Deutsche Bank Securities @
                         Conforming Balance; Fixed Rate
                                 1,314 records
                            Mortgage Lenders Network


Selection Criteria: Conforming Balance; Fixed Rate
Table of Contents

 1. Pool Summary
 2. Data as of Date
 3. Current Balance
 4. Original Balance
 5. Current Gross Rate
 6. Amortization Type
 7. Original Term
 8. Stated Remaining Term
 9. Age
10. Remaining Amortization Term
11. Original LTV
12. State Concentration
13. Occupancy Type
14. Property Type
15. Loan Purpose
16. Documentation Type
17. Product
18. Debt Ratios
19. FICO Score
20. Grade
21. PrePayment Month


1. Pool Summary

Balance: 84,050,032.47
WAC: 10.8658
Count: 1,314


2. Data as of Date

Data as of Date          %
1999-10-01               100.0
Total:                   100.0

3.  Current Balance

Current Balance              #         %           Balance
=< 100,000.00                1,164     75.844      63,747,119.89
100,000.01 - 200,000.00      141       21.762      18,290,851.50
200,000.01 - 250,000.00      9         2.394       2,012,061.08
Total:                       1,314     100.000     84,050,032.47

Avg:  63,965.02
Max:  238,500.00

4.  Original Balance

Original Balance             #        %            Balance
=< 100,000                   1,164    75.844       63,747,119.89
100,001 - 200,000            141      21.762       18,290,851.50
200,001 - 250,000            9        2.394        2,012,061.08
Total:                       1,314    100.000      84,050,032.47

Max:  238,500

5.  Current Gross Rate

Current Gross Rate           #          %            Balance
7.001 - 7.500                1          0.280        235,000.00
7.501 - 8.000                10         1.056        887,233.11
8.001 - 8.500                24         1.925        1,617,643.12
8.501 - 9.000                92         7.781        6,540,160.93
9.001 - 9.500                73         6.003        5,045,787.48
9.501 - 10.000               146        11.326       9,519,547.82
10.001 - 10.500              138        11.357       9,545,387.48
10.501 - 11.000              216        17.546       14,747,035.47
11.001 - 11.500              160        12.121       10,187,492.04
11.501 - 12.000              169        11.121       9,346,994.56
12.001 - 12.500              127        8.973        7,541,590.10
12.501 - 13.000              82         5.427        4,561,428.16
13.001 - 13.500              32         2.236        1,879,293.10
13.501 - 14.000              28         1.845        1,550,741.70
14.001 - 14.500              10         0.426        358,463.47
14.501 - 15.000              5          0.339        284,533.93
15.001 - 16.000              1          0.240        201,700.00
Total:                       1,314      100.000      84,050,032.47

Wgt Avg:  10.8658
Min:  7.4500
Max:  15.7500

6.  Amortization Type

Amortization Type            #          %            Balance
Fully Amortizing             706        52.023       43,725,336.90
Balloon                      608        47.977       40,324,695.57
Total:                       1,314      100.000      84,050,032.47

7.  Original Term

Original Term          #          %             Balance
49 - 60                1          0.012         9,734.52
85 - 96                1          0.026         22,080.73
109 - 120              19         0.561         471,521.42
145 - 156              1          0.036         30,453.21
169 - 180              763        56.335        47,349,761.06
229 - 240              119        7.838         6,587,597.06
289 - 300              31         2.521         2,119,012.44
349 - 360              379        32.671        27,459,872.03
Total:                 1,314      100.000       84,050,032.47

Wgt Avg:  246.2

8.  Stated Remaining Term

Stated Remaining Term              #         %             Balance
1 - 60                             1         0.012         9,734.52
61 - 120                           20        0.587         493,602.15
121 - 180                          763       56.277        47,300,714.27
181 - 240                          120       7.932         6,667,097.06
241 - 300                          31        2.521         2,119,012.44
301 - 360                          379       32.671        27,459,872.03
Total:                             1,314     100.000       84,050,032.47

Wgt Avg:  244.3
Min: 57.0
Max: 360.0

9.  Age

Age           #         %           Balance
0             299       22.951      19,289,986.33
1             394       30.026      25,236,928.43
2             242       18.533      15,577,239.77
3             132       9.961       8,371,826.77
4             116       8.020       6,740,476.94
5             82        6.336       5,325,697.66
6             33        2.968       2,494,666.42
7             16        1.205       1,013,210.15
Total:        1,314     100.000     84,050,032.47

Wgt Avg: 1.9

10.  Remaining Amortization Term

Remaining Amortization Term       #          %            Balance
1 - 60                            1          0.012        9,734.52
61 - 120                          20         0.587        493,602.15
121 - 180                         155        8.300        6,976,018.70
181 - 240                         120        7.932        6,667,097.06
241 - 300                         31         2.521        2,119,012.44
301 - 360                         987        80.648       67,784,567.60
Total:                            1,314      100.000      84,050,032.47

Wgt Avg:  330.6
Min:  57.0
Max:  360.0

11.  Original LTV

Original LTV              #         %             Balance
=< 60.000                 181       8.459         7,110,039.64
60.001 - 70.000           172       10.650        8,950,993.64
70.001 - 80.000           729       58.672        49,313,654.87
80.001 - 85.000           160       15.000        12,607,559.62
85.001 - 90.000           70        7.061         5,934,823.27
90.001 - 95.000           2         0.158         132,961.43
Total:                    1,314     100.000       84,050,032.47

Wgt Avg:  75.90
Max:  95.00

12.  State Concentration

State Concentration           #         %             Balance
SC                            137       10.174        8,550,892.99
OH                            95        6.995         5,879,511.62
TN                            99        6.986         5,871,354.88
NY                            64        6.553         5,507,883.42
NC                            78        5.948         4,999,415.52
IL                            66        5.199         4,369,609.82
GA                            59        5.065         4,257,291.09
PA                            72        5.059         4,252,200.88
MD                            66        5.017         4,217,086.93
FL                            76        4.941         4,152,513.43
Other                         502       38.063        31,992,271.89
Total:                        1,314     100.000       84,050,032.47

#:  44

13.  Occupancy Type

Occupancy Type            #          %             Balance
Primary                   1,170      90.575        76,128,449.01
Secondary                 3          0.274         230,407.33
Investor                  141        9.151         7,691,176.13
Total:                    1,314      100.000       84,050,032.47

14.  Property Type

Property Type                     #         %             Balance
Single Family                     917       70.611        59,348,264.84
2-4 Family                        78        5.996         5,039,672.06
PUD                               7         0.645         542,332.87
Condo                             28        2.163         1,817,743.59
Manufactured Housing              284       20.585        17,302,019.11
Total:                            1,314     100.000       84,050,032.47

15.  Loan Purpose

Loan Purpose             #          %            Balance
Purchase                 238        19.704       16,560,839.92
Rate/Term Refi           16         1.371        1,151,926.67
Cash Out Refi            1,060      78.926       66,337,265.88
Total:                   1,314      100.000      84,050,032.47

16.  Documentation Type

Documentation Type             #          %             Balance
Full Documentation             1,115      84.656        71,153,738.93
Limited                        59         5.108         4,293,556.97
Stated                         140        10.235        8,602,736.57
Total:                         1,314      100.000       84,050,032.47

17.  Product

Product                      #          %             Balance
30 Year Fixed Rate           529        43.030        36,166,481.53
15 Year Fixed Rate           785        56.970        47,883,550.94
Total:                       1,314      100.000       84,050,032.47

18.  Debt Ratios

Debt Ratios            #         %             Balance
=< 28.00               226       14.693        12,349,074.66
28.01 - 32.00          134       9.778         8,218,802.35
32.01 - 36.00          145       10.203        8,575,297.34
36.01 - 42.00          235       18.173        15,273,998.93
42.01 - 46.00          216       17.054        14,333,560.01
46.01 >=               358       30.100        25,299,299.18
Total:                 1,314     100.000       84,050,032.47

Wgt. Avg:  38.893

19.  FICO Score

FICO Score                   #         %             Balance
=<540.000                    330       24.806        20,849,476.39
540.001 - 560.000            165       12.724        10,694,543.43
560.001 - 580.000            185       13.433        11,290,680.36
580.001 - 600.000            164       13.013        10,937,493.58
600.001 - 620.000            137       10.851        9,120,591.62
620.001 - 640.000            122       8.932         7,507,646.52
640.001 - 660.000            76        5.958         5,007,639.26
660.001 - 680.000            59        4.027         3,384,866.42
680.001 >=                   76        6.255         5,257,094.89
Total:                       1,314     100.000       84,050,032.47

Wgt. Avg:  586.551
Max:  801.000
Min:  0.000

20.  Grade

Grade         #         %             Balance
A             279       22.025        18,511,865.08
AA            1         0.139         116,794.46
A+            205       16.157        13,579,731.56
B             183       14.414        12,115,341.92
B+            143       11.553        9,710,109.94
C             295       20.822        17,500,707.27
C-            85        5.874         4,936,982.39
C+            82        6.162         5,178,898.42
D             41        2.855         2,399,601.43
Total:        1,314     100.000       84,050,032.47

21.  PrePayment Month

PrePayment Month             #          %             Balance
000                          544        39.794        33,446,655.37
100                          5          0.421         353,802.20
111                          46         3.431         2,883,905.97
1111 1                       2          0.164         137,523.06
200                          3          0.119         100,161.13
211                          1          0.220         185,233.78
221                          2          0.250         209,851.46
222                          22         1.337         1,123,407.07
2222 2                       5          0.654         549,519.62
300                          10         0.738         620,050.52
320                          1          0.047         39,900.00
321                          426        31.497        26,473,263.08
3211 1                       1          0.042         35,700.00
3222                         1          0.071         60,000.00
3222 2                       1          0.073         61,558.21
3322                         19         1.463         1,229,835.05
3322 1                       4          0.323         271,196.03
3322 2                       172        13.878        11,664,784.98
333                          3          0.170         142,975.61
3332 2                       1          0.088         74,250.00
400                          1          0.126         105,561.09
500                          42         5.002         4,203,990.56
521                          1          0.042         35,707.68
5555 5                       1          0.049         41,200.00
Total:                       1,314      100.000       84,050,032.47

This Structural Term Sheet,  Collateral Term Sheet, or Computational  Materials,
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                           Deutsche Bank Securities @
                            Conforming Balance; ARMS
                                  144 records
                            Mortgage Lenders Network


Selection Criteria: Conforming Balance; ARMS
Table of Contents

 1. Pool Summary
 2. Data as of Date
 3. Current Balance
 4. Original Balance
 5. Current Gross Rate
 6. Amortization Type
 7. Original Term
 8. Stated Remaining Term
 9. Age
10. Remaining Amort Term
11. Gross Margin
12. Maximum Rate
13. Lifetime Rate Cap
14. First Periodic Rate Cap
15. Subsequent Periodic Rate Cap
16. Next Rate Adjustment
17. Months to Roll
18. Original LTV
19. Combined LTV
20. State Concentration
21. Occupancy Type
22. Property Type
23. Loan Purpose
24. Documentation Type
25. Product
26. Debt Ratios
27. FICO Score
28. Grade
29. PrePayment Month


1. Pool Summary

Balance: 11,450,997.37
WAC: 10.8087
Count: 144


2. Data as of Date

2.  Data as of Date

Date as of Date          %
1999-10-01               100.0
Total:                   100.0

3.  Current Balance

Current Balance             #       %             Balance
=< 100,000.00               114     64.422        7,376,964.56
100,000.01 - 200,000.00     28      31.797        3,641,032.81
200,000.01 - 250,000.00     2       3.781         433,000.00
Total:                      144     100.000       11,450,997.37

Avg:  79,520.82
Min:  20,905.63
Max:  221,000.00

4.  Original Balance

Original Balance             #       %             Balance
=< 100,000                   114     64.422        7,376,964.56
100,001 - 200,000            28      31.797        3,641,032.81
200,001 - 250,000            2       3.781         433,000.00
Total:                       144     100.000       11,450,997.37

Avg:  79,557
Min:  21,000
Max:  221,000

5.  Current Gross Rate

Current Gross Rate           #        %           Balance
7.501 - 8.000                1        0.503       57,600.00
8.001 - 8.500                1        0.681       77,973.60
8.501 - 9.000                4        3.646       417,520.00
9.001 - 9.500                3        2.908       332,938.71
9.501 - 10.000               21       14.554      1,666,626.85
10.001 - 10.500              26       17.992      2,060,301.75
10.501 - 11.000              37       27.895      3,194,272.87
11.001 - 11.500              14       9.739       1,115,176.48
11.501 - 12.000              14       9.911       1,134,858.13
12.001 - 12.500              13       6.275       718,513.05
12.501 - 13.000              7        4.477       512,615.93
13.001 - 13.500              1        0.355       40,600.00
13.501 - 14.000              1        0.723       82,800.00
14.501 - 15.000              1        0.342       39,200.00
Total:                       144      100.000     11,450,997.37

Wgt Avg:  10.8087
Min:  7.9000
Max:  14.5500

6.  Amortization Type

Amortization Type        #       %             Balance
Fully Amortizing         144     100.000       11,450,997.37
Total:                   144     100.000       11,450,997.37

7.  Original Term

Original Term            #        %             Balance
169 - 180                1        0.681         78,000.00
349 - 360                143      99.319        11,372,997.37
Total:                   144      100.000       11,450,997.37

Wgt Avg:  358.8
Min:  180
Max:  360

8.  Stated Remaining Term

Stated Remaining Term    #       %             Balance
121 - 180                1       0.681         78,000.00
301 - 360                143     99.319        11,372,997.37
Total:                   144     100.000       11,450,997.37

Wgt Avg:  357.4
Min: 180.0
Max: 360.0

9.  Age

Age           #       %           Balance
0             47      32.65       3,738,615
1             55      38.66       4,427,141
2             14      8.94        1,024,015
3             12      8.70        996,755
4             3       1.62        185,497
5             7       5.99        685,779
6             3       1.61        183,897
7             2       1.46        166,653
9             1       0.37        42,645
Total:        144     100.00      11,450,997

Wgt Avg: 1.4

10.  Remaining Amort Term

Remaining Amort Term     #       %             Balance
121 - 180                1       0.681         78,000.00
301 - 360                143     99.319        11,372,997.37
Total:                   144     100.000       11,450,997.37

Wgt Avg:  357.4
Min: 180.0
Max: 360.0

11.  Gross Margin

Gross Margin            #        %           Balance
4.501 - 4.750           1        0.503       57,600.00
5.001 - 5.250           1        0.681       77,973.60
5.251 - 5.500           2        1.331       152,400.00
5.501 - 5.750           1        1.851       212,000.00
5.751 - 6.000           1        0.505       57,771.56
6.001 - 6.250           4        2.643       302,648.46
6.251 - 6.500           13       8.415       963,562.84
6.501 - 6.750           12       9.351       1,070,761.99
6.751 - 7.000           11       6.637       759,950.93
7.001 - 7.250           16       13.054      1,494,858.19
7.251 - 7.500           15       8.856       1,014,055.28
7.501 - 7.750           18       13.690      1,567,691.05
7.751 - 8.000           13       10.229      1,171,285.36
8.001 - 8.250           3        2.483       284,350.00
8.251 - 8.500           6        5.676       649,936.45
8.501 - 8.750           11       5.517       631,750.10
8.751 - 9.000           4        1.617       185,185.63
9.001 - 9.250           5        2.754       315,396.09
9.251 - 9.500           2        1.316       150,685.63
9.501 - 9.750           3        2.195       251,334.21
9.751 - 10.000          1        0.355       40,600.00
10.001>=                1        0.342       39,200.00
Total:                  144      100.000     11,450,997.37

Wgt Avg:  7.4484
Min:  4.650
Max:  10.150

12.  Maximum Rate

Maximum Rate              #       %             Balance
14.501 - 15.000           1       0.503         57,600.00
15.001 - 15.500           1       0.681         77,973.60
15.501 - 16.000           4       3.646         417,520.00
16.001 - 16.500           3       2.908         332,938.71
16.501 - 17.000           21      14.554        1,666,626.85
17.001 - 17.500           26      17.992        2,060,301.75
17.501 - 18.000           37      27.895        3,194,272.87
18.001 - 18.500           14      9.739         1,115,176.48
18.501 - 19.000           14      9.911         1,134,858.13
19.001 - 19.500           13      6.275         718,513.05
19.501 - 20.000           7       4.477         512,615.93
20.001 >=                 3       1.420         162,600.00
Total:                    144     100.000       11,450,997.37

Wgt Avg:  17.8087
Min:  14.9000
Max:  21.5500

13.  Lifetime Rate Cap

Lifetime Rate Cap           #        %            Balance
6.751 - 7.000               144      100.000      11,450,997.37
Total:                      144      100.000      11,450,997.37

Wgt Avg:  7.0000

14.  First Periodic Rate Cap

First Periodic Rate Cap       #       %             Balance
3.000                         144     100.000       11,450,997.37
Total:                        144     100.000       11,450,997.37

Wgt Avg:  3.0000

15.  Subsequent Periodic Rate Cap

Subsequent Periodic Rate Cap     #       %             Balance
1.000                            144     100.000       11,450,997.37
Total:                           144     100.000       11,450,997.37

Wgt Avg:  1.0000

16.  Next Rate Adjustment

Next Rate Adjustment             #       %             Balance
1999-12-01                       1       0.903         103,362.93
2001-02-22                       1       0.372         42,635.37
2001-04-03                       1       0.681         77,973.60
2001-04-19                       1       0.774         88,679.75
2001-05-12                       2       1.179         134,969.89
2001-05-27                       1       0.427         48,927.14
2001-06-01                       3       1.929         220,855.89
2001-06-04                       1       1.283         146,903.04
2001-06-12                       1       1.193         136,564.12
2001-06-26                       1       0.682         78,092.90
2001-07-01                       1       0.290         33,168.53
2001-07-03                       1       0.723         82,766.37
2001-07-30                       1       0.607         69,561.71
2001-08-01                       7       5.028         575,790.21
2001-08-06                       2       1.621         185,650.14
2001-08-14                       1       0.734         84,065.11
2001-08-23                       1       0.668         76,449.76
2001-08-28                       1       0.653         74,800.00
2001-09-01                       8       5.238         599,783.47
2001-09-03                       2       0.846         96,847.24
2001-09-10                       1       0.884         101,218.34
2001-09-12                       1       0.495         56,683.74
2001-09-30                       2       1.480         169,482.50
2001-10-01                       29      21.386        2,448,937.22
2001-10-02                       1       0.573         65,600.00
2001-10-03                       1       0.312         35,738.94
2001-10-07                       2       1.155         132,204.66
2001-10-08                       1       0.540         61,814.50
2001-10-09                       4       2.356         269,803.59
2001-10-10                       1       0.904         103,500.00
2001-10-14                       3       3.280         375,600.00
2001-10-15                       6       3.203         366,796.71
2001-10-20                       1       0.782         89,600.00
2001-10-23                       1       0.857         98,100.00
2001-10-24                       1       0.412         47,200.00
2001-10-27                       1       0.675         77,350.00
2001-10-29                       1       0.629         72,000.00
2001-10-30                       2       1.597         182,895.00
2001-11-01                       39      26.563        3,041,715.00
2001-11-04                       3       2.492         285,400.00
2001-11-05                       1       0.825         94,500.00
2001-11-06                       2       0.911         104,300.00
2001-11-15                       2       1.857         212,700.00
Total:                           144     100.000       11,450,997.37

Wgt Avg:  2001-09-18

17.  Months to Roll

Months to Roll          #        %            Balance
2                       1        0.903        103,362.93
16                      1        0.372        42,645.37
18                      2        1.455        166,653.35
19                      3        1.606        183,897.03
20                      6        5.086        582,415.95
21                      3        1.620        185,496.61
22                      12       8.705      996,755.22
23                      14       8.943        1,024,015.29
24                      55       38.662       4,427,140.62
25                      47       32.649       3,738,615.00
Total:                  144      100.000      11,450,997.37

Wgt Avg:  23.4

18.  Original LTV

Original LTV              #       %             Balance
=< 60.000                 2       1.416         162,153.61
60.001 - 70.000           16      8.375         958,969.01
70.001 - 80.000           73      48.919        5,601,706.28
80.001 - 85.000           28      20.982        2,402,682.43
85.001 - 90.000           25      20.308        2,325,486.04
Total:                    144     100.000       11,450,997.37

Wgt Avg:  80.89
Min:  40.00
Max:  90.00

19.  Combined LTV

Combined LTV              #       %             Balance
=< 60.000                 2       1.416         162,153.61
60.001 - 70.000           16      8.375         958,969.01
70.001 - 80.000           73      48.919        5,601,706.28
80.001 - 85.000           28      20.982        2,402,682.43
85.001 - 90.000           25      20.308        2,325,486.04
Total:                    144     100.000       11,450,997.37

Wgt Avg:  80.89
Min:  40.00
Max:  90.00

20.  State Concentration

State Concentration           #       %             Balance
OH                            29      17.076        1,955,392.38
IL                            12      9.642         1,104,066.66
MO                            11      6.527         747,382.41
CO                            5       5.816         665,963.68
NM                            6       5.192         594,528.76
GA                            5       5.059         579,290.79
OK                            7       4.112         470,817.48
IN                            8       3.898         446,311.50
PA                            6       3.874         443,581.75
MD                            5       3.299         377,713.96
Other                         50      35.507        4,065,948.00
Total:                        144     100.000       11,450,997.37

#:  29

21.  Occupancy Type

Occupancy Type            #        %             Balance
Primary                   139      98.527        11,282,326.99
Investor                  5        1.473         168,670.38
Total:                    144      100.000       11,450,997.37

22.  Property Type

Property Type                     #       %             Balance
Single Family                     129     90.824        10,400,288.54
2-4 Family                        6       4.260         487,822.78
Condo                             3       1.366         156,472.49
Manufactured Housing              6       3.549         406,413.56
Total:                            144     100.000       11,450,997.37

23.  Loan Purpose

Loan Purpose             #       %             Balance
Purchase                 34      27.458        3,144,262.01
Rate/Term Refi           2       1.535         175,764.12
Cash Out Refi            108     71.007        8,130,971.24
Total:                   144     100.000       11,450,997.37

24.  Documentation Type

Documentation Type             #        %            Balance
Full Documentation             119      82.292       9,423,207.16
Limited                        7        6.700        767,202.85
Stated                         18       11.009       1,260,587.36
Total:                         144      100.000      11,450,997.37

25.  Product

Product                              #        %            Balance
Six Month LIBOR ARMs                 1        0.903        103,362.93
2/28                                 143      99.097       11,347,634.44
Total:                               144      100.000      11,450,997.37

26.  Debt Ratios

Debt Ratios            #       %             Balance
=< 28.00               23      15.328        1,755,216.31
28.01 - 32.00          10      7.806         893,921.11
32.01 - 36.00          16      9.380         1,074,143.45
36.01 - 42.00          26      16.783        1,921,877.59
42.01 - 46.00          22      17.288        1,979,600.97
46.01 >=               47      33.414        3,826,237.94
Total:                 144     100.000       11,450,997.37

Wgt Avg:  39.483

27.  FICO Score

FICO Score                   #       %             Balance
=<540.000                    57      37.937        4,344,174.53
540.001 - 560.000            27      15.925        1,823,538.00
560.001 - 580.000            23      15.751        1,803,623.94
580.001 - 600,000            9       7.511         860,103.45
600.001 - 620.000            10      8.504         973,822.26
620.001 - 640.000            10      9.016         1,032,444.22
640.001 - 660.000            5       2.810         321,741.05
660.001 - 680.000            2       1.750         200,349.92
680.001 >=                   1       0.796         91,200.00
Total:                       144     100.000       11,450,997.37

Wgt Ave:  555.526
Max:  703.000
Min:  0.000

28.  Grade

Grade         #       %             Balance
A             41      31.830        3,644,870.29
A+            9       7.813         894,708.42
B             28      17.784        2,036,411.56
B+            16      10.919        1,250,321.45
C             21      11.740        1,344,353.67
C-            13      7.488         857,437.92
C+            13      10.168        1,164,329.94
D             3       2.258         258,564.12
Total:        144     100.000       11,450,997.37

29.  PrePayment Month

PrePayment Month             #        %            Balance
000                          14       8.954        1,025,296.48
111                          1        0.342        39,200.00
200                          1        0.831        95,126.45
221                          2        1.354        155,100.00
222                          3        1.763        201,825.00
300                          1        1.153        132,000.00
320                          4        2.847        326,029.57
321                          82       56.171       6,432,109.94
3322                         2        1.931        221,142.55
3322 2                       17       10.490       1,201,224.90
3332 2                       1        0.480        54,982.03
550                          16       13.684       1,566,960.45
Total:                       144      100.000      11,450,997.37


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