American Asset Advisers Trust, Inc.

                         INVESTOR INFORMATION

Letter from the Chairman

Dear Shareholder:

You are being asked to consider and vote on the merger of American
Asset Advisers Realty Corporation (the "Adviser") with American
Asset Advisers Trust, Inc. (the "Company") and the related
transactions to that merger (the "Acquisition").  This Acquisition
will allow the Company to take advantage of the many rapidly
developing trends in our industry by becoming self-administered and

The Acquisition is described in great detail in the accompanying
Proxy Statement, which I urge you to read thoroughly.

The Company has undergone significant growth since its formation in
August 1993.  With your help and support, we have assembled what we
believe is an attractive portfolio of high-quality, commercial
properties, leased to substantial tenants. In the past year, we
have contracted or completed the purchase of five additional
properties with a value of over $15 million.  We have added a
prudent amount of leverage to the portfolio, thereby increasing
shareholder returns.  The Adviser has also expanded the depth and
quality of its staff to effectively manage the existing portfolio
and enhance returns by developing new properties.

When the Company was initially formed, we decided to use external
management until the asset base grew to a size that would support
an internal management structure.  By using the new and efficient
internal management structure that many of our competitors have
adopted, we are now at that point.

This next step in the growth of the Company complements the recent
amendments to the Company's Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation
which were approved at the shareholders' meeting held on November
12, 1997.  We continue to seek to increase shareholder value. By
becoming a self-managed REIT with internal acquisition and turnkey
development capabilities, the Company will position itself for
accelerated, high quality growth.  We believe self-management and
our expected growth will result in favorable circumstances from
which we can raise additional equity capital, increase our market
capitalization, and establish a market for the Company's shares on
a national exchange.

While we believe the Acquisition will provide substantial benefits
to the Company, the transaction also involves risks. For further
discussion of these risks, I urge you to review the summary of
risks contained in this brochure and the more detailed description
of risks as contained in the section "Risk Factors" in the Proxy

Your Independent Directors have carefully considered both the risks
and benefits of the Acquisition and have unanimously recommended
that you vote "YES" to the proposal.

The real estate investment trust industry has performed well over
the past five years, as less expensive capital has become
available.  The companies that have created value for their
shareholders have taken advantage of this by growing their asset
base and growing their earnings base.  I believe that by voting
"YES" to this proposal you will position the Company to follow the
same path and successfully compete with the larger and more
established REITs.

Should you have any questions or need assistance with the proper
completion and return of the accompanying Proxy Card, please
contact me personally or my office toll free at 1-800-888-4400.

In your Company, we have assembled a strong portfolio of properties.
This Acquisition will combine this portfolio with the Adviser's
strong management and acquisition team.  The next phase of growth
and the success of our long-term growth plan require this step.  I
look forward to our exciting progress in the coming years.


H. Kerr Taylor
Chairman of the Board of Directors


In evaluating the Acquisition,     Strong Proprietary Management - The 
Shareholders should carefully      Company will be better able to attract  
consider the discussion in the     and retain experienced and capable
Proxy Statement relating to        employees and personnel who have specific
their investment in the            experience with the properties, with
Company.  The discussion of        management of the properties and with 
potential benefits is included     the tenants of the Company.
in "Recommendation of the          
Independent Directors."  The       Alignment of Interests - The anti-
following is a brief               competitive covenants and requirements
discussion of the primary          of the Acquisition Agreement, which 
benefits the Acquisition is        requires the owner of the Adviser to 
expected to generate for           devote substantially all of his time to 
Shareholders.                      the Company and to cause his other real
                                   estate affiliates to enter into continuing
Crucial Step Towards Listing       contractual relationships with the Company,
on an Exchange - The internal      essentially mitigate all conflicts of  
management structure is viewed     interest between Mr. Taylor as owner of 
more favorably by underwriters     the Adviser and Chairman, Chief Executive
and investment professionals       Officer and the largest shareholder of the
as well as by the public           Company, regarding his other real estate
markets.  Accomplishing this       interests.
step allows the Company to 
seek liquidity sooner for its      Closely matches costs with benefits - The 
shareholders by listing on a       structure of the Acquisition allows the
public exchange.                   Company to incur the costs of the deferred
                                   Share Consideration if and only to the extent
Independent Fairness Opinion -     the Company achieves the prescribed growth
The Independent Directors of       in equity capital during the 72 month
the Company received the           deferred payment period.  The Acquisition 
fairness opinion, from Bishop-     has been designed with a "pay as you go" 
Crown Investment Research, Inc.,   structure to allow the Company to bear the
that the Acquisition is fair       full cost of the Acquisition only if and 
from a financial point of view     when its capital grows during this 72
to the Company and its public      month period.
shareholders (other than Mr.

Favorable Marketplace 
Acceptance - Management believes
that the marketplace places a 
higher price on shares of self-
managed REITs vs. shares of 
comparable externally managed 
REITs.  The effect of this is to
provide the Company less 
expensive capital than otherwise 
Potential Higher Growth Rate -   
The Company will be able to      
better attract capital 
investment for growth and will 
forego the payment of third 
party acquisition and management
fees.  Management believes it can
grow its asset base faster and
grow earnings faster with a 
self-managed structure.

Makes the Company more
Competitive - The Company will 
be able to successfully compete
with larger and more established
REITs by becoming self-managed
and capable of developing and 
acquiring its own investments.

Make Better Investments - By 
developing its own properties,
the Company will be able to 
acquire property investments at
higher yields than otherwise 
possible and will be better able
to attract key regional and 
national tenants.


RISKS                              existing services contracts with third 
                                   parties.  There is no assurance how long
The Proxy Statement also           the contracts will remain in effect or if 
discusses the risks to             the Company may continue to benefit from
Shareholders of approving the      such contracts following the Acquisition.
Acquisition.  These are            
discussed in detail in "Risk       Impact on the Company's Financial Position -
Factors."  Shareholders are        The Company will no longer pay external
urged to read the section in       Adviser fees for the acquisition or 
its entirety.  These risk          development of properties or for its 
factors include the following:     administration or management of its
                                   properties.  Instead it will directly incur
Conflicts of Interest - Mr.        all costs for the personnel and facilities
Taylor initiated and               required to perform these functions.  The 
structured the Acquisition.        Independent Directors believe that the 
The Independent Directors          Company will realize economies of scale by
retained legal counsel, a          internalizing its administrative, 
financial adviser and a            management and property development
valuation expert to assist         functions under the terms of the Acquisition.
them in analyzing the              There is no assurance that can be given
Acquisition.  Mr. Taylor           that the Company will realize any of
serves as the Chairman of the      these particular benefits.  Also, the
Company.  Mr. Taylor is also       Company will directly incur all future
the Chairman and sole owner of     increases in the costs of these functions.
the Adviser.  Mr. Taylor's         
interests in this Acquisition      
may differ from the interests      
of shareholders of the Company     
as a result of his ownership       
of the Adviser.                    

Significant Influence of Mr.       
Taylor - Mr. Taylor currently      
owns approximately 1% of the       
issued and outstanding Common      
Shares of the Company.  Upon       
consummation of the                
Acquisition, Mr. Taylor will       
own approximately 11% of the       
issued and outstanding Common      
Shares of the Company.  Even       
after the Acquisition, certain     
potential conflicts of             
interest will exist between        
the Company and Mr. Taylor         
regarding Mr. Taylor's             
continuing affiliated business     
interests separate from the        
Company.  In order to limit or     
eliminate such conflicts of        
interest, Mr. Taylor will be       
subject to certain anti-           
competitive covenants and will     
be required to cause his           
affiliates to enter into certain
contractual relationships with
the Company.  

Risks in Valuation - The 
valuation of the Adviser greatly 
exceeds the Adviser's
identifiable net assets.  The
valuation considers the 
Adviser's capitalized net income
as of December 31, 1997 and the
capitalized financial benefits
forecasted to result following
the completion of the 
Acquisition.  There is no 
assurance that the value of the 
Common Shares being issued to 
Mr. Taylor will not be greater 
than the value of the operations 
being merged.  In addition, there 
are other methods of determining 
valuation that would result in 
higher or lower values for the 

Realization of Certain Benefits -
A significant benefit to the 
Company resulting from the 
Acquisition is expected to be 
from the Adviser's


Questions and Answers              Crown considered the fact that the 
                                   payments will be made in common shares;
Will the Acquisition affect my     that the payments will be made over a      
dividends?                         finite period of time and depend on the
                                   Company's ability to grow its equity 
NO.  The Company expects to        base; that the Adviser is currently 
maintain its current dividend      receiving fees for acquisitions and 
policy for the immediate           management of the Company's properties;
future.  However, as the           that as its portfolio grows, the Company
favorable impact of the            should expect to pay higher fees to the
Acquisition helps grow the         Adviser in the future; and that the 
Company's portfolio of             Adviser has demonstrated the capability
properties, as the Company         to develop properties for the Company at
gains access to less expensive     a lower cost than otherwise available.
sources of capital and as the      After considering these and other factors,
Company achieves higher            Bishop-Crown determined that the 
financial returns,                 Acquisition was fair to shareholders of 
shareholders can anticipate        the Company (other than Mr. Taylor) from
increases in their dividends.      a financial point of view.
Why have the Independent           Will the same management team that 
Directors recommended the          managed the Company continue in the future?
                                   YES.  The same individuals and management
As discussed in the Proxy          team currently managing the Company will
Statement, the Independent         continue.  The professional staff and 
Directors evaluated the            employees of the Adviser will become
Acquisition from many aspects.     employees of the Company as a result of 
They believe the                   the Acquisition.  The Company will no 
internalization of the             longer have to pay acquisition and 
Adviser's management and           management fees to a third party, but 
development capabilities will      will have the direct expenses of its
improve the financial              internal management team.  The Company
performance of the Company.        will continue to receive its overall
They have accepted the             direction from its current Board of 
opinions of their various          Directors.
experts that the terms of the      
total amount paid and the          Do shareholders have a voice in the 
manner in which payment is         Company's management?
made, are fair to the Company.     
Finally, they believe this is      YES.  Each share of stock in the Company
an important and necessary         represents one vote that can be cast at 
step toward gaining liquidity      the annual shareholder's meeting to elect
for shareholders and               members of the Board of Directors.  The
eventually listing the             Board of Directors then represents 
Company's shares on a national     shareholders as it oversees and directs
exchange.                          management in the Company's day to day
Who determined the price paid      
for the Adviser?                   What are the potential benefits and risks
                                   of the Acquisition?
The price paid for the Adviser     
was decided through a series       As discussed in the Proxy Statement, the 
of negotiations between Mr.        Acquisition affords the Company a number
Taylor and the Independent         of potential benefits, while also posing
Directors.  The Independent        some investment risks.  Some of these 
Directors engaged the              benefits and risks are identified on        
internationally known firm of      pages 4 and 5 of this brochure.  In 
Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin      addition, they are described in detail in 
Financial Advisors to value the    the Proxy Statement, which you should 
Adviser.  They also engaged        read carefully.                 
Bishop-Crown Investment Research,  
Inc., to advise them as to the  
fairness of the terms and 
conditions of consideration paid  
for the Adviser.  Both the 
Independent Directors and Bishop- 
Crown believe the price to be  
paid is within the range of  
present values of the Adviser 
determined by Houlihan.

Has an independent, third party
given an opinion on the fairness
of the merger?

YES.  The firm Bishop-Crown
Investment Research, Inc., was
engaged by the Independent 
Directors to render a fairness
opinion.  Bishop-
Among the risks is the conflict    will no longer require a specified      
of interest exists between Mr.     minimum net worth standard for     
Taylor as the owner of the         its tenants or require its         
Adviser and as the largest         properties to be subject to        
shareholder and Chairman of the    long term leases at the time       
Company in the negotiations of     of acquisition.  Instead,          
the terms of the Acquisition.      determinations as to tenant        
                                   and lease term requirements        
In the view of the Independent     will be made by management on      
Directors, one benefit is the      a property by property basis.      
ability of the Company, by         The Company will continue to       
becoming self-managed, to          focus on acquiring and leasing     
position itself to compete         high quality, commercial           
successfully with larger and       properties to national and         
more established REITs.            regional tenants.  The Company     
                                   intends to broaden its focus       
Shareholders should review         to include the term "frontage      
"Risk Factors" in the Proxy        retail."  This means that the      
Statement for a discussion of      Company will consider adding       
the risks related to the           properties with multiple           
Acquisition and "Recommendation    tenants and properties that        
of the Independent Directors" for  may have multiple buildings.  The        
a discussion of the potential      Company believes by broadening its
benefits to be derived from the    investment criteria, it gains the 
Acquisition.                       flexibility to take advantage of 
                                   various market opportunities.
Is there any adverse tax impact
to Shareholders by approving the   Will I still receive quarterly dividends?
                                   YES.  The Company intends to keep its 
NO.  The Company has retained      historic dividend policy for the immediate 
the internationally known          future.
accounting firm of Deloitte &
Touche LLP to advise it as to      How many Shareholder votes are necessary 
the tax impact of the              to approve the Acquisition?
Acquisition.  Deloitte has  
issued its opinion that the        The Acquisition and the related 
Company will continue to qualify   transactions require the approval of a
as a REIT after the Acquisition    majority of the shares eligible to vote.
and will continue to receive the 
same tax treatment as it now has   Will my interest in the Company change 
after the Acquisition.             as a result of this merger being 
Will there be any change in the   
way the Adviser is compensated     YES.  The Company will issue 213,260 shares
if the Acquisition is approved?    as a first payment for the Acquisition.
                                   As the Company continues to increase its
YES.  The Adviser will cease to    number of shares outstanding by raising
exist after the Acquisition, and   capital and by acquiring property, it will
its activities will be             pay out as many as 686,740 additional 
internalized by the Company.       shares during the 72 months following the 
The Company will stop paying out   first payment to complete the payment for
acquisition fees and management    the Acquisition.  An individual shareholder's
fees to the Adviser but will       percentage interest will be reduced by the
absorb the costs of the personnel  amount of shares actually issued for the
and facilities formerly            Acquisition.  Just like the purchase of 
controlled by the Adviser.  The    any other asset, management believes that
Company believes it will benefit   the effect of the Acquisition will be to
in two major ways as a result of   add to shareholder returns by increasing
Acquisition.  First, it will no    funds from operations (FFO) and increasing
longer have to pay the profit      earnings over time.
component included in the fees
it formerly paid the Adviser.      What are the investment opportunities
Second, it will be able to add     available to the Company?
properties to its portfolio at
a lower cost and higher yield      Management sees a wide variety of commercial
because of its internal            real estate investment opportunities in 
development and acquisition        front of it.  It is important in order for
capabilities.                      the Company to achieve its goals and 
                                   increase shareholder value
What will the Company's 
investment objectives be after
it becomes self-managed?

If the acquisition is approved, 
the Company will change its 
investment policy restrictions 
in that it 

that the Company has the 
flexibility to take advantage of 
the developing trends in the real
estate market.  Among these is
the opportunity to develop
properties for its own
account.  The Adviser will
bring its proven capabilities
to bear in this area after the
Acquisition is completed.  The
Company will also consider
adding other types of frontage
retail properties to its
portfolio.  These include
multi-tenant buildings, multi-
site projects, prestige
centers and grocery anchored

What happens if the
Acquisition is not approved?

The Company will remain
externally managed by the
Adviser.  Management believes
that the Company will be in a
poorer position to compete,
will have less ability to grow
and that liquidity for
shareholders will be delayed.

How does the Board of
Directors recommend I vote?

The Independent Directors and
management of the Company
unanimously recommend that you
vote "FOR" each of the
proposals being considered in
this proxy.


          MISSION:  To maximize long-term shareholder
          value through utmost integrity and quality in
          every aspect of business, establishing
          lifelong friendships with our colleagues,
          constituents and service providers.


                            How to Vote

The vote of each Shareholder is important.  You are urged to
mark, date and sign the Ballot and return it in the enclosed
postage-paid envelope as soon as possible.  By returning the
Ballot promptly, you will save the Company additional
solicitation expenses.

*    You may vote "YES," "NO," or "ABSTAIN" to the resolutions
     concerning the Acquisition.

*    If you vote "YES", you will be voting in favor of the

*    If you vote "NO", you will be voting against the

*    If you vote "ABSTAIN", you will be deemed to have voted "NO"
     against the Acquisition when the total number of shares are

*    If you sign and return the Ballot without clearly indicating
     a "NO" vote or without clearly indicating that you "ABSTAIN" from
     voting, you will be deemed to have voted "YES" in favor of the

*    The failure to return a Ballot will be the same as voting
     "NO" with respect to the Acquisition.

Additional detailed information about the Acquisition is set
forth in the accompanying Proxy Statement, which you are urged to
read carefully.

If you have any questions or need assistance in completing your
Proxy Card, please call Timothy W. Kelley, VP - Operations, at
the Company's office at 1-800-888-4400 ext. 26.

                        YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT

                          PLEASE ACT PROMPTLY
