ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

         THIS ASSET PURCHASE  AGREEMENT (the  "Agreement") is made this 11th day
of  September,  1996,  by  and  among  CryoLife,  Inc.,  a  Florida  corporation
("CryoLife");  United Cryopreservation  Foundation,  Inc., a non-profit Illinois
corporation ("UCFI"); United Transplant Foundation, Inc., an Illinois non-profit
corporation,  which is a corporate  member of UCFI  ("UTF");  and QV,  Inc.,  an
Illinois  non-profit  corporation,  which is a corporate  member of UCFI ("QV").
(UTF and QV are  hereinafter  referred  to  collectively  as the  "Members"  and
individually as a "Member").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

         WHEREAS,  CryoLife is in the business of developing and commercializing
technology   for  the  ultralow   temperature   preservation   of  viable  human
cardiovascular and orthopedic tissues for transplant;

         WHEREAS,   UCFI  is  a  non-profit   organization   organized  for  the
cryopreservation of human tissue for transplant;

         WHEREAS,  UCFI  desires to sell to CryoLife,  and  CryoLife  desires to
purchase  from UCFI,  substantially  all of the assets of UCFI  pursuant  to the
terms of this Agreement;

         WHEREAS,  the  parties  desire  to set forth  certain  representations,
warranties  and  covenants  made by each to the  other as an  inducement  to the
consummation of the sale and certain additional agreements related thereto;

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of $10.00 paid by CryoLife to UCFI,
the mutual representations, warranties and covenants herein contained, and other
good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby
acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE 1
                           PURCHASE AND SALE OF ASSETS

         1.1 PURCHASED ASSETS.  Subject to and upon the terms and conditions set
forth herein and except for those assets  described in Section 1.2 hereof,  UCFI
agrees to sell to CryoLife,  and CryoLife  agrees to purchase  from UCFI, at the
Closing (as hereinafter  defined),  all of the tangible and intangible assets of
UCFI (collectively, the "Assets"), including but not limited to:

             (a) All of UCFI's interest in and the rights and benefits  accruing
to UCFI as sublessee under that certain Sublease (collectively,  with the letter
amendments hereinafter referenced,  the "Sublease") dated November, 1995 between
Regional Organ Bank of Illinois,


Inc.  ("ROBI") and UCFI, as amended by that certain letter dated November,  1995
from ROBI to UCFI and countersigned by UCFI and submitted for  countersigning by
American National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago,  as Trustee under Trust No.
59097,  (the  "Landlord")  and that certain letter dated December 21, 1995, from
Winthrop  Management,  as agent for the Landlord and  countersigned  by ROBI and
UCFI, for certain real property as described in such Sublease and located at 800
South Wells, Chicago, Illinois 60607 (the "Subleased Property");

             (b)  All of  UCFI's  machinery,  appliances,  equipment,  including
UCFI's computer hardware and software, tools, supplies,  leasehold improvements,
construction  in  progress,  furniture  and  fixtures  owned  by  UCFI as of the
Closing,  including,  without limitation,  those items listed on Schedule 1.1(b)
attached  hereto  ("Fixed  Assets")  and all other  tangible  personal  property
located  at the  Subleased  Property  and  relating  to the  business  conducted

             (c)  All   intellectual   property  of  UCFI,   including   without
limitation,  all  proprietary  processes,   methods,   formulas,   devices,  and
techniques  related  to  the  procurement,   processing,   and  distribution  of
cryopreserved tissue;  trademarks;  service marks; goodwill and other intangible
assets  but  excluding  those  items  listed  on  Schedule  1.2   (collectively,
"Intellectual Property");

             (d) All of UCFI's right, title and interest in and to its telephone
numbers and the directory  advertising for such telephone numbers, to the extent

             (e) All claims, security and other deposits,  prepayments,  prepaid
expenses,  refunds,  causes of  action,  choses in action,  rights of  recovery,
warranty rights,  rights of set off, rights to receive insurance  proceeds,  and
rights of recoupment of UCFI ("Deposits");

             (f)  All  of  UCFI's  licenses,   consents,   permits,   variances,
certifications and approvals of governmental agencies to the extent transferable
and requested by CryoLife;

             (g) Business books, records,  ledgers, files,  documents,  business
plans,   budgets,   financial   statements,   correspondence,   customer  lists,
advertising and promotional materials of UCFI ("Books and Records");

             (h) Cash on hand,  cash in UCFI's bank accounts and escrow accounts
and cash equivalents; and

             (i) All accounts  and notes  receivable  and deferred  preservation
costs of UCFI as of Closing ("Accounts Receivable").




         1.2  EXCLUDED  ASSETS.  Anything to the  contrary in Section 1.1 hereof
notwithstanding, the Assets shall exclude the following ("Excluded Assets"):

             (a) any real property owned by UCFI; and

             (b) those items set forth on Schedule 1.2 attached hereto.

         1.3 NO LIENS OR  ENCUMBRANCES.  The Assets will be transferred and sold
to  CryoLife  free  and  clear  of all  claims,  liens,  encumbrances,  security
interests, and similar interests of any kind or nature whatsoever.

                                    ARTICLE 2

         2.1 PURCHASE PRICE. The consideration for the Assets (collectively, the
"Asset  Consideration")  will  be an  amount  equal  to  $2,000,000  (the  "Cash
Consideration"),  plus  the  aggregate  amount  of the  Assumed  Liabilities  as
described in and subject to the provisions of Section 2.3.

         2.2 PAYMENT. The Asset Consideration shall be paid to UCFI as follows:

             (a)  $750,000  shall  be paid in  immediately  available  funds  at

             (b) the  balance of the Cash  Consideration  will be  evidenced  by
delivery  of a  promissory  note  from  CryoLife  in favor of UCFI,  in the form
attached hereto as Exhibit 2.2 (the "Promissory Note"); and

             (c) the Assumed  Liabilities  shall be assumed by CryoLife pursuant
to the  Assignment  and  Assumption  Agreement and  Assignment and Assumption of
Sublease (as defined in Section 2.3).


             (a) At the Closing,  CryoLife  agrees to assume only the  following
(collectively,  the "Assumed  Liabilities"):  (i) obligations and liabilities of
UCFI  arising  from and  after the  Closing  with  respect  to the  Sublease  as
contemplated  in the Assignment and  Assumption of Sublease  attached  hereto as
Exhibit  2.3(a)(i) (the  "Assignment  and  Assumption of Sublease");  (ii) trade
payables,  accrued expenses and other current liabilities incurred by UCFI prior
to Closing and payable in the ordinary course of business as contemplated by the
Assignment and Assumption  Agreement  attached hereto as Exhibit 2.3(a)(ii) (the
"Assignment  and Assumption  Agreement").  CryoLife  shall not assume,  and UCFI
shall remain  responsible  for, the payment of the $750,000 loan payable by UCFI
to the Members. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall the aggregate



amount  of  liabilities  and  obligations  assumed  by  CryoLife  under  Section
2.3(a)(ii) exceed $500,000.

             (b) Except for the Assumed  Liabilities set forth in Section 2.3(a)
above,  it is expressly  understood and agreed that CryoLife shall not be liable
for any obligations,  liabilities,  contracts,  debts, claims, costs,  expenses,
agreements or understandings of any kind or nature whatsoever  related to UCFI's
operation  of its  business or its  ownership  or use of the Assets,  including,
without limitation,  (i) any debts or liabilities of UCFI arising from events or
occurrences  prior to the Closing,  (ii) any liability of UCFI for any period of
time for  federal,  state or local  taxes,  and (iii) any  liability of UCFI for
expenses, debts or obligations incurred within or outside the ordinary course of
business.  Anything to the contrary contained herein  notwithstanding,  CryoLife
shall not assume or have any obligations or liabilities whatsoever in respect of
severance, Worker Adjustment and Retraining Act, income tax withholding, payroll
and/or unemployment tax, workers' compensation, pension, profit-sharing,  health
insurance,  Part 6 of Subtitle B of Title I of the  Employee  Retirement  Income
Security  Act of 1974,  as  amended  ("ERISA")  or any other  employee  or other
benefit liabilities,  including, without limitation any contribution, tax, lien,
penalty,  cost,  interest,  claim, loss, action,  suit, damage, cost assessment,
withdrawal liability, liability to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (the
"PBGC"),  liability  under Section 412 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended (the "Code") or Section 302(a)(2) of ERISA or other similar liability or
expense of UCFI or any ERISA  Affiliate,  in respect of any Employee to be Hired
(as defined in Section  3.1),  for the period of time prior to  Closing,  and in
respect of any Leased  Employees,  for any  period of time  before,  on or after
Closing.  ERISA  Affiliate  shall  mean any trade or  business,  whether  or not
incorporated,  which  has  employees  who  are  or  have  been  at any  date  of
determination  occurring  within the  preceding six years,  treated  pursuant to
Section  4001(a)(14)  of ERISA and/or  Section 414 of the Code as employees of a
single employer.

Consideration received by UCFI shall be allocated,  for tax purposes, among each
item or class of the Assets of UCFI  pursuant to Schedule  2.4 hereof.  UCFI and
CryoLife  each agrees that it will prepare and file any notice or other  filings
required  pursuant  to Section  1060 of the Code,  and that any such  notices or
filings  will  be  prepared   based  on  such  tax   allocation   of  the  Asset
Consideration. CryoLife agrees to send to UCFI a completed copy of its Form 8594
("Asset  Acquisition  Statement  under  Section  1060")  with  respect  to  this
transaction prior to filing such form with the Internal Revenue Service.

         2.5 CLOSING.  The closing of the transactions  contemplated herein (the
"Closing")  shall take place on or before  September 15, 1996, at the offices of
CryoLife's counsel upon compliance with the terms,  conditions and contingencies
contained herein or on such other date as is mutually agreed upon by the parties
hereto  (such  date  to be  herein  referred  to as  the  "Closing  Date").  All
computations,  adjustments,  and  transfers  for the  purposes  hereof  shall be
effective  as of the close of business on the Closing  Date on terms  reasonably
acceptable to CryoLife.



                                    ARTICLE 3
                         OTHER COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS

         3.1 EMPLOYEE MATTERS.  UCFI currently  receives the services of certain
individuals who are employees of QV, pursuant to a management  agreement between
UCFI  and QV.  A true,  correct  and  complete  list of such  persons  (the  "QV
Employees") is attached hereto as Schedule 3.1.  CryoLife  intends to hire three
of these  employees as of Closing,  each of whom are  identified on Schedule 3.1
(the "Employees to be Hired").  With respect to the Employees to be Hired,  from
Closing forward, CryoLife shall be solely responsible and exclusively liable for
compensating  the  Employees  to be Hired  and  complying  with  all  applicable
federal,  state and local laws with respect to the  employment  of such persons,
including  without  limitation,  liability  for FICA,  FUTA,  unemployment  tax,
pension  and  profit-sharing  plan  contributions,   employee  fringe  benefits;
provided,  however, that in no event shall CryoLife have any responsibility with
respect to any Employees to be Hired for liabilities  attributable to periods on
or  prior  to  Closing  (including  without  limitation  any  severance  pay  or
liabilities  arising under  continuation of group healthcare  coverage  benefits
pursuant  to  Section  4980B of the Code and Part 6 of  Subtitle B of Title I of
ERISA  ("COBRA")  attributable  to their  termination  of  employment  with QV).
CryoLife  shall offer to obtain the services of the QV Employees  other than the
Employees to be Hired (the "Leased Employees")  pursuant to an agreement between
CryoLife  and QV,  the form of which is  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  3.1 (the
"Employee Leasing Agreement"). In no event shall CryoLife have any obligation or
liability  whatsoever  to provide any benefits or  compensation  directly to the
Leased  Employees,  it being  acknowledged  and  agreed  that QV shall  have the
exclusive liability and responsibility for compensating the Leased Employees and
complying with all applicable federal,  state and local laws with respect to the
employment of such persons,  including without  limitation,  liability for FICA,
FUTA, unemployment tax, pension and profit-sharing plan contributions,  employee
fringe benefits, and that QV shall indemnify and hold harmless CryoLife from any
liability  whatsoever with respect thereto whether arising before,  on, or after
the  Closing  Date.  In the event of  termination  of the  relationship  between
CryoLife and QV described herein with respect to the Leased Employees,  CryoLife
shall have no liability whatsoever to provide any severance or other benefits of
any nature  whatsoever to any Leased Employees or their  dependents  (including,
without  limitation,  severance pay or liabilities arising under COBRA, it being
acknowledged and agreed that the exclusive  responsibility  for all such matters
shall be with QV. QV shall be  responsible  for all vacation of the Employees to
be Hired prior to Closing,  and QV shall be responsible  for all vacation of all
Leased Employees accruing prior to or after Closing; provided, however, CryoLife
acknowledges and agrees that amounts accrued by UCFI in connection with vacation
of QV  Employees  and payable to QV in the  ordinary  course of UCFI's  business
shall be an "Assumed  Liability" of CryoLife  under  Section  2.3(a)(ii) of this

         3.2 CONSENTS.  Promptly after  execution of this  Agreement,  UCFI will
promptly apply for or otherwise seek, and use their best efforts to obtain,  all
consents  and  approvals   required  for   consummation   of  the   transactions
contemplated hereby, including without



limitation,  those consents listed in Schedule 3.2 hereof  (including  estoppels
and  consents  from  the  lessors  and  sublessors  under  the  Sublease  to the
assignment  thereof to  CryoLife  in form  substantially  similar to Exhibit 3.2
attached  hereto).  Any charges  imposed by the lessors for such  estoppels  and
consents  shall be borne by UCFI,  and UCFI and the  Members  shall  jointly and
severally  indemnify  CryoLife  against  any  action  brought  against  CryoLife
resulting  from  UCFI's  failure  to  pay  such  charges.   Notwithstanding  the
foregoing, the parties agree that CryoLife shall bear all charges imposed by the
lessor of the  Subleased  Property  in  connection  with  establishing  a direct
landlord-tenant relationship between CryoLife and said lessor to the extent such
charges exceed $1,500,  and that ROBI shall bear such charges to the extent such
charges are less than or equal to $1,500. The parties acknowledge that it may be
difficult  to obtain,  prior to  Closing,  the consent of the  Landlord  and the
mortgagee of the Subleased  Property (the  "Mortgagee") to the assignment of the
Sublease.  In the event UCFI uses its best efforts to obtain such consent  prior
to Closing but is unable to obtain such consent by such date, CryoLife agrees to
waive the  receipt  of such  consent as a  condition  to close.  CryoLife  shall
cooperate with UCFI in all reasonable  respects in UCFI's efforts to obtain such
consent, whether before or after Closing. Notwithstanding any waiver by CryoLife
of the receipt of the Landlord's and Mortgagee's Consents prior to Closing, UCFI
and its Members shall jointly and severally  indemnify  CryoLife for any damages
incurred by it as a result of the failure to obtain the Landlord and Mortgagee's
consent,  including,   without  limitation,  any  moving  expenses  incurred  by
CryoLife.  To the extent the Landlord and Mortgagee  refuse to give such consent
and require  CryoLife to vacate the Subleased  Property,  the assignment and the
assumption of the Sublease shall become null, void, and ineffective and CryoLife
shall have no rights  under or liability  for payment of any rental  obligations
thereunder  after  the  date  it  vacates  such  premises.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  CryoLife shall be responsible for the payment and performance of all
of UCFI's  obligations  under the  Sublease  for all  periods  up to the date it
vacates  the  premises  following  the  Landlord  or  Mortgagee's  denial of its
consent.  To the extent the consent of the Landlord  and  Mortgagee is obtained,
CryoLife  agrees to use  reasonable  efforts  to obtain  from the  Landlord  and
Mortgagee  the  release  of UCFI  and  ROBI  from any  obligation  or  liability
subsequent to the Closing in connection with the Subleased Property.


             (a) UCFI currently conducts its business at the Subleased Property.
Upon the  execution  and delivery  hereof,  UCFI shall  concurrently  deliver to
CryoLife all Schedules  required to be attached  hereto.  Prior to the execution
and delivery hereof,  UCFI shall deliver to CryoLife true,  correct and complete
copies of the Sublease, insurance policies, the Historical Financials and UCFI's
tax returns  (pursuant to Section 4.11  hereof),  together  with all  amendments
thereto through the date of execution  hereof.  UCFI, its employees,  agents and
representatives  shall provide to CryoLife and its employees,  agents,  counsel,
accountants,  financial consultants and other representatives full access to all
information  regarding the Assets and business of UCFI and shall fully cooperate
with  CryoLife as  reasonably  needed to verify the accuracy of the  information
prepared by UCFI. UCFI shall



afford  CryoLife,  its employees,  agents,  counsel,  accountants  and financial
consultants  full  access,  during  normal  business  hours and upon  reasonable
notice, any reasonably necessary hours thereafter,  to the offices,  properties,
records,  files and other  documents  and  information  of or relating to UCFI's
business and the Assets as CryoLife, its employees, agents, counsel, accountants
or financial consultants may reasonably request. UCFI shall allow CryoLife,  its
employees,  agents,  counsel,  accountants and financial consultants access to a
work area  within such  business  office and shall allow the copying of any such
records as requested by such party.  However,  CryoLife's  due diligence  review
shall at all  times be  conducted  in a manner  which is not  disruptive  to the
business of UCFI. UCFI reserves the right to require  CryoLife's agents to enter
into confidentiality agreements covering information acquired in connection with
such due diligence reviews in form reasonably satisfactory to UCFI.

             (b) Prior to Closing, UCFI shall prepare and deliver to CryoLife an
unaudited balance sheet as of July 31, 1996 (or such later date as designated by
CryoLife) and an unaudited income statement for the one-month period then ended,
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied
throughout the period  involved  (except that such interim  statements  need not
include footnotes or normal year-end  adjustments)  (collectively,  the "Interim
Financials").  The Interim  Financials  shall be  accompanied  by a  certificate
signed by the  President  that such  Interim  Financials  have been  prepared in
accordance with generally accepted accounting  principles  consistently  applied
throughout  the period  involved  (except for the absence of footnotes or normal
year-end  adjustments) and fairly present the financial  condition of UCFI as of
the date  thereof and the results of  operations  for the period then ended.  As
soon as is reasonably  practicable  after the execution of this Agreement,  UCFI
will provide  CryoLife with such  financial  statements  and  information as are
reasonably necessary to permit KPMG Peat Marwick to prepare financial statements
of UCFI in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently
applied  and  Regulation  S-X as  promulgated  by the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  ("SEC").  UCFI  acknowledges  that such  financial  information  and
statements must be provided to the Accountants in a manner which will enable the
Accountants  to complete the Audit within 60 days  following the Closing of this
Agreement in order to comply with SEC filing requirements.  All costs associated
with  the  Audit  (other  than  UCFI's  personnel  costs,  if any)  shall be the
responsibility of CryoLife.

             (c)  CryoLife   shall  cause  its   employees,   agents,   counsel,
accountants,  financial  consultants and other representatives to hold in strict
confidence  any and all  information  obtained from UCFI and to not disclose any
such  information  (unless such  information  is or becomes  ascertainable  from
public  sources or public  disclosure of such  information  is in the good faith
judgment of CryoLife required by law); provided, however, that nothing contained
herein  shall  limit  the  right  of any  such  persons  to  disclose  any  such
information  to CryoLife or its  employees,  agents,  representatives,  counsel,
accountants,  financial  advisors,  underwriters  and sources of financing  (and
their counsel and  accountants) for the purpose of facilitating the consummation
of the transactions  contemplated  hereby.  Should the transaction  contemplated
herein not be consummated for any reason whatsoever,



CryoLife agrees to keep information  obtained from UCFI confidential and not use
it for any purpose adverse to the interests of UCFI (unless such  information is
or  becomes  ascertainable  from  public  sources or public  disclosure  of such
information  is in the good faith  judgment of CryoLife  required by law).  Upon
termination of this Agreement  pursuant to Section 9.1, CryoLife shall return to
UCFI all documents  obtained by or provided to CryoLife pursuant to this Section

             (d) CryoLife's due diligence  review and any  inspections  pursuant
thereto  shall  not  waive  or  release  UCFI or the  Members  from any of their
representations or warranties under this Agreement.

         3.4 NONCOMPETITION AGREEMENTS. Concurrently with the Closing, UCFI, QV,
and UTF, shall each enter into a Noncompetition  Agreement with CryoLife, in the
form of Exhibit 3.4 attached hereto.

         3.5 UCFI'S ACCESS TO BOOKS AND RECORDS. CryoLife agrees to preserve all
of the records and books, customer records, and any other records which UCFI may
turn over to CryoLife  pursuant to this Agreement until the fifth anniversary of
the Closing Date,  and, until such time, to make them  available,  during normal
business  hours, to UCFI or the Members,  their counsel,  accountants and others
authorized by them for inspection and the making of extracts therefrom, provided
such  inspection  and making of  extracts  do not  unreasonably  interfere  with
CryoLife's operations and business.

agrees that,  unless  CryoLife shall otherwise  consent in writing,  between the
date hereof and the Closing,  the  business of UCFI shall be conducted  only in,
and UCFI shall not take any action  except in, the  ordinary  course of business
and in a manner  consistent  with  past  practice;  and  UCFI  will use its best
efforts to preserve  substantially intact the business  organization of UCFI, to
keep available the services of its present  officers and the QV Employees and to
preserve the present  relationships of UCFI with customers,  suppliers and other
persons with which UCFI has significant  business relations except that UCFI may
take steps to terminate any agreements  which are not to be assigned.  By way of
amplification  and not  limitation,  except as  expressly  provided  for in this
Agreement,  UCFI shall not, between the date hereof and the Closing, directly or
indirectly,  take any of the following actions without the prior written consent
of CryoLife:

             (a) (i) issue, sell, pledge,  dispose of, encumber,  authorize,  or
propose the issuance, sale, pledge, disposition, encumbrance or authorization of
any  membership  interests  or  rights  of any kind to  acquire  any  membership
interests of UCFI; (ii) amend or propose to amend the Articles of  Incorporation
or By-Laws of UCFI;  (iii)  redeem,  purchase or  otherwise  acquire or offer to
redeem,  purchase  or  otherwise  acquire  any  membership  interests;  or  (iv)
authorize  or propose  or enter  into any  contract,  agreement,  commitment  or
arrangement with respect to any of the matters set forth in this Section 3.6(a);



             (b) (i) acquire (by merger, consolidation,  or acquisition of stock
or assets)  any  interest  in any  corporation,  partnership  or other  business
organization  or  division  thereof;  (ii)  except  in the  ordinary  course  of
business,  sell,  pledge,  dispose of, or encumber or  authorize  or propose the
sale, pledge,  disposition or encumbrance of any assets of UCFI; (iii) incur any
indebtedness  for  borrowed  money  or  enter  into  any  material  contract  or
agreement,  except in the ordinary course of business; (iv) authorize any single
capital expenditure in excess of $1,000 or capital expenditures in the aggregate
in  excess  of  $5,000;  or (v) enter  into or amend  any  contract,  agreement,
commitment or  arrangement  with respect to any of the matters set forth in this
Section 3.6(b);

             (c) take any action other than in the  ordinary  course of business
and in a manner  consistent  with past practice  (none of which actions shall be
unreasonable or unusual) with respect to increasing compensation of any officer,
director,  or any of the QV  Employees  or  with  respect  to the  grant  of any
severance or  termination  pay  (otherwise  than pursuant to policies of UCFI in
effect on the date  hereof and fully  disclosed  to  CryoLife  prior to the date
hereof) or with respect to any increase of benefits  payable under its severance
or  termination  pay policies in effect on the date hereof;  provided,  however,
CryoLife's  consent shall not be required with respect to grants or increases of
severance pay provided,  if made prior to Closing,  such payments are made by or
reimbursed  by the  Members  or, if made  following  the  Closing,  are the sole
responsibility of the Members;

             (d) except as  permitted by (c),  make any  payments  except in the
ordinary course of business and in amounts and in a manner  consistent with past
practice  (none of which  payments  shall be  unreasonable  or unusual),  to any
employee of, or independent  contractor or consultant  to, UCFI,  enter into any
employee  benefit  plan,  any  employment  or  consulting  agreement,  grant  or
establish any new awards under any employee benefit plan or agreement,  or adopt
or otherwise amend any of the foregoing;

             (e) take any action  except in the ordinary  course of business and
in a manner  consistent  with past practice or make any change in its methods of
procurement,  management,  distribution,  marketing, accounting or operating (or
practices relating to payment of trade accounts or to other payments);

             (f) except in the  ordinary  course of business or as  specifically
permitted  herein,  take any action to incur or  increase  prior to Closing  any
indebtedness  for borrowed money from banks or other  financial  institutions or
cancel without  payment in full, any notes,  loans or receivables  except in the
ordinary course of business;

             (g) loan or  advance  monies to any person  under any  circumstance
whatsoever,   except  travel  advances,   salary  advances  in  connection  with
vacations,  or other  reasonable  expense  advances to QV Employees  made in the
ordinary course of business consistent with past practices; or



             (h) do any act or omit to do any act which  would cause a breach of
any  contract,  commitment  or obligation of UCFI except where such breach would
not cause a Material Adverse Effect (as defined in Section 3.9).

         3.7 NO  NEGOTIATIONS.  UCFI covenants that subject to Section 9.2, from
and after the date hereof, neither UCFI, nor its officers, members or directors,
nor  anyone  acting  on  behalf  of UCFI or such  persons,  shall,  directly  or
indirectly,  solicit, engage in discussions or negotiations with, or provide any
information  to, any person,  firm or other entity or group (other than CryoLife
or its  representatives)  concerning  any merger,  sale of  substantial  assets,
purchase or sale of membership interests or similar transaction involving UCFI.

         3.8 CLOSING COSTS.

             (a) All of the expenses incurred by CryoLife in connection with the
authorization,  negotiation,  preparation,  execution  and  performance  of this
Agreement and other  agreements  referred to herein and the  consummation of the
transactions  contemplated hereby, including,  without limitation,  all fees and
expenses  of agents,  representatives,  brokers,  counsel  and  accountants  for
CryoLife, shall be paid by CryoLife.

             (b) All  expenses  incurred by the  Members and UCFI in  connection
with the authorization,  negotiation,  preparation, execution and performance of
this Agreement and the other agreements  referred to herein and the consummation
of the transactions contemplated hereby, including without limitation,  all fees
and expenses of agents, representatives, brokers, counsel and accountants, shall
be paid by the  Members  and  UCFI.  Prior to the  Closing,  the  Members  shall
reimburse UCFI in full for any and all such expenses  (excluding  expenses which
would  otherwise have been incurred by UCFI in the ordinary  course of business)
incurred  on behalf of the  Members  or UCFI  which have been or will be paid by
UCFI prior to the Closing.  After the Closing, UCFI and the Members shall remain
responsible  for and shall pay all such expenses  incurred on behalf of UCFI and
the Members.


             (a) UCFI shall give  prompt  notice to CryoLife in the event any of
the following events occur prior to the Closing:

                           (i) the  occurrence  or  nonoccurrence  of any  event
                  whose  occurrence  or  nonoccurrence  would be likely to cause
                  either  (A)  any  representation  or  warranty  of UCFI or the
                  Members contained in this Agreement to be untrue or inaccurate
                  in any  material  respect at any time from the date  hereof to
                  the  Closing,  or (B)  directly or  indirectly,  any  Material
                  Adverse Effect for UCFI. The term  "Material  Adverse  Effect"
                  means any change in or effect on the business of the specified
                  entity that is or will be materially  adverse to the business,
                  operations,   properties  (including  intangible  properties),



                  (financial or  otherwise),  assets,  liabilities or regulatory
                  status of such entity by virtue of the fact that it would have
                  an  adverse  effect of in  excess  of $5,000 on the  financial
                  condition  of  such  entity,   would   represent  a  potential
                  liability or claim in excess of $5,000,  or would constitute a
                  criminal act; or

                           (ii) Any material  failure of UCFI or any Member,  or
                  any officer,  director,  or agent  thereof,  to comply with or
                  satisfy any  covenant,  condition  or agreement to be complied
                  with or satisfied by it hereunder.

             (b) CryoLife  shall give prompt  notice to UCFI in the event any of
the following events occur prior to the Closing:

                           (i) the  occurrence  or  nonoccurrence  of any  event
                  whose  occurrence  or  nonoccurrence  would be likely to cause
                  either  (A)  any   representation   or  warranty  of  CryoLife
                  contained in this  Agreement to be untrue or inaccurate in any
                  material  respect  at any time  from the  date  hereof  to the
                  Closing,  or (B) an event, the disclosure of which is required
                  by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; or

                           (ii)  any  material  failure  of  CryoLife,   or  any
                  officer,  director,  employee or agent thereof, to comply with
                  or satisfy any covenant, condition or agreement to be complied
                  with or satisfied by it hereunder.

             (c)  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the  delivery  of any notice
pursuant to this  Section 3.9 shall not limit or  otherwise  affect the remedies
available hereunder to the party receiving such notice.


             (a) Except as may be required by law or as provided in this Section
3.10,  each of UCFI and  CryoLife  agrees that it will not,  and will direct its
directors, officers, employees, representatives and agents who have knowledge of
the transactions  between UCFI, the Members,  and CryoLife  contemplated by this
Agreement not to, disclose to any person who is not a participant in discussions
concerning such  transactions  (other than any persons whose consent is required
to be  obtained  hereunder),  any of the terms,  conditions  or other facts with
respect to any such transactions.

             (b) Attached  hereto as Exhibit  3.10 is the form of press  release
that has been approved by CryoLife and UCFI for issuance upon the Closing. After
the Closing, each of CryoLife and UCFI shall obtain the prior written consent of
the other  before  issuing  any press  release  or  otherwise  making any public
statements with respect to the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement and
shall not issue any such press release or make any such public  statement  prior
to such consent;  provided,  however,  notwithstanding  the foregoing,  CryoLife
shall be  entitled  to make any  disclosure  that it  believes in its good faith



after consultation with its legal counsel, is required by law to be made. In the
event  CryoLife  determines  that a  disclosure  is  required by law to be made,
CryoLife  shall use  reasonable  efforts to  provide a copy of any  contemplated
press  release to UCFI prior to the issuance  thereof and to include any changes
requested by UCFI with respect thereto.

         3.11 BULK SALES.  CryoLife  hereby  waives  compliance by UCFI with the
provisions  of any  applicable  state bulk transfer  statutes,  and UCFI and the
Members, jointly and severally, covenant and agree to pay and discharge when due
all claims of creditors  asserted  against  CryoLife by reason of any failure of
UCFI and/or the Members to so comply, and to indemnify CryoLife fully in respect
thereof, which indemnity shall survive the Closing.

         3.12 PROCUREMENT AGREEMENTS. At the Closing,  Procurement Agreements in
the form attached hereto as Exhibit 3.12 (the "Procurement Agreements") shall be
entered into between  CryoLife and ROBI and CryoLife and Mid-America  Transplant
Services ("MTS"), respectively.

         3.13  PREPAYMENT OF SUBLEASE.  To the extent rent under the Sublease is
prepaid and such  prepayments  do not extend for more than six months  following
Closing,  CryoLife shall reimburse the existing  tenant,  ROBI, for its pro rata
portion  of such  prepayments  on a monthly  basis as such  payments  would have
otherwise become due under the Sublease.

         3.14 DISTRIBUTION  AGREEMENT.  At the Closing,  CryoLife and UCFI shall
enter into a Distribution  Agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 3.14
(the "Distribution Agreement").

         3.15 FURNITURE.  The parties hereby  acknowledge that the furniture and
certain other equipment (the  "Furniture")  used by UCFI in the operation of its
business is leased pursuant to that certain Master Lease Agreement dated October
11, 1995 between UCFI and First American Bank of Dundee (the "Furniture Lease").
The parties have agreed that, prior to Closing, UCFI shall exercise its right to
purchase  the  Furniture  pursuant  to the terms of the  Furniture  Lease.  UCFI
represents  and  warrants to CryoLife  that the cost to exercise  such  purchase
option shall not exceed $32,000.

         3.16 TRANSITIONAL  AGREEMENTS.  At the Closing, ROBI and CryoLife shall
enter  into (a) a License  Agreement  in the form  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit
3.16(a), and (b) an Agreement Regarding Services and Related Matters in the form
attached   hereto  as   Exhibit   3.16(b)   (collectively,   the   "Transitional

         3.17 INSURANCE.  UCFI has submitted to its insurance company a claim in
the aggregate amount of $141,309.14 (the "Insured Amount") for the water damages
incurred in connection  with the events  described on Schedule 4.24. UCFI agrees
it shall provide reasonable cooperation and assistance to CryoLife following the
Closing in the collection of the Insured Amount, and to the extent the insurance
company  refuses or fails to pay the Insured  Amount  within 120 days  following
Closing, UCFI shall pay to CryoLife the Insured



Amount,  and thereafter  UCFI shall be entitled to pursue payment thereof and to
receipt of the Insured Amount upon any payment by the insurance company.

                                    ARTICLE 4

         In order to induce CryoLife to enter into this Agreement and consummate
the transactions  contemplated hereby, UCFI and each Member hereby,  jointly and
severally,  makes the following representations and warranties to CryoLife, each
of which  warranties  and  representations  is material to and is relied upon by

         4.1  ORGANIZATION  AND AUTHORITY OF UCFI.  UCFI is a  corporation  duly
organized,  validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of
Illinois.  UCFI and each Member is a non-profit  organization under Illinois law
and is an organization  described in Section  501(c)(3) of the Code and is not a
"Private  Foundation,"  within the meaning of Section 509 of the Code.  UCFI has
received a  determination  letter from the Internal  Revenue Service (the "IRS")
that it is  described  in  Section  501(c)(3)  of the  Code and that it is not a
Private  Foundation.  UCFI is duly  qualified  as a foreign  corporation  in all
jurisdictions  in which the  conduct of its  business  or the  ownership  of its
properties  requires  such  qualification  and Schedule 4.1 lists all the states
where UCFI is so qualified. UCFI has all necessary corporate power and authority
to own,  lease and operate  its  properties  and  conduct its  business as it is
currently being conducted. UCFI does not own, directly or indirectly, any equity
interest in any corporation, partnership, joint venture or other entity and does
not have any  "subsidiaries,"  which for  purposes of this  Agreement  means any
corporation  or other legal entity of which UCFI owns,  directly or  indirectly,
more than 50% of the stock or other  equity  interests  the holders of which are
generally  entitled to vote for the  election of the board of directors or other
governing body of such corporation or other legal entity.

Member has full  corporate  power and  authority  to execute  and  deliver  this
Agreement and to consummate  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby.  UCFI, the
Members,  ROBI, and MTS each have full corporate  power and authority to execute
and deliver each of the Asset Purchase  Transaction  Documents to which it is or
will be a party and to consummate the transactions  contemplated thereby. "Asset
Purchase   Transaction   Documents"   means  all  Exhibits  and  all   officer's
certificates  to be delivered at the Closing and  referenced in Sections 7 and 8
excluding  Exhibits 3.10, 7.4(g) and 8.4(i).  All of the members of UCFI are set
forth on Schedule 4.2 attached  hereto.  The duly elected officers and directors
of UCFI are set forth on Schedule 4.2 attached  hereto.  The  directors  and the
Members of UCFI have duly approved and  authorized the execution and delivery of
this Agreement and each of the Asset Purchase Transaction  Documents to which it
is a party and the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby and
thereby,  and no other corporate  proceedings are necessary.  Assuming that this
Agreement and each of the Asset Purchase Transaction Documents to which CryoLife
is a party constitutes a valid and binding



agreement of  CryoLife,  as  applicable,  this  Agreement  and each of the Asset
Purchase  Transaction  Documents to which UCFI, QV, UTF,  ROBI,  and/or MTS is a
party, constitutes,  or will constitute when executed and delivered, a valid and
binding agreement of such party, in each case enforceable in accordance with its
terms subject to applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,  moratorium,
or similar laws  affecting  the rights of  creditors  generally  and  principles
governing the availability of equitable remedies.

         4.3  TITLE TO  ASSETS.  UCFI has  good  and  valid  title to all of its
Assets, free and clear of any liens,  pledges,  encumbrances,  claims or similar
rights of third parties. At the Closing, UCFI will transfer to CryoLife good and
valid title to all of its Assets, free and clear of any liens, pledges, charges,
encumbrances, claims, or similar rights of third parties.

         4.4 NO CONFLICT; REQUIRED CONSENTS.  Assuming all consents,  approvals,
authorizations  and  other  actions  listed on  Schedule  3.2  hereto  have been
obtained or taken with  respect to items (a) and (b) below,  the  execution  and
delivery by UCFI of this  Agreement  and the  execution and delivery by UCFI and
the  Members  of each  Asset  Purchase  Transaction  Document  to  which it is a
signatory  and the  consummation  by UCFI and the  Members  of the  transactions
contemplated hereby and thereby do not and will not, to the knowledge of UCFI or
the Members,  (a) require the  consent,  approval or action of, or any filing or
notice  to,  any  corporation,  firm,  person  or other  entity  or any  public,
governmental  or judicial  authority;  (b) violate the terms of any  instrument,
document or agreement  to which UCFI or any Member is a party,  or by which UCFI
or any Member or the property of UCFI  (including the Assets) is bound, or be in
conflict with, result in a breach of or constitute (upon the giving of notice or
lapse  of time or  both) a  default  under  any  such  instrument,  document  or
agreement of UCFI or any Member,  or result in the creation of any lien upon any
of the property or assets of UCFI (including the Assets); (c) violate any order,
writ,  injunction,  decree,  judgment,  ruling,  law,  rule or regulation of any
federal,  state, county,  municipal,  or foreign court or governmental authority
applicable  to UCFI  or any  Member  or  relating  to the  Assets  or to  UCFI's
business; or (d) violate the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws of UCFI.

         4.5  COMPLIANCE  WITH  LAWS.  To the best of UCFI's  and each  Member's
knowledge,  UCFI is in compliance with all applicable  laws,  orders,  rules and
regulations of all governmental bodies and agencies.

         4.6  LICENSES  AND PERMITS.  UCFI holds and is in  compliance  with all
licenses, permits, concessions, grants, franchises, approvals and authorizations
listed on  Schedule  4.6  attached  hereto,  and to the best of UCFI's  and each
Member's  knowledge,  such  list  constitutes  all  of  the  licenses,  permits,
concessions,  grants,  franchises,  approvals  and  authorizations  necessary or
required  for the use or  ownership  of the Assets and the  operation  of UCFI's
business.  Except as previously  disclosed to CryoLife in writing,  neither UCFI
nor any  Member has  received  notice of any  violations  in respect of any such
licenses, permits, concessions, grants, franchises, approvals or authorizations.
No  proceeding  is  pending  or,  to the  knowledge  of  UCFI  or a  Member,  is
threatened, which seeks revocation



or limitation of any such licenses,  permits,  concessions,  grants, franchises,
approvals or authorizations.


             (a) Prior to the date hereof,  UCFI has delivered to CryoLife true,
correct and complete copies of the audited balance sheets of UCFI as of June 30,
1996 and June 30, 1995, and audited income  statements for the fiscal years then
ended  (collectively,   the  "Historical   Financials").   All  such  Historical
Financials  (including  any related notes and  schedules)  have been prepared in
accordance with generally accepted accounting  principles  consistently  applied
throughout the periods  involved and fairly  present the financial  condition of
UCFI at the  respective  dates thereof and the results of its operations for the
periods then ended.

             (b) The Interim Financials, when delivered, will have been prepared
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied
throughout the periods  involved (except for the absence of footnotes and normal
year-end adjustments) and will show all liabilities,  direct and contingent,  of
UCFI required at the time of  preparation  to be shown in  accordance  with such
principles.  The  balance  sheet  included  in  the  Interim  Financials,   when
delivered,  will fairly  present the financial  condition of UCFI as of the date
thereof,  and the income  statement  included  in the Interim  Financials,  when
delivered,  will fairly  present the results of the  operations  of UCFI for the
period indicated. The income statement included in the Interim Financials,  when
delivered,  will not  contain  any  material  items of special or  non-recurring
income or any other income not earned in the ordinary course of UCFI's business.

             (c) On the date hereof,  there are no liabilities or obligations of
UCFI  of  any  nature,  whether  liquidated,  unliquidated,  accrued,  absolute,
contingent or otherwise except for those (i) that will be specifically reflected
or  reserved  against  as to  amount  in the  balance  sheets  contained  in the
Historical  Financials,  (ii) that arise  thereafter  in the ordinary  course of
business,  and (iii) that are  specifically  set forth on Schedule  4.7 attached
hereto; and at the Closing,  there will be no liabilities or obligations of UCFI
of any nature, whether liquidated,  unliquidated,  accrued, absolute, contingent
or  otherwise  except  for  those  (A) that will be  specifically  reflected  or
reserved  against as to amount in the  balance  sheet  contained  in the Interim
Financials,  (B) that arise after the date of such balance sheet in the ordinary
course of business or (C) that are specifically set forth on Schedule 4.7.

             (d) UCFI has not been  during the 12 months  immediately  preceding
the  execution  of this  Agreement,  insolvent  within the  meaning of 11 U.S.C.
Section 101(31). UCFI has and is paying its debts as they become due.

         4.8 SUFFICIENCY OF ASSETS. The Assets and the assets excluded therefrom
pursuant to Section 1.2 hereof  constitute all the material assets of any nature
with which UCFI has conducted its business for the 12-month  period prior to the
Closing Date, subject only to



additions and deletions in the ordinary course of business.  All material assets
and  rights  relating  to  UCFI's  business  are  held  only  by  UCFI,  and all
agreements,  obligations,  expenses and transactions  related to UCFI's business
have  been  entered  into,  incurred  and  conducted  only by UCFI or one of its
Members.  To the extent any agreements or transactions have been entered into by
a Member, such agreement or transaction has or will be assigned to UCFI prior to
Closing  or, to the  extent  not  assigned,  has been  previously  disclosed  to
CryoLife in writing.

         4.9 DEPOSITS.  Attached as Schedule 4.9 is a true, correct and complete
list of Deposits of UCFI, setting forth the amount of each Deposit.


             (a) Schedule  4.10(a) is a true,  correct and complete  list of the
trade payables and accrued  expenses of UCFI  outstanding as of the date of this
Agreement,  which  list  indicates  the number of days such  payables  have been
outstanding.  All such trade payables and accrued expenses have been incurred in
the ordinary course of business.

             (b) At the Closing,  UCFI shall deliver to CryoLife an updated list
of trade payables and accrued  expenses of UCFI (the "Closing Trade Payables and
Accrued  Expenses List") listing all trade payables and accrued expenses of UCFI
as of the Closing.  The Closing Trade Payables and Accrued Expenses List will be
true, correct and complete as of the Closing.

             (c)  Schedule  4.10(c)  attached  hereto  is a  true,  correct  and
complete list of all  obligations for  indebtedness  owed by UCFI as of the date
hereof (other than trade  payables) and all  obligations  of UCFI as of the date
hereof  incurred  other than in the  ordinary  course of  business,  stating the
origin of the obligation and the amount owed.

         4.11 TAX RETURNS AND  PAYMENTS.  All federal,  state and local  income,
franchise,  sales,  use,  payroll,  excise,  business,  license and  information
(including,  without  limitation,  IRS Form 990) tax returns of UCFI required by
law to be filed for all periods to and  including  the Closing Date have been or
will be timely filed and were or will be accurate  and correct  when filed,  and
UCFI has paid or will pay all taxes,  including federal,  state or local income,
franchise,  sales,  use,  payroll,  excise,  business and license  taxes and any
penalties and interest or other charges applicable thereto ("Taxes") due for all
periods prior to and including the Closing Date. No state,  federal or local tax
liens exist with respect to UCFI or any of its assets (including the Assets). No
audit of the Taxes of UCFI is  currently  in  progress  or has, to UCFI's or any
Member's  knowledge,   been  scheduled.  The  full  amount  of  any  unpaid  tax
liabilities  which have accrued  through  June 30, 1996 has been  reflected as a
liability in the books and in the financial statements of UCFI as of the date of
their  accrual.  UCFI has paid all taxes which would not  otherwise  require the
filing of returns and which are required to be paid and which otherwise would be
delinquent.  Prior to the  execution  of this  Agreement,  UCFI has  provided to
CryoLife true, correct and complete



copies of UCFI's  federal  income tax  returns on Form 990 for 1995,  1994,  and
1993,  which  returns  were  properly  signed by UCFI and timely  filed with the
Internal Revenue Service.

         4.12 FIXED  ASSETS.  The Fixed  Assets owned by UCFI include all of the
furniture, fixtures and equipment owned and used by UCFI in the operation of its
business.  Each of the Fixed Assets is in good  operating  condition and repair,
normal wear and tear excepted, for all present uses by UCFI. A true, correct and
complete list of the Fixed Assets is attached as Schedule  1.1(b),  and all such
Fixed Assets are located at the Subleased  Property unless a different  location
is noted on Schedule 1.1(b).

         4.13 PROCESSED  TISSUE.  UCFI's  inventory of processed tissue held for
distribution  pursuant to the  Distribution  Agreement  consists,  and as of the
close of business  on the last  business  day  preceding  the Closing  Date will
consist, only of human cryopreserved  cardiovascular,  vascular,  and orthopedic
tissue which has been preserved using UCFI's protocols  required for and used in
the recovery, processing,  packing, storage and distribution of human tissue and
organs and has been processed in accordance with UCFI's protocols. True, correct
and complete copies of all such protocols have been supplied to CryoLife. UCFI's
inventory of processed tissue held for distribution pursuant to the Distribution
Agreement  is in full  compliance  with all  requirements  of Title 21,  Code of
Federal  Regulations Part 1270 except where failure to so comply would not cause
a Material Adverse Effect.  Schedule 4.13 attached hereto is a true, correct and
complete list of the processed tissue held by UCFI by type and size.

         4.14 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.  Schedule 4.14 hereto lists all trademarks,
service  marks,  and  copyrights  of UCFI used by UCFI in the  operation  of its
business.  UCFI owns and/or has the sole and  exclusive  right to use all of the
Intellectual  Property.  Upon the consummation of the transactions  contemplated
hereby,  to the  knowledge of UCFI and the Members,  CryoLife will have the sole
and exclusive  right to own and use the  Intellectual  Property.  No claims have
been asserted and no claims are pending or, to UCFI's or any Member's  knowledge
threatened by any person or entity, to the use of any such Intellectual Property
or  challenging  or questioning  the validity or  effectiveness  of any state or
federal  registration  of the  Intellectual  Property  and neither  UCFI nor any
Member knows of any valid basis for such claim.  UCFI's use of the  Intellectual
Property,  and, to the knowledge of UCFI and the Members,  CryoLife's  continued
use of the  Intellectual  Property  following  the Closing in the same manner as
heretofore used by UCFI, does not and will not infringe the rights of any person
or entity.

         4.15  CONTRACTS.  Schedule  4.15 sets forth a true and complete list of
all written or oral contracts, agreements and other instruments to which UCFI or
its Assets are subject or bound,  including without  limitation  agreements with
organ procurement agencies and other procurement sources, sales representatives,
distributors,  suppliers and independent  contractors in the operation of UCFI's
business, except any contract, agreement or understanding involving an aggregate
annual expenditure of less than $10,000 (collectively,  the "Contracts").  Prior
to execution of this Agreement, UCFI has provided to CryoLife



true,  correct  and  complete  copies of the  Contracts,  including  any and all
amendments  and waivers  thereto.  Except as otherwise  disclosed to CryoLife in
writing,  such Contracts are valid,  legally binding and enforceable against the
parties thereto.  Except as otherwise disclosed to CryoLife in writing,  neither
UCFI nor, to the best of UCFI's and any Member's  knowledge,  any other party to
any of the Contracts is in breach of, or in default under,  any of the Contracts
and no event has  occurred  which,  with the  notice or lapse of time,  or both,
would  constitute a default by UCFI or any other party to any of the  Contracts.
The  assignment  of any of the  Contracts  to CryoLife in  accordance  with this
Agreement will not constitute a breach or violation of such Contract.

         4.16 HAZARDOUS  SUBSTANCE.  For purposes of this paragraph,  "hazardous
substance"  means any substance or material (a) identified in Section 101(14) of
the  Comprehensive  Environmental  Response,  Compensation and Liability Act, 42
U.S.C.  Section  9601(14)  and as  set  forth  in  Title  40,  Code  of  Federal
Regulations,  Part  302,  as the  same may be  amended  from  time to time,  (b)
determined to be toxic,  a pollutant or  contaminant,  under  federal,  state or
local statute, law, ordinance, rule, or regulation or judicial or administrative
order or decision,  as same may be amended from time to time,  (c) petroleum and
petroleum products and distillates, (d) asbestos, (e) radon, (f) polychlorinated
biphenyls  and  (g)  such  other  materials,  substances  or  waste  subject  to
regulation  under any applicable law. There are no violations of federal,  state
or local laws  relating to health,  safety and the  environment  relating to the
operations  of UCFI's  business  or the  current  or former  state of the Assets
(excluding violations which would not have a Material Adverse Effect). To UCFI's
and the Members' knowledge,  either there are no "hazardous  substances" located
on,  in or under  the  Subleased  Property  or used in the  operation  of UCFI's
business;  or UCFI has fully  disclosed  to CryoLife  in writing the  existence,
extent and nature of any "hazardous substances" which UCFI is legally authorized
to maintain on, in, or under the  Subleased  Property or the Assets as to use in
connection therewith and UCFI has obtained all licenses,  permits, and approvals
required with respect  thereto and is in full  compliance with all of the terms,
conditions and  requirements of such licenses,  permits and approvals.  UCFI has
not caused or permitted to exist, as a result of an intentional or unintentional
act or  omission  on its part,  a  releasing,  discharging,  spilling,  leaking,
pumping,  emitting,  pouring,  emptying,  or dumping of "hazardous  substances."
Except as  otherwise  disclosed  to CryoLife in  writing,  neither  UCFI nor any
Member has received any written notice, summons,  citation, notice of violation,
letter or other  communication  concerning  any pending or  threatened  claim or
litigation in which any person or entity alleges the presence,  release,  threat
of release,  placement  on or at the  Subleased  Property or the Assets,  or the
generation,  transportation,  storage, treatment, or disposal at, on or from the
Subleased  Property or the Assets, of any hazardous  substance,  or in which any
person  alleges a  violation  of any law  governing  or imposing  any  liability
arising out of any matter relating to health, safety or the environment.

         4.17 LITIGATION;  JUDGMENTS.  Except as otherwise  disclosed by UCFI to
CryoLife in writing, there is no action, proceeding or investigation pending, or
to UCFI's or any Member's knowledge, threatened against or involving UCFI or any
Member relating to any of the Assets or the operation of UCFI's business, nor is
there any action or proceeding



pending or threatened before any court, tribunal or governmental body seeking to
restrain or prohibit or to obtain damages or other relief in connection with the
consummation  of transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  or which might
adversely affect UCFI's business or Assets, or UCFI's or any Member's ability to
consummate  the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement  and  the  Asset
Purchase  Transaction  Documents.  Neither UCFI nor any Member is the subject of
any judgment,  order or decree entered in any lawsuit or proceeding  relating to
the Assets or the operation of UCFI's business.

         4.18  SUBLEASE.  UCFI has  delivered  to  CryoLife a true,  correct and
complete  copy of the  Sublease,  together  with  all  amendments,  addenda  and
supplements thereto with respect to the Sublease:

             (a) The Sublease is legal, valid, binding, enforceable, and in full
force and effect;

             (b) Subject to obtaining  any  necessary  consent from the Landlord
and  Mortgagee  in  respect  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereunder,  the
Sublease  will continue to be legal,  valid,  binding,  enforceable  and in full
force and effect on identical terms following the Closing;

             (c) No party to the Sublease is in breach or default,  and no event
has occurred which,  with notice or lapse of time,  would constitute a breach or
default or permit termination, modification or acceleration thereunder;

             (d) No other party to the Sublease  has  repudiated  any  provision

             (e) There have not been and there are no disputes,  oral agreements
or forebearances in effect as to the Sublease;

             (f  UCFI  has  good  title  to the  leasehold  interest  under  the

             (g) UCFI has not assigned, transferred, conveyed, mortgaged, deeded
in trust or  encumbered  any interest in the  leasehold and neither UCFI nor any
Member is aware of any such assignment,  transfer, conveyance, mortgage, deed in
trust or encumbrance of any interest in the leasehold; and

             (h) All  facilities  leased or subleased  under the  Sublease  have
received  or  have  applied  for  all  approvals  of  governmental   authorities
(including  licenses  and permits)  required in  connection  with the  operation
thereof and have been  operated and  maintained in  accordance  with  applicable
laws,  rules and  regulations  with respect to the  activities of UCFI conducted

         4.19 INSURANCE.  UCFI maintains  property,  fire,  casualty,  workman's
compensation,  general liability insurance and other forms of insurance relating
to its Assets and the



operation  of UCFI's  business  against  risks of the kind  customarily  insured
against and in amounts customarily  insured (and, where appropriate,  in amounts
not less  than the  replacement  cost of the  Assets).  UCFI will  maintain  its
insurance  policies in full force and effect through the Closing Date.  Schedule
4.19 lists all of the  insurance  policies  maintained by UCFI,  which  schedule
includes the name of the insurance company,  the policy number, a description of
the type of insurance  covered by such  policy,  the dollar limit of the policy,
and the annual premiums for such policy.

         4.20  UNION;  LABOR.  UCFI does not engage any  person  directly  as an
employee,  and the QV Employees  constitute  all of the  individuals  performing
full-time  services for UCFI and  participating in the day-to-day  operations of
UCFI. Neither UCFI nor QV is a party to any collective  bargaining  agreement or
any other contract,  written or oral, with any trade or labor union,  employees'
association or similar organization with respect to the QV Employees.  There are
no strikes or labor disputes pending or threatened, or to UCFI's or any Member's
knowledge,  any attempts at union organization of the QV Employees. All salaries
and  wages  paid and  withheld  by QV are and have been in  compliance  with all
applicable federal, state and local laws.

         4.21     BENEFIT PLANS AND ERISA.

             (a) UCFI does not  maintain,  contribute  to or otherwise  have any
liability  whatsoever  with respect to any  "employee  benefit plan" (within the
meaning of Section 3(3) of ERISA) or any other bonus,  profit sharing,  pension,
compensation,  deferred  compensation,  stock  option,  stock  purchase,  fringe
benefit,  severance,  post-retirement,   scholarship,  disability,  sick  leave,
vacation, individual employment, commission, bonus, payroll practice, retention,
or other plan,  agreement,  policy,  trust fund or arrangement for any of the QV
Employees or other personnel providing services to UCFI.

             (b)   CryoLife   shall  not,  as  a  result  of  the   transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement  (including  without  limitation the receipt of
services of the QV  Employees):  (i) become  liable for any  contribution,  tax,
lien,  penalty,  cost,  interest,   claim,  loss,  action,  suit,  damage,  cost
assessment  or other  similar  type of liability or expense of UCFI or any ERISA
Affiliate (including  predecessors thereof) with regard to any "employee benefit
plan"  (within  the meaning of Section  3(3) of ERISA) of UCFI,  QV or any other
ERISA Affiliate.

         4.22 IMMIGRATION MATTERS.  (Intentionally deleted.)

         4.23 BROKERS  FEES  AND  EXPENSES.  Neither  UCFI nor any  Member  has
retained or utilized the services of any broker, finder or intermediary, or paid
or agreed to pay any fee or commission to any person or entity for or on account
of the transactions  contemplated  hereby,  or had any  communications  with any
person  or  entity  which  would  obligate  CryoLife  to pay  any  such  fees or



         4.24 ABSENCE OF MATERIAL CHANGES.  Except as set forth in Schedule 4.24
attached hereto or otherwise reflected in the Interim Financials,  from June 30,
1996 to the date of this Agreement:

             (a) there has not been any Material Adverse Effect in the condition
(financial or otherwise) of the business, the liabilities or the assets of UCFI;

             (b) there has been no Material  Adverse Effect in UCFI's  relations
with,  nor has UCFI lost (or received  written  notice that it is about to lose)
any distributors or suppliers with which UCFI has significant business relations
(except if as a result of UCFI's efforts to terminate  agreements which will not
be assigned);

             (c) UCFI has operated  its business in the ordinary  course and has
not sold,  assigned,  or transferred  any of its assets,  except in the ordinary
course of its business;

             (d) except as disclosed on Schedule  4.24,  UCFI has not mortgaged,
pledged  or  subjected  to  any  lien,  pledge,  mortgage,   security  interest,
conditional sales contract,  or other encumbrance of any nature whatsoever,  any
of UCFI's assets (including the Assets);

             (e)  there  has been no  amendment,  termination,  or waiver of any
right of UCFI under any contract, governmental license or permit that would have
a Material Adverse Effect on its Assets or its business;

             (f) UCFI has not:

                 (i) paid any  judgment  resulting  from any  suit,  proceeding,
arbitration, claim or counterclaim in respect of Assets or business in excess of
$10,000  (provided that all such excluded payments do not aggregate to more than

                 (ii) made any such  payment to any party in  settlement  of any
such suit, proceeding,  arbitration,  claim or counterclaim in excess of $10,000
(provided  that  all  such  excluded  payments  do not  aggregate  to more  than

                 (iii) written down or failed to write down (in accordance  with
generally  accepted  accounting  principles),  or  written  up the  value of any
inventory or assets of UCFI;

                 (iv) made any  material  changes  in the  customary  methods of
operation of UCFI's  business,  including  practices  and  policies  relating to
accounting, purchasing, marketing or selling;

                 (v) (except in respect of ordinary trade payables) incurred any
indebtedness  or  guaranteed  any  indebtedness,  except  for  borrowings  under
existing loans or lines of credit in the ordinary course of business; or



                 (vi) agreed,  whether in writing or  otherwise,  to take any of
the actions specified in this Section 4.24.

         4.25 BANK ACCOUNTS. Schedule 4.25 contains a true, complete and correct
list  showing the name and location of each bank or other  institution  in which
UCFI has any deposit  account or safe  deposit box,  together  with a listing of
account  numbers and names of all  persons  authorized  to draw  thereon or have
access thereto.

         4.26 FULL DISCLOSURE.  The statements,  representations  and warranties
made by UCFI and the Members in this  Agreement,  in the  Schedules and Exhibits
attached hereto, and in the Asset Purchase Transaction  Documents do not contain
any  untrue  statement  of a  material  fact or omit to  state a  material  fact
necessary to make the statements  contained  herein or therein,  in light of the
circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.

                                    ARTICLE 5

         In order to induce  UCFI and the  Members to enter into this  Agreement
and to consummate the transactions  contemplated hereby, CryoLife represents and
warrants to UCFI and the Members as follows:

         5.1 ORGANIZATION OF CRYOLIFE.  CryoLife is a corporation duly organized
and validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Florida
and has the corporate power to own, lease, and operate its property and to carry
on its business as now being conducted by it.

corporate  power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and each of
the Asset Purchase Transaction Documents to which CryoLife is or will be a party
and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby. The Board of
Directors  of CryoLife  have duly  approved and  authorized  the  execution  and
delivery of this Agreement and each of the Asset Purchase Transaction  Documents
to  which  it is or will be a party  and the  consummation  of the  transactions
contemplated hereby and thereby, and no other corporate  proceedings on the part
of CryoLife are necessary to approve and authorize the execution and delivery of
this   Agreement  and  such  Asset  Purchase   Transaction   Documents  and  the
consummation of the transactions  contemplated hereby and thereby. Assuming that
this  Agreement and each of the Asset  Purchase  Transaction  Documents to which
CryoLife is a party  constitutes a valid and binding  agreement of UCFI and/or a
UCFI  Affiliate,  as the  case may be,  this  Agreement  and  each of the  Asset
Purchase Transaction Documents to which CryoLife is a party constitutes, or will
constitute  when  executed  and  delivered,  a valid and  binding  agreement  of
CryoLife, as applicable, in each case enforceable against CryoLife in accordance
with its terms, subject to applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization,
moratorium,  or similar laws  affecting  the rights of creditors  generally  and
principles governing the availability of equitable remedies.



         5.3 NO CONFLICT;  CONSENTS.  The  execution and delivery by CryoLife of
this Agreement,  the Asset Purchase Transaction Documents to which it is or will
be a party and the  consummation  by CryoLife of the  transactions  contemplated
hereby and thereby do not and will not, to CryoLife's knowledge, (a) require the
consent,  approval  or action of, or any  filing or notice to, any  corporation,
firm, person or other entity or any public,  governmental or judicial authority;
(b) violate the terms of any instrument, document or agreement to which CryoLife
is a party,  or by which CryoLife or the property of CryoLife is bound, or be in
conflict with, resulting in a breach of or constitute (upon the giving of notice
or lapse of time,  or both) a default  under any such  instrument,  document  or
agreement; (c) violate any order, writ, injunction,  decree,  judgment,  ruling,
law or regulation of any federal, state, county,  municipal, or foreign court or
governmental  authority  applicable  to CryoLife and relating to the purchase of
UCFI's  business;  or (d) violate the  Articles  of  Incorporation  or Bylaws of

         5.4 BROKERS  FEES AND  EXPENSES.  CryoLife has not retained or utilized
the services of any broker,  finder,  or intermediary,  or paid or agreed to pay
any  fee or  commission  to any  person  or  entity  for  or on  account  of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby, or had any communications with any person or
entity  which  would  obligate  UCFI  or any  Member  to pay  any  such  fees or

         5.5 FULL  DISCLOSURE.  The statements,  representations  and warranties
made by CryoLife in this  Agreement and in the Exhibits  attached  hereto do not
contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact
necessary to make the statements  contained  herein or therein,  in light of the
circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.

                                    ARTICLE 6

         6.1  INDEMNIFICATION  BY UCFI AND  MEMBERS.  In  addition  to any other
indemnification  obligations  of UCFI or the Members  under any other  provision
hereof,  UCFI,  and the  Members,  jointly  and  severally  indemnify  and  hold
CryoLife,  and  its  affiliates,  directors,  officers,  employees  and  agents,
harmless from and against all claims,  liabilities,  lawsuits, costs, damages or
expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses
incurred in litigation or otherwise) arising out of and sustained by any of them
due to (a) any  misrepresentation  or  breach of any  representation,  warranty,
covenant or agreement of UCFI or the Members  contained in this Agreement or any
Asset Purchase Transaction Document; (b) any liability or obligation relating to
the operation of UCFI's  business or the ownership or use of the Assets  through
the  Closing  Date,  other  than the  Assumed  Liabilities,  including,  without
limitation,   any  and  all  claims,   liabilities,   Taxes,  debts,  contracts,
agreements, obligations, damages, costs and expenses, known or unknown, fixed or
contingent, claimed or demanded by third parties against CryoLife arising out of
the operation of UCFI's business,  including, without limitation, the processing
and  distribution of human tissue,  the Sublease and the use or occupancy of the
Subleased Property, or the



ownership or use of the Assets,  prior to and through the Closing Date;  (c) the
failure of the parties to this  Agreement to comply with the  provisions  of the
bulk sales law in any state having  jurisdiction over Assets or the transactions
contemplated  herein;  (d) breach by ROBI or MTS of the Procurement  Agreements;
(e) the  occurrence  of events  which,  had  Sections  4.4  and/or  4.5 not been
qualified to the  knowledge of UCFI and the Members,  would have  constituted  a
breach of such Sections,  or (f) claims  resulting from the correct  application
and conduct by  CryoLife  under the  Distribution  Agreement  of UCFI's  written
protocols for the distribution of processed tissue, which protocols are provided
to CryoLife in writing at the Closing (the "UCFI Protocols").

         6.2 INDEMNIFICATION BY CRYOLIFE.  CryoLife hereby indemnifies and holds
UCFI  and the  Members,  and  each  of  UCFI's  and  each  Member's  affiliates,
directors,  officers, employees and agents (including,  without limitation, ROBI
and MTS in  their  capacities  as  contracting  parties  to the  Asset  Purchase
Transaction  Documents  and  otherwise),  harmless  from and against all claims,
liabilities,  lawsuits, costs, damages or expenses (including without limitation
reasonable  attorneys  fees and expenses  incurred in  litigation  or otherwise)
arising out of and sustained by any of them due to (a) any  misrepresentation or
breach of any  representation,  warranty,  covenant or  agreement of CryoLife in
this  Agreement  or any Asset  Purchase  Transaction  Document;  (b) any Assumed
Liabilities;  (c) the use or  occupancy  of the  Subleased  Property  after  the
Closing Date,  except as contemplated by Section 3.2; (d) except with respect to
claims  arising  from or  described in Section 6.1 or with respect to which UCFI
and/or the Members have specifically  agreed to be responsible  pursuant to this
Agreement or any Asset Purchase Document,  any liability or obligation  relating
to the operation, use, or ownership of the Assets after the Closing Date and the
employment  after the  Closing  Date of the  Employees  to be Hired;  or (e) the
occurrence  of events which had Section 5.3 not been  qualified to the knowledge
of CryoLife, would have constituted a violation of such Section.

         In addition, the parties specifically acknowledge that claims may arise
with respect to tissue that has been processed by UCFI prior to the Closing, but
which is distributed by CryoLife, on behalf of UCFI after the Closing,  pursuant
to the Distribution Agreement. With respect thereto, in the event a claim arises
or  results  from the  processing  of the tissue by UCFI prior to Closing or the
correct application and conduct by CryoLife under the Distribution  Agreement of
the UCFI  Protocols,  UCFI and the Members  shall  indemnify  and hold  CryoLife
harmless from such claims in accordance  with the  provisions of Section 6.1; in
the event a claim  arises or  results  from the  distribution  of the  tissue by
CryoLife in violation of the terms of the Distribution  Agreement or as a result
of  CryoLife's   negligence  or  willful   misconduct  in  connection  with  the
distribution  of the tissue under the  Distribution  Agreement,  CryoLife  shall
indemnify and defend UCFI and the Members in accordance  with the  provisions of
Section 6.2.

         6.3 PROVISIONS  REGARDING  INDEMNIFICATION.  The indemnified  party (or
parties) shall promptly notify the indemnifying party (or parties) of any claim,
demand,  action or  proceeding  for which  indemnification  will be sought under
Section 6.1 or 6.2 of this



Agreement  and, if such claim,  demand,  action or  proceeding  is being made or
prosecuted by a third party, the indemnifying  party will have the right, at its
expense,  to  assume  the  defense  thereof  using  counsel  acceptable  to  the
indemnified  party,  whose  consent  shall  not be  withheld  unreasonably.  The
indemnified party shall have the right to participate in at its own expense, but
not  control,  the  defense of any such third  party  claim,  demand,  action or
proceeding.  In connection  with any such third party claim,  demand,  action or
proceeding,  UCFI, the Members, and CryoLife shall cooperate with each other. No
such third party claim,  demand,  action or proceeding  shall be settled without
the prior written consent of the indemnified party provided,  however, that if a
firm, written offer is made to settle any such third party claim, demand, action
or proceeding and the indemnifying  party proposes to accept such settlement and
the  indemnified  party  refuses to consent to such  settlement,  then:  (i) the
indemnifying  party shall be excused from,  and the  indemnified  party shall be
solely  responsible for, all further defense of such third party claim,  demand,
action or proceeding;  and (ii) the maximum liability of the indemnifying  party
relating to such third party claim,  demand,  action or proceeding  shall be the
amount of the proposed  settlement if the amount  thereafter  recovered from the
indemnified  party on such third party claim,  demand,  action or  proceeding is
greater than the amount of the proposed settlement.

         6.4 SURVIVAL.  The  representations  and  warranties  contained in this
Agreement  and in the Asset  Purchase  Transaction  Documents  delivered  at the
Closing shall  survive the Closing for a period ending on the fifth  anniversary
date of the  Closing and shall  thereafter  cease to be of any force and effect,
except  for (a) claims  for  indemnification  resulting  from  breaches  of such
representations  and  warranties as to which notice has been given in accordance
with  Section  6.3 hereof  prior to such date and which are pending on such date
and (b)  representations  and  warranties  relating  to: (i) title to the Assets
(Section 4.3 hereof), (ii) Taxes (Sections 4.11 and 6.1 hereof), (iii) financial
statements  (Sections 3.3 and 4.7 hereof);  (iv)  compliance  with bulk transfer
laws  (Section  3.11 hereof) and (v) employee  benefits  (Sections  2.3, 3.1 and
4.21),  each of which shall survive until the end of the statute of  limitations
applicable to the underlying claim for which indemnification is sought.  Neither
such  survival  nor the  liability  of any party  with  respect  to the  party's
representations and warranties shall be reduced by any investigation made at any
time by or on behalf of any party.

         6.5 RIGHT OF SET-OFF.

             (a) CryoLife  shall have the limited  right to set-off  against the
Promissory  Note in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Section 6.5
if an event has occurred that entitles CryoLife to indemnification under Article
6 of this  Agreement,  which Event has not been satisfied by UCFI or the Members
(a  "Set-Off  Event").  In the event of a Set-Off  Event,  CryoLife  shall  send
written  notice to UCFI and the Members of its intent to  exercise  its right of
set-off hereunder,  which notice shall contain (i) a specific description of the
reasons why  CryoLife  believes it is  entitled to  indemnification  and set-off
under the  Agreement,  including  a  specific  description  of the nature of the
claim, liability,  lawsuit, cost, damage or expense arising out of and sustained
by CryoLife, its affiliates, directors, officers,



employees and agents,  as well as a specific  description  of the Set-Off Event;
(ii) the amount of the proposed set-off (which amount shall equal the amount due
and payable by UCFI or the Members to CryoLife  pursuant to the  indemnification
provisions  of this  Article 6) (the  "Proposed  Set-Off  Amount");  and (iii) a
specific description of how such amount was determined.

             (b) In the event UCFI disputes CryoLife's  assertion that a Set-Off
Event has occurred or disputes the Proposed Set-Off Amount,  UCFI shall have ten
business  days in which  to  notify  CryoLife  in  writing  that  such  claim is
disputed,  which  notice  shall  specify (i) the reasons  UCFI  believes no such
Set-Off Event has occurred, and (ii) why UCFI believes that the Proposed Set-Off
Amount is in error.  In the event  UCFI  fails to notify  CryoLife  within  such
ten-day  period,  UCFI and the  Members  shall be deemed to have  accepted  such
set-off,  with respect to the amount and event  described in the notice.  In the
event of a dispute,  the parties  shall  negotiate  in good faith to resolve the

             (c) In the event the  parties  are  unable to resolve  the  dispute
within 30 days  following the  expiration of the ten-day  response  period,  the
matter shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance  with Section 10. Pending
resolution  of a dispute  under this Section 6.5, all amounts  payable or coming
due under the Promissory Note, up to the Proposed Set-Off Amount,  shall be paid
by CryoLife into a separate, joint order,  interest-bearing account (the "Escrow

             (d) In the event it is  determined  by the arbiters that no Set-Off
Event has occurred, CryoLife shall forthwith release its interest in said Escrow
Account,  including accrued interest thereon, or pay forthwith the amount of the
Proposed Set-Off Amount plus the amount of interest accrued thereon, to UCFI, at
CryoLife's  option.  In addition,  CryoLife shall reimburse UCFI and the Members
for all reasonable  costs,  including  attorney's fees,  incurred by UCFI or the
Members in connection with resolving the dispute.

             (e) In the event it is  determined  by the arbiters  that a Set-Off
Event has occurred in an amount equal to the Proposed Set-Off Amount,  then UCFI
shall release its interest in said Escrow Account and CryoLife shall be entitled
to the funds held in such Escrow Account,  plus any interest accrued thereon. To
the  extent  that the funds  held in such  Account  are less  than the  Proposed
Set-Off  Amount,  UCFI and the Members shall promptly pay to CryoLife the amount
of the  deficit,  or, at  CryoLife's  option,  CryoLife  may off-set such amount
against amounts coming due under the Promissory Note in the future. In addition,
UCFI or the Members shall forthwith pay an amount equal to the reasonable costs,
including attorney's fees, incurred by CryoLife in resolving the dispute.

             (f) In the event it is  determined  by the arbiters  that a Set-Off
Event has occurred but the  Proposed  Set-Off  Amount is greater than the amount
which is  determined  to be the  correct  amount due and  payable by UCFI or the
Members to CryoLife pursuant to the indemnification provisions of this Article 6
(the "Actual Set-Off Amount"), then UCFI shall forthwith release its interest in
said Escrow Account in an amount equal to the lower



of the amount of funds held in the Escrow  Account or the Actual  Set-Off Amount
plus any  interest  accrued  thereon.  If the amount of funds held in the Escrow
Account is less than the  Actual  Set-Off  Amount,  UCFI and the  Members  shall
promptly pay to CryoLife the amount of the deficit,  or, at  CryoLife's  option,
CryoLife may off-set such amount against amounts coming due under the Promissory
Note in the future.  The difference  between the Proposed Set-Off Amount and the
Actual Set-Off Amount is hereinafter referred to as the "Set-Off  Differential."
To the  extent  that the funds  held in the  Escrow  Account  exceed  the Actual
Set-Off  Amount,  plus  interest,  such excess  shall be released to UCFI or the
Members  forthwith,  together with the amount of any interest accrued thereon in
accordance with the written instructions of UCFI.

             (g) In the event it is  determined  by the arbiters  that a Set-Off
Event has  occurred  but the  Proposed  Set-Off  Amount is less than the  Actual
Set-Off Amount,  then UCFI shall release its interest in said Escrow Account and
CryoLife  shall be entitled  to the funds held in such  Account,  plus  interest
accrued on said amount. In addition, UCFI or the Members shall pay forthwith the
Set-Off Differential.

             (h) In either of the  events  described  in 6.5(f) or  6.5(g),  the
arbitrator  shall  have the  authority  to  award  reasonable  costs,  including
attorneys' fees, as the arbitrator deems appropriate.

             (i) In the event  CryoLife  fails to comply  with the terms of this
Section  6.5, in  addition to any other  rights to which UCFI may be entitled at
law or in equity, ROBI and MTS shall have the right to terminate the Procurement

             (j) In the event  that UCFI or the  Members  fail to pay or release
amounts due under this Section  6.5,  then in addition to any other rights which
CryoLife  may be  entitled  at law or in equity,  CryoLife  shall be entitled to
set-off  additional amounts due under the Promissory Note, but only in an amount
equal to the amount due hereunder.

             (k) The  foregoing  rights of set-off shall not be exclusive of any
other right or remedy CryoLife may have with respect to the indemnified  claims,
whether by  contract,  at law or in  equity;  provided,  however,  that under no
circumstance  shall CryoLife be entitled to set-off any amounts  against amounts
due under the  Promissory  Note except as provided  herein.  Except as otherwise
provided,  this  Section 6.5 shall not be deemed to limit  CryoLife's  rights to
indemnification, at law, in equity, or under this Agreement.

         6.6 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.  Notwithstanding anything contained herein
to the contrary,  in no event shall either  party's  liability  pursuant to this
Article 6 for breach of any  representation,  warranty,  or agreement exceed the
aggregate amount of the Asset  Consideration;  provided,  however, the foregoing
shall not be applicable to claims with respect to (i) Taxes  (Sections  4.11 and
6.1);   (ii)  employee   benefits   (Sections  2.3,  3.1,  and  4.21,  or  (iii)
environmental  matters (Section 4.16). The foregoing  limitation shall not apply
with respect to claims arising under Section 6.1(b) or 6.2(c).



                                    ARTICLE 7
                          CONDITIONS TO OBLIGATIONS OF
                                CRYOLIFE TO CLOSE

         Each and every  obligation of the CryoLife  under this  Agreement to be
performed on or prior to the Closing shall be subject to the fulfillment,  on or
prior to the Closing, of each of the following conditions:

and warranties made by UCFI and the Members in or pursuant to this Agreement and
the Asset Purchase  Transaction  Documents or given on their behalf hereunder or
thereunder shall be true and correct on and as of the Closing Date with the same
effect as though such  representations  and warranties had been made or given on
and as of the Closing Date.

         7.2 OBLIGATIONS  PERFORMED.  UCFI and the Members shall have performed
and complied with all agreements  and conditions  required by this Agreement and
the Asset  Purchase  Transaction  Documents to be performed or complied  with by
them prior to or at the Closing.

         7.3 CONSENTS.  Except for the consent of the Landlord and Mortgagee to
the assignment of Sublease,  with respect to which the provisions of Section 3.2
shall apply, UCFI shall have obtained and delivered to CryoLife written consents
of all  persons  or  entities  whose  consent  is  required  to  consummate  the
transactions  contemplated herein, if any, and all of such consents shall remain
in full force and effect at and as of the Closing.

         7.4 CLOSING  DELIVERIES.  UCFI shall have delivered to CryoLife each of
the following,  together with any additional items which CryoLife may reasonably
request to effect the transactions contemplated herein:

             (a) possession of the Assets;

             (b) a Bill of Sale in the form of Exhibit 7.4(b)  attached  hereto,
the  Assignment  and  Assumption  Agreement,  the  Assignment  and Assumption of
Sublease,  and such additional  instruments of sale, transfer,  conveyance,  and
assignment  duly  executed by UCFI as of the Closing Date as counsel to CryoLife
shall deem necessary or appropriate;

             (c) a certified  copy of the corporate  resolutions of UCFI and the
Members  of  UCFI  authorizing  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  and the
execution,  delivery and  performance  by UCFI of this  Agreement  and the other
agreements  and  instruments  contemplated  hereby,  together with an incumbency
certificate with respect to officers of UCFI executing  documents or instruments
on behalf of UCFI;



             (d) a certificate of the President of UCFI and a certificate of the
President of each Member  certifying as to the matters set forth in Sections 7.1
and 7.2 hereof and as to the  satisfaction of all other  conditions set forth in
this Article 7;

             (e) the Noncompetition Agreements referred to in Section 3.4 hereof
duly executed by UCFI and each Member;

             (f) a Closing Trade Payables and Accrued  Expenses List pursuant to
Section 4.10(b);

             (g) an  opinion of  counsel  to UCFI  substantially  in the form of
Exhibit 7.4(g);

             (h) written consents from all parties to the Sublease whose consent
to the transactions  contemplated  hereby is required (subject to the provisions
of Section 3.2);

             (i) the  Procurement  Agreements  referred to in Section  3.12 duly
executed by ROBI and MTS;

             (j) the Employee Leasing Agreement  referred to in Section 3.1 duly
executed by QV;

             (k) the  Distribution  Agreement  referred to in Section  3.14 duly
executed by UCFI;

             (l) the  Transitional  Agreements  referenced  in Section 3.16 duly
executed by ROBI; and

             (m) any other  documents or agreements  contemplated  hereby and/or
necessary or appropriate to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

         7.5 NO CHALLENGE.  There shall not be pending or threatened any action,
proceeding or  investigation  before any court or  administrative  agency by any
government  agency or any pending  action by any other person,  challenging,  or
seeking  material damages in connection with, the acquisition by CryoLife of the
Assets  pursuant  to the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement  or the
ability of  CryoLife or any of its  affiliates  to own and operate the Assets or
otherwise  materially  adversely  affecting  the  business,  assets,  prospects,
financial condition or results of operations of UCFI.

         7.6 NO  INVESTIGATIONS  OF UCFI OR  BUSINESS.  As of the Closing  Date,
there shall be no, and neither UCFI nor any Member  shall have any  knowledge of
or reason to know of any, pending or threatened  investigation by any municipal,
state or federal government agency or regulatory body with respect to the Assets
or UCFI's business.



         7.7 NO MATERIAL  ADVERSE EFFECT.  Since June 30, 1996, there shall have
been no Material Adverse Effect in the business, financial condition, results of
operations  and/or  Assets  (without  giving effect to the  consequences  of the
transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement)  of UCFI,  whether  reflected in
financial  statements,  the schedules  hereto or  otherwise,  which has not been
waived by CryoLife in writing.

         7.8 REVISED  SCHEDULES.  UCFI shall have provided CryoLife with revised
Schedules  dated as of the  Closing  Date (the  "Revised  Schedules"),  with all
material changes through such date duly noted thereon, and the Revised Schedules
will not contain any disclosures which set forth changes which in the opinion of
CryoLife,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  have  or may  have a  Materially
Adverse  Effect on UCFI  and/or its  operations,  unless  such  disclosures  are
approved in writing by CryoLife.

         7.9 LEGALITY. No federal or state statute, rule, regulation,  executive
order,  decree or injunction  shall have been enacted,  entered,  promulgated or
enforced by any court or  governmental  authority which is in effect and has the
effect of making the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  illegal  or  otherwise
prohibiting the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

         7.10  REGULATORY  MATTERS.  All  filings  shall  have been made and all
approvals  shall have been  obtained  as may be  legally  required  pursuant  to
federal  and  state  laws  prior  to  the   consummation  of  the   transactions
contemplated by this Agreement and all actions,  by or in respect of, or filings
with,  any  governmental  body,  agency or  official or any other  person  which
require action on the part of or the cooperation  and/or  participation  of UCFI
and  which  are  required  to  permit  the   consummation  of  the  transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement so that  CryoLife  shall be able to continue to
carry on the business of UCFI  substantially in the manner now conducted by UCFI
shall have been taken or made.

         7.11 BLUE SKY. All blue sky permits or approvals  required to carry out
the transactions contemplated hereby shall have been received.

         7.12 REPAYMENT OF DEBTS. At the Closing, all officers,  directors,  and
Members  of UCFI  and the QV  Employees  shall  repay  in full  any  outstanding
indebtedness owed to UCFI by them.

         7.13 FURNITURE. UCFI shall have acquired all right, title, and interest
in and to the Furniture as contemplated by Section 3.15.



                                    ARTICLE 8
                        CONDITIONS TO UCFI'S OBLIGATIONS

         Each and every  obligation of UCFI under this Agreement to be performed
on or prior to the Closing shall be subject to the  fulfillment,  on or prior to
the Closing, of each of the following conditions:

and warranties made by CryoLife in or pursuant to this Agreement or given on its
behalf  hereunder  shall be true and correct on and as of the Closing  Date with
the same effect as though such  representations  and warranties had been made or
given on and as of the Closing Date.

         8.2 OBLIGATIONS  PERFORMED.  CryoLife shall have performed and complied
with all of its  respective  obligations  under this  Agreement  which are to be
performed or complied with by it prior to or at the Closing.

         8.3 CLOSING DELIVERIES.  CryoLife shall have delivered to UCFI, each of
the  following,  together with any  additional  items which UCFI may  reasonably
request to effect the transactions contemplated herein:

             (a) the  cash and  Promissory  Note,  duly  executed  by  CryoLife,
representing the Cash Consideration due to UCFI;

             (b)  certified  copies of the  corporate  resolutions  of  CryoLife
authorizing the transactions contemplated hereby and the execution, delivery and
performance of this Agreement and the Asset  Purchase  Transaction  Documents to
which  CryoLife is a signatory by CryoLife,  and  incumbency  certificates  with
respect to the officers of CryoLife executing documents or instruments on behalf
of CryoLife;

             (c) a certificate of the President of CryoLife certifying as to the
matters set forth in Sections 8.1 and 8.2 hereof and as to the  satisfaction  of
all other conditions set forth in this Article 8;

             (d) the  Assignment  and  Assumption  Agreement and  Assignment and
Assumption of Sublease duly executed by CryoLife and such additional instruments
of sale, transfer, conveyance, and assignment as counsel to CryoLife and counsel
to UCFI shall mutually deem necessary or appropriate;

             (e) the  Procurement  Agreements  referred to in Section  3.12 duly
executed by CryoLife;

             (f) the Employee Leasing Agreement  referred to in Section 3.1 duly
executed by CryoLife;



             (g) the  Distribution  Agreement  referred to in Section  3.14 duly
executed by CryoLife;

             (h) any other  documents or agreements  contemplated  hereby and/or
necessary or appropriate to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby; and

             (i) an opinion of counsel of CryoLife  substantially in the form of
Exhibit 8.3(i).

         8.4 NO CHALLENGE.  There shall not be pending or threatened any action,
proceeding or  investigation  before any court or  administrative  agency by any
government  agency or any pending  action by any other person,  challenging,  or
seeking  material damages in connection with, the acquisition by CryoLife of the
Assets  pursuant  to this  Agreement  or the  ability of  CryoLife or any of its
affiliates  to own and  operate  the Assets or  otherwise  materially  adversely
affecting the business,  assets,  prospects,  financial  condition or results of
operations of CryoLife.

         8.5 NO MATERIAL  ADVERSE EFFECT.  Since June 30, 1996, there shall have
been no Material Adverse Effect in the business, financial condition, results of
operations and/or assets of CryoLife, whether reflected in financial statements,
the schedules hereto or otherwise.

         8.6 LEGALITY. No federal or state statute, rule, regulation,  executive
order,  decree or injunction  shall have been enacted,  entered,  promulgated or
enforced by any court or  governmental  authority which is in effect and has the
effect of making the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  illegal  or  otherwise
prohibiting the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

         8.7  REGULATORY  MATTERS.  All  filings  shall  have  been made and all
approvals  shall have been  obtained  as may be  legally  required  pursuant  to
federal  and  state  laws  prior  to  the   consummation  of  the   transactions
contemplated by this Agreement and all actions,  by or in respect of, or filings
with,  any  governmental  body,  agency or  official or any other  person  which
require  action  on the  part  of or the  cooperation  and/or  participation  of
CryoLife and which are required to permit the  consummation of the  transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement so that  CryoLife  shall be able to continue to
carry on the business of UCFI  substantially in the manner now conducted by UCFI
shall have been taken or made.

         8.8 BLUE SKY. All blue sky permits or  approvals  required to carry out
the transactions contemplated hereby shall have been received.



                                    ARTICLE 9

         9.1  TERMINATION.  This  Agreement may be terminated at any time before
the Closing Date:

             (a) by mutual written consent of CryoLife and UCFI;

             (b) by  CryoLife  if there  occurs a  substantial  loss,  damage or
diminution of Assets or other Material Adverse Effect on the business of UCFI or
arising  from any  cause  including  theft,  fire,  flood or act of God prior to

             (c) by any  nonbreaching  party hereto if there has been a material
breach of any representation,  warranty, covenant or agreement contained in this
Agreement on the part of any nonterminating party hereto; or

             (d) by either CryoLife or UCFI if the Closing is not consummated on
or before September 15, 1996.

         9.2 EFFECTS OF  TERMINATION.  In the event this Agreement is terminated
pursuant to Section 9.1(a) or 9.1(d) above,  no party shall have any obligations
to  the  others   hereunder   except  for  those   obligations   in  respect  to
confidentiality and the return of confidential  information set forth in Section
3.3 hereof.  If this  Agreement  is  terminated  pursuant  to Section  9.1(b) or
9.1(c),  the  obligations  in  respect  to  confidentiality  and the  return  of
confidential  information set forth in Section 3.3 hereof shall remain in effect
and each party  hereto may  exercise  all  remedies  available  to it under this
Agreement, at law or in equity.

                                   ARTICLE 10
                            MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

         10.1 RISK OF LOSS.  The risk of loss prior to the Closing Date shall be
with UCFI.  In the event a material  portion of the Assets or the  operations of
the business of UCFI shall have been materially  damaged or otherwise  adversely
affected as a result of any strike,  accident or other casualty or act of God or
the public enemy, or any judicial,  administrative or governmental proceeding at
such time as UCFI  proposed to close,  then  CryoLife  shall have the options of
either (a)  proceeding to close with an  assignment  of any  insurance  proceeds
which  may be paid to  reflect  such loss or  damage,  or (b)  terminating  this
Agreement without further liability to UCFI.



         10.2  SEVERABILITY  AND  OPERATIONS  OF LAW. If any  provision  of this
Agreement is prohibited by the laws of any  jurisdiction  as those laws apply to
this  Agreement,  that  provision  shall be  ineffective  to the  extent of such
prohibition  and/or  shall be  modified  to  conform  with  such  laws,  without
invalidating the remaining provisions hereto.

         10.3 MODIFICATION. This Agreement may not be changed or modified except
in writing  specifically  referring to this  Agreement and signed by each of the
parties hereto.

         10.4 ASSIGNMENT, SURVIVAL AND BINDING AGREEMENT. This Agreement and the
Asset Purchase Transaction Documents may not be assigned (a) by CryoLife, except
to a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of  CryoLife,  in  which  event  CryoLife  shall
guarantee the payment and  performance of such  subsidiary  under the Promissory
Note on terms  acceptable  to UCFI,  or (b) by UCFI or the Members,  without the
prior written consent of CryoLife, provided UCFI may assign its rights under the
Promissory Note to any of its Members by providing notice thereof to CryoLife in
writing.  The terms and conditions  hereof shall survive the Closing as provided
herein and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties  hereto
and their respective successors and assigns.

         10.5  COUNTERPARTS.  This  Agreement  may be  executed  in one or  more
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

         10.6  NOTICES.  All  notices,  requests,   demands,  claims  and  other
communications  hereunder  will be in writing  and shall be deemed duly given if
personally  delivered,  sent by telefax, sent by a recognized overnight delivery
service which guarantees next day delivery  ("Overnight  Delivery") or mailed by
registered or certified  mail,  return receipt  requested,  postage  prepaid and
addressed to the intended recipient as set forth below.

             If to UCFI, UTF or QV:             QV, Inc.
                                                322 South Green Street
                                                Suite 500
                                                Chicago, Illinois 60607
                                                Attention:  President
                                                Telefax: (312) 697-8477

             with a copy to:                    Katten Muchin & Zavis
                                                525 West Monroe Street
                                                Suite 1600
                                                Chicago, Illinois 60661
                                                Attention:  Mr. Steven R. Olsen
                                                Telefax: (312) 902-1061



             If to CryoLife:                    Mr. Steven G. Anderson
                                                Chairman of the Board, 
                                                Chief Executive Officer
                                                and President
                                                CryoLife, Inc.
                                                2211 New Market Parkway 
                                                Suite 142
                                                Marietta, Georgia 30067
                                                Telefax:  (770) 850-0762

             with a copy to:                    Arnall Golden & Gregory
                                                2800 One Atlantic Center
                                                1201 West Peachtree Street
                                                Atlanta, Georgia  30309-3400
                                                Attention:  Ms. M. Nan King
                                                Telefax:  (404) 873-8775

or at such other address as any party hereto  notifies the other parties  hereof
in writing.  The parties hereto agree that notices or other  communications that
are sent in  accordance  herewith (i) by personal  delivery or telefax,  will be
deemed  received on the business day sent, (ii) by Overnight  Delivery,  will be
deemed received the business day immediately  following the date sent, and (iii)
by U.S. mail, will be deemed received three business days immediately  following
the date sent.  For  purposes of this  Agreement,  a "business  day" is a day on
which  CryoLife is open for  business and shall not include a Saturday or Sunday
or legal holiday. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, no
action  shall be required of CryoLife or UCFI except on a business  day,  and in
the event an action is  required  on a day  which is not a  business  day,  such
action shall be required to be performed on the next  succeeding  day which is a
business day.

together with the Exhibits and Schedules attached hereto, constitutes the entire
agreement and  supersedes any and all other prior  agreements and  undertakings,
both written and oral,  among the parties,  or any of them,  with respect to the
subject matter hereof and, except as otherwise expressly provided herein, is not
intended to confer upon any person other than  CryoLife and UCFI,  any rights or
remedies hereunder.

         10.8 FURTHER ASSURANCES. The parties to this Agreement agree to execute
and/or  deliver,  either  before or after  Closing,  any  further  documents  or
agreements contemplated hereby and/or necessary or appropriate to effectuate and
consummate  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby.  UCFI  agrees to provide to
CryoLife,  both before and after the Closing,  such  information as CryoLife may
reasonably request in order to consummate the transactions  contemplated  hereby
and to effect an orderly transition following Closing.



         10.9 ARBITRATION.

             (a) SUBMISSION TO ARBITRATION.  If any dispute or difference  shall
arise between the parties to this Agreement,  as to the  interpretation  of this
Agreement or any covenants or conditions of this  Agreement or as to the rights,
duties,  or liabilities of any party under this Agreement as to any act, matter,
or thing arising out of or under or relating to this  Agreement,  the same shall
be finally  settled by arbitration  conducted in accordance  with the Commercial
Arbitration  Rules (the "Rules") and  Supplementary  Procedures  for  Commercial
Arbitration  (the  "Supplementary   Procedures")  of  the  American  Arbitration
Association,  in effect the date  hereof.  Whenever  any  dispute,  controversy,
claim,  or difference  which may be submitted to arbitration  under this Section
10.9 arises  between the  parties,  either party hereby may give the other party
notice  of  its  intention  to  submit  such  dispute,  controversy,  claim,  or
difference  to  arbitration.  Such  arbitration  shall  take  place in  Atlanta,
Georgia,  before three arbitrators,  with one arbitrator  selected by each party
and the third arbitrator  mutually agreed upon by the parties.  In the event the
parties  cannot  agree  upon the  third  arbitrator  within  20 days  after  the
effective date of receipt, as provided in Section 10.6, of either party's notice
to  arbitrate,   the  third  arbitrator  shall  be  appointed  by  the  American
Arbitration   Association  in  accordance  with  the  Rules  and   Supplementary
Procedures.  It is expressly  agreed between the parties that whether or not the
Rules of the  American  Arbitration  Association  shall  provide for a discovery
procedure,  such discovery procedure is hereby granted and permitted in the said
arbitration  proceedings,  the  parties  may  apply to the  arbitrators  for the
enforcement  of any form of  discovery  which would be  permitted by the laws of
Georgia, and their award or decision in respect of such discovery shall be final
and binding.

             (b)  COSTS;  BINDING.  The  parties  agree  that each  party to the
arbitration  is to pay an  equal  part  of the  deposit  fixed  by the  American
Arbitration   Association  or  the  arbitrators.   The  determinations  of  such
arbitrators will be final and binding upon the parties to the  arbitration,  and
judgment upon the award rendered by the  arbitrators may be entered in any court
having  jurisdiction,  or  application  may be made to such court for a judicial
acceptance  of the award and an order of  enforcement,  as the case may be.  The
arbitrators shall set forth the grounds for their decision in the award.

             (c)  CONDITION   PRECEDENT.   The  parties  hereto  stipulate  that
submission  of disputes to  arbitration  as  provided in this  Section  10.9 and
arbitration pursuant thereto shall be a condition precedent to any suit, action,
or proceeding instituted in any court or before any administrative tribunal with
respect  to  this  Agreement  or  disputes  arising  out  of or  regarding  this
Agreement;  provided,  however,  notwithstanding  the foregoing,  a party hereto
shall  not be  required  to  satisfy  such  condition  precedent  requiring  the
submission  of all  disputes  between the parties to  arbitration  if such party
seeks,  a  restraining  order,  injunction,  or similar  remedy to  specifically
enforce the confidentiality,  non-competition, or non-solicitation provisions of
this Agreement or any Asset Purchase Transaction Document.



         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this Agreement as of the
day and year set forth above.


                                       CryoLife, Inc.

                                        By:/s/ Steven G. Anderson
                                           Steven G. Anderson
                                           Chairman of the Board,
                                           Chief Executive Officer and President


                                        UNITED CRYOPRESERVATION
                                        FOUNDATION, INC.

                                        By:/s/ Daniel Woods
                                           Daniel Woods
                                           Title: Vice President/General Manager


                                        UNITED TRANSPLANT FOUNDATION,

                                        By:/s/ Jerold Anderson
                                           Jerold Anderson
                                           Title:  President


                                        QV, INC.

                                         By:/s/ Daniel Woods
                                            Daniel Woods
                                            Title:  Vice President



                         LIST OF SCHEDULES AND EXHIBITS

*Schedule 1.1(b)        Fixed Assets
*Schedule 1.2           Excluded Items
*Schedule 2.4           Allocation of Asset Consideration
*Schedule 3.1           List of Employees Subleased from QV, Inc.
*Schedule 3.2           Consents
*Schedule 4.1           States in which UCFI is Qualified to do business
*Schedule 4.2           List of Members, Officers and Directors
*Schedule 4.6           Licenses and Permits
*Schedule 4.7           Certain Liabilities and Obligations
*Schedule 4.9           List of Deposits
*Schedule 4.10(a)       Trade Payables as of Date of Agreement
*Schedule 4.10(c)       Indebtedness
*Schedule 4.13          Processed Tissue
*Schedule 4.14          Intellectual Property
*Schedule 4.15          Contracts
*Schedule 4.19          Insurance
*Schedule 4.24          Material Changes since 6/30/95
*Schedule 4.25          Bank Accounts

*Exhibit 2.2            Form of Promissory Note
*Exhibit 2.3(a)(i)      Form of Assignment and Assumption of Sublease 
*Exhibit 2.3(a)(ii)     Form of Assignment and Assumption  Agreement 
*Exhibit 3.1            Form of Employee  Leasing  Agreement  
*Exhibit 3.2            Form of Consent  
*Exhibit 3.4            Form of Noncompetition Agreement 
*Exhibit 3.10           Form of Press Release 
*Exhibit 3.12           Form of Procurement  Agreements  
*Exhibit  3.14          Form of Distribution  Agreement  
*Exhibit 3.16(a)        Form of License  Agreement  
*Exhibit 3.16(b)        Form of Agreement Regarding Services 
                        and Related Matters 
*Exhibit 7.4(b)         Form of Bill of Sale 
*Exhibit 7.4(g)         Form of Opinion of UCFI's  Counsel  
*Exhibit 8.3(i)         Form of Opinion of CryoLife's Counsel

* Indicates Schedules and Exhibits which have been omitted from this filing. The
Registrant  hereby  agrees to furnish to the  Commission  a copy of any  omitted
Schedules and Exhibits listed above supplementally upon request.