[Execution Copy]


     THIS  GUARANTY  (this  "Guaranty")  dated as of June 28,  1996,  is made by
Hughes Electronics Corporation, a Delaware corporation, (Guarantor"), to Toronto
Dominion (Texas),  Inc., as Administrative Agent (in such capacity, the "Agent")
for the  financial  institutions  ("Lenders")  parties to the  Revolving  Credit
Agreement  and the Term Loan  Agreement  (each as  defined  below),  for its own
benefit  and for the  benefit  of the  Lenders  (collectively,  the  "Guaranteed
Parties" and individually, a "Guaranteed Party").

                                R E C I T A L S:

     WHEREAS,  Guarantor is,  directly or indirectly,  a shareholder of American
Mobile  Satellite  Corporation,  a  Delaware  corporation  ("AMSC"),  the parent
corporation  of  AMSC  Subsidiary  Corporation,   a  Delaware  corporation  (the

     WHEREAS,  the  Company  proposes  to enter into that  certain  $150,000,000
Credit  Agreement  (the  "Term Loan  Agreement")  and that  certain  $75,000,000
Revolving Credit Agreement (the "Revolving  Credit  Agreement'),  each among the
Company, the Lenders, Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York as Documentation
Agent and the Agent  (such  agreements,  together  with the  related  promissory
notes, are collectively referred to herein as the "Documents");

     WHEREAS,  the  Guaranteed  Parties are  unwilling  to extend  credit to the
Company under the Documents without credit support from shareholders of AMSC;

     WHEREAS,  it is in the best interests of Guarantor that Guaranteed  Parties
extend credit to the Company,  and therefore  Guarantor has agreed to enter into
this Guaranty.

     WHEREAS,  concurrently herewith,  certain other shareholders of AMSC (each,
an "Other  Guarantor") are executing and delivering  guaranties on substantially
the  same  terms  (other  than  amounts)  as  this  Guaranty  (each,  an  "Other


     WHEREAS, Guarantor, the Other Guarantors, AMSC and the Company have entered
into that certain  Guaranty  Issuance  Agreement dated of even date herewith (as
amended,  waived,  supplemented  or otherwise  modified  from time to time,  the
"Guaranty Issuance Agreement");

                               A G R E E M E N T:

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the foregoing recitals and other good
and valuable consideration,  receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,  Guarantor
hereby agrees with Agent for the benefit of each of the Guaranteed  Parties,  as

     1.       Guaranty.
     (a) Guarantor  hereby  guarantees to each Guaranteed Party (i) the punctual
payment when due of each and every  obligation of the Company for the payment of
principal,  interest or fees owing by the Company to such Guaranteed Party under
the  Documents  and (ii)  expenses and fees owing by the Company  under  Section
10.3(a) of the Term Loan Agreement and Section  10.3(a) of the Revolving  Credit
Agreement  (together  with the amounts due under  clause  (i),  the  "Guaranteed
Obligations")  and (iii) any and all  reasonable  fees and expenses  (including,
without   limitation,   reasonable   attorneys'   fees)  incurred  by  Agent  in
successfully enforcing any rights of the Guaranteed Parties under this Guaranty;
provided,  however,  that (x) the liability of Guarantor on any day with respect
to outstanding and unpaid principal amounts under the Documents shall not exceed
$150,000,000,  less seventy-five percent (75%) of the amount of principal repaid
to Guaranteed  Parties under the Term Loan  Agreement and  seventy-five  percent
(75%) of any reduction of the commitments  under the Revolving  Credit Agreement
prior to such day  pursuant to Sections  2.7 or 2.9(b) of the  Revolving  Credit
Agreement  (provided  that such  reduction  shall not  reduce the  liability  of
Guarantor  to the extent the  principal  amount of loans  outstanding  under the
Revolving  Credit  Agreement  exceeds  the amount of the  commitments  under the
Revolving  Credit  Agreement as so reduced),  and (y) the liability of Guarantor
under clauses (i) and (ii) hereof shall not exceed seventy-five percent (75%) of
the outstanding principal amount of loans made under the Documents plus interest
accrued  thereon  plus  seventy-five  percent  (75%) of the fees owing under the
Documents plus  seventy-five  percent (75%) of the expenses owing by the Company
under  Section  10.3(a) of the Term Loan  Agreement  and Section  10.3(a) of the
Revolving Credit Agreement (the "Maximum  Amount").  The Guaranteed  Parties may
permit the Guaranteed Obligations to exceed the Maximum Amount without impairing
the  obligations  of  Guarantor  hereunder;   provided,  however,  that  if  the
Guaranteed Parties make loans under the Term Loan Agreement in principal amounts
greater than  $150,000,000  (whether by waiving a required payment or prepayment
or making  additional  loans) or increase the  commitments  under the  Revolving
Credit Agreement (including any waiver of the condition in Section 3.3(c) of the
Revolving  Credit  Agreement),  or increase the interest rate or fees payable by
the Company under the Documents, such increased amounts shall not be part of the
Guaranteed  Obligations without the prior written consent of Guarantor,  and all
payments  received by the Guaranteed  Parties with respect to the obligations of
the Company under the Documents  (including any proceeds of insurance)  shall be
deemed  to be first  applied  to the  guaranteed  portion  of such  obligations,
thereby reducing Guarantor's liability hereunder (pro rata with the reduction of
liability  under any Other  Guaranty).  In the event  that any of the  foregoing
obligations  shall not be paid when due or if a "Guarantor Event" (as defined in
the Credit Agreements)  occurs,  Guarantor will pay such obligations within five
(5) Business Days after  Guarantor's  receipt of demand therefor;  provided that
demand for payment of any Guaranteed  Obligations  shall  constitute  demand for
payment of all interest under the Documents  accrued and unpaid from the date of
such demand through the date of payment by Guarantor,  and provided further that
Guarantor may cause such obligation or liability to be paid on its behalf by any
corporation affiliated with it. The payments made by Guarantor of any Guaranteed
Obligations, whether on behalf of the Company prior to a default or after demand
on  Guarantor,  shall be deemed to cure any related  payment  default  under the
Documents and any such payments of principal of the Guaranteed Obligations shall
reduce Guarantor's liability under this Section 1(a) with respect to principal.

     (b) This  Guaranty  is a guaranty  of  payment  and not of  performance  or
collection  and is in no way  conditioned  or  contingent  upon any  attempt  to
collect from the Company.

     (c)  Guarantor  shall  be  subrogated  to  all  rights  of  the  applicable
Guaranteed Party against the Company,  and any collateral security or guarantees
therefor, in respect of any amounts paid by Guarantor pursuant to the provisions
of this  Guaranty;  provided  that  Guarantor  shall not  exercise any rights of
subrogation,  reimbursement  or  contribution  from or against the Company  with
respect to payments made under this Guaranty  until  Guarantor has satisfied its
obligations  under this Guaranty or all of the Guaranteed  Obligations have been
paid in full.

     (d) The  liability of Guarantor  and the  liability of any Other  Guarantor
under any Other  Guaranty  shall be  independent  and several  obligations,  and
Guarantor  shall have no liability  whatsoever  with respect to the  obligations
under any Other Guaranty.  Any payments with respect to the principal portion of
the Guaranteed  Obligations by the Company  (whether paid by the Company or from
insurance  proceeds)  shall be  applied  ratably to reduce  the  liabilities  of
Guarantor and any Other  Guarantor under any Other Guaranty with respect to such
principal portion.

     (e) Guarantor may, at its option,  satisfy its  obligations  hereunder with
respect  to  principal,  interest  and fees by  purchasing  notes  issued to the
Lenders under the Documents in amounts up to the limits of Guarantor's liability
under  Section 1(a) above with respect to the  principal  portion of the Maximum
Amount.  Upon payment of such principal  portion as provided under either of the
preceding  sentences,  together with accrued and unpaid interest  thereon,  each
Lender shall assign to Guarantor the notes so  purchased,  and shall execute and
deliver to Guarantor (at Guarantor's  expense) such other documents as Guarantor
may  reasonably  request  to  assign  the  purchased  notes,  together  with all
collateral security therefor and any guaranties, and for Guarantor to assume the
rights and obligations of Lenders under the Documents to the extent of the notes
so purchased.

     2. Guaranty Absolute.  Except as otherwise  provided in this Guaranty,  the
liability of Guarantor  under this  Guaranty with respect to each and all of the
Guaranteed   Obligations   shall  be  irrevocable  and  shall  be  absolute  and
unconditional  irrespective of, and shall not be released,  discharged or in any
way affected by:

     (a) any waiver,  extension,  renewal or modification  of, or any consent to
departure  from,  any Document,  including,  without  limitation,  any waiver or
consent involving a change in the time, manner or place of payment of all or any
of the  Guaranteed  Obligations  contained in any  Document,  but subject to the
provisions of Section 1 above;

     (b) any  extension  of the time for  payment  by the  Company  or any other
Person of any Guaranteed Obligation under any Document;

     (c) any  failure,  omission  or delay by any  Guaranteed  Party to enforce,
assert or exercise  any right,  power or remedy  conferred on or available to it
including,  without limitation, to enforce any guaranty by AMSC of the Company's

     (d) the voluntary or involuntary liquidation,  dissolution, sale of assets,
marshalling   of  assets   and   liabilities,   receivership,   conservatorship,
custodianship,  insolvency, bankruptcy, assignment for the benefit of creditors,
reorganization,   arrangement,   composition  or   readjustment  of  or  similar
proceeding affecting the Company,  Guarantor,  any Guaranteed Party or any other
person or any of their respective  properties or creditors,  or any action taken
by any trustee or receiver or by any court in any such proceeding;

     (e) the existence of any claim, set-off or other rights which the Guarantor
may have at any time  against the  Company,  any  Guaranteed  Party or any other
corporation  or  person,   whether  in  connection  herewith  or  any  unrelated
transactions,  provided  that nothing  herein shall prevent the assertion of any
such claim or right by separate suit or counterclaim;

     (f) any invalidity or  unenforceability  relating to or against the Company
for any reason of any Document, or any provision of applicable law or regulation
purporting to prohibit the payment by the Company of any Guaranteed  Obligation;

     (g) any other act or omission  to act or delay of any kind by the  Company,
any Guaranteed  Party or any other person or any other  circumstance  whatsoever
which might,  but for the  provisions of this  paragraph,  constitute a legal or
equitable discharge of or defense to the Guarantor's obligations hereunder.

     Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Guaranteed Parties shall not (i) release
the  Company  or  any  Other   Guarantor   from  liability  for  the  Guaranteed
Obligations,  or (ii) release or otherwise impair any collateral security at any
time held for the Guaranteed  Obligations,  or (iii) waive any rights to receive
proceeds of any insurance,  or (iv) extend the maturity date under the Documents
to a date  later  than  June 30,  2001,  or (v) amend or in any way  extend  the
Release Date (as defined in each of the Term Loan Agreement and Revolving Credit
Agreement  as of the  date  hereof),  except  in each  case as  consented  to by
Guarantor  and if any  Guaranteed  Party does so release the Company,  any Other
Guarantor  or any  collateral  security,  or waive  any  rights to  proceeds  of
insurance,  or extend the  maturity  date or amend or extend the  Release  Date,
Guarantor  shall be  released  and  discharged  from any  liability  under  this

This Guaranty shall  continue to be effective or be reinstated,  as the case may
be, with  respect to any  Guaranteed  Party if at any time any payment of any of
the  Guaranteed  Obligations  owed such  Guaranteed  Party is  rescinded or must
otherwise  be returned by such  Guaranteed  Party,  as the case may be, upon the
insolvency,  bankruptcy  or  reorganization  of the Company,  Guarantor  (or any
corporation affiliated with Guarantor that makes a payment on Guarantor's behalf
pursuant to Section  1(a) hereof) or  otherwise,  all as though such payment had
not been made.  If the payment of, or the  acceleration  of the time for payment
of, any sum required to be made by the Company  under any Document  shall at any
time be prevented by reason of a case or proceeding under bankruptcy, insolvency
or other similar law,  Guarantor  agrees that, for purposes of this Guaranty and
its obligations hereunder,  such sum shall be deemed to be payable in accordance
with the terms of such Document,  and,  subject to the  limitations in Section 1
above,  Guarantor shall pay such sum and any other amounts guaranteed  hereunder
within five (5) Business Days after Guarantor's receipt of demand therefor.

     3. Waiver. Except as otherwise provided in this Guaranty,  Guarantor hereby
unconditionally  waives,  as to any  Guaranteed  Party,  to the greatest  extent
permitted by applicable  law, (a) any and all notice of the  creation,  renewal,
extension or accrual of any of the Guaranteed Obligations and notice of or proof
of reliance by any Guaranteed  Party upon this  Guaranty,  or acceptance of this
Guaranty,  and  the  Guaranteed  Obligations,   (b)  any  requirement  that  any
Guaranteed  Party exhaust any right or take any action against the Company,  any
other guarantor or any other person or any collateral, (c) all notices which may
be required by statute,  rule of law or otherwise to preserve any rights against
Guarantor hereunder,  including,  without limitation,  any demand,  presentment,
protest,  proof or notice  of  nonpayment  of any  amounts  payable  under or in
respect of the  Documents,  and notice of any failure on the part of the Company
to perform and comply with any term or condition of any Document, (d) any rights
to the enforcement,  assertion or exercise by any Guaranteed Party of any right,
remedy, power or privilege under or in respect of any of the Documents,  (e) any
requirement  of diligence  and (f) notice of acceptance  of this  Guaranty.  Any
Guaranteed  Party that is  entitled to receive  payments  required to be made by
Guarantor hereunder in respect of any Guaranteed Obligation shall have the right
to enforce this  Guaranty  (by  bringing  suit or  otherwise)  directly  against
Guarantor  with respect to such  Guaranteed  Obligations  without  bringing suit
against the Company or any other person, as the case may be.

     4.  Amendments,  Etc.  No  amendment  or  waiver of any  provision  of this
Guaranty shall in any event be effective unless the same shall be in writing and
(a) with respect to its  enforcement  against any  Guaranteed  Party,  signed by
Agent,  or (b) with  respect to its  enforcement  against  Guarantor,  signed by

     5. No Waiver;  Remedies.  No failure on the part of any Guaranteed Party to
exercise,  and no  delay  in any  Guaranteed  Party's  exercise  of,  any  right
hereunder  shall  operate as a waiver  thereof;  nor shall any single or partial
exercise of any right  hereunder by any  Guaranteed  Party preclude any other or
further  exercise  thereof or the exercise of any other right by such Guaranteed
Party. Agent (on behalf of Guaranteed Parties) may specifically waive any breach
of this Guaranty by  Guarantor;  provided that no such waiver shall be effective
or  binding  unless in  writing,  and that no such  waiver  shall  constitute  a
continuing waiver of similar or other breaches.

     6. Duration of Guaranty.  (a) This Guaranty  shall remain in full force and
effect in accordance  with the terms hereof until the earliest of (i) payment in
full of all of the Guaranteed  Obligations and termination of the commitments of
the lenders to extend  financing under the Term Loan Agreement and the Revolving
Credit  Agreement,  (ii) the date on which  Guarantor  has  satisfied all of its
obligations  under this Guaranty,  and (iii) the Release Date (as defined in the
Documents).  The  termination  of this Guaranty on the Release Date or otherwise
shall not require any action on the part of Agent or any Guaranteed  Party,  but
at the request of  Guarantor,  Agent will execute and deliver to Guarantor  such
documents as Guarantor may reasonably request confirming the termination of this
Guaranty.  The obligation of Guarantor  under Section  1(a)(iii) to pay any fees
and expenses  owing in connection  with the  enforcement  of this Guaranty shall
survive such termination.

     (b) This Guaranty shall be binding upon Guarantor and its  successors,  and
inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the  successors,  transferees  and
assigns of each Guaranteed Party permitted under the Documents. Guarantor agrees
that in the  discharge  of its  obligations  hereunder no  judgment,  order,  or
exhaustion need be obtained,  and no action, suit or proceeding need be brought,
and no other remedies need be exhausted  against the Company or any other person
for performance by Guarantor of its obligations hereunder.

     7. Notices, Etc. All notices, demands,  requests,  consents,  approvals and
other instruments hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been
properly given if given as provided for in the  Documents,  and if to Guarantor,
sent to it at its  address or fax number  shown on the  signature  pages of this

     8.  Separability  of This  Guaranty.  In case any term or provision of this
Guaranty  or  any  application   thereof  to  any  circumstance  shall,  in  any
circumstances  or  jurisdiction  and to  any  extent,  be  invalid,  illegal  or
unenforceable,   such  term  or  provision  shall  be  ineffective  as  to  such
jurisdiction to the extent of such  invalidity,  illegality or  unenforceability
without  invalidating  or  rendering   unenforceable  any  remaining  terms  and
provisions  hereof or the application of such term or provision to circumstances
or  jurisdictions  other than those as to which it is held  invalid,  illegal or

     9. Further  Assurances.  Guarantor hereby agrees to execute and deliver all
such  instruments and take all such action as any Guaranteed Party may from time
to time  reasonably  request in order to fully  effectuate  the purposes of this

     10. Headings.  The headings  contained in this Guaranty are for convenience
of  reference  only and  shall not  modify,  define or limit any of the terms or
provisions hereof.


     12.  Representations and Warranties of Guarantor.  Guarantor represents and
warrants to each Guaranteed Party that:

     (a) It is duly organized,  validly existing and (to the extent  applicable)
in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its organization, and has
all  requisite  corporate or  partnership  power and authority to enter into and
perform its obligations under this Guaranty.

     (b) This Guaranty has been duly  authorized  by all necessary  corporate or
partnership  action on the part of, and has been duly executed and delivered by,
Guarantor,  and none of the execution and delivery  hereof,  the consummation of
the transactions  contemplated hereby or compliance by Guarantor with any of the
terms and  provisions  hereof (i)  requires  any  approval  of  stockholders  or
partners or approval or consent of any trustee or holders of any indebtedness or
obligations  of  Guarantor  other than such  approvals  or consents as have been
obtained, (ii) contravenes any law, judgment, governmental rule or regulation or
order  applicable  to or  binding on  Guarantor  or any of its  properties,  the
contravention  of which would have a material  adverse  effect on the  financial
condition of Guarantor and its  subsidiaries  taken as a whole or on the ability
of  Guarantor  to perform  any of its  obligations  under this  Guaranty,  (iii)
contravenes  or results in any breach of or constitutes  any default under,  any
indenture,   mortgage,  chattel  mortgage,  deed  of  trust,  conditional  sales
contract,  bank loan or credit  agreement for borrowed money,  contract or other
agreement or instrument  to which  Guarantor is a party or by which it or any of
its properties may be bound, the contravention, breach or default of which would
have a material  adverse effect on the financial  condition of Guarantor and its
subsidiaries  taken as a whole or on the ability of  Guarantor to perform any of
its obligations  under this Guaranty,  or (iv) contravenes its corporate charter
or by- laws or other organizational documents.

     (c) Neither the  execution,  delivery and  performance by Guarantor of this
Guaranty nor the  consummation of any of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby
requires the consent,  approval or authorization  of, the giving of prior notice
to, or the prior registration,  recording or filing of any document with, or the
taking of any other action in respect of, any governmental agency or authority.

     (d) This Guaranty  constitutes the legal,  valid and binding  obligation of
Guarantor, enforceable against Guarantor in accordance with its terms, except as
such enforcement may be subject to bankruptcy,  insolvency,  moratorium or other
similar laws affecting  creditors' rights generally and to general principles of

     (e)  Guarantor has delivered  copies of the  consolidated  balance sheet of
Guarantor  and its  consolidated  subsidiaries  as of the end of its most recent
fiscal  year for which its  financial  statements  are  available,  and  related
statements of consolidated income and cash flow and stockholder's equity for the
fiscal  year  then  ended,   accompanied  by  the  report  of  its   independent
accountants.  Such  statements  fairly  present,  in accordance  with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles,  the  financial  position of Guarantor and its
consolidated  subsidiaries  as of such date and the results of their  operations
and cash flows for such fiscal year.

     13. Taxes.
     (a) For the  purposes  of this  Section  13, the  following  terms have the
following meanings:

     "Taxes" means any and all present or future taxes, duties, levies, imposts,
deductions,  charges or withholdings with respect to any payment to a Guaranteed
Party by Guarantor  pursuant to this Guaranty,  and all liabilities with respect
thereto,  excluding  (i) taxes  imposed on its income,  and franchise or similar
taxes imposed on it, by a jurisdiction  under the laws of which such  Guaranteed
Party is organized  or in which its  principal  executive  office is located and
(ii) any United States  withholding tax imposed on such payments but only to the
extent that such Guaranteed Party is subject to United States withholding tax at
the time such Guaranteed Party first becomes a party to the Documents.

     "Other  Taxes" means any present or future stamp or  documentary  taxes and
any other excise or property taxes,  or similar  charges or levies,  which arise
from any payment made to a Guaranteed  Party  pursuant to this  Guaranty or from
the execution or delivery of, or otherwise with respect to, this Guaranty.

     (b) Any and all  payments  by the  Guarantor  to or for the  account of any
Guaranteed  Party  hereunder  shall be made without  deduction  for any Taxes or
Other Taxes;  provided that, if Guarantor shall be required by law to deduct any
Taxes  or Other  Taxes  from any such  payments,  (i) the sum  payable  shall be
increased as necessary so that after making all required  deductions  (including
deductions  applicable  to  additional  sums payable  under this  Section)  such
Guaranteed  Party receives an amount equal to the sum it would have received had
no such deductions been made, (ii) Guarantor shall make such  deductions,  (iii)
Guarantor shall pay the full amount deducted to the relevant taxation  authority
or other  authority in accordance  with  applicable law and (iv) Guarantor shall
furnish to the  Guaranteed  Party the original or a certified  copy of a receipt
evidencing payment thereof.

     (c) Guarantor agrees to indemnify each Guaranteed Party for the full amount
of Taxes or Other Taxes (including, without limitation, any Taxes or Other Taxes
imposed or asserted by any  jurisdiction  on amounts payable under this Section)
paid by such Guaranteed Party and any liability (including  penalties,  interest
and expenses,  other than those resulting from any act or failure to act by such
Guaranteed   Party)   arising   therefrom   or  with   respect   thereto.   This
indemnification shall be paid within 15 days after such Guaranteed Party (as the
case may be) makes demand therefor.

     (d) For any period with respect to which a  Guaranteed  Party has failed to
provide  Guarantor with the appropriate  form evidencing its complete  exemption
from United States  withholding taxes (unless such failure is due to a change in
treaty,  law or regulation  occurring  subsequent to the date on which such form
originally  was required to be  provided),  such  Guaranteed  Party shall not be
entitled to  indemnification  under  Section  13(b) or (c) with respect to Taxes
imposed by the United  States;  provided  that if a  Guaranteed  Party  which is
otherwise  exempt from or subject to a reduced rate of  withholding  tax becomes
subject to Taxes  because of its failure to deliver a form  required  hereunder,
Guarantor  shall  take such  steps as such  Guaranteed  Party  shall  reasonably
request to assist such Guaranteed Party to recover such Taxes.

                            [signature page follows]


     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Guarantor  has caused this Guaranty to be executed by
its duly authorized officer.

                                              HUGHES ELECTRONICS CORPORATION


                              Address for notices:

                               7200 Hughes Terrace
                                              M/S CI/A 700
                                              Los Angeles, California 90045-0066
                              Attention: Treasurer

ACCEPTED AND AGREED on behalf of Guaranteed Parties:

as Agent

