Agreement  and  Bill of  Sale  dated  September  30,  1997 by and  between
Bio-Reference  Laboratories,  Inc., a New Jersey corporation ("BRLI") and IMPATH
Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Purchaser").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

      WHEREAS,  BRLI operates a clinical  laboratory in Elmwood Park, New Jersey
where it performs a comprehensive  list of diagnostic tests including  pathology
and oncology clinical laboratory testing;

      WHEREAS,  the bulk of such  pathology  and  oncology  clinical  laboratory
testing is  conducted  through  BRLI's  GenCare  Division*  (although  BRLI also
conducts certain of such tests separately from the said Division);

      WHEREAS,   the  Purchaser  desires  to  acquire  from  BRLI  those  assets
specifically  enumerated in Schedule I attached hereto (the "Assets"); to assume
those  liabilities  and  contractual  obligations   specifically  enumerated  in
Schedule II attached  hereto (the "Assumed  Liabilities");  and to obtain BRLI's
agreement  not to perform  those  diagnostic  tests  specifically  enumerated in
Schedule III attached hereto (the "Restricted  Tests") for the customers therein
set forth (the "Restricted Customers") during the restricted periods therein set
forth (the "Restricted Periods"); and BRLI desires to transfer the Assets and to
assign the Assumed Liabilities to the Purchaser,  and is willing to agree not to
perform the Restricted Tests for the Restricted  Customers during the Restricted
Periods; on the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth; and

      WHEREAS,  to induce the Purchaser to enter into this Agreement and Bill of
Sale and perform its obligations  hereunder,  BRLI and certain  officers of BRLI
are  concurrently  herewith  entering into  non-competition  agreements with the

      NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants
and  agreements   hereinafter  set  forth,  and  for  other  good  and  valuable
consideration,  the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the
parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows:

      1.  Assets.  The Assets  shall  consist of and shall be limited  solely to
those assets of BRLI specifically listed on Schedule I attached hereto.

      2. Assumed Liabilities. The Assumed Liabilities shall consist of and shall
be limited solely to the  obligations and liabilities of BRLI listed on Schedule
II  attached  hereto.  The  Purchaser  shall  not  assume,  and  shall  have  no
responsibility with
- --------
      *For  purposes of this  Agreement,  "BRLI"  shall also include the GenCare
Division  ("GenCare") and any majority-owned  subsidiary or affiliated entity of
BRLI in which BRLI has a 50% or greater ownership interest in the assets, income
or equity, or any subsidiary or affiliated entity which BRLI has by ownership of
voting power, agreement or otherwise, the power to control.

respect to, any liabilities or obligations of BRLI, except for the
Assumed Liabilities.

      3.  Purchase  Price.  The  purchase  price for the  Assets is  $6,000,000,
subject to adjustment as provided in this Section 3 (the "Purchase Price").  The
Purchase Price shall be paid as follows:

      (i) $4,600,000  payable by wire transfer on the date hereof to the account
of BRLI  pursuant  to the wire  instructions  set forth in  Schedule IV attached
hereto; and

      (ii) $1,400,000 payable in four (4) equal installments of $350,000 each on
April 1,  1998,  October 1, 1998,  April 1, 1999 and  October 1, 1999;  provided
however,  that the  aggregate  amount  payable  under this  clause  (ii) will be
decreased  (but  not  by  more  than  an  aggregate  $700,000)  if  Revenue  (as
hereinafter  defined) for the first six (6) months  after  October 12, 1997 (the
"Measuring Period") is less than Target Revenue (as hereinafter  defined),  such
decrease (x) to be calculated as sixty percent (60%) of the  difference  between
Revenue for such six (6) month  period and Target  Revenue and (y) to be applied
by dividing  such  decrease into two (2) equal halves and applying one such half
in reduction of the  installment  payable on April 1, 1999 and the other half in
reduction of the installment  payable on October 1, 1999. Each installment to be
paid by the Purchaser  under this clause (ii)  (decreased to the extent required
above as if so decreased as of the date of this Agreement),  shall bear interest
at the rate of nine  percent  (9%) per annum from the date hereof to the date of

      (iii) For  purposes of this Section 3,  "Revenue"  shall mean an aggregate
amount equal to the  Purchaser's  current listed fees for each of the Restricted
Tests it  performs  during the  Measuring  Period for any  Restricted  Customer,
reduced  by 26.6% (the  "Reduction  Percentage")  of such  amount in lieu of any
adjustment for  contractual  allowances,  credits or  non-payments.  In order to
maximize the retention of Restricted  Customers during the Measuring Period, the
Purchaser  agrees that the fees it charges to  Restricted  Customers  during the
Measuring  Period shall include special prices for special  customers  (based on
volume)  similar to those  charged by GenCare in such  circumstances  during the
three (3)  calendar  month  period  ended June 30,  1997.  In no event shall the
Purchaser's fees for Restricted Tests performed for Restricted  Customers during
the  Measuring  Period be less than the fees  charged by GenCare for  comparable
tests  performed by it for  Restricted  Customers  during the three (3) calendar
month period ended June 30, 1997 (including special prices for special customers
based on volume).  The Purchaser agrees during the Measuring Period, to promptly
perform  all of  the  Restricted  Tests  requested  by  each  of the  Restricted
Customers,  provided  however  that the  Purchaser  may elect to  terminate  the
servicing of a Restricted  Customer,  in whole or in part,  during the Measuring
Period.  In such event,  "Revenue"  shall include the greater of (a) all amounts
equal  to the  Purchaser's  current  listed  fees  for the  Restricted  Tests it
performs during the Measuring  Period for any such Restricted  Customer which it
elects not to service in whole or in part during such period, or (b) any amounts
billed by GenCare to such Restricted  Customer for Restricted Tests performed by
it during the three (3) calendar month period ended June 30, 1997, in each case,
reduced by the Reduction  Percentage.  If such Restricted  Customer is a "Common
Customer"  as defined in clause  (iv)  hereunder,  "Revenue"  shall  include the
greater of (a) all amounts equal to the Purchaser's

current  listed fees for the Restricted  Tests it performs  during the Measuring
Period for any such Common  Customer  which it elects not to service in whole or
in part during such period,  or (b) the sum of any amounts billed by GenCare and
by the Purchaser to such Common Customer for Restricted  Tests performed by them
during the three (3) calendar  month  period ended June 30, 1997,  in each case,
reduced by the Reduction Percentage.

      (iv)  For  purposes  of  this  Section  3,  "Target  Revenue"  shall  mean
ninety-five  percent (95%) of an amount ("Base Target  Amount") which is two (2)
times the aggregate amounts billed by GenCare to any Restricted Customer for any
Restricted Test performed by it during the three (3) calendar month period ended
June 30, 1997, reduced by the Reduction Percentage. The aggregate amounts billed
by GenCare to all Restricted Customers for Restricted Tests performed by GenCare
during  the three  (3)  calendar  month  period  ended  June 30,  1997  totalled
$1,028,671  prior  to  any  reduction  through   application  of  the  Reduction
Percentage.  The parties  acknowledge  that during the three (3) calendar  month
period ended June 30, 1997, they each rendered  diagnostic  clinical  laboratory
testing  services  for  certain  of  the  same  Restricted   Customers  ("Common
Customers").  At the closing of the sale contemplated hereby, BRLI shall deliver
a list to the Purchaser setting forth the name of each such Restricted  Customer
to whom such  services  were billed in the normal  course of business by GenCare
during such three (3) month period and the amount of such  billings to each such
customer.  The  Purchaser  agrees  to  deliver  a list to BRLI  within  five (5)
business days  thereafter,  setting forth the name of each Common  Customer whom
the Purchaser  billed for such services in the normal course of business  during
such three (3) calendar  month  period,  and the amount of such billings to each
such  customer.  For  purposes of this Section 3,  "Target  Revenue"  shall also
include ninety-five percent (95%) of two (2) times the Base Target Amount billed
by GenCare  and the  Purchaser  in the  ordinary  course of  business  to Common
Customers,  reduced by the Reduction  Percentage,  during the three (3) calendar
month period ended June 30, 1997 for  diagnostic  clinical  laboratory  services
(not limited to "Restricted  Tests") to the extent not included  pursuant to the
first  sentence of this clause (iv) of Section 3 of this  Agreement  and Bill of
Sale.  Excluded  from the Base Target  Amount shall be billings of the Purchaser
during the three (3)  calendar  month  period  ended  June 30,  1997 to a Common
Customer  who was not billed by the  Purchaser  at any time  during the month of
August or subsequent  thereto through the date hereof,  for diagnostic  clinical
laboratory  services  rendered at any time during such period by the  Purchaser.
Also  excluded  from Base Target  Amount are any billings of BRLI (as opposed to
GenCare) for diagnostic  clinical laboratory services rendered by it during such
three (3) month period to Common Customers.  In conjunction with the delivery of
the  above   described   list,  the  Purchaser  shall  also  deliver  a  written
representation  letter to BRLI,  duly executed by its chief  operating  officer,
that it has no knowledge  of any  impending or  contemplated  discontinuance  of
demand for  services  by any of the Common  Customers,  other than those  Common
Customers  specified in such  representation  letter.  Also  excluded  from Base
Target Amount shall be billings of the  Purchaser  during the three (3) calendar
month period ended June 30, 1997 for  diagnostic  clinical  laboratory  services
rendered to any such specified Common Customer.

      (v) Within ninety (90) days after completion of the Measuring Period,  the
Purchaser shall deliver a written  representation  letter to BRLI, duly executed
by its chief financial  officer (the "Purchaser  Certification"),  certifying by
individual name, each

Restricted Customer (including Common Customer) serviced by the Purchaser during
the  Measuring  Period,  the nature of each  Restricted  Test  performed  by the
Purchaser for such Restricted  Customer  (including  Common Customer) during the
Measuring Period and, with respect to each such Restricted  Customer  (including
Common  Customers)  the amount of  "Revenue"  attributable  thereto  computed in
accordance  with clause  (iii) of this  Section 3, prior to  application  of the
Reduction  Percentage.  During the ninety (90) day period commencing on the date
of  its  receipt  of  the  Purchaser  Certification,  BRLI  and  its  authorized
representatives  shall have the right during normal  business hours, at any time
and from time to time,  upon written request made at least two (2) business days
prior thereto, to inspect, review and receive copies of the books and records of
the Purchaser which relate to the Common Customers and the revenues attributable
to the Common  Customers  from April 1, 1997 until  conclusion  of the Measuring
Period,  to the  Restricted  Tests  performed by the  Purchaser  for  Restricted
Customers  (including Common Customers) during the Measuring Period,  and to the
installment  payments  owing to BRLI pursuant to this  Agreement.  The Purchaser
agrees to maintain such books and records at its principal  place of business in
New York City.

      (vi) In the event  Purchaser fails to make any payment when due hereunder,
interest shall accrue on such overdue  payment at a rate of one (1%) percent per
month  commencing on the date the payment  became  overdue.  Upon the failure by
Purchaser to timely remit any installment payment or portion thereof due to BRLI
hereunder and upon  Purchaser's  failure to cure said default in payment  within
twenty (20)  business days after actual  receipt of written  notice of same from
BRLI, the due date of all of the outstanding and unpaid installments referred to
in clause (ii) shall be accelerated and shall become immediately due and payable
together with accrued interest thereon, and BRLI shall be entitled to pursue any
and all legal remedies  including but not limited to commencing  legal action to
collect  said  payments  without  further  notice to  Purchaser  or  Purchaser's
Attorneys.  In the event legal action is  necessary  as a result of  Purchaser's
default in payment  hereunder,  the Purchaser  shall be  responsible  for BRLI's
legal fees,  costs and  disbursements as a result thereof provided that if it is
determined in said legal action that the Purchaser is not in default  hereunder,
BRLI shall be responsible for its own and for the Purchaser's  legal fees, costs
and disbursements in connection therewith.

      (vii)  Nothing   contained  in  this  Agreement  or  in  the  transactions
contemplated hereby shall prevent BRLI from performing clinical laboratory tests
of every nature and description for Restricted  Customers or any other customers
at any time after the date hereof,  except for  Restricted  Tests  performed for
Restricted Customers during the applicable Restricted Period.

      4.  Sale  of  Assets.  BRLI  hereby  sells,  assigns  and  conveys  to the
Purchaser,  and the Purchaser hereby purchases,  acquires and accepts from BRLI,
all  right,  title and  interest  of BRLI in and to the  Assets.  BRLI  shall be
responsible for any taxes arising from such sale of the Assets.  Not included in
the sale are BRLI's  receivables  including  receivables  for  Restricted  Tests
performed  by BRLI  prior to the date  hereof  and  amounts  billed  by BRLI for
Restricted  Tests  performed  by it after  the date  hereof on  patient  samples
received by BRLI prior to the date hereof.

      5.  Assumption of Liabilities.  BRLI hereby assigns to the Purchaser,  and
the Purchaser hereby assumes and accepts from BRLI, the Assumed Liabilities. The
Purchaser shall not assume and shall

have no  responsibility  with respect to any liabilities or obligations of BRLI,
other than the Assumed Liabilities.

      6. Allocation.  The Purchase Price for the Assets (including the amount of
the Assumed  Liabilities) shall be allocated as set forth on Schedule V attached
hereto.  The parties  hereto agree that the  allocation of the Purchase Price is
intended to comply with the  allocation  method  required by Section 1060 of the
Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended  (the  "Code").  The parties  shall
cooperate to comply with all substantive and procedural  requirements of Section
1060 of the Code and any  regulations  thereunder,  and the allocation  shall be
adjusted  if, and to the extent,  necessary to comply with the  requirements  of
Section 1060 of the Code.  Neither BRLI nor the Purchaser  will take, nor permit
any affiliated person to take, for federal,  state or local income tax purposes,
any position  inconsistent  with the allocation set forth on Schedule V attached
hereto,  or,  if  applicable,  such  adjusted  allocation.  Each of BRLI and the
Purchaser  hereby  agrees  that it shall  attach to its tax  returns for 1997 an
information  statement on Form 8594, which shall be completed in accordance with
the allocation set forth on Schedule V attached hereto.

      7.  Representations  and  Warranties of BRLI.  BRLI hereby  represents and
warrants to, and covenants and agrees with the  Purchaser,  its  successors  and
assigns, as of the date hereof, that:

      (i) BRLI is duly  organized,  validly  existing and in good standing under
the laws of the State of New Jersey and has full  corporate  power and authority
to own its  properties and to conduct the businesses in which it is now engaged.
The  execution  and  delivery of this  Agreement  and Bill of Sale by BRLI,  the
performance  by  BRLI  of  its  covenants  and  agreements   hereunder  and  the
consummation  by BRLI of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  have been duly
authorized by all necessary  corporate  action.  This Agreement and Bill of Sale
constitutes  the valid  and  legally  binding  obligation  of BRLI,  enforceable
against BRLI in accordance with its terms.

      (ii)  Neither the  execution  and delivery of this  Agreement  and Bill of
Sale, nor the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, violates any
provision of the certificate of incorporation or by-laws of BRLI or, to the best
of BRLI's knowledge, of any statute, ordinance,  regulation,  order, judgment or
decree of any court or  governmental  agency or board, or conflicts with or will
result in any  breach of any of the terms of or  constitute  a default  under or
result in the  creation  of any lien  pursuant  to the terms of any  contract or
agreement  to which  BRLI is a party or by which  BRLI or any of the  Assets  is
bound.  To the best of BRLI's  knowledge  and except as set forth on Schedule VI
attached hereto, no consents,  approvals or authorizations  of, or filings with,
any  governmental  authority  or any  other  person or entity  are  required  in
connection  with the execution  and delivery of this  Agreement and Bill of Sale
and the consummation by it of the transactions contemplated hereby.

      (iii) Except as set forth on Schedule VII attached  hereto,  BRLI has good
and  valid  title  to  the  Assets,  free  and  clear  of  all  liens,  charges,
encumbrances  or  security  interests  whatsoever,  and BRLI has full  power and
authority  to sell the  Assets  and to assign  the  Assumed  Liabilities  to the
Purchaser  and to execute in  connection  therewith  this  Agreement and Bill of
Sale. Upon execution and delivery of this Agreement and Bill of Sale,  except as
set forth on Schedule VII attached hereto, the Purchaser shall

have good and valid title to the Assets,  free and clear of all liens,  charges,
encumbrances or security interests whatsoever.

      (iv)  There  are no  claims,  disputes,  actions,  suits,  proceedings  or
investigations pending, or, to the best of BRLI's knowledge, threatened, against
or affecting  the Assets,  at law or in equity,  or before any  Federal,  state,
municipal or other governmental department, commission, board, bureau, agency or
instrumentality,  domestic or foreign,  or any arbitration  panel, nor are there
any claims,  disputes,  actions, suits or proceedings pending, or to the best of
BRLI's knowledge, threatened against BRLI, by any Restricted Customer.

      (v) Each  individual  employed by or contracted with by BRLI in connection
with the Restricted Tests to provide  professional  services is duly licensed to
provide  such  services  and, to the best of BRLI's  knowledge,  is otherwise in
compliance  with all  Federal,  state and  local  laws,  rules  and  regulations
relating to such professional  licensure and otherwise meets the  qualifications
to provide such  professional  services.  To the best of its knowledge,  BRLI in
connection  with  conducting of the Restricted  Tests, is in compliance with all
relevant  state laws and  precedents  relating to the corporate  practice of the
learned or licensed  professions,  and there are no material  claims,  disputes,
actions, suits,  proceedings or investigations currently pending, or to the best
of BRLI's  knowledge,  threatened  or filed or  commenced  against or  affecting
BRLI's  conduct of the  Restricted  Tests or the  Assets,  and no such  material
claim,  dispute,  action,  suit,  proceeding or investigation  has been filed or
commenced  during the five year period  preceding the date of this Agreement and
Bill of Sale,  and  BRLI is not  aware of any  basis  for a valid  claim of such

      (vi) To the best of BRLI's knowledge,  it is not in default under any, and
has  complied  with all  material  statutes,  ordinances,  regulations,  orders,
judgments and decrees of any court or governmental entity or agency, relating to
its conduct of the Restricted Tests or the Assets.  BRLI has no knowledge of any
basis for assertion of any material  violation of the foregoing or for any claim
for  compensation  or damages or otherwise  arising out of any  violation of the
foregoing.  BRLI has not received any  notification  of any asserted  present or
past  failure  to  comply  with  any  of  the  foregoing   which  has  not  been
satisfactorily responded to in the time period required thereunder.

      (vii)  BRLI  has  delivered  to the  Purchaser,  copies  of all  licenses,
certificates,  permits, approvals, franchises, notices and authorizations issued
by governmental  entities or other  regulatory  authorities,  federal,  state or
local  (collectively,  the  "Permits"),  held by BRLI  for  the  conduct  of the
Restricted  Tests.  Such Permits are, to the best of BRLI's  knowledge,  all the
Permits required for the conduct of the Restricted Tests. All the Permits are in
full force and effect, and to the best of its knowledge, BRLI has not engaged in
any activity  which would cause or permit  revocation  or suspension of any such
Permit,  and BRLI has no knowledge  that any action or proceeding  looking to or
contemplating  the  revocation  or  suspension  of any such Permit is pending or
threatened.  To the best of BRLI's knowledge,  there are no existing defaults or
events of default or events or state of facts which with notice or lapse of time
or both would  constitute a default by BRLI under any such  Permit.  BRLI has no
knowledge of any default or claimed or purported or alleged  default or state of
facts which with notice or lapse of time or both would  constitute  a default on
the part of any party in the  performance  of any  obligation to be performed or

by any party under any Permit. To the best of BRLI's knowledge, the consummation
of the transactions  contemplated hereby will in no way affect the continuation,
validity  or  effectiveness  of the Permits or require the consent of any person
not already  obtained.  Nothing herein  contained shall require BRLI to maintain
any Permit after the sale of the Assets hereunder.

      (viii)  BRLI is not a party to any  agreement  related  to the  Restricted
Tests  which,  to  the  best  of  its  knowledge,  involves  any  activity  that
constitutes illegal  self-referrals or fraud or abuse under any Federal or state
self-referral prohibition or anti- kickback prohibition.

      (ix)  There  are no  claims,  disputes,  actions,  suits,  proceedings  or
investigations pending, or, to the best of BRLI's knowledge,  threatened against
BRLI alleging any  violations by it of the laws,  rules and  regulations  of the
Medicare, Medicaid or Champus healthcare programs.

      (x) The aggregate  amounts billed by GenCare to all  Restricted  Customers
for  Restricted  Tests  performed by GenCare during the three (3) calendar month
period ended June 30, 1997 totalled  $1,028,671  prior to any reduction  through
application of the Reduction Percentage.

      (xi) BRLI has no knowledge of any impending or  contemplated  reduction by
the Restricted  Customers in the number or dollar volume of Restricted  Tests to
be ordered  after the date hereof which would result in a material  reduction in
the  aggregate  number of Restricted  Tests ordered or in the aggregate  amounts
billed with respect  thereto as compared to the average levels of such number of
tests ordered from GenCare and  aggregate  amounts  billed with respect  thereto
over the three (3) calendar month period ended June 30, 1997 except that whereas
GenCare's net billings to St.  Joseph's  Hospital  during the three (3) calendar
month period ended June 30, 1997 aggregated $35,000 per month, GenCare's current
contract with St. Joseph's  Hospital  provides for minimum  monthly  billings of

      (xii)  Neither  BRLI nor GenCare  currently  has any  exclusive  capitated
managed  care  contract  in effect  with any  Restricted  Customer  which  would
prohibit the Purchaser from being paid for services by such  customer,  the fees
contemplated by Section 3(iii) of this Agreement.

      (xiii) No  representation  or warranty made by BRLI in this  Agreement and
Bill of Sale, and no document  delivered  prior to or at the Closing or executed
simultaneously herewith in connection with the transactions  contemplated hereby
(collectively the "Closing  Documents") is, and no document delivered subsequent
thereto as  contemplated  herein will be,  false or  inaccurate  in any material
respect,  and no statement of fact made by BRLI herein or therein  contains,  or
will  contain any untrue  statement of material  fact or omits,  or will omit to
state any fact of which  BRLI is aware  that is  necessary  in order to make the
statement  not  misleading  in any  material  respect.  All  Schedules  to  this
Agreement are integral parts of this Agreement.

      8.  Representations  and  Warranties  of Purchaser.  The Purchaser  hereby
represents  and warrants to, and covenants and agrees with BRLI,  its successors
and assigns, as of the date hereof, that:

      (i)  Purchaser is duly  organized,  validly  existing and in good standing
under  the  laws of the  State of  Delaware  and has full  corporate  power  and
authority to own its  properties,  to conduct the  businesses in which it is now
engaged and to conduct the Restricted  Tests. The execution and delivery of this
Agreement and Bill of Sale by  Purchaser,  the  performance  by Purchaser of its
covenants  and  agreements  hereunder and the  consummation  by Purchaser of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby have been duly  authorized  by all  necessary
corporate  action.  This  Agreement and Bill of Sale  constitutes  the valid and
legally  binding  obligation  of  Purchaser,  enforceable  against  Purchaser in
accordance with its terms.

      (ii)  Neither the  execution  and delivery of this  Agreement  and Bill of
Sale, nor the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, violates any
provision of the certificate of incorporation or by-laws of Purchaser or, to the
best of Purchaser's knowledge,  of any statute,  ordinance,  regulation,  order,
judgment or decree of any court or  governmental  agency or board,  or conflicts
with or will result in any breach of any of the terms of or constitute a default
under or  result  in the  creation  of any  lien  pursuant  to the  terms of any
contract or agreement to which Purchaser is a party or by which Purchaser or any
of the  Assets is bound.  To the best of  Purchaser's  knowledge,  no  consents,
approvals or authorizations  of, or filings with, any governmental  authority or
any other person or entity are required in  connection  with the  execution  and
delivery by Purchaser of this Agreement and Bill of Sale and the consummation by
it of the transactions contemplated hereby.

      (iii)  The  Purchaser  has  delivered  to BRLI,  copies  of all  licenses,
certificates,  permits, approvals, franchises, notices and authorizations issued
by governmental  entities or other  regulatory  authorities,  federal,  state or
local (collectively, the "Purchaser Permits"), held by Purchaser for the conduct
of the Restricted  Tests. Such Purchaser Permits are, to the best of Purchaser's
knowledge,  all the  Purchaser  Permits  required  by it for the  conduct of the
Restricted  Tests  except  for CD4  and  Serum  Tumor  Marker  testing.  All the
Purchaser  Permits  are in  full  force  and  effect,  and to  the  best  of its
knowledge, Purchaser has not engaged in any activity which would cause or permit
revocation  or  suspension of any such  Purchaser  Permit,  and Purchaser has no
knowledge  that  any  action  or  proceeding  looking  to or  contemplating  the
revocation or suspension of any such Purchaser  Permit is pending or threatened.
To the best of Purchaser's  knowledge,  there are no existing defaults or events
of  default or events or state of facts  which  with  notice or lapse of time or
both would  constitute a default by Purchaser  under any such Purchaser  Permit.
Purchaser  has no  knowledge  of any default or claimed or  purported or alleged
default  or state of facts  which  with  notice  or lapse of time or both  would
constitute  a  default  on the  part  of any  party  in the  performance  of any
obligation to be performed or paid by any party under any Purchaser  Permit.  To
the  best  of  Purchaser's  knowledge,  the  consummation  of  the  transactions
contemplated  hereby  will  in no  way  affect  the  continuation,  validity  or
effectiveness of the Purchaser  Permits or require the consent of any person not
already obtained.

      (iv) Each  individual to be employed by or contracted with by Purchaser in
connection with the Restricted  Tests to provide  professional  services is duly
licensed to provide such services and, to the best of Purchaser's knowledge,  is
otherwise  in  compliance  with all  Federal,  state and local  laws,  rules and
regulations  relating to such  professional  licensure and  otherwise  meets the
qualifications to provide such professional services. To

the best of its  knowledge,  Purchaser  in  connection  with  conducting  of the
Restricted  Tests,  will be in  compliance  with  all  relevant  state  laws and
precedents  relating  to the  corporate  practice  of the  learned  or  licensed
professions,  and  there  are no  material  claims,  disputes,  actions,  suits,
proceedings or investigations  currently pending,  or to the best of Purchaser's
knowledge,  threatened  or filed or commenced  against or affecting  Purchaser's
ability to perform the Restricted  Tests,  and no such material claim,  dispute,
action, suit, proceeding or investigation has been filed or commenced during the
five year period  preceding  the date of this  Agreement  and Bill of Sale,  and
Purchaser is not aware of any basis for a valid claim of such nature.

      (v)  Attached  hereto  as  Schedule  VIII is a true and  complete  copy of
Purchaser's audited financial  statements for its most recently completed fiscal
year ended December 31, 1996.  Such financial  statements  have been prepared in
accordance  with GAAP and are true and  correct  at the date and for the  annual
period then ended.  Since December 31, 1996,  there has been no material adverse
change in Purchaser's financial condition or in its operating results.

      (vi) No representation or warranty made by Purchaser in this Agreement and
Bill of Sale or in any document delivered prior to or at the Closing or executed
simultaneously herewith in connection with the transactions  contemplated hereby
(collectively the "Closing  Documents") is, and no document delivered subsequent
thereto as  contemplated  herein  will be false or  inaccurate  in any  material
respect,  and no statement of fact made by Purchaser herein or therein contains,
or will contain any untrue  statement of material fact or omits, or will omit to
state any fact of which  Purchaser  is aware that is  necessary in order to make
the statement  not  misleading  in any material  respect.  All Schedules to this
Agreement are integral parts of this Agreement.

      9.  Non-Competition.  BRLI and certain of its  officers  have entered into
Non-Competition  Agreements with the Purchaser simultaneously with the execution
of this Agreement and Bill of Sale.

      10.  Indemnification.  BRLI hereby agrees to indemnify the Purchaser  from
and against all losses,  claims,  assessments,  demands,  damages,  liabilities,
obligations,  costs and/or expenses,  including, without limitation,  reasonable
fees and  disbursements of counsel  (including fees and disbursements of counsel
incurred in connection  with any claim or action between BRLI and the Purchaser)
(hereinafter  referred to collectively  as "Damages"),  sustained or incurred by
the Purchaser (i) by reason of the breach of any of the  obligations,  covenants
or provisions of, or the inaccuracy of any of the  representations or warranties
made by BRLI herein,  (ii) arising out of  liabilities  or  obligations  of BRLI
which are not Assumed Liabilities, or (iii) based upon violations by BRLI and/or
GenCare of any laws,  rules or regulations of the Medicare,  Medicaid or Champus
healthcare  programs  prior to the date hereof.  The Purchaser  hereby agrees to
indemnify  and hold  harmless  BRLI from and against any  Damages  sustained  or
incurred  by BRLI  arising out of the  Assumed  Liabilities  or by reason of the
breach of any of the obligations, covenants and provisions of, or the inaccuracy
of any of the representations or warranties made by Purchaser herein.

      11.   Further Assurances and Covenants.

      (i) BRLI hereby  further  covenants and agrees to execute and deliver such
other and further  instruments  and documents as the  Purchaser  may  reasonably
request to carry into effect or to  evidence  further the sale of the Assets and
assignment of the Assumed Liabilities to the Purchaser. In addition, BRLI agrees
to provide the Purchaser with copies of all GenCare patient  reports  pertaining
to Restricted Tests performed for patients of the Restricted  Customers,  as may
be reasonably required by the Purchaser,  subject to any legal requirements that
BRLI maintain the originals of such reports.

      (ii) The  Purchaser  hereby  further  covenants  and agrees to execute and
deliver such other and further  instruments and documents as BRLI may reasonably
request  to carry into  effect or to  evidence  further  the  assumption  by the
Purchaser of the Assumed Liabilities.

      12.  Successors  and  Assigns.  This  Agreement  and Bill of Sale shall be
binding  upon and inure to the  benefit  of the  successors  and  assigns of the
Purchaser and BRLI, respectively.

      13.  Assignment.  Neither  party may assign  this  Agreement  without  the
other's prior written  consent,  except that the Purchaser may assign all of its
rights and obligations hereunder to a wholly-owned  subsidiary of the Purchaser,
without  BRLI's  consent  provided  that  at the  time of  such  assignment  the
Purchaser delivers to BRLI, a reasonably satisfactory written assumption by said
wholly-owned  subsidiary  of all  of the  Purchaser's  payment  and  performance
obligations to BRLI hereunder,  together with a reasonably  satisfactory written
guarantee by the Purchaser to BRLI, of the subsidiary's  payment and performance
obligations  to BRLI  hereunder.  This  Agreement  shall be binding on and shall
inure to the benefit of the parties to this Agreement,  and their successors and
permitted assigns.  Subject to the foregoing sentence, no person or entity not a
party  to this  Agreement  shall  have any  right  under  or by  virtue  of this

      14. Survival. Each representation, warranty, covenant and agreement of the
parties hereto herein  contained  shall survive  closing and for a period of two
and one-half (2 1/2) years thereafter,  notwithstanding any investigation at any
time made by or on behalf of any party hereto.

      15. Notices. All notices,  requests or instructions  hereunder shall be in
writing and  delivered  personally,  sent by telecopy or sent by  registered  or
certified mail, postage prepaid, as follows:

            (1) If to BRLI:

                  Bio-Reference Laboratories, Inc.
                  481 B Edward H. Ross Drive
                  Elmwood Park, New Jersey 07407
                  Attention:        Howard Dubinett
                                    Executive Vice President
                  Telecopy No.: (201) 791-1491

            (2) If to the Purchaser:

                  IMPATH Inc.
                  1010 Third Avenue, Suite 203
                  New York, New York 10021

                  Attention:        Mr. John P. Gandolfo
                                    Executive Vice President
                  Telecopy No.: (212) 759-4869

Any of the  above  addresses  may be  changed  at any  time by  notice  given as
provided  above;  provided,  however,  that any such notice of change of address
shall be effective  only upon  receipt.  All notices,  requests or  instructions
given in accordance  herewith shall be deemed  received on the date of delivery,
if hand  delivered  or  telecopied,  and two  business  days  after  the date of
mailing, if mailed.

      16.  Effective Date. The effective date of this Agreement and Bill of Sale
shall be the date first set forth above.

      17.  Expenses.  Each of the  parties  hereto  shall bear such  party's own
expenses in connection with this Agreement and Bill of Sale and the transactions
contemplated hereby

      18.  Governing  Law. This  Agreement and Bill of Sale shall be governed by
and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York applicable in
the case of agreements made and to be performed entirely within such State.

      19.   Amendment.  This Agreement and Bill of Sale may not be
amended or modified except in a writing executed by each of the
parties hereto.

      20. Arbitration. The parties hereby agree to submit any dispute concerning
the  provisions  of  this  Agreement  and  Bill of  Sale  and  the  transactions
contemplated hereby to resolution by arbitration under the rules of the American
Arbitration  Association.  The parties hereto consent to the jurisdiction of the
American  Arbitration  Association  in New York  City  with  regard  to any such
disputes and hereby agree that the arbitrators shall be empowered to award money
damages as well as to impose injunctive relief with respect thereto.

      21. Brokerage.  Each party agrees to indemnify and hold the other free and
harmless  from all losses,  damages,  costs and expenses  (including  attorney's
fees) that may be suffered as a result of claims brought by any broker or finder
seeking  compensation on account of this transaction  arising out of the actions
of such party.

      22.  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  and Bill of Sale may be  executed  in
counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which taken
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

      23.  Confidentiality.  Each party hereto  agrees that it will not disclose
the terms of this Agreement and Bill of Sale,  the  Transition  Agreement or the
Non-Compete Agreement,  each dated as of this date, between the parties,  except
in compliance with said Non- Compete Agreement.  Furthermore,  each party agrees
to submit any proposed press release  concerning the terms of this Agreement and
Bill of Sale and the transactions  contemplated  hereunder,  to the other party,
for review and comment at least twelve (12) hours prior to issuance.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the undersigned have executed this Agreement and Bill
of Sale the day and year first above written.

                              BIO-REFERENCE LABORATORIES, INC.

                              Name: Howard Dubinett
                              Title: Executive Vice President

                              IMPATH INC.


                              Name:       John P. Gandolfo
                              Title: Executive Vice President

                                   SCHEDULE I

      1. Customer list of Hospital and Physician clients of the GenCare Division
("GenCare") of BRLI (attached).

      2. The "GenCare" Tradename (to the extent BRLI and GenCare have any rights
to such name).*

      3.  Patient  records  in  GenCare's  possession  utilized  in the  graphic
presentation  of serum tumor  marker  results  for  patients  of  Hospitals  and
Physician clients of GenCare.

      4. GenCare and BRLI's rights under a Reagant Purchase and Equipment Rental
Contract dated April 10, 1997 with Becton Dickinson and Company.

      5. GenCare and BRLI's rights under a Laboratory  Testing Service Agreement
dated September 24, 1997 with St. Joseph's Hospital (Paterson, N.J.).

- --------
      *The  parties  agree  that BRLI shall be  permitted  to retain any and all
rights  which  it may have to the  Tradename  "GenPath"  and to use  same  after
completion of the sale contemplated hereunder.

                                   SCHEDULE II
                               ASSUMED LIABILITIES

      1. GenCare and BRLI's  liabilities  under a Reagant Purchase and Equipment
Rental Contract dated April 10, 1997 with Becton Dickinson and Company.

      GenCare and BRLI  represent  that all  installment  payments due under the
Reagant  Purchase  and  Equipment  Rental  Contract  up through  the date of the
Agreement  and Bill of Sale  have  been  paid in full to  Becton  Dickinson  and

      2.  GenCare and BRLI's  liabilities  under a  Laboratory  Testing  Service
Agreement dated September 24, 1997 with St. Joseph's Hospital (Paterson, N.J.).

                                  SCHEDULE III


            Serum Tumor  Markers:  AFP,  B2M,  HcG, CA 125, CA 19-9, CA 15-3, CA
            27.29,  CEA and any  additional  Serum Tumor Marker Tests which come
            into the market during the Restricted Period.

       (b)  Restricted Customers

            Any GenCare Physician client who ever ordered such test from GenCare
            as well as any hospital.** In addition,  neither BRLI nor any of its
            subsidiaries  nor its  affiliated  entities***  will  perform any of
            these  tests  during the  Restricted  Period for any  Hematology  or
            Oncology  specialty  practice  except those  specifically  listed on
            Schedule III-X attached  hereto or the successors to the bulk of any
            such practice. If BRLI shall acquire a majority ownership or control
            interest during the Restricted Period in another testing  laboratory
            which at the time of  acquisition  is performing  Serum Tumor Marker
            testing for any Hematology or Oncology  specialty  practice,  it can
            continue  to  perform  such  testing  for such  practices  after the
            acquisition but shall not perform such testing after the acquisition
            and  during  the  Restricted  Period  for any  other  Hematology  or
            Oncology  speciality  practice.  Except  as set  forth in the  three
            preceding  sentences,  nothing  herein  shall  prevent  BRLI  or its
            subsidiaries  or its affiliated  entities***  from  performing  such
            tests for anyone other than the Restricted Customers.

       (c)  Restricted Period
- --------
                  **As used in this  Schedule  III, a  "hospital"  customer is a
            hospital  whose  specimens are derived  directly from the hospital's
            own  on-premises   laboratory  as  well  as  a  hospital  which  has
            contracted out its anatomical pathology function in whole or in part
            to a pathology group.
                  ***As used in this Schedule III, a BRLI  "subsidiary"  means a
            BRLI beneficially  majority-owned  subsidiary and a BRLI "affiliated
            entity" means a BRLI  subsidiary or affiliated  entity in which BRLI
            has a 50% or greater  ownership  interest in the  assets,  income or
            equity, or which BRLI has by ownership of voting power, agreement or
            otherwise, the power to control.

            Thirty (30) months from September 30, 1997.


            Cancer Cytogenetics

       (b)  Restricted Customers

            Any GenCare physician client who ever ordered such test from GenCare
            as well as any hospital.** In addition,  neither BRLI nor any of its
            subsidiaries  nor its  affiliated  entities***  will  perform any of
            these tests during the Restricted Period.

       (c)  Restricted Period

            Thirty (30) months from September 30, 1997.


            Gene Rearrangements: Southern blotting techniques and PCR
            techniques for lymphomas and leukemia.

       (b)  Restricted Customers

            Any GenCare Physician client who ever ordered such test from GenCare
            as well as any  hospital.**  In  addition,  neither BRLI nor any its
            subsidiaries  nor its  affiliated  entities***  will  perform any of
            these tests during the Restricted Period.

       (c)  Restricted Period

            Thirty (30) months from September 30, 1997.


            ERPR and any  additional  breast  cancer  marker  testing  including
            CATHEPSIN D and HER2-NEU/ERB-2 testing.

       (b)  Restricted Customers

            Any GenCare physician client who ever ordered such test from GenCare
            as well as any hospital.** In addition,  neither BRLI nor any of its
            subsidiaries  nor its  affiliated  entities***  will  perform any of
            these tests during the Restricted Period.

       (c)  Restricted Period

            Thirty (30) months from September 30, 1997.


            Bone Marrow Analyses: Defined as Hematopathology analysis
            on bone marrow smears, aspirates, core and/or clots.

       (b)  Restricted Customers

            Any GenCare Physician client who ever ordered such test from GenCare
            as  well  as any  hospital.**  In  addition,  neither  BRLI  nor its
            subsidiaries  nor its  affiliated  entities***  will  perform any of
            these tests during the Restricted Period.

       (c)  Restricted Period

            Thirty (30) months from September 30, 1997.



       (b)  Restricted Customers

            Any GenCare Physician client who ever ordered such test from GenCare
            as well as any hospital.** In addition,  neither BRLI nor any of its
            subsidiaries  nor its  affiliated  entities***  will  perform any of
            these  tests  during the  Restricted  Period for any  Hematology  or
            Oncology  specialty  practice  or any breast  centers  or  pathology
            practice  management  companies except those specifically  listed on
            Schedule III-X attached  hereto or the successors to the bulk of any
            such practice. If BRLI shall acquire a majority ownership or control
            interest during the Restricted Period in another testing  laboratory
            which at the time of acquisition is performing  Immunohistochemistry
            testing for any  Hematology  or Oncology  specialty  practice or any
            breast centers or pathology practice  management  companies,  it can
            continue  to  perform  such  testing  for such  practices  after the
            acquisition but shall not perform such testing after the acquisition
            and  during  the  Restricted  Period  for any  other  Hematology  or
            Oncology   speciality  practice  or  any  other  breast  centers  or
            pathology practice management companies.  Except as set forth in the
            three preceding sentences,  nothing herein shall prevent BRLI or its
            subsidiaries  or its affiliated  entities***  from  performing  such
            tests for anyone other than the Restricted Customers.

       (c)  Restricted Period

            Thirty (30) months from September 30, 1997.


            Flow  Cytometry  Analysis:  Defined  as any  analysis  using  a flow
            cytometer  including  but not  limited to DNA Ploidy  Analysis,  HIV
            monitoring of CD4/CD8  ratios,  Lymphoma or Leukemia Flow  Cytometry

       (b)  Restricted Customers

            Any GenCare Physician client who ever ordered such test from GenCare
            as well as any hospital.** In addition,  neither BRLI nor any of its
            subsidiaries  nor its  affiliated  entities***  will  perform any of
            these tests  during the  Restricted  Period,  provided  that nothing
            herein  shall  preclude  BRLI  or  any of  its  subsidiaries  or its
            affiliated entities*** from performing HIV monitoring

            of CD4/CD8 ratios for anyone other than a Restricted

       (c)  Restricted Period

            Thirty (30) months from September 30, 1997.


            Image Analysis

       (b)  Restricted Customers

            Any GenCare Physician client who ever ordered such test from GenCare
            as well as any hospital.** In addition,  neither BRLI nor any of its
            subsidiaries  nor its  affiliated  entities***  will  perform any of
            these  tests  during the  Restricted  Period for any  Hematology  or
            Oncology  specialty  practice  except those  specifically  listed on
            Schedule III-X attached  hereto or the successors to the bulk of any
            such practice. If BRLI shall acquire a majority ownership or control
            interest during the Restricted Period in another testing  laboratory
            which  at the  time of  acquisition  is  performing  Image  Analysis
            testing for any Hematology or Oncology  specialty  practice,  it can
            continue  to  perform  such  testing  for such  practices  after the
            acquisition but shall not perform such testing after the acquisition
            and  during  the  Restricted  Period  for any  other  Hematology  or
            Oncology  speciality  practice.  Except  as set  forth in the  three
            preceding  sentences,  nothing  herein  shall  prevent  BRLI  or its
            subsidiaries  or its affiliated  entities***  from  performing  such
            tests for anyone other than the Restricted Customers.

      (c)   Restricted Period

            Thirty (30) months from September 30, 1997.

                                   SCHEDULE IV
                                WIRE INSTRUCTIONS

Bank of New York
1 Wall Street
New York, New York

ABA #021000018

Credit: Gotham Bank of New York
Account #8900003731

For further credit to: Bio-Reference Laboratories, Inc.
                              Account #0007-003-471

                                   SCHEDULE V
                            PURCHASE PRICE ALLOCATION

      Pursuant  to  Internal   Revenue   Code  Section  1060  and  the  treasury
regulations thereunder, the parties agree to an allocation of the purchase price
as follows:

                  Purchase price          $6,000,000

                  Class IV Assets         $6,000,000

      Class IV Assets are intangibles, good will, going-concern, customer lists,
covenants not to compete and the like.

                                   SCHEDULE VI
                         TO CONSUMMATE THE TRANSACTIONS

      1.    Consent of PNC Bank, National Association (obtained).

      2. Consent of Becton  Dickinson  and Company to  assignment  of BRLI's and
GenCare's  rights under the Reagant Purchase and Equipment Rental Contract dated
April 10, 1997 (obtained).

                                  SCHEDULE VII
                            LIENS AGAINST THE ASSETS

      1.    Lien of PNC Bank, National Association (waived).

      2. Lien of Becton Dickinson and Company (released).