Form of Amendment to Deferred

                             Compensation Agreement


                              AMENDMENT NUMBER ONE

            This Amendment  Number One (the  "Amendment")  is hereby made to the
Deferred  Compensation   Agreement  dated  ________  (the  "Agreement")  between
Provident Bank, a savings  association having its principal offices at 400 Rella
Boulevard, Montebello, New York 10901 (the "Bank") and ___________________. (the

         WHEREAS, Section 5.1(a) of the Agreement provides that the Bank and the
Director  may,  by a  written  instrument  signed  by both  parties,  amend  the
Agreement at any time, except that no amendment may accelerate  distributions of
the Director's Deferral Account (as defined in the Agreement); and

         WHEREAS,  the parties desire to amend the Agreement in order to provide
that amounts deemed  invested in common stock of Provident New York Bancorp (the
"Company")  shall remain  invested in such stock and shall be distributed in the
form of stock unless a change in control (as defined in the Agreement) occurs;

         NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations
set forth in this Amendment, the Bank and the Director hereby agree as follows:

         1.       A new section 3.3(g) is hereby added as follows:

                  (g)  Notwithstanding  any  provision of this  Agreement to the
         contrary,  the following  provisions shall apply with respect to deemed
         investments in Company Stock.

                  (1) As of March 31, 2006,  amounts deemed  invested in Company
         stock in  accordance  with the  Director's  investment  recommendations
         shall continue to be deemed invested in Company stock until such amount
         is  distributed,  unless,  within 60 days after the effective date of a
         Change in  Control of the Bank,  the  Director  requests  that all or a
         portion  of his  Deferral  Account  balance be  reinvested  in a deemed
         investment other than Company Stock.

                  (2) Any  amounts  deferred on or after March 31, 2006 that are
         deemed  to  be  invested  in  Company  stock  in  accordance  with  the
         Director's  recommendations  shall  continue  to be deemed  invested in
         Company  stock until such amounts are  distributed,  unless,  within 60
         days after the effective  date of a Change in Control of the Bank,  the
         Director requests that all or a portion of his Deferral Account balance
         be reinvested in a deemed investment other than Company Stock.

                  (3) Effective  March 31, 2006, all amounts deemed  invested in
         Company stock shall be distributed solely in the form of Company stock,
         unless,  within 60 days after the effective date of a Change in Control
         of the  Bank,  the  Director  requested  that all or a  portion  of his
         Deferral  Account  balance be reinvested in a deemed  investment  other
         than Company Stock, in which case the distribution of that amount shall
         be made in cash.

         2.       A new section 4.1(c) is hereby added as follows:


                  (c)  Distribution  in  Company  Stock.   Notwithstanding   any
         provision of this Agreement to the contrary,  effective March 31, 2006,
         all  amounts  deemed  invested in Company  stock  shall be  distributed
         solely in the form of Company stock,  unless,  within 60 days after the
         effective  date of a  Change  in  Control  of the  Bank,  the  Director
         requested  that all or a portion  of his  Deferral  Account  balance be
         reinvested in a deemed  investment  other than Company Stock,  in which
         case the distribution of that amount shall be made in cash.

         3.       Section 4.2 is hereby amended as follows:

                  4.2 Death Prior to Complete  Distribution of Deferral Account.
         Upon  the  death  of the  Director  prior  to the  commencement  of the
         distribution  of the amounts  credited  to his  Deferral  Account,  the
         balance of such Account shall be distributed to his  Beneficiary in the
         manner set forth under Section 4.1 hereof beginning on the first day of
         the first calendar  quarter  coincident with or next following the date
         the Director  dies. In the event of the death of the Director after the
         commencement   of  such   distribution,   but  prior  to  the  complete
         distribution  of his  Deferral  Account,  the  balance  of the  amounts
         credited  to  his  Deferral   Account  shall  be   distributed  to  his
         Beneficiary  over the  remaining  period during which such amounts were
         distributable to the Director under Section 4.1 hereof. Notwithstanding
         the  above,  the  Board  of  Directors,  in its  sole  discretion,  may
         accelerate  the   distribution   of  the  Deferral   Account  upon  the
         Beneficiary's  petition  for  acceleration  based upon his  incurring a
         Hardship, in accordance with Section 4.5. Notwithstanding any provision
         of this  Agreement  to the  contrary,  effective  March 31,  2006,  all
         amounts deemed invested in Company stock shall be distributed solely in
         the form of Company stock,  unless,  within 60 days after the effective
         date of a Change in Control of the Bank,  the Director  requested  that
         all or a portion of his Deferral  Account  balance be  reinvested  in a
         deemed   investment  other  than  Company  Stock,  in  which  case  the
         distribution of that amount shall be made in cash.

         4.       Section 4.3 is hereby amended as follows:

                  4.3  Accelerated  Distribution  Following a Change in Control.
         Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, upon the written
         request  of the  Director  within  sixty  (60)  days  after a Change in
         Control, the Director shall be paid a cash lump sum distribution of the
         Director's vested Deferral Account balance. The amount payable shall be
         the fair market  value of the Deferral  Account  balance on the date of

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed as of the day and year first above written.

                                 PROVIDENT BANK



