[AHM LOGO]

                           Lehman Brothers Financial
                              Services Conference
                               September 13, 2004

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                    American Home Mortgage Investment Corp.

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                               Corporate Profile

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o     American Home Mortgage Investment (NYSE: AHM)

o     Hybrid Mortgage REIT

o     Self-Originates and Holds Mortgage Securities

o     Focuses on High Credit Quality Assets

o     Offers Strong Dividend with Opportunity for Rapid Growth

o     Operates 20th Largest Prime Mortgage Originator in the United States


                                 Business Model

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o     Focus on Building our Portfolio's

      -   Value

      -   Yield

o     Value and Yield Building is Accomplished by Originating Loans, Creating
      Structured Securities and Investing in Higher Yielding Securities

o     Mortgage Origination Business Enables Portfolio to Grow In Value and Yield

o     Risk-Averse Portfolio Management Strategy


                   Growing Portfolio Value and Yield through
                           Structured Securitizations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o     Securitization Process Converts Value Created by the Mortgage Origination
      Business into increased Portfolio Value and Higher Yield

o     Securitization Structure Designed to Create High Yielding Securities which
      are Retained while Lower Yielding Securities are Sold

o     Increases Portfolio Value and Yield with Limited Capital Commitment


                    Expected Yields on Existing Portfolio v.
                    Self-Originated and Retained Securities
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o     Expected Yield from Portfolio in place on June 30, 2004 Assuming No Change
      in Interest Rates


o     Expected Yield on Retained Securities Created in Q3, 2004 Assuming No
      Change in Interest Rates



                       American Home Aims to be a Strong
                      Dividend and High Growth Investment
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o     Dividend Generated by Portfolio

o     Origination Business Increases the Value and Yield of the Portfolio Over

o     Goal is to Accelerate Growth in Portfolio Value and Yield by Growing the
      Mortgage Origination Business

o     Greater Portfolio Value and Yield Should Lead to Higher Dividends


                   Both Investment and Origination Businesses
                        are Benefited by our Tax Status
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o     Net Interest Income from the Portfolio is Untaxed Provided it is Paid Out
      as Dividends

o     Much of the Value Created by the Mortgage Origination Business is Untaxed

      -     Value is realized as an addition to portfolio value, and not through
            an asset sale.

o     Tax Structure Provides a Significant Advantage Over Taxable Mortgage Asset
      Holders and Taxable Mortgage Originators


                               Portfolio Strategy

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o     Yield and Yield Growth Driven by Self-Origination Capability

o     Consequently a Defensive Portfolio Management Strategy is Possible

o     Key Components of Defensive Strategy

      -     Duration Neutral

      -     High Credit Quality

      -     Low Exposure to Extension and Prepayment due to short resetting ARM


                               Portfolio Strategy

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o     Return Not Benefited by the Slope of the Yield Curve

o     Agnostic About Direction of Interest Rates

      -     Return Not Dependent on Finding Value or Other Portfolio Management


                       Projected Yield and Yield Variance
                       (Portfolio Income Before Expenses)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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                 ROEs for Instantaneous Interest Rate Changes
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                                                -100 bp     -50 bp      0 bp        +50 bp      +100 bp     Flattener   Steepner
Portfolio as of 6/30/2004                       13.5%       17.6%       18.4%       17.7%       14.3%       15.5%       22.0%

Projected Q3 Securitization ($825 Million*)     20.3%       25.6%       26.6%       25.7%       21.4%       22.9%       31.0%

* $2.1 billion securitization, $1.275 billion sold for cash, $825 million
retained for portfolio Flattener and Steepner represent 2-10 yr. 50 bp interest
rate shocks. Assumes 12:1 leverage.

Based on company projections and are to be used as a representative model only.
Actual results may vary


                           Portfolio Characteristics

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------
     Portfolio Size               Loan Types                Credit Quality
- -------------------------  -------------------------  -------------------------


 Self Originated     54%    5/1 ARMs            56%    AAA and Agency      97%
 Market Bought       46%    3/1 ARMs            22%    Other                2%
                            Short Reset (less
                             than 1 year)       22%

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                             Portfolio Statistics
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Leverage Statistic         10.9 Times Equity    Average Life      3.78 Years
Net Duration Statistic     -0.1 Years           Average Mark      100.26 of par
Convexity                  -.53 Price/Yield     Spread Duration   3.17 years

As of 06/30/04

                           Risk Mitigation Strategies

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o     Ongoing hedging to Maintain Duration Neutral Position

o     Key Rate Management

o     Concentration on Short Reset ARMs

      -     Reduced Extension / Prepayment Exposure

      -     Reduced Spread Volatility

o     BlackRock Tools and Consultation

o     Concentration on High Credit Quality Assets


                         Mortgage Origination Business

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o     Origination Business Drives Growth in the Value and Yield of the Mortgage

o     Company Aims to Aggressively Grow the Origination Business to Speed
      Portfolio Value and Yield Growth


                    Mortgage Origination Business - Overview

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                                                                     Top Mortgage Originators in 2004
                                                                   (For 3 months - Dollars in Billions)


o     Trend in origination volume:              Rank  Lender                                                         Volume
                                                ----  -----------------------------------------------------------  ----------
      -   2000   $  3.0 Billion                    1  Countrywide Financial Corp., CA                              $    99.66
                                                   2  Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, CA                                $    96.08
      -   2001   $  7.8 Billion                    3  Washington Mutual, WA                                        $    76.36
                                                   4  Chase Home Finance, NJ                                       $    56.87
      -   2002   $ 12.2 Billion                    5  CitiMortgage, Inc., MO / Principal Residential Mortgage, IA  $    40.13
                                                   6  Bank of America, NC                                          $    28.46
      -   2003   $ 21.7 Billion                    7  GMAC Residential Holdings, PA                                $    24.44
                                                   8  ABN Amro Mortgage, MI                                        $    19.43
      -   Q104   $  4.4 Billion                    9  National City Mortgage, OH                                   $    18.73
                                                  10  Cendant Mortgage (2), NJ                                     $    17.63
      -   Q204   $  6.6 Billion                   11  Homecomings, MN                                              $    13.73
                                                  12  HSBC Mortgage Corp. USA, NY                                  $    12.63
                                                  13  Golden West Financial Corp./World, CA                        $    12.40
                                                  14  Aurora Loan Services, Inc., CO                               $    11.26
o     Average national market share:              15  GreenPoint Mortgage Funding, CA                              $    11.17
                                                  16  First Horizon Home Loans, TX                                 $    10.38
      -   2000   0.29 %                           17  IndyMac Bancorp, Inc., CA                                    $     9.42
                                                  18  Flagstar Bank, FSB, MI                                       $     9.00
      -   2001   0.38 %                           19  SunTrust Mortgage, Inc., VA                                  $     8.81
      -   2002   0.47 %                           20  American Home Mtg. Investment, NY                            $     6.62
      -   2003   0.60 %                           21  RBC Mortgage, IL                                             $     5.90
                                                  22  Impac Funding Corporation, CA                                $     5.50
      -   Q104   0.75 %                           23  Branch Banking & Trust Co., NC                               $     5.46
                                                  24  U.S. Bank Home Mortgage, MN                                  $     5.22
      -   Q204   0.83 %                           25  Wachovia/First Union Mtg., NC                                $     5.05
                                                  26  Ohio Savings Bank, F.S.B. (E), OH                            $     4.50
                                                  27  First Magnus Financial Corp., AZ                             $     4.09
                                                  28  Netbank, SC                                                  $     3.90
                                                  29  CTX Mortgage, TX                                             $     3.50
                                                  30  E*Trade, VA                                                  $     3.39

Source: Inside Mortgage Finance, Copyright 2004       Source: National Mortgage News, Copyright 2004


                               Benefits of Scale

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o     Lower Per Loan Production Costs

o     Better Terms of Business with Counterparties

      -     Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac

      -     Liquidity Providers

      -     Service Providers

o     Enhanced Ability to Improve Production Platform

      -     Technology

      -     Marketing Innovations


                      Origination Business Growth Drivers

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o     Inexpensive Acquisitions

      -     Origination Franchise being Built at Less than Replacement Cost

      -     Recent Acquisition from Washington Mutual

o     Rapid Organic Growth


                           Nationwide Branch Network

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

>     American Home Mortgage originates mortgages through approximately 303
      branches in 38 states

>     Approximately 3900 Employees



                           Production Characteristics
                             (Second Quarter 2004)
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- ---------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------
            Credit Quality                        Retail vs. Wholesale
- ---------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------

         [GRAPHIC PIE CHART]                       [GRAPHIC PIE CHART]

 Agency Eligible                   63%    Wholesale                         54%
 High Credit Quality Jumbo Loans   21%    Retail                            46%
 Alt A                             10%
 Home Equity & Second Mortgages     3%
 Non-Prime                          3%

- ---------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------
            Largest States                           Fixed vs. ARMs
- ---------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------

         [GRAPHIC PIE CHART]                       [GRAPHIC PIE CHART]

 All Other                         42%    Fixed                             51%
 CA                                24%    ARMs                              49%
 IL                                18%
 MD                                 6%
 AZ                                 5%
 VA                                 5%


                           Strong Access to Liquidity

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                           Commercial Paper Program
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o     $2.0 Billion Lehman Sponsored Asset-Backed CP Guaranteed by Bank of
      America, Caylon and ABN Amro

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                         Warehouse and Loan Gestation
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      UBS                                      $1.2 billion
      Bank of America Syndication               600 million
      RBS Greenwich Capital                     500 million
      CDC IXIS                                  450 million
      Morgan Stanley                            350 million
      Caylon                                    200 million

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Securities Repurchase Facilities
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Bank of America       Bear Stearns         Citigroup
     Credit Suisse         Deutsche Bank        Goldman Sachs
     Lehman Brothers       Merrill Lynch        UBS
     Morgan Stanley        Nomura               Greenwich Capital


                          Outstanding Financial Results

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- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              American Home Mortgage's Results For Four Full Years
                         Since Initial Public Offering
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          AHM Loan Originations                         Revenues
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         [GRAPHIC BAR CHART]                       [GRAPHIC BAR CHART]

  92% CAGR                                 95% CAGR
                Billions                                 Millions
  2000                           $3.0      2000                          $58.3
  2001                           $7.8      2001                         $126.1
  2002                          $12.2      2002                         $232.8
  2003                          $21.7      2003                         $432.1

                Net Income                         Earnings Per Share
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         [GRAPHIC BAR CHART]                       [GRAPHIC BAR CHART]

  139% CAGR                                70% CAGR
                Millions                                 Dollars
  2000                           $5.4      2000                           $.83
  2001                          $25.5      2001                          $2.14
  2002                          $39.5      2002                          $2.65
  2003                          $73.8      2003                          $4.07


                           Condensed Income Forecast

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                2nd Half 2004
                                                          Dollars in Millions

Net Interest Income                                                      64.8
Reduction in Trading Portfolio Value                                    (14.9)
Portfolio Expenses                                                       (4.4)
Portfolio Income                                                         45.4

Gain on Sale of Loans and Securitizations                               156.8
Loan Origination Expenses                                              (124.0)
Loan Origination Income                                                  32.8

Servicing and Other Income (Expenses)                                    (2.6)
Preferred Dividends                                                      (2.5)
Net Income Available For Common                                          73.1
Average Diluted Common Shares                                            40.3
EPS                                                                      1.81


                          Condensed Cash Flow Forecast

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                2nd Half 2004
                                                          Dollars in Millions

Net Interest Income (Excludes premium amortization)                      75.2
Sales of Loans and Newly Created Securities                             121.7
Servicing and Other Income *                                             21.9
 Increase in MBS Value **                           25.4
 Increase in Servicing Value ***                    17.8
Additional Borrowings Given Constant Leverage                            35.9

Total Cash Generated                                                    254.7

Loan Origination and Servicing Expenses                                 179.5
Preferred Dividends                                                       2.5
Common Dividends at Current Pay Rate                                     48.6
Total Cash Usage                                                        230.6

Excess Cash Available to Reduce Leverage,
Grow Portfolio or Increase Common Dividend                               24.1

*     Excludes servicing amortization and impairment
**    Net of principal paydowns and convexity losses
***   Net of portfolio runoff and market value declines


                               2nd Half Guidance

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                                      Six Months Ended             Full Year
                                         December 31                  2004

Earnings Per Diluted Share                  1.81                      3.40

Common Dividends Per Share                  1.22                      2.32

                                     December 31, 2004

Book Value Per Share                       18.41
