Exhibit 99.1


GE Commercial Mortgage Corporation, Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through
Certificates, Series 2005-C4 $2.412B NEW ISSUE CMBS

Lead-Mgrs:        Banc of America Securities LLC / Deutsche Bank Securities
Co-Managers:      CSFB / JPMorgan / Merrill Lynch & Co.
Rating Agencies:  Standard & Poor's / Moody's

    Ratings        Class     WAL    Principal     Sub         Px
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class (S&P/MDY's) Size (1)  (yrs)    Window      Levels      Guid     Status
A-1    AAA/Aaa      27.3     3.00    1-58       30.000%      S+9a     SUBJECT
A-1D   AAA/Aaa      75.0     3.00   **NO LONGER AVAILABLE**
A-2FX  AAA/Aaa     100.0     4.90    58-60      30.000%      S+23-24  .60x
A-2FL  AAA/Aaa     125.9     4.90    58-60      30.000%      L+12a    OPEN
A-3    AAA/Aaa     222.1     6.73    79-82      30.000%      S+34a    .65X
A-SB   AAA/Aaa     141.1     7.42    60-113     30.000%      S+28a    .10X
A-4    AAA/Aaa     782.6     9.73    113-118    30.000%      S+30a    .40X
A-1A   AAA/Aaa     214.4     9.02  **NO LONGER AVAILABLE**
A-M    AAA/Aaa     241.2     9.90    118-119    20.000%      S+33a    .65X
A-J    AAA/Aaa     153.8     9.91    119-119    13.625%      S+40a    .10X
B      AA+/Aa1      24.1     9.91    119-119    12.625%      S+43a    .40X
C      AA/Aa2       30.2     9.91    119-120    11.375%      S+45a    .20X
D      AA-/Aa3      24.1     9.99    120-120    10.375%      S+48a    .60X
E      A/A2         45.2     9.99    120-120     8.500%      S+55a    .40X

Expected Timing
Launch / Price   - On or about December 1
Settlement       - Wednesday December 14th


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