- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       Securities and Exchange Commission

                                Washington, D.C.


                                    Form 10-K

                Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of

                       The Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                   For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2000

                         Commission file number 0-16093

                               CONMED CORPORATION
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

               New York                                  16-0977505
   (State or other jurisdiction of                    (I.R.S. Employer
    incorporation or organization)                    Identification No.)

       310 Broad Street, Utica, New York                   13501
    (Address of principal executive offices)             (Zip Code)

                                 (315) 797-8375
               Registrant's telephone number, including area code

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:
                          Common Stock, $.01 par value
                                (Title of class)

         Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

Yes [ x ]   No   [   ]

         Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to
Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,
to the best of  registrant's  knowledge,  in  definitive  proxy  or  information
statements  incorporated  by  reference  in Part  III of this  Form  10-K or any
amendment to this form 10-K. [ X ]

         The  aggregate  market  value of the shares of the voting stock held by
non-affiliates of the Registrant was approximately  $335,743,729  based upon the
closing  price of the Company's  common stock,  which was $21.81 on February 22,

         The number of shares of the  Registrant's  $0.01 par value common stock
outstanding as of February 22, 2001 was 15,394,027.


         Portions of the Definitive Proxy  Statement,  scheduled to be mailed on
or about April 8, 2001 for the annual meeting of stockholders to be held May 15,
2001, are incorporated by reference into Part III.

                               CONMED CORPORATION

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                    FORM 10-K

                                     Part I

Item Number                                                                 Page
- -----------                                                                 ----

Item 1.           Business                                                    2
Item 2.           Properties                                                 19
Item 3.           Legal Proceedings                                          20
Item 4.           Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders        20

                                 Part II

Item 5.           Market for the Registrant's Common Stock and Related
                           Stockholder Matters                               21
Item 6.           Selected Financial Data                                    22
Item 7.           Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                           Condition and Results of Operations               25
Item 7A.          Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About
                           Market Risk                                       29
Item 8.           Financial Statements and Supplementary Data                30
Item 9.           Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on
                           Accounting and Financial Disclosure               30

                                Part III

Item 10.          Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant         31
Item 11.          Executive Compensation                                     31
Item 12.          Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and
                           Management                                        31
Item 13.          Certain Relationships and Related Transactions             31

                                 Part IV

Item 14.          Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports        32
                           on Form 8-K

Signatures                                                                   33

Exhibit Index                                                                34

                               CONMED CORPORATION

Item 1.  Business
         Forward Looking Statements

         This Annual Report on Form 10-K for the Fiscal Year Ended  December 31,
2000 ("Form 10-K") contains certain forward-looking  statements (as such term is
defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995) and information
relating  to  CONMED  Corporation  ("CONMED",  the  "Company",  "we"  or "us" --
references to "CONMED",  the "Company",  "we" or "us" shall be deemed to include
our  subsidiaries)  that are based on the beliefs of our management,  as well as
assumptions made by and information currently available to our management.

         When  used  in  this  Form  10-K,  the  words  "estimate,"   "project,"
"believe," "anticipate," "intend," "expect" and similar expressions are intended
to identify  forward-looking  statements.  These  statements  involve  known and
unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, including those identified under
the caption  "Item 1:  Business -- Risk Factors" and elsewhere in this Form 10-K
that may cause our actual  results,  performance  or  achievements,  or industry
results,  to be materially  different  from any future  results,  performance or
achievements  expressed  or implied  by such  forward-looking  statements.  Such
factors include, among others, the following:

          o    general economic and business conditions;
          o    changes in customer preferences;
          o    competition;
          o    changes in technology;
          o    the introduction of new products;
          o    the integration of any acquisition;
          o    changes in business strategy;
          o    the possibility that United States or foreign  regulatory  and/or
               administrative   agencies  might  initiate   enforcement  actions
               against us or our distributors;
          o    our indebtedness;
          o    quality of our management and business abilities and the judgment
               of our personnel;
          o    the availability, terms and deployment of capital;
          o    the risk of litigation,  especially  patent litigation as well as
               the cost associated with patent and other litigation;
          o    changes in regulatory requirements; and
          o    various other factors referenced in this Form 10-K.

See "Item 7:  Management's  Discussion  and Analysis of Financial  Condition and
Results of Operations" and "Item 1: Business" for a further  discussion of these
factors. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these  forward-looking
statements,  which speak only as of the date  hereof.  We do not  undertake  any
obligation to publicly release any revisions to these forward-looking statements
to  reflect  events  or  circumstances  after  the date of this  Form 10-K or to
reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.



         CONMED is a medical technology company  specializing in instruments and
implants for arthroscopic sports medicine, and powered surgical instruments, for
orthopaedic, ENT, neurosurgery and other surgical specialties.

         We are also a leading developer,  manufacturer and supplier of advanced
medical  devices,  including  RF  electrosurgery  systems  used in all  types of
surgery,  ECG electrodes for heart monitoring,  and minimally  invasive surgical
devices.  Our  products  are used in a variety  of  clinical  settings,  such as
operating rooms, surgery centers, physicians' offices and critical care areas of

         We have used  strategic  business  acquisitions  to broaden our product
offerings,  to increase our market share in certain product lines and to realize
economies  of  scale.  During  the  last  five  years,  we  have  completed  six
significant business  acquisitions.  The completed  acquisitions,  together with
internal growth,  have resulted in a compound annual growth rate in net sales of
33% between 1996 and 2000.


         The number of surgical  procedures  performed  in the United  States is
increasing.  According to SMG Marketing Group, the total number of U.S. surgical
procedures increased at a compound annual growth rate of 5% from 25.1 million in
1989 to 40.7  million  in 1999.  This  growth in  surgical  procedures  reflects
demographic  trends,  such as the  aging of the  population,  and  technological
advancements  which  result  in safer  and less  invasive  surgical  procedures.
Additionally,  as people are living longer, more active lives, they are engaging
in contact sports and activities such as running,  skiing,  rollerblading,  golf
and tennis which result in injuries with greater frequency and at an earlier age
than ever before.  According to MDI, it is expected that the $1.0 billion sports
medicine  industry  will  grow 20% in the next few years in  categories  such as
implantable  devices.  Sales of surgical  products  represented  over 85% of our
total 2000 sales. See "Item 1: Business-Our Products".

         In response to rising  health care costs,  managed care  companies  and
other payers have placed  pressures on health care providers to reduce costs. As
a result,  health  care  providers  have  focused on the high cost areas such as
surgery.  To  reduce  costs,   health  care  providers  use   minimally-invasive
techniques,  which generally reduce patient trauma, recovery time and ultimately
the length of  hospitalization.  Many of our  products  are  designed for use in
minimally  invasive surgical  procedures.  See "Item 1: Business-Our  Products."
Health care providers are also increasingly  purchasing  single-use,  disposable
products,   which  reduce  the  costs  associated  with   sterilizing   surgical
instruments and products following surgery.  The single-use nature of disposable
products  lowers  the  risk  of  incorrectly  sterilized  instruments  spreading
infection  into the  patient and  increasing  the cost of  post-operative  care.
Approximately 70% of our sales are derived from single-use disposable products.

         In the United States,  the pressure on health care providers to contain
costs has altered their purchasing patterns for general surgical instruments and
disposable  medical  products.  Many health care  providers  have  entered  into
comprehensive  purchasing contracts with fewer suppliers,  which offer a broader
array of products at lower prices. In addition,  many health care providers have
aligned themselves with group purchasing  organizations ("GPOs"). GPOs aggregate
the purchasing volume of their members in order to negotiate competitive pricing


with suppliers,  including  manufacturers of surgical products.  We believe that
these trends will favor entities that offer a broad product portfolio. See "Item
1: Business-Business Strategy".

         We believe that foreign  markets  offer  growth  opportunities  for our
products. As economic conditions improve in developing  countries,  expenditures
on  health  care  are  expected  to rise;  according  to  Dorland's  Biomedical,
expenditures on surgical  products in developing  countries are expected to grow
at a compound  annual  growth rate of 17% to $65 billion in 2005.  We  currently
distribute  our products  through our own sales  subsidiaries  or through  local
dealers  in  over  100  foreign   countries.   International   sales   represent
approximately 27% of total sales in 2000.

Our Products

         The  following  table sets forth the  percentage  of net sales for each
category of our products for 1998, 1999 and 2000:

                                                       1998      1999       2000
                                                       ----      ----       ----
Arthroscopy ......................................       36%       39%       37%
Powered surgical instruments .....................       21        23        29
Electrosurgery and minimally invasive surgery ....       20        18        17
Patient care .....................................       23        20        17
                                                        ---       ---       ---
         Total ...................................      100%      100%      100%
                                                        ===       ===       ===


         We offer a broad line of devices and products  for use in  arthroscopic
surgery.  Arthroscopy refers to diagnostic and therapeutic  surgical  procedures
performed on joints with the use of  minimally-invasive  endoscopes  and related
instruments.  Minimally-invasive  arthroscopy procedures enable surgical repairs
to be completed with less trauma to the patient,  resulting in shorter  recovery
times and cost savings.  About 75% of all  arthroscopy is performed on the knee,
although  arthroscopic  procedures are increasingly  performed on smaller joints
and shoulders.

         Our  arthroscopy   products  include  powered  resection   instruments,
arthroscopes,  reconstructive  systems,  tissue  repair sets,  fluid  management
systems,  imaging products,  implants and related disposable products. It is our
standard  practice to transfer some of these  products,  such as shaver consoles
and pumps, to certain customers at no charge.  These capital  "placements" allow
for and accommodate the use of a variety of disposable products,  such as shaver
blades,  burs and pump tubing.  We have benefited from the  introduction  of new
products and new  technologies in the  arthroscopic  area, such as bioresorbable
screws, ablators, "push-in" and "screw-in" suture anchors, resection shavers and
cartilage repair implants.


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Product                                                    Description                         Brand Name
- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
Resection Shavers                    Shaver consoles and handpieces, disposable blades and     Apex(R)
and Ablators                         electrosurgical ablators to resect and remove soft        XtraSharp(R)
                                     tissue and bone; used in knee, shoulder and small joint   Merlin(R)
                                     surgery, as well as endoscopic sinus surgery.             Polyblade(TM)
                                                                                               Mako (TM)
                                                                                               Great White (TM)
                                                                                               Advantage (TM)
- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

Knee Reconstructive                  Products used in cruciate reconstructive surgery;         Paramax(R)
Systems                              includes instrumentation, screws, pins and ligament       Pinn-ACL(R)
                                     harvesting and preparation devices.                       GraFix(TM)

- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

Soft Tissue Repair Systems           Instrument systems designed to attach specific torn or    Spectrum(R)
                                     damaged soft tissue to bone or other soft tissue in the   Inteq(R)
                                     knee, shoulder and wrist; includes instrumentation,
                                     guides, hooks and suture devices.
- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

Fluid Management Systems             Disposable tubing sets, disposable and reusable inflow    Apex(R)
                                     devices, pumps and suction/waste management systems for   Quick-Flow(R)
                                     use in  arthroscopic and general surgeries.               Quick-Connect(R)
- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

Imaging                              Surgical   video  systems  for   endoscopic               Apex(R)
                                     procedures; includes  autoclavable  single                8180 Series
                                     and three-chip camera heads  and  consoles,
                                     endoscopes,   light  sources, monitors,
                                     VCR's and printers.

- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

Implants                             Products including bioabsorbable and metal interference   BioScrew(R)
                                     screws and suture anchors for attaching soft tissue to    BioStinger(R)
                                     bone in the knee, shoulder and wrist.                     Ultrafix(R)
                                                                                               Super Revo (R)
- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

Other Instruments and Accessories    Forceps, graspers, punches, probes,  sterilization        Shutt(R)
                                     cases and other general instruments for  arthroscopic     Concept(R)
                                     procedures.                                               TractionTower(R)
- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------


Powered Surgical Instruments

         Powered   surgical   instruments  are  used  to  perform   orthopaedic,
arthroscopic and other surgical procedures, such as cutting, drilling or reaming
and are driven by electric, battery or pneumatic power. Each instrument consists
of one or more  handpieces  and related  accessories  as well as disposable  and
limited  reuse items  (e.g.,  burs,  saw blades,  drills and  reamers).  Powered
instruments  are  generally  categorized  as either  small  bone,  large bone or
specialty powered  instruments.  Speciality powered instruments include surgical
applications other than orthopaedics,  such as neurosurgical,  otolaryngological
(ENT), and cardiothoracic applications.

         Our line of powered  instruments are sold principally under the Hall(R)
Surgical brand name, for use in large and small bone orthopaedic,  arthroscopic,
oral/maxillofacial, podiatric, plastic, otolaryngologic, neurological, spine and
cardiothoracic surgeries.  Large bone,  neurosurgical,  spine and cardiothoracic
powered   instruments   are  sold  primarily  to  hospitals   while  small  bone
arthroscopic,  otolaryngological and oral/maxillofacial  powered instruments are
sold to hospitals,  outpatient  facilities and physician  offices.  Our Linvatec
subsidiary has devoted substantial resources to developing a new technology base
for small  bone,  arthroscopic  and  otolaryngological  instruments  that can be
easily adapted and modified for new procedures.

                                            Powered Surgical Instruments
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Product                                                    Description                         Brand Name
- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Small Bone                           Powered saws, drills and related disposable accessories   Hall(R)Surgical
                                     for small bone and joint surgical procedures.             E9000(R)
                                                                                               Micro 100(TM)
                                                                                               Advantage (TM)
- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------

Large Bone                           Powered saws, drills and related disposable accessories   Hall(R)Surgical
                                     for use primarily in total knee and hip joint             MaxiDriver(TM)
                                     replacements and trauma surgical procedures.              VersiPower(R)
                                                                                               Plus Series 4(R)
                                                                                               Power Pro (TM)
                                                                                               Advantage (TM)
- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------

Otolaryngology                       Specialty powered saws, drills and related disposable     UltraPower(R)
Neurosurgery                         accessories for use in neurosurgery, spine, and           Hall Osteon(R)
Spine                                otolaryngologic procedures.                               Hall Ototome(R)

- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------

Cardiothoracic                       Powered sternum saws, drills, and related disposable      Hall(R)Surgical
Oral/maxillofacial                   accessories for use by cardiothoracic and                 E9000(R)
                                     oral/maxillofacial surgeons.                              UltraPower(R)
                                                                                               Micro 100
- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------


Electrosurgery and Minimally Invasive Surgery


         Electrosurgery  is the  technique  of using a  high-frequency  electric
current which, when applied to tissue through special  instruments,  can be used
to  cut   tissue,   coagulate,   or  cut  and   coagulate   simultaneously.   An
electrosurgical system consists of a generator,  an active electrode in the form
of a pencil or other instrument which the surgeon uses to apply the current from
the generator to the target tissue and a ground pad to safely return the current
to the  generator.  Electrosurgery  is routinely  used in most forms of surgery,
including general, dermatologic, thoracic, orthopaedic, urologic, neurosurgical,
gynecological, laparoscopic, arthroscopic and other endoscopic procedures.

         Our  electrosurgical   products  include  electrosurgical  pencils  and
blades, ground pads, generators, the argon-beam coagulation system (ABC(R)), and
related  disposable   products.   ABC(R)  technology  is  a  special  method  of
electrosurgery,  which  allows a faster and more  complete  coagulation  of many
tissues  as  compared  to  conventional   electrosurgery.   Unlike  conventional
electrosurgery,  the electrical  current travels in a beam of ionized argon gas,
allowing  the  current to be  dispersed  onto the  bleeding  tissue  without the
instrument  touching the tissue.  Clinicians have reported  notable  benefits of
ABC(R)  over  traditional   electrosurgical   coagulation  in  certain  clinical
situations, including open-heart, liver, spleen and trauma surgery.

         Minimally Invasive Surgery

         Minimally Invasive Surgery ("MIS") is surgery performed without a major
incision,  which  results in less trauma for the patient and produces  important
cost savings as a result of reduced  hospitalization  and therapy.  Laparoscopic
surgery is an MIS procedure  performed on organs in the abdominal cavity such as
the gallbladder,  appendix and female reproductive organs. During a laparoscopic
procedure,  devices called "trocars" are used to puncture the abdominal wall and
then are removed, leaving in place a trocar cannula. The trocar cannula provides
access into the abdomen for camera systems and surgical instruments.

         Our MIS products include the Reflex(R) clip applier,  UNIVERSAL S/I(TM)
(suction/irrigation)    and   UNIVERSAL   PLUS(R)   laparoscopic    instruments,
specialized,  suction/irrigation  electrosurgical  instrument systems for use in
laparoscopic   surgery  and  the  TroGARD   Finesse(R)   which   incorporates  a
blunt-tipped  version of a trocar. The TroGARD Finesse(R) dilates access through
the body wall rather than cutting with the sharp,  pointed tips of  conventional
trocars.  This  results in smaller  wounds,  and less  bleeding.  We also market
cutting trocars,  suction/irrigation accessories,  laparoscopic scissors, active
electrodes,  insufflation  needles and ABC(R) handpieces for use in laparoscopic


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          Electrosurgery and Minimally Invasive Surgery
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              Product                                      Description                                  Brand Name
- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Pencils                              Disposable and reusable instruments designed to deliver   Hand-trol(R)
                                     high-frequency electric current to cut and/or coagulate   Gold Line(R)
                                     tissue.                                                   Clear Vac(R)
- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------

Ground Pads                          Disposable ground pads to safely return the current to    Macrolyte(R)
                                     the generator; available in adult, pediatric and infant   Bio-gard(R)
                                     sizes.                                                    SureFit(TM)
- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------

Blades                               Surgical  blades with  accessory electrode that  uses a   Ultra  Clean(TM)
                                     proprietary coating to eliminate  tissue buildup on the
                                     blade during surgery.

- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------

Generators                           Monopolar and bipolar generators for surgical             EXCALIBUR(R)Plus
                                     procedures performed in a physician's office or clinic    PC
                                     setting.                                                  SABRE(R)
- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------

Argon Beam Coagulation Systems       Specialized electrosurgical generators, disposable hand   ABC(R)
                                     pieces and ground pads for enhanced non-contact           Beamer Plus(R)
                                     coagulation of tissue.                                    System 7500(R)
                                                                                               ABC Flex(R)
- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------

Laparoscopic Instruments             Specialized trocars, clip appliers, suction/irrigation    UNIVERSAL Plus(R)
                                     electrosurgical instrument systems for use in             TroGard(R)
                                     laparoscopic surgery; includes disposable handles,        Finesse(TM)
                                     valve/control assemblies with disposable accessories      Reflex(R)
                                     and  monopolar and bipolar scissors,  graspers and
- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------

Patient Care Products

         We manufacture a variety of patient care products for use in monitoring
cardiac  rhythms,  wound care management and IV therapy.  These products include
ECG electrodes and cables, wound dressings and catheter stabilization dressings.
These products are sold to hospitals,  outpatient  surgery centers and physician
offices  primarily  in the  United  States.  The  majority  of our sales in this
category are derived from the sale of ECG electrodes.  Although wound management
and intravenous  therapy product sales are comparatively  small, the application
of these products in the operating room complements our surgery business.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   Patient Care Products

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Product                                                    Description                         Brand Name

- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
ECG Monitoring                       Line of disposable electrodes, monitoring cables, lead    CONMED(R)
                                     wire products and accessories designed to transmit ECG    Ultratrace(R)
                                     signals from the heart to an ECG monitor or recorder.     Cleartrace(R)

- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

Wound Care                           Disposable transparent wound dressings  comprising         ClearSite(R)
                                     proprietary  hydrogel; able to  absorb 2 1/2 times its     Hydrogauze(R)
                                     weight in wound exudate.
- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------

Surgical Suction                     Disposable surgical suction instruments and connecting    CONMED(R)
     Instruments and                 tubing, including Yankauer, Poole, Frazier and
     Tubing                          Sigmoidoscopic instrumentation, for use by physicians
                                     in the majority of open surgical procedures.
- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

Intravenous Therapy                  Disposable  IV drip  rate  gravity controller and         VENI-GARD(R)
                                     disposable catheter stabilization dressing designed       MasterFlow(R)
                                     to  hold and secure an IV needle or catheter              Stat  2(R)
                                     for use in IV therapy.
- ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

Competitive Strengths

         We attribute  our strong  position in certain  markets to the following
competitive factors:

         o     Leading Market  Position in Key Product  Areas.  We are a leading
               provider  of  arthroscopic   surgery   devices,   electrosurgical
               systems,  powered  surgical  instruments and ECG electrodes.  Our
               product  breadth has  enhanced our ability to market our products
               to  surgeons,   hospitals,   surgery  centers,   GPOs  and  other
               customers,  particularly as institutions seek to reduce costs and
               to minimize the number of  suppliers.  In  addition,  many of our
               products are sold under leading brand names, including CONMED(R),
               Linvatec(R), and Hall(R) Surgical.

         o     Broad  Product  Offering in Key Product  Areas.  We offer a broad
               product line in our key product  areas.  For example,  we offer a
               complete set of the arthroscopy  products a surgeon  requires for
               most  arthroscopic  procedures,  including  instrument and repair
               sets, implants, shaver consoles and handpieces, video systems and
               related  disposables.  Our product  offerings  have enabled us to
               meet a wide range of customer  requirements and  preferences.  In
               addition,  our  customers  are  increasingly  dealing  with fewer
               vendors and demanding a broader product  offering from vendors in
               order to reduce administrative costs.

         o     Marketing  and  Distribution  Network.  Our domestic  sales force
               consists of approximately 185 employee sales  representatives and
               an additional 90 sales professionals  employed by eight exclusive
               sales agent groups.  All of our sales  professionals  are trained
               and educated in the  applications  for the products they sell and
               call  directly  on  surgeons,  hospital  departments,  outpatient
               surgery centers and physician offices.  Additionally,  we have an
               international  presence  through sales  subsidiaries and branches
               located  in  key   international   markets.   We  also   maintain
               distributor relationships  domestically and in numerous countries
               worldwide. See "Item 1: Business-Marketing".


         o     Vertically-integrated  Manufacturing.  We manufacture most of our
               products.  Our vertically  integrated  manufacturing  process has
               allowed  us to  provide  quality  products,  to react  quickly to
               changes in demand  and to  generate  manufacturing  efficiencies,
               including   purchasing   raw  materials  used  in  a  variety  of
               disposable  products in bulk.  We believe that our  manufacturing
               capabilities  allow us to  contain  costs,  control  quality  and
               maintain  security  of  proprietary  processes.   We  continually
               evaluate  our  manufacturing  processes  with  the  objective  of
               increasing  automation,  streamlining  production  and  enhancing
               efficiency in order to achieve cost savings.

         o     Research  and  Development  Capabilities.  We have  utilized  our
               research and development  capabilities to introduce new products,
               product   enhancements   and  new   technologies.   Research  and
               development  expenditures  were $14.9 million in 2000. Recent new
               product  introductions  include the  Advantage(TM)  drive system,
               BioTwist(TM)  bioabsorbable shoulder anchor implant,  UltrAblator
               for the ablation  and thermal  modification  of soft tissue,  the
               PowerPro(TM)  electric-powered  drive  system,  the  Envision(TM)
               Autoclavable  3CCD (three  chip)  Camera  Head,  the  SureFit(TM)
               electrosurgical    grounding    pad   and   the    UltraClean(TM)
               electrosurgical blade.

         o     Integrating  Acquisitions.  Since  1996,  we have  completed  six
               acquisitions   including   the  1997   acquisition   of  Linvatec
               Corporation which more than doubled our size. These  acquisitions
               have  enabled us to broaden  our product  categories,  expand our
               sales   and   distribution    capabilities   and   increase   our
               international  presence.  Our management team has  demonstrated a
               historical ability to identify complementary  acquisitions and to
               integrate acquired companies into our operations.

Business Strategy

         We intend to implement the following business strategies:

         o     Introduce New Products and Product Enhancements. Our research and
               development program is focused on the development of new surgical
               products,  as well as the  enhancement of existing  products.  In
               addition to our own research and development, we benefit from the
               dialogue  and  suggestions  for  product   innovations  from  our
               relationships with surgeons and other users of our products.

         o     Increase  International  Sales.  We believe there are significant
               sales  opportunities for our surgical products outside the United
               States.  The  Linvatec   acquisition   increased  our  access  to
               international   markets.   We  intend  to  seek  to  expand   our
               international   presence  and  increase  our   penetration   into
               international markets by utilizing Linvatec's  relationships with
               foreign  surgeons,  hospitals and third-party  payers, as well as
               foreign distributors.  We also intend to utilize Linvatec's sales
               relationships  to  introduce  Linvatec's  customers  to our other
               products.  In 2000,  our sales  outside the United States grew by

         o     Pursue   Strategic   Acquisitions.   We  believe  that  strategic
               acquisitions  represent a cost-effective  means of broadening our
               product line. We have historically targeted companies with proven
               technologies,  established brand names and a significant  portion
               of sales from  single-use,  disposable  products.  Since 1996, we
               have  completed six  acquisitions,  expanding our product line to
               include  surgical  suction  instruments,  wound care products and
               most  recently   arthroscopic   products  and  powered   surgical


         o     Provide Broad Product  Offering in Key Product Areas. As a result
               of competitive pressures in the health care industry, many health
               care  providers  have  aligned  themselves  with GPOs,  which are
               increasingly  dealing with fewer  vendors and demanding a broader
               product   offering   from  their   vendors  in  order  to  reduce
               administrative costs. We believe that our broad product line is a
               positive factor in our efforts to meet such demands. In addition,
               we have a  corporate  sales  department  that  markets  our broad
               product offering to GPOs.

         o     Realize  Manufacturing and Operating  Efficiencies.  We expect to
               continue to review opportunities for consolidating  product lines
               and streamlining production. We believe our vertically integrated
               manufacturing  process should produce  further  opportunities  to
               reduce  overhead  and  to  increase  operating  efficiencies  and
               capacity utilization.


         In the second  quarter of 2000,  we incurred a  nonrecurring  severance
charge of  approximately  $1.5 million in connection  with a plan to change from
direct distribution to exclusive sales agent groups.  Under the plan,  specialty
sales agent  groups were  appointed as our  exclusive  sales agents in the eight
largest  metropolitan  areas  of  the  United  States  with  responsibility  for
approximately 30% of our domestic  orthopaedic  sales. We completed this plan in
the  third  quarter  of  2000.  These  sales  agent  groups  employ  and  manage
approximately  90 sales  professionals.  They  each  bring  to us many  years of
experience in selling arthroscopic and powered surgical instrument products.

         As a  result  of the  restructuring  described  above  and in  order to
provide a high level of expertise  to medical  specialties  served,  our overall
domestic sales force consists of the following:

         o     55 employee sales representatives selling arthroscopy products in
               their own geographic regions.
         o     35  employee  sales  representatives   selling  powered  surgical
               instruments in their own geographic regions.
         o     90 sales professionals, employed by 8 sales agent groups, selling
               both arthroscopy and powered surgical  instruments in the largest
               eight metropolitan areas of the country; all of these sales agent
               groups, except one, are exclusive to CONMED.
         o     65 employee  sales  representatives  selling  electrosurgery  and
               minimally invasive surgery products.
         o     30 employee sales representatives selling patient care products.

         Each employee sales representative has a defined geographic area and is
compensated  on a  commission  basis or  through a  combination  of  salary  and
commission.  The sales force is supervised and supported by area directors. Home
office sales and  marketing  management  provide the overall  direction  for the
sales of our products.

         Our sales professionals call on surgeons, hospitals, outpatient surgery
centers and physician offices. We also have a corporate sales department that is
responsible  for  interacting  with GPOs. We believe that we have contracts with


many such  organizations  and that the lack of any individual  group  purchasing
contract will not adversely impact our  competitiveness in the marketplace.  The
sale of our products is accompanied by initial and ongoing  in-service  training
of the end user. Our sales professionals are trained in the technical aspects of
our products and their uses,  and provide  surgeons and medical  personnel  with
information relating to the technical features and benefits of our products. For
hospital inventory management purposes, at the hospitals' request, some products
are sold to hospitals through distributors. Our sales professionals are required
to work  closely  with  distributors  where  applicable  and to  maintain  close
relationships with end-users.

         Our  international  sales  accounted  for  approximately  27% of  total
revenues in 2000. Products are sold in over 100 foreign countries. International
sales efforts are coordinated through local country dealers or with direct sales
efforts. We distribute our products through sales subsidiaries and branches with
offices located in Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Korea, Spain and
the United Kingdom.


         We  manufacture  most  of  our  products.  We  believe  our  vertically
integrated  manufacturing  process  allows us to provide  quality  products  and
generate  manufacturing   efficiencies  by  purchasing  raw  materials  for  our
disposable products in bulk. We also believe that our manufacturing capabilities
allow us to contain costs,  control quality and maintain security of proprietary
processes.  We use various manual and automated  equipment for  fabrication  and
assembly of our products and are continuing to further automate our facilities.

         We  believe  our  production  and  inventory  practices  are  generally
reflective of conditions in the industry. Our products are not generally made to
order  or  to  individual  customer  specifications.  Accordingly,  we  schedule
production  and stock  inventory on the basis of experience and our knowledge of
customer  order  patterns,  and our  judgment as to  anticipated  demand.  Since
customer  orders must  generally  be filled  promptly  for  immediate  shipment,
backlog  of  unfilled  orders  is not  significant  to an  understanding  of our

Research and Development Activities

         During the three years,  1998,  1999 and 2000,  we spent  approximately
$12.0 million, $12.1 million and $14.9 million for research and development. Our
research and development departments consist of 113 employees.

         Our research and  development  programs focus on the development of new
products,  as well as the  enhancement  of  existing  products  with the  latest
technology  and  updated  designs.  We are  continually  seeking to develop  new
technologies  to improve  durability,  performance  and  usability  of  existing
products.  In  addition  to our own  research  and  development,  we receive new
product and technology disclosures, especially in procedure-specific areas, from
surgeons,  inventors and operating room personnel.  For disclosures that we deem
promising from a clinical and commercial  perspective,  we seek to obtain rights
to  these  ideas by  negotiating  agreements,  which  typically  compensate  the
originator  of the idea through  royalty  payments  based on a percentage of net
sales of licensed products.

         We have  rights to numerous  U.S.  patents  and  corresponding  foreign
patents,  covering a wide  range of our  products.  We own a  majority  of these
patents and have  licensed  rights to the  remainder,  both on an exclusive  and


non-exclusive  basis.  In addition,  certain  patents are currently  licensed to
third parties on a non-exclusive basis. Due to technological advancements, we do
not rely on our patents to maintain  our  competitive  position,  and we believe
that  development  of new products and  improvement of existing ones is and will
continue  to be  more  important  than  patent  protection  in  maintaining  our
competitive position.


         The markets for our  products are highly  competitive,  and many of our
competitors are substantially  larger and stronger financially than us. However,
we do not  believe  that any one  competitor  competes  with us  across  all our
product lines. Major competitors include Arthrex, Johnson & Johnson,  Medtronic,
Inc.,  Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing  Company,  Smith & Nephew plc, Stryker
Corporation, and Tyco International Ltd.

         We believe that product design,  development and improvement,  customer
acceptance, marketing strategy, customer service and price are critical elements
to compete in our industry.  Other  alternatives,  such as medical procedures or
pharmaceuticals, could at some point prove to be interchangeable alternatives to
our products.

Government Regulation

         Most if not all of our  products  are  classified  as  medical  devices
subject to regulation by the Food and Drug  Administration  (the "FDA"). Our new
products  generally  require FDA  clearance  under a  procedure  known as 510(k)
premarketing   notification.   A  510(k)  premarketing   notification  clearance
indicates FDA agreement with an applicant's  determination  that the product for
which clearance has been sought is  substantially  equivalent to another medical
device  that  was on the  market  prior  to  1976 or that  has  received  510(k)
premarketing  notification  clearance.  Some  products  have  been  continuously
produced,  marketed  and sold since May 1976 and require no 510(k)  premarketing
clearance.  Our products  generally are either Class I or Class II products with
the FDA,  meaning that our  products  must meet  certain FDA  standards  and are
subject to the 510(k) premarketing  notification  clearance discussed above, but
are not  required  to be  approved  by the FDA.  FDA  clearance  is  subject  to
continual review,  and later discovery of previously unknown problems may result
in restrictions  on a product's  marketing or withdrawal of the product from the

         We have quality  control/regulatory  compliance  groups that are tasked
with monitoring  compliance with design  specifications and relevant  government
regulations for all of our products.  We and  substantially  all of our products
are subject to the  provisions  of the Federal  Food,  Drug and  Cosmetic Act of
1938, as amended by the Medical Device  Amendments of 1976, and the Safe Medical
Device Act of 1990, as amended in 1992, and similar foreign regulations.

         As a manufacturer of medical devices,  our manufacturing  processes and
facilities are subject to periodic on-site  inspections and continuing review by
the FDA to insure  compliance  with Quality  System  Regulations as specified in
Title 21, Code of Federal  Regulation  (CFR) part 820.  Many of our products are
subject to industry-set  standards.  Industry standards relating to our products
are generally formulated by committees of the Association for the Advancement of
Medical Instrumentation.  We believe that our products presently meet applicable
standards.  We market our products in a number of foreign markets.  Requirements
pertaining  to our products  vary widely from  country to country,  ranging from
simple product  registrations to detailed  submissions such as those required by


the FDA. We believe that our products  currently meet  applicable  standards for
the countries in which they are marketed.

         We are subject to product  recall.  No recall has had a material effect
on our financial condition,  but there can be no assurance regulatory issues may
not have a material adverse effect in the future.

         Any change in existing  federal,  state or foreign laws or regulations,
or in the  interpretation  or enforcement  thereof,  or the  promulgation or any
additional  laws or  regulations  could have an adverse  effect on our financial
condition or results of operations.


         As of December 2000, we had 2,388  full-time  employees,  of whom 1,633
were in manufacturing,  113 in research and development, and the balance were in
sales, marketing,  executive and administrative positions. None of our employees
are  represented  by a union,  and we  consider  our  employee  relations  to be
excellent. We have never experienced any strikes or work stoppages.

Risk Factors

         Investors  should  carefully  consider the  specific  factors set forth
below as well as the other information  included or incorporated by reference in
this Form 10-K. See "Item 1: Business -- Forward Looking Statements" relating to
certain forward-looking statements in this Form 10-K.

         Significant Leverage and Debt Service

         We  have   indebtedness   which  is  substantial  in  relation  to  our
shareholders' equity, as well as interest and debt service requirements that are
significant  compared to our cash flow from operations.  As of December 2000, we
had  $378.7  million  of debt  outstanding,  which  represented  62.2%  of total
capitalization.  In addition,  at December 2000, we had $53.0 million  available
for borrowing under the revolving portion of our principal bank credit agreement
(our "credit facility").

         The degree to which we are leveraged could have important  consequences
to investors, including but not limited to the following:

         o     a substantial  portion of our cash flow from  operations  must be
               dedicated  to  debt  service  and  will  not  be  available   for
               operations,   capital   expenditures,   acquisitions   and  other
         o     our  ability  to obtain  additional  financing  in the future for
               working capital,  capital  expenditures,  acquisitions or general
               corporate purposes may be limited or impaired; and
         o     certain of our  borrowings,  including our  borrowings  under the
               credit facility, are and will continue to be at variable rates of
               interest,  which  exposes  us to the risk of  increased  interest

         Our  ability to satisfy  our  obligations  will  depend upon our future
operating performance,  which will be affected by prevailing economic conditions
and financial, business and other factors, many of which are beyond our control.
There can be no assurance  that our operating  results will be sufficient for us
to meet our obligations.  If we are unable to service our indebtedness,  we will
be forced to adopt an  alternative  strategy  that may include  actions  such as


forgoing  acquisitions,  reducing  or  delaying  capital  expenditures,  selling
assets,  restructuring  or refinancing our  indebtedness  or seeking  additional
equity capital.  There can be no assurance that any of these strategies could be
implemented  on terms  acceptable  to us, if at all.  See "Item 7:  Management's
Discussion  and Analysis of Financial  Condition  and Results of  Operations  --
Liquidity and Capital  Resources" for a discussion of our  indebtedness  and its

         Effects of Acquisitions Generally

         An  element  of our  business  strategy  has  been  to  expand  through
acquisitions and we may seek, without further notice, to pursue  acquisitions in
the future. In this regard, for confidentiality,  competitive and other reasons,
we may not disclose that such  acquisitions  are being negotiated or are subject
to agreements  until such  acquisitions  close. Our success is dependent in part
upon  our  ability  to  effectively   integrate  acquired  operations  with  our
operations.  While we  believe  that we have  sufficient  management  and  other
resources to accomplish  the  integration  of our past and future  acquisitions,
there  can be no  assurance  in this  regard  or that  we  will  not  experience
difficulties with customers,  suppliers,  distributors,  personnel or others. In
addition,  while we are  generally  entitled to customary  indemnification  from
sellers of  businesses  for any  difficulties  that may have arisen prior to our
acquisition  of each  business,  the amount and time for  claiming  under  these
indemnification provisions is limited. There can be no assurance that we will be
able to identify and make  acquisitions  on acceptable  terms or that we will be
able to obtain financing for such acquisitions on acceptable terms. As a result,
our  financial  performance  is now and will  continue  to be subject to various
risks  associated  with the  acquisition of businesses,  including the financial
effects   associated  with  any  increased   borrowing  required  to  fund  such
acquisitions or with the integration of such businesses.

         Limitations Imposed by Certain Indebtedness

         Our credit facility contains certain  restrictive  covenants which will
affect,  and in many  respects  significantly  limit or  prohibit,  among  other
things, our ability to:

         o     incur indebtedness;
         o     make prepayments of certain indebtedness;
         o     make investments;
         o     engage in transactions with affiliates;
         o     sell assets;
         o     engage in mergers and acquisitions; and
         o     realize important elements of our business strategy.

         Our credit facility also requires us to meet certain  financial  ratios
and  tests.  These  covenants  may  prevent  us from  integrating  our  acquired
businesses,  pursuing  acquisitions,   significantly  limit  our  operating  and
financial  flexibility  and limit our  ability  to  respond  to  changes  in our
business or competitive  activities.  Our ability to comply with such provisions
may be affected by events beyond our control.  In the event of any default under
our credit  facility,  the credit  facility  lenders  could elect to declare all


amounts borrowed under our credit facility,  together with accrued interest,  to
be due and  payable.  If we were  unable to repay  such  borrowings,  the credit
facility  lenders  could  proceed  against the  collateral  securing  the credit
facility, which consists of substantially all of our property and assets.

         Significant Competition and Other Market Considerations

         The  market  for our  products  is  highly  competitive.  Many of these
competitors  offer a range of  products  in areas  other  than those in which we
compete, which may make such competitors more attractive to surgeons, hospitals,
GPOs and  others.  In  addition,  many of our  competitors  are  larger and have
greater  financial  resources  than we do and offer a range of products  broader
than our products.  Competitive  pricing  pressures or the  introduction  of new
products by our  competitors  could have an adverse  effect on our  revenues and
profitability. Some of the companies with which we now compete or may compete in
the future have or may have more extensive research, marketing and manufacturing
capabilities and significantly greater technical and personnel resources than we
do, and may be better  positioned  to continue to improve  their  technology  in
order to compete in an evolving industry.  See "Item 1: Business -- Competition"
for a further discussion of these competitive forces.

         Demand for and use of our products may fluctuate as a result of:

         o     changes in surgeon preferences;
         o     the  introduction  of new  products  or new  features to existing
         o     the introduction of alternative surgical technology; and
         o     advances in surgical  procedures and  discoveries or developments
               in the health care industry.

         In recent years,  the health care  industry has  undergone  significant
change driven by various efforts to reduce costs,  including efforts at national
health care reform, trends toward managed care, cuts in Medicare,  consolidation
of health care distribution companies and collective purchasing  arrangements by
office-based  health care  practitioners.  There can be no assurance that demand
for our products will not be adversely affected by such fluctuations and trends.

         Patents and Proprietary Technology

         Much of the  technology  used in the  markets  in which we  compete  is
covered by patents.  We have numerous  U.S.  patents and  corresponding  foreign
patents on products  expiring at various  dates from 2001  through 2018 and have
additional patent  applications  pending.  See "Item 1: Business -- Research and
Development Activities" for a further description of our patents. Although we do
not rely solely on our patents to maintain our competitive position, the loss of
our  patents  could  reduce the value of the  related  products  and any related
competitive advantage. Competitors may also be able to design around our patents
and to compete effectively with our products. In addition, the cost to prosecute
infringements  of our patents or the cost to defend our products  against patent
infringement  actions by others could be substantial.  There can be no assurance
that pending patent  applications  will result in issued  patents,  that patents
issued to or licensed by us will not be challenged by  competitors  or that such


patents  will be  found  to be  valid  or  sufficiently  broad  to  protect  our
technology or provide us with a competitive advantage.

         Government Regulation of Products

         All of our  products  are  classified  as  medical  devices  subject to
regulation by the FDA. As a manufacturer of medical devices,  our  manufacturing
processes and facilities are subject to on-site inspection and continuing review
by the FDA for compliance  with their "Quality System  Regulations."  Failure to
comply with applicable domestic and/or foreign requirements can result in:

         o     fines or other enforcement actions;
         o     recall or seizure of products;
         o     total or partial suspension of production;
         o     withdrawal of existing product approvals or clearances;
         o     refusal to approve or clear new applications or notices; and
         o     criminal prosecution.

         Many of our products are also subject to  industry-set  standards.  The
failure to comply with Quality  System  Regulations  or  industry-set  standards
could have a material  adverse  effect on our business,  financial  condition or
results of operations.

         We are subject to product recall. Although no recall has had a material
adverse  effect on our business,  financial  condition or results of operations,
there can be no assurance that regulatory issues may not have a material adverse
effect in the future.

         Risks Relating to International Operations

         A portion of our  operations  are conducted  outside the United States.
About 27% of our 2000 net sales  constituted  foreign sales.  As a result of our
international  operations,  we are subject to risks associated with operating in
foreign countries, including:

         o     devaluations and fluctuations in currency exchange rates;
         o     imposition of limitations  on  conversions of foreign  currencies
               into dollars or  remittance  of dividends  and other  payments by
               foreign subsidiaries;
         o     imposition  or  increase  of  withholding   and  other  taxes  on
               remittances and other payments by foreign subsidiaries;
         o     trade barriers;
         o     political risks, including political instability;
         o     hyperinflation in certain foreign countries; and
         o     imposition or increase of investment  and other  restrictions  by
               foreign governments.


         There can be no  assurance  that such  risks  will not have a  material
adverse effect on our business and results of operations.

         Risk of Product Liability Actions

         The nature of our  products as medical  devices  and today's  litigious
environment  in the United  States  should be regarded as  potential  risks that
could  significantly and adversely affect our financial condition and results of
operations.  We maintain insurance to protect against claims associated with the
use of our products,  but there can be no assurance that our insurance  coverage
would  adequately  cover the amount or nature of any claim asserted  against us.
See "Item 3: Legal  Proceedings" for a further discussion of the risk of product
liability actions and our insurance coverage.


Item 2.  Properties


         We manufacture most of our products.  Substantially all of our property
and assets are pledged as collateral  under our credit  facility.  The following
table provides information  regarding our facilities.  We believe our facilities
are  adequate  in terms of space and  suitability  for our  needs  over the next
several years.

     Location                       Square Feet        Own or Lease               Expiration
     --------                       -----------        ------------               ----------

Utica, NY (two facilities)             650,000              Own                       --

Largo, FL                              213,000             Lease                      2009

Rome, NY                               120,000              Own                       --

Englewood, CO                           65,000              Own                       --

Irvine, CA                              31,000             Lease                  August 2003

El Paso, TX                             29,000             Lease                   April 2002

Juarez, Mexico                          25,000             Lease                 December 2001

Santa Barbara, CA                       18,000             Lease                 December 2001


Item 3. Legal Proceedings

         From time to time,  we are a  defendant  in certain  lawsuits  alleging
product liability, patent infringement, or other claims incurred in the ordinary
course of business.  These  claims are  generally  covered by various  insurance
policies,  subject to certain deductible amounts and maximum policy limits. When
there is no  insurance  coverage,  we  establish  sufficient  reserves  to cover
probable  losses  associated  with  such  claims.  We do  not  expect  that  the
resolution  of any  pending  claims will have a material  adverse  effect on our
financial  condition  or  results  of  operations.  There  can be no  assurance,
however,  that  existing or future  claims,  the costs  associated  with claims,
especially  claims not covered by  insurance,  will not have a material  adverse
effect on the Company's future performance.

         Manufacturers  of medical  products  may face  exposure to  significant
product  liability claims. To date, we have not experienced any material product
liability  claims,  but any such  claims  arising  in the  future  could  have a
material  adverse effect on our business or results of operations.  We currently
maintain  commercial product liability insurance of $25,000,000 per incident and
$25,000,000  in the  aggregate  annually,  which  we,  based on our  experience,
believe is adequate.  This coverage is on a claims-made  basis.  There can be no
assurance that claims will not exceed insurance  coverage or that such insurance
will be available in the future at a reasonable cost to us.

         Our  operations  are  subject  to a number  of  environmental  laws and
regulations governing, among other things, air emissions, wastewater discharges,
the use,  handling  and disposal of hazardous  substances  and wastes,  soil and
groundwater  remediation and employee health and safety.  In some  jurisdictions
environmental  requirements  may be  expected to become  more  stringent  in the
future. In the United States certain environmental laws can impose liability for
the  entire  cost of site  restoration  upon each of the  parties  that may have
contributed  to conditions at the site  regardless of fault or the lawfulness of
the party's activities.

         While  we do not  believe  that  the  present  costs  of  environmental
compliance and remediation  are material,  there can be no assurance that future
compliance or remedial  obligations  could not have a material adverse effect on
our financial condition or results of operations.

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
         No matter was  submitted to a vote of our security  holders  during the
fourth quarter of the fiscal year ended December 31, 2000.


                                     PART II

Item 5.  Market for the Registrant's Common Stock and Related Stockholder

         Our Common  Stock,  par value  $.01 per share,  is traded on the Nasdaq
Stock Market (symbol - CNMD). At December 31, 2000,  there were 1,229 registered
holders of our Common Stock and, in addition,  we have been  notified  that,  on
such date, there were approximately 6,700 accounts held in "street name".

         The following  table shows the high-low last sales prices for the years
ended  December 31, 1999 and 2000, as reported by the Nasdaq Stock Market.  Such
over-the-counter  market quotations reflect inter-dealer prices,  without retail
mark-up,  mark-down and  commission  and may not  necessarily  represent  actual

Period                             High                          Low
                                 --------                       ------

First Quarter                     $33.62                        $27.09

Second Quarter                     34.25                         28.12

Third Quarter                      33.18                         24.50

Fourth Quarter                     27.62                         22.37

Period                             High                          Low
                                 --------                       ------

First Quarter                     $30.75                        $22.56

Second Quarter                     27.56                         23.62

Third Quarter                      26.12                         12.12

Fourth Quarter                     18.06                         12.93

         We did not pay cash dividends on our common stock during 1999 and 2000.
Our Board of Directors  presently  intends to retain future  earnings to finance
the  development of our business and does not intend to declare cash  dividends.
Should this policy  change,  the  declaration of dividends will be determined by
the  Board  in  light of  conditions  then  existing,  including  our  financial
requirements and condition and the prohibition on the declaration and payment of
cash dividends contained in debt agreements.


Item 6.  Selected Financial Data

                                            FIVE YEAR SUMMARY OF SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA
                                                (In thousands, except per share data)

                                                                                 Years Ended December
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                            1996           1997           1998           1999           2000
                                                         ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
Statements of Operations Data (1):
     Net sales .....................................     $ 125,630      $ 138,270      $ 336,442      $ 372,617      $ 392,230
     Cost of sales (2) .............................        65,393         74,220        169,599        178,480        188,223
     Selling and administrative
      expense (3) ..................................        31,620         35,299         93,647        107,233        124,673
     Research and development expense ..............         2,953          3,037         12,029         12,108         14,870
     Unusual items (3) .............................            --         37,242             --             --             --
                                                         ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
   Income (loss) from operations ...................        25,664        (11,528)        61,167         74,796         64,464
   Interest income (expense), net ..................          (217)           823        (30,891)       (32,360)       (34,286)
                                                         ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
     Income (loss) before income taxes
        and extraordinary item .....................        25,447        (10,705)        30,276         42,436         30,178
     Provision (benefit) for
       income taxes ................................         9,161         (3,640)        10,899         15,277         10,864
                                                         ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
     Income (loss) before
       extraordinary item ..........................        16,286         (7,065)        19,377         27,159         19,314
     Extraordinary item,
       net of income taxes (4) .....................            --             --         (1,569)            --             --
                                                         ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
   Net income (loss) ...............................     $  16,286        $(7,065)     $  17,808      $  27,159      $  19,314
                                                         =========        =======      =========      =========      =========

Earnings (Loss) Per Share Before Extraordinary Item:

     Basic .........................................     $    1.16      $   (0.47)     $    1.28      $    1.78      $    1.26
                                                         =========      =========      =========      =========      =========
     Diluted .......................................     $    1.12      $   (0.47)     $    1.26      $    1.76      $    1.24
                                                         =========      =========      =========      =========      =========

Earnings (Loss) Per Share:

     Basic .........................................     $    1.16      $   (0.47)     $    1.18      $    1.78      $    1.26
                                                         =========      =========      =========      =========      =========
     Diluted .......................................     $    1.12      $   (0.47)     $    1.16      $    1.76      $    1.24
                                                         =========      =========      =========      =========      =========

Weighted Average Number of Common Shares In

     Basic earnings (loss) per share ...............        14,045         14,997         15,085         15,241      $  15,311
                                                         =========      =========      =========      =========      =========
     Diluted earnings (loss) per share .............        14,496         14,997         15,321         15,430      $  15,514
                                                         =========      =========      =========      =========      =========

Other Financial Data:

     Depreciation and amortization .................     $   6,410      $   6,954      $  23,601      $  26,291      $  29,487
     EBITDA(5) .....................................        32,074         32,668         86,576        100,110         94,044
     Capital expenditures ..........................         4,946          8,178         12,924          9,352         14,050
     Ratio of earnings to
       fixed charges (6) ...........................         79.30             (6)          1.95           2.27           1.85

                                                            1996           1997           1998           1999           2000
                                                         ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
Balance Sheet Data(7):

     Cash and cash equivalents ...........               $ 20,173       $ 13,452       $  5,906       $  3,747       $  3,470
     Total assets ........................                170,083        561,637        628,784        662,161        679,571
     Long-term debt (including
       current portion) ..................                     --        365,000        384,872        394,669        378,748
     Total shareholders' equity ..........                158,635        162,736        182,168        211,261        230,603


(1)  Includes,  based on the purchase  method of accounting,  the results of (i)
     NDM, Inc., the subsidiary  formed as a result of the product lines acquired
     from New  Dimensions  in  Medicine,  Inc.,  from  February  1996;  (ii) the
     surgical  suction  product line acquired from the Davol  subsidiary of C.R.
     Bard,  Inc., from July 1997;  (iii) Linvatec  Corporation from December 31,
     1997; (iv) the arthroscopy  product line acquired from Minnesota Mining and
     Manufacturing  (3M) from November 1998; (v) the powered  instrument product
     line  acquired from 3M from August 1999;  and (vi) the  minimally  invasive
     surgical product lines acquired from Imagyn Medical Technologies, Inc. from
     November 2000; in each such case from the date of acquisition.

(2)  Includes for 1998,  $3,000,000 of incremental expense related to the excess
     of the fair value at the  acquisition  date of Linvatec  inventory over the
     cost to produce;  includes  for 1999,  $1,600,000  of  incremental  expense
     related to the excess of the fair  value at the  acquisition  date over the
     cost to produce  inventory related to the powered  instrument  product line
     acquired from 3M.

(3)  Included in unusual  items for 1997,  a  $34,000,000  non-cash  acquisition
     charge for the write-off of all of the in-process  research and development
     products  (comprised of products in the development  stage) acquired in the
     Linvatec  acquisition,   $914,000  write-off  of  deferred  financing  fees
     resulting  from  refinancing  our loan  agreements in  connection  with the
     Linvatec acquisition,  and $2,328,000 charge for the closing of our Dayton,
     Ohio manufacturing facility. Included in selling and administrative expense
     for 1999, a $1,256,000 benefit related to a previously  recorded litigation
     accrual  which was  settled on  favorable  terms.  Included  in selling and
     administrative  expense for 2000, a severance charge of $1,509,000  related
     to the restructuring of the Company's arthroscopy sales force.

(4)  In March 1998,  we  recorded an  extraordinary  item of  $1,569,000  net of
     income taxes related to the write-off of deferred financing fees.

(5)  EBITDA  represents   earnings  before  interest   expense,   income  taxes,
     depreciation and amortization,  (except  amortization of deferred financing
     fees included in interest expense) unusual items and inventory  adjustments
     pursuant to purchase accounting.  EBITDA is included herein because certain
     investors  consider it to be a useful measure of our ability to service our
     debt;  however,  EBITDA does not represent  cash flow from  operations,  as
     defined in  generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  and should not be
     considered in isolation or as a substitute for net income or cash flow from
     operations or as a measure of profitability or liquidity.

(6)  The ratio of  earnings to fixed  charges is  calculated  by dividing  fixed
     charges into income before income taxes and extraordinary  items plus fixed
     charges.  Fixed charges include interest expense,  amortization of deferred
     financing  fees and the estimated  interest  component of rent expense.  In
     1997,  the Company had a deficiency  of earnings to cover fixed  charges of


(7)  Linvatec is included in the  Historical  Balance  Sheet Data as of December
     31, 1997, its date of acquisition,  after a one-time  non-cash  acquisition
     charge of $34,000,000.


Item 7.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
         Results of Operations

         The following  discussion  should be read in conjunction  with Selected
Financial Data (Item 6) and our  consolidated  financial  statements,  which are
included elsewhere or incorporated by reference in this Form 10-K.


         We are a medical  technology  company  specializing  in instruments and
implants for arthroscopic sports medicine, and powered surgical instruments, for
orthopaedic,  ENT,  neurosurgery and other surgical  specialties.  We are also a
leading  developer,  manufacturer  and  supplier  of advanced  medical  devices,
including RF electrosurgery systems used in all types of surgery, ECG electrodes
for heart monitoring,  and minimally invasive surgical devices. Our products are
used in a  variety  of  clinical  settings,  such as  operating  rooms,  surgery
centers, physicians' offices and critical care areas of hospitals.

Results of Operations

         The following  table  presents,  as a percentage of net sales,  certain
categories  included in our  consolidated  statements  of income for the periods

                                                     Years Ended December
                                                 1998         1999         2000
                                                -----        -----        -----
Net sales ...............................       100.0%       100.0%       100.0%
Cost of sales ...........................        50.4         47.9         48.0
                                                -----        -----        -----
   Gross margin .........................        49.6         52.1         52.0
Selling and administrative expense ......        27.8         28.8         31.8
Research and development expense ........         3.6          3.3          3.8
                                                -----        -----        -----
Income from operations ..................        18.2         20.0         16.4
Interest expense, net ...................         9.2          8.6          8.7
                                                -----        -----        -----
Income before income taxes
and extraordinary item ..................         9.0         11.4          7.7
Provision for income taxes ..............         3.2          4.1          2.8
                                                -----        -----        -----
   Income before extraordinary item .....         5.8%         7.3%         4.9%
                                                =====        =====        =====

2000 Compared to 1999

         Sales for 2000 were $392,230,000, an increase of 5.3% compared to sales
of  $372,617,000  in 1999.  Sales in our  orthopaedic  businesses  grew 12.2% to
$256,600,000 in 2000 from  $228,700,000 in 1999.  Adjusted for constant  foreign
currency  exchange  rates,  orthopaedic  sales  growth  would  have been  13.6%.
Arthroscopy  sales, which represent  approximately 56% of orthopaedic  revenues,
were  essentially  flat at  $143,600,000 in 2000, as compared to $144,000,000 in
1999. Powered surgical  instrument sales,  which represent  approximately 44% of
orthopaedic  revenues,  grew  33.4%  in  2000 to  $113,000,000  as  compared  to
$84,700,000 in 1999. The increase in powered surgical  instrument sales of 33.4%
consists of 14.5% internal growth and 18.9% growth due to our acquisition of the
powered  instrument  business  from 3M in August 1999 (the  "Powered  Instrument
acquisition"--Note  2).  Patient care,  electrosurgery  and  minimally  invasive


surgical sales declined 5.8% to  $135,600,000  from  $143,900,000  in 1999. This
decline  primarily  occurred in the surgical suction product line as a result of
increased competition and pricing pressure.

         Cost  of  sales   increased  to   $188,223,000   in  2000  compared  to
$178,480,000 in 1999. Gross margin  percentage for 2000 was 52.0%. In connection
with the August 1999 Powered Instrument  acquisition,  we increased the acquired
value of inventory by  $1,600,000;  this  inventory  was sold during the quarter
ended September 1999 and served to increase cost of sales in 1999 by $1,600,000.
Excluding  the  impact  of this  non-recurring  adjustment,  cost of  sales  was
$176,859,000 in 1999.  Excluding the nonrecurring  adjustment,  our gross margin
percentage for 1999 was 52.5%. The decline in gross margin percentage in 2000 as
compared  to 1999 is  primarily  a result  of the  negative  impact  of  foreign
currency exchange rate fluctuations discussed above.

         Selling and  administrative  costs increased to $124,673,000 in 2000 as
compared  to  $107,233,000  in 1999.  During  the  second  quarter  of 2000,  we
announced we would replace our arthroscopy  direct sales force with non-stocking
exclusive sales agent groups in certain geographic regions of the United States.
As a result,  we recorded a nonrecurring  severance  charge of $1,509,000 in the
second quarter of 2000 which is included in selling and administrative  expense.
Also included in selling and administrative  expense is the $1,256,000  benefit,
recorded in the fourth  quarter of 1999,  of a  previously  recorded  litigation
accrual  which was settled on favorable  terms.  Excluding  these  non-recurring
items, as a percentage of sales, selling and administrative expense increased to
31.4% in 2000 as compared to 29.1% in 1999.  This  increase,  as a percentage of
sales,  is a result  of  increased  spending  on sales and  marketing  programs,
including  higher  commission  and other  costs  associated  with the  change to
exclusive sales agent groups.

         Research and development expense was $14,870,000 in 2000 as compared to
$12,108,000 in 1999. As a percentage of sales,  research and development expense
increased to 3.8% in 2000 as compared to 3.3% in 1999. This increase  represents
expanded  research and development  efforts primarily focused in the orthopaedic
product lines.

         Interest  expense for 2000 was  $34,286,000  compared to $32,360,000 in
1999.  The  increase is  primarily  due to an  increase in the overall  weighted
average  interest  rate on our  borrowings  from 8.35% in 1999 to 8.93% in 2000.
(See discussion  under Liquidity and Capital  Resources  section of Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations).

1999 Compared to 1998

         Sales for 1999 were  $372,617,000,  an  increase  of 10.8%  compared to
sales of $336,442,000 in 1998. Sales in our orthopaedic businesses grew 19.8% to
$228,700,000  from  $190,900,000  in 1998.  Arthroscopy  sales,  which represent
approximately 63% of orthopaedic  revenues,  grew 19.4% to $144,000,000 in 1999,
as compared to $120,600,000 in 1998.  Approximately  10.3% of the total increase
in arthroscopy sales is internal growth and 9.1% is due to our acquisition of an
arthroscopy   product   line  from  3M  in  November   1998  (the   "Arthroscopy
acquisition"--Note  2).  Powered  surgical  instrument  sales,  which  represent
approximately 37% of orthopaedic revenues,  grew 20.5% to $84,700,000 in 1999 as
compared to  $70,300,000  in 1998.  Approximately  7.3% of the total increase in
powered  surgical  instrument  sales is internal  growth and 13.2% is due to our
acquisition  of the  powered  instrument  business  from 3M in August  1999 (the
"Powered  Instrument  acquisition"--Note  2). Patient care,  electrosurgery  and
minimally  invasive  surgical sales declined 1.1% to  $143,900,000  in 1999 from


$145,500,000 in 1998.  Approximately 2% of the total orthopaedic sales growth in
1999 as compared to 1998 reflects the pricing impact of changes in  distribution
from 1999 as compared to the first six months of 1998.  In  connection  with the
December 1997 acquisition of Linvatec  Corporation (the "Linvatec  acquisition")
from  Bristol-Myers  Squibb  ("BMS"),  we entered into fixed price  distribution
agreements  with Zimmer,  Inc., a wholly-owned  subsidiary of BMS, to distribute
certain of our products in selected geographic  markets.  Beginning in the third
quarter of 1998, most of the products  formerly  distributed by Zimmer were sold
and distributed  directly by us,  resulting in improved pricing for the affected

         Cost  of  sales   increased  to   $178,480,000   in  1999  compared  to
$169,599,000  in 1998.  In  connection  with the August 1999 Powered  Instrument
acquisition,  we increased the acquired value of inventory by  $1,600,000;  this
inventory  was sold  during  the  quarter  ended  September  1999 and  served to
increase cost of sales in 1999 by  $1,600,000.  Similarly,  in  connection  with
purchase  accounting  for the Linvatec  acquisition,  we increased  the acquired
value of inventory by $3,000,000  over our production  cost;  this inventory was
sold during the quarter ended March 1998 and served to increase cost of sales in
1998 by  $3,000,000.  Excluding the impact of these  non-recurring  adjustments,
cost of sales increased to $176,859,000 in 1999 from  $166,606,000 in 1998, as a
result of increased sales volumes as described above. Excluding the nonrecurring
adjustments,  our gross margin  percentage  for 1999 was 52.5% compared to 50.5%
for 1998. The increase in gross margin  percentage is primarily  attributable to
higher sales volumes in our  orthopaedic  product lines which carry higher gross
margins  than  certain of our other  product  lines as well as improved  pricing
resulting from the  elimination of most of the fixed price product  distribution
agreements with Zimmer discussed previously.

         Selling and  administrative  costs increased to $107,233,000 in 1999 as
compared to  $93,647,000  in 1998.  The  increase in selling and  administrative
expense is primarily a result of additional  selling expense associated with the
increase  in  sales  in 1999 as  compared  to 1998,  including  increased  costs
associated  with the  direct  selling  and  distribution  of  products  formerly
distributed through Zimmer during the first half of 1998.  Partially  offsetting
these  increases,  during the fourth  quarter of 1999, we recognized the benefit
amounting to $1,256,000 of a previously  recorded  litigation  accrual which was
settled  on  favorable  terms and is  included  in  selling  and  administrative
expense.  Excluding this nonrecurring benefit, as a percentage of sales, selling
and  administrative  expense  increased to 29.1% in 1999 as compared to 27.8% in

         Research and development expense was $12,108,000 in 1999 as compared to
$12,029,000 in 1998. As a percentage of sales,  research and development expense
was 3.3% in 1999 as  compared  to 3.6% in  1998.  The  amount  of  research  and
development  expense  incurred in 1999 is consistent with 1998  representing our
ongoing  efforts in this area;  the decrease in 1999 expense as a percentage  of
sales is primarily a result of higher sales in 1999 as compared to 1998.

         Interest  expense for 1999 was  $32,360,000  compared to $30,891,000 in
1998. In connection with the Powered Instrument acquisition, our existing credit
facility was amended in the third  quarter of 1999 to provide for an  additional
$40,000,000  loan  commitment  which was used to fund the  acquisition  purchase
price.  The  increase in interest  expense is a result of these higher term loan
borrowings and higher average  borrowings  under our revolving  credit  facility
during 1999 as compared to 1998. We funded our  Arthroscopy  acquisition  during
the  fourth  quarter  of 1998  through  borrowings  under the  revolving  credit
facility which resulted in the higher average borrowings.  (See discussion under


Liquidity and Capital Resources section of Management's  Discussion and Analysis
of Financial Condition and Results of Operations).

         During  the  first  quarter  of  1998,  we  completed  an  offering  of
subordinated notes (the "Notes") and used the net proceeds to repay a portion of
our term loans under our credit  facility.  Deferred  financing fees relating to
the portion of the credit  facility repaid  amounting to $2,451,000  ($1,569,000
net of income taxes) were  written-off as an extraordinary  charge.  (See Note 5
and discussion  under  Liquidity and Capital  Resources  section of Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations).

Liquidity and Capital Resources

         Our  net  working  capital  position  increased  $4,229,000  or 3.9% to
$113,755,000  at December 2000 compared to  $109,526,000  at December  1999. Net
cash provided by operations  was  $35,950,000 in 2000 compared to $37,441,000 in
1999.  Operating cash flow in 2000 decreased  primarily as a result of lower net
income in 2000 as compared to 1999.  Operating  cash flow in 2000 was positively
impacted  primarily by  depreciation,  amortization  and deferred  income taxes.
Operating  cash flow in 2000 was  negatively  impacted  primarily as a result of
increased inventories. The increase in inventories is a result of overall higher
quantities  on hand in support of higher  sales  volumes in 2000 as  compared to
1999.  Net cash  provided by  operations  was  $37,441,000  in 1999  compared to
$20,927,000 in 1998. Operating cash flow in 1999 increased primarily as a result
of higher net income in 1999 as  compared to 1998.  Operating  cash flow in 1999
was positively  impacted  primarily by  depreciation,  amortization and deferred
income taxes. Operating cash flow in 1999 was negatively impacted primarily as a
result of  increases in accounts  receivable  and  inventories.  The increase in
accounts receivable was primarily related to the increase in sales; the increase
in inventory is related to the Arthroscopy  acquisition  and Powered  Instrument
acquisition and overall higher quantities on-hand. Adversely impacting operating
cash  flows in 1998 was an  increase  in  accounts  receivable  and  inventories
primarily  as  a  result  of  the  timing  of  our   assumption   of  Linvatec's
international  operations  previously  managed by Zimmer. In connection with the
Linvatec acquisition,  we assumed  responsibility for the majority of Linvatec's
international  operations  on July 1, 1998.  Accordingly,  the  receivables  and
inventory  of the  international  operations  were not acquired or funded by the
Company until the second half of 1998.

         Net cash used by investing  activities in 2000 included $6,000,000 paid
related to the Imagyn acquisition. Net cash used by investing activities in 1999
included  $40,600,000 paid related to the Powered  Instrument  acquisition.  Net
cash used by investing  activities in 1998 included  $17,500,000  related to the
Arthroscopy  acquisition  and  $14,400,000  of payments  related to the Linvatec
acquisition and the 1997 acquisition of a surgical suction instrument and tubing
product  line from Davol,  Inc.  Capital  expenditures  for 2000,  1999 and 1998
amounted to $14,100,000, $9,400,000 and $12,900,000, respectively.

         Financing  activities in 2000  consisted  primarily of  $17,000,000  in
borrowings  under the revolving  credit  facility and  $32,900,000  in scheduled
payments on our term loans. Financing activities during 1999 consisted primarily
of a  $40,000,000  term loan used to fund the  Powered  Instrument  acquisition,
scheduled  payments of  $23,100,000  on our  previously  existing term loans and
$8,000,000 in repayments on our revolving credit facility.  Financing activities
during 1998  involved  the  completion  of the Notes  offering in the  aggregate
principal  amount of $130,000,000;  net proceeds from the offering  amounting to
$126,100,000  were used to repay a portion  of our term  loans  under our credit


facility.  Additionally,  we borrowed  $23,000,000  under the  revolving  credit
facility  primarily to finance the  Arthroscopy  acquisition  and made scheduled
payments of $7,000,000 on our term loans.

         Management  believes that cash generated from  operations,  our current
cash  resources and funds  available  under our revolving  credit  facility will
provide sufficient liquidity to ensure continued working capital for operations,
debt service and funding of capital expenditures in the foreseeable future.

Foreign Operations

         Our foreign  operations  are subject to special risks inherent in doing
business outside the United States, including governmental instability,  war and
other international  conflicts,  civil and labor  disturbances,  requirements of
local  ownership,  partial  or total  expropriation,  nationalization,  currency
devaluation,  foreign exchange  controls and foreign laws and policies,  each of
which may limit the movement of assets or funds or result in the  deprivation of
contract rights or the taking of property without fair compensation.

Item 7A.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

         Our principal market risks involve foreign currency  exchange rates and
interest rates.

         We  manufacture  our products in the United States and  distribute  our
products  throughout  the world.  As a result,  our  financial  results could be
significantly  affected by factors such as changes in foreign currency  exchange
rates or weak economic  conditions in foreign  markets.  As of December 2000, we
have not entered into any forward foreign currency  exchange  contracts to hedge
the effect of foreign currency exchange fluctuations. We have mitigated and will
continue to mitigate our foreign  currency  exposure by transacting the majority
of our foreign sales in United States dollars.  During 2000,  changes in foreign
currency  exchange  rates  reduced our sales and income  before  income taxes by
approximately  $3,200,000.  We will continue to monitor and evaluate our foreign
currency exposure and the need to enter into a forward foreign currency exchange
contract or other hedging arrangement.

         Our  exposure to market risk for changes in interest  rates  relates to
our borrowings.  We do not use derivative  financial  instruments for trading or
other speculative purposes.  Interest rate swaps, a form of derivative, are used
to manage interest rate risk. Currently,  we have entered into two interest rate
swaps (each with a $50,000,000  notional  amount) expiring in June 2001 and June
2003 which effectively convert  $100,000,000 of the approximate  $248,000,000 of
floating rate  borrowings  under our credit  facility into fixed rate borrowings
with a base interest  rate  averaging  6.50%.  Provisions in one of the interest
rate swaps cancels such agreement when LIBOR exceeds 7.35%.  If market  interest
rates for similar  borrowings average 1% more in 2001 than they did in 2000, our
interest  expense,  after  considering  the effects of our interest  rate swaps,
would  increase,  and income before income taxes would  decrease by  $1,100,000.
Comparatively,  if market  interest rates averaged 1% less in 2001 than they did
during 2000, our interest expense, after considering the effects of our interest
rate swaps,  would  decrease,  and income before income taxes would  increase by
$900,000. These amounts are determined by considering the impact of hypothetical
interest rates on our borrowing cost and interest rate swap  agreements and does
not  consider  any  actions by  management  to mitigate  our  exposure to such a


Item 8.   Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

         Our 2000  Financial  Statements,  together  with the report  thereon of
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP dated  February  7,  2001,  are  included  elsewhere

Item 9.  Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and
         Financial Disclosures

         We have had no disagreements with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP that would
be required to be reported under this Item 9.


                                    PART III

Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant

         Information  with respect to the Directors  and  Executive  Officers is
incorporated  herein by  reference  to the  sections  captioned  "Proposal  One:
Election of Directors" and "Directors,  Executive  Officers and Senior Officers"
in CONMED  Corporation's  definitive  Proxy  Statement  to be mailed on or about
April 8, 2001 for the annual meeting of shareholders to be held on May 15, 2001.

Item 11.  Executive Compensation

         Information  with respect to  Executive  Compensation  is  incorporated
herein  by  reference  to the  sections  captioned  "Compensation  of  Executive
Officers",  "Stock  Option  Plans",  "Pension  Plans"  and  "Board of  Directors
Interlocks  and  Insider   Participation;   Certain  Relationships  and  Related
Transactions" in CONMED Corporation's definitive Proxy Statement to be mailed on
or about April 8, 2001 for the annual meeting of  shareholders to be held on May
15, 2001.

Item 12.  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

         Information  with respect to Security  Ownership of Certain  Beneficial
Owners  and  Management  is  incorporated  herein by  reference  to the  section
captioned  "Security  Ownership of Certain  Beneficial Owners and Management" in
CONMED  Corporation's  definitive Proxy Statement to be mailed on or about April
8, 2001 for the annual meeting of shareholders to be held on May 15, 2001.

Item 13.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

         Information regarding certain relationships and related transactions is
incorporated  herein by reference to the section  captioned  "Board of Directors
Interlocks  and  Insider   Participation;   Certain  Relationships  and  Related
Transactions" in CONMED Corporation's definitive Proxy Statement to be mailed on
or about April 8, 2001 for the annual meeting of  shareholders to be held on May
15, 2001.


                                     PART IV

Item 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and Reports on Form 8-K

Index to Financial Statements

(a)(1)    List of Financial Statements                            Form 10-K Page

          Report of Independent Accountants                             F-1

          Consolidated Balance Sheets at December
               1999 and 2000                                            F-2

          Consolidated  Statements of Income for the                    F-3
               Years Ended  December 1998, 1999 and 2000

          Consolidated Statements of  Shareholders' Equity              F-4
              for the Years Ended December 1998, 1999 and 2000

          Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
              for the Years Ended December 1998, 1999 and 2000          F-5

          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                    F-7

(2)       List of Financial Statement Schedules

          Valuation and Qualifying Accounts (Schedule VIII)            F-28

          All other   schedules   have  been   omitted
              because they are not applicable,  or the
              required  information  is  shown  in the
              financial statements or notes thereto.

(3)       List of Exhibits

          The exhibits  listed  on  the   accompanying
              Exhibit Index on page 34 below are filed
              as part of this Form 10-K.

(b)       Reports on Form 8-K




         Pursuant to the  requirements  of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the  undersigned,  thereunto duly authorized on the date indicated

                                CONMED CORPORATION

                                March 21, 2001

                            By: /s/ Eugene R. Corasanti
                                Eugene R. Corasanti

                                (Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer)

         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the following  persons on behalf of the registrants and
in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

Signature                    Title                                      Date
- ---------                    -----                                      ----

/s/ EUGENE R. CORASANTI      Chairman of the Board
- -----------------------      Chief Executive Officer
Eugene R. Corasanti          And Director                         March 21, 2001

/s/ ROBERT D. SHALLISH, JR.  Vice President-Finance
- ---------------------------  and Chief Financial Officer
Robert D. Shallish, Jr.      (Principal Financial Officer)        March 21, 2001

/s/ JOSEPH J. CORASANTI      President, Chief Operating
- ------------------------     Officer and Director                 March 21, 2001
Joseph J. Corasanti

/s/ LUKE A. POMILIO          Vice President - Corporate
- -------------------          Controller (Principal Accounting
Luke A. Pomilio              Officer)                             March 21, 2001

/s/ BRUCE F. DANIELS         Director                             March 21, 2001
- --------------------
Bruce F. Daniels

/s/ ROBERT E. REMMELL        Director                             March 21, 2001
- ---------------------
Robert E. Remmell

/s/ WILLIAM D. MATTHEWS      Director                             March 21, 2001
- -----------------------
William D. Matthews

/s/ STUART J. SCHWARTZ       Director                             March 21, 2001
- ----------------------
 Stuart J. Schwartz


                                  Exhibit Index

 No.                Description of Instrument
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.1                 Asset Purchase  Agreement  between Linvatec  Corporation and
                    Minnesota  Mining &  Manufacturing  Company dated October 8,
                    1998-- incorporated herein by reference to our Annual Report
                    on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1998.

2.2                 The Asset  Purchase  Agreement,  dated June 29,  1999 by and
                    between  Linvatec   Corporation  and  Minnesota  Mining  and
                    Manufacturing  Company,  as  amended by an  amendment  dated
                    August  11,  1999--  incorporated  herein  by  reference  to
                    Exhibit  10.1 of our report on Form 10-Q filed on August 13,

3.1                 Amended  and  Restated  By-Laws,  as adopted by the Board of
                    Directors  on December  26,  1990--  incorporated  herein by
                    reference to the exhibit in our Current  Report on Form 8-K,
                    dated March 7, 1991 (File No. 0-16093).

3.2                 1999 Amendment to Certificate of Incorporation  and Restated
                    Certificate  of  Incorporation   of  CONMED   Corporation  -
                    incorporated  herein by  reference  to our Annual  Report on
                    Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1999.

4.1                 See Exhibit 3.1.

4.2                 See Exhibit 3.2.

4.3                 Amended and  Restated  Credit  Agreement,  dated  August 11,
                    1999,  among CONMED  Corporation  and the several  banks and
                    other  financial  institutions or entities from time to time
                    parties  thereto,  --  incorporated  herein by  reference to
                    Exhibit  10.2 of our report on Form 10-Q filed on August 13,

4.4                 Guarantee and Collateral Agreement, dated December 31, 1997,
                    made by CONMED  Corporation and certain of its  subsidiaries
                    in favor of The Chase Manhattan Bank--  incorporated  herein
                    by reference  to Exhibit 10.2 in our Current  Report on Form
                    8-K filed on January 8, 1998.

4.5                 Indenture,  dated as of March 5, 1998,  by and among  CONMED
                    Corporation,  the  Subsidiary  Guarantors  named therein and
                    First  Union  National  Bank,  as  Trustee--incorporated  by
                    reference  to the exhibit in our  Registration  Statement on
                    Form S-8 filed on March 26, 1998 (File No. 333-48693).

4.6                 Acknowledgement  and Consent,  dated August 11, 1999,  among
                    CONMED   Corporation   and   each   of  its   subsidiaries--
                    incorporated  herein by  reference  to  Exhibit  10.3 of our
                    report on Form 10-Q filed on August 13, 1999.

10.1                Employment  Agreement  between  the  Company  and  Eugene R.
                    Corasanti,  dated December 16, 1996-- incorporated herein by
                    reference  to the exhibit in our Annual  Report on Form 10-K
                    for the year ended December 31, 1996.


 No.                Description of Instrument
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10.2                Amended and Restated  Employee Stock Option Plan  (including
                    form of Stock  Option  Agreement)--  incorporated  herein by
                    reference  to the exhibit in our Annual  Report on Form 10-K
                    for the year ended December 25, 1992--  incorporated  herein
                    by  reference  to the  exhibit in our Annual  Report on Form
                    10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996.

10.3           (a)  Eugene   R.   Corasanti    disability  income   plans   with
                    Northwestern  Mutual Life Insurance  Company,  dated January
                    14, 1980 and March 7, 1981-- policy  specification  sheets--
                    incorporated  herein by reference to Exhibit  10.0(a) of our
                    Registration Statement on Form S-2 (File No. 33-40455).

               (b)  William    W.   Abraham   disability   income   plan   with
                    Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company,  dated March 24,
                    1981 -- policy specification sheet -- incorporated herein by
                    reference to Exhibit 10.0(b) of our  Registration  Statement
                    on Form S-2 (File No. 33-40455).

               (c)  Eugene R. Corasanti life  insurance plan  with  Northwestern
                    Mutual  Life  Insurance  Company,  dated  October 6, 1979 --
                    policy   specification   sheet  --  incorporated  herein  by
                    reference to Exhibit 10.0(c) of our  Registration  Statement
                    on Form S-2 (File No. 33-40455).

10.4                Eugene R. Corasanti life insurance  plans with  Northwestern
                    Mutual  Life  Insurance  Company  dated  August  25,  1991--
                    Statements of Policy Cost and Benefit Information,  Benefits
                    and  Premiums,   Assignment  of  Life  Insurance  Policy  as
                    Collateral -- incorporated herein by reference to our Annual
                    Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 27, 1991.

10.5                1992  Stock  Option  Plan  (including  form of Stock  Option
                    Agreement)-- incorporated herein by reference to the exhibit
                    in our  Annual  Report  on  Form  10-K  for the  year  ended
                    December 25, 1992.

10.6                Stock  Option  Plan for  Non-Employee  Directors  of  CONMED
                    Corporation-- incorporated by reference to our Annual Report
                    on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996.

10.7                Amendment  to  1992  Stock  Option  Plan--  incorporated  by
                    reference  to our  Annual  Report  on Form 10-K for the year
                    ended December 31, 1996.

10.8                CONMED   Corporation   1999   Long-Term   Incentive  Plan  -
                    incorporated by reference to the Definitive  Proxy Statement
                    for the 1999 annual meeting as filed on April 16, 1999.

10.9                Employment  Agreement  between  the  Company  and  Joseph J.
                    Corasanti, dated May 2, 2000.


 No.                Description of Instrument
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

11                  Statement re: Computation of Per Share Earnings.

12                  Statement  re:  Computation  of Ratios of  Earnings to Fixed

21                  Subsidiaries of the Registrant.

23                  Consent,  dated March 29,  2001,  of  PricewaterhouseCoopers
                    LLP, independent auditors for CONMED Corporation.



To the Board of Directors and
Shareholders of CONMED Corporation

         In our opinion,  the consolidated  financial  statements  listed in the
index appearing under Item 14 (a)(1) on Page 32 present fairly,  in all material
respects,  the financial  position of CONMED Corporation and its subsidiaries at
December 31, 2000 and 1999,  and the results of their  operations and their cash
flows for each of the three years in the period  ended  December  31,  2000,  in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of
America. In addition, in our opinion, the financial statement schedule listed in
the index  appearing  under Item 14 (a)(2) on Page 32  presents  fairly,  in all
material  respects,  the  information set forth therein when read in conjunction
with the related consolidated  financial statements.  These financial statements
and the financial  statement  schedule are the  responsibility  of the Company's
management;  our  responsibility  is to express  an  opinion on these  financial
statements  and  the  financial  statement  schedule  based  on our  audits.  We
conducted our audits of these  statements in accordance with auditing  standards
generally  accepted in the United  States of America  which require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements,  assessing the accounting  principles used and significant estimates
made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

/s/PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
- -----------------------------
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Syracuse, New York
February 7, 2001


                                    CONMED CORPORATION
                               CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                  December 1999 and 2000
                           (In thousands except share amounts)

                                                                   1999          2000
                                                                ---------      ---------
Current assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents .............................     $   3,747      $   3,470
    Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful
        accounts of $1,434 in 1999 and $1,479 in 2000 .....        76,413         78,626
    Inventories ...........................................        89,681        104,612
    Deferred income taxes .................................         1,453          1,761
    Prepaid expenses and other current assets .............         5,423          3,562
                                                                ---------      ---------
            Total current assets ..........................       176,717        192,031
                                                                ---------      ---------
Property, plant and equipment, net ........................        57,834         62,450
Goodwill, net .............................................       223,174        225,801
Other intangible assets, net ..............................       201,458        195,008
Other assets ..............................................         2,978          4,281
                                                                ---------      ---------
            Total assets ..................................     $ 662,161      $ 679,571
                                                                =========      =========

Current liabilities:
    Current portion of long-term debt .....................     $  32,875      $  36,068
    Accounts payable ......................................        16,518         20,350
    Accrued compensation ..................................         9,658          9,913
    Income taxes payable ..................................           226          1,979
    Accrued interest ......................................         4,588          5,130
    Other current liabilities .............................         3,326          4,836
                                                                ---------      ---------
            Total current liabilities .....................        67,191         78,276
                                                                ---------      ---------

Long-term debt ............................................       361,794        342,680
Deferred income taxes .....................................         3,330         12,154
Other long-term liabilities ...............................        18,585         15,858
                                                                ---------      ---------
            Total liabilities .............................       450,900        448,968
                                                                ---------      ---------

Shareholders' equity:
    Preferred stock, par value $.01 per share; authorized
        500,000 shares, none outstanding ..................            --             --
    Common stock, par value $.01 per share; 100,000,000
        authorized; 15,303,806 and 15,352,186, issued and
        outstanding in 1999 and 2000, respectively ........           153            153
    Paid-in capital .......................................       127,394        128,062
    Retained earnings .....................................        84,520        103,834
    Accumulated other comprehensive loss ..................          (387)        (1,027)
    Less 25,000 shares of common stock in treasury, at cost          (419)          (419)
                                                                ---------      ---------
            Total shareholders' equity ....................       211,261        230,603
                                                                ---------      ---------
            Total liabilities and shareholders' equity ....     $ 662,161      $ 679,571
                                                                =========      =========

                See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                               CONMED CORPORATION
                    Years Ended December 1998, 1999 and 2000
                     (In thousands except per share amounts)

                                             1998           1999          2000
                                          ---------      ---------     ---------
Net sales ...........................     $ 336,442      $ 372,617     $ 392,230
                                          ---------      ---------     ---------

Cost of sales .......................       169,599        178,480       188,223

Selling and administrative expense ..        93,647        107,233       124,673

Research and development expense ....        12,029         12,108        14,870
                                          ---------      ---------     ---------

                                            275,275        297,821       327,766
                                          ---------      ---------     ---------

Income from operations ..............        61,167         74,796        64,464

Interest expense, net ...............        30,891         32,360        34,286
                                          ---------      ---------     ---------

Income before income taxes and
    extraordinary item ..............        30,276         42,436        30,178

Provision for income taxes ..........        10,899         15,277        10,864
                                          ---------      ---------     ---------

Income before extraordinary item ....        19,377         27,159        19,314

Extraordinary item, net of income
    taxes ...........................        (1,569)            --            --
                                          ---------      ---------     ---------

Net income ..........................     $  17,808      $  27,159     $  19,314
                                          =========      =========     =========

Per share data:

    Income before extraordinary item
        Basic .......................     $    1.28      $    1.78     $    1.26
        Diluted .....................          1.26           1.76          1.24

    Extraordinary item
        Basic .......................          (.10)            --            --
        Diluted .....................          (.10)            --            --

    Net income
        Basic .......................          1.18           1.78          1.26
        Diluted .....................          1.16           1.76          1.24

                See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                                        CONMED CORPORATION
                                          CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY
                                             Years Ended December 1998, 1999 and 2000
                                                          (In thousands)

                                          Common Stock                                    Other
                                          ------------        Paid-in       Retained  Comprehensive       Treasury    Shareholders'
                                        Shares   Amount       Capital       Earnings  Income (Loss)        Stock          Equity
                                        ------   ------       -------       --------  -------------        -----          ------
Balance at December 1997.............   15,062     $151       $123,451       $39,553        $  -           $(419)        $162,736

    Exercise of stock options........      121        1          1,087                                                      1,088

    Tax benefit arising from
        exercise of stock
        options......................                              501                                                        501

    Comprehensive income:

        Translation adjustments......                                                         35

        Net income...................                                         17,808

    Total comprehensive income.......                                                                                      17,843
                                        ------     -----       --------      --------     -------          ------         --------

Balance at December 1998.............   15,183      152        125,039        57,361          35            (419)         182,168

    Exercise of stock options........      121        1          1,611                                                      1,612

    Tax benefit arising from
        exercise of stock
        options......................                              744                                                        744

   Comprehensive income:

        Translation adjustments......                                                       (422)

        Net income...................                                         27,159

  Total comprehensive income.........                                                                                      26,737
                                        ------     -----       --------      --------     -------          ------         --------

Balance at December 1999.............   15,304       153       127,394        84,520        (387)           (419)         211,261

    Exercise of stock options........       48                     449                                                        449

    Tax benefit arising
        from exercise of
        stock options................                              219                                                        219

   Comprehensive income:

         Translation adjustments.....                                                        (640)

         Net income..................                                          19,314

    Total comprehensive income.......                                                                                      18,674
                                        ------     -----       --------      --------     -------          ------         --------

Balance at December 2000.............   15,352     $ 153       $128,062      $103,834     $(1,027)         $ (419)        $230,603
                                        ======     =====       ========      ========     =======          ======         ========

                See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                     CONMED CORPORATION
                          Years Ended December 1998, 1999 and 2000
                                       (In thousands)

                                                         1998          1999          2000
                                                       --------      --------      --------
Cash flows from operating activities:
    Net income ...................................     $ 17,808      $ 27,159      $ 19,314
                                                       --------      --------      --------
    Adjustments to reconcile net income
      to net cash provided by operations:
        Depreciation .............................        8,098         9,207         9,434
        Amortization .............................       15,503        17,084        20,053
        Deferred income taxes ....................        8,779         8,978         7,974
        Extraordinary item, net of income
            taxes ................................        1,569            --            --
        Increase (decrease) in cash flows from
            changes in assets and liabilities, net
            of effects from acquisitions:
            Accounts receivable ..................      (19,630)       (9,192)       (2,166)
            Inventories ..........................      (19,322)       (9,086)      (18,035)
            Prepaid expenses and other current
              assets .............................       (1,180)         (799)        1,811
            Accounts payable .....................       10,028        (3,060)        3,824
            Income taxes payable .................       (2,587)        1,986         2,514
            Accrued compensation .................        2,834            (7)          255
            Accrued interest .....................        6,069        (1,481)          542
            Other assets/liabilities, net ........       (7,042)       (3,348)       (9,570)
                                                       --------      --------      --------
                                                          3,119        10,282        16,636
                                                       --------      --------      --------

            Net cash provided by operations ......       20,927        37,441        35,950
                                                       --------      --------      --------

Cash flows from investing activities:
    Payments related to business acquisitions ....      (31,909)      (40,585)       (6,042)
    Purchases of property, plant and
        equipment ................................      (12,924)       (9,352)      (14,050)
                                                       --------      --------      --------
            Net cash used by investing activities       (44,833)      (49,937)      (20,092)
                                                       --------      --------      --------

Cash flows from financing activities:
    Proceeds of long-term debt ...................      130,000        40,900            --
    Borrowings (repayments)under revolving
        credit facility ..........................       23,000        (8,000)       17,000
    Proceeds from issuance of common stock .......        1,088         1,612           449
    Payments related to issuance of long-
        term debt ................................       (4,635)         (661)           --
    Payments on long-term debt ...................     (133,128)      (23,103)      (32,921)
                                                       --------      --------      --------
            Net cash provided (used)by financing
                  activities .....................       16,325        10,748       (15,472)
                                                       --------      --------      --------


                 See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                                            1998          1999          2000
                                                         --------      --------      --------
Effect of exchange rate changes
  on cash and cash equivalents ......................           35          (411)         (663)
                                                          --------      --------      --------

Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents ...........       (7,546)       (2,159)         (277)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning
    of year .........................................       13,452         5,906         3,747
                                                          --------      --------      --------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year ............     $  5,906      $  3,747      $  3,470
                                                          ========      ========      ========

Supplemental  disclosures  of cash flow  information:
      Cash paid during the year for:
            Interest ................................     $ 24,078      $ 32,662      $ 33,788
            Income taxes ............................        4,121         4,502         4,141

                 See notes to consolidated financial statements.


                               CONMED CORPORATION

Note 1 -- Operations and Significant Accounting Policies

Organization and operations

         The consolidated  financial  statements  include the accounts of CONMED
Corporation and its subsidiaries (the "Company").  All intercompany accounts and
transactions have been eliminated.  CONMED  Corporation is a medical  technology
company  specializing  in  instruments  and  implants  for  arthroscopic  sports
medicine, and powered surgical instruments, for orthopaedic,  ENT, neuro-surgery
and  other  surgical  specialties.  The  Company  is also a  leading  developer,
manufacturer   and   supplier  of  advanced   medical   devices,   including  RF
electrosurgery  systems used in all types of surgery,  ECG  electrodes for heart
monitoring,  and minimally invasive surgical devices. The Company's products are
used in a  variety  of  clinical  settings,  such as  operating  rooms,  surgery
centers, physicians' offices and critical care areas of hospitals.

Use of estimates

         The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with generally
accepted  accounting  principles  requires  management  to  make  estimates  and
assumptions  that affect the reported  amounts of assets and liabilities and the
disclosure of  contingent  assets and  liabilities  at the date of the financial
statements  and the  reported  amounts  of  revenues  and  expenses  during  the
reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Cash equivalents

         The Company  considers all highly liquid  investments  with an original
maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents.


         The inventories  are stated at the lower of cost or market,  cost being
determined on the first-in, first-out basis.

Property, plant and equipment

         Property,  plant and equipment are stated at cost and depreciated using
the straight-line method over the following estimated useful lives:

         Building and improvements                   40 years
         Leasehold improvements                      Remaining life of lease
         Machinery and equipment                     2 to 15 years


         Goodwill  represents  the excess of  purchase  price over fair value of
identifiable  net assets of  acquired  businesses.  Goodwill is  amortized  on a
straight-line  basis  over  periods  ranging  from 13 to 40  years.  Accumulated
amortization  of goodwill  amounted to $16,901,000  and  $23,340,000 at December
1999 and 2000, respectively.


         When events and circumstances so indicate,  the Company will assess the
recoverability of its goodwill based upon cash flow forecasts  (undiscounted and
without  interest).  No  impairment  losses have been  recognized  in any of the
periods presented.

Other intangible assets

         Other  intangible  assets primarily  represent  allocations of purchase
price  to  identifiable  intangible  assets  of  acquired  businesses.  Customer
relationships  and trademarks  and  tradenames are amortized on a  straight-line
basis over 40 and 38 years,  respectively.  Patents and other intangible  assets
are amortized on a straight-line basis over periods from 5 to 17 years.

         When events and circumstances so indicate,  the Company will assess the
recoverability   of  its  intangible  assets  based  upon  cash  flow  forecasts
(undiscounted and without  interest).  No impairment losses have been recognized
in any of the periods presented.

                                                      1999               2000
                                                    ---------         ---------
Customer relationships .....................        $  96,712         $  96,712
Trademarks and tradenames ..................           95,715            95,715
Patents and other intangible assets ........           29,227            31,479
                                                    ---------         ---------

                                                      221,654           223,906

Less:  Accumulated amortization ............          (20,196)          (28,898)
                                                    ---------         ---------

Other intangible assets, net ...............        $ 201,458         $ 195,008
                                                    =========         =========

Derivative financial instruments

         The Company does not trade in derivative  securities.  The Company does
use interest rate swaps to manage the interest risk associated with its variable
rate debt.  The Company  accounted for interest rate swaps on the accrual method
at December 1999 and 2000,  whereby the net  receivable or payable is recognized
on a periodic basis and included as a component of interest expense.

         SFAS No.  133,  "Accounting  for  Derivative  Instruments  and  Hedging
Activities"  requires  companies to record  derivatives  on the balance sheet as
assets or liabilities,  measured at fair value.  Gains or losses  resulting from
the changes in the values of the derivatives would be accounted for depending on
whether it qualifies  for hedge  accounting.  The Company  adopted this standard
beginning  January 1, 2001.  Adoption of this  statement did not have a material
impact on the financial statements.


Fair value of financial instruments

         The  estimated  fair  value  of cash  and  cash  equivalents,  accounts
receivable,  and  accounts  payable,  approximate  their  carrying  amount.  The
estimated fair values and carrying  amounts of interest rate swaps and long-term
debt are as follows (in thousands):

                                       1999                           2000
                             ------------------------        ----------------------
                              Carrying           Fair        Carrying       Fair
                                Amount           Value        Amount         Value
                                ------           -----        ------         -----
Interest rate swaps .....     $      37      $     248      $       5      $  (1,436)

Long-term debt (including
    current maturities) .      (394,669)      (386,219)      (378,748)      (352,748)

Fair values were  determined  from quoted market prices or discounted cash flows

Translation of foreign currency financial statements

         Assets and  liabilities of foreign  subsidiaries  have been  translated
into United States dollars at the applicable  rates of exchange in effect at the
end of the period  reported.  Revenues and expenses have been  translated at the
applicable  weighted  average  rates of  exchange  in effect  during  the period
reported.   Translation   adjustments   are  reflected  in   accumulated   other
comprehensive  income (loss).  Any transaction  gains and losses are included in
net income.

Revenue recognition

         Revenue is  recognized  upon  shipment of goods to  customers  and upon
performance  of services.  Amounts  billed to customers  related to shipping and
handling  are  not  material.  Shipping  and  handling  costs  were  $8,250,000,
$9,450,000 and  $8,100,000  for the years ended  December  1998,  1999 and 2000,
respectively,  and are  included  in selling  and  administrative  expense.  The
Company  sells  to a  diversified  base  of  customers  around  the  world  and,
therefore, believes there is no material concentration of credit risk.

Earnings per share

         Statement of Financial Accounting Standards ("SFAS") No. 128, "Earnings
per Share" requires  presentation of basic earnings per share ("EPS"),  computed
based on the  weighted  average  number of  common  shares  outstanding  for the
period,  and diluted EPS,  which gives effect to all dilutive  potential  shares
outstanding (i.e.,  options and warrants) during the period.  Income used in the
EPS  calculation is net income for each year.  Shares used in the calculation of
basic and diluted EPS were (in thousands):

                                                          1998        1999      2000
                                                          ----        ----       ----
    Shares used in the calculation of Basic EPS
        (weighted average shares outstanding).........    15,085     15,241     15,311

    Effect of dilutive potential securities ..........       236        189        203
                                                          ------     ------     ------

    Shares used in the calculation of Diluted EPS.....    15,321     15,430     15,514
                                                          ======     ======     ======


         The shares used in the calculation of diluted EPS exclude  warrants and
options to purchase shares where the exercise price was greater than the average
market price of common shares for the year.  Such shares  aggregated  1,440,000,
1,326,000 and 2,264,000 at December 1998, 1999 and 2000, respectively.

Comprehensive income

         SFAS No. 130, "Reporting  Comprehensive Income",  requires companies to
report a measure of operations called  comprehensive  income.  This measure,  in
addition to net income,  includes as income or loss, the following items,  which
if  present  are  included  in the  equity  section  of the  balance  sheet:  1)
unrealized  gains  and  losses  on  certain   investments  in  debt  and  equity
securities;  2) foreign currency  translation;  and 3) minimum pension liability
adjustments.   The  Company  has  reported   comprehensive   income  within  the
Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity.


         Certain prior year amounts have been  reclassified  to conform with the
presentation used in 2000.

Note 2 -- Business Acquisitions

         On November 16,  1998,  the Company  acquired the assets  related to an
arthroscopy product line from Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing  Company ("3M")
for a purchase price of $17,500,000 (the  "Arthroscopy  acquisition")  which was
funded through  borrowings  under the Company's  revolving credit facility (Note
5). The acquisition was accounted for using the purchase method.  The results of
operations of the acquired product line are included in the consolidated results
of the  Company  from  the date of  acquisition.  Goodwill  associated  with the
acquisition is being amortized on a straight-line basis over a 40-year period.

         On June 29, 1999, the Company agreed to purchase  certain assets of the
powered   surgical   instrument   business  of  3M  (the   "Powered   Instrument
acquisition").  The  acquisition was completed on August 11, 1999 for a purchase
price of $40,000,000,  which was funded through  borrowings  under the Company's
credit  facility (Note 5). The  acquisition was accounted for using the purchase
method.  The results of operations of the acquired  business are included in the
consolidated  results  of the  Company  from the date of  acquisition.  Goodwill
associated with the acquisition is being amortized on a straight-line basis over
a 40-year period.  In connection with the Powered  Instrument  acquisition,  the
Company increased the acquired value of inventory by $1,600,000.  This inventory
was sold during the quarter ended  September 1999  resulting in a  non-recurring
adjustment to increase cost of sales during 1999 by $1,600,000.

         On November 20, 2000 the Company  agreed to purchase  certain assets of
the  disposable   minimally   invasive   surgical  business  of  Imagyn  Medical
Technologies,   Inc.  (the  "Imagyn   acquisition")  for  a  purchase  price  of
$6,000,000.  Under the terms of the agreement, the Company also agreed to pay up
to $2,000,000 in contingent  consideration  dependent  upon product sales within
the first twelve months  following the closing date. The  acquisition was funded
through borrowings under the Company's revolving credit facility (Note 5) and is
being accounted for using the purchase method.  The results of operations of the
acquired  business are included in the consolidated  results of the Company from
the date of  acquisition.  Goodwill  associated  with the  acquisition  is being
amortized on a straight-line basis over a 40-year period.


         On an unaudited pro forma basis,  assuming the  completed  acquisitions
had occurred as of the  beginning  of the periods  presented,  the  consolidated
results of the  Company  would have been as follows  (in  thousands,  except per
share amounts):

                                                Year Ended December
                                               1999             2000
                                             ---------        ---------

        Pro forma net sales..............    $ 389,717        $ 396,320
                                             =========        =========
        Pro forma net income.............    $  27,663        $  19,475
                                             =========        =========
        Pro forma net income per share:
                  Basic..................    $    1.82        $    1.27
                                             =========        =========
                  Diluted................    $    1.79        $    1.25
                                             =========        =========

         The unaudited pro forma  financial  information  presented  above gives
effect to purchase accounting adjustments which have resulted or are expected to
result from the  acquisitions.  This pro forma  information  is not  necessarily
indicative  of the  results  that  would  actually  have been  obtained  had the
companies been combined for the periods presented.

Note 3 -- Inventories

         The components of inventory are as follows (in thousands):

                                                        1999              2000
                                                      --------         --------
        Raw materials............................     $ 35,651         $ 38,278
        Work in process..........................        9,803           12,612
        Finished goods...........................       44,227           53,722
                                                      --------         --------
                                                      $ 89,681         $104,612
                                                      ========         ========

Note 4 -- Property, Plant and Equipment

         Details of property, plant and equipment are as follows (in thousands):

                                                        1999              2000
                                                      --------         --------
        Land........................................  $  1,511         $  1,511
        Leasehold improvements......................     2,837            3,293
        Building and improvements...................    23,118           24,393
        Machinery and equipment.....................    60,231           63,970
        Construction in progress....................     4,643           12,283
                                                      --------         --------
                                                        92,340          105,450
                  Less:  Accumulated depreciation...   (34,506)         (43,000)
                                                      --------         --------
                                                      $ 57,834         $ 62,450
                                                      ========         ========


         The Company  leases  various  manufacturing  and office  facilities and
equipment under operating  leases.  Rental expense on these operating leases was
approximately $2,650,000, $2,935,000 and $3,376,000 for the years ended December
1998,  1999  and  2000,   respectively.   The  aggregate  future  minimum  lease
commitments for operating leases at December 2000 are as follows:

                       Year ending December (in thousands):

                  2001..............................         $ 3,490
                  2002..............................           3,118
                  2003..............................           2,858
                  2004..............................           2,425
                  2005..............................           2,483
                  Thereafter........................           9,027

Note 5 -- Long Term Debt

         The Company has a credit  agreement with several banks  providing for a
$490,000,000  credit  facility.   The  credit  facility  is  comprised  of  four
sub-facilities:  (i) a $210,000,000 five-year term loan with quarterly principal
repayments;  (ii) a $140,000,000  seven-year term loan with quarterly  principal
repayments;  (iii) a  $40,000,000  six-year term loan with  quarterly  principal
repayments;  and (iv) a $100,000,000  revolving credit  facility.  The revolving
credit facility expires on December 30, 2002. During the commitment  period, the
Company is  obligated  to pay a fee of .375% per annum on the unused  portion of
the revolving credit facility. A covenant under the credit facility required the
Company to complete a senior subordinated note offering,  which was completed in
March 1998 with the net proceeds of  $126,100,000  being used to reduce the term
loans under the credit facility.  Deferred financing fees related to the portion
of the term loans  repaid  amounting  to  $2,451,000  ($1,569,000  net of income
taxes) were written off in March 1998 as an extraordinary item.

         As  of  December  1999,  the  Company  had  $105,380,000,  $88,497,000,
$39,925,000  and  $30,000,000  outstanding  under the five-year  term loan,  the
seven-year term loan, the six year term loan and the revolving  credit facility,
respectively.  As of December  2000, the Company had  $73,447,000,  $87,856,000,
$39,625,000  and  $47,000,000  outstanding  under the five-year  term loan,  the
seven-year term loan, the six-year term loan and the revolving  credit facility,
respectively.  The  borrowings  under the credit  facility  carry interest rates
based on a spread over LIBOR or an alternative base interest rate. The covenants
of the credit facility provide for increases and decreases to this interest rate
spread  based on the  operating  results of the Company.  Additionally,  certain
events  of  default  under the  credit  facility  limit  interest  rate  options
available to the Company.  The weighted  average interest rates at December 1999
under the five-year term loan, the seven-year  term loan, the six year term loan
and  the  revolving  credit  facility,  were  7.65%,  8.15%,  8.59%  and  7.45%,
respectively.  The weighted  average  interest  rates at December 2000 under the
five-year  term loan,  the  seven-year  term loan,  the  six-year  term loan and
revolving credit facility, were 8.36%, 8.80%, 9.25% and 9.06%, respectively.

         The  Company  has  entered  into two  interest  rate swaps (each with a
$50,000,000  notional  amount)  expiring  in  June  2001  and  June  2003  which
effectively  convert  $100,000,000  of LIBOR-based  floating rate debt under the
Company's  credit  facility  into  fixed  rate  debt with a base  interest  rate


averaging  6.50%.  Provisions  in one of the  interest  rate swaps  cancels such
agreement when LIBOR exceeds 7.35%.

         The term debt and revolving credit facility are  collateralized  by all
the  Company's   personal   property.   The  agreement  contains  covenants  and
restrictions  which, among other things,  require maintenance of certain working
capital levels and financial ratios, prohibit dividend payments and restrict the
incurrence of certain indebtedness and other activities,  including acquisitions
and  dispositions.  The Company is also required to make  mandatory  prepayments
from net cash  proceeds  from any issue of equity  and  asset  sales.  Mandatory
prepayments are to be applied first to the prepayment of the term loans and then
to reduce borrowings under the revolving credit facility.

         As discussed above, in March 1998 the Company issued $130,000,000 of 9%
Senior  Subordinated  Notes (the  "Notes").  The Notes mature on March 15, 2008,
unless  previously  redeemed  by the  Company.  Interest on the Notes is payable
semi-annually  on  March  15 and  September  15 of  each  year.  The  Notes  are
redeemable  for cash at anytime on or after March 15, 2003, at the option of the
Company,  in whole or in part, at the redemption prices set forth therein,  plus
accrued and unpaid interest to the date of redemption.

         Excluding the revolving  credit  facility which expires and is expected
to  be  renegotiated  in  2002,  the  scheduled  maturities  of  long-term  debt
outstanding at December 2000 are as follows:

                       Year ending December (in thousands):

                  2001..............................    $ 36,068
                  2002..............................      39,298
                  2003..............................      42,018
                  2004..............................      45,223
                  2005..............................      38,457
                  Thereafter........................     130,684

Note 6 -- Income Taxes

         The  provision   for  income  taxes   consists  of  the  following  (in

                                               1998          1999          2000
                                             -------       -------       -------
Current tax expense:
    Federal ..........................       $ 1,652       $ 5,027       $ 1,634
    State ............................           258           350           300
    Foreign ..........................           210           922           956
                                             -------       -------       -------
                                               2,120         6,299         2,890
Deferred income tax expense ..........         8,779         8,978         7,974
                                             -------       -------       -------
    Provision for income taxes .......       $10,899       $15,277       $10,864
                                             =======       =======       =======


         A reconciliation between income taxes computed at the statutory federal
rate and the provision for income taxes follows (in thousands):

                                             1998          1999          2000
                                           --------      --------      --------
 Tax provision at statutory rate based
    on income before income taxes and
    extraordinary item ...............     $ 10,597      $ 14,853      $ 10,562

Foreign sales corporation ............         (313)         (543)         (725)

State taxes ..........................          165           257           180

Nondeductible intangible amortization           243           320           321

Other, net ...........................          207           390           526
                                           --------      --------      --------

                                           $ 10,899      $ 15,277      $ 10,864
                                           ========      ========      ========

         The tax effects of the significant temporary differences which comprise
the deferred tax assets and liabilities at December 1999 and 2000 are as follows
(in thousands):

                                                           1999              2000
                                                          -------          -------

        Receivables...................................   $    135         $    138
        Inventory ....................................        330            1,115
        Deferred compensation.........................        597              761
        Employee benefits.............................        794              221
        Deferred rent.................................        243              570
        Other.........................................      1,690            1,011
        Net operating losses of acquired subsidiary...      4,258            3,834
        Valuation allowance for deferred tax assets...     (4,258)          (3,834)
                                                          -------          -------

                                                            3,789            3,816
                                                          -------          -------


        Goodwill and intangible assets................      4,051           11,559
        Depreciation..................................      1,500            2,650
        Other.........................................        115                -
                                                          -------          -------

                                                            5,666           14,209
                                                          -------          -------

Net liability     ....................................    $(1,877)        $(10,393)
                                                          =======         ========

         Net  operating  losses  related to a 1995  acquisition  are  subject to
certain  limitations  and expire  over the period 2008 to 2010.  Management  has
established a valuation  allowance of $3,834,000 to reflect the  uncertainty  of
realizing the benefit of certain of these carryforwards.


Note 7 -- Shareholders' Equity

         The shareholders have authorized 500,000 shares of preferred stock, par
value $.01 per share,  which may be issued in one or more series by the Board of
Directors  without further action by the  shareholders.  As of December 2000, no
preferred stock had been issued.

         In connection with the 1997  acquisition of Linvatec  Corporation,  the
Company issued to  Bristol-Myers  Squibb Company a ten-year  warrant to purchase
1.0 million shares of the Company's common stock at a price of $34.23 per share.

         During 1997, the Company was authorized to repurchase up to $30,000,000
of its common stock in the open market or in private  transactions.  The Company
repurchased  25,000  shares of  common  stock in 1997 at an  aggregate  price of
$419,000.  The Company's credit agreement (Note 5) prohibits future  repurchases
of common stock during its term.

         The  Company  has  reserved  shares of common  stock  for  issuance  to
employees and directors under four stock option plans (the "Plans").  The option
price on all outstanding  options is equal to the estimated fair market value of
the stock at the date of grant. Stock options are non-transferable other than on
death and  generally  become  exercisable  over a five year  period from date of
grant and expire ten years from date of grant.

         The following is a summary of incentive stock option activity under the
Plans (in thousands, except per share amounts):

                                                        Number             Average
                                                         of               Exercise
                                                        Shares              Price
                                                        ------              -----
Outstanding at December 1997 ................            1,205            $   15.39
        Granted during 1998 .................              509                23.64
        Forfeited ...........................              (93)               24.44
        Exercised ...........................             (121)                8.99
                                                        ------            ---------

Outstanding at December 1998 ................            1,500                17.90
        Granted during 1999 .................              401                29.62
        Forfeited ...........................               (9)               22.91
        Exercised ...........................             (121)               13.32
                                                        ------            ---------

Outstanding at December 1999 ................            1,771                20.94
        Granted during 2000 .................              456                21.07
        Forfeited ...........................             (139)               25.80
        Exercised ...........................              (48)                9.35
                                                        ------            ---------

Outstanding at December 2000 ................            2,040            $   20.86
                                                        ======            =========

        December 1998 .......................              856            $   14.24
        December 1999 .......................              945                16.33
        December 2000 .......................            1,116                18.46


                                                                               Weighted         Options       Weighted
                             Stock Options             Weighted                 Average        Exercisable      Average
       Range of              Outstanding at       Average Remaining            Exercise        at December     Exercise
   Exercise Prices            December 2000          Life (Years)               Price              2000          Price
   ---------------            -------------          ------------               -----              ----          -----
    Less than $10.00              85,000                  1.2                  $ 5.07             85,000         $ 5.07
    $10 to $15                   546,000                  4.6                   11.67            388,000          10.83
    $15 to $20                   146,000                  6.5                   18.13            104,000          18.61
    $20 to $25                   408,000                  8.0                   23.19            157,000          22.47
    $25 to $35                   855,000                  7.5                   27.65            382,000          27.48

         SFAS No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based  Compensation" defines a fair
value  based  method  of  accounting   for  an  employee  stock  option  whereby
compensation  cost is  measured at the grant date based on the fair value of the
award and is recognized  over the service  period.  A company may elect to adopt
SFAS No. 123 or elect to  continue  accounting  for its stock  option or similar
equity awards using the method of accounting prescribed by Accounting Principles
Board Opinion ("APB") No. 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees",  where
compensation  cost is  measured  at the date of grant based on the excess of the
market value of the underlying  stock over the exercise  price.  The Company has
elected to continue to account for its stock-based  compensation plans under the
provisions  of APB No. 25. No  compensation  expense has been  recognized in the
accompanying financial statements relative to the Company's stock option plans.

         Pro forma information  regarding net income and net income per share is
required by SFAS No. 123 and has been determined as if the Company had accounted
for its employee  stock options  under the fair value method of that  statement.
The weighted  average fair value of options  granted in 1998,  1999 and 2000 was
$11.57,  $13.28 and $12.82,  respectively.  The fair value of these  options was
estimated at the date of grant using a Black-Scholes  options pricing model with
the following weighted-average assumptions for options granted in 1998, 1999 and
2000,  respectively:  Risk-free  interest  rates  of  5.41%,  6.46%  and  5.06%;
volatility factors of the expected market price of the Company's common stock of
48.72%,  39.23% and 68.01%;  a  weighted-average  expected life of the option of
five years; and that no dividends would be paid on common stock.

         For purposes of the pro forma disclosures,  the estimated fair value of
the options is  amortized  to expense  over the  options'  vesting  period.  The
Company's pro forma information  follows (in thousands,  except for earnings per
share information):

                                               1998             1999              2000
                                              -------           -------          -------
    Net income-- as reported............      $17,808           $27,159          $19,314
    Net income-- pro forma..............       15,420            24,678           16,167

    EPS-- as reported:
        Basic     ......................         1.18              1.78             1.26
        Diluted   ......................         1.16              1.76             1.24

    EPS-- pro forma:
        Basic     ......................         1.02              1.62             1.06
        Diluted   ......................         1.01              1.60             1.04

        The pro-forma  disclosures include only options granted after January 1,


Note 8 -- Business Segments, Geographic Areas and Major Customers

         CONMED's  business is organized,  managed and internally  reported as a
single segment comprised of medical instruments and systems used in surgical and
other medical  procedures.  The Company  believes its various product lines have
similar economic, operating and other related characteristics.

         The  following  is net  sales  information  for  geographic  areas  (in

                                             1998             1999              2000
                                          ---------         ---------        ---------
            United States..........       $ 266,668         $ 281,439        $ 284,837
            All other countries....          69,774            91,178          107,393
                                          ---------         ---------        ---------

            Total .................       $ 336,442         $ 372,617        $ 392,230
                                          =========        =========        =========

         There were no  significant  investments  in long-lived  assets  located
outside the United States at December 1999 and 2000.

Note 9 -- Pension Plans

         The Company maintains defined benefit plans covering  substantially all
employees.  The Company  makes  annual  contributions  to the plans equal to the
maximum deduction allowed for federal income tax purposes.

         Net  pension  cost  for  1998,  1999 and 2000  included  the  following
components (in thousands):

                                                   1998          1999         2000
                                                  -------      -------      -------

Service cost-- benefits earned during
    the period ..............................     $ 2,324      $ 2,592      $ 2,658
Interest cost on projected benefit obligation       1,143        1,349        1,608
Expected return on plan assets ..............      (1,046)      (1,090)      (1,121)
Net amortization and deferral ...............          27           41           21
                                                  -------      -------      -------
Net pension cost ............................     $ 2,448      $ 2,892      $ 3,166
                                                  =======      =======      =======

         The  following  table sets forth the plan's  funded  status and amounts
recognized in the  Company's  consolidated  balance  sheets at December 1999 and
2000 (in thousands):

                                                        1999          2000
                                                      --------      --------
Change in benefit obligation
Projected benefit obligation at beginning of year     $ 19,536      $ 19,737
Service cost ....................................        2,592         2,658
Interest cost ...................................        1,349         1,608
Actuarial loss (gain) ...........................         (228)        2,834
Benefits paid ...................................       (3,512)       (3,888)
                                                      --------      --------
Projected benefit obligation at end of year .....     $ 19,737      $ 22,949
                                                      --------      --------


                                                        1999          2000
                                                      --------      --------
Change in plan assets
Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year ..     $ 13,501      $ 12,759
Actual return on plan assets ....................        1,507           312
Employer contribution ...........................        1,263         3,894
Benefits paid ...................................       (3,512)       (3,888)
                                                      --------      --------
Fair value of plan assets at end of year ........     $ 12,759      $ 13,077
                                                      --------      --------
Change in funded status

Funded status ...................................     $  6,978      $  9,872
Unrecognized net actuarial loss .................         (200)       (3,837)
Unrecognized transition liability ...............          (64)          (60)
Unrecognized prior service cost .................         (162)         (151)
                                                      --------      --------
Accrued pension cost ............................     $  6,552      $  5,824
                                                      ========      ========

         For 1998, 1999 and 2000 actuarial  calculation  purposes,  the weighted
average discount rate was 7.0%, 7.0% and 7.5%,  respectively,  the expected long
term rate of return  was 8.0% and the rate of  increase  in future  compensation
levels was 4.5%.

Note 10 -- Legal Matters

         From time to time, the Company has been named as a defendant in certain
lawsuits  alleging  product  liability,  patent  infringement,  or other  claims
incurred in the ordinary course of business. Certain of these claims are covered
by various insurance policies,  subject to deductible amounts and maximum policy
limits.  Ultimate liability with respect to these contingencies,  if any, is not
considered  to be  material  to the  consolidated  financial  statements  of the

Note 11 -- Unusual Items

         During the fourth  quarter of 1999,  the Company  recognized  a benefit
amounting to  $1,256,000  related to a previously  recorded  litigation  accrual
which  was  settled  on   favorable   terms  and  is  included  in  selling  and
administrative expense.

         During  the second  quarter of 2000,  the  Company  announced  it would
replace its arthroscopy  direct sales force with  non-stocking,  exclusive sales
agent groups in certain  geographic  regions of the United States.  As a result,
the  Company  incurred a  severance  charge of  $1,509,000  which is included in
selling and administrative expense.

Note 12 -- Selected Quarterly Financial Data  ( Unaudited)

         Selected quarterly  financial data for 1999 and 2000 are as follows (in
thousands, except per share amounts):

                                                 Three Months Ended
                                   March         June     September     December
                                   -----         ----     ---------     --------
Net sales ..................      $90,869      $90,483      $91,712      $99,553
Gross profit ...............       47,327       47,658       46,676       52,476
Net income .................        6,323        6,690        5,613        8,533
Earnings per share:
    Basic ..................         0.42         0.44         0.37         0.56
    Diluted ................         0.41         0.43         0.36         0.55


                                                Three Months Ended
                                  March         June     September     December
                                  -----         ----     ---------     --------
Net sales...................     $101,913     $96,986      $91,922      $101,409
Gross profit................       53,252      49,659       47,786        53,310
Net income..................        7,409       3,516        2,729         5,660
Earnings per share:
    Basic         ..........         0.48        0.23         0.18          0.37
    Diluted       ..........         0.48        0.23         0.18          0.37

         As discussed  in Note 2, the Company  increased  the acquired  value of
inventory in connection with the Powered  Instrument  acquisition which resulted
in a non-recurring adjustment to increase cost of sales during the quarter ended
September  1999 by $1,600,000.  As discussed in Note 11, the Company  recorded a
nonrecurring  benefit  of  $1,256,000  in  the  fourth  quarter  of  1999  and a
nonrecurring charge of $1,509,000 in the second quarter of 2000.

Note 13 - Guarantor Financial Statements

                  The  credit   facility  and  the  Notes  are  guaranteed  (the
"Subsidiary   Guarantees")by   the  Company's   subsidiaries   (the  "Subsidiary
Guarantors").  The Subsidiary  Guarantees provide that each Subsidiary Guarantor
will fully and  unconditionally  guarantee the Company's  obligations  under the
credit  facility  and the Notes on a joint and several  basis.  Each  Subsidiary
Guarantor is wholly-owned by the Company. The following  supplemental  financial
information sets forth on a condensed consolidating basis, consolidating balance
sheet,  statement of income and  statement of cash flows for the Parent  Company
Only, Subsidiary Guarantors and for the Company as of December 1999 and 2000 and
for the years ended December 1998, 1999 and 2000.


                                        CONMED CORPORATION
                                   CONSOLIDATING BALANCE SHEET
                                          December 1999
                                          (in thousands)

                                            Company     Subsidiary                      Company
                                             Only      Guarantors      Eliminations       Total
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
Current assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents .......     $     598      $   3,149      $      --      $   3,747
    Accounts receivable, net ........        35,146         41,267             --         76,413
    Inventories .....................        19,704         69,977             --         89,681
    Deferred income taxes ...........         1,453             --             --          1,453
    Prepaid expenses and other
        current assets ..............         1,955          3,468             --          5,423
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
          Total current assets ......        58,856        117,861             --        176,717
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
Property, plant and equipment, net ..        30,797         27,037             --         57,834
Goodwill, net .......................        58,869        164,305             --        223,174
Other intangible assets, net ........         8,622        192,836             --        201,458
Other assets ........................       340,064         39,759       (376,845)         2,978
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
    Total assets ....................     $ 497,208      $ 541,798      $(376,845)     $ 662,161
                                          =========      =========      =========      =========

Current liabilities:
    Current portion of long-term debt     $  32,875      $      --      $      --      $  32,875
    Accounts payable ................         2,996         13,522             --         16,518
    Accrued compensation ............         2,491          7,167             --          9,658
    Income taxes payable ............           226             --             --            226
    Accrued interest ................         4,588             --             --          4,588
    Other current liabilities .......         1,918          1,408             --          3,326
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
        Total current liabilities ...        45,094         22,097             --         67,191
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------

Long-term debt ......................       361,794             --             --        361,794
Deferred income taxes ...............         3,330             --             --          3,330
Other long-term liabilities .........         1,705        393,724       (376,844)        18,585
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
    Total liabilities ...............       411,923        415,821       (376,844)       450,900
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------

Shareholders' equity:
    Preferred stock .................            --             --             --             --
    Common stock ....................           153              1             (1)           153
    Paid-in capital .................       127,394             --             --        127,394
    Retained earnings ...............       (41,843)       126,363             --         84,520
    Accumulated other comprehensive
        loss ........................            --           (387)            --           (387)
    Less common stock in
      treasury, at cost .............          (419)            --             --           (419)
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
        Total shareholders' equity ..        85,285        125,977             (1)       211,261
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
          Total liabilities and

          shareholders' equity ......     $ 497,208      $ 541,798      $(376,845)     $ 662,161
                                          =========      =========      =========      =========


                                        CONMED CORPORATION
                                   CONSOLIDATING BALANCE SHEET
                                          December 2000
                                          (in thousands)

                                            Company     Subsidiary                      Company
                                             Only      Guarantors      Eliminations       Total
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
Current assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents .......     $      --      $   3,470      $      --      $   3,470
    Accounts receivable, net ........        35,218         43,408             --         78,626
    Inventories .....................        20,174         84,438             --        104,612
    Deferred income taxes ...........         1,761             --             --          1,761
    Prepaid expenses and other
        current assets ..............           598          2,964             --          3,562
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
          Total current assets ......        57,751        134,280             --        192,031
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
Property, plant and equipment, net ..        38,275         24,175             --         62,450
Goodwill, net .......................        61,651        164,150             --        225,801
Other intangible assets, net ........         7,498        187,510             --        195,008
Other assets ........................       334,677          5,217       (335,613)         4,281
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
    Total assets ....................     $ 499,852      $ 515,332      $(335,613)     $ 679,571
                                          =========      =========      =========      =========

Current liabilities:
    Current portion of long-term debt     $  36,068      $      --      $      --      $  36,068
    Accounts payable ................         4,398         15,952             --         20,350
    Accrued compensation ............         2,147          7,766             --          9,913
    Income taxes payable ............         1,338            641             --          1,979
    Accrued interest ................         5,130             --             --          5,130
    Other current liabilities .......         1,890          2,946             --          4,836
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
        Total current liabilities ...        50,971         27,305             --         78,276
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------

Long-term debt ......................       342,680             --             --        342,680
Deferred income taxes ...............        12,154             --             --         12,154
Other long-term liabilities .........         2,175        349,295       (335,612)        15,858
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
    Total liabilities ...............       407,980        376,600       (335,612)       448,968
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------

Shareholders' equity:
    Preferred stock .................            --             --             --             --
    Common stock ....................           153              1             (1)           153
    Paid-in capital .................       128,062             --             --        128,062
    Retained earnings ...............       (35,924)       139,758             --        103,834
    Accumulated other comprehensive
        loss ........................            --         (1,027)            --         (1,027)
    Less common stock in
     treasury, at cost ..............          (419)            --             --           (419)
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
        Total shareholders' equity ..        91,872        138,732             (1)       230,603
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
          Total liabilities and

          shareholders' equity ......     $ 499,852      $ 515,332      $(335,613)     $ 679,571
                                          =========      =========      =========      =========


                               CONMED CORPORATION
                            Year Ended December 1998
                                 (in thousands)

                                            Company     Subsidiary      Company
                                             Only       Guarantors        Total
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------
Net sales .............................   $  96,951      $ 239,491      $ 336,442
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------

Cost of sales .........................      54,296        115,303        169,599

Selling and administrative expense ....      33,367        60,280         93,647

Research and development expense ......       1,802        10,227         12,029
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------

                                             89,465        185,810        275,275
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------

Income from operations ................       7,486        53,681         61,167

Interest expense, net .................          --        30,891         30,891
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------

Income before income taxes and
  extraordinary item ..................       7,486        22,790         30,276

Provision for income taxes ............       2,695         8,204         10,899
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------

Income before extraordinary item ......       4,791        14,586         19,377

Extraordinary item, net of income taxes          --        (1,569)        (1,569)
                                          ---------      ---------      ---------

Net income ............................   $   4,791     $  13,017      $  17,808
                                          =========      =========      =========


                               CONMED CORPORATION
                            Year Ended December 1999
                                 (in thousands)

                                              Company     Subsidiary     Company
                                                Only       Guarantors     Total
                                             ---------     ---------    ---------

Net sales ...............................     $ 82,309     $290,308     $372,617
                                              --------     --------     --------

Cost of sales ...........................       47,178      131,302      178,480

Selling and administrative expense ......       25,035       82,198      107,233

Research and development expense ........        1,626       10,482       12,108
                                              --------     --------     --------

                                                73,839      223,982      297,821
                                              --------     --------     --------

Income from operations ..................        8,470       66,326       74,796

Interest expense, net ...................           --       32,360       32,360
                                              --------     --------     --------

Income before income taxes ..............        8,470       33,966       42,436

Provision for income taxes ..............        3,049       12,228       15,277
                                              --------     --------     --------

Net income ..............................     $  5,421     $ 21,738     $ 27,159
                                              ========     ========     ========


                               CONMED CORPORATION


                            Year Ended December 2000

                                                      (in thousands)

                                              Company     Subsidiary    Company
                                                Only      Guarantors     Total
                                              ---------   ---------    ---------
Net sales ...............................     $ 72,462     $319,768     $392,230
                                              --------     --------     --------

Cost of sales ...........................       42,461      145,762      188,223

Selling and administrative expense ......       18,845      105,828      124,673

Research and development expense ........        1,907       12,963       14,870
                                              --------     --------     --------

                                                63,213      264,553      327,766
                                              --------     --------     --------

Income from operations ..................        9,249       55,215       64,464

Interest expense, net ...................           --       34,286       34,286
                                              --------     --------     --------

Income before income taxes ..............        9,249       20,929       30,178

Provision for income taxes ..............        3,330        7,534       10,864
                                              --------     --------     --------

Net income ..............................     $  5,919     $ 13,395     $ 19,314
                                              ========     ========     ========


                                      CONMED CORPORATION
                             CONSOLIDATING STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS
                                   Year Ended December 1998
                                        (in thousands)

                                                       Company      Subsidiary      Company
                                                         Only       Guarantors        Total
                                                      ---------      ---------      ---------
Net cash flows from operating activities ........     $  10,639      $  10,288      $  20,927
                                                      ---------      ---------      ---------

Cash flows from investing:
    Payments related to business acquisitions ...        (1,700)       (30,209)       (31,909)
    Purchases of property, plant and
        equipment ...............................        (9,702)        (3,222)       (12,924)
                                                      ---------      ---------      ---------
            Net cash used by investing activities       (11,402)       (33,431)       (44,833)
                                                      ---------      ---------      ---------

Cash flows from financing:
    Distributions to subsidiaries ...............       (25,856)        25,856             --
    Proceeds of long-term debt ..................       130,000             --        130,000
    Borrowings under revolving credit facility ..        23,000             --         23,000
    Proceeds from issuance of common stock ......         1,088             --          1,088
    Payments related to issuance
        Of long-term debt .......................        (4,635)            --         (4,635)
    Payments on long-term debt ..................      (133,128)            --       (133,128)
                                                      ---------      ---------      ---------
            Net cash provided (used)by financing
                  activities ....................        (9,531)        25,856         16,325
                                                      ---------      ---------      ---------

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash
  and cash equivalents ..........................            --             35             35
                                                      ---------      ---------      ---------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and
 cash equivalents ...............................       (10,294)         2,748         (7,546)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year ..        13,452             --         13,452
                                                      ---------      ---------      ---------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year ........     $   3,158      $   2,748      $   5,906
                                                      =========      =========      =========


                                    CONMED CORPORATION


                                 Year Ended December 1999
                                      (in thousands)

                                                       Company      Subsidiary      Company
                                                         Only       Guarantors        Total
                                                      ---------      ---------      ---------
Net cash flows from operating activities ........     $ 11,784      $ 25,657      $ 37,441
                                                      --------      --------      --------

Cash flows from investing activities:
    Payments related to business acquisitions ...           --       (40,585)      (40,585)
    Purchases of property, plant and
        equipment ...............................       (4,801)       (4,551)       (9,352)
                                                      --------      --------      --------
            Net cash used by investing activities       (4,801)      (45,136)      (49,937)
                                                      --------      --------      --------

Cash flows from financing:
    Proceeds of long-term debt ..................       40,900            --        40,900
    Distributions to subsidiaries ...............      (21,885)       21,885            --
    Repayments under
      revolving credit facility .................       (8,000)           --        (8,000)
    Proceeds from issuance of common stock ......        1,612            --         1,612
    Payments related to issuance
      of long-term debt .........................         (661)           --          (661)
    Payments on long-term debt ..................      (23,103)           --       (23,103)
                                                      --------      --------      --------
            Net cash provided (used)by financing
                  activities ....................      (11,137)       21,885        10,748
                                                      --------      --------      --------

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash
  And cash equivalents ..........................           --          (411)         (411)
                                                      --------      --------      --------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and
 cash equivalents ...............................       (4,154)        1,995        (2,159)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year ..        4,752         1,154         5,906
                                                      --------      --------      --------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year ........     $    598      $  3,149      $  3,747
                                                      ========      ========      ========


                                     CONMED CORPORATION
                                  Year Ended December 2000
                                       (in thousands)

                                                       Company      Subsidiary      Company
                                                         Only       Guarantors        Total
                                                      ---------      ---------      ---------
Net cash flows from operating activities ........      $ 18,238      $ 17,712      $ 35,950
                                                       --------      --------      --------

Cash flows from investing activities:
    Payments related to business acquisitions ...       (6,042)           --        (6,042)
    Purchases of property, plant and
        equipment ...............................      (10,940)       (3,110)      (14,050)
                                                      --------      --------      --------
            Net cash used by investing activities      (16,982)       (3,110)      (20,092)
                                                      --------      --------      --------

Cash flows from financing:
    Distributions from subsidiaries .............       13,618       (13,618)           --
    Borrowings under revolving credit facility ..       17,000            --        17,000
    Proceeds from issuance of common stock ......          449            --           449
    Payments on long-term debt ..................      (32,921)           --       (32,921)
                                                      --------      --------      --------
            Net cash provided (used)by financing
                  activities ....................       (1,854)      (13,618)      (15,472)
                                                      --------      --------      --------

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash
  And cash equivalents ..........................           --          (663)         (663)
                                                      --------      --------      --------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and
 cash equivalents ...............................         (598)          321          (277)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year ..          598         3,149         3,747
                                                      --------      --------      --------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year ........     $      -      $  3,470      $  3,470
                                                      ========      ========      ========


                                        SCHEDULE VIII--Valuation and Qualifying Accounts
                                                         (in thousands)

                                                                     Column C
                                           Column B             (1)              (2)
                                          Balance at        Charged to       Charged to                             Column E
                                          ----------        ----------       ----------                             --------
       Column A                           Beginning of      Costs and           Other            Column D       Balance at End
       Description                           Period          Expenses         Accounts           Deductions         of Period
       -----------                           ------          --------         --------           ----------         ---------
- ----
    Allowance for bad debts.............    $ 1,434            $  246                             $   (201)           $ 1,479
    Inventory reserves..................    $ 7,175            $  520           $   100           $ (2,574)           $ 5,221
    Deferred tax asset
    Valuation allowance.................    $ 4,258                                               $   (424)           $ 3,834

- ----
    Allowance for bad debts.............    $ 2,213            $  263                             $ (1,042)           $ 1,434
    Inventory reserves..................    $ 6,618            $  220           $ 1,500           $ (1,163)           $ 7,175
    Deferred tax asset
    Valuation allowance.................    $ 4,681                                               $   (423)           $ 4,258

- ----
    Allowance for bad debts.............    $ 2,708            $  459                             $   (954)           $ 2,213
    Inventory reserves..................    $ 7,411            $  918           $   (61)          $ (1,650)           $ 6,618
    Deferred tax asset
    Valuation allowance.................    $ 5,105                                               $   (424)           $ 4,681
