EX- 10.22

     This EMPLOYMENT  AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of
this 14th day of September,  1995, by and between PRIMEDEX HEALTH SYSTEMS, INC.,
a New York corporation qualified to do business in California ("Employer"), with
its principal place of business at 1516 Cotner Avenue,  Los Angeles,  California
90025 and STEVEN R.  HIRSCHTICK,  an  individual  ("Employee")  residing at 6301
Vista del Mar, Playa del Rey, California 90293.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained
and intending to be legally bound hereby, the parties hereto agree as follows:

     1. Employment. Employer hereby agrees to employ Employee as General Counsel
and Senior Vice President of Employer. In that capacity,  Employee shall perform
such duties as are  typical or  appropriate  in his  capacities  of  employment,
subject  to and  under  the  direction  of  Employer's  Board of  Directors.  In
addition,  Employee shall perform such other duties for Employer as Employer may
reasonably  request,  or as may be  necessary  or  desirable  in  performing  or
carrying  out the  intention  of this  Agreement.  Employee  shall  provide such
services  for, and consult  with and advise,  without  additional  compensation,
corporations   affiliated  with  Employer  as  Employer  may  from  time-to-time
reasonably  specify.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  Employer may not require
Employee to relocate  outside of Los Angeles  County  without  Employee's  prior
written consent, given in his sole discretion.

     2. Employment Term. The term of this Agreement shall begin November 1, 1995
and end October 31, 2000 unless earlier terminated in accordance with Section 10
hereof (the "Employment Term").

     3. Extent of Service.  Employee  shall use his best  efforts to fulfill his
duties in the course of his  employment  and to further the business of Employer
while devoting his full professional  time,  attention and energy during regular
business  hours to the business and affairs,  and to prompting the interests and
welfare,  of Employer and its affiliates  (any person or entity now or hereafter
controlling,  controlled  by, or under common control with Employer being herein
referred to as an  "affiliate").  Employee shall be subject to the direction aid
control of the Board of Directors of Employer.  Employee  shall not work for any
other business or enterprise during the Employment Term if such other work would
materially impair Employee's duties hereunder.

     4.  Compensation.

         a. Base  Salary.  For the  services  rendered  by  Employee  hereunder,
Employer  shall pay  Employee a base  salary at the annual  rate of Two  Hundred
Seventy-Five  Thousand Dollars  ($275,000) less  withholding  required by law or
agreed to by  Employer  and  Employee.  Such rate  shall be  reviewed  annually.
Employee understands and agrees that Employer is under no obligation to increase
Employee's  annual base salary as a result of such review.  Such salary shall be
payable in  installments  at such times as Employer  customarily  pays its other
employees  holding  comparable  positions  (but in any event not less often than
monthly).  The annual amount  payable to Employee  pursuant to the provisions of
this Section 4(a) shall sometimes hereinafter be referred to as "Base Salary."

         b. Bonus.  Employee  shall  participate in any bonus plan or bonus pool
applicable to senior management of Employer and/or Employer's affiliates, and/or
may receive an individual  bonus outside of any such plan in the sole discretion
of Employer's Chief Executive Officer,  as authorized by the Employer's Board of

         c. Fringe  Benefits.  In addition to the other  benefits  provided  for
hereunder,  Employee shall be entitled to the following benefits,  such benefits
to be provided by Employer:

              i. Four (4) weeks of paid  vacation  each year  (prorated  for any
portion thereof).

              ii.  Sick  time,   employee   benefit   plan   participation   and
hospitalization,  medical and dental insurance  coverage under such health plans
as may be  maintained  by Employer  from time to time, if any, all in accordance
with  Employer's  standard  policies  and  practice;   provided,  however,  that
hospitalization,  medical and dental coverage shall be funded by Employer on the
same basis as Employer funds health insurance coverage of other senior executive
employees of the Company; and

              iii.Such  other  usual and  customary  fringe  benefits  as may be
allowed to similarly situated senior executive employees of Employer,  including
but not limited to life insurance and use of a company car.

         d. Stock Options.  Employee has been granted  options to purchase up to
400,000  shares of Common Stock,  $.01 par value per share,  of Employer,  which
options  shall be granted to  Employee in  accordance  with the terms of a Stock
Option  Agreement  executed  concurrently  herewith and which  options  shall be
exercisable in accordance with the terms and conditions of that agreement.

         e. Prior Stock Options. Under two Stock Option Agreements both dated as
of October  15,  1993,  Employee  had  options  to  purchase  800,000  shares of
Employer's  common stock.  Said two Stock Option  Agreements dated as of October
15, 1993 are hereby terminated.

         f.   Effect of Termination.

              i. Upon  Employee's  voluntary  termination or  termination  under
Section 10 (except  pursuant to Section 10(d)) hereof,  Employee's  rights under
Section 4(a) shall  immediately  cease. This provision shall not apply to salary
or payments or benefits accrued prior to such termination.

              ii. Upon  Employee's  voluntary  termination or termination  under
Section 10 (except pursuant,  to Section 10(d)) hereof,  Employee's right to any
and all fringe benefits  described in Section 4(c) shall immediately cease. This
provision   shall  not  apply  to  any   accrued   and  vested   vacation   pay.
Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  Employer  will fulfill all of its  obligations
under law with respect to the continuation of health benefits.

     5. Business Expenses. Employer will reimburse Employee for all ordinary and
reasonable  out-of-pocket business expenses incurred by Employee in continuation
with his  performance of services  hereunder the  Employment  Term in accordance
with Employer's expenses approval procedures then in effect.

     6.   Inventions,   Designs  and  Product   Developments.   All  inventions,
innovations,   designs,   processes,   programs,   techniques,   assemblies   of
information,  ideas and product developments developed or conceived by employee,
solely or jointly with others,  whether or not patentable or  copyrightable,  at
any time  during the  Employment  Term and that  relate to the actual or planned
business  activities  of  Employer  or its  affiliates  or to  similar  business
activities (collectively, the "Developments") and all of Employee's right, title
and interest  therein,  shall be the  exclusive  property of Employer.  Employee
hereby  assigns,  transfers and conveys to Employer all of his right,  title and
interest in and to any and all such Developments. Employee shall disclose fully,
as  soon as  practicable  and in  writing,  all  Developments  to the  Board  of
Directors  of  Employer.  Employee  agrees  to  preserve  as  confidential  full
particulars  of any  matters  referred  to herein,  and to maintain at all times
adequate  current written records of all such matters which records shall be and
shall remain the property of Employer.  At any time and from time to time,  upon
the request of Employer,  Employee shall execute and deliver to Employer any and
all instruments,


documents  and papers,  give evidence and do any and all other acts that, in the
opinion of  counsel  for  Employer,  are or may be  necessary  or  desirable  to
document such transfer or to enable Employer to file and prosecute  applications
for  and to  acquire,  maintain  and  enforce  any and  all  patents,  trademark
registrations  or  copyrights  under United Sates or foreign law with respect to
any Developments or to obtain any extension,  validations,  reissue, continuance
or  renewal  of any  such  patent,  trademark  or  copyright.  Employer  will be
responsible  for the preparation of any such  instruments,  documents and papers
and for the prosecution of any such proceedings and will reimburse  Employee for
all  reasonable  expenses  incurred by him in compliance  with the provisions of
this Section 6. By his signature hereon,  Employee acknowledges that he has been
notified  and  understands  that this  provision,  shall not apply to any of the
foregoing for which no equipment, supplies, facility or trade secret information
of Employer was used and which was developed  entirely on  Employee's  own time,
and (a) which does not  relate to the  business  of  Employer  or to  Employer's
actual or demonstrably  anticipated  research or development,  or (b) which does
not result from any work performed by Employee or Employer.

     7. Confidential  Information.  Employee acknowledges that, by reason of his
employment  by and  service to  Employer,  he will have  access to  confidential
information  of Employer  (and it  affiliates)  including,  without  limitation,
information   and  knowledge   pertaining   to  products,   present  and  future
developments,   techniques,   programs,   trade  secrets,   services   marketing
strategies,  processes,  patents, copyrights,  trademarks,  policies, contracts,
personnel  information,  improvements,  methods of operation,  sales and profits
figures,  customer and client lists,  relationships  between  Employer and those
persons,  entities and affiliates  with which Employer has contracted and others
who  have  business  dealings  with  it  and  other  confidential  property  and
information  of Employer  and its  customers  (collectively,  the  "Confidential
Information").  Employee  acknowledges  that the  Confidential  Information is a
valuable and unique asset of Employer and covenants  that, both during and after
the Employment  Term, he will not disclose any  Confidential  Information to any
person, firm or corporation (except as his duties as an employee of Employer may
require)  without the prior written  authorization  of the Board of Directors of
Employer and that all such matters and properties  shall be and shall remain the
property of Employer  and/or its customers.  The  obligation of  confidentiality
imposed by his  Section 7 shall not apply to  information  that  appears  and in
issued patents that is required by  governmental  authorities to be disclosed or
that  otherwise  becomes  generally  known  in the  industry  through  no act of
Employee in breach of this Agreement.

     8.  Noncompetition.

         a. Covenant of Employee.  Employee acknowledges that he has specialized
knowledge  and  experience  in  Employer's  business,  that his  reputation  and
contracts within the industry are considered of great value to Employer and that
if his  knowledge,  experience,  reputation  or  contacts  are  used to  compete
accordingly  agrees that for a period of one (1) year following the  termination
of Employee's employment hereunder,  Employee shall not (except as his duties as
an employee of Employer may require),  without the prior written  consent of the
Board of Directors of Employer, directly or indirectly:

              i. Contract or solicit for the purpose of engaging in the business
of the same general character as then engaged in by Employer,  or divulge to any
person,  firm or corporation the name,  address or  requirements  of, or perform
services of the same general  character as those  performed by Employer for, any
person,  firm,  corporation or other entity who is or at any time during the two
(2) years preceding the date of this Agreement had been, a customer of Employer;

              ii.  Solicit  for  employment  any of  the  employees,  agents  or
representatives of Employer;


              iii.Own, manage, operate, finance, join, control or participate in
the ownership,  management,  operation, financing or control of, or be connected
as an officer, director,  employee, partner,  principal, agent,  representative,
consultant or otherwise with any business or  enterprise,  whether in corporate,
proprietorship or partnership form or otherwise,  engaged in the business of the
same  character  as that then  engaged  in by the  Employer  in those  cities or
counties of the State of California (the "Prohibited Territory"),  including the
carrying  on of a business  which may be located  elsewhere  but which  involves
sales or any activity within the Prohibited Territory; or

              iv. Use his name or permit his name to be used in connection  with
any business or  enterprises  engaged in the  business of the same  character as
that then engaged in the business of the same  character as that then engaged in
by Employer in the Prohibited Territory, including the carrying on of a business
which may be located  elsewhere but which involves sales or any activity  within
the stipulated city or county.

         b.  Exception.  The provisions of this Section 8 shall not be construed
to  prohibit  the  ownership  by  Employee  of not more  than 5% of any class of
securities of any corporation that has a class of securities registered pursuant
to the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.

         c.  Practice  of  Law  Exception.   After  termination  of  employment,
notwithstanding  anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary,  Employee
shall be entitled to engage in the  unrestricted  private practice of law either
in association with a law firm or as a sole practitioner.

         d.  Reformation.  If the  provisions  of this  Section 8 should ever be
adjudicated  to exceed the time,  geographic,  service  or  product  limitations
permitted by applicable law in any  jurisdiction,  then such provision  shall be
deemed reformed in such jurisdiction to the maximum time, geographic, service or
product limitations permitted by applicable law.

         e. Notice to Others.  Employee  agrees that until the expiration of the
covenants  contained in this Section 8, he will  provide,  and that Employer may
similarly provide a copy of such covenants to any business or enterprise:

              i.  That he may  directly  or  indirectly  own,  manage,  operate,
finance, join, control or participate in the ownership,  management,  operation,
financing or control of; or

              ii.  With  which  he  may be  connected  as an  officer,  director
employee, partner, principal, agent, representative, consultant or otherwise, or
in connection with which he may use his name or permit his name to be used.

     9. Equitable Relief.  Employee acknowledges that the restrictions contained
in Sections 6, 7 and 8 are, in view of the nature of the  business of  Employer,
reasonable and necessary to protect the legitimate  interests of Employer,  that
Employer  would not have  entered  into this  agreement  in the  absence of such
restrictions,  and that any violation of any  provisions of those  Sections will
result in irreparable  injury to Employer.  Employee also  acknowledges that the
remedy at law for any violation of these  restrictions  will be  inadequate  and
that Employer  shall be entitled to temporary and permanent  injunctive  relief,
without the necessity of proving  actual  damages or the posting of a bond,  and
that  Employer  shall be further  entitled  to an  equitable  accounting  of all
earnings,  profit;  and other benefits  arising from any such  violation,  which
rights shall be cumulative of and in addition to any other rights or remedies to
which  Employer may be entitled.  In the event of any such  violation,  Employer
shall be entitled to commence an action for temporary  and-permanent  injunctive
relief and other  equitable  relief in any court of Competent  jurisdiction  and
Employee  further  irrevocably  submits to the  jurisdiction of any court in the
jurisdiction  of the United States  District  Court for the Central  District of
California  over any suit,  action or  proceeding  arising out of or relating to
this Agreement.  Employee hereby waives, to the fullest extent permitted by law,
any objection that he may now or hereafter have to such  jurisdiction  or to the
venue of any such  suit,  action or  proceeding  brought in such a court and any
claim that such suit,  action or proceeding has been brought in an  inconvenient
forum.  Effective service of process may be made upon Employee by mail under the
notice provisions contained in Section 13.


     10. Termination.

         a. Death.  If Employee dies during the Employment  Term, this Agreement
shall terminate and thereafter Employer shall have no liability or obligation to
Employee,  his heirs,  personal  representatives,  assigns  or any other  person
claiming  under or through him except for unpaid salary and benefits  accrued to
the date of his death.

         b.  Employer's  Cause.  Upon  the  occurrence  of any of the  following
events,  this Agreement may be terminated  for cause by Employer  giving written
notice of  termination  to Employee,  such  termination to be effective upon the
date specified in such notice:

              i.  Employee's  conviction  of, or plea of nolo  contendere or its
equivalent with respect to, a felony  involving fraud or dishonesty or any other
crime  for  which a term of  imprisonment  in  excess  of one (1) year  could be
imposed; or

              ii.  Employee's  material breach of any of the terms or conditions
of this  Agreement  which is not cured within  ninety (90) days after receipt of
written notice from Employer to Employee.

         c.  Voluntary  Termination  and  Severance  Pay.  Either  party to this
Agreement may terminate  this agreement at any time for any reason by giving the
other party at least thirty (30) days prior written notice of the effective date
of  termination.  In the event of such  termination  of this Agreement by either
Employer or Employee, Employer shall pay to Employee, in addition to any and all
other compensation due under this Agreement,  an additional Two Hundred Thousand
Dollars ($200,  000).  This amount shall be paid as a lump sum no later than the
effective date of any such termination.

         d.  Employee's  Cause.  This Agreement may be terminated for "cause" by
Employee upon giving written notice of termination to Employer, such termination
to be effective upon the date specified in such notice. For the purposes of this
Section 10(d), "cause" shall mean Employer's material breach of any of the terms
or  conditions  of this  Agreement  and the failure to cure such  breach  within
thirty (30) days after written  notice from Employee to Employer.  The severance
pay of Two Hundred  Thousand  Dollars  ($200,000)  (as set forth in 10(c) above)
plus an  additional  six (6) months Base Salary  shall be paid to Employee on or
before the effective date of termination under this subparagraph 10(d).

         e.  Attorney-Client  Privileges.  Employer recognizes that Employee has
for some time prior to this  Agreement  been  actively  engaged  in the  private
practice of law for numerous  clients in the same  industry and many of the same
markets as  Employer.  Employer  also  recognizes  and accepts  that there is an
attorney-client  privilege of the utmost  confidentiality  that is required with
respect to any confidential information that Employee had Previously received in
his capacity as an  attorney.  Nothing in this  Agreement  shall be construed to
require Employee to divulge any such information or utilize any such information
for the benefit of Employer.  Employee's  refusal to divulge  and/or utilize any
such information shall not constitute any breach of this Agreement.

     11. Survival. Notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement pursuant to
Section 10 or the expiration of the Employment Term, the obligations of Employee
under  Sections 6, 7 and 8 shall survive and remain in full force and effect and
Employer shall be entitled to equitable relief against Employee  pursuant to the
provisions of Section 9.

     12.  Indemnification.  Employer shall indemnify and hold Employee  harmless
from any and all expenses,  including judgments, awards, and/or legal fees (with
an attorney of  employee's  choice)  relating to any  litigation  or other legal
proceedings  in which  Employee is named as a party,  provided  that Employee is
named as a party in such  litigation or other legal  proceeding  because of some
alleged  act or  activity  alleged to have been  conducted  by  Employee  in any
capacity in which he is connected with Employer.


     13.  Notice.  All notices and other  communications  required or  permitted
hereunder or necessary or convenient in connection  herewith shall be in writing
and  shall be  deemed  to have  been  given  when  delivered  by  hand,  sent by
recognized  overnight  delivery  services such as Federal Express,  or mailed by
registered or certified mail, return receipt  requested,  and shall be deemed to
be  effective  on the date  delivered  by  hand,  sent by  recognized  overnight
delivery service such as Federal Express,  or mailed,  as follows (provided that
notice of change of address  shall be deemed  given only when  received):  If to
Employer, at Employer's address provided on the first page of this Agreement. If
to Employee, at Employee's address provided on the first page of this Agreement;
and to such other names or addresses  as Employer or  Employee,  as the case may
be, shall designate by notice to the other party in the manner specified in this

     14.  Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted and
enforced in  accordance  with the  substantive  laws of the State of  California
without  reference to the principles  governing the conflicts of laws applicable
in that or any other jurisdiction.

     15. Contents of Agreement:  Amendment and  Assignment.  This Agreement sets
forth the entire  understanding  between the parties  hereto with respect to the
subject matter hereof and cannot be changed,  modified or terminated except upon
written amendment or supplement duly executed by the parties hereto.  All of the
terms and  provisions of this  Agreement  shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit of and be enforceable by the respective heirs, personal representatives,
successors  and  assigns of the parties  hereto,  except that (a) the duties and
responsibilities of Employee hereunder are of a personal nature and shall not be
assignable  in whole or in part by Employee and (b) the rights and  interests of
Employee hereunder shall not be assignable in whole or in part by Employee.

     16. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement or application thereof
to  anyone  or  under  any   circumstances  is  adjudicated  to  be  invalid  or
unenforceable in any jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not
affect any other  provisions or applications of this Agreement that can be given
effect without the invalid or unenforceable  provisions or application and shall
not invalidate or render  unenforceable such provision in any other jurisdiction
or under any other circumstance.

     17. Remedies  Cumulative;  No Waiver.  No remedy conferred upon Employer by
this  Agreement is intended to be exclusive  of any other  remedy,  and each and
every such  remedy  shall be  cumulative  and shall be in  addition to any other
remedy  given  hereunder or now or  hereafter  existing at law or in equity.  No
delay or omission by Employer in exercising any right, remedy or power hereunder
or existing at law or in equity shall be construed as a waiver thereof,  and any
such right,  remedy or power may be exercised by Employer  from time to time and
as often  as may be  deemed  expedient  or  necessary  by  Employer  in its sole

     18.  Arbitration.  Except as provided  in Section 9 hereof,  any dispute or
controversy  arising  from or  relating  to this  Agreement  shall be decided by
arbitration  in the County of Los Angeles,  State of  California,  in accordance
with  the  commercial   rules  and  regulations  of  the  American   Arbitration
Association  and in accordance  with the discovery  procedures  set forth in the
California  Discovery  Act.  Such  decision  shall be final and binding upon the
parties. At the request of either Employer or Employee,  arbitration proceedings
shall be  conducted in the utmost  secrecy,  and, in such case,  all  documents,
testimony and records shall be received,  heard and maintained by the arbitrator
in secrecy,  available  for  inspection  only by Employer or Employee  and their
respective  attorneys and experts who shall agree, in advance and in writing, to
receive all such information  confidentially and to maintain the secrecy of such
information shall become generally known.

     19.  Attorneys' Fees. The prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its
reasonable  attorneys' fees and, costs incurred in connection with any action or
proceeding under this Agreement.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the undersigned have each duly executed this Agreement
as of the date first above written.


                                       PRIMEDEX HEALTH SYSTEMS, INC.

                                       By: /s/ Herm Rosenman
                                            Herm Rosenman
                              Its President and CEO


                                       STEVEN R. HIRSCHTICK

                                       /s/ Steven R. Hirschtick