- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                    Signifies a loan with multiple properties

Loan/Prop.    No. of Props    Originator              Property Name                                     Address
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Loan            6            JPMCB       Hometown America Portfolio VI          Various
 Property          1            JPMCB       Clinton                                38000 Le Chateau Boulevard
 Property          1            JPMCB       Tara Woods                             19376 Tanuanu Trauk (U.S. Route 41)
 Property          1            JPMCB       Countryside Village of Longmont        1400 South Collyer Street
 Property          1            JPMCB       Buena Vista                            4301 El Tora Boulevard
 Property          1            JPMCB       Palm Beach Colony                      2000 North Congress Avenue
 Property          1            JPMCB       Emerald Lake                           24300 Airport Road
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Fairways Country Club                  14205 East Colonial Drive
   Loan            1            CIBC        Parkwoods Apartments                   3035 Pentagon Parkway
   Loan            1            CIBC        Riverbend in Allentown                 250 South Penn Street
   Loan            1            JPMCB       The Orchard                            5360 Orchard Hill Drive
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Broadstone Village                     3504 Broadstone Village Drive
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Chandler Crossing Phase II             3839 Hunsaker Drive
   Loan            6            CIBC        Westland Industries Multifamily
                                              Portfolio                            Various
 Property          1            CIBC        Dawson Apartments                      1349-1357 Dawson Avenue
 Property          1            CIBC        Annaheim Street Apartments             1701-17 Annaheim Street
 Property          1            CIBC        Daisy Avenue Apartments                913-921 Daisy Avenue
 Property          1            CIBC        102nd Street Apartments                3726 West 102nd Street
 Property          1            CIBC        Mariposa Apartments                    422 South Mariposa Avenue
 Property          1            CIBC        Rancho Cucamonga                       8401 Haven Avenue
   Loan            1            CIBC        Oak Forest                             3301 Southwest 13th Street
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Corteen Village                        5331 Corteen Place
   Loan            1            CIBC        Rosewood Village                       11211 John F. Kennedy Drive
   Loan            1            CIBC        The Summit Apartments                  3901 Indian School Road NE
   Loan            1            CIBC        Casa Bella Apartments                  11670 San Vicente Boulevard
   Loan            1            CIBC        Homestead Run Mobile Home Park         Route 70 East
   Loan            1            CIBC        The Landmark Apartments                551 and 601 Northwest 42nd Avenue
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Arbor Pointe Apartments                2317 Pleasant Valley Road
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Grandview Apartments Phase II          730 Grandview Meadows Drive
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Summer Meadows Apartments              3429 Rustin Avenue
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Shasta Terrace Apartments              293 Shasta Drive
   Loan            1            CIBC        Travis Park Apartments                 1110 East Oltorf Street
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Slippery Rock Apartments               278 Cameron Drive, 402-440 North Main Street,
                                                                                     105-113 Grove City Road, 305-555 Center Street
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Place on the Park                      2021 East Pioneer Parkway
   Loan            1            JPMCB       The Links at Texarkana, Phase II       333 Links Drive
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Emerald Woods Apartments               2 Lockhart Circle
   Loan            1            JPMCB       University Iowa Gardens Apartments     3996 Iowa Avenue and 1225 Everton Place
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Fairport Garden Apartments             17 Fairway Boulevard
   Loan            1            CIBC        Tilles Square                          9301-9329 Manchester Road, 10-32 Beale Street
                                                                                      and 1001 Raritan Drive
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Woodland Court Apartments              3621 West 119th Street
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Fairway Apartments                     10025 South Plaza
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Grove at Latimer Apartments            936 and 940 Clarizz Boulevard
   Loan            1            JPMCB       University Village II                  203 Simpson Avenue
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Four Horizons Apartments               1450 East Harmon Avenue
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Parc Bay Apartments                    3650 Burke Road
   Loan            1            CIBC        Southside Terrace Apartments           4 Southside Avenue
   Loan            1            CIBC        Ridgewood                              6825 West Mississippi Avenue
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Oaks of Texas City Apartments          8601 Emmett F. Lowry Expressway
   Loan            1            CIBC        Marshall Apartments                    1157 Salina Street and 1401 East 12th Street
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Washington Square Apartments           4816 South Packard Avenue - three locations
                                                                                     only one Eng?
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Autumn Sunrise                         1825 Airline Road
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Tribeca Lofts                          1210 West Clay Street
   Loan            1            CIBC        Mobile Grove                           202 West Main Road
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Evergreen Square of Cudahy             3717 East Ramsey Avenue
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Fountainview Apartments                3909 North Murray Avenue
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Goffstown Village                      27 and 42 Maple Avenue
   Loan            1            JPMCB       Spring Lake Apartments Phase II        925 and 935 Spring Forest Road

          Property Name                City                    State       Zip Code     County            Property Type
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hometown America Portfolio VI          Various                Various       Various     Various           Manufactured Housing
Clinton                                Clinton Township          MI          48038      Macomb            Manufactured Housing
Tara Woods                             North Fort Myers          FL          33903      Lee               Manufactured Housing
Countryside Village of Longmont        Longmont                  CO          80501      Boulder           Manufactured Housing
Buena Vista                            Fargo                     ND          58103      Cass              Manufactured Housing
Palm Beach Colony                      West Palm Beach           FL          33409      Palm Beach        Manufactured Housing
Emerald Lake                           Punta Gorda               FL          33950      Charlotte         Manufactured Housing
Fairways Country Club                  Orlando                   FL          32826      Orange            Manufactured Housing
Parkwoods Apartments                   Dallas                    TX          75233      Dallas            Multifamily
Riverbend in Allentown                 Allentown                 PA          18102      Lehigh            Multifamily
The Orchard                            Roanoke                   VA          24019      Roanoke           Multifamily
Broadstone Village                     High Point                NC          27260      Guilford          Multifamily
Chandler Crossing Phase II             East Lansing              MI          48823      Clinton           Multifamily
Westland Industries Multifamily
  Portfolio                            Various                   CA         Various     Various           Mixed Use
Dawson Apartments                      Long Beach                CA          90804      Los Angeles       Multifamily
Annaheim Street Apartments             Long Beach                CA          90813      Los Angeles       Mixed Use
Daisy Avenue Apartments                Long Beach                CA          90813      Los Angeles       Multifamily
102nd Street Apartments                Englewood                 CA          90301      Los Angeles       Multifamily
Mariposa Apartments                    Los Angeles               CA          90020      Los Angeles       Multifamily
Rancho Cucamonga                       Rancho Cucamonga          CA          91730      San Bernardino    Retail
Oak Forest                             Gainesville               FL          32608      Alachua           Multifamily
Corteen Village                        Valley Village            CA          91607      Los Angeles       Multifamily
Rosewood Village                       Hagerstown                MD          21742      Washington        Multifamily
The Summit Apartments                  Albuquerque               NM          87110      Bernalillo        Multifamily
Casa Bella Apartments                  Brentwood                 CA          90049      Los Angeles       Mixed Use
Homestead Run Mobile Home Park         Toms River                NJ          08755      Ocean             Manufactured Housing
The Landmark Apartments                Plantation                FL          33317      Broward           Multifamily
Arbor Pointe Apartments                Austin                    TX          78741      Travis            Multifamily
Grandview Apartments Phase II          Longmont                  CO          80503      Boulder           Multifamily
Summer Meadows Apartments              Riverside                 CA          92507      Riverside         Multifamily
Shasta Terrace Apartments              Vacaville                 CA          95687      Solano            Multifamily
Travis Park Apartments                 Austin                    TX          78704      Travis            Multifamily
Slippery Rock Apartments
                                       Slippery Rock             PA          16057      Butler            Multifamily
Place on the Park                      Arlington                 TX          76010      Tarrant           Multifamily
The Links at Texarkana, Phase II       Texarkana                 AR          71854      Miller            Multifamily
Emerald Woods Apartments               Forest Hill               MD          21050      Harford           Multifamily
University Iowa Gardens Apartments     Riverside                 CA          92507      Riverside         Multifamily
Fairport Garden Apartments             Columbus                  OH          43213      Franklin          Multifamily
Tilles Square
                                       St. Louis                 MO          63119      St. Louis         Mixed Use
Woodland Court Apartments              Alsip                     IL          60803      Cook              Multifamily
Fairway Apartments                     Omaha                     NE          68127      Douglas           Multifamily
Grove at Latimer Apartments            Bloomington               IN          47401      Monroe            Multifamily
University Village II                  Lexington                 KY          40504      Fayette           Multifamily
Four Horizons Apartments               Las Vegas                 NV          89119      Clark             Multifamily
Parc Bay Apartments                    Pasadena                  TX          77504      Harris            Multifamily
Southside Terrace Apartments           New Paltz                 NY          12561      Ulster            Multifamily
Ridgewood                              Lakewood                  CO          80226      Jefferson         Manufactured Housing
Oaks of Texas City Apartments          Texas City                TX          77591      Galveston         Multifamily
Marshall Apartments                    Austin                    TX          78202      Travis            Multifamily
Washington Square Apartments
                                       Cudahy                    WI          53110      Milwaukee         Multifamily
Autumn Sunrise                         Corpus Christi            TX          78412      Nueces            Multifamily
Tribeca Lofts                          Houston                   TX          77019      Harris            Multifamily
Mobile Grove                           Conneaut                  OH          44030      Ashtabula         Manufactured Housing
Evergreen Square of Cudahy             Cudahy                    WI          53110      Milwaukee         Multifamily
Fountainview Apartments                Shorewood                 WI          53211      Milwaukee         Multifamily
Goffstown Village                      Goffstown                 NH          03045      Hillsborough      Multifamily
Spring Lake Apartments Phase II        Greenville                NC          27834      Pitt              Multifamily

                                                                    Total:                   383,413,725.40

          Property Name             Property SubType                   Total Units              Cutoff Balance       No. of Studio
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hometown America Portfolio VI       Manufactured Housing                   2,727                  80,571,735                  -
Clinton                             Manufactured Housing                   1,000                  35,280,000                  -
Tara Woods                          Manufactured Housing                     531                  12,786,601                  -
Countryside Village of Longmont     Manufactured Housing                     310                  12,400,000                  -
Buena Vista                         Manufactured Housing                     400                   9,560,000                  -
Palm Beach Colony                   Manufactured Housing                     285                   6,921,624                  -
Emerald Lake                        Manufactured Housing                     201                   3,623,510                  -
Fairways Country Club               Manufactured Housing                   1,141                  27,004,262                  -
Parkwoods Apartments                Garden                                   826                  26,560,000                 22
Riverbend in Allentown              Garden                                   230                  14,200,000                NAP
The Orchard                         Garden                                   240                  14,000,000                  -
Broadstone Village                  Garden                                   298                  12,983,715                  -
Chandler Crossing Phase II          Garden                                    84                  11,250,000                  -
Westland Industries Multifamily
  Portfolio                         Multifamily/Retail                   129,747                  10,875,000            Various
Dawson Apartments                   Garden                                    18                   1,275,000                NAP
Annaheim Street Apartments          Multifamily/Retail                        21                   1,500,000                  1
Daisy Avenue Apartments             Garden                                    28                   1,500,000                NAP
102nd Street Apartments             Garden                                    37                   2,025,000                NAP
Mariposa Apartments                 Garden                                    24                   1,650,000                NAP
Rancho Cucamonga                    Unanchored                            34,282                   2,925,000                NAP
Oak Forest                          Garden                                   239                  10,376,275                NAP
Corteen Village                     Garden                                    67                  10,326,696                  -
Rosewood Village                    Garden                                   103                  10,000,000                NAP
The Summit Apartments               Mid-Rise                                 189                   9,400,000                NAP
Casa Bella Apartments               Multifamily/Retail                        43                   9,238,928                 41
Homestead Run Mobile Home Park      Mobile Home Park                         461                   8,200,000                NAP
The Landmark Apartments             High-Rise                                167                   8,000,000                NAP
Arbor Pointe Apartments             Garden                                   344                   7,562,395                  -
Grandview Apartments Phase II       Garden                                   120                   7,265,449                  -
Summer Meadows Apartments           Garden                                   123                   6,985,271                  -
Shasta Terrace Apartments           Garden                                   140                   6,983,549                  -
Travis Park Apartments              Garden                                   199                   6,200,000                NAP
Slippery Rock Apartments
                                    Garden                                   222                   6,100,000                  5
Place on the Park                   Garden                                   272                   5,383,813                  -
The Links at Texarkana, Phase II    Garden                                   144                   5,284,458                  -
Emerald Woods Apartments            Garden                                    96                   5,200,000                  -
University Iowa Gardens Apartments  Garden                                   100                   5,189,223                  -
Fairport Garden Apartments          Garden                                   273                   5,163,840                 42
Tilles Square
                                    Multifamily/Retail                        45                   4,694,053                  6
Woodland Court Apartments           Garden                                   144                   3,982,153                  -
Fairway Apartments                  Garden                                   135                   3,687,784                 20
Grove at Latimer Apartments         Garden                                    40                   3,625,219                  -
University Village II               Garden                                    85                   3,492,677                  -
Four Horizons Apartments            Garden                                   240                   3,364,958                240
Parc Bay Apartments                 Garden                                   120                   3,282,798                  -
Southside Terrace Apartments        Student Housing                          140                   3,250,000                 29
Ridgewood                           Manufactured Housing                      97                   3,200,000                NAP
Oaks of Texas City Apartments       Garden                                   132                   3,191,880                  -
Marshall Apartments                 Garden                                   100                   3,113,053                NAP
Washington Square Apartments
                                    Garden                                    88                   2,863,442                  -
Autumn Sunrise                      Garden                                   142                   2,766,888                  -
Tribeca Lofts                       Garden                                    24                   2,471,999                  -
Mobile Grove                        Manufactured Housing                     136                   2,340,000                NAP
Evergreen Square of Cudahy          Garden                                   106                   2,083,493                  -
Fountainview Apartments             Mid/High Rise                            102                   1,985,607                  2
Goffstown Village                   Garden                                    48                   1,600,000                  7
Spring Lake Apartments Phase II     Garden                                    28                   1,038,112                  -

          Property Name              Avg. Studio Rent   No. of 1-BR Units    Avg. 1-BR Rent     No. of 2-BR Units   Avg. 2-BR Rent
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hometown America Portfolio VI                    -                   -                 -                    -                -
Clinton                                          -                   -                 -                    -                -
Tara Woods                                       -                   -                 -                    -                -
Countryside Village of Longmont                  -                   -                 -                    -                -
Buena Vista                                      -                   -                 -                    -                -
Palm Beach Colony                                -                   -                 -                    -                -
Emerald Lake                                     -                   -                 -                    -                -
Fairways Country Club                            -                   -                 -                    -                -
Parkwoods Apartments                           485                 230               590                  382              697
Riverbend in Allentown                         NAP                 124               719                  106              878
The Orchard                                      -                 120               680                   60              795
Broadstone Village                               -                  94               519                  168              624
Chandler Crossing Phase II                       -                   -                 -                    -                -
Westland Industries Multifamily
  Portfolio                                Various             Various           Various              Various          Various
Dawson Apartments                              NAP                   3               658                   13              813
Annaheim Street Apartments                     530                   8               615                    1              650
Daisy Avenue Apartments                        NAP                  22               577                    4              713
102nd Street Apartments                        NAP                  21               624                   15              699
Mariposa Apartments                            NAP                  18               805                    6            1,050
Rancho Cucamonga                               NAP                 NAP               NAP                  NAP              NAP
Oak Forest                                     NAP                  52               572                  108              650
Corteen Village                                  -                   4             1,310                   36            1,606
Rosewood Village                               NAP                   2               750                   22              878
The Summit Apartments                          NAP                 118               650                   71              905
Casa Bella Apartments                        1,528                   2             2,325                  NAP              NAP
Homestead Run Mobile Home Park                 NAP                 NAP               NAP                  NAP              NAP
The Landmark Apartments                        NAP                  82               682                   85              835
Arbor Pointe Apartments                          -                 256               515                   88              689
Grandview Apartments Phase II                    -                  48               663                   56              798
Summer Meadows Apartments                        -                  60               795                   59              999
Shasta Terrace Apartments                        -                  56               822                   76              897
Travis Park Apartments                         NAP                  48               563                  119              716
Slippery Rock Apartments
                                               300                  22               410                  167              566
Place on the Park                                -                 160               453                  104              618
The Links at Texarkana, Phase II                 -                  48               482                   96              625
Emerald Woods Apartments                         -                  36               752                   60              874
University Iowa Gardens Apartments               -                  16               700                   64              860
Fairport Garden Apartments                     355                 133               375                   98              461
Tilles Square
                                               665                  25               965                    8            1,303
Woodland Court Apartments                        -                  72               685                   72              823
Fairway Apartments                             440                  64               515                   44              634
Grove at Latimer Apartments                      -                   -                 -                    8              880
University Village II                            -                  85               576                    -                -
Four Horizons Apartments                       381                   -                 -                    -                -
Parc Bay Apartments                              -                  80               546                   40              704
Southside Terrace Apartments                   489                  88               668                   23            1,027
Ridgewood                                      NAP                 NAP               NAP                  NAP              NAP
Oaks of Texas City Apartments                    -                 100               502                   32              650
Marshall Apartments                            NAP                  24               512                   36              707
Washington Square Apartments
                                                 -                  59               798                   17              845
Autumn Sunrise                                   -                  80               478                   49              595
Tribeca Lofts                                    -                  24             2,319                    -                -
Mobile Grove                                   NAP                 NAP               NAP                  NAP              NAP
Evergreen Square of Cudahy                       -                 104               512                    2              512
Fountainview Apartments                        580                  12               800                   77              882
Goffstown Village                              600                  32               675                    9              810
Spring Lake Apartments Phase II                  -                   -                 -                   28              529

          Property Name               No. of 3-BR Units      Avg. 3-BR Rent     No. of 4-BR Units      Avg. 4-BR Rent      Pad Rent
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hometown America Portfolio VI                     -                     -                   -                   -             383
Clinton                                           -                     -                   -                   -             428
Tara Woods                                        -                     -                   -                   -             410
Countryside Village of Longmont                   -                     -                   -                   -             449
Buena Vista                                       -                     -                   -                   -             285
Palm Beach Colony                                 -                     -                   -                   -             328
Emerald Lake                                      -                     -                   -                   -             259
Fairways Country Club                             -                     -                   -                   -             362
Parkwoods Apartments                            192                   835                 NAP                 NAP             NAP
Riverbend in Allentown                          NAP                   NAP                 NAP                 NAP             NAP
The Orchard                                      60                   925                   -                   -               -
Broadstone Village                               36                   840                   -                   -               -
Chandler Crossing Phase II                        -                     -                  84               1,916               -
Westland Industries Multifamily
  Portfolio                                 Various               Various             Various             Various             NAP
Dawson Apartments                                 2                 1,100                 NAP                 NAP             NAP
Annaheim Street Apartments                        2                 1,025                   1               1,350             NAP
Daisy Avenue Apartments                           2                   943                 NAP                 NAP             NAP
102nd Street Apartments                         NAP                   NAP                   1               1,400             NAP
Mariposa Apartments                             NAP                   NAP                 NAP                 NAP             NAP
Rancho Cucamonga                                NAP                   NAP                 NAP                 NAP             NAP
Oak Forest                                       69                   824                  10               1,159             NAP
Corteen Village                                  27                 1,868                   -                   -               -
Rosewood Village                                 75                 1,115                   4               1,283             NAP
The Summit Apartments                           NAP                   NAP                 NAP                 NAP             NAP
Casa Bella Apartments                           NAP                   NAP                 NAP                 NAP             NAP
Homestead Run Mobile Home Park                  NAP                   NAP                 NAP                 NAP             328
The Landmark Apartments                         NAP                   NAP                 NAP                 NAP             NAP
Arbor Pointe Apartments                           -                     -                   -                   -               -
Grandview Apartments Phase II                    16                 1,008                   -                   -               -
Summer Meadows Apartments                         4                 1,295                   -                   -               -
Shasta Terrace Apartments                         8                 1,098                   -                   -               -
Travis Park Apartments                           32                   839                 NAP                 NAP             NAP
Slippery Rock Apartments
                                                 28                   638                   -                   -               -
Place on the Park                                 8                   830                   -                   -               -
The Links at Texarkana, Phase II                  -                     -                   -                   -               -
Emerald Woods Apartments                          -                     -                   -                   -               -
University Iowa Gardens Apartments               20                 1,025                   -                   -               -
Fairport Garden Apartments                        -                     -                   -                   -               -
Tilles Square
                                                NAP                   NAP                 NAP                 NAP             NAP
Woodland Court Apartments                         -                     -                   -                   -               -
Fairway Apartments                                -                     -                   -                   -               -
Grove at Latimer Apartments                      32                 1,305                   -                   -               -
University Village II                             -                     -                   -                   -               -
Four Horizons Apartments                          -                     -                   -                   -               -
Parc Bay Apartments                               -                     -                   -                   -               -
Southside Terrace Apartments                    NAP                   NAP                 NAP                 NAP             NAP
Ridgewood                                       NAP                   NAP                 NAP                 NAP             380
Oaks of Texas City Apartments                     -                     -                   -                   -               -
Marshall Apartments                              24                   728                  16                 848             NAP
Washington Square Apartments
                                                 12                 1,119                   -                   -               -
Autumn Sunrise                                   13                   720                   -                   -               -
Tribeca Lofts                                     -                     -                   -                   -               -
Mobile Grove                                    NAP                   NAP                 NAP                 NAP             205
Evergreen Square of Cudahy                        -                     -                   -                   -               -
Fountainview Apartments                          11                 1,074                   -                   -               -
Goffstown Village                                 -                     -                   -                   -               -
Spring Lake Apartments Phase II                   -                     -                   -                   -               -

          Property Name                    Utilities Tenant Pays          Elevator Present
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hometown America Portfolio VI                                                   NAP
Clinton                                                                          No
Tara Woods                                                                       No
Countryside Village of Longmont                                                  No
Buena Vista                                                                      No
Palm Beach Colony                                                                No
Emerald Lake                                                                     No
Fairways Country Club                                                            No
Parkwoods Apartments                    None                                     No
Riverbend in Allentown                  Electric                                 No
The Orchard                             Electric, Water, Sewer                   No
Broadstone Village                      Electric, Water, Sewer                   No
Chandler Crossing Phase II              Electric                                 No
Westland Industries Multifamily
  Portfolio                             Various                               Various
Dawson Apartments                       Electric, Gas, Water                     No
Annaheim Street Apartments              Electric, Gas, Water                     No
Daisy Avenue Apartments                 Electric, Gas, Water                     No
102nd Street Apartments                 Electric, Gas, Water                     No
Mariposa Apartments                     Electric, Gas, Water                    Yes
Rancho Cucamonga                        NAP                                     NAP
Oak Forest                              Gas, Electric                            No
Corteen Village                         Electric, Gas, Water, Sewer             Yes
Rosewood Village                        Electric,Water,Sewer                    Yes
The Summit Apartments                   Gas, Electric                           Yes
Casa Bella Apartments                   Gas, Water, Sewer, Electric             Yes
Homestead Run Mobile Home Park          NAP                                     NAP
The Landmark Apartments                 Electric                                Yes
Arbor Pointe Apartments                 Electric                                 No
Grandview Apartments Phase II           Electric                                 No
Summer Meadows Apartments               Electric, Gas, Water, Sewer              No
Shasta Terrace Apartments               Electric                                 No
Travis Park Apartments                  None                                     No
Slippery Rock Apartments
                                        Electric                                 No
Place on the Park                       Electric, Water                          No
The Links at Texarkana, Phase II        Electric, Water, Sewer                   No
Emerald Woods Apartments                Electric                                 No
University Iowa Gardens Apartments      Electric, Gas, Sewer                     No
Fairport Garden Apartments              Electric, Gas                            No
Tilles Square
                                        Electric, Gas, Water, Sewer              No
Woodland Court Apartments               Electric                                 No
Fairway Apartments                      Electric, Gas                            No
Grove at Latimer Apartments             Electric, Gas, Water, Sewer              No
University Village II                   Water                                    No
Four Horizons Apartments                None                                     No
Parc Bay Apartments                     Electric, Water, Sewer                   No
Southside Terrace Apartments            Electric, Gas, Water, Sewer              No
Ridgewood                               NAP                                     NAP
Oaks of Texas City Apartments           Electric                                 No
Marshall Apartments                     None                                     No
Washington Square Apartments
                                        Electric, Water                         Yes
Autumn Sunrise                          Electric, Gas                            No
Tribeca Lofts                           Electric, Water, Sewer                   No
Mobile Grove                            Water, Sewer                            NAP
Evergreen Square of Cudahy              Electric                                Yes
Fountainview Apartments                 Electric                                Yes
Goffstown Village                       Electric                                 No
Spring Lake Apartments Phase II         Electric, Gas                            No