NEWS RELEASE
                                          NASDAQ SYMBOL:   WAYN
__________________________________________RELEASE DATE:    JANUARY 29, 2004
                                                           (330) 264-5767

                              FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

     WOOSTER, OHIO - Wayne Savings Bancshares,  Inc., (NASDAQ:  WAYN), the stock
holding company parent of Wayne Savings Community Bank, reported net earnings of
$1,904,000,  or $.51 per diluted share for the nine month period ended  December
31, 2003. This represented a slight increase over net earnings of $1,900,000, or
$.50 per diluted  share  reported in the same nine month  period last year.  Net
interest income increased  $243,000 and other income increased  $317,000,  which
was  partially  offset by an increase of $654,000 in general and  administrative

     For the quarter ended December 31, 2003, net earnings amounted to $560,000,
or $.15 per diluted  share,  compared to net earnings of  $739,000,  or $.19 per
diluted share reported in the prior year quarter.  Net interest income decreased
$125,000 in the December 31, 2003 quarter,  other income increased $22,000,  and
general and administrative expense increased $208,000.

     According to Charles Finn, Chairman and CEO, net earnings were down in this
fiscal year's third quarter primarily because the Company was unable to continue
net interest income growth in the current  economic  environment.  "As with most
community  banks," he stated,  "the large  volume of mortgage  loan  refinancing
prompted  by record  low  interest  rates has had the effect of  lowering  asset

     Finn continued,  "Wayne Savings has chosen to shorten investment maturities
rather than  reaching for higher  yields by extending  maturities.  As a result,
management believes the Company is well-positioned to take advantage of a rising
rate environment, when and if this occurs." He added, "However, the squeezing of
the net interest  margin will present  challenges to generating  earnings growth
over the next several quarters."

     It was also announced that the Company's  Board of Directors has authorized
the  repurchase of up to 195,365  shares,  or 5%, of the  Company's  outstanding

shares of  common  stock.  Repurchases  will be made from time to time as market
conditions  warrant,  through  open-market  purchases,   unsolicited  negotiated
transactions, or in such other manner deemed appropriate by management.

     In regards to the recently announced signing of the definitive agreement to
acquire Stebbins  Bancshares,  Inc. and its national bank  subsidiary,  Stebbins
National  Bank of  Creston,  Ohio,  Chairman  Finn  reported  that all  required
applications have been filed with the regulatory  agencies.  Regulatory approval
and the closing of the  transaction  is anticipated to take place in April 2004.
Following  the legal closing and the merging of  operations,  Stebbins Bank will
operate as a branch of Wayne Savings Community Bank.

     At December 31, 2003, Wayne Savings Bancshares,  Inc. reported total assets
of $372.0 million, total deposits of $294.4 million, and stockholders' equity of
$44.4 million,  resulting in a capital-to-assets ratio of 11.92%. Established in
1899, Wayne Savings Community Bank, the wholly owned subsidiary of Wayne Savings
Bancshares  Inc.,  has ten  full-service  banking  locations  in Wayne,  Holmes,
Ashland, Medina and Stark counties, Ohio.

     This press release contains  statements about future events that constitute
forward-looking   statements  within  the  meaning  of  the  Private  Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results could differ materially from those
projected  in the  forward-looking  statements.  Factors that might cause such a
difference include, but are not limited to, general economic conditions, changes
in  interest  rates,  regulatory  considerations,   competition,   technological
developments,  retention  and  recruitment  of qualified  personnel,  and market
acceptance of the Company's pricing, products and services.


                         WAYNE SAVINGS BANCSHARES, INC.
                  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)
                                                                                       December 31,     March 31,
                                                                                           2003            2003

Cash, cash equivalents, & investment securities                                        $    52,108      $  53,337
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mortgage-backed securities, net (1)                                                         88,999         76,002
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Loans receivable, net (1)                                                                  208,745        228,373
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federal Home Loan Bank stock                                                                 4,164          4,041
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Office premises & equipment, net                                                             8,748          8,818
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Real estate acquired through foreclosure                                                       167             0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other assets                                                                                 9,033          8,420
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------       ------------     -----------
          TOTAL  ASSETS                                                                $   371,964      $ 378,991
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------       ============     ===========


Deposit accounts                                                                       $   294,363      $ 300,931
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank                                                        30,000         30,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Advances by borrowers for taxes & insurance                                                  1,151            712
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Accounts payable on mortgage loans serviced for others                                          68            130
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other liabilities                                                                            2,030          2,555
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------       ------------     -----------
          TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                                327,612        334,328
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Common stock (3,907,318 and 3,888,795 shares of $.10 par value issued
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    at December 31, 2003 and March 31, 2003 respectively)                                      391            389
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Additional paid-in capital                                                                  34,365         34,208
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Retained earnings                                                                           12,373         11,830
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Less required contributions for shares acquired by Employee Stock Ownership Plan/MRP        (1,495)        (1,612)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shares acquired by Management Recognition Plan                                              (1,142)            0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Accumulated other comprehensive loss                                                          (140)          (152)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------       ------------     -----------
          TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                        44,352         44,663
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------       ------------     -----------

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                             $   371,964      $ 378,991
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------       ============     ===========

(1)  Includes available for sale classifications.

                                     WAYNE SAVINGS BANCSHARES, INC
                                       CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF EARNINGS
                                      (Dollars in Thousands -- unaudited)

                                                                Three Months Ended             Nine Months Ended
                                                                   December 31,                   December 31,
                                                                2003           2002          2003          2002
                                                            -----------    -----------    -----------    ------------

Interest income                                             $     4,362    $     5,056    $    13,586    $     14,982
Interest expense                                                  1,736          2,305          5,464           7,103
.........................................................    -----------    -----------    -----------    ------------
     Net interest income                                          2,626          2,751          8,122           7,879
Provision for losses on loans                                         0             37             63              75
.........................................................    -----------    -----------    -----------    ------------
     Net interest income after provision for loan losses          2,626          2,714          8,059           7,804
Other income                                                        490            468          1,479           1,162
General, administrative, and other expense                        2,315          2,107          6,798           6,144
.........................................................    -----------    -----------    -----------    ------------
Earnings  before federal income taxes                               801          1,075          2,740           2,822
Federal income taxes                                                241            336            836             922
.........................................................    -----------    -----------    -----------    ------------
     Net earnings                                           $       560    $       739    $     1,904    $      1,900
.........................................................    ===========    ===========    ===========    ============

                         WAYNE SAVINGS BANCSHARES, INC.
            (Dollars in thousands, except per share data--unaudited)

                                                  For the Three Months
                                                   ended December 31,
                                                       2003            2002
                                             ---------------      ----------

Quarterly Results
- ----------------------------------------
Net Interest Income                                  $2,626          $2,751
- ----------------------------------------
Net Earnings                                           $560            $739
- ----------------------------------------
Earnings Per Share:
- ----------------------------------------
   Basic                                               0.15            0.19
- ----------------------------------------
   Diluted                                             0.15            0.19
- ----------------------------------------
Return on Average Assets (Annualized)                   .60%            .82%
- ---------------------------------------------

                                                     For the Nine Months
                                                      ended December 31,
                                                       2003            2002
                                             ---------------      ----------

Year to Date Results
- ----------------------------------------
Net Interest Income                                  $8,122          $7,879
Net Earnings                                         $1,904          $1,900
- ----------------------------------------
Earnings Per Share:
- ----------------------------------------
   Basic                                               0.51            0.50
- ----------------------------------------
   Diluted                                             0.51            0.50
- ----------------------------------------
Return on Average Assets (Annualized)                  .68%            .71%
- ---------------------------------------------

                                                 December 31,     March 31,
                                                       2003            2003
                                             ---------------      ----------

End of Period Data
- ----------------------------------------
Total Assets                                       $371,964        $378,991
- ----------------------------------------
Stockholders' Equity to Total Assets                 11.92%          11.78%
- ----------------------------------------