                          COASTAL FINANCIAL CORPORATION

                                DECEMBER 21, 2001

Dear Shareholder:

     You are cordially  invited to attend the annual meeting of  Shareholders of
Coastal Financial Corporation. The meeting will be held at the Ocean Reef Resort
(the former Myrtle Beach  Martinique  Resort  Hotel),  7100 N. Ocean  Boulevard,
Myrtle  Beach,  South  Carolina,  on  Wednesday  January  30, 2002 at 2:00 p.m.,
Eastern Standard Time.

     The notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement appearing on the following
pages describe the formal  business to be transacted at the meeting.  During the
meeting, we will also report on the operations of the Corporation. Directors and
Officers  of the  Corporation,  as well as a  representative  of KPMG  LLP,  the
Corporation's  independent  auditors,  will be present to respond to appropriate
questions of Shareholders.

     It is important that your shares are  represented at this meeting,  whether
or not you attend the meeting in person and  regardless  of the number of shares
you own. To make sure your shares are  represented,  we urge you to complete and
mail the enclosed proxy card. If you attend the meeting,  you may vote in person
even if you have previously mailed a proxy card.

     We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.


                                    Michael C. Gerald
                                    President and
                                    Chief Executive Officer

                          COASTAL FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                                 2619 OAK STREET
                       MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA 29577
                                 (843) 205-2000

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The  annual  meeting  of  shareholders  of  Coastal  Financial  Corporation
("Corporation")  will be held at the Ocean Reef Resort (the former  Myrtle Beach
Martinique Resort Hotel), 7100 N. Ocean Boulevard,  Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
on Wednesday,  January 30, 2002, at 2:00 p.m.,  Eastern  Standard  Time, for the
following purposes:

     1. To elect two directors of the Corporation;

     2.   To  transact  any other  business  that may  properly  come before the

     NOTE:The Board of  Directors  is not aware of any  other  business  to come
          before the meeting.

     Shareholders  of record at the close of business  on November  30, 2001 are
entitled  to receive  notice of the  meeting  and to vote at the meeting and any
adjournment or postponement of the meeting.

     Please complete and sign the enclosed form of proxy,  which is solicited by
the Board of Directors, and mail it promptly in the enclosed envelope. The proxy
will not be used if you attend the meeting and vote in person.

                                              BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                              Susan J. Cooke

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
December 21, 2001

IMPORTANT:  The prompt  return of proxies  will save the  Company the expense of
further  requests  for  proxies  in order to ensure a quorum.  A  self-addressed
envelope is enclosed for your  convenience.  No postage is required if mailed in
the United States.

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                          COASTAL FINANCIAL CORPORATION

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                January 30, 2002

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     This proxy  statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation of
proxies by the Board of Directors  of Coastal  Financial  Corporation  ("Coastal
Financial" or "Corporation") to be used at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of
the  Corporation.  The  Corporation is the holding  company for Coastal  Federal
Savings  Bank.  The annual  meeting  will be held at the Ocean Reef  Resort (the
former Myrtle Beach Martinique  Resort Hotel),  7100 N. Ocean Boulevard,  Myrtle
Beach,  South  Carolina,  on  Wednesday  January 30, 2002 at 2:00 p.m.,  Eastern
Standard Time.  This Proxy Statement and the enclosed proxy card are being first
mailed on or about December 21, 2001 to Shareholders of record.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           VOTING AND PROXY PROCEDURE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Who Can Vote at the Meeting

     You are entitled to vote your Coastal Financial Corporation common stock if
the records of the Corporation  showed that you held your shares as of the close
of business on November  30,  2001.  As of the close of business on that date, a
total of 10,643,646  shares of Coastal Financial  Corporation  common stock were
outstanding.  Each  share of  common  stock  has one vote.  As  provided  in the
Corporation's  Articles of  Incorporation,  record holders of the  Corporation's
common stock who beneficially  own, either directly or indirectly,  in excess of
10% of the  Company's  outstanding  shares  are not  entitled  to any vote  with
respect to the shares held in excess of the 10% limit.

Attending the Meeting

     If you are a beneficial  owner of Coastal  Financial common stock held by a
broker,  bank or other nominee (i.e., in "street name"),  you will need proof of
ownership to be admitted to the meeting. A recent brokerage  statement or letter
from a bank or broker are  examples of proof of  ownership.  If you want to vote
your shares of Coastal  Financial  common stock held in street name in person at
the meeting,  you will have to get a written proxy in your name from the broker,
bank or other nominee which holds your shares.

Vote Required

     The Annual Meeting will be held if a majority of the outstanding  shares of
common stock  entitled to vote is  represented  at the meeting,  constituting  a
quorum for the transaction of business.  If you return valid proxy  instructions
or attend the meeting in person,  your  shares  will be counted for  purposes of
determining whether there is a quorum,  even if you abstain from voting.  Broker
non-votes  also will be counted for purposes of  determining  the existence of a
quorum.  A broker non-vote  occurs when a broker,  bank or other nominee holding
shares for a beneficial owner does not vote on a particular proposal because the
nominee does not have  discretionary  voting power with respect to that item and
has not received voting instructions from the beneficial owner.


     In  voting  on the  election  of  directors,  you may  vote in favor of all
nominees,  withhold  votes as to all nominees,  or withhold votes as to specific
nominees. There is no cumulative voting for the election of directors. Directors
must be elected by a  plurality  of the votes cast at the annual  meeting.  This
means that the nominees  receiving the greatest number of votes will be elected.
Votes that are withheld and broker  non-votes will have no effect on the outcome
of the election.

Voting by Proxy

     This  Proxy  Statement  is being sent to you by the Board of  Directors  of
Coastal  Financial for the purpose of  requesting  that you allow your shares of
Coastal  Financial  common stock to be  represented at the annual meeting by the
persons named in the enclosed proxy card. All shares of Coastal Financial common
stock  represented at the meeting by properly executed and dated proxies will be
voted in accordance  with the  instructions  indicated on the proxy card. If you
sign,  date and return a proxy card without  giving  voting  instructions,  your
shares will be voted as recommended by the Corporation's Board of Directors.

     If any matters not described in this proxy statement are properly presented
at the annual  meeting,  the persons  named in the proxy card will use their own
judgment to determine how to vote your shares. This includes a motion to adjourn
or postpone the meeting in order to solicit  additional  proxies.  If the Annual
Meeting is postponed or adjourned,  your Coastal  Financial  common stock may be
voted by the persons  named in the proxy card on the new  meeting  date as well,
unless you have revoked your proxy.  The Corporation  does not know of any other
matters to be presented at the meeting.

     You may  revoke  your  proxy  at any time  before  the vote is taken at the
meeting.  To revoke  your  proxy you must  either  advise the  Secretary  of the
Corporation in writing before your shares have been voted at the annual meeting,
deliver a later  dated  proxy,  or attend the  meeting  and vote your  shares in
person.  Attendance  at  the  annual  meeting  will  not  in  itself  constitute
revocation of your proxy.

     If your Coastal  Financial  common  stock is held in street name,  you will
receive  instructions  from your  broker,  bank or other  nominee  that you must
follow in order to have your shares voted.  Your broker may allow you to deliver
your voting instructions via the telephone or the Internet.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 STOCK OWNERSHIP

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The  following  table  provides  information  as of November  30, 2001 with
respect to persons known to the Corporation to be the beneficial  owners of more
than 5% of the Company's outstanding common stock. A person may be considered to
beneficially own any share of common stock over which he or she has, directly or
indirectly, sole or share voting or investing power.

                                                                Percent of
                                   Number of                   Common Stock
  Name and Address              Shares Owned (1)               Outstanding

Ammons Holdings, Inc.               600,592                       5.65
1200 S. Ocean Blvd.
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

- -----------------------
(1)  Share ownership based on Corporation's  Shareholder list as of November 30,


     The  following  table  provides  information  about the  shares of  Coastal
Financial  Corporation  common stock that may be  considered to be owned by each
named executive officer,  director or nominee for director of the Company and by
all directors  and  executive  officers of the Company as a group as of November
30, 2001.  Unless otherwise  indicated,  each of the named  individuals has sole
voting power and sole investment power with respect to the shares shown.

                                                                        Number of Shares
                                                 Number of            That May Be Acquired       Percent of
                                               Shares Owned            Within 60 Days By        Common Stock
                                          (Excluding Options) (1)      Exercising Options       Outstanding (2)
                                          -----------------------      ------------------       ---------------

Named Executive Officers (3)

Michael C. Gerald, President, Chief              101,564                     135,026                  2.20
   Executive Officer and Director

Jimmy R. Graham, Executive Vice
   President                                      85,711                      87,293                  1.62

Jerry L. Rexroad, Executive Vice
   President and Chief Financial                  32,712 (4)                 127,022                  1.49

Steven J. Sherry, Executive Vice
   President                                         704                      16,878                  0.17

Phillip G. Stalvey, Executive Vice
   President                                      63,168                      79,175                  1.33

Directors of the Corporation
(Excluding Named Executive Officers)

James C. Benton                                  398,911 (5)                  14,764                  3.89

G. David Bishop                                  269,933 (6)                  18,064                  2.71

James T. Clemmons                                265,445 (7)                  13,814                  2.62

James P. Creel                                   575,993 (8)                  21,911                  5.61

James H. Dusenbury                                47,955 (9)                  21,911                  0.66

Frank A. Thompson, II                              9,055 (10)                  6,765                  0.15

All Executive Officers and
Directors as a Group (11 persons)              1,851,691                     542,623                 21.41

- ---------------------


(1)  Pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act, a person is deemed to be the
     beneficial  owner,  for  purposes  of  this  table,  of any  shares  of the
     Corporation's  Common Stock if he or she has voting and/or investment power
     with  respect  to such  security  or has a right to  acquire,  through  the
     exercise of outstanding options or otherwise,  beneficial  ownership at any
     time within 60 days from  November 30,  2000.  The table  includes  certain
     shares owned by spouses,  other immediate  family members in trust,  shares
     held  in  retirement  accounts  or  funds  for  the  benefit  of the  named
     individuals,  and other  forms of  ownership,  over which  shares the named
     persons possess voting and/or investment power.
(2)  Based on 10,643,646  shares of Common Stock of the Corporation  outstanding
     and entitled to vote at the Meeting,  plus the number of shares that may be
     acquired  within 60 days by each  individual (or group of  individuals)  by
     exercising options.
(3)  Under SEC  regulation,  the term  "named  executive  officer" is defined to
     include the chief executive officer  regardless of compensation  level, and
     the four most highly compensated  executive officers,  other than the chief
     executive  officer,  whose  total  annual  salary  and  bonus  for the last
     completed fiscal year exceeded $100,000.
(4)  Includes  3,585  shares  owned by Jerry L.  Rexroad;  2,634 shares owned by
     Jerry L.  Rexroad - IRA;  156 shares  owned  jointly by Jerry L.  Rexroad &
     Robin E. Rexroad;  23,638 shares owned by Robin E. Rexroad; 2,699 shares in
     the Coastal Financial Corporation's 401-K Plan for Jerry L. Rexroad.
(5)  Includes  363,900  shares  owned  by RCEE,  Inc.  of which  Mr.  Benton  is
     President;  34,975 shares owned by Mr. Benton;  36 shares owned by Emma Ann
     Lawton Benton.
(6)  Includes 21,550 shares owned by G. David Bishop; 167,949 shares owned by G.
     J. Bishop Trust, G. David Bishop,  Trustee; 80,434 shares owned by Mary Ann
(7)  Includes  164,257  shares owned by J. T.  Clemmons;  98,242 shares owned by
     Helen W.  Clemmons;  2,730 shares owned by J. T. Clemmons - IRA; 216 shares
     owned by Helen W. Clemmons - IRA.
(8)  Includes 427,482 shares owned by Creel Outdoor  Advertising,  Inc.;  95,304
     shares owned by Creel Outdoor Advertising,  Inc. Profit Sharing Plan; 8,079
     shares owned by C. Alicia  Creel;  22,496 shares owned by Carolyn W. Creel;
     678 shares owned by Carolyn W. Creel & James P. Creel;  678 shares owned by
     Carolyn W. Creel & C. Alicia Creel; 5,046 shares owned by Carolyn W. Creel,
     James P. Creel,  Jr. & Alicia  Creel Bame;  7,536  shares owned by James P.
     Creel;  499 shares  owned by Alicia  Creel Bame & Carolyn W.  Creel;  8,195
     shares owned by Sun Graphics, Inc., Carolyn W. Creel, President.
(9)  Includes 148 shares  owned by James H.  Dusenbury;  30,249  shares owned by
     James H. Dusenbury - IRA; 14,793 shares owned by Brenda J. Dusenbury - IRA;
     2,765 shares owned by Brenda J. Dusenbury & Heather K. Welch.
(10) Includes 1,068 shares owned by Frank A. Thompson, II; 5,550 shares owned by
     Frank A. Thompson, II - SEP; 1,012 shares owned by Frank A. Thompson - IRA;
     1,425 shares owned by Sharon Thompson - IRA.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       PROPOSAL 1 - ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The Corporation's Board of Directors consists of seven members. Six of them
are  independent  directors  and one is a member  of  management.  The  Board is
divided into three classes with three-year  staggered terms, with  approximately
one-third of the directors  elected each year.  Two directors will be elected at
the annual  meeting to serve for a three-year  term,  or until their  respective
successors have been elected and qualified. The nominees are James C. Benton and
James P. Creel,  both of whom are  currently  directors of the  Corporation  and
Coastal Federal Savings Bank.

     It is intended that the proxies solicited by the Board of Directors will be
voted for the election of the nominees named above.  If any nominee is unable to
serve, the persons named in the proxy card would vote your shares to approve the
election of any  substitute  proposed by the Board of Directors.  Alternatively,
the Board of Directors  may adopt a resolution  to reduce the size of the Board.
At this time, the Board of Directors knows of no reason why any nominee might be
unable to serve.

The  Board of  Directors  recommends  a vote  "FOR" the  election  of all of the

     Information  regarding the nominees and the directors  continuing in office
is provided below. Unless otherwise stated, each individual has held his current
occupation  for the last five  years.  The age  indicated  in each  individual's
biography is as of September  30, 2001.  The  indicated  period for service as a
director includes service as a director of Coastal Federal Savings Bank.

Nominees for Election as Directors

     The directors standing for election are:

     James C. Benton.  Mr. Benton is President of C. L. Benton & Sons,  Inc. Age
69. Director since 1979.

     James P.  Creel.  Mr.  Creel is  President  of Creel  Corporation.  Age 62.
Director since 1990.

Directors Continuing in Office

     The following directors have terms ending in 2003.

     James T. Clemmons.  Mr.  Clemmons is retired  President of Coastal  Federal
Savings Bank. Age 62. Director since 1979.

     Frank A. Thompson,  II. Mr. Thompson is President of Peoples  Underwriters,
Inc. Age 43. Director since 1999.

     G. David Bishop. Mr. Bishop is President of Waccamaw Community  Foundation.
Age 47. Director since 1991.

     The following directors have terms ending in 2004.

     Michael C. Gerald.  Mr. Gerald is the President and Chief Executive Officer
of the  Corporation  and Coastal  Federal  Savings Bank. Age 52.  Director since

     James H. Dusenbury.  Mr. Dusenbury is retired  attorney/Dusenbury Law Firm.
Age 66. Mr.  Dusenbury has been  associated  with the bank since 1965 serving in
the capacity of general counsel and Advisory Director. Director since 1996.


Meetings and Committees of the Board of Directors

     The Boards of Directors of the Corporation and Coastal Federal Savings Bank
conduct  their  business  through  meetings  of the  Boards  and  through  their
committees.  During  the fiscal  year ended  September  30,  2001,  the Board of
Directors  of the  Corporation  held  fourteen  (14)  meetings  and the Board of
Directors of Coastal  Federal  Savings Bank held  twenty-two  (22) meetings.  No
director of the  Corporation or Coastal Federal Savings Bank attended fewer than
75% of the total  meetings  of the  Boards  and  committees  on which such Board
member served during this period.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors,  consisting of Directors
Benton,  Clemmons,  Creel and Gerald, meets as necessary between meetings of the
full Board of  Directors.  The  Executive  Committee  met three times during the
fiscal year ended September 30, 2001.

     The Board of Directors of the Company has an Audit Committee, consisting of
Directors Bishop, Clemmons,  Creel, Dusenbury and Thompson, which is responsible
for developing and monitoring the Company's  audit program.  The Audit Committee
selects the  Corporation's  outside  auditors and meets with them to discuss the
results of the annual audit and any related  matters.  The Audit  Committee also
receives and reviews the reports and findings and other information presented to
them by Coastal Federal Savings Bank's officers  regarding  financial  reporting
policies and practices. The Audit Committee met four (4) times during the fiscal
year ended September 30, 2001.

     The Board of Directors of the  Corporation  acts as a nominating  committee
for selecting the nominees for election as directors. The Board of Directors met
once in its capacity as the nominating committee during the year ended September
30,  2001.  The  Corporation's  Bylaws  provide for  Shareholder  nomination  of
directors. See "Stockholder Proposals and Nominations".

Directors' Compensation

     Members  of the Board of  Directors  of  Coastal  Federal  receive a fee of
$12,000  annually,  except for the Chairman of the Board,  who receives  $19,500
annually.  Members of the Board of Directors of Coastal Financial receive $2,500
annually. Honorary Directors of Coastal Financial ___ Corporation receive $1,000
annually.  Directors who are members of the Bank's  Executive  Committee,  which
meets on an as-needed basis, are not  compensated.  Non-Associate  directors who
are members of the Bank's Loan  Committee  receive  $50 per  committee  meeting.
Total  fees  paid  to  Directors  of  Coastal  Financial   Corporation  and  its
subsidiaries during the fiscal year ended September 30, 2001 were $137,800.

     2000 Stock  Option  Plan.  At the 2000 Annual  Meeting,  the  Corporation's
Shareholders  approved the 2000 Stock Option Plan. All Directors  participate in
the 2000 Stock Option Plan. On January 24, 2001,  each Director  received  stock
options  to  purchase  3,300  shares  of the  Corporation's  common  stock at an
exercise  price of $7.17 per  share,  the market  value of common  stock on that


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Summary Compensation Table

     The following  information is furnished for the Chief Executive Officer and
the four other most highly compensated executive officers.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE (1)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               Annual Compensation
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        Year      Salary      Bonus    Other Annual    Underlying         All Other
      Name and                    ($)(1)      ($)(2)   Compensation     Options/        Compensation
      Principal                                           ($)(3)         (#)(4)            ($)(5)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Michael C. Gerald,     2001      212,000    141,366       18,950        21,105            7,820
 President, Chief       2000      200,000    145,500       18,700        21,267            7,500
Executive Officer       1999      185,000    135,899       17,000        29,782            8,202
    & Director

  Jimmy R. Graham,      2001      122,430     78,862          -0-        16,027            6,818
   Executive Vice       2000      115,500     82,740          100        16,023            7,500
     President          1999      110,000     79,550          -0-        17,325            9,011

 Jerry L. Rexroad,      2001      166,920    102,887        4,700        16,027            8,659
   Executive Vice       2000      156,000    106,230        4,950        16,023            8,700
 President & Chief      1999      145,600    100,198        5,250        21,945            0,234
 Financial Officer

 Steven J. Sherry,      2001      133,350     84,759          -0-        16,027            4,055
   Executive Vice       2000      127,000     86,660          -0-        16,023            4,654
     President          1999      120,000     85,350          -0-        12,993            7,759

Phillip G. Stalvey,     2001      151,200     94,398        1,600        16,027
   Executive Vice       2000      140,000     96,950        1,600        16,023            7,099
     President          1999      131,250     91,875        1,850        21,945            7,500

- --------------
(1)  All compensation, including fringe benefits, are paid by the Bank.
(2)  Reflects  bonuses awarded for the fiscal year which were paid in subsequent
     fiscal year.
(3)  Reflects directors' fees received during the fiscal year for service on the
     Board of Directors of the  Corporation  and/or its  Subsidiaries.  Does not
     include  perquisites which did not exceed, in the aggregate,  the lesser of
     $50,000 or 10% of salary and bonus.
(4)  Option  Grants have been  adjusted  for the 5% stock  dividend  December 1,
     1999,  the 10% stock  dividend  March 28, 2000, and the 3 for 2 stock split
     August 14, 2001.
(5)  Includes employer  contributions to the 401K Profit Sharing Plan & Trust of
     Coastal Financial  Corporation and amounts paid to Jerry Rexroad for unused
     vacation  in the  amount  of $1,355 in  accordance  with the  Corporation's
     Compensation plan to all Associates.


Option Grants Table

The  following  table sets forth the qualified  stock options  granted under the
2000 Stock Option and  Incentive  Plan to the  individuals  named in the Summary
Compensation  Table during the fiscal year ended September 30, 2001. Also listed
are the  hypothetical  gains or  "options  spreads"  that  would  exist  for the
respective  options.  These gains are based on assumed rates of annual  compound
stock price  appreciation  of 5% and 10% from the date the options  were granted
over the full option term.

                                INDIVIDUAL GRANTS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                     Potential Realizable Value
                                                                                       at Assumed Annual Rates
                         Number of      Percentage of                                of Stock Price Appreciation
                         Securities         Total                                         For Option Term (2)
                         Underlying       Options/
                          Options/       Granted to     Exercise or
                         Granted (1)     Associates     Base Price
                                         In Fiscal       Per Share    Expiration
        Name                (#)            Year         ($/Sh) (1)       Date          5% ($)         10% ($)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Michael C. Gerald          17,805          8.41%           6.08          2010          68,080         172,529
                            3,300          1.56%           7.16          2011          14,859          37,657

Jimmy R. Graham            16,027          7.57%           6.08          2010          61,970         157,045

Jerry L. Rexroad           16,027          7.57%           6.08          2010          61,970         157,045

Phillip G. Stalvey         16,027          7.57%           6.08          2010          61,970         157,045

Steven J. Sherry           16,027          7.57%           6.08          2010          61,970         157,045


(1)  Shares granted and exercise prices have been adjusted for the 3 for 2 Stock
     Split effective August 14, 2001.
(2)  These amounts represent certain assumed rates of appreciation  only. Actual
     gains, if any, on stock option exercises  depend on the future  performance
     of Coastal  Financial's  Common Stock.  There can be no assurance  that the
     amounts reflected in this table will be achieved.


Option Exercise Table

The following table shows stock option exercises by the individuals named in the
Summary  Compensation  Table during the fiscal year ended September 30, 2001. In
addition,  this table includes the number of shares covered by both  exercisable
and  non-exercisable  options as of September  30, 2001.  Also  reported are the
values for "in-the-money"  options,  which represent the positive spread between
the  exercise  price of any such  existing  options  and the  year-end  price of
Coastal Financial Corporation Common Stock.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                           Dollar Value of
                                                                    Number of                Unexercised
                                                                   Unexercised              In-the-Money
                             Number of                              Options at               Options at
                              Shares                                FY-End (1)                 FY-End
                             Acquired          Dollar
                                on              Value              Exercisable/             Exercisable/
          Name               Exercise          Realized           Unexercisable             Unexercisable
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Michael C. Gerald              -0-               -0-              131,638/62,274          405,535/112,375

Jimmy R. Graham                -0-               -0-               83,740/50,887           236,540/93,614

Jerry L. Rexroad              6,841            $49,832            123,469/52,735           478,924/93,614

Phillip G. Stalvey            2,500            $12,695             76,162/52,735           175,175/93,614

Steven J. Sherry               -0-               -0-               16,878/40,665            25,623/81,400


(1)  Number of  unexercised  options at FY-End have been  adjusted for the three
     for two stock split paid August 14, 2001.

Employment Agreement

     Coastal Federal  entered into an employment  agreement with Mr. Gerald upon
the  completion of the Bank's  conversion  from mutual to stock form.  Effective
September  30,  2001 such  employment  agreement  has a term of three  years and
provides for an annual base salary of $225,000  subject to annual  adjustment by
the Board of Directors.  Additionally,  on each  anniversary of the commencement
date of the agreement,  the term of such agreement is extended for an additional
year unless a notice is received  from either the Bank or Mr. Gerald and subject
to the  review  and  approval  of the Board of  Directors.  The  agreement  also
provides for severance  payments if employment is terminated  following a change
of control.  These  payments,  which will be made  promptly  after any change of
control, will be equal to 2.99 times the average annual compensation paid to Mr.
Gerald during the five years immediately preceding the change in control.

     Coastal  Federal  entered into an  employment  agreement  with Mr.  Rexroad
effective March 21, 1995. Effective September 30, 2001 such employment agreement
has a term of three  years and  provides  for an annual  base salary of $175,000
subject to annual  adjustment by the Board of Directors.  Additionally,  on each
anniversary  of the  commencement  date  of the  agreement,  the  term  of  such
agreement is extended for an  additional  year unless a notice is received  from
either the Bank or Mr.  Rexroad  and  subject to the review and  approval of the
Board of  Directors.  The  agreement  also  provides for  severance  payments if
employment is terminated  following a change of control.  These payments,  which
will be made promptly  after any change of control,  will be equal to 2.99 times
the  average  annual  compensation  paid to Mr.  Rexroad  during  the five years
immediately preceding the change in control.


     Coastal  Federal  entered into an  employment  agreement  with Mr.  Stalvey
effective  October 21,  1997.  Effective  September  30, 2001,  such  employment
agreement  has a term of three years and  provides  for an annual base salary of
$162,500 subject to annual  adjustment by the Board of Directors.  Additionally,
on each anniversary of the commencement date of the agreement,  the term of such
agreement is extended for an  additional  year unless a notice is received  from
either the Bank or Mr.  Stalvey  and  subject to the review and  approval of the
Board of  Directors.  The  agreement  also  provides for  severance  payments if
employment is terminated  following a change of control.  These payments,  which
will be made promptly  after any change of control,  will be equal to 2.99 times
the  average  annual  compensation  paid to Mr.  Stalvey  during  the five years
immediately preceding the change in control.

     Coastal  Federal  entered  into an  employment  agreement  with Mr.  Graham
effective  October 27,  1998.  Effective  September  30, 2001,  such  employment
agreement  has a term of one year and  provides  for an  annual  base  salary of
$130,000.  Additionally,  on each  anniversary of the  commencement  date of the
agreement,  the term of such agreement is extended for an additional year unless
a notice is  received  from  either the Bank or Mr.  Graham  and  subject to the
review and approval of the Board of Directors.  The agreement  also provides for
severance  payments if employment  is terminated  following a change of control.
These payments, which will be made promptly after any change of control, will be
equal to 1.00 times the average  annual  compensation  paid to Mr. Graham during
the five years immediately preceding the change in control.

     Coastal  Federal  entered  into an  employment  agreement  with Mr.  Sherry
effective October 27, 1998. Such employment agreement has a term of one year and
provides  for  an  annual  base  salary  of  $139,000.   Additionally,  on  each
anniversary  of the  commencement  date  of the  agreement,  the  term  of  such
agreement is extended for an  additional  year unless a notice is received  from
either the Bank or Mr.  Sherry and  subject  to the review and  approval  of the
Board of  Directors.  The  agreement  also  provides for  severance  payments if
employment is terminated  following a change of control.  These payments,  which
will be made promptly  after any change of control,  will be equal to 1.00 times
the  average  annual  compensation  paid to Mr.  Sherry  during  the five  years
immediately preceding the change in control.

     The term  "control" is defined in the agreement  described  above as, among
other things,  any time during the period of employment when a change of control
is deemed to have occurred under regulations of the Office of Thrift Supervision
("OTS") or a change in the  composition  of more than a majority of the Board of
Directors of the Corporation.

     Notwithstanding   anything  to  the  contrary  set  forth  in  any  of  the
Corporation's  previous filings under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or
the 1934  Act that  might  incorporate  future  filings,  including  this  Proxy
Statement,  in whole or in part, the following  Report of the  Compensation  and
Benefits  Committee and Performance Graph shall not be incorporated by reference
into any such filings.

Report of the Compensation and Benefits Committee. The Compensation and Benefits
Committee  of the Board of  Directors  of the  Corporation  is  responsible  for
establishing,  implementing  and  monitoring  all  compensation  policies of the
Corporation and its primary operating subsidiary, Coastal Federal. The Committee
is also  responsible  for  evaluating  the  performance  of the Chief  Executive
Officer of the Corporation and recommending appropriate compensation levels. The
Chief Executive Officer  evaluates the performance of executive  officers of the
Corporation and recommends  individual  compensation  levels to the Compensation
and Benefits Committee.


     The Compensation and Benefits  Committee  believes that a compensation plan
for executive  officers should take into account  management  skills,  long-term
performance  results and  Shareholder  returns.  Compensation  policies  must be
maintained  to promote:  1) the  attraction  and  retention of highly  qualified
executives;  2) motivation of executives  that is related to the  performance of
the individual and the Corporation; 3) current and long-term performance; and 4)
a financial  interest in the success of the Corporation  similar to the interest
of its Shareholders.

     The  Corporation's  current  compensation  plan involves a  combination  of
salary and bonus to reward short-term performance and grants of stock options to
encourage long-term performance. The salary levels of the executive officers are
designed to be competitive within the financial services industry.  Compensation
surveys are utilized to determine appropriate salary adjustments. A 401(k) plan,
in which  all  executive  officers  and  Associates  of  Coastal  Financial  may
participate,  has been  designed  to align  their  interests  with  those of the
Shareholders of the Corporation.  Matching  contributions to the 401(k) plan are
paid  based  upon the  attainment  of  established  levels of Return on  Average
Shareholders'  Equity ("Return on Equity").  The  Corporation's  Executive Bonus
Plan  provides  for  the  payment  of  a  bonus  on a  graduated  scale  if  the
Corporation's  consolidated  Return on  Average  Equity,  excluding  accumulated
unrealized gains or losses on the securities portfolio, equals or exceeds 13.5%.
Non-recurring  items  and  non-operational  items,  such  as  gain  (losses)  on
investments  securities  and early  prepayment  penalties on FHLB  advances,  as
determined  by the  Corporation's  Board of  Directors,  are  excluded  from net
income.  The  Corporation's  Return on Equity in fiscal  2001 was  17.75%.  This
compares to a Return on Equity in fiscal  2000 of 19.31%.  The  Executive  Bonus
Plan escalates  upon the attainment of higher levels of Return on Equity.  Stock
options are the Corporation's primary long-term compensation program designed to
reward   executive   performance   consistent  with  performance  that  benefits
Shareholders.  Awards of stock options are intended to provide  executives  with
increased  motivation and incentive to exert their best efforts on behalf of the
Corporation  by  enlarging  their  personal  stake in its  success  through  the
opportunity to increase their stock ownership in the Corporation. Options issued
to  executives  are at a price equal to the closing  price of the  Corporation's
stock on the date of grant in order to ensure  that any value  derived  from the
grant is realized by Shareholders generally. The amount of options granted to an
Executive  Officer is based upon the  Corporation's  performance,  the officer's
performance  and  relative  responsibilities  within  the  Corporation.  Options
generally vest over a period of five years.

     During the fiscal year ended  September 30, 2001, the base  compensation of
Michael C. Gerald,  President and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation was
$212,000.  For fiscal 2002 Mr.  Gerald's  base  compensation  was  increased  to

     Based upon the factors  discussed  above,  the  Compensation  and  Benefits
Committee continues to believe that Mr. Gerald's  compensation  package as Chief
Executive  Officer and President of the Corporation  appropriately  reflects the
Company's short term and long term performance goals.

The Compensation and                  James C. Benton         J. T. Clemmons
- ---------------------
Benefits Committee                    James P. Creel
- ------------------

     Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider  Participation.  There are no
interlocks  or  insider  participation  with  respect  to the  Compensation  and
Benefits Committee of the Board of Directors of the Corporation.


Performance  Graph.  The following graph compares the  Corporation's  cumulative
Shareholder  return on its Common Stock with the return on the Nasdaq  Composite
Index and a peer group, the Nasdaq Bank Index. All cumulative returns assume the
investment of $100.00 in each of the Corporation's Shares, the Nasdaq Bank Index
and the Nasdaq Composite Index on September 30, 1996.


                         PLEASE PROVIDE PLOTTED POINTS

                         EDGAR CANNOT PRINT OUT GRAPHS


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Section  16(a)  of  the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934  requires  the
Corporation's  executive  officers and directors,  and persons who own more than
10% of any registered class of the Company's equity securities,  to file reports
of  ownership  and  changes  in  ownership  with  the SEC.  Executive  officers,
directors  and greater  than 10%  stockholders  are  required by  regulation  to
furnish the Corporation with copies of all Section 16(a) reports they file.

     Based solely on its review of the copies of the reports it has received and
written representation provided to the Corporation from the individuals required
to file the reports,  the  Corporation  believes that each of the  Corporation's
executive  officers  and  directors  has  complied  with  applicable   reporting
requirements  for  transactions in Coastal  Financial  Corporation  common stock
during the fiscal year ended September 30, 2001.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          TRANSACTIONS WITH MANAGEMENT

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Federal  regulations  require  that all  loans or  extensions  of credit to
executive officers and directors of insured financial  institutions must be made
on substantially  the same terms,  including  interest rates and collateral,  as
those  prevailing at the time for  comparable  transactions  with other persons,
except for loans made pursuant to programs generally available to all employees,
and must not involve  more than the normal risk of  repayment  or present  other
unfavorable features.  Coastal Federal Savings Bank is therefore prohibited from
making any new loans or extensions of credit to executive officers and directors
at different rates or terms than those offered to the general public, except for
loans made pursuant to programs  generally  available to all employees,  and has
adopted a policy to this  effect.  In  addition,  loans  made to a  director  or
executive  officer in an amount  that,  when  aggregated  with the amount of all
other loans to such person and his or her  related  interests,  are in excess of
the greater of $25,000 or 5% of the  institution's  capital and surplus (up to a
maximum  of  $500,000)  must  be  approved  in  advance  by a  majority  of  the
disinterested members of the Board of Directors.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The Audit  Committee of the Board of Directors is responsible for providing
independent,  objective oversight of Coastal Financial's  independent  auditors,
accounting  functions and internal controls.  The Audit Committee is composed of
five directors,  each of whom is independent  under the National  Association of
Securities Dealers' listing standards.  The Audit Committee acts under a written
charter adopted by the Board of Directors.

     The Audit Committee reviewed and discussed the annual financial  statements
with  management  and the  independent  accountants.  As  part of this  process,
management represented to the Audit Committee that the financial statements were
prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.  The Audit
Committee also received and reviewed  written  disclosures and a letter from the
accountants concerning their independence as required under applicable standards
for  auditors  of public  companies.  The  Audit  Committee  discussed  with the
accountants the contents of such materials,  the  accountant's  independence and
the additional  matters  required under Statement on Auditing  Standards No. 61.
Based on such review and discussion,  the Audit Committee  recommended  that the
Board of Directors  include the audited  consolidated  financial  statements  in
Coastal  Financial's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended September 30,
2001 for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

         Members of the Audit Committee:

         G. David Bishop
         J.T. Clemmons
         James P. Creel
         James H. Dusenbury - Chairman
         Frank A. Thompson II


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Audit Fees. For fiscal year 2001, KPMG LLP billed the Corporation an aggregate
of $66,400 for professional services rendered for the audit of the Corporation's
annual financial statements for the year ended September 30, 2001 and reviews of
the financial statements included in the Corporation's Forms 10-Q for that year.

All Other Fees. For fiscal year 2001, KPMG LLP billed the Corporation an
aggregate of $36,200 for preparation of tax returns, tax consulting and other

     The Audit Committee believes that the provision of non-audit services by
KPMG LLP is compatible with maintaining KPMG LLP's independence.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The  Corporation  will  pay  the  cost  of  this  proxy  solicitation.  The
Corporation will reimburse  brokerage firms and other  custodians,  nominees and
fiduciaries for reasonable  expenses incurred by them in sending proxy materials
to the  beneficial  owners of Coastal  Financial  Corporation  common stock.  In
addition  to  soliciting  proxies  by  mail,  directors,  officers  and  regular
employees of the  Corporation  may solicit  proxies  personally or by telephone.
None of these persons will receive additional compensation for these activities.

     The Company's Annual Report to Shareholders has been mailed to shareholders
of record as of the close of business on November 30, 2001. Any  shareholder who
has not received a copy of the Annual Report may obtain a copy by writing to the
Secretary of the Corporation.  The Annual Report is not to be treated as part of
the  proxy  solicitation  material  or as  having  been  incorporated  herein by

     A copy of the Corporation's  Form 10-K,  without  exhibits,  for the fiscal
year ended  September  30,  2001,  as filed  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission, will be furnished without charge to Shareholders of record as of the
close of  business  on  November  30,  2001 upon  written  request to  Corporate
Secretary, Coastal Financial Corporation, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Proposals that  Shareholders  seek to have included in the proxy  statement
for the Corporation's next annual meeting must be received by the Corporation no
later  than  August  23,  2002.  Any  such  proposals  will  be  subject  to the
requirements  of  the  proxy  rules  adopted  by  the  Securities  and  Exchange

     The  Company's  Bylaws  provide  that in order  for a  Shareholder  to make
nominations  for the  election of  directors  or  proposals  for  business to be
brought  before the annual  meeting,  a shareholder  must deliver notice of such
nominations  and/or proposals to the Secretary not less than 30 nor more than 60
days  prior to the date of the  annual  meeting;  provided  that if less than 40
days' notice of the annual meeting is given to shareholders, such notice must be
delivered  not later than the close of the tenth day  following the day on which
notice of the annual  meeting was mailed to  Shareholders.  A copy of the Bylaws
may be obtained from the Corporation.

                                              BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                              Susan J. Cooke
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
December 21, 2001
