EXHIBIT 99.1 GCCFC 2005-GG5 Class: A4B -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDR 0.00% 3.00% 3.00% 4.00% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPR 0% 5% 5% 5% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPY 0% 100% 100% 100% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDR Months Delay 0 12 24 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recovery Delay 0 12 12 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loss Severity 0% 35% 35% 35% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ext Mths 0 0 0 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ext % 0% 0% 0% 0% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance 75,000,000 WAL 6.83 6.44 6.44 6.37 Principal Window Jul 2012 - Jan 2013 Apr 2012 Apr 2012 Nov 2011 - Apr 2012 Window in Months 80 - 86 77 77 72 - 77 50,000,000 WAL 6.90 6.44 6.44 6.44 Principal Window Jul 2012 - Jan 2013 Apr 2012 Apr 2012 Apr 2012 Window in Months 80 - 86 77 77 77 25,000,000 WAL 7.05 6.44 6.44 6.44 Principal Window Sep 2012 - Jan 2013 Apr 2012 Apr 2012 Apr 2012 Window in Months 82 - 86 77 77 77 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDR 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPR 5% 10% 10% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPY 100% 100% 100% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDR Months Delay 24 12 24 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recovery Delay 12 12 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loss Severity 35% 35% 35% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ext Mths 0 0 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ext % 0% 0% 0% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance 75,000,000 WAL 6.44 6.31 6.44 Principal Window Apr 2012 Oct 2011 - Apr 2012 Apr 2012 Window in Months 77 71 - 77 77 50,000,000 WAL 6.44 6.44 6.44 Principal Window Apr 2012 Apr 2012 Apr 2012 Window in Months 77 77 77 25,000,000 WAL 6.44 6.44 6.44 Principal Window Apr 2012 Apr 2012 Apr 2012 Window in Months 77 77 77 No securities are being offered by these summary materials. If the securities described herein or other securities are ultimately offered, they will be offered only pursuant to a definitive offering circular, and prospective investors who consider purchasing any such securities should make their investment decision based only upon the information provided therein and consultation with their own advisers. This material is for your private information and we are not soliciting any action based upon it. This material is not to be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of any offer to buy any security in any jurisdiction where such an offer or solicitation would be illegal. This material is based on information that we consider reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete and it should not be relied upon as such. 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