OF ASSETS

      THIS  AGREEMENT  dated as of June 1, 1999, by and between KTI Recycling of
Illinois,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation  ("Seller")  and Loop Paper  Recycling,
Inc., an Illinois corporation ("Buyer").

      Seller is located in Franklin  Park,  Illinois and desires to sell certain
of its assets, listed on Schedule A attached hereto (the "Assets"), to Buyer.

      Buyer  desires  to  purchase  the Assets as a going  concern  but does not
desire to accept any of the  liabilities  of the Seller for the period  prior to
June 1, 1999, except as expressly listed on Schedule B of this Agreement.

      In consideration of the mutual terms, conditions and covenants hereinafter
set forth Seller and Buyer agree as follows:

1.  Seller  shall sell the Assets to the Buyer on the Closing  Date.  The Assets
shall be (a) the  equipment  listed on  Schedule  A, all  records  of the Seller
pertaining  to the  operation  of  such  equipment,  currently  in the  Seller's
possession;  (b)  contracts  between  the  Seller and third  parties,  listed on
Schedule A and all records of the Seller pertaining to such accounts,  currently
in the Seller's  possession;  (c) the Seller's goodwill,  franchises (other than
the Seller's franchises as a corporation), permits and licenses and the Seller's
current  telephone  numbers.  (The Seller  shall have  reasonable  access to all
records  transferred  to the Buyer for the purposes of  preparing  its final tax
returns and for  participation in tax audits,  if any.) The Seller shall have 30
calendar days to remove any equipment not purchased. During such 30-day calendar
period, beginning on the Closing Date, the Buyer shall store such equipment in a
secure location at 10601 Waveland Avenue,  Franklin Park, Illinois at no cost to
the Seller and shall ensure that its  employees do not use such  equipment.  The
Seller shall be obligated to remove  equipment not purchased by the Buyer at the
Seller's  cost within 30 calendar  days of the Closing  Date.  Any equipment not
removed within 30 calendar days shall be stored at the Seller's cost.

2. The  Seller is not  selling  and the Buyer is not  buying  any  assets of the
Seller not listed on Schedule  A. Assets not listed on Schedule A are  "Excluded
Assets".  Excluded  Assets  include,  but are not  limited to cash,  deposits in
banks, the  consideration to be paid by the Buyer to the Seller pursuant to this
Agreement, all insurance policies, the Seller's franchises as a corporation, the
Seller's minute books,  corporate  seals and stock books,  the shares of capital
stock of the Seller, the Seller's name or any name similar thereto,  an EC-lSTSM
Hydro Baler with infeed,  any prepaid  taxes or expenses or deferred  charges in
connection  therewith and accounts  receivable  for the period ending on May 31,
1999.  To the extent that the Buyer does not wish to purchase  any  non-saleable
inventory in the real estate commonly known as 10601 Waveland  Avenue,  Franklin
Park, Illinois,  the Buyer shall so advise the Seller in writing, not later than
the day  prior to the  Closing  Date.  Such  writing  shall  clearly  state  the
non-saleable  inventory to be moved.  The Seller shall remove such  non-saleable
inventory,  or the portion  thereof,  not desired by the Buyer,  at the Seller's
cost. The Buyer's right to have non-saleable inventory removed is waived if such
notice is not delivered in a timely fashion.

3. Any invoices  issued by either the Buyer or the Seller after the Closing Date
for  services or goods  shipped  prior to the Closing  Date shall  prorate  such
accounts  receivable  for  the  period  prior  to June 1,  1999  and the  period
including June 1, 1999 and thereafter.  Accounts receivable for the period prior
to the June 1, 1999 shall be  payable to the  Seller,  and  accounts  receivable
thereafter  shall be payable to the Buyer.  Cash received by the Buyer or Seller
relating  to a specific  customer  shall be applied to  accounts  receivable  by
invoice number or invoice, date if indicated,  or ship date. If either the Buyer
or the Seller  receives funds due to the other party,  the receiving party shall
promptly transmit such funds to the other party. The Seller hereby agrees to pay
all accounts  payable not accepted by the Buyer in  accordance  with their terms
and hereby agrees to indemnify the Buyer for any claim brought against the Buyer
due to any  breach of this  covenant  by the  Seller.  The Buyer  shall  deposit
$64,000.00 of the purchase price in an interest-bearing  account in the names of
the Buyer and the Seller at a bank designated by the Seller.  Such account shall
be maintained  for 30 calendar  days  following the Closing Date as security for
the obligations of the Seller to pay accounts  payable.  During such 30-calendar
day period,  Seller may  withdraw  funds from such  account only to pay accounts
payable.  The Buyer must consent to such withdrawals.  At the termination of the
30-day  period,  the balance of said account shall be  distributed to the Seller
unless known, unpaid obligations  payable by the Seller remain  outstanding.  If
the parties  disagree as to the existence of such known and unpaid  obligations,
either  party  may  instigate  arbitration   proceedings  through  the  American
Arbitration  Association  in Chicago,  Illinois.  The losing party shall pay all
expenses of arbitration.

4. All liabilities to be assumed by the Buyer are listed on Schedule B, attached
hereto.  The Seller hereby  represents that the Assets,  as of the Closing Date,
will not be subject  to any liens,  security  interests,  encumbrances  or other
claims other than those listed on Schedule B.

5. The  purchase  price  for the  Assets  shall  be:  (a) cash in the  amount of
$557,050.00;  and (b) the  assumption  or  payoff of any  liabilities  listed on
Schedule B. The purchase price, other than the $64,000.00 referred to in Section
3 above and the $45,000  referred  to in Section 11 below,  shall be paid by the
wire  transfer  of  immediately  available  funds to an account of the Seller at
KeyBank, National Association.

6. Buyer shall operate the facility at 10601  Waveland  Avenue,  Franklin  Park,
Illinois in the ordinary  course of business  from the date of execution of this
Agreement until the Closing Date, consistent with its current practices.

7. The Business of the Seller is defined as: (a) the  processing  of waste paper
products,  generated  within 50 miles of and processed at 10601 Waveland Avenue,
Franklin Park, Illinois; and (b) the brokerage of waste paper products generated
within 50 miles of, but not processed at, 10601 Waveland Avenue,  Franklin Park,
Illinois by entities  which are currently  customers of the Seller or which have
been  customers of the Seller during the period  commencing on November 14, 1997
and ending on the day prior to the Closing Date. Such entities are  "Customers".
If a Customer  operates a generating  facility or facilities  outside of such 50
mile radius  area,  the entity is not a Customer  for such  facility  unless the
Seller has processed  waste paper  products from such facility at 10601 Waveland
Avenue,  Franklin Park,  Illinois  during the period  commencing on November 14,
1997 and ending on the Closing  Date.  This  provision  shall not  restrict  any
services  conducted  or which may be  conducted  at the New  Heights  Recovery &
Power, L.L.C. ("New Heights") facility at Ford Heights,  Illinois in the future,


that New  Heights  may not  solicit any  Customers  or offer  employment  to any
Employee,  as hereinafter  defined,  during such 5-year  period.  The Seller and
other  entities under common control with the Seller shall not: (A) compete with
the Business  bought by the Buyer;  (b) solicit  Business  from a Customer for a
period of five years beginning on the Closing Date; or (c) disclose confidential
information concerning the Business or a Customer to any third party, other than
pursuant  to a court  order or as  otherwise  required  by law. If the Seller or
entities  under common  control with the Seller  purchase an entity  existing in
such restricted area, such purchased entity may continue in its activities as of
the date of purchase but may not solicit  Customers  during such period,  unless
already serviced by such purchased entity or offer employment to an Employee, as
hereinafter  defined.  The Seller shall notify the Buyer of any Customers served
by such entity or  entities  within 30 days of the date of  acquisition  of such
entity  or  entities.  If the  Seller  is  requested  to  disclose  confidential
information,  the Seller  shall  give the Buyer as much  notice as  possible  to
permit the Buyer to appear  before  such  court or other  body to  contest  such
request at the Buyer's  expense.  Nothing in this  Section  shall  preclude  the
Seller or other entities  under common  control with the Seller from  purchasing
material  from, or brokering  material for, the Buyer.  The Buyer shall have the
right to offer  employment to all or any of the  employees of the Seller,  other
than Carlos Abrios (collectively, "Employees" or individually, "Employee"), that
are currently  working at 10601 Waveland Avenue,  Franklin Park,  Illinois as of
the Closing Date hereof, on such terms and conditions determined by the Buyer in
its sole  discretion.  The Seller shall not offer  employment  after the Closing
Date to any Employee.  The Buyer shall be responsible for all costs of operating
the facility at 10601  Waveland  Avenue,  Franklin Park for the period after May
31, 1999 excluding  salary costs  relating to Carlos Abrios.  To the extent that
the Buyer advances funds for such costs, it shall be promptly  reimbursed by the

8. KTI,  Inc.,  New  Jersey  corporation  and the  parent of the  Seller,  shall
indemnify  the Buyer from and against all claims  against the Buyer  relating to
undisclosed liabilities,  not paid by the Seller, including, without limitation,
liabilities  for Illinois  unemployment  compensation  and any taxes of any kind
whatsoever  due from the Seller to the State of Illinois.  Such  indemnification
shall be in the form attached hereto as Schedule C.

9. Seller represents and warrants to Buyer:

      (a) The Seller  represents  that it is not,  to the best of its  knowledge
after  diligent  inquiry,  in breach  of any  contract,  lease or other  written
commitment to be assigned pursuant to this Agreement. The Seller represents that
it has not  received  any  notice  of a breach of any  contract,  lease or other
written  commitment  to be assigned  pursuant to this  Agreement  from the other
party or parties thereto.

      (b) Seller makes no representation or warranty as to the future conduct of
the Business and the continued relationship with the Customers of the Business.

      (c) Neither the Seller nor the Buyer have used a broker in connection with
the  transaction  described  in this  Agreement.  Each  party  hereto  agrees to
indemnify  and hold the other  harmless  from any  broker's or  finder's  fee or
alleged  broker's or finder's fee  incurred by the other party,  or any claim by
any party that the other  entered  into an  agreement  calling for a broker's or
finder's fee.


      (d) The consent of the general partners of DRAW ENTERPRISES MANUFACTURING,
L.P. is required to carry out the  transaction  contemplated  by this Agreement.
Such consent  shall be obtained not later than June 4, 1999,  or this  Agreement
shall be null and  void.  If  Seller  does not  receive  written  notice  of the
rejection of this  Agreement  from the Buyer by June 4, 1999, the Buyer shall be
deemed irrefutably to have waived this condition.

      (e) This Agreement is subject to the receipt of approval of this Agreement
by the Board of  Directors  of KTI,  Inc. not later than June 4, 1999 and to the
receipt of a consent from KeyBank, National Association,  as Agent. If the Buyer
does not  receive  written  notice  from  KTI,  Inc.  of the  rejection  of this
Agreement by June 4, 1999, the Seller shall be deemed irrefutably to have waived
this condition.

10. Closing on this  Agreement  will be on June 4, 1999 if: (a) Seller  deposits
with Chicago Title Insurance Company, or its affiliate, those documents required
to be deposited by the escrow agreement  between the Seller and DRAW ENTERPRISES
less  prorations,  in  immediately  available  funds to the Seller and  deposits
$300,000.00 with Chicago Title Insurance  Company,  or its affiliate,  in escrow
and  (c)  the  Seller  and  DRAW  ENTERPRISES  MANUFACTURING,   L.P.  execute  a
reconveyance  agreement in the form of Schedule D hereto, all in connection with
the transfer of real estate  commonly known as 10601 Waveland  Avenue,  Franklin
Park, Illinois.

11. The sale and  delivery by the Seller of the Assets to the Buyer hereof shall
be  effected on the  Closing  Date by the  Seller's  execution  and  delivery of
assignments  of leases,  bills of sale and other  instruments  of conveyance and
transfer as applicable  substantially in the forms attached hereto as Schedule E
(collectively  the  "Instruments  of  Conveyance").  The  Buyer  and the  Seller
acknowledge  that the  Seller  has been  unable to locate  the title for  eleven
trailers.  $45,000 of the purchase  price shall be deposited into an escrow with
Chicago Title Insurance Company, or its affiliate,  to held until the titles for
such trailers,  or replacement titles, if necessary,  have been delivered to the
Buyer, appropriately endorsed to permit transfer to the Buyer.

12. The Buyer and Seller  agree that the purchase  price is allocated  among the
Assets  being  purchased  hereunder  as set forth on  Schedule  A  hereto.  Such
allocation of the purchase price limits the liability of the Seller to the Buyer
with  respect to damages,  liabilities  or  expenses  incurred by the Buyer with
respect to any breach of the Seller's representations,  warranties, covenants or
agreements set forth herein.

13. The Buyer  represents  and warrants to the Seller  that:  (a) the Buyer is a
duly formed corporation, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of
the State of Illinois;  (b) the Buyer has all  requisite  power and authority to
execute,  deliver and perform its  obligations  under this  Agreement;  (c) this
Agreement is valid and binding upon the Buyer,  enforceable  in accordance  with
its terms; (d) neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement by the Buyer
nor the consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby by the Buyer will
violate any provisions of the certificate of  incorporation  of the Buyer, or be
in conflict  with, or  constitute a default (or an event which,  with or without
notice,  lapse of time or both,  would constitute a default) under, or result in
the termination or invalidity of, or accelerate the performance  required by, or
cause the  acceleration  of the maturity of any debt or obligation  pursuant to,
any agreement


or commitment  to which the Buyer is a party or by which the Buyer is bound,  or
violate any statute or law or any judgment, decree, order, regulation or rule of
any court or governmental authority.

14.  Without  the  written  consent  of the  other  party,  which  shall  not be
unreasonably withheld,  each of the parties hereto agrees not to make any public
announcements or press releases regarding the transactions  contemplated  hereby
until such  transactions are  consummated;  provided that,  notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  Seller  shall  have the  right to issue a press  release  and file a
report on Form 8-K disclosing the transaction  contemplated by this Agreement to
the extent that it believes such disclosure is required by law.

15.  Each of the  parties  agrees  to use its best  efforts  to bring  about the
satisfaction of the conditions  required to be performed,  fulfilled or complied
with by it hereunder and to take or cause to be taken, all action, and to do, or
cause to be done, all things  necessary,  proper or advisable  under  applicable
laws  and  regulations  to  consummate  and  make  effective  the   transactions
contemplated by this Agreement as expeditiously  as practicable.  In case at any
time after the Closing any further action is necessary or desirable to carry out
the  purposes  of this  agreement,  the  appropriate  party  will  take all such
necessary action,  including without  limitation,  the execution and delivery of
such further  instruments  and documents as may be  reasonably  requested by the
other party or parties for such purposes or otherwise to complete or perfect the
transactions contemplated hereby.

16. The  representations and warranties of the Buyer contained in this Agreement
shall be true,  complete and  accurate in all  material  respects as of the date
when  made and at and as of the  Closing  as  though  such  representations  and
warranties  were being made at and as of the  Closing  Date,  except for changes
expressly  permitted or contemplated  by the terms of this Agreement.  The Buyer
shall have performed,  fulfilled and complied with in all material respects with
all  agreements,  obligations  and  conditions  required by this Agreement to be
performed, fulfilled or complied with by it on or prior to the Closing Date.

17.  No  suit,  action,  investigation,  inquiry  or  other  proceeding  by  any
government body or other person shall have been instituted  against any party to
this Agreement or DRAW ENTERPRISES  MANUFACTURING,  L.P., which arises out of or
relates to this Agreement or the  transactions  contemplated  hereby or seeks to
obtain  substantial  damages in respect thereof,  and on the Closing Date, there
shall be no  effective  permanent or  preliminary  injunction,  writ,  temporary
restraining  order or any order of any  nature  issued  by a court of  competent
jurisdiction  directing  that  the  transactions  provided  for  herein  not  be
consummated as so provided.

18. The Buyer and the Seller each hereby agree to defend, indemnify and hold the
other  party  harmless  from,  against  and in respect  of any and all  demands,
claims,   actions,  or  causes  of  actions,   losses,   liabilities,   damages,
assessments,   deficiencies,   taxes,  costs  and  expenses,  including  without
limitation,  interest,  penalties  and  reasonable  attorneys  fees and expenses
asserted against,  imposed upon or paid, incurred or suffered by the other party
as the result of, arising from, in connection with or incident to (i) any breach
or inaccuracy of any  representation  or warranty of the Buyer or Seller, as the
case may be,  contained in this  Agreement or (ii) any breach of any covenant or
agreement  of the Buyer or the  Seller,  as the case may be,  contained  in this


19.  Each of the parties  hereto  agrees to pay all of the  respective  expenses
incurred  by it in  connection  with the  negotiation,  preparation,  execution,
delivery  and  performance  of  this  Agreement  and  the  consummation  of  the
transactions contemplated hereby.

20.  All  notices,  requests,  demands  and  other  communications  required  or
permitted  hereunder  shall be in writing  and shall be deemed to have been duly
given if delivered by hand or mailed, certified or registered mail, with postage
prepaid as follows:

If to the Seller: c/o KTI, Inc.
                  20 Braeburn Lane
                  Barrington Hills, Illinois 60010
                  Telephone:  847-658-1528
                  Fax:        847-658-1516

with a copy to:   Spitzer, Addis, Susman & Krull
                  Attention:  Robert J. Krull
                  100 West Monroe Street
                  Chicago, Illinois 60603
                  Telephone:  312-372-0550
                  Fax:        312-372-8667

If to the Buyer:  Loop Paper Recycling, Inc.
                  Attention:  George Ward
                  2401 South Laflin
                  Chicago, Illinois 60608
                  Telephone:  312-942-0042
                  Fax:        312-942-0612

with a copy to:   Matthew J. Carmody
                  10644 South Western Avenue
                  Chicago, Illinois 60643
                  Telephone:  773-233-8969
                  Fax:        773-233-9719

or to such  other  person or address  as either  party may  furnish to the other
party in  writing.

21. This Agreement  shall be governed and construed in accordance  with the laws
of the State of Illinois, regardless of rules of conflict of laws. The courts of
the State of Illinois or of the United  States  sitting in the State of Illinois
shall have the  exclusive  jurisdiction  over any and all claims,  lawsuits  and
litigation  relating to or arising  out of this  Agreement,  the subject  matter
hereof or the  transactions  contemplated  hereby.  Each of the  parties  hereto
hereby  irrevocably  (a)  submits to the  jurisdiction  of such courts over such
party in  connection  with any  litigation,  proceedings  or other legal  action
arising out of or in connection with this  Agreement,  (b) waives to the fullest
extent permitted by law any objection to the venue of any litigation, proceeding
or action  which is  brought  in such  court and (c)  agrees to the  mailing  of
service of process in any legal proceedings brought in any such court.


22. This  Agreement,  which is deemed to include  all  exhibits,  schedules  and
certificates delivered pursuant to the terms hereof, embody the entire agreement
of the parties  hereto with respect to the subject  matter  hereof and supersede
all  prior  agreements,  promises,  covenants,   arrangements,   communications,
representations  or warranties,  whether oral or written,  whether  expressed or
implied (collectively, the "Prior Inducements") by either party, or any officer,
employee or  representative  of either party hereto with respect  thereto.  Both
parties acknowledge and agree that in entering into this Agreement,  neither has
relied upon such Prior Inducements,  and both parties agree that neither of them
will seek to initiate any suit,  action,  claim or defense based upon or arising
out of any Prior Inducement.

23. This Agreement  shall be deemed to be the joint work product of both parties
hereto  without  regard  to the  identity  of the  draftsperson  and any rule of
construction  that a document  shall be  interpreted  or  construed  against the
drafting party shall not be applicable.

24. Prior to the Closing,  the risk of loss or damage to, or destruction of, any
or all of the Assets shall remain with the Seller.


      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement.

                                       KTI RECYCLING OF ILLINOIS, INC.,
                                       a Delaware corporation

                                       By:  /s/ Robert E. Wetzel
                                            Senior Vice President

                                       LOOP PAPER RECYCLING, INC., an
                                       Illinois corporation

                                       By:  /s/ George Ward
                                       Its: VP