FORM OF STOCKHOLDERS' AGREEMENT

     STOCKHOLDERS'  AGREEMENT (this "Agreement"),  dated as of _______, 2001, by
and among Mobile Satellite  Ventures GP Inc., a Delaware  corporation  ("General
Partner")  and  General  Partner  of Mobile  Satellite  Ventures  LP, a Delaware
limited  partnership ("Newco LP") and the Stockholders of General Partner listed
on Schedule I hereto (each individually, a "Stockholder," and collectively,  the
"Stockholders", and together with General Partner, the "Parties").


     WHEREAS, each Stockholder is also either a limited partner of Newco LP or a
holder of notes convertible into limited  partnership  interests in Newco LP and
owns a portion of the common  stock,  par value $0.01 per share (the "Stock") of
General  Partner in  proportionate  amounts based upon its respective  ownership
interests  in Newco LP (on an  as-converted  basis in the case of the holders of
the Convertible Notes); and

     WHEREAS,  the  Stockholders  have formed General Partner for the purpose of
having it serve exclusively as General Partner of Newco LP pursuant to the terms
of that certain Limited  Partnership  Agreement of Mobile Satellite Ventures LP,
dated as of [________ __, 2001], (the "Newco LP Agreement"); and

     WHEREAS,  the Stockholders wish to assure that General Partner performs its
duties under the Newco LP Agreement  and the other  agreements  by and among the
Stockholders strictly in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; and

     WHEREAS,  General  Partner  and the  Stockholders  are  entering  into this
agreement pursuant to the terms of that certain Amended and Restated  Investment
Agreement,  dated as of October __,  2001,  by and among the  Stockholders  (and
their  affiliates),  the LLC and certain other parties (as in effect on the date
hereof, and without giving effect to any modification,  amendment, supplement or
restatement thereof or waiver thereunder, the "October Investment Agreement");

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreements contained herein and for
other good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt and sufficiency of which is
hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereby agree as follows:

Section 1.  Definitions.  Initially  capitalized  terms  used,  but not  defined
herein,  shall have the meanings  ascribed thereto in the Newco LP Agreement or,
if not defined  therein,  in the October  Investment  Agreement,  as applicable.
Additionally,  terms  defined in this Section 1 shall,  for the purposes of this
Agreement, have the meanings herein specified.

     "Business  Day" means a day of the year on which banks are not  required or
authorized to close in New York City.

     "Columbia Investor Group" means the entities in Columbia Space (QP), Inc.'s
Investor Group as set forth in the October Investment Agreement.

     "Control Party" means (i) an Affiliate that has direct or indirect majority
voting control of a Limited Partner, or (ii) an Affiliate that has a majority of
its voting  interests held,  directly or indirectly,  by a Limited Partner or by
Persons that have direct or indirect voting control of a Limited Partner.

     "Excluded  Securities"  means any interests in the  Partnership  (i) issued
pursuant  to the  October  Investment  Agreement  or  any  of  the  transactions
contemplated  thereby,  (ii) issued in connection  with the  acquisition  of the
business of another entity, whether by the purchase of equity securities, assets
or  otherwise,  (iii)  issued as part of an  Initial  Public  Offering  or other
registered  underwritten public offering of the Partnership's  securities,  (iv)
issued under an employee  compensation plan approved by the General Partner, (v)
issued to financial institutions,  financial syndicates or lessors in connection
with bona fide commercial credit arrangements,  equipment financings, or similar
transactions for primarily other than equity financing purposes, and (vi) issued
pursuant to Section 8.1(h)(vi) of this Agreement.

     "Family Member" means, with respect to any Person (i) the spouse,  parents,
children,  siblings,  mother and father-in-law,  sons and  daughters-in-law  and
brothers and sisters-in-law of such Person or of any of the beneficial owners of
such Person, (ii) any trust whose  beneficiaries  consist of only one or more of
such Person and such  persons or (iii) any  partnership  or other  entity  whose
owners are one or more of such Person and such persons.

     "Intervening  Entity" shall mean, as applied to any Limited  Partner at any
time,  any Person the value of which at such time  consists  principally  of its
direct or indirect ownership of interests in, or obligations of, the Partnership
or Canadian Holdco. Without limiting the foregoing,  the parties stipulate that,
as of the date hereof, TMI and TMI's general partner are Intervening Entities.

     "Pledge  Agreement" means that certain Pledge  Agreement,  dated as of even
date  herewith,  by and among TMI,  TMI Sub and the other  parties  thereto,  as
amended, supplemented or revised from time to time.

     "Spectrum  Investor  Group"  means the  entities in Spectrum  Space  Equity
Investors  IV,  Inc.'s  Investor  Group as set forth in the  October  Investment

     "Telcom  Investor  Group" means the entities in Telcom  Satellite  Ventures
Inc.'s Investor Group as set forth in the October Investment Agreement.

Section 2.        Board Composition.
- -----------------------------------

     (a) Qualifications of Directors.  No person shall be elected or appointed a
director if that person is less than 18 years of age, is of unsound mind and has
been found so by a court, is not an individual, or has the status of a bankrupt.
Directors may, but need not, be Stockholders.

     (b) Each  Stockholder  agrees to use all  commercially  reasonable  efforts
(including  approving all necessary or advisable amendments to General Partner's
Certificate of  Incorporation  and/or Bylaws) to cause the board of directors of
General Partner (the "Board") to be composed as follows:

          (i)  Subject to clause  (ii)  below,  assuming  the First  Closing has
     occurred, the Board shall consist of twelve (12) directors as follows:

          (1) Each of the Telcom Investor Group, the Spectrum Investor Group and
          the Columbia  Investor  Group (or an Investor or group of Investors to
          which Limited Partners of any such Investor Group transferred at least
          a five percent (5%) Percentage Interest and expressly transferred such
          Investor  Group's right to designate a director  under this  Agreement
          (each such Person, an "Investor Group Assignee")),  acting through its
          respective Investor Group Designee, shall be entitled to designate one
          (1) director. For the avoidance of doubt, in no event shall the Telcom
          Investor Group, the Spectrum  Investor Group and the Columbia Investor
          Group,  or any  transferees  therefrom,  be entitled to designate more
          than three (3) directors in the aggregate.

          (2) Motient Sub shall be entitled to designate three (3) directors.

          (3) TMI Sub shall be entitled to designate three (3) directors.

          (4) The Note  Investors  shall be  entitled  to  designate  three  (3)

          (ii) In the event that the Second Closing has not occurred on or prior
     to June 30, 2003,  then  beginning on July 1, 2003, the Board shall consist
     of ten (10) directors as follows:

          (1) The Telcom  Investor  Group,  the Spectrum  Investor Group and the
          Columbia  Investor Group (or an Investor Group Assignee),  as a group,
          shall be entitled to designate a total of one (1) director.

          (2) Motient Sub shall be entitled to designate three (3) directors.

          (3) TMI Sub shall be entitled to designate three (3) directors.

          (4) The Note  Investors  shall be  entitled  to  designate  three  (3)

          (iii)  For so long as the  Spectrum  Investor  Group  continues  to be
     entitled  to  designate a director  under this  Agreement,  Spectrum  Space
     Equity Investors IV, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Spectrum Equity IV,
     L.P., shall be entitled to designate such director, and such director shall
     be a representative  of Spectrum Equity Investors IV, L.P.  Spectrum Equity
     Investors IV, L.P. shall be a third-party  beneficiary of this Agreement to
     the extent  necessary  in order to enforce  its rights  under this  Section

          (iv)  For so long  as the  Columbia  Investor  Group  continues  to be
     entitled to designate a director under this Agreement, Columbia Space (QP),
     Inc., a wholly-owned  subsidiary of Columbia  Capital Equity Partners (QP),
     L.P., shall be entitled to designate such director, and such director shall
     be a representative of Columbia Capital Equity Partners (QP), L.P. Columbia
     Capital Equity  Partners (QP),  L.P. shall be a third-party  beneficiary of
     this Agreement to the extent necessary in order to enforce its rights under
     this Section 2(b)(iv).

          (v) For so long as the  Note  Investors  continue  to be  entitled  to
     designate  directors  under  this  Agreement,  MSV  Investors  LLC shall be
     entitled  to  designate  such  directors,   and  such  directors  shall  be
     representatives of MSV Investors LLC.

     (c)  Resignation.  Any  director  may resign at any time by giving  written
notice to the President of General Partner (the  "President").  Such resignation
shall take  effect at the time  specified  in such notice or, if the time be not
specified,  upon receipt thereof by the President.  Unless  otherwise  specified
therein,  acceptance  of such  resignation  shall  not be  necessary  to make it
effective. In the event of the death, disability,  resignation or removal of any
director,  the Stockholder(s) which designated such director shall designate his
or her replacement.

Section 3.        Board Meeting.
- -------------------------------

     (a) Regular  Meetings.  The Board shall meet no less often than  quarterly,
unless  otherwise  agreed by at least 4/5 of the Board.  Such meetings  shall be
held on such date as shall be  determined  by the President or a majority of the

     (b) Other Meetings. Other meetings of the Board shall be held at such times
as the Chairman of General Partner (the "Chairman"), the President or a majority
of the Board shall from time to time determine.

     (c) Notice of Meetings.  The Secretary of General Partner (the "Secretary")
shall give written  notice to the President and each director of each meeting of
the Board,  which notice shall state the place,  date,  time and purpose of such
meeting.  Notice of each such  meeting  shall be given to each  director,  if by
mail,  addressed to him at his  residence  or usual place of business,  at least
five (5) Business  Days before the day on which such  meeting is to be held,  or
shall be sent to him at such place by telecopy,  telegraph, cable, or other form
of recorded communication,  or be delivered personally or by telephone not later
than forty-eight (48) hours before the time at which such meeting is to be held;
provided,  however,  that if any  director  objects to the holding of such Board
meeting at the  requested  time and date,  such  meeting  shall be held five (5)
Business  Days  following the date of such notice.  A written  waiver of notice,
signed by the director  entitled to notice,  whether before or after the time of
the meeting  referred to in such waiver,  shall be deemed  equivalent to notice.
Neither the business to be transacted  at, nor the purpose of any meeting of the
Board, need be specified in any written waiver of notice thereof.  Attendance of
a director at a meeting of the Board shall constitute a waiver of notice of such

     (d) Place of  Meetings.  The Board may hold its  meetings  at such place or
places within or without the State of Delaware as the President may from time to
time determine,  or as shall be designated in the respective  notices or waivers
of notice of such meetings.

     (e) Quorum and Manner of Acting.

     (1) A majority of the  directors  then in office (or who are members of any
     committee  of the  Board)  shall be  present  in  person or by proxy at any
     meeting of the Board (or a committee thereof,  as the case may be) in order
     to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at such meeting, and
     the vote of a majority of those  directors,  or members of such  committee,
     present at any such meeting at which a quorum is present shall be necessary
     for the passage of any  resolution  or act of the Board or such  committee,
     except as  otherwise  expressly  required by this  Agreement or the October
     Investment  Agreement.  In the absence of a quorum for any such meeting,  a
     majority of the  directors  present  thereat may adjourn  such meeting from
     time to time until a quorum shall be present.

     (2) Organization.  At each meeting of the Board, one of the following shall
     act as  chairman  of the meeting and  preside,  in the  following  order of

          (1) the Chairman;

          (2) the President; or

          (3) any director chosen by a majority of the directors present.

The  Secretary  or, in the case of his absence,  any person whom the chairman of
the meeting  shall  appoint  shall act as secretary of such meeting and keep the
minutes thereof.

     (f)  Committees  of the Board.  The Board may,  by  resolution  passed by a
majority of the whole Board, designate one or more committees consisting of four
or more directors;  provided,  that each committee shall consist of at least one
Investor Group designee, one Motient Sub designee, one TMI Sub designee, and one
Note  Investor  designee.   Except  as  otherwise  expressly  required  by  this
Agreement,  any committee of the Board, to the extent provided in the resolution
of the Board  designating  such  committee,  shall have and may exercise all the
powers and authority of the Board in the  management of the business and affairs
of General Partner,  and may authorize the seal of General Partner to be affixed
to all papers  which may  require  it.  Each  committee  of the Board shall keep
regular minutes of its proceedings and report the same to Board and upon request
of the Stockholders, to the Stockholders.

     (g) Directors' Consent in Lieu of Meeting. Any action required or permitted
to be taken at any meeting of the Board or of any committee thereof may be taken
without a meeting,  without  prior  notice and  without a vote,  if a consent in
writing, setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed by all the directors
of the Board, in the case of a Board meeting, or all the members of a committee,
in the case of a committee  meeting,  and such consent is filed with the minutes
of the proceedings of the Board or such committee.

     (h) Action by Means of Telephone or Similar Communications  Equipment.  Any
one or more members of the Board, or of any committee  thereof,  may participate
in a meeting of the Board or such committee by means of conference  telephone or
similar communications  equipment by means of which all persons participating in
the meeting can hear each other,  and  participation  in a meeting by such means
shall constitute presence in person at such meeting.

     (i)  Compensation.  Directors  shall not receive any salary or compensation
for  their  services  as  directors  or as  members  of  committees,  except  as
authorized  by  Stockholders  holding a  majority  of the  shares of Stock  (the
"Shares").  The  directors  shall be entitled to be  reimbursed  for  travelling
expenses  properly  incurred by them in  attending  meetings of the Board or any
committee  thereof.  Nothing  herein shall  preclude  any director  from serving
General  Partner or Newco LP in any other  capacity and  receiving  compensation

     (j) Selection of Officers. The initial officers of General Partner shall be
those set forth in General Partner's organizational  resolutions and any changes
thereto shall be approved by a vote of the majority of the Board members.

     (k) Agreements with Limited Partners or their  Affiliates.  Notwithstanding
the grant of  authority  to General  Partner  under  Section 6.1 of the Newco LP
Agreement,   without  the  prior   written   consent  of  the  majority  of  the
disinterested  directors  (or, if the majority of the directors are designees of
interested  parties,  the entire Board) and any prior written consent of Limited
Partners  of Newco LP required  by the Newco LP  Agreement,  the Board shall not
permit or cause General Partner or Newco LP to enter into  transactions with its
Limited  Partners or  Affiliates  of its Limited  Partners  except as  otherwise
permitted in the October Investment  Agreement;  provided that Newco LP shall be
permitted to enter into each of the other Ancillary Agreements.

     Section 4. Agreement to Vote Shares to Elect  Directors.  Each  Stockholder
hereby agrees to take all action  necessary  (including  voting or causing to be
voted,  or acting by written consent with respect to, any and all Shares held by
him or it on the record date for establishing the Stockholders  entitled to vote
for the  election  of  directors  of General  Partner)  to cause the  Investors'
designees,  the  Motient  Sub  designees,  the TMI Sub  designees,  and the Note
Investor designees to be elected to the Board, in accordance with the provisions

     Section 5. Stockholder Meetings.

     (a)  Regular  Meetings.  The  Stockholders  shall  meet  annually,   unless
otherwise agreed by the Board. Such meetings shall be held on such date as shall
be determined by the a majority of the Board.

     (b) Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Stockholders shall be held at
such  times as the  Board,  the  President  or a  majority  in  interest  of the
Stockholders shall from time to time determine.

     (c) Notice of Meetings.  The  Secretary  shall give  written  notice to the
President and each Stockholder of each meeting of the Stockholders, which notice
shall state the place,  date,  time and purpose of such meeting.  Notice of each
such meeting shall be given to each Stockholder,  if by mail, to the address set
forth with respect to such Stockholder in Schedule I, at least five (5) Business
Days  before  the day on which such  meeting is to be held,  or shall be sent to
such  Stockholder  by  telecopy,  telegraph,  cable,  or other form of  recorded
communication,  or be  delivered  personally  or by  telephone  not  later  than
forty-eight  (48) hours  before  the time at which  such  meeting is to be held;
provided,  however,  that if any  Stockholder  objects  to the  holding  of such
Stockholder  meeting at the requested time and date,  such meeting shall be held
five (5) Business Days  following the date that such notice was given. A written
waiver of notice,  signed by the Stockholder entitled to notice,  whether before
or after the time of the  meeting  referred to in such  waiver,  shall be deemed
equivalent to notice.  Neither the business to be transacted at, nor the purpose
of any meeting of the  Stockholders  need be specified in any written  waiver of
notice  thereof.  Attendance of a Stockholder  at a meeting of the  Stockholders
shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting.

     (d) Place of Meetings.  The  Stockholders  may hold their  meetings at such
place or places  within or without the State of Delaware  as the  President  may
from time to time determine, or as shall be designated in the respective notices
or waivers of notice of such meetings.

     (e) Quorum and Manner of Acting.  The Stockholders  holding the majority of
the  Shares  shall be  present  in  person  or by proxy  at any  meeting  of the
Stockholders  in order to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at
such  meeting,  and,  except as  otherwise  provided  herein  or in the  October
Investment  Agreement,  the vote of those Stockholders holding a majority of the
Shares,  present  at any such  meeting  at which a quorum is  present,  shall be
necessary for the passage of any resolution or act of the  Stockholders,  except
as otherwise  expressly  required by this Agreement.  In the absence of a quorum
for any such meeting,  holders of a majority of the Shares  present  thereat may
adjourn such meeting from time to time until a quorum shall be present.

     (f)  Stockholders'  Consent  in Lieu of  Meeting.  Any action  required  or
permitted to be taken at any meeting of the  Stockholders may be taken without a
meeting,  without  prior  notice and  without a vote,  if a consent in  writing,
setting forth the action so taken,  shall be signed by the Stockholders  holding
the  requisite  number of Shares  for the taking  the  relevant  action and such
consent is filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the Stockholders.

     (g) Action by Means of Telephone or Similar Communications  Equipment.  Any
one or more  Stockholders  may  participate in a meeting of the  Stockholders by
means of conference  telephone or similar  communications  equipment by means of
which  all  persons  participating  in the  meeting  can hear  each  other,  and
participation in a meeting by such means shall constitute  presence in person at
such meeting.

     Section  6.  Assignment;   Restriction  on  Transfer.  The  rights  of  the
Stockholders to designate directors hereunder may not be transferred,  except by
Investors to an Investor Group Assignee in accordance with Section 2(b)(i)(1).

     Section 7.  Transfer of Shares; Redemption.

     (a)  Transfer  of Shares.  The  Stockholders  each  undertake  to take such
actions  and  execute  such  documents  as may be  necessary  to insure that the
proportionate   ownership  of  General   Partner  at  all  times   reflects  the
then-current proportional ownership of Limited Partnership Interests in Newco LP
(on an as-converted basis in the case of the holders of the Convertible  Notes).
In furtherance of the foregoing,  except for Transfers made  simultaneously with
permitted transfers of Limited Partnership Interests made in accordance with the
terms  of  Section  8 of  this  Agreement  or  Articles  3 and 7 of the  October
Investment  Agreement,  each Stockholder  agrees not to, directly or indirectly,
sell, assign,  transfer,  pledge, encumber,  hypothecate,  mortgage or otherwise
dispose of, either  voluntarily or involuntarily (or to enter into any contract,
option or other  arrangement  or  understanding  to do any of the  foregoing) (a
"Transfer"),  any Shares; provided,  however, that TMI Sub shall be permitted to
pledge  its  Shares  pursuant  to  the  Pledge  Agreement.   In  addition,  each
Stockholder  hereby undertakes to, at the same time that it transfers any of its
Limited Partnership  Interests or Convertible Notes, Transfer its Shares (or the
same portion thereof as the Limited  Partnership  Interests or Convertible Notes
being  transferred  bear  to its  total  Limited  Partnership  Interests  (on an
as-converted basis in the case of the holders of the Convertible  Notes)) to the
purchaser or assignee of any of its Limited Partnership Interests or Convertible
Notes  in  accordance  with  Section  8 of  this  Agreement  or  the  applicable
provisions of the Convertible Notes.  Following a Transfer of such Shares,  such
Shares  shall  remain  subject  to the  provisions  of this  Agreement,  and the
transferee  shall execute and deliver to General Partner a written  agreement to
be bound by this  Agreement in form and  substance  reasonably  satisfactory  to
General Partner.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  except as set forth in Section
2(b)(i)(1)  with  respect  to  Transfers  to  an  Investor  Group  Assignee,  in
connection with transfers of Limited Partnership  Interests pursuant to Sections
8.2(c) or (d) of this Agreement, no transferee shall have the right to designate
directors pursuant hereto.

     (b) Redemption;  Effect of Redemption and Transfer. In the event that Newco
LP repays any of the principal amount of Convertible Notes, in whole or in part,
General Partner shall purchase from each Note Investor whose  Convertible  Notes
are being repaid (in whole or in part), and each Note Investor whose Convertible
Notes are being  repaid (in whole or in part) shall sell to General  Partner,  a
number  of Shares  equal to the  product  of (I) the sum of the total  number of
Shares issued to such Note Investor by General Partner  (appropriately  adjusted
for stock splits, combinations,  stock dividends,  reorganizations and the like)
multiplied by (II) a fraction,  the numerator of which shall equal the amount of
principal of such Note Investor's  Convertible  Note so paid and the denominator
of which shall equal the original principal amount of such Convertible Note. The
consideration  for any such  purchase  shall be $0.01  per  Share,  and the Note
Investor  holding such Shares shall  deliver such Shares to General  Partner for
cancellation promptly following any such repayment.  Additionally,  in the event

          (i)  Newco LP repays  in cash a total of more  than  one-third  of the
     original  aggregate  principal amount of the Convertible Notes, the size of
     the Board shall be reduced by one (1) director,  the Note  Investors  shall
     only be entitled to designate  two (2)  directors,  and the Note  Investors
     shall cause one (1) of the directors  designated by them to resign from the

          (ii)  Newco LP repays in cash a total of more than  two-thirds  of the
     original  aggregate  principal amount of the Convertible Notes, the size of
     the  Board  shall  be  reduced  by a total of two (2)  directors,  the Note
     Investors shall only be entitled to designate one (1) director and the Note
     Investors shall cause all directors designated by them, other than such one
     (1) remaining director, to resign from the Board; and

          (iii)  Newco LP  repays in cash a total of more  than  ninety  percent
     (90%) of the original aggregate  principal amount of the Convertible Notes,
     the size of the Board  shall be reduced by a total of three (3)  directors,
     the Note Investors  shall not be entitled to designate any  directors,  the
     Note Investors shall not be entitled to designate any directors to serve on
     committees  of the Board and the Note  Investor  shall cause all  directors
     designated by them to resign from the Board.

     Section 8 Transfers, Admission of Limited Partners and Conversion.

     Section 8.1  Additional Issuances of Interests.

     (a) In order to raise capital for Newco LP operations or to acquire assets,
to redeem or retire  Newco LP debt,  or for any other valid  Newco LP  purposes,
General Partner may, subject to the provisions of this Section 8.1, from time to
time determine that it is in the best interests of Newco LP to cause Newco LP to
issue additional  interests in Newco LP to the Limited Partners or other Persons
and to admit  such  other  Persons to Newco LP as  Additional  Limited  Partners
pursuant to Section 8.4. General Partner shall determine the  consideration  for
and the terms and conditions with respect to any future issuance of interests in
Newco LP.

     (b)  Subject  to clause  (h)  below,  General  Partner  shall not issue any
interests in Newco LP unless it first delivers to each Limited  Partner and Note
Investor (each such Person being referred to in this Section 8.1 as a "Buyer") a
written  notice (the  "Notice of  Proposed  Issuance")  specifying  the type and
amount of such  interests  that Newco LP then  intends  to issue  (the  "Offered
Interests"),  all of the material terms,  including the price (cash or non-cash)
upon which Newco LP proposes to issue the Offered Interests and stating that the
Buyers  shall have the right to  purchase  the Offered  Interests  in the manner
specified  in this  Section  8.1 for the same price per share and in  accordance
with  the same  terms  and  conditions  specified  in such  Notice  of  Proposed
Issuance,  provided,  that if such price consists of non-cash  consideration,  a
Buyer  may  purchase  the  Offered  Interest  with the same  type and  amount of
non-cash  consideration  described  in such Notice of Proposed  Issuance or, may
instead, pay for such Offered Interests with the cash equivalent of such price.

     (c) During the ten (10) consecutive day period commencing on the date Newco
LP delivers to all of the Buyers the Notice of Proposed  Issuance  (the "Ten Day
Period"),  the Buyers shall have the option to purchase up to all of the Offered
Interests at the same price and upon the same terms and conditions  specified in
the  Notice of  Proposed  Issuance.  Each Buyer  electing  to  purchase  Offered
Interests must give written  notice of its election to General  Partner prior to
the expiration of the Ten Day Period.

     (d) Each Buyer shall have the right to purchase  up to that  percentage  of
the Offered Interests equal to the Percentage  Interest then held by such Buyer.
The amount of such  Offered  Interests  that each Buyer is  entitled to purchase
under this Section 8.1 shall be referred to as its "Proportionate Share."

     (e) Each  Buyer  shall  have a right of  oversubscription  such that if any
other Buyer fails to elect to purchase  his or its full  Proportionate  Share of
the Offered  Interests,  the other Buyer(s) shall, among them, have the right to
purchase up to the  balance of such  Offered  Interests  not so  purchased.  The
Buyers may exercise such right of  oversubscription by electing to purchase more
than their  Proportionate  Share of the Offered  Interests by so  indicating  in
their written notice given during the Ten Day Period.  If, as a result  thereof,
such oversubscription elections exceed the total number of the Offered Interests
available in respect to such  oversubscription  privilege,  the  oversubscribing
Buyers shall be cut back with respect to  oversubscriptions  on a pro rata basis
in accordance with their respective Proportionate Share or as they may otherwise
agree among themselves.

     (f) If all of the Offered  Interests  have not been purchased by the Buyers
pursuant to the foregoing provisions, then General Partner shall have the right,
until the expiration of one hundred eighty (180)  consecutive days commencing on
the first day  immediately  following the  expiration of the Ten Day Period,  to
issue the Offered Interests not purchased by the Buyers at not less than, and on
terms no more  favorable in any  material  respect to the  purchaser(s)  thereof
than, the price and terms specified in the Notice of Proposed Issuance.  If such
remaining  Offered Interests are not issued within such period and at such price
and on such terms,  the right to issue in accordance with the Notice of Proposed
Issuance shall expire and the provisions of this Agreement  shall continue to be
applicable to the Offered Interests.

     (g) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the rights described in this Section 8.1
shall not apply with respect to the issuance of Excluded Securities.

     (h)  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  General  Partner may proceed with the
issuance of interests in Newco LP without  first  following  the  procedures  in
clauses  (b)-(f) above,  provided that the purchaser of such interests (the "New
Purchaser")  agrees in writing to take such interests  subject to the provisions
of this Section 8.1(h). In such event the following provisions shall apply:

          (i) Within ten (10) days  following  the  issuance of such  interests,
     General  Partner or the New  Purchaser  shall issue to each Buyer a written
     notice (the "Notice of  Issuance")  specifying  the type and amount of such
     interests  that Newco LP has issued (the  "Issued  Interests"),  all of the
     material terms,  including the price (the "Issued Interest Price") at which
     Newco LP issued the Issued Interests and stating that the Buyers shall have
     the right to purchase  Issued  Interests in the manner  specified below for
     the same  price  per  Unit  and in  accordance  with  the  same  terms  and
     conditions specified in such Notice of Issuance.

          (ii) During the ten (10) consecutive day period commencing on the date
     Newco LP or the New  Purchaser  delivers to all of the Buyers the Notice of
     Issuance (the "Issuance Ten Day Period"),  the Buyers shall have the option
     to purchase up to all of the Issued  Interests for the same type and amount
     per  Issued  Interest  of cash or  non-cash  consideration  paid by the New
     Purchaser or cash in an amount  equivalent in value to the Issued  Interest
     Price and upon the same  terms and  conditions  specified  in the Notice of
     Issuance.  Each Buyer  electing  to  purchase  Issued  Interests  must give
     written  notice of its election to the  deliverer of the Notice of Issuance
     prior to the expiration of the Issuance Ten Day Period.

          (iii)  Each  Buyer  shall  have  the  right to  purchase  from the New
     Purchaser  up to that  percentage  of the  Issued  Interests  equal  to the
     Proportionate Share held by such Buyer immediately prior to the issuance of
     the Issued Interests.

          (iv) Each Buyer  shall have a right of  oversubscription  such that if
     any other Buyer fails to elect to  purchase  his or its full  Proportionate
     Share of the Issued Interests,  the other Buyer(s) shall,  among them, have
     the right to purchase up to the  balance of such  Issued  Interests  not so
     purchased.  The  Buyers may  exercise  such  right of  oversubscription  by
     electing  to  purchase  more than their  Proportionate  Share of the Issued
     Interests  by so  indicating  in their  written  notice  given  during  the
     Issuance Ten Day Period.  If, as a result  thereof,  such  oversubscription
     elections  exceed the total  number of the Issued  Interests  available  in
     respect to such  oversubscription  privilege,  the  oversubscribing  Buyers
     shall be cut back with respect to  oversubscriptions on a pro rata basis in
     accordance  with  their  respective  Proportionate  Share  or as  they  may
     otherwise agree among themselves.

          (v) Any Issued  Interests  that have not been  purchased by the Buyers
     pursuant  to the  foregoing  provisions  shall  remain  owned  by  the  New

          (vi) Notwithstanding  anything in this clause (h) to the contrary,  in
     the event the Buyers elect, within the Issuance Ten Day Period, to purchase
     less  than  all of  the  Issued  Interests  then,  in  lieu  of the  Buyers
     purchasing  Issued  Interests from the New Purchaser,  General  Partner may
     elect to issue  directly to such  Buyers,  for the same type and amount per
     Issued Interest of cash or non-cash consideration paid by the New Purchaser
     or cash in an amount  equivalent in value to the Issued  Interest Price, an
     equivalent amount of additional securities that are identical to the Issued
     Interests in all material respects.

     Section 8.2 Transfers. Except as set forth in Sections 8.2(c) and (d) or in
the October Investment  Agreement,  until September 30, 2002, no Limited Partner
or Note Investor  shall be permitted to transfer any of its Limited  Partnership
Interests or  Convertible  Notes to any Person without the consent of a majority
in interest  (determined on an as-converted  basis) of the Limited  Partners and
Note Investors who are neither  transferors nor  transferees,  nor members of an
Investor Group which includes a transferee or  transferor.  After  September 30,
2002, no Limited Partner or Note Investor may assign or transfer all or any part
of its Limited Partnership  Interest or Convertible Notes to any Person,  except
in compliance with the following:

     (a) Right of First Refusal.  In the event that after  September 30, 2002, a
Limited Partner or Note Investor (a "Selling Party") proposes to transfer all or
a portion of its Limited Partnership  Interest or Convertible Notes to any third
party,  other than in accordance with Section 8.2(c) or (d),  pursuant to a bona
fide offer,  such Selling Party will provide  notice of such  proposed  transfer
(including the identity of the proposed  purchaser of such interest,  the amount
of interests or Convertible  Notes  proposed to be transferred  and the proposed
terms  thereof)  (the  "Transfer  Notice"),  at least fifteen (15) Business Days
prior to the proposed transfer, to each other Limited Partner and Note Investor,
whereupon  each other Limited  Partner and Note Investor shall have the right to
purchase,  at the same price and upon the same terms and conditions set forth in
the Transfer  Notice,  a pro rata portion of such interest or  Convertible  Note
based upon such Limited  Partner's or Note Investor's  portion of the Percentage
Interests  (determined on an  as-converted  basis with respect to holders of the
Convertible  Notes) held by all Limited  Partners and Note Investors  other than
the Selling Party. Except as set forth in the next sentence,  the purchase price
shall be payable in cash.  In the event that the Transfer  Notice  specifies the
payment of  consideration  other than cash,  the purchase  price for purposes of
this  Section   8.2(a)  shall  either  be  (x)  the  cash   equivalent  of  such
consideration,  determined by General Partner in good faith or (y) to the extent
the  participating  Limited Partner or Note Investor  elects,  the same type and
amount of non-cash consideration that is proposed to be paid as described in the
Transfer Notice.  The Transfer Notice shall  constitute an irrevocable  offer by
the Selling Party to sell to the other Limited  Partners and Note Investors such
interests  or  Convertible  Notes at the price and on the terms as  contained in
such  Transfer  Notice.  Each  Limited  Partner  or Note  Investor  desiring  to
participate  in such  purchase  shall  provide the Selling  Party and each other
Limited  Partner and Note Investor  notice of its agreement to participate  (the
"Participation Notice") within ten (10) Business Days of receipt of the Transfer
Notice  specifying such  participation  and whether and the extent to which such
Limited  Partner or Note Investor  wishes to acquire any remaining,  unallocated
portion of the proposed transfer (the "Unallocated  Portion"). In the event that
one or more of the other  Limited  Partners or Note  Investors  do not provide a
timely  Participation  Notice, the Unallocated Portion shall be allocated in pro
rata  proportion  to  the  Percentage  Interest  (after  giving  effect  to  the
conversion of the  Convertible  Notes) held by each of the Limited  Partners and
Note Investors who submits a Participation  Notice to the extent of such Limited
Partner's or Note  Investor's  indicated  willingness to acquire any Unallocated
Portion as provided in such Limited  Partners' or Note Investor's  Participation
Notice. The Participation Notice shall be deemed to be an irrevocable commitment
to  purchase  from the  Selling  Party,  at the  price  (or the cash  equivalent
thereof) and on the terms as contained in the Transfer Notice, the amount of the
interests  or  Convertible  Notes that such  Limited  Partner  or Note  Investor
specifies in the Participation Notice. In the event that the Limited Partners or
Note  Investors are not willing to purchase all of the interests or  Convertible
Notes offered pursuant to the Transfer Notice, and the amount of interests which
the Selling Party has offered to sell  pursuant to the Transfer  Notice less the
amount of interests or Convertible Notes the Limited Partners and Note Investors
are  willing  to  accept  is less  than  the  minimum  amount  of  interests  or
Convertible  Notes which the offeror is willing to purchase pursuant to the bona
fide offer described in the Transfer Notice,  then the Limited Partners and Note
Investors  shall be deemed to have rejected the offer  contained in the Transfer
Notice in its entirety and the Selling  Party shall be permitted to proceed with
the sale  described  in the  Transfer  Notice.  In the  event  that the  Limited
Partners and Note Investors  shall have accepted all or part of the interests or
Convertible  Notes offered  pursuant to the Transfer  Notice (and shall not have
been  deemed to have  rejected  the offer in its  entirety as  described  in the
immediately  preceding  sentence),  then the  Selling  Party  shall sell to such
Limited Partners and Note Investors such interests or Convertible  Notes as have
been accepted by such Limited  Partners and Note  Investors as specified in such
Limited Partner's or Note Investor's Participation Notice on the terms contained
in the  Transfer  Notice.  Any  interests or  Convertible  Notes not sold to the
Limited  Partners or Note  Investors  pursuant to the preceding  sentence may be
sold to a third  party,  including  the original  offeror,  at a price not lower
than,  and on such other terms and  conditions  not more favorable to such third
party than, those contained in the original  Transfer Notice, at any time within
one hundred eighty (180) days after the expiration of the offer required by this
Section  8.2(a).  In the  event  the  interests  or  Convertible  Notes  are not
transferred  by the Selling  Party on such terms during such one hundred  eighty
(180) day period,  the  restrictions  of this Section  8.2(a) shall again become
applicable  to any  transfer of interests  or  Convertible  Notes by the Selling

     (b)  Tag Along Rights.

          (i) General.  No Selling  Party may transfer  (other than  pursuant to
     Section 8.2(c) or 8.2(d)) Limited  Partnership  Interests or any portion of
     the Convertible Notes held by such Selling Party to any Person,  unless the
     terms and  conditions of such transfer  shall include an offer by the third
     party  transferee to the other Limited Partners and Note Investors (each, a
     "Tag Along Participant"),  at a price calculated using the same methodology
     used to  calculate  the price of the Selling  Party's  Limited  Partnership
     Interest taking into account the relative capital accounts and distribution
     rights of the Tag Along  Participants,  or, with respect to the Convertible
     Notes,  at a purchase  price per Unit  calculated  by dividing the purchase
     price of such offer  divided  by the number of Common  Units into which the
     portion  of  such  Convertible  Note  proposed  to be  transferred  is then
     convertible  (such price,  the "Tag Along Price") and on the same terms and
     conditions as the Selling Party has agreed to sell its Limited  Partnership
     Interest or portion of such Convertible Note, to include in the transfer to
     the third party transferee a portion of Limited Partnership Interests,  or,
     with  respect  to  transfers  of  Convertible  Notes,  a  number  of  Units
     determined in accordance with this Section 8.2(b).

          (ii) Obligation of Transferee to Purchase.  The third-party transferee
     of the Selling  Party shall  purchase from each Tag Along  Participant  the
     portion of such Tag Along  Participant's  Limited  Partnership  Interest or
     Convertible Note that such Tag Along Participant  desires to sell, provided
     that such portion does not exceed the Maximum Tag Along Portion (as defined
     below) and, if such  portion  exceeds  the Maximum Tag Along  Portion,  the
     transferee shall purchase only the Maximum Tag Along Portion.  For purposes
     hereof, the term "Maximum Tag Along Portion" means a portion of a Tag Along
     Participant's Limited Partnership Interest or Convertible Note the price of
     which (based on the Tag Along Price of such Limited Partnership Interest or
     Convertible  Note) equals the total  original  price proposed to be paid by
     the  transferee for the Selling  Party's  Limited  Partnership  Interest or
     portion of a Convertible  Note  multiplied by a fraction,  the numerator of
     which  is the Tag  Along  Price  of  such  portion  which  such  Tag  Along
     Participant desires to include in such sale and the denominator of which is
     the  aggregate  Tag Along Price of the  Limited  Partnership  Interests  or
     portion of a  Convertible  Note that the  Selling  Party and each Tag Along
     Participant desires to include in such sale.

          (iii) Exercise. The tag-along right may be exercised by each Tag-Along
     Participant  by delivery of a written notice to the Selling Party (the "Tag
     Along Notice")  within 15 calendar days  following  receipt of the Transfer
     Notice.  The  Tag  Along  Notice  shall  state  the  portion  of a  Limited
     Partnership  Interest or Convertible  Note that such Tag Along  Participant
     wishes to include in such transfer to the transferee.  Upon the giving of a
     Tag  Along  Notice,  such  Tag  Along  Participant  shall be  entitled  and
     obligated  to sell the  portion  of its  Limited  Partnership  Interest  or
     Convertible  Note set forth in the Tag Along Notice,  to the  transferee on
     the terms and conditions set forth in the Transfer Notice (the  "Transferee
     Terms"); provided, however, the Selling Party shall not consummate the sale
     of any Limited  Partnership  Interest or Convertible  Note offered by it if
     the  transferee  does not purchase all Limited  Partnership  Interests  and
     portions of Convertible  Notes which each Tag Along Participant is entitled
     and  desires  to  sell  pursuant   hereto.   After  expiration  of  the  15
     calendar-day  period  referred to above,  if the provisions of this Section
     have been  complied  with in all  respects,  the Selling Party and each Tag
     Along  Participant  that  delivered a Tag Along Notice  shall  transfer the
     Limited Partnership  Interests and portions of Convertible Notes determined
     in accordance  with Section  8.2(b)(ii) to the transferee on the Transferee
     Terms on the sale date proposed in the Transfer  Notice (or such other date
     within  sixty (60) days of such  proposed  sale date as may be agreed among
     the participants in such transfer).

          (iv)  Several  Liability.  Anything to the contrary  contained  herein
     notwithstanding,  the Selling Party agrees to use its reasonable good faith
     efforts to seek to ensure that the applicable  Transferee Terms provide for
     several, and not joint, liability,  with respect to the indemnification and
     comparable obligations contained within such Transferee Terms.

     (c)  Subject to  Sections  8.2(e),  (f) and (g), a Limited  Partner or Note
Investor  may at any time and from time to time (i) transfer all or part of such
Limited Partner's Limited  Partnership  Interest or Note Investor's  Convertible
Notes  to any of such  Limited  Partner's  or  Note  Investor's  Family  Members
provided  that such Limited  Partner or Note  Investor  shall  provide the other
Partners  and Note  Investors  notice  of the  identity  of such  Family  Member
transferee,  (ii)  transfer all or part of its Limited  Partnership  Interest or
Convertible  Notes  to its  members,  partners,  shareholders  or  other  equity
holders,  as the case may be  ("Distributee"),  pro-rata in accordance  with the
governing documents of the Limited Partner or Note Investor, as the case may be,
and  without  consideration,  or  (iii)  transfer  all or part  of such  Limited
Partner's  Limited  Partnership  Interest  to a  Control  Party of such  Limited
Partner or of such Note Investor's  Convertible Notes to a Control Party of such
Note Investor;  provided, that such Limited Partner or Note Investor and Control
Party agree with Newco LP in writing that such Control Party shall transfer such
Limited  Partnership  Interest or Convertible Notes back to such Limited Partner
or Note Investor  immediately  upon such Person ceasing to be a Control Party of
such Limited Partner or Note Investor. A Limited Partner or Note Investor may at
any time and from time to time pledge or  hypothecate,  in  connection  with its
bona fide financing arrangements  (including,  in the case of Motient, under its
current  guaranteed  bank  facilities),  its  Limited  Partnership  Interest  or
Convertible  Notes,  provided,  that upon  foreclosure or other execution of the
pledge or hypothecation, any assignment or transfer shall be subject to Sections
8.2(e),  (f) and (g). Subject to Sections 8.2(e), (f) and (g), a Class A Limited
Partner  may at any  time  and  from  time to time  transfer  all or part of its
Limited Partnership Interest to another Class A Limited Partner.

     (d) Each of TMI Sub,  Motient Sub and the Lead Note Investor shall have the
right,  subject to Sections 8.2(a), (e), (f), and (g), to assign or transfer its
interest in Newco LP to any Person owning 10% or more of the outstanding  common
stock of BCE Inc.,  Motient or Rare Medium Group,  Inc.  respectively,  and each
other Limited  Partner shall have the right,  subject to Sections  8.2(a),  (e),
(f),  and (g),  to assign or  transfer  its  interest  in Newco LP to any Person
owning ten percent  (10%) or more of the  ownership  interests  in such  Limited
Partner;  provided  that in the case of a transfer by TMI Sub,  such  transferee
agrees  to be bound by the  terms  and  conditions  of (i) the  Non-Interference
Agreement,  of the  date  even  herewith  between  BCE  Inc.  and  Newco LP (the
"Non-Interference  Agreement")  applicable  to BCE Inc.,  (ii) the  Stockholders
Agreement,  of the date even  herewith,  by and among  TMI,  Newco LP,  Canadian
Holdco and Canadian License Co. and (iii) the Pledge Agreement.

     (e) In addition to any other  requirements of this Agreement  relating to a
transfer of Limited  Partnership  Interests  or  Convertible  Notes,  no Limited
Partnership Interest or Convertible Note shall be transferred or assigned unless
the  transferee  (i)  executes an  instrument  satisfactory  to General  Partner
accepting all of the terms and conditions  relating to a Limited Partner or Note
Investor set forth in this  Agreement and the Newco LP Agreement,  (ii) pays any
reasonable  expenses of Newco LP incurred in  connection  with such  transfer or
assignment (including, without limitation,  attorney's fees) and (iii) is either
an  "accredited  investor"  (as  defined  in  Rule  501  promulgated  under  the
Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended  (the  "Securities  Act")) or  provides  an
opinion of counsel  reasonably  acceptable to General  Partner that the transfer
will not require registration under the Securities Act.

     (f) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement to the contrary,
General  Partner  may  prohibit  any  proposed  transfer  if, in the  reasonable
determination  of the General  Partner,  such  transfer  would (i) result in the
close of Newco LP's taxable year with  respect to all Limited  Partners,  in the
termination  of Newco LP within the meaning of ss.  708(b) of the Code or in the
termination of its status as a partnership  under the Code,  (ii) cause Newco LP
to be in violation of any applicable  state or federal  securities laws or (iii)
result in an interest in Newco LP being held by a Person whose  participation in
the ownership of Newco LP would be detrimental to Newco LP;  provided,  however,
that no  transfer  made  pursuant  to  Section  8.2(c)  hereof  shall be  deemed
detrimental to Newco LP.

     (g) To the  extent  that any  regulatory  approval,  notification  or other
submission or procedure is required or customarily  provided in connection  with
the exercise of any right or  obligations  as set forth in this Agreement or the
Newco LP Agreement  with respect to the transfer or  assignment  of interests in
Newco LP (including,  but not limited to, FCC approvals (if  required),  filings
under the HSR Act and applicable  securities  laws), such transfer or assignment
pursuant to this  Agreement  will be delayed and will only take place after such
approval,  notification  or other  submission  or procedure  has been  obtained,
submitted or completed, as determined by General Partner.

     (h) In  addition  to any other  restrictions  regarding  TMI Sub's right to
transfer the Limited Partnership Interests held by it contained herein or in any
Ancillary  Agreement,  TMI Sub shall not be  permitted  to transfer  its Limited
Partnership  Interests  except to a Person (or an Affiliate of such Person) that
is also simultaneously acquiring TMI's direct or indirect ownership interests in
Canadian  Holdco and Canadian  License Co. Any  purported  transfer of TMI Sub's
Limited  Partnership  Interests in contravention of this subsection (h) shall be
void and of no effect.

     (i) Any transfer of Limited Partnership Interests hereunder shall be deemed
to  include a  proportional  transfer  of the  transferor's  Units  and  Capital
Account,  adjusted for all prior allocations and  distributions  with respect to
the  transferred  Capital  Account for  purposes of Articles VII and VIII of the
Newco LP Agreement.

     (j) Except as set forth in the last  sentence of this  paragraph,  (1) upon
any transfer of Class A Preferred Units and Limited  Partnership  Interests by a
Class A Limited  Partner to Motient Sub,  TMI Sub or any  Affiliate of either of
them,  or (2) if any Class A Preferred  Units  otherwise  become held by Motient
Sub, TMI Sub or any  Affiliate of either of them,  except with the prior written
consent  of the Class A Limited  Partners  other than the  transferring  Class A
Limited  Partner,  none of Motient  Sub,  TMI Sub or any  Affiliate of either of
them,  shall be deemed to be a Class A Limited  Partner or shall be  entitled to
vote as a Class A Limited Partner and the Class A Preferred Units so acquired or
held shall  automatically  convert  into the number of Common Units which at the
time of such conversion equals the Percentage Interest  represented by the Class
A Preferred Units so acquired.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that
any of Motient Sub, TMI Sub, or any  Affiliates  of either of them pay a portion
of the Investor  Purchase Price at the Second Closing pursuant to Section 2.3 of
the October  Investment  Agreement,  such Units purchased by such Persons at the
Closing  shall be Class A  Preferred  Units and shall  not be  converted,  or be
deemed to have been  converted,  into Common  Units by operation of this Section

     (k) For purposes of this  Agreement,  the sale or transfer of any equity or
other ownership  interests in any  Intervening  Entity (an  "Intervening  Entity
Ownership  Change")  shall be deemed to  constitute a transfer of the  aggregate
Limited  Partnership  Interests  held by that Limited  Partner or the  aggregate
amount of  Convertible  Notes owned  directly or indirectly by such  Intervening
Entity  multiplied  by a  fraction,  the  numerator  of which is the  percentage
ownership of the  Intervening  Entity so sold or transferred and the denominator
of which is 100%. If such a deemed transfer of Limited Partnership  Interests or
Convertible  Notes  occurs  without  compliance  with  the  provisions  of  this
Agreement then, without limiting the rights of Newco LP or the other Partners or
Note  Investors  at law or in  equity,  all of the  Limited  Partners  and  Note
Investors (other than the Limited Partner which is so deemed to have transferred
Limited  Partnership  Interests  or Note  Investor  deemed  to have  transferred
Convertible  Notes)  shall have the right to purchase  the  Limited  Partnership
Interests  or  Convertible  Notes  so  deemed  transferred  as if  such  Limited
Partnership  Interests or Convertible Notes were being offered for sale pursuant
to the  provisions  of  Section  8.2(a)  (the  provisions  of which  are  hereby
incorporated   by   reference,   mutatis   mutandis)  for  the  same  amount  of
consideration to be given to the Intervening Entity or its owners, in respect of
the Intervening Entity Ownership Change.

     (l) Any  attempted  transfer of Units,  Limited  Partnership  Interests  or
Convertible Notes in violation of this Agreement shall be void and of no effect.

Section 8.3 Admission of Substituted Limited Partners.

     (a) An  assignee  or  transferee  of an  interest  in Newco LP shall not be
admitted to Newco LP as a substituted Limited Partner until (i) such assignee or
transferee  and  transferring  Limited  Partner  has  complied  with  all of the
conditions  and  procedures  set forth in Section  8.2 , (ii) such  assignee  or
transferee has confirmed in writing to General  Partner that it has reviewed the
terms and  conditions of this  Agreement,  the Newco LP  Agreement,  the October
Investment  Agreement and each of the Ancillary  Agreements  including,  without
limitation,  the events of  default,  remedy and  forfeiture  provisions  of the
Pledge  Agreement,  and (iii)  payment of any  reasonable  expenses  of Newco LP
incurred in  connection  with such  admission  (including,  without  limitation,
attorney's fees). Such assignee or transferee shall automatically be admitted to
Newco LP as a Limited Partner  following  satisfaction of the provisions of this
Section 8.3(a).

     (b) A Person who  acquires any Limited  Partnership  Interests of a Limited
Partner pursuant to Section 8.2 but who is not admitted as a substituted Limited
Partner  pursuant to Section  8.3(a) shall be entitled only to  allocations  and
distributions  with respect to such acquired  Limited  Partnership  interests in
accordance with this Agreement,  but shall have no right to vote or give consent
hereunder,  to obtain any  information or accounting of the affairs of Newco LP,
shall not  solely as a result of its  acquisition  of such  Limited  Partnership
Interests  obtain or have the right to obtain  any  shares in  General  Partner,
shall not be  entitled to inspect the books or records of Newco LP and shall not
have any rights of a Limited  Partner under the Delaware Act, this  Agreement or
the Newco LP Agreement.

     (c) A transferor  of interests  shall remain a Limited  Partner of Newco LP
with respect to such  transferred  interests  until such time,  if ever,  as the
transferee  of such  interests is admitted as a substituted  Limited  Partner in
accordance with this Agreement.

     Section 8.4 Admission of Additional Limited Partners.  A Person (other than
a current Limited Partner) who purchases from Newco LP interests issued pursuant
to Section 8.1 shall be admitted to Newco LP as an  Additional  Limited  Partner
upon furnishing to Newco LP (a) a subscription  agreement,  in form satisfactory
to the General  Partner,  which  agreement  shall  include an acceptance by such
Person of all the terms and  conditions  of this  Agreement,  and (b) such other
documents as the General  Partner deems  necessary or advisable.  Such admission
shall become effective on the date that the General Partner determines that such
conditions have been satisfied. Additionally, any Note Investor who converts its
Convertible Notes into Limited Partnership  Interests shall be admitted to Newco
LP as an  Additional  Limited  Partner  (to the extent  that such  holder is not
already  a  Limited  Partner)  on the  terms  and  conditions  set forth in such
Convertible Notes and this Agreement. Additionally, any Second Closing Investors
who  purchase  Limited  Partnership  Interests  at the Second  Closing  shall be
admitted  to  Newco  LP as an  Additional  Limited  Partner  on  the  terms  and
conditions set forth in the October Investment Agreement.

     Section 8.5 Corporate Conversion; Drag Along Rights.

     (a) At any time prior to the Second  Closing,  upon the  consent of Motient
Sub, TMI Sub and Class A Limited  Partners  holding a majority of the Percentage
Interests held by all Class A Limited Partners, and at any time after the Second
Closing, at the General Partner's  discretion,  Newco LP shall be converted into
corporate form ("Newco") by merger, statutory conversion or any other method set
forth in such consent (the "Corporate Conversion").  If the Corporate Conversion
is in  connection  with  an  initial  public  offering  of  Newco  LP's  (or its
successor's)  securities,  the  outstanding  interests  in  Newco  LP  shall  be
converted into common stock of Newco in accordance with the Percentage Interests
represented  by such  Limited  Partnership  Interests,  and each  holder of such
interests  shall take such steps as may be  reasonably  requested by the General
Partner in connection  therewith,  whereupon the rights and  obligations  of the
Limited Partners hereunder,  including,  without limitation, those arising under
Article 6, shall  cease and have no further  force and  effect.  If a  Corporate
Conversion is approved for any purpose other than in connection  with an initial
public  offering  of  Newco  LP's  (or  its  successor's)  securities,  (i)  the
respective  outstanding interests of Newco LP shall be converted into securities
of Newco which track, as closely as practicable,  the economic, voting and other
rights  represented  by such  outstanding  interests  immediately  prior  to the
Corporate  Conversion and (ii) the holders of such interests  shall enter into a
shareholders   agreement  and  such  other  agreements  and  the  organizational
documents of Newco will contain such  provisions as may be  necessary,  to allow
Newco to mimic,  as closely as  practicable,  the governance and other operating
provisions  of  the  Newco  LP  Agreement,  including,  without  limitation,  an
agreement by all  shareholders  holding stock with special  voting,  economic or
other rights to convert such stock into common  stock  immediately  prior to the
initial  public  offering  of  Newco  securities  on a  basis  similar  to  that
contemplated  by the  second  sentence  of this  Section  8.5(a).  To the extent
permitted by applicable law (including without limitation, Section 17-219 of the
Delaware Act), the consents of Limited Partners,  required by the first sentence
of this Section 8.5(a) shall be the only consents of Limited Partners  necessary
for  Newco LP to  effect a  Corporate  Conversion  and no other  class  votes or
consents  of Limited  Partners  or the  General  Partner  shall be  required  in
connection therewith.

     (b) At any  time  after  the  Second  Closing,  if  the  Required  Majority
determines  to  transfer  or  exchange  (in a merger,  business  combination  or
otherwise)  in one or a series of related  bona fide  arm's-length  transactions
(collectively,  the "Drag-Along  Transaction")  to an unrelated and unaffiliated
third  party  all of the  Limited  Partnership  Interests  held by such  Limited
Partners,  then,  upon thirty  (30) days'  written  notice to the other  Limited
Partners and Newco LP (the  "Drag-Along  Notice"),  which  notice shall  include
reasonable details of the proposed  transaction,  including the consideration to
be received by the Limited  Partners,  each other Limited  Partner and holder of
Limited  Partnership  Interests shall be obligated to, and shall sell,  transfer
and  deliver,  or cause to be sold,  transferred  and  delivered,  to such third
party, all of its Limited  Partnership  Interests in the same transaction at the
closing  thereof (and will deliver such Limited  Partnership  Interests free and
clear of all liens,  claims, or encumbrances  except this Agreement or the Newco
LP Agreement) (or shall vote in favor of or consent to any transaction requiring
the vote or consent of Limited Partners),  and shall otherwise  cooperate in the
consummation  of  such  transaction,  and  the  consideration  to be paid to the
Limited Partners shall be deemed to be Capital Proceeds and shall be distributed
to the Limited Partners  pursuant to Section 8.6 of the Newco LP Agreement as if
such transaction were a Capital Event. In the event a Drag Along  Transaction is
initiated  by the  Investors,  unless the  consideration  to be  received by the
Limited Partners is based solely on the respective  Percentage Interests held by
such  Limited  Partners,  (i) until the  second  anniversary  of the date of the
Second Closing,  the consent of the Limited  Partners  holding a majority of the
Common  Units shall be required  with respect to any Drag Along  Transaction  in
which the value of the aggregate  consideration  to be paid to the Investors for
their  Limited  Partnership  Interests is less than an amount equal to twice the
sum of such Investors' aggregate Capital Contributions and (ii) after the second
anniversary  date of the  Second  Closing,  each of  Motient  and TMI shall have
thirty (30) days from receipt of the Drag Along Notice to make, or cause a third
party to make, a bona fide offer that is no less  favorable to the Investors and
the other Limited Partners than the terms,  conditions and  consideration of the
Drag Along  Transaction  described  in such Drag Along  Notice and which will be
consummated within thirty (30) days after such offer is made.

     Section 9. Legends.  Each Stockholder consents to General Partner inserting
appropriate  legends  referencing the restrictions and obligations  contained in
this  Agreement  on  the  certificates  representing  the  Shares  held  by  the
Stockholders on or after the date of this Agreement.

     Section  10.   Stockholders'   Representation.   Each  Stockholder   hereby
represents that, notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, it has no plan
or intention to consummate any Transfer of Shares.

     Section 11. Miscellaneous.

     (a) Representation. No Stockholder is a party to any other agreement, other
than the Newco LP Agreement and the October Investment  Agreement,  with respect
to the transfer or disposition of voting rights with respect to any Shares.

     (b)  Severability.  Should  any  one or  more  of the  provisions  of  this
Agreement be determined to be illegal or unenforceable,  each other provision of
this Agreement shall be given effect separately from the provision or provisions
determined to be illegal or unenforceable and shall not be affected thereby.

     (c) No Waiver.  No failure or delay on the part of any party in  exercising
any right,  power or remedy  hereunder  shall operate as a waiver  thereof;  nor
shall any single or partial exercise of any such right, power or remedy preclude
any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right,  power
or remedy hereunder.

     (d) Entire Agreement.  This Agreement, the October Investment Agreement and
the Newco LP Agreement, together with the exhibits thereto constitute the entire
agreement  among  the  parties  pertaining  to the  subject  matter  hereof  and
supersede all prior agreements and  understandings  of the parties in connection

     (e) Amendment and Modification. This Agreement may be amended, modified and
supplemented  only by written  agreement  of the  holders  of a majority  of the
Shares (or, in the event the provision to be amended contains language requiring
the consent of a greater  percentage  of the Shares,  such greater  percentage);
provided,  however,  that any  amendment,  modification  or  supplement  to this
Agreement that would adversely  affect any individual  Stockholder,  or group of
Stockholders, in a manner different than its effect on other Stockholders, shall
require the prior written consent of such  Stockholder(s).  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  if Newco LP shall admit any new limited partner (other than upon the
conversion  of any  Convertible  Notes) and the Board shall  determine  that the
Board  should be expanded to allow for  representation  on the Board by such new
limited partner,  this Agreement may be amended by the written  agreement of the
holders  of a  majority  of the  Shares to  provide  for one or more  additional
directors   (the  number  of  such   additional   directors  to  be   reasonably
proportionate  to the  Percentage  Interest in Newco LP held by such new limited
partner  (after giving effect to the  conversion of the  Convertible  Notes then
outstanding)),  which  director(s)  shall  be  designated  by such  new  limited
partner.  Additionally,  any Second Closing Investors who purchase Shares at the
Second Closing shall be added by General  Partner as a Party hereto on the terms
and conditions set forth in the October Investment Agreement.

     (f) Remedies.  The Parties  acknowledge and agree that the breach of any of
the terms of this Agreement will cause irreparable  injury for which an adequate
remedy at law is not available. Accordingly, it is agreed that each party hereto
shall be entitled to an injunction,  restraining order or other equitable relief
to prevent breaches of this Agreement and to enforce  specifically the terms and
provisions hereof in any court of competent jurisdiction in the United States or
any state  thereof,  without the  requirement  of the posting of any bond.  Such
remedies shall be cumulative and  non-exclusive  and shall be in addition to any
other rights and remedies the Parties may have under this Agreement.

     (g)  Notices.  All  notices  provided  for in this  Agreement  shall  be in
writing,  duly signed by the party  giving such  notice,  and shall be delivered
personally,  sent by a nationally  recognized  overnight courier,  telecopied or
mailed by registered or certified mail, as follows:

          (i) If given to General Partner,  at General Partner's mailing address
          set forth below:

                  Mobile Satellite Ventures GP Inc.
                  10802 Parkridge Boulevard
                  Reston, Virginia 20191-5416
                  Fax:  (703) 758-6134
                  Attention:  President

                  with a copy to each  Stockholder as set forth in clause (ii)

          (ii) If given to any Stockholder, at the address set forth on Schedule
          I hereof  (or as  modified  from  time to time by a  Stockholder  upon
          written notice to General Partner).

          Notices  delivered  personally  to an  addressee  or sent by overnight
     courier shall be deemed to have been given upon such delivery. Notices sent
     by  telecopier  shall be deemed to have been  given  upon  confirmation  by
     telecopy  answerback  (provided  that the  sending  of any such  notice  is
     followed  promptly by the mailing of the original of such notice).  Notices
     mailed by registered  or certified  mail shall be deemed to have been given
     upon the  expiration  of five (5) Business  Days after such notice has been
     deposited in the mail.

     (h)  Governing  Law;  Consent  to  Jurisdiction.  This  Agreement  shall be
governed by and construed in  accordance  with the laws of the State of Delaware
without  regard to any  applicable  principles  of conflicts of law.  Each party
agrees  that,  in  connection  with any legal suit or  proceeding  arising  with
respect to this Agreement, it shall submit to the non-exclusive  jurisdiction of
the United States  District  Court for the Southern  District of New York or the
applicable  New York state court  located in New York County and agrees to venue
in such courts.

     (i)  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  any  number  of
counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original  but all of which shall
constitute one and the same instrument.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of
the day and year first written above.

                               GENERAL PARTNER:

                               MOBILE SATELLITE VENTURES GP INC.



                               [MOTIENT SUB]


                               [TMI SUB]



                               EXISTING INVESTORS:

                               TELCOM SATELLITE VENTURES INC.


                               NOTE INVESTORS:

                               TELCOM SATELLITE VENTURES II INC.


                               EXISTING INVESTORS:

                               COLUMBIA SPACE (QP), INC.


                               COLUMBIA SPACE (AI), INC.


                               COLUMBIA SPACE PARTNERS, INC.


                               NOTE INVESTORS:

                               COLUMBIA SPACE (QP) II, INC.


                               COLUMBIA SPACE (AI) II, INC.


                               COLUMBIA SPACE PARTNERS II, INC.


                               EXISTING INVESTORS:

                               SPECTRUM SPACE EQUITY
                               INVESTORS IV, INC.


                               SPECTRUM SPACE IV PARALLEL, INC.


                               SPECTRUM SPACE IV MANAGERS, INC.


                               NOTE INVESTORS:

                               SPECTRUM SPACE EQUITY INVESTORS IV-II, INC.


                               SPECTRUM SPACE IV PARALLEL II, INC.


                               SPECTRUM SPACE IV MANAGERS II, INC.


                               MSV INVESTORS LLC


                                   SCHEDULE I


- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
            Name                                    Address                              Number of Shares
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Motient Sub                    10802 Parkridge Boulevard                           8,387,804.87
                               Reston, Virginia 20191-5416
                               Tel:  (703) 758-6130
                               Fax:  (703) 758-6134
                               Attention:  David Engvall, Vice President and
                               General Counsel,

                               with a copy to:
                               Hogan & Hartson L.L.P.
                               8300 Greensboro Drive
                               Suite 1100
                               McLean, Virginia  22102
                               Tel:  (703) 610-6123
                               Fax:  (703) 610-6200
                               Attention:  Richard K.A. Becker, Esq.
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Telcom Satellite Ventures      211 North Union Street                              720,000
Inc.                           Suite 300
                               Alexandria, Virginia 22314
                               Attention:  Hal B. Perkins
                               Tel:    (703) 706-3800
                               Fax:    (703) 706-3801
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Telcom Satellite Ventures II   211 North Union Street                              139,609.75
Inc.                           Suite 300
                               Alexandria, Virginia 22314
                               Attention:  Hal B. Perkins
                               Tel:    (703) 706-3800
                               Fax:    (703) 706-3801
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Columbia Space (QP), Inc.      211 North Union Street                              345,042.42
                               Suite 300
                               Alexandria, Virginia 22314
                               Attention:  James Fleming
                               Tel:    (703) 519-3000
                               Fax:    (703) 519-3904
                               with a copy to:
                               Edwards & Angell, LLP
                               101 Federal Street
                               Boston, MA 02100
                               Attention:  Stephen Meredith, Esq.
                               Tel:  (617) 951-2233
                               Fax:  (888) 325-9120
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Columbia Space (AI), Inc.      211 North Union Street                              19,061.12
                               Suite 300
                               Alexandria, Virginia 22314
                               Attention:  James Fleming
                               Tel:    (703) 519-3000
                               Fax:   (703) 519-3904
                               with a copy to:
                               Edwards & Angell, LLP
                               101 Federal Street
                               Boston, MA 02100
                               Attention:  Stephen Meredith, Esq.
                               Tel:    (617) 951-2233
                               Fax:   (888) 325-9120
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Columbia Space Partners, Inc.  211 North Union Street                              275,896.46
                               Suite 300
                               Alexandria, Virginia 22314
                               Attention:  James Fleming
                               Tel:  (703) 519-3000
                               Fax:  (703) 519-3904
                               with a copy to:
                               Edwards & Angell, LLP
                               101 Federal Street
                               Boston, MA 02100
                               Attention:  Stephen Meredith, Esq.
                               Tel:  (617) 951-2233
                               Fax:  (888) 325-9120
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Columbia Space (QP) II, Inc.   211 North Union Street                              66,904.57
                               Suite 300
                               Alexandria, Virginia 22314
                               Attention:  James Fleming
                               Tel:  (703) 519-3000
                               Fax:  (703) 519-3904
                               with a copy to:
                               Edwards & Angell, LLP
                               101 Federal Street
                               Boston, MA 02100
                               Attention:  Stephen Meredith, Esq.
                               Tel:  (617) 951-2233
                               Fax:  (888) 325-9120
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Columbia Space (AI) II, Inc.   211 North Union Street                              3,696.00
                               Suite 300
                               Alexandria, Virginia 22314
                               Attention:  James Fleming
                               Tel:  (703) 519-3000
                               Fax:  (703) 519-3904
                               with a copy to:
                               Edwards & Angell, LLP
                               101 Federal Street
                               Boston, MA 02100
                               Attention:  Stephen Meredith, Esq.
                               Tel:  (617) 951-2233
                               Fax:  (888) 325-9120
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Columbia Space Partners II,    211 North Union Street                              53,496.99
Inc.                           Suite 300
                               Alexandria, Virginia 22314
                               Attention:  James Fleming
                               Tel:  (703) 519-3000
                               Fax:  (703) 519-3904
                               with a copy to:
                               Edwards & Angell, LLP
                               101 Federal Street
                               Boston, MA 02100
                               Attention:  Stephen Meredith, Esq.
                               Tel:  (617) 951-2233
                               Fax:  (888) 325-9120
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
                               One International Place
Spectrum Space Equity          29th Floor                                          618,048.00
Investors IV, Inc.             Boston, MA 82110
                               Attention:  Kevin Maroni
                               Tel:    (617) 464-4600
                               Fax:   (617) 464-4601
                               with a copy to:
                               Edwards & Angell, LLP
                               101 Federal Street
                               Boston, MA 02100
                               Attention:  Stephen Meredith, Esq.
                               Tel:   (617) 951-2233 Fax:  (888)
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Spectrum Space IV Parallel,    One International Place                             14,464.00
Inc.                           29th Floor
                               Boston, MA 82110
                               Attention:  Kevin Maroni
                               Tel:    (617) 464-4600
                               Fax:   (617) 464-4601

                               with a copy to:
                               Edwards & Angell, LLP
                               101 Federal Street
                               Boston, MA 02100
                               Attention:  Stephen Meredith, Esq.
                               Tel:   (617) 951-2233
                               Fax:  (888) 325-9120
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Spectrum Space IV Managers,    One International Place                             7,488.00
Inc.                           29th Floor
                               Boston, MA 82110
                               Attention: Kevin Maroni
                               Tel:    (617) 464-4600
                               Fax:   (617) 464-4601

                               with a copy to:
                               Edwards & Angell, LLP
                               101 Federal Street
                               Boston, MA 02100
                               Attention:  Stephen
                               Meredith, Esq.
                               Tel:   (617) 951-2233
                               Fax:  (888) 325-9120
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
                               One International Place
Spectrum Space Equity          29th Floor                                          119,841.01
Investors IV-II, Inc.          Boston, MA 82110
                               Attention:  Kevin Maroni
                               Tel:    (617) 464-4600
                               Fax:   (617) 464-4601
                               with a copy to:
                               Edwards & Angell, LLP
                               101 Federal Street
                               Boston, MA 02100
                               Attention:  Stephen Meredith, Esq.
                               Tel:   (617) 951-2233 Fax:  (888)
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Spectrum Space IV Parallel     One International Place                             2,804.60
II, Inc.                       29th Floor
                               Boston, MA 82110
                               Attention:  Kevin Maroni
                               Tel:    (617) 464-4600
                               Fax:   (617) 464-4601

                               with a copy to:
                               Edwards & Angell, LLP
                               101 Federal Street
                               Boston, MA 02100
                               Attention:  Stephen Meredith, Esq.
                               Tel:   (617) 951-2233
                               Fax:  (888) 325-9120
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Spectrum Space IV Managers     One International Place                             1,451.94
II, Inc.                       29th Floor
                               Boston, MA 82110
                               Attention: Kevin Maroni
                               Tel:    (617) 464-4600
                               Fax:   (617) 464-4601

                               with a copy to:
                               Edwards & Angell, LLP
                               101 Federal Street
                               Boston, MA 02100
                               Attention:  Stephen
                               Meredith, Esq.
                               Tel:   (617) 951-2233
                               Fax:  (888) 325-9120
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
TMI Sub                        1601 Telesat Court
                               Gloucester Court
                               Canada K1B 1B9
                               Attn:  Rory McCormick

                               with a copy to:
                               Salans Hertzfeld Heilbronn Christy & Viener
                               Rockefeller Center
                               620 Fifth Avenue
                               New York, NY  10020-2457
                               Attn:  Owen D. Kurtin, Esq.
                               Tel:  (212) 623-8374
                               Fax: (212) 632-5555

- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
                               c/o Rare Medium Group, Inc.
MSV Investors LLC              28 West 23rd Street                                 7,756,097.42
                               New York, New York 10010
                               Attention:  General Counsel
                               Tel:    (646) 638-9600
                               Fax:    (646) 638-9716

                               with a copy to:

                               Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
                               Four Times Square
                               New York, New York 10036
                               Attn:  Gregory A. Fernicola, Esq.
                               Tel:   (212) 735-3000
                               Fax:   (212) 735-2000

- ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------