May 2, 2000

Mr. Joseph J. Corasanti
310 Broad Street
Utica, New York 13501

Dear Mr. Corasanti:

         In  consideration  of the  mutual  promises  herein  contained,  CONMED
Corporation,  a New York corporation (hereinafter the "Company"), and you hereby
agree  that you will be  employed  by the  Company  on the  following  terms and

1.       Employment.

         The  Company  hereby  agrees  that you will be employed to serve as the
President  and  Chief  Operating  Officer  of the  Company  during  the  term of
employment set forth in Section 2 of this  Agreement.  You hereby agree to serve
as  President  and Chief  Operating  Officer of the Company  during such term of

2.       Term of Employment.

         Subject to the provisions for early  termination  pursuant to Section 5
of the Agreement,  your term of employment  under this Agreement  shall be for a
period beginning January 1, 2000 and ending December 31, 2004.

3.       Duties During Term of Employment.

         During your term of employment  under this Agreement,  you shall devote
your full business time and attention and all reasonable  efforts to the affairs
of the  Company and its  subsidiaries  and  affiliates  and shall  perform  such
executive  and  administrative  duties  for the  Company  and  subsidiaries  and
affiliates as you may be called upon to perform, from time to time, by the Board
of Directors of the Company (the "Board").

4.       Compensation and Benefits.

(a)      Base Annual Salary.

         The Company shall pay to you during your term of employment  under this
Agreement  a base  annual  salary  at the rate of at least  $200,000  per  year,
payable  in  equal  weekly  installments  during  each  year  of  your  term  of
employment.  It is understood  that the Board of Directors of the Company may in
its  discretion  review  from time to time your base  annual  salary  and in its
discretion  may from time to time  increase your base annual salary and/or grant
bonuses if it determines  that  circumstances  justify any such increase  and/or

(b)      Deferred Compensation.

         In addition to your base annual salary,  the Company shall  establish a
deferred  compensation  account on your behalf, which shall be credited with the
amount of  $100,000  on December  31,  2000 and on each  subsequent  December 31
during  the term of this  Agreement.  This  account  shall also be  credited  on
December  31,  2001 and each  December  31  thereafter  with an amount  equal to
interest  on the  amount  outstanding  in the  account  on the day prior to such
December  31 at the  rate of 10% per  annum.  Commencing  within  60 days  after
retirement  or  termination  of  employment,  the Company shall pay you, for 120
months,  an  amount  equal  to the  amount  then  outstanding  in  the  deferred
compensation account divided by the number of payments remaining to be made. The
account shall be reduced by the amount of any payments and shall  continue to be
credited with interest annually on the amount  outstanding in the account.  Such
payments  may be  accelerated  at the  option of the  Company;  you may elect to
receive  payments over a period of less than 120 months  (including a lump sum),
provided  that your  election is made prior to the  beginning of the year before
the year of your  retirement or termination of employment.  In the event of your
death the  Company  shall make  payments  to the  beneficiary  or  beneficiaries
designated  by you in writing to the Company or to your estate in the absence of
such  designation  or if no  designated  beneficiary  should  survive you.  Such
payments to your beneficiary (or  beneficiaries)  or estate, as the case may be,
shall be made in the same manner as specified  above,  except that such payments
shall commence  within one month of your death. In the event of the death of the
last designated beneficiary prior to the completion of all payments, the balance
credited to the deferred compensation account shall be made to the estate of the
last surviving  beneficiary.  You understand and agree,  and the Company agrees,
that the deferred compensation account is solely a bookkeeping account, does not
represent a segregated amount of money for your benefit,  and that you shall not
have by virtue of this Agreement a security interest in the foregoing account or
in any assets or funds of the Company.

(c)      Benefit Plans.

         You also  shall  be  entitled  to  participate  in all life and  health
insurance plans,  pension plans and other plans,  benefits or bonus arrangements
provided by the Company from time to time during your term of  employment  under
this Agreement and made available by the Company to its executives generally, if
and to the extent that you are eligible to  participate  in accordance  with the
provisions  of any such plan or for such  benefits.  Specifically,  you shall be
entitled to participate  in the Company's  stock option plans and shall continue
to be entitled to participate in the Company's  pension and disability plans and
be provided with split-dollar life insurance  coverage and reimbursement of club
memberships  and automobile  expenses as under present  practices,  with initial
coverage of $1.0 million.  In no event shall the benefits  provided you be less,
in the  aggregate,  than those  provided you under present plans and  practices.
Life and health  insurance  benefits and  split-dollar  life insurance  coverage
shall  continue  for your and your  wife  during  the  terms of your  lives.  In
addition, the Company shall reimburse you for your reasonable personal legal and
accounting expenses related to your estate and tax planning and to preparing and
filing your tax returns.


5.       Early Termination of the Term of Employment.

(a)      Early Termination Other Than for Just Cause.

         If at any time during your term of employment under this Agreement, the
Board of Directors of the Company shall fail to reelect you as the President and
Chief Operating Officer of the Company, shall remove you from such office, shall
substantially  reduce your duties and  responsibilities  or shall terminate your
employment  under this  Agreement,  in each case other than for "just  cause" as
such term is defined in  paragraph  (c) of this  Section 5, such event  shall be
deemed  an  early  termination  other  than  for  just  cause.  After  an  early
termination  other than for just cause, you shall have no obligations under this
Agreement  (other  than  your  obligations  under  Sections  8  and  9  of  this
Agreement),  you shall have no obligation to seek other employment in mitigation
of damages in respect of any period following the date of such early termination
and you shall be entitled  to receive  from the  Company an  immediate  lump sum
payment equal to the result of  multiplying  (i) the greater of (A) three or (B)
the number of years and fractions  thereof  (rounded to the nearest  month) then
remaining  in the term of  employment  by (ii) the sum of (A) your  base  annual
salary to which you are then  entitled and (B) an amount equal to the average of
the bonuses,  deferred compensation and incentive  compensation earned by you in
each of the  Company's  three  fiscal  years  prior  to the  date of your  early
termination.  If such lump sum  payment  is not made in full  within ten days of
such early termination other than for just cause, the Company shall also pay you
interest on the amount of the  remaining  payment at the prime rate of The Chase
Manhattan Bank, in effect from time to time.

         In addition, in the event of your early termination other than for just
cause,  you shall be entitled to continued  coverage  under the benefit plans of
the Company specified in paragraph (c) of Section 4 of this Agreement as if such
early  termination  had not  occurred,  for a period equal to the greater of (x)
three years from the date of such early  termination or (y) the remainder of the
term of  employment.  You shall  also be  entitled  to  receive  payment  of the
deferred compensation account as specified in paragraph (b) of Section 4 of this
Agreement,  and you or your  beneficiary  or your  estate  shall be  entitled to
receive  from the Company all payments  and  benefits  required  pursuant to the
provisions of Section 6 of this Agreement,  as if such early termination had not

(b)      Early Termination for Just Cause.

         If at any time during your term of employment under this Agreement, the
Board of  Directors  of the  Company  shall  fail to  reelect  you as the  Chief
Operating  Officer of the  Company,  shall  remove you from such  office,  shall
substantially  reduce your duties and  responsibilities  or shall terminate your
employment  under this  Agreement,  in the case for "just cause" as such term is
defined in paragraph (c) of this Section 5, subject to the provisions of Section
6 for  additional  payments and benefits in the event of your death or permanent
disability  (as such term is defined in Section  6), the  Company  shall only be
obligated to pay you (i) your then base salary and to provide continued coverage
under the benefit  plans of the Company  specified in paragraph (c) of Section 4
of  this  Agreement  through  the  end of the  month  during  which  such  early
termination occurs, and (ii) the deferred  compensation  account as specified in
paragraph  (b) of  Section 4 of this  Agreement,  plus an  additional  amount of
deferred  compensation equal to a pro rata amount of such deferred  compensation
under paragraph (b) of Section 4 for the year of your termination.


         (c)      Definition of Just Cause.

         "Just  cause" under this  Agreement  shall mean a breach by you of your
obligations under this Agreement, willful misconduct,  dishonesty, conviction of
a crime (other than traffic or other similar violations or minor  misdemeanors),
intoxication on the job or excessive absenteeism not related to illness.

6.       Death or Disability.

         If before the  expiration  date of your term of  employment  under this
Agreement you shall die, or become  permanently  disabled,  the Company shall be
obligated  to pay (in the case of death) to your  beneficiary  in  writing or to
your estate in the absence or lapse of such designation, or (in the case of such
disability)  to you or your  representative,  100% of your annual base salary to
which you are then entitled to the end of such term of employment.  In addition,
in the event of such disability,  you shall continue to fully participate in all
benefit  plans of the Company  specified in  paragraph  (c) of Section 4 of this
Agreement to the expiration date of such term of employment,  and in the case of
life and health insurance benefits and split-dollar life insurance coverage, the
benefits will continue for you and your wife during the terms of your lives. For
purposes of this Agreement,  "permanent  disability"  means inability to perform
the services  required under this Agreement due to physical or mental disability
which continues for 180 consecutive  days.  Evidence of such disability shall be
certified by a physician acceptable to both the Company and you.

7.       Non-competition.

         It is agreed that during your term of employment  under this  Agreement
and for a period of two years thereafter you will not, without the prior written
approval of the Board of Directors of the Company, become an officer,  employee,
agent,  limited or  general  partner,  director,  member or  shareholder  of any
business  enterprise in  competition  with the Company or any  subsidiary of the
Company,  as  the  business  of  the  Company  or  any  such  subsidiary  may be
constituted during such term of employment, or at the expiration of such term or
period. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, you shall not be prohibited from
owning less than five (5%)  percent of the  outstanding  equity of any  publicly
traded business enterprise.

8.       Non-disclosure.

         You shall not, at any time during or following  your term of employment
under this  Agreement,  disclose or use, except in the course of your employment
or consultation  arrangements with the Company in the pursuit of the business or
interests  of  the  Company  or  any  of its  subsidiaries  or  affiliates,  any
confidential  information  or  proprietary  data  of the  Company  or any of its
subsidiaries or affiliates,  whether such  information or proprietary data is in
your memory or memorialized in writing or other physical terms.

9.       Conflicts.

         Any paragraph,  sentence,  phrase or other  provision of this Agreement
which is in conflict  with any  applicable  statute,  rule or other law shall be
deemed,  if  possible,  to be modified or altered to conform  thereto or, if not
possible,  to be  omitted  herefrom.  The  invalidity  of any  portion  of  this
Agreement  shall not affect the force and effect of the remaining valid portions
hereof.  Section and  paragraph  headings  are  included in this  Agreement  for
convenience  only and are not  intended  to  affect  in any way the  meaning  or
interpretation of this Agreement.


10.      Beneficiaries.

         Wherever  this  Agreement  provides  for the written  designation  of a
beneficiary  or  beneficiaries  by yourself,  you shall have the right to revoke
such  designation and to redesignate a beneficiary or  beneficiaries  by written
notice to the Company to such effect.

11.      Governing Law.

         This  Agreement is governed by and is to be  construed  and enforced in
accordance with the laws of the State of New York.

12.      Miscellaneous.

         This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between you and the
Company  relating to your employment with the Company and supersedes and cancels
all prior written and oral  understandings  and agreements  with respect to such
matters,  other than with respect to the  deferred  compensation  account  under
Section  4(b).  This  Agreement  shall be binding  upon,  and shall inure to the
benefit of you and the Company, your heirs, executors and administrators and the
Company's successors.

         If the foregoing correctly sets forth the understanding between you and
the Company, please execute and return the enclosed copy of this letter.

                                       CONMED CORPORATION

                                       By:      /s/Daniel S. Jonas, Esq.
                                                Daniel S. Jonas, Esq.
                                                Vice President - Legal Affairs
                                                General Counsel

Agreed and accepted as of the date first above written:

/s/Joseph J. Corasanti
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Joseph J. Corasanti