SYSCO Corporation                                         ------------
1390 Enclave Parkway
Houston, Texas 77077-2099
(281) 584-1390

                                                    FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                          CONTACT:  Diane Day Sanders
                                                    Vice President and Treasurer

       SYSCO's First Quarter EPS Grows 34 Percent On 15 Percent Sales Gain

     HOUSTON,  OCTOBER 18, 2000 -- SYSCO Corporation (NYSE: SYY) announced today
that results of operations for the first quarter of fiscal 2001 ended  September
30, 2000 were exceptionally strong.  Diluted earnings per share reached $0.43, a
34 percent  gain over  fiscal  2000 first  quarter  earnings  per share of $0.32
before an accounting  change.  The strong sales  momentum  experienced in fiscal
2000  continued  into the  initial  quarter of the new fiscal  year,  with sales
increasing to $5.4  billion,  15 percent  higher than the $4.7 billion  attained
during  the  comparable  period  of fiscal  2000.  Net  earnings  grew to $144.0
million,  36 percent  above the $105.7  million  earned last year,  prior to the
accounting  change.  Real sales  growth for the quarter was 8.2  percent,  after
adjusting overall sales growth by 5.25 percent for acquisitions and 1.69 percent
for food cost inflation.

     "Customer  satisfaction  is  paramount  to SYSCO,"  said Charles H. Cotros,
chairman and chief executive officer. "Our entire focus continues to reflect the
C.A.R.E.S.  philosophy  (Customers Are Really  Everything to SYSCO) ingrained in
the very fiber of our culture and we are benefiting  along with our customers as
their dining establishments  prosper.  Growth in the independent operator sector
remains particularly strong, as our marketing associate-served sales continue to
grow at double-digit  levels,  now representing 56.2 percent of broadline sales.
We are also pleased with the continued growth of the  chain/multi-unit  customer
segment, including new healthcare business added during the quarter.

     "The outstanding quality,  consistency and labor-saving benefits of SYSCO's
branded products continue to be favored by marketing associate-served customers,
driving  branded  sales to 52.6 percent of this customer  segment.  In addition,
SYSCO's  uniform  information  system is providing more detailed  information to


access  customer  preferences  and boost  our  service  capabilities  to an even
greater  level.  Other  factors that  contributed  to SYSCO's  stellar  earnings
performance  include the continuing  healthy  economic  climate and mild weather
patterns  which  positively  impact  eating  away from home.  Gross  margins and
expenses as a percent of sales were higher this year,  primarily  due to product
and customer mix. Despite fuel price  increases,  fuel costs increased only 0.07
as a percent of sales due to offsetting efficiency gains."

     He also noted that the company continues to expand its "fold-out" strategy,
having  announced last week approval for the construction of a facility to serve
the Las  Vegas  market,  where  site  selection  for  that  distribution  center
currently is underway.  The "fold-out"  strategy involves building a stand-alone
distribution  center in a location that has an existing sales base that is being
served  from a distant  SYSCO  location.  Construction  also is  progressing  on
facilities in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia and near Sacramento, California
and all complexes will be operational during calendar 2001.

     "During  the last  several  quarters,  a  combination  of the same  factors
discussed above has allowed SYSCO to exceed its long-term  sustainable objective
of leveraging real sales growth a minimum of five percentage  points and we will
aggressively  focus on  continuing  to exceed  that  goal," Mr.  Cotros  said in

     "The economy continues to favorably  influence consumer dining patterns and
51 percent of the food dollar spent is now captured by the foodservice  industry
in comparison to the retail supermarket industry," he continued. "We are excited
about  the  remainder  of the year and the many  opportunities  we  envision  to
increase our marketing  associate-served  customer base and aggressively  pursue
internal and external growth through "fold-outs" and acquisitions.  The American
dining public has a love affair with eating foods  prepared away from home and a
growing  dependence on meals  prepared by others,  given the  demanding  pace of
today's  lifestyles.  Our  mission is to help our  customers  be  successful  by
providing them outstanding service and consistent quality products."

     SYSCO,  listed on the New York Stock Exchange,  is the largest  foodservice
marketing and  distribution  organization  in North America.  Generating  annual
sales of $19.3  billion  for the fiscal  year ended  July 1, 2000,  the  company
provides products and services to approximately 356,000 restaurants,  healthcare
and  educational  institutions,  lodging  establishments  and other  foodservice
operations.  The  SYSCO  distribution  network  extends  throughout  the  entire
contiguous United States and Alaska, as well as portions of Canada.


     The comparative  financial data (unaudited) for the first quarter of fiscal
years 2001 and 2000 are summarized below.

                                                                                        For the 13 Weeks Ended
                                                                             Sept. 30,                            Oct. 2,
                                                                               2000                                1999
                                                                     -------------------------          -------------------------
($000 omitted)
Sales                                                                $               5,360,174          $               4,657,034
Costs and expenses
    Cost of sales                                                                    4,322,784                          3,793,200
    Operating expenses                                                                 787,497                            674,244
    Interest expense                                                                    17,401                             17,944
    Other, net                                                                            (633)                              (189)
                                                                     -------------------------          -------------------------
    Total costs and expenses                                                         5,127,049                          4,485,199
                                                                     -------------------------          -------------------------
Earnings before income taxes                                                           233,125                            171,835
 Income taxes                                                                           89,170                             66,156
                                                                     -------------------------          -------------------------
Net earnings before accounting change                                                  143,955                            105,679
 Cumulative effect of accounting change                                                   --                               (8,041)
                                                                     -------------------------          -------------------------
Net earnings                                                         $                 143,955          $                  97,638
                                                                     =========================          =========================

Earnings before accounting change:
   Basic earnings per share                                          $                    0.43          $                    0.32
                                                                     =========================          =========================
   Diluted earnings per share                                        $                    0.43          $                    0.32
                                                                     =========================          =========================

Cumulative effect of accounting change:
   Basic earnings per share                                          $                    --            $                   (0.02)
                                                                     =========================          =========================
   Diluted earnings per share                                        $                    --            $                   (0.02)
                                                                     =========================          =========================

Net earnings:
   Basic earnings per share                                          $                    0.43          $                    0.30
                                                                     =========================          =========================
   Diluted earnings per share                                        $                    0.43          $                    0.29
                                                                     =========================          =========================

Average shares outstanding                                                         332,025,934                        328,925,219
                                                                     =========================          =========================
Diluted average shares outstanding                                                 337,092,765                        333,487,155
                                                                     =========================          =========================

Certain statements made herein are forward-looking  statements under the Private
Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995.  They include  statements  regarding
anticipated  industry  growth,  real sales growth and earnings per share growth,
and implementation and timing of "fold-outs" and acquisitions.  These statements
are based on  management's  current growth  expectations  and estimates;  actual
results  may differ  materially  due to  certain  risks and  uncertainties.  For
example,  industry  growth  may be  affected  by  changes  in  general  economic
conditions.  Real sales  growth and earnings per share growth may be affected by
competitive   price  pressures,   availability  of  supplies,   work  stoppages,
successful  integration  of  acquired  companies,  conditions  in  the  economy,
industry growth and internal  factors,  such as the ability to control expenses.
The decision to pursue  "fold-outs" and  acquisitions  and expenditures for such
could  vary  depending  upon  construction  schedules  and the  timing  of other
purchases, such as fleet and equipment,  while "fold-out" and acquisition timing
and results could be impacted by competitive conditions,  labor issues and other
matters.  For a  discussion  of these and other  factors that could cause actual
results to differ from those described in the  forward-looking  statements,  see
the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended July 1, 2000
as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
