This LOAN AGREEMENT dated as of December 11, 1998,  between the undersigned
borrowers listed on the signature pages hereto (collectively,  "Borrower"),  and
SERVICO  WINDSOR,  INC.,  listed on the  signature  pages  hereto  as  "Canadian
Guarantor"  ("Canadian  Guarantor")  each having its principal place of business
c/o Lodgian,  Inc., 3445 Peachtree Road,  N.E., Two Live Oak Center,  Suite 700,
Atlanta,  Georgia  30326,  and  SECORE  FINANCIAL  CORPORATION,  a  Pennsylvania
corporation,  having an address at 3 Bethesda Metro Center, Suite 700, Bethesda,
Maryland  20814,  individually  and as  Agent  for  one or more  Co-Lenders  and
successors ("Lender").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS,  Lender is concurrently  herewith making a loan to Borrower in the
original  principal  amount of  $265,000,000  (the "Loan") secured by a mortgage
lien on, and  security  interest  in,  Owner's  interest  in and to the real and
personal property comprising the hotels listed on the attached Schedule A;

     WHEREAS,  the Loan is evidenced by the Note (defined below) and secured by,
among other  things,  (i) those certain  instruments  titled  Mortgage,  Deed of
Trust,  Assignment of Leases and Rents and Security Agreement,  each dated as of
the date  hereof  from each of the  parties  constituting  Borrower  (other than
Servico New York, Inc.) to Lender,  which encumber the Mortgage  Property except
the  Clarion  Property  (defined  in  Section  72)  and the  Mortgaged  Property
described  on  Schedule  A attached  hereto as  Property  No. 88 (the  "Canadian
Property"),  (ii) the  Clarion  Mortgage  (defined in Section 72) by Servico New
York,  Inc.  which  encumbers  the  Clarion  Property,  and (iii)  that  certain
debenture  dated the date  hereof by  Canadian  Guarantor  (defined  below) (the
"Canadian Mortgage"), which encumbers the Canadian Property (as such instruments
in (i),  (ii) and (iii)  may be  subsequently  amended,  restated,  severed  and
modified,  individually  or  collectively,  as  the  context  may  require,  the
"Mortgage";   the  Note,  the  Mortgage,  this  Agreement,   the  Guaranty,  the
Environmental  Agreement,  the Canadian Loan Documents  (defined  below) and all
other documents executed or delivered in connection with the Loan, collectively,
the "Loan Documents"); and

     WHEREAS,  Lender and Owner have agreed to enter into this Loan Agreement to
memorialize   their   understanding   regarding  their  respective   rights  and
obligations in respect of the Loan.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  making  of the  Loan  and  the
covenants,  agreements,   representations  and  warranties  set  forth  in  this
Agreement, the parties hereby covenant, agree, represent and warrant as follows:


     The following terms shall have the following meanings:

     (a) "Access Laws" has the meaning set forth in Section 39 hereof.

     (b) "Accounts Receivable" shall mean all right, title and interest of Owner
arising  from  the  operation  of the Land  and the  Improvements  in and to all
payments for goods or property sold or leased or for services rendered,  whether
or not yet earned by performance,  and not evidenced by an instrument or chattel
paper  (hereinafter  referred to as "Accounts  Receivable")  including,  without
limiting the generality of the  foregoing,  (i) all accounts,  contract  rights,
book debts,  and notes arising from the operation of a hotel on the Land and the
Improvements  or  arising  from the sale,  lease or  exchange  of goods or other
property and/or the performance of services, (ii) Owner's rights to payment from
any consumer  credit/charge  card  organization  or entities  which  sponsor and
administer  such  cards as the  American  Express  Card,  the Visa  Card and the
MasterCard, (iii) Owner's rights in, to and under all purchase orders for goods,
services or other property,  (iv) Owner's rights to any goods, services or other
property represented by any of the foregoing, (v) monies due to or to become due
to Owner under all contracts  for the sale,  lease or exchange of goods or other
property  and/or the  performance of services  including the right to payment of
any interest or finance charges in respect thereto (whether or not yet earned by
performance  on the  part  of  Owner)  and  (vi)  all  collateral  security  and
guaranties  of any kind given by any person or entity with respect to any of the
foregoing.  Accounts  Receivable  shall  include those now existing or hereafter
created,  substitutions therefor, proceeds (whether cash or non-cash, movable or
immovable,  tangible or intangible) received upon the sale, exchange,  transfer,
collection or other  disposition or substitution  thereof and any and all of the
foregoing and proceeds therefrom.

     (c)  "Additional  Interest"  shall have the meaning set forth in Section 72

     (d)  "Affiliate"  shall mean,  with  reference to a specified  Person,  any
Person that directly or indirectly through one or more  intermediaries  Controls
or is Controlled by or is under common Control with the specified Person and any
subsidiaries (including consolidated subsidiaries) of such specified Person.

     (e)  "Agent"  shall  have the  meaning  set forth in  Subsection  71(b)(iv)

     (f) "Aggregate Debt Service Coverage Ratio" shall mean the ratio of (a) the
sum of NOI (defined  below)  derived from the operation of each of the Mortgaged
Properties,  including  Rents and  Accounts  Receivable,  other than the Release
Premises  (if the  calculation  is  being  made in  connection  with a  Property
Release) and any Mortgaged Property which has, prior to any particular  Property
Release,  been theretofore  released,  during the applicable  period, to (b) the
total Debt Service  (defined below) that would be payable under the Note for the
applicable period. For purposes of this calculation,  "Debt Service" shall mean,
for any  given  period  during  the term of the  Loan,  an  amount  equal to the
aggregate  amount of interest  payable  outstanding  on the Loan for such period
assuming  an  interest  rate equal to the greater of (i) 8.85% per annum or (ii)
the  Applicable  Interest  Rate (as  defined  in the  Note),  together  with any
Additional  Interest  (defined  in  Section  72),  but  excluding  the Exit Fee.
Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  the Aggregate  Debt Service  Coverage Ratio for
Mortgaged  Properties  owned for less than  twelve (12) months as of the date of
the calculation shall be calculated on an annualized basis based on the basis of
the calendar month which is two (2) months immediately preceding the calculation

     (g)  "Allocated  Loan  Amount"  shall have the meaning with respect to each
Mortgaged Property as set forth on Schedule A.

     (h) "Asbestos" has the meaning set forth in Section 36 hereof.

     (i) "Assignment" has the meaning set forth in Section 2 hereof.

     (j) "Borrower" has the meaning set forth in the preamble to this Agreement.

     (k) "Canadian Guarantee" means that certain guarantee of even date herewith
by the Canadian Guarantor to the Lender.

     (l) "Canadian  Guarantor" has the meaning set forth in the preamble of this

     (m)  "Canadian  Loan  Documents"  shall  mean the  Canadian  Mortgage,  the
debenture pledge agreement dated the date hereof between Canadian  Guarantor and
Lender,  and the guaranty dated the date hereof by Canadian  Guarantor to Lender
and all other  documents  executed or delivered in connection  with the Canadian

     (n)  "Canadian  Mortgage" has the meaning set forth in the Recitals of this

     (o)  "Canadian  Property" has the meaning set forth in the Recitals of this

     (p)  "Change  in  Law"  shall  have  the  meaning  provided  in  Subsection

     (q)  "Co-Lender"  shall have the meaning set forth in  Subsection  71(b)(v)

     (r) "Collateral" has the meaning set forth in Section 29 hereof.

     (s) "Condemnation" has the meaning set forth in Section 8 hereof.

     (t) "Control"  shall mean in (a) in the case of a  corporation,  ownership,
directly or through  ownership of other entities,  of at least ten percent (10%)
of all the voting stock  (exclusive of stock which is voting only as required by
applicable  law or in the event of nonpayment  of dividends  and pays  dividends
only on a  nonparticipating  basis at a fixed or floating rate),  and (b) in the
case of any other  entity,  ownership,  directly or through  ownership  of other
entities,  of at  least  ten  percent  (10%)  of all of  the  beneficial  equity
interests  therein  (calculated by a method that excludes from equity interests,
ownership  interests that are nonvoting (except as required by applicable law or
in the event of nonpayment of dividends or  distributions)  and pay dividends or
distributions only on a non-participating basis at a fixed or floating rate) or,
in any case,  (c) the power  directly or  indirectly,  to direct or control,  or
cause the  direction  of, the  management  policies of another  Person,  whether
through the  ownership  of voting  securities,  general  partnership  interests,
common  directors,  trustees,  officers  by  contract  or  otherwise.  The terms
"controlled" and "controlling" shall have meanings  correlative to the foregoing
definition of "Control."

     (u) "Debt" means the outstanding principal balance of the Note from time to
time, with all accrued and unpaid interest thereon, the Exit Fee (defined in the
Note), the Extension Fee (defined in the Note) the Breakage Costs (as defined in
the  Note),  if any,  and all  other  sums now or  hereafter  due under the Loan

     (v)  "Default  Rate" means the rate of interest  payable from and after the
occurrence of an Event of Default,  as more particularly  described in the Note;
provided,  however,  that  with  respect  to an  Event  of  Default  of the type
described in Section 24(a), such rate of interest shall apply from and after the
date on which any such payment is due,  without any period of grace or cure,  as
more particularly described in the Note.

     (w)  "Domestic  Lending  Office"  shall  mean the  office  set forth in the
Preamble for

Lender,  individually  and as Agent for the Co-Lenders,  or such other office as
may be designated from time to time by written notice to Owner.

     (x) "Eligible Account" shall mean an account that is (i) maintained with an
Eligible  Institution;  (ii) a segregated  trust account or accounts  maintained
with a federal or state chartered  depository  institution or trust company with
trust powers  acting in its fiduciary  capacity,  which in the case of any state
chartered  depository  institution or trust company is subject to regulations or
has  established  internal  guidelines  regarding  fiduciary  funds  on  deposit
substantially similar to federal requirements; or (iii) such other account as is
reasonably   acceptable  to  Lender,   provided  that  Lender  receives  written
confirmation by the Rating Agencies that the selection of such account shall not
result in a downgrade,  withdrawal or qualification of the ratings then assigned
to the Securities.

     (y) "Eligible  Institution"  shall mean a depository  institution  or trust
company the long-term  unsecured debt obligations of which (or, in the case of a
depository  institution  or trust company that is the principal  subsidiary of a
holding  company,  the long-term  unsecured debt obligations of which) have been
rated by the Rating Agencies in a rating category of not less than A+ or Aa3, as
applicable, or the short-term deposits or commercial paper of which are rated in
a rating category of not less than A-1 or P1, as applicable,  at the time of any
deposit therein.

     (z)  Eligible  Investment"  shall have the  meaning  set forth in Section 7

     (aa)  "Environmental  Agreement"  has the  meaning  set forth in  Section 2

     (bb)  "Environmental  Laws" has the meaning set forth in the  Environmental

     (cc)  "Equipment"  means all machinery,  furnishings,  equipment,  fixtures
(including,  without  limitation,  all  heating,  air  conditioning,   plumbing,
lighting,  communications  and  elevator  fixtures),  inventory  and articles of
personal property and accessions thereof and renewals,  replacements thereof and
substitutions   therefor   (including,   without   limitation,   beds,  bureaus,
chiffonniers,  chests, chairs, desks, lamps, mirrors,  bookcases,  tables, rugs,
carpeting,  drapes,  draperies,  curtains,  shades,  venetian  blinds,  screens,
paintings,  hangings,  pictures,  divans, couches, luggage carts, luggage racks,
stools, sofas,  chinaware,  linens,  pillows,  blankets,  glassware,  foodcarts,
cookware,  dry  cleaning  facilities,  dining room  wagons,  keys or other entry
systems,  bars,  bar  fixtures,  liquor and other drink  dispensers,  icemakers,
radios, clock radios,  television sets, intercom and paging equipment,  electric
and  electronic  equipment,  dictating  equipment,  private  telephone  systems,
medical equipment,  potted plants, heating, lighting and plumbing fixtures, fire
prevention and extinguishing  apparatus,  cooling and air-conditioning  systems,
elevators,    escalators,   fittings,   plants,   apparatus,   stoves,   ranges,
refrigerators,  laundry machines,  tools, machinery,  engines,  dynamos, motors,
boilers,  incinerators,  switchboards,  conduits,  compressors,  vacuum cleaning
systems, floor cleaning, waxing and polishing equipment, call systems, brackets,
electrical signs, bulbs, bells, fuel, conveyors,  cabinets,  lockers,  shelving,
spotlighting  equipment,  dishwashers,  garbage  disposals,  washer and dryers),
other  customary  hotel  equipment and other  property of every kind and nature,
whether tangible or intangible, whatsoever owned by Owner, or in which Owner has
or shall have an interest,  now or  hereafter  located upon the Premises and the
Improvements,  or appurtenant thereto, and usable in connection with the present
or future  operation and occupancy of the Premises and the  Improvements and all
building  equipment,  materials and supplies of any nature  whatsoever  owned by
Owner, or in which Owner has or shall have an interest, now or hereafter located
upon the Premises and the  Improvements,  or appurtenant  thereto,  or usable in
connection with the present or future operation, enjoyment and occupancy of the

Premises and the Improvements.

     (dd) "ERISA" has the meaning set forth in Section 40 hereof.

     (ee)  "Eurodollar  Lending  Office"  shall mean the office of Agent (or any
Co-Lender)  designated  as such by Agent from time to time by written  notice to

     (ff) "Event of Default" has the meaning set forth in Section 24 hereof.

     (gg) "Exit Fee" shall have the meaning set forth in the Note.

     (hh) "Expenses" shall mean, with respect to any Mortgaged Property, for any
given period (and shall include the pro rata portion for such period of all such
expenses  attributable  to, but not paid during,  such period),  all expenses as
determined in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts, by Borrower during
that period in  connection  with the  operation of such  Mortgaged  Property for
which it is to be determined, including without limitation:

          A. expenses for cleaning, repair, maintenance, decoration and painting
of the  Mortgaged  Property  (including,  without  limitation,  parking lots and
roadways), net of any insurance proceeds in respect of any of the foregoing;

          B. wages (including  overtime payments),  benefits,  payroll taxes and
all other related  expenses for Owner's on-site  personnel,  up to and including
(but not  above)  the  level of the  on-site  manager,  engaged  in the  repair,
operation and  maintenance of the Mortgaged  Property and service to tenants and
on-site personnel engaged in audit and accounting functions performed by Owner;

          C.  management  fees equal to the  greater of (i) the  management  fee
pursuant to the Management Agreement and (ii) four percent (4%) of Gross Income.
Such fees shall include all fees for management  services  whether such services
are performed at such Mortgaged Property or off-site;

          D. franchise  fees,  reservation  fees and other  royalties or similar
payments  equal to the  greater  of (i) such  fees and  payments  due  under the
Franchise  Agreement and (ii) four percent (4%) of room  revenues  (exclusive of
franchisee's share of costs for registration and advertising systems);

          E.  the  cost  of all  electricity,  oil,  gas,  water,  steam,  heat,
ventilation,  air conditioning and any other energy, utility or similar item and
the cost of building and cleaning supplies;

          F. the cost of any  leasing  commissions  and tenant  concessions  and
improvements  payable by Owner  pursuant  to any Leases  which are in effect for
such  Mortgaged  Property  during such period as such amounts are  recognized in
accordance  with the Uniform  System of Accounts;  provided, however, that in no
event less than on a straight  line basis during the remaining  respective  base
term (excluding extension, renewal or other option);

          G. Insurance Premiums;

          H. legal, accounting and other professional fees and expenses;

          I. the cost of all  equipment  to be used in the  ordinary  course  of
business,  which is not  capitalized  in accordance  with the Uniform  System of

          J. Taxes and Other Charges, including,  without limitation, the Ground

          K. advertising and other marketing costs and expenses;

          L. casualty losses to the extent not reimbursed by a third party;

          M. all amounts that are reserved for hereunder and under the Mortgage,
including  those funds which are  deposited  into the FF&E  Replacement  Reserve
Account or would be required to be  deposited  in the FF&E  Replacement  Reserve
Account  in  the  event  the  FF&E  Replacement   Reserve  Account  is  not  yet
established; and

          N. a furniture, fixtures and equipment reserve equal to the greater of
(i) such  reserves  required  under the  Management  Agreement and the Franchise
Agreement and (ii) five percent (5%) of Gross Income, to the extent such amounts
are not duplicative of the amounts set forth in clause (M) above.

          Notwithstanding   the  foregoing,   Expenses  shall  not  include  (i)
depreciation  or  amortization  or any other  non-cash  item of  expense  unless
approved  by  Lender;  (ii)  interest,   principal,   fees,  costs  and  expense
reimbursements  of Lender in administering the Loan but not in exercising any of
its  rights  under this  Agreement  or the other  Loan  Documents;  or (iii) any
expenditure (other than leasing commissions, tenant concessions and improvements
and replacement  reserves)  which is properly  treatable as a capital item under
the Uniform System of Accounts.

     (ii)  "FF&E  Replacement  Reserve  Account"  has the  meaning  set forth in
Section 7 hereof.

     (jj) "FF&E Replacement Reserve Fund" has the meaning set forth in Section 7

     (kk) "Franchise  Agreement" means,  collectively,  the franchise agreements
set forth on Schedule A hereto  pursuant to which Owner has the right to operate
the hotel  located on the  Mortgaged  Property  under a name and/or hotel system
controlled by such franchisor.

     (ll)  "Franchisor"  means, for each of the individual hotels comprising the
Mortgaged Property, the franchisor under the respective Franchise Agreement.

     (mm) "Gross Income" means The term "Gross Income" as used herein shall mean
with  respect to any  Mortgaged  Property  for any given period the gross income
derived from the operation of such Mortgaged Property for such period, including
Rents and Accounts Receivable.

     (nn) "Ground  Lease" shall mean with respect to any  Mortgaged  Property in
which  Owner owns a  leasehold  interest,  the  Ground  Lease  described  in the
applicable Mortgage.

     (oo)  "Ground  Rent"  shall  mean all  ground  rent and other  charges  due
pursuant to a Ground Lease with respect to any Mortgaged Property.

     (pp) "Guarantor" means Servico,  Inc.,  Lodgian,  Inc.,  Servico Operations
Corporation, Sharon Motel Enterprises, KDS Corporation, AMIOP Acquisition Corp.,
Servico Acquisition Corp. and Palm Beach Motel Enterprises,  Inc.,  collectively
as guarantors,  under the Guaranty and any other guarantor of all or any part of
the Debt.

     (qq)  "Guaranty"  means that certain  guaranty of even date herewith by the
Guarantor to Lender.

     (rr) "Hazardous  Substances" has the meaning set forth in the Environmental

     (ss) "Improvements" means the buildings,  structures,  fixtures, additions,
enlargements,  extensions, modifications, repairs, replacements and improvements
now or hereafter located on the Premises.

     (tt) "Insurance Premiums" has the meaning set forth in Section 4(d) hereof.

     (uu)  "Insured  Casualty"  has the  meaning  set forth in Section  4(e)(ii)

     (vv) "Intangibles" means,  without limitation,  all of Owner's right, title
and interest in and to all accounts (including,  without limiting the generality
of the  foregoing,  (i) all accounts,  contract  rights,  book debts,  and notes
arising from the  operation of a hotel on the Land (defined in the Mortgage) and
the  Improvements  (defined in the Mortgage) or arising from the sale,  lease or
exchange of goods or other property  and/or the  performance  of services,  (ii)
Owner's rights to payment from any consumer  credit/charge  card organization or
entities which sponsor and administer  such cards as the American  Express Card,
the Visa Card and the  Mastercard,  (iii)  Owner's  rights  in, to and under all
purchase orders for goods,  services or other  property,  (iv) Owner's rights to
any goods,  services or other property represented by any of the foregoing,  (v)
monies due to or to become due to Owner under all contracts for the sale,  lease
or  exchange  of goods or other  property  and/or the  performance  of  services
including  the right to payment of any  interest  or finance  charges in respect
thereto (whether or not yet earned by performance on the part of Owner) and (vi)
all collateral security and guaranties of any kind given by any person or entity
with  respect  to  any  of  the  foregoing  ("Accounts   Receivable")  (Accounts
Receivable shall include those now existing or hereafter created,  substitutions
therefor, proceeds (whether cash or non-cash, movable or immovable,  tangible or
intangible)  received  upon the sale,  exchange,  transfer,  collection or other
disposition  or  substitution  thereof  and  any and  all of the  foregoing  and
proceeds therefrom)),  escrows, documents,  instruments,  chattel paper, claims,
deposits  and  general  intangibles,  as such terms are  defined in the  Uniform
Commercial  Code,  and  all  contract  rights,   franchises,   books,   records,
appraisals, architects and engineering plans, specifications,  environmental and
other  reports  relating to the  Premises,  trademarks,  trade  names,  symbols,
permits,  licenses (to the extent  assignable),  approvals,  actions,  tenant or
guest lists,  correspondence with present and prospective  purchasers,  tenants,
guests and suppliers,  advertising  materials and telephone  exchange numbers as
identified in such  materials,  refunds of real estate taxes and assessments and
causes of action which now or hereafter  relate to, are derived from or are used
in connection with the Premises, or the use, operation,  maintenance,  occupancy
or enjoyment thereof or the conduct of any business or activities thereon.

     (ww)  "Intercreditor  Agreement"  means  in the  event  that  the  Loan  is
syndicated  pursuant to Section 71 hereof, the intercreditor  agreement that may
be entered into between Lender,  individually  as a Co-Lender and as Agent,  and
the Co-Lenders, as same be further supplemented,

amended and modified.

     (xx)  "Leases"  means all leases and other  agreements  affecting  the use,
enjoyment  or  occupancy  of the  Premises  or the  Improvements  heretofore  or
hereafter  entered into (including,  without  limitation,  subleases,  licenses,
concessions,  tenancies and other occupancy  agreements  covering or encumbering
all or any portion of the Premises), together with any guarantees,  supplements,
amendments,  modifications,  extensions  and  renewals of any  thereof,  and all
additional  remainders,  reversions,  and other  rights and estates  appurtenant

     (yy) "Lender" has the meaning set forth in the preamble to this Agreement.

     (zz)  "Licenses"  has the  meaning  set  forth  in  Section  10(e)  of this

     (aaa) "Loan" has the meaning set forth in the recitals of this Agreement.

     (bbb) "Loan  Documents"  has the meaning set forth in the  recitals of this

     (ccc) "Loan-to-Value Ratio" means the ratio of: (i) the Debt evidenced by a
portion of the Note equal to the  Allocated  Loan  Amount  with  respect to such
Mortgaged   Property,   plus  all  other  debt  (or  other  liquidated  economic
obligations) which are then outstanding and secured by the applicable  Mortgaged
Property,  to (ii) the appraised value of the Mortgaged Property as estimated by
an appraiser acceptable to Lender. Any appraisal for purposes of calculating the
Loan-to-Value  Ratio shall be performed  in  accordance  with the  then-approved
standards under the Financial Institutions Reform,  Recovery and Enforcement Act
of 1989, as amended (FIRREA).

     (ddd) "Management Agreement" means, collectively, the Consulting Agreements
and  Management  Agreements  more  particularly  set forth on  Schedule A hereto
pursuant to which the managers identified therein operate the Mortgaged Property
as hotels.

     (eee) "Manager" means the Person set forth on Schedule A attached hereto.

     (fff) "Material Adverse Effect" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

     (ggg)  "Material  Lease" has the meaning set forth in Section  9(b) of this

     (hhh)  "Maturity  Date" means the Maturity Date (as such term is defined in
the Note).

     (iii)  "Mortgage"  has  the  meaning  set  forth  in the  recitals  of this

     (jjj) "Mortgaged  Property" shall mean the Premises,  all real and personal
property located on or related to the Premises,  including  without  limitation,
the  Collateral,   Equipment,   Improvements,   Intangibles,   Rents,   Accounts
Receivable,  Condemnation awards,  insurance proceeds,  tradenames,  trademarks,
servicemarks,  logos,  copyrights,  goodwill,  books and  records,  all refunds,
rebates or credits in  connection  with a  reduction  in real  estate  taxes and
assessments  charged  against the Premises as a result of tax  certiorari or any
applications   or  proceedings  for  reduction,   all   agreements,   contracts,
certificates,  instruments,  franchises,  permits,  licenses,  including  liquor
licenses and hotel business licenses, plans, specifications and other documents,
now or hereafter entered into, and all proceeds,  substitutions and replacements

     (kkk)  "NOI" as used  herein  shall  mean,  with  respect to any  Mortgaged
Property, for any given period, the Gross Income for such Mortgaged Property for
such period less  Expenses  attributable  to such  Mortgaged  Property  for such
period,  as more  particularly  described on the  operating  statements  for the
Mortgaged  Property  delivered  by Owner to  Lender  pursuant  to the this  Loan
Agreement.  NOI shall  include,  only Rents and  Accounts  Receivable  earned in
accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts and such other income,  including
any rent loss or business  interruption  insurance proceeds,  laundry,  parking,
vending or concession income,  late fees,  forfeited security deposits and other
miscellaneous tenant charges and Expenses actually paid or payable on an accrual
basis  attributable to such Mortgaged Property on an annualized basis during the
applicable  period ending on the last day of the month that is immediately prior
to the month during which the NOI is being calculated, as set forth on operating
statements  satisfactory to Lender.  NOI shall be calculated on an accrual basis
in  accordance  with  the  Uniform  System  of  Accounts.   Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  NOI  shall  not  include  (a)  Condemnation  or  insurance  proceeds
(excluding rent or business interruption  insurance proceeds);  (b) any proceeds
from the  sale,  exchange,  transfer,  financing  or  refinancing  of all or any
portion of the Mortgaged Property for which it is to be determined,  (c) amounts
received  from  tenants as  security  deposits;  or (d) any other type of income
otherwise  includible  in NOI but paid  directly  by any  tenant  to a person or
entity other than Owner or its respective agents or representatives, unless such
amounts are included as an Expense.

     (lll) "Note" shall  collectively mean (i) each of those certain  promissory
notes  dated the date  hereof by each of the  borrowers  set forth on Schedule C
(collectively,  the  "Global  Note"),  (ii) each of those  certain  amended  and
restated promissory notes described on Schedule C-1 (collectively,  the "Florida
Note"),  (iii) each of those amended and restated  promissory notes described on
Schedule  C-2  (collectively,   the  "Maryland  Note")  and  (iv)  that  certain
consolidated,  amended and  restated  promissory  note and the other  promissory
notes and bonds described on Schedule C-3 (collectively, the "NY Note"), as such
notes may be subsequently modified, amended, severed and restated.

     (mmm) "NY Stub Note" shall mean that certain mortgage note in the principal
amount of $4,278,018.00 by Albany Hotel, Inc., Servico Jamestown,  Inc., Servico
Niagara Falls, Inc. and Servico Grand Island, Inc.

     (nnn) "NY Consolidated Note" shall mean that certain consolidated,  amended
and  restated  promissory  note  listed  on  Schedule  C-3 as  No.  1,  as  such
consolidated,  amended and  restated  promissory  note may be amended  modified,
severed and restated.

     (ooo) "Obligations" shall mean Borrower's obligation for the payment of the
Debt and the performance by Owner of the Other Obligations.

     (ppp) "Omni Note" shall mean the amended and restated  note listed as No. 2
on Schedule C-1.

     (qqq) "Other Charges" has the meaning set forth in Section 5 hereof.

     (rrr) "Other Obligations" shall mean:

          (i) the performance of all other  obligations of Owner (other than for
     the payment of the Debt) contained herein and the Mortgage;

          (ii) the  performance  of each  obligation  of Owner  contained in any
     other  agreement  given by  Owner to  Lender  which is for the  purpose  of
     further  securing  the  obligations  secured  by  the  Mortgage,   and  any
     amendments, modifications and changes thereto; and

          (iii) the  performance  of each  obligation of Owner  contained in any
     renewal, extension, amendment, modification,  consolidation,  change of, or
     substitution  or  replacement  for, all or any part of the Note,  this Loan
     Agreement, the Mortgage or the other Loan Documents.

     (sss) "Owner" shall mean, collectively, Borrower and Canadian Guarantor.

     (ttt) "Permitted Exceptions" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.

     (uuu) "Person" shall mean and include any  individual,  partnership,  joint
venture, firm, corporation, association, limited liability company, association,
company, trust or other enterprise or any government or political subdivision or
agency, department or instrumentality thereof.

     (vvv) "Policies" has the meaning set forth in Section 4(d) hereof.

     (www)  "Premises"  means,  collectively,  the real property  comprising the
Mortgaged  Property,  more  particularly  described  on Exhibit A to each of the
instruments comprising the Mortgage.

     (xxx) "Remedial Work" has the meaning set forth in Section 37 hereof.

     (yyy)  "Rents"  means all  income,  rents,  room  rates,  issues,  profits,
revenues  (including  oil and  gas or  other  mineral  royalties  and  bonuses),
deposits and other  benefits  from the  Mortgaged  Property  including,  without
limitation,  all revenues and credit card receipts  collected  from guest rooms,
restaurants,  bars,  mini-bars,  meeting rooms,  banquet rooms and  recreational
facilities and otherwise,  all receivables,  customer  obligations,  installment
payment  obligations and other  obligations now existing or hereafter arising or
created out of the sale, lease, sublease,  license, concession or other grant of
the right of the  possession,  use or  occupancy  of all or any  portion  of the
Mortgaged  Property or personalty  located thereon,  or rendering of services by
Owner or any operator or manager of the hotel or the commercial space located in
the Improvements or acquired from others including, without limitation, from the
rental of any office space, retail space,  commercial space, guest room or other
space, halls, stores or offices, including any deposits securing reservations of
such space  (except to the extent such  deposits  are required to be returned or
refunded  to the  depositor),  exhibit or sales  space of every  kind,  license,
lease,  sublease and concession fees and rentals,  health club membership  fees,
food and beverage  wholesale  and retail  sales,  service  charges,  net vending
machine sales and proceeds,  if any, from business interruption or other loss of
income  insurance  relating to the use,  enjoyment or occupancy of the Mortgaged
Property,  whether  paid or  accruing  before or after the  filing by or against
Owner of any petition for relief  under 11 U.S.C.  ss.101 et. seq.,  as the same
may be amended from time to time.

     (zzz)  "Required  Repair  Account"  has the meaning set forth in Section 64

     (aaaa)  "Required  Repair  Fund" has the  meaning  set forth in  Section 64

     (bbbb) "Securities" has the meaning set forth in Section 21 hereof.

     (cccc)  "Servicer" means the servicer of the Loan designated by Lender,  in
its sole and absolute discretion, from time to time.

     (dddd) "Tax and Insurance Escrow Fund" has the meaning set forth in Section
6 hereof.

     (eeee) "Taxes" has the meaning set forth in Section 5 hereof.

     (ffff) "Town  Center  Note" shall mean the amended and restated  promissory
note listed as no. 2 on Schedule C-2.

     (gggg)  "Uniform  Commercial  Code" means the Uniform  Commercial  Code, as
adopted and enacted by the State or States where any of the  Mortgaged  Property
is  located or with  respect to any  Mortgaged  Property  located in  Louisiana,
Louisiana Commercial Laws (La. R.S. 10:1-101 et seq.).

     As to any particular  Mortgaged  Property,  "Uniform Commercial Code" means
the  Uniform  Commercial  Code as adopted and enacted by the State or the States
where that Mortgaged Property is located.

     Capitalized  terms not  otherwise  defined  herein  shall have the meanings
ascribed to them in the Note.


     (a) Payments made by Borrower to Lender under the Note and hereunder  shall
be applied by Lender in the following order of priority:  (i) first, to required
deposits to the escrows  established  in accordance  herewith for the payment of
Taxes and Other Charges and Insurance  Premiums,  if  applicable;  (ii) next, to
required  deposits to the FF&E Replacement  Reserve Fund and the Required Repair
Fund as provided in this Loan Agreement; (iii) next, to reimburse Lender for any
unpaid costs and expenses  incurred by Lender on Owner's  behalf;  (iv) next, to
accrued and unpaid  interest on the Loan;  (v) next,  to the Breakage  Costs (as
defined in the Note), if any, and to the Exit Fee, if any, and (vi) last, to the
reduction of the  principal  balance of the Loan;  or, upon a  Triggering  Event
(defined  in Section  66),  in  accordance  with the Cash  Management  Agreement
(defined  in Section  66) or upon an Event of  Default,  in such other order and
priority as Lender shall determine in its sole discretion.

     (b) All the covenants, conditions and agreements contained in the Note, the
Mortgage,  this  Agreement,  the  Assignment of Leases and Rents dated as of the
date hereof from Owner to Lender (the "Assignment"), the Environmental Indemnity
Agreement  dated  as of  the  date  hereof  between  Lender  and  Borrower  (the
"Environmental Agreement"), the Guaranty and the other Loan Documents are hereby
made a part of this  Agreement  to the same extent and with the same force as if
fully set forth herein.

     (c)  Notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary  herein,  in the Note,  the
Mortgage  or the other  Loan  Documents,  all  payments  or  prepayments  of the
principal balance of the Note, either voluntary or involuntary, shall be applied
to the Debt in the following  order and priority:  first,  to the portion of the
Debt  evidenced  by the Global Note and the  Maryland  Note (other than the Town
Center Note) on a pro-rata basis;  second,  to the portion of the Debt evidenced
by the Florida Note (other than the Omni Note) on a pro-rata basis third, to the
Debt  evidenced  by the Town  Center and the Omni Note on a  pro-rata  basis and
fourth,   to  the  Debt   evidenced  by  the  NY  Note  on  a  pro-rata   basis;
notwithstanding  the foregoing,  no sums shall be applied to the NY Note if such
payment would reduce the  outstanding  principal sum of the NY Note to less than
$39,353,018.00,  unless  at the  time  of such  application  of  such  sums  the
outstanding  principal amount of the Global Note, the Florida Note, the Maryland
Note, the Town Center Note and the Omni Note are each $0.00.


     Owner represents and warrants that Owner has good, marketable and insurable
fee simple  title  and/or  leasehold  title,  as  applicable,  to the  Mortgaged
Property (or is the lessee thereof  pursuant to leasing  arrangements  that have
been approved by Lender) and has the full power, authority and right to execute,
deliver  and perform  its  obligations  under this  Agreement  and to  encumber,
mortgage,  give, grant,  bargain,  sell,  alienate,  enfeoff,  convey,  confirm,
pledge,  assign,  hypothecate  and grant a security  interest  in the  Mortgaged
Property  (except with respect to certain  municipal  permits and licenses,  and
certain  contracts and franchises the  assignability of which, by their terms or
as a matter of law is restricted) and that Owner  possesses an unencumbered  fee
estate  and/or  leasehold  estate,  as  applicable,  in  the  Premises  and  the
Improvements,  and  subject to Section  13  hereof,  that it owns the  Mortgaged
Property free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and charges whatsoever except
for those exceptions  approved by Lender and shown in the title insurance policy
insuring the lien of the Mortgage  (the  "Permitted  Exceptions"),  and that the
Mortgage is and will remain a valid and  enforceable  first lien on and security
interest in the Mortgaged  Property,  subject only to such exceptions.  Borrower
shall  forever  warrant,  defend and  preserve  such title and the  validity and
priority of the lien of the Mortgage and shall  forever  warrant and defend such
title,  validity  and  priority  to Lender  against  the  claims of all  persons


     (a) Owner, at its sole cost and expense,  will keep the Mortgaged  Property
insured during the entire term of this Agreement for the mutual benefit of Owner
and Lender  against  loss or damage by fire and against  loss or damage by other
risks and  hazards  covered by a standard  extended  coverage  insurance  policy
including,  without limitation, riot and civil commotion,  vandalism,  malicious
mischief,  burglary and theft.  The insurance policy shall contain option perils
and income loss  endorsements  and if any of the  Improvements or the use of the
Mortgaged Property shall at any time constitute legal non-conforming  structures
or uses, a law and ordinance endorsement.  Such insurance shall be in an amount:
(i) equal to at least the then full replacement cost of the Improvements and the
Equipment,  without deduction for physical depreciation;  and (ii) such that the
insurer would not deem Owner a co-insurer under such policies. The deductible in
respect of such insurance shall not be in excess of $25,000,  except in the case
of windstorm  insurance  for which the  deductible  shall not exceed one percent
(1%)  of  the  "replacement  value"  of the  applicable  Mortgaged  Property  as
determined by Lender (provided with respect to "named windstorm" insurance,  the
deductible shall not exceed 2% of the "replacement value" of the

applicable  Mortgaged  Property  provided  that  Owner  delivers  a  "deductible
buyback"  policy for "named  windstorm"  coverage  which shall  insure a maximum
deductible of not more than $250,000),  and in the case of earthquake insurance,
for which the  deductible  shall not exceed ten percent  (10%) of the  Allocated
Loan Amount relating to the applicable  Mortgaged  Property.  From time to time,
upon Lender's  request,  Owner shall promptly  furnish Lender with evidence that
the insurance  required  hereunder is in full force and effect,  and that Lender
shall be given not less  than 30 days  notice  of any  cancellation  of any such
required coverage.  Each policy shall contain the "Replacement Cost Endorsement"
with a waiver of depreciation.

     (b) Owner  shall also  obtain and  maintain  during the entire term of this
Agreement,  at its sole cost and  expense,  for the mutual  benefit of Owner and
Lender, the following policies of insurance:

          (i) Flood insurance if any part of the Mortgaged Property is currently
or at any  time in the  future  located  in an area  identified  by the  Federal
Emergency Management Agency as an area having special flood hazards and in which
flood  insurance has been made available  under the National Flood Insurance Act
of 1968, the Flood Disaster Act of 1973 or the National Flood  Insurance  Reform
Act of 1994 (and any  amendment or successor  act thereto) in an amount at least
equal  to the  lesser  of:  (A) the  Allocated  Loan  Amount  applicable  to the
Mortgaged Property; and (B) the maximum limit of coverage available with respect
to the Improvements and the Equipment under such Act.

          (ii) Comprehensive  public liability  insurance,  including broad form
property  damage,  blanket  contractual and personal  injuries  (including death
resulting  therefrom)  coverages  and  "Dram  shop"  or other  liquor  liability
coverage  if  alcoholic  beverages  are  sold  from  or may be  consumed  at the
Mortgaged   Property,   and   containing   minimum   limits  per  occurrence  of
$5,000,000.00  for  the  Premises  and  the  Improvements,  except  that  if the
Mortgaged  Property  contains  a swimming  or health  club  facility,  or if any
buildings  at the  Mortgaged  Property  contain 6 or more  stories,  the minimum
limits per occurrence shall be $10,000,000.00,  or such greater amount as may be
required under the Franchise Agreement.

          (iii) Rental loss insurance in an amount equal to the aggregate annual
amount of all rents and additional rents payable by all of the tenants under the
Leases  (whether  or not such  Leases are  terminable  in the event of a fire or
casualty),  such rental loss insurance to cover rental losses for a period of at
least  eighteen  (18) months after the date of the fire or casualty in question.
The amount of such rental loss  insurance  shall be increased  from time to time
during the term of this  Agreement as and when new Leases and renewal Leases are
entered  into in  accordance  with the terms of this  Agreement,  to reflect all
increased rent and increased additional rent payable by all of the tenants under
such  renewal  Leases  and all rent and  additional  rent  payable by all of the
tenants under such new Leases.

          (iv) Business income insurance:  (A) with loss payable to Lender;  (B)
covering  all risks  required  to be covered by the  insurance  provided  for in
Section 4(a); (C) containing an extended period of indemnity  endorsement  which
provides  that after the  physical  loss to the  Improvements  and all  personal
property has been  repaired,  the continued loss of income will be insured until
such income either returns to the same level it was at prior to the loss, or the
expiration  of 18 months  from the date of the  completion  of the  Restoration,
whichever first occurs, and

notwithstanding  that the policy may expire prior to the end of such period; and
(D) in an  amount  equal  to the  projected  gross  income  less  non-continuing
expenses from the operation of the Mortgaged Property as a hotel,  including all
Rents and  Accounts  Receivable,  for a period of 18 months.  The amount of such
business income  insurance  shall be determined  prior to the date hereof and at
least  once each year  thereafter  based on clause (D) of this  subsection.  All
insurance  proceeds  payable to Lender pursuant to this Section shall be held by
Lender and shall be applied to the  obligations  secured  hereunder from time to
time due and payable hereunder and under the Note; provided, however, that after
such application to Borrower's obligations hereunder Lender shall make available
from  time to time  upon  Owner's  request  such  amounts  as may be  reasonably
necessary to operate and  maintain the  Mortgaged  Property;  provided  further,
however that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to relieve Borrower of its
obligations to pay the obligations  secured hereunder on the respective dates of
payment  provided for in the Note except to the extent such amounts are actually
and timely paid out of the proceeds of such business income insurance;

          (v) Insurance, in an amount equal to the lesser of $2,000,000,  or the
insurable value of the Improvements, against loss or damage from: (A) leakage of
sprinkler  systems;  and  (B)  explosion  of  steam  boilers,  air  conditioning
equipment,  high pressure piping,  machinery and equipment,  pressure vessels or
similar apparatus now or hereafter installed in the Improvements.

          (vi) Worker's compensation  insurance with respect to any employees of
Owner, as required by any governmental authority or legal requirement.

          (vii) Motor  vehicle  liability  coverage for all owned and  non-owned
vehicles,  including  rented and leased vehicles  containing  minimum limits per
occurrence  of $5,000,000  or such greater  amount as may be required  under the
Franchise Agreement.

          (viii) A blanket  fidelity  bond and  errors and  omissions  insurance
coverage  insuring  against losses  resulting from dishonest or fraudulent  acts
committed  by: (A) Owner's  personnel;  (B) any  employees of outside firms that
provided  appraisal,  legal,  data  processing  (in lieu of Owner  providing the
coverage in (B),  Lender shall accept such coverage  from a policy  delivered by
such outside firms provided such coverage names Lender as an additional  insured
and is otherwise  acceptable to Lender),  or other  services for Owner;  and (C)
temporary contract employees or student interns.

          (ix) Earthquake  insurance  (including  subsidence),  if the Mortgaged
Property is located in an earthquake  prone region on terms  consistent with the
comprehensive all-risk insurance policy referred to in Subsection 4(a) above and
if required by Lender.

          (x)  Such  other  insurance  as may  from  time to time be  reasonably
required by Lender in order to protect its interests in the  Mortgaged  Property
or as may be required by the Franchise Agreement.

     (c) Owner shall  increase the amount of  insurance  required to be provided
hereunder  at the time that each such policy is renewed  (but,  in any event not
less frequently than once during each 12-month period) by using the an appraiser
or a  contractor  to  determine  whether  there  has  been  an  increase  in the
replacement cost of the improvement since the most recent adjustment of any such
policy  and,  if there  has been any such  increase,  the  amount  of  insurance
required to be provided hereunder shall be adjusted accordingly.

     (d)  All   policies  of  insurance   required   pursuant  to  this  Section
(collectively,  the "Policies") shall: (i) be issued by an insurer with a claims
paying  ability  rating  of not less than AA or Aa, as  applicable,  by  Moody's
Investors Service,  Inc., Standard & Poor's Rating Group, Fitch Investor Service
and Duff & Phelps,  Inc.  (the  "Rating  Agencies"),  (ii)  contain  a  standard
noncontributory  mortgagee  clause  naming  Lender  as the  person  to which all
payments  made by such  insurance  company  shall be paid;  (iii) be  maintained
throughout the term of this Agreement  without cost to Lender;  (iv) be assigned
and delivered to Lender (or in lieu of such  policies,  certificates  evidencing
such  insurance  may be delivered to Lender);  (v) contain  such  provisions  as
Lender  deems  reasonably  necessary  or  appropriate  to protect  its  interest
including, without limitation, endorsements providing that neither Owner, Lender
nor any other  party shall be a  co-insurer  thereunder,  and that Lender  shall
receive at least 30 days prior written notice of any modification,  reduction or
cancellation;  and (vi) be  reasonably  satisfactory  in form and  substance  to
Lender,  and  be  approved  by  Lender  as  to  amounts,  form,  risk  coverage,
deductible,  loss  payees and  insureds.  Owner shall pay the  premiums  for the
Policies (the  "Insurance  Premiums") as they become due and payable.  Not later
than 30 days prior to the  expiration  date of each of the Policies,  Owner will
deliver  to  Lender  satisfactory   evidence  of  the  renewal  of  each  Policy
accompanied  by  evidence  satisfactory  to Lender of payment  of the  Insurance
Premiums then payable.

     (e) If the Mortgaged Property shall be damaged or destroyed, in whole or in
part,  by fire or other  casualty,  Owner  shall give prompt  notice  thereof to

          (i) In the case of a loss covered by Policies,  Lender may participate
in the settlement and adjustment of any claim; provided, however, that Owner may
adjust losses  aggregating  not in excess of $100,000.00  if such  adjustment is
carried  out in a competent  and timely  manner,  and  provided in any case that
Lender shall be, and is hereby,  authorized  to collect and receipt for any such
insurance  proceeds.  The  expenses  incurred  by Lender in the  adjustment  and
collection of insurance proceeds shall become part of the Debt, shall be secured
by the Mortgage and shall be reimbursed by Owner to Lender on demand.

          (ii) In the  event of any  insured  damage  to or  destruction  of the
Mortgaged  Property or any part thereof (an "Insured  Casualty")  the  insurance
proceeds  in  respect  of which  are less  than or  equal to the  lesser  of (A)
$1,000,000 or (ii) five percent (5%) of the Allocated Loan Amount  applicable to
the Mortgaged Property (the lesser of such amount,  the "Threshold  Amount") and
the  cost of  completing  the  restoration  shall  be less  than or equal to the
Threshold  Amount,  such  proceeds  shall  be paid  to  Owner  for  the  cost of
restoring, repairing, replacing or rebuilding the Mortgaged Property or the part
thereof subject to the Insured Casualty, as provided for below; and Owner hereby
covenants  and agrees  forthwith to commence and  diligently  to prosecute  such
restoring,  repairing,  replacing  or  rebuilding.  In the  event of an  Insured
Casualty  the  insurance  proceeds  in  respect  of which  equal or  exceed  the
Threshold  Amount where:  (A) the proceeds of insurance are sufficient to enable
Owner to fully restore the Mortgaged Property (or Owner deposits with Lender any
shortfall or provides evidence that such sums have been paid toward  restoration
of the Mortgaged Property);  (B) the term of, and proceeds derived from, Owner's
business interruption insurance (or other similar insurance) shall be sufficient
to fully cover the period that the Mortgaged Property is undergoing  restoration
(or Owner deposits with Lender any shortfall or provides evidence that such sums
have been paid  toward the  operation  of the  Mortgaged  Property);  (C) Lender
determines that the  restoration is reasonably  capable of being  completed,  at
least 12 months prior to the Maturity  Date;  (D) the  Loan-to-Value  Ratio upon
completion of restoration is estimated, by an appraiser acceptable to Lender, to
be no greater than .65 to 1.0; (E) the  Franchise  Agreement  has not been,  and
cannot be, terminated as a result of the Insured  Casualty;  (F) the restoration

be completed within 12 months from the date that the Insured Casualty  occurred,
or  within  such  shorter  time  period  as may  be  required  by the  Franchise
Agreement;  (G) the  restoration  is permitted or required  under the  Franchise
Agreement  and shall be completed in  accordance  with all  applicable  federal,
state and local  laws;  (H) the  Aggregate  Debt  Service  Coverage  Ratio  upon
completion is reasonably  anticipated to be at least equal to the greater of (1)
1.42:1.0 and (2) the Aggregate Debt Service Coverage Ratio in effect immediately
prior to the date of the casualty;  (I) Owner shall commence the  Restoration as
soon as reasonably  practicable (but in no event later than forty-five (45) days
after such damage or destruction occurs) and shall diligently pursue the same to
satisfactory  completion;  (J) the Mortgaged  Property and the use thereof after
the  Restoration  will  be  in  compliance  with  all  applicable  zoning  laws,
ordinances, rules and regulations; and (K) less than 50% of the total floor area
of the Improvements has been damaged, destroyed or rendered unusable as a result
of such fire or casualty,  then,  if no Event of Default shall have occurred and
be continuing,  the proceeds of insurance shall be paid to Owner for the cost of
restoring, repairing, replacing or rebuilding the Mortgaged Property or the part
thereof subject to the Insured Casualty, as provided for below; and Owner hereby
covenants  and agrees  forthwith to commence and  diligently  to prosecute  such
restoring,  repairing,  replacing  or  rebuilding.  NOI  for  purposes  of  this
calculation shall be NOI for the 12 calendar month period immediately  preceding
the casualty, unless the appraiser referenced in clause (D) above estimates that
NOI after the restoration  will be more than ten (10%) percent less than NOI for
such 12 calendar month period, in which case the Aggregate Debt Service Coverage
Ratio shall be calculated using the appraiser's estimate of NOI.

          (iii) Except as provided  above,  the proceeds of insurance  collected
upon any Insured Casualty shall, at the option of Lender in its sole discretion,
be  applied  to the  payment  of the  Debt  or  paid to  Owner  for the  cost of
restoring, repairing, replacing or rebuilding the Mortgaged Property or the part
thereof  subject to the Insured  Casualty,  in the manner set forth below. In no
case  shall any such  application  reduce or  postpone  any  payments  otherwise
required pursuant to the Note, other than the final payment on the Note.

          (iv) In the event that  proceeds of insurance,  if any,  shall be made
available to Owner for the restoring,  repairing, replacing or rebuilding of the
Mortgaged  Property,  Owner  hereby  covenants  to restore,  repair,  replace or
rebuild  the  Mortgaged   Property  to  be  of  at  least  equal  value  and  of
substantially the same character as prior to such damage or destruction,  all to
be effected  in  accordance  with  applicable  law and plans and  specifications
approved in advance by Lender and otherwise in accordance with the  requirements
of the Franchise Agreement, if any; provided,  however, that Owner shall pay all
costs (and if required by Lender, shall deposit the total thereof with Lender in
advance) of such restoring,  repairing, replacing or rebuilding in excess of the
net proceeds of insurance made available  pursuant to the terms hereof.  The net
proceeds of insurance  shall be held by Lender and shall be invested in Eligible
Investments as directed by Owner in a manner  consistent  with the completion of
restoration until disbursed in accordance with this Section 4.

          (v) In the event  Owner is  entitled  to  insurance  proceeds  held by
Lender,  such  proceeds  shall be disbursed  from time to time upon Lender being
furnished  with:  (A)  evidence  satisfactory  to it of the  estimated  cost  of
completion of the restoration,  repair,  replacement and rebuilding;  (B) funds,
or, at Lender's  option,  assurances  satisfactory to Lender that such funds are
available,  sufficient  in addition to the proceeds of insurance to complete the
proposed  restoration,   repair,   replacement  and  rebuilding;  and  (C)  such
architect's  certificates,  waivers  of lien for work  previously  performed  or
contemporaneously  funded,   contractor's  sworn  statements,   title  insurance
endorsements,  bonds,  plats of survey and such other evidences of cost, payment
and performance

as Lender may reasonably require and approve.  Lender may, in any event, require
that all plans and specifications for such restoration,  repair, replacement and
rebuilding be submitted to and approved by Lender prior to  commencement of work
(which  approval shall not be unreasonably  withheld).  No payment made prior to
the final  completion of the  restoration,  repair,  replacement  and rebuilding
shall exceed ninety (90%) percent of the value of the work  performed  from time
to time.  Funds other than  proceeds of insurance  shall be  disbursed  prior to
disbursement of such proceeds,  and at all times the undisbursed balance of such
proceeds  remaining in Lender's  possession,  together with funds  deposited for
that purpose or  irrevocably  committed to the  satisfaction  of Lender by or on
behalf of Owner for that purpose, shall be at least sufficient in the reasonable
judgment of Lender to pay for the cost of completion of the restoration, repair,
replacement or  rebuilding,  free and clear of all liens and claims of lien. Any
surplus which may remain out of insurance  proceeds held by Lender after payment
of such  costs  of  restoration,  repair,  replacement  or  rebuilding  shall be
delivered to Borrower,  provided  such  restoration  was performed in accordance
with the  provisions  of this  Section  and Owner is not then in  default of its
obligations under the Loan Documents.

          (vi)  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary in this Section 4, the
provisions of Subsection  4(e) are subject to the  provisions of any  applicable
Ground Lease.

     (f) Owner shall not carry separate insurance, concurrent in kind or form or
contributing  in the  event of loss,  with any  insurance  required  under  this
Section.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  Borrower  may  carry  insurance  not
required  under  this  Agreement,  provided  any such  insurance  affecting  the
Mortgaged Property shall be for the mutual benefit of Owner and Lender, as their
respective interests may appear, and shall be subject to all other provisions of
this Section.


     Owner shall pay all taxes and assessments now or hereafter levied, assessed
or imposed against the Mortgaged Property or any part thereof (collectively, the
"Taxes") and all Ground Rents, maintenance charges, water rates and sewer rents,
other governmental impositions, and other charges including, without limitation,
vault  charges and license fees for the use of vaults,  chutes and similar areas
adjoining the Premises, now or hereafter levied, assessed or imposed against the
Mortgaged  Property or any part thereof  (collectively,  the "Other Charges") as
they become due and payable.  Owner will deliver to Lender evidence satisfactory
to Lender that the Taxes and Other  Charges  have been so paid,  or are not then
delinquent,  no later than 30 days  following the date on which the Taxes and/or
Other Charges would otherwise be delinquent if not paid. Owner shall not suffer,
and  shall  promptly  cause  to be paid  and  discharged,  any  lien  or  charge
whatsoever  which  may be or  become  a lien or  charge  against  the  Mortgaged
Property,  and shall  promptly  pay for all  utility  services  provided  to the
Mortgaged Property.  Upon Lender's request, Owner shall furnish to Lender or its
designee  receipts  for  the  payment  of  the  Taxes  prior  to the  date  such
obligations  shall  become  delinquent.  Owner  shall be  entitled to contest by
appropriate legal proceeding, promptly initiated and conducted in good faith and
with due diligence,  the amount of any Taxes or Other  Charges.  Notwithstanding
the preceding sentence,  during the pendency of any such contest Owner shall pay
or cause to be paid all Taxes and Other Charges as and when due and payable,  or
otherwise in accordance with Section 32 hereof.


     (a) Owner shall pay to Lender on the first day of each calendar month:  (i)
one-twelfth of an amount which would be sufficient to pay the Taxes payable,  or
estimated by Lender to be payable,  during the next ensuing 12 months;  and (ii)
subject to  Subsection  6(b)  below,  one-twelfth  of an amount  which  would be
sufficient  to pay the  Insurance  Premiums  due for the renewal of the coverage
afforded by the Policies upon the expiration  thereof (the amounts  described in
clauses (i) and (ii) above, collectively,  the "Tax and Insurance Escrow Fund"),
which Tax and  Insurance  Escrow  Fund shall be held in an  Eligible  Account by
Lender.  The Tax and  Insurance  Escrow  Fund and the  monthly  installments  of
principal and interest  payable under the Note shall be added together and shall
be paid as an aggregate sum by Owner to Lender.  Owner hereby  pledges to Lender
any and all monies now or hereafter  deposited in the Tax and  Insurance  Escrow
Fund as additional  security for the payment of the Debt.  Lender will apply the
Tax and  Insurance  Escrow  Fund to  payments  of Taxes and  Insurance  Premiums
required to be made by Owner pursuant to Sections 4 and 5 hereof.  Provided that
sufficient  funds are then  available  to pay the  current  Taxes and  Insurance
Premiums,  Lender shall  discharge such  obligations at such time as will effect
the maximum discount  available,  if any. If the amount of the Tax and Insurance
Escrow  Fund  shall  exceed the  amounts  due for Taxes and  Insurance  Premiums
pursuant to Sections 4 and 5 hereof, Lender shall, in its discretion, return any
excess to Owner or credit such excess against future  payments to be made to the
Tax and  Insurance  Escrow  Fund.  If the Tax and  Insurance  Escrow Fund is not
sufficient to pay the items set forth in clauses (i) and (ii) above, Owner shall
promptly pay to Lender,  upon demand,  an amount which Lender shall  estimate as
sufficient  to make up the  deficiency.  Upon  the  occurrence  of an  Event  of
Default,  Lender may apply any sums then comprising the Tax and Insurance Escrow
Fund to the  payment  of the Debt in any  order in its  sole  discretion.  Until
expended  or applied as above  provided,  any  amounts in the Tax and  Insurance
Escrow Fund shall  constitute  additional  security for the Debt.  To the extent
permitted  by  applicable  law,  the Tax and  Insurance  Escrow  Fund  shall not
constitute a trust fund and may be commingled  with other monies held by Lender.
The Tax and Insurance  Escrow  Reserve Fund shall be invested and  reinvested by
Lender, at Owner's direction,  in one or more Eligible  Investments,  subject to
the  following  restrictions:  (A) such  Eligible  Investments  and the proceeds
thereof shall be deemed a part of the Tax and Insurance Escrow Reserve Fund; (B)
each  such  Eligible  Investments  shall be made in the name of  Lender  (in its
capacity as such) or in the name of a nominee of Lender  under its  complete and
exclusive  dominion and control or, if applicable law provides for perfection of
pledges of an  instrument  not evidenced by a  certificate  or other  instrument
through  registration of such pledge on books  maintained by or on behalf of the
issuer of such  investment,  such pledge may be so registered;  (C) Lender shall
have the sole control over such investment,  the income thereon and the proceeds
thereof;  (D)  other  than  investments  described  in  clause  (B)  above,  any
certificate or other  instrument  evidencing such investment  shall be delivered
directly to Lender or its agent;  (E) the proceeds of each  investment  shall be
remitted by the purchaser thereof directly to Lender and (F) Lender shall not be
liable for any loss sustained on the investment of any funds constituting a part
of the Tax and Insurance  Escrow Reserve Fund (except for losses  resulting from
Lender's gross negligences or willful  default).  No earnings or interest on the
Tax and Insurance  Escrow Fund shall be payable to Owner,  but shall remain part
of the Tax and Insurance Escrow Fund as set forth above.

     (b) Anything to the contrary contained herein notwithstanding,  Owner shall
be required to make the payments  described in clause (ii) of subsection  (a) of
this Section only upon an Event of Default and/or a Triggering Event (as defined
in Section 66 hereof).

     (c)  (i)  Notwithstanding  anything  to  the  contrary  contained  in  this
Agreement,  upon the occurrence of a Triggering Event, Owner shall pay to Lender
on the first day of each

calendar  month  one-twelfth  of an amount which would be  sufficient to pay the
Ground Rent payable pursuant to the Ground Leases, as determined by Lender,  for
the next ensuing 12 months (the "Ground  Rent Escrow  Fund"),  which Ground Rent
Escrow Fund shall be held in an Eligible Account by Lender.  Owner agrees to pay
or cause to be paid all Ground Rent pursuant to the Ground Leases.  At least ten
(10)  Business  Days  prior  to the due  date of any  Ground  Rent  and not more
frequently  than once each month Owner may notify  Lender in writing and request
that  Lender pay such Ground Rent on behalf of Owner on or prior to the due date
thereof,  and provided no Event of Default exists and there are sufficient funds
available in the Ground Rent Escrow Fund, Lender shall make such payments before
same are  delinquent.  Owner hereby  pledges to Lender any and all monies now or
hereafter  deposited in the Ground Rent Escrow Fund as  additional  security for
the Debt. Together with each request for the payment of Ground Rent, Owner shall
deliver to Lender copies of invoices for Ground Rent from the applicable  ground
lessor,  if  so  issued,  and  all  other  documents  necessary,  as  reasonably
determined  by Lender,  for the payment of the Ground Rent which are the subject
of such  request.  If the Ground Rent Escrow Fund is not  sufficient  to pay the
Ground  Rent due  pursuant  to the  Ground  Leases,  Owner  shall  pay to Lender
promptly upon demand an amount which Lender shall estimate as sufficient to make
up the  deficiency.  To the extent  permitted by applicable law, the Ground Rent
Escrow Fund shall be  commingled  with other  monies held by Lender.  The Ground
Rent Escrow Reserve Fund shall be invested and reinvested by Lender,  at Owner's
direction,  in  one or  more  Eligible  Investments,  subject  to the  following
restrictions:  (A) such Eligible  Investments and the proceeds  thereof shall be
deemed a part of the Ground Rent Escrow  Reserve  Fund;  (B) each such  Eligible
Investments  shall be made in the name of Lender (in its capacity as such) or in
the name of a nominee of Lender under its complete  and  exclusive  dominion and
control  or,  if  applicable  law  provides  for  perfection  of  pledges  of an
instrument  not  evidenced  by  a  certificate  or  other   instrument   through
registration of such pledge on books maintained by or on behalf of the issuer of
such  investment,  such pledge may be so  registered;  (C) Lender shall have the
sole control over such investment,  the income thereon and the proceeds thereof;
(D) other than  investments  described in clause (B) above,  any  certificate or
other  instrument  evidencing  such  investment  shall be delivered  directly to
Lender or its agent;  (E) the proceeds of each  investment  shall be remitted by
the purchaser  thereof directly to Lender and (F) Lender shall not be liable for
any loss  sustained on the  investment of any funds  constituting  a part of the
Ground Rent Escrow Reserve Fund (except for losses resulting from Lender's gross
negligences  or willful  default).  No  earnings  or interest on the Ground Rent
Escrow Fund shall be payable to Owner,  but shall remain part of the Ground Rent
Escrow Fund as set forth above.  (ii) Upon the occurrence of a Triggering Event,
Owner  hereby  agrees to deposit  with Lender the Ground Rent  deferred by Owner
pursuant to the Ground Lease  applicable to Property No. 57 on Schedule A of the
Loan  Agreement  (Omni Albany Hotel),  in the amount of $1,721,037  (the "Albany
Deferred Rent  Payment").  The Owner  represents and warrants to Lender that (A)
the amount of the deferred  Ground Rent relating to the Omni Hotel is $1,721,037
as shown on Exhibit K attached  hereto,  (B) the Albany Deferred Rent Payment is
not due and payable  pursuant to the applicable  Ground Lease in connection with
the Loan by Lender to Owner,  (B) the Albany  Deferred  Rent  Payment is due and
payable only upon the occurrence of one of the events in Section  3.01(b) of the
Ground Lease and (c) upon a Foreclosure  (as defined in the Ground Lease) of the
Mortgage,  neither Lender, its successors and/or assigns, nor a purchaser of the
Mortgaged  Property from Lender after  Foreclosure would be obligated to pay all
or a part of such Albany Deferred Rent Payment except upon the occurrence of the
events listed in Section  3.01(b) of the Ground Lease.  The Albany Deferred Rent
Payment  shall be held by Lender as  additional  security for the Loan and Owner
shall not be entitled to the Albany  Deferred  Rent Payment until the payment in
full of the Debt.  Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default,  Lender may apply
the Albany Deferred Rent Payment, in its discretion,  to any outstanding amounts
due pursuant to the terms of the Note, the Mortgage or the other Loan



     (a)  Commencing  on the  first  Payment  Date  and  on  each  Payment  Date
thereafter,  Owner  shall pay to Lender one  twelfth  of the  amount  (the "FF&E
Replacement  Reserve  Monthly  Deposit")  equal to five (5) percent  (5%) of the
Gross Income for the Mortgaged  Properties  for the calendar  month  immediately
preceding  the month  preceding  the due date as shown on the monthly  operating
statements delivered pursuant to Section 19(c) hereof, to be applied to maintain
and replace (i) the  furniture,  fixtures and equipment used in the guest rooms,
hallways,  lobbies,  restaurants,  lounges, meeting and banquet rooms, and other
public  interior  areas  accessible  by the public for  regular use and (ii) the
furniture,  fixtures  and  equipment  located  on or about the  exterior  of the
Improvements or make other improvements to the exterior thereof,  if required by
the  Franchisor  pursuant to a PIP or  otherwise,  including  those items as set
forth in the Approved Capital Budget for each Mortgaged Property  (collectively,
the "FF&E  Replacements"),  and such  amounts  paid by Owner and so deposited by
Lender shall hereinafter be referred to as the "FF&E Replacement  Reserve Fund".
Notwithstanding  anything  in the  preceding  sentence  to the  contrary,  (i) a
portion  of the FF&E  Replacement  Reserve  in the  amount  of  $4,600,000  (the
"Special FF&E Repair Deposit") shall be disbursed to Owner to reimburse Owner or
to pay for the cost of those work  items  listed on  Schedule D attached  hereto
with  respect to those  fourteen  (14)  Mortgaged  Properties  listed  under the
heading  "Special  FF&E Reserve  Account" in accordance  with the  provisions of
Section 64 and as reasonably  approved by Lender  ("Special  FF&E  Repairs") and
(ii) Owner shall be  obligated  to spend such  $4,600,000  with  respect to such
fourteen (14)  Mortgaged  Properties  and complete those Special FF&E Repairs in
accordance  with 64 on or before  July 1, 1999.  Lender will  maintain  the FF&E
Replacement  Reserve Fund in a segregated account (the "FF&E Replacement Reserve
Account"),  which shall be an Eligible Account, and the FF&E Replacement Reserve
Fund shall be invested and reinvested by Lender, at Owner's direction, in one or
more  Eligible  Investments,  subject to the  following  restrictions:  (A) such
Eligible Investments and the proceeds thereof shall be deemed a part of the FF&E
Replacement  Reserve Fund; (B) each such Eligible  Investments  shall be made in
the name of Lender  (in its  capacity  as such) or in the name of a  nominee  of
Lender under its complete and  exclusive  dominion and control or, if applicable
law provides  for  perfection  of pledges of an  instrument  not  evidenced by a
certificate or other  instrument  through  registration  of such pledge on books
maintained by or on behalf of the issuer of such investment,  such pledge may be
so registered;  (C) Lender shall have the sole control over such investment, the
income thereon and the proceeds thereof; (D) other than investments described in
clause (B) above, any certificate or other instrument evidencing such investment
shall be  delivered  directly to Lender or its agent;  (E) the  proceeds of each
investment shall be remitted by the purchaser thereof directly to Lender and (F)
Lender shall not be liable for any loss sustained on the investment of any funds
constituting  a part of the FF&E  Replacement  Reserve  Fund  (except for losses
resulting from Lender's gross negligences or willful default).

     (b) Owner hereby grants a first priority  security  interest to Lender,  as
security for payment of all sums due under the Loan and the  performance  of all
other terms,  conditions and provisions to be paid and performed, of all Owner's
right,  title and interest in and to the FF&E  Replacement  Reserve Fund and the
FF&E  Replacement  Reserve  Account and shall execute and deliver to Lender such
UCC-1  Financing  Statements  and other  documents or  instruments as Lender may
request in order to grant and perfect such security  interest.  Owner shall not,
without obtaining the prior written consent of Lender, further pledge, assign or
grant any  security  interest in the FF&E  Replacement  Reserve Fund or the FF&E
Replacement Reserve Account or permit any lien

or encumbrance to attach thereto,  or any levy to be made thereon,  or any UCC-1
Financing  Statements,  except those naming Lender as the secured  party,  to be
filed with respect thereto.  Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default,  Lender
may apply any sums then  present  in the FF&E  Replacement  Reserve  Fund to the
payment  of  the  Debt  (as  defined  in the  Note)  in any  order  in its  sole
discretion.  Until expended or applied as above provided,  the FF&E  Replacement
Reserve Fund shall constitute additional security for the Debt.

          (c) (i) After the commencement of Owner's  obligation to make the FF&E
Replacement Reserve Monthly Deposit pursuant to Section 7(a), except as provided
for in Subsection  (c)(iii) below or otherwise in this  Agreement,  Lender shall
make disbursements  from the FF&E Replacement  Reserve Account to pay Owner only
for FF&E Replacements.  Lender shall not be obligated to make disbursements from
the FF&E  Replacement  Reserve  Account to pay for or to reimburse Owner for the
costs of routine  maintenance (other than the regular  replacement of furniture,
fixtures and equipment  constituting FF&E Replacements or as permitted  pursuant
to Section  7(e)  hereof or in the  Approved  Capital  Budget) to an  individual
Mortgaged  Property or for costs which are to be  reimbursed  from the  Required
Repair Fund (as such term is defined in Section 64 of this Agreement).

          (ii) Lender shall, upon written request from Owner and satisfaction of
the  requirements  set forth in Section 7(a) and Section 7(b) of this Agreement,
disburse to Owner amounts from the FF&E  Replacement  Reserve Account to pay for
the actual  approved  costs of FF&E  Replacements  or to reimburse  the Borrower
therefor in accordance with the Approved  Capital Budget within ten (10) days of
Lender's  receipt of a request for disbursement in accordance with Section 7(d).
In no  event  shall  Lender  be  obligated  to  disburse  funds  from  the  FF&E
Replacement Reserve Account if an Event of Default exists.

          (iii) Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Owner shall not
be entitled to request disbursements from the FF&E Replacement Reserve Fund with
respect to the fourteen (14)  Mortgaged  Properties  under the heading  "Special
FF&E Reserve  Account" on Schedule D until Owner has  completed the Special FF&E
Repairs  for  the  applicable  Mortgaged  Property  and has  incurred,  received
disbursements  for and paid  for the cost of such  Special  FF&E  Repairs  in an
amount  equal to the  "Allocated  Amount"  set forth on the Part of  Schedule  D
entitled "Special FF&E Reserve Account".

     (d) Each request for disbursement from the FF&E Replacement Reserve Account
shall be in a form  specified  or  approved by Lender as more  particularly  set
forth as  Exhibit B and  shall  certify  as to the  following  matters:  (i) the
specific FF&E  Replacements  for which the  disbursement is requested,  (ii) the
amounts  requested  are for the costs of such FF&E  Replacements  that have been
paid or  incurred  since  the  immediately  preceding  request;  (iii)  the FF&E
Replacement for which the  disbursement is requested is a permitted  expenditure
on the current  Approved  Capital  Budget and  Subsection  (a),  (iv) the amount
requested is less than or equal to the amount budgeted for such FF&E Replacement
in the current Approved Capital Budget and (v) that all FF&E  Replacements  that
were the subject of the prior request for disbursement, if applicable, have been
made in accordance with all applicable Legal Requirements (defined below) of any
Governmental  Authority (defined below) having  jurisdiction over the applicable
Mortgaged  Property to which the FF&E  Replacements  are being  provided and the
cost of such FF&E  Replacements  has been paid in full or as required  under the
applicable  contract as set forth in  Subsection  7(e) below.  Each  request for
disbursement  shall include  copies of invoices for all items or materials to be
purchased and all contracted  laborer services to be provided in connection with
the FF&E

Replacements  for which the  disbursement  is requested and a statement  setting
forth in reasonable  detail the persons or entities to which  payments were made
for the FF&E  Replacements  that  were the  subject  of the  prior  request  for
disbursement  and shall set forth the amount  paid to such  person or  entities,
together with evidence satisfactory to Lender of payment of all such amounts for
which the prior request for  disbursement was made, which evidence shall include
copies of paid invoices and lien waivers. Prior to Owner's making of the initial
FF&E  Replacement  Reserve  Monthly  Deposit in accordance  with Section 7(a) or
thereafter  with  respect  to any  calendar  month  during  which a request  for
disbursement  from the FF&E Replacement  Reserve Fund is not submitted to Lender
pursuant to this Section 7(d),  Owner shall deliver to Lender,  as a part of the
monthly reports to be delivered pursuant to Section 19 of this Loan Agreement an
Officer's  Certificate  setting  forth the  amounts  paid  during the  preceding
calendar month for FF&E  Replacements and setting forth each person to whom such
amounts  were paid,  the amount paid to each such  person and the  related  FF&E
Replacement provided by each such person.

     (e) Except as set forth  below in this  Subsection  (e),  each  request for
disbursement from the FF&E Replacement  Reserve Account shall be made only after
Owner  has  certified  to  Lender  that  the FF&E  Replacement  for  which  such
disbursement  is  requested  has  been  completed.  If  the  cost  of  any  FF&E
Replacement exceeds $10,000.00 and the contract therefor so requires,  a request
for  disbursement  may be made  periodically  in accordance  with such contract;
provided,  however, that any materials for which the request for disbursement is
made shall be on site at the individual  Mortgaged  Property and shall have been
properly secured or installed in the individual Mortgaged Property; and provided
further,  however,  that funds remain in the FF&E  Replacement  Reserve Account,
which,  together with the FF&E Replacement Reserve Monthly Deposits scheduled to
be made over the balance of the contract  term,  will be, in Lender's  judgment,
sufficient to complete the FF&E Replacement being performed under such contract.
If a contract  requires an advance  deposit for the delivery of materials to the
site,  Owner may request the amount of such deposit to be released from the FF&E
Replacement  Reserve  Account,  to be determined by Lender its sole and absolute

     (f)  Owner  shall  not  make a  request  for  disbursement  from  the  FF&E
Replacement  Reserve Account more frequently than once in any calendar month and
(except in connection  with the final  disbursement)  the total cost of all FF&E
Replacements  in any  request  shall  not be  less  than  Fifteen  Thousand  and
No/Dollars ($15,000).

     (g) Owner  shall  make  FF&E  Replacements  when  required  by sound  hotel
management  practices in order to keep the  Mortgaged  Property in condition and
repair consistent with requirements under the Franchise  Agreement affecting the
Mortgaged Property and Owner's standards and practices as of the date hereof, at
a minimum in accordance  with the prevailing  standards for hotel  properties of
similar  age,  size,   construction  and  the  then-current  Franchisor  in  the
metropolitan  area in which the Mortgaged  Property is located,  and to keep the
Mortgaged   Property  from   deteriorating.   Owner  shall   complete  all  FF&E
Replacements in a good and workmanlike  manner as soon as practicable  following
the commencement of making each such FF&E Replacement.

     (h) Lender  reserves  the right,  at its option,  to approve  all  Material
Contracts  or  Material  Work Orders  (each  defined  below)  with  materialmen,
mechanics,  suppliers,  subcontractors,  contractors or other parties  providing
labor or materials  in  connection  with the FF&E  Replacements.  Upon  Lender's
request,  Owner shall assign any  contract or  subcontract  to Lender.  The term
"Material Contract" and "Material Work Order" as used herein shall mean

contracts or work orders in excess of $100,000.

     (i) In the event Lender  determines in its reasonable  discretion  that any
FF&E  Replacement  is not being  performed  in a  workmanlike  or timely  manner
(subject to Force Majeure  (defined below)) or that any FF&E Replacement has not
been completed in a workmanlike  or timely manner,  Lender shall have the option
to withhold any further  disbursements from the FF&E Replacement Reserve Account
for such Mortgaged  Property and, upon ten (10) days prior written notice if not
cured to Lender's reasonable  satisfaction,  to proceed under existing contracts
or to contract with third parties to complete such FF&E Replacement and to apply
the FF&E  Replacement  Reserve Fund toward the labor and materials  necessary to
complete such FF&E Replacement and, without providing any prior notice to Owner,
to  exercise  any and all other  remedies  available  to Lender upon an Event of
Default  hereunder.  The term "Force  Majeure" shall have the following  meaning
herein: Owner shall be excused for the period of any delay in the performance of
any obligations hereunder when prevented from so doing by cause or causes beyond
Owner's  control which shall include,  without  limitation,  all labor disputes,
civil commotion,  war, war-like operations,  invasion,  rebellion,  hostilities,
military or usurped power, sabotage,  governmental regulations or controls, fire
or other  casualty,  inability to obtain any  materials,  or services or through
acts of God.

     (j) In  order to  facilitate  Lender's  completion  or  making  of the FF&E
Replacements  pursuant to Section 7(i) above,  Owner grants  Lender the right to
enter onto any  individual  Mortgaged  Property and perform any and all work and
labor necessary to complete or make the FF&E Replacements and/or employ watchmen
to protect such individual  Mortgaged Property from damage. All sums so expended
by  Lender  (exclusive  of sums  disbursed  from  the FF&E  Replacement  Reserve
Account)  shall be  deemed  to have  been  advanced  under the Loan to Owner and
secured by the Mortgage.  For this purpose Owner constitutes and appoints Lender
its true and lawful attorney-in-fact with full power of substitution to complete
or undertake the FF&E  Replacements in the name of Owner. Such power of attorney
shall be deemed to be a power  coupled  with an interest  and cannot be revoked.
Owner  empowers said  attorney-in-fact  as follows:  (i) to use any funds in the
FF&E  Replacement  Reserve  Account for the purpose of making or completing  the
FF&E Replacements;  (ii) to make such additions,  changes and corrections to the
FF&E  Replacements  as shall be  necessary  or  desirable  to complete  the FF&E
Replacements;  (iii)  to  employ  such  contractors,   subcontractors,   agents,
architects and  inspectors as shall be required for such purposes;  (iv) to pay,
settle or compromise all existing bills and claims which are or may become liens
against any individual  Mortgaged Property,  or as may be necessary or desirable
for the completion of the FF&E  Replacements,  or for clearance of title; (v) to
execute  all  applications  and  certificates  in the name of Owner which may be
required by any of the  contract  documents;  (vi) to  prosecute  and defend all
actions or proceedings in connection with any individual  Mortgaged  Property or
the rehabilitation and repair of any individual Mortgaged Property; and (vii) to
do any and every act which Owner might do in its own behalf to fulfill the terms
of this Agreement.

     (k) Nothing in this Section 7 shall: (i) make Lender responsible for making
or  completing  the FF&E  Replacements;  (ii) require  Lender to expend funds in
addition  to the FF&E  Replacement  Reserve  Fund to make or  complete  any FF&E
Replacement;  (iii) obligate  Lender to proceed with the FF&E  Replacements;  or
(iv) obligate  Lender to demand from Owner  additional  sums to make or complete
any FF&E Replacement.

     (l) Upon reasonable  prior notice by Lender,  Owner shall permit Lender and
Lender's agents and representatives  (including,  without  limitation,  Lender's
engineer, architect, or

inspector) or third parties making FF&E Replacements  pursuant to this Section 7
to enter onto each  individual  Mortgaged  Property during normal business hours
(subject to the rights of tenants under their Leases) to inspect the progress of
any FF&E  Replacements and all materials being used in connection  therewith and
to examine all plans and shop drawings relating to such FF&E Replacements  which
are or may be kept at each individual Mortgaged Property.  Owner shall cause all
contractors   and   subcontractors   to   cooperate   with  Lender  or  Lender's
representatives  or such  other  persons  described  above  in  connection  with
inspections  described in this Section 7(l), the completion of FF&E Replacements
pursuant to this Section 7(l) or in connection with the inspections described in
Section 7(m) below.

     (m) If Lender has  determined in its  reasonable  discretion  that any FF&E
Replacements are not being completed in a timely and workmanlike manner (subject
in each  instance  to delays  caused by Force  Majeure) or in the event that the
amount disbursed for the completion of a single FF&E  Replacement  pursuant to a
prior  disbursement  from the FF&E  Replacement  Reserve  Account  exceeded  Two
Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($200,000), Lender may require an inspection
of the  applicable  individual  Mortgaged  Property at Owner's  expense prior to
making a monthly disbursement from the FF&E Replacement Reserve Account for such
FF&E Replacement in order to verify completion of such FF&E Replacements. Lender
may require that such  inspection  be conducted  by an  appropriate  independent
qualified  professional  selected  by  Lender  and/or  may  require  a copy of a
certificate of completion by an independent qualified professional acceptable to
Lender prior to the  disbursement of any such amounts from the FF&E  Replacement
Reserve  Account.  Owner  shall pay the  expense of the  inspection  as required
hereunder,  whether such  inspection  is conducted by Lender or such third party
(in no event to exceed $1,000).

     (n) The FF&E Replacements and all materials,  equipment,  fixtures,  or any
other  item  comprising  a part of any FF&E  Replacement  shall be  constructed,
installed  or  completed,  as  applicable,  free and  clear  of all  mechanic's,
materialman's or other liens (except for those liens which have been approved in
writing by Lender).

     (o) In the event  that the prior  request  for  disbursement  included  any
amount in excess of Two Hundred  Thousand and No/100 Dollars  ($200,000) for any
single FF&E  Replacement  requiring  construction,  installation  or completion,
Lender  may  require  Owner to  provide  Lender  with a  search  of title to the
applicable   individual  Mortgaged  Property  prior  to  making  any  additional
disbursements   from  the  FF&E  Replacement   Reserve  Account  for  such  FF&E
Replacement  only, which search shows that no mechanic's or materialmen's  liens
or other liens of any nature have been placed against the applicable  individual
Mortgaged  Property since the date of  recordation  of the related  Mortgage and
that title to such individual  Mortgaged Property is free and clear of all liens
(other than the lien of the  related  Mortgage  and any other  liens  previously
approved in writing by the Lender, if any).

     (p) All FF&E  Replacements  shall comply in all material  respects with all
applicable   Legal   Requirements  of  all   Governmental   Authorities   having
jurisdiction over the applicable  individual  Mortgaged  Property and applicable
insurance requirements including, without limitation, applicable building codes,
special use permits,  environmental  regulations,  and requirements of insurance

     (q) In addition to any insurance  required under the Loan Documents,  Owner
shall  provide  or  cause  to  be  provided  workmen's  compensation  insurance,
builder's risk, and public liability insurance and other insurance to the extent
required under applicable law in connection with

a particular  FF&E  Replacement.  All such policies  shall be in form and amount
reasonably  satisfactory to Lender. All such policies which can be endorsed with
standard Lender clauses making loss payable to Lender or its assigns shall be so
endorsed.  Certified  copies of such policies or  certificates  thereof shall be
delivered to Lender.

     (r) (i) It shall be an Event of Default  under this  Agreement if Owner (i)
fails to make the initial FF&E Replacement Reserve Monthly Deposit in accordance
with this  Section 7 or (ii) fails to comply  with any other  provision  of this
Section 7 and such  failure is not cured  within  thirty (30) days after  notice
from Lender  provided  that, if such default  cannot  reasonably be cured within
such 30 day period and Owner shall have  commenced to cure such  default  within
such 30 days period and thereafter diligently and expeditiously proceeds to cure
the same,  such thirty (30) day period shall be extended for so long as it shall
require Owner,  in the exercise of due diligence to cure such default,  it being
agreed  that no such  extension  shall  be for a  period  in  excess  of 60 days
(subject to Force Majeure).  Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default,  Lender
may use the FF&E  Replacement  Reserve  Fund (or any  portion  thereof)  for any
purpose,  including but not limited to completion  of the FF&E  Replacements  as
provided  in  Section  7(j),  or for any  other  repair  or  replacement  to any
individual  Mortgaged  Property  or toward  payment  of the Debt in such  order,
proportion and priority as Lender may determine in its sole discretion. Lender's
right to  withdraw  and apply the FF&E  Replacement  Reserve  Funds  shall be in
addition  to all  other  rights  and  remedies  provided  to Lender  under  this
Agreement and the other Loan Documents.

     (ii) Nothing in this Agreement  shall  obligate  Lender to apply all or any
portion of the FF&E  Replacement  Reserve Fund on account of an Event of Default
to payment of the Debt or in any specific order or priority.

     (t) The  insufficiency  of any  balance  in the  FF&E  Replacement  Reserve
Account shall not relieve Owner from its obligation to fulfill all  preservation
and maintenance covenants in the Loan Documents.

     (u) Owner shall indemnify  Lender and hold Lender harmless from and against
any and all actions,  suits,  claims,  demands,  liabilities,  losses,  damages,
obligations and costs and expenses  (including  litigation  costs and reasonable
attorneys  fees and  expenses)  arising  from or in any way  connected  with the
performance  of the FF&E  Replacements  subject to the  provisions of Section 41
hereof.  Owner  shall  assign to Lender all  rights  and  claims  Owner may have
against all persons or entities  supplying labor or materials in connection with
the FF&E Replacements;  provided,  however,  that Lender may not pursue any such
right or claim unless an Event of Default has occurred and remains uncured.

     (v) In the event Owner  requests a disbursement  from the FF&E  Replacement
Reserve  Account for labor or materials  for FF&E  Replacements  other than FF&E
Replacements  specified in Subsection (a) or the Approved Capital Budget,  Owner
shall  disclose in writing to Lender why funds in the FF&E  Replacement  Reserve
Account  should  be used to pay for such  FF&E  Replacements  not  specified  in
Subsection (a) or the Approved  Capital Budget.  If Lender  determines that: (i)
such FF&E Replacements are of the type intended to be covered by this Agreement;
(ii) such FF&E  Replacement is not covered or of the type intended to be covered
by the  Required  Repairs  Fund;  (iii)  costs  for such FF&E  Replacements  are
reasonable;  (iv)  the  funds  in  the  FF&E  Replacement  Reserve  Account  are
sufficient to pay for such FF&E  Replacements;  and (v) all other conditions for
disbursement  under this Agreement have been met, Lender may disburse funds from
the FF&E Replacement  Reserve  Account;  provided,  however,  that Lender in its
discretion, may

refuse to disburse funds from the FF&E Replacement  Reserve Account for any item
other than a FF&E  Replacement  specified in  Subsection  (a) or on the Approved
Capital Budget.

     (w) The  following  capitalized  terms  shall have the  meanings  set forth

     "Eligible  Investments"  shall  mean  any  one or  more  of  the  following

          (1) Securities that are (x) direct obligations of the United States of
America  for the full and  timely  payment of which its full faith and credit is
pledged,  which are not  callable  or  redeemable  at the  option of the  issuer
thereof and may include,  but are not limited to, U.S. Treasury Obligations (All
direct  or  fully   guaranteed   obligations),   Farmers   Home   Administration
Certificates   of  Beneficial   Ownership,   General   Services   Administration
Participation  Certificates,  U.S. Maritime  Administration  Guaranteed Title XI
Financing, Small Business Administration Guaranteed Participation  Certificates,
Guaranteed Pool Certificates,  U.S.  Department of Housing and Urban Development
Local  Authority  Bonds,  and  Washington  Metropolitan  Area Transit  Authority
Guaranteed  Transit  Bonds,  or  (y)  obligations  of  a  Person  controlled  or
supervised by and acting as an agency or instrumentality and not guaranteed as a
full faith and credit obligation of the United States of America,  which are not
callable or redeemable at the option of the issuer thereof and may include,  but
are not limited to, Federal Housing Administration Debentures, Federal Home Loan
Mortgage Corp. (FHLMC) Debt Obligations,  Farm Credit System (formerly:  Federal
Land Banks,  Federal  Intermediate  Credit  Banks,  and Banks for  Cooperatives)
Consolidated  Systemwide  Bonds and Notes,  Federal  Home Loan Banks (FHL Banks)
Consolidated Debt Obligations, Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) Debt
Obligations,   Student  Loan  Marketing  Association  (SLMA)  Debt  Obligations;
Financing Corp. (FICO) Debt Obligations,  and Resolution Funding Corp. (REFCORP)
Debt Obligations;  which such obligations,  in either case, if rated, should not
have an "r" highlighter affixed to its rating;  interest thereon may accrue at a
fixed or variable rate, but must be tied to a single  interest rate index plus a
single fixed spread (if any), and move  proportionately  with such index;  which
obligations,  in either case, shall have a predetermined  fixed dollar amount of
principal due at maturity that shall not vary or change; and if, in either case,
such  obligations  may  be  liquidated  prior  to  their  maturity,   additional
restrictions  may be required by the Rating  Agency or Lender,  as determined in
their discretion ("Government Securities").

          (2) certain federal funds,  unsecured  certificates  of deposit,  time
deposits,  banker's  acceptances and repurchase  agreements having maturities of
not more than 365 days issued by any bank,  the short-term  debt  obligations of
which shall have  received a rating of at least A-1+ by S&P and such  comparable
rating by the Rating Agency;  such instrument should not have an "r" highlighter
affixed to its rating and its terms  should have a  predetermined  fixed  dollar
amount of principal due at maturity  that shall not vary or change;  interest on
such instruments may accrue at a fixed or a variable rate, but must be tied to a
single  interest  rate  index  plus a single  fixed  spread  (if any),  and move
proportionately  with such index;  and if the  investments  are  permitted to be
liquidated prior to their maturity,  additional restrictions may be necessary as
determined by the Rating Agency or Lender, in their discretion;

          (3)  commercial  paper  rated  not  less  than  A-1+ by S&P  and  such
comparable  rating by the Rating  Agency,  maturing or redeemable in 365 days or
less;  such commercial  paper should not have an "r" highlighter  affixed to its
rating and by its terms  should  have a  predetermined  fixed  dollar  amount of
principal  due at  maturity  that  shall not vary or  change;  interest  on such
commercial  paper may accrue at a fixed or variable  rate, but must be tied to a

interest   rate  index  plus  a  single   fixed   spread  (if  any),   and  move
proportionately  with such index;  and if the  investments  are  permitted to be
liquidated  prior  to  their  maturity  to  meet  a  certain  yield,  additional
restrictions  may be necessary as determined by the Rating Agency or Lender,  in
their discretion;

          (4) units of taxable  money market  funds,  which funds are  regulated
investment companies,  seek to maintain a constant net asset value per share and
have either been rated AAAm or AAAm-G by S&P and such  comparable  rating by the
Rating  Agency  or have been  designated  in  writing  by the  Rating  Agency as
Eligible Investments with respect to this definition; provided, however, that if
such  taxable  money market fund is not rated by the Rating  Agency,  the Rating
Agency  confirms in writing that the  investment  of funds in such taxable money
market fund will not result in the downgrade, withdrawal or qualification of the
ratings then assigned to any class of certificates issued in connection with the

          (5) certain  deposits  that are fully  insured by the Federal  Deposit
Insurance  Corp.  (FDIC) with repayment  terms that have a  predetermined  fixed
dollar  amount of principal due at maturity that shall not vary or change and if
rated,  the deposit  should not have an "r"  highlighter  affixed to its rating;
interest on such  deposits may accrue at a fixed or variable  rate,  but must be
tied to a single  interest  rate index plus a single fixed spread (if any),  and
move  proportionately with that index; and if such investments may be liquidated
prior to their maturity to meet a certain yield,  additional restrictions may be
necessary as determined by the Rating Agency or Lender, in their discretion;

          (6)  certain  debt  obligations  maturing in 365 days or less that are
rated AA-or higher by S&P and such other comparable rating by the Rating Agency,
which debt obligations shall not have an "r" highlighter affixed to their rating
and by their terms shall have a  predetermined  fixed dollar amount of principal
due at maturity that shall not vary or change;  interest on such obligations may
accrue at a fixed or variable rate,  but must be tied to a single  interest rate
index plus a single fixed spread (if any),  and move  proportionately  with such
index; and if such investments may be liquidated prior to their maturity to meet
a certain yield,  additional  restrictions may be necessary as determined by the
Rating Agency or Lender, in their discretion;

          (7) investments in certain short-term debt of issuers rated A-1 by S&P
and such other comparable  rating by the Rating Agency may be permitted with the
following  restrictions:  the  total  amount of debt  from A-1  issuers  must be
limited to the investment of monthly principal and interest  payments  (assuming
fully  amortizing  collateral),  the total amount of A-1 investments  should not
represent more than 20% of the rated issue's  outstanding  principal  amount and
each  investment  shall not mature beyond 30 days; the terms of such debt should
be a  predetermined  fixed dollar amount of principal due at maturity that shall
not vary or  change;  interest  on such debt may  accrue at a fixed or  variable
rate,  but must be tied to a single  interest  rate  index  plus a single  fixed
spread  (if  any),  and  move  proportionately  with  such  index;  and  if  the
investments may be liquidated prior to their maturity,  to meet a certain yield,
additional  restrictions  may be necessary as determined by the Rating Agency or
Lender in their discretion;  provided,  however,  such investments  described in
this clause (vii) are not eligible for the Lockbox Account, if applicable;

          (8)  stripped   securities,   which  are  principal-only   strips  and
interest-only strips of noncallable obligations issued by the U.S. Treasury, and
REFCORP securities stripped by Federal Reserve Bank of New York; and

          (9) any other investment  selected by Owner and approved by Lender and
which shall not result in a  downgrading,  withdrawal  or  qualification  of the
then-current  rating  of  securities  issued  pursuant  the  Securitization,  as
evidenced by a confirmation in writing issued by the Rating Agency;

provided,  however,  that  no  instrument  or  security  shall  be  an  Eligible
Investment if such instrument or security (A) evidences  either:  (i) a right to
receive only interest  payments with respect to the obligations  underlying such
instrument;   or  (ii)  both  principal  and  interest   payments  derived  from
obligations  underlying such instrument and the interest and principal  payments
with respect to such instrument provide a yield to maturity greater than 120% of
the  yield  to  maturity  at par of the  underlying  obligations;  or (B)  has a
maturity date in excess of 365 days.

"Governmental Authority" shall mean any court, board, agency, commission, office
or authority of any nature whatsoever for any governmental unit (federal, state,
county,  district,  municipal,  city or  otherwise)  whether now or hereafter in

 "Legal  Requirements"  shall mean,  with respect to each  individual  Mortgaged
Property, all federal, state, county, municipal and other governmental statutes,
laws, rules, orders, regulations, ordinances, judgments, decrees and injunctions
of Governmental  Authorities affecting such individual Mortgaged Property or any
part thereof or the construction,  use,  alteration or operation thereof, or any
part thereof,  whether now or hereafter  enacted and in force,  and all permits,
licenses and authorizations and regulations relating thereto, and all covenants,
agreements,  restrictions and encumbrances contained in any instruments,  either
of record  or known to Owner,  at any time in force  affecting  such  individual
Mortgaged Property or any part thereof, including, without limitation, any which
may (i) require  repairs,  modifications or alterations in or to such individual
Mortgaged  Property  or any part  thereof,  or (ii) in any way limit the use and
enjoyment thereof.


     (a) Owner  shall  promptly  give  Lender  written  notice of the  actual or
threatened  commencement  of any  condemnation  or eminent domain  proceeding (a
"Condemnation")  and shall deliver to Lender copies of any and all papers served
in connection with such proceedings.  Lender is hereby irrevocably  appointed as
Owner's  attorney-in-fact,  coupled with an interest,  with  exclusive  power to
collect,  receive and retain any award or payment for such  Condemnation  and to
make any compromise or settlement in connection with such proceeding, subject to
the  provisions  of this  Agreement;  provided,  however,  that Lender shall not
exercise  such  power of  attorney  unless  and until  there  occurs an Event of
Default.  Notwithstanding  any  taking by any public or  quasi-public  authority
through eminent domain or otherwise (including, without limitation, any transfer
made in lieu of or in anticipation of the exercise of such taking),  Owner shall
continue to pay the Debt at the time and in the manner provided for in the Note,
the Mortgage,  this Agreement,  the Assignment,  the Environmental Agreement and
the other Loan  Documents,  and the Debt shall not be reduced until any award or
payment therefor shall have been actually  received after expenses of collection
and applied by Lender to the discharge of the Debt.  Lender shall not be limited
to the  interest  paid on the  award by the  condemning  authority  but shall be
entitled to receive out of the award  interest at the rate or rates  provided in
the Note.

     (b) If the Mortgaged  Property shall be the subject of a  Condemnation,  in
whole or in part, Borrower shall give prompt notice thereof to Lender.

          (i) In the  case of a  Condemnation,  Lender  may  participate  in the
     settlement and adjustment of any claim;  provided,  however, that Owner may
     adjust losses  aggregating  not in excess of $100,000.00 if such adjustment
     is carried out in a competent and timely  manner,  and provided in any case
     that Lender shall be, and is hereby,  authorized to collect and receipt for
     any such Condemnation award or proceeds. The expenses incurred by Lender in
     the adjustment  and  collection of a  Condemnation  award or proceeds shall
     become  part of the Debt,  shall be  secured by the  Mortgage  and shall be
     reimbursed by Borrower to Lender on demand.

          (ii) In the event of any Condemnation  affecting all or any portion of
     the  Mortgaged  Property  the  award in  respect  of which is less than the
     Threshold  Amount  such  award  shall  be paid  to  Owner  for the  cost of
     restoring, repairing, replacing or rebuilding the Mortgaged Property or the
     part thereof  subject to the  Condemnation,  as provided  below,  and Owner
     hereby  covenants  and agrees  forthwith  to  commence  and  diligently  to
     prosecute such restoring,  repairing, replacing or rebuilding. In the event
     of any Condemnation  affecting all or any portion of the Mortgaged Property
     the award in respect of which  equals or exceeds the  Threshold  Amount and
     the cost of the  restoration is less than the Threshold  Amount where:  (A)
     the Condemnation  award or proceeds are sufficient to enable Owner to fully
     restore the Mortgaged Property (or Owner deposits with Lender any shortfall
     or provides  evidence that such sums have been paid toward  restoration  of
     the  Mortgaged  Property);  (B) the term of,  and  proceeds  derived  from,
     Owner's business interruption  insurance (or other similar insurance) shall
     be  sufficient  to fully  cover the period that the  Mortgaged  Property is
     undergoing  restoration  (or Owner  deposits  with Lender any  shortfall or
     provides evidence that such sums have been paid toward the operation of the
     Mortgaged  Property);   (C)  Lender  determines  that  the  restoration  is
     reasonably  capable  of being  completed,  at least 12 months  prior to the
     Maturity Date; (D) the  Loan-to-Value  Ratio upon completion of restoration
     is estimated,  by an appraiser  acceptable to Lender, to be no greater than
     .65:1.0;  (E)  the  Franchise  Agreement  has  not  been,  and  cannot  be,
     terminated  as a result of the  Condemnation;  (F) the  restoration  can be
     completed within 12 months from the date that the Condemnation occurred, or
     within  such  shorter  time  period  as may be  required  by the  Franchise
     Agreement and shall be completed in accordance with all applicable federal,
     state and local laws;  (G) the  restoration  is permitted or required under
     the Franchise Agreement; (H) the Aggregate Debt Service Coverage Ratio upon
     completion is reasonably anticipated to be at least equal to the greater of
     (1) 1.42:1.0 and (2) the Aggregate  Debt Service  Coverage  Ratio in effect
     immediately prior to the date of the condemnation; (I) Owner shall commence
     the  Restoration as soon as reasonably  practicable  (but in no event later
     than  forty-five  (45) days after such  damage or  destruction  occurs) and
     shall  diligently  pursue  the  same to  satisfactory  completion;  (J) the
     Mortgaged  Property and the use thereof  after the  Restoration  will be in
     compliance  with  all  applicable  zoning  laws,   ordinances,   rules  and
     regulations;  and (K) less than 25% of the land  constituting the Mortgaged
     Property is taken,  then, if no Event of Default shall have occurred and be
     continuing,  the Condemnation  award or proceeds shall be paid to Owner for
     the cost of restoring,  repairing,  replacing or  rebuilding  the Mortgaged
     Property or the part thereof subject to the  Condemnation,  as provided for
     below;  and Owner  hereby  covenants  and agrees  forthwith to commence and
     diligently to prosecute such restoring, repairing, replacing or rebuilding.
     NOI for purposes of this calculation shall be NOI for the 12 calendar month
     period  immediately  preceding  the  Condemnation,   unless  the  appraiser
     referenced  in clause (D) above  estimates  that NOI after the  restoration
     will be more than ten  (10%)  percent  less  than NOI for such 12  calendar
     month period, in which case the

     Aggregate  Debt  Service  Coverage  Ratio  shall be  calculated  using  the
     appraiser's estimate of NOI.

          (iii) Except as provided above,  the award or proceeds  collected upon
     any Condemnation shall, at the option of Lender in its sole discretion,  be
     applied  to the  payment  of the  Debt  or paid to  Owner  for the  cost of
     restoring, repairing, replacing or rebuilding the Mortgaged Property or the
     part thereof subject to the  Condemnation in the manner set forth below. In
     no case  shall  any  such  application  reduce  or  postpone  any  payments
     otherwise  required  pursuant to the Note,  other than the final payment on
     the Note.

          (iv) In the event that a Condemnation award or proceeds, if any, shall
     be made  available  to Owner for the  restoring,  repairing,  replacing  or
     rebuilding of the Mortgaged  Property,  Owner hereby  covenants to restore,
     repair,  replace or rebuild the Mortgaged  Property to be of at least equal
     value  and  of   substantially   the  same   character  as  prior  to  such
     Condemnation,  all to be effected in  accordance  with  applicable  law and
     plans and specifications approved in advance by Lender; provided,  however,
     that Owner shall pay all costs (and if required  by Lender,  shall  deposit
     the total  thereof  with Lender in advance) of such  restoring,  repairing,
     replacing  or  rebuilding  in  excess  of the net  award or  proceeds  made
     available pursuant to the terms hereof. The net condemnation awards held by
     Lender  shall be  invested  in  Eligible  Investments  as directed by Owner
     consistent  with the  completion  of the  restoration  until  disbursed  in
     accordance with this Section 8.

          (v) In the event Owner is entitled  to proceeds  held by Lender,  such
     proceeds shall be disbursed  from time to time upon Lender being  furnished
     with: (A) evidence  satisfactory  to it of the estimated cost of completion
     of the restoration,  repair,  replacement and rebuilding; (B) funds, or, at
     Lender's  option,  assurances  satisfactory  to Lender  that such funds are
     available,  sufficient in addition to the Condemnation award or proceeds to
     complete the proposed restoration,  repair, replacement and rebuilding; and
     (C) such  architect's  certificates,  waivers  of lien for work  previously
     performed or contemporaneously funded, contractor's sworn statements, title
     insurance endorsements,  bonds, plats of survey and such other evidences of
     cost, payment and performance as Lender may reasonably require and approve.
     Lender may, in any event,  require  that all plans and  specifications  for
     such  restoration,  repair,  replacement and rebuilding be submitted to and
     approved by Lender prior to  commencement of work (which approval shall not
     be unreasonably withheld). No payment made prior to the final completion of
     the  restoration,  repair,  replacement and rebuilding  shall exceed ninety
     (90%) percent of the value of the work performed  from time to time.  Funds
     other than the  Condemnation  award or proceeds shall be disbursed prior to
     disbursement of such proceeds,  and at all times the undisbursed balance of
     such  proceeds  remaining  in  Lender's  possession,  together  with  funds
     deposited for that purpose or irrevocably  committed to the satisfaction of
     Lender  by or on  behalf  of  Owner  for  that  purpose,  shall be at least
     sufficient  in the  reasonable  judgment  of  Lender to pay for the cost of
     completion of the restoration,  repair, replacement or rebuilding, free and
     clear of all liens and claims of lien.  Any surplus which may remain out of
     a Condemnation award or proceeds held by Lender after payment of such costs
     of  restoration,  repair,  replacement or rebuilding  shall be delivered to
     Owner,  provided such  restoration  was  performed in  accordance  with the
     provisions  of this  Section,  and  Owner  is not  then in  default  of its
     obligations under the Loan Documents.

          (vi) Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary herein, the application
     of any

     condemnation award as set forth in this Subsection 8(b) shall be subject to
     the terms of any applicable Ground Lease.


     (a) In connection with the Loan,  Owner has absolutely and  unconditionally
assigned to Lender all of Owner's  right,  title and interest in all current and
future  Leases and Rents,  it being  intended by Borrower  that such  assignment
constitutes a present,  absolute assignment and not an assignment for additional
security only.  Such  assignment to Lender shall not be construed to bind Lender
to the performance of any of the covenants,  conditions or provisions  contained
in any such Lease or otherwise to impose any obligation upon Lender. Owner shall
execute and deliver to Lender such additional instruments, in form and substance
reasonably  satisfactory  to Lender,  as may hereafter be requested by Lender to
further evidence and confirm such assignment. Nevertheless, subject to the terms
of this Section,  Lender has granted to Owner a revocable license to operate and
manage  the  Mortgaged  Property  and to  collect  the  Rents  and the  Accounts
Receivable. Owner shall hold the Rents and the Accounts Receivable, or a portion
thereof  sufficient  to discharge all current sums due on the Debt, in trust for
the benefit of Lender for use in the payment of such sums.  Upon the  occurrence
of an Event of Default,  the license  granted to Owner  shall  automatically  be
revoked, and Lender shall immediately be entitled to possession of all Rents and
the Accounts  Receivable,  whether or not Lender enters upon or takes control of
the  Mortgaged  Property.  Lender is hereby  granted  and  assigned by Owner the
right, at its option,  upon  revocation of the license granted herein,  to enter
upon the Mortgaged Property in person, by agent or by  court-appointed  receiver
to collect the Rents and the  Accounts  Receivable.  Any Rents and the  Accounts
Receivable  collected  after  revocation  of the license  may be applied  toward
payment of the Debt in such priority and proportions as Lender in its discretion
shall deem appropriate.

     (b) Owner shall furnish Lender with executed copies of all Leases for space
in excess of 1,000 square feet at any hotel  comprising the Mortgaged  Property.
All  renewals of Leases and all proposed  Leases shall  provide for rental rates
comparable to existing local market rates and shall be arms-length transactions.
All proposed Leases shall be subject to the prior approval of Lender except that
proposed Leases which:  (i) are for less than 1,000 square feet in the aggregate
at each  hotel  comprising  the  Mortgaged  Property;  (ii) are the result of an
arms-length transaction with a bona fide, independent third-party; (iii) provide
for rental rates  comparable to existing  market rates;  and (iv) do not contain
any terms which would  materially  affect  Lender's  rights under the Note,  the
Mortgage,  this Agreement,  the Assignment,  the Environmental  Agreement or the
other Loan Documents,  shall not be subject to the prior approval of Lender. All
Leases, except for the Ground Leases, shall provide that they are subordinate to
the Mortgage and that the lessee  agrees to attorn to Lender.  Owner shall:  (A)
observe and perform in all material  respects all the  obligations  imposed upon
the lessor under the Leases (except with respect to the Ground Leases,  it shall
observe and perform all of the obligations imposed upon lessee) and shall not do
or permit to be done  anything to impair the value of the Leases as security for
the Debt;  (B) promptly  send to Lender  copies of all notices of default  which
Owner shall send or receive thereunder;  (C) enforce all of the terms, covenants
and conditions contained in the Lease on the part of the lessee thereunder to be
observed or performed,  short of termination thereof, excluding the Ground Lease
(which shall not be effected  without  prior  notice to Lender and  otherwise in
accordance  with the terms  hereof or of the  Assignment);  (D) not  collect any
Rents  more  than one  month  in  advance,  except  as may be  permitted  in the
Assignment  (and with respect to any Ground Lease,  it shall pay all Ground Rent
to be paid by Owner as tenant  pursuant to the terms of the Ground  Lease);  (E)
not execute any

other assignment of the lessor's interest in the Leases or Rents; (F) other than
de minimis  non-financial  amendments,  not alter, modify or change the terms of
the Leases without the prior written  consent of Lender (which consent shall not
be  unreasonably  withheld),  or,  except if a lessee is in  default,  cancel or
terminate  the Leases or accept a  surrender  thereof or convey or  transfer  or
suffer or permit a conveyance  or transfer of the  Mortgaged  Property or of any
interest  therein  so as to effect a merger of the  estates  and rights of, or a
termination or diminution of the obligations of, lessees  thereunder;  provided,
however,  that any  Lease  may be  canceled  if at the time of the  cancellation
thereof a new Lease is entered into with a bona fide, independent third-party on
substantially  the same terms or more favorable terms as the canceled Lease; (G)
not alter, modify or change the terms of any guaranty of the Leases or cancel or
terminate  such guaranty  without the prior written  consent of Lender;  (H) not
consent to any  assignment of or  subletting  under the Leases not in accordance
with their  terms (or with  respect to the  Ground  Lease,  assign or sublet its
interest  thereunder),  without  the prior  written  consent of Lender;  and (I)
execute  and  deliver  at the  request of Lender  all such  further  assurances,
confirmations  and  assignments  in connection  with the  Mortgaged  Property as
Lender shall from time to time request. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
contained in subsection (b) of this Section, the provisions of clauses (B), (C),
(F),  (G) and (H) of this  subsection  (b)  shall  not  apply to any  Lease  the
rentable square footage of which is for less than 1,000 square feet (a "Material

     (c) All security deposits of lessees in excess  $5,000.00,  whether held in
cash or any other form,  shall not be  commingled  with any other funds of Owner
and, if cash,  shall be deposited by Owner at such commercial or savings bank or
banks as may be reasonably  satisfactory to Lender. Any bond or other instrument
which Owner is permitted  to hold in lieu of cash  security  deposits  under any
applicable  legal  requirements  shall be  maintained  in full  force and effect
unless replaced by cash deposits as hereinabove described, shall be issued by an
institution  reasonably  satisfactory to Lender, shall, if permitted pursuant to
any legal  requirements,  name Lender as payee or  mortgagee  thereunder  (or at
Lender's  option,  be fully  assignable  to Lender) and shall,  in all respects,
comply with any  applicable  legal  requirements  and  otherwise  be  reasonably
satisfactory to Lender. Owner shall, upon request,  provide Lender with evidence
reasonably  satisfactory  to Lender of Owner's  compliance  with the  foregoing.
Following the  occurrence  and during the  continuance  of any Event of Default,
Owner  shall,  upon  Lender's  request,  if permitted  by any  applicable  legal
requirements,  turn over to  Lender  the  security  deposits  (and any  interest
theretofore  earned thereon) with respect to all or any portion of the Mortgaged
Property, to be held by Lender subject to the terms of the Leases.


     Owner represents, warrants and covenants as follows:

     (a)  The  Note,  the  Mortgage,   this  Agreement,   the  Assignment,   the
Environmental  Agreement and the other Loan  Documents are the legal,  valid and
binding  obligations  of Owner,  and are not subject to any right of rescission,
set-off,  counterclaim or defense, including the defense of usury, nor would the
operation of any of the terms of the Note,  the Mortgage,  this  Agreement,  the
Assignment,  the  Environmental  Agreement and the other Loan Documents,  or the
exercise of any right thereunder, render the Mortgage unenforceable, in whole or
in part,  or  subject  to any  right of  rescission,  set-off,  counterclaim  or
defense, including the defense of usury.

     (b) To the best of Owner's knowledge after due inquiry, all certifications,
permits,  licenses  and  approvals  required  for the legal use,  occupancy  and
operation of the Mortgaged  Property as a hotel including,  without  limitation,
any applicable  liquor license,  certificate of completion and occupancy permit,
have been or will be obtained  and are in full force and effect.  The  Mortgaged
Property  is free of  material  damage  and is in good  repair,  and there is no
proceeding  pending  or, to the best of Owner's  knowledge,  threatened  for the
total or partial condemnation of, or affecting, the Mortgaged Property.

     (c) Except as shown on the surveys  furnished to Lender in connection  with
the Loan,  all of the  Improvements  which were  considered in  determining  the
appraised  value of the Mortgaged  Property lie wholly within the boundaries and
building  restriction  lines  of the  Mortgaged  Property,  no  improvements  on
adjoining  properties encroach upon the Mortgaged Property,  and no easements or
other  encumbrances upon the Premises encroach upon any of the Improvements,  so
as to affect the value or marketability of the Mortgaged Property. The Mortgaged
Property  is  contiguous  to and has access to a  physically  and  legally  open
all-weather  public street,  has all necessary permits and approvals for ingress
and egress, is adequately  serviced by public water, sewer systems and utilities
and is on one or more separate tax parcels,  all of which are separate and apart
from any  other  property  owned by Owner or any  other  person.  The  Mortgaged
Property has all  necessary  access by public  roads or easements  which in each
case are not terminable  and are not  subordinate to any mortgage other than the
Mortgage.  To the  best of  Owner's  knowledge  after  due  inquiry,  all of the
Improvements  comply with all requirements of applicable  building codes, zoning
and subdivision laws and ordinances.

     (d) To the best of  Owner's  knowledge  after due  inquiry,  the  Mortgaged
Property  is not  subject  to any  leases,  licenses  or other use or  occupancy
agreements  other than the Leases described in the rent roll delivered to Lender
in connection with this Agreement.  No person has any possessory interest in the
Mortgaged  Property  or right to occupy any  portion  thereof  except  under and
pursuant  to the  provisions  of the  Leases or  transient  hotel  guests in the
ordinary course of Owner's business.

     (e) To the best of Owner's knowledge after due inquiry,  the surveys of the
Mortgaged  Property  delivered to Lender in connection  with this Agreement have
been performed by duly licensed surveyors or registered  professional  engineers
in the  jurisdictions in which the Mortgaged  Property are situated,  and to the
best of  Owner's  knowledge  after due  inquiry,  does not fail to  reflect  any
material matter affecting the Mortgaged Property or the title thereto.

     (f) The financial statements,  capital budgets, operating budgets and other
financial information (the "Financial Documents") heretofore furnished to Lender
are, as of the date  specified  therein,  complete  and correct in all  material
respects and fairly present the financial  condition of Owner,  and are prepared
in accordance with the Uniform Systems of Accounts,  consistently applied. Owner
does not have on the date hereof any  contingent  liabilities,  liabilities  for
taxes,  unusual  forward or long-term  commitments  or unrealized or anticipated
losses from any  unfavorable  commitments  which in each case are known to Owner
and which,  in Owner's  opinion,  are reasonably  likely to result in a material
adverse  effect on the Mortgaged  Property or the operation  thereof as a hotel,
except as referred to or reflected or provided  for in the  Financial  Documents
heretofore furnished to Lender or as otherwise disclosed to Lender herein. Since
the last date of such Financial  Documents,  there has been no material  adverse
change in the financial

condition, operations or business of Owner from that set forth in such financial
statements as of the dates thereof.

     (g) The  Franchise  Agreement  is in full  force and effect and there is no
default,  breach or violation  existing  thereunder  by any party thereto and no
event (other than payments due but not yet delinquent)  which,  with the passage
of time or with notice and the  expiration  of any grace or cure  period,  would
constitute a default, breach or violation by any party thereunder.

     (h) The  Management  Agreement  is in full force and effect and there is no
default,  breach or violation  existing  thereunder  by any party thereto and no
event (other than payments due but not yet delinquent)  which,  with the passage
of time or with notice and the  expiration  of any grace or cure  period,  would
constitute a default, breach or violation by any party thereunder.

     (i) Neither the  execution  and  delivery  of the Loan  Documents,  Owner's
performance thereunder, the recordation of the Mortgage, nor the exercise of any
remedies by Lender, will violate or conflict with the terms of (A) the Franchise
Agreement or the Management Agreement, (B) the licenses, registrations, permits,
certificates,  authorizations  and approvals  necessary for the operation of the
Mortgaged  Property  as a hotel,  (C) the  provisions  of any law,  any order or
judgment  of any  court  or  governmental  authority  and  (D) the  articles  of
incorporation,   by-laws,   partnership   or  trust   agreement,   articles   of
organization, operating agreement, or other governing instrument of Owner.

     (j) The current Leases are in full force and effect,  there are no defaults
by Owner and to the best of  Owner's  knowledge,  after due  inquiry  the tenant
thereunder, there are no conditions which with the passage of time and/or notice
would constitute defaults thereunder, there are no offsets or defenses under the
Leases,  no Lease  contains  an option to  purchase  (other than in favor of the
Owner), right of first refusal or purchase or any similar provision,  each Lease
(other than the Ground Lease) is subordinate  to the lien of the Mortgage,  none
of the Rents have been collected more than one (1) month in advance (except that
with  respect to the Ground  Lease,  it has paid all Ground Rents and other sums
required  to be paid by Owner under the Ground  Lease),  all  security  deposits
relating to the Leases  reflected on the certified rent roll delivered to Lender
have  been  collected  by  Owner  and  all of  the  terms  of  the  alterations,
modifications  and  amendments  to the Leases  are  reflected  in the  certified
occupancy statement delivered to and approved by Lender.

     (k) If requested by Lender from time to time,  Owner shall  cooperate  with
Lender and permit Lender to obtain, at Lender's sole cost and expense, a current
MAI appraisal of the Mortgaged Property.

     (l) Owner owns adequate Collateral,  including, personal property, Licenses
(defined below) and Food and Beverage Inventory (defined below)) to maintain and
operate the Mortgaged  Property as a hotel in  accordance  with the standards of
this Loan Agreement, the Management Agreement, and, the Franchise Agreement. The
Collateral is not subject to any liens,  leases or financing  arrangements other
than as  previously  approved by Lender and as otherwise set forth in Section 13
hereof.  "Food and Beverage Inventory" shall mean food and beverages  (including
liquor),  utensils and china stored at the hotel on the  Mortgaged  Property for
service  to  hotel  guests.  "Licenses"  shall  mean  all  material  franchises,
trademarks,    tradenames,    copyrights,   licenses,   permits,   certificates,
authorizations,  qualifications,  accreditations,  easements,  rights of way and
other rights,  consents and  approvals  which are necessary for the operation of
the Mortgaged

Property and its business as presently conducted,  including without limitation,
liquor licenses, as applicable.

     (m) There is no action,  suit or proceeding,  judicial,  administrative  or
otherwise (including any condemnation or similar proceeding), pending or, to the
best of Owner's  knowledge,  threatened or contemplated  against,  or affecting,
Owner or the Mortgaged Property other than those, if adversely determined, would
have no Material Adverse Effect.

     (n) Each of the  Mortgaged  Properties  is  assessed  for real  estate  tax
purposes as one or more wholly  independent  tax lot or lots,  separate from any
adjoining land or improvements  not constituting a part of such lot or lots, and
no other land or  improvements is assessed and taxed together with the Mortgaged
Property or any portion thereof.

     (o) (i)(A) Owner is solvent, and no bankruptcy, reorganization,  insolvency
or similar  proceeding  under any state or federal law with respect to Owner has
been initiated,  and (B) Borrower has received  reasonably  equivalent value for
the granting of the Mortgage.

     (ii) Except as  referenced  in the  substantive  non-consolidation  opinion
delivered in connection  with the Loan, no petition in bankruptcy  has ever been
filed by or against Owner, any Guarantor,  any indemnitor or any related entity,
or any  principal,  general  partner  or member  thereof,  in the last seven (7)
years, and neither Owner, any Guarantor,  any indemnitor nor any related entity,
or any principal, general partner or member thereof, in the last seven (7) years
has ever made any assignment for the benefit of creditors or taken  advantage of
any insolvency act or any act for the benefit of debtors.

     (p)  Except  as  otherwise  disclosed  to  Lender in  writing,  Owner,  any
Guarantor and any indemnitor have filed all federal,  state, county,  municipal,
and city  income and other tax  returns  required to have been filed by them and
have paid all taxes and related  liabilities  which have become due  pursuant to
such returns or pursuant to any assessments received by them. Neither Owner, any
Guarantor nor any indemnitor knows of any basis for any additional assessment in
respect of any such taxes and related liabilities for prior years.

     (q) Owner has disclosed to Lender all material  facts and has not failed to
disclose any material fact that could cause any  representation or warranty made
herein to be materially misleading.

     (r) No portion of the  Mortgaged  Property  has been or will be  purchased,
improved, equipped or furnished with proceeds of any illegal activity and to the
best of  Owner's  knowledge,  there  are no  illegal  activities  or  activities
relating to any controlled substance at the Mortgaged Property.

     (s) As of the date  hereof , each  Owner's  respective  principal  place of
business is the address of the hotel property owned by such Owner,  as set forth
on Schedule A attached.

     (t) (i) As of the date hereof and throughout the term of this Mortgage, (A)
Borrower is not and will not be an "employee benefit plan" as defined in Section
3(3) of  ERISA,  which is  subject  to Title I of ERISA,  and (B) the  assets of
Borrower do not and will not constitute  "plan assets" of one or more such plans
for purposes of Title I of ERISA;

          (ii) As of the date hereof and  throughout  the term of this  Mortgage
(A) Owner is not and will not be a  "governmental  plan"  within the  meaning of
Section  3(32) of ERISA and (B)  transactions  by or with Owner are not and will
not be subject to state statutes  applicable to Owner regulating  investments of
and fiduciary obligations with respect to governmental plans;

          (iii) No accumulated  funding deficiency (as defined in Section 412 of
the Code or Section 302 of ERISA) or failure to make required  contributions  or
reportable  event within the meaning of section  4043(c) of ERISA (the reporting
of  which  has not been  waived  by the  Pension  Benefit  Guaranty  Corporation
("PBGC"))  has  occurred  with respect to any plan within the meaning of section
3(3) of ERISA  ("Plan") as to which Owner or any member of its ERISA  Controlled
Group has or may have any  obligation or liability,  direct or indirect.  To the
best  knowledge  of Owner and its ERISA  Controlled  Group,  no Plan  which is a
Multiemployer   Plan  within  the  meaning  of  Section   4001(a)(3)   of  ERISA
("Multiemployer  Plan")  is or is  likely to be in  reorganization  (within  the
meaning of Section 424 of ERISA or Section 418 of the Code) or is insolvent  (as
defined in Section 4245 of ERISA).  No lien under Section  412(n) of the Code or
302(f) of ERISA or requirement to provide  security under Section  401(a)(29) of
the Code or Section 307 of ERISA has been or is reasonably  expected by Owner or
any member of its ERISA Controlled Group to be imposed on the assets of Owner or
any member of its ERISA  Controlled  Group.  Owner and each  member of its ERISA
Controlled Group have complied in all material respects with the requirements of
ERISA and the Code and plan  documents  for each  Plan and any other  applicable
federal or state law with respect to Plans and are not in default (as defined in
Section 4219(c)(5) of ERISA) with respect to payments to a Multiemployer Plan;

          (iv) Neither Owner nor any member of its ERISA Controlled  Group, with
respect to any Plan,  is  subject  to any  present  or  potential  liability  or
withdrawal  liability or annual withdrawal  liability payments.  No liability to
the PBGC (other than required premium  payments),  the Internal Revenue Service,
any Plan or any  trust  established  under  Title IV of ERISA  has  been,  or is
expected by Owner or any member of its ERISA Controlled Group to be, incurred by
Owner,  or any member of its ERISA  Controlled  Group.  As of the Closing  Date,
there are no Unfunded  Benefit  Liabilities.  Owner does not have any contingent
liability with respect to any  post-retirement  benefit under any "welfare plan"
(as  defined  in  Section  3(1) of  ERISA) or exit fee or  withdrawal  fee for a
multiple   employer  welfare  plan,  other  than  liability  to  make  available
continuation  coverage under Part 6 of Title I of ERISA to be paid for solely by
covered  individuals.  Owner has not engaged in any  transaction  prohibited  by
Section 406 of ERISA or Section 4975 of the Code for which there is no statutory
or regulatory  exemption.  Representations  and warranties in this section 10(t)
shall be deemed to be breached only if one or more representations or warranties
is untrue or incorrect and, either individually or in the aggregate,  this could
reasonably  be expected  to result in a material  adverse  effect to Owner.  For
purposes of Sections 11(a)(xvi) and 40 and this section 10(t),  material adverse
effect shall mean any condition which has a material adverse effect upon (i) the
business,  operations,  properties,  assets,  corporate  structure  or financial
condition of Owner or (ii) the validity or enforceability  of, or the ability of
the Owner to meet any obligations  under,  any of the Note, this Mortgage or any
of the other Loan Documents; and

          (v) For purposes of this Mortgage,  "ERISA Controlled Group" means any
corporation  or entity or trade or  business  or person  that is a member of any
group described in Section 414(b), (c), (m) or (o) of the Code of which Owner is
a member;  provided, that for purposes of Title IV of ERISA such term shall only
include Sections 414(b) and (c) of the Code, and "Unfunded Benefit  Liabilities"
means,  with  respect to any Plan at any time,  the amount (if any) by which (1)
the present value of all benefit  liabilities under a plan as defined in Section
4001(a)(16)  of ERISA,  exceeds  (2) the fair  market  value of all plan  assets
allocable to such benefits, all

determined as of the then most recent valuation date for such Plan (on the basis
of assumptions prescribed by the PBGC for the purpose of Section 4044 of ERISA).

     (u) None of the Permitted  Exceptions,  individually  or in the  aggregate,
materially  interfere with the benefits of the security  intended to be provided
by the Mortgage, the Loan Agreement and the other Loan Documents, materially and
adversely  affect  the value of the  Mortgaged  Property,  impair the use or the
operation  of the  Mortgaged  Property  or  impair  Owner's  ability  to pay its
obligations in a timely manner.

     (v) All material contracts,  agreements,  consents,  waivers, documents and
writings  of  every  kind  or  character,  including,  without  limitation,  the
Management  Agreement,  if any,  at any  time to  which  Owner  is a party to be
delivered to Lender  pursuant to any of the  provisions  of this  Agreement  are
valid and  enforceable  against Owner and, to the best  knowledge of Owner,  are
enforceable against all other parties thereto, and, to Owner's actual knowledge,
in all respects are what they purport to be and, to the best knowledge of Owner,
to the extent that any such writing  shall impose any  obligation or duty on the
party  thereto or  constitute  a waiver of any rights which any such party might
otherwise have,  said writing shall be valid and enforceable  against said party
in accordance with its terms,  except as such  enforcement may be limited by (i)
applicable bankruptcy, insolvency,  reorganization or similar laws affecting the
rights of creditors generally or (ii) general principles of equity.

     (w) Owner is not (a) an "investment  company" or a company  "controlled" by
an "investment  company",  within the meaning of the  Investment  Company Act of
1940,  as  amended,  (b) a "holding  company"  or a  "subsidiary  company"  of a
"holding  company"  or  an  "affiliate"  of  either  a  "holding  company"  or a
"subsidiary  company"  within the meaning of the Public Utility  Holding Company
Act of 1935,  as amended,  or (c)  subject to any other  federal or state law or
regulation that purports to restrict or regulate its ability to borrow money.

     (x) Any  reprogramming  required to permit the proper  functioning,  in and
following the year 2000, of (i) the Owner's  computer systems and (ii) equipment
containing  embedded  microchips  (including  systems and equipment  supplied by
others or with which  Owner's  systems  interface)  and the  testing of all such
systems and equipment,  as so  reprogrammed,  will be completed by July 1, 1999.
The cost to the Owner of such  reprogramming  and testing and of the  reasonably
foreseeable  consequences  of  year  2000  to  the  Owner  (including,   without
limitation,   reprogramming  errors  and  the  failure  of  others'  systems  or
equipment)  will  not  result  in an Event of  Default.  Except  for such of the
reprogramming  referred to in the preceding  sentence as may be  necessary,  the
computer and management  information systems of the Owner are and, with ordinary
course upgrading and maintenance,  will continue for the term of the Loan to be,
sufficient to permit the Owner to conduct its business  without material adverse

     (y)  Attached  hereto  as  Schedule  G is a full and  complete  list of all
properties  previously  owned by AMI  Operating  Partners  L.P.  (other than the
Mortgaged  Property)  which  have  been  previously  or shall be  simultaneously
herewith  conveyed to entities other than each of the entities  compromising the

     (z)  Attached  hereto  as  Schedule  H is a list  of  all of the  Mortgaged
Properties  subject to Property  Improvement Plans ("PIP's") by the Franchisors.
Owner  represents  and warrants that it is not in default under any PIP and such
PIP's  shall be  completed  on or before the  completion  dates set forth in the
applicable PIP.


     (a) Owner  covenants  and  agrees  that it has not and shall not and agrees
that its general partner(s),  or managing member(s), as the case may be (each, a
"Principal") shall not:

          (i) with  respect to each  Owner,  engage in any  business or activity
     other than the ownership,  leasing,  operation,  use and maintenance of the
     applicable Mortgaged Property,  if any, and activities  incidental thereto,
     and with  respect to each  Principal,  engage in any  business  or activity
     other than the  ownership of its interest in Owner and such  activities  as
     are directly related to its acting as the Principal of Owner;

          (ii) with respect to Owner,  acquire or own any material  assets other
     than (A) the Mortgaged  Property,  if any, and (B) such incidental Personal
     Property  as may  be  necessary  for or  related  to the  operation  of the
     Mortgaged Property, if any, and with respect to each Principal,  acquire or
     own any material assets other than its ownership interest in the applicable
     Owner  and  such  incidental  Personal  Property  as  may be  necessary  in
     connection therewith;

          (iii) merge into or consolidate with any person or entity or dissolve,
     terminate or liquidate in whole or in part,  transfer or otherwise  dispose
     of all or  substantially  all of its assets or change its legal  structure,
     without in each case Lender's consent;

          (iv) fail to  preserve  its  existence  as an entity  duly  organized,
     validly existing and in good standing (if applicable) under the laws of the
     jurisdiction of its organization or formation, or without the prior written
     consent of Lender, (A) amend, modify,  terminate or fail to comply with the
     provisions of Owner's  partnership  agreement,  articles or  certificate of
     incorporation,  certificate of organization, operating agreement or similar
     organizational documents, as the case may be, or of Principal's partnership
     agreement,  articles  or  certificate  of  incorporation,   certificate  of
     organization,  operating agreement or similar organizational  documents, as
     the case may be,  whichever is  applicable  or (B) violate the  assumptions
     contained in that certain  non-consolidation  opinion dated the date hereof
     and delivered by Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson,  P.A.
     to Lender and the Rating Agencies;

          (v) own any subsidiary or make any investment in, any person or entity
     without the consent of Lender;

          (vi) except as set forth in Section  66(a)(i)  hereof,  commingle  its
     assets with the assets of any of its general  partners,  managing  members,
     affiliates, principals or of any other person or entity;

          (vii) With  respect to Owner,  incur any debt,  secured or  unsecured,
     direct or contingent  (including  guaranteeing any obligation),  other than
     the Debt and the Permitted FF&E Financing  except in the ordinary course of
     its business of

     owning and operating the applicable  Mortgaged  Property,  if any, provided
     that such debt (A) is paid within 60 days of the date it is  incurred,  (B)
     does not exceed four percent (4%) of the Allocated Loan Amount with respect
     to each individual Mortgaged Property;  and (C) is not evidenced by a note,
     and with respect to the  Principal,  incur any debt,  secured or unsecured,
     direct or contingent  (including  guaranteeing  any obligation)  except the
     obligations contained in the Guaranty;

          (viii) become  insolvent or fail to pay its debts and liabilities from
     its  assets  as the same  shall  become  due,  other  than  such  debts and
     liabilities that Owner is contesting pursuant to and in accordance with the
     provisions of Section 32;

          (ix) fail to maintain its records,  books of account and bank accounts
     separate  and apart from those of the  partners,  members,  principals  and
     affiliates of Owner or of Principal,  as the case may be, the affiliates of
     a general partner or managing member of Owner or of Principal,  as the case
     may be, and any other person or entity;

          (x) enter into any  contract or agreement  with any  partner,  member,
     principal or affiliate  of Owner or of  Principal,  as the case may be, any
     partner,  member, principal or affiliate thereof (other than the Management
     Agreement),  except upon terms and conditions that are  intrinsically  fair
     and  substantially   similar  to  those  that  would  be  available  on  an
     arms-length  basis  with third  parties  other  than any  partner,  member,
     principal or affiliate of Owner or of Principal, as the case may be, or any
     partner, member, principal or affiliate thereof;

          (xi) seek the dissolution or winding up in whole, or in part, of Owner
     or of Principal, as the case may be;

          (xii)  fail to  correct  any  known  misunderstandings  regarding  the
     separate  identity  of Owner  or  Principal,  as the  case  may be,  or any
     partner, member, principal or affiliate thereof;

          (xiii)  hold  itself  out to be  responsible  for the debts of another

          (xiv) make any loans or advances  to any third  party,  including  any
     partner,  member,  principal or affiliate of Owner or of Principal,  as the
     case may be, or any partner, member, principal or affiliate thereof;

          (xv)  fail  to file  its own tax  returns  except  where  combined  or
     consolidated  returns are permitted or required by Applicable  Law provided
     that such combined or consolidated returns shall provide that such entities
     are separate legal entities and pay their respective proportionate share of
     the taxes shown on such returns;

          (xvi) agree to, enter into or consummate any  transaction  which would
     render  Owner or  Principal,  as the case may be,  unable  to  furnish  the
     certification or other evidence referred to in Section 40 hereof;

          (xvii) fail either to hold itself out to the public as a legal  entity

     and  distinct  from any other  entity or person or to conduct its  business
     solely  in its  own  name in  order  not (A) to  mislead  others  as to the
     identity  with which such other party is  transacting  business,  or (B) to
     suggest that Owner or Principal, as the case may be, is responsible for the
     debts of any third party  (including  any  partner,  member,  principal  or
     affiliate  of Owner or of  Principal,  as the case may be, or any  partner,
     member, principal or affiliate thereof);

          (xviii)  reduce its capital  below an amount which is adequate for the
     normal  obligations  reasonably  foreseeable  in a business of its size and
     character and in light of its contemplated business operations;

          (xix) file or consent to the filing of any petition,  either voluntary
     or involuntary, to take advantage of any applicable insolvency, bankruptcy,
     liquidation  or  reorganization  statute,  or  make an  assignment  for the
     benefit of creditors;

          (xx) share any common logo with or hold itself out as or be designated
     as a  department  or  division of (A) any  partner,  member,  principal  or
     affiliate of Owner or of  Principal,  as the case may be, (B) any affiliate
     of a partner or member of Borrower or of Principal,  as the case may be, or
     (C) any other person or entity;

          (xxi) with respect to Owner, if Owner is a corporation,  or Principal,
     if Owner is a partnership or limited liability company, fail at any time to
     have at least one independent  director that is not and has not been for at
     least five (5) years a director, officer, employee,  shareholder or a trade
     creditor who derives more than 10% of its gross  revenues  from the Persons
     referred to in (A)-(D)  below (or spouse,  parent,  sibling or child of the
     foregoing) of (A) Owner, (B) Principal,  (C) any partner, member, principal
     or affiliate of Owner or of Principal,  or (D) any affiliate of any partner
     or member of Owner or of Principal,  in each case,  other than with respect
     to such  Person's  services  as an  independent  director  of  Owner  or of
     Principal,  as the case may be, and such Person's service as an Independent
     Director for affiliates of Owner or Principal as applicable;

          (xxii) with respect to Owner,  if Owner is a corporation or Principal,
     if Owner is a partnership or limited liability company,  cause or allow the
     board of directors of Owner or  Principal,  as the case may be, to take any
     action  requiring the unanimous  affirmative vote of 100% of the members of
     the  board  of  directors   unless  an  independent   director  shall  have
     participated in such vote; or

          (xxiii) file,  without the  unanimous  consent of all of the partners,
     directors or members, as applicable, a bankruptcy or insolvency petition or
     otherwise institute insolvency proceedings with respect to itself or to any
     other  entity  in which it has a direct  or  indirect  legal or  beneficial
     ownership interest.

     (b) If Owner or Principal is a partnership,  (1) its partnership  agreement
must  provide  that the  partnership  will only  dissolve  upon the  withdrawal,
dissolution  or  bankruptcy  of  the  last  remaining  general  partner  or  the
occurrence  of any other event that causes the last general  partner to cease to
be a  general  partner  of the  partnership,  but the  partnership  will  not be
dissolved if all of the remaining  partners,  within ninety (90) days,  elect to
continue the partnership and appoint a new general partner,  (2) at least one of

general  partners must at all times be a single  purpose  entity as described in
Subsection   11(a),  (3)  its  partnership   agreement  must  provide  that  the
dissolution and winding up or insolvency filing of such partnership requires the
unanimous  consent of all general partners,  and its partnership  agreement must
include provisions substantially similar to those contained in Subsection 11(a).
If Owner or Principal is a limited  liability  company,  (i) its  certificate of
organization,  operating  agreement  and  other  organizational  documents  must
provide  that  the  limited  liability  company  will  only  dissolve  upon  the
withdrawal, dissolution or bankruptcy of the last remaining managing member, but
the  limited   liability   company   will  not  be  dissolved  if  the  personal
representative  of the last remaining member within ninety (90) days,  elects to
continue the limited liability company and appoint a new managing member, and if
such personal  representative  fails to elect to continue the limited  liability
company, the consent of the Investors (defined below) in the Securities (defined
below) shall be required  prior to the  liquidation of any assets of the limited
liability  company,  (ii) at least one of its managing members must at all times
be a  single  purpose  entity  as  described  in  Subsection  11(a),  (iii)  its
certificate  of  organization,  operating  agreement  and  other  organizational
documents must provide that the dissolution and winding up or insolvency  filing
of such limited liability company requires the unanimous consent of all members,
and  (iv)  its  certificate  of  organization,  operating  agreement  and  other
organizational  documents must include provisions substantially similar to those
contained in  Subsection  11(a).  If Owner or Principal is a  corporation,  such
entity's articles of incorporation must include provisions substantially similar
to those contained in this Subsection 11(a). Any other entity seeking to qualify
as a single  purpose  entity as  described in this  Subsection  11(a) shall have
adopted provisions in its governing documents that are substantially  similar to
the provisions contained in this Section 11 and described above for partnerships
and corporations.


     Owner shall cause the  Mortgaged  Property to be  maintained  in a good and
safe  condition and repair.  The  Improvements  and the  Equipment  shall not be
removed,  demolished or materially altered (except for normal replacement of the
Equipment).  Owner shall  promptly  comply with all laws,  orders and ordinances
affecting  the  Mortgaged  Property,  or the use  thereof,  except  breaches  or
violations which,  individually or in the aggregate,  shall not cause a material
adverse  effect  on (i) the  Mortgaged  Property,  (ii) the  business,  profits,
prospects,  management,  operations  or condition  (financial  or  otherwise) of
Owner, (iii) the enforceability, validity, perfection or priority of the lien of
the Loan Documents,  or (iv) the ability of the Owner to perform its obligations
under the Loan Documents.  Owner shall promptly  repair,  replace or rebuild any
part of the Mortgaged Property which may be destroyed by any casualty, or become
damaged, worn or dilapidated,  or which may be affected by any proceeding of the
character  referred to in Section 8 hereof,  and shall  complete and pay for any
structure at any time in the process of  construction or repair on the Mortgaged
Property;  provided,  however,  that if  Lender  exercises  its  right  to apply
insurance  proceeds other than for repair and  restoration,  Owner shall have no
independent  obligation  to fund the cost  thereof  or to make  such  repair  or
restoration. Except as expressly permitted in writing by Lender, Owner shall not
initiate,  join in,  acquiesce  in, or  consent  to any  change  in any  private
restrictive covenant, zoning law or other public or private restriction limiting
or  defining  the uses which may be made of the  Mortgaged  Property or any part
thereof.  If under applicable zoning provisions the use of all or any portion of
the Mortgaged  Property is or shall become a  nonconforming  use, Owner will not
cause or permit such  nonconforming  use to be discontinued or abandoned without
the prior written consent of Lender. Owner shall not: (a) change the use of the

Mortgaged Property as currently configured and utilized; (b) permit or suffer to
occur any waste on or to the Mortgaged  Property or to any portion  thereof;  or
(c) take any steps whatsoever to convert the Mortgaged Property,  or any portion
thereof,  to a condominium  or  cooperative  form of ownership.  Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary  herein,  this Section 12 shall be subject to the terms
of any Ground Lease.


     (a)  Owner  acknowledges  that  Lender  has  examined  and  relied  on  the
creditworthiness  and experience of Owner and its general  partners,  principals
and (if Owner is a trust) beneficial  owners in owning and operating  properties
such as the  Mortgaged  Property  in  agreeing  to make the loan  secured by the
Mortgage,  and that Lender will  continue  to rely on Owner's  ownership  of the
Mortgaged Property as a means of maintaining the value of the Mortgaged Property
as security for  repayment  of the Debt.  Owner  acknowledges  that Lender has a
valid  interest  in  maintaining  the value of the  Mortgaged  Property so as to
ensure that,  should  Owner  default in the  repayment  of the Debt,  Lender can
recover the Debt by a sale of the  Mortgaged  Property.  Except as  permitted in
Section  61  hereof  or  otherwise  in  accordance  with  the  terms of the Loan
Documents,  Owner shall not, without the prior written consent of Lender,  sell,
convey, alienate, mortgage, encumber, pledge or otherwise transfer the Mortgaged
Property  or any part  thereof,  or permit the  Mortgaged  Property  or any part
thereof  to be sold,  conveyed,  alienated,  mortgaged,  encumbered,  pledged or
otherwise transferred.

     (b) A  sale,  conveyance,  alienation,  mortgage,  encumbrance,  pledge  or
transfer  within the meaning of this Section shall be deemed to include:  (i) an
installment sales agreement wherein Owner agrees to sell the Mortgaged  Property
or any part thereof for a price to be paid in installments; (ii) an agreement by
Owner leasing all or a substantial part of the Mortgaged Property for other than
actual  occupancy by a space tenant  thereunder  or a sale,  assignment or other
transfer of, or the grant of a security  interest in, Owner's  right,  title and
interest in and to any Leases or any Rents;  (iii) if Owner,  any Guarantor,  or
any general partner of Owner or any Guarantor is a corporation, the voluntary or
involuntary sale, conveyance, pledge or transfer of such corporation's stock (or
the  stock of any such  corporation  directly  or  indirectly  controlling  such
corporation by operation of law or otherwise) or the creation or issuance of new
voting stock in one or a series of transactions,  where such shares of stock are
not held by  parties  who are  currently  shareholders  in the same  manner  and
proportion as such parties currently hold shareholder interests;  (iv) if Owner,
any Guarantor or any  indemnitor or any general or limited  partner or member of
Owner,  any Guarantor or any  indemnitor is a limited or general  partnership or
joint  venture,  the  change,  removal or  resignation  of a general  partner or
managing  partner or the transfer or pledge of the  partnership  interest of any
general partner or managing partner or any profits or proceeds  relating to such
partnership interest or the voluntary or involuntary sale, conveyance,  transfer
or pledge of limited partnership interests (or the limited partnership interests
of any limited  partnership  directly or  indirectly  controlling  such  limited
partnership  by operation of law or  otherwise),  or the creation or issuance of
new limited partnership interests,  where such limited partnership interests are
not held by parties who are  currently  limited  partners in the same manner and
proportion as such parties currently hold limited partnership interests;  (v) if
Owner, any Guarantor, any indemnitor or any general or limited partner or member
of Owner, any Guarantor or any indemnitor is a limited  liability  company,  the
change,  removal or  resignation  of a managing  member or the  transfer  of the
membership  interest of any managing member or any profits or proceeds  relating
to such membership  interest or the voluntary or involuntary  sale,  conveyance,
transfer or pledge of

membership  interests  (or the  membership  interests  of any limited  liability
company  directly or indirectly  controlling such limited  liability  company by
operation of law or  otherwise),  or the creation or issuance of new  membership
interests  where  such  membership  interests  are not held by  parties  who are
currently  members in the same manner and  proportion as such parties  currently
hold membership interests;  and (vi) if Owner is not wholly owned and controlled
directly or indirectly by Servico,  Inc.  (other than Servico Centre  Associates
Limited  Partnership  ("SCALP")  which  shall be  wholly  owned  and  controlled
directly  or  indirectly  by Palm Beach  Hotel  Enterprises,  Inc.,  the general
partner of SCALP and (vii) if Servico,  Inc. is not wholly owned and  controlled
directly or indirectly by Lodgian, Inc.

     (c) Lender  reserves  the right to  condition  the consent  required  under
Section 13(a) upon a modification  of the terms hereof (which such  modification
shall not modify or amend the material  economic terms hereof) and on assumption
of the Note,  the Mortgage,  this Loan Agreement and the other Loan Documents as
so modified by the proposed transferee, payment of all of Lender's out-of-pocket
expenses  actually  incurred in connection  with such transfer,  the approval by
each of the Rating Agencies that have assigned a rating to the Securities of the
proposed  transferee,  the proposed  transferee's  continued compliance with the
covenants  set  forth  in  Section  11 and  Section  40  hereof,  or such  other
conditions  as  Lender  shall  determine  in its  sole  discretion  to be in the
interest  of Lender.  Lender  shall not be required  to  demonstrate  any actual
impairment of its security or any increased  risk of default  hereunder in order
to declare the Debt  immediately due and payable upon Owner's sale,  conveyance,
mortgage, grant, bargain,  encumbrance,  pledge,  assignment, or transfer of the
Mortgaged Property without Lender's consent. This provision shall apply to every
sale, conveyance,  mortgage, grant, bargain, encumbrance, pledge, assignment, or
transfer of the Mortgaged  Property  regardless of whether  voluntary or not, or
whether or not Lender has consented to any previous sale, conveyance,  mortgage,
grant, bargain,  encumbrance,  pledge,  assignment, or transfer of the Mortgaged

     (d) Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  Lender's consent shall not be required
in connection with the transfer of (i) the publically  traded shares of stock in
Lodgian,   Inc.,  or  (ii)  limited  partnership  interests  in  Servico  Centre
Associates  Limited  Partnership  (which are not directly or indirectly owned by
Servico, Inc.); provided such limited partners shall never hold equity interests
in Servico Centre Associates Limited Partnership in excess of 50%.

     (e) Lender acknowledges that Owner, KDS Corporation, and Servico, Inc. have
each pledged certain Collateral relating to certain of the Mortgaged  Properties
to certain  leasing and/or  financial  companies  listed on Part I of Schedule I
attached  hereto in connection  with certain FF&E  financings in the  respective
original  and  outstanding  principal  amounts  set  forth  on  Schedule  I (the
"Existing  FF&E  Financing"),  which  loans  shall  mature  or  equipment  lease
agreements  shall expire on those dates set forth on Schedule I. Owner covenants
and agrees to fully perform or to cause Servico,  Inc. and KDS  Corporation,  as
applicable,  to fully perform its  obligations  under the loan documents  and/or
equipment lease  agreement,  as applicable,  evidencing and serving the Existing
FF&E Financing.

     (f) Notwithstanding  anything contained in this Section 13 to the contrary,
Lender's  consent shall not be required for the granting of a security  interest
by Owner and/or  Servico,  Inc. in television  sets,  washers,  dryers,  cubers,
dispensers,  door locks,  air  conditioners,  filter systems,  impress  ironers,
refrigerators, microwaves, dish and glass washing machines, vans, phone systems,
microfridges, or computer systems ("Pledged FF&E"), provided Lender has received
prior written  notification of such Borrower's  and/or Servico,  Inc's intent to
pledge such

Pledged FF&E,  and provided,  further,  that (i) any such security  agreement or
equipment  lease  agreement  is  subject  to  commercially   prudent  terms  and
conditions,  (ii) the  Pledged  FF&E is  readily  replaceable  without  material
interference  or  interruption  to the  operation of the  Mortgaged  Property as
required pursuant to the provisions of the Mortgage and this Loan Agreement, and
(iii) the aggregate annual payments  pursuant to the Existing FF&E Financing and
any note(s) secured by the security agreement(s) or equipment lease agreement(s)
relating  to the  Pledged  FF&E  located  on or used  in  connection  with  each
Mortgaged Property is less than $50,000 (the "FF&E Annual Payment Cap"),  except
with  respect to Property  Nos.  13 (Omni West Palm  Beach),  39 (Quality  Hotel
Metairie),  50 (Holiday Inn St. Paul),  57 (Omni Albany Hotel),  and 81 (Holiday
Inn Austin  South),  the FF&E  Annual  Payment Cap shall be the amount set forth
under the column entitled  "Allocated  Annual Payments" on Part II of Schedule I
(collectively; the "Permitted FF&E Financing").

     (g)  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary in this  Section 13,  Lender
shall  permit the mortgage  dated June 8, 1992 and recorded in Official  Records
Book 3739,  Page 506 of the Public  Records of Palm Beach  County,  Florida,  as
modified,  amended and assigned  (the  "Subordinate  Mortgage")  relating to the
Mortgage  Property  described  as Property  No. 13 on Schedule A attached  (Omni
Hotel -West Palm Beach) provided simultaneously herewith, (i) Owner executes and
delivers  to  Lender's  form  of  Subordination  and   Intercreditor   Agreement
acceptable  to Lender in all  respects  and (ii) the  holder of the  Subordinate
Mortgage pledges and collaterally  assigns to Lender the Subordinate Mortgage as
additional collateral for the Loan.

     (h) Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary contained in this Section 13,
Lender's consent shall not be required  pursuant to this Section 13 with respect
to the  Condominium  Conversion  described  in Section 61 provided the terms and
provisions of Section 61(l) are satisfied.

     (i)  Lender's  consent  to  a  sale,  conveyance,   alienation,   mortgage,
encumbrance, pledge or transfer of the Mortgaged Property shall not be deemed to
be a waiver of Lender's  right to require such consent in the future.  Any sale,
conveyance,  alienation,  mortgage,  encumbrance,  pledge  or  transfer  of  the
Mortgaged  Property made in contravention of this Section shall be null and void
and of no force or effect.

     (j) Owner  agrees to bear and shall pay or  reimburse  Lender on demand for
all reasonable expenses (including,  without limitation,  Lender's out-of-pocket
attorney's fees and disbursements  (including on appeal), title search costs and
title insurance  endorsement premiums) incurred by Lender in connection with the
review, approval or disapproval, and documentation of any such sale, conveyance,
alienation, mortgage, encumbrance, pledge or transfer.

     (k) Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding,  transfers and partial
releases of the Mortgaged  Property  shall be permitted in  accordance  with the
terms of Section 61 hereof.


     (a) Within ten (10) days after request,  Owner and Lender shall furnish the
other with a statement, duly acknowledged and certified,  setting forth: (i) the
amount of the original  principal  amount of the Note; (ii) the then outstanding
principal  balance of the Note; (iii) the rate of interest of the Note; (iv) the
date on which  installments of interest and/or principal were last paid; (v) any
offsets or  defenses  to the  payment of the Debt;  and (vi) that the Note,  the
Mortgage, this

Agreement,  the  Assignment,  the  Environmental  Agreement  and the other  Loan
Documents are valid, legal and binding obligations, which have not been modified
or if modified, giving particulars of such modification; provided, however, that
neither Owner nor Lender shall be required to provide a statement hereunder more
frequently than once in a calendar quarter.

     (b)  Within ten (10) days  after  request  by Lender,  but in no event more
frequently than once in any 12-month  period,  Owner shall furnish Lender with a
certificate  reaffirming all  representations  and warranties of Owner set forth
herein and in the other Loan Documents as of the date requested by Lender or, to
the extent of any changes to any such representations and warranties, so stating
such changes.

     (c)  Owner  shall   deliver  to  Lender  upon  request,   tenant   estoppel
certificates  from each tenant  under a Lease for more than 1,000 square feet in
form and substance reasonably  satisfactory to Lender;  provided,  however, that
Owner shall not be required to deliver such  certificates  more  frequently than
two times in any calendar year.

     (d) Owner upon any transfer or proposed transfer  pursuant  contemplated by
Section 21(b), at Lender's request,  Owner shall provide an estoppel certificate
to the Investor  (defined in Subsection  21(b)) or prospective  Investor in such
form, substance and detail required pursuant to Section 21.

     (e) Owner  shall,  promptly  upon  request of Lender,  deliver an  estoppel
certificate  from Manager  stating that (i) the Management  Agreement,  the FF&E
Replacement  Management  Agreement or such other franchise agreement relating to
the  Mortgaged  Property is in full force and effect and has not been  modified,
amended or assigned,  (ii) neither Manager or Qualified Manager,  as applicable,
nor, to Manager's or Qualified Manager's knowledge,  as applicable,  Owner is in
default  under any of the  terms,  covenants  or  provisions  of the  Management
Agreement or FF&E Replacement Management Agreement,  as applicable,  and Manager
or  Qualified  Manager,  as  applicable,  knows of no event  which,  but for the
passage of time or the giving of notice or both,  would  constitute  an event of
default under the Management Agreement or FF&E Replacement Management Agreement,
as applicable,  (iii) neither Manager or Qualified Manager, as applicable,  nor,
to  Manager's  or  Qualified  Manager's  knowledge,  as  applicable,  Owner  has
commenced  any  action  or given or  received  any  notice  for the  purpose  of
terminating  the  Management  Agreement  or  the  FF&E  Replacement   Management
Agreement,  as  applicable,  and (iv) all sums due and  payable  to  Manager  or
Qualified  Manager,  as  applicable,  under  the  Management  Agreement  or FF&E
Replacement Management Agreement, as applicable, have been paid in full.


     If any law is enacted,  adopted or amended after the date of this Agreement
which deducts the Debt from the value of the Mortgaged  Property for the purpose
of taxation, or which

imposes a tax, either directly or indirectly,  on the Debt or Lender's  interest
in the Mortgaged Property,  Owner will pay such tax, with interest and penalties
thereon,  if any. In the event Lender or its counsel determines that the payment
of such tax or interest  and  penalties by Owner would be unlawful or taxable to
Lender or unenforceable or provide the basis for a defense of usury, then in any
such event, Lender shall have the option, by written notice of not less than 180
days, to declare the Debt  immediately due and payable,  which  prepayment shall
not include Default Consideration (as defined in the Note).


     Owner will not  claim,  demand or be  entitled  to any credit or credits on
account of the Debt for any part of the Taxes or Other Charges  assessed against
the Mortgaged Property, or any part thereof, and no deduction shall otherwise be
made or claimed from the assessed value of the Mortgaged  Property,  or any part
thereof,  for real estate tax purposes by reason of the Mortgage or the Debt. In
the event such claim, credit or deduction shall be required by law, Lender shall
have the  option,  by written  notice of not less than 180 days,  to declare the
Debt immediately due and payable.


     If at any time the  United  States of  America,  any State  thereof  or any
subdivision of any such State shall require revenue or other stamps  (including,
without limitation, any documentary stamps and mortgage filing privilege tax) to
be affixed to the Note or the Mortgage,  or shall impose any other tax or charge
on the same,  Owner will pay for the same, with interest and penalties  thereon,
if any.


     It is expressly  stipulated and agreed to be the intent of Owner and Lender
at all times to comply with  applicable  state law or  applicable  United States
federal law (to the extent that it permits Lender to contract for, charge, take,
reserve,  or receive a greater amount of interest than under state law) and that
this Section shall control every other  covenant and agreement in this Agreement
and the other Loan  Documents.  If the applicable law (state or federal) is ever
judicially  interpreted so as to render usurious any amount called for under the
Note or under any of the other  Loan  Documents,  or  contracted  for,  charged,
taken,  reserved,  or received with respect to the Debt, or if Lender's exercise
of the option to accelerate  the maturity of the Note,  or if any  prepayment by
Borrower  results  in  Borrower  having  paid any  interest  in  excess  of that
permitted by applicable  law, then it is Borrower's and Lender's  express intent
that all excess amounts theretofore collected by Lender shall be credited on the
principal  balance of the Note and all other Debt (or, if the Note and all other
Debt have been or would thereby be paid in full, refunded to Borrower),  and the
provisions  of the Note and the  other  Loan  Documents  immediately  be  deemed
reformed  and  the  amounts  thereafter  collectible  hereunder  and  thereunder
reduced,  without the necessity of the execution of any new documents,  so as to
comply with the applicable  law, but so as to permit the recovery of the fullest
amount otherwise called for hereunder or thereunder.  All sums paid or agreed to
be paid to Lender for the use,  forbearance,  or detention of the Debt shall, to
the extent permitted by applicable law, be amortized,  prorated,  allocated, and
spread throughout the full stated term of the Debt until

payment  in full so that the rate or amount of  interest  on account of the Debt
does not  exceed  the  maximum  lawful  rate  from  time to time in  effect  and
applicable to the Debt for so long as the Debt is  outstanding.  Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained herein or in any of the other Loan Documents,
it is not the  intention  of Lender to  accelerate  the maturity of any interest
that has not  accrued at the time of such  acceleration  or to collect  unearned
interest at the time of such acceleration.


     (a) Owner will keep and  maintain or cause to be kept and  maintained  on a
calendar  year basis proper books of record and account  separate and apart from
any other person or entity, in which accurate and complete entries shall be made
of all dealings or transactions of or in relation to the Mortgaged Property,  in
accordance  with then applicable  United States  generally  accepted  accounting
principles (as in effect from time to time) (the "Uniform  System of Accounts").
Lender and its  authorized  representatives  shall have the right at  reasonable
times and upon  reasonable  notice to  examine  the books and  records  of Owner
and/or Manager  relating to the operation of the Mortgaged  Property and to make
such copies or extracts thereof as Lender may reasonably require.

     (b) (i) Not later than fifty (50) days  following  the end of each calendar
quarter of Owner's operations,  Owner will deliver to Lender unaudited financial
statements  of Owner (on an individual  and a  consolidated  basis)  prepared in
accordance  with the Uniform System of Accounts  (together  with  reconciliation
schedules  setting  forth  actual  cash flow of the  Mortgaged  Property)  on an
accrual  basis,  including an average daily rate  statement for such quarter,  a
balance  sheet  as of the end of such  quarter,  a  statement  of  revenues  and
expenses for such quarter and operating  statements  of the Mortgaged  Property,
detailing  the Gross Income  received  for the  Mortgaged  Property  operations,
including,  all Rents and  Accounts  Receivable,  the  Expenses  incurred at the
Mortgaged  Property level and the NOI derived at the Mortgaged  Property  before
and after debt service  (principal and interest) and major capital  improvements
for that quarter and containing appropriate year to date information,  including
a  comparison  for such  quarter with the annual  budget  delivered  pursuant to
Subsection  19(e).  Such  statements  for each quarter shall be accompanied by a
certificate  of  Owner  signed  by a  financial  officer  of Owner or one of its
general  partners  or  members  and  attesting  that,  to  the  signer's  actual
knowledge,  (A) such  statements  fairly  represent the financial  condition and
results of operations of Owner and the Mortgaged Property in accordance with the
Uniform System of Accounts (subject to year end adjustments), (B) as of the date
of such  certificate of Owner, no Event of Default exists or, if so,  specifying
each such Event of Default and the nature and status thereof and the action then
being  taken by Owner or  proposed  to be taken to remedy such Event of Default,
and (C) the Aggregate Debt Service Coverage Ratio for such calendar quarter.

          (ii) Not  later  than  ninety-five  (95)  days  after  the end of each
calendar  year of  Owner's  operations,  Owner will  deliver  to Lender  audited

statements of Owner (on an individual  and a  consolidated  basis)  prepared and
certified by a nationally  recognized,  independent  public  accounting  firm of
certified  public  accountants,  which firm shall  either be a "Big Six" firm or
otherwise   acceptable  to  Lender  in  its  sole  discretion  (an  "Independent
Accountant")  in accordance  with the Uniform System of Accounts  (together with
reconciliation  schedules  setting  forth  actual  cash  flow  of the  Mortgaged
Property),  including an average  daily rate  statement for such year, a balance
sheet as of the end of such year and a statement  of Gross  Income and  Expenses
relating to the Mortgaged Property for such year and operating statements of the
Mortgaged Property,  detailing the Gross Income received,  the Expenses incurred
and the NOI  derived at the  Mortgaged  Property  before and after debt  service
(principal  and  interest)  and  major  capital  improvements  for that year and
containing appropriate year to date information, including a comparison for such
year with the annual budget delivered  pursuant to Subsection 19(e). Such annual
financial  statements shall also be accompanied by a certificate of Owner in the
form required  pursuant to Subsection  19(b)(i) and a current  monthly rent roll
which  satisfies the  requirements of Section 19(d) below for the calendar month
immediately  previous to the date of the  delivery of the  financial  statements
required by this Subsection.

     (c) Not later than thirty (30) days  following each calendar  month,  Owner
will deliver to Lender unaudited monthly  operating  statements of the Mortgaged
Property (on an individual and a consolidated basis), detailing the Gross Income
received  for  Mortgaged  Property  operations,  including  Rents  and  Accounts
Receivable,  the Expenses  incurred at the Mortgaged  Property level and the NOI
derived at the Mortgaged  Property before and after debt service  (principal and
interest)  and  major  capital   improvements  for  that  month  and  containing
appropriate year to date information,  including a comparison of such month with
the  Approved  Capital  Budget  delivered  pursuant to  Subsection  19(e).  Such
statements  for each month shall be accompanied by a certificate of Owner signed
by a financial  officer of Owner or one of its  general  partners or members and
certifying that, to the signer's actual  knowledge,  (A) such statements  fairly
represent  the  financial  condition  and  results  of  operations  of  Owner in
accordance   with  The  Uniform   System  of  Accounts   (subject  to  year  end
adjustments),  (B) as of the  date of such  certificate  of  Owner,  no Event of
Default exists or, if so,  specifying  each such Event of Default and the nature
and status  thereof  and the action  then being taken by Owner or proposed to be
taken to remedy  such  Event of  Default,  and (C) the  Aggregate  Debt  Service
Coverage Ratio for such calendar month.

     (d) At the written  request of Lender,  Owner will deliver to Lender a rent
roll for the Mortgaged Property with respect to each Material Lease, dated as of
the end of such calendar  month,  containing (i) a list of the original  tenants
and current tenant, subtenant, licensee or other occupant under each Lease, (ii)
the gross leasable  square feet leased by each tenant and the location  thereof,
(iii) the annual fixed rent and additional rent currently payable by each tenant
and the date on which each payment thereof is due, (iv) the commencement and the
expiration  date of each of the Leases and the renewal  terms  thereof,  (v) the
date through  which all Rent has been paid,  the amount of any prepaid Rents and
the  amount  of any  delinquencies  under  each  Lease,  (vi) the  amount of all
concessions, abatements, credits and allowances to which each tenant is entitled
under each Lease,  (vii) the amount of security  deposits given under each Lease
and the amount of the accrued

interest  thereon,  (viii) all options  and renewal  rights that each tenant has
under each Lease, (ix) any guaranty or other security given under any Lease, (x)
any obligations of Owner under the Lease for tenant  improvements,  construction
and  unpaid  obligations  for  brokerage  fees  and  commissions,  and  (xi) any
termination  rights or  options  contained  in each Lease or in such form as may
otherwise be required by Lender;  and such rent roll shall be  accompanied  by a
certificate of Owner  certifying that, to Owner's  knowledge,  such rent roll is
true,  correct and complete in all material  respects and stating whether Owner,
within the past calendar quarter, has issued a notice of default with respect to
any  Material  Lease which has not been cured,  and the nature of such  default.
Owner may deliver the  information  required  under clauses  (v)-(xi) above on a
separate  schedule,  certified  by Owner,  as true,  complete and correct in all
material respects, to Owner's knowledge. Upon request by Lender (such request to
be made no more often than once each calendar  quarter),  Owner shall deliver to
Lender a certified  copy of any Material  Lease entered into during the calendar
quarter to which such current report relates,  which certification shall include
a statement  that each such Lease  complies  with the  provisions  of Section 9.
Borrower  hereby  represents and warrants that the rent roll delivered to Lender
as of the date hereof is true, correct and complete in all material respects.

     (e) For each fiscal year commencing on January 1, 1999, and for each fiscal
year  thereafter,  Owner shall submit to Lender for Lender's written approval an
annual  operating  budget (a "Capital  Budget")  not later than thirty (30) days
prior to the  commencement  of such fiscal year, in form  satisfactory to Lender
setting forth in reasonable detail budgeted monthly  operating  expenses for the
Mortgaged  Properties,  including all planned capital expenditures in respect of
the Mortgaged  Properties for such fiscal year.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,
Owner shall  submit to Lender for Lender's  approval the Capital  Budget for the
fiscal year  commencing  January 1, 1999 on or before  January 31, 1999.  Lender
shall have the right to approve such Capital Budget and in the event that Lender
objects to the proposed Capital Budget  submitted by Owner,  Lender shall advise
Borrower of such objections  within fifteen (15) days after receipt thereof (and
deliver to Owner a  reasonably  detailed  description  of such  objections)  and
Owner,  shall  promptly  revise such  Capital  Budget and  resubmit  the same to
Lender.  Lender  shall advise Owner of any  objections  to such revised  Capital
Budget  within  ten (10) days  after  receipt  thereof  (and  deliver to Owner a
reasonably  detailed  description of such objections) and Owner,  shall promptly
revise the same in accordance  with the process  described in this  subparagraph
until the Lender approves a Capital Budget. Together with the submission of each
Capital Budget,  Owner shall deliver to Lender a certification  by a third party
engineer,  acceptable to Lender, verifying the cost estimates for each repair or
replacement  item  required  (i)  pursuant  to a PIP or  (ii) as a  result  of a
structural deficiency and the cost of such repair or replacement is in excess of
$500,000.  Each such Capital Budget  approved by Lender in accordance with terms
hereof shall hereinafter be referred to as an "Approved  Capital Budget".  Until
such time that Lender  approves a proposed  Approved  Capital  Budget,  the most
recently  Approved  Capital  Budget shall apply;  provided  that,  such Approved
Capital  Budget  shall be adjusted to reflect  actual  increases  in real estate
taxes,  insurance premiums and utilities  expenses.  In the event that the Owner
must incur an extraordinary  operating  expense or capital expense not set forth
in the Approved Capital Budget (each, an  "Extraordinary  Expense"),  then Owner
shall  promptly  deliver to Lender a  reasonably  detailed  explanation  of such
proposed Extraordinary Expense for the Lender's approval.

     (f) Owner shall deliver to Lender as soon as reasonably available but in no

event later than thirty (30) days after such items become  available to Owner in
final form:

          (i) copies of any final engineering or environmental  reports prepared
     for Owner with respect to the Mortgaged Property;

          (ii) notice in the event of any (A) material change in a policy or any
     insurance coverage,  (B) material tort action against Owner relating to the
     Mortgaged  Property  and not wholly  covered by  insurance  (other than any
     deductible thereunder, not to exceed the maximum deductible permitted under
     this Loan Agreement),  (C) Event of Default under this Loan Agreement,  (D)
     material casualty to the Mortgaged Property,  (E) change in the Manager, or
     Qualified Manager, as the case may be, or (F) taking or threatened taking;

          (iii) a copy of any notice  received  by Owner from any  environmental
     authority having jurisdiction over the Mortgaged Property with respect to a
     condition  existing or alleged to exist or emanate from or at the Mortgaged
     Property; and

          (iv) if requested by Lender, a summary report listing only tenants and
     square footage occupied by such tenants pursuant to Material Leases.

     (g) Owner shall deliver to Lender:

          (i) a quarterly  comparison  of the  budgeted  total  income and total
     expenses  to the actual  total  income and total  expenses  for the subject
     quarter with a detailed  explanation  of any variances of five percent (5%)
     or more between  budgeted and actual  amounts for such quarter and a report
     of occupancy for the subject quarter  including an average daily room rate,
     within fifty (50) days after the end of each fiscal quarter; and

          (ii) an annual  comparison  of the  budgeted  total  income  and total
     expenses  to the actual  total  income and total  expenses  with a detailed
     explanation of any variances of five percent (5%) or more between  budgeted
     and actual amounts for such year and an annual  occupancy  report including
     an average daily room rate, within ninety-five (95) days after the close of
     each fiscal year of Owner.

     (h) Owner  shall,  at any and all  times,  within a  reasonable  time after
written request by Lender,  furnish or cause to be furnished to Lender,  in such
manner and in such detail as may be reasonably  requested by Lender,  additional
reasonable information with respect to the Mortgaged Property.


     Owner  shall  observe  and  perform  each and every term to be  observed or
performed by Owner  pursuant to the terms of any material  agreement or recorded
instrument  affecting or pertaining to the Mortgaged  Property.  Nothing  herein
shall operate in derogation of any obligation of Owner under the Loan Documents.


     (a) Owner will, at the cost of Owner,  and without  expense to Lender,  do,
execute,  acknowledge  and  deliver  all and every  such  further  acts,  deeds,
conveyances,  mortgages,  assignments, notices of assignment, Uniform Commercial
Code financing statements or continuation  statements,  transfers and assurances
as Lender shall, from time to time, require, for the better assuring, conveying,
assigning,  transferring,  and  confirming  unto Lender the  property and rights
hereby  mortgaged,  given,  granted,  bargained,  sold,  alienated,   enfeoffed,
conveyed,  confirmed,  pledged,  assigned  and  hypothecated  or intended now or
hereafter  so to be, or which  Owner  may be or may  hereafter  become  bound to
convey or assign to Lender,  or for carrying out the  intention or  facilitating
the  performance  of the terms of this  Agreement or for filing,  registering or
recording the Mortgage.  Owner,  on demand,  will execute and deliver and hereby
authorizes  Lender , upon the  occurrence of an Event of Default,  to execute in
the name of Owner or without  the  signature  of Owner to the extent  Lender may
lawfully do so, one or more  financing  statements,  chattel  mortgages or other
instruments, to evidence more effectively the security interest of Lender in the
Mortgaged  Property.  Owner  grants to Lender an  irrevocable  power of attorney
coupled with an interest for the purpose of exercising  and  perfecting  any and
all  rights and  remedies  available  to Lender at law and in equity,  including
without limitation such rights and remedies available to Lender pursuant to this
Section;  provided,  however,  that so long as Owner is in  compliance  with the
terms  and  conditions  of  this  Agreement,  Lender  will  first  seek  Owner's
assistance in exercising and perfecting such rights and remedies.

     (b) Owner  acknowledges  that Lender intends to either (i) sell,  assign or
transfer the Loan  evidenced by the Note and the Loan  Documents with or without
novation  to one or more  Co-Lenders  (a  "Syndication"),  (ii) sell,  assign or
transfer  the Loan to a party who may pool the Loan with a number of other loans
and the holder of such loans may issue one or more  classes of Mortgage  Backed,
Pass-Through  Certificates or other securities  evidencing a beneficial interest
in a rated or unrated public offering or private  placement (the  "Securities");
provided, however, that nothing herein shall require that Owner act as issuer or
depositor,  or  execute  any  registration   statement,   offering  circular  or
memorandum in connection with the offering of Securities (a "Securitization") or
(iii) grant participations in the Loan (a  "Participation").  The Securities may
be rated by one or more national Rating Agencies. Owner agrees to make available
to Lender,  at Owner's sole cost and expenses (but Lender shall pay for Lender's
counsel fees),  all  information  concerning its business and operations and the
Mortgaged  Property  which  Lender  reasonably  requests  in  connection  with a
Syndication, a Securitization or a Participation (provided, however, Owner shall
be  responsible  for the  cost of only one (1)  update  on the  appraisals,  the
Environmental  Reports and the building condition reports prepared and delivered
in  connection  with this Loan if  requested  by  Lender  in  connection  with a
Syndication, Securitization or Participation). Lender may share such information
with the investors,  participants,  investment  banking firms,  rating agencies,
accounting firms, law firms and other  third-party  advisory firms involved with
the Loan or the Securities (collectively, the "Investor"). Owner shall cooperate
with  Lender  in  connection  with  a  Syndication,   a   Securitization   or  a
Participation,  including,  without  limitation,  Owner  agrees  to  deliver  an
estoppel  certificate  required pursuant to Section 14(d) hereof,  the necessary
franchisor  comfort  letters and such other  documents  reasonably  requested by
Lender.  In  connection  with  a  Securitization,  it  is  understood  that  the
information  provided by Owner to Lender may ultimately be incorporated into the
offering documents for the Securities and thus such information may be disclosed
to various  Investors.  Anything herein to the contrary  notwithstanding,  Owner
shall have no liability by reason of the offering or issuance of the Securities;
provided, however, that nothing

herein shall  operate in  derogation  of any  obligation of Owner under the Loan
Documents.  The terms and provisions of this Section 21(b) are expressly subject
to the terms and  provisions of that certain  cooperation  letter dated the date
                  (c) Lender  shall have the right,  at any time in its sole and
absolute discretion,  to split and sever the Loan and any guaranties executed in
connection  therewith  resulting  in (i) a first  and  second  mortgage  on each
Mortgage Property, (ii) individual (uncrossed) mortgage loans, or (iii) subpools
of  cross  collateralized  mortgage  loan  pools,  or  any  combination  of  the
foregoing.  Owner shall execute and deliver all such instruments,  documents and
other papers,  and do or cause to be done all such acts and things as Lender may
reasonably  request in order to effect such splitter and severance.  In no event
shall any such splitter and severance  expand or increase  Owner's  liability or
obligations hereunder,  and Owner shall pay all costs and expenses in connection
with this Subsection 21(c),  including Owner's attorneys' fees and expenses, but
Lender  agrees to pay for Lender's  legal  counsel  costs.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing, Owner shall not be obligated to amend or modify any Loan Documents if
same would  change the  effective  Applicable  Interest  Rate (as defined in the
Note),  the Maturity Date, the effective  amortization of principal as set forth
in the Note, or otherwise  amend or modify any other  material  economic term of
the Loan Documents.


     Owner  forthwith  upon the  execution  and delivery of this  Agreement  and
thereafter,  from  time to time,  will  cause  the  Mortgage,  and any  security
instrument  creating a lien or security  interest or evidencing the lien thereof
upon the  Mortgaged  Property  and each  instrument  of further  assurance to be
filed,  registered  or  recorded  in such  manner  and in such  places as may be
required by any present or future law in order to publish notice of and fully to
protect the lien or security  interest  thereof upon, and the interest of Lender
in, the Mortgaged Property. Owner will pay all filing, registration or recording
fees,  taxes,  and all  expenses  incident  to the  preparation,  execution  and
acknowledgment of the Mortgage,  any mortgage supplemental thereto, any security
instrument with respect to the Mortgaged  Property and any instrument of further
assurance,  and all federal, state, county and municipal taxes, duties, imposts,
assessments  and charges  arising out of or in connection with the execution and
delivery of the  Mortgage,  any  mortgage  supplemental  thereto,  any  security
instrument  with respect to the Mortgaged  Property or any instrument of further
assurance,  except where  prohibited  by law so to do. Owner shall hold harmless
and indemnify Lender, its successors and assigns, against any liability incurred
by  reason of the  imposition  of any tax on the  making  and  recording  of the


     Owner  agrees  to  give  prompt  notice  to  Lender  of the  insolvency  or
bankruptcy filing of Owner or any constituent thereof, or the death,  insolvency
or bankruptcy filing of any Guarantor. Owner covenants and agrees to give Lender
written notice of a change of the principal place of business of Owner within 30
days of the change of the  principal  place of business set forth in  Subsection
10(s) above.


     The term "Event of Default" as used herein shall mean the occurrence or

happening,  at any  time  and  from  time  to  time,  of any  one or more of the

          (a) if any  portion  of the  Debt is not paid  prior to the date  such
payment is due or if the entire Debt is not paid on or before the Maturity  Date
pursuant to the Note and the other Loan Documents;

          (b) subject to Owner's right to contest as provided herein,  if any of
the Taxes are not paid when due and  payable,  or if any Other  Charges  are not
paid prior to delinquency;

          (c) if the Policies  are not kept in full force and effect,  or if the
Policies or certificates thereof are not delivered to Lender upon request;

          (d) if Owner  transfers  or  encumbers  any  portion of the  Mortgaged
Property in a manner inconsistent with the terms of Section 13 of this Agreement
or if Owner does not comply  with the  provisions  of Sections  7(r),  9, 11 and
64(d) hereof;

          (e) if any  representation  or warranty of Owner, or of any Guarantor,
made herein, in any Loan Document,  any guaranty,  including the Guaranty, or in
any  certificate,  report,  financial  statement or other instrument or document
furnished to Lender shall have been false or misleading in any material  respect
when made;

          (f) if Owner or any Guarantor shall make an assignment for the benefit
of  creditors,  or if Borrower  shall  generally not be paying its debts as they
become due;

          (g) if a receiver,  liquidator or trustee of Owner or of any Guarantor
shall be appointed, or if Owner or any Guarantor shall be adjudicated a bankrupt
or insolvent,  or if any petition for bankruptcy,  reorganization or arrangement
pursuant to federal  bankruptcy  law, or any similar federal or state law, shall
be  filed  by or  against,  consented  to,  or  acquiesced  in by,  Owner or any
Guarantor or if any proceeding for the dissolution or liquidation of Owner or of
any Guarantor shall be instituted;  provided,  however,  that such  appointment,
adjudication,  petition or proceeding,  if  involuntary  and not consented to by
Owner or such Guarantor,  shall constitute an Event of Default only if not being
discharged, stayed or dismissed within 90 days;

          (h) if Owner shall be in default under any Ground Lease or if Owner or
Guarantor  shall be in default  under any other  mortgage or security  agreement
including,  without limitation the loan documents  evidencing the Permitted FF&E
Financing or the Subordinate  Mortgage or the  Subordination  and  Intercreditor
Agreement executed in connection  therewith,  covering any part of the Mortgaged
Property,  whether  it be  superior  or  junior in lien to the  Mortgage,  which
default continues beyond applicable notice and grace periods, if any;

          (i)  subject to Owner's  right to contest as provided  herein,  if the
Mortgaged  Property  becomes subject to any mechanic's,  materialman's  or other
lien except a lien for local real estate taxes and  assessments not then due and
payable and not bonded or dismissed within 30 days;

          (j) if Owner fails to cure  promptly or to proceed  diligently  and in
accordance  with prudent  business  practices to cure any  violations of laws or
ordinances affecting the Mortgaged

Property, except violations which,  individually or in the aggregate,  shall not
cause  a  material  adverse  effect  on (i) the  Mortgaged  Property,  (ii)  the
business, profits, prospects, management,  operations or condition (financial or
otherwise) of Owner, (iii) the enforceability,  validity, perfection or priority
of the lien of the  Loan  Documents,  or (iv) the  ability  of the  Borrower  to
perform its obligations under the Loan Documents (a "Material Adverse Effect");

          (k)  except  as  permitted   in  this   Agreement,   the   alteration,
improvement,  demolition or removal of any of the Improvements without the prior
written consent of Lender;

          (l) if there shall occur any damage to the  Mortgaged  Property in any
manner which is not covered by insurance  solely as a result of Owner's  failure
to maintain insurance  required in accordance with this Agreement,  which damage
is not promptly repaired to Lender's satisfaction at Owner's cost and expense;

          (m) if without Lender's prior written  consent:  (i) the manager under
the  Management  Agreement  (or  any  succeeding  FF&E  Replacement   Management
Agreement)  resigns or is  removed;  (ii)  except as  permitted  hereunder,  the
ownership, management or control of such manager is transferred to any person or
entity;  or  (iii)  there  is  any  material  change  in or  termination  of the
Management Agreement (or any succeeding FF&E Replacement Management Agreement);

          (n) if without Lender's prior written  consent,  there is any material
adverse change in the Franchise  Agreement (or any succeeding  FF&E  Replacement
Franchise Agreement);

          (o) if a default has occurred and continues beyond any applicable cure
period  under  the  Management  Agreement  if such  default  permits  a party to
terminate  or cancel  the  Management  Agreement  or such  Management  Agreement
expires  pursuant  to its  terms  and is not  replaced  with a FF&E  Replacement
Management Agreement in accordance with the terms hereof;

          (p) if a default has occurred and continues beyond any applicable cure
period  under  the  Franchise  Agreement  if such  default  permits  a party  to
terminate or cancel the Franchise Agreement,  and the franchisor  thereunder has
initiated some affirmative action with respect to such default or such Franchise
Agreement  expires  pursuant  to  its  terms  and is  not  replaced  with a FF&E
Replacement Franchise Agreement in accordance with the terms hereof;

          (q) if Owner  ceases to operate a hotel on the  Mortgaged  Property or
terminates  such  business  for any  reason  whatsoever  (other  than  temporary
cessation  in  connection  with any  renovations  to the  Mortgaged  Property or
restoration of the Mortgaged Property after casualty or condemnation);

          (r) if Owner owns a leasehold interest in the Mortgaged  Property,  if
Owner shall fail in the  payment of any rent,  additional  rent or other  charge
mentioned  in or made payable by the Ground Lease when said rent or other charge
is due and payable;

          (s) if Owner owns a leasehold interest in the Mortgaged  Property,  if
there shall occur any default by Owner, as tenant under the Ground Lease, in the
observance or performance of any term, covenant or condition of the Ground Lease
on the part of Owner to be observed or  performed  and said default is not cured
following the  expiration of any  applicable  grace and notice  periods  therein
provided,  or if the  leasehold  estate  created  by the Ground  Lease  shall be
surrendered  or the Ground Lease shall be terminated or cancelled for any reason
or under any  circumstances  whatsoever,  or if any of the terms,  covenants  or
conditions of the Ground Lease shall in any manner

be modified, changed,  supplemented,  altered, or amended without the consent of

          (t) if Owner terminates or cancels the Franchise Agreement or operates
the  Mortgaged  Property  under the name of any hotel chain or system other than
the respective franchises set forth on Schedule A hereto, without Lender's prior
written consent;

          (u) if there  shall be a breach  or a  default  under  the  terms  and
provisions of the Guaranty or the Canadian Loan Documents;

          (v) if a  foreclosure  action  or such  other  enforcement  action  is
commenced  with respect to the  mechanic's  liens filed as of the date hereof by
Hospitality  Restoration  and  Builders,  Inc.  ("HRB")  against  the  following
Mortgaged  Properties  in the  following  respective  amounts:  (i) the  Clarion
Property  in the  amount of  $1,641,038,  (ii) the  Property  shown as No. 58 on
Schedule A (the  "Jamestown  Property") in the amount of  $1,137,006,  (iii) the
Property shown as No. 61 on Schedule A ("Grand  Island  Property') in the amount
of  $1,773,349.00,  (iv) the  Property  shown as No. 60 on  Schedule  A (the "HI
Niagara")  in the  amount of  $2,022,060,  (v) the  Property  shown as No. 83 on
Schedule A ("Ramada  Houston") in the amount of $1,590,782 and (vi) the Property
shown as No. 29 on Schedule A ("HI  Rolling  Meadows") in the amount of $970,930
(collectively, the "Mechanic's Liens") unless such Mechanic's Liens are released
from the  applicable  Mortgaged  Property by bonding or otherwise on or prior to
the commencement of such foreclosure action or enforcement action;

          (w) if there  shall be a default  under the Lehman  Note and  Mortgage
relating to the Cedar Rapids Property; or

          (x) if for more than 30 days  after  receipt  of notice  from  Lender,
Owner shall continue to be in default under any term, covenant,  or condition of
this Agreement, the Assignment, the Mortgage, the Environmental Agreement or any
of the other Loan Documents  other than as specified in any of  subsections  (a)
through (v) of this  Section;  provided,  however,  that if the cure of any such
default  cannot  reasonably  be cured  within such 30 day period and Owner shall
have promptly and  diligently  commenced to cure such default within such 30 day
period, then the period to cure shall be deemed extended for up to an additional
60  days  from  Lender's   default  notice  so  long  as  Owner  diligently  and
continuously proceeds to cure such default to Lender's satisfaction.

     Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary  herein,  (i) an Event of Default
under any Note and any Mortgage relating to the Mortgaged Properties (other than
the Clarion Note  (defined in Section 72) and the Clarion  Mortgage  (defined in
Section  72)) shall not trigger an Event of Default  under the Clarion  Note and
the Clarion  Mortgage,  (ii) an Event of Default under any Note and any Mortgage
relating to the Mortgaged  Properties (other than the Omni Note and the Mortgage
encumbering  the Mortgaged  Property shown as Property No. 13 on Schedule A (the
"Omni West Palm Beach  Mortgage"))  shall not trigger an Event of Default  under
the Omni Note and the Omni West Palm Beach  Mortgage;  (iii) an Event of Default
under any Note and any Mortgage relating to the Mortgaged Properties (other than
the Town Center Note and the Mortgage secured thereby  encumbering the Mortgaged
Property  shown as Property No. 41 on Schedule A (the "Town  Center  Mortgage"),
shall not  trigger an Event of Default  under the Town  Center Note and the Town
Center Mortgage;  further,  provided,  however, (iv) Lender shall be entitled to
all rights and remedies  under the Note,  the  Mortgage  and the Loan  Agreement
(other  than the Omni Note and the Omni West Palm  Beach  Mortgage  and the Town
Center Note and the Town Center Mortgage) due to an Event

of Default under the Clarion Note and the Clarion Mortgage,  (v) Lender shall be
entitled to all rights and  remedies  under the Note,  the Mortgage and the Loan
Agreement  (other than the Clarion  Note and the Clarion  Mortgage  and the Town
Center Note and the Town Center  Mortgage)  due to an Event of Default under the
Omni  Note and the Omni West  Palm  Beach  Mortgage,  and (vi)  Lender  shall be
entitled to all rights and  remedies  under the Note,  the Mortgage and the Loan
Agreement  (other than the Clarion  Note and the Clarion  Mortgage  and the Omni
Note and the Omni West Palm Beach Mortgage) due to an Event of Default under the
Town  Center Note and the Town Center  Mortgage  and no default  under any other
note, deed of trust or Additional  Security  Instruments (as defined in the Town
Center  Mortgage) or any loan  agreement  (other than a breach or default in the
representations  and covenants contained in this Loan Agreement which pertain to
the Town Center  Property)  shall be  considered a default under the Town Center
Note and Town Center Mortgage.


     (a) If any  portion  of the Debt is not  paid on or prior to the date  such
payment is due (but not including  the payment of the  principal  balance due on
the  Maturity  Date)  other the Debt which is  evidenced  by the Note  listed as
number 18 on  Schedule C (the "North  Carolina  Note"),  in which  case,  if any
portion of the Debt  evidenced by the North  Carolina  Note is not paid prior to
the fifteenth (15th) day after the date such payment is due,  Borrower shall pay
to Lender  upon  demand an amount  equal to five (5%)  percent  of such  overdue
portion of the Debt,  to defray the expense  incurred by Lender in handling  and
processing such delinquent  payment and to compensate Lender for the loss of the
use of such  delinquent  payment,  and  such  amount  shall  be  secured  by the
Mortgage,  the  Assignment,  the  Environmental  Agreement  and the  other  Loan

     (b) Owner shall pay all fees to the  Servicer in respect of  servicing  the
Loan not to exceed eight (8) basis points of the Loan.


     Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default or, upon notice, if Owner fails
to make any payment or to do any act as herein provided, Lender may, but without
any  obligation  to do so  and  without  releasing  Owner  from  any  obligation
hereunder, take such action as Lender may deem necessary to protect its security
for the Loan. Lender is authorized to enter upon the Mortgaged Property for such
purposes or to appear in,  defend,  or bring any action or proceeding to protect
its interest in the  Mortgaged  Property or to foreclose the Mortgage or collect
the Debt, and the cost and expense thereof (including  Lender's  attorneys' fees
(including  on appeal) to the extent  permitted  by law),  with  interest at the
Default  Rate for the period  after notice from Lender that such cost or expense
was incurred to the date of payment to Lender, shall constitute a portion of the
Debt,  shall be secured  by the  Mortgage,  the  Assignment,  the  Environmental
Agreement  and the other Loan  Documents  and shall be due and payable to Lender
upon demand.  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary herein,  this Section 26
shall be subject to the provisions of any applicable Ground Lease.

     27. REMEDIES

     (a) Upon the  occurrence  of any  Event of  Default,  Lender  may take such
action,  without notice or demand,  as it deems advisable to protect and enforce
its rights  against Owner and in and to the Mortgaged  Property by Lender itself
or otherwise including, without limitation, the following actions, each of which
may be  pursued  concurrently  or  otherwise,  at such time and in such order as
Lender may determine,  in its sole  discretion,  without  impairing or otherwise
affecting the other rights and remedies of Lender:

     (i) declare the entire Debt to be immediately due and payable;

     (ii) institute a proceeding or  proceedings,  judicial or  nonjudicial,  by
advertisement  or  otherwise,  for the complete  foreclosure  of the Mortgage in
which case the Mortgaged  Property or any interest  therein may be sold for cash
or otherwise  in one or more parcels or in several  interests or portions and in
any order or manner;

     (iii) with or without  entry,  to the extent  permitted and pursuant to the
procedures  provided by applicable  law,  institute  proceedings for the partial
foreclosure  of the  Mortgage  for the portion of the Debt then due and payable,
subject to the  continuing  lien of the Mortgage for the balance of the Debt not
then due;

     (iv) sell for cash or otherwise the Mortgaged  Property or any part thereof
and all estate,  claim,  demand,  right, title and interest of Owner therein and
rights of redemption thereof,  pursuant to the power of sale contained herein or
otherwise,  at one or more sales,  as an entity or in parcels,  at such time and
place,  upon such terms and after such  notice  thereof  as may be  required  or
permitted by law;

     (v)  institute  an action,  suit or  proceeding  in equity for the specific
performance of any covenant,  condition or agreement  contained  herein,  in the
Assignment,  the  Environmental  Agreement,  the other Loan  Documents or in the

     (vi) recover judgment on the Note and/or the Guaranty either before, during
or after any proceedings for the enforcement of the Mortgage;

     (vii)  apply for the  appointment  of a trustee,  receiver,  liquidator  or
conservator of the Mortgaged Property, without notice and without regard for the
adequacy of the  security  for the Debt and without  regard for the  solvency of
Owner, any Guarantor or of any person, firm or

other entity liable for the payment of the Debt;

     (viii)  revoke the license  granted to Owner to collect the Rents and other
sums due under the Leases and enforce Lender's  interest in the Leases and Rents
and enter  into or upon the  Mortgaged  Property,  either  personally  or by its
agents,  nominees or attorneys and dispossess  Owner and its agents and servants
therefrom,  and thereupon  Lender may to the maximum  extent  permitted,  or not
restricted,  under applicable law: (A) use, operate,  manage,  control,  insure,
maintain,  repair,  restore  and  otherwise  deal with all and every part of the
Mortgaged  Property and conduct the business thereat;  (B) complete any existing
or ongoing  construction  on the  Mortgaged  Property in such manner and form as
Lender deems advisable; (C) make alterations,  additions, renewals, replacements
and  improvements to or on the Mortgaged  Property;  (D) exercise all rights and
powers of Owner with respect to the Mortgaged  Property,  whether in the name of
Owner or otherwise  including,  without  limitation,  the right to make, cancel,
enforce or modify Leases, obtain and evict tenants, and demand, sue for, collect
and receive all earnings,  revenues,  rents, issues, profits and other income of
the Mortgaged  Property and every part thereof;  and (E) apply the receipts from
the Mortgaged Property to the payment of the Debt, after deducting therefrom all
expenses  (including Lender's attorneys' fees (including on appeal)) incurred in
connection  with the aforesaid  operations and all amounts  necessary to pay the
taxes,  assessments insurance and other charges in connection with the Mortgaged
Property,  as well as just  and  reasonable  compensation  for the  services  of
Lender, its counsel, agents and employees;

     (ix)  require  Owner to pay monthly in advance to Lender,  or any  receiver
appointed to collect the Rents, the fair and reasonable rental value for the use
and  occupancy of any portion of the  Mortgaged  Property  occupied by Owner and
require  Owner to vacate and surrender  possession of the Mortgaged  Property to
Lender or to such  receiver  and,  in default  thereof,  evict  Owner by summary
proceedings or otherwise;

     (x) require a Lockbox  Account  pursuant to Section 66 hereof and apply all
sums in the  Lockbox  Account  to the  payment  of the Debt,  in such  order and
priority as determined by Lender in Lender's sole discretion; and

     (xi) pursue such other rights and remedies as may be available at law or in
equity or under the Uniform Commercial Code.

In the event of a sale, by  foreclosure  or  otherwise,  of less than all of the
Mortgaged  Property,  the  Mortgage  shall  continue as a lien on the  remaining
portion of the Mortgaged Property.

     (b) The  proceeds  of any sale made  under or by  virtue  of this  Section,
together  with any  other  sums  which  then may be held by  Lender  under  this
Agreement,  whether under the provisions of this Section or otherwise,  shall be
applied by Lender to the payment of the Debt in such priority and  proportion as
Lender in its sole discretion shall deem proper.

     (c) Lender may adjourn from time to time any sale by it to be made under or
by virtue of the Mortgage by  announcement  at the time and place  appointed for
such sale or for such adjourned sale or sales; and, except as otherwise provided
by  any  applicable  provision  of  law,  Lender,   without  further  notice  or
publication,  may make such sale at the time and place to which  such sale shall
be so adjourned.

     (d) Upon the completion of any sale or sales pursuant hereto,  Lender or an
officer  of any court  empowered  to do so,  shall  execute  and  deliver to the
accepted purchaser or purchasers a good and sufficient  instrument,  or good and
sufficient instruments, conveying, assigning and transferring all estate, right,
title and  interest in and to the  property  and rights  sold.  Lender is hereby
irrevocably  appointed the true and lawful  attorney-in-fact of Owner, to act in
its name and stead (such power of attorney  being coupled with an interest,  and
irrevocable),  to make all  necessary  conveyances,  assignments,  transfers and
deliveries  of the  Mortgaged  Property  and rights so sold and for that purpose
Lender may execute all  necessary  instruments  of  conveyance,  assignment  and
transfer,  and may  substitute  one or more  persons  with like power,  Borrower
hereby  ratifying  and  confirming  all that its attorney or such  substitute or
substitutes shall lawfully do by virtue hereof.  Any sale or sales made under or
by virtue of this Section,  whether made under the power of sale herein  granted
or under or by virtue of  judicial  proceedings  or of a  judgment  or decree of
foreclosure  and sale,  shall  operate to divest all the estate,  right,  title,
interest, claim and demand whatsoever,  whether at law or in equity, of Owner in
and to the  properties  and rights so sold, and shall be a perpetual bar both at
law and in equity against Owner and against any and all persons  claiming or who
may claim the same, or any part thereof from, through or under Owner.

     (e) Upon any sale made  under or by virtue of this  Section,  whether  made
under  the  power of sale  herein  granted  or under or by  virtue  of  judicial
proceedings or of a judgment or decree of foreclosure  and sale,  Lender may bid
for and acquire the Mortgaged Property or any part thereof and in lieu of paying
cash therefor may make  settlement  for the purchase price by crediting upon the
Debt the net sales price after deducting  therefrom the expenses of the sale and
costs of the  action and any other sums  which  Lender is  authorized  to deduct
under the Mortgage.
     (f) No recovery of any judgment by Lender and no levy of an execution under
any judgment  upon the  Mortgaged  Property or upon any other  property of Owner
shall  affect in any manner or to any extent the lien of the  Mortgage  upon the
Mortgaged Property or any part thereof, or any liens, rights, powers or remedies
of Lender hereunder, but such liens, rights, powers and remedies of Lender shall
continue unimpaired as before.

     (g) Lender may terminate or rescind any  proceeding or other action brought
in connection with its exercise of the remedies  provided in this Section at any
time before the conclusion  thereof,  as determined in Lender's sole  discretion
and without prejudice to Lender.

     (h) Lender may resort to any remedies  and the security  given by the Note,
the Mortgage, this Agreement, the Assignment, the Environmental Agreement or the
other Loan Documents in whole or in part, and in such portions and in such order
as determined by Lender's  sole  discretion.  No such action shall in any way be
considered a waiver of any rights, benefits or remedies evidenced or provided by
the Note,  the Mortgage,  this  Agreement,  the  Assignment,  the  Environmental
Agreement  or the other Loan  Documents.  The failure of Lender to exercise  any
right, remedy or option provided in the Note, the Mortgage, this Agreement,  the
Assignment, the Environmental Agreement or the other Loan Documents shall not be
deemed a waiver of such right, remedy or option or of any covenant or obligation
secured  by  the  Note,  the  Mortgage,  this  Agreement,  the  Assignment,  the
Environmental  Agreement or the other Loan Documents. No acceptance by Lender of
any  payment  after the  occurrence  of any Event of  Default  and no payment by
Lender of any obligation for which Owner is liable  hereunder shall be deemed to
waive or cure any Event of Default with respect to Owner,  or Owner's  liability
to pay such obligation. No sale of all or any portion of the Mortgaged Property,
no forbearance  on the part of Lender,  and no extension of time for the payment
of the whole or any portion of the Debt or any other  indulgence given by Lender
to Owner,  shall  operate to release or in any  manner  affect the  interest  of

in the remaining  Mortgaged  Property or the liability of Owner to pay the Debt.
No waiver by Lender shall be effective  unless it is in writing and then only to
the extent specifically stated.

     (i) The interests and rights of Lender under the Note,  the Mortgage,  this
Agreement,  the  Assignment,  the  Environmental  Agreement  or the  other  Loan
Documents shall not be impaired by any indulgence,  including:  (i) any renewal,
extension  or  modification  which  Lender may grant with  respect to any of the
Debt; (ii) any surrender,  compromise,  release, renewal, extension, exchange or
substitution  which Lender may grant with respect to the  Mortgaged  Property or
any portion  thereof;  or (iii) any release or indulgence  granted to any maker,
endorser, guarantor or surety of any of the Debt.

     (j)  Anything  herein  to  the  contrary  notwithstanding,  if  any  of the
foregoing  remedies  conflict or are  otherwise  inconsistent  with any remedies
available under the Mortgage affecting any portion of the Mortgaged Property (or
as a matter of law in the  jurisdiction  governing such  Mortgage),  then to the
extent permitted as a matter of law in the jurisdiction in which any such remedy
is  being  sought  such  inconsistency   shall  be  resolved  in  favor  of  the
interpretation that would grant Lender the broadest possible remedies.


     Lender  and its  agents  shall  have the  right to enter  and  inspect  the
Mortgaged Property during normal business hours upon reasonable notice.


     This Agreement is a "security  agreement" within the meaning of the Uniform
Commercial Code. The Mortgaged Property includes both real and personal property
and all other rights and interests, whether tangible or intangible in nature, of
Owner in the Mortgaged  Property.  By executing and delivering  this  Agreement,
Owner has granted  and thereby  grants to Lender,  as security  for the Debt,  a
security  interest  in the  Mortgaged  Property  to the  full  extent  that  the
Mortgaged  Property may be subject to the Uniform  Commercial Code (such portion
of the Mortgaged Property so subject to the Uniform Commercial Code being called
in this Section the  "Collateral").  Owner hereby  agrees with Lender to execute
and  deliver to  Lender,  in form and  substance  satisfactory  to Lender,  such
financing  statements  and such  further  assurances  as Lender may from time to
time,  reasonably  consider  necessary to create,  perfect or preserve  Lender's
security interest therein granted. The Mortgage shall also constitute a "fixture
filing"  for the  purposes of the Uniform  Commercial  Code.  All or part of the
Mortgaged  Property are or are to become fixtures.  If an Event of Default shall
occur, Lender, in addition to any other rights and remedies which they may have,
shall have and may exercise  immediately and without demand,  any and all rights
and  remedies  granted  to a  secured  party  upon  default  under  the  Uniform
Commercial Code including,  without limitation,  the right to take possession of
the  Collateral or any part thereof,  and to take such other  measures as Lender
may deem necessary for the care,  protection and preservation of the Collateral.
Upon  request or demand of  Lender,  Owner  shall at its  expense  assemble  the
Collateral and make it available to Lender at a convenient  place  acceptable to
Lender. If Lender retains counsel to enforce its rights  hereunder,  Owner shall
pay to Lender on demand any and all expenses, including Lender's attorneys' fees
(including on appeal),  incurred or paid by Lender in protecting the interest in
the  Collateral  and in  enforcing  the  rights  hereunder  with  respect to the
Collateral.  Any notice of sale,  disposition or other intended action by Lender
with respect to the Collateral  sent to Owner in accordance  with the provisions
hereof at least 10 days  prior to such  action,  shall  constitute  commercially
reasonable  notice to Owner.  The proceeds of any disposition of the Collateral,
or any part thereof, may be applied by Lender to the payment of the Debt in such
priority and proportions as Lender in its discretion  shall deem proper.  In the
event of

any change in name,  identity or structure of any Owner, such Owner shall notify
Lender thereof and promptly  after request shall  execute,  file and record such
Uniform  Commercial  Code forms as are  necessary  to maintain  the  priority of
Lender's lien upon and security  interest in the  Collateral,  and shall pay all
expenses and fees in connection with the filing and recording thereof. If Lender
shall  require the filing or recording of  additional  Uniform  Commercial  Code
forms or continuation statements,  Owner shall, promptly after request, execute,
file and record such Uniform Commercial Code forms or continuation statements as
Lender shall deem  necessary,  and shall pay all expenses and fees in connection
with the filing and recording thereof, it being understood and agreed,  however,
that no such additional  documents shall increase Owner's  obligations under the
Note, the Mortgage, this Agreement, the Assignment,  the Environmental Agreement
and the other Loan Documents.  Owner hereby  irrevocably  appoints Lender as its
attorney-in-fact,  coupled with an interest, to file with the appropriate public
office on its behalf any financing or other statements signed only by Lender, as
secured party, in connection with the Collateral covered by the Mortgage.


     Lender  has the right to  appear in and  defend  any  action or  proceeding
brought with respect to the  Mortgaged  Property  upon an Event of Default or in
which  Owner fails to appear or defend,  and upon an Event of Default,  to bring
any action or proceeding,  in the name and on behalf of Owner,  which Lender, in
its  discretion,  decides  should be  brought  to protect  its  interest  in the
Mortgaged  Property.  Lender shall, at its option,  be subrogated to the lien of
any mortgage or other security instrument  discharged in whole or in part by the
Debt, and any such subrogation rights shall constitute  additional  security for
the payment of the Debt.


     All amounts due under the Mortgage,  the Note and the other Loan  Documents
shall be payable without setoff, counterclaim or any deduction whatsoever. Owner
hereby  waives  the  right  to  assert a  counterclaim  (other  than  compulsory
counter-claims)  in any action or proceeding  brought  against it by Lender,  or
arising out of or in any way connected with this  Agreement,  the Mortgage,  the
Note, any of the other Loan Documents, or the Debt.


     Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 5 and 24(i) hereof,  Owner shall
not be in default  for failure to pay or  discharge  Taxes,  Other  Charges or a
mechanic's or materialman's lien asserted against the Mortgaged Property if, and
so long as: (a) Owner  shall have  notified  Lender of such  nonpayment  and the
reasons therefor within 10 days of obtaining knowledge thereof;  (b) Owner shall
diligently  and in good  faith  contest  such  Taxes,  Other  Charges or lien by
appropriate  legal proceedings which shall operate to prevent the enforcement or
collection  thereof and the sale of the Mortgaged  Property or any part thereof,
in  satisfaction  thereof;  (c)  Owner  shall  have  furnished  to Lender a cash
deposit,  or an indemnity bond satisfactory to Lender with a surety satisfactory
to  Lender,  in  the  amount  of the  Taxes,  other  Charges  or  mechanic's  or
materialman's  lien claim,  plus a reasonable  additional  sum to pay all costs,
interest and penalties that may be imposed or incurred in connection  therewith,
to assure  payment of the  matters  under  contest  and to  prevent  any sale or
forfeiture of the Mortgaged Property or any part thereof (which sums shall be

deposited into an interest-bearing account); (d) Owner shall promptly upon final
determination  thereof pay the amount of any such Taxes,  Other Charges or claim
so  determined,  together with all costs,  interest and  penalties  which may be
payable in  connection  therewith;  and (e) the failure to pay the Taxes,  Other
Charges or mechanic's or materialman's  lien claim does not constitute a default
under any  other  deed of trust,  mortgage  or  security  interest  covering  or
affecting any part of the Mortgaged  Property.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,
Owner shall  immediately  upon request of Lender pay (and if Owner shall fail so
to do,  Lender may, but shall not be required to, pay or cause to be  discharged
or bonded against) any such Taxes, Other Charges or claim  notwithstanding  such
contest,  if in the reasonable  opinion of Lender, the Mortgaged Property or any
part  thereof or interest  therein  may be in danger of being  sold,  forfeited,
foreclosed,  terminated,  canceled  or lost.  Lender  may pay over any such cash
deposit or part thereof to the claimant  entitled  thereto at any time when,  in
the judgment of Lender, the entitlement of such claimant is established.


     Lender shall have the right from time to time to take action to recover any
sum or sums which  constitute  a part of the Debt as they  become  due,  without
regard to whether  or not the  balance  of the Debt  shall be due,  and  without
prejudice to the right of Lender  thereafter to bring an action of  foreclosure,
or any other  action,  for a default or defaults  by Owner  existing at the time
such earlier action was commenced.


     (a) Owner hereby waives, to the extent permitted by law, the benefit of all
appraisement,  valuation, stay and extension laws now or hereafter in force, and
all rights of  marshalling  in the event of any sale  hereunder of the Mortgaged
Property or any part thereof or any  interest  therein.  Further,  to the extent
permitted by applicable law, Owner hereby expressly waives any and all rights of
redemption from sale under any order or decree of foreclosure of the Mortgage on
behalf of Owner,  and on behalf of each and every person  acquiring any interest
in or title to the Mortgaged  Property  subsequent to the date of this Agreement
and on behalf of all persons to the extent permitted by applicable law.

     (b) With  respect to the  Mortgaged  Properties  located in South  Carolina

     Waiver of Appraisal Rights. The laws of the State of South Carolina provide
that in any real  estate  foreclosure  proceeding,  a defendant  against  whom a
personal  judgment is taken or asked may within  thirty (30) days after the sale
of the  Premises  apply to the court for an order of  appraisal.  The  statutory
appraisal  value as approved by the court would be substituted  for the high bid
and may  decrease  the amount of any  deficiency  owing in  connection  with the





     Owner further covenants and agrees with Lender as follows:

     (a) Owner shall cause each hotel  located on the  Mortgaged  Property to be
operated pursuant to the applicable Franchise Agreement.  The Mortgaged Property
will be operated at all times by the Manager or by a Qualified  Manager (defined
below) pursuant to a Management Agreement or a Replacement  Management Agreement
(defined below) as in accordance with the Franchise Agreement, Owner's standards
and  practices as of the date hereof,  and at a minimum in  accordance  with the
prevailing standards for hotel properties of similar age, site,  construction in
the  metropolitan  area where such hotel is  located.  For  purposes  hereof,  a
"Qualified  Manager"  shall  mean  a  reputable  and  experienced   professional
management organization (i) which manages, together with its affiliates,  (A) at
least ten (10) full-service  hotels,  exclusive of the Mortgaged  Property,  and
(ii) prior to whose  employment  as manager of the  Mortgaged  Property (x) such
employment  shall have been  approved  by Lender,  and (y) the Owner  shall have
obtained and delivered to Lender written  confirmation  from the Rating Agencies
that the  employment of such manager will not result in a downgrade,  withdrawal
or  qualification  of the  ratings  then  assigned  to the  Securities.  Without
limitation of the foregoing, if (i) the Manager shall become insolvent, (ii) the
Manager  shall  default under the terms of the  Management  Agreement,  (iii) an
Event of  Default  shall  occur and be  continuing  or (iv) the  Aggregate  Debt
Service Coverage Ratio shall be equal to or less than the ratio of 1.35 to 1.00,
then Lender,  at its option,  may require  Owner,  to terminate  the  Management
Agreement and to engage a bona-fide,  independent  third party Qualified Manager
approved by Lender to manage the Mortgaged Property. The Qualified Manager shall
be engaged by Owner  pursuant to a written  management  agreement  that complies
with the terms hereof and is otherwise reasonably  satisfactory to Lender in all
respects (a  "Replacement  Management  Agreement"),  and the Qualified  Manager,
Owner shall execute a Conditional Assignment of Management Agreement in the form
then used by Lender.

     (b) Owner shall:

     (i) pay all sums required to be paid by Owner under the Franchise Agreement
and the  Management  Agreement and promptly  perform  and/or  observe all of the
covenants and  agreements  required to be performed and observed by it under the
Franchise Agreement and the Management  Agreement and do all things necessary to
preserve and to keep unimpaired its material rights thereunder;

     (ii) promptly notify Lender of any default under the Franchise Agreement or
the Management  Agreement of which it is aware and provide Lender with copies of
any notices delivered in connection therewith;

     (iii)  promptly  deliver  to  Lender  a copy of each  financial  statement,
business plan, capital  expenditures plan, notice,  report and estimate received
by it under the Franchise

Agreement or the Management Agreement;

     (iv)  promptly  enforce  the  performance  and  observance  of  all  of the
covenants  and  agreements  required  to be  performed  and/or  observed  by the
franchisor  under the Franchise  Agreement and the manager under the  Management

     (v)  assign  to  Lender  any  right it may  have to  modify  the  Franchise
Agreement  (to  the  extent  such  rights  are  assignable)  or  the  Management

     (vi) grant Lender the right, but Lender shall be under no obligation,  upon
an Event of Default (or  otherwise  upon notice from Lender) to pay any sums and
to  perform  any act or take any action as may be  appropriate  to cause all the
terms,  covenants and conditions of the Franchise Agreement on the part of Owner
to be  performed  or observed to be promptly  performed or observed on behalf of
Owner,  to the end that the  rights of Owner  in,  to and  under  the  Franchise
Agreement shall be kept unimpaired and free from default;

     (vii)  shall,  from time to time,  use its best  efforts to obtain from the
Manager or the  Franchisor,  as applicable,  under the  Management  Agreement or
Franchise Agreement,  as applicable,  such certificates of estoppel with respect
to  compliance  by Owner  with  the  terms of the  Management  Agreement  or the
Franchise Agreement, as applicable, as may be reasonably requested by Lender;

     (viii) exercise each individual option, if any, to extend or renew the term
of the  Franchise  Agreement  upon  demand by Lender made at any time within one
year of the last day upon  which any such  option  may be  exercised,  and Owner
hereby  expressly   authorizes  and  appoints  Lender  its  attorney-in-fact  to
exercise,  upon an Event of  Default,  any such  option  in the name of and upon
behalf of Owner,  which  power of  attorney  shall be  irrevocable  and shall be
deemed to be coupled with an interest.

     (c) Owner shall not, without Lender's prior written consent: (i) surrender,
terminate or cancel the Franchise  Agreement or the Management  Agreement;  (ii)
reduce or consent to the reduction of the term of the Franchise Agreement or the
Management Agreement; (iii) increase or consent to the increase of the amount of
any charges  under the Franchise  Agreement or the  Management  Agreement;  (iv)
otherwise modify, change, supplement, alter or amend, or waive or release any of
its  rights  and  remedies  under  the  Franchise  Agreement  or the  Management
Agreement in any material respect;  or (v) operate the Mortgaged  Property under
the name of any hotel chain or system other than as set forth on Schedule A with
respect  to  each  hotel  comprising  the  Mortgaged  Property.  Notwithstanding
foregoing, Owner may replace the Franchisor with a Qualified Franchisor (defined
below)  pursuant to a franchise  agreement which is otherwise in compliance with
the  requirements of this Section 38 and provided that Owner shall have obtained
and delivered to Lender written  confirmation  from the Rating Agencies that the
employment  of such  franchisor  will not result in a downgrade,  withdrawal  or
qualification  of the ratings then assigned to the  Securities  (a  "Replacement
Franchise Agreement").  For purposes hereof, a "Qualified Franchisor" shall mean
a  nationally  recognized  franchisor  under whose flag there are at least fifty
(50)  full-service  hotels,  exclusive of the Mortgaged  Property which has been
approved by Lender.

     (d)  Except as set forth in the  Management  Agreement,  Owner  shall  not,
without  Lender's  prior  written  consent,  enter  into  transactions  with any
affiliate  including,  without  limitation,  any  arrangement  providing for the
management of the hotel on the Mortgaged Property,

the  rendering  or receipt of  services or the  purchase  or sale of  inventory,
except any such  transaction in the ordinary  course of business of Owner if the
monetary or business  consideration  arising therefrom would be substantially as
advantageous  to Owner as the  monetary  or business  consideration  which would
obtain in a comparable transaction with a person not an affiliate of Owner.

     (e) Owner irrevocably authorizes and directs Franchisor,  from and after an
Event of Default, to deliver to Lender: (i) all operating information concerning
the  Mortgaged  Property  submitted  by Owner to  Franchisor;  (ii) the  written
results of all quality assurance inspections of the Mortgaged Property performed
by Franchisor's  Quality Assurance  Directors;  and (iii) such other information
that  Lender or  Lender's  agents  may  reasonably  request,  from time to time,
including any information in the possession of Franchisor  relating to Owner not
included  in the  reports  referred  to above;  provided,  however,  that in the
absence of an Event of Default  Lender  shall obtain any such  information  only
from Owner.

     (f)  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary in this  Section 38,  Lender
acknowledges that the Mortgaged Property listed on Schedule A as Property No. 41
is currently  not operated by a  Franchisor  pursuant to a Franchise  Agreement.
Borrower  covenants and agrees to enter into a franchise  agreement  with Crowne
Plaza Hotels, Doubletree Hotels, Radisson Hotels or Sheraton Hotels on or before
March 31, 1999, which franchise  agreement and franchisor shall be acceptable to
Lender in all respects and shall  otherwise meet the criteria set forth above in
Subsection (c).

     (g) Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  Lender acknowledges that the hotels on
Property Nos. 59, 60 and 83 listed on Schedule A, are currently  being converted
into hotels which shall operate under the "flags" listed on Schedule A under the
heading  "Franchisor".  Owner  covenants that such  conversion of the respective
hotels shall occur on or before the following  dates: (i) Property No. 59, March
31, 1999 (provided  during the conversion  period,  the current "flag" (Clarion)
remains in place until March 31, 1999), (ii) Property No. 60, December 31, 1998,
and (iii) Property No. 83, March 31, 1999 (provided during the conversion period
the current "flag" (Ramada) remains in place until March 31, 1999).


     (a) Owner agrees that the Mortgaged  Property  shall at all times  strictly
comply to the extent  applicable  with the  requirements  of the Americans  with
Disabilities  Act of 1990,  all state and local laws and  ordinances  related to
handicapped  access  and all rules,  regulations,  and  orders  issued  pursuant
thereto  including,  without  limitation,  the Americans with  Disabilities  Act
Accessibility  Guidelines  for Buildings and Facilities  (collectively,  "Access
Laws").  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Lender acknowledges that Property No. 41
on Schedule A is not  currently in  compliance  with the Access Laws,  but shall
commence  the  necessary  work in order to bring such  Mortgaged  Property  into
compliance with the Access Laws,  including without limitation,  the creation of
seven (7) ADA  compliant  rooms and three (3)  roll-in  showers  as set forth on
Schedule D  attached  hereto on or before  October 1, 1999,  which work shall be
acceptable to Lender in all respects.

     (b)  Notwithstanding  any  provisions  set  forth  herein  or in any  other
document regarding  Lender's approval of alterations of the Mortgaged  Property,
Owner shall not alter the

Mortgaged  Property in any manner which would increase Owner's  responsibilities
for  compliance  with the  applicable  Access  Laws  without  the prior  written
approval of Lender. The foregoing shall apply to tenant improvements constructed
by Borrower or by any of its tenants.  Lender may  condition  any such  approval
upon  receipt of a  certificate  of Access  Law  compliance  from an  architect,
engineer or other person acceptable to Lender.

     (c) Owner agrees to give prompt notice to Lender of the receipt by Owner of
any complaints  related to violation of any Access Laws and of the  commencement
of any proceedings or investigations  which relate to compliance with applicable
Access Laws.

     40. ERISA

     (a) Owner  covenants and agrees that it shall not engage in any transaction
which would cause any obligation,  or action taken or to be taken, hereunder (or
the exercise by Lender of any of its rights under the Note,  the Mortgage,  this
Agreement and the other Loan Documents) to be a non-exempt (under a statutory or
administrative  class  exemption)  prohibited  transaction  under  the  Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (or any successor  legislation  thereto),
as amended ("ERISA").

     (b)  Owner  further   covenants  and  agrees  to  deliver  to  Lender  such
certifications  or other evidence from time to time  throughout the term of this
Agreement, as requested by Lender in its sole discretion, that: (i) Owner is not
an "employee benefit plan" as defined in Section 3(3) of ERISA, which is subject
to Title I of ERISA,  or a  "governmental  plan"  within the  meaning of Section
3(32)  of  ERISA;  (ii)  Owner  is not  subject  to  state  statutes  regulating
investments and fiduciary  obligations  with respect to governmental  plans; and
(iii) one or more of the following circumstances is true:

     (A) Equity interests in Owner are publicly offered  securities,  within the
meaning of 29 C.F.R. ss. 2510.3-101(b)(2);

     (B) Less than 25 percent of each  outstanding  class of equity interests in
Owner are held by "benefit plan investors"  within the meaning of 29 C.F.R.  ss.
2510.3-101(f)(2); or

     (C) Owner qualifies as an "operating  company" or a "real estate  operating
company"  within  the  meaning  of 29  C.F.R.  ss.  2510.3-101(c)  or  (e) or an
investment company registered under The Investment Company Act of 1940.


     (a) In  addition  to any other  indemnifications  provided  herein,  in the
Assignment,  the Environmental  Agreement or in the other Loan Documents,  Owner
shall protect,

defend,  indemnify  and save harmless  Lender from and against all  liabilities,
obligations,  claims,  demands,  damages,  penalties,  causes of action, losses,
fines,  costs  and  expenses  (including,   without  limitation,   out-of-pocket
attorneys' fees and expenses (including on appeal)), imposed upon or incurred by
or asserted  against  Lender by reason of: (i)  ownership of the  Mortgage,  the
Mortgaged  Property or any  interest  therein or receipt of any Rents;  (ii) any
accident,  injury  to or death  of  persons  or loss of or  damage  to  property
occurring in, on or about the  Mortgaged  Property or any part thereof or on the
adjoining sidewalks, curbs, adjacent property or adjacent parking areas, streets
or ways;  (iii) any use,  nonuse  or  condition  in,  on or about the  Mortgaged
Property or any part thereof or on adjoining sidewalks, curbs, adjacent property
or  adjacent  parking  areas,  streets or ways;  (iv) any failure on the part of
Owner to  perform  or  comply  with  any of the  terms  of this  Agreement;  (v)
performance of any labor or services or the furnishing of any materials or other
property  in respect of the  Mortgaged  Property or any part  thereof;  (vi) the
presence,  disposal,  escape, seepage, leakage, spillage,  discharge,  emission,
release,  or threatened release of any Hazardous Substance or Asbestos on, from,
or affecting the Mortgaged  Property or any other  property;  (vii) any personal
injury (including  wrongful death) or property damage (real or personal) arising
out of or related to such  Hazardous  Substance or Asbestos;  (viii) any lawsuit
brought or threatened,  settlement reached, or government order relating to such
Hazardous  Substance or Asbestos;  (ix) any violation of the Environmental Laws,
which  are based  upon or in any way  related  to such  Hazardous  Substance  or
Asbestos including,  without limitation,  the costs and expenses of any remedial
action,  out-of-pocket  attorney's and consultant's  fees (including on appeal),
investigation and laboratory fees, court costs, and litigation expenses; (x) any
failure of the  Mortgaged  Property  to comply  with any Access  Laws;  (xi) any
representation or warranty made in the Note, the Mortgage,  this Agreement,  the
Environmental Agreement or the other Loan Documents being false or misleading in
any  material  respect,  or  otherwise  in any  respect  if  made  willfully  or
knowingly,  as of the date such  representation  or warranty was made; (xii) any
claim by  brokers,  finders or similar  persons  claiming  to be  entitled  to a
commission  in  connection  with any Lease or other  transaction  involving  the
Mortgaged  Property  or any part  thereof  under  any legal  requirement  or any
liability asserted against Lender with respect thereto; (xiii) the claims of any
lessee of all or any  portion of the  Mortgaged  Property  or any person  acting
through or under any lessee or otherwise  arising under or as a  consequence  of
any Lease;  (xiv)  correcting  any  prohibited  transaction  or in the sale of a
prohibited  loan,  and  in  obtaining  any  individual  prohibited   transaction
exemption under ERISA that may be required,  in Lender's sole  discretion)  that
Lender  may  incur,  directly  or  indirectly,  as a result of a  default  under
Sections  10(t) or 40; and (xv) any tax in the making  and/or  recording  of the
Mortgage, the Note or the other Loan Documents. Any amounts payable to Lender by
reason of the  application of this Section shall be immediately due and payable,
shall be secured by the  Mortgage  and shall bear  interest at the Default  Rate
from the date loss or damage is sustained by Lender until paid. The  obligations
and  liabilities  of Owner under this  Section  shall  survive any  termination,
satisfaction  or  assignment  of this  Agreement  or the entry of a judgment  of
foreclosure,  sale of the Mortgaged Property by nonjudicial foreclosure sale, or
delivery of a deed in lieu of  foreclosure.  The  indemnification  provided  for
herein shall not apply to liabilities,  obligations,  claims, demands,  damages,
penalties,  causes of action,  losses, fines, costs and expenses imposed upon or
incurred by or asserted  against  Lender by reason of Lender's  willful  acts or
Lender's gross negligence or for any matters arising from a state of facts first
coming into existence  after Lender's  succession to possession of the Mortgaged

     (b) Any  indemnitee  making a claim  for  indemnification  hereunder  shall
notify Owner of the claim in writing promptly after receiving  written notice of
any  action,  lawsuit,  proceedings,  investigation  or other  claim  against it
describing  the claim,  the amount thereof (if known and  quantifiable)  and the
basis thereof.

     (c) Owner shall be entitled  to  participate  in the defense of the action,
lawsuit,  proceeding,  investigation or other claim giving rise to such claim of
indemnification  at its  expense  and at its  option  and shall be  entitled  to
appoint  counsel in such  defense  with such counsel  reasonably  acceptable  to

     (d) Lender  shall be entitled to  participate  in the defense of such claim
and to employ  counsel of its choice for such purpose,  the fees and expenses of
such  separate  counsel  to be borne by  Lender.  Owner  shall  obtain the prior
written consent of Lender (not to be unreasonably withheld) before entering into
any settlement of a claim or ceasing to defend such claim,  if pursuant to or as
a result of such settlement or cessation,  injunction or other equitable  relief
will  be  imposed  against  Lender  or if such  settlement  does  not  expressly
unconditionally release Lender from all liabilities and obligations with respect
to such claim.

     (e) In the event  Owner  elects not to  participate  in the defense of such
claim  Lender shall have the right to control the defense of such claim and make
any  compromise or settlement  thereof,  which in the sole judgment of Lender is
exercised in a commercially reasonable manner, which shall be binding upon Owner
following  Owner's  receipt of notice of such  settlement and Owner's consent to
such settlement, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

     42. NOTICE

     Any notice, demand,  statement,  request or consent made hereunder shall be
in writing and shall be deemed given on the next business day if sent by Federal
Express or other  reputable  overnight  courier and designated for next business
day  delivery,  or on the third day  following  the day such notice is deposited
with the United States postal service first class certified mail, return receipt
requested,  addressed to the address,  as set forth above,  of the party to whom
such  notice is to be given,  or to such other  address or  additional  party as
Owner or Lender, as the case may be, shall in like manner designate in writing.

     43. AUTHORITY

     Owner  represents and warrants  that: (a) it has full power,  authority and
right  to  execute,  deliver  and  perform  its  obligations  pursuant  to  this
Agreement,  and to mortgage, give, grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff, convey,
confirm, warrant, pledge, hypothecate and assign the Mortgaged Property pursuant
to the terms  hereof and to keep and observe all of the terms of this  Agreement
on Owner's part to be performed;  (b) Owner is not a "foreign person" within the
meaning of Section  1445(f)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,
and the related Treasury Department regulations, including temporary regulations
and (c) Owner (i) is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under
the laws of its state of organization or  incorporation,  (ii) is duly qualified
to transact  business and is in good  standing in the state where the  Mortgaged
Property is located and (iii) has all of the necessary  approvals,  governmental
and  otherwise,  and full power and  authority  to own and operate the  Mortgage
Property.  Lender represents and warrants that it has full power,  authority and
right  to  execute,  deliver  and  perform  its  obligations  pursuant  to  this


     Owner shall not be entitled  to any notices of any nature  whatsoever  from

except  with  respect  to  matters  for which this  Agreement  specifically  and
expressly  provides  for the giving of notice by Lender to Owner and except with
respect  to matters  for which  Lender is  required  by  applicable  law to give
notice,  and Owner hereby  expressly waives the right to receive any notice from
Lender with respect to any matter for which this Agreement does not specifically
and expressly provide for the giving of notice by Lender to Owner.


     In the event  that a claim or  adjudication  is made that  Lender has acted
unreasonably  or has  unreasonably  delayed  acting in any case  where by law or
under the Note, the Mortgage, this Agreement, the Assignment,  the Environmental
Agreement or the other Loan Documents, it has an obligation to act reasonably or
promptly,  Lender  shall not be liable for any  monetary  damages,  and  Owner's
remedies  shall  be  limited  to  specific  performance,  injunctive  relief  or
declaratory judgment.


     Wherever  pursuant to this Agreement Lender exercises any right given to it
to approve or disapprove,  or any  arrangement or term is to be  satisfactory to
Lender,  the  decision  of Lender to approve  or  disapprove  or to decide  that
arrangements or terms are satisfactory or not satisfactory  shall be in the sole
discretion  of  Lender  and  shall be final  and  conclusive,  except  as may be
otherwise expressly and specifically provided herein.

     47. NON-WAIVER

     The failure of Lender to insist upon strict  performance of any term hereof
shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any term of this  Agreement.  Owner  shall
not be relieved of Owner's  obligations  hereunder by reason of: (a) the failure
of Lender to  comply  with any  request  of Owner or any  Guarantor  to take any
action to foreclose  the Mortgage or otherwise to enforce any of the  provisions
hereof or of the Note, the Assignment, the Guaranty, the Environmental Agreement
or the other Loan Documents;  (b) the release,  regardless of consideration,  of
the whole or any part of the Mortgaged Property, or of any person liable for the
Debt or any portion  thereof;  or (c) any  agreement  or  stipulation  by Lender
extending the time of payment or otherwise  modifying or supplementing the terms
of the Note, the Mortgage,  this Agreement,  the Assignment,  the  Environmental
Agreement or the other Loan Documents.  Lender may resort for the payment of the
Debt to any other security held by Lender in such order and manner as Lender, in
its  discretion,  may elect.  Lender may take action to recover the Debt, or any
portion  thereof,  or to enforce any covenant  hereof  without  prejudice to the
right of Lender thereafter to foreclosure the Mortgage.  The rights and remedies
of Lender under this  Agreement  shall be separate,  distinct and cumulative and
none shall be given  effect to the  exclusion  of the  others.  No act of Lender
shall be construed as an election to proceed under any one  provision  herein to
the exclusion of any other provision. Lender shall not be limited exclusively to
the rights and remedies  herein  stated but shall be entitled to every right and
remedy now or hereafter afforded at law or in equity.


     This Agreement,  and any provisions hereof,  may not be modified,  amended,
waived,  extended,  changed,  discharged or  terminated  orally or by any act or
failure  to act on the part of  Owner or  Lender,  but only by an  agreement  in
writing  signed by the  party  against  whom  enforcement  of any  modification,
amendment, waiver, extension, change, discharge or termination is sought.

     49. LIABILITY

     If Owner consists of more than one person,  the obligations and liabilities
of each such person  hereunder shall be joint and several,  and any reference to
the "Mortgaged Property" shall refer to each of the individual hotels comprising
the Mortgaged Property, and to all of such hotels, collectively,  as the context
may require.  Subject to the provisions hereof requiring Lender's consent to any
transfer of the Mortgaged  Property,  this  Agreement  shall be binding upon and
inure to the  benefit of Owner and Lender and their  respective  successors  and
assigns forever.


     If any term,  covenant  or  condition  of the Note,  the  Mortgage  or this
Agreement is held to be invalid,  illegal or unenforceable  in any respect,  the
Note, the Mortgage and this Agreement shall be construed without such provision.


     The headings and captions of the various Sections of this Agreement are for
convenience  of  reference  only  and are not to be  construed  as  defining  or
limiting, in any way, the scope or intent of the provisions hereof.


     This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts  and each such
duplicate original shall be deemed to be an original.


     Unless the context clearly  indicates a contrary intent or unless otherwise
specifically  provided  herein,  words  used  in  this  Agreement  may  be  used
interchangeably in singular or plural form and the word "Owner" shall mean "each
Owner, and each  constituent  party of Owner,  individually,  as the context may
require,  and any  subsequent  owner or owners of the Mortgaged  Property or any
part thereof or any interest therein",  the word "Lender" shall mean "Lender and
any subsequent holder of the Note", the word "Debt" shall mean "the Note and any
other evidence of indebtedness secured by the Mortgage", the word "person" shall
include an individual,

corporation,   partnership,   trust,  unincorporated  association,   government,
governmental  authority and any other entity, and the words "Mortgaged Property"
shall  include any portion of the Mortgaged  Property and any interest  therein,
and shall refer to each and every property comprising the Mortgaged Property, as
the context may require,  and the words  "attorneys' fees" shall include any and
all attorneys' fees, paralegal and law clerk fees including, without limitation,
fees at the pretrial,  trial and appellate  levels incurred or paid by Lender in
protecting  its interest in the Mortgaged  Property and Collateral and enforcing
its rights hereunder. Whenever the context may require, any pronouns used herein
shall include the  corresponding  masculine,  feminine or neuter forms,  and the
singular form of nouns and pronouns shall include the plural and vice versa.

     54. HOMESTEAD

     Owner hereby  waives and  renounces  all  homestead  and  exemption  rights
provided by the constitution and the laws of the United States and of any state,
in and to the  Premises  as  against  the  collection  of the Debt,  or any part


     Lender  shall have the right to assign or  transfer  its rights  under this
Agreement  without  limitation.  Any assignee or transferee shall be entitled to
all the benefits  afforded  Lender under this  Agreement.  In no event shall any
such assignment release Lender from its obligations hereunder.



     Owner hereby irrevocably appoints Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff &
Sitterson,  P.A. with an address at Museum Tower,  Suite 2200,  150 West Flagler
Street, Miami, FL 33130, Attn: Robert I. Weissler, Esq., as its authorized agent
to accept and  acknowledge,  on behalf of Owner,  service of any and all process
which may be served in any suit,  action or proceeding of the nature referred to
in Section  60(b)  hereof in any State or Federal  court within the State of New
York as more  particulary set forth in Subsection  60(b) or any County and State
where each of the Mortgaged Properties are located. If such agent shall cease so
to act, Owner shall irrevocably designate and appoint without delay another such
agent  satisfactory  to Lender,  and shall  promptly  deliver to Lender  written
evidence of such other agent's acceptance of such appointment.


     To the extent permitted by applicable law,  process in any suit,  action or
proceeding may be served:  (a) by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid,
to Owner at the address set forth above or to such other  address of which Owner
shall have given Lender written  notice;  or (b) if Owner shall not have made an
appearance within 21 days after service in accordance with clause

(a) of this  Section,  by hand  delivery to the agent  identified  in Section 57
hereof, or such successor agent as shall have been identified in accordance with
Section 57 hereof.  Nothing in this Section  shall affect the Lender's  right to
serve process in any manner  permitted by law, or limit  Lender's right to bring
proceedings against Owner in the courts of any other jurisdiction.



     60. CHOICE OF LAW

     (a) This Agreement  shall be deemed to be a contract  entered into pursuant
to the laws of the  State of New York and  shall in all  respects  be  governed,
construed,  applied and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of New
York, provided however, that with respect to the creation, perfection,  priority
and  enforcement  of the lien of the Mortgage and the Lockbox  Account,  and the
determination of deficiency  judgments,  the laws of the State where the related
Mortgaged Property and the Lockbox Account is located shall apply.

     (b) Any legal action or  proceeding  with respect to this  Agreement or any
other Loan  Document and any action for  enforcement  of any judgment in respect
thereof  may be  brought in the courts of the State of New York or of the United
States of America for the Southern  District of New York,  and, by execution and
delivery of this Agreement, Owner hereby accepts, each for itself and in respect
of its property,  generally and unconditionally,  the non-exclusive jurisdiction
of the aforesaid courts and appellate courts from any thereof. Owner irrevocably
consents to the service of process  out of any of the  aforementioned  courts in
any such action or proceeding by the mailing of copies  thereof by registered or
certified mail, postage prepaid,  to Owner at its address set forth on the first
page of this Agreement.  Owner hereby  irrevocably waives any objection which it
may now or hereafter have to the laying of venue of any of the aforesaid actions
or proceedings  arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or any other
Loan  Document  brought  in the  courts  referred  to above and  hereby  further
irrevocably  waives  and agrees not to plead or claim in any such court that any
such  action or  proceeding  brought  in any such  court has been  brought in an
inconvenient  forum.  Nothing herein shall affect the right of Lender,  to serve
process in any other manner permitted by law or to commence legal proceedings or
otherwise proceed against Owner in any other jurisdiction.


     Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein,  Owner shall have the
right, from time to time, on any Payment Date (as defined in the Note) to obtain
a release (a "Property  Release") of a Mortgaged  Property  from the lien of the
related Mortgage (i) provided that no Event of Default under this Agreement, the
Note, the Mortgage or any other Loan Document has occurred and is continuing and
(ii) subject to compliance  with the  provisions set forth below in this Section
61, legal,  record,  economic and beneficial ownership of the Mortgaged Property
for which a Property  Release is being  requested  (the  "Release  Premises") is
simultaneously with the granting of the Property Release transferred (a "Release
Premises  Transfer")  to and  shall be owned  immediately  after  such  Property
Release  by a  person(s),  party(ies)  or  entity(ies)  other  than Owner or any
general  partner or managing member of Owner or any affiliate of Owner ("Release
Premises Transferee").  In the event that the Owner seeks to release a Mortgaged
Property  from the lien of the  related  Mortgage,  Lender  shall  release  such
Mortgaged Property from the lien of the related Mortgage and the Loan Documents,
but only upon receipt by Lender of the following:

     (a) At least  thirty  (30) days but no more  than  ninety  (90) days  prior
written notice of Owner's request to obtain a release of the Release Premises;

     (b) A  certificate  of  Owner  certifying  the  requirements  set  forth in
Paragraph 61(h) of this Loan Agreement shall be true after giving effect to such

     (c) At least three (3)  Business  Days' prior to such  Property  Release an
irrevocable  notice of prepayment and the  Certification  from Owner in the form
attached hereto as Exhibit C;

     (d) Intentionally Omitted;

     (e) A wire  transfer of  immediately  available  federal funds in an amount
equal to the sum of (i) the Release Price  (defined  below) and (ii) all accrued
and unpaid  interest  with  respect to the Note and any other  amounts  owing to
Lender in connection with the Release Premises  pursuant to this Agreement,  the
Note, the Mortgage or the other Loan Documents,  including  without  limitation,
the Breakage  Costs,  the Exit Fee and the Shortfall  Interest  Payment (each as
defined in the Note);

     (f) If applicable,  all proposed  documents related to the Release Premises
Transferee and such  documents,  certificates  and assurances  that Lender shall
reasonably  request  to  evidence  and  confirm  that the  Release  Premises  is
simultaneously with the Property Release being transferred to a Release Premises

     (g) Payment of all Lender's  costs and  expenses,  including  due diligence
review  costs  and  reasonable  counsel  fees  and  disbursements   incurred  in
connection  with  the  Property  Release  and the  review  and  approval  of the
documents  and  information  required to be  delivered in  connection  therewith
("Property Release Expenses");

     (h)  Evidence  satisfactory  to  Lender  that the  Aggregate  Debt  Service
Coverage  Ratio for the  twelve  (12) month  period  immediately  preceding  the
Property Release with respect to the Mortgaged  Properties  remaining encumbered
by the liens of the Mortgage  after giving effect to the Property  Release shall
be equal to or  greater  than the  greater  of (i) the  Aggregate  Debt  Service
Coverage  Ratio with respect to all of the Mortgaged  Properties  for the twelve
(12) months

immediately  preceding the date hereof (1.42 to 1.00; the "Origination DSCR") or
(ii) the  Aggregate  Debt  Service  Coverage  Ratio  with  respect to all of the
Mortgaged  Properties then  encumbered by the liens of the Mortgage  immediately
prior to such  release  for the twelve  (12) months  immediately  preceding  the
calendar month prior to the date of the proposed  Property Release (the "Current
DSCR"); and

     (i) If  Securities  are then  rated by the  Rating  Agencies,  the  written
confirmation of the Rating  Agencies that the Property  Release shall not result
in a downgrade,  withdrawal or  qualification of the then current ratings by the
applicable Rating Agencies of the Securities and otherwise in form and substance
reasonably satisfactory to Lender and its counsel.

     (j) Definitions:

          (i) The term  "Release  Price"  shall  mean the  greater  of : (A) the
     "Release  Price"  for the  Release  Premises  as set  forth on  Schedule  A
     attached and (B) 100% of the Net Refinancing/Sales Proceeds (defined below)
     relating to the Release Premises.

          (ii) The term "Net  Refinancing/Sales  Proceeds  shall mean (A) in the
     event of a Sale,  the Sales Price or (B) in the event of a refinancing of a
     portion of the Loan equal to the  Allocated  Loan Amount  applicable to the
     Release Premises,  the original principal balance of the loan to be made by
     the take-out lender with respect to such Release  Premises,  less customary
     and  reasonable  expenses  incurred,  or arms-length  origination  fees and
     expenses paid by the Owner, if applicable.

          (iii) The term  "Sale"  shall mean any bona fide,  arms  length  sale,
     transfer,  assignment,  conveyance or encumbrance  of the Release  Premises
     (including, without limitation, any of the events or transfers described in
     Section 13 of this Loan  Agreement),  provided,  however,  that in no event
     shall a "Sale" be deemed to refer to a sale,  transfer or conveyance of the
     Release Premises pursuant to: (a) a foreclosure of the Mortgage; (b) a deed
     in lieu of such  foreclosure  (to either Lender,  a nominee of Lender or an
     independent  third party);  (c) a sale  pursuant to a power of sale;  (d) a
     sale or other  disposition of the Mortgaged  Property  pursuant to Sections
     363, 725 or 1129 of the Bankruptcy Code; or (f) a taking or condemnation of
     the  Release  Premises  by any  public or  quasi-public  authority  through
     eminent domain or otherwise.

          (iv) The term "Sale Price" shall mean all  consideration  paid for the
     Sale,  including,  without  limitation,  the stated purchase  price,  cash,
     notes,  any indebtedness  assumed or taken subject to (whether  directly or
     indirectly),  and all other consideration  (direct or indirect) to whomever
     paid,   less  customary   proration,   reasonable   arms-length   brokerage
     commissions  and  reasonable   arms-length   selling  expenses,   including
     reasonable  attorneys'  fees  and  disbursements  and any and all  transfer
     and/or gains taxes (but in no event to include any income  taxes)  actually
     paid by the seller in connection with the Sale.

          (v) Notwithstanding the foregoing,  in the event of a refinancing of a
     Mortgaged  Property,  the Release Price shall always be calculated pursuant
     to Subsection 61(j)(i)(B) above.

     (k) The Allocated  Loan Amounts set forth on Schedule A attached  shall not
be reduced as a result of any principal prepayments made in accordance with this
Section 61.

     (l) Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary in this Section 61 or Section
13 hereof,  Owner may (1) convert the Mortgaged Property  identified as Property
No.  46 on  Schedule  A  attached  hereto  to a  condominium  (the  "Condominium
Conversion)  pursuant to and in accordance with Condominium  Documents delivered
to and  approved  by  Lender  in its  sole  and  absolute  discretion,  and  the
Condominium Act and (2) request a release of a portion of the Mortgaged Property
described as the Office Unit in the Declaration  (the  "Release");  provided the
conditions  of this  Subsection  61(l)  are met.  Lender  shall  consent  to the
Condominium Conversion and the Release provided:

          (i) Owner has  delivered  to Lender at least  thirty  (30) days' prior
     written notice of the date of the Condominium  Conversion (the  "Conversion
     Date") and the Release;

          (ii) prior to the Conversion  Date and the Release,  Owner delivers to
     Lender,  at Owner's  cost and expense (A) an  endorsement  to the  existing
     title policy insuring the Mortgaged Property as a condominium subject to no
     exceptions  other  than  the  Permitted   Exceptions  and  the  Condominium
     Documents,  (B)  executed  Condominium  Documents,  (C) a  proxy  by  Owner
     appointing  Lender to vote on its behalf on all matters in the Declaration,
     (D) any other  documentation  reasonably  requested by Lender in connection
     with the Condominium Conversion and the Release, (E) such other evidence of
     Owner's  compliance with the Condominium  Act, and (F) if a  Securitization
     has  occurred,  written  confirmation  from the  Rating  Agencies  that the
     Condominium  Conversion  and the Release  shall not result in a withdrawal,
     downgrade or  qualification  of the then current  ratings by the applicable
     Rating  Agencies of the  Securities  and  otherwise  in form and  substance
     satisfactory to Lender and its counsel;

          (iii) no Event of Default exists;

          (iv) ingress to and egress from all portions of the Mortgaged Property
     of which the Office  Unit forms a part  remaining  after the  Release  (the
     "Remaining Property") shall be over fully dedicated public roads;

          (v) Owner shall have obtained: (1) (x) subdivision,  zoning,  building
     and all other  governmental  approvals  necessary  or  required so that the
     Office Unit and the Remaining Property,  shall, upon such Release, together
     and separately,  satisfy and comply,  in all material  respects and so that
     any  immaterial  non-compliance  does not adversely  affect the lien of the
     Mortgage or the value or utility of the Mortgaged  Property as hotel,  with
     all the applicable subdivision,  zoning, building, environmental protection
     and all other applicable  laws,  rules,  regulations and federal,  state or

     requirements, including sewer capacity requirements, or (y) a legal opinion
     by counsel reasonably  satisfactory to Lender, that the Office Unit and the
     Remaining  Property  are each  entitled to be used and occupied as of right
     without reference to or reliance on the other parcel (other than the Common
     Elements as set forth in the  Declaration),  and (2) either a legal opinion
     by  counsel   reasonably   satisfactory  to  Lender  stating  that,  or  an
     endorsement to the title insurance  policy insuring the lien of the related
     Mortgage  insuring that, the Office Unit has been designated,  assessed and
     taxed as a separate tax lot independent from the Remaining Property;

          (vi) prior to the Release,  Owner shall prepare and provide to Lender:
     (1) condominium plats of all those portions of the Mortgaged Property which
     are approved by all governmental and quasi-governmental  authorities having
     jurisdiction  over the Office Unit  and/or the  Remaining  Property,  whose
     approval as to such plans and maps is required;  and (2) copies of each and
     all proposed  easements  and  cross-easements  and mutual or  non-exclusive
     easements  for  ingress,  egress,  access,  pedestrian  walkways,  parking,
     traffic flow,  utilities and services and utilities shared by the Remaining
     Property  and the  Office  Unit and the like which may be  required  by any
     governmental or  quasi-governmental  authority having jurisdiction or which
     are necessary or advisable;

          (vii) such  condominium  plats shall show such parking  structures and
     parking  layouts  as  will  afford,  to  the  Improvements  located  on the
     Remaining  Property,  the  equivalent of the exclusive use of the aggregate
     number of parking  spaces to be provided on the Property  under all Leases,
     if any, affecting the Remaining Property,  and the number of parking spaces
     required  by the then  applicable  zoning  requirements  for the  Remaining
     Property or an opinion of counsel  regarding  the matters set forth in this
     (vii)  acceptable  to  Lender  and  its  counsel  in  all  respects  in its

          (viii) Owner shall provide Lender with such surveys,  drawings, plans,
     specifications,   proposed   easements  and  consents,   certificates   and
     agreements,  such legal  opinions from  attorneys  acceptable to Lender and
     such  other  evidence  as Lender  may  reasonably  request  or  require  to
     determine that the foregoing conditions have been satisfied;

          (ix) all Leases, if any,  demising any part of the Remaining  Property
     shall  remain in full force and effect  and  unaffected  in any manner as a
     result of the Release;

          (x)  all  operating  agreements  affecting  all  or  any  part  of the
     Remaining Property or the Office Unit shall remain in full force and effect
     and remain otherwise unaffected as a result of the Release;

          (xi) The  applicable  Owner  shall  simultaneously  with  the  Release
     transfer title to the Office Unit to a Release Premises Transferee and such
     Release  Premises  Transferee  shall assume all obligations and liabilities
     (other than those related to the Note, which the Office Unit is being

     released  from) related to the Office Unit, if any, from and after the date
     of such transfer and such third party  Release  Premises  Transferee  shall
     erect  and  operate  additional  structures  whose  use is  integrated  and
     consistent with the use of the Office Unit;

          (xii) Owner shall pay all of Lender's  costs and  expenses  (including
     reasonable  counsel fees and  disbursements)  incurred in  connection  with
     Lender's  review  of  the  foregoing  items,   the   determination  of  the
     satisfaction of such  conditions and otherwise  incurred in connection with
     the Release and the Condominium Conversion; and

          (xiii)  Lender  shall  release  such  Office Unit from the lien of the
     related  Mortgage,  promptly after:  (1) all such  easements,  consents and
     rights as  described  above  shall have been  obtained;  and (2) all of the
     requirements of this paragraph 61(k) have been satisfied.

     All  instruments  of release shall be in duly  recordable  form and contain
such covenants,  conditions and  restrictions  and shall reserve such rights and
easements  with  respect  to the Office  Unit as are  necessary  to protect  and
preserve Lender's interests in the Remaining Property after any such release.




     (a) Owner shall perform the repairs at its Mortgaged Properties, including,
without  limitation,  capital  improvements,  tenant  improvements  and  leasing
commissions  incurred in connection  therewith as more particularly set forth on
Schedule D hereto (such repairs  hereinafter  referred to as "Property  Required
Repairs").  Owner  shall  spend the sums set forth  under  the  column  entitled
"Allocated  Amount"  contained under the headings "Special FF&E Reserve Account"
and  "$23,000,000  Escrow  Account for Deferred  Maintenance"  on Schedule D and
complete  all of the  Property  Required  Repairs  on the  following  dates (the
"Required  Repairs  Completion  Date"):  (1) on or  before  the  earlier  of (A)
September  1,  1999 and (B) the  required  completion  date for such work as set
forth in the  applicable  PIP, if any, with respect to all Mortgaged  Properties
(except the Town Center  Property) and (2) on or before the Maturity Date, or if
the Loan is  extended  pursuant  to the terms of the Note,  March 1, 2000,  with
respect to the Town Center  Property . On the date hereof,  Owner shall  deposit
with Lender an amount equal to  $23,000,000,  representing a portion of the cost
to perform the  Property  Required  Repairs for each  Mortgaged  Property as set
forth on  Schedule D hereto  (the  "Initial  Deposit").  Additionally,  upon the
earlier  of June 1,  1999 and the first day of the  calendar  month  immediately
following the date Owner  commences the renovations at Property No. 41 listed on
Schedule A attached  hereto  (the "Town  Center  Property"),  as required by the
Franchisor (the "Monthly Deposit Commencement Date"), Owner shall make (i) three
(3) monthly deposits in the amount of $1,300,000 each, commencing on the Monthly
Deposit Commencement Date and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter
through  and  including  the month  which is two (2)  months  after the  Monthly
Deposit Commencement Date and (ii) a monthly deposit in the amount of $1,400,000
on the first day of the  calendar  month  which is three  (3)  months  after the
Monthly Deposit Commencement Date (collectively, the "Required Repairs

Monthly  Deposits").  The Initial  Deposit  together  with the Required  Repairs
Monthly Deposits shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Required Repair Fund".
Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  Owner acknowledges that it shall spend from its
own funds in order to complete  the Property  Required  Repairs on or before the
Required Repairs Completion Date the positive  difference between (1) the sum of
the  Required  Repair Fund and the  Special  FF&E  Repair  Deposit,  and (2) the
aggregate  amount of the cost estimates for all of the Mortgaged  Properties set
forth on  Schedule  D.  Lender  will  maintain  the  Required  Repair  Fund in a
segregated  account (the "Required Repair Account"),  which shall be an Eligible
Account,  and the  Required  Repair Fund shall be  invested  and  reinvested  by
Lender, at Owner's direction,  in one or more Eligible  Investments,  subject to
the  following  restrictions:  (A) such  Eligible  Investments  and the proceeds
thereof  shall be  deemed a part of the  Required  Repair  Fund;  (B) each  such
Eligible  Investment  shall be made in the name of Lender  (in its  capacity  as
such) or in the name of a nominee of Lender  under its  complete  and  exclusive
dominion and control or, if applicable law provides for perfection of pledges of
an  instrument  not  evidenced  by a  certificate  or other  instrument  through
registration of such pledge on books maintained by or on behalf of the issuer of
such  investment,  such pledge may be so  registered;  (C) Lender shall have the
sole control over such investment,  the income thereon and the proceeds thereof;
(D) other than  investments  described in clause (B) above,  any  certificate or
other  instrument  evidencing  such  investment  shall be delivered  directly to
Lender or its agent;  (E) the proceeds of each  investment  shall be remitted by
the purchaser  thereof directly to Lender and (F) Lender shall not be liable for
any loss  sustained on the  investment of any funds  constituting  a part of the
Required Repair Fund (except for losses resulting from Lender's gross negligence
or wilful misconduct).

     (b) Owner hereby grants a first priority  security  interest to Lender,  as
security for payment of all sums due under the Loan and the  performance  of all
other terms,  conditions and covenants on Owner's part to be paid and performed,
in all of Owner's right,  title and interest in and to the Required  Repair Fund
and the  Required  Repair  Account and shall  execute and deliver to Lender such
UCC-1  Financing  Statements  and other  documents or  instruments as Lender may
request in order to grant and perfect such security  interest.  Owner shall not,
without obtaining the prior written consent of Lender, further pledge, assign or
grant any security  interest in the Required  Repair Fund or the Required Repair
Account or permit any lien or encumbrance to attach  thereto,  or any levy to be
made thereon, or any UCC-1 Financing  Statements,  except those naming Lender as
the secured party, to be filed with respect  thereto.  Upon the occurrence of an
Event of Default,  Lender may apply any sums then present in the Required Repair
Fund to the  payment  of the Debt in any  order in its  sole  discretion.  Until
expended  or  applied  as  herein  provided,  the  Required  Repair  Fund  shall
constitute additional security for the Debt.

     (c) After Owner's Initial Deposit into the Required Repair Account pursuant
to  paragraph  (a) hereof,  Lender shall  disburse to Owner the Required  Repair
Funds from the Required  Repair Account from time to time upon  satisfaction  by
Owner of each of the  following  conditions:  (a) Owner  shall  submit a written
request  for payment to Lender at least ten (10) days prior to the date on which
Owner requests such payment be made and specifies the Property  Required Repairs
to be paid;  (b) the  request  for  disbursement  for  funds  for an  individual
Mortgaged  Property  together with all prior  disbursements  for such individual
Mortgaged  Property shall not exceed the aggregate  "Allocated  Amount" for such
individual  Mortgaged  Property  set  forth on  Schedule  D under  the  headings
"Special  FF&E Reserve  Account" and  "$23,000,000  Escrow  Account for Deferred
Maintenance"; (c) on the date such request is received by Lender and on the date
such payment is to be made, no Event of Default shall exist and remain  uncured;
(d) Lender  shall have  received a  certificate  from Owner (i) stating that all
Property  Required  Repairs at the applicable  Mortgaged  Property funded by the
prior requested disbursement have been completed in

good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with all applicable federal, state
and  local  laws,  rules  and  regulations,  (ii) any  license,  permit or other
approval by any Governmental  Authority required to commence and/or complete the
Property  Required Repairs to be funded by the requested  disbursement have been
obtained,  (iii)  identifying each person that will supply  materials,  labor or
service in connection with the Property Required Repairs to be performed at such
Mortgaged Property and to be funded by the requested  disbursement and including
copies of invoices or statements  from each such person or entity  setting forth
the costs for such  materials  or labor,  and (iv)  stating  that each person or
entity that supplied materials or labor in connection with the Property Required
Repairs  performed  at a Mortgaged  Property  and funded by the prior  requested
disbursement  has been paid all  amounts to be paid to such  person or entity as
set  forth  in  the  written  request  with  respect  to  such  prior  requested
disbursement  and setting forth the amount paid to each such person and, if such
requested  disbursement  includes amounts  constituting the final payment to any
person on account of any Property  Required  Repairs,  such certificate shall be
accompanied by lien waivers or other evidence of payment satisfactory to Lender;
(e) at Lender's  option if the amount  disbursed for Property  Required  Repairs
with  respect to an  individual  Mortgaged  Property  under the prior  requested
disbursement  exceeded  a total  of Two  Hundred  Thousand  and  No/100  Dollars
($200,000),  a title search for any such Mortgaged Property indicating that such
Mortgaged  Property is free from all liens,  claims and other  encumbrances  not
previously approved by Lender, and (f) Lender shall have received copies of paid
invoices for amounts disbursed to Owner for its previous advance,  together with
such  other  evidence  as Lender  shall  reasonably  request  that the  Property
Required  Repairs  at any  Mortgaged  Property  funded  by the  prior  requested
disbursement  have been  completed  and the related costs and expenses have been
paid.  Lender  shall not be required  to make  disbursements  from the  Required
Repair Account with respect to any such Mortgaged  Property more frequently than
twice per calendar month and unless such requested  disbursement is in an amount
greater than Fifteen  Thousand and No/100 Dollars  ($15,000) (or a lesser amount
if the total amount in the Required Repair Account is less than Fifteen Thousand
and No/100 Dollars ($15,000),  in which case only one disbursement of the amount
remaining in the account shall be made) and such disbursement shall be made only
upon  satisfaction  of each condition  contained in this paragraph (c). Prior to
Owner's  initial  deposit of funds into the Required  Repair Fund in  accordance
with  paragraph  (b) hereof or  thereafter  with respect to any  calendar  month
during  which a  request  for  payment  from  the  Required  Repair  Fund is not
submitted  to Lender  pursuant to this  paragraph  (c),  Owner shall  deliver to
Lender, as a part of the monthly reports to be delivered  pursuant to Section 19
of the  Mortgage,  a  certificate  setting  forth the  amounts  paid  during the
preceding  calendar month for Property  Required  Repairs and setting forth each
person to whom such  amounts  were paid,  the amount paid to each such person or
entity and the related Property  Required Repairs performed by each such person.
Notwithstanding  anything contained to the contrary in this Agreement, (i) Owner
shall be entitled to request disbursements for funds for an individual Mortgaged
Property provided (A) the subject request together with all prior  disbursements
for such individual Mortgaged Property shall not exceed the aggregate "Allocated
Amount"  for such  individual  Mortgaged  Property  set forth  under both of the
headings  "Special FF&E Reserve  Account" and  "$23,000,000  Escrow  Account for
Deferred Maintenance"  irrespective of whether the FF&E Replacement Reserve Fund
is applied at the time of the subject request to the  disbursement to Owner, and
(B) the  disbursement  request  for  certain  Property  Required  Repairs  for a
Mortgaged  Property is no more than the cost estimate for such Property Required
Repair  as set  forth  in the  budget  line  item for the  applicable  Mortgaged
Property on Schedule D; (ii) in the event that the  Special  FF&E  Repairs  have
been completed and the "Allocated  Amount" set forth under the heading  "Special
FF&E Reserve  Account" has been disbursed to Borrower from the Required  Repairs
Fund and spent by Borrower in  accordance  with this  Section 64,  Borrower  may
reallocate  a portion of the FF&E  Replacement  Reserve Fund  earmarked  for the
Special FF&E Repairs as set

forth in Section 7 in the amount of the applicable  "Allocated  Amount" for such
Mortgaged  Property  to  Property  Required  Repairs set forth on Schedule D for
other Mortgaged Properties, as reasonably approved by Lender, (iii) in the event
that Owner delivers evidence, reasonably satisfactory to Lender, indicating that
the actual cost to complete the Property  Required Repairs is less than the cost
set forth under the column  "Allocated  Amount"  under the heading  "$23,000,000
Escrow Account for Deferred Maintenance", Owner may reallocate such cost savings
to another Property  Required Repair item set forth on Schedule D for such other
Mortgaged Property,  (iv) Owner shall not be permitted to request  disbursements
from the  Required  Repair  Fund for the Town  Center  Property  until the Owner
deposits the Required Repairs Monthly Deposits into the Property Required Repair
Fund,  in which  case the  Owner may  request  disbursements  from the  Property
Required  Repair  Fund in an amount  not to exceed  the  amount of the  Required
Repairs  Monthly  Deposits  deposited to date (less any prior  disbursements  to
Owner for the Town Center Property).

     (d) It shall be an Event of Default under this  Agreement if (i) Owner does
not exercise  diligent efforts to complete the Property Required Repairs at each
Mortgaged  Property  by the  required  deadline  for each repair as set forth on
Schedule  D or (ii)  Owner does not make the  Initial  Deposit  or the  Required
Repairs  Monthly  Deposits  into the  Required  Repair Fund in  accordance  with
paragraph (a) hereof. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, Lender, at its
option,  may withdraw all Required Repair Funds from the Required Repair Account
and Lender may apply such funds either to  completion  of the Property  Required
Repairs at one or more of the Mortgaged Properties or toward payment of the Debt
in such  order,  proportion  and  priority as Lender may  determine  in its sole
discretion.  Lender's right to withdraw and apply Required Repair Funds shall be
in  addition to all other  rights and  remedies  provided  to Lender  under this
Agreement and the other Loan Documents.

     65. SPECIAL  CONDOMINIUM  RIDER. (a) This Condominium Rider applies,  as of
the date  hereof,  or with  respect  to the  Mortgaged  Property  identified  as
Property  No. 46  attached  hereto,  as of the  Condominium  Conversion,  to the
following Mortgaged Properties listed on Schedule A attached hereto:

     (i)  Town Center, Silver Spring, Maryland, Property No. 41;

     (ii) Holiday Inn Washington,  D.C., Silver Spring,  Maryland,  Property No.

     (iii) Comfort Inn Roseville, Roseville, Minnesota, Property No. 51; and

     (iv) Four Points Hotel, Hilton Head, South Carolina, Property No. 73.

     In the event of any inconsistency  between the terms and conditions of this
Section 65 of this Loan  Agreement  and any other terms of this Loan  Agreement,
the terms of this Section 65 shall control.

     (b) Section 5 of this Loan Agreement  entitled "PAYMENT OF TAXES" is hereby
deleted in its entirety and the following language is hereby inserted as Section

     Owner shall pay all taxes and assessments now or hereafter levied, assessed
or imposed against the Mortgaged Property or any part thereof (collectively, the
"Taxes"),  all ground rents,  maintenance charges,  water rates and sewer rents,
other governmental impositions, and other charges including, without limitation,
vault  charges and license fees for the use of vaults,  chutes and similar areas
adjoining the Premises, now or hereafter levied, assessed or imposed against the
Mortgaged Property or any part thereof (collectively,  the "Other Charges"), and
all common charges,  assessments and special assessments imposed pursuant to the
Condominium Documents

(collectively,  the  "Condominium  Charges") as they become due and payable.  If
requested by Lender,  Borrower will deliver to Lender  evidence  satisfactory to
Lender that the Taxes, Other Charges and Condominium  Charges have been so paid,
or are not then delinquent.  Owner shall not suffer, and shall promptly cause to
be paid and discharged,  any lien or charge  whatsoever which may be or become a
lien or charge  against the Mortgaged  Property,  and shall promptly pay for all
utility  services  provided to the Mortgaged  Property.  If requested by Lender,
Owner shall  furnish to Lender or its  designee  receipts for the payment of the
Taxes and/or  Condominium  Charges prior to the date that such obligations shall
become  delinquent.  Owner  shall be entitled  to contest by  appropriate  legal
proceeding,  promptly  initiated  and  conducted  in good  faith  and  with  due
diligence,  the  amount of any Taxes,  Other  Charges  or  Condominium  Charges.
Notwithstanding the preceding sentence,  during the pendency of any such contest
Owner shall pay or cause to be paid all Taxes,  Other  Charges  and  Condominium
Charges as and when due and payable,  or otherwise in accordance with Section 32

     (c) Subject to any  provisions of the  Condominium  Documents  with respect
hereto,  Lender may apply any  condemnation  award or payment in accordance with
Section  8 of  this  Loan  Agreement  entitled  "CONDEMNATION."  Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary herein,  with respect to the Town Center Property only,
the application of any  condemnation  award shall be subject to the terms of the
applicable Ground Lease.

     (d) The following  language is hereby  inserted at the end of Section 14 of
this Loan Agreement entitled "ESTOPPEL  CERTIFICATES;  AFFIDAVITS" as subsection

          (f)  Owner  shall use its best  efforts  to cause to be  delivered  to
     Lender  upon  request,   an  estoppel   certificate  from  the  Condominium
     Association in form and substance reasonably  satisfactory to Lender, which
     shall include without  limitation (i) the amount of the unpaid  Condominium
     Charges,  if any,  accrued  against the Mortgaged  Property,  (ii) that the
     Condominium  Documents  have not been  modified or amended,  (iii) that all
     payments due and payable by Owner under the Condominium Documents have been
     paid in full, and (iv) that neither Owner nor the Association is in default
     under the Condominium Documents.

     (e)  Section  20 of this  Loan  Agreement  entitled  "PERFORMANCE  OF OTHER
AGREEMENTS"  is hereby  deleted in its  entirety and the  following  language is
hereby inserted as Section 20:

     Owner  shall  observe  and  perform  each and every term to be  observed or
performed by Owner  pursuant to the terms of any material  agreement or recorded
instrument affecting or pertaining to the Mortgaged Property,  including without
limitation,   the  Condominium  Documents.   Nothing  herein  shall  operate  in
derogation of any obligation of Owner under the Loan Documents.

     (f) The following  language is hereby  inserted at the end of Section 24 of
this Loan Agreement entitled "EVENTS OF DEFAULT":

          (x)  if  any  of  the  Condominium  Charges  imposed  pursuant  to the
     Condominium Documents are not paid when the same are due and payable;

          (y) if the Condominium Association fails, in accordance with the terms
     of the Condominium Documents (a) to maintain the Common Elements and/or the
     Mortgaged  Property,  as applicable,  in good condition and repair,  (b) to
     promptly comply with all laws, orders, and ordinances  affecting the Common
     Elements and/or the Mortgaged Property, as applicable,  or the use thereof,
     (c) to promptly repair,  replace or rebuild any part of the Common Elements
     and/or  the  Mortgaged  Property,  as  applicable,  which may be damaged or
     destroyed by any casualty or which may be affected by any proceeding of the
     character  referred to in Section 8 hereof,  (d) to  complete  and pay for,
     within a  reasonable  time,  any  structure  at any time in the  process of
     construction or repair on the Common  Elements,  all to the extent that the
     Condominium  Association  is  authorized to so maintain,  repair,  replace,
     rebuild and complete the Common Elements by the  Condominium  Documents and
     such default  shall  continue for a period of sixty (60) days after written
     notice  thereof  specifying  such  default  and  requiring  the  same to be
     remedied shall have been given to the person  designated  from time to time
     in accordance with the Condominium Documents to receive service of process,
     (except with respect to a Condominium  where Owner does not have control of
     the Condominium Association only, excluding such failures in (a) -(d) above
     which  shall not  cause a  Material  Adverse  Effect  and  which  Owner has
     promptly  commenced an action against the Condominium  Association to cause
     the Condominium Association to cure such failure);

          (z) if the Condominium  Association fails in accordance with the terms
     of the  Condominium  Documents,  (a) to keep the Common Elements and/or the
     Mortgaged Property, as applicable, insured against the hazards specified in
     the  Condominium  Documents  in the amounts and pursuant to policies in the
     form  specified  therein,  and (b) to pay, as and when the same becomes due
     and payable,  any charge or encumbrance  which,  if unpaid,  might become a
     lien against the  Mortgaged  Property or any part thereof  prior to or on a
     parity with the lien of the  Mortgage,  if such failure shall result in the
     imposition of a lien against the Mortgaged Property and such lien shall not
     be discharged, dismissed or bonded within 30 days of such imposition;

          (aa) if any provision of the Condominium Act or any section, sentence,
     clause,  phrase or word, or the application  thereof in any circumstance is
     held invalid wholly or partially and, in the sole judgment of Lender,  such
     invalidity shall adversely affect the lien of the Mortgage or the rights of
     Lender thereunder;

          (bb) if,  without  the prior  written  consent of  Lender,  any of the
     material  terms or  provisions of the  Condominium  Documents are modified,
     amended or terminated;

          (cc) if, without the prior written  consent of Lender,  Owner fails to
     comply with any terms of the Condominium Documents and the Condominium Act;

          (dd)  if the  Condominium  shall  become  subject  to any  action  for
     partition by any unit owner and the action is not  dismissed  within thirty
     (30) days;

          (ee) if, without the prior written  consent of Lender,  the Declarant,
     such other party as may in writing be designated by Declarant, or any other
     party,  as the  case  may  be,  expands  or  causes  the  expansion  of the
     Condominium and annexes to the land covered by the  Condominium  additional
     land and improvements thereon;

          (ff) if the  Condominium  Association  shall  fail to allow  Lender to
     examine the 

     books,  records and  receipts of the  Condominium  in  accordance  with the
     Condominium Documents; or

          (gg) if the  Mortgaged  Property  is  withdrawn  from the  condominium
     regime   established  by  the   Condominium  Act  in  connection  with  any
     Condemnation, any casualty or otherwise, in accordance with the Condominium


          (i) Owner shall promptly deliver to Lender a true and full copy of all
     notices of default  received by the Owner with respect to any obligation or
     duty of the Owner under the Condominium Documents.

          (ii) Owner  shall not,  except with the prior  written  consent of the
     Lender  (a)  institute  any  action  or  proceeding  for  partition  of the
     Mortgaged  Property;  (b)  vote  for or  consent  to any  modification  of,
     amendment to or relaxation in the enforcement of the Condominium  Documents
     or the termination of the Condominium; (c) expand or cause the expansion of
     the Condominium and annex to the land covered by the Condominium additional
     land  and  improvements  thereon;  and (d) in the  event  of  damage  to or
     destruction  of the Common  Elements or other  portions of the  Condominium
     other than the Mortgaged Property,  vote not to repair,  restore or rebuild
     the Common  Elements or other  portions of the  Condominium  other than the
     Mortgaged Property if Owner shall have such a voting right.


     The following terms shall have the following meanings,  provided,  however,
unless the  context  clearly  indicates  a contrary  intent or unless  otherwise
specifically  provided  herein,  words  used  herein  which are  defined  in the
Condominium Act shall have the meanings set forth therein:

          (i)   "Condominium"   shall  have  the  meaning   ascribed  to  it  in

          (ii)  "Condominium  Act" shall mean (1) the  provisions of Title 11 of
     the Real Property Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1996),  as the
     same may hereafter be amended,  (2) the Minnesota Uniform  Condominium Act,
     as the same may hereafter be amended, or (3) the Horizontal Property Act of
     the State of South  Carolina,  Title 27,  Chapter 31, Code of Laws of South
     Carolina, 1976, as the same may hereafter be amended, as the case may be.

          (iii)  "By-laws"  shall mean (1) the  By-laws  of the  Council of Unit
     Owners of Colesville Roeder Condominium,  (2) the By-laws of the Council of
     Unit Owners of Silver Spring Plaza Condominium in the form and on the terms
     of those certain  By-laws  attached hereto as Exhibit D, (3) the By-laws of
     Rosedale Corporate  Condominium,  Inc., or (4) the By-laws of Oceanwalk Two
     Horizontal Owners' Association, as the case may be.

          (iv)  "Declaration"  shall  mean  (1)  that  certain  Declaration  for
     Colesville  Roeder  Condominium  dated  February 18, 1998, (2) that certain
     Declaration  for Silver  Spring  Plaza  Condominium  in the form and on the
     terms  approved  by Lender in  accordance  with  this  Agreement,  (3) that
     certain Declaration of Rosedale Corporate Condominium, Inc. dated August 3,
     1997, as amended by that certain First Amendment of the  Declaration  dated

     October 2, 1997 or (4) that certain Master Deed of Oceanwalk Two Horizontal
     Property  Regime dated  February 19, 1991, as amended by that certain First
     Amendment to the Master deed dated December 17, 1997, as the case may be.

          (v) "Condominium Association" shall mean the organization managing the
     Mortgaged  Property by virtue of the  Condominium  Act and the  Condominium
     Documents,  on  behalf  of all  the  owners  of the  units  comprising  the
     Mortgaged Property.

          (vi) "Condominium Documents" shall mean collectively the "Declaration"
     and the "By-laws".

          (vii) "Common Elements" shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the

          (viii)  "Declarant"  shall  have  the  meaning  ascribed  to it in the

     (i) Term Center

     Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary herein,  with respect to the Town
Center  Property  only,  this  Section  65 shall be  subject  to the  terms  and
conditions of the Condominium Documents and the Ground Lease.


     (a) (i) The parties agree and acknowledge that Servico,  Inc.,  Manager and
the  participants  listed on Schedule E attached  hereto  (the  "Participants"),
which  include the Borrower  Participants  (which shall include in each instance
when  used  herein,  Canadian  Guarantor)  and  the  Non-Borrower  Participants,
maintain,  and intend to continue to  maintain a single cash  management  system
under which cash receipts of the  Participants  and credit card receivables from
the  operations  of the  properties  listed on  Schedule F attached  hereto (the
"Properties") and other receipts of Manager and Servico, Inc. are deposited into
accounts in the name of Servico, Inc., which accounts are Eligible Accounts; and
thereafter  required  disbursements  are  made on  behalf  of the  Participants,
Manager and Servico,  Inc. ("the Cash Management  System");  provided,  however,
that  amounts due  pursuant to this Loan  Agreement,  the Note and the  Mortgage
shall be  transferred  by Servico,  Inc. and Manager,  as due, to the respective
Owner by deposit into accounts in the names of each respective  Owner from which
such required  payments to Lender shall be made,  which  accounts in the name of
the Owner are Eligible  Accounts.  Upon the  occurrence  of a  Triggering  Event
(defined  below),  the Owner will cease to  participate  in the Cash  Management
System.  The Cash  Management  System  shall not be  modified  or amended by the
Participants  in a manner which  affects the rights  and/or  obligations  of the
Borrower Participants in any manner whatsoever without the prior written consent
of Lender.

     (ii) The parties  agree and  acknowledge  that the use of funds in the Cash
Management System shall not be restricted and no interest is or shall be charged
or  collected  by or from  any  Participant  or  Servico,  Inc.  or any of their
respective  affiliates  with respect to funds  aggregated in the Cash Management

     (iii)  Servico,  Inc.  shall  prepare and  maintain  complete  and accurate
accounting  records with respect to all  transactions  under the Cash Management
System,  including,  without limitation,  the deposit of all cash receipts,  the
electronic transmittal of credit card receivables,  the payment of all expenses,
any  earnings  on  invested  funds and  amounts  disbursed  to the Owner for the
payment of amounts due under the Loan  Agreement  and shall prepare and maintain
for each  Participant  a running  balance of deposits to,  withdrawals  from and
amounts owing to and from each Participant in the Cash Management System.

     (iv) The parties  agree and  acknowledge  that the cash  receipts from each
hotel  owned by a Owner  or a  non-Borrower  Participant  beyond  the  immediate
on-site petty cash needs of the Owner are first deposited into a bank account in
the name of such hotel,  which account is an Eligible  Account,  and  thereafter
such amounts may be transferred to a bank account, which is an Eligible Account,
in the name of Servico, Inc. (the "Concentration Account"). Receipts from charge
cards are deposited directly into the Concentration Account.

     (v) All checks issued in payment of any Owner's  expenses shall indicate by
printed or typed  identification  that Owner is the entity for which  payment is

     (vi) Whenever a Participant shall have paid or contributed more to the Cash
Management  System than had been withdrawn or paid on its behalf (an "Overpaying
Participant"),  such Overpaying Participant shall be a creditor of Servico, Inc.
for the amount of the  overpayment and every  Participant  that has withdrawn or
has paid on its behalf more than it paid or contributed  to the Cash  Management
System (an "Underpaying  Participant")  shall be obligated to Servico,  Inc. for
the amount of such Underpaying Participant's underpayment.

     (vii) The parties agree and  acknowledge  that the Cash  Management  System
constitutes  a lending  arrangement  between  Owner  and  Servico,  Inc.,  and a
financial  accommodation  between  Owner and  Servico,  Inc.,  and that upon any
Triggering Event or if a receiver,  liquidator or trustee shall be appointed for
Servico,  Inc.,  Manager or a  Non-Borrower  Participant  or if any petition for
bankruptcy, reorganization or arrangement pursuant to federal bankruptcy law, or
any similar  federal or state law, shall be filed by or against  Servico,  Inc.,
Manager or a  Non-Borrower  Participant  at  Lender's  option  upon  notice from
Lender,  the Owner shall immediately cease to participate in the Cash Management
System and shall reconcile in cash any underpayments or overpayments existing at
that time and Lender may cause the cash receipts and credit card  receivables of
Owner to be paid directly to Lender as if a Triggering Event shall have

occurred  until  Lender  is  reasonably   satisfied  that  Owner  is  no  longer
participating in the Cash Management System.

     (viii) Claims held against Servico,  Inc. pursuant to paragraph (vi) hereof
by a Owner that is an Overpaying  Participant  and claims held by Servico,  Inc.
against  a  Participant  that  is  an  Underpaying   Participant   shall  become
immediately  due and  payable  upon the  earlier  to occur of:  (A) a demand for
payment thereof, (B) the withdrawal by the Owner from the Cash Management System
pursuant  to  paragraph  (vii)  hereof  or (C) an  Event of  Default;  provided,
however,  that any  obligation of any Owner  hereunder upon such events shall be
paid only from available net income of the Owner, after payment of debt service,
the  funding of any  required  reserves  required  hereunder  and the payment of
Owner's operating expenses in accordance with the terms of this Loan Agreement.

     (ix)  Lender,  and its  successors  and  assigns,  shall  be a  third-party
beneficiary  hereto with the ability to enforce  same for its own benefit and on
behalf of each Owner.

     (x) Any wholly-owned Affiliate of Servico, Inc. may be made a party to this
Cash Management  Agreement as a Non-Borrower  Participant or, in the case of any
Affiliate  that has  granted a  mortgage  to  Lender,  as a Owner,  by a written
amendment executed by such Affiliate, Servico, Inc. and Manager. This Section 66
may not be amended with respect to the rights of any Owner hereunder without the
prior written consent of Lender.

     (xi) This  Section 66 shall be binding  upon and shall inure to the benefit
of the parties  hereto and their  respective  successors  and upon any entity or
person  becoming a participant in the Cash Management  System  subsequent to the
date hereof.

     (xii) In the event of any  inconsistency  between  this  Section 66 and any
prior cash  management  agreement  executed by the  Participants,  this  Section
controls with respect to Borrower Participants.

     (b) (i) Upon the occurrence and continuance of an Event of Default, or (ii)
if at any time the  Aggregate  Debt Service  Coverage  Ratio for the twelve (12)
month period  immediately  preceding the date of the calculation is less than or
equal to 1.35 to 1.0, as tested monthly by Lender (collectively, the "Triggering
Events"),  Owner shall establish and maintain a segregated Eligible Account (the
"Lockbox  Account")  to be held  by  Lender,  pursuant  to the  Cash  Management
Agreement  attached  hereto as Exhibit E and made a part hereof,  which  Lockbox
Account  shall be under the sole  dominion  and control of Lender.  Owner hereby
grants to Lender a first priority  security  interest in the Lockbox Account and
all deposits at any time  contained  therein and the  proceeds  thereof and will
take all actions

necessary  to maintain in favor of Lender a perfected  first  priority  security
interest in the Lockbox Account,  including,  without limitation,  executing and
filing UCC-1 Financing Statements and continuations  thereof.  Owner will not in
any way  alter or modify  the  Lockbox  Account  and will  notify  Lender of the
account  number  thereof.  Lender shall have the sole right to make  withdrawals
from the  Lockbox  Account  and all  costs and  expenses  for  establishing  and
maintaining the Lockbox Account shall be paid by Owner.

     (c) Upon the establishment of the Lockbox Account,  Owner shall deposit, or
shall cause to be deposited,  the Rent and Accounts Receivable directly into the
Lockbox Account, and Owner shall, or shall cause each Manager to deliver written
instructions  to all tenants  under Leases and credit card  companies to deliver
all Rents and Accounts  Receivable  payable  thereunder  directly to the Lockbox
Account in the forms attached hereto as Exhibit F and made in part hereof. Owner
shall, and shall cause each Manager, to deposit all amounts received by Owner or
Manager  constituting  Rents and Accounts  Receivable  into the Lockbox  Account
within one (1)  Business  Day of receipt  thereof.  Owner  agrees that the fully
executed Cash Management  Agreement attached as Exhibit E shall become effective
upon the Triggering Events.

     (d) All funds on deposit in the Lockbox  Account shall be applied by Lender
to the payment of any amounts then due and payable  under the Loan  Documents in
accordance with the terms of the Cash Management Agreement.

     (e) The  insufficiency of funds on deposit in the Lockbox Account shall not
absolve Owner of the  obligation to make any payments,  as and when due pursuant
to this Agreement and the other Loan Documents,  and such  obligations  shall be
separate  and  independent,  and not  conditioned  on any event or  circumstance

     67.  GROUND  LEASES.  Further  supplementing  the  terms,   conditions  and
provisions of the Mortgage:

     (a) Owner shall (i) pay all rents, additional rents and other sums required
to be paid by Owner,  as tenant  under and  pursuant  to the  provisions  of the
Ground Lease,  (ii) diligently  perform and observe all of the terms,  covenants
and conditions of the Ground Lease on the part of Owner,  as tenant  thereunder,
and (iii)  promptly  notify  Lender of the giving of any notice by the  landlord
under the Ground Lease to Owner of any default by Owner,  as tenant  thereunder,
and deliver to Lender a true copy of each such notice.  Owner shall not, without
the prior  consent of Lender,  surrender  the  leasehold  estate  created by the
Ground  Lease or  terminate  or  cancel  the  Ground  Lease or  modify,  change,
supplement, alter or amend the Ground Lease, in any respect, either orally or in
writing,  and if Owner shall  default in the  performance  or  observance of any
term,  covenant or condition of the Ground Lease on the part of Owner, as tenant
thereunder,  Lender shall have the right,  but shall be under no obligation,  to
pay any sums and to perform any act or take any action as may be  appropriate to
cause all of the terms, covenants and conditions of the Ground Lease on the part
of Owner to be  performed  or observed  on behalf of Owner,  to the end that the
rights of Owner in, to and under the Ground Lease shall be kept  unimpaired  and
free from default. If the

landlord  under the Ground Lease shall deliver to Lender a copy of any notice of
default under the Ground Lease,  such notice shall constitute full protection to
Lender for any action taken or omitted to be taken by Lender,  in good faith, in
reliance thereon. Owner shall exercise each individual option, if any, to extend
or renew the term of the  Ground  Lease upon  demand by Lender  made at any time
within  one (1) year  prior to the last day upon  which any such  option  may be
exercised,  and Owner  hereby  expressly  authorizes  and  appoints  Lender  its
attorney-in-fact  to exercise  any such option in the name of and upon behalf of
Owner,  which power of attorney shall be  irrevocable  and shall be deemed to be
coupled with an interest.

     (b) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Ground Lease to the contrary,
subject to Section 9 hereof,  Owner shall not further  sublet any portion of the
Mortgaged   Property  without  prior  written  consent  of  Lender.   Each  such
Lender-approved  sublease hereafter made shall provide that, (a) in the event of
the  termination  of the  Ground  Lease,  the lease  shall not  terminate  or be
terminable by the lessee;  (b) in the event of any action for the foreclosure of
this  Mortgage,  the lease shall not terminate or be terminable by the subtenant
by  reason  of  the  termination  of the  Ground  Lease  unless  the  lessee  is
specifically  named and  joined in any such  action  and  unless a  judgment  is
obtained therein against the lessee;  and (c) in the event that the Ground Lease
is  terminated  as  aforesaid,  the lessee  shall attorn to the lessor under the
Ground Lease or to the purchaser at the sale of the  Mortgaged  Property on such
foreclosure,  as the case may be. In the event that any portion of the  Premises
shall be sublet pursuant to the terms of this Subsection, such sublease shall be
deemed to be included in the Mortgaged Property.


     (a)  Contribution.  As a result of the  transactions  contemplated  by this
Agreement,  each  Owner  will  benefit,   directly  and  indirectly,   from  the
Obligations and in consideration therefor desire to enter into an allocation and
contribution  agreement  among  themselves  as set forth in this  Section  68 to
allocate  such  benefits  among  themselves  and to provide a fair and equitable
agreement to make contributions  among the entities  comprising the Owner in the
event any payment is made by any Owner  hereunder  to the Lender  (such  payment
being  referred  to  herein  as a  "Contribution,"  and  for  purposes  of  this
Agreement, includes any exercise of recourse by the Lender against any Mortgaged
Property of a Owner and  application of proceeds of such  Mortgaged  Property in
satisfaction of such Owner's  obligations,  to the Lender under this Agreement).
The Owner hereby agrees as follows:

     (b) Limit of  Liability.  Each Owner shall be liable  under this  Agreement
with respect to the Debt only for such total maximum  amount (if any) that would
not render its Obligations  hereunder or under any of the Loan Documents subject
to  avoidance  under  Section 548 of the United  States  Bankruptcy  Code or any
comparable provisions of any state law.

     (c)  Calculation  of  Contribution.  In  order  to  provide  for a fair and
equitable contribution among the entities comprising the Owner in the event that
any  Contribution  is made by a Owner (a "Funding  Owner"),  such Funding  Owner
shall be entitled to a reimbursement Contribution ("Reimbursement Contribution")
from all other Owners for all  payments,  damages and expenses  incurred by that
Funding Owner in discharging  any of the  Obligations,  in the manner and to the
extent set forth in this Section.  The amount of any Reimbursement  Contribution
under this Agreement  shall be equal to the payment made by the Funding Owner to
the Lender or any other  beneficiary  pursuant  to this  Agreement  and shall be
determined as of the date on which such payment is made.

     (d) Benefit Amount Defined.  For purposes of this  Agreement,  the "Benefit
Amount" of any Owner as of any date of  determination  shall be the net value of
the benefits to such Owner and its affiliates  from extensions of credit made by
the Lender to (A) such Owner and (B) to the other entities  comprising the Owner
under this  Agreement and the Loan  Documents to the extent such other  entities
comprising the Owner have guaranteed or mortgaged their Mortgaged  Properties to
secure the Obligations of such Owner to the Lender.

     (e) Reimbursement Contribution Obligation.  Each Owner shall be liable to a
Funding  Owner in an  amount  equal to the  greater  of (A) the (i) ratio of the
Benefit Amount of such Owner to the total amount of  Obligations,  multiplied by
(ii) the amount of  Obligations  paid by such Funding  Owner,  or (B) 95% of the
excess of the fair  saleable  value of the property of such Owner over the total
liabilities of such Owner (including the maximum amount  reasonably  expected to
become due in respect of  contingent  liabilities)  determined as of the date on
which the payment  made by a Funding  Owner is deemed made for  purposes of this
Agreement (giving effect to all payments made by other Funding Owners as of such
date in a manner to maximize the amount of such Contributions).

     (f)  Allocation.  In the event that at any time there  exists more than one
Funding  Owner  with  respect  to  any  Contribution  (in  any  such  case,  the
"Applicable Contribution"), then Reimbursement Contributions from other entities
comprising the Owner pursuant to this  Agreement  shall be allocated  among such
Funding Owners in proportion to the total amount of the Contribution made for or
on  account  of the other  Owners by each such  Funding  Owner  pursuant  to the
Applicable Contribution.  In the event that at any time any Owner pays an amount
under this Agreement in excess of the amount  calculated  pursuant to Subsection
(c)  above,  that Owner  shall be deemed to be a Funding  Owner to the extent of
such excess and shall be entitled to a Reimbursement Contribution from the other
Owners in accordance with the provisions of this Section.

     (g) Asset of Party to Which Reimbursement Contribution is Owing. Each Owner
acknowledges  that  the  right to  Reimbursement  Contribution  hereunder  shall
constitute  an  asset  in  favor  of  the  Owner  to  which  such  Reimbursement
Contribution is owing.

     (h)  Subordination.  No  Reimbursement  Contribution  payments payable by a
Owner  pursuant to the terms of this  Section 68 shall be paid until all amounts
then due and payable by all of the Owners to the  Lender,  pursuant to the terms
of the Note,  this Agreement and the other Loan  Documents,  are paid in full in
cash.  Nothing contained in this Section 68 shall limit or affect in any way the
Obligations  of any Owner to  Lender  under  this  Agreement  or any other  Loan

     69. RECOURSE.

     The Loan,  the  Obligations  and the Other  Obligations  shall be with full
recourse to the Borrower, Canadian Guarantor and the Guarantor.


     Each party hereto shall treat the transactions  contemplated hereby and all
financial and other information  furnished to it about Owner,  Guarantor and the
Mortgaged Properties, as confidential; provided, however, that such confidential
information may be disclosed (a) as required by law or upon request or demand of
any  Governmental   Authority  or  pursuant  to  generally  accepted

accounting procedures, (b) to officers, directors,  employees, agents, partners,
attorneys,  accountants,  engineers and other  consultants of the parties hereto
who need to know such information, provided such Persons are instructed to treat
such information  confidentially,  (c) by Agent to any  Participant,  Co-Lender,
servicer,  or assignee  ("Transferee"),  which  disclosure  to  Transferees  and
prospective  Transferees  may  include  any and all  information  which has been
delivered  to Agent or by Owner  pursuant  to this  Agreement  or the other Loan
Documents or which has been delivered to Agent in connection with Agent's or the
Co-Lenders'  credit  evaluation of Owner prior to entering into this  Agreement,
(d)  upon  the  written  consent  of  the  party  whose  otherwise  confidential
information  would be disclosed,  (e) in response to any order of any court, (f)
if requested or required to do so in connection  with any  litigation or similar
proceeding,  (g) to the National  Association of Insurance  Commissioners or any
similar  organization  or any Rating Agency that requires  access to information
about a Lender's  investment  portfolio in connection  with ratings  issued with
respect to such  Lender or (i) in  connection  with the  exercise  of any remedy
hereunder or under any other Loan Document.


     (a) Syndication.  The provisions of this Section 71 shall only apply in the
event that the Loan is  syndicated  in  accordance  with the  provisions of this
Section 71 set forth below.

     (b) Sale of Loan, Co-Lenders, Participations and Servicing.

     (i) Lender and any Co-Lender may, at their option, without Owner's consent,
sell with  novation all or any part of their  right,  title and interest in, and
to, and under the Loan, to one or more  additional  Co-Lenders.  Each additional
Co-Lender  shall  enter  into  an  assignment  and  assumption   agreement  (the
"Assignment  and  Assumption")  assigning a portion of  Lender's or  Co-Lender's
rights and  obligations  under the Loan,  and  pursuant to which the  additional
Co-Lender accepts such assignment and assumes the assigned obligations. From and
after the effective  date  specified in the  Assignment  and Assumption (i) each
Co-Lender shall be a party hereto and to each Loan Document to the extent of the
applicable  percentage or percentages set forth in the Assignment and Assumption
and,  except as  specified  otherwise  herein,  shall  succeed to the rights and
obligations of Lender and the Co-Lenders  hereunder and thereunder in respect of
the Loan, and (ii) Lender, as lender and each Co-Lender,  as applicable,  shall,
to the extent such rights and  obligations  have been assigned by it pursuant to
such Assignment and  Assumption,  relinquish its rights and be released from its
obligations hereunder and under the Loan Documents.

     (ii) The liabilities of Lender and each of the Co-Lenders  shall be several
and not joint, and Lender's and each Co-Lender's obligations to Owner under this
Agreement shall be reduced by the amount of each such Assignment and Assumption.
Neither Lender nor any Co-Lender shall be responsible for the obligations of any
other  Co-Lender.  Lender and each  Co-Lender  shall be liable to Owner only for
their respective  proportionate shares of the Loan. If for any reason any of the
Co-Lenders  shall  fail or  refuse  to  abide by their  obligations  under  this
Agreement,  Lender  and the  other  Co-Lenders  shall not be  relieved  of their
obligations,  if any,  hereunder,  including their obligations to make their pro
rata  share  of any  advance;  notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  Lender  and the
Co-Lenders shall have the right,  but not the obligation,  at their sole option,
to make the defaulting  Co-Lender's  pro rata share of such advance  pursuant to
the terms of the Intercreditor Agreement.

     (iii) Subject to Subsection  21(b) hereof,  Owner agrees that it shall,  in
connection with any sale of all or any portion of the Loan,  whether in whole or
to an additional  Co-Lender or Participant,  within ten (10) business days after
requested by Agent,  furnish Agent with the certificates  required under Section
14(d)  hereof  and  such  other  information  as  reasonably  requested  by  any
additional   Co-Lender  or  Participant  in  performing  its  due  diligence  in
connection with its purchase of an interest in the Loan.

     (iv) Lender (or an Affiliate of Lender) shall act as  administrative  agent
for itself and the Co-Lenders (together with any successor administrative agent,
the "Agent") pursuant to this Section 71(b).  Owner acknowledges that Lender, as
Agent shall have the sole and  exclusive  authority  to execute and perform this
Agreement and each Loan Document on behalf of itself, as Lender and as agent for
itself and the Co-Lenders  subject to the terms of the Intercreditor  Agreement.
Except as otherwise provided herein, Owner shall have no obligation to recognize
or deal directly with any  Co-Lender,  and no Co-Lender  shall have any right to
deal directly with Owner with respect to the rights, benefits and obligations of
Owner under this  Agreement,  the Loan Documents or any one or more documents or
instruments in respect  thereof.  Owner may rely  conclusively on the actions of
Lender as Agent to bind  Lender  and the  Co-Lenders,  notwithstanding  that the
particular   action  in  question  may,   pursuant  to  this  Agreement  or  the
Intercreditor   Agreement  be  subject  to  the  consent  or  direction  of  the
Co-Lenders.  Lender  may  resign  as  Agent  of  the  Co-Lenders,  in  its  sole
discretion, without the consent of Owner; provided however, that Lender may only
resign as Agent (i) after an Event of Default  has  occurred or (ii) if required
to by the  Co-Lenders.  Upon any such  resignation,  a successor  Agent shall be
determined pursuant to the terms of the Intercreditor  Agreement. The term Agent
shall mean any successor Agent.

     Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this Agreement,  the Agent
shall not have any duties or  responsibilities  except those expressly set forth
herein  (and  in  the  Intercreditor  Agreement)  and no  covenants,  functions,
responsibilities,  duties,  obligations or liabilities of Agent shall be implied
by or inferred from this Agreement,  the Intercreditor  Agreement,  or any other
Loan Document, or otherwise exist against Agent.

     (v) Except to the extent its obligations  hereunder and its interest in the
Loan have been  assigned  pursuant to one or more  Assignments  and  Assumption,
Secore Financial  Corporation,  as Agent,  shall have the same rights and powers
under this Agreement as any other  Co-Lender and may exercise the same as though
it were not Agent,  respectively.  The term  "Co-Lender" or "Co-Lenders"  shall,
unless otherwise expressly  indicated,  include Secore Financial  Corporation in
its individual  capacity.  Lender and the other  Co-Lenders and their respective
affili  ates may accept  deposits  from,  lend  money to,  act as trustee  under
indentures of, and generally engage in any kind of business with,  Owner, or any
Affiliate  of Owner and any  person or entity  who may do  business  with or own
securities of Owner or any Affiliate of Owner or any Affiliate  thereof,  all as
if they were not serving in such  capacities  hereunder  and without any duty to
account therefor to each other.

     (vi) Intentionally Deleted.

     (vii) Lender, as Agent, shall maintain at its domestic lending office or at
such other  location as Lender,  as Agent,  shall  designate  in writing to each
Co-Lender and Owner a copy of each  Assignment and  Assumption  delivered to and
accepted by it and a register for the  recordation of the names and addresses of
the  Co-Lenders,  the  amount  of each  Co-Lender's  proportionate  share of the
Facility Amount and the Loan and the name and address of each

Co-Lender's  agent for service of process (the  "Register").  The entries in the
Register  shall be  conclusive  and binding for all  purposes,  absent  manifest
error, and Owner,  Lender, as Agent, and the Co-Lenders may treat each person or
entity whose name is recorded in the Register as a Co-Lender  hereunder  for all
purposes of this  Agreement.  The Register shall be available for inspection and
copying by Owner or any Co-Lender  during normal  business hours upon reasonable
prior notice to the Agent.  A Co-Lender may change its address and its agent for
service of process upon written notice to Lender,  as Agent,  which notice shall
only be effective upon actual receipt by Lender, as Agent, which receipt will be
acknowledged by Lender, as Agent, upon request.

     (viii)  Notwithstanding  anything  herein to the  contrary,  any  financial
institution or other entity may be sold a participation  interest in the Loan by
Lender or any Co-Lender  without Owner's consent (such financial  institution or
entity,  a  "Participant")  (x) if such sale is without  novation and (y) if the
other  conditions set forth in this  paragraph are met. No Participant  shall be
considered  a Co-Lender  hereunder or under the Note or the Loan  Documents.  No
Participant  shall have any rights under this Agreement,  the Note or any of the
Loan  Documents and the  Participant's  rights in respect of such  participation
shall be solely against Lender or Co-Lender, as the case may be, as set forth in
the participation  agreement executed by and between Lender or Co-Lender, as the
case may be,  and such  Participant.  The terms of any  participation  agreement
between Lender or Co-Lender,  as the case may be, and its Participant  shall not
grant the  Participant  any consent  rights except for consent to (i) changes in
the interest rate and term of the Loan, (ii) increase in the principal amount of
the Loan (except for protective  advances and increases made in accordance  with
this Agreement),  (iii) release of collateral (except in accordance with Section
61),  (iv)  release  of  any  party  liable  for  repayment  of  the  Loan,  (v)
forbearance,  (vi) consents to subordinate  financing of the Mortgaged  Property
(except in accordance with the terms hereof), (vii) the acceleration of the Loan
or commencement of  foreclosure,  (viii) the acquisition of foreclosed  property
and (ix) the  management  of,  and  ultimate  sale of,  real  estate  owned.  No
participation  shall relieve  Lender or Co-Lender,  as the case may be, from its
obligations  hereunder  or under the Note or the Loan  Documents  and  Lender or
Co-Lender,  as the  case  may  be,  shall  remain  solely  responsible  for  the
performance of its obligations hereunder.

     (ix)  Notwithstanding any other provision set forth in this Agreement,  the
Lender or any Co-Lender may at any time create a security interest in all or any
portion  of its rights  under this  Agreement  (including,  without  limitation,
amounts  owing to it in favor of any Federal  Reserve  Bank in  accordance  with
Regulation A of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System),  provided
that no such  security  interest or the exercise by the secured  party of any of
its  rights  thereunder  shall  release  Lender or  Co-Lender  from its  funding
obligations hereunder.

     (c)  Owner's  Assignment.  Owner may not assign  its rights or  obligations
hereunder without the prior written consent of Agent and all of the Co-Lenders.

     (d) Payment of Agent's,  and Co-Lender's  Expenses,  Indemnity,  etc. Owner

     (i) whether or not the  transactions  hereby  contemplated are consummated,
pay all reasonable out-of-pocket costs and expenses (A) of Agent, Lender and all
Co-Lenders in connection with Agent's and such  Co-Lender's due diligence review
of the Mortgaged Property, the negotiation,  preparation, execution and delivery
of the Note, this Agreement,  the Mortgage, and the other Loan Documents and the
documents  and  instruments  referred to therein,  the  creation,  perfection or
protection  of  Lender's  and  Co-Lender's  liens  on  the  Mortgaged   Property

without limitation, fees and expenses for title insurance, property inspections,
appraisals,  consultants, surveys, lien searches, filing and recording fees, and
escrow  fees and  expenses),  all  internal  valuations  and  appraisals  of the
Mortgaged  Property made by Agent in connection with the  administration  of the
Loan and any amendment,  waiver or consent relating to any of the Loan Documents
including releases,  and the addition of new mortgaged properties (but Agent and
the  Co-Lender's  shall pay their own respective  counsel fees) and (B) of Agent
and  Co-Lenders  in  connection  with the  preservation  of  rights  under,  any
amendment, waiver or consent relating to, and enforcement of, the Loan Documents
and the documents and instruments  referred to therein or in connection with any
restructuring or rescheduling of the Obligations (including, without limitation,
the reasonable fees and disbursements of counsel for Agent and the Co-Lenders);

     (ii) pay, and hold Agent and each Co-Lender harmless from and against,  any
and all present and future stamp, excise and other similar taxes with respect to
the  foregoing  matters  and hold  Agent and each  Co-Lender  harmless  from and
against any and all  liabilities  with respect to or resulting from any delay or
omission  (other than to the extent  attributable to Agent or such Co-Lender) to
pay such taxes; and

     (iii) indemnify Agent,  (in its capacity as Lender and as Agent),  and each
Co-Lender, its officers,  directors,  employees,  representatives and agents and
any persons or entities owned or Controlled by, owning or Controlling,  or under
common  Control or Affiliated  with Agent,  Agent,  or each  Co-Lender  (each an
"Indemnitee") from, and hold each of them harmless against,  any and all losses,
liabilities,   claims,  damages,  expenses,  obligations,   penalties,  actions,
judgments,  suits,  costs  or  disbursements  of any kind or  nature  whatsoever
(including, without limitation, the reasonable fees and disbursements of counsel
for such  Indemnitee in connection  with any  investigative,  administrative  or
judicial  proceeding  commenced or  threatened,  whether or not such  Indemnitee
shall be designated a party  thereto) that may at any time  (including,  without
limitation, at any time following the payment of the Obligations) be imposed on,
asserted against or incurred by any Indemnitee as a result of, or arising in any
manner out of, or in any way  related  to or by reason  of,  (i) the  execution,
delivery or performance of any Loan Document,  (ii) the breach of any of Owner's
or Guarantor's  representations and warranties or of any of Owner's Obligations,
(iii) a default  under  Sections  10(x) or 40,  including,  without  limitation,
attorneys' fees and costs incurred in the investigation, defense, and settlement
of losses incurred in correcting any prohibited  transaction or in the sale of a
prohibited  loan,  and  in  obtaining  any  individual  prohibited   transaction
exemption  under ERISA that may be required,  and (iv) the exercise by Agent and
the  Co-Lenders  of their rights and remedies  (including,  without  limitation,
foreclosure) under any Loan Documents (but excluding, as to any Indemnitee,  any
such losses,  liabilities,  claims, damages, expenses,  obligations,  penalties,
actions,  judgments,  suits, costs or disbursements incurred solely by reason of
the gross  negligence  or  willful  misconduct  of such  Indemnitee  as  finally
determined  by a court of competent  jurisdiction)  (collectively,  "Indemnified
Liabilities").  Owner further agrees that,  without  Agent's or the  Co-Lenders'
prior written consent, it will not enter into any settlement of a lawsuit, claim
or other proceeding arising or relating to any Indemnified Liability unless such
settlement  includes  an  explicit  and  unconditional  release  from the  party
bringing such lawsuit,  claim or other  proceeding of each  Indemnitee.  Owner's
obligations  under this Section shall survive the  termination of this Agreement
and the payment of the Obligations.

     (d) Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure
to the benefit of Owner,  Agent, the Co-Lenders,  all future holders of the Note
and their respective successors and assigns.

     (e) Amendments and Waivers.  (i) Neither this  Agreement,  the Note, or any
other Loan  Document to which Owner or Guarantor is a party nor any terms hereof
or thereof may be  amended,  supplemented,  modified  or waived  other than in a
writing  executed by Owner,  Guarantor,  if applicable,  and Agent.  The parties
hereto acknowledge and agree that any amendment,  modification approval,  waiver
or request to be granted regarding the terms of this Agreement shall be given in
accordance  with the  terms,  provisions  and  conditions  of the  Intercreditor
Agreement.  The authority of Agent to act as Agent hereunder  arises pursuant to
and is governed by the Intercreditor Agreement.

     (ii) In the case of any waiver,  Owner,  Agent and all Co-Lenders  shall be
restored to their former position and rights hereunder and under the outstanding
Note and any other  Loan  Documents,  and any Event of Default  waived  shall be
deemed to be cured and not  continuing;  but no such waiver  shall extend to any
subsequent or other Event of Default, or impair any right consequent thereon.

     Owner acknowledges and agrees that Agent may provide to the Co-Lenders, and
that Agent, and each of the Co-Lenders may provide to any Participant, originals
or  copies  of this  Agreement,  all Loan  Documents  and all  other  documents,
instruments,  certificates,  opinions,  insurance  policies,  letters of credit,
reports,  requisitions  and other  materials and  information of every nature or
description,  and may communicate all oral information, at any time submitted by
or on behalf of Owner,  or Guarantor or received by Agent in connection with the
Loan or Owner or Guarantor.

     (f)  Marshaling;  Recapture.  Agent shall be under no obligation to marshal
any assets in favor of Owner or any other  party or against or in payment of any
or all of the  Obligations.  To the extent  Agent  receives any payment by or on
behalf of Owner, which payment or any part thereof is subsequently  invalidated,
declared to be fraudulent or preferential, set aside or required to be repaid to
Owner or its estate, trustee,  receiver,  custodian or any other party under any
bank ruptcy law, state or federal law,  common law or equitable  cause,  then to
the extent of such payment or  repayment,  the  obligation or part thereof which
has been paid,  reduced or satisfied by the amount so repaid shall be reinstated
by the amount so repaid and shall be included within the liabilities of Owner to
Agent and the  Co-Lenders  as of the date such  initial  payment,  reduction  or
satisfaction occurred.

     (g)  Survival.  Except as expressly  provided to the contrary  herein,  all
indemnities set forth herein  including,  without  limitation,  in Section 71(d)
shall  survive the execution  and delivery of this  Agreement,  the Note and the
Loan Documents and the making and repayment of the Loan hereunder.

     (h) Domicile of Loan  Portions.  Lender and the Co-Lenders may transfer and
carry any Loan  portion  at, to or for the  account of any  domestic  or foreign
branch office, subsidiary or affiliate, subject to Section 71(i) below.

     (i) Taxes.  (i) All payments  made by Owner under this  Agreement  shall be
made free and clear of, and without  deduction or withholding  for or on account
of, any present or future income, stamp or other taxes, levies, imposts, duties,
charges,  fees,  deductions or withholdings,  now or hereafter imposed,  levied,
collected,  withheld or assessed by any governmental authority excluding, in the
case of Lender or any  Co-Lender,  net income  and  franchise  taxes  imposed on
Lender or any  Co-Lender by the  jurisdiction  under the laws of which Lender or

any  Co-Lender is organized or any  political  subdivision  or taxing  authority
thereof or therein,  or by any  jurisdiction  in which  Lender's or  Co-Lender's
Domestic  Lending Office or Eurodollar  Lending  Office,  as the case may be, is
located or any political subdivision or taxing authority thereof or therein (all
such non-excluded taxes, levies,  imposts,  deductions,  charges or withholdings
being hereinafter called "Taxes").

     (ii)  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary  herein,  if at any time or
from  time to time  Taxes are  required  to be  deducted  or  withheld  from the
payments  required  to be made to Lender or any  Co-Lender  hereunder  solely by
reason of a Change in Law after the date  hereof  (other than as a result of any
transfer  or  assignment  of any of the  obligations  of Owner  hereunder),  all
payment required to be made by Owner hereunder (including any additional amounts
that may be payable  pursuant  to this  clause  (b)) shall be  increased  to the
extent required so that the net amount received by Lender or any Co-Lender after
the deduction or  withholding  of Taxes imposed  solely by reason of a Change in
Law  after the date  hereof  will be not less than the full  amount  that  would
otherwise have been receivable had no such deduction or withholding been imposed
by reason of such  Change in Law.  In the event  that this  clause  (b) shall be
operative,  Owner shall  promptly  provide to Agent  evidence of payment of such
Taxes to the appropriate  taxing  authority and shall promptly  forward to Agent
any official tax receipts or other documentation with respect to the pay ment of
the Taxes as may be issued by the taxing  authority.  If Owner  fails to pay any
Taxes when due to the  appropriate  taxing  authority or fails to remit to Agent
the  required  receipts  or other  required  documentary  evidence,  Owner shall
indemnify  Lender and any  Co-Lender  for any  incremental  taxes,  interest  or
penalties that may become payable by Lender or Co-Lender as a result of any such
failure.  The agreements in this Section 71(i)(ii) shall survive the termination
of this Agreement and the payment of the Note and all other Obligations.

     (iii) For  purposes of this  Section  71(i) the term  "Change in Law" shall
mean the following  events:  (A) the enactment of any  legislation by the United
States, including the enactment,  amendment or modification of a treaty; (B) the
lapse,  by its terms, of any law of the United States or any treaty to which the
United  States is a party;  or (C) the  promulgation  of any  temporary or final
regulation under the Code.

     (iv) Each Co-Lender that is not  incorporated  under the laws of the United
States of America or a state  thereof  agrees  that,  prior to the first date on
which any payment is due to it hereunder, it will deliver to Owner and Agent (i)
two duly completed copies of United States Internal Revenue Service Form 1001 or
4224 or successor  applicable form, as the case may be,  certifying in each case
that such Co-Lender is entitled to receive payments under this Agreement and the
Note  payable to it,  without  deduction  or  withholding  of any United  States
federal income taxes,  and (ii) an Internal  Revenue  Service Form W-8 or W-9 or
successor  applicable  form, as the case may be, to establish an exemption  from
United States backup  withholding  tax.  Each  Co-Lender  required to deliver to
Owner  and  Agent a Form  1001 or  4224  and  Form  W-8 or W-9  pursuant  to the
preceding  sentence further undertakes to deliver to Owner and Agent two further
copies  of the  said  letter  and Form  1001 or 4224  and  Form  W-8 or W-9,  or
successor  applicable forms, or other manner of  certification,  as the case may
be, on or before the date that any such letter or form  expires  (which,  in the
case of the Form  4224,  is the last day of each U.S.  taxable  year of the non-
U.S.  Co-Lender)  or  becomes  obsolete  or after  the  occurrence  of any event
requiring a change in the most recent letter and form previously delivered by it
to Owner and  Agent,  and such  other  extensions  or  renewals  thereof  as may
reasonably be requested by Owner or Agent, certifying in the case of a Form 1001
or 4224 that such Co-Lender is entitled to receive payments under this Agreement
without  deduction or  withholding  of any United States  federal  income taxes,
unless in

any such case an event (including, without limitation, any change in treaty, law
or  regulation)  has occurred prior to the date on which any such delivery would
otherwise be required which renders all such forms  inapplicable  or which would
prevent such  Co-Lender  from duly  completing and delivering any such letter or
form with respect to it and such  Co-Lender  advises  Owner and Agent that it is
not capable of receiving payments without any deduction or withholding of United
States federal income tax, and in the case of a Form W-8 or W-9, establishing an
exemption from United States backup withholding tax. Notwithstanding clause (i),
if a  Co-Lender  fails to  provide a duly  completed  Form 1001 or 4224 or other
applicable  form and,  under  applicable  law, in order to avoid  liability  for
Taxes,  Owner is required to withhold on payments  made to such a Agent that has
failed to provide the applicable  form,  Owner shall be entitled to withhold the
appropriate amount of Taxes. In such event, Owner shall promptly provide to such
Co-Lender or Agent evidence of payment of such Taxes to the  appropriate  taxing
authority and shall promptly forward to such Co-Lender or Agent any official tax
receipts or other  documentation with respect to the payment of the Taxes as may
be issued by the taxing authority.

     (j)  Limitation of Liability.  No claim may be made by Owner,  or any other
Person against Agent, or any Co-Lenders or the Affiliates,  directors, officers,
employees,  attorneys or agent of any of such Persons for any special, indirect,
consequential or punitive damages in respect of any claim for breach of contract
or any other theory of liability  arising out of or related to the  transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement  or any act,  omission  or event  occurring  in
connection  therewith;  and Owner hereby waives,  releases and agrees not to sue
upon any claim for any such  damages,  whether or not accrued and whether or not
known or suspected to exist in its favor.

     (k) No Joint  Venture.  Notwithstanding  anything  to the  contrary  herein
contained,  neither Agent,  nor any Co-Lender by entering into this Agreement or
by taking  any  action  pursuant  hereto,  will not be deemed a partner or joint
venturer  with  Owner  and Owner and  agree to hold  Agent,  and each  Co-Lender
harmless from any damages and expenses resulting from such a construction of the
relationship of the parties hereto or any assertion thereof.


     (a) Property No. 30 (Five Seasons Hotel,  Cedar  Rapids).  (i) Owner agrees
and  covenants to deliver on or before the date which is sixty (60 days from the
date hereof (the  "Cedar  Rapids  Delivery  Date"),  an original  fully-executed
counterpart  of an  estoppel  by  the  ground  lessor  under  the  Ground  Lease
applicable to the Mortgaged  Property (the "Cedar Rapids  Property") in the form
attached hereto as Exhibit H ("the Cedar Rapids Estoppel");

     (ii) Upon the delivery of the Cedar Rapids  Estoppel  within the time frame
set forth above,  Lender agrees to advance the maximum  principal  amount of the
future  advance  note by Servico  Cedar  Rapids,  Inc.  (the  "Future  Advance")
provided  (i) no Event of Default  exists,  and (ii) Owner  delivers to Lender a
datedown  endorsement of the existing  title  policies  insuring the lien of the
insured Mortgage as of the date of the advance (or an equivalent  endorsement in
Texas) showing no exceptions to such policy other than the Permitted  Exceptions
and otherwise acceptable to Lender in all respects; and

     (iii)  The  proceeds  of  the  Future  Advance  shall  be  applied  to  the
outstanding  debt applicable to the first note and the mortgage  secured thereby
held by Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.

relating to the Cedar Rapids  Property (the "Lehman Note and  Mortgage").  Owner
shall be required to satisfy the Lehman Note and  Mortgage as of the date of the
Future  Advance,  irrespective of whether the proceeds of the Future Advance are
sufficient to satisfy the debt evidenced by the Lehman Note and Mortgage.

     (b) Property No. 59 (Clarion Niagara). Owner hereby covenants and agrees as
follows:  (i) that the Notes  referred to in Nos. 2 and 3 of Schedule C-3 hereof
(collectively,  the "Clarion Note"), the indenture of mortgage recorded on April
2, 1996, in Liber 3222 of Mortgages at Page 143, as assigned to Lehman  Brothers
Holdings Inc.  pursuant to an assignment of loan  documents  recorded on January
21, 1998 in Liber 1055 of  Assignment  of  Mortgages  at Page 26, as amended and
restated  by an amended  and  restated  indenture  of  mortgage,  deed of trust,
assignment  of leases and rents and security  agreement  recorded on January 21,
1998 in Liber 1055 of  Assignment  of Mortgages  at Page 267, and a  subordinate
mortgage,  deed of trust,  assignment of leases and rents and security agreement
recorded on January  21, 1998 in Liber 2860 of Deeds at Page 330  (collectively,
the "Clarion  Mortgage"),  together with all documents executed and delivered by
Servico New York, Inc. to Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. in connection  therewith
(the  "Clarion  Documents")  shall  mature on  February  1,  1999 (the  "Clarion
Maturity  Date") and Owner hereby  waives any right to a one (1) year  extension
option  contained  in the  Clarion  Documents  and/or the  Seventh  Amended  and
Restated  Consideration  and Consent Agreement dated September 29, 1998 and (ii)
to deliver the following  items on or before the Clarion  Maturity  Date: (A) an
original fully  executed  counterpart of the estoppel by the ground lessor under
the Ground  Lease  applicable  to the  Mortgaged  Property in the form  attached
hereto as Exhibit J; (B) an amendment and restatement of the Clarion Note in the
form of the Note,  to be executed by Servico New York,  Inc. and Niagara  County
Industrial  Development Authority in the principal amount equal to the Allocated
Loan Amount for Property No. 59 on Schedule A and an amendment  and  restatement
of the Clarion  Mortgage in the form of the Mortgage,  to be executed by Servico
New York, Inc. and Niagara County Industrial  Development Authority securing the
principal  amount  of  $19,168,000   (the  "Note  and  Mortgage   Amendment  and
Restatement"),  (C) an amendment and restatement of the assignment of leases and
rents dated as of January 16, 1998 and recorded in Liber 2800 at Page 279 in the
form of the  Assignment,  to be executed by Servico New York,  Inc.  and Niagara
County  Industrial  Authority  (the  "Assignment  Amendment"),  (D)  a  datedown
endorsement  of the  existing  title  policy  insuring  the lien of the  insured
Mortgage as amended and restated pursuant to the Note and Mortgage Amendment and
Restatement  showing  no  exceptions  to  such  policy  as of the  date  of such
Amendment  and  Restatement  of Note and Mortgage and the  Assignment  Amendment
other than the Permitted  Exceptions  and otherwise  acceptable to Lender in all
respects,  and (E) an enforceability  and due  execution/authority  opinion with
respect to the Note and Mortgage  Amendment and  Restatement  and the Assignment
Amendment. The Note and Mortgage Amendment and the Assignment Amendment shall be
non-recourse with respect to the Niagara County Industrial Development Authority
only,  but  shall  be with  full  recourse  to the  Owner.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  in the event that Owner shall not be able to satisfy  (c)(ii)(A)-(E)
above within the time periods set forth therein, Owner agrees to comply with the
following:  (1) Owner shall give Lender written notice on or before  February 1,
1999 that Owner shall  purchase the fee interest in the  Mortgaged  Property for
$1.00 in accordance  with the terms of the Ground Lease  relating to the Clarion
Property  (the "Fee Interest  Purchase"),  (2) the Fee Interest  Purchase  shall
occur on or before  March 1, 1999,  (3) after the Fee Interest  Purchase,  Owner
shall deliver to Lender the documents referred in (c)(ii)(B) and (C) executed by
Owner as fee owner together with the title endorsement and the opinions referred
to in  (c)(ii)(D)  and (E) on or before  March 1, 1999 and (4) in the event that
Owner delivers the notice  referred to in (1) above,  the Clarion  Maturity Date
shall be extended to March 1, 1999.

     (c) Owner's failure to comply with the terms,  provisions and conditions of
(a),  (b) or (c) above shall be an Event of Default and Lender shall be entitled
to all remedies hereunder, under the Mortgage, under the Note and the other Loan

     (d)  Owner  hereby  agrees to pay to Lender  as  additional  interest  (the
"Additional Interest") with respect to the Cedar Rapids Property and the Clarion
Property the following:  (i) with respect to the Cedar Rapids Property,  on each
Payment Date through and  including  the Cedar  Rapids  Delivery  Date an amount
equal to the  product of (A) the  Allocated  Loan  Amount  for the Cedar  Rapids
Property and (B) the difference between the Applicable Interest Rate on the Note
and the  applicable  note rate on the Cedar Rapids Note (or 1.43%) and (ii) with
respect to the Clarion  Property,  on each Payment  Date  through and  including
February 1, 1999 or in the event that Owner exercises its rights pursuant to the
last  sentence of  subsection  (b) above,  March 1, 1999, an amount equal to the
product of (A) the  Allocated  Loan Amount for the Clarion  Property and (B) the
difference  between the Applicable  Interest Rate on the Note and the applicable
note rate on the Clarion Note (or 1.43%).

     (e)  Notwithstanding  anything contained to the contrary in this commitment
letter  dated  November  4,  1998,  Owner  agrees  that it shall  pay for all of
Lender's costs and expenses  incurred on and after the date hereof in connection
with this  Section  72,  including  due  diligence  costs and  counsel  fees and
disbursements  incurred in  connection  with this  Section 72 and the review and
approval of the documents,  estoppels and  information  required to be delivered

(WEST PALM BEACH AND ALBANY OMNI  HOTELS) (a) Owner  hereby  agrees to deliver a
copy of the Property Improvement Plan or such other renovation plan developed by
the Franchisor (the "Franchisor's Plan") with respect to Property Nos. 13 and/or
57 set forth on Schedule A attached  (the "Omni  Hotels")  upon receipt of same.
Upon receipt of the Franchisor's  Plan, Lender shall retain, at Owner's cost and
expense,  B.E.S.T.  Consulting or such other  engineer,  mutually  acceptable to
Owner and Lender,  to prepare a cost estimate for the  renovations  set forth in
the Franchisor's Plan (the "Cost Estimate"). Owner agrees to deposit with Lender
the total  amount of the Cost  Estimate  on or before the Final  Month  (defined
below) in monthly installments calculated by Lender as follows: a monthly amount
equal to (i) the Cost Estimate  multiplied by (ii) a fraction,  the numerator of
which is one (1) and the  denominator  of which is the  product of (A) the total
number of full calendar months  contained in the required  renovation  period in
the  Franchisor's  Plan (and if such number of calendar months is an odd number,
it shall be rounded  downwards  to the next even month  number) and (B) 1/2 (the
"Omni Monthly  Deposits").  The Omni Monthly  Deposits  shall be deposited  with
Lender  (the  "Omni  Reserve")  on the  first day of the  calendar  month of the
commencement  of the  renovation  period  and on the first day of each  calendar
month thereafter through and including the Final Month. The Final Month shall be
the first day of the calendar month which is "X"-1 months  immediately after the
first calendar month of the  commencement  of the renovation  period pursuant to
the Franchisor's  Plan. "X" shall be calculated as follows:  the total amount of
full calendar  months in the renovation  period (and if such number of number of
months is an odd number,  it shall be rounded  downwards  to the next even month
number)  divided by 2. Lender will  maintain  the Omni  Reserve in a  segregated
account (the "Omni Reserve  Account"),  which shall be an Eligible Account,  and
the Omni  Reserve  shall be  invested  and  reinvested  by  Lender,  at  Owner's
direction,  in  one  or  more  Eligible  Accounts,   subject  to  the  following
restrictions:  (A) such Eligible  Investments and the proceeds  thereof shall be
deemed a part of the Omni Reserve;  (B) each such Eligible  Investments shall be
made in the name of Lender (in its capacity as such) or in the name of a nominee
of Lender under its complete and exclusive

dominion and control or, if applicable law provides for perfection of pledges of
an  instrument  not  evidenced  by a  certificate  or other  instrument  through
registration of such pledge on books maintained by or on behalf of the issuer of
such  investment,  such pledge may be so  registered;  (C) Lender shall have the
sole control over such investment,  the income thereon and the proceeds thereof;
(D) other than  investments  described in clause (B) above,  any  certificate or
other  instrument  evidencing  such  investment  shall be delivered  directly to
Lender or its agent;  (E) the proceeds of each  investment  shall be remitted by
the purchaser  thereof directly to Lender and (F) Lender shall not be liable for
any loss  sustained on the  investment of any funds  constituting  a part of the
Omni Reserve  (except for losses  resulting from Lender's  gross  negligences or
willful default).

     (b) Owner hereby grants a first priority  security  interest to Lender,  as
security for payment of all sums due under the Loan and the  performance  of all
other  terms,  conditions  and  provisions  to be  paid  and  performed,  of all
Borrower's  right,  title and  interest in and to the Omni  Reserve and the Omni
Reserve  Account and shall  execute  and deliver to Lender such UCC-1  Financing
Statements and other  documents or instruments as Lender may request in order to
grant and perfect such security interest. Owner shall not, without obtaining the
prior written consent of Lender,  further  pledge,  assign or grant any security
interest in the Omni Reserve or the Omni  Reserve  Account or permit any lien or
encumbrance  to attach  thereto,  or any levy to be made  thereon,  or any UCC-1
Financing  Statements,  except those naming Lender as the secured  party,  to be
filed with respect thereto.  Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default,  Lender
may apply any sums then  present in the Omni  Reserve to the payment of the Debt
(as defined in the Note) in any order in its sole discretion.  Until expended or
applied as above provided, the Omni Reserve shall constitute additional security
for the Debt.

     (c) Lender shall disburse  amounts from the Omni Reserve in the same manner
and in  accordance  with  disbursement  requirements  for the  Required  Repairs
Reserve as set forth in Section 64 hereof.  Owner  shall be  required  to comply
with all of the conditions  precedent for  disbursements as set forth in Section
64 when requesting disbursements from the Omni Reserve.

     74. SPECIAL CANADIAN PROVISION.  (a) The following provision relates to the
Canadian Property only: For purposes of the Interest Act (Canada),  (i) whenever
any interest or fee under any Loan Document is calculated  using a rate based on
a year of 360 days or 365 days, as the case may be, the rate determined pursuant
to such calculation,  when expressed as an annual rate, is equivalent to (x) the
applicable rate based on a year of 360 days or 365 days, as the case may be, (y)
multiplied by the actual number of days in the calendar year in which the period
for which such interest or fee is payable (or compounded)  ends, and (z) divided
by 360 or 365, as the case may be, and (ii) the principle of deemed reinvestment
of interest does not apply to any interest calculation under any Loan Document.

     (b) By the execution and delivery of this Loan  Agreement or any other Loan
Document,  the  Canadian  Guarantor  shall  not in any  way  be  deemed  to be a
"Borrower" of funds from Lender and Canadian Guarantor's sole obligation for the
payment of the Debt shall be pursuant to the Canadian Guarantee.

                         [NO FURTHER TEXT ON THIS PAGE]

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower and Lender have executed this instrument

as of the day and year first above written.


                                       Toni Jones,  as Vice President of each of
                                       the  Companies  described on the attached
                                       Exhibit G


                                       SECORE       FINANCIAL       CORPORATION,
                                       individually and as Agent for one or more
                                       Co-Lenders and successors

                                           By: _________________________________

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  Canadian  Guarantor has executed this instrument as of
the day and year first above written.

                                       CANADIAN GUARANTOR

                                           By: _________________________________

                                   SCHEDULE A

List of Mortgaged Properties

        TPW                                              Franchise                                 Consulting                       
   PROPERTY NO.             Name/Address                 Agreement          Franchisor             Agreement        Manager         
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         1          Holiday Inn Sheffield                September          Holiday Inns           October 5,       Servico         
                    4900 Hatch Boulevard                 24, 1991           Franchising,           1993             Management      
                    Sheffield, Alabama 35660                                Inc.                                    Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         2          Holiday Inn Dothan                   August 14,         Holiday Inns           December ,       Servico         
                    3053 Ross Clark Circle, SW           1995               Franchising,           1996             Management      
                    Dothan, Alabama 38301                                   Inc.                                    Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          Allocated Loan
        TPW               Amount                Release
   PROPERTY NO.           ("ALA")               Price
- ------------------------------------------------------------

         1                 $4,719,199                130%
                                                   of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
         2                 $1,819,195                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------

        TPW                                              Franchise                                 Consulting                       
   PROPERTY NO.             Name/Address                 Agreement          Franchisor             Agreement        Manager         
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         3          Hampton Inn Dothan                   August 16,         Promus                  August ,        Servico         
                    3071 Ross Clark Circle, SW           1995               Hotels, Inc.              1995          Management      
                    Dothan, Alabama 38301                                                                           Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         4          Holiday Inn Express Gadsden          August 14,         Holiday Inns           December ,       Servico         
                    801 Cleveland Avenue                 1995               Franchising,              1996          Management      
                    Attalia, Alabama 35954                                  Inc.                                    Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         8          Howard Johnson Flagstaff             September 29,      Howard                 October 5,       Servico         
                    2200 East Butler Avenue              1989               Johnson                   1993          Management      
                    Flagstaff, Arizona 88001                                Franchise                               Corp.
                                                                            Systems, Inc.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        11          Holiday Inn East Hartford            May 28, 1998       Holiday                August 21,       Servico         
                    363 Roberts Street                                      Hospitality               1998          Management      
                    East Hartford, Connecticut                              Franchising,                            Corp.
                    08106                                                   Inc.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        12          Holiday Inn New Haven                May 28, 1998       Holiday                August 21,       Servico         
                    30 Whalley Avenue                                       Hospitality               1998          Management      
                    New Haven, Connecticut                                  Franchising,                            Corp.
                    06511                                                   Inc.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        13          Omni Hotel West Palm                 January 7,         Omni Hotels           May 15, 1982      Royce           
                    Beach                                1992               Franchising                             Management      
                    1601 Belvedere Road                                     Corporation                             Corp.
                    West Palm Beach, Florida
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        14          Sheraton West Palm Beach             November 20,       ITT                   November 21,      Servico         
                    630 Clearwater Park Road             1997               Sheraton                  1997          Management      
                    West Palm Beach, Florida                                Corporation                             Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        15          Holiday Inn Express                  August 14,         Holiday Inns           August 15,       Servico         
                    Pensacola                            1995               Franchising,              1995          Management      
                    6501 Pensacola Road                                     Inc.                                    Corp.
                    Pensacola, Florida 23505
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        16          Holiday Inn University Mall          August 14,         Holiday Inns           December ,       Servico         
                    7200 Plantation Road                 1995               Franchising,              1996          Management      
                    Pensacola, Florida 32504                                Inc.                                    Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        17          Hampton  Inn Pensacola               August 16,         Promus                 December ,       Servico         
                    7330 Plantation Road                 1995               Hotels, Inc.              1996          Management      
                    Pensacola, Florida 32504                                                                        Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        18          Holiday Inn Express Ft.              August 14,         Holiday Inns           December ,       Servico         
                    Pierce                               1995               Franchising,              1996          Management      
                    7151 Okeechobee Road                                    Inc.                                    Corp.
                    Fort Pierce, Florida 34945
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        19          Holiday Inn Winter Haven             November 17,       Holiday               November 21,      Servico         
                    1150 3rd Street SW                   1997               Hospitality               1997          Management      
                    Winter Haven, Florida 33880                             Franchising,                            Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          Allocated Loan
        TPW               Amount                Release
   PROPERTY NO.           ("ALA")               Price
- ------------------------------------------------------------
         3               $   3,334,130                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
         4               $   3,392,624                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
         8               $   2,520,000                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        11               $   3,372,736                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        12               $   3,041,663                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        13               $  15,000,000                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        14               $   9,415,450                140%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        15               $   5,686,154                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        16               $   5,615,377                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        17               $   5,526,455                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        18               $   2,032,831                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        19               $   4,339,282                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------

        TPW                                              Franchise                                 Consulting                       
   PROPERTY NO.             Name/Address                 Agreement          Franchisor             Agreement        Manager         
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        26          Holiday Inn Brunswick                September 24,      Holiday Inns           October 5,       Servico        
                    U.S. 341 at I-98                     1991               Franchising,              1993          Management     
                    Brunswick, Georgia 31520                                Inc.                                    Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        29          Holiday Inn Rolling Meadows          November 20,       Holiday               November 21,      Servico        
                    3405 Algonquin Road                  1997               Hospitality               1997          Management     
                    Rolling Meadows, Illinois                               Franchising,                            Corp.
                    60008                                                   Inc.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        30          Five Season Hotel                    June 6, 1997       Holiday Inns         April 23, 1997     Servico        
                    350 1st Avenue NE                    (Conversion)       Franchising,                            Management     
                    Cedar Rapids, Iowa 53401                                Inc.                                    Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        39          Quality Hotel Metairie               June 22,           Choice                 October 5,       Servico        
                    2261 North Causeway Blvd.            1994               Hotels                    1993          Management     
                    Metairie, Louisiana 70001                               Internationa                            Corp.
                                                                            l, Inc.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        40          Columbia Hilton                      November 7,        Hilton Inns,           November 6,      Servico        
                    5485 Twin Knolls Road                1997               Inc.                      1997          Management     
                    Silver Spring, Maryland              (Assignment)                                               Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        41          Town Center                          N/A                None                  February 19,      Servico        
                    8727 Colesville Road                                                              1998          Management     
                    Silver Spring, Maryland                                                                         Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        45          Frederick Holiday Inn                May 28, 1998       Holiday                August 21,       Servico        
                    999 West Patrick Street                                 Hospitality               1998          Management     
                    Frederick, Maryland  21702                              Franchising,                            Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        46          Holiday Inn Washington,              November 17,       Holiday               November 21,      Servico        
                    D.C.                                 1997               Hospitality               1997          Management     
                    8777 Georgia Avenue                                     Franchising,                            Corp.
                    Silver Spring, Maryland                                 Inc.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        47          Cromwell Bridge Holiday Inn          May 28, 1998       Holiday                August 21,       Servico        
                    1100 Cromwell Bridge Road                               Hospitality               1998          Management     
                    Towson, Maryland 21286                                  Franchising,                            Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        48          Belmont Holiday Inn                  May 28, 1998       Holiday                August 21,       Servico        
                    1800 Belmont Avenue                                     Hospitality               1998          Management     
                    Baltimore, Maryland  21244                              Franchising,                            Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        49          Northfield Hilton                    October 11,        Hilton Inns,           October 5,       Servico        
                    5500 Crooks Road                     1983               Inc.                      1993          Management     
                    Troy, Michigan 48098                                                                            Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        50          Holiday Inn St. Paul                 June 21,           Holiday Inns           October 5,       Servico        
                    1201 West County Road East           1994               Franchising,              1993          Management     
                    St. Paul, Minnesota 55112            (Conversion)       Inc.                                    Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          Allocated Loan
        TPW               Amount                Release
   PROPERTY NO.           ("ALA")               Price
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        26               $   3,041,663                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        29               $  15,097,908                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        30               $   6,250,000                145%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        39               $   5,785,000                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        40               $   9,523,150                130%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        41               $  12,368,000                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        45               $   3,327,111                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        46               $   9,843,873                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        47               $   5,355,081                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        48               $   2,354,500                155%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        49               $  11,634,839                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        50               $   5,081,993                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------

        TPW                                              Franchise                                 Consulting                       
   PROPERTY NO.             Name/Address                 Agreement          Franchisor             Agreement        Manager         
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        51          Comfort Inn Roseville                October 17,        Choice                 October 17,      Servico         
                    2715 Long Lake Road                  1997               Hotels                    1997          Management      
                    Roseville, Minnesota 55113                              Franchising,                            Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        57          Omni Albany Hotel                    October 29,        Omni Hotels            October 5,       Servico         
                    State & Lodge Streets                1992               Franchising               1993          Management      
                    Ten Eyck Plaza                                          Corporation                             Corp.
                    Albany, New York  12207
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        58          Holiday Inn Jamestown                November 7,        Holiday                   , 1997        Servico         
                    150 West 4th Street                  1997               Hospitality                             Management      
                    Jamestown, New York  14701                              Franchising,                            Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        59          Clarion Hotel Niagara Falls          March 19,          Holiday                December 5,      Servico         
                    Third and Old Falls Street           1998               Hospitality               1997          Management      
                    Niagara Falls, New York              (Conversion)       Franchising,                            Corp.
                    14303                                                   Inc.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        60          Holiday Inn Niagara Falls            May 20, 1998       ITT                    December 5,      Servico         
                    114 Buffalo Avenue                   (Conversion)       Sheraton                  1997          Management      
                    Niagara Falls, New York                                 Corporation                             Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        61          Holiday Inn Grand Island             January 16,        Holiday                December 5,      Servico         
                    100 Whitehaven Road                  1998               Hospitality               1997          Management      
                    Grand Island, New York                                  Franchising,                            Corp.
                    14072                                                   Inc.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        62          Holiday Inn Fayetteville             December 4,        Holiday Inns           October 5,       Servico         
                    1844 Cedar Creek Road                1991               Franchising,              1993          Management      
                    Fayetteville, North Carolina                            Inc.                                    Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        67          Holiday Inn Greentree                September 24,      Holiday Inns           October 5,       Servico         
                    401 Holiday Drive                    1991               Franchising,              1993          Management      
                    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania                                Inc.                                    Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        68          Holiday Inn Parkway East             December 4,        Holiday Inns           January 5,       Servico         
                    915 Brinton Road                     1991               Franchising,              1995          Management      
                    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania                                Inc.                                    Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        70          Holiday Inn York Arsenal             May 28, 1998       Holiday                August 21,       Servico         
                    Road                                                    Hospitality               1998          Management      
                    334 Arsenal Road                                        Franchising,                            Corp.
                    York, Pennsylvania  17402                               Inc.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        73          Four Points Hotel Hilton             October 31,        ITT                   June 14, 1996     Servico         
                    Head                                 1996               Sheraton                                Management      
                    36 South Forest Beach Drive                             Corporation                             Corp.
                    Hilton Head Island, South
                    Carolina  29928
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          Allocated Loan
        TPW               Amount                Release
   PROPERTY NO.           ("ALA")               Price
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        51             $   3,315,000                130%
                                                  of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        57             $  15,500,000                135%
                                                  of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        58             $   3,583,450                125%
                                                  of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        59             $   9,350,000                155%
                                                  of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        60             $   4,756,692                125%
                                                  of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        61             $   6,162,876                125%
                                                  of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        62             $   3,821,468                125%
                                                  of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        67             $   8,960,114                125%
                                                  of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        68             $   4,759,468                125%
                                                  of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        70             $   2,240,886                125%
                                                  of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        73             $   3,486,500                155%
                                                  of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------

        TPW                                              Franchise                                 Consulting                       
   PROPERTY NO.             Name/Address                 Agreement          Franchisor             Agreement        Manager         
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        74          Best Western Charleston              September 20       Best Western           August 31,       Servico        
                       Int'l Airport                     1993               Internationa              1994          Management     
                    7401 Northwoods Boulevard                               l, Inc.                                 Corp.
                    North Charleston, South
                    Carolina 29418
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        81          Holiday Inn Austin South             September 22       Holiday Inns           October 5,       Servico        
                    3401 South IH-35                     1993               Franchising,              1993          Management     
                    Austin, Texas 78741                  (Conversion)       Inc.                                    Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        82          Holiday Inn Market                   March 27,          Holiday Inns          July 14, 1997     Servico        
                       Center Dallas                     1998               Franchising,                            Management     
                    1955 Market Center                   (Conversion)       Inc.                                    Corp.
                    Dallas, Texas 75207
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        83          Ramada Plaza Houston                 March 27,          Holiday               November 21,      Servico        
                    12801 N.W. Freeway US 290            1998               Hospitality               1997          Management     
                    Houston, Texas 77040                 (Conversion)       Franchising,                            Corp.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        88          Holiday Inn Select Windsor           September          Holiday                October 3,       Servico        
                    1855 Huron Church Road               24, 1997           Hospitality               1997          Management     
                    Windsor, Ontario, Canada                                Franchising,                            Corp.
                    N9C 2L6                                                 Inc.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        89          Days Inn                             June 1, 1998       Days Inn of            May 2, 1993      Servico        
                    Silver Spring, Maryland                                 America,                                Management     
                    8040 13th Street                                        Inc.                                    Corp.
                    Silver Spring, Maryland

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          Allocated Loan
        TPW               Amount                Release
   PROPERTY NO.           ("ALA")               Price
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        74               $   5,200,000                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        81               $   8,905,000                130%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        82               $   6,495,032                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        83               $  10,180,565                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        88               $   6,581,982                125%
                                                    of ALA
- ------------------------------------------------------------
        89               $   2,222,753                125%
                                                    of ALA

- ------------------------------------------------------------

                                   SCHEDULE B

                             [Intentionally Omitted]

                                   SCHEDULE C

                                   Global Note

1.   Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $4,719,199, made by Sheffield Motel Enterprises, Inc.

2.   Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $1,819,195, made by Dothan Hospitality 3053, Inc.

3.   Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $3,334,130, made by Dothan Hospitality 3071, Inc.

4.   Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $3,392,624, made by Gadsden Hospitality, Inc.

5.   Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $2,520,000, made by Servico Flagstaff, Inc.

6.   Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $3,372,736, made by AMI Operating Partners, L.P. (#11)

7.   Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $3,041,663, made by AMI Operating Partners, L.P. (#12)

8.   Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $3,041,663, made by Brunswick Motel Enterprises, Inc.

9.   Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $15,097,908, made by Servico Rolling Meadows, Inc.

10.  Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $6,250,000, made by Servico Cedar Rapids, Inc.

11.  Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $5,785,000, made by Servico Metairie, Inc.

12.  Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $11,634,839, made by NH Motel Enterprises, Inc.

13.  Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $5,081,993, made by Minneapolis Motel Enterprises, Inc.

14.  Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $3,315,000, made by Servico Roseville, Inc.

15.  Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $3,821,468, made by Fayetteville Motel Enterprises, Inc.

16.  Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $8,960,114, made by Apico Inns of Green Tree, Inc.

17.  Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $4,759,468, made by Apico Hills, Inc.

18.  Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $2,240,886, made by AMI Operating Partners, L.P. (#70)

19.  Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $3,486,500, made by Servico Hilton Head, Inc.

20.  Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $5,200,000, made by Servico Northwoods, Inc.

21.  Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $8,905,000, made by Servico Austin, Inc.

22.  Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $6,495,032, made by Servico Market Center, Inc.

23.  Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $10,180,565, made by Servico Houston, Inc.

24.  Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $6,581,982, made by Apico Hills, Inc.

                                  SCHEDULE C-1


1.   Amended and Restated Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original
     principal amount of $15,000,000, made by Servico Centre Associates, Ltd.

2.   Amended and Restated Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original
     principal amount of $9,415,450, made by Servico West Palm Beach, Inc.

3.   Amended and Restated Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original
     principal amount of $5,686,154, made by Servico Pensacola, Inc.

4.   Amended and Restated Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original
     principal amount of $5,615,377, made by Servico Pensacola 7200, Inc.

5.   Amended and Restated Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original
     principal amount of $5,526,455, made by Servico Pensacola 7330, Inc.

6.   Amended and Restated Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original
     principal amount of $2,032,831, made by Servico Ft. Pierce, Inc.

7.   Amended and Restated Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original
     principal amount of $4,339,282, made by Servico Winter Haven, Inc.

                                  SCHEDULE C-2


1.   Amended and Restated Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original
     principal amount of $9,523,150, made by Servico Columbia, Inc.

2.   Amended and Restated Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original
     principal amount of $12,368,000, made by Servico Colesville, Inc.

3.   Consolidated,  Amended and Restated  Promissory Note dated the date hereof,
     in the  original  principal  amount of  $3,327,111,  made by AMI  Operating
     Partners, L.P. (#45)

4.   Amended and Restated Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original
     principal amount of $9,843,873, made by Servico Maryland, Inc.

5.   Consolidated,  Amended and Restated  Promissory Note dated the date hereof,
     in the  original  principal  amount of  $5,355,081,  made by AMI  Operating
     Partners, L.P. (#47)

6.   Consolidated,  Amended and Restated  Promissory Note dated the date hereof,
     in the  original  principal  amount of  $2,354,500,  made by AMI  Operating
     Partners, L.P. (#48)

7.   Promissory Note dated the date hereof, in the original  principal amount of
     $2,222,753, made by Servico Silver Spring, Inc.

                                  SCHEDULE C-3

                                    NY NOTES

1.   Consolidated,  Amended and Restated  Promissory Note dated the date hereof,
     in the original principal amount of $30,003,018 made by Albany Hotel, Inc.,
     Servico  Jamestown,  Inc.,  Servico  Niagara Falls,  Inc. and Servico Grand
     Island, Inc.

2.   Subordinate Mortgage Note dated January 16, 1998, in the original principal
     amount of  $3,528,340.00  made by Servico New York, Inc. to Lehman Brothers
     Holdings  Inc.,  as  assigned  as of the date  hereof to  Secore  Financial
     Corporation, as subsequently modified, amended and restated.

3.   Bond  dated  March  29,  1996,   in  the  original   principal   amount  of
     $6,155,000.00 made by Niagara County Industrial  Development Agency to ORIX
     USA  Corporation,  as assigned as of the dated  hereof to Secore  Financial
     Corporation, as subsequently modified, amended and restated.

                                   SCHEDULE D

                            REQUIRED REPAIRS SCHEDULE

                                   SCHEDULE E


                                   SCHEDULE F


4900 Hatch Boulevard 
Sheffield, AL 35660 

3053 Ross Clark Circle
Dothan, AL 36301 

3071 Ross Clark Circle 
Dothan, AL 36301 

801 Cleveland Avenue 
Gadsden, AL 35954 

6501 Pensacola Blvd. 
Pensacola, FL 32505 

7200 Plantation Road
Pensacola, FL 32504 

1150 3RD Street S.W. 
Winter Haven, Florida 33880 

7151 Okeechobee Road 
Ft. Pierce, FL 34945 

7330 Plantation Road 
Pensacola, FL 32504

5252 New Jesup Highway 
Brunswick, GA 31525 

200 South Beachview Drive 
Jekyll Island, GA 31527 

2261 North Causeway Boulevard
Metairie, LA 70001

1944 Cedar Creek Road @ I-95 
Fayetteville, NC 28303 

320 Hillsborough Street 
Raleigh, NC 27603 

1 South Forest Beach Drive 
Hilton Head, SC 29928 

7401 Northwoods Blvd. 
North Charleston, SC 29406 

36 South Forest Beach Drive
Hilton Head, SC 29928 

1710 Kinser Pike
Bloomington, IN 47404 

1020 South Calhoun Street 
Fort Wayne, IN 46802 

State & Lodge Streets 
Albany, NY 12207 

Third & Old Falls Streets P.O. Box 845 
Niagara Falls, NY 14303 

114 Buffalo Avenue 
Niagara Falls, New York 14303 

150 W. 4th Street 
Jamestown, New York 14701

100 Whitehave Road
Grand Island, New York 14072

2750 Mosside Boulevard 
Monroeville, PA 15146 

401 Holiday Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15220 

915 Brinton Road 
Pittsburgh, PA 15221

1160 Thorn Run Road Extension 
Coraopolis, PA 15108 

4859 McKnight Road 
Pittsburgh, PA 15237 

530 William Penn Place 
Pittsburgh, PA 15219 

340 Racetrack Road 
Washington, PA 15301 

1500 North 51st Avenue 
Phoenix, AZ 85043 

3333 East University Drive 
Phoenix, AZ 85034 

2200 East Butler Avenue 
Flagstaff, AZ 86004 

4300 E. Washington 
Phoenix, AZ 85034 

74675 Highway #111 
Palm Desert, CA 92260 

45 John Glenn Drive 
Concord, CA 94520

3537 W. Broadway 
Council Bluffs, IA 51501 

11040 Hickman Road @ I-80 
West Des Moines, IA 50325 

350 1st Avenue N.E. 
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 

530 Richards Drive
Manhattan, KS 66502 

200 McDonald Drive 
Lawrence, KS 66044 

5500 W. Kellogg 
Wichita, KS 67209 

3650 S. 72nd Street @ I-80 
Omaha, NE 68124 

4888 S. 118 Street @ I-80 
Omaha, NE 68137

4048 Cerrillos Road
Santa Fe, NM 87505 

12801 NW Freeway US 290
Houston, Texas 77040 

3401 South IH-35 
Austin, TX 78741 

1955 Market Center Blvd. 
Dallas, Texas 75207 

363 Roberts Street 
E. Hartford, Connecticut 06108 

30 Whalley Avenue 
New Haven, Connecticut 06511

8040 13th Street
Silver Spring, MD 20910 

5485 Twin Knolls Road 
Columbia, MD 21045 

8777 Georgia Avenue 
Silver Spring, MD 20910 

8727 Colesville Road 
Silver Spring, MD 20910 

301 W. Lombard Street 
Baltimore, Maryland 21201

890 Elkridge Landing Road 
Linthicum Heights, Maryland 21090

999 W. Patrick Street 
Frederick, Maryland 21702

6323 Governor Ritchie Highway 
Glen Burnie, Maryland 21061 

1100 Cromwell Bridge Road 
Towson, Maryland 21286-2216 

1800 Belmont Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21244 

521 Greenfield Road 
Lancaster, PA 17601 

334 Arsenal Road 
York, Pennsylvania 17402-1900

1129 N. Summit Blvd. 
Frisco, CO 80443 

3405 Algonquin Road 
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008

1201 West County Road E 
St. Paul, MN 55112 

2715 Long Lake Road 
Roseville, MN 55113

5500 Crooks Road 
Troy, MI 48098 

7501 W. Saginaw Highway
Lansing, MI 48917 

1855 Huron Church Road 
Windsor, Ontario Canada N9C 2L6 

1601 Belvedere Road 
West Palm Beach, FL 33406 

630 Clearwater Park Road 
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 

2600 East Market Street 
York, PA 17402 

3492 Lititz Pike
Lancaster, PA

                                   SCHEDULE G

                             LIST OF AMI PROPERTIES

  1.      "Glenn Burnie North"
          6323 Governor Richie Highway
          Glen Burnie, MD 21061

  2.      "Pikesville"
          1721 Belmont Avenue
          Pikesville, MD 21208

  3.      "Moravia"
          6510 Frankford Avenue
          Baltimore, MD 21206

 4.       "Inner Harbor"
          301 West Lombard Street
          Baltimore, MD 21201

 5.       "International Airport"
          890 Eldridge Landing Road
          Linthicum Heights, MD 21090

 6.       "Glen Burnie South"
          Glen Burnie, Maryland 21061

 7.       "Lancaster North"
          1492 Lititz Pike
          Lancaster, PA 17601

 8.       "Lancaster East"
          521 Greenfield Road
          Lancaster, PA 17601

 9.       "York Market Street"
          2600 East Market Street
          York, PA 17402

 10.      "Hazleton"
          Route 309 North
          Hazelton, PA 18201

                                   SCHEDULE H

                                  LIST OF PIP'S

   Property No.                     PROPERTY

        83.        RAMADA HOUSTON
        29.        HI ROLLING MEADOWS
        61.        HI GRAND ISLAND
        60.        HI NIAGARA FALLS
        59.        CLARION NIAGARA FALLS
        14.        SHERATON WEST PALM BEACH
        88.        HI WINDSOR
        11.        HI EAST HARTFORD
        12.        HI NEW HAVEN
        47.        HI CROMWELL BRIDGE
        45.        HI FREDERICK
        70.        HI YORK ARSENAL

        48.        HI BELMONT
        58.        HI JAMESTOWN
        46.        HI SILVER SPRING

                                   SCHEDULE I

                             (FF&E LEASE AGREEMENTS)


PARTY                                    AMOUNT                AGREEMENTS/LEASES       AMOUNT ALLOCATED TO       ALLOCATED TO
                                                               MATURITY/EXPIRATION     MORTGAGED PROPERTIES      MORTGAGED
                                                               DATES                                             PROPERTIES
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CHARTER FINANCIAL,     SERVICO, INC.     $1,054,483.00         1. PROMISSORY NOTE      $232,668                  $187,656
INC.                                                           DATED 12/23/96, WHICH
                                                               NOTE MATURES12/25/99.
                                                               2. SECURITY AGREEMENT
                                                               DATED 12/23/96, WHICH
                                                               SECURITY AGREEMENT
                                                               MATURES 12/25/99.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LYON CREDIT            SERVICO, INC.     $237,746.99           PROMISSORY NOTE DATED   $29,869                   $9,552
                                                               9/27/96, WHICH NOTE
                                                               MATURES 1/31/01.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         $220,405.77           PROMISSORY NOTE DATED   $80,914                   $34,500
                                                               9/27/96, WHICH NOTE
                                                               MATURES 10/31/01.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         $113,310.99           PROMISSORY NOTE DATED   $37,875                   $32,424
                                                               11/22/96, WHICH NOTE
                                                               MATURES 12/31/99.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                               SECURITY AGREEMENT 
                                                               DATED 12/26/95          $148,658                  $76,476
                                                               (SECURES EACH OF THE
                                                               ABOVE NOTES).
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FINANCIAL MARKETING    SERVICO           N/A                   MASTER EQUIPMENT        $114,217                  $51,235
SERVICES, INC.         MANAGEMENT                              LEASE DATED 10/25/95,
                       CORP., AS AGENT                         WHICH LEASE TERMINATES
                       FOR BORROWER                            10/31/00.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GELCO CORPORATION      SERVICO, INC.     N/A                   MASTER LEASE            $13,566                   $11,424
D/B/A GE CAPITAL                                               AGREEMENT DATED
FLEET SERVICES                                                 11/9/94, WHICH LEASE
                                                               TERMINATES ONLY UPON
                                                               30 DAYS' WRITTEN NOTICE
                                                               BY EITHER PARTY.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TELERANT LEASING       BRUNSWICK         $104,551.20           LEASE AGREEMENT DATED   $21,531                   $25,740
CORPORATION            MOTEL                                   3/31/94.
                       ENTERPRISES AND
                       SERVICO, INC.
                       (HOLIDAY INN
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PARTY                                    AMOUNT                AGREEMENTS/LEASES       AMOUNT ALLOCATED TO       ALLOCATED TO
                                                               MATURITY/EXPIRATION     MORTGAGED PROPERTIES      MORTGAGED
                                                               DATES                                             PROPERTIES
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TELERANT LEASING       KDS               $83,679.00            LEASE AGREEMENT         $36,104                   $18,024
CORPORATION            CORPORATION                             8/14/95
                       (QUALITY INN
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TELERANT LEASING       KDS               $84,465.00            LEASE AGREEMENT DATED   $37,750                   $18,288
CORPORATION            CORPORATION AND                         1/16/96
                       SERVICO, INC.
                       (HOLIDAY INN
                       AUSTIN SOUTH)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TELERANT LEASING       SHEFFIELD MOTEL   $95,086.20            LEASE AGREEMENT DATED   $32,063                   $20,544
CORPORATION            ENTERPRISES, INC.                       3/27/95.
                       (HOLIDAY INN
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
M&SD                   SERVICO, INC.     N/A                   MASTER AGREEMENT OF     $152,738                  $133,656
                       AND SERVICO                             LEASE DATED JULY 13,
                       MANAGEMENT                              1994.
                       CORPORATION, AS
                       AGENT FOR
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SANLYN &               MINNEAPOLIS       N/A                   1.  DISPLAY LEASE DATED $4,689                    $8,412
ASSOCIATES, INC.       MOTEL                                   9/14/95.
                       ENTERPRISES, INC.                       2. SECURITY AGREEMENT
                       (HOLIDAY INN ST.                        DATED 10/6/95.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GIAC LEASING           SERVICO           N/A                   MASTER EQUIPMENT        $4,578                    $7,764
CORPORATION            MANAGEMENT                              LEASE AGREEMENT DATED
                       CORP., AS AGENT                         9/11/92.
                       FOR AFFILIATES
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
METLIFE CAPITAL        SERVICO, INC.     N/A                   EQUIPMENT LEASE         $411                      $4,278
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


   NO.                                                                          PRINCIPAL AS OF 9/30/98     PAYMENTS
                                                                                $                           $
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1.      HOLIDAY INN SHEFFIELD              CHARTER FINANCIAL                          2,538                        2,040
           4900 HATCH BOULEVARD               TELERENT                                  32,063                       20,544
           SHEFFIELD, ALABAMA 35660           GE CAPITAL                                 3,966                        3,468
                                              M&SD                                      16,905                       19,236
                                                                                        ------                       ------
                                                                                        55,472                       45,288
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   2.      HOLIDAY INN DOTHAN                 FINANCIAL MARKETING SERVICES               4,391                        2,124
           3071 ROSS CLARK CIRCLE, SW         LYON CREDIT                                2,084                        5,496
           DOTHAN, ALABAMA 38301              LYON CREDIT                               11,513                          792
                                                                                        ------                       ------
                                                                                        17,986                        8,412
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   3.      HAMPTON INN DOTHAN                 FINANCIAL MARKETING SERVICES               5,819                          235
           3053 ROSS CLARK CIRCLE, SW
           DOTHAN, ALABAMA 38301
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   NO.                                                                          PRINCIPAL AS OF 9/30/98     PAYMENTS
                                                                                $                           $
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   4.      HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS GADSDEN        LYON CREDIT                                2,084                         792
           801 CLEVELAND AVENUE               GE CAPITAL                                 2,577                       2,124
           ATTALIA, ALABAMA 35954             FINANCIAL MARKETING SERVICES               6,639                       3,216
                                                                                        ------                       -----
                                                                                        11,300                       6,132
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   8.      HOWARD JOHNSON FLAGSTAFF           FINANCIAL MARKETING SERVICES               5,006                       1,980
           2200 EAST BUTLER AVENUE            CHARTER FINANCIAL                         23,166                      18,660
                                                                                        ------                      ------
           FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA 88001                                                     28,172                      20,640
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   13.     OMNI HOTEL WEST PALM BEACH         FINANCIAL MARKETING SERVICES              51,518                      24,960
           1601 BELVEDERE ROAD WEST PALM      GE CAPITAL                                 3,130                       2,436
           BEACH, FLORIDA 33406               CHARTER FINANCIAL                         22,157                      17,844
                                              LYON CREDIT                                2,064                       5,772
                                                                                        ------                      ------
                                                                                        78,869                      51,012
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   15.     HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS PENSACOLA      LYON CREDIT                                2,084                         792
           6501 PLANTATION ROAD
           PENSACOLA, FLORIDA 32505
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   16.     HOLIDAY INN UNIVERSITY MALL        LYON CREDIT                                2,084                         792
           7200 PLANTATION ROAD
           PENSACOLA, FLORIDA 32504
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   18.     HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS FT. PIERCE     LYON CREDIT                                2,064                         780
           7151 OKEECHOBEE ROAD
           FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34945
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   26.     HOLIDAY INN BRUNSWICK              TELERENT                                     923                       3,780
           U.S. 341 AT I-98                   TELERENT                                  20,608                      21,960
           BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA 31520           LYON CREDIT                                2,139                         804
                                                                                        ------                      ------
                                                                                        23,670                      26,544
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   39.     QUALITY HOTEL MATAIRIE             TELERENT                                  36,104                      18,024
           2261 NORTH CAUSEWAY BLVD.          M&SD                                      23,976                      21,684
           MATAIRIE, LOUISIANA 70001          CHARTER FINANCIAL                         24,153                      19,452
                                                                                        ------                      ------
                                                                                        84,233                      59,160
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   49.     NORTHFIELD HILTON                  SANLYN & ASSOCIATES                        4,689                       8,412
           5500 CROOKS ROAD                   LYON CREDIT                               29,906                      11,304
           TROY, MICHIGAN 48098               M&SD                                      25,879                      18,708
                                                                                        ------                      ------
                                                                                        60,474                      38,424
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   50.     HOLIDAY INN ST. PAUL               M&SD                                      22,075                      19,968
           1201 WEST COUNTY ROAD EAST         METLIFE CAPITAL (GIAC)                       411                       4,278
           ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55112          CHARTER FINANCIAL                         40,143                      32,340
                                              FINANCIAL MARKETING SERVICES               2,405                         852
                                              LYON CREDIT                                2,175                         828
                                                                                        ------                      ------
                                                                                        67,209                      58,266
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   57.     OMNI ALBANY HOTEL                  CHARTER FINANCIAL                         46,396                      37,368
           STATE & LODGE STREETS              FINANCIAL MARKETING SERVICES              19,478                       9,432
           TEN EYCK PLAZA                     LYON CREDIT                               18,356                       8,760
                                                                                        ------                      ------
           ALBANY, NY  12207                                                            84,320                      55,560
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   62.     HOLIDAY INN FAYETTEVILLE           CHARTER FINANCIAL                         41,216                      33,444
           1844 CEDAR CREEK ROAD              LYON CREDIT                                2,157                         792
           FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28303             GE CAPITAL                                 3,893                       3,396
                                                                                        ------                      ------
                                                                                        47,266                      37,416
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   67.     HOLIDAY INN GREENTREE              FINANCIAL MARKETING SERVICES              10,520                       5,100
           401 HOLIDAY DRIVE                  M&SD                                      18,961                      21,564
           PITTSBURGH, PA 15220               CHARTER FINANCIAL                          7,995                       6,444
                                              LYON CREDIT                                2,192                         828
                                                                                        ------                      ------
                                                                                        39,668                      33,936
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   NO.                                                                          PRINCIPAL AS OF 9/30/98     PAYMENTS
                                                                                $                           $
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   68.     HOLIDAY INN PARKWAY EAST           M&SD                                      21,365                      15,444
           915 BRINTON ROAD                   LYON CREDIT                                2,192                         828
           PITTSBURGH, PA 15221               LYON CREDIT                                9,742                       8,340
                                              GIAC                                       4,578                       7,764
                                                                                        ------                      ------
                                                                                        37,877                      32,276
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   73.     FOUR POINTS HOTEL HILTON HEAD      LYON CREDIT                               25,472                       9,624
           HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SC  29928
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   81.     HOLIDAY INN AUSTIN SOUTH           M&SD                                      23,577                      17,052
           3401 SOUTH IH-35                   TELERENT                                  37,750                      18,288
           AUSTIN, TEXAS 78741                LYON CREDIT                                2,217                         840
                                              CHARTER FINANCIAL                         24,904                      20,064
                                              FINANCIAL MARKETING SERVICES               8,441                       3,336
                                                                                        ------                      ------
                                                                                        96,889                      59,500
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   89.     DAYS INN SILVER SPRING             LYON CREDIT                               28,133                      24,084
           8040 13TH STREET
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                    EXHIBIT A

                        Schedule of Each of the Premises

                                    EXHIBIT B
                           FORM OF REQUEST FOR RELEASE
               *Note: Attach supporting documentation to this form

Project Name _________________________
Date _________________________________
Project Location _____________________
Project No. __________________________


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Owner hereby  certifies to Lender that (i) the FF&E  Replacements  that are
the  subject of this  written  request  have been  completed,  (ii) the  amounts
requested  are for the cost of such  FF&E  Replacements  that  have been paid or
incurred since the immediately preceding request, (iii) the FF&E Replacement for
which the  disbursement  is requested is a permitted  expenditure on the current
Approved Capital Budget and Schedule B attached to the Loan Agreement,  (iv) the
amount  requested  is less than or equal to the  amount  budgeted  for such FF&E
Replacement in the current  Approved  Capital Budget and Schedule B, and (v) the
FF&E  Replacements  that were the  subject  of the  prior  written  request  for
disbursement have been made in accordance with all applicable Legal Requirements
of any Governmental  Authority having jurisdiction over the applicable Mortgaged
Property to which the FF&E  Replacements are being provided and the cost of such
FF&E Replacements have been paid in full.



                                    EXHIBIT C

                          NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR RELEASE

                                                 ______________________, 19_____

Secore Financial Corporation
3 Bethesda Metro Centre
Suite 700
Bethesda, Maryland 20814

Ladies and Gentlemen:

     We refer to that  certain  mortgage  loan made by you to us in the original
principal sum of $___________ secured by premises known as ___________,  [CITY],
[STATE], [_____________,  [CITY], [STATE], and _______________,  [CITY], [STATE]
evidenced   by  a  Note  (the   "Note")  and   secured  by  a  [THOSE   CERTAIN]
Mortgage(s)/Deed(s)   of  Trust  covering  said  premises   ([COLLECTIVELY]  the
"Security  Instruments")  and Loan  Agreement made by and between us and Lender,
each dated as of ______________  (the "Loan").  This certificate is delivered to
you,  pursuant to Paragraph 61(c) of the Loan Agreement.  All capitalized  terms
used  herein  shall  have  the same  meanings  herein  as they  have in the Loan

     On or about  ___________ ____, 19___ (the "Release Date"), we shall deliver
to you $______, together with all other sums required under the Loan Agreement.

     In connection  with the prepayment,  we also request a Property  Release of
the  premises  known  as  __________________,   [CITY],  [STATE]  (the  "Release
Premises")  pursuant to Section 61 of the Loan  Agreement  covering  the Release
Premises.  In order to induce  you to make a  Property  Release  of the  Release
Premises  from the lien of the related  Security  Instruments,  the  undersigned
hereby represents and certifies as follows:

1.   The amount  being  delivered  to you  hereunder  is in the amount  required
     pursuant to Section 61 of the Loan Agreement.

2.   No Event of Default has occurred and is continuing.

3.   Each of the items  required for a Property  Release under Section 61 of the
     Loan Agreement are enclosed  herewith or have  previously been delivered to

4.   The  Aggregate  Debt  Service  Coverage  Ratio  (as  defined  in  the  Loan
     Agreement) after giving effect to the Property Release shall be equal to or
     greater than the Origination DSCR or the Current DSCR.

5.   All  legal,  record,  beneficial  and  economic  interests  of the  Release
     Premises  shall,  on the Release  Date,  simultaneously  with the  Property
     Release, be transferred and conveyed to a Release Premises Transferee.

6.   Each of the  representations  and  warranties  contained  in the Note,  the
     Security  Instruments  and all Other Loan Documents are true and correct as
     of the date hereof.

     Owner hereby  request a Property  Release of the Release  Premises from the
lien of the Security Instruments and related Loan Documents.


                                   EXHIBIT D

                              [INTENTIONALLY OMIT]

                                    EXHIBIT E

                            Cash Management Agreement

                                    EXHIBIT F

                    Notices to Tenants/Credit Card Companies

                                    EXHIBIT G

Sheffield Motel Enterprises, Inc., an Alabama corporation

Dothan Hospitality 3053, Inc., an Alabama corporation

Dothan Hospitality 3071, Inc., an Alabama corporation

Gadsden Hospitality, Inc., an Alabama corporation

Servico Flagstaff, Inc., an Arizona corporation

AMIOP Acquisition Corp., a Delaware corporation,  as the sole general partner of
AMI Operating Partners, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership

Palm Beach Motel Enterprises,  Inc., a Florida corporation,  as the sole general
partner of Servico Centre Associates Ltd., a Florida limited partnership

Servico West Palm Beach, Inc., a Florida corporation

Servico Pensacola, Inc., a Delaware corporation

Servico Pensacola 7200, Inc., a Delaware corporation

Servico Pensacola 7330, Inc., a Delaware corporation

Servico Ft. Pierce,  Inc., a Delaware corporation

Servico Winter Haven, Inc., a Florida corporation

Brunswick Motel Enterprises, Inc., a Georgia corporation

Servico Rolling Meadows, Inc., an Illinois corporation

Servico Cedar Rapids, Inc., an Iowa corporation

Servico Metairie, Inc., a Louisiana corporation

Servico Columbia, Inc., a Maryland corporation

Servico Colesville, Inc., a Maryland corporation

Servico Maryland, Inc., a Maryland corporation

NH Motel Enterprises, Inc., a Michigan corporation

Minneapolis Motel Enterprises, Inc., a Minnesota corporation

Servico Roseville, Inc., a Minnesota corporation
Albany Hotel, Inc., a Florida corporation, f/k/a Albany Motel Enterprises, Inc.

Servico Jamestown, Inc., a New York corporation

Servico New York, Inc., a New York corporation

Servico Niagara Falls, Inc., a New York corporation

Servico Grand Island, Inc., a New York corporation

Fayetteville Motel Enterprises, Inc., a North Carolina corporation

Apico Inns of Green Tree, Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation

Apico Hills, Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation

Servico Hilton Head, Inc., a South Carolina corporation

Servico Northwoods, Inc., a Florida corporation

Servico Austin, Inc., a Texas corporation

Servico Market Center, Inc., a Texas corporation

Servico Houston, Inc., a Texas corporation

Servico Silver Spring, Inc., a Florida corporation

Servico Windsor, Inc., a Florida corporation (Canadian Guarantor)

                                    EXHIBIT H

                              CEDAR RAPIDS ESTOPPEL

                                    EXHIBIT I

                             [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED]

                                    EXHIBIT J

                                CLARION ESTOPPEL

                                    EXHIBIT K

                        Referred Ground Rent Calculation
                               (#57 -Omni Albany)

                                 LOAN AGREEMENT




                           THE BORROWERS NAMED HEREIN



                              SERVICO WINDSOR, INC.
                               CANADIAN GUARANTOR

                        Dated: as of _________ ___, 1998

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                                                    Section Page

1.      Defined Terms                                                      1
2.      Payment of Debt; Incorporation of Covenants, Conditions
           and Agreements                                                  10
3.      Warranty of Title                                                  10

4.      Insurance                                                          11
5.      Payment of Taxes                                                   15
6.      Tax, Insurance and Ground Rent Escrow Fund                         15
7.      FF&E Replacement Reserve; Repair Escrow                            17
8.      Condemnation                                                       24
9.      Leases and Rents                                                   26
10.     Representations Concerning Loan                                    27
11.     Single Purpose Entity; Authorization                               32
12.     Maintenance of Mortgaged Property                                  35
13.     Transfer or Encumbrance of the Mortgaged Property                  35
14.     Estoppel Certificates; Affidavits                                  38
15.     Changes in the Laws Regarding Taxation                             38
16.     No Credits on Account of the Debt                                  39
17.     Documentary Stamps                                                 39
18.     Controlling Agreement                                              39
19.     Books and Records                                                  39
20.     Performance of Other Agreements                                    43
21.     Further Assurances; Right to Split the Loan                        43
22.     Recording of Mortgage                                              44
23.     Reporting Requirements                                             44
24.     Events of Default                                                  44
25.     Late Payment Charge; Servicing Fees                                47
26.     Right to Cure Defaults                                             47
27.     Remedies                                                           48
28.     Right of Entry                                                     50
29.     Security Agreement                                                 50
30.     Actions and Proceedings                                            51
31.     Waiver of Setoff and Counterclaim                                  51
32.     Contest of Certain Claims                                          51
33.     Recovery of Sums Required to Be Paid                               52
34.     Marshalling and Other Matters                                      52
35.     Intentionally Omitted                                              52
36.     Intentionally Omitted                                              52
37.     Intentionally Omitted                                              52
38.     Management of the Hotel                                            53
39.     Handicapped Access                                                 55
40.     ERISA                                                              55
41.     Indemnification                                                    56
42.     Notice                                                             57
43.     Authority                                                          57
44.     Waiver of Notice                                                   57
45.     Remedies of Borrower                                               57
46.     Sole Discretion of Lender                                          58
47.     Non-Waiver                                                         58
48.     No Oral Change                                                     58
49.     Liability                                                          58
50.     Inapplicable Provisions                                            58
51.     Section Headings                                                   58
52.     Counterparts                                                       59

53.     Certain Definitions                                                59
54.     Homestead                                                          59
55.     Assignments                                                        59
56.     Intentionally Omitted                                              59
57.     Agent for Receipt of Process                                       59
58.     Service of Process                                                 60
59.     WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL                                               60
60.     CHOICE OF LAW                                                      60
61.     Property Releases                                                  60
62.     Intentionally Omitted                                              64
63.     Intentionally Omitted                                              64
64.     Required Repairs; Required Repair Funds                            64
65.     Special Condominium Rider.                                         67
66.     Lock-box Account                                                   70
67.     Ground Leases                                                      73
68.     Contribution                                                       73
69.     Recourse.                                                          74
70.     Confidentiality.                                                   74
71.     Syndication.                                                       75
72.     Special Covenants Relating to Property Nos. 30                     80
73.     Special Covenant Relating to Property Nos. 13 and 57 on Schedule A
        (West Palm Beach and Albany Omni Hotels)                           82
74.     Special Canadian Provision.                                        83