitled to receive
dividends and distributions of the Corporation when and as declared by the board
of  directors  out  of  funds  legally  available  therefor.  Dividends  on  the
outstanding  Series Preferred Stock of each series shall be declared and paid or
set apart for payment  before any  dividends  shall be declared  and paid or set
apart for payment on the Common Stock with respect to the same dividend  period.
Dividends on any shares of Serie Preferred Stock shall be cumulative only if and
to the extent set forth in a certificate  filed pursuant to law. After dividends
on all shares of Series Preferred Stock (including  cumulative  dividends if and
to the  extent  any such  shares  shall be  entitled  thereto)  shall  have been
declared and paid or set apart for payment with respect to any dividend  period,
then and not  otherwise  as long as any shares of Series  Preferred  Stock shall
remain outstanding,  dividends may be declared and paid or set apart for payment
with respect to the same  dividend  period on the Common Stock out of the assets
or funds of the Corporation legally available therefor.

         E.  Liquidation,  Dissolution  or  Winding  Up.  In  the  event  of any
liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, whether voluntary or
involuntary,  each series of Series  Preferred  Stock shall have  preference and
priority  over the  Common  Stock  for  payment  of the  amount  to  which  each
outstanding  series of Series  Preferred  Stock shall be entitled in  accordance
with the provisions  thereof and each holder of Series  Preferred Stock shall be
entitled to be paid in full such amount, or hav a sum sufficient for the payment
in full set  aside,  before  any  payments  shall be made to the  holders of the
Common Stock. If upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,
the assets of the Corporation or the proceeds thereof,  distributable  among the
holders  of the  shares  of all  series  of  Series  Preferred  Stock  shall  be
insufficient to pay in full the preferential amount aforesaid, then such assets,
or the proceeds  thereof,  shall be  distributed  among such holders  ratably in
accordance  with the  respective  amounts  which would be payable if all amounts
payable  thereof  were paid in full.  After the holders of the Series  Preferred
Stock of each  series  shall  have been paid in full the  amounts  to which they
respectively shall be entitled,  or a sum sufficient for the payment in full set
aside, the remaining net assets of the  Corporation,  after payment or provision
for payment of the debts of the  Corporation,  shall be distributed  pro rata to
the holders of the Common  Stock,  to the  exclusion of the holders of Preferred
Stock.  A  consolidation  or  merger  of the  Corporation  with or into  another
corporation  or  corporations,  or a sale,  whether  for cash,  shares of stock,
securities  or  properties,  of all or  substantially  all of the  assets of the
Corporation,  shall not be deemed or construed to be a liquidation,  dissolution
or winding up of the Corporation within the meaning of this Article FOURTH.

         F.  Redemption  of Series  Preferred  Stock.  In the event that  Series
Preferred Stock of any series shall be made redeemable as provided in subsection
B.3 of this  Article  FOURTH,  the  Corporation,  at the  option of the board of
directors,  may redeem at any time or times,  and from time to time,  all or any
part of any one or more series of Series  Preferred Stock  outstanding by paying
for each  share  the then  applicable  redemption  price  fixed by the  board of
directors  as  provided  herein,  plus an amount  equal to  accrued  and  unpaid
dividends  to the date  fixed  for  redemption,  upon such  notice  and terms as
provided in the  certificates  filed pursuant to law with respect to such series
of Series Preferred Stock.

         FIFTH: At all elections of directors of the Corporation, each holder of
Common  Stock  shall be  entitled to any many votes as shall equal the number of
votes which  (except for such  provision  as to  cumulative  voting) such holder
would be entitled to cast for the election of directors multiplied by the number
of  directors  to be  elected,  and such holder may cast all of such votes for a
single director or may distribute such votes among the number of directors to be
voted for, or for any two or more o them as such holder may see fit.

         The number of  directors  shall not be less than seven.  All  directors
shall be elected at each  election of directors by the holders of Common  Stock.
Elections of directors need not be by written ballot.

         SIXTH: For the management of  the  business and  for the conduct of the
affairs of the Corporation, and in further definition, limitation and regulation
of the powers of the Corporation and of its directors and of its stockholders or
any class thereof,  as the case may be, it is further provided as follows:

         1.  Except  as  otherwise  expressly  provided  in  this Certificate of
Incorporation  or the  bylaws,  all actions of the board of  directors  shall be
taken upon or pursuant to the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the  directors
present at a meeting at which a quorum is present.

         2. The affirmative vote of the holders of two-thirds of the issued  and
outstanding  shares of Common  Stock  shall be  required  to approve  any of the
following  actions:

            a. the merger or  consolidation  of the Corporation with or into any
other entity;
            b. the dissolution or  liquidation  of the Corporation;

            c. or the sale, exchange, or  lease  of  all or substantially all of
the  Corporation's property  and assets.

         SEVENTH:  No  fractional  shares of Common Stock shall be issued by the
Corporation.  In lieu of any fractional shares to which a holder would otherwise
be entitled, the Corporation shall pay cash equal to such fraction multiplied by
the fair market value per share of such Common Stock.

         EIGHTH: If  and  to  the  extent permitted by the provisions  governing
amendment of the bylaws contained therein,  the board of directors is authorized
to make, repeal, alter, amend and rescind the bylaws of the Corporation.

         NINTH: To  the  fullest extent permitted by the General Corporation Law
of Delaware or any other  applicable  laws  presently or hereafter in effect,  a
director of the Corporation shall not be personally liable to the Corporation or
its  stockholders  for  monetary  damages  for  breach  of  fiduciary  duty as a
director.  Any repeal or  modification of this Article NINTH shall not adversely
affect  any  right or  protection  of a  director  of the  Corporation  existing
immediately prior to such repeal or modification.

         TENTH:  Each  person  who  is  or  was  a  director  or  officer of the
Corporation  shall be  indemnified  by the  Corporation  to the  fullest  extent
permitted by the General  Corporation  Law of the State of Delaware or any other
applicable  laws as  presently  or  hereafter  in effect.  Without  limiting the
generality or the effect of the foregoing, the Corporation may enter into one or
more  agreements  with any person which provide for  indemnification  greater or
different than that provided in this Article TENTH.  Any repeal or  modification
of this  Article  TENTH  shall not  adversely  affect  any  right or  protection
existing hereunder  immediately prior to such repeal or modification.

         ELEVENTH: The Corporation reserves the right to amend, alter, change or
repeal  any  provision  contained  in this  Certificate,  in the  manner  now or
hereafter  prescribed by statute and this Certificate,  and all rights conferred
on stockholders herein are granted subject to this reservation. This Certificate
may not be amended,  modified,  rendered  ineffective or repealed  except by the
vote of the holders of two thirds of the issued and outstanding shares of Common
Stock.  Other  classes or series of stock  shall not be  entitled to vote on any
such amendment,  modification or other change, unless and to the extent required
by applicable law.

         TWELFTH: The Corporation expressly elects not to be governed by Section
203 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I,  the  undersigned,  being duly elected/appointed
Vice President of the  Corporation,  do on behalf of the  Corporation  make this
Restated  Certificate of Incorporation  of the Corporation,  effective April 24,
2000,  hereby  declaring and certifying  under penalties of perjury that this is
the act and deed of the  Corporation  and the facts herein stated are true,  and
accordingly have hereunto set my hand this 24th day of April , 2000.

                                         MOTIENT CORPORATION

                                         By:    /s/Randy S. Segal
                                         Name:  Randy S. Segal
                                         Title: Senior Vice President, General
                                                 Counsel and Secretary

Attested to:

/s/David H. Engvall
- -------------------
Name:    David H. Engvall
Title:   Vice President, Executive Counsel and
         Assistant Secretary

Commonwealth of Virginia
County of Fairfax, ss:

         I, Suzanne H. Podhorecki,  a Notary Public,  hereby certify that on the
24th day of April,  2000,  David H. Engvall  appeared before me and acknowledged
that he is the duly authorized and elected Vice President, Executive Counsel and
Assistant Secretary of Motient  Corporation,  that his signature was his own act
and deed and the foregoing  instrument,  the act and deed of Motient Corporation
and the facts stated therein are true.

                                              /s/Suzanne H. Podhorecki
                                              Notary Public
                                              My Commission Expires:
                                              October 31, 2001

Commonwealth of Virginia
County of Fairfax, ss:

         I, Suzanne H. Podhorecki,  a Notary Public,  hereby certify that on the
24th day of April, 2000, Randy S. Segal appeared before me and acknowledged that
she is the duly  authorized and elected Senior Vice  President,  General Counsel
and  Secretary of Motient  Corporation,  that her  signature was her own act and
deed and the foregoing  instrument,  the act and deed of Motient Corporation and
the facts stated therein are true.

                                              /s/Suzanne H. Podhorecki
                                              Notary Public
                                              My Commission Expires:
                                              October 31, 2001