
                                TO STOCKHOLDERS


                         WAYNE SAVINGS BANCSHARES, INC.

                                  MEMBER FDIC

                               CORPORATE PROFILE

     Wayne Savings Bancshares,  Inc.  (hereinafter,  the "Company") is the stock
holding  company  parent of Wayne Savings  Community  Bank (the "Bank" or "Wayne
Savings"), which was established in 1899. During the fiscal year ended March 31,
2003, the mutual holding company Wayne Savings Bankshares M.H.C. (the "M.H.C."),
which previously owned a majority of the Company's  outstanding shares of common
stock, converted from the M.H.C. form of ownership to full stock form and merged
with and into the Bank. The Company, which owned 100% of the Bank, was succeeded
by a Delaware corporation of the same name. As part of the conversion, shares of
the Company's  common stock  representing the M.H.C.'s  ownership  interest were
sold in the offering.  The existing  publicly-held shares of the Company,  which
represented the remaining ownership interest in the Company,  were exchanged for
new shares of the Delaware  corporation  at a share  exchange ratio of 1.5109 to
     The offering of the  Company's  common stock  culminated  in the receipt of
gross sale proceeds of $20.6 million which,  after  consideration of an employee
stock plan of $1.6 million and  applicable  offering  expenses of $1.9  million,
resulted in net proceeds of $17.1 million.
     As a result of the conversion,  all financial  information that is based on
or derived  from the actual or  outstanding  shares of common  stock  during any
period   prior  to  fiscal  2003  has  been   appropriately   adjusted  for  the
aforementioned  exchange ratio.  The conversion was accounted for as a change in
corporate form with no change in the historical basis of assets,  liabilities or
stockholders'  equity.  The Company's common stock is traded on the NASDAQ stock
market under the symbol "WAYN."
     The Bank has been serving the  financial  needs of the  residents of Wayne,
Holmes,  Ashland  and Medina  counties in Ohio for 104 years.  Headquartered  in
downtown Wooster, Ohio, the Bank also operates 10 full-service banking locations
in  Wooster,  Millersburg,  Ashland,  Rittman  and Lodi,  including  its Village
Savings Bank F.S.B. ("Village") subsidiary in North Canton.  Throughout its long
history and many economic  cycles,  Wayne Savings has enjoyed a fine  reputation
for stability,  safety and soundness,  and community service.  The Bank has been
noted for its sound  management,  consistent  profitability and quality personal
service to customers.
     The mission of Wayne  Savings is to excel in  customer  service as a sound,
independent,  profitable,  and progressive community bank dedicated to providing
an array  of  services  responsive  to the  financial  needs  of  people  in our
communities,  with an emphasis on home financing and household  savings,  and to
provide for the security and development of our employees.


                               BOARD OF DIRECTORS



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                             DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS



     Following 45 years of loyal, dedicated service on the Board of Directors of
Wayne  Savings  Community  Bank,  Kenneth G. Rhode  announced  he would not seek
re-election  as a director  when his current  term ends in July 2003.  Mr. Rhode
will continue to serve the Company in the role of Director Emeritus.
     A highly respected  businessman and citizen,  Mr. Rhode brought outstanding
credentials  to his  directorship  when he joined the Board of Wayne  Savings in
1958.  Having served as a Naval Officer in the South Pacific in World War II, he
was President and Chief  Executive  Officer of Western Reserve and Lightning Rod
Mutual Insurance companies for 50 years. Mr. Rhode also held numerous leadership
posts in state  and  national  insurance  trade  organizations,  and he has been
actively involved in many community and civic organizations.
     Mr.  Rhode has served a Chairman  of the Board of Wayne  Savings  Community
Bank since  1972.  During  his  tenure,  he made  notable  contributions  to the
Company's progress and success. He has earned the deepest admiration and respect
from all those who have been associated with him.

[Picture of Kenneth G. Rhode appears to the right of this paragraph]

                         WAYNE SAVINGS BANCSHARES, INC.


        Charles Finn                Charles F. Finn

        Kenneth Rhode               Wanda Christopher-Finn
        Russell Harpster            EXECUTIVE VICE
        Joseph Retzler              AND CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER
        Donald Massaro
        Terry Gardner               Michael C. Anderson

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS


Stockholder Information                                                5
Chairman's Letter                                                      6
Selected Consolidated Financial and Other Data                         8
Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
  Results of Operations                                               10
Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition                        18
Consolidated Statements of Earnings                                   19
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income                       20
Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity                       21
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                                 22
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                            24
Report of Independent Certified Public Accountants                    40

______________________________________ 4 _______________________________________

                            STOCKHOLDER INFORMATION

ANNUAL MEETING                               TRANSFER AGENT
The Annual Meeting of Stockholders           Mellon Investor Services, LLC
will be held at 10:00 a.m. on July 24,       P.O. Box 3315
2003, at The Greenbriar Conference Centre,   South Hackensack, NJ 07606-1915
50 Riffel Road,                              www.melloninvestor.com
Wooster, Ohio 44691

                                             ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K
                                             A copy of the Company's Form 10-K
Luse Gorman Pomerenk & Schick                for the fiscal year ended March 31,
5335 Wisconsin Avenue NW                     2003, will be furnished upon
Suite 400                                    request  without charge to
Washington, D.C. 20015                       stockholders.

                                             INVESTOR INFORMATION

INDEPENDENT AUDITORS                         Executive Offices
                                             Wayne Saving Bancshares, Inc.
Grant Thornton LLP                           151 N. Market Street . P.O. Box 858
625 Eden Park Drive .  Suite 900             Wooster, Ohio 44691
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202                       (330) 264-5767

                          WAYNE SAVINGS COMMUNITY BANK

                                 BANK LOCATIONS


151 N. Market Street o Wooster, Ohio       233 Claremont Avenue o Ashland, Ohio

1908 Cleveland Road o Wooster, Ohio        1055 Sugarbush Drive o Ashland, Ohio

2024 Millersburg Road o Wooster, Ohio      RITTMAN OFFICE

                                           237 North Main Street o Rittman, Ohio
543 Riffel Road o Wooster, Ohio            LODI OFFICE
                                           303 Highland Drive o Lodi, Ohio
90 N. Clay Street o Millersburg, Ohio

                          VILLAGE SAVINGS BANK, F.S.B.
                    1265 S. Main Street o North Canton, Ohio

______________________________________ 5 _______________________________________

                               CHAIRMAN'S LETTER



     Bringing down the curtain on fiscal 2003, it is a great  pleasure to report
that we enjoyed a most  momentous year as well as marking the beginning of a new
era for your Company, Wayne Savings Bancshares, Inc.
     The fiscal  year ended March 31, 2003 was  particularly  momentous  because
Wayne Savings Bancshares, Inc., the stock holding company parent of 104-year-old
Wayne Savings Community Bank, achieved record earnings. Net earnings amounted to
$2.8 million,  or $.71 per diluted  share,  an increase of $949,000 or 52%, over
net earnings of $1.8 million,  or $.47 per diluted share,  reported in the prior
fiscal year.  The  increase in net earnings was due  primarily to an increase in
net interest  income of $1.9 million,  or 21%,  which was partially  offset by a
$695,000 increase in general, administrative, and other expense and a $278,000
increase  in federal  income  taxes.  We are  particularly  pleased  the Company
achieved record operating  results through a solid increase in core earnings and
not through gains from the sale of loans or securities.
     It is also  most  gratifying  and  humbling  that the  Company  was able to
achieve record earnings in a  less-than-favorable  business climate.  We can too
easily  recall  the  past  year  was  filled  with  uncertainty  and bad news --
dominated by the global war on terrorism,  a sluggish economy,  a volatile stock
market and concerns over corporate  governance.  However,  we are optimistic the
storm clouds are lifting and the business and economic climate will be improving
in the year ahead.
     A new era of opportunities  for Wayne Savings  Bancshares,  Inc. began with
the  Company's  conversion  from partial to full public stock  ownership,  which
resulted from the completion of a second-step stock offering on January 8, 2003.
Since the initial stock offering in 1993, and prior to the second-step offering,
a mutual  holding  company held 52.5%  ownership  interest in the stock  holding
company.  In the  recent  second-step  offering,  the mutual  holding  company's
ownership interest was sold to the public, and the mutual holding company ceased
to exist. Now, Wayne Savings Bancshares,  Inc., the new Delaware holding company
for Wayne Savings Community Bank, is 100% owned by public stockholders.


                                CHARLES F. FINN
                      Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

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     We are extremely  gratified by the tremendous  support of our customers and
the  investment  community.  Their  participation  in the offering  demonstrates
confidence in our organization.  In the subscription and community offering, the
Company sold 2,040,816 shares, approximately the midpoint of the offering range,
at a  purchase  price of $10.00  per  share.  As part of the  conversion,  prior
stockholders  received  1.5109 new shares in exchange for each of their existing
shares of stock.  The Company's  common stock now trades on the Nasdaq  National
Market under the symbol "WAYN." We expect the  additional  capital raised in the
offering to facilitate new business and growth opportunities.
     At this time, I want to take the opportunity to honor Kenneth G. Rhode, who
is stepping  down after 45 years of service on the Board of  Directors  of Wayne
Savings  Community  Bank.  In my 20  years as chief  executive  officer,  I have
benefited  greatly from Kenneth  Rhode's wise counsel,  solid  business  acumen,
sound judgment,  and  friendship.  I still plan to seek his counsel as he serves
the Company as Director Emeritus.
     Through the actions and  accomplishments of the past year, we believe Wayne
Savings  Bancshares,  Inc. is  well-positioned  to expand its market  share,  to
provide  outstanding  service  to  customers,  and to  build  the  value  of our
stockholders'  investment.  On behalf of the Officers,  Directors, and Staff, we
thank you deeply for your continued confidence and support.


                                      /s/ CHARLES F. FINN

                                      Charles F. Finn
                                      Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

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     The  following  table sets forth certain  consolidated  financial and other
data of  Wayne  Savings  Bancshares,  Inc.,  at the  dates  and  for  the  years
indicated.  The consolidated  financial statements as of and for the years ended
March 31, 1999 through  March 31, 2003,  inclusive,  are those of Wayne  Savings
Bancshares,  Inc.  prior to the  reorganization  and  change in  corporate  form
discussed in the Notes to the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements and elsewhere
herein.  For  additional  information  about the  Company,  reference is made to
"Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of Financial  Condition  and Results of
Operations" and the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company.

                                                                                        At March 31,
                                                    2003                 2002           2001              2000         1999
                                                                                        (In thousands)
Total assets                                        $378,991             $334,843       $311,640          $304,030     $270,954
Loans receivable, net(1)                             228,373              251,172        247,480           237,418      215,636
Mortgage-backed securities(2)                         76,002               17,326          8,574            10,459        7,230
Investment securities                                 35,841               22,286         13,641            23,199       11,830
Cash and cash equivalents(3)                          17,496               27,883         20,902            14,296       16,245
Deposits                                             300,931              300,957        277,706           264,952      235,327
Stockholders' equity                                  44,663               26,047         25,255            24,962       24,900

(1)  Includes loans held for sale.
(2)  Includes mortgage-backed securities available for sale.
(3)  Includes cash and due from banks, interest-bearing deposits in other financial
     institutions, and federal funds sold.

                                                                          Year Ended March 31,
                                                       2003               2002            2001              2000        1999
                                                                          (In thousands, except share data)
Interest income                                      $20,023              $21,309        $21,506           $20,700      $19,234
Interest expense                                       9,169               12,348         13,100            12,014       11,187
                                                    ________             ________       ________          ________     ________
Net interest income                                   10,854                8,961          8,406             8,686        8,047
Provision for losses on loans                             91                  134             96               106           78
                                                    ________             ________       ________          ________     ________
Net interest income after provision
for losses on loans                                   10,763                8,827          8,310             8,580        7,969
Other income                                           1,643                1,657          1,045               748          985
General, administrative
and other expense                                      8,417                7,722          7,348             7,434        6,488
                                                    ________             ________       ________          ________     ________
Earnings before income taxes                           3,989                2,762          2,007             1,894        2,466
Federal income taxes                                   1,217                  939            675               624          838
                                                    ________             ________       ________          ________     ________
Net earnings before change in
accounting principle                                   2,772                1,823          1,332             1,270        1,628
                                                    ========             ========       ========          ========     ========

Change in accounting principle related to
allocated organization costs -
net of tax of $63,000                                     --                   --             --              (122)          --
                                                    ========             ========       ========          ========     ========
NET EARNINGS                                         $ 2,772              $ 1,823        $ 1,332           $ 1,148      $ 1,628
                                                    ========             ========       ========          ========     ========
Basic earnings per share(1)                            $ .71                $ .47          $ .34           $   .29        $ .41
                                                    ========             ========       ========          ========     ========
Diluted earnings per share(1)                          $ .71                $ .47          $ .34           $   .29        $ .41
                                                    ========             ========       ========          ========     ========
Cash dividends declared
per common share(2)                                    $ .45                $ .45          $ .42           $   .42        $ .39
                                                    ========             ========       ========          ========     ========
(1)Basic and diluted earnings per share for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2000
   reflects a $.03 per share reduction for the cumulative effect of change in
   accounting principle. All per share amounts have been restated to give effect
   to the 1.5109 to 1.00 share exchange ratio provided for in the Company's
   conversion offering.
(2)During  fiscal years ended March 31, 2003 and 1999,  the M.H.C.  waived its
   right to receive all  dividends.  During  fiscal 2001 and 2000, the M.H.C.
   waived  approximately $.44 and $.40 of the $.45 and $.42 per share dividends
   paid on common stock in each respective year. During fiscal 2002, the M.H.C.
   waived approximately $.43 of the $.45 per share dividend paid on common stock.

______________________________________ 8 _______________________________________


                                                                            At or For the Year Ended March 31,
                                                           2003             2002           2001          2000          1999


Return on average assets (net earnings divided
by average total assets)                                    .78%             .56%           .45%          .39%          .62%

Return on average equity (net earnings
divided by average equity)                                 8.80             7.12           5.28          4.57          6.85

Average equity to average assets                           8.92             7.93           8.44          8.57          9.07

Equity to assets at period end                            11.78             7.78           8.10          8.21          9.19

Interest rate spread (difference between average
yield on interest-earning assets and average
cost of interest-bearing liabilities)                      3.09             2.77           2.57          2.88          2.93

Net interest margin (net interest income
as a percentage of average interest-
earning assets)                                            3.24             2.93           2.92          3.14          3.23

General, administrative and other expense
to average assets1                                         2.38             2.39           2.46          2.54          2.50

Non-performing and impaired loans
to loans receivable, net                                   1.09             1.52            .47           .48           .13

Non-performing and impaired assets
to total assets                                             .65             1.14            .41           .40           .12

Average interest-earning assets to average
interest-bearing liabilities                             105.40           103.98         107.62        106.05        106.99

Allowance for loan losses to
non-performing and impaired loans                         27.17            19.16          56.47         69.56        247.14

Allowance for loan losses to
non-performing and impaired assets                        27.17            19.07          51.01         64.47        215.58

Net interest income after provision for
losses on loans, to general, administrative and
other expense1                                           127.87           114.31         113.31        115.51        122.56

Number of full-service offices2                              10               10             10             9             7

Dividend payout ratio                                     38.35            46.74          60.06         76.83         46.20

(1) In calculating this ratio, general, administrative and other expense does not
    include provisions for losses or gains on the sale of real estate acquired
    through foreclosure.
(2) Consolidated with Village Savings Bank.

______________________________________ 9 _______________________________________


     The consolidated  financial  statements  include Wayne Savings  Bancshares,
Inc. (the "Company") and its wholly-owned subsidiaries.  Wayne Savings Community
Bank  ("Wayne  Savings" or the "Bank") is the parent of a federal  savings  bank
subsidiary  in  North  Canton,   Ohio,   named  Village  Savings  Bank,   F.S.B.
("Village"),  together referred to as the "Banks." Intercompany transactions and
balances are eliminated in the consolidated financial statements.
     The  Company's  net  earnings are  primarily  dependent on its net interest
income,  which is the  difference  between  interest  income earned on its loan,
mortgage-backed  securities  and  investment  portfolios,  and its cost of funds
consisting  of interest  paid on deposits  and  borrowings.  The  Company's  net
earnings also are affected by its provision for losses on loans,  as well as the
amount  of other  income,  including  fees and  service  charges,  and  general,
administrative  and other  expense,  such as  salaries  and  employee  benefits,
deposit  insurance  premiums,  occupancy and equipment  costs, and income taxes.
Earnings of the Company also are affected  significantly by general economic and
competitive   conditions,   particularly   changes  in  market  interest  rates,
government policies and actions of regulatory authorities.

     The Company's current business  strategy is to operate a  well-capitalized,
profitable and independent  community-oriented  savings association dedicated to
financing home  ownership and providing  quality  service to its customers.  The
Company has sought to  implement  this  strategy in recent years by: (1) closely
monitoring  the needs of customers  and  providing  personal,  quality  customer
service;  (2)  emphasizing  the  origination of one-to-four  family  residential
mortgage  loans and consumer  loans in the Company's  market area;  (3) managing
interest rate risk exposure by better  matching  asset and liability  maturities
and  rates;  (4)  increasing  fee  income;  (5)  managing  asset  quality;   (6)
maintaining a strong retail deposit base; and (7) maintaining  capital in excess
of regulatory requirements.

     In addition to the historical  information  contained herein, the following
discussion   contains   forward-looking   statements   that  involve  risks  and
uncertainties.  Economic  circumstances,  the Company's  operations,  and actual
results  could differ  significantly  from those  discussed  in  forward-looking
statements.  Some  of the  factors  that  could  cause  or  contribute  to  such
differences  are  discussed  herein but also include  changes in the economy and
interest rates in the nation and the Company's general market area. The forward-
looking statements  contained herein include, but are not limited to, those with
respect to the following matters:  (1) management's  determination of the amount
and  adequacy of the  allowance  for loan  losses;  (2) the effect of changes in
interest rates; (3) management's  opinion as to the effects of recent accounting
pronouncements  on the  Company's  consolidated  financial  statements;  and (4)
management's  opinion as to the Banks' ability to maintain regulatory capital at
current levels.
     At March 31,  2003,  the Company  had total  assets of $379.0  million,  an
increase of $44.2  million,  or 13.2%,  over total  assets of $334.8  million at
March 31, 2002.  Cash and cash  equivalents  and investment  securities  totaled
$53.3 million,  an increase of approximately  $3.2 million,  or 6.3%, from March
31,  2002  levels.  During the  fiscal  year ended  March 31,  2003,  investment
securities  totaling $26.0 million matured or were called while $39.6 million of
investment  securities were purchased.  Cash and cash  equivalents  decreased by
$10.4 million, or 37.3%, to a total of $17.5 million at March 31, 2003.
     Mortgage-backed  securities  totaled  $76.0  million at March 31, 2003,  an
increase of $58.7  million,  or 338.7%,  from the total at March 31,  2002.  The
Company  has  experienced  high levels of  mortgage  prepayments  as a result of
borrowers  refinancing  at the near record low level of mortgage  interest rates
that  existed  throughout  the year.  The Company has elected to reinvest  these
funds into interest rate sensitive mortgage-backed  securities with an estimated
average life of five years or less. The Company purchased $77.4 million of these
securities  which were  partially  offset by principal  repayments  and sales of
$18.5 million for fiscal 2003.
     Loans  receivable  totaled  $228.4 million at March 31, 2003, a decrease of
$22.8 million, or 9.1%, from the March 31, 2002 balance.  This decrease resulted
mainly  from  principal  repayments  of  $80.4  million  as  borrowers  took the
opportunity  to refinance  during a period of low mortgage  interest  rates.  In
addition,  the  Company  chose to sell $4.0  million  of loans in the  secondary
market. New loan originations amounted to $61.2 million for the year ended March
31, 2003. The majority of loan disbursements consisted of loans

                                 APPEARS HERE]

Chairman                 Executive Vice President       Executive Vice President
Chief Executive Officer  Chief Administrative Officer   Chief Financial Officer

______________________________________10 _______________________________________


secured by  one-to-four-family  residential  real estate loans.  The Company has
enhanced its  commercial  lending  program by hiring an  experienced  commercial
lending officer.  The Company plans to increase its commercial lending portfolio
by focusing on high quality, smaller balance commercial loans.
     At March 31, 2003, the allowance for loan losses totaled $678,000,  or .30%
of  loans,  compared  to  $730,000  or .29% of  loans  at  March  31,  2002.  In
determining  the amount of loan loss allowance at any point in time,  management
and the Board  apply a  systematic  process  focusing on the risk of loss in the
portfolio.  First delinquent  nonresidential,  multi-family and commercial loans
are evaluated for potential impairments in carrying value. At March 31, 2003 the
delinquent  nonresidential  multi-family  and  commercial  loans were  viewed as
well-secured , with no loss anticipated.
     The second step in  determining  the  allowance  for loan loss  entails the
application  of historic  loss  experience to the  individual  loan types in the
portfolio.  In addition to the historic loss percentage,  management  employs an
additional risk percentage tailored to the perception of the overall risk in the
economy.  This  segment  of the loss  analysis  accounts  for  nearly the entire
balance of the  allowance at March 31, 2003.  The analysis of the  allowance for
loan  losses is a critical  accounting  estimate  which  requires  an element of
judgment and is subject to the  possibility  that the  allowance  may need to be
increased,   with  a  corresponding  reduction  in  earnings.  To  the  best  of
management's  knowledge  all  known  losses  as of March  31,  2003,  have  been
     Nonperforming  loans  totaled $2.5  million at March 31, 2003,  compared to
$3.1 million at March 31,  2002.  Nonperforming  loans  consisted of $430,000 of
nonresidential  real  estate  loans,  $1.4  million  of  commercial  loans  and
approximately  $663,000 in one-to  four-family  residential  mortgage loans. The
allowance for loan losses totaled 27.4% and 19.4% of nonperforming  and impaired
loans at March 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.
    Included in  nonperforming  loans is a loan  concentration of approximately
$1.8 million.  The Company has entered into a workout and liquidation  agreement
with the  borrower  which  calls  for the sale and  disposal  of the  underlying
security of these loans within a specified  time frame.  Management  anticipates
that the asset  disposal  will  commence in the first quarter of fiscal 2004 and
should be completed by the third quarter of the fiscal year.
     Although management believes that its allowance for loan losses is adequate
based upon the available facts and circumstances, there can be no assurance that
additions to the allowance will not be necessary in future periods,  which would
adversely affect the Company's results of operations.
     The Company  purchased  $5.0  million in Bank owned life  insurance  (BOLI)
during fiscal 2003 to help offset the rising costs of employee benefit programs.
Under this  program the Company is the owner of single  premium  life  insurance
policies on key executives and officers.
     Deposits decreased by approximately $26,000 to a total of $300.9 million at
March  31,  2003.  The  decline  in  deposits  during  2003  generally  reflects
management's conservative pricing strategy in the current low-rate environment.
     Advances  from Federal Home Loan Bank  increased by $25.0 million due to an
arbitrage  with  corporate  bonds and  mortgage  -backed  securities.  This will
enhance earnings and future cash flows due to the low cost of the advances.
     Stockholders'  equity  totaled $44.7 million at March 31, 2003, an increase
of $18.6 million,  or 71.5%, over March 31, 2002. The increase was primarily due
to the  reorganization  and related stock  offering  totaling  $17.1 million and
earnings of $2.8 million,  which were partially offset by dividends  declared of
$1.1 million.
     The Banks are subject to capital  standards,  which  generally  require the
maintenance  of regulatory  capital  sufficient to meet each of the three tests;
i.e., the tangible  capital  requirement,  the core capital  requirement and the
risk-based capital requirement.  At March 31, 2003, the Banks met all regulatory
capital requirements to which they were subject.


     GENERAL.  Net earnings totaled $2.8 million for the fiscal year ended March
31,  2003,  an  increase  of  $949,000,  or 52.1% over the net  earnings of $1.8
million for the fiscal year ended March 31,  2002.  The increase in net earnings
was due  primarily to an increase in net  interest  income of $1.9  million,  or
21.1%,  partially  offset by an  increase  of  $695,000,  or 9.0%,  in  general,
administrative  and other  expense  and with a $278,000,  or 29.6%,  increase in
federal income taxes.

     INTEREST  INCOME.  Interest  income on loans  totaled $16.9 million for the
fiscal year ended March 31, 2003, a decrease of $2.2 million, or 11.6%, from the
$19.1 million recorded for fiscal 2002. The decrease in interest income on loans
was  primarily  due to an average  yield  reduction  of 57 basis points to 6.96%
coupled with a decrease in the average loan balances of $10.9 million,  or 4.3%,
for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2003.
     Interest income on mortgage-backed  securities totaled $1.5 million for the
fiscal year ended March 31,  2003,  an increase  of  $935,000,  or 163.7%,  from
$571,000 for fiscal 2002.  The increase was primarily  attributed to an increase
in average outstanding balance of $29.3 million, or 283.5%,  partially offset by
a decrease in average yield of 172 basis points to 3.80% for fiscal 2003.
     Interest  income on investments  and  interest-bearing  deposits  decreased
$8,000, or .5%,  primarily due to a decrease in average yield of 77 basis points
to 3.16%,  offset by an increase in average balances of $10.2 million, or 23.9%,
to $52.9 million for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2003.

_____________________________________ 11________________________________________



     INTEREST EXPENSE. Interest expense on deposits totaled $8.4 million for the
fiscal year ended March 31, 2003,  a decrease of $3.6  million , or 30.1%,  from
the fiscal  2002  expense.  The  decrease in  interest  expense on deposits  was
primarily  attributable  to a decrease  in the  average  cost of deposits of 136
basis points to 2.81% for fiscal 2003, which was partially offset by an increase
in the average  outstanding balance of $11.4 million, or 4.0%, to $300.3 million
in fiscal 2003.
     Interest  expense on borrowings  totaled $737,000 for the fiscal year ended
March 31, 2003, an increase of $444,000, or 151.6%, from the $293,000 for fiscal
2002. The increase was  attributable  to an increase in the average  outstanding
balance of $11.7  million,  or  212.5%,  partially  offset by a decrease  in the
average  yield of 104 basis  points to 4.28% for the fiscal year ended March 31,
2003, from 5.32% for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2002.

NET INTEREST  INCOME.  Net interest  income totaled $10.9 million for the fiscal
year ended March 31, 2003, an increase of $1.9 million,  or 21.1%, over the $9.0
million  recorded  in fiscal  2002.  The  increase  in net  interest  income was
primarily  attributed to a 136 basis point  decrease in average cost of deposits
to 2.81%, coupled with an increase in average  interest-earning  assets of $28.6
million,  or 9.3%, for fiscal 2003. The aforementioned  increase in net interest
income  was   partially   offset  by  a  decrease  in  the   average   yield  on
interest-earning  assets of 98 basis points to 5.98% for fiscal 2003, from 6.96%
for  fiscal  2002 and an  increase  of $ 11.7  million,  or  212.5%,  in average
borrowings to $17.2 million for fiscal 2003. The interest rate spread  increased
32 basis  points to 3.09% in fiscal  2003,  from 2.77% in fiscal  2002.  The net
interest  margin  increased  to 3.24% for the fiscal year ended March 31,  2003,
from 2.93% in fiscal 2002.

     PROVISION FOR LOSSES ON LOANS. The Company's  provision for losses on loans
totaled $91,000 and $134,000 for the fiscal years ended March 31, 2003 and 2002,
respectively.  To the best of  management's  knowledge,  all known  losses as of
March 31, 2003 and 2002, have been recorded.

     OTHER INCOME. Other income,  consisting primarily of gain on sale of loans,
gain on sale of mortgage backed securities, increase in the cash surrender value
of life  insurance,  and service fees and service  charges on deposit  accounts,
decreased  by $14,000,  or .9%, to $1.6  million for the fiscal year ended March
31,  2003.  The decrease was a result of a reduction in gain on sale of loans of
$433,000,  or 84.2%,  to $81,000 for fiscal 2003 from  $514,000 for fiscal 2002,
which was  partially  offset by an increase in service  fees,  charges and other
operating income of $272,000,  or 23.8%, and an increase of $121,000 in the cash
surrender  value  of life  insurance.  The  decline  in  gains  on sale of loans
generally reflects management's decision to conservatively price originations in
the current  low-yield  environment.  This decision  reduced the volume of fixed
rate loans available for sale.

     GENERAL,  ADMINISTRATIVE  AND OTHER EXPENSE.  General,  administrative  and
other  expense  consisting  primarily  of employee  compensation  and  benefits,
occupancy and equipment  expense,  federal deposit and insurance  premiums,  and
other  operating  expenses,  totaled  $8.4  million for the year ended March 31,
2003, an increase of $695,000,  or 9.0%,  compared to fiscal 2002.  The increase
was primarily due to an increase of $443,000, or 10.3%, in employee compensation
and  benefits,  an  increase in other  operating  expense,  including  operating
expenses  previously paid for or allocated to the M.H.C., of $124,000,  or 7.3%,
and an increase in occupancy and equipment of $89,000,  or 6.4%. The increase in
employee  compensation and benefits was primarily due to normal merit increases,
an increase in employee  benefit costs,  and the hiring of additional  executive
staff needed for operating a fully  converted,  publicly  traded stock  company.
Other  operating  expense  increased  mainly due to a reduction in deferred loan
origination  costs.  As  stated   previously,   the  Company  was  strategically
positioned to be less aggressive in loan pricing which slowed loan  originations
from $96.5 million in fiscal 2002 to $61.2 million in fiscal 2003.  The increase
in occupancy  and  equipment  was mainly due to the several  offices  which were
opened  for a part  year only in  fiscal  2002 and in 2003  have  been  actively
serving customers for the entire year

     FEDERAL  INCOME  TAXES.  The  provision  for federal  income taxes was $1.2
million for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2003,  an increase of  $278,000,  or
29.6%,  compared to fiscal 2002.  The increase  resulted  primarily  from a $1.2
million increase in pretax earnings.  The effective tax rate for the fiscal year
ended March 31,  2003,  was 30.5%,  as compared to 34.0% in 2002,  mainly due to
tax-free income arising from various interest-earning assets.


     GENERAL.  Net earnings totaled $1.8 million for the fiscal year ended March
31,  2002,  an increase of  $491,000,  or 36.9%,  over the net  earnings of $1.3
million for the fiscal year ended March 31,  2001.  The increase in net earnings
was due primarily to a $555,000,  or 6.6%, increase in net interest income and a
$612,000,  or 58.6%, increase in other income, which were partially offset by an
increase of $374,000,  or 5.1%, in general,  administrative and other expense, a
$264,000,  or 39.1%,  increase in federal income taxes, and a $38,000, or 39.6%,
increase in the provision for losses on loans.

_____________________________________ 12________________________________________


     INTEREST  INCOME.  Interest  income on loans  totaled $19.1 million for the
fiscal year ended March 31,  2002,  an increase of $358,000,  or 1.9%,  over the
$18.7 million recorded for fiscal 2001. The increase in interest income on loans
was  due  primarily  to a  $7.4  million,  or  3.0%,  increase  in  the  average
outstanding balance to $253.1 million,  which was partially offset by a decrease
in the average  yield of 8 basis points to 7.53% for the fiscal year ended March
31, 2002.
     Interest  income on  mortgage-backed  securities  totaled  $571,000 for the
fiscal year ended March 31, 2002, a decrease of $12,000,  or 2.1%, from $583,000
for fiscal 2001.  The decrease was primarily  attributable  to a decrease in the
average  yield of 46 basis  points to 5.52%,  which was  partially  offset by an
increase in the average outstanding balance of $586,000, or 6.0%, year to year.
     Interest income on investments and  interest-bearing  deposits  amounted to
$1.7  million for the fiscal year ended March 31,  2002, a decrease of $543,000,
or 24.4%,  from the $2.2  million for fiscal 2001.  The  decrease was  primarily
attributable  to a decrease in the average  yield of 284 basis  points to 3.93%,
which was partially offset by an increase in the average  outstanding balance of
$9.9  million,  or 30.1%,  to $42.7  million for the fiscal year ended March 31,

     INTEREST  EXPENSE.  Interest  expense on deposits totaled $12.1 million for
the fiscal year ended March 31, 2002, a decrease of $597,000,  or 4.7%, from the
$12.7 million for fiscal 2001. The decrease in interest  expense on deposits was
primarily attributable to a decrease in the average cost of deposits of 70 basis
points to 4.17% for the fiscal year ended March 31,  2002,  which was  partially
offset by an increase in the average  outstanding  balance of $29.0 million,  or
11.1%, to $288.9 million in fiscal 2002.
     Interest  expense on borrowings  totaled $293,000 for the fiscal year ended
March 31, 2002, a decrease of $155,000,  or 34.6%,  from the $448,000 for fiscal
2001.  The decrease in interest  expense on  borrowings  was  attributable  to a
decrease in the average cost of borrowings of 37 basis points,  to 5.32% for the
fiscal year ended March 31, 2002, from 5.69% for the fiscal year ended March 31,
2001,  coupled  with a  decrease  in the  average  outstanding  balance  of $2.4
million, or 30.1%, year to year.

     NET  INTEREST  INCOME.  Net  interest  income  totaled $9.0 million for the
fiscal year ended March 31,  2002,  an increase of $555,000,  or 6.6%,  over the
$8.4 million  recorded in fiscal 2001.  The increase in net interest  income was
primarily  attributable  to  an  increase  in  average  interest-earning  assets
totaling  $17.9  million,  or 6.2%, to $306.1  million for the fiscal year ended
March 31, 2002,  partially offset by a decrease in the average yield of 50 basis
points to 6.96% from  7.46%.  The  interest  rate spread  increased  by 20 basis
points to 2.77% in fiscal  2002 from  2.57% in  fiscal  2001.  The net  interest
margin  increased to 2.93% for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2002,  from 2.92%
for fiscal 2001.

     PROVISION FOR LOSSES ON LOANS. The Company's  provision for losses on loans
totaled $134,000 and $96,000 for the fiscal years ended March 31, 2002 and 2001,

     OTHER INCOME. Other income,  consisting primarily of gain on sale of loans,
service fees and charges on deposit accounts,  increased by $612,000,  or 58.6%,
to $1.7  million for the fiscal year ended  March 31,  2002,  compared to fiscal
2001. The increase in other income was primarily  attributable to an increase of
$360,000,  or 233.8%, in gain on sale of loans.  Service fees, charges and other
operating income increased by $252,000, or 28.3%, to $1.1 million for the fiscal
year ended March 31, 2002,  due  primarily to an enhanced  service fee structure
implemented on deposit accounts in July 2000.

     GENERAL,  ADMINISTRATIVE  AND OTHER EXPENSE.  General,  administrative  and
other expense  totaled $7.7 million for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2002, an
increase  of  $374,000,  or 5.1%,  over the $7.3  million for fiscal  2001.  The
increase in general, administrative and other expense was primarily attributable
to a $355,000,  or 9.0%,  increase  in employee  compensation  and  benefits,  a
$53,000, or 4.0%, increase in occupancy and equipment expense, and a $44,000, or
19.1%,  increase in franchise  taxes,  which were partially offset by a $104,000
reduction in legal costs previously paid by Wayne Savings Bankshares, M.H.C.
     The  increase  in  employee   compensation   and  benefits  was   primarily
attributable  to normal merit  increases,  an increase in employee  benefit plan
costs and additional  staff needed for operating a new full service branch and a
new drive-through  facility. The increase in occupancy and equipment expense was
primarily  attributable to costs incurred in the new operating  facilities.  The
increase in franchise taxes was due to refunds received in fiscal 2001 that were
not applicable to fiscal 2002.

     FEDERAL  INCOME TAXES.  The provision for federal income taxes was $939,000
for the fiscal year ended March 31,  2002,  an increase of  $264,000,  or 39.1%,
compared to fiscal 2001. The increase  resulted  primarily  from a $755,000,  or
37.6%,  increase in pretax earnings.  The effective tax rate for the fiscal year
ended March 31, 2002, was 34.0%, as compared to 33.6% for fiscal 2001.

_____________________________________ 13________________________________________




     The  following  table  sets  forth  certain  information  relating  to  the
Company's  average  balance  sheet and reflects the average  yield on assets and
average cost of  liabilities  for the periods  indicated and the average  yields
earned and rates paid.  Such yields and costs are derived by dividing  income or
expense by the average balance of assets or liabilities,  respectively,  for the
periods presented.

                                                                         Year Ended March 31,
                                                2003                             2002                             2001
                                   ______________________________   ______________________________   ______________________________
                                    Average               Average    Average               Average    Average               Average
                                    Balance    Interest    Rate      Balance    Interest    Rate      Balance    Interest    Rate
                                   _________   ________   _______   _________   ________   _______   _________   ________   _______
                                                                        (Dollars in thousands)

Loans receivable, net1             $ 242,120   $ 16,846     6.96%   $ 253,058   $ 19,059     7.53%   $ 245,624   $ 18,701     7.61%
Mortgage-backed securities 2          39,652      1,506     3.80       10,340        571     5.52        9,754        583     5.98
Investment securities                 24,114      1,159     4.81       15,628        871     5.57       19,342      1,423     7.36
Interest-bearing deposits 3           28,804        512     1.78       27,083        808     2.98       13,481        799     5.93
                                   _________   ________   _______   _________   ________   _______   _________   ________   _______
Total interest-earning assets        334,690     20,023     5.98      306,109     21,309     6.96      288,201     21,506     7.46
Non-interest-earning assets           18,481                           17,057                           10,727
                                   _________                        _________                        _________
 Total assets                      $ 353,171                        $ 323,166                        $ 298,928
                                   =========                        =========                        =========

Deposits                           $ 300,326      8,432     2.81    $ 288,882     12,055     4.17    $ 259,914     12,652     4.87
Borrowings                            17,204        737     4.28        5,505        293     5.32        7,877        448     5.69
                                   _________   ________   _______   _________   ________   _______   _________   ________   _______
Total interest-bearing
liabilities                          317,530      9,169     2.89      294,387     12,348     4.19      267,791     13,100     4.89
Non-interest-bearing liabilities       4,153                            3,159                            5,893
                                   _________                        _________                        _________
Total liabilities                    321,683                          297,546                          273,684
Stockholders' equity                  31,488                           25,620                           25,244
                                   _________                        _________                        _________
Total liabilities and
stockholders' equity               $ 353,171                        $ 323,166                        $ 298,928
                                   =========   ________             =========   ________             =========   ________
Net interest income                            $ 10,854                         $  8,961                         $  8,406
                                               ========   _______               ========   _______               ========   _______
Interest rate spread 4                                      3.09%                            2.77%                            2.57%
                                                          =======                          =======                          =======
Net yield on interest-earning
assets5                                                     3.24%                            2.93%                            2.92%
                                                          =======                          =======                          =======
Ratio of average interest-earning
assets to average interest-
bearing liabilities                                       105.40%                          103.98%                          107.62%
                                                          =======                          =======                          =======

(1) Includes non-accrual loan balances.
(2) Includes mortgage-backed securities designated as available for sale.
(3) Includes federal funds sold and interest-bearing deposits in other financial institutions.
(4) Interest rate spread represents the difference between the average yield on
    interest-earning assets and the average cost of interest-bearing liabilities.
(5) Net yield on interest-earning assets represents net interest income as a
    percentage of average interest-earning assets.

_____________________________________ 14________________________________________



     The table  below  sets  forth  certain  information  regarding  changes  in
interest income and interest  expense of the Company for the periods  indicated.
For each category of interest-earning  assets and interest-bearing  liabilities,
information is provided on changes attributable to (i) changes in average volume
(changes in average  volume  multiplied  by old rate);  and (ii) changes in rate
(change in rate  multiplied  by old  average  volume).  Changes  in  rate-volume
(changes in rate multiplied by the change in average volume) have been allocated
proportionately  between  changes  in rate and  changes  in  volume  and the net

                                                                 Year Ended March 31,
                                                 2003 vs. 2002                          2002 vs. 2001
                                       __________________________________     __________________________________
                                       Increase (Decrease)                    Increase (Decrease)
                                             Due to              Total              Due to              Total
                                       ___________________      Increase      ___________________      Increase
                                       Volume        Rate      (Decrease)     Volume        Rate      (Decrease)
                                       ______      _______     __________     ______      _______     __________
                                                                     (In thousands)

Interest income attributable to:
Loans receivable                       $ (801)     $(1,412)     $(2,213)      $  534      $  (176)     $   358
Mortgage-backed securities              1,163         (228)         935           34          (46)         (12)
Other interest-earning assets             358         (366)          (8)         552       (1,095)        (543)
                                       ______      _______      _______       ______      _______      _______
Total interest-earning assets             720       (2,006)      (1,286)       1,120       (1,317)        (197)

Interest expense attributable to:
Deposits                                  461       (4,084)      (3,623)       1,328       (1,925)        (597)
Borrowings                                623         (179)         444         (128)         (27)        (155)
                                       ______      _______      _______       ______      _______      _______
Total interest-bearing liabilities      1,084       (4,263)      (3,179)       1,200       (1,952)        (752)
                                       ______      _______      _______       ______      _______      _______
Increase (decrease) in
net interest income                    $ (364)     $ 2,257      $ 1,893       $  (80)     $   635      $   555
                                       ======      =======      =======       ======      =======      =======



     The Banks, like other financial institutions,  are subject to interest rate
risk to the extent  that their  interest-earning  assets  reprice at a different
time than their interest-bearing liabilities. As part of their effort to monitor
and manage  interest rate risk, the Banks use the "net portfolio  value" ("NPV")
methodology  adopted  by  the  OTS as  part  of its  interest  rate  sensitivity
regulations.  The application of NPV methodology  illustrates certain aspects of
the Banks' interest rate risk.
     Generally,  NPV is the discounted  present value of the difference  between
incoming cash flows on interest-earning and other assets and outgoing cash flows
on  interest-bearing  and other liabilities.  The application of the methodology
attempts to quantify  interest  rate risk as the change in the NPV,  which would
result from a theoretical  200 basis point (1 basis point equals .01%) change in
market interest rates.  Both a 200 basis point increase in market interest rates
and a 200 basis point decrease in market interest rates are considered.
     Presented  below,  as of March 31,  2003 and 2002,  is an  analysis  of the
Banks'  interest rate risk as measured by changes in NPV for  instantaneous  and
sustained parallel shifts of 100-300 basis points in market interest rates.
     As with any method of measuring  interest rate risk,  certain  shortcomings
are inherent in the NPV  approach.  For  example,  although  certain  assets and
liabilities may have similar maturities or periods of repricing,  they may react
in different  degrees to changes in market  interest  rates.  Also, the interest
rates on certain  types of assets and  liabilities  may  fluctuate in advance of
changes in market  interest  rates,  while interest rates on other types may lag
behind  changes in market rates.  Further,  in the event of a change in interest
rates, expected rates of prepayment on loans and mortgage-backed  securities and
early  withdrawal  levels from  certificates  of deposit  would  likely  deviate
significantly from those assumed in making the risk calculations.
     The  Company's  policy in recent  years has been to reduce its  exposure to
interest rate risk  generally by better  matching the maturities of its interest
rate sensitive assets and

______________________________________ 15 ______________________________________



liabilities and by originating  adjustable rate mortgage ("ARM") loans and other
adjustable  rate  or  short-term  loans,  as well  as by  purchasing  short-term
investments and mortgage-backed securities.  However,  particularly in the lower
long-term interest rate environment which currently exists,  borrowers typically
prefer fixed rate loans to ARM loans.  Accordingly,  ARM loan  originations were
very limited during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2003. The Company has sought
to  lengthen  the   maturities   of  its   deposits  by  promoting   longer-term
certificates;  however,  the  Company  was not  successful  in  lengthening  the
maturities  of its deposits in the  declining  interest  rate  environment  that
existed  throughout  fiscal 2003. The Company also negotiates  interest rates on
certificates of deposit of $100,000 or more.
     The  Company  has  an  Asset-Liability   Management  Committee,   which  is
responsible for reviewing the Company's  asset-liability policies. The Committee
meets  weekly and reports  monthly to the Board of  Directors  on interest  rate
risks and trends, as well as liquidity and capital ratios and requirements.  The
Banks have  operated  within the framework of their  prescribed  asset/liability
risk ranges for each of the last three years.

                                                              As of March 31, 2003
Change in Interest                           Net Portfolio Value                          NPV as % of PV of Assets
Rates (Basis points)             $Amount           $ Change          % Change            NPV Ratio           Change
____________________             _______           ________          ________            _________           ______
                                       (In thousands)

      +300 bp                    $46,905           $ (9,213)           (16)%              12.55%            (171 bp)
      +200 bp                     52,575             (3,543)            (6)               13.73              (53 bp)
      +100 bp                     56,002               (116)           (.2)               14.37               11 bp
         0 bp                     56,118                 --             --                14.26               --
      -100 bp                     53,051             (3,067)            (6)               13.45              (81 bp)

                                                             As of March 31, 2002
Change in Interest                           Net Portfolio Value                          NPV as % of PV of Assets
Rates (Basis points)             $Amount           $ Change          % Change            NPV Ratio           Change
____________________             _______           ________          ________            _________           ______

                                       (In thousands)

      +300 bp                    $25,393           $(19,439)           (43)%               7.68%            (499 bp)
      +200 bp                     32,181            (12,651)           (28)                9.50             (317 bp)
      +100 bp                     39,069             (5,763)           (13)               11.26             (141 bp)
         0 bp                     44,832                 --             --                12.67               --
      -100 bp                     48,566              3,734              8                13.53               86 bp
      -200 bp                     48,786              3,954              9                13.53               86 bp
      -300 bp                     48,263              3,431              8                13.37               70 bp



The Banks' primary sources of funds are deposits, amortization of loan principal
and prepayment of loans and mortgage-backed securities, maturities of investment
securities  and other  short-term  investments,  and earnings and funds provided
from   operations.   While   scheduled   principal   repayments   on  loans  and
mortgage-backed securities are a relatively predictable source of funds, deposit
flows and loan  prepayments  are greatly  influenced by general  interest rates,
economic conditions and competition. The Banks manage the pricing of deposits to
maintain a desired level of deposits and cost of funds.  In addition,  the Banks
invest excess funds in federal funds and other short-term  interest-earning  and
other assets,  which  provide  liquidity to meet lending  requirements.  Federal
funds sold and other liquid assets outstanding at March 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001,
amounted to $129.3 million, $67.5 million and $42.5 million,  respectively.  For
additional information about cash flows from the Company's operating,  financing
and  investing  activities,  see the  Statements  of Cash Flows  included in the
Consolidated Financial Statements.
     A  major  portion  of the  Banks'  liquidity  consists  of  cash  and  cash
equivalents,  which are a product of their  operating,  investing  and financing
activities.  The primary sources of cash are net earnings,  principal repayments
on loans and mortgage-backed securities, proceeds from advances from the

______________________________________ 16 ______________________________________


Federal  Home Loan  Bank,  and sales of  mortgage-backed  securities.  Liquidity
management is both a daily and long-term function of business management. If the
Banks require funds beyond their ability to generate them internally,  borrowing
agreements  exist with the Federal  Home Loan Bank  ("FHLB"),  which  provide an
additional  source of funds. At March 31, 2003, the Company had $30.0 million in
outstanding advances from the FHLB.
     At March 31, 2003, the Company had  outstanding  loan  commitments of $32.3
million,  including  the  unfunded  portion of loans in process and  commitments
under unused  lines of credit.  Certificates  of deposit  scheduled to mature in
less than one year at March 31,  2003,  totaled  $95.6  million.  Based on prior
experience, management believes that a significant portion of such deposits will
remain with the Company.


     The  consolidated  financial  statements of the Company and notes  thereto,
presented  elsewhere  herein,  have been prepared in accordance  with U.S. GAAP,
which requires the  measurement of financial  position and operating  results in
terms of  historical  dollars  without  considering  the change in the  relative
purchasing  power of  money  over  time  and due to  inflation.  The  impact  of
inflation is reflected in the increased cost of the Company's operations. Unlike
most industrial companies,  nearly all the assets and liabilities of the Company
are monetary. As a result, interest rates have a greater impact on the Company's
performance  than do the effects of general levels of inflation.  Interest rates
do not necessarily move in the same direction or to the same extent as the price
of goods and services.


     The Company's  common stock trades on the Nasdaq  National Market using the
symbol "WAYN." The following table sets forth the high and low trading prices of
the Company's  common stock during the three most recent fiscal years,  together
with the cash dividends  declared.  As stated previously,  all per share amounts
have been  restated  for the 1.5109  share  exchange  ratio  provided for in the
Company's conversion offering.

Fiscal Year Ended                                 Cash Dividends
March 31, 2003            High         Low           Declared
_________________        ______       ______      ______________

First quarter            $14.23       $13.24          $.113
Second quarter            13.51        11.75           .113
Third quarter             15.22        10.25           .113
Fourth quarter            11.55        10.67           .113

Fiscal Year Ended                                 Cash Dividends
March 31, 2002            High         Low           Declared
_________________        ______       ______      ______________

First quarter            $11.87       $ 7.48          $.113
Second quarter            13.60         9.10           .113
Third quarter             11.79         9.17           .113
Fourth quarter            14.56        10.76           .113

Fiscal Year Ended                                 Cash Dividends
March 31, 2001            High         Low           Declared
_________________        ______       ______      ______________

First quarter            $10.92       $10.18          $.106
Second quarter            10.42         9.27           .106
Third quarter             10.59         8.94           .106
Fourth quarter            11.91         8.60           .106

     As of April 30,  2003,  the  Company had 1,610  stockholders  of record and
3,888,795 shares of common stock  outstanding.  This does not reflect the number
of persons whose stock is in nominee or "street name" accounts through brokers.
     Payment of dividends on the common  stock is subject to  determination  and
declaration  by the Board of Directors and will depend upon a number of factors,
including  capital  requirements,  regulatory  limitations  on  the  payment  of
dividends,  the Company's  results of operations  and financial  condition,  tax
considerations,  and general economic conditions. No assurance can be given that
dividends  will be declared or, if declared,  what the amount of dividends  will
be, or whether such dividends, once declared, will continue.
     The Company's  primary  source of funds with which to pay dividends is cash
and cash  equivalents  held at the holding  company level and dividends from the
Bank.  The Bank's  ability  to pay  dividends  to the  Company is limited by OTS
regulations,  and the Bank is required to obtain OTS nonobjection to the payment
of dividends to the Company. In determining whether to object to such dividends,
the OTS considers whether (i) the Bank would be  undercapitalized  following the
dividend,  (ii) the dividend raises safety and soundness concerns,  or (iii) the
dividend violates any regulatory prohibition or policy.
     In addition to the foregoing,  earnings of the Company  appropriated to bad
debt reserves and deducted for federal income tax purposes are not available for
payment of cash dividends or other distributions to stockholders without payment
of taxes at the  then-current  tax rate by the Company on the amount of earnings
removed from the reserves for such  distributions.  The Company  intends to make
full  use  of  this  favorable  tax  treatment  and  does  not  contemplate  any
distribution that would create federal tax liability.

______________________________________ 17 ______________________________________



                                 As of March 31,
                    (Dollars in thousands, except share data)

                                                                                         2003         2002
                                                                                       ________     ________

Cash and due from banks                                                                $  2,967     $  2,250
Federal funds sold                                                                        8,000       15,000
Interest-bearing deposits in other financial institutions                                 6,529       10,633
                                                                                       ________     ________
  Cash and cash equivalents                                                              17,496       27,883
Investment securities available for sale - at market                                     17,036           --
Investment securities held to maturity - at amortized cost, approximate
  market value of $19,211 and $22,098 as of March 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively        18,805       22,286
Mortgage-backed securities available for sale - at market                                66,151        3,449
Mortgage-backed securities held to maturity - at amortized cost, approximate
  market value of $9,927 and $13,835 as of March 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively          9,851       13,877
Loans receivable - net                                                                  228,373      251,172
Office premises and equipment - net                                                       8,818        9,208
Real estate acquired through foreclosure                                                     --           19
Federal Home Loan Bank stock - at cost                                                    4,041        3,767
Cash surrender value of life insurance                                                    5,121           --
Accrued interest receivable on loans                                                        948        1,153
Accrued interest receivable on mortgage-backed securities                                   380           83
Accrued interest receivable on investments and interest bearing deposits                    313          250
Prepaid expenses and other assets                                                         1,532        1,688
Prepaid federal income taxes                                                                126            8
                                                                                       ________     ________
    Total assets                                                                       $378,991     $334,843
                                                                                       ========     ========


Deposits                                                                               $300,931     $300,957
Advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank                                                 30,000        5,000
Advances by borrowers for taxes and insurance                                               712          880
Accrued interest payable                                                                    235          223
Accounts payable on mortgage loans serviced for others                                      130          116
Other liabilities                                                                         1,638          853
Deferred federal income taxes                                                               682          767
                                                                                       ________     ________
    Total liabilities                                                                   334,328      308,796
Commitments                                                                                  --           --

Stockholders' equity
  Common stock (20,000,000 shares of $.10 par value authorized; 3,888,795 shares
    issued and outstanding at March 31, 2003; 20,000,000 shares of $1.00 par value
    authorized with 2,640,835 shares issued at March 31, 2002)                              389        2,641
Additional paid-in capital                                                               34,208       14,444
Retained earnings - substantially restricted                                             11,830       10,121
Less required contributions for shares acquired by Employee Stock Ownership Plan         (1,612)          --
Less 70,014 shares of treasury stock at March 31, 2002 - at cost                             --       (1,181)
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)                                              (152)          22
                                                                                       ________     ________
    Total stockholders' equity                                                           44,663       26,047
                                                                                       ________     ________
    Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                                         $378,991     $334,843
                                                                                       ========     ========


______________________________________ 18 ______________________________________



                          For the year ended March 31,
                   (Dollars in thousands, except share data)

                                                                     2003         2002         2001
                                                                   ________     ________     ________

Interest income:
  Loans                                                            $ 16,846     $ 19,059     $ 18,701
  Mortgage-backed securities                                          1,506          571          583
  Investment securities                                               1,159          871        1,423
  Interest-bearing deposits and other                                   512          808          799
                                                                   ________     ________     ________
    Total interest income                                            20,023       21,309       21,506

Interest expense:
  Deposits                                                            8,432       12,055       12,652
  Borrowings                                                            737          293          448
                                                                   ________     ________     ________
    Total interest expense                                            9,169       12,348       13,100
                                                                   ________     ________     ________

    Net interest income                                              10,854        8,961        8,406
Provision for losses on loans                                            91          134           96
                                                                   ________     ________     ________
    Net interest income after provision for losses on loans          10,763        8,827        8,310

Other income:
  Gain on sale of mortgage-backed securities                             26           --           --
  Gain on sale of loans                                                  81          514          154
  Increase in cash surrender value of life insurance                    121           --           --
  Service fees, charges and other operating                           1,415        1,143          891
                                                                   ________     ________     ________
    Total other income                                                1,643        1,657        1,045

General, administrative and other expense:
  Employee compensation and benefits                                  4,755        4,312        3,957
  Occupancy and equipment                                             1,477        1,388        1,335
  Federal deposit insurance premiums                                     51           46           86
  Franchise taxes                                                       308          274          230
  Other operating                                                     1,826        1,667        1,590
  Operating expenses previously paid by or allocated to M.H.C.           --           35          150
                                                                   ________     ________     ________
    Total general, administrative and other expense                   8,417        7,722        7,348
                                                                   ________     ________     ________
    Earnings before incomes taxes                                     3,989        2,762        2,007

Federal incomes taxes:
  Current                                                             1,210          620          640
  Deferred                                                                7          319           35
                                                                   ________     ________     ________
    Total federal income taxes                                        1,217          939          675
                                                                   ________     ________     ________
    NET EARNINGS                                                   $  2,772     $  1,823     $  1,332
                                                                   ========     ========     ========
    Basic earnings per share                                       $    .71     $    .47     $    .34
                                                                   ========     ========     ========
    Diluted earnings per share                                     $    .71     $    .47     $    .34
                                                                   ========     ========     ========


______________________________________ 19 ______________________________________



                          For the year ended March 31,
                                 (In thousands)

                                                                                         2003        2002        2001
                                                                                        _______     _______     _______

Net earnings                                                                            $ 2,772     $ 1,823     $ 1,332
Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax:
  Unrealized holding gains (losses) on securities
    during the year, net of taxes (benefits) of $59, $(6), and $36                          118         (11)         69
  Reclassification adjustment for realized gains included in earnings, net of taxes
    of $9 for the year ended March 31, 2003                                                 (17)         --          --
Minimum pension liability adjustment, net of taxes of $142                                 (275)         --          --
                                                                                        _______     _______     _______
Comprehensive income                                                                    $ 2,598     $ 1,812     $ 1,401
                                                                                        =======     =======     =======

Accumulated comprehensive income (loss)                                                 $  (152)    $    22     $    33
                                                                                        =======     =======     =======


______________________________________ 20 ______________________________________



               For the years ended March 31, 2003, 2002, and 2001
                   (Dollars in thousands, except share data)

                                                                                                           compre-     Total
                                                     Additional                   Shares      Treasury     hensive     stock-
                                          Common      paid-in       Retained     acquired     stock -      income      holders'
                                          stock       capital       earnings     by ESOP      at cost      (loss)      equity
                                          ______     __________     ________     ________     ________     _______     ________

Balance at April 1, 2000                  $2,632      $14,393       $  8,618     $     --     $  (645)     $  (36)     $ 24,962

Stock options exercised                        7           43             --           --          --          --            50

Net earnings for the year ended
  March 31, 2001                              --           --          1,332           --          --          --         1,332

Cash dividends of $.42 per share              --           --           (800)          --          --          --          (800)

Purchase of treasury shares - at cost         --           --             --           --        (358)         --          (358)

Unrealized gains on securities
  designated as available for sale,
  net of related tax effects                  --           --             --           --          --          69            69
                                          ______     __________     ________     ________     ________     _______     ________
Balance at March 31, 2001                  2,639       14,436          9,150           --      (1,003)         33        25,255

Stock options exercised                        2            8             --           --          --          --            10

Net earnings for the year ended
  March 31, 2002                              --           --          1,823           --          --          --         1,823

Cash dividends of $.45 per share              --           --           (852)          --          --          --          (852)

Purchase of treasury shares - at cost         --           --             --           --        (178)         --          (178)

Unrealized losses on securities
  designated as available for sale,
  net of related tax effects                  --           --             --           --          --         (11)          (11)
                                          ______     __________     ________     ________     ________     _______     ________
Balance at March 31, 2002                  2,641       14,444         10,121           --      (1,181)         22        26,047

Stock options exercised                        3           13             --           --          --          --            16

Reorganization and related common
  stock offering - net                    (2,255)      19,751             --       (1,612)      1,181          --        17,065

Net earnings for the year
  ended March 31, 2003                        --           --          2,772           --          --          --         2,772

Dividends declared of $.45 per share          --           --         (1,063)          --          --          --        (1,063)

Minimum pension liability adjustment,
  net of related tax effects                  --           --             --           --          --        (275)         (275)

Unrealized gains on securities
  designated as available for sale,
  net of related tax effects                  --           --             --           --          --         101           101
                                          ______     __________     ________     ________     ________     _______     ________
Balance at March 31, 2003                 $  389      $34,208       $ 11,830     $ (1,612)    $    --      $ (152)     $ 44,663
                                          ======     ==========     ========     ========     ========     ======      ========


______________________________________ 21 ______________________________________



                          For the year ended March 31,
                                 (In thousands)
                                                                             2003         2002         2001
                                                                           ________     ________     _________

Cash flows provided by (used in) operating activities:
  Net earnings for the year                                                $  2,772     $  1,823     $   1,332
Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash
  provided by (used in) operating activities:
  Amortization of discounts and premiums on loans,
    investments and mortgage-backed securities-- net                            480           (3)          (16)
  Amortization of deferred loan origination fees                               (460)        (432)         (161)
  Depreciation and amortization                                                 555          590           555
  Gain on sale of loans                                                         (57)        (241)          (62)
  Gain on sale of mortgage-backed securities available for sale                 (26)          --            --
  Proceeds from sale of loans in the secondary market                         4,055       27,371         9,247
  Loans originated for sale in the secondary market                          (2,615)     (26,269)       (9,729)
  Provision for losses on loans                                                  91          134            96
  Federal Home Loan Bank stock dividends                                       (177)        (219)         (247)
  Increase (decrease) in cash due to changes in:
    Accrued interest receivable on loans                                        205          175           (73)
    Accrued interest receivable on mortgage-backed securities                  (297)         (41)           18
    Accrued interest receivable on investments
      and interest-bearing deposits                                             (63)         (39)          143
    Prepaid expenses and other assets                                           167         (403)         (272)
    Accrued interest payable                                                     12          (22)           17
    Accounts payable on mortgage loans serviced for others                       14         (118)          134
    Other liabilities                                                           136          (65)          282
    Federal income taxes
      Current                                                                  (120)          55           217
      Deferred                                                                    7          319            35
                                                                           ________     ________     _________
        Net cash provided by operating activities                             4,679        2,615         1,516

Cash flows provided by (used in) investing activities:
  Purchase of investment securities held to maturity                        (13,953)     (16,250)       (2,477)
  Purchase of investment securities designated as available for sale        (25,649)          --            --
  Proceeds from maturity of investment securities held to maturity           17,420        7,617        12,069
  Proceeds from maturity of investments securities designated
    as available for sale                                                     8,573           --            --
  Purchase of mortgage-backed securities held to maturity                    (3,545)     (12,108)       (2,025)
  Purchase of mortgage-backed securities designated available for sale      (73,897)      (2,047)           --
  Principal repayments on mortgage-backed securities held to maturity         7,368        3,894         3,344
  Principal repayments on mortgage-backed securities
    designated as available for sale                                          6,596        1,482           653
  Proceeds from sale of mortgage-backed securities                            4,594           --            --
  Loan principal repayments                                                  80,362       66,077        56,485
  Loan disbursements                                                        (58,616)     (70,239)      (65,986)
  Purchase of office premises and equipment                                    (165)      (1,018)       (1,115)
  Purchase of bank-owned life insurance                                      (5,000)          --            --
  Increase in cash surrender value of life insurance                           (121)          --            --
  Proceeds from sale of land and other real estate                                8           12           249
  (Increase) decrease in certificates of deposit in other
    financial institutions                                                       --        5,700        (1,700)
  Purchase of Federal Home Loan Bank stock                                      (97)         (38)         (103)
                                                                           ________     ________     _________
    Net cash used in investing activities                                   (56,122)     (16,918)         (606)
                                                                           ________     ________     _________
    Net cash provided by (used in) operating and investing activities
      (balance carried forward)                                             (51,443)     (14,303)          910
                                                                           ________     ________     _________


______________________________________ 22 ______________________________________


                          For the year ended March 31,
                                 (In thousands)

                                                                             2003         2002         2001
                                                                           ________     ________     _________

    Net cash provided by (used in) operating and investing activities
      (balance brought forward)                                            $(51,443)    $(14,303)    $     910

Cash flows provided by (used in) financing activities:
  Net increase (decrease) in deposit accounts                                   (26)      23,251        12,754
  Proceeds from Federal Home Loan Bank advances                              25,000        5,000        11,000
  Repayments of Federal Home Loan Bank advances                                  --       (6,000)      (17,000)
  Advances by borrowers for taxes and insurance                                (168)          53            50
  Reorganization and cash proceeds from related
    common stock offering - net                                              17,065           --            --
  Dividends paid on common stock                                               (831)        (852)         (800)
  Proceeds from exercise of stock options                                        16           10            50
  Purchase of treasury shares - at cost                                          --         (178)         (358)
                                                                           ________     ________     _________
    Net cash provided by financing activities                                41,056       21,284         5,696
                                                                           ________     ________     _________
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                        (10,387)       6,981         6,606
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                               27,883       20,902        14,296
                                                                           ________     ________     _________
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                   $ 17,496     $ 27,883     $  20,902
                                                                           ========     ========     =========

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:
  Cash paid during the year for:
    Federal income taxes                                                   $  1,083     $    637     $     490

    Interest on deposits and borrowings                                    $  9,157     $ 12,370     $  13,083

Supplemental disclosure of noncash investing and financing activities:
  Transfers from loans to real estate acquired through foreclosure               --     $     --     $      98

  Issuance of mortgage loan upon sale of impaired loan                     $    450     $     93     $      50

  Unrealized gains (losses) on securities designated as available for
    sale, net of related tax effects                                       $    101     $    (11)    $      69

  Minimum pension liability adjustment,
    net of related tax effects                                             $    275     $     --     $      --

  Recognition of mortgage servicing rights
    in accordance with SFAS No. 140                                        $     24     $    273     $      92

  Dividends payable                                                        $    232     $    208     $     200
                                                                           ========     ========     =========


______________________________________ 23 ______________________________________



                         March 31, 2003, 2002, and 2001


     The consolidated  financial  statements  include Wayne Savings  Bancshares,
Inc. (the "Company") and its  wholly-owned  subsidiary  Wayne Savings  Community
Bank ("Wayne  Savings" or the "Bank").  Prior to the fiscal year ended March 31,
2003, a majority  (52.5%) of the  Company's  shares were owned by Wayne  Savings
Bankshares  M.H.C.  ("Bankshares,"  "parent"  or  "M.H.C."),  a  mutual  holding
company, as defined under Office of Thrift Supervision ("OTS")  regulations.  On
January 8, 2003, the Company completed a reorganization and related common stock
offering which  culminated  with the M.H.C.  merging with and into the Bank in a
manner similar to a  pooling-of-interests.  In fiscal 1999, Bankshares and Wayne
Savings formed a new federal  savings bank  subsidiary of Wayne Savings in North
Canton,   Ohio,  Village  Savings  Bank,  F.  S.  B.  ("Village"),   hereinafter
collectively referred to as "the Banks." Intercompany  transactions and balances
are eliminated in the consolidated financial statements.
     The Banks conduct a general banking  business in north central Ohio,  which
consists of attracting deposits from the general public and applying those funds
to the  origination  of  loans  for  residential,  consumer  and  nonresidential
purposes.  The Banks'  profitability  is  significantly  dependent  on their net
interest income,  which is the difference between interest income generated from
interest-earning  assets (i.e.  loans and  investments) and the interest expense
paid on  interest-bearing  liabilities  (i.e.  customer  deposits  and  borrowed
funds).   Net   interest   income  is  affected  by  the   relative   amount  of
interest-earning  assets  and  interest-bearing  liabilities  and  the  interest
received or paid on these balances. The level of interest rates paid or received
by the  Banks  can be  significantly  influenced  by a number  of  environmental
factors,  such as governmental monetary policy, that are outside of management's
     The financial  information presented herein has been prepared in accordance
with accounting  principles  generally  accepted in the United States of America
("U.S.  GAAP") and general  accounting  practices within the financial  services
industry.  In preparing  financial  statements  in  accordance  with U.S.  GAAP,
management  is  required  to make  estimates  and  assumptions  that  affect the
reported  amounts of assets and  liabilities  and the  disclosure  of contingent
assets and liabilities at the date of the financial  statements and revenues and
expenses  during the  reporting  period.  Actual  results could differ from such
     The  following  is  a  summary  of  the  Company's  significant  accounting
policies,  which  have  been  consistently  applied  in the  preparation  of the
accompanying financial statements.


     The Company  accounts for  investment  and  mortgage-backed  securities  in
accordance  with Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS") No. 115
"Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities." SFAS No. 115
requires that  investments  be  categorized  as  held-to-maturity,  trading,  or
available for sale.  Securities  classified as  held-to-maturity  are carried at
cost only if the  Company  has the  positive  intent  and  ability to hold these
securities  to  maturity.   Trading  securities  and  securities  designated  as
available for sale are carried at fair value with resulting  unrealized gains or
losses recorded to operations or stockholders'  equity,  respectively.  Realized
gains or  losses  on sales of  securities  are  recognized  using  the  specific
identification method.


     Loans held in portfolio  are stated at the  principal  amount  outstanding,
adjusted for deferred loan origination fees, the allowance for loan losses,  and
premiums and discounts on loans  purchased  and sold.  Premiums and discounts on
loans  purchased and sold are  amortized  and accreted to  operations  using the
interest method over the average life of the underlying loans.
     Interest is accrued as earned unless the  collectibility  of the loan is in
doubt.  Uncollectible  interest  on  loans  that are  contractually  past due is
charged off, or an  allowance  is  established  based on  management's  periodic
evaluation. The allowance is established by a charge to interest income equal to
all interest previously accrued,  and income is subsequently  recognized only to
the extent that cash payments are received until, in management's  judgment, the
borrower's ability to make periodic interest and principal payments has returned
to normal, in which case the loan is returned to accrual status.
     The Banks recognize rights to service mortgage loans for others pursuant to
SFAS No. 140  "Accounting  for Transfers  and Servicing of Financial  Assets and
Extinguishments of Liabilities." In accordance with SFAS No. 140, an institution
that  acquires  mortgage   servicing  rights  through  either  the  purchase  or
origination  of  mortgage  loans and sells  those  loans with  servicing  rights
retained must  allocate some of the cost of the loans to the mortgage  servicing
     The Banks  recognized  $24,000,  $273,000  and $92,000 of pre-tax  gains on
sales of loans  related to  capitalized  mortgage  servicing  rights  during the
fiscal years ended March 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.
     SFAS No.  140  requires  that  capitalized  mortgage  servicing  rights  be
assessed  for  impairment.  Impairment  is  measured  based on fair  value.  The
mortgage  servicing rights recorded by the Banks,  calculated in accordance with
the  provisions  of SFAS No.  140,  were  segregated  into  pools for  valuation
purposes,  using as pooling criteria the loan term and coupon rate. Once pooled,
each grouping of loans was evaluated on a discounted earnings basis to determine
the present value of future  earnings  that a purchaser  could expect to realize
from each portfolio. Earnings were projected from a variety of sources including
loan servicing fees, interest earned on float,

______________________________________ 24 ______________________________________

net interest  earned on escrows,  miscellaneous  income and costs to service the
loans.  The present  value of future  earnings is the  "economic"  value for the
pool,  i.e.,  the net  realizable  present  value to an acquirer of the acquired
     The Banks  recorded  amortization  related  to  mortgage  servicing  rights
totaling approximately $164,000,  $109,000 and $52,000 for the years ended March
31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.  At March 31, 2003 and 2002, the carrying
value of the Banks' mortgage  servicing rights,  which  approximated fair value,
totaled $381,000 and $521,000, respectively.
     Loans held for sale are carried at the lower of cost or market,  determined
in the aggregate. In computing cost, deferred loan origination fees are deducted
from the principal balances of the related loans. There were no loans identified
as held for sale at either March 31, 2003, or March 31, 2002.


     The Banks account for loan  origination fees in accordance with SFAS No. 91
"Accounting for  Nonrefundable  Fees and Costs  Associated  with  Originating or
Acquiring Loans and Initial Direct Costs of Leases."  Pursuant to the provisions
of SFAS No. 91,  origination  fees  received from loans,  net of certain  direct
origination  costs,  are  deferred and  amortized  to interest  income using the
level-yield method, giving effect to actual loan prepayments. Additionally, SFAS
No. 91 generally  limits  deferred  loan  origination  costs to the direct costs
attributable  to the origination of a loan, i.e.  principally  actual  personnel
costs.  Fees received for loan  commitments  that are expected to be drawn upon,
based on the Banks'  experience  with  similar  commitments,  are  deferred  and
amortized over the life of the loan using the level-yield method. Fees for other
loan commitments are deferred and amortized over the loan commitment period on a
straight-line basis.


     It is the Banks' policy to provide valuation allowances for losses inherent
within  the  loan  portfolio  that  are  both  probable  and  can be  reasonably
estimated.  When  the  collection  of a  loan  becomes  doubtful,  or  otherwise
troubled, the Banks record a charge-off equal to the difference between the fair
value of the  property  securing  the loan and the  loan's  carrying  value.  In
providing valuation allowances, costs of holding real estate, including the cost
of capital,  are considered.  Major loans (including  development  projects) and
major lending areas are reviewed periodically to determine potential problems at
an early date. The allowance for loan losses is increased by charges to earnings
and decreased by charge-offs (net of recoveries).
     The Banks  account  for  impaired  loans in  accordance  with SFAS No. 114,
"Accounting by Creditors for Impairment of a Loan." This Statement requires that
impaired loans be measured based upon the present value of expected  future cash
flows discounted at the loan's effective interest rate or, as an alternative, at
the loan's observable market price or fair value of the collateral.
     A loan is defined  under SFAS No. 114 as  impaired  when,  based on current
information and events, it is probable that a creditor will be unable to collect
all amounts due according to the  contractual  terms of the loan  agreement.  In
applying  the  provisions  of SFAS No. 114,  the Banks  consider  investment  in
one-to-four  family  residential  loans  and  consumer  installment  loans to be
homogeneous and therefore  excluded from separate  identification for evaluation
of impairment. With respect to the Banks' investment in multi-family, commercial
and nonresidential  loans, and the evaluation of impairment thereof,  such loans
are collateral  dependent and, as a result, are carried as a practical expedient
at the lower of cost or fair value.
     It is the Banks' policy to charge off unsecured  credits that are more than
ninety days delinquent.  Similarly, collateral dependent loans are evaluated for
impairment  at the time it becomes  possible that the Banks will not collect all
contractual  amounts due.  Generally,  this analysis is performed  before a loan
becomes ninety days delinquent.
     Information with respect to loans defined as impaired under SFAS No. 114 is
summarized below:

                                                       2003       2002      2001
                                                      ______     ______     ____
                                 (In thousands)

Investment in impaired loans                          $1,811     $3,012     $645
Impaired loans with no measurement of loss             1,811      2,493      645
Impaired loans with measurement of loss                   --        519       --
Allocated allowance for loan losses                       --        105       --
Average impaired loans                                 2,412      1,829      793
Charge-off of principal related to impaired loans         84         --      172

     During the time a loan is deemed  impaired,  the Company  records  interest
income using the cash method of  accounting.  Interest  income on impaired loans
totaled approximately  $24,000,  $233,000 and $71,000 for the fiscal years ended
March 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001.


     Office premises and equipment are carried at cost and include  expenditures
which extend the useful lives of existing assets. Maintenance, repairs and minor
renewals are expensed as incurred.  For financial  reporting,  depreciation  and
amortization are provided on the straight-line  method over the remaining useful
lives of the assets, estimated to be

______________________________________ 25 ______________________________________



                         March 31, 2003, 2002, and 2001

twenty to fifty-five years for buildings and improvements, five to ten years for
furniture and  equipment,  ten to twenty years for leasehold  improvements,  and
forty  years  for safe  deposit  boxes.  An  accelerated  method is used for tax
reporting purposes.


     Real estate  acquired  through  foreclosure  is carried at the lower of the
loan's unpaid  principal  balance  (cost) or fair value less  estimated  selling
expenses at the date of acquisition. Real estate loss provisions are recorded if
the properties' fair value  subsequently  declines below the value determined at
the  recording  date.  In  determining  the  lower  of  cost or  fair  value  at
acquisition,  costs  relating to  development  and  improvement  of property are
capitalized. Costs relating to holding real estate acquired through foreclosure,
net of rental income, are charged against earnings as incurred.


     The Company  accounts  for federal  income  taxes  pursuant to SFAS No. 109
"Accounting  for Income Taxes." In accordance  with SFAS No. 109, a deferred tax
liability or deferred  tax asset is computed by applying  the current  statutory
tax rates to net taxable or  deductible  temporary  differences  between the tax
basis  of an  asset  or  liability  and its  reported  amount  in the  financial
statements  that will  result in net  taxable  or  deductible  amounts in future
periods.  Deferred tax assets are recorded only to the extent that the amount of
net deductible temporary differences or carryforward  attributes may be utilized
against  current period  earnings,  carried back against prior years'  earnings,
offset against taxable  temporary  differences  reversing in future periods,  or
utilized to the extent of  management's  estimate of future  taxable  income.  A
valuation  allowance  is provided for deferred tax assets to the extent that the
value  of net  deductible  temporary  differences  and  carryforward  attributes
exceeds  management's  estimates  of taxes  payable  on future  taxable  income.
Deferred  tax  liabilities  are  provided on the total  amount of net  temporary
differences taxable in the future.
     The Company's  principal  temporary  differences  between pretax  financial
income  and  taxable  income  result  primarily  from the  different  methods of
accounting  for deferred  loan  origination  fees,  Federal Home Loan Bank stock
dividends,   certain  components  of  retirement  expense,   general  loan  loss
allowances,  percentage of earnings bad debt  deductions and mortgage  servicing
rights.  A temporary  difference is also  recognized  for  depreciation  expense
computed using accelerated methods for federal income tax purposes.


     Basic earnings per common share is computed based upon the weighted-average
number of common shares outstanding during the year, restated for the effects of
the Company's  reorganization  and related stock offering.  Diluted earnings per
common share include the dilutive effect of additional  potential  common shares
issuable under the Company's stock option plan. For each of the years presented,
there were no shares  excluded from the diluted  earnings per share  calculation
because the related options were anti-dilutive. The computations are as follows:

                                           2003          2002          2001
                                         _________     _________     _________

Weighted-average common shares
  outstanding (basic)                    3,887,881     3,884,253     3,923,436
Dilutive effect of assumed
  exercise of stock options                 14,196        16,372        17,756
                                         _________     _________     _________
Weighted-average common shares
  outstanding  (diluted)                 3,902,077     3,900,625     3,941,192
                                         =========     =========     =========

     The Company  has an  incentive  Stock  Option  Plan that  provided  for the
issuance of 196,390 adjusted shares of authorized, but unissued shares of common
stock. The Company also has a non-incentive  Stock Option Plan that provided for
the  issuance of 82,223  shares of  authorized,  but  unissued  shares of common
     The Company accounts for its stock option plans in accordance with SFAS No.
123,   "Accounting  for  Stock-Based   Compensation,"   which  provides  a  fair
value-based method for valuing  stock-based  compensation that entities may use,
which  measures  compensation  cost at the grant date based on the fair value of
the award.  Compensation is then  recognized  over the service period,  which is
usually  the vesting  period.  Alternatively,  SFAS No. 123 permits  entities to
continue to account  for stock  options and  similar  equity  instruments  under
Accounting Principles Board ("APB") Opinion No. 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued
to  Employees."  Entities  that  continue to account for stock options using APB
Opinion No. 25 are  required to make pro forma  disclosures  of net earnings and
earnings per share, as if the fair value-based  method of accounting  defined in
SFAS No. 123 had been applied.  Management has determined  that the Company will
continue to account for stock based compensation pursuant to APB Opinion No. 25.
     In  accordance  with APB  Opinion  No.  25, no  compensation  cost has been
recognized for the plans. Had  compensation  cost for the Company's stock option
plans  been  determined  based on the fair  value at the grant  dates for awards
under the plans consistent with the accounting method

______________________________________ 26 ______________________________________


utilized in SFAS No. 123,  the  Company's  net  earnings  and earnings per share
would have been reported in the manner presented below:

                                        2003      2002     2001
                                       ______    ______   ______

Net earnings                           $2,772    $1,823   $1,332
  Stock-based compensation,
    net of tax                            (21)       --       --
                                       ______    ______   ______
  Pro forma net earnings               $2,751    $1,823   $1,332
                                       ======    ======   ======
Earnings per share
  Basic                                $  .71    $  .47   $  .34
  Stock-based compensation,
    net of tax                             --        --       --
                                       ______    ______   ______
  Pro forma earnings per share         $  .71    $  .47   $  .34
                                       ======    ======   ======
  Diluted                              $  .71    $  .47   $  .34
  Stock-based compensation,
    net of tax                           (.01)       --       --
                                       ______    ______   ______
  Pro forma earnings per share         $  .70    $  .47   $  .34
                                       ======    ======   ======

The following information applies to options outstanding at March 31, 2003:

Number outstanding                                     18,543
Range of exercise prices                               $3.31
Number outstanding                                     10,123
Range of exercise prices                               $11.67
Weighted-average exercise price                        $6.26
Weighted-average remaining contractual life            3.52

     At March 31,  2003,  all of the  stock  options  granted  were  subject  to
exercise at the discretion of the grantees and expire in fiscal 2004.
     A summary of the status of the Company's stock option plans as of March 31,
2003,  2002 and 2001,  and  changes  during the years  ending on those  dates is
presented below:

                                            2003                    2002                    2001
                                     ___________________     ___________________     ___________________
                                                Exercise                Exercise                 Exercise
                                     Shares      Price       Shares      Price       Shares       Price
                                     ______     ________     ______     ________     ______     ________

Outstanding at beginning of year     23,378      $ 3.31      26,400      $3.31       41,787       $3.31
Granted                              10,123       11.67          --         --           --          --
Exercised                            (4,835)       3.31      (3,022)      3.31      (11,936)       3.31
Forfeited                                --          --          --         --       (3,451)       3.31
                                     ______     ________     ______     ________     ______     ________
Outstanding at end of year           28,666      $ 6.26      23,378      $3.31       26,400       $3.31
                                     ======     ========     ======     ========     ======     ========
Options exercisable at year-end      28,666      $ 6.26      23,378      $3.31       26,400       $3.31
                                     ======     ========     ======     ========     ======     ========
Fair value of options granted                    $ 3.17                     --                       --
                                                ========                ========                ========



     For purposes of reporting  cash flows,  cash and cash  equivalents  include
cash and due from banks, federal funds sold, and  interest-bearing  deposits due
from other financial  institutions  with original  maturities of less than three


     SFAS No.  107,  "Disclosures  about Fair Value of  Financial  Instruments,"
requires disclosure of the fair value of financial instruments,  both assets and
liabilities  whether  or  not  recognized  in  the  consolidated  statements  of
financial  condition,  for which it is practicable  to estimate that value.  For
financial instruments where quoted market prices are not available,  fair values
are based on estimates using present value and other valuation methods.
     The methods used are greatly affected by the assumptions applied, including
the discount rate and estimates of future cash flows. Therefore, the fair values
presented  may not  represent  amounts that could be realized in an exchange for
certain financial instruments.
     The  following  methods  and  assumptions  were  used  by  the  Company  in
estimating  its fair value  disclosures  for financial  instruments at March 31,
2003 and 2002:

     CASH  AND  CASH   EQUIVALENTS:   The  carrying  amounts  presented  in  the
     consolidated   statements   of  financial   condition  for  cash  and  cash
     equivalents are deemed to approximate fair value.

     amounts presented in the consolidated statements of financial condition for
     certificates  of  deposit  in other  financial  institutions  are deemed to
     approximate fair value.

     INVESTMENT   AND   MORTGAGE-BACKED    SECURITIES:    For   investment   and
     mortgage-backed securities, fair value is deemed to equal the quoted market

______________________________________ 27 ______________________________________



                         March 31, 2003, 2002, and 2001

     LOANS  RECEIVABLE:  The loan portfolio has been  segregated into categories
     with  similar  characteristics,  such as  one-to-four  family  residential,
     multi-family   residential  and  nonresidential  real  estate.  These  loan
     categories  were further  delineated  into  fixed-rate and  adjustable-rate
     loans.  The fair values for the resultant loan categories were computed via
     discounted  cash flow  analysis,  using current  interest rates offered for
     loans with similar terms to borrowers of similar credit quality.  For loans
     on deposit  accounts and consumer and other loans,  fair values were deemed
     to equal the historic  carrying values.  The historical  carrying amount of
     accrued interest on loans is deemed to approximate fair value.

     FEDERAL  HOME  LOAN  BANK  STOCK:  The  carrying  amount  presented  in the
     consolidated  statements  of financial  condition is deemed to  approximate
     fair value.

     DEPOSITS: The fair value of NOW accounts, passbook and club accounts, money
     market  deposits and advances by  borrowers  is deemed to  approximate  the
     amount  payable  on demand.  Fair  values for  fixed-rate  certificates  of
     deposit have been estimated using a discounted cash flow calculation  using
     the interest  rates  currently  offered for  deposits of similar  remaining

     ADVANCES FROM FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK:  The fair value of these  advances is
     estimated using the rates currently offered for similar advances of similar
     remaining maturities or, when available, quoted market prices.

     COMMITMENTS TO EXTEND  CREDIT:  For  fixed-rate  and  adjustable-rate  loan
     commitments,  the fair value  estimate  considers  the  difference  between
     current levels of interest rates and committed rates. At March 31, 2003 and
     2002,  the  difference  between the fair value and notional  amount of loan
     commitments was not material.

     Based on the foregoing methods and assumptions, the carrying value and fair
value of the Company's financial instruments at March 31 are as follows:

                                       2003                      2002
                                __________________        _____________________
                                Carrying      Fair        Carrying      Fair
                                 value        value        value        value
                                ________     ________     ________     ________
                                   (In thousands)
Financial assets
  Cash and cash equivalents
    and interest-bearing
    deposits                    $ 17,496     $ 17,496     $ 27,883     $ 27,883
    securities                    35,841       36,247       22,286       22,098
    securities                    76,002       76,078       17,326       17,284
  Loans receivable               228,373      236,633      251,172      253,233
  Federal Home Loan
    Bank stock                     4,041        4,041        3,767        3,767
                                ________     ________     ________     ________
                                $361,753     $370,495     $322,434     $324,265
                                ========     ========     ========     ========
Financial liabilities
  Deposits                      $300,931     $303,316     $300,957     $301,292
  Advances from the
    Federal Home
    Loan Bank                     30,000       30,515        5,000        5,025
  Advances by
    borrowers for taxes
    and insurance                    712          712          880          880
                                ________     ________     ________     ________
                                $331,643     $334,543     $306,837     $307,197
                                ========     ========     ========     ========


     Advertising  costs are expensed when  incurred.  The Company's  advertising
expense totaled $151,000, $136,000 and $106,000 for the fiscal years ended March
31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.


     In June 2002, the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  ("FASB")  issued
Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards ("SFAS") No. 146,  "Accounting for
Costs  Associated  with Exit or  Disposal  Activities."  SFAS No.  146  provides
financial  accounting and reporting  guidance for costs  associated with exit or
disposal   activities,   including  one-time  termination   benefits,   contract
termination  costs  other  than for a capital  lease,  and costs to  consolidate
facilities or relocate employees. SFAS No. 146 is effective for exit or disposal
activities  initiated  after December 31, 2002.  SFAS No. 146 is not expected to
have a  material  effect on the  Company's  financial  condition  or  results of
     In December 2002, the FASB issued SFAS No. 148, "Accounting for Stock-Based
Compensation  - Transition  and  Disclosure."  SFAS No. 148 amends SFAS No. 123,
"Accounting for Stock-Based  Compensation,"  to provide  alternative  methods of
transition for a voluntary change to

______________________________________ 28 ______________________________________


the fair value based method of accounting for stock-based employee compensation.
In addition,  SFAS No. 148 amends the disclosure requirements of SFAS No. 123 to
require prominent  disclosures in both annual and interim  financial  statements
about the method of accounting for  stock-based  employee  compensation  and the
effect of the method used on reported  results.  SFAS No. 148 is  effective  for
fiscal years beginning  after December 15, 2002. The expanded annual  disclosure
requirements and the transition provisions are effective for fiscal years ending
after  December 15, 2002.  The interim  disclosure  provisions are effective for
financial reports containing  financial statements for interim periods beginning
after December 15, 2002.  SFAS No. 148 is not expected to have a material effect
on the Company's consolidated financial position or results of operations.
     In November 2002,  the FASB issued  Financial  Interpretation  No. 45 ("FIN
45"),  "Guarantor's  Accounting  and  Disclosure  Requirements  for  Guarantees,
Including  Indirect  Guarantees  of  Indebtedness  of Others." FIN 45 requires a
guarantor  entity,  at the inception of a guarantee  covered by the  measurement
provisions  of the  interpretation,  to record a liability for the fair value of
the obligation  undertaken in issuing a guarantee.  Financial  letters of credit
require  the  Company to make  payment  in the  customer's  financial  condition
deteriorates,  as defined in the  agreements.  FIN 45  requires  the  Company to
record an  initial  liability  generally  equal to the fees  received  for these
letters of credit, when guaranteeing  obligations unless it became probable that
the  Company  would  have  to  perform  under  the  guarantee.  FIN  45  applies
prospectively to letters of credit the Company issues or modifies  subsequent to
December 31, 2002. The Company adopted FIN 45 in fiscal 2003,  without  material
effect on its financial statements.
     The Company  defines the initial  fair value of these  letters of credit as
the fee received from the customer. The maximum potential undiscounted amount of
future  payments of these letters of credit as of March 31, 2003 totaled $5,000.
Amounts due under these  letters of credit would be reduced by any proceeds that
the Company would be able to obtain in liquidating the collateral for the loans,
which varies depending on the customer.
     In  January  2003,  the FASB  issued  FIN 46,  "Consolidation  of  Variable
Interest   Entities."  FIN  46  requires  a  variable   interest  entity  to  be
consolidated  by a company if that  company is subject to a majority of the risk
of loss from the variable interest entity's  activities or entitled to receive a
majority  of the  entity's  residual  returns,  or  both.  FIN 46 also  requires
disclosures  about variable  interest entities that a company is not required to
consolidate,   but  in  which  it  has  a  significant  variable  interest.  The
consolidation  requirements  of FIN 46 apply  immediately  to variable  interest
entities created after January 31, 2003. The consolidation requirements apply to
existing  entities in the first fiscal year or interim  period  beginning  after
June 15, 2003.  Certain of the  disclosure  requirements  apply in all financial
statements  issued  after  January 31,  2003,  regardless  of when the  variable
interest  entity  was  established.  FIN 46 is not  expected  to have a material
effect  on  the  Company's   consolidated   financial  position  or  results  of


     Certain prior year amounts have been  reclassified  to conform to the March
31, 2003 consolidated financial statement presentation.


     Carrying values and estimated fair values of investment securities at March
31 are summarized as follows:

                                           March 31, 2003
                                        Gross         Gross       Estimated
                         Amortized    unrealized    unrealized      fair
                           cost         gains         losses        value
                         _________    __________    __________    _________
                                           (In thousands)

Corporate bonds
  and notes               $10,587       $ 218         $  22        $10,783
U.S. Government and
  agency obligations        8,093         201             4          8,290
Municipal obligations         125          13            --            138
                          _______       _____         _____        _______
                          $18,805       $ 432         $  26        $19,211
                          =======       =====         =====        =======
Available for sale
Mutual funds              $10,009       $  --         $  --        $10,009
Corporate bonds
  and notes                 1,534          --             3          1,531
U.S. Government and
  agency obligations        2,022          --             3          2,019
Municipal obligations       3,499          10            32          3,477
                          _______       _____         _____        _______
                          $17,064       $  10         $  38        $17,036
                          =======       =====         =====        =======

                                           March 31, 2002
                                        Gross         Gross       Estimated
                         Amortized    unrealized    unrealized      fair
                           cost         gains         losses        value
                         _________    __________    __________    _________
                                           (In thousands)

Corporate bonds
  and notes               $ 2,998       $  53         $  --        $ 3,051
U.S. Government and
  agency obligations       19,152          56           304         18,904
Municipal obligations         136           7            --            143
                          _______       _____         _____        _______
                          $22,286       $ 116         $ 304        $22,098
                          =======       =====         =====        =======

______________________________________ 29 ______________________________________



                         March 31, 2003, 2002, and 2001

     The  amortized  cost and estimated  fair value of investment  securities at
March 31, 2003, by term to maturity are shown below.

                                   Amortized     Estimated
                                     cost        fair value
                                   _________     __________
                                        (In thousands)

Due in one year or less             $ 1,500       $ 1,522
Due within one to three years         9,104         9,467
Due within three to five years        6,983         6,995
Due in over five years                1,218         1,227
                                    _______       _______
                                    $18,805       $19,211
                                    =======       =======
Available for sale
Due in one year or less             $12,044       $12,038
Due within one to three years           515           515
Due within three to five years        1,006         1,006
Due in over five years                3,499         3,477
                                    _______       _______
                                    $17,064       $17,036
                                    =======       =======

     The  Company  had  pledged  $3.1  million  and $2.3  million in  investment
securities to secure public deposits at March 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.
     The amortized cost, gross  unrealized  gains,  gross unrealized  losses and
estimated fair values of mortgage-backed  securities at March 31, 2003 and 2002,
including those designated as available for sale, are summarized as follows:

                                             Gross         Gross       Estimated
                              Amortized    unrealized    unrealized      fair
                                cost         gains         losses        value
                              _________    __________    __________    _________
                                                (In thousands)
  Federal Home Loan
    Mortgage Corporation
    participation certificates $ 2,976       $  19          $  4        $ 2,991
  Government National
    Mortgage Association
    participation certificates   2,800          32            --          2,832
  Federal National
    Mortgage Association
    participation certificates   4,075          29            --          4,104
                               _______       _____          ____        _______
                               $ 9,851       $  80          $  4        $ 9,927
                               =======       =====          ====        =======
Available for sale
  Federal Home Loan
    Mortgage Corporation
    participation certificates $20,403       $ 120          $ --        $20,523
  Government National
    Mortgage Association
    participation certificates   1,898          23            --          1,921
  Federal National
    Mortgage Association
    participation certificates  43,636         150            79         43,707
                               _______       _____          ____        _______
                               $65,937       $ 293          $ 79        $66,151
                               =======       =====          ====        =======

                                             Gross         Gross       Estimated
                              Amortized    unrealized    unrealized      fair
                                cost         gains         losses        value
                              _________    __________    __________    _________
                                                (In thousands)
  Federal Home Loan
    Mortgage Corporation
    participation certificates $ 4,452       $  --          $ 45        $ 4,407
  Government National
    Mortgage Association
    participation certificates   2,558          16            12          2,562
  Federal National
    Mortgage Association
    participation certificates   6,867          29            30          6,866
                               _______       _____          ____        _______
                               $13,877       $  45          $ 87        $13,835
                               =======       =====          ====        =======
Available for sale
  Federal Home Loan
    Mortgage Corporation
    participation certificates $ 1,687       $  25          $  5        $ 1,707
  Government National
    Mortgage Association
    participation certificates      55           9            --             64
  Federal National
    Mortgage Association
    participation certificates   1,674          20            16          1,678
                               _______       _____          ____        _______
                               $ 3,416       $  54          $ 21        $ 3,449
                               =======       =====          ====        =======

     The  amortized  cost  of   mortgage-backed   securities,   including  those
designated  as available  for sale at March 31,  2003,  by  contractual  term to
maturity  are shown  below.  Expected  maturities  will differ from  contractual
maturities because borrowers may generally prepay obligations without prepayment

                               March 31, 2003
                               Amortized Cost
                               (In thousands)
  Due within three years          $    270
  Due after three years              9,581
                                  $  9,851
Available for sale
  Due within three years          $  1,301
  Due after three years             64,636
                                  $ 65,937

______________________________________ 30 ______________________________________


                           NOTE C -- LOANS RECEIVABLE

     The composition of the loan portfolio at March 31 is as follows:

                                                2003         2002
                                              --------     --------
                                                 (In Thousands)
Residential real estate - 1 to 4 family       $200,764     $220,145
Residential real estate - multi-family           8,512        7,368
Residential real estate - construction           3,548        8,728
Nonresidential real estate and land              8,211        9,725
Commercial                                       7,427        5,832
Consumer and other                               3,892        6,096
                                              ________     ________
                                               232,354      257,894
  Undisbursed portion of loans in process        2,244        4,616
  Deferred loan origination fees                 1,059        1,376
  Allowance for loan losses                        678          730
                                              ________     ________
                                              $228,373     $251,172
                                              ========     ========

     As depicted above, the Banks' lending efforts have historically  focused on
one-to-four family  residential and multi-family  residential real estate loans,
which comprise approximately $210.6 million, or 92%, of the total loan portfolio
at March 31, 2003,  and $231.6  million,  or 92%, of the total loan portfolio at
March 31, 2002. Generally,  such loans have been underwritten on the basis of no
more than an 80%  loan-to-value  ratio,  which  has  historically  provided  the
Company with adequate collateral coverage in the event of default. Nevertheless,
the Banks,  as with any lending  institution,  are subject to the risk that real
estate values could  deteriorate in their primary lending areas of north central
Ohio, thereby impairing collateral values. However,  management is of the belief
that  residential  real estate values in the Company's  primary lending area are
presently stable.
     As  discussed   previously,   Wayne   Savings  has  sold  whole  loans  and
participating interests in loans in the secondary market, retaining servicing on
the loans sold. Loans sold and serviced for others totaled  approximately  $47.9
million,  $60.6  million  and $47.1  million at March 31,  2003,  2002 and 2001,
     In the  normal  course  of  business,  the Banks  have made  loans to their
directors,  officers and their related business  interests.  Related party loans
are made on the same terms that are widely available to other employees, as long
as the  director  or  executive  officer  is not  given  preferential  treatment
compared to other participating  employees. The aggregate dollar amount of loans
outstanding to directors,  officers and their related business interests totaled
approximately  $2.6  million,  $2.7  million and $2.5 million at March 31, 2003,
2002 and 2001, respectively.  During fiscal 2003, the Company disbursed $190,000
of  loans to  officers  and  directors  and  received  principal  repayments  of
$250,000.  At March 31,  2003,  $2.1  million of the  related  party loans was a
nonresidential real estate loan.

                       NOTE D - ALLOWANCE FOR LOAN LOSSES

     The activity in the  allowance for loan losses is summarized as follows for
the years ended March 31:

                                    2003         2002     2001
                                   _____        _____    _____
                                           (In thousands)

Balance at beginning of year       $ 730         $655     $793
Provision for losses on loans         91          134       96
Charge-offs of loans                (158)         (63)    (240)
Recovery of loans previously
  charged off                         15            4        6
                                   _____         ____     ____
Balance at end of year             $ 678         $730     $655
                                   =====         ====     ====

     As of March 31, 2003,  the Banks'  allowance  for loan losses was comprised
solely of a general loan loss  allowance,  which is includible as a component of
regulatory risk-based capital.
     Nonaccrual,  nonperforming  and impaired loans totaled  approximately  $2.5
million,  $3.8  million  and $1.2  million  at March  31,  2003,  2002 and 2001,
     During the years ended March 31, 2003,  2002 and 2001,  interest  income of
approximately  $208,000,  $99,000  and  $12,000,  respectively,  would have been
recognized had nonaccrual  loans been performing in accordance with  contractual


     Office premises and equipment at March 31 are comprised of the following:

                                         2003         2002
                                        _______     _______
                                          (In thousands)

Land and improvements                   $ 1,643     $ 1,617
Office buildings and improvements         6,583       6,439
Furniture, fixtures and equipment         3,112       4,452
Leasehold improvements                      356         354
                                        _______     _______
                                         11,694      12,862
Less accumulated depreciation
  and amortization                        2,876       3,654
                                        _______     _______
                                        $ 8,818     $ 9,208
                                        =======     =======

______________________________________ 31 ______________________________________



                         March 31, 2003, 2002, and 2001

                                NOTE F - DEPOSITS

     Deposits consist of the following major classifications at March 31:

                                        2003           2002
                                      ________       ________
DEPOSIT TYPE AND WEIGHTED-                (In thousands)

NOW accounts
  2003 - .56%                         $ 39,982
  2002 - .96%                                        $ 38,396
  2003 - 1.05%                          84,478
  2002 - 2.25%                                         77,485
Money Market Investor
  2003 - 1.20%                          13,647
  2002 - 2.13%                                         11,809
                                      ________       ________
Total demand, transaction and
  passbook deposits                    138,107        127,690

Certificates of deposit
  Original maturities of:
  Less than 12 months
    2003 - 1.66%                        19,400
    2002 - 3.09%                                       28,497
  12 months to 24 months
    2003 - 2.44%                        53,755
    2002 - 4.74%                                       81,005
  25 months to 36 months
    2003 - 3.92%                        15,870
    2002 - 4.57%                                        9,628
  More than 36 months
    2003 - 4.75%                        35,184
    2002 - 5.15%                                       11,843
    2003 - 4.04%                        38,615
    2002 - 5.30%                                       42,294
                                      ________       ________
Total certificates of deposit          162,824        173,267
                                      ________       ________
Total deposit accounts                $300,931       $300,957
                                      ========       ========

     At March 31,  2003 and 2002,  the Banks had  certificates  of deposit  with
balances  in  excess of  $100,000  totaling  $48.7  million  and $55.5  million,

     Interest  expense on deposits for the years ended March 31 is summarized as

                              2003        2002        2001
                             ______     _______     _______
                                    (In thousands)

Passbook                     $1,474     $ 1,674     $ 1,642
NOW and money market
  deposit accounts              540         771         875
Certificates of deposit       6,418       9,610      10,135
                             ______     _______     _______
                             $8,432     $12,055     $12,652
                             ======     =======     =======

     Maturities  of  outstanding   certificates  of  deposit  at  March  31  are
summarized as follows:

                                         2003        2002
                                       ________    ________
                                          (In thousands)

Less than one year                     $ 95,625    $142,486
One to three years                       34,396      22,282
Over three years                         32,803       8,499
                                       ________    ________
                                       $162,824    $173,267
                                       ========    ========


     Advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank,  collateralized at March 31, 2003
and 2002 by pledges of certain residential mortgage loans totaling $37.5 million
and $6.3 million,  respectively,  and the Banks' investment in Federal Home Loan
Bank stock, are summarized as follows:

  Interest        Maturing in year
    rate          ending March 31,       2003        2002
_____________     ________________     _______     _______
                     (Dollars in thousands)

5.07% - 5.29%        2005              $ 5,000     $ 5,000
3.13% - 3.36%        2007                7,500          --
3.51% - 3.61%        2008                5,000          --
4.01% - 4.87%        2009 and
                     thereafter         12,500          --
                                        -------      -----
                                       $30,000     $ 5,000
                                        ======       =====
Weighted-average interest rate            4.15%       5.24%
                                        ======       =====

______________________________________ 32 ______________________________________


                          NOTE H - FEDERAL INCOME TAXES

     The  effective  tax rates were 30.5%,  34.0% and 33.6% for the fiscal years
ended March 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively. The decrease in the effective
tax rate for fiscal 2003 was  primarily  due to  tax-free  income  arising  from
various interest-earning assets.
     The  composition of the Company's net deferred tax liability at March 31 is
as follows:

                                                2003         2002
                                               _______      _______
                                                  (In thousands)
Taxes (payable) refundable on
temporary differences at
statutory rate:
  Deferred tax assets
    Deferred loan origination fees             $    --      $    72
    General loan loss allowance                    231          286
    Pension expense                                184           20
    Reserve for uncollected interest                71           34
    Real estate acquired through
      foreclosure                                   38           38
    Other                                           69            8
                                               _______      _______
    Deferred tax assets                            593          458
                                               _______      _______
  Deferred tax liabilities
    Federal Home Loan Bank
      stock dividends                             (882)        (822)
    Book/tax depreciation differences             (156)        (157)
    Deferred loan origination costs                (33)          --
    Unrealized gains on securities
      designated as available for sale             (63)         (11)
    Tax bad debt reserve                           (11)         (44)
    Mortgage servicing rights                     (130)        (191)
                                               _______      _______
    Deferred tax liabilities                    (1,275)      (1,225)
                                               _______      _______
Total deferred tax liability                   $  (682)     $  (767)
                                               =======      =======

     Prior to  fiscal  1997,  Wayne  Savings  was  allowed  a  special  bad debt
deduction  based  on a  percentage  of  earnings,  generally  limited  to  8% of
otherwise  taxable income and subject to certain  limitations based on aggregate
loans and  deposit  account  balances  at the end of the year.  This  cumulative
percentage of earnings bad debt deduction totaled  approximately $2.7 million as
of March 31, 2003.  If the amounts  that  qualified  as  deductions  for federal
income taxes are later used for purposes  other than bad debt losses,  including
distributions  in  liquidation,  such  distributions  will be subject to federal
income  taxes at the then  current  corporate  income  tax rate.  The  amount of
unrecognized  deferred  tax  liability  relating  to  the  cumulative  bad  debt
deduction  was  approximately  $918,000  at March 31,  2003.  Wayne  Savings  is
required to recapture as taxable income  approximately  $200,000 of its bad debt
reserve,  which represents the post-1987  additions to the reserve,  and will be
unable to utilize the  percentage  of earnings  method to compute the reserve in
the future.  Wayne  Savings has provided  deferred  taxes for this amount and is
amortizing  the  recapture  of the bad debt  reserve  in taxable  income  over a
six-year period, which commenced in fiscal 1999.
     At March 31, 2003,  the  Company's  tax return for the year ended March 31,
1999, was under  examination.  The Company does not expect any material  adverse
adjustments as a result of the examination.

                              NOTE I - COMMITMENTS

     The Company is a party to financial instruments with off-balance-sheet risk
in the normal course of business to meet the financing  needs of its  customers,
including  commitments to extend credit.  Such commitments  involve,  to varying
degrees,  elements  of credit  and  interest-rate  risk in excess of the  amount
recognized in the consolidated  statements of financial condition.  The contract
or  notional  amounts of the  commitments  reflect  the extent of the  Company's
involvement in such financial instruments.
     The Company's  exposure to credit loss in the event of  non-performance  by
the other party to the financial  instrument for commitments to extend credit is
represented by the contractual notional amount of those instruments. The Company
uses the same credit policies in making commitments and conditional  obligations
as those utilized for on-balance-sheet instruments.
     At March 31,  2003,  the  Company  had  total  outstanding  commitments  of
approximately  $4.0  million to  originate  loans,  of which $2.8  million  were
comprised  of  fixed-rate  loans at rates  ranging  from 5.13% to 7.25% and $1.2
million were comprised of  adjustable-rate  loans at rates ranging from 4.38% to
5.50%.  The Company  had unused  lines of credit  outstanding  under home equity
loans $17.1  million and $13.9  million at March 31, 2003 and 2002.  The Company
had unused  lines of credit  outstanding  under credit cards of $4.7 million and
$4.6 million at March 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively. Additionally, the Company
had unused  lines of credit  under  commercial  loans of $4.3  million  and $4.0
million at March 31, 2003 and 2002. At March 31, 2003 and 2002,  the Company had
outstanding   commitments   to  purchase   $2.0  million  and  $1.5  million  of
mortgage-backed securities, respectively.  Management believes that all loan and
mortgage-backed  security  commitments  at March 31, 2003, are able to be funded
through cash flow from operations and existing excess liquidity.
     Commitments  to extend credit are  agreements to lend to a customer as long
as  there  is no  violation  of  any  condition  established  in  the  contract.
Commitments  generally have fixed expiration dates or other termination  clauses
and may  require  payment  of a fee.  Since many of the  commitments  may expire
without being drawn upon, the total commitment

______________________________________ 33 ______________________________________



                         March 31, 2003, 2002, and 2001

amounts do not  necessarily  represent  future  cash  requirements.  The Company
evaluates each customer's  creditworthiness  on a case-by-case basis. The amount
of collateral obtained,  if it is deemed necessary by the Company upon extension
of credit,  is based on  management's  credit  evaluation  of the  counterparty.
Collateral on loans may vary but the  preponderance  of loans granted  generally
includes a mortgage interest in real estate as security.
     The Company  leases  certain  branch  banking  facilities  under  operating
leases.  The minimum  annual lease  payments  over the initial lease term are as

Fiscal year ended           (In thousands)
_________________           ______________

   2004                          $ 73
   2005                            73
   2006                            73
   2007                            97
   Thereafter                      97
   Total                         $413

     The  Company  incurred  rental  expense  under  operating  leases  totaling
approximately $68,000,  $66,000 and $30,000 for the fiscal years ended March 31,
2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.
     There were no material contingent liabilities at March 31, 2003 or 2002.

                           NOTE J - REGULATORY CAPITAL

     The Banks are subject to minimum regulatory  capital standards  promulgated
by the OTS.  Failure to meet minimum capital  requirements  can initiate certain
mandatory -and possibly  additional  discretionary - actions by regulators that,
if undertaken, could have a direct material effect on the consolidated financial
statements.  Under capital adequacy guidelines and the regulatory  framework for
prompt corrective  action,  the Banks must meet specific capital guidelines that
involve  quantitative  measures of the Banks'  assets,  liabilities  and certain
off-balance-sheet items as calculated under regulatory accounting practices. The
Banks'  capital  amounts  and  classification  are also  subject to  qualitative
judgments by the regulators about components, risk-weightings and other factors.
The minimum  capital  standards of the OTS generally  require the maintenance of
regulatory capital sufficient to meet each of three tests, hereinafter described
as the  tangible  capital  requirement,  the core  capital  requirement  and the
risk-based capital  requirement.  The tangible capital requirement  provides for
minimum tangible  capital  (defined as stockholders'  equity less all intangible
assets)  equal to 1.5% of adjusted  total assets.  The core capital  requirement
provides  for minimum  core capital  (tangible  capital  plus  certain  forms of
supervisory goodwill and other qualifying  intangible assets) generally equal to
4.0% of adjusted  total assets  except for those  associations  with the highest
examination  rating  and  acceptable  levels  of risk.  The  risk-based  capital
requirement  provides  for the  maintenance  of core  capital  plus general loss
allowances equal to 8.0% of  risk-weighted  assets.  In computing  risk-weighted
assets,  the  Banks  multiply  the  value of each  asset on their  statement  of
financial condition by a defined risk-weighting factor, e.g. one- to four-family
residential loans carry a risk-weighted factor of 50%.
     As of March 31, 2003,  management  believes  that the Banks met all capital
adequacy  requirements  to  which  they  were  subject.  As of the  most  recent
examination date, the Banks were advised by the OTS that they met the definition
of "well capitalized" institutions.
     The Banks' management  believes that, under the current  regulatory capital
regulations,  the Banks will continue to meet their minimum capital requirements
in the foreseeable future. However, events beyond the control of the Banks, such
as increased  interest  rates or a downturn in the economy in the Banks'  market
area, could adversely affect future earnings and,  consequently,  the ability to
meet future minimum regulatory capital requirements.
     The Banks are  subject  to  regulations  imposed by the OTS  regarding  the
amount of capital  distributions payable to the Company.  Generally,  the Banks'
payment of dividends is limited, without prior OTS approval, to net earnings for
the  current  calendar  year,  plus  the  two  preceding  years,   less  capital
distributions  paid over the comparable time period.  Insured  institutions  are
required to file an application with the OTS for capital distributions in excess
of the limitation.
     Regulations of the OTS governing mutual holding  companies  permitted Wayne
Savings  Bankshares  M.H.C.  (the  "M.H.C.")  to waive the  receipt by it of any
dividend declared by the Company or the Bank on the common stock,  provided that
the OTS does not object to such waiver. The M.H.C.  accepted dividends totalling
$25,000,  $260,000  (of which  $258,000  was treated as an offset to  previously
allocated  M.H.C.  costs) and $75,000  during fiscal years 2002,  2001 and 2000,
respectively.  For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2003,  the M.H.C.  waived its
share of all dividends  declared on the common stock.  Total dividends waived by
the M.H.C. through the date of conversion amounted to $6.2 million.

______________________________________ 34 ______________________________________


                             (Dollars in thousands)

                                                                                                        Required to be "well-
                                                              Required for capital                    capitalized" under prompt
                                   Actual                      adequacy purposes                     corrective action provisions
                             ___________________         _______________________________             ____________________________
                             Amount        Ratio         Amount                    Ratio             Amount            Ratio

Tangible capital             $38,069       10.2%         >$ 5,604                  >1.5%             >$ 18,680         > 5.0%
Core capital                 $38,069       10.2%         >$14,944                  >4.0%             >$ 22,416         > 6.0%
Risk-based capital           $38,748       20.2%         >$15,353                  >8.0%             >$ 19,191         >10.0%

                             (Dollars in thousands)
                                                                                                     Required to be "well-
                                                              Required for capital                    capitalized" under prompt
                                   Actual                      adequacy purposes                     corrective action provisions
                             ___________________         _______________________________             ____________________________
                             Amount        Ratio         Amount                    Ratio             Amount            Ratio
Tangible capital             $26,063        7.8%         >$ 5,021                  >1.5%             >$ 16,736         > 5.0%
Core capital                 $26,063        7.8%         >$13,389                  >4.0%             >$ 20,083         > 6.0%
Risk-based capital           $26,793       14.2%         >$15,108                  >8.0%             >$ 18,885         >10.0%


                VILLAGE SAVINGS BANK, F.S.B. AS OF MARCH 31, 2003
                             (Dollars in thousands)
                                                                                                    Required to be "well-
                                                              Required for capital                    capitalized" under prompt
                                   Actual                      adequacy purposes                     corrective action provisions
                             ___________________         _______________________________             ____________________________
                             Amount        Ratio         Amount                    Ratio             Amount            Ratio
Tangible capital              $5,311       10.5%         >$   759                  >1.5%             >$  2,529         > 5.0%
Core capital                  $5,311       10.5%         >$ 2,023                  >4.0%             >$  3,034         > 6.0%
Risk-based capital            $5,358       28.7%         >$ 1,471                  >8.0%             >$  1,839         >10.0%

                VILLAGE SAVINGS BANK, F.S.B. AS OF MARCH 31, 2002
                             (Dollars in thousands)
                                                                                                    Required to be "well-
                                                              Required for capital                    capitalized" under prompt
                                   Actual                      adequacy purposes                     corrective action provisions
                             ___________________         _______________________________             ____________________________
                             Amount        Ratio         Amount                    Ratio             Amount            Ratio
Tangible capital              $2,865        7.0%         >$   614                  >1.5%             >$  2,047         > 5.0%
Core capital                  $2,865        7.0%         >$ 1,637                  >4.0%             >$  2,456         > 6.0%
Risk-based capital            $2,906        15.8%        >$ 1,471                  >8.0%             >$  1,838         >10.0%

______________________________________ 35 ______________________________________



                                  March 31, 2003, 2002, and 2001

                       NOTE K - PENSION AND BENEFIT PLANS

     The Company has a  non-contributory  insured  defined  benefit pension plan
(the "Plan")  covering all eligible  employees.  The Plan  benefits are based on
years-of-service   and  other  factors.  The  Company's  funding  policy  is  to
contribute  at least  annually  amounts  sufficient  to  satisfy  legal  funding
requirements plus such additional  tax-deductible amounts deemed advisable under
the  circumstances.  Contributions are intended to provide not only for benefits
attributed to  service-to-date,  but also for those expected to be earned in the
     Information  with  respect to the Plan for the years ended March 31,  2003,
2002 and 2001 is as follows:

     The changes in benefit obligations are computed as follows:

                                          2003       2002       2001
                                         ______     ______     ______
                                                (In thousands)
Projected benefit obligation
  at beginning of year                   $1,592     $1,280     $1,117
Service cost                                 55         63         58
Interest cost                               124        101         83
Actuarial loss                              428        203         39
Benefits paid                              (197)       (55)       (17)
                                         ______     ______     ______
Projected benefit obligation
  at end of year                         $2,002     $1,592     $1,280
                                         ======     ======     ======

     The changes in the Plan's assets are computed as follows:

                                          2003       2002       2001
                                         ______     ______     ______
                                                (In thousands)
Fair value of plan assets at
  beginning of year                      $1,508     $1,283     $1,122
Actual return on plan assets                (22)        68          3
Employer contributions                      210        212        175
Benefits paid                              (197)       (55)       (17)
                                         ______     ______     ______
Fair value of plan assets
  at end of year                         $1,499     $1,508     $1,283
                                         ======     ======     ======

          The following table sets forth the Plan's funded status at March 31:

                                          2003       2002
                                         ______     ______
                                          (In thousands)
Funded status                            $  (84)    $  (84)
Unrecognized net actuarial loss              --        (42)
Unrecognized net transition liability        --         42
Minimum additional liability               (417)        --
                                         ______     ______
Accrued pension cost                     $ (501)    $  (84)
                                         ======     ======

          The weighted-average actuarial assumptions used were:

                                          2003       2002       2001
                                         ______     ______     ______
discount rate                             8.00%      7.25%      7.50%
Weighted-average rate of
compensation increase                     1.00%      1.00%      1.00%
Weighted-average expected
long-term rate of return on
plan assets                               7.00%      7.00%      7.00%
                                         ======     ======     ======

          Net periodic pension costs includes the following components:

                                          2003       2002       2001
                                         ______     ______     ______
                                                (In thousands)

Service cost                             $   55     $   63     $   58
Interest cost                               124        101         83
Actual return on plan assets                 21        (68)        (3)
Amortization of prior net loss                2        199        141
Amortization of net transition
obligation                                    6          6          6
Unrecognized net actuarial loss            (131)       (27)       (81)
                                         ______     ______     ______
Net periodic pension cost                $   77     $  274     $  204
                                         ======     ======     ======

     Plan assets were invested in life  insurance  contracts and $1.0 million of
deposits at the Bank.
     As previously stated, the Banks have a savings plan covering  substantially
all employees who meet certain age and service requirements. Under the plan, the
Banks  match   participant   contributions  up  to  2%  of  each   participant's
compensation  during the year. This contribution is dependent on availability of
sufficient  net earnings from current or prior years.  Additional  contributions
may be made as  approved  by the  Board of  Directors.  Expense  under  the plan
totaled  approximately  $46,000,  $44,000 and $44,000 for the fiscal years ended
March 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

______________________________________ 36 ______________________________________



     Service fees,  charges and other operating  income for the year ended March
31 is comprised of the following items:

                                          2003       2002       2001
                                         ______     ______     ______
                                                (In thousands)

Deposit fee income                       $  719     $  675     $  501
Loan servicing fee income                   139        133        120
Income from credit cards                    287        157         69
Other service fees, charges
  and other operating income                270        178        201
                                         ______     ______     ______
                                         $1,415     $1,143     $  891
                                         ======     ======     ======


     Other  operating  expense for the year ended March 31 is  comprised  of the
following items:

                                          2003       2002       2001
                                         ______     ______     ______
                                                (In thousands)

Telephone and postage expense            $  253     $  273     $  247
Public relations and
  advertising expense                       211        198        214
Stationery, printing and office
  supplies expense                          172        172        189
Supervisory exam expense                    152        137        128
Professional services expense               172        154         96
Other operating expenses                    866        733        716
                                         ______     ______     ______
                                         $1,826     $1,667     $1,590
                                         ======     ======     ======

     Expenses paid by or previously  allocated to the M.H.C.  were  comprised of
the following:
                                          2003       2002       2001
                                         ______     ______     ______
                                                (In thousands)

Fees related to M.H.C. and subsidiary
  legal matters                          $   --     $   30     $  134
Intercompany cost allocations                --          5          7
Officer compensation                         --         --          9
                                         ______     ______     ______
                                         $   --     $   35     $  150
                                         ======     ======     ======


     In fiscal 2002, the Board of Directors of Wayne Savings Bankshares,  M.H.C.
(the "M.H.C.") adopted a plan of conversion and  reorganization  (the "plan") to
convert  the M.H.C  from  mutual to stock form and to  complete a related  stock
offering  in which  shares  of common  stock  representing  the MHC's  ownership
interest in the Company would be sold to investors.
     The plan was approved by the stockholders of the Company, the depositors of
Wayne Savings  Community  Bank and the Office of Thrift  Supervision  ("OTS") in
fiscal 2003, and the related stock offering was completed on January 8, 2003. As
of that date,  1,350,699 shares owned by the M.H.C. were retired and the Company
sold 2,040,816 shares of common stock for $10.00 per share. After  consideration
of the employee stock  ownership  plan (ESOP)  totaling $1.6 million and related
expenses of $1.9 million, net proceeds from the stock offering amounted to $17.1
million.  An additional  1,847,820  shares were issued to existing  shareholders
based on an exchange rate of 1.5109 new shares of common stock for each existing
share, resulting in 3,888,795 total new shares outstanding.
     Upon  completion  of the  conversion  and  stock  offering,  Wayne  Savings
Bancshares, Inc. changed its charter to a Delaware holding company and is wholly
owned by public stockholders.
     In the  event of a  complete  liquidation  (and only in such  event),  each
eligible member of Wayne's  depositors will be entitled to receive a liquidation
distribution  from the  liquidation  account in the  amount of the then  current
adjusted balance of deposit accounts held,  before any liquidation  distribution
may be made with respect to common stock. Except for the repurchase of stock and
payment of dividends by the Company,  the existence of liquidation  account will
not restrict the use or application of such retained earnings.
     The Company may not declare,  pay a cash dividend on, or repurchase  any of
its common  stock,  if the effect  thereof would cause  retained  earnings to be
reduced  below  either the amount  required for the  liquidation  account or the
regulatory capital requirements of SAIF insured institutions.

______________________________________ 37 ______________________________________



                         March 31, 2003, 2002, and 2001


     The  following  condensed  financial  statements  summarize  the  financial
position of Wayne Savings  Bancshares,  Inc. as of March 31, 2003 and 2002,  and
the results of its  operations  and its cash flows for the years ended March 31,
2003, 2002, and 2001.

                                    March 31,

                                                                          2003         2002
                                                                         _______      _______
                                                                            (In thousands)

Cash and due from banks                                                  $   263      $   115
Investment securities available for sale at market                         5,039           --
Notes receivable from Wayne Savings                                        1,612           --
Investment in Wayne Savings                                               38,233       26,140
Prepaid expenses and other                                                    48          851
                                                                         _______      _______
Total assets                                                             $45,195      $27,106
                                                                         =======      =======
Accrued expenses and other liabilities                                   $   532      $ 1,059
Stockholders' equity
Common stock and additional paid-in capital                               34,597       17,085
Retained earnings                                                         11,830       10,121
Less required contributions for ESOP shares                               (1,612)          --
Less 70,014 shares held in treasury at March 31, 2002                         --       (1,181)
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)                               (152)          22
                                                                         _______      _______
Total stockholders' equity                                                44,663       26,047
                                                                         _______      _______
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                               $45,195      $27,106
                                                                         =======      =======

                             STATEMENTS OF EARNINGS
                          For the years ended March 31,

                                                                          2003         2002         2001
                                                                         _______      _______      _______
                                                                                  (In thousands)

Interest income                                                          $    43      $     1      $    18
Equity in earnings of subsidiary                                           2,800        1,928        1,371
                                                                         _______      _______      _______
Total revenue                                                              2,843        1,929        1,389
General and administrative expenses                                          192          160           92
                                                                         _______      _______      _______
Earnings before income tax credits                                         2,651        1,769        1,297
Federal income tax credits                                                  (121)         (54)         (35)
                                                                         _______      _______      _______
NET EARNINGS                                                             $ 2,772      $ 1,823      $ 1,332
                                                                         =======      =======      =======

                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                          For the years ended March 31,

                                                                          2003         2002         2001
                                                                         _______      _______      _______
                                                                                  (In thousands)

Cash flows from operating activities:
Net earnings for the year                                                $ 2,772      $ 1,823      $ 1,332
Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash provided by (used in)
operating activities:
Undistributed earnings of consolidated subsidiary                         (2,121)        (773)        (807)
Increase (decrease) in cash due to changes in:
Prepaid expenses and other assets                                            820         (534)        (238)
Accrued expenses and other liabilities                                      (821)         534          262
                                                                         _______      _______      _______
Net cash provided by operating activities                                    650        1,050          549
Cash flows provided by (used in) investing activities
Purchase of investment securities designated as available for sale        (5,052)          --           --
Investment in Wayne Savings - net                                        (11,700)          --           --
                                                                         _______      _______      _______
Net cash provided by investing activities                                (16,752)          --           --
Cash flows provided by (used in) financing activities:
Proceeds from reorganization and related stock offering - net             17,065           --           --
Payment of dividends on common stock                                        (831)        (852)        (800)
Purchase of treasury stock                                                    --         (178)        (358)
Proceeds from exercise of stock options                                       16           10           50
                                                                         _______      _______      _______
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                       16,250       (1,020)      (1,108)
                                                                         _______      _______      _______
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                         148           30         (559)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                               115           85          644
                                                                         _______      _______      _______
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                 $   263      $   115      $    85
                                                                         =======      =======      =======

______________________________________ 38 ______________________________________



     The following  table  summarizes  the Company's  quarterly  results for the
fiscal years ended March 31, 2003 and 2002.

                                                                   For the three month periods ended
                                              June 30, 2002     September 30, 2002     December 31, 2002     March 31, 2003
                                              _____________     __________________     _________________     ______________
                                                                     (In thousands, except share data)

Total interest income                            $ 5,049             $ 4,877                $ 5,056             $ 5,041
Total interest expense                             2,498               2,300                  2,305               2,066
                                                 _______             _______                _______             _______

Net interest income                                2,551               2,577                  2,751               2,975
Provision for losses on loans                         17                  21                     37                  16
Other income                                         344                 361                    468                 476
General, administrative and other expense          2,039               2,009                  2,107               2,268
                                                 _______             _______                _______             _______
Earnings before income taxes                         839                 908                  1,075               1,167
Federal income taxes                                 285                 301                    336                 295
                                                 _______             _______                _______             _______
Net earnings                                     $   554             $   607                $   739             $   872
                                                 =======             =======                =======             =======
Earnings per share
  Basic                                          $   .15             $   .16                $   .19             $   .21
                                                 =======             =======                =======             =======
  Diluted                                        $   .15             $   .16                $   .19             $   .21
                                                 =======             =======                =======             =======

                                                                   For the three month periods ended
                                              June 30, 2001     September 30, 2001     December 31, 2001     March 31, 2001
                                              _____________     __________________     _________________     ______________
                                                                     (In thousands, except share data)

Total interest income                            $ 5,416             $ 5,330                $ 5,270             $ 5,293
Total interest expense                             3,344               3,212                  3,043               2,749
                                                 _______             _______                _______             _______
Net interest income                                2,072               2,118                  2,227               2,544
Provision for losses on loans                          2                  95                     21                  16
Other income                                         364                 433                    502                 358
General, administrative and other expense          1,874               1,831                  1,968               2,049
                                                 _______             _______                _______             _______
Earnings before income taxes                         560                 625                    740                 837
Federal income taxes                                 185                 213                    253                 288
                                                 _______             _______                _______             _______
Net earnings                                     $   375             $   412                $   487             $   549
                                                 =======             =======                =======             =======
Earnings per share
  Basic                                          $   .10             $   .11                $   .13             $   .13
                                                 =======             =======                =======             =======
  Diluted                                        $   .10             $   .11                $   .13             $   .13
                                                 =======             =======                =======             =======

______________________________________ 39 ______________________________________



                                                                  GRANT THORNTON



Board of Directors
Wayne Savings Bancshares, Inc.

We have audited the accompanying  consolidated statements of financial condition
of Wayne Savings Bancshares, Inc. as of March 31, 2003 and 2002, and the related
consolidated statements of earnings,  stockholders' equity, comprehensive income
and cash flows for each of the three years in the period  ended March 31,  2003.
These financial  statements are the responsibility of the Company's  management.
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based
on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the  United  States of  America.  Those  standards  require  that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain  reasonable  assurance  about  whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant  estimates  made by  management,  as well as evaluating  the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated  financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects,  the consolidated  financial position of Wayne
Savings  Bancshares,  Inc. as of March 31, 2003 and 2002,  and the  consolidated
results of its  operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the
period ended March 31, 2003, in conformity with accounting  principles generally
accepted in the United States of America.


    Grant Thornton LLP
    Cincinnati, Ohio

    May 8, 2003

Suite 900
625 Eden Park Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45202-4181
T 513.762.5000
F 513.241.6125
W www.grantthornton.com

Grant Thornton LLP
US Member of Grant Thornton International

______________________________________ 40 ______________________________________