INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' CONSENT

Board of Directors 
Microtek Medical, Inc.

We consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration
Statements (Form S-8 Nos. 33-85668, 33-93526 and Form S-8 to be
filed on August 30, 1996) of Isolyser Company, Inc. pertaining to
the Isolyser Company, Inc. Stock Option Plan, Registration
Statement (Form S-8 No. 33-93528) pertaining to the 1995 Isolyser
Company, Inc. Non-Employee Director Option Plan and Registration
Statement (Form S-8 No. 33-93524) pertaining to the Isolyser
Company, Inc. 1995 Employee Stock Purchase Plan of our report
dated April 5, 1996 with respect to the financial statements of
the Venodyne Division of Advanced Instruments, Inc., as of
February 24, 1996 and the eleven month period then ended, which
report appears in the November 30, 1995 annual report on Form 10K
of Microtek Medical, Inc. and subsidiaries and is incorporated by
reference in the Form 8K of Isolyser Company, Inc.

                                   Wolf & Company, P.C.
                                   Wolf & Company, P.C.

August 30, 1996