1996 STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN
                      (As Amended Through November 12, 1998)

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


1.    Purpose................................................................1

2.    Definitions............................................................1

3.    Administration.........................................................4

4.    Stock Subject to the Plan..............................................5

5.    Discretionary Option Grants for Eligible Individuals...................6
      5.1  Authority of Committee............................................6
      5.2  Purchase Price....................................................6
      5.3  Maximum Duration..................................................6
      5.4  Vesting...........................................................6
      5.5  Modification......................................................6

6.    Option Grants for Nonemployee Directors................................7
      6.1  Grant.............................................................7
      6.2  Purchase Price....................................................7
      6.3  Vesting...........................................................7

7.    Terms and Conditions Applicable to All Options.........................8
      7.1  Duration..........................................................8
      7.2  Transferability...................................................8
      7.3  Method of Exercise................................................9
      7.4  Rights of Optionees...............................................9
      7.5  Effect of Change in Control......................................10

8.    Stock Appreciation Rights.............................................10
      8.1  Time of Grant....................................................10
      8.2  Stock Appreciation Right Related to an Option....................10
            (a)  Exercise...................................................10
            (b)  Amount Payable.............................................11
            (c)  Treatment of Related Options and Stock Appreciation
                  Rights Upon Exercise......................................11
      8.3  Stock Appreciation Right Unrelated to an Option..................11
      8.4  Method of Exercise...............................................11
      8.5  Form of Payment..................................................12
      8.6  Modification.....................................................12
      8.7  Effect of Change in Control......................................12

9.    Adjustment Upon Changes in Capitalization.............................12

10.   Effect of Certain Transactions........................................13


11.   Interpretation........................................................13

12.   Pooling Transactions..................................................13

13.   Termination and Amendment of the Plan.................................14

14.   Non-Exclusivity of the Plan...........................................14

15.   Limitation of Liability...............................................14

16.   Regulations and Other Approvals; Governing Law........................15

17.   Miscellaneous.........................................................16
      17.1  Multiple Agreements.............................................16
      17.2  Withholding of Taxes............................................16
      17.3  Effective Date..................................................16


                                  OXiGENE, INC.

                            1996 STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN
                      (As Amended Through October 8, 1998)
1.    Purpose.

            The purpose of this Plan is to enable the Company and its affiliates
to recruit  and  retain  capable  employees  for the  successful  conduct of its
business and to provide an additional incentive to directors, officers and other
eligible  key  employees,   consultants   and  advisors  upon  whom  rest  major
responsibilities  for the successful operation and management of the Company and
its affiliates.

2.    Definitions.

            For purposes of the Plan:

            2.1 "Adjusted Fair Market Value" means,  in the event of a Change in
Control,  the greater of (i) the highest  price per Share paid to holders of the
Shares in any transaction (or series of transactions)  constituting or resulting
in a Change in Control or (ii) the highest  Fair Market  Value of a Share during
the ninety (90) day period ending on the date of a Change in Control.

            2.2  "Affiliate   Corporation"   or   "Affiliate"   shall  mean  any
corporation,  directly  or  indirectly,  through  one  of  more  intermediaries,
controlling, controlled by or under common control with the Company.

            2.3 "Agreement"  means the written agreement between the Company and
an Optionee evidencing the grant of an Award.

            2.4 "Award"  means an Incentive  Stock  Option,  Nonqualified  Stock
Option or Stock  Appreciation  Right granted to or to be granted pursuant to the

            2.5 "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

            2.6   "Cause" means:

                  (a)  Solely  with  respect  to  Nonemployee   Directors,   the
commission  of an act of fraud  or  intentional  misrepresentation  or an act of
embezzlement,  misappropriation  or conversion of assets or opportunities of the
Company or any Affiliate and

                  (b) for all other purposes,  unless  otherwise  defined in the
Agreement  evidencing a particular  Award, an Optionee (other than a Nonemployee
Director) (i) intentional  failure to perform reasonably  assigned duties,  (ii)
dishonesty or willful misconduct in the performance of duties, (iii) involvement
in a transaction in connection  with the performance of duties to the Company or
any of its Subsidiaries thereof which transaction is adverse to the interests of
the  Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  and which is  engaged in for  personal
profit or

(iv) willful  violation of any law, rule or  regulation  in connection  with the
performance of duties (other than traffic violations or similar offenses).

            2.7 "Change in  Capitalization"  means any  increase or reduction in
the number of Shares, or any change (including,  but not limited to, a change in
value) in the Shares or  exchange  of Shares for a  different  number or kind of
shares or other  securities  of the  Company,  by reason of a  reclassification,
recapitalization,  merger,  consolidation,  reorganization,  spin-off, split-up,
issuance of warrants or rights or  debentures,  stock  dividend,  stock split or
reverse stock split, cash dividend,  property dividend,  combination or exchange
of shares, repurchase of shares, change in corporate structure or otherwise.

            2.8 A "Change in Control" shall mean the occurrence  during the term
of the Plan of either of the  following:  (a) any "person" (as such term is used
in Section 13(c) and 14(d) of the Exchange  Act),  other than a trustee or other
fiduciary holding  securities under an employee benefit plan of the Company or a
corporation  owned directly or indirectly by the  stockholders of the Company in
substantially  the same  proportions as their ownership of stock of the Company,
is or  becomes  the  "beneficial  owner" (as  defined  in Rule  13d-3  under the
Exchange Act), directly or indirectly, of securities of the Company representing
40% or  more  of the  total  voting  power  represented  by the  Company's  then
outstanding  voting  securities;  or (b) during  any  period of two  consecutive
years,  individuals who at the beginning of such period constitute the Board and
any new director  whose  election by the Board or nomination for election by the
Company's  stockholders  was  approved by a vote of at least  two-thirds  of the
directors who either were  directors at the beginning of the two-year  period or
whose election or nomination for election was previously so approved,  cease for
any reason to constitute a majority thereof.

            2.9 "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

            2.10  "Committee"  means a  committee,  as described in Section 2.1,
appointed by the Board to  administer  the Plan and to perform the functions set
forth herein.

            2.11  "Company" means OXiGENE, Inc.

            2.12 "Director  Option" means an Option granted  pursuant to Section

            2.13 "Disability" means a physical or mental infirmity which impairs
an Optionee's ability to perform substantially his or her duties for a period of
one hundred eighty (180) consecutive days.

            2.14  "Discretionary  Option"  means an Option  granted  pursuant to
Section 5.

            2.15 "Eligible  Individual" means any director,  officer or employee
of, or  consultant  or advisor to, the Company or an Affiliate who is designated
by the Committee as eligible to receive  Awards  subject to the  conditions  set
forth herein.

            2.16 "Exchange  Act" means the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as


            2.17 "Fair Market  Value" on any date means the closing price of the
Shares on such date on the principal national  securities exchange on which such
Shares are listed or admitted  to trading,  or, if such Shares are not so listed
or admitted to  trading,  the closing  price per Share on such date as quoted on
the quotation  system of the Nasdaq Stock  Market,  Inc. or such other market in
which such prices are regularly  quoted,  or, if there has been no closing price
with respect to Shares on such date, the Fair Market Value as established by the
Board in good faith and, in the case of an Incentive Stock Option, in accordance
with Section 422 of the Code.

            2.18  "Incentive  Stock  Option"  means  an  Option  satisfying  the
requirements  of Section 422 of the Code and  designated  by the Committee as an
Incentive Stock Option.

            2.19  "Nonemployee  Director" means a director of the Company who is
not an employee of the Company or an Affiliate.

            2.20  "Nonqualified  Stock  Option"  means an Option which is not an
Incentive Stock Option.

            2.21 "Option" means a Nonqualified  Stock Option, an Incentive Stock
Option, a Director Option, a Discretionary Option or any or all of them.

            2.22  "Optionee"  means a person to whom an Option has been  granted
under the Plan.

            2.23  "Outside  Director"  means a director of the Company who is an
"outside  director"  within the  meaning  of Section  162(m) of the Code and the
regulations promulgated thereunder.

            2.24 "Parent" means any  corporation  which is a parent  corporation
(within the meaning of Section 424(e) of the Code) with respect to the Company.

            2.25  "Plan" means the OXiGENE, Inc. 1996 Stock Incentive Plan.

            2.26 "Pooling  Transaction" means an acquisition of the Company in a
transaction  which is intended to be treated as a "pooling of  interests"  under
generally accepted accounting principles.

            2.27 "Shares" means the common stock,  par value $.01 per share,  of
the Company and any  securities  or other  consideration  issuable in respect of
Shares in connection with a Change in Capitalization or Change in Control.

            2.28 "Stock  Appreciation  Right" or "SARs" means a right to receive
all or some  portion of the  increase  in the value of the Shares as provided in
Section 8 hereof.

            2.29  "Subsidiary"  means  any  corporation  which  is a  subsidiary
corporation  (within the meaning of Section  424(f) of the Code) with respect to
the Company.


            2.30  "Successor  Corporation"  means a corporation,  or a parent or
subsidiary  thereof  within the  meaning of  Section  424(a) of the Code,  which
issues or assumes a stock option in a transaction to which Section 424(a) of the
Code applies.

            2.31 "Ten-Percent Stockholder" means an Eligible Individual, who, at
the time an Incentive  Stock Option is to be granted to him or her, owns (within
the meaning of Section  422(b)(6)  of the Code) stock  possessing  more than ten
percent (10%) of the total combined  voting power of all classes of stock of the
Company, or of a Parent or a Subsidiary.

3.    Administration.

            3.1 The Plan shall be administered by the Committee which shall hold
meetings at such times as may be necessary for the proper  administration of the
Plan. The Committee  shall keep minutes of its meetings.  A quorum shall consist
of not fewer than two (2)  members of the  Committee  and a majority of a quorum
may authorize any action.  Any decision or determination  reduced to writing and
signed by a majority of all of the  members  shall be as fully  effective  as if
made by a majority vote at a meeting duly called and held.  The Committee  shall
consist of at least two (2) directors of the Company, each of whom shall be both
a  "non-employee  director"  (within the meaning of Rule  16b-3(b)(3)  under the
Exchange  Act) and an  Outside  Director.  No member of the  Committee  shall be
liable for any action,  failure to act,  determination or interpretation made in
good faith with respect to this Plan or any  transaction  hereunder,  except for
liability arising from his or her own willful  misfeasance,  gross negligence or
reckless  disregard of his or her duties. The Company hereby agrees to indemnify
each  member of the  Committee  for all costs and  expenses  and,  to the extent
permitted by applicable law, any liability incurred in connection with defending
against,  responding to,  negotiating for the settlement of or otherwise dealing
with any claim,  cause of action or dispute  of any kind  arising in  connection
with any  actions  in  administering  this  Plan or in  authorizing  or  denying
authorization to any transaction hereunder.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the
full Board may administer  the Plan if the Board deems such action  necessary or
desirable. In such case the Board shall be substituted for the Committee herein.

            3.2 Subject to the express  terms and  conditions  set forth herein,
the Committee shall have the power from time to time to:

                  (a) determine those Eligible Individuals to whom Discretionary
Options shall be granted under the Plan and the number of Discretionary  Options
to be granted  and to  prescribe  the terms and  conditions  (which  need not be
identical) of each such Discretionary  Option,  including the purchase price per
Share  subject  to  each  Discretionary   Option,  and  make  any  amendment  or
modification to any Option Agreement consistent with the terms of the Plan;

                  (b) to construe and interpret the Plan and the Awards  granted
hereunder  and to  establish,  amend and revoke  rules and  regulations  for the
administration of the Plan, including, but not limited to, correcting any defect
or supplying any omission,  or reconciling any  inconsistency  in the Plan or in
any  Agreement,  in the  manner and to the  extent it shall  deem  necessary  or
advisable so that the Plan complies with  applicable  law,  including Rule


16b-3  under  the  Exchange  Act and  the  Code to the  extent  applicable,  and
otherwise to make the Plan fully effective.  All decisions and determinations by
the  Committee  in the  exercise  of this  power  shall be  final,  binding  and
conclusive upon the Company, its Affiliate Corporations,  the Optionees, and all
other persons having any interest therein;

                  (c) to  determine  the  duration  and  purposes  for leaves of
absence  which may be granted to an  Optionee  on an  individual  basis  without
constituting a termination of employment or service for purposes of the Plan;

                  (d) to exercise its discretion  with respect to the powers and
rights granted to it as set forth in the Plan;

                  (e)  generally,  to exercise  such powers and to perform  such
acts as it deems  necessary or  advisable  to promote the best  interests of the
Company with respect to the Plan; and

                  (f)  cancel  an  outstanding  Award  in  connection  with  the
replacement  of such Award,  with,  where  applicable,  the consent of the Award
holder, including,  without limitation, the cancellation of Director Options and
replacement thereof with Discretionary Options.

4. Stock Subject to the Plan.

            4.1 The  maximum  number of Shares  that may be made the  subject of
Options granted under the Plan is 1,500,000; provided, however, that the maximum
number of Shares  that may be the  subject  of Options  granted to any  employee
during  the term of the Plan may not  exceed  500,000  Shares.  Upon a Change in
Capitalization the maximum number of Shares shall be adjusted in number and kind
pursuant to Section 11. The Company  shall reserve for the purposes of the Plan,
out of its authorized but unissued Shares or out of Shares held in the Company's
treasury, or partly out of each, such number of Shares as shall be determined by
the Board.

            4.2 Upon the  granting of an Award,  the number of Shares  available
under  Section 4.1 for the  granting of further  Awards  shall be reduced by the
number of Shares subject to such Award granted.  Whenever any outstanding  Award
or portion  thereof  expires,  is canceled or is  otherwise  terminated  for any
reason  without  having been exercised or payment having been made in respect of
the entire  Award,  the Shares  allocable to the expired,  canceled or otherwise
terminated  portion  of the  Award may again be the  subject  of Awards  granted

5.    Discretionary Option Grants for Eligible Individuals.

            5.1 Authority of Committee.  Subject to the  provisions of the Plan,
the  Committee  shall have full and final  authority  to select  those  Eligible
Individuals who will receive Discretionary  Options, the terms and conditions of
which  shall be set forth in an  Agreement;  provided,  however,  that no person
shall  receive an Incentive  Stock Option unless he or she is an employee of the
Company,  a Parent or a  Subsidiary  at the time the  Incentive  Stock Option is


            5.2 Purchase  Price.  The purchase  price or the manner in which the
purchase  price is to be determined for Shares under each  Discretionary  Option
shall be determined by the Committee and set forth in the  Agreement;  provided,
however,  that the purchase  price per Share under each  Incentive  Stock Option
shall not be less than 100% of the Fair Market  Value of a Share on the date the
Incentive Stock Option is granted (110% in the case of an Incentive Stock Option
granted to a Ten-Percent Stockholder).

            5.3 Maximum Duration.  Discretionary Options granted hereunder shall
be for such term as the Committee  shall  determine,  provided that an Incentive
Stock Option shall not be  exercisable  after the  expiration  of ten (10) years
from the date it is granted  (five (5) years in the case of an  Incentive  Stock
Option granted to a Ten-Percent  Stockholder)  and a  Nonqualified  Stock Option
shall not be exercisable after the expiration of ten (10) years from the date it
is granted.  The Committee may,  subsequent to the granting of any Discretionary
Option,  extend the term  thereof  but in no event shall the term as so extended
exceed the maximum term provided for in the preceding sentence.

            5.4 Vesting. Subject to Section 7.5, each Discretionary Option shall
become exercisable either immediately or in such installments (which need not be
equal) and at such times as may be  designated by the Committee and set forth in
the Agreement. To the extent not exercised, installments shall accumulate and be
exercisable,  in  whole or in part,  at any  time  and from  time to time  after
becoming  exercisable,  but not  later  than the date the  Discretionary  Option
expires.  Shares  purchased  pursuant to the exercise of a Discretionary  Option
shall, to the extent  designated by the Committee,  remain subject to forfeiture
in the event that the Optionee's employment or service is terminated before such
Shares have become non-forfeitable and such Shares shall become non-forfeitable,
in whole or in such portions,  and at such times,  as shall be designated by the
Committee.  The Committee may at any time accelerate the  exercisability  of any
Option or portion  thereof  or the  non-forfeitability  of any Shares  purchased
pursuant to the exercise of an Option.

            5.5 Modification.  No modification of an Discretionary  Option shall
adversely  alter or impair any  rights or  obligations  under the  Discretionary
Option without the Optionee's consent.

6.    Option Grants for Nonemployee Directors.

            6.1 Grant.  With respect to periods before October 8, 1998,  subject
to Section 6.3, Director Options in respect of 55,000 Shares shall be granted on
the first  business day  following  the annual  meeting of  stockholders  of the
Company to elect directors to each Nonemployee  Director who is first elected as
a director at such  meeting.  Thereafter,  subject to Section 6.3 and so long as
Options remain available for grant, each Nonemployee  Director who first becomes
a director  on or after  October  8, 1998 shall be granted a Director  Option in
respect of 55,000  Shares on the date on which such Director is first elected or
appointed to the Board, whichever is earlier. Such Options shall be evidenced by
an Agreement  containing such other terms and conditions not  inconsistent  with
the  provisions of this Plan as determined  by the Board.  Nothing  herein shall
preclude a Director from waiving his or her right to receive  Director  Options.
No Director  shall  receive  Director  Options  with respect to more than 55,000


            6.2  Purchase  Price.  The  purchase  price for  Shares  under  each
Director  Option  shall be equal to 100% of the Fair Market Value of such Shares
on the date immediately preceding the date of grant.

            6.3 Vesting.  Subject to Section  7.5,  each  Director  Option shall
become exercisable in accordance with the following provisions:

                  (a) In the case of Options granted to  Non-Employee  Directors
who on the date of grant are not subject  only to Swedish  income tax law,  each
Director Option shall become  exercisable in five (5) equal annual  installments
beginning on the first anniversary of the date of grant; provided, however, that
the Optionee  continues to serve as a Director as of such dates.  If an Optionee
ceases to serve as a Director for any reason,  the Optionee shall have no rights
with  respect to that  portion of a Director  Option  which has not then  become
exercisable   pursuant  to  the  preceding   sentence  and  the  Optionee  shall
automatically  forfeit the right to exercise that portion of the Director Option
which remains unexercisable.

                  (b) In the case of Options granted to  Non-Employee  Directors
who on the date of grant  are  subject  only to  Swedish  income  tax law,  each
Director Option shall become  exercisable  immediately on the date of grant, the
Shares  purchased  pursuant to the exercise of the Director  Option shall become
non-forfeitable  in five (5) equal  annual  installments  beginning on the first
anniversary  of the date of grant  and  such  Shares  shall  remain  subject  to
forfeiture  by the  Non-Employee  Director  to the  Company  in  the  event  the
Non-Employee  Director  ceases to serve as a Director  before  such  Shares have
become  non-forfeitable.  If an Optionee  ceases to serve as a Director  for any
reason,  the Optionee  shall have no rights with respect to that portion of such
Shares  purchased  pursuant to the exercise of the Director Option which has not
then become  non-forfeitable  pursuant to the preceding  sentence,  the Optionee
shall   automatically   forfeit  that  portion  of  such  Shares  which  remains
forfeitable, the Optionee shall have no rights with respect to that portion of a
Director  Option  which  has not then  been  exercised  and the  Optionee  shall
automatically  forfeit the right to exercise that portion of the Director Option
which has not then been exercised.

7. Terms and Conditions Applicable to All Options.

            7.1 Duration.  Each Option shall  terminate on the date which is the
tenth anniversary of the grant date, unless terminated earlier as follows:

                  (a) If an Optionee's  employment or service terminates for any
reason other than  Disability,  death or Cause, the Optionee may for a period of
three (3)  months  after  such  termination  exercise  his or her  Option to the
extent,  and only to the extent,  such Option or portion  thereof was vested and
exercisable  as of the date the  Optionee's  employment  or service  terminated,
after which time the Option shall automatically terminate in full.

                  (b) If an  Optionee's  employment  or  service  terminates  by
reason of the Optionee's  Disability,  the Optionee may, for a period of one (1)
year after such termination,  exercise his or her Option to the extent, and only
to the extent,  such Option or portion  thereof


was vested and  exercisable as of the date the Optionee's  employment or service
terminated, after which time the Option shall automatically terminate in full.

                  (c) If an  Optionee's  employment  or service  terminates  for
Cause, the Option granted to the Optionee hereunder shall immediately  terminate
in full and no rights thereunder may be exercised.

                  (d) If an  Optionee  dies while  employed or in the service of
the Company or an  Affiliate  or within the three (3) month or twelve (12) month
period  described in clause (a) or (b) of this Section  7.1,  respectively,  the
Option  granted to the Optionee may be exercised at any time within  twelve (12)
months after the  Optionee's  death by the person or persons to whom such rights
under the Option shall pass by will, or by the laws of descent or  distribution,
after which time the Option shall terminate in full; provided,  however, that an
Option may be  exercised to the extent,  and only to the extent,  such Option or
portion thereof was  exercisable on the date of death or earlier  termination of
the Optionee's services as a Director.

Notwithstanding  clauses (a) through (d) above,  the  Agreement  evidencing  the
grant of an Option may, in the  Committee's  sole and absolute  discretion,  set
forth additional or different terms and conditions  applicable to Options upon a
termination  or change in status of the  employment  or service  of an  Eligible
Individual.  Such terms and  conditions may be determined at the time the Option
is granted or thereafter;  provided,  however, with respect to Optionees subject
to Section 16 of the  Exchange  Act, any changes made after an Option is granted
shall be made in accordance with an exemption from Section 16(b).

            7.2  Transferability.   Except  as  specifically   provided  by  the
Committee,  no Option granted hereunder shall be transferable by the Optionee to
whom  granted  except by will or the laws of descent  and  distribution,  and an
Option  may be  exercised  during  the  lifetime  of such  Optionee  only by the
Optionee or his or her  guardian or legal  representative.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  the  Committee  may provide  that an Option that is not an Incentive
Stock  Option may be  transferred  by an  Optionee to the  Optionee's  children,
grandchildren, spouse, one or more trusts for the benefit of such family members
or  a  corporation  (including  a  limited  liability  company)  or  partnership
(including a limited liability  partnership) in which such family members and/or
the  Optionee  are the majority  shareholders,  members or  partners;  provided,
however,  that the Optionee may not receive any  consideration for the transfer.
The holder of an Option  transferred  pursuant to this section shall be bound by
the same terms and conditions that governed the Option during the period that it
was held by the Optionee.  The terms of such Option shall be final,  binding and
conclusive  upon  the  beneficiaries,   executors,   administrators,  heirs  and
successors of the Optionee.

            7.3 Method of Exercise. The exercise of an Option shall be made only
by a written  notice  delivered  in person  or by mail to the  Secretary  of the
Company at the Company's  principal  executive office,  specifying the number of
Shares to be purchased  and  accompanied  by payment  therefor and  otherwise in
accordance  with the  Agreement  pursuant to which the Option was  granted.  The
purchase  price for any Shares  purchased  pursuant to the exercise of an Option
shall be paid in full in cash upon such exercise. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
the  Committee  shall have  discretion to determine at the time of grant of each
Discretionary  Option  or at any  later


date (up to and  including  the  date of  exercise)  that  the  form of  payment
acceptable in respect of the exercise of such  Discretionary  Option may consist
of either of the  following (or any  combination  thereof):  (i) cash,  (ii) the
transfer of Shares to the Company upon such terms and  conditions  as determined
by the  Committee,  (iii) a loan, or (iv) any  combination  thereof.  Any Shares
transferred  to the  Company as payment of the  purchase  price  under an Option
shall be valued at their  Fair  Market  Value on the day  preceding  the date of
exercise of such Option. In addition,  both  Discretionary  Options and Director
Options may be  exercised  through a registered  broker-dealer  pursuant to such
cashless exercise procedures (other than Share withholding) which are, from time
to time,  deemed  acceptable by the  Committee.  The Optionee  shall deliver the
Agreement  evidencing  the  Option to the  Secretary  of the  Company  who shall
endorse  thereon a notation of such  exercise  and return such  Agreement to the
Optionee.  No fractional  Shares (or cash in lieu thereof)  shall be issued upon
exercise  of an  Option  and the  number of Shares  that may be  purchased  upon
exercise shall be rounded to the nearest number of whole Shares.

            7.4 Rights of Optionees. No Optionee shall be deemed for any purpose
to be the owner of any Shares  subject  to any  Option  unless and until (i) the
Option shall have been exercised pursuant to the terms thereof, (ii) the Company
shall  have  issued  and  delivered  the  Shares to the  Optionee  and (iii) the
Optionee's  name shall have been entered as a stockholder of record on the books
of the Company.  Thereupon,  the Optionee  shall have full voting,  dividend and
other  ownership  rights with respect to such Shares,  subject to such terms and
conditions as may be set forth in the applicable Agreement.

            7.5  Effect  of  Change  in  Control.  In the  event of a Change  in
Control,  all Options  outstanding  on the date of such Change in Control  shall
become immediately and fully vested and exercisable.  In addition, to the extent
set forth in an Agreement  evidencing the grant of an Discretionary  Option,  an
Optionee will be permitted to surrender for cancellation  within sixty (60) days
after  such  Change  in  Control,  any  Discretionary  Option or  portion  of an
Discretionary  Option to the extent not yet  exercised  and the Optionee will be
entitled to receive a cash payment in an amount equal to the excess,  if any, of
(x) (A) in the case of a Nonqualified  Stock Option, the greater of (1) the Fair
Market Value, on the date preceding the date of surrender, of the Shares subject
to the Discretionary  Option or portion thereof  surrendered or (2) the Adjusted
Fair Market Value of the Shares subject to the  Discretionary  Option or portion
thereof  surrendered or (B) in the case of an Incentive  Stock Option,  the Fair
Market Value, on the date preceding the date of surrender, of the Shares subject
to the  Discretionary  Option  or  portion  thereof  surrendered,  over  (y) the
aggregate  purchase  price for such  Shares  under the  Discretionary  Option or
portion  thereof  surrendered;  provided,  however,  that  in  the  case  of  an
Discretionary  Option  granted  within  six (6)  months  prior to the  Change in
Control to any Optionee who may be subject to liability  under  Section 16(b) of
the Exchange Act, such Optionee shall be entitled to surrender for  cancellation
his or her  Option  during  the  sixty  (60)  day  period  commencing  upon  the
expiration  of six (6) months  from the date of grant of any such  Discretionary
Option.  In the event an  Optionee's  employment  or service with the Company is
terminated by the Company  following a Change in Control each Option held by the
Optionee that was  exercisable  as of the date of  termination of the Optionee's
employment  or service shall remain  exercisable  for a period ending not before
the  earlier  of the first  anniversary  of the  termination  of the  Optionee's
employment or service or the expiration of the stated term of the Option.


8.    Stock Appreciation Rights.

            The Committee may, in its discretion,  either alone or in connection
with the grant of an Discretionary  Option,  grant Stock Appreciation  Rights in
accordance  with the Plan,  the terms and conditions of which shall be set forth
in an Agreement.  If granted in connection with an Option, a Stock  Appreciation
Right shall cover the same Shares  covered by the Option (or such lesser  number
of Shares as the Committee may determine) and shall,  except as provided in this
Section 8, be subject to the same terms and conditions as the related Option.

            8.1 Time of Grant. A Stock  Appreciation Right may be granted (i) at
any time if unrelated to an Option,  or (ii) if related to an Option,  either at
the time of grant, or at any time thereafter during the term of the Option.

            8.2   Stock Appreciation Right Related to an Option.

                  (a)  Exercise.  Subject to Section  8.7, a Stock  Appreciation
Right granted in connection  with an Option shall be exercisable at such time or
times and only to the extent that the related Options are exercisable,  and will
not be transferable except to the extent the related Option may be transferable.
A Stock  Appreciation Right granted in connection with an Incentive Stock Option
shall be  exercisable  only if the Fair  Market  Value of a Share on the date of
exercise  exceeds the purchase price  specified in the related  Incentive  Stock
Option Agreement.

                  (b) Amount Payable.  Upon the exercise of a Stock Appreciation
Right  related to an Option,  the holder  shall be entitled to receive an amount
determined by multiplying  (A) the excess of the Fair Market Value of a Share on
the date  preceding the date of exercise of such Stock  Appreciation  Right over
the per Share  purchase  price  under the related  Option,  by (B) the number of
Shares  as  to  which  such  Stock   Appreciation   Right  is  being  exercised.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the Committee may limit in any manner the amount
payable with respect to any Stock  Appreciation  Right by including such a limit
in the  Agreement  evidencing  the  Stock  Appreciation  Right at the time it is

                  (c) Treatment of Related Options and Stock Appreciation Rights
Upon  Exercise.  Upon the  exercise  of a Stock  Appreciation  Right  granted in
connection  with an Option,  the Option  shall be  canceled to the extent of the
number of Shares as to which the Stock Appreciation Right is exercised, and upon
the exercise of an Option granted in connection with a Stock  Appreciation Right
or the surrender of such Option pursuant to Section 7.3, the Stock  Appreciation
Right  shall be  canceled  to the extent of the number of Shares as to which the
Option is exercised or surrendered.

            8.3 Stock  Appreciation  Right Unrelated to an Option. The Committee
may  grant to  Eligible  Individuals  Stock  Appreciation  Rights  unrelated  to
Options. Stock Appreciation Rights unrelated to Options shall contain such terms
and  conditions  as to  exercisability  (subject  to Section  8.7),  vesting and
duration as the  Committee  shall  determine,  but in no event shall they have a
term of greater than ten (10) years. Upon exercise of a Stock Appreciation Right
unrelated  to an  Option,  the  holder  shall be  entitled  to receive an amount
determined by


multiplying  (A) the  excess  of the  Fair  Market  Value of a Share on the date
preceding  the date of exercise of such Stock  Appreciation  Right over the Fair
Market Value of a Share on the date the Stock Appreciation Right was granted, by
(B) the  number of Shares  as to which  the  Stock  Appreciation  Right is being
exercised.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Committee may limit in any manner
the amount  payable  with respect to any Stock  Appreciation  Right by including
such a limit in the Agreement  evidencing  the Stock  Appreciation  Right at the
time it is granted.

            8.4 Method of Exercise. Stock Appreciation Rights shall be exercised
by a holder  only by a  written  notice  delivered  in  person or by mail to the
Secretary of the Company at the Company's principal executive office, specifying
the number of Shares with respect to which the Stock Appreciation Right is being
exercised. If requested by the Committee, the holder shall deliver the Agreement
evidencing  the Stock  Appreciation  Right  being  exercised  and the  Agreement
evidencing  any related Option to the Secretary of the Company who shall endorse
thereon a notation of such exercise and return such Agreement to the holder.

            8.5 Form of Payment. Payment of the amount determined under Sections
8.2(b) or 8.3 may be made in the  discretion of the  Committee,  solely in whole
Shares in a number  determined at their Fair Market Value on the date  preceding
the date of exercise of the Stock Appreciation Right, or solely in cash, or in a
combination of cash and Shares. If the Committee decides to make full payment in
Shares and the amount  payable  results in a fractional  Share,  payment for the
fractional Share will be made in cash.

            8.6 Modification.  No modification of an Award shall adversely alter
or impair any rights or  obligations  under the  Agreement  without the holder's

            8.7  Effect  of  Change  in  Control.  In the  event of a Change  in
Control,  all Stock  Appreciation  Rights  shall  become  immediately  and fully
exercisable. In addition, to the extent set forth in an Agreement evidencing the
grant of a Stock  Appreciation  Right,  a holder  will be  entitled to receive a
payment in cash or stock, in either case,  with a value equal to the excess,  if
any, of (A) the greater of (x) the Fair Market Value,  on the date preceding the
date of exercise,  of the underlying  Shares  subject to the Stock  Appreciation
Right or portion  thereof  exercised and (y) the Adjusted Fair Market Value,  on
the date  preceding  the date of exercise,  of the shares over (B) the aggregate
Fair Market Value, on the date the Stock Appreciation Right was granted,  of the
Shares subject to the Stock Appreciation Right or portion thereof exercised.  In
the event a holder's employment or service with the Company is terminated by the
Company following a Change in Control, each Stock Appreciation Right held by the
holder  that was  exercisable  as of the  date of  termination  of the  holder's
employment  or service shall remain  exercisable  for a period ending not before
the  earlier  of the  first  anniversary  of  the  termination  of the  holder's
employment  or  service  or the  expiration  of the  stated  term  of the  Stock
Appreciation Right.

9.  Adjustment Upon Changes in Capitalization.

                  (a) In the event of a Change in Capitalization,  the Committee
shall  conclusively  determine the appropriate  adjustments,  if any, to the (i)
maximum number and class of Shares or other stock or securities  with respect to
which  Options may be granted under the


Plan,  (ii) maximum number and class of Shares or other stock or securities with
respect to which  Options may be granted to any Eligible  Individual  during the
term of the Plan,  (iii)  the  number  and  class of  Shares  or other  stock or
securities which are subject to outstanding  Options granted under the Plan, and
the purchase price  therefor,  if  applicable,  and (iv) the number and class of
Shares or other  securities  in  respect  of which  Director  Options  are to be
granted under Section 6.

                  (b) Any  such  adjustment  in the  Shares  or  other  stock or
securities  subject  to  outstanding  Incentive  Stock  Options  (including  any
adjustments  in the  purchase  price)  shall  be made in such  manner  as not to
constitute a modification  as defined by Section  424(h)(3) of the Code and only
to the extent otherwise permitted by Sections 422 and 424 of the Code.

                  (c) If, by reason of a Change in  Capitalization,  an Optionee
shall be  entitled to exercise  an Option  with  respect to new,  additional  or
different  shares of stock or  securities,  such new,  additional  or  different
shares shall  thereupon be subject to all of the  conditions,  restrictions  and
performance  criteria which were applicable to the Shares subject to the Option,
prior to such Change in Capitalization.

10.   Effect of Certain Transactions.

            Subject  to  Sections  7.5 and 8.7 or as  otherwise  provided  in an
Agreement,  in the event of (i) the liquidation or dissolution of the Company or
(ii) a merger or  consolidation of the Company (a  "Transaction"),  the Plan and
the Options issued  hereunder  shall continue in effect in accordance with their
respective  terms except that  following a Transaction  each  Optionee  shall be
entitled to receive in respect of each Share subject to any outstanding  Options
as the case may be,  upon  exercise  of any  Award the same  number  and kind of
stock, securities,  cash, property, or other consideration that each holder of a
Share  was  entitled  to  receive  in the  Transaction  in  respect  of a Share;
provided,  however,  that  such  stock,  securities,  cash,  property,  or other
consideration  shall remain subject to all of the conditions,  restrictions  and
performance  criteria  which  were  applicable  to the  Options  prior  to  such

11.   Interpretation.

                  (a) The Plan is intended to comply with Rule 16b-3 promulgated
under the Exchange Act and the  Committee  shall  interpret and  administer  the
provisions of the Plan or any Agreement in a manner  consistent  therewith.  Any
provisions inconsistent with such Rule shall be inoperative and shall not affect
the validity of the Plan.

                  (b)  Unless   otherwise   expressly  stated  in  the  relevant
Agreement,   each   Option   granted   under   the  Plan  is   intended   to  be
performance-based compensation within the meaning of Section 162(m)(4)(C) of the
Code. The Committee  shall not be entitled to exercise any discretion  otherwise
authorized  hereunder  with  respect to such  Options if the ability to exercise
such  discretion  or the  exercise  of such  discretion  itself  would cause the
compensation   attributable   to   such   Options   to  fail   to   qualify   as
performance-based compensation.


12.   Pooling Transactions.

            Notwithstanding  anything  contained in the Plan or any Agreement to
the  contrary,  in the event of a Change in Control  which is also  intended  to
constitute a Pooling Transaction, the Committee shall take such actions, if any,
which are specifically recommended by an independent accounting firm retained by
the  Company  to the extent  reasonably  necessary  in order to assure  that the
Pooling  Transaction  will  qualify as such,  including  but not  limited to (i)
deferring  the  vesting,  exercise,  payment or  settlement  with respect to any
Award,  (ii) providing that the payment or settlement in respect of any Award be
made in the form of cash, Shares or securities of a successor or acquired of the
Company, or a combination of the foregoing and (iii) providing for the extension
of the term of any Award to the extent  necessary to accommodate  the foregoing,
but not beyond the maximum term permitted for any Award.

13. Termination and Amendment of the Plan.

            The Plan shall terminate on the day preceding the tenth  anniversary
of the date of its adoption by the Board and no Award may be granted thereafter.
The Board may sooner  terminate  the Plan and the Board may at any time and from
time to time amend, modify or suspend the Plan; provided, however, that:

                  (a) No such amendment, modification, suspension or termination
shall impair or adversely  alter any Award  theretofore  granted under the Plan,
except  with the  consent  of the  Optionee  or  holder  of an SAR nor shall any
amendment,  modification,  suspension  or  termination  deprive any  Optionee or
holder of an SAR of any Shares which he or she may have acquired through or as a
result of the Plan; and

                  (b)  To  the  extent  necessary  under  Section  16(b)  of the
Exchange  Act and the  rules and  regulations  promulgated  thereunder  or other
applicable  law or securities  exchange  rule,  no amendment  shall be effective
unless approved by the stockholders of the Company in accordance with applicable
law and regulations.

14. Non-Exclusivity of the Plan.

            The  adoption  of the Plan by the Board  shall not be  construed  as
amending,  modifying or rescinding any previously approved incentive arrangement
or as  creating  any  limitations  on the power of the Board to adopt such other
incentive arrangements as it may deem desirable,  including, without limitation,
the  granting  of  stock  options  otherwise  than  under  the  Plan,  and  such
arrangements may be either applicable generally or only in specific cases.

15.   Limitation of Liability.

            As illustrative of the limitations of liability of the Company,  but
not intended to be  exhaustive  thereof,  nothing in the Plan shall be construed

                  (i) give any person  any right to be  granted  an Award  other
      than at the sole discretion of the Committee;


                  (ii) give any  person any rights  whatsoever  with  respect to
      Shares except as specifically provided in the Plan;

                  (iii) limit in any way the right of the  Company to  terminate
      the employment of any person at any time; or

                  (iv) be evidence of any agreement or understanding,  expressed
      or implied, that the Company will employ any person at any particular rate
      of compensation or for any particular period of time.

16.   Regulations and Other Approvals; Governing Law.

            16.1 Except as to matters of federal  law,  this Plan and the rights
of  all  persons  claiming  hereunder  shall  be  construed  and  determined  in
accordance  with the laws of the  State of New York  without  giving  effect  to
conflicts of law principles thereof.

            16.2 The  obligation  of the Company to sell or deliver  Shares with
respect to  Options  granted  under the Plan shall be subject to all  applicable
laws,  rules  and  regulations,  including  all  applicable  federal  and  state
securities  laws,  and the  obtaining  of all  such  approvals  by  governmental
agencies as may be deemed necessary or appropriate by the Committee.

            16.3  The  Board  may  make  such  changes  as may be  necessary  or
appropriate  to  comply  with  the  rules  and  regulations  of  any  government
authority, or to obtain for Eligible Individuals granted Incentive Stock Options
the tax benefits  under the  applicable  provisions of the Code and  regulations
promulgated thereunder.

            16.4 Each Award is subject to the  requirement  that, if at any time
the Committee determines, in its discretion,  that the listing,  registration or
qualification  of  Shares  issuable  pursuant  to the  Plan is  required  by any
securities  exchange  or under any  state or  federal  law,  or the  consent  or
approval of any  governmental  regulatory  body is  necessary  or desirable as a
condition  of, or in connection  with,  the grant of an Award or the issuance of
Shares, no Awards shall be granted or payment made or Shares issued, in whole or
in part, unless listing,  registration,  qualification,  consent or approval has
been effected or obtained free of any conditions as acceptable to the Committee.

            16.5 Notwithstanding anything contained in the Plan or any Agreement
to the contrary,  in the event that the disposition of Shares acquired  pursuant
to the Plan is not covered by a then current  registration  statement  under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities  Act"), and is not otherwise
exempt from such registration,  such Shares shall be restricted against transfer
to the extent  required by the Securities Act and Rule 144 or other  regulations
thereunder.  The Committee may require any individual  receiving Shares pursuant
to an Award granted under the Plan, as a condition  precedent to receipt of such
Shares,  to  represent  and  warrant to the  Company in writing  that the Shares
acquired by such  individual  are  acquired  without a view to any  distribution
thereof and will not be sold or transferred  other than pursuant to an effective
registration thereof under said Act or pursuant to an exemption applicable under
the  Securities  Act  as  amended,  or the  rules  and  regulations  promulgated
thereunder.   The


certificates  evidencing  any of such Shares shall be  appropriately  amended to
reflect their status as restricted securities as aforesaid.

17.   Miscellaneous.

            17.1  Multiple  Agreements.  The terms of each  Award  Granted to an
Eligible  Individual  may differ from other Awards granted under the Plan at the
same time,  or at some other time.  The  Committee  may also grant more than one
Award to a given  Eligible  Individual  during  the term of the Plan,  either in
addition to, or in substitution  for, one or more Awards  previously  granted to
that Eligible Individual.

            17.2  Withholding  of Taxes.  (a) At such  times as an  Optionee  or
holder of an SAR  recognizes  taxable  income in connection  with the receipt of
Shares or cash hereunder (a "Taxable  Event"),  the Optionee or holder shall pay
to the Company an amount equal to the federal,  state and local income taxes and
other  amounts  as  maybe  required  by law to be  withheld  by the  Company  in
connection  with  the  Taxable  Event  (the  "Withholding  Taxes")  prior to the
issuance,  or release from  escrow,  of such Shares or the payment of such cash.
The  Company  shall  have the right to  deduct  from any  payment  of cash to an
Optionee or holder an amount equal to the  Withholding  Taxes in satisfaction of
the obligation to pay  Withholding  Taxes.  In satisfaction of the obligation to
pay Withholding Taxes to the Company,  the Optionee or holder may make a written
election  (the  "Tax  Election"),  which  may be  accepted  or  rejected  in the
discretion  of the  Committee,  to have  withheld a portion  of the Shares  then
issuable  to him or her  having an  aggregate  Fair  Market  Value,  on the date
preceding the date of such issuance,  equal to the Withholding  Taxes,  provided
that in respect of an Optionee or holder who may be subject to  liability  under
Section 16(b) of the Exchange  Act, the Committee  may, by the adoption of rules
or  otherwise,  (i) modify the  provisions  of this  Section 17.2 or impose such
other restrictions or limitations on Tax Elections as may be necessary to ensure
that the Tax Elections  will be exempt  transactions  under Section 16(b) of the
Exchange Act, and (ii) permit Tax Elections to be made at such times and subject
to such other  conditions as the Committee  determines  will  constitute  exempt
transactions under Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act.

            (b) If an  Optionee  makes a  disposition,  within  the  meaning  of
Section 424(c) of the Code and regulations promulgated thereunder,  of any Share
or Shares issued to such Optionee pursuant to the exercise of an Incentive Stock
Option  within the two-year  period  commencing on the day after the date of the
grant or within  the  one-year  period  commencing  on the day after the date of
transfer of such Share or Shares to the Optionee pursuant to such exercise,  the
Optionee  shall,  within ten (10) days of such  disposition,  notify the Company
thereof, by delivery of written notice to the Company at its principal executive

            17.3  Effective  Date.  The  effective  date of the Plan shall be as
determined by the Board, subject only to the approval by the affirmative vote of
the  holders  of a  majority  of the  securities  of  the  Company  present,  or
represented,  and  entitled  to vote at a meeting of  stockholders  duly held in
accordance  with the applicable laws of the State of New York within twelve (12)
months of the adoption of the Plan by the Board.
