FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                     Stock Symbol: PBCP
Thursday, April 24, 2003                  Traded on Nasdaq National Market

Paul A. Maisch, SVP & CFO
Roberta Lenett, VP & Manager of Shareholder Relations
(845) 369-8082

                    OF $2.5 MILLION, $0.32 PER DILUTED SHARE

MONTEBELLO,  NY - April 24, 2003 --  Provident  Bancorp,  Inc.  (Nasdaq-National
Market:  PBCP),  the parent company of Provident Bank,  today announced that net
income for the three months ended March 31, 2003 was $2.5  million,  compared to
net income of $2.6 million for the three months ended March 31, 2002, a decrease
of $0.1  million.  Basic and diluted  earnings per share  decreased to $0.33 and
$0.32,  respectively,  compared  to $0.34  and  $0.33  for  basic  and  diluted,
respectively, for the same period last year. Net income for the six months ended
March 31, 2003 was $5.56  million,  compared to net income of $5.13  million for
the six months ended March 31, 2002, an increase of $0.4 million, or 7.8%. Basic
and diluted earnings per share increased to $0.72 and $0.71,  respectively,  for
the six-month  period  compared to $0.67 and $0.66,  respectively,  for the same
period last year.

Included in net income for the quarter  were  several  large  items.  A one-time
compensation  expense payment of $324,000 offset exceptional interest recoveries
on nonperforming loans and prepayment fee collections of approximately $300,000.
Further,  the Company was able to generate an additional  $369,000 in gains from
the sale of  residential  mortgages  and  $337,000  from the sale of  investment
securities over prior year amounts.  These gains supplement falling asset yields
in the current continued low interest rate environment.

George  Strayton,  the  Company's  President  and CEO,  stated,  "The  quarterly
origination  of loans in all  categories  totaled $94 million and  outpaced  the
previous  year's  $65  million  of  originations.   However,   significant  loan
repayments  and  curtailments  impeded  asset  growth and  associated  earnings.
Although  earnings for the quarter are similar to those of the same quarter last
year, we are pleased that our net interest margin, although less than last year,
continues to be strong."

Total assets as of March 31, 2003 were  $1,091.3  million,  an increase of $63.6
- ------------
million,  or 6.2% over assets of $1,027.7  million at September 30, 2002, and an
increase of $171.7 million, or 18.7%, over assets of $919.6 million at March 31,
2002. In April 2002, the Company  acquired The National Bank of Florida ("NBF"),
which increased assets by $90.7 million.

Net Loans as of March  31,  2003  were  $679.7  million,  an  increase  of $18.9
- ---------
million,  or 2.9%,  over net loan  balances of $660.8  million at September  30,
2002,  and an increase of $57.3  million,  or 9.2%,  over  balances at March 31,
2002,  including $23.1 million acquired from NBF. Residential loans continued to
grow during the six-month period, posting an increase of $20.5 million, or 5.6%,
over  balances  at  September  30,  2002,   primarily  in  bi-weekly  mortgages.
Commercial and consumer loans remained  relatively  unchanged as prepayments and
maturities  of  existing  facilities  virtually  offset  originations  of  $89.9
million. Asset quality continues to be strong. At $5.8 million or 0.53% of total
assets,  non-performing  assets are up  slightly  from $5.0  million or 0.49% at
September 30, 2002, and $3.6 million or 0.39% at March 31, 2002.

Deposits as of March 31, 2003 were $840.6  million,  up $41.0 million,  or 5.1%,
- --------
from  September 30, 2002,  and $162.7  million,  or 24.0%,  from March 31, 2002,
including  $88.2 million from NBF.  Deposit growth has occurred in  transaction,
savings and money market  accounts while  certificates of deposit are viritually
unchanged  compared  to  September  30,  2002.  As of March 31,  2003 retail and
commercial  transaction  accounts  were 24.7% of  deposits  compared to 24.2% at
September 30, 2002 and 22.8% at March 31, 2002.

Stockholders'  equity  increased by $2.6 million to $113.5  million at March 31,
- ---------------------
2003 compared to $110.9 million at September 30, 2002. In addition to net income
of $5.6 million for the six-month  period,  equity increased by $0.8 million due
to activity related to the Company's ESOP, stock option and management retention
plans.  Partially offsetting these increases were cash dividends,  which reduced
stockholders'  equity by $1.3  million,  and the change in after-tax  unrealized
gains on securities available for sale, which decreased equity by $1.2 million.

During the first six  months of fiscal  2003,  the  Company  repurchased  37,500
common shares, bringing the total shares repurchased to 368,051 shares under its
previously announced repurchase programs,  which authorized the repurchase of up
to 376,740 shares.  Net of option-related  reissuances,  treasury shares held by
the Company at March 31, 2003 were 307,898.

Income Information - Quarter
- ----------------------------

Net interest income after provision for loan losses for the three months ended
- -------------------
March 31, 2003 was $11.2 million, compared to $10.2 million for the three months
ended March 31, 2002, an increase of $1.0 million or 9.8%. The increase in net
interest income was largely due to a $104.0 million increase in average earning
assets to $973.6 million during the quarter ended March 31, 2003, as compared to
$869.6 million for the same quarter in the prior year, due primarily to the NBF
acquisition. The increase in average earning assets was partially offset by a
decline in average yield of 77 basis points from 6.79% to 6.02%. A decrease in
the average cost of interest bearing liabilities of 92 basis points led to a
$1.2 million drop in interest expense for the quarter compared to the same
quarter in 2002, even as interest-bearing liabilities increased by $104.0
million. Net interest margin declined by 4 basis points to 4.79%, while net
interest spread improved by 15 basis points to 4.55%.

Non-interest income for the three months ended March 31, 2003 was $2.4 million
- -------------------
compared to $1.2 million for the three months ended March 31, 2002, an increase
of $1.2 million, or 100%. Realized gains on securities available for sale were
$427,000 for the current three-month period, compared to $90,000 for the same
period last year. During the three-month period ending March 31, 2003, the
Company also recorded gains on sales of loans totaling $403,000, while there was
only $34,000 for the same period last year. Excluding the effects of gains on
sales of securities and loans, the increase was $431,000, or 39.0%. Banking fees
and service charges increased by $179,000, or 19.1%, due primarily to
volume-driven increases in overdraft, NSF, and debit card fees. Loan fees and
charges increased by $62,000, or 33.3%, primarily as the result of a $100,000
prepayment fee received. In addition, the formation of a Bank Owned Life
Insurance ("BOLI") program in December, 2002, generated $161,000 in other income
during the current three-month period.

Non-interest  expenses for the three  months  ended March 31, 2003  increased by
- ----------------------
$2.3 million, or 31.5%, to $9.6 million,  compared to $7.3 million for the three
months ended March 31, 2002.  The  acquisition of NBF in April,  2002,  played a
major role in the  increases  in most  categories,  as did the  opening of a new
branch in February,  2003,  reflecting  increases in  compensation  and employee
benefits of $264,000 and in occupancy  and  equipment  costs of $119,000.  Also,
amortization of intangible assets of $115,000 in the current  three-month period
is related to the  deposit  premiums  recorded  as a result of the  acquisition.
Excluding the new  branch-related  salaries,  the increase in  compensation  and
benefits was $1.1 million,  or 27.5%. The $1.1 million increase is primarily due
to a $324,000  payout of an employment  agreement,  retirement plan and deferred
compensation costs increase of $193,000,  net health insurance premiums increase
of $71,000 and annual salary  increases  and  additional  administration  staff.
Other expenses  increased by $844,000,  or 25.6%,  due primarily to the start-up
costs mentioned above, and an increase in advertising of $191,000 related to the
new branch,  and an increase of $161,000 in  consulting  and other  professional
fees incurred primarily to improve the Company's technological infrastructure.

Income Information - Six Months
- -------------------------------

Net interest income after  provision for loan losses  increased by $2.6 million,
- -------------------
or 13.1% for the six months ended March 31, 2003 to $22.5  million from the same
period in 2002. The increase in interest  income reflects an increase in average
earning assets of $114.3 million to $976.2 million, offset by a decline in yield
of 77 basis points to 6.05%. The cost of interest bearing  liabilities  declined
by $2.6 million as the average rate paid on interest  bearing  funds  dropped 98
basis points to 1.57% even though average  balances  increased by $104.6 million
to $810.9  million.  Net interest  margin  increased from 4.73% to 4.75% and net
interest spread improved from 4.27% to 4.49%. As noted in the above  discussion,
the  increase in the Bank's net  interest  income is due, in large part,  to the
relative changes in the yield and cost of the Bank's assets and liabilities as a
result of decreasing  market  interest rates since 2001. This decrease in market
interest rates has reduced the cost of  interest-bearing  liabilities faster and
to a greater extent than the rates on interest-earning  assets such as loans and
securities.  However,  if  recently  low  interest  rate  levels  persist for an
extended  period of time,  the  prepayment  of assets  could  continue at a rate
exceeding  scheduled  repayment.  Such  funds  received  would  most  likely  be
reinvested at lower yields than that of its previously held assets. Also, as the
reduction  in  liability  costs have  already  exceeded the pace at which assets
repriced downward, net interest margin may be further compressed. Conversely, if
the geopolitical  factors and an economic recovery become more apparent,  market
interest  rates  could  rise.  Competitive  pressures  could cause a rise in the
Company's funding costs and lead to pressures on net interest margin.

Non-interest  income for the six-month  period ended March 31, 2003 increased to
- --------------------
$4.4 million,  an increase of $1.9 million, or 76%, compared to $2.5 million for
the same six-month period last year. Realized gains on securities  available for
sale and sales of loans were $1.1 million and  $442,000,  respectively,  for the
current  period,  generating  a  combined  increase  of $1.2  million  over  the
securities  and loan sales  gains of  $278,000  for the same  period  last year.
Banking  fees and  service  charges  increased  to $2.2  million for the current
six-month period,  an increase of $293,000,  or 15.8%, over the same period last
year.  The increase is primarily  attributable  to  volume-related  increases in
transaction  account  fees of  $270,000  resulting  from  the  new and  acquired
branches.  Other income  increased by  $315,000,  or 96.6%,  to $641,000 for the
six-month  period ended March 31, 2003,  from  $326,000 for the same period last
year.  The increase is primarily due to $161,000 in income from the BOLI and the
previously  mentioned  prepayment  fee  received,  as well as a one-time  fee of
$86,000 from the Company's check-printing vendor.

Non-interest  expenses increased to $18.0 million for the six-month period ended
- ----------------------
March 31, 2003, an increase of $3.6 million,  or 25%,  compared to $14.4 million
for the same six-month period last year.  Increases in compensation and benefits
directly  attributable  to the new branches  were  $522,000 and in occupancy and
office  operations  were  $283,000.  Compensation  and benefits  increased by an
additional  $1.7  million,  of which  $324,000  represented  the  pay-out  of an
employment  agreement,  $212,000  was  attributable  to the  increased  cost  of
stock-based  compensation plans,  $234,000 is due to additional  retirement plan
and other deferred  compensation  expense,  $118,000 is related to higher health
insurance  premiums and the remaining increase is due to annual salary increases
of approximately 4.5% and additional administration staff. The Company amortized
$242,000 of intangible assets during the current year-to-date period as a result
of the NBF acquisition.  Other expenses increased by $917,000, or 13.9%, for the
current  year-to-date  period due primarily to additional  advertising  costs of
$206,000,  or 29.2%,  related to new branches  and  products,  a  volume-related
increase  of  $258,000,  or  30.6%,  in data  processing  costs,  and  increased
consulting  and other  professional  fees of  $222,000  incurred  primarily  for
technological development.

Mr. Strayton added,  "In the past year we have applied the resources of the Bank
to offer convenient  delivery channels for our customers to access us. Acquiring
The  National  Bank of Florida and opening a branch in Harriman and a second New
City location, demonstrate our commitment to expanding the communities we serve.
Further,  extended and Sunday  banking  hours,  internet  access and a dedicated
staff of corporate and community  bankers reinforce our commitment to delivering
high quality service that will generate solid core earnings in these challenging

Other financial information is included in the tables that follow.

In  addition  to  historical  information,  this  earnings  release  may contain
forward-looking  statements.  For this purpose,  any statements contained herein
that are not statements of historical  fact may be deemed to be  forward-looking
statements.  There are a number of important factors which have been outlined in
previously  filed  documents with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission,  and
other factors that could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially
from  those  contemplated  by  such  forward-looking   statements.  The  Company
undertakes  no  obligation  to publicly  release the results of any revisions to
those  forward-looking  statements  which  may be  made  to  reflect  events  or
circumstances  after the date of this  release or to reflect the  occurrence  of
unanticipated events.

Provident Bancorp, Inc.
(unaudited, in thousands, except share data)
                                                                 March 31,         September 30,      March 31,
                                                                   2003                2002             2002
                                                               ---------------     --------------    ----------
Cash and due from banks                                            $31,861             $35,093          $17,398
Federal funds sold                                                     ---                 ---           15,700
Total securities                                                   334,165             298,285          242,377
    One-to four-family residential mortgage loans                  386,629             366,111          366,162
    Commercial real estate, commercial business
          and construction                                         222,527             221,669          189,681
        Consumer loans                                              81,437              83,419           76,014
                                                               ---------------     -----------       ----------
                  Gross loans                                      690,593             671,199          631,857
        Allowance for loan losses                                  (10,901)            (10,383)          (9,503)
                                                               ---------------     -----------
                  Total loans, net                                 679,692             660,816          622,354
                                                               ---------------     -----------       ----------
Premises and equipment, net                                         11,344              11,071            9,109
Goodwill                                                            13,540              13,540              ---
Bank owned life insurance                                           12,161                 ---              ---
Other assets                                                         8,490               8,896           12,614
                                                               ---------------     -----------       ----------
                   Total assets                                $ 1,091,253         $ 1,027,701        $ 919,552
                                                               ===============     ===========       ==========
          Transaction accounts                                       $207,568      $   193,114         $154,742
          Savings and money market deposits                           390,521          362,983          297,937
          Certificates of deposit                                     242,512          243,529          225,203
                                                               ---------------     -----------       ----------
                    Total deposits                                    840,601          799,626          677,882
                                                               ---------------     -----------       ----------
     Borrowings                                                       119,388          102,968          117,283
     Mortgage escrow funds and other                                   17,719           14,240           18,577
                                                               ---------------     -----------       ----------
                    Total liabilities                                 977,708          916,834          813,742
                                                               ---------------     -----------       ----------
Stockholders' equity:
     Common stock                                                         828              828              828
     Additional paid-in capital                                        36,979           36,696           36,748
     Unallocated common stock held by ESOP / RRP                      (2,637)          (3,082)          (3,581)
     Treasury stock, at cost                                          (6,854)          (5,874)          (4,229)
     Retained earnings                                                 80,819           76,727           73,429
    Accumulated other comprehensive income                              4,410            5,572            2,615
                                                               ---------------     -----------       ----------
              Stockholders' equity                                    113,545          110,867          105,810
                                                               ---------------     -----------       ----------
              Total liabilities and stockholders' equity          $ 1,091,253      $ 1,027,701         $919,552
                                                               ===============     ===========       ==========

Common shares outstanding at period end                              7,972,102       7,997,512        8,043,499
Book value per share                                              $      14.24     $     13.86       $    13.16

Provident Bancorp, Inc.
(unaudited, in thousands, except share data)

                                                                       Three Months Ended        Six Months Ended
                                                                           March 31,                   March 31
                                                                     2003            2002         2003     2002
                                                                     ----            ----         ----     ----

Interest and dividend income:
     Loans                                                          $11,129          $11,002    $22,475   $22,222
     Securities and other earning assets                              3,310            3,556      6,988     7,097
                                                                  ------------     ---------    -------   --------
Total interest and dividend income                                   14,439           14,558     29,463    29,319
                                                                  ------------     ---------    -------   --------

Interest expense:
     Deposits                                                         1,965            2,698      4,310     6,001
     Borrowings                                                         982            1,494      2,026     2,982
                                                                  ------------     ---------    -------   --------
Total interest expense                                                2,947            4,192      6,336     8,983
                                                                  ------------     ---------    -------   --------

Net interest income                                                  11,492           10,366     23,127    20,336
Provision for loan losses                                               300              175        600       400
                                                                  ------------     ---------    -------   --------
Net interest income after provision for loan losses                  11,192           10,191     22,527    19,936
                                                                  ------------     ---------    -------   --------

Non-interest income:
     Banking fees and service charges                                 1,114              935      2,203     1,911
     Gains on sales of securities available for sale                    427               90      1,084       237
     Gains on sales of loans                                            403               34        442        40
     Other                                                              423              171        641       326
                                                                  ------------     ---------    -------   --------
Total non-interest income                                             2,367            1,230      4,370     2,514
                                                                  ------------     ---------    -------   --------

Non-interest expense:
     Compensation and employee benefits                               5,304            3,976      9,999     7,833
     Occupancy and office operations                                  1,254            1,182      2,490     2,266
     Advertising and promotion                                          495              304        911       705
     Data processing                                                    528              440      1,101       843
     Other                                                            1,976            1,368                2,776
                                                                  ------------     ---------    -------   --------
Total non-interest expense                                            9,557            7,270     18,030    14,423
                                                                  ------------     ---------    -------   --------

Income before income tax expense                                      4,002            4,151      8,867     8,027
Income tax expense                                                    1,482            1,550      3,306     2,900
                                                                  ------------     ---------    -------   --------
Net income                                                           $2,520           $2,601    $ 5,561    $5,127
                                                                  ============     =========    =======   ========

Per common share:
     Basic earnings                                                   $0.33           $ 0.34    $  0.72     $0.67
     Diluted earnings                                                  0.32             0.33       0.71      0.66
     Dividends declared                                                0.14             0.10       0.27      0.18

Weighted average common shares:
     Basic                                                           7,717,668     7,703,009    7,719,635 7,694,528
     Diluted                                                         7,835,432     7,847,100    7,834,907 7,825,278

Provident Bancorp, Inc.
(unaudited, $ in thousands)

                                                       March 31,   September 30,    March 31,
                                                         2003         2002           2002
                                                        -------    -------           ----

Asset Quality Data:
    Non-performing loans  (NPLs)                         $5,634    $ 4,954          $ 3,369
    Non-performing assets (NPAs)                         $5,774    $ 4,995          $ 3,617
    NPLs as % of total loans                              0.82%       0.74%           0.53%
    NPAs as % of total assets                             0.53%       0.49%           0.39%
    Allowance for loan losses as % of NPLs                 193%        210%            282%
    Allowance for loan losses as % of total loans         1.58%       1.55%           1.50%

Capital Ratios:
    Equity to total assets (consolidated)                10.41%      10.79%          11.51%
    Tier 1 capital ratio (Bank only)                      8.49%       8.45%          10.38%

                                                        Three Months Ended            Six Months Ended
                                                             March 31,                   March 31,
                                                         2003       2002              2003        2002
                                                        -------    -------         ---------    -------

Performance Ratios (annualized):
   Return on:
        Average assets                                    0.97%       1.16%            1.06%       1.15%
        Average common equity                             9.09%       9.88%            9.96%       9.76%
        Average tangible equity                          10.50%       9.90%           11.52%       9.78%

   Net interest rate spread                               4.55%       4.40%            4.49%       4.27%
   Net interest margin                                    4.79%       4.83%            4.75%       4.73%

Average Balance Data:
   Average assets                                     1,055,754    907,034         1,047,695    896,952
   Average earning assets                               973,601    869,620           976,226    861,909
   Average stockholders' equity                         112,406    106,743           111,989    105,343