ICCMAC Multifamily and Commercial Trust 1999-1

                          Collateralized Mortgage Bonds

                                  $ 257,285,000

Additional information is available upon request. Information herein is believed
to be reliable but J.P. Morgan and Prudential Securities Inc. do not warrant its
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Mortgage Investment Corp. or any of its affiliates.  These materials are subject
to change from time to time without notice.  Past  performance is not indicative
of future  results.  Any  description  of the mortgage  loans  contained  herein
supersedes  any previous  collateral  information  and will be superseded by the
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solely upon the information  contained in the final  prospectus  relating to the
securities.  No assurance or representation can be made as to the actual rate or
timing of principal  payments or prepayments on any of the mortgage loans or the
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reliance on information  regarding the mortgage loans furnished by the seller of
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                                                           IMPERIAL CAPITAL, LLC


                          COLLATERALIZED MORTGAGE BONDS

                                  $ 257,285,000

J.P. MORGAN:                  Brian Baker (trading)               (212) 648-1413
                              Andy Taylor (trading)               (212) 648-1413
                              Thomas Doherty (structuring)        (212) 648-1413
                              Patrick Corcoran (research)         (212) 648-6130
                              Michael Glover (product manager)    (212) 648-0258

PRUDENTIAL SECURITIES:        John Mulligan (trading)             (212) 778-4365
                              Jake Kaercher (trading)             (212) 778-4365

IMPERIAL CAPITAL:             Samir Noriega (trading)             (212) 490-6430


                          COLLATERALIZED MORTGAGE BONDS

                                  $ 257,285,000

                              TRANSACTION OVERVIEW

         RATING       CURRENT                          LOAN     AVG.    PRINCIPAL
          (S&P/        SIZE         % OF     CREDIT     TO      LIFE     WINDOW                                    PRICE  ERISA(5)/
- ------ ------------ --------------- -------- -------- --------- ------- ------------ -------------------- -------- ------ ---------
 A-1     AAA/AAA      100,000,000    34.2%     33.0%   41.2%     0.97        1 - 24  1 month LIBOR + __%   100-0           Yes/Yes
 A-2     AAA/AAA       95,890,000    67.0      33.0     41.2     3.44       24 - 63  1 month LIBOR + __%   100-0           Yes/Yes
  S     AAAr/AAA              (6)                                                                   (6)                    Yes/Yes
 A-3     AAA/AA        17,542,000    73.0      27.0     44.8     5.64       63 - 73  1 month LIBOR + __%   100-0           Yes/Yes
  B       AA/A         11,694,000    77.0      23.0     47.3     6.44       73 - 82  1 month LIBOR + __%   100-0           Yes/Yes
  C       A/NR         14,618,000    82.0      18.0     50.4     7.35       82 - 95  1 month LIBOR + __%   100-0           Yes/No
  D      BBB/NR        13,156,000    86.5      13.5     53.1     8.48      95 - 107  1 month LIBOR + __%   100-0           Yes/No
  E      BBB-/NR        4,385,000    88.0      12.0     54.1     9.03     107 - 110  1 month LIBOR + __%   100-0           Yes/No

RETAINED CLASSES(7)    35,089,478(8) 12.0

Total               $ 292,374,478     100%             64.38%(9)
- ------ ------------ --------------- -------- -------- --------- ------- --------

(1)  Approximate, subject to change
(2)  The sum of the  principal  balance of each bond and the bonds senior to it,
     other  than  Class  S,  divided  by the  aggregate  appraised  value of the
     properties collateralizing the mortgage loan pool
(3)  Assumes a prepayment  rate of 18% CPR,  call not  exercised,  mortgage loan
     lockouts excluded, and based on a closing date of February 25, 1999
(4)  Subject to the available funds cap and a maximum coupon of 14.0%
(5)  ERISA  eligibility  is  subject  to certain  limitations  described  in the
     prospectus supplement under "Certain ERISA Considerations"
(6)  The Class S bonds  will not  accrue  interest.  The  Class S bonds  will be
     entitled to receive  scheduled monthly payments in the amounts set forth on
     Annex  B in the  prospectus  supplement,  subject  to  certain  limitations
     described in the prospectus supplement
(7)  Includes Classes F, G, H, X and the  overcollateralization  amount (Owner's
     Certificate). The Class X bonds will not accrue interest. The Class X bonds
     will be entitled to receive the scheduled  monthly  payments in the amounts
     set  forth in Annex C in the  prospectus  supplement,  subject  to  certain
     limitations described in the prospectus supplement
(8)  Total for  Classes F, G, H and the  overcollateralization  amount  (Owner's
(9)  Weighted average from collateral


The mortgage  pool  consists of 803  adjustable  and fixed rate  mortgage  loans
secured  by one or more  first  liens  on fee  simple  interests  and for  three
instances  leasehold  interests  in  multifamily,   retail,   office  and  other
commercial  properties  located  in 29  states.  The  three  largest  geographic
concentrations are Southern California (45.3%),  Northern California (10.9%) and
Oregon  (8.3%).  The  mortgage  loans  will  have an  initial  pool  balance  of
$292,374,478  and individual  principal  balances as of the  Cut-off-Date  of at
least $10,175 but not more than $2,879,410 with an average  principal balance of
approximately  $364,103.  The mortgage pool has a weighted average loan-to-value
of 64.38% and a weighted  average debt  service  coverage  ratio of 1.524x.  The
mortgage pool is comprised of 67.4% ARMs and 32.6% fixed rate mortgages.

                        MORTGAGE LOAN ORIGINATORS

SOUTHERN  PACIFIC  BANK is a  California  licensed  industrial  loan company and
wholly owned subsidiary of Imperial Credit Industries,  Inc. and an affiliate of
ICCMAC and ICCMIC. Southern Pacific Bank was incorporated in California in 1981.
Southern   Pacific  Bank  originates   mortgage  loans  secured  by  multifamily
residences and commercial properties located primarily in California,  Colorado,
Oregon,  Washington and other areas in the United  States,  through its regional
offices located in various states.  Southern Pacific Bank also acquires mortgage
loans through  approved  mortgage  brokers and other  financial  institutions in
accordance with the underwriting standards applicable to loans originated by it.
Southern  Pacific Bank  originated  99.3% and acquired  0.7% of the loans in the
mortgage pool. There is no direct relationship between Southern Pacific Bank and
Southern Pacific Funding Corporation.

                                  DEAL SUMMARY

LEAD MANAGER:                 J.P. Morgan & Co.

CO- MANAGERS:                 Prudential Securities Incorporated
                              Imperial Capital, LLC

PRICING SPEED:                18% CPR

DEPOSITOR:                    Imperial  Credit  Commercial  Mortgage  Acceptance
                              Corp., a California corporation.

SELLER:                       Imperial  Credit  Commercial  Mortgage  Investment
                              Corp., a mortgage REIT, is a Maryland  corporation
                              and the corporate parent of the Depositor.

MORTGAGE LOAN ORIGINATOR:     The mortgage loans were either originated  (99.3%)
                              or acquired (0.7%) by Southern Pacific Bank

MASTER SERVICER:              Banc One Mortgage Capital Markets, LLC

SPECIAL SERVICER:             Banc One Mortgage Capital Markets, LLC

TRUSTEE:                      LaSalle National Bank

TRUSTEE WEBSITE:              www.lnbabs.com

RATING AGENCIES:              Duff & Phelps
                              Standard & Poor's


LEGAL STATUS:                 Public Offering

CUT-OFF DATE:                 February 1, 1999

SETTLEMENT DATE:              On or about March 10, 1999

DELIVERY:                     DTC, Cedelbank, and Euroclear


MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION DATE:    25th day of each month or, if any such 25th day in
                              not a  business  day,  then  the  next  succeeding
                              business day

PAYMENT COMMENCING DATE:      March 25, 1999, 0 day delay

OPTIONAL REDEMPTION:          15% of original pool balance

DEAL INFORMATION / ANALYTICS: Bloomberg, Intex, Charter Research, and The Trepp

SMMEA ELIGIBLE:               Classes A-1, A-2, S, A-3, and B

ERISA ELIGIBLE:               Classes  A-1,  A-2,  S,  A-3,  B, C, D, and E (see
                              footnote 5 of "Transaction Overview")

TAX ELECTION:                 Debt for tax purposes

                                 STRUCTURAL OVERVIEW

o  Interest payments, or in the case of Class S, distributable  amounts, will be
   pro  rata  to  Classes  A-1,  A-2  and S;  and  then  interest  will  be paid
   sequentially to Classes A-3, B, C, D, X, E, F and G Bonds

o  Class S  distributable  amount  is  equal  to the  lesser  of (a) the  amount
   corresponding  to the Class S  scheduled  payment  and the (b)  excess of the
   available  interest  payment  amount for such payment date,  over the accrued
   bond interest payable to Classes A-1, A-2, A-3, B, C, D, and E

o  Principal payments, or in the case of Class X, distributable amounts, will be
   paid  sequentially  to Classes A-1,  A-2,  A-3, B, C, X, D, E, F and G Bonds,
   until each class is retired

o  Losses  will  first be born by the  overcollaterization  amount  and then the
   Classes in reverse  alphabetical  order, from Class H up to Class A3 and then
   pro-rata to Classes A-1 and A-2

o  If the  principal  balance of the mortgage  pool is less than or equal to the
   aggregate  bond  balance of Classes A-1 and A-2 bonds the  principal  will be
   allocated pro rata to Classes A-1 and A-2

o  The Class S  distributable  amount will have the same priority as interest on
   Classes A-1 and A-2

o  All Classes  offered  (except Class S) will pay interest at a fixed spread to
   LIBOR on actual/360  basis subject to the available  funds cap with a maximum
   coupon  of  14.0%.  The  Class S  scheduled  payments  are  subject  to funds
   available as described in the prospectus supplement. Any shortfall in payment
   of the scheduled amount will be paid  immediately  after Class E receives its
   interest and principal

o  Class S scheduled payments are:         MONTHS        PAYMENT AMOUNT ($) 
                                          1 to 6              400,000
                                          7 to 12             210,000
                                          13 to 18            345,000
                                          19 to 24            255,000
                                          25 to 30            190,000
                                          31 to 36            155,000
                                          37 to 42            135,000
                                          43 to 48            125,000
                                          49 to 54            115,000
                                          55 to 60             95,000

o  Any shortfall  relating to the available  funds cap will be made up in future
   periods,  but will be payable  after the  payment of all  amounts  due on the
   Classes A-1, A-2, A-3, S, B, C, D, X, and E bonds in that period

o  The  typical  prepayment  term for the  fixed  rate  loans  is a  "5-4-3-2-1"
   structure. The typical prepayments terms for the ARMs are:

     -        1) if the mortgagor prepays the principal balance in excess of 20%
         of the  original  principal  during any 12 month  period  then 6 months
         interest at the mortgage  interest  rate on the amount of prepayment in
         excess of 20% is due as a prepayment premium;

     -        2) if the mortgagor  prepays the principal balance in excess of 5%
         of the  original  principal  during any 12 month  period  then 6 months
         interest at the mortgage  interest  rate on the amount of prepayment in
         excess of 5% is due as a prepayment premium

o  Prepayment premiums collected on mortgage loans will not be passed through to
   the offered bonds

                           AVERAGE LIFE SENSITIVITIES

                           PREPAYMENT SPEEDS(1) (CPR)

                      12%                     18%                      24%                      30%
               LIFE       WINDOW        LIFE       WINDOW       LIFE        WINDOW       LIFE       WINDOW
  CLASS       (YRS.)      (MOS.)       (YRS.)      (MOS.)      (YRS.)       (MOS.)      (YRS.)      (MOS.)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   A-1          1.4       1 - 36        1.0        1 - 24        0.7        1- 18         0.6       1 - 14
   A-2          5.1       36 - 91       3.4        24 - 63       2.6       18 - 47        2.0       14 - 36
   A-3          8.2      91 - 105       5.6        63 - 73       4.2       47 - 55        3.3       36 - 43
    B           9.0      105 - 109      6.4        73 - 82       4.8       55 - 61        3.8       43 - 48
    C           9.2      109 - 112      7.3        82 - 95       5.5       61 - 71        4.3       48 - 56
    D          10.0      112 - 132      8.5       95 - 107       6.4       71 - 82        5.0       56 - 65
    E          11.3      132 - 141      9.0       107 - 110      7.1       82 - 87        5.6       65 - 69

(1)  Call not exercised, excludes mortgage loan lockouts, and based on a closing
     date of February 25, 1999

                              CLASS S YIELD PROFILE

                           PREPAYMENT SPEEDS(1) (CPR)

    INVESTED               12%            18%            24%           30%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  $10,650,000            7.166%         7.166%         7.166%        7.166%
(1)  Call not exercised, excludes mortgage loan lockouts, and based on a closing
     date of February 25, 1999

                           COLLATERAL CHARACTERISTICS

     INITIAL POOL BALANCE:          $292,374,478

     NUMBER OF LOANS:               803
          ARMS                      554  (67.4% of total)
          FIXED RATE                249  (32.6% of total)

     AVERAGE LOAN BALANCE:          $364,103

     W.A. MORTGAGE RATE:            9.144%

     W.A. REMAINING TERM:           252 months

     W.A. CUT-OFF DATE DSCR:        1.524x

     W.A. CUT-OFF DATE LTV:         64.38%

     W.A. SEASONING:                16 months

                               COLLATERAL SUMMARY

In the following  tables,  Principal  Balance  refers to Aggregate  Cut-Off Date
Principal Balance.

                                 PROPERTY TYPES

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Multifamily                      556              181,036,284              61.9
Retail                            89               40,855,763              14.0
Office                            58               25,018,121               8.6
Mixed Commercial                  25               15,917,302               5.4
Mixed Use                         46               15,253,928               5.2
Mobile Home Park                   8                6,226,043               2.1
Industrial                        16                4,844,826               1.7
Lodging                            1                2,033,589               0.7
Warehouse                          2                  633,388               0.2
Storage                            1                  295,339               0.1
Retail / Warehouse                 1                  259,895               0.1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total:                           803             $292,374,478            100.0%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           PRINCIPAL BALANCE BY STATE

STATE                     # OF LOANS    PRINCIPAL BALANCE ($)    % OF PRINCIPAL
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CA-South                         409              132,322,446              45.3
CA-North                          72               31,879,954              10.9
OR                                55               24,125,329               8.3
AZ                                59               22,247,652               7.6
WA                                38               21,585,506               7.4
CO                                54               17,053,323               5.8
TX                                26               11,522,878               3.9
FL                                21                5,928,705               2.0
NY                                 8                5,172,223               1.8
NJ                                11                3,616,589               1.2
GA                                 5                2,201,965               0.8
NV                                 8                2,097,295               0.7
NM                                 2                2,048,324               0.7
MA                                 4                1,586,933               0.5
UT                                 4                1,531,623               0.5
CT                                 3                1,464,430               0.5
MD                                 1                  921,802               0.3
IL                                 5                  720,292               0.2
RI                                 2                  544,210               0.2
NH                                 1                  524,683               0.2
OK                                 1                  503,171               0.2
ME                                 3                  483,155               0.2
PA                                 1                  475,404               0.2
NE                                 1                  394,940               0.1
WI                                 2                  285,711               0.1
WY                                 1                  274,681               0.1
OH                                 2                  268,110               0.1
MI                                 2                  247,407               0.1
VA                                 1                  207,799               0.1
ID                                 1                  137,939               0.0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total:                           803             $292,374,478            100.0%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


DSCR (X)                  # OF LOANS    PRINCIPAL BALANCE ($)    % OF PRINCIPAL
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0.001 - 0.250                      1                  139,051               0.0
0.751 - 1.000                     12                3,360,670               1.1
1.001 - 1.250                     82               30,333,383              10.4
1.251 - 1.500                    332              139,259,316              47.6
1.501 - 1.750                    194               70,698,844              24.2
1.751 - 2.000                    105               27,896,103               9.5
2.001 - 2.250                     30                8,360,995               2.9
2.251 - 2.500                     23                5,041,340               1.7
2.501 - 2.750                      7                1,717,054               0.6
2.751 - 3.000                      9                4,734,927               1.6
3.001 - 3.250                      2                  406,369               0.1
3.751 - 4.000                      1                  138,848               0.0
4.001 - 4.250                      2                  160,420               0.1
4.251 - 4.500                      1                   26,279               0.0
6.001 - 6.250                      1                   58,543               0.0
6.251 - 6.500                      1                   42,335               0.0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total:                           803             $292,374,478            100.0%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Weighted Average:             1.524x

(1)  The Debt  Service  Coverage  Ratio  (DSCR) is  defined  as the ratio of the
     property's  underwritten  net  operating  income to the annual debt service
     payment required by the Mortgage Loan.

                           CUT-OFF DATE LTV RATIOS(1)

LTV (%)                   # OF LOANS    PRINCIPAL BALANCE ($)    % OF PRINCIPAL
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0.01 - 5.00                        2                   21,430               0.0
5.01 - 10.00                       4                  231,338               0.1
10.01 - 15.00                      3                  252,427               0.1
15.01 - 20.00                      1                  149,165               0.1
20.01 - 25.00                      6                1,038,047               0.4
25.01 - 30.00                      7                1,193,916               0.4
30.01 - 35.00                      8                1,767,130               0.6
35.01 - 40.00                     16                3,543,949               1.2
40.01 - 45.00                     23                9,737,605               3.3
45.01 - 50.00                     38               11,299,121               3.9
50.01 - 55.00                     58               23,262,284               8.0
55.01 - 60.00                     87               29,747,590              10.2
60.01 - 65.00                    147               51,858,435              17.7
65.01 - 70.00                    181               61,569,432              21.1
70.01 - 75.00                    184               81,262,371              27.8
75.01 - 80.00                     23               12,382,493               4.2
80.01 - 85.00                      2                  384,535               0.1
85.01 - 90.00                      7                1,222,997               0.4
90.01 - 95.00                      3                  586,630               0.2
95.01 - 100.00                     2                  338,898               0.1
100.01 or greater                  1                  524,683               0.2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total:                           803             $292,374,478            100.0%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Weighted Average:              64.4%

(1)  LTV is defined as the ratio between the  principal  balance of the mortgage
     loan  as of the  Cut-off  Date  and  the  appraised  value  of the  related
     mortgaged property.

                           REMAINING TERM TO MATURITY

MATURITY (MONTHS)                                                       BALANCE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Less than or equal to 12           4                  641,855               0.2
13 - 24                            4                  488,627               0.2
25 - 36                            7                1,670,603               0.6
37 - 48                           11                1,598,761               0.5
49 - 60                            1                  163,510               0.1
61 - 72                           19                4,741,970               1.6
73 - 84                            4                1,214,159               0.4
85 - 96                            1                  103,887               0.0
97 - 108                          54               28,500,267               9.7
109 - 120                        155               62,524,142              21.4
121 - 132                          2                  333,611               0.1
157 - 168                          8                4,655,960               1.6
217 - 228                         12                7,535,640               2.6
229 - 240                          3                  654,103               0.2
277 - 288                         12                5,008,408               1.7
289 - 300                          2                  830,596               0.3
301 - 312                          2                  412,262               0.1
313 - 324                          8                1,942,026               0.7
325 - 336                          4                  737,093               0.3
337 - 348                        415              140,151,481              47.9
349 - 360                         75               28,465,516               9.7
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total:                           803             $292,374,478            100.0%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Weighted Average:         252 months

                              YEAR OF FIRST PAYMENT

YEAR                      # OF LOANS    PRINCIPAL BALANCE ($)    % OF PRINCIPAL
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1974                               5                  392,188               0.1
1976                               1                   68,080               0.0
1977                               3                  224,833               0.1
1979                               1                  157,840               0.1
1980                               1                   57,421               0.0
1984                               1                   11,255               0.0
1988                               1                  262,759               0.1
1991                               3                  287,806               0.1
1992                               2                  502,164               0.2
1994                               6                1,108,400               0.4
1995                              14                3,597,934               1.2
1996                               8                1,539,593               0.5
1997                             366              129,728,986              44.4
1998                             391              154,435,221              52.8
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total:                           803             $292,374,478            100.0%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             CUT-OFF DATE NOTE RATES

                              # OF LOANS     PRINCIPAL BALANCE   % OF PRINCIPAL
MORTGAGE INTEREST RATES (%)                                ($)          BALANCE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5.501 - 6.000                          1               175,882              0.1
7.001 - 7.500                         14             7,197,434              2.5
7.501 - 8.000                         27            14,218,048              4.9
8.001 - 8.500                         56            29,063,083              9.9
8.501 - 9.000                        266            90,003,055             30.8
9.001 - 9.500                        197            64,928,859             22.2
9.501 - 10.000                       146            58,148,821             19.9
10.001 - 10.500                       48            18,883,899              6.5
10.501 - 11.000                       21             4,776,654              1.6
11.001 - 11.500                       12             2,285,784              0.8
11.501 - 12.000                       10             2,105,971              0.7
12.001 - 12.500                        2               414,426              0.1
13.001 - 13.500                        1                57,421              0.0
13.501 - 14.000                        1               103,887              0.0
15.001 - 15.500                        1                11,255              0.0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total:                               803          $292,374,478           100.0%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Weighted Average:                   9.14%

                         CUT-OFF DATE PRINCIPAL BALANCES

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 - 100,000                         45               3,321,534              1.1
100,001 - 200,000                  285              43,282,400             14.8
200,001 - 300,000                  170              41,994,095             14.4
300,001 - 400,000                   88              30,847,867             10.6
400,001 - 500,000                   64              28,816,290              9.9
500,001 - 600,000                   33              18,271,411              6.2
600,001 - 700,000                   24              15,720,376              5.4
700,001 - 800,000                   15              11,282,425              3.9
800,001 - 900,000                   18              15,309,437              5.2
900,001 - 1,000,000                 12              11,275,993              3.9
1,000,001 - 1,200,000               16              17,558,763              6.0
1,200,001 - 1,400,000               12              15,575,692              5.3
1,400,001 - 1,600,000                8              11,803,370              4.0
1,600,001 - 1,800,000                3               5,100,094              1.7
1,800,001 - 2,000,000                3               5,729,590              2.0
2,000,001 - 2,200,000                2               4,158,756              1.4
2,200,001 - 2,500,000                4               9,446,975              3.2
2,800,001 - 2,900,000                1               2,879,410              1.0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total:                             803            $292,374,478           100.0%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Average:                      $364,103

                                  ARM LIFE CAP

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11.501 - 12.000                 1                     918,337               0.5
12.001 - 12.500                 8                   2,960,137               1.5
12.501 - 13.000                 7                   2,475,587               1.3
13.001 - 13.500               276                  96,646,270              49.0
13.501 - 14.000               199                  73,752,570              37.4
14.001 - 14.500                37                  14,584,017               7.4
14.501 - 15.000                13                   1,886,233               1.0
15.001 - 15.500                 4                   1,141,965               0.6
15.501 - 16.000                 2                     928,128               0.5
16.001 - 16.500                 4                   1,181,801               0.6
17.001 - 17.500                 1                     442,111               0.2
17.501 - 18.000                 2                     183,919               0.1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total:                        554                $197,101,075            100.0%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Weighted Average:          13.67%

                               MORTGAGE LOAN TYPE

                                                          % OF                                                 
                                  PRINCIPAL          PRINCIPAL                                                 
INDEX              # OF LOANS    BALANCE ($)           BALANCE       WAC     MARGIN     PERIODIC CAP    LIFE CAP
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fixed                     249        95,273,403           32.6       9.04       n/a              n/a        n/a
6 Month LIBOR             468       158,159,048           54.1       9.37      4.05             1.70      13.68
1 Year CMT                 58        33,626,610           11.5       7.99      3.23             1.53      13.38
Prime                      28         5,315,417            1.8      11.59      3.60             2.00      15.26
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total:                    803      $292,374,478         100.0%      9.14%     3.90%            1.68%     13.67%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                 ICCMAC Multifamily and Commercial Trust 1999-1

ICCMAC  Multifamily  and  Commercial  Trust 1999-1 (the  "Issuer") is a business
trust to be  formed  under  the laws of the State of  Delaware  pursuant  to the
Deposit Trust Agreement (the "Deposit Trust Agreement")  between Imperial Credit
Commercial  Mortgage  Acceptance Corp. (the  "Depositor") and the Owner Trustee,
for the transactions described in the prospectus  supplement.  The Deposit Trust
Agreement constitutes the "governing  instrument" under the laws of the State of
Delaware relating to business trusts.  Ownership of the Issuer will be evidenced
by the ownership  certificates  (the  "Ownership  Certificates").  The Depositor
initially will hold the Ownership Certificates,  but may transfer such Ownership
Interests  only  to  an  affiliate  structured   substantially  similar  to  the
Depositor.  The Depositor,  a California  corporation,  is a direct wholly-owned
subsidiary of Imperial Credit Commercial Mortgage Investment Corp. ("ICCMIC").
See "The Depositor" in the accompanying prospectus.

After its formation,  the Issuer generally will not engage in any activity other
than (i)  acquiring,  holding  and,  pursuant  to the  Indenture,  pledging  the
Mortgage Loans and the other assets of the Issuer and proceeds  therefrom,  (ii)
issuing the Bonds and the Ownership  Certificate,  (iii) making  payments on the
Bonds and the Ownership  Certificate and (iv) engaging in other  activities that
are  necessary,  suitable or  convenient  to  accomplish  the  foregoing  or are
incidental thereto or connected therewith.

The assets of the Issuer will consist of the Mortgage Loans and certain  related

The  Issuer's  principal  offices  are  in  Wilmington,  Delaware,  in  care  of
Wilmington Trust Company, as Owner Trustee.

There is no direct  relationship  between  ICCMIC and Southern  Pacific  Funding

ICCMIC is a public  externally  managed  hybrid  mortgage  REIT  (ticker  symbol
"ICMI") with a market  capitalization  as of February 19, 1999 of  approximately
$254.7  million.  The company was  incorporated  in Maryland on July 31, 1997 to
invest  in   multi-family   and   commercial   mortgage   loans,   interests  in
mortgage-backed securities and real property.


The Mortgage Loans were generally  underwritten by the Loan Originator  pursuant
to the Loan Originator's  Multifamily and Commercial  Lending Program.  The Loan
Originator began  underwriting  mortgage loans in accordance with such standards
in February 1994.  Typically,  the adjustable rate multifamily loans are 30-year
term fully amortizing loans secured by apartment  buildings with 5 or more units
and the  commercial  loans are 30-year term fully  amortizing  loans  secured by
office buildings, shopping centers, mobile home parks, industrial properties and
other  approved  property  types.  Mortgage Loans  underwritten  pursuant to the
Multifamily  and  Commercial  Lending  Program  have  maximum  loan  amounts and
loan-to-value ratios ("LTV") and minimum DSCRs which are determined from time to
time by the Loan Committee of the Board of Directors of the Loan Originator (the
"Loan  Committee").  Appraisals and field inspections  (performed by outside and
certified  inspectors)  and  Lender's  title  insurance  are  required  for each
multifamily and commercial loan.

Under the Multifamily and Commercial  Lending Program  standards in effect as of
the Cut-Off Date, the maximum loan amount is generally  $3,000,000,  the maximum
LTV is  generally  80% of the  appraised  value of the  mortgaged  property  for
multifamily  loans  and 75%  for  commercial  loans,  and  the  minimum  DSCR is
generally 1.15 to 1.00,  based on the applicable  level of the related index and
the related note margin,  for  multifamily  loans,  and generally  1.20 to 1.00,
based on the applicable  level of the related index and the related note margin,
for commercial  loans.  However,  senior  management of the Loan  Originator may
approve a higher loan amount,  a lower DSCR or a higher LTV if it is  determined
that  borrower has a strong  financial  position,  good credit and good property
management skills and/or pledges additional collateral. With respect to mortgage
loans secured by seasoned multifamily  properties,  either 75%-85% of the living
units (or such higher  level  necessary  to cover debt service and pay all other
expenses)  must be occupied at rent levels that support the  appraised  value of
the  mortgaged  property,  or an  appropriate  holdback of loan proceeds must be
established  until the required  occupancy  level is met. For newly  constructed
properties, a lower occupancy level may be approved by the Loan Committee of the
Loan Originator.

The  Loan  Originator's   underwriting   standards  under  the  Multifamily  and
Commercial Lending Program are primarily intended to assess the economics of the
mortgaged  property  and  the  financial   capabilities,   credit  standing  and
managerial  ability of the  borrower.  In  determining  whether a loan should be
made, the Loan Originator  considers,  among other things,  the acceptability of
the security  property,  the reliability of the income stream from the property,
the creditworthiness of the mortgagor,  the borrower's income, liquid assets and
liabilities, the borrower's management experience, DSCRs, the borrower's overall
financial  position  and the  adequacy of such  property as  collateral  for the
mortgage loan. While the Loan Originator's primary consideration in underwriting
a  mortgage  loan  is  the  property  securing  the  mortgage  loan,  sufficient
documentation  on the borrower is required to establish the  financial  strength
and ability of the  borrower to  successfully  operate the property and meet its
obligations under the note and deed of trust. The majority of the mortgage loans
originated  by the Loan  Originator  provide  for  recourse  against the related
borrower.  See  "Risk   Factors--Nonrecourse   Loans  Limit  Remedies  Following
Borrowers Default."

The Loan Originator's  Multifamily and Commercial  Lending Program requires that
the property and records  regarding  the property be inspected to determine  the
number of units that can be  rebuilt  under  current  zoning  requirements,  the
number of buildings on the property,  the type of  construction  materials used,
the proximity of the property to natural hazards,  flood zones and fire stations
and whether there are any environmental factors and whether a tract map has been
recorded.  The property must front on publicly  dedicated and maintained streets
with provisions for adequate and safe ingress and egress.  Properties that share
ingress  and egress  through an  easement  or private  road must have a recorded
non-exclusive  easement.  Recreational facilities and amenities, if any, must be
located on site and be under the exclusive  control of the owner of the premises
and should be consistent with the project and competitive in the marketplace. If
available,  engineering  reports  concerning the condition of the major building
components  of the property  are  reviewed as is a ground lease  analysis if the
property is on leased ground.  Also, the title is reviewed to determine if there
are any covenants,  conditions and  restrictions,  easements or  reservations of
mineral  interests in the property.  The properties are appraised by independent
appraisers approved by the Loan Originator.

In addition to the  considerations  set forth  above,  with  respect to mortgage
loans secured by commercial  properties,  the Loan Originator's lending policies
typically  require that the commercial usage be permitted under local zoning and
use ordinances and the  utilization of the commercial  space be compatible  with
the property and neighborhood. If the commercial property is an office building,
the office building must have a demonstrated  occupancy history, must be located
in a good office market area and in a conforming neighborhood, must have on-site
parking  and must be fire  sprinkler  equipped  according  to  zoning  codes,  a
compatible tenant mix and no adverse asbestos risks.  Industrial properties must
be located in a conforming  industrial  marketplace  and may not be used for the
production,  storage or  treatment  of toxic waste.  Retail  properties  must be
highly visible and located on a heavily traveled thoroughfare and typically have
tenants on term  leases.  The Loan  Originator  may not make a loan secured by a
property that has any of the following  characteristics:  inadequate maintenance
or repairs as  determined  by the Loan  Originator,  the  property is subject to
covenants,  conditions and  restrictions  unacceptable  to the Loan  Originator,
there exists or potentially exists hazardous geological conditions, the property
is not to code or the cost of restoring the property to code is  prohibitive  or
there exists or potentially exists contamination by hazardous toxic materials in
quantities or ways that violate or would violate applicable law.

The Loan Originator has stated that it analyzes the financial  statements of the
borrower to determine the borrower's equity position, particularly as it relates
to real  estate  mortgage  demands on equity.  If the  borrower's  holdings  are
encumbered so that the debt service  requirements  consume a high  percentage of
the rental  income from the  mortgaged  property,  or consist  substantially  of
unimproved or  underimproved  properties  having little or no gross income,  the
Loan  Originator  analyzes  whether the borrower will be able to meet all of the
mortgaged  property's  loan  obligations  (expenses,  debt  service  and  equity
return).  In addition to DSCRs,  the  borrower's  income and expense  ratios are
calculated and the borrower's investment policy is analyzed.

In addition to the income from the mortgaged property,  the Loan Originator also
evaluates the borrower's income as a possible  secondary source of repayment for
the mortgage  loan. In analyzing  such income,  the Loan  Originator  considers,
among other  factors,  employment  or business  history of the  borrower and the
stability and seasonality of the borrower's current  employment or business.  If
the borrower derives income from rental property,  the Loan Originator evaluates
the  experience of the manager of the rental  property,  type of tenancy and the
cash flow generated by the borrower's real estate portfolio. The Loan Originator
also reviews the borrower's assets,  liabilities and credit history to determine
the  borrower's  ability and  willingness to repay debts.  In general,  the Loan
Originator will not make a mortgage loan to a borrower who has a history of slow
payments or delinquencies,  bankruptcies,  collection  actions,  foreclosures or
judgments against the borrower without adequate explanations and verifications.

The information  concerning the  underwriting  guidelines of the Loan Originator
set forth above has been provided by the Loan Originator and none of the Issuer,
the  Mortgage  Loan  Seller,   the  Depositor  or  the  Underwriters  makes  any
representation or warranty as to the accuracy thereof.