NONCOMPETITION AGREEMENT

         This  NONCOMPETITION  AGREEMENT (the  "Agreement") is entered into this
11th day of September, 1996, by and between United Transplant Foundation,  Inc.,
a  non-profit  Illinois  corporation  ("UTF"),  and  CryoLife,  Inc.,  a Florida
corporation ("CryoLife").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

         WHEREAS,  pursuant  to  that  certain  Asset  Purchase  Agreement  (the
"Purchase  Agreement") dated as of September 11, 1996, by and among CryoLife and
United  Cryopreservation  Foundation,  Inc.  ("UCFI"),  CryoLife  has  agreed to
purchase and UCFI has agreed to sell, substantially all of the assets of UCFI;

         WHEREAS, UTF and QV, Inc. ("QV") are the sole members of UTF;

         WHEREAS,  in order to induce  CryoLife to enter into and consummate the
Purchase  Agreement,  UCFI,  UTF,  and QV have each  agreed  to  accept  certain
restrictions as set forth herein and in those certain Non-Competition Agreements
of even date herewith between CryoLife and UCFI and between CryoLife and QV.

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements
of the parties herein contained, and other good and valuable consideration,  the
receipt and  sufficiency  of which are hereby  acknowledged,  the parties hereto
agree as follows:

         1.  DEFINITIONS.   The  following   definitions  shall  apply  to  this

             (a)  "Company   Business"   means  the   business  of   processing,
preserving,  and/or distributing cryopreserved heart valves, saphenous veins, or
femoral veins for implantation in humans. Company Business shall not include any
other  business  activities,  including,  without  limitation,  the  processing,
procuring  and/or  distributing  of bone  or any  tissue  or  organ  other  than
cryopreserved  heart valves,  saphenous veins, or femoral veins for implantation
in humans.

             (b) "Competing Business" means any person,  concern, or entity that
is engaged  in or  conducts a  business  substantially  the same as the  Company

             (c)  "Territory"  means Arizona,  Arkansas,  California,  Colorado,
Illinois,  Indiana,  Kentucky,  Louisiana,  Missouri,  New York, North Carolina,
Pennsylvania,   Tennessee,   Texas,  and  Virginia,  which  the  parties  hereby
acknowledge  to be the  geographic  area in  which  UCFI  conducts  the  Company
Business on the date of this Agreement.


             (d) "Trade Secrets" means  information  including,  but not limited
to, technical and nontechnical data, formulas, patterns, compilations, programs,
devices, methods,  techniques,  drawings,  processes,  financial data, financial
plans, product plans, pricing information,  marketing information,  and lists of
actual or potential  customers or suppliers  which (1) derives  economic  value,
actual or potential,  from not being generally known to or readily ascertainable
by  proper  means  by other  persons  who can  obtain  economic  value  from its
disclosure or use; and (2) is the subject of efforts that are  reasonable  under
the circumstances to maintain its secrecy.

         2.  COVENANTS OF THE SELLER.  UTF  acknowledges  that, by virtue of the
special knowledge of the affairs, business, customers, suppliers and vendors and
the  operations  of the Company  Business  that UTF has,  CryoLife  would suffer
substantial  damage  if UTF  breaches  or  violates  any of  the  covenants  and
agreements  set  forth in this  Section  2.  Therefore,  UTF has  agreed  to the
following covenants and agreements:

             (a) UTF  covenants  that it shall  not,  for a period of five years
from and  after the date  hereof  (the  "Noncompetition  Period"),  directly  or
indirectly,  in the  Territory,  for its own  account  or as an owner,  partner,
member, stockholder, joint venturer, investor, lender, or in any other capacity,
own,  engage in,  conduct,  manage,  operate  or  participate  in any  Competing

             (b) During the Noncompetition Period, UTF covenants and agrees that
it will not,  directly or indirectly,  on its own behalf or in the service or on
behalf of others,  solicit,  divert or appropriate to a Competing  Business,  or
attempt to solicit,  divert or appropriate to or for any Competing Business, any
persons and/or  entities who were customers of UCFI in the Territory on the date
immediately preceding the date of this Agreement, or any person and/or entity in
the Territory to whom UCFI has sold or provided any products or services  during
the 12 month period immediately preceding the date of this Agreement.

             (c) During the Noncompetition Period, UTF covenants and agrees that
it will not,  directly or indirectly,  on its own behalf or in the service or on
behalf of others, hire or attempt to hire any employee of CryoLife,  or to cause
any such employee to leave his or her employment,  in order to perform  services
in the Territory for a Competing Business.

         3. SEVERABILITY.  Each provision of this Agreement is severable, and if
any one of such  provisions  shall be reformed or declared  unenforceable,  such
reformation or declaration  shall not affect the  enforceability  or validity of
any other  provision  thereof.  Each  provision  thereof shall be enforceable by
CryoLife or any successor thereof against UTF notwithstanding any claim or cause
of action  asserted  by UTF  against  CryoLife  or any  successor  thereof.  The
existence  of any  claim,  demand,  action,  or cause of action  of UTF  against
CryoLife shall not constitute a defense to the enforcement by CryoLife of any of
the covenants contained herein.



         4.   REFORMATION  BY  COURT.  In  the  event  any  court  of  competent
jurisdiction  should  determine  that  any of the  terms of this  Agreement  are
unreasonable or unenforceable in scope, UTF and CryoLife consent to the exercise
by such court of its equitable  jurisdiction  to reform such terms in accordance
with applicable law.

         5.  REMEDIES.  UTF agrees that if it  breaches  any  provision  of this
Agreement,  the damage to CryoLife  would be difficult to  ascertain,  and money
damages would not afford CryoLife an adequate  remedy.  Therefore,  if UTF is in
breach of this Agreement, the parties hereto agree that CryoLife is entitled, in
addition  to any and all rights and  remedies  as would be  provided  by law, to
specific  performance,  injunctive,  and other  equitable  relief to  prevent or
restrain a breach of this  Agreement.  In addition,  the parties agree that this
Agreement  constitutes  an Asset Purchase  Transaction  Document as such term is
defined in the Purchase  Agreement.  The rights of CryoLife under this Agreement
shall survive the  expiration of the  Noncompetition  Period and are in addition
to, and not in lieu of, any and all rights CryoLife may have at law or in equity
to protect its business interests. UTF agrees to be liable for any and all costs
and expenses,  including attorneys fees, resulting from the breach by UTF of any
provision of this Agreement.

         6.  CONFIDENTIAL  INFORMATION.   UTF  covenants  and  agrees  that  all
confidential and proprietary information developed, utilized, or received by UTF
relating to the  operation of the Company  Business by UCFI prior to the Closing
of the Purchase Agreement,  including, without limitation, all Trade Secrets and
all information which has been disclosed to UCFI by a third party and which UCFI
has treated as confidential (collectively,  "Confidential Information"), and all
physical  embodiments  thereof, has been transferred to CryoLife pursuant to the
Purchase  Agreement.  UTF will hold such  Confidential  Information in trust and
strictest  confidence,  and will not use,  reproduce,  distribute,  disclose  or
otherwise   disseminate  the  Confidential   Information.   The  confidentiality
requirements and use restrictions  contained in this Section 6 shall survive any
termination  of this  Agreement  but shall  not  apply  (i) to any  Confidential
Information that falls into the public domain through no fault of UTF or (ii) to
any Confidential  Information  which is not a Trade Secret when a period of five
years has expired following the execution of this Agreement.

         All records, notes, files, memoranda,  reports,  marketing information,
price lists, supplier lists and information,  documents, and all copies and like
items  relating to the Trade  Secrets which shall be disclosed to or which shall
come into the  possession  of UTF during or prior to the  Noncompetition  Period
shall be the sole and  exclusive  property of CryoLife.  UTF agrees that, at any
time upon request,  it will  promptly  deliver to CryoLife the originals and all
copies of any of the foregoing that are in its possession, custody or control.

         7. AMENDMENTS.  No amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be
valid or binding  upon  CryoLife  unless  made in  writing  and signed by a duly
authorized  officer of CryoLife,  or upon UTF, unless made in writing and signed
by UTF.



         8. ASSIGNMENT.  This Agreement may not be assigned by any party without
the prior written consent of the other party hereto,  provided that CryoLife may
assign  this  Agreement  in whole or in part to one or more  affiliates  thereof
without the consent of UTF.

         9.       NOTICES.

                  (a) Any and all  notices or other  communications  required or
permitted to be given under any of the provisions of this Agreement  shall be in
writing  and  shall be  deemed  to have  been  duly  given  when (i)  personally
delivered or sent by a recognized  overnight  delivery  service which guarantees
next  day  delivery  ("Overnight  Delivery"),   (ii)  transmitted  by  facsimile
transmission  (with a copy sent first class registered or certified mail, return
receipt requested and postage prepaid or by Overnight Delivery), or (iii) mailed
by first class registered or certified mail, return receipt  requested,  postage
prepaid,  transmitted  or  addressed to the parties at the  addresses  set forth

                  If to UTF:             United Transplant Foundation, Inc.
                                         c/o Regional Organ Bank of
                                         Illinois, Inc.
                                         800 South Wells Street, Suite 190
                                         Chicago, Illinois 60607
                                         Telefax:  (312) 803-7643

                  with a copy to:        Katten Muchin & Zavis
                                         525 West Monroe Street
                                         Suite 1600
                                         Chicago, Illinois 60661
                                         Attention:  Mr. Steven R. Olsen
                                         Telefax: (312) 902-1061

                  If to CryoLife:        Mr. Steven G. Anderson
                                         Chairman of the Board, Chief 
                                         Executive Officer and President
                                         CryoLife, Inc.
                                         2211 New Market Parkway, Suite 142
                                         Marietta, Georgia 30067
                                         Telefax:  (770) 850-0762

                  with a copy to:        Arnall Golden & Gregory
                                         2800 One Atlantic Center
                                         1201 West Peachtree Street
                                         Atlanta, Georgia  30309-3400
                                         Attention:  Ms. M. Nan King
                                         Telefax:  (404) 873-8775



                  (b) All notices  shall be deemed  received  (i) if  personally
delivered or transmitted by facsimile,  on the business day when so delivered or
transmitted or if not transmitted at a time which concludes  during the business
day of the  recipient,  on the next  succeeding  business  day,  (ii) if sent by
Overnight  Delivery,  one business day after it is sent and (iii) if mailed,  48
hours after  deposit in the United  States mail,  as first class  registered  or
certified mail, return receipt  requested,  postage  pre-paid.  Either party may
change its address for the  purposes of this Section by giving not less than ten
days  prior  written  notice of such  change to the  other  party in the  manner
provided in this Section.

         10.  COUNTERPARTS.  This  Agreement  may be  executed  in  two or  more
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto,  intending to be legally bound,
have executed and delivered this Agreement as of the date set forth above.


                                    UNITED TRANSPLANT FOUNDATION, INC.

                                    By:/s/ Jerold Anderson
                                           Jerold Anderson
                                    Title: President

                                    CRYOLIFE, INC.

                                    By:/s/ Steven G. Anderson
                                           Steven G. Anderson
                                           Chairman of the Board
                                           Chief Executive Officer and President

