24 Richmond Hill Avenue
                          Stamford, Connecticut 06901


To the Shareholders of Sirco International Corp.:

      Notice is hereby given that the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of Sirco
International Corp., a New York corporation (the "Company"), will be held at the
Company's  offices located at 10 West 33rd Street,  New York, New York 10001, on
Thursday, August 17, 1995 at 10:00 A.M., local time, for the following purposes:

      1. To elect six (6)  directors to the Board of  Directors  for the ensuing

      2. To approve and adopt a proposal to amend the Company's  Certificate  of
Incorporation  to  increase  the number of  authorized  shares of the  Company's
Common Stock from  3,000,000 to 10,000,000  shares and to authorize the issuance
of  1,000,000  shares  of  Preferred  Stock  from  time to time on  terms  to be
determined by the Board of Directors;

      3. To approve and adopt a proposal to amend the Company's  Certificate  of
Incorporation  to limit the  personal  liability of directors to the Company and
its shareholders;

      4. To approve and adopt the 1995 Stock Option Plan of the Company; and

      5. To  consider  and act upon such other  business  as may  properly  come
before the meeting.

      Only shareholders of record at the close of business on July 12, 1995 will
be entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.

      Whether or not you expect to attend the Annual Meeting,  please mark, sign
and promptly return the enclosed proxy in the postpaid envelope provided. If you
receive  more than one proxy  because  your shares are  registered  in different
names or  addresses,  each such proxy  should be signed and returned so that all
your shares will be represented at the meeting.

                                             By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                             Joel Dupre,
                                             Chairman of the Board

                           SIRCO INTERNATIONAL CORP.
                            24 Richmond Hill Avenue
                          Stamford, Connecticut 06901

                                PROXY STATEMENT

      This Proxy Statement is furnished to  shareholders of Sirco  International
Corp.,  a  New  York  corporation  (the  "Company"),   in  connection  with  the
solicitation,  by order of the Board of Directors of the Company,  of proxies to
be voted at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held on Thursday,  August
17, 1995 at 10:00 A.M.,  Eastern Daylight Time, at the Company's offices located
at 10 West 33rd  Street,  New York,  New York  10001 and at any  adjournment  or
adjournments  thereof (the "Annual  Meeting").  The accompanying  proxy is being
solicited  on  behalf of the  Board of  Directors  of the  Company.  This  Proxy
Statement and the enclosed proxy card were first mailed to  shareholders  of the
Company on or about July 19, 1995, accompanied by the Company's Annual Report on
Form  10-K  for the  fiscal  year  ended  November  30,  1994,  and the  Company
incorporates the contents of such report herein by reference thereto.

      At the Annual Meeting,  the following matters will be considered and voted

      (1)  Election of six (6)  directors  to hold office  until the 1996 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders or until their  successors  shall have been duly elected
and qualified;

      (2) Approval and adoption of a proposal to amend the Company's Certificate
of  Incorporation  to increase the number of authorized  shares of the Company's
Common Stock from  3,000,000 to 10,000,000  shares and to authorize the issuance
of  1,000,000  shares  of  Preferred  Stock  from  time to time on  terms  to be
determined by the Board of Directors;

      (3) Approval and adoption of a proposal to amend the Company's Certificate
of Incorporation to limit the personal liability of directors to the Company and
its shareholders;

      (4)  Approval  and  adoption of the 1995 Stock Option Plan of the Company;

      (5) Such other business as may properly come before the Annual Meeting.

Voting and Revocation of Proxies; Adjournment

      All of the voting securities of the Company  represented by valid proxies,
unless the shareholder  otherwise  specifies therein or unless revoked,  will be
voted FOR the  election of the persons  nominated  as  directors,  FOR the other
proposals  set forth herein,  and at the  discretion of the proxy holders on any
other  matters that may properly  come before the Annual  Meeting.  The Board of
Directors  does not know of any matters to be considered  at the Annual  Meeting
other than the election of directors and the other proposals set forth above.

      Where a  shareholder  has  appropriately  specified  how a proxy  is to be
voted,  it will be voted  accordingly.  Any  shareholder has the power to revoke
such shareholder's  proxy at any time before it is voted. A proxy may be revoked
by delivery of a written  statement to the Secretary of the Company stating that
the proxy is revoked, by a subsequent proxy executed by the person executing the
prior proxy and presented to the Annual  Meeting,  or by voting in person at the
Annual Meeting.

      A plurality  of the votes cast at the Annual  Meeting by the  shareholders
entitled to vote in the election is required to elect the director nominees, and
a majority of the votes cast by the shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting
is required to take any other action.  Although no formal agreement exists,  the
Company  anticipates  that  the  681,000  shares  (approximately  56.04%  of the
outstanding shares) of the Common Stock, $.10 par value (the "Common Stock"), of
the Company  beneficially owned by Mr. Joel Dupre, the Chairman of the Board and
Chief  Executive  Officer of the Company,  will be voted as recommended  for the
director nominees and for the other proposals set forth herein. Accordingly, the
Board of Directors anticipates that its nominees will be elected to serve as the
Company's  directors  and that the  other  proposals  set forth  herein  will be
approved and adopted.  In the event that sufficient votes in favor of any of the
matters to come before the  meeting  are not  received by the date of the Annual
Meeting,  the persons named as proxies may propose one or more  adjournments  of
the  Annual  Meeting  to  permit  further  solicitation  of  proxies.  Any  such
adjournment  will require the  affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of
the shares of Common Stock present in person or by proxy at the Annual  Meeting.
The persons named as proxies will vote in favor of any such proposed adjournment
or adjournments.


      The  solicitation  of proxies  pursuant  to this Proxy  Statement  will be
primarily by mail. In addition,  certain directors,  officers or other employees
of the Company may solicit  proxies by  telephone,  telegraph,  mail or personal
interviews,  and arrangements may be made with banks, brokerage firms and others
to forward solicitation material to the beneficial owners of shares held by them
of record.  No additional  compensation  will be paid to directors,  officers or
other  employees  of the Company for such  services.  The total cost of any such
solicitation  will be borne by the Company  and will  include  reimbursement  of
brokerage firms and other nominees.

Quorum and Voting Rights

      The Board of Directors of the Company has fixed  Wednesday,  July 12, 1995
as the record date (the "Record  Date") for the  determination  of  shareholders
entitled  to notice of and to vote at the Annual  Meeting.  Holders of record of
shares  of Common  Stock at the close of  business  on the  Record  Date will be
entitled to one vote for each share held.  The presence,  in person or by proxy,
of the holders of a majority of the outstanding  voting  securities  entitled to
vote at the Annual  Meeting is  necessary  to  constitute a quorum at the Annual

Change in Control of the Company

      On March 20, 1995,  pursuant to a Stock  Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of
March 20, 1995 (the "Stock Purchase  Agreement"),  among Yashiro  Company,  Ltd.
("YC,  Ltd."),  Yashiro Co, Inc. ("YC, Inc.";  together with YC, Ltd.  sometimes
referred to herein  collectively  as the  "Sellers"),  Joel  Dupre,  the current
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Company ("Mr.  Dupre"),
Pacific Million Enterprise, Ltd., a Hong Kong corporation ("Pacific"), Cheng-Sen
Wang ("Mr. Wang") and Albert H. Cheng ("Mr. Cheng"; and together with Mr. Dupre,
Pacific and Mr. Wang sometimes collectively referred to herein as the "Buyers"),
the Buyers acquired an aggregate of 681,000 shares of Common Stock, constituting
approximately  56.04% of the issued and outstanding  shares of Common Stock, for
an aggregate purchase price of $1,532,230.

      Mr.  Dupre  acquired   414,334   shares  of  Common  Stock,   constituting
approximately  34.10% of the issued and  outstanding  shares of Common Stock, in
exchange for a cash payment of $400,001.50 and the issuance of a promissory note
(the  "Promissory  Note") in the  principal  amount of  $532,250 in favor of YC,
Inc.,  individually and as agent for YC, Ltd. The Promissory Note bears interest
at the rate of 10% per annum payable quarterly in arrears commencing on June 30,
1996,  with  principal  payable  in  equal  annual  installments  of  $88,708.33
commencing on March 31, 1996. Mr. Dupre borrowed $200,000 of the cash portion of
the purchase price from Mr. Wang,  which loan is evidenced by a promissory  note
dated March 9, 1995, bearing interest at 10% per annum and maturing on March 31,
2000.  Mr. Dupre borrowed an additional  $200,000 from Mr. Cheng,  which loan is
evidenced by a promissory note dated March 13, 1995,  bearing interest at 7 3/4%
per annum and maturing on March 31, 2000.

      Pacific   acquired   133,333   shares   of  Common   Stock,   constituting
approximately  10.97% of the issued and outstanding  shares of Common Stock, for
$299,999.25  in cash.  The funds  for the  purchase  price  were  obtained  from
Pacific's  working  capital.  Mr. Wang  acquired  88,889 shares of Common Stock,
constituting  approximately 7.31% of the issued and outstanding shares of Common
Stock,  and Mr.  Cheng  acquired  44,444  shares of Common  Stock,  constituting
approximately  3.66% of the issued and outstanding  shares of Common Stock,  for
cash payments of $200,000.25 and $99,999, respectively. The purchase prices were
paid from Mr. Wang's and Mr. Cheng's respective personal funds.

      As an inducement to the Sellers to enter into the Stock Purchase Agreement
and to cause Bueno of California,  Inc., a Delaware corporation and an affiliate
of Sellers  ("Bueno"),  to enter into the Asset  Purchase  Agreement (as defined
below) and related agreements, Mr. Dupre executed and delivered to the Sellers a
guaranty,  dated March 20, 1995,  pursuant to which Mr. Dupre  guaranteed all of
the  obligations  of the  Company  under the  Letter of  Credit  Agreement,  the
Non-Competition Agreements and the Severance Agreement (each as defined below).

      In addition, the Buyers entered into a Pledge Agreement, dated as of March
20, 1995 (the "Pledge  Agreement"),  with Bueno and YC, Inc.,  on its own behalf
and as agent for YC, Ltd. Pursuant to the Pledge  Agreement,  the Buyers pledged
their  shares  of Common  Stock to Bueno and the  Sellers  as  security  for the
payment of (i) all obligations of Mr. Dupre under the Promissory  Note, (ii) all
obligations  of the  Buyers  under  the  Stock  Purchase  Agreement,  (iii)  all
obligations  of the  Company  under  the  Asset  Purchase  Agreement,  (iv)  all
obligations  of the Company under any agreement  that is an exhibit to the Asset
Purchase  Agreement,   including  the  Exclusive   Purchasing   Agreement,   the
Non-Competition  Agreements and the Severance  Agreement and (v) all obligations
of the Buyers under the Pledge Agreement.

      Concurrently  with the  closing of the  transactions  contemplated  by the
Stock Purchase  Agreement and the Asset Purchase  Agreement,  Takeshi  Yamaguchi
resigned from the Board of Directors and the office of President of the Company;
Yutaka  Yamaguchi and Neil Grundman  resigned from the Board of Directors of the
Company; and Tsuguya Saeki resigned from the offices of Executive Vice President
and Chief Financial Officer of the Company.  Pursuant to a Severance  Agreement,
dated as of March 20, 1995,  with Takeshi  Yamaguchi,  the Company agreed to pay
Mr.  Yamaguchi  $100,000 plus interest at the rate of 10% per annum on March 31,
1996 and $100,000 plus interest at a rate of 10% per annum on March 31, 1997. On
March 29, 1995, the Board of Directors of the Company,  consisting of Mr. Dupre,
Ian Mitchell,  Eric Smith and Douglas Turner,  elected Mr. Dupre as the Chairman
of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Company.

      Concurrently  with the  acquisition  by the Buyers of the shares of Common
Stock under the Stock Purchase Agreement,  the Company and Bueno entered into an
Asset  Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of March  20,  1995 (the  "Asset  Purchase
Agreement"),  pursuant  to which the  Company  sold to Bueno  all of the  assets
relating to the Company's  handbag  division for a negotiated  purchase price of
$1,785,605.55,  of  which  $86,167.82  was paid in cash  and  $1,699,447.73  was
applied by the Company to the  repayment of  indebtedness  of the Company to the
Sellers.  The aggregate  indebtedness  owed by the Company to the Sellers at the
date of the acquisition was $2,238,506.01.  The Sellers, which are affiliates of
Bueno, are controlled by Messrs. Yutaka and Takeshi Yamaguchi.

      In  connection  with the Asset  Purchase  Agreement,  each of the Sellers,
Yutaka Yamaguchi and Takeshi Yamaguchi entered into  non-competition  agreements
with the Company (collectively,  the "Non-Competition Agreements").  Pursuant to
the terms of the  Non-Competition  Agreements,  each of the  Sellers and Messrs.
Yutaka and Takeshi  Yamaguchi  agreed not to compete with the Company's  luggage
and  related  products  business  prior to the earlier of March 20, 2001 and the
date of  repayment  in full of all  amounts due under the  Promissory  Note (the
"Restricted  Period").  In consideration of their agreements to not compete, the
Company is  obligated  to pay $60,000 to each of the Sellers and each of Messrs.
Yutaka  and  Takeshi  Yamaguchi,  payable  in three  equal  annual  installments
commencing   on  March  31,   1996.   In   addition,   pursuant  to  a  separate
non-competition  agreement,  the Company agreed not to compete with Bueno in the
handbag business during the Restricted Period.

      Also in connection with the Asset Purchase Agreement,  the Company and YC,
Inc. entered into an Exclusive Purchasing Agreement, dated as of March 20, 1995,
(the "Exclusive Purchasing Agreement"), pursuant to which the Company granted to
YC, Inc. and its designees the exclusive  right to purchase in Japan,  at prices
to be mutually  agreed upon, any goods  manufactured or purchased by the Company
from  unaffiliated  vendors  (the  "Vendors").  Under the  Exclusive  Purchasing
Agreement, YC, Inc. will pay a commission to the Company for all goods purchased
by it or its designees  equal to 5% of the purchase price of all such goods paid
by the Company (or directly by YC, Inc. or its  designees)  to the Vendors.  The
Exclusive  Purchasing  Agreement will terminate on the date that all amounts due
under the Promissory Note are repaid in full and all obligations of the Company,
Mr. Dupre,  Pacific,  Mr. Wang or Mr. Cheng, as the case may be, under the Stock
Purchase  Agreement and the Asset Purchase Agreement and all agreements that are
exhibits thereto are satisfied in full.

      In  addition,  pursuant  to a letter  agreement  (the  "Letter  of  Credit
Agreement"),  YC,  Inc.  has  agreed to issue,  or cause to be  issued,  for the
account of the  Company,  from time to time until  March 20,  1997,  one or more
unsecured trade letters of credit in an aggregate  amount of up to the lesser of
$1,200,000 or 35% of the book value of all inventory owned by the Company.  With
respect to each letter of credit  issued  under the Letter of Credit  Agreement,
the Company will be obligated to pay an origination  fee equal to 3% of the full
amount of such letter of credit and a financing  fee based upon the  outstanding
balance of any  letter of credit  equal to the base rate of  interest  announced
publicly by Citibank, N.A. in New York, New York, from time to time, as its base
rate plus two percent (2%).

Common Stock Owned by Directors, Officers and Other Beneficial Owners

      The following table sets forth, as of July 12, 1995, the names,  addresses
and number of shares  beneficially  owned by all persons known to the management
of the Company to be beneficial owners of more than 5% of the outstanding shares
of Common Stock,  and the number of shares  beneficially  owned by all directors
and nominees for director and all  executive  officers and  directors as a group
(except as indicated,  each beneficial  owner listed exercises sole voting power
and sole dispositive power over the shares beneficially owned):

                                                                 Shares Beneficially         Percent of Outstanding
         Name and Address                                               Owned                     Common Stock
         ----------------                                        -------------------         ----------------------
         Joel Dupre (1) (2)                                            681,000                       56.04%
         c/o Sirco International Corp.
         24 Richmond Hill Avenue
         Stamford, Connecticut 06901

         Pacific Million Enterprise Ltd. (2) (3)                       133,333                       10.97%
         Suite 1807
         The Gateway, Tower 2
         25 Canton Road
         Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

         Joseph Takada (2) (3)                                         133,333                       10.97%
         c/o Pacific Million Enterprise Ltd.
         Suite 1807
         The Gateway, Tower 2
         25 Canton Road
         Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

         Cheng-Sen Wang (2)                                             88,889                        7.31%
         c/o Kao-Lien International Co., Ltd.
         404 Jen-Ai Road
         6th Floor, Section 4
         Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.

         Albert H. Cheng (2) (4)                                        44,444                        3.66%
         c/o Constellation Enterprises Co., Ltd.
         199 Chung Ching North Road
         11th Floor, Section 3
         Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.

         Ian Mitchell                                                        0                           0

         Eric Smith                                                          0                           0

         Douglas Turner                                                      0                           0

         Eric M. Hellige                                                     0                           0

         Paul Riss                                                           0                           0

         Herzog, Heine, Geduld, Inc. (5)                                66,931                        5.51%
         26 Broadway
         New York, New York 10004

         All directors and executive
         officers of the Company as a
         group (5 individuals)                                         681,000                       56.04%

- ------------------
(1)  Includes  266,666 shares for which Mr. Dupre has the right to exercise sole
     voting control  pursuant to a Voting Agreement dated as of May 1, 1995 (the
     "Voting  Agreement")under which Pacific, Mr. Wang and Mr. Cheng granted Mr.
     Dupre the right to exercise  sole voting  control  with respect to 133,333,
     88,889, and 44,444 shares, respectively, held of record by them.

(2)  As a result of the Voting Agreement,  Mr. Dupre, Pacific (together with Mr.
     Takada -- see Note 2), Mr. Wang and Mr. Cheng may be deemed to be a "group"
     within the meaning of Section 13d-3 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
     and,  therefore,  deemed to beneficially own an aggregate of 681,000 shares
     of Common Stock.

(3)  Pacific has granted to Mr.  Dupre an option to purchase  all of the 133,333
     shares it owns of record.  By virtue of his  ownership of 95% of the issued
     and  outstanding  shares of common stock of Pacific,  Joseph  Takada may be
     deemed  to be the  beneficial  owner  of all the  shares  of  Common  Stock
     beneficially owned by Pacific.

(4)  Mr.  Cheng has granted to Mr. Dupre an option to purchase all of the 44,444
     shares he owns of record.

(5)  Herzog,  Heine,  Geduld, Inc. reported ownership of 66,931 shares of Common
     Stock  pursuant to a Schedule 13G received by the Company in December 1991,
     as amended in January 1992.

                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

      The Bylaws of the Company  provide that the directors of the Company shall
not be less than  three nor more than  fifteen  in number.  In March  1990,  the
number of directors of the Company was set at nine. There has been two vacancies
on the Board since the death of Burt J. Siris in May 1990 and the resignation of
Steven Wall in November 1992. In addition, in March 1995,  concurrently with the
closing of the transactions contemplated by the Stock Purchase Agreement and the
Asset Purchase Agreement,  Takeshi Yamaguchi, Yutaka Yamaguchi and Neil Grundman
resigned  from the  Board.  The term of  office  of the  directors  is one year,
expiring  on the date of the  next  annual  meeting,  or when  their  respective
successors shall have been elected and shall qualify, or upon their prior death,
resignation or removal.

      Except where the authority to do so has been withheld, it is intended that
the  persons  named in the  enclosed  proxy  will vote for the  election  of the
nominees to the Board of  Directors  listed below to serve until the date of the
next annual  meeting and until their  successors are duly elected and qualified.
Although  the  directors  of the  Company  have no  reason to  believe  that the
nominees  will  be  unable  or  decline  to  serve,  in the  event  that  such a
contingency  should arise, the accompanying proxy will be voted for a substitute
(or substitutes) designated by the Board of Directors.

      The following table sets forth certain information  regarding the director
nominees who currently serve as directors of the Company:

                                                        Principal Occupation for Past Five Years and
         Name                       Age                 Current Public Directorships or Trusteeships
         ----                       ---                 --------------------------------------------
         Joel Dupre                 42         Director since 1990; Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
                                               Officer of the Company since March 1995; Executive Vice
                                               President from November 1992 to March 1995 and a Vice
                                               President from 1989 to 1992.

         Ian Mitchell               57         Director since 1988; President and Managing Director of Sirco
                                               Leatherwares Ltd., a former subsidiary of the Company, since

         Eric Smith                 50         Director since 1988; Vice President-General Manager of West
                                               Coast Distribution Center of the Company since 1983.

         Douglas Turner             56         Director since 1978; President of Sirco International
                                               (Canada), Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, for more than
                                               five years.

      The following table sets forth certain information  regarding the director
nominees who do not currently serve as directors of the Company:

                                                        Principal Occupation for Past Five Years and
         Name                       Age                 Current Public Directorships or Trusteeships
         ----                       ---                 --------------------------------------------
         Eric M. Hellige            40         Partner for more than five years of Pryor, Cashman, Sherman &
                                               Flynn, counsel to the Company.

         Paul Riss                  39         Chief Financial Officer of Sequins International Inc., a
                                               manufacturer of sequinned fabrics and trimmings, since June
                                               1992; Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Secretary of
                                               ComponentGuard Inc., an administrator of extended warranty
                                               contracts, from August 1990 to June 1992. ComponentGuard Inc.
                                               filed a petition for protection under Chapter 11 of the United
                                               States Bankruptcy Code in May 1992.

      The term of office of the  directors is one year,  expiring on the date of
the next annual meeting and thereafter until their  respective  successors shall
have been elected and shall qualify, or until their prior death,  resignation or

Executive Officers

      The following table sets forth certain information regarding the executive
officer who is not a director of the Company:

         Name                       Age                   Principal Occupation for Past Five Years
         ----                       ---                   ----------------------------------------
         Gandolfo Verra             47         Secretary since 1991 and Controller of the Company since 1988.

Board Meetings and Committees; Management Matters

      The Board of  Directors  held one  meeting  during the  fiscal  year ended
November 30, 1994 which was attended by all directors  except Yutaka  Yamaguchi,
Ian Mitchell and Douglas Turner.  From time to time, the members of the Board of
Directors act by unanimous  written consent pursuant to the laws of the State of
New York. No fees are paid to directors for attendance at meetings of the Board.
The Company's Board of Directors has no standing committees.

      The  Directors  recommend a vote FOR the  election of each of the director

           TO 10,000,000 SHARES AND TO AUTHORIZE 1,000,000 SHARES OF
                                PREFERRED STOCK

      The Board of Directors unanimously recommends the adoption of an amendment
(the "Capital Stock  Amendment")  to the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of the
Company to increase the number of authorized  shares of Common Stock,  par value
$.10 per share (the "Common Stock"),  from 3,000,000 to 10,000,000 shares and to
authorize the issuance of 1,000,000  shares of Preferred  Stock,  par value $.10
per share  (the  "Preferred  Stock").  The text of the  proposed  Capital  Stock
Amendment is set forth in full in Exhibit A to this Proxy Statement.

      The Certificate of Incorporation of the Company  currently  authorizes the
issuance of 3,000,000 shares of Common Stock. At July 12, 1995, 1,215,200 shares
of Common Stock were issued and  outstanding.  No shares of Preferred  Stock are
currently authorized for issuance.

      The  Board  of  Directors  believes  that  it is  desirable  to  have  the
additional  authorized shares of Common Stock and authorized shares of Preferred
Stock  available for possible  future  financing and  acquisition  transactions,
stock  dividends or splits and other  general  corporate  purposes.  Having such
additional authorized shares available for issuance in the future would give the
Company greater  flexibility and allow shares of Common Stock or Preferred Stock
to be issued without the expense and delay of a special  shareholders'  meeting.
The additional shares of Common Stock and the shares of Preferred Stock would be
available for issuance without further action by the  shareholders,  unless such
action is required by applicable law or the rules of any stock exchange on which
the Company's securities may then be listed.

Authorization of Additional Shares of Common Stock

      The  Company  has  no  present   plans,   arrangements,   commitments   or
understandings  regarding the issuance of any shares of Common Stock,  and there
are no negotiations  or agreements,  either written or oral, with respect to the
issuance of any additional  shares of Common Stock,  except pursuant to the 1995
Stock  Option  Plan of the Company  proposed  to be approved  and adopted at the
Annual Meeting.  See "Proposal to Adopt the 1995 Stock Option Plan." The holders
of Common Stock do not have any  preemptive  rights to subscribe for or purchase
any  additional  shares of Common  Stock that may be  issued.  The  issuance  of
additional  shares might reduce the shareholders'  proportional  interest in the

      The Capital Stock  Amendment is not being  proposed to provide  additional
authorized  shares of Common  Stock  that  could be issued in an attempt to make
more  difficult a change in control or takeover of the Company,  and the Company
has no present  intention of issuing such additional  shares of Common Stock, or
any shares of Preferred  Stock, for that purpose.  In addition,  Mr. Joel Dupre,
the  Chairman  of  the  Board  and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  the  Company,
beneficially owns and controls approximately 56.04% of the outstanding shares of
Common Stock,  eliminating the possibility of the Company becoming the target of
a hostile takeover attempt.  See "Common Stock Owned by Directors,  Officers and
Other Beneficial Owners."

Authorization of Preferred Stock

      Pursuant to the Capital Stock  Amendment,  shares of Preferred Stock could
be issued from time to time in one or more series as  determined by the Board of
Directors. The Board of Directors would be authorized to fix by resolution as to
any  series  the  designation  and  number of shares of the  series,  the voting
rights,  the dividend  rights,  the  redemption  price,  the amount payable upon
liquidation or dissolution,  the conversion rights, and any other  designations,
preferences or special rights or restrictions as may be permitted by law. Unless
the nature of a particular  transaction and the rules of law applicable  thereto
require such approval,  the Board of Directors would have the authority to issue
these shares  without  shareholder  approval.  The Company has no present plans,
arrangements, commitments or understandings regarding the issuance of any shares
of Preferred Stock.

      If the Capital Stock  Amendment is approved,  the Board of Directors would
be able to issue  authorized  and  unissued  shares of one or more new series of
Preferred Stock with such voting, conversion,  liquidation, redemption and other
rights  as  the  Board  determines  in  its  sole  discretion   without  further
shareholder  action.  Any issuance of shares of  Preferred  Stock could have the
effect of diluting the  earnings per share and book value of existing  shares of
Common Stock. Because the Board of Directors would have the authority to fix the
voting  rights to be accorded to any series of Preferred  Stock,  the holders of
shares of a new series of Preferred  Stock could be entitled to vote  separately
as a class in connection  with the approval of certain  extraordinary  corporate
transactions  in  circumstances  where New York law does not require  such class
vote, or might be given a disproportionately large number of votes. The issuance
of  shares  of  Preferred  Stock  could  also  result  in a class of  securities
outstanding that would have certain  preferences  (for example,  with respect to
dividends or liquidation),  or would enjoy certain voting rights in addition, to
those of the Common Stock.

      Although  the Company  currently  has no such  intention,  authorized  but
unissued shares of Preferred Stock could be used to make more difficult a change
in control of the  Company.  Any  issuance  of shares of  Preferred  Stock could
dilute the stock  ownership  of persons  seeking to gain control of the Company.
Shares of a new series of Preferred Stock could also be convertible into a large
number of shares of Common  Stock or have  other  terms  which  might  make more
difficult or costly the  acquisition  of a controlling  interest in the Company.
Under  certain  circumstances,  such  shares  could  be  used to  create  voting
impediments or to frustrate persons attempting to effect a takeover or otherwise
gain  control  of the  Company.  Such  shares  could be  privately  placed  with
purchasers  who might  side with the Board of  Directors  in  opposing a hostile
takeover bid. In addition,  the Board of Directors could authorize  holders of a
series of  Preferred  Stock to vote as a class,  either  separately  or with the
holders of the Common  Stock,  on any merger,  sale or exchange of assets by the
Company or any other extraordinary  corporate  transactions.  The ability of the
Board of Directors to take such actions  might be considered as having an effect
of discouraging an attempt by another person or entity to acquire control of the

      Pursuant to Section 803 of the New York Business Corporation Law, approval
by vote of the holders of a majority of the  outstanding  shares of Common Stock
is required to authorize the Capital Stock Amendment.

      The Company's  consolidated  financial  statements  and the notes thereto,
including  Management's   Discussion  of  Financial  Condition  and  Results  of
Operations, contained in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal
year ended November 30, 1994 sent to  shareholders in connection with the Annual
Meeting are  incorporated by reference into this Proxy  Statement.  Shareholders
are  urged  to  review  such  consolidated   financial  statements  and  related
information in connection with the proposed Capital Stock Amendment.

      The Board of  Directors  recommends a vote FOR the adoption of the Capital
Stock Amendment.


      The Board of Directors unanimously recommends the adoption of an amendment
(the "Director Liability  Amendment") to the Certificate of Incorporation of the
Company that would limit, to the extent  permitted by New York law, the personal
liability  of  directors  to the  Company or its  shareholders  for  damages for
certain  breaches  of  fiduciary  duty as a director.  The text of the  Director
Liability  Amendment,  which would add a new Article Sixth to the Certificate of
Incorporation, is as follows:

      SIXTH:  No director  of the Company  shall be liable to the Company or its
shareholders  for  damages  for any  breach of duty in such  capacity  except as
provided in Sections 402(b)(1) and (2) of the New York Business Corporation Law.

      The Director  Liability  Amendment is intended to facilitate the Company's
ability  to  attract  and retain  qualified  directors  to serve on the Board of
Directors and to protect  against  unfavorable  changes in the cost of obtaining
directors'  and  officers'  liability  insurance.  To date,  the Company has not
experienced any difficulties in attracting or retaining qualified directors.  By
approving the Director Liability Amendment, the Company, like numerous other New
York  corporations,  would  receive  the  benefits  conferred  by the  New  York
legislature  when it amended the New York  Business  Corporation  Law ("BCL") in
1987 to provide  directors  substantially  broader  protection from the risks of
personal  liability  in the wake of  expanded  litigation  and  reduced and more
costly availability of directors' and officers' liability insurance.

      The Director  Liability  Amendment would give the Company's  directors the
full protection  against  personal  liability that is permitted under the BCL by
eliminating  the  personal  liability  of  directors  to  the  Company  and  its
shareholders  for monetary damages for breach of duties as a director except for
acts  or  omissions  which:  (1)  are  in bad  faith;  (2)  involve  intentional
misconduct;  (3) involve a knowing  violation  of law;  (4) result in a director
personally gaining a financial profit or other advantage to which he/she was not
legally  entitled;  or (5) constitute a violation of Section 719 of the BCL. The
provision limiting the liability of directors shall not be applicable to any act
or omission occurring prior to the adoption of said provision.

      Adoption of the  Director  Liability  Amendment  would limit the  remedies
otherwise  available  to a  shareholder  seeking to  challenge a decision by the
Board  of  Directors,   including,  for  example,  a  decision  relating  to  an
acquisition  proposal  or a similar  transaction,  even if such a  decision  was
grossly negligent.  While the Director Liability Amendment limits the directors'
liability for monetary  damages for breach of fiduciary duty, it would not limit
the availability of equitable remedies such as an injunction or rescission based
on a director's  breach of those duties,  nor apply to claims against a director
arising  out  of  actions  taken  as an  officer  of  the  Company  or  limit  a
shareholder's  ability to seek relief under any other law, including the federal
securities laws.  Although  equitable remedies such as injunction and rescission
would  continue  to  be  available,   the  Director   Liability   Amendment  may
nevertheless  reduce the likelihood of derivative  litigation  against directors
and may discourage or deter  shareholders  or management from bringing a lawsuit
against directors for breach of duty, even though such an action, if successful,
might have  benefited the Company and its  shareholders.  The Board of Directors
believes  that the  Director  Liability  Amendment  strikes  the proper  balance
between the need to attract and retain highly  qualified  directors and the need
to hold directors  accountable to the Company and its  shareholders  for actions
that are not in the Company's best interest.

      Shareholders  should note,  however,  that because the Company's directors
may benefit from the added protection the Director Liability Amendment provides,
the directors have a personal interest in its adoption.

      Pursuant to Section 803 of the New York Business Corporation Law, approval
by vote of the holders of a majority of the  outstanding  shares of Common Stock
is  required  to  authorize  the  foregoing  amendment  to  the  Certificate  of

      The Board of Directors  recommends a vote FOR the adoption of the Director
Liability Amendment.


The Plan

      On June 8, 1995, the Board of Directors of the Company adopted, subject to
shareholder  approval,  the 1995 Stock Option Plan (the "Plan").  The purpose of
the Plan is to  enable  the  Company  to  compete  successfully  in  attracting,
motivating and retaining directors and key employees with outstanding  abilities
by making it possible for them to purchase  shares of Common Stock on terms that
will give them a more direct and  continuing  interest in the future  success of
the  Company's  business.  The Plan is  intended  to  provide  a method  whereby
directors  and key  employees  and others who are  making  and are  expected  to
continue  to  make  substantial  contributions  to  the  successful  growth  and
development  of  the  Company  may  be  offered  additional  incentives  thereby
advancing the interests of the Company and its shareholders.  The Board believes
that the  adoption  of the Plan  will  increase  the  Company's  flexibility  in
furthering such purposes.

      The following summary description of the Plan is qualified in its entirety
by  reference  to the  complete  text of the  Plan,  which  is set  forth in its
entirety in Exhibit B to this Proxy Statement.

Terms of the Plan

      The Plan  provides for the grant of incentive  stock options  ("ISO"),  as
defined in Section 422 of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended (the
"Code"), non-qualified stock options, tandem stock appreciation rights and stock
appreciation rights exercisable in conjunction with stock options to purchase up
to an aggregate of 200,000 shares of Common Stock.  The purchase price of shares
of Common Stock covered by an ISO must be at least 100% of the fair market value
of such shares of Common  Stock on the date the option is granted  and,  for all
options is payable in either cash or shares of Common Stock,  or any combination
thereof.  No ISO will be granted to any employee who immediately after the grant
would  own more  than 10% of the  total  combined  voting  power or value of all
classes of capital  stock of the  Company,  or any  subsidiary  of the  Company,
unless the option  price is at least 110% of the fair market value of the shares
of Common Stock subject to the option, and the option on the date of grant shall
expire  not later  than five  years  from the date the  option  is  granted.  In
addition,  the  aggregate  fair  market  value of the  shares of  Common  Stock,
determined at the date of grant,  with respect to which ISOs are exercisable for
the first  time by an  optionee  during  any  calendar  year,  shall not  exceed
$100,000.  No ISO may be granted  under the Plan to any  director  who is not an
employee of the Company and no option or stock appreciation right may be granted
under the Plan after July 1, 2005.

Administration of the Plan

      The Plan is  administered  by the Board of Directors  of the Company.  The
Board will have full authority,  in its sole discretion,  to interpret the Plan,
to establish from time to time  regulations for the  administration  of the Plan
and to determine the directors and key employees to whom options will be granted
and the terms of the options.  The term "employees",  as defined under the Plan,
encompasses employees,  including officers, regularly employed on a salary basis
by the Company or any  subsidiary of the Company.  The Board may delegate all or
part of its  authority to  administer  the Plan to a committee  appointed by the
Board and  consisting  of not less than three members  thereof.  No director may
serve as a member of such  committee  unless such  director is a  "disinterested
person" within the meaning of Rule 16(b)(3) under the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, as amended ("Rule 16(b)(3)").

Exercise of Options and Rights

      Under the Plan, an option or stock  appreciation right may be exercised in
such  installments  as are  specified in the terms of its grant,  but not sooner
than one year from the date of the its grant,  unless otherwise  provided at the
time of its grant.  Each option or stock  appreciation  right  shall  expire ten
years after the date granted (or five years in the case of an ISO granted to any
person who owns more than 10% of the Company's voting stock).

      Tandem stock appreciation  rights and stock appreciation rights granted in
conjunction with options may be exercised only to the extent,  during the period
and on the conditions  that their related options are exercisable and may not be
exercised after the expiration or termination of their related options.

      Options and stock  appreciation  rights are not transferable by the option
holder  otherwise than by will or the laws of descent and  distribution  and are
exercisable during the option holder's lifetime only by such person.

      If an option holder ceases to be  continuously  employed by the Company or
any of its  subsidiaries  for any reason  other  than  death or for cause,  such
holder may exercise the option and/or any stock appreciation  rights at any time
within  three months  after such  termination  (provided it shall not have first
expired by its own term),  but only to the extent that such holder was  entitled
to do so at the date  employment  terminated.  If an option  holder  dies  while
employed by the Company or within a period of three months after  termination of
employment  for any  reason  other  than  cause,  the  option  and/or  any stock
appreciation  right may be  exercised at any time within one year after the date
of such death  (provided it shall not have first expired by its own terms),  but
only to the extent the decedent  was entitled to do so at the date of death.  If
an option  holder's  employment  is  terminated  for cause as  determined by the
Board, the option and/or any stock  appreciation  right terminates  concurrently
with the termination of such employment.

Amendment of the Plan

      The Board of Directors may alter,  amend or terminate the Plan at any time
with  respect to shares of Common  Stock not  subject at such time to options or
stock  appreciation  rights,  but such amendments shall not adversely affect the
rights of any person under any option or stock  appreciation  right  theretofore
granted without such person's  consent.  The Board may not, without the approval
of the  shareholders of the Company,  increase the aggregate number of shares of
Common  Stock to be issued  pursuant  to  options or stock  appreciation  rights
granted  (except as  permitted  by Section 3 of the Plan);  decrease the minimum
option price; increase the maximum amount a holder of a stock appreciation right
may receive  upon its  exercise;  extend the option  period with  respect to any
option or stock  appreciation  right;  permit the  granting  of options or stock
appreciation rights to anyone other than as provided in the Plan; or provide for
the  administration  of the Plan by the Board or a  committee  appointed  by the
Board unless such  administration  meets the requirements for exemption provided
by Rule 16b-3.

Federal Income Tax Consequences

      The Company has been advised that ISOs,  non-qualified  stock  options and
stock  appreciation  rights  granted under the Plan are subject to the following
Federal income tax treatment:

      Incentive Stock Options.  An employee will recognize no taxable income and
no deduction is available to the Company upon either the grant or exercise of an

      In  general,  if Common  Stock  acquired  upon the  exercise  of an ISO is
subsequently  sold,  the realized  gain or loss, if any, will be measured by the
difference  between the exercise price of the option and the amount  realized on
the  sale.  Any such  gain or loss on the sale  will  generally  be  treated  as
long-term  capital  gain or loss if the holding  period  requirements  have been
satisfied.  The holding period  requirements will be satisfied if the shares are
not sold  within two years of the date of grant of the option  pursuant to which
such shares were  transferred or within the one-year period beginning on the day
of the transfer of such shares pursuant to the exercise of the option.

      If Common Stock acquired upon the exercise of an ISO is subsequently  sold
and  the  holding  period   requirements   noted  above  are  not  satisfied  (a
"disqualifying  disposition"),  the employee will recognize  ordinary income for
the year in which the disqualifying disposition occurs in an amount equal to the
excess of the fair market  value of such Common Stock on the date the option was
exercised  (or, if lower,  the amount  realized  on the sale) over the  exercise
price of the  option.  Any  additional  gain  recognized  on the sale  will be a
capital  gain,  and will be long-term or short-term  depending  upon whether the
sale occurs more than one year after the date of exercise. The amount recognized
by the  employee as  ordinary  income  will be treated as  compensation  and the
Company will receive a corresponding  deduction.  The Company may be required to
withhold  additional  taxes from the wages of the  employee  with respect to the
amount of ordinary income taxable to the employee.

      The  excess of the fair  market  value of the  Common  Stock  acquired  by
exercise of an ISO  (determined on the date of exercise) over the exercise price
is in effect an item of tax  preference  which  must be taken into  account  for
purposes of calculating the "alternative minimum tax" of Section 55 of the Code.
If a disqualifying disposition is made of such Common Stock, however, during the
same year acquired, there will be no tax preference item for alternative minimum
tax purposes.

      Non-qualified Stock Options and Stock Appreciation  Rights.  Non-qualified
stock options granted under the Plan do not result in any income to the optionee
at the time of grant or any tax deduction to the Company at that time. Except as
stated below with respect to officers,  upon exercise of a non-qualified option,
the excess of the fair market value of the Common Stock acquired  (determined at
the time of  exercise)  over  its cost to the  optionee  (i) is  taxable  to the
optionee as ordinary  income and (ii) is deductible  by the Company,  subject to
general rules relating to the reasonableness of compensation; and the optionee's
tax basis for the shares is the fair market value at the time of exercise.

      Gain or loss  recognized upon  disposition of shares acquired  pursuant to
the exercise of a non-qualified  option will generally be reportable as short or
long-term  gain or loss  depending on the length of time the shares were held by
the optionee as of the date of disposition.

      The  exercise  of a stock  appreciation  right by an  employee  results in
taxable compensation to such employee in the amount of the cash received plus an
amount  equal to the fair market value  (determined  at the time of exercise) of
any shares received.

      The Company  believes that  compensation  received by  participants on the
exercise of  nonqualified  stock options or the  disposition of shares  acquired
upon the exercise of ISOs will be considered performance-based  compensation and
thus not subject to the $1,000,000 limit of Section 162(m) of the Code.

Vote Required

      The Plan will  become  effective  only upon  approval  by the holders of a
majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock.

      The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR approval of the Plan.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Summary of Cash and Certain Other Compensation

      The  following  table sets  forth,  for the fiscal  years  indicated,  all
compensation  awarded  to,  earned  by or paid to the  chief  executive  officer
("CEO") of the  Company  (Mr.  Joel Dupre,  the  Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive  Officer  of the  Company),  and the chief  executive  officer  of the
Company during the fiscal year ended November 30, 1994 (Mr.  Yutaka  Yamaguchi).
No other executive  officer of the Company had a salary and bonus which exceeded
$100,000 with respect to the fiscal year ended November 30, 1994.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                         Annual Compensation                     Awards
                                           ----------------------------------------------      -----------
                                                                             Other Annual
Name and                                                                     Compensation        Options        All Other
Principal Position            Year          Salary ($)        Bonus ($)           ($)              (#)      Compensation ($)
- ------------------            ----          ----------        ---------      ------------        -------    ----------------
Joel Dupre (1)                1994          $170,000           $47,776            None             None            None
  Chairman of the             1993           170,000              None            None             None            None
  Board and Chief             1992           148,844              None            None             None            None
  Executive Officer

Yutaka Yamaguchi (2)          1994              None              None            None             None            None
  Former Chairman             1993          $ 50,000              None            None             None            None
  of the Board,               1992              None              None         $50,000             None            None
  Chief Executive
  Officer and

- ------------
(1)  Mr. Dupre held the title of Executive  Vice President of the Company during
     the fiscal year ended  November 30, 1994.  On March 29, 1995, in connection
     with the transactions  contemplated by the Stock Purchase Agreement and the
     Asset Purchase  Agreement,  Mr. Dupre was elected Chairman of the Board and
     Chief Executive Officer of the Company.

(2)  Mr. Yamaguchi  resigned as an officer and director of the Company effective
     March 20, 1995.

      No options  were  granted in the last fiscal year to any of the  executive
officers of the  Company.  In  addition,  no options are  currently  held by the
persons named in the Summary Compensation Table.

      The  Company has an  employment  contract  with Mr. Joel Dupre.  Under the
terms of the contract,  Mr. Dupre is to receive a base salary of $170,000 a year
for each of the three years ending November 30, 1995. Any incentive compensation
is tied to the  performance  of the  Company.  As described  above,  the Company
entered into a Severance Agreement dated as of March 20, 1995 with Mr. Yamaguchi
pursuant to which the Company will pay to Mr.  Yamaguchi  $100,000 plus interest
at the rate of 10% per annum on March 31, 1996 and $100,000 plus interest at the
rate of 10% per annum on March 31, 1997.

Board of Directors Compensation

      The Company does not  currently  compensate  directors  for service on the
Board of Directors.

Employee Retirement Plan

      In June  1995,  the  Board  of  Directors  of the  Company  determined  to
discontinue  benefit accruals under the Company's Employee  Retirement Plan (the
"Retirement  Plan").  Pursuant to action taken by the Board of Directors at such
time,  benefits  ceased to accrue  under the  Retirement  Plan on June 30, 1995.
Cessation of benefit accruals under the Retirement Plan is being administered by
the Board of Directors.

      Each of the Company's full-time United States-based  employees not covered
by union  retirement  plans was eligible to participate in the Retirement  Plan.
The following table discloses  estimated annual benefits payable upon retirement
in specified compensation and years of service classifications.

                                                    Projected Benefit at Retirement

                                                             Years of Service
                                      15             20             25              30               35
                     Salary         ------         -------       -------          ------           ------
                    $ 20000         $ 3750          $ 5000        $ 6250          $ 7500           $ 8750
                      25000           4625            6250          7313            9375            10938
                      30000           5625            7500          9375           11250            13125
                      35000           6563            8750         10938           13125            15313
                      40000           7500           10000         12500           15000            17500
                      50000           9980           12604         15625           18750            21875
                      75000          17105           22104         26948           31986            37249
                     100000          24730           31604         38873           46236            53874
                     125000          31355           41104         50698           60406            70499
                     150000          38480           50004         62573           74736            87124
                     175000          45605           60104         74448           88986           103749
                     200000          52730           69604         86323          103236           120374

      The Company's funding policy is to contribute  annually the minimum amount
required to cover the normal cost for current  service and to fund  supplemental
costs, if any, from the date each supplemental cost was incurred.  Contributions
are intended to provide for benefits attributed to service to date, and also for
those expected to vest in the future.

      The estimated credited years of service for each of the executive officers
named in the Summary Compensation Table is as follows: Joel Dupre (10 years) and
Yutaka Yamaguchi (none).

      Benefits are computed on the basis of straight-line  annuity amounts.  The
benefits are subject to Social Security deduction.

      The Retirement  Plan will continue to comply with the applicable  sections
of the Internal Revenue Code, the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act, and
applicable  Internal Revenue Services rules and regulations.  In accordance with
the terms of the  Retirement  Plan,  distributions  will  continue to be made to
retired and terminated employees who are participants in the Retirement Plan.

Comparison of Five-Year Cumulative Total Return

      The graph set forth below compares the cumulative total shareholder return
on the  Common  Stock for the  period  commencing  December  1, 1989 and  ending
November 30, 1994 against the cumulative total return on the NASDAQ Stock Market
Index and a peer  group  comprised  of those  public  companies  whose  business
activities fall within the same standard  industrial  classification code as the
Company and whose stock has been publicly  traded for at least five years.  This
graph  assumes  a $100  investment  in the  Common  Stock  and in each  index on
December 1, 1989 and that all dividends paid by companies included in each index
were reinvested.


                         1989   1990     1991     1992     1993     1994
                         ----   ----     ----     ----     ----     ----
Sirco International      100   82.35    64.71    64.71    76.47    73.53
SIC Code Index           100   66.74   235.58    96.74   110.65   108.79
NASDAQ Market Index      100   81.20    99.22   106.57   126.85   136.61

Report on Executive Compensation

      The Board of Directors  determines  the  compensation  of the CEO and sets
policies  for and  reviews  with the CEO the  compensation  awarded to the other
principal  executives.  The Company's  executive officers consist of the CEO and
Eric Smith and Gandolfo Verra.

      Salaries.   Base  salaries  for  the  Company's   executive  officers  are
determined initially by evaluating the responsibilities of the position held and
the  experience  of  the  individual,   and  by  reference  to  the  competitive
marketplace for management  talent,  including a comparison of base salaries for
comparable  positions at comparable  companies  within the  Company's  industry.
Several of such  companies  are in the Company's  Peer Group as described  above
under  "-Comparison of Five-Year  Cumulative Total Return." The Company believes
that its  salaries  are below  average as  compared to its  competitors.  Annual
salary adjustments are determined by evaluating the competitive marketplace, the
performance of the Company, the performance of the executive,  particularly with
respect  to the  ability  to manage  growth of the  Company,  the  length of the
executive's service to the Company and any increased responsibilities assumed by
the executive.

      Compensation  of  Chief  Executive   Officer.   The  CEO  is  a  principal
shareholder  of the Company and  beneficially  owns and  controls  approximately
56.04% of the outstanding  Common Stock of the Company.  See "Common Stock Owned
by Directors,  Officers and Other  Beneficial  Owners." The Board believes he is
very  substantially  motivated,  both by reason of his stock  ownership  and his
commitment  to the  Company,  to act on behalf of all  shareholders  to optimize
overall  corporate  performance.  Accordingly,  the Board has not  considered it
necessary  to   specifically   relate  the  CEO's   compensation   to  corporate
performance.  The Company has an employment  agreement  with Mr. Dupre that sets
his base salary though  November 30, 1995. Mr. Dupre  received  $47,776 in other
compensation  during fiscal 1994, which amount was based upon the performance of
the division of the Company that was managed by Mr. Dupre during that period.

Board of Directors Interlocks and
Insider Participation in Compensation Decisions

      The  following  members of the Board of  Directors  were  officers  of the
Company or a subsidiary of the Company during the fiscal year ended November 30,
1994: Joel Dupre, Eric Smith and Douglas Turner.  In addition,  Yutaka Yamaguchi
and Takeshi  Yamaguchi  were  members of the Board of  Directors  and  executive
officers of the Company  during the fiscal year ended  November 30, 1994. All of
such  directors and officers  (including  Messrs.  Yutaka  Yamaguchi and Takeshi
Yamaguchi)  participated  in  deliberations  of the Company's Board of Directors
concerning executive officer compensation.

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

      Joseph Takada ("Mr. Takada"), the beneficial owner of approximately 10.97%
of the outstanding  shares of Common Stock, is the Managing Director of Pacific.
He  is  also  the  Managing  Director  of  Ideal  Pacific  Ltd.,  the  Company's
manufacturing  agent in Hong  Kong  ("Ideal").  During  the  fiscal  year  ended
November  30, 1994,  the Company paid  aggregate  commissions  of  approximately
$245,000 to Ideal. Mr. Wang, the beneficial owner of approximately  7.31% of the
outstanding  shares  of Common  Stock,  is the  Managing  Director  of  Kao-Lien
Industrial Co., Ltd., the Company's  manufacturing agent in Taiwan ("Kao-Lien").
During the fiscal year ended  November  30,  1994,  the Company  paid  aggregate
commissions of approximately $146,000 to Kao-Lien.

      Eric M.  Hellige,  a  director  nominee,  is a member of  Pryor,  Cashman,
Sherman & Flynn, counsel to the Company. Such firm did not render services to or
receive any fees from the  Company  during the fiscal  year ended  November  30,

      For the year  ended  November  30,  1994,  the  Company  purchased  in the
ordinary  course of business  approximately  $9,000 of handbags and  accessories
from Yashiro Co., Inc. ("Yashiro"), Osaka, Japan, a manufacturer of handbags and
accessories.  Yutaka Yamaguchi, the former Chairman of the Board of Directors of
the  Company,  is the  President  and a director  of  Yashiro.  The terms of the
aforementioned purchase transactions were substantially  equivalent to the terms
of  purchases  by the Company  from its other  suppliers,  and the price paid to
Yashiro  was not more  than the price  paid by the  Company  to other  suppliers
providing  equivalent  goods.  On August 18,  1988,  the Company  entered into a
five-year  Product Supply Agreement with Yashiro that  memorialized this ongoing
relationship  of Yashiro and the Company.  The Company  remains free to purchase
goods from other suppliers. The Company's liability to Yashiro was approximately
$1,743,000  at November 30, 1994.  The liability at November 30, 1994 included a
short-term loan of approximately $1,664,000 bearing interest at 7% per annum. In
fiscal  1994,  interest  and fees  paid to  Yashiro  amounted  to  approximately

      At November 30, 1993,  Yashiro  owed the Company  approximately  $132,000,
which amount  primarily  related to  inventory  returns and  merchandise  damage
claims.  Approximately  $36,000 of such amounts were received in fiscal 1994 and
the balance (approximately $96,000) was written off as uncollectible.

      For the fiscal year ended November 30, 1994, the Company also purchased in
the  ordinary  course  of  business   $3,489,000  of  handbags  and  accessories
(representing  approximately  24% of the  purchases  by the Company  during such
period)  from Lucci  Creations  Ltd.,  Hong Kong,  a  manufacturer  of  handbags
("Lucci").  Forty-five percent of Lucci is owned by the same individuals who own
Yashiro Co. Ltd. and Yashiro, including Yutaka Yamaguchi, the former Chairman of
the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. The terms of such purchase
transactions  were  substantially  equivalent  to the terms of  purchases by the
Company from its other suppliers.


      The accounting firm of Ernst & Young,  New York, New York ("E&Y"),  served
as the  Company's  independent  public  accountants  for the  fiscal  year ended
November 30,  1994.  Such firm has no other  relationship  to the Company or its
affiliates.  Effective April 3, 1995, the Company dismissed E&Y and retained the
independent accounting firm of Nussbaum Yates & Wolpow, P.C. ("Nussbaum"), which
appointment  applies for the audit for the Company's fiscal year ending November
30, 1995. Neither during the audit of the Company's two most recent fiscal years
nor during any subsequent  interim period have there been any disagreements with
E&Y on any matter of accounting  principles or practices,  financial  statements
disclosure  or  auditing  scope or  procedure.  E&Y's  reports on the  Company's
financial  statements  for the last two fiscal years did not contain any adverse
opinion,  disclaimer of opinion or  qualification  of any type.  The decision to
change the Company's independent accountants was approved by the Company's Board
of Directors.

      A representative of Nussbaum is expected to attend the Annual Meeting, and
such  representative  will have the  opportunity  to make a  statement  if he so
desires  and  will  be  available  to  respond  to  appropriate  questions  from
shareholders. No representative of E&Y is expected to attend the Annual Meeting.

                             SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

      Proposals of  shareholders  intended for  presentation  at the 1996 Annual
Meeting of  Shareholders  and  intended to be included  in the  Company's  Proxy
Statement  and form of proxy  relating to that  meeting  must be received at the
offices of the Company by February 24, 1996.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

      Other than as described  above, the Board of Directors knows of no matters
to be presented at the Annual Meeting, but it is intended that the persons named
in the proxy  will vote your  shares  according  to their best  judgment  if any
matters not included in this Proxy Statement do properly come before the meeting
or any adjournment thereof.

                                 ANNUAL REPORT

      The Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  November 30,
1994,  including  financial  statements,  is being mailed herewith.  If, for any
reason you do not  receive  your copy of the  Report,  please  contact  Gandolfo
Verra, Secretary,  Sirco International Corp., 24 Richmond Hill Avenue, Stamford,
Connecticut 06901, and another will be sent to you.

                                             By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                             Joel Dupre,
                                             Chairman of the Board

July 19,1995
Stamford, Connecticut

                                                                       EXHIBIT A

                         CAPITAL STOCK AMENDMENT TO THE
                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION

      Article  Fourth of the  Certificate of  Incorporation  shall be amended to
read as follows:

      Fourth: A. Authorized Shares. The total number of shares of all classes of
stock which the Corporation  shall have the authority to issue is Eleven Million
(11,000,000), of which Ten Million (10,000,000) shall be common stock, par value
$.10 per share, and One Million  (1,000,000) shall be preferred stock, par value
$.10 per share.

      B. Common  Stock.  Each holder of shares of common stock shall be entitled
to one vote for each share of common stock held by such  holder.  There shall be
no  cumulative  voting  rights in the  election  of  directors.  Subject  to any
preferential  rights of preferred  stock,  the holders of shares of common stock
shall be entitled to  receive,  when and if declared by the Board of  Directors,
out of the  assets  of the  Corporation  which  are by law  available  therefor,
dividends payable either in cash, in property, or in shares of common stock.

      C. Preferred Stock. The preferred stock may be issued from time to time in
one or more series.  The Board of Directors is hereby  expressly vested with the
authority to fix by resolution or resolutions the  designations  and the powers,
preferences and relative,  participating,  optional or other special rights, and
qualifications,   limitations  or  restrictions  thereof,   including,   without
limitation, the voting powers, if any, the dividend rate, the conversion rights,
the redemption price, or the liquidation preference,  of any series of preferred
stock,  and to fix the number of shares  constituting  any such  series,  and to
increase or decrease  the number of shares of any such series (but not below the
number of shares thereof then outstanding).  In case the number of shares of any
such series shall be so decreased,  the shares  constituting such decrease shall
resume the status  which they had prior to the  adoption  of the  resolution  or
resolutions originally fixing the number of shares of such series. The number of
authorized shares of any class or classes of stock may be increased or decreased
(but not below the number of shares thereof then outstanding) by the affirmative
vote of the  holders of a majority of the stock of the  Corporation  entitled to

                                                                       EXHIBIT B

                           SIRCO INTERNATIONAL CORP.

                             1995 STOCK OPTION PLAN

1. Purpose of Plan

      The purpose of this Plan is to enable Sirco International Corp. to compete
successfully  in  attracting,   motivating  and  retaining  key  employees  with
outstanding  abilities by making it possible for them to purchase  shares of the
Company's  Common  Stock  on  terms  which  will  give  them a more  direct  and
continuing interest in the future success of the Company's business.

2. Definitions

      "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

      "Company" means Sirco International Corp., a New York corporation.

      "Directors"  means those persons duly elected and serving on the Board who
are not Employees.

      "Employees" means employees,  including officers,  regularly employed on a
salary basis by the Company or any Subsidiary.

      "Fair Market Value" means,  as of any day, the last sale price on such day
on the New York  Stock  Exchange,  or,  if the  Shares  are not then  listed  or
admitted  to trading  on the New York  Stock  Exchange,  on the  American  Stock
Exchange,  or, if the Shares are not then  listed or  admitted to trading on the
American Stock  Exchange,  on such other  principal stock exchange on which such
stock is then  listed or  admitted to trading or, if no sale takes place on such
day on any such  exchange,  the average of the  closing bid and asked  prices on
such day as officially  quoted on any such  exchange,  or, if the Shares are not
then listed or admitted to trading on any stock  exchange,  the market price for
each such  business  day shall be the last sale price on such day as reported in
the National  Association  of Securities  Dealers,  Inc.,  Automated  Quotations
System,  or if the Shares are not  reported on the  National  Market  List,  the
average of the closing reported bid and asked prices on such day in the over-the
counter market, as furnished by the National Quotation Bureau, Inc., or, if such
firm at the time is not engaged in the  business of reporting  such  prices,  as
furnished by any similar firm then engaged in such  business and selected by the
Company or, if there is no such firm, as furnished by any member of the National
Association  of Securities  Dealers,  Inc.,  selected by the Company,  or if the
Shares are not so reported, as determined by the Board of Directors.

      "Incentive Stock Option" means an option granted under this Plan which the
Board  intends,  at the time it is  granted,  to be an ISO within the meaning of
Section 422 of the Internal  Revenue Code; and any provisions  elsewhere in this
Plan or in any Incentive Stock Option which would prevent such option from being
an incentive stock option under such Section of the Internal Revenue Code may be
deleted or voided  retroactively to the date of grant of the option by action of
the Board.

      "Internal  Revenue  Code"  means the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as
amended from time to time.

      "Optionee"  means a person to whom an  option  and/or  Stock  Appreciation
Right has been  granted  under  this Plan  which has not  expired  or been fully
exercised or surrendered.

      "Shares"  means shares of Common Stock,  par value $.10 per share,  of the

      "Stock  Appreciation  Right" means the right of an Optionee,  which may be
granted to him at or subsequent to the date of grant as part of the terms of his
option, to receive a number of Shares or, at the election of the Board, cash, or
Shares and cash, based on the increase of the market value of the Shares subject
to his option, as more particularly set forth in paragraph (g) of Section 5.

      "Subsidiary"  means any corporation  that qualifies as a subsidiary of the
Company under the  definition of "subsidiary  corporation"  in Section 424(f) of
the Internal Revenue Code, or any similar provision hereinafter enacted.

3. Limits on Options

      (a) The total  number of Shares  with  respect to which  options and Stock
Appreciation  Rights  may be  granted  under  this Plan  shall not exceed in the
aggregate  200,000 Shares.  This number shall be  appropriately  adjusted if the
number of issued  Shares  shall be  increased or reduced by change in par value,
recapitalization,  combination,  split-up,  reclassification,  distribution of a
dividend  payable in stock, or the like after July 1, 1995. The number of Shares
previously  optioned or subject to Stock Appreciation Rights and not theretofore
delivered  and the  option  prices  therefor  shall  likewise  be  appropriately
adjusted  whenever the number of issued  Shares shall be increased or reduced by
any such procedure after the date or dates on which such Shares were optioned or
Stock Appreciation  Rights were granted with respect thereto.  Shares covered by
options which have expired or which have been surrendered or forfeited otherwise
than  pursuant to the first  paragraph  of  subsection  (g)(ii) of Section 5 may
again be optioned  under this Plan.  Shares  covered by options  which have been
surrendered  pursuant to the first paragraph of subsection  (g)(ii) of Section 5
in connection with the exercise of a tandem Stock Appreciation Right, whether or
not the Company  elects to settle all or part of its obligation in cash, may not
be optioned again under this Plan.  Shares received by the Company in payment of
all or a portion of the purchase price of Shares issued pursuant to the exercise
of any option granted hereunder may again be optioned under this Plan.

      (b) No Incentive Stock Option shall be granted to a Director.

      (c) No  Incentive  Stock  Option  shall be  granted  to any  Employee  who
immediately after such option is granted, owns capital stock of the Company or a
Subsidiary  possessing more than 10% of the total combined voting power or value
of all classes of capital stock of the Company or a Subsidiary unless the option
price at the time such Incentive Stock Option is granted is at least 110% of the
Fair Market Value of the Shares  subject to the Incentive  Stock Option and such
Incentive  Stock Option is not  exercisable by its terms after the expiration of
five years from the date of grant.

      (d) The aggregate  Fair Market Value of Shares  (determined as of the date
of grant) with respect to which  Incentive  Stock Options which are  exercisable
for the first  time by an  Optionee  during any  calendar  year shall not exceed

4. Granting Of Options

      The  Board is  authorized  to grant  options  (which  may be  nonqualified
options  or  Incentive   Stock  Options  as  the  Board   specifies)  and  Stock
Appreciation  Rights to selected  Employees  and is  authorized to grant options
(other than Incentive Stock Options) and Stock Appreciation  Rights to Directors
pursuant to this Plan beginning July 1, 1995 and in any calendar year thereafter
to July 1, 2005, but not thereafter.  The number of Shares,  if any, optioned in
each year or with respect to which Stock  Appreciation  Rights are granted,  the
Directors  or  Employees  to whom  options  and Stock  Appreciation  Rights  are
granted,  and the  number  of Shares  optioned  and  Stock  Appreciation  Rights
granted,  to each  Director  or  Employee  selected  shall be wholly  within the
discretion of the Board,  subject only to the limitations  prescribed in Section

5. Terms of Stock Options

      Subject to Section 3 hereof, the terms of stock options granted under this
Plan shall be as follows:

      (a) The option exercise price shall be fixed by the Board but, in the case
of  Incentive  Stock  Options,  shall in no event be less  than 100% of the Fair
Market  Value of the  Shares  subject  to the  option on the date the  option is

      (b) Options  shall not be  transferable  otherwise  than by will or by the
laws of descent and  distribution.  No option  shall be subject,  in whole or in
part, to attachment, execution or levy of any kind.

      (c) Each option  shall expire and all rights  thereunder  shall end at the
expiration  of such period  (which  shall not be more than ten years)  after the
date on which it was  granted  as shall be fixed by the  Board,  subject  in all
cases to earlier  expiration as provided in subsections (d), (e) and (g) of this
Section 5 in the event of termination  of  employment,  death or the exercise of
Stock Appreciation Rights granted in tandem with an option.

      (d) During the  lifetime of an optionee,  his option shall be  exercisable
only by him and only while continuously employed by the Company or a Subsidiary,
within three  months  after he ceases to be employed or if disabled  (within the
meaning of Section  22(e)(3)  of the Code),  within one year of such  disability
(but not later than the end of the period fixed by this Board in accordance with
the  provisions  of  subsection  (c) of this Section 5) if and to the extent the
option   was   exercisable   by  him  on  the  last  day  of  such   employment.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that an optionee shall be terminated
for cause, all rights as to any outstanding unexercised and unexpired options or
portions thereof shall immediately terminate.

      (e) If an Optionee dies within a period during which his option could have
been  exercised by him,  his option may be exercised  within 12 months after his
death (but not later than the end of the period fixed by the Board in accordance
with the  provisions  of  subsection  (c) of this  Section 5) by his  executors,
administrators,   legatees  or  distributees  under  the  laws  of  descent  and
distribution,  but only if and to the extent the option was  exercisable  by him
immediately prior to his death.

      (f) Subject to the  foregoing  terms and to such  additional  or different
terms  regarding the exercise of the options as the Board may fix at the time of
grant,  options  may be  exercised  in whole at one time or in part from time to

      (g) The Board may  include,  but shall not be  obligated to do so, a Stock
Appreciation  Right with any  option  (other  than an  Incentive  Stock  Option)
granted under this Plan. The terms of each such Stock  Appreciation  Right shall
be as follows:

                 (i) The Stock  Appreciation  Right shall be exercisable  during
           the period and to the  extent,  and only during the period and to the
           extent, the option is exercisable. The Stock Appreciation Right shall
           expire and all rights  thereunder shall end if not exercised upon the
           exercise of the option.

                 (ii) The Stock Appreciation Right may be granted in conjunction
           with and in addition to an option or may be granted in tandem with an
           option. If the Stock  Appreciation Right is granted in tandem with an
           option,  it shall  entitle the  Optionee to surrender to the Company,
           prior to its  exercise,  the option or any portion of the option with
           which the Stock  Appreciation  Right was included and to receive from
           the Company in  exchange  therefor  that  number of Shares,  the cash
           value thereof or a combination of cash and Shares having an aggregate
           market value in an amount equal to that determined by multiplying the
           excess of the Fair  Market  Value of one Share over the option  price
           per  Share  fixed by the Board  pursuant  to  subsection  (a) of this
           Section 5 by the number of Shares  subject to the option,  or portion
           thereof, which is to be delivered to the Company. Notwithstanding the
           provisions of the  immediately  preceding  sentence,  the Company may
           settle all or part of its obligation arising out of the exercise of a
           Stock  Appreciation  Right  by  the  payment  of  cash,  Shares  or a
           combination  thereof  to  the  Optionee  in an  amount  equal  to the
           aggregate  Fair  Market  Value of the  cash  and/or  Shares  it would
           otherwise have been obligated to so deliver.

                 If the Stock  Appreciation Right is granted in conjunction with
           and in addition to an option,  the Optionee shall, in addition to the
           exercise  of the  option,  be  entitled to receive an amount in cash,
           Shares or any  combination  thereof  calculated in the same manner as
           applicable  to a Stock  Appreciation  Right granted in tandem with an
           option.   In  such  event,   the  manner  of  payment  of  the  Stock
           Appreciation Right shall be within the sole discretion of the Board.

                 (iii) The Board may also  reserve  the right to  terminate  any
           Stock  Appreciation  Right at any time prior to its  exercise and may
           include  or reserve  the right to  include in any Stock  Appreciation
           Right terms in addition to, but not inconsistent with, the foregoing.

      (h) Unless  otherwise  provided  at the time of grant,  no option or Stock
Appreciation Right granted hereunder may be exercised prior to the expiration of
one year from the date of grant.

6. Reorganization of the Company

      In the event that the Company is  succeeded  by another  corporation  in a
reorganization,  merger,  consolidation,   acquisition  of  property  or  stock,
separation  or  liquidation,   the  successor   corporation   shall  assume  the
obligations  regarding the  outstanding  options and Stock  Appreciation  Rights
granted under this Plan or shall  substitute new options and Stock  Appreciation
Rights for them,  with only such  modification  in the case of  Incentive  Stock
Options by the  successor  corporation  as may be  necessary  to continue  their
status or the status of the  substituted  options as Incentive Stock Options for
purposes of the Internal Revenue Code.

7. Delivery and Payment for Shares

      No Shares  shall be  delivered  upon the  exercise of an option  until the
option price has been paid in full, and if required by the Board, no Shares will
be delivered upon the exercise of an option or a Stock  Appreciation Right until
the optionee has given the Company (a) a satisfactory  written statement that he
is  purchasing  the  shares  for  investment  and not with a view to the sale or
distribution of any of such Shares,  and (b) a written agreement not to sell any
Shares received upon the exercise of the option or the Stock  Appreciation Right
or any other  Shares of the Company that he may then own or  thereafter  acquire
except  either  (i)  through a broker  which is a member  of the New York  Stock
Exchange,  another national securities  exchange or the National  Association of
Securities  Dealers  or (ii) with the prior  written  approval  of the  Company.
Payment for Shares  received  pursuant to the  exercise of an option may be made
either in cash,  Shares,  or any  combination  thereof  at the  election  of the
Optionee.  If payment is made (either in whole or in part) in Shares,  the value
of the Shares  received  by the Company  shall be the Fair Market  Value of such
Shares as of the date received by the Company.

8. Continuation of Employment

      Neither  this Plan nor any  option  or Stock  Appreciation  Right  granted
hereunder  shall confer upon any Employee any right to continue in the employ of
the Company or any Subsidiary,  confer upon any member of the Board any right to
continue  on the Board or limit in any  respect  the right of the Company or any
Subsidiary  to terminate  the  employment  of any Employee or the service of any
member of the Board at any time.

9. Administration

      The  Board  may  make  such  rules  and  regulations  and  establish  such
procedures as it deems  appropriate  for the  administration  of this Plan.  The
Board may delegate responsibility for administration of this Plan to a committee
of the Board (the  "Committee")  meeting,  and acting in  accordance  with,  the
requirements  of  Rule  16b-3  promulgated  pursuant  to  Section  16(b)  of the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended  ("Rule  16b-3").  The Board or the
Committee  may  interpret  the Plan,  prescribe,  amend or rescind any rules and
regulations  necessary or appropriate  for the  administration  of the Plan, and
make such other  determinations and take such other action as it deems necessary
or  advisable,  except,  in the case of the  Committee,  as such  action  may be
otherwise  expressly  reserved in the Plan to the Board.  Without  limiting  the
generality of the foregoing,  the Committee may, in its sole  discretion,  treat
all or any portion of any period  during which an Optionee is on military  leave
or on an approved  leave of absence from the Company or a Subsidiary as a period
of employment of such  Optionee by the Company or such  Subsidiary,  as the case
may be, for the  purpose  of  accrual  of his  rights  under his option or Stock
Appreciations Rights. Any interpretation,  determination or other action made or
taken by the Board or the Committee shall be final, binding and conclusive,  and
the decision of the Board or the  Committee  shall be final and binding upon all
parties in interest, including the Company and its shareholders. Any decision or
determination  reduced to writing  and  signed by all  members of the  Committee
shall be fully as  effective  as if made by  unanimous  vote at a  meeting  duly
called and held.

      The Board or the Committee may employ such legal counsel,  consultants and
agents as it may deem desirable for the  administration of the Plan and may rely
upon  any  opinion  received  from  any  such  counsel  or  consultant  and  any
computation received from any such consultant or agent.

      No member  or former  member  of the  Committee  or of the Board  shall be
liable for any action or  determination  made in good faith with respect to this
Plan or any option or Stock  Appreciation Right awarded under it. To the maximum
extent  permitted  by  applicable  law,  each  member  or  former  member of the
Committee or of the Board shall be indemnified  and held harmless by the Company
against any cost or expense (including counsel fees) or liability (including any
sum paid in settlement of a claim with the approval of the Company)  arising out
of any action or omission to act in connection with this Plan unless arising out
of such member's or former member's own fraud or bad faith. Such indemnification
shall be in  addition  to any rights of  indemnification  the  members or former
members may have as directors or under the By-Laws of the Company.

10. Reservation of Shares

      Shares  delivered  upon the exercise of an option or a Stock  Appreciation
Right shall,  in the  discretion of the Board,  be either  Shares  heretofore or
hereafter  authorized and then unissued,  or previously issued Shares heretofore
or hereafter acquired through purchase in the open market or otherwise,  or some
of each. The Company shall be under no obligation to reserve or to retain in its
treasury any particular number of Shares at any time, and no particular  Shares,
whether  unissued  or held as  treasury  Shares,  shall be  identified  as those
optioned under this Plan.

11. Amendment of Plan

      The Board without further action by the  shareholders  may amend this Plan
from time to time as it deems desirable and shall make any amendments  which may
be required so that options  intended to be Incentive Stock Options shall at all
times  continue  to be  Incentive  Stock  Options for  purposes of the  Internal
Revenue Code;  provided that no such amendment shall increase the maximum number
of Shares for which  options may be granted,  reduce the minimum  option  price,
extend the option period with respect to any option or Stock Appreciation Right,
permit the  granting  of options  after  July 1, 2005,  increase  the amount the
holder of a Stock Appreciation  Right may receive upon its exercise,  permit the
granting  of  options  or Stock  Appreciation  Rights  to anyone  other  than as
provided in the Plan, or allow  administration of the Plan in a manner violative
of Rule  16b-3.  The Board may  include  in the  terms of any  option  otherwise
qualifying  as an incentive  stock option  (within the meaning of Section 422 of
the Code) a provision that it shall not be an Incentive Stock Option,  and, with
the consent of the  Optionee  and to the extent  permitted  by law,  may amend a
previously issued option to so provide.

12. Termination of the Plan

      The Board may, in its  discretion,  terminate  this Plan at any  terminate
prior to July 1, 2005, but such termination  shall not deprive  Optionees or the
holders of Stock  Appreciation  Rights of their  rights  under their  options or
Stock Appreciation Rights.

13. Effective Date

      This Plan shall become  effective on July 1, 1995,  and options  hereunder
may be granted at any time on or after  that date.  However,  no option or Stock
Appreciation  Right may be  exercised  unless this Plan is approved by a vote of
the holders of a majority of the outstanding  Shares represented at a meeting of
shareholders  of the Company held on or within twelve months after the effective

14. Compliance With Other Laws and Regulations.

      This Plan, the grant and exercise of options and Stock Appreciation Rights
thereunder,  and the  obligation of the Company to sell and deliver Shares under
such options and Stock  Appreciation  Rights shall be subject to all  applicable
federal and state  laws,  rules and  regulations  and to such  approvals  by any
government or regulatory agency as may be required.  If at any time the Board or
the Committee shall  determine in its discretion that the listing,  registration
or qualification of the Shares covered by this Plan upon any national securities
exchange  or under any  Federal or state law,  or the consent or approval of any
government  regulatory  body, is necessary or desirable as a condition of, or in
connection  with, the sale or purchase of Shares under this Plan, no Shares will
be delivered unless and until such listing, registration, qualification, consent
or approval  shall have been  affected or obtained,  or otherwise  provided for,
free of any conditions  not acceptable to the Board or the Committee.  If Shares
are not  required to be  registered,  upon  exercising  all or any portion of an
option or Stock  Appreciation  Right, the Company may require each Optionee as a
condition of such exercise,  to represent that the Shares are being acquired for
investment  only and not with a view to their  sale or  distribution,  and shall
make such other  representations  deemed  appropriate by counsel to the Company.
Stock certificates  evidencing  unregistered Shares acquired upon exercise of an
option or Stock  Appreciation Right shall bear any legend required by applicable
state securities laws and a restrictive legend substantially as follows:

                  "The  securities  represented  hereby have not been registered
                  under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Act"),  and
                  may not be transferred in the absence of such  registration or
                  an opinion  of counsel  acceptable  to the  Company  that such
                  transfer will not require registration under the Act."

15. Withholding.

      Where an optionee or other person is entitled to receive  Shares  pursuant
to the  exercise of an option,  the Company  shall have the right to require the
Optionee  or such  other  person to pay to the  Company  the amount of any taxes
which the Company may be required to withhold with respect to such Shares before
delivery  to such  Optionee or other  person of a  certificate  or  certificates
representing such Shares.

      Upon the  disposition  of Shares  acquired  pursuant to the exercise of an
Incentive Stock Option,  the Company shall have the right to require the payment
of the amount of any taxes which are required by law to be withheld with respect
to such disposition.

      Federal,  state  or  local  law  may  require  the  withholding  of  taxes
(including  income and social security taxes) applicable to gains resulting from
the exercise by an Optionee of an option other than an Incentive Stock Option (a
"Nonstatutory  Option") granted under the Plan.  Unless otherwise  prohibited by
the Stock  Option  Committee  or by  applicable  law,  an  Optionee  who holds a
Nonstatutory  Option may satisfy any such  withholding  tax obligation by any of
the following methods, or by a combination of such methods: (a) tendering a cash
payment;  (b)  authorizing  the  Company to withhold  from the Shares  otherwise
issuable  to such  Optionee  as a result of the  exercise  of such  Nonstatutory
Option  one or more of such  Shares  having  an  aggregate  Fair  Market  Value,
determined as of the date the  withholding tax obligation  arises,  less than or
equal to the amount of the total  withholding tax obligation;  or (c) delivering
to the Company  previously  acquired Shares (none of which Shares may be subject
to any claim, lien,  security interest,  community property right or other right
of spouses or present or former family members, pledge, option, voting agreement
or  other  restriction  or  encumbrance  of any  nature  whatsoever)  having  an
aggregate  Fair Market  Value,  determined  as of the date the  withholding  tax
obligation arises, less than or equal to the amount of the total withholding tax
obligation.  An Optionee's election to pay his or her withholding tax obligation
(in whole or in part) by the method  described in (b) above is irrevocable  once
it is made, may be disapproved by the Stock Option Committee and, if made by any
director,  officer  or other  person  who is  subject  to  Section  16(b) of the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  as amended,  must be made (x) only during the
period  beginning on the third business day following the date of release of the
Company's quarterly or annual summary statement of sales and earnings and ending
on the twelfth  business date following the date of such release or (y) not less
than six months prior to the date such  Optionee's  withholding  tax  obligation
arises in connection with the exercise of the Nonstatutory Option.

16. Name.

      This Plan  shall be known as the  "Sirco  International  Corp.  1995 Stock
Option Plan."

                                REVOCABLE PROXY
                           SIRCO INTERNATIONAL CORP.



      The undersigned hereby appoint(s) Joel Dupre and Gandolfo Verra, or either
of them,  lawful  attorneys  and proxies of the  undersigned  with full power of
substitution,  for and in the name, place and stead of the undersigned to attend
the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Sirco International Corp. to be held at 10
West 33rd Street, Suite 606, New York, New York on Thursday,  August 17, 1995 at
10:00 a.m., local time, and any adjournment(s) or postponement(s)  thereof, with
all powers the undersigned  would possess if personally  present and to vote the
number of votes the undersigned would be entitled to vote if personally  present
at said meeting,  all as described in the Proxy  Statement  dated July 19, 1995,
receipt of which is hereby  acknowledged.  The Board of  Directors  recommends a
vote "FOR" the proposals set forth below.

PROPOSAL 1. The Election of Directors:  Joel Dupre,  Ian  Mitchell,  Eric Smith,
Douglas  Turner,  Eric M.  Hellige  and Paul  Riss.

[  ] For      [  ] Withhold      [  ] For All Except

INSTRUCTIONS:  To withhold  authority to vote for any individual  nominee,  mark
"For All Except" and write that nominee's name on the line below:


PROPOSAL 2:  Proposal to amend the Company's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to
increase  the number of  authorized  shares of the  Company's  Common Stock from
3,000,000 to 10,000,000 shares and to authorize the issuance of 1,000,000 shares
of Preferred  Stock from time to time on terms to be  determined by the Board of

[  ] For      [  ] Against      [  ] Abstain

PROPOSAL 3:  Proposal to amend the Company's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to
limit the personal liability of directors to the Company and its shareholders.

[  ] For      [  ] Against      [  ] Abstain

PROPOSAL 4: Proposal to adopt the 1995 Stock Option Plan of the Company.

[  ] For      [  ] Against      [  ] Abstain

      In  accordance  with their  discretion,  said  attorneys  and  proxies are
authorized to vote upon such other matters or proposals not known at the time of
solicitation of this proxy that may properly come before the meeting.

      This proxy when properly  executed  will be voted in the manner  described
herein by the undersigned shareholder.  If no direction is made, this proxy will
be voted for each of the Proposals  set forth herein.  Any prior proxy is hereby

      Please sign exactly as your name appears at the left. When shares are held
by  joint  tenats,  both  should  sign.  When  signing  as  attorney,  executor,
administrator,  trustee  or  guardian,  please  give  full  title as such.  If a
corporation, please sign in full corporate name by President or other authorized
officer. If a partnership, please sign in partnership name by authorized person.

   Detach above card, sign, date and mail in postage paid envelope provided.

                           SIRCO INTERNATIONAL CORP.

                              PLEASE ACT PROMPTLY