FIRST AMENDMENT TO LEASE

     THIS  AGREEMENT,  made and entered into this 9th day of June,  1994, by and
between  NEWMARKET  PARTNERS I, LIMITED,  a Georgia  Limited  Partnership  whose
general  partners  are  Laing  Properties,  Inc.  and Laing  Management  Company
(hereinafter   called  "Landlord")  and  CRYOLIFE,   INC.   (hereinafter  called

                                WITNESSETH THAT:

     WHEREAS,  Landlord and Tenant entered into a certain Lease  Agreement dated
July 23, 1993 (hereinafter "Lease") for Suite 124 (hereinafter  "Premises") 2121
Newmarket Parkway, Building 5, Marietta, Georgia 30067;

     WHEREAS,  Landlord and Tenant  desire to amend the Lease in order to modify
some of the terms and conditions of the Lease;

     NOW,   THEREFORE,   in  consideration  of  the  mutual  agreements  of  the
undersigned and other good valuable consideration, this Lease is hereby amended,
effective November 16, 1993, as follows:

45.  As provided for in Paragraph 44 of Exhibit "D",  Special  Stipulations,  of
     the Lease, both Landlord and Tenant agree that the final  construction cost
     is $183,684.00 (see Exhibit "G", Construction Cost Summary, attached hereto
     and made a part hereof) and  therefore,  desire to  establish  the adjusted
     monthly rental.

     The adjusted monthly rentals are determined by the following:

     Rentable square footage = 11,227 R.S.F.

     Useable square footage = 10,692 U.S.F. (5% loss factor)


          $1.00/USF for architect services:      $ 10,692.00
          $45.00/RSF for construction costs:     $505,215.00

          Total Improvement Allowance:           $515,907.00

          $515,907.00 -   Total Improvement Allowance
           183,684.00 -   Actual Construction Cost

          $332,223.00 -   Construction Savings

          Monthly Interest Rate:            .83333% (10% Annual Interest Rate)
          Number of Months in the Term:     60 Months
          Payment Timing:                   Beginning of each month
          Monthly Payment:                  $7,000.42 ($332,223 amortized at 10%
                                            for 60 months)

                                        Initial     Construction    Adjusted
                                     Monthly Rental   Savings     Monthly Rental

          11/16/93 through 11/15/94   $14,196.32     $7,000.42 =    $7,195.90
          11/16/94 through 11/15/95   $14,430.21     $7,000.42 =    $7,429.79
          11/16/95 through 11/15/96   $14,673.46     $7,000.42 =    $7,673.04
          11/16/96 through 11/15/97   $14,926.45     $7,000.42 =    $7,926.03
          11/16/97 through 11/15/98   $15,189.55     $7,000.42 =    $8,189.13


     Page 2 of First  Amendment  to Lease by and between  Newmarket  Partners I,
Limited,  a  Georgia  Limited  Partnership  whose  general  partners  are  Laing
Properties,  Inc. and Laing  Management  Company  (Landlord) and Cryolife,  Inc.
(Tenant) dated June 9, 1994.

     Pursuant to Paragraph 3, Rental, of the Lease,  Tenant agrees to pay to the
     Landlord promptly on the first day of each month in advance during the term
     of this Lease, an adjusted monthly rental of:

          November 16, 1993 through November 15, 1994 @ $7,195.90
          November 16, 1994 through November 15, 1995 @ $7,429.79
          November 16, 1995 through November 15, 1996 @ $7,673.04
          November 16, 1996 through November 15, 1997 @ $7,926.03
          November 16, 1997 through November 15, 1998 @ $8,189.13


     Pursuant  to Georgia  Real Estate  Commission  Regulation  520-1-08,  Laing
     Marketing  Company makes the following  disclosures  concerning  this Lease

     a)   In this transaction,  Laing Marketing Company represents  Landlord and
          not Tenant.

     b)   In this  transaction,  Richard Bowers & Company  represents Tenant and
          not Landlord.

     c)   In this transaction, both Laing Marketing Company and Richard Bowers &
          Company shall receive their compensation from Landlord exclusively.

     Both  Tenant  and  Landlord  acknowledge,  agree  with and  consent  to the
     representation and compensation disclosed above.

     Except as herein  amended,  all terms  and  conditions  of the Lease  shall
remain in full force and effect.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto have executed this First Amendment
to Lease as of the day and year first above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered in     LANDLORD: NEWMARKET PARTNERS I,
the presence of:                    LIMITED, a Georgia Limited Partnership
                                    whose general partners are Laing Properties,
                                    Inc. and Laing Management Company

                                    BY:  Laing Properties, Inc.
                                         Managing General Partner

/s/ Christine M. Carroll            BY:  /s/ James A. Gillespie
- --------------------------------         ---------------------------
Witness                                  James A. Gillespie

                                    TITLE: Executive Vice President


Page 3 of First Amendment to Lease by and between Newmarket Partners I, Limited,
a Georgia Limited Partnership whose general partners are Laing Properties,  Inc.
and Laing Management Company  (Landlord) and Cryolife,  Inc. (Tenant) dated June
9, 1994.

Signed, sealed and delivered in the           TENANT:  CRYOLIFE, INC.
presence of:

/s/ D. J. Blankers                            BY: /s/ Steven G. Anderson
- -----------------------------------               ----------------------
Witness                                           Steven G. Anderson

                                              TITLE: President

/s/ Suzanne K. Gabbert                        ATTEST: /s/ Ronald D. McCall
- -----------------------------------                   --------------------
Notary Public                                         Ronald D. McCall
Cobb County, Georgia
My Commission Expires:                        TITLE: Secretary
September 13, 1996                                   (Corporate Seal)


                                   EXHIBIT "G"
                            CONSTRUCTION COST SUMMARY

                                                   Date: 4-12-94
TENANT:        CRYOLIFE, INC.                      93 WORK          R#SAM349
LOCATION:      NEWMARKET - BLDG. 5, SUITE 124      Architect:       Carlsten
RENTABLE AREA        11,227                        Planner:
OCCUPANY DATE:       1-31-94                       SP Costs:        By Others
                                                   SP Cost/SF:      $0.00
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Direct Tenant Construction Costs

Contractors:          Buyout  Changes   Total   Budget      Net  Cost/SF   Notes
 PHASES)             170,653   4,284  174,937        0 (174,937)   15.58

Elec                       0       0        0        0        0     0.00
HVAC                       0       0        0        0        0     0.00
Floor Cov.                 0       0        0        0        0     0.00
Oth:                       0       0        0        0        0     0.00
Oth: Tenant Signage        0       0        0        0        0
Oth: Tenant
  Reimbursement            0       0        0        0        0     0.00

         SUBTOTAL    170,653   4,284  174,937  481,157  306,220    15.58
           CM-FEE      8,533     214    8,747   24,058   15,311     0.78

           TOTALS   $179,186   4,498  183,684  505,215  321,531    16.36
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Description:          Buyout  Changes   Total   Budget     Net   Cost/SF   Notes

A -                        0       0        0        0        0     0.00
B -                        0       0        0        0        0     0.00
C -                        0       0        0        0        0     0.00
D -                        0       0        0        0        0     0.00
E -                        0       0        0        0        0     0.00
F - Total Space
    Planning        By Others      0        0   By Others     0     0.00
        SUBTOTAL          $0      $0       $0       $0        0     0.00
          CM FEE           0       0        0        0        0     0.00

           TOTAL          $0      $0       $0       $0       $0     0.00

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Summary-Total Cost    Buyout  Changes   Total   Budget     Net   Cost/SF

              TOTAL  179,186   4,498  183,684  505,215  321,531   $16.36

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



    $505,215. THIS LEAVES A BALANCE REMAINING OF $321,531.


     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  undersigned has executed this Waiver and Consent
and affixed its seal hereto as of the day and year first written above.

                   (Individual Mortgagee of Lessor Sign Here)

Signed, sealed and delivered this
____ day of __________, 1994, in                                          (SEAL)
the presence of:                    Name:

Notary Public


            (Corporate or Partnership Mortgagee or Lessor Sign Here)

                                  Newmarket Partners III Limited, a Georgia
                                  Limited Partnership whose general partners are
                                  Laing Properties, Inc. and Laing Management


                                  BY: Laing Properties, Inc.
                                      Managing General Partner

                                  BY: /s/ James A. Gillespie
                                      James A. Gillespie
                                      Title: Executive Vice President

/s/ Robert R. Stubbs
- ---------------------------------
Robert R. Stubbs
Title: Vice President & Secretary
Signed, sealed and delivered this
30th day of June, 1994, in the
presence of:

/s/ Christine M. Carroll
- ---------------------------------
Notary Public

