[Lodgian, Inc. Letterhead]

                                    NYSE: LOD

AT LODGIAN:                                    
Robert S. Cole   Ginny Gaines                  
CEO              Director of Corp. Comm.       
(404) 364-9400   (404) 365-3805                

Bill Murphy           Georganne Palffy   
General Information   Analyst Inquiries 
(312) 266-7800        (312) 266-7800    

 TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1999 


                  Atlanta,  Georgia, March 30, 1999 -- The Board of Directors of
Lodgian,  Inc. (the  "Corporation")  today adopted a Shareholder Rights Plan and
declared a dividend of one Right on each outstanding  share of the Corporation's
Common  Stock.  The dividend will be paid on April 19, 1999 to  shareholders  of
record on April 14, 1999.

                  The Rights Plan was not  adopted in  response to any  specific
effort to  acquire  control of the  Corporation.  Rather,  the  Rights  Plan was
adopted  to  deter  abusive  takeover  tactics  that  can  be  used  to  deprive
shareholders of the full value of their  investment.

                  Robert S. Cole, Chief Executive  Officer of Lodgian,  said "We
believe that this Plan protects the interests of our  shareholders  in the event
that the  Corporation  is confronted  with coercive or unfair  takeover  tactics
including offers that do not treat all shareholders  equally, the acquisition in
the open market of shares  constituting  control without  offering fair value to
all  shareholders,  and other  coercive or unfair  tactics that could impair the
Board's ability to represent the shareholders'  interests fully. The Plan is not
intended  to  prevent  an  acquisition  of the  Corporation  on  terms  that are
favorable and fair to all shareholders, and will not do so."

                  Initially,  the Rights will trade with the Common Stock of the
Corporation  and will not be  exercisable.  The Rights  will  separate  from the
Common Stock and become  exercisable  upon the  occurrence of events  typical of
shareholder rights plans. In general, such separation will occur when any person
or group of affiliated persons acquires or makes an offer to acquire 15% or more
of the Corporation's Common Stock. Thereafter,  separate Right Certificates will
be distributed  and each Right will entitle its holder to purchase one hundredth
of a share of the  Corporation's  Participating  Preferred Stock (the "Preferred
Stock")  for an  exercise  price of  $25.00  (the  "Exercise  Price").  Each one
hundredth of a share of Preferred Stock has economic and voting terms equivalent
to those of one share of the Corporation's Common Stock.

                  In the event that any  person or group,  without  the  Board's
approval,  actually acquires 15% or more of the Corporation's Common Stock, then
each holder of a Right (other than such person or group) shall  thereafter  have
the right to receive  upon  exercise of such Right and  payment of the  Exercise
Price,  shares of  Preferred  Stock  having a value equal to twice the  Exercise
Price.  Also, if the  Corporation is involved in a merger or sells more than 50%
of its assets or earning  power,  each Right will entitle its holder (other than
the  acquiring  person  or  group) to  purchase  shares  of Common  Stock of the
acquiring  company  having a market  value of twice the Exercise  Price.  If any
person or group  acquires at least 15%, but less than 50%, of the  Corporation's
Common Stock,  the Board of Directors may, at its option,  exchange one share of
Common  Stock for each Right  (other  than Rights held by such person or group).
The  Rights  Plan is not  intended  to and will not  prevent a  takeover  of the
Corporation  at a full and fair price,  including a tender or exchange offer for
all outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Corporation approved by a majority
of the Board of  Directors.  However,  the  Rights  Plan may  cause  substantial
dilution to a person or group that,  without prior Board approval,  acquires 15%
or more of the Corporation's  Common Stock, unless the Rights are first redeemed
by the Board.

                  The  Rights  may be  redeemed  by the Board of  Directors  for
$0.005 per Right and will otherwise expire on April 14, 2009.

                  The Rights  Plan does not weaken the  Corporation's  financial
strength or interfere with its business plans. The issuance of the Rights has no
dilutive effect,  will not affect reported earnings per share, is not taxable to
the  Corporation  or  its   shareholders   and  will  not  change  the  way  the
Corporation's shares are traded.

                  Shareholders will receive a summary of key terms of the Rights
Plan by mail.  Detailed  information and a copy of the Rights Plan will be filed
with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                  ABOUT THE COMPANY

                  Lodgian, Inc. owns or manages 141 hotels with more than 26,000
rooms in 35 states,  Canada and Europe.  The hotels are primarily  full service,
providing food and beverage  service as well as lodging and meeting  facilities.
Substantially all of Lodgian's hotels are affiliated with nationally  recognized
hospitality  brands  such as Holiday  Inn,  Crowne  Plaza,  Marriott,  Sheraton,
Hilton, Doubletree and Westin.

                  SAFE HARBOR STATEMENT

                  Note:  Statements in this press release which are not strictly
historical are  "forward-looking"  statements that are made pursuant to the safe
harbor  provisions  of the  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995.
Forward-looking  statements involve known and unknown risks, which may cause the
company's  actual  results  in the  future to differ  materially  from  expected
results. These risks include,  among others,  competition within the lodging and
contract  service  industries;  the  relationship  between supply and demand for
hotel rooms;  the effects of economic  conditions;  issues  associated  with the
ongoing  integration  of the former  Servico,  Inc. and Impac Hotel  Group,  the
acquisition and renovation of existing hotels and the development of new hotels;
operating risks; the cyclical nature of the lodging  industry;  risks associated
with the dependence on franchisers of the company's lodging properties;  and the
availability of capital to finance planned growth, as described in the company's
filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

         For more information on Lodgian, Inc. via facsimile at no cost,
           simply dial 1-800-PRO-INFO and enter the company ticker LOD
                  or visit the FRB web site at www.frbinc.com.

                 Visit the LODGIAN web site at www.lodgian.com.

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