350 Burnhamthorpe Road West, Suite 216, Mississauga, Ontario L5B 3J1
                           Telephone: (905) 276-9464
                              FAX: (905) 276-1750

Commercial Banking Centre
  June 22, 1994

Sirco International (Canada) Ltd.
1321 Blundell Road
Mississauga, Ontario
L4Y 1M6

ATTENTION:   Mr. Doug Turner, President

Dear Sirs:

We are please to inform you that the National Bank of Canada (hereinafter called
the  "Bank")  agrees to make  available  to Sirco  International  (Canada)  Ltd.
(hereinafter  called  the  "Borrower")  the  financing  below,  subject  to  the
following terms and conditions:

AMOUNT:           A. $700,000. by way of an Operating Loan on a revolving demand
                     loan agreement.

                  B. $630,000. by way of a non-revolving demand loan.

                  C. $150,000.  by way of a Foreign exchange Limit with net risk
                     of 10%  i.e.  at  any  time,  the  total  foreign  exchange
                     contracts   outstanding   may  not  exceed   the   Canadian
                     equivalent of $1,500,000.

PURPOSE:          A. To finance day to day operations.

                  B. To payout and consolidate an existing  commercial  mortgage
                     with Royal Trust, and a term loan with the CIBC.

                  C. To  purchase   United   States  dollar   foreign   exchange
                     contracts,  the equivalent of Canadian  $25,000 is required
                     to obtain an  exchange  contract.  Applicable  term will be
                     from a minimum of 1 day to a maximum of 1 year.

INTEREST RATE:    A. Prime Rate of National Bank of Canada  plus 1.25% , that is
                     10.00%  as at June  22,  1995,  calculated  daily  and paid
                     monthly  in  arrears.  Prime Rate is defined as the rate as
                     established  from  time to time by the  Bank  for  Canadian
                     dollar loans in Canada.

                  B. Floating Rate Option: Prime rate of National Bank of Canada
                     plus 1.50%, that is 10.25% as at June 22, 1995,  calculated
                     daily and paid monthly in arrears. Prime Rate is defined as
                     the rate as  established  from time to time by the Bank for
                     Canadian dollar loans in Canada.

                     Fixed Rate Option:  (available for a maximum of $490,000 or
                     that amount  required to retire the Royal Trust  commercial
                     mortgage)  The  Bank's  cost of funds for  fixed  rate term
                     loans + 2.00%,  that is  9.75% as at June 22,  1995 for a 5
                     year term.

                  C. As quoted by International  Dept.,  National Bank of Canada
                     at date of booking.

REPAYMENT:        On demand.

                  A. To revolve in multiples of $25,000.

                  B. Floating Rate Option:
                     (i)  $490,000  or the amount  required  to retire the Royal
                          Trust  commercial   mortgage.   Based  on  a  20  year
                          amortization,  repaid in  monthly  payments  of $2,042
                          plus interest.
                     (ii) $140,000  or the  amount  required  to retire the CIBC
                          term loan. Monthly payments of $10,000 plus interest.

                     Fixed Rate  Option:  (available  for a maximum of $490,000)
                     Based on a 20 year amortization,  and cost of funds for a 5
                     years  term as quoted  herein,  repaid in  monthly  blended
                     payments of $4,586.

                  C. According to the specified maturity date.

                  The Borrower  and the  Guarantors  acknowledge  and agree that
                  notwithstanding  anything  contained  herein  to the  contrary
                  theses facilities constitute Demand Loans and as such, are due
                  and payable at any time at the sole discretion of the Bank.

                  The sum of  operating  advances  and total  Letters  of Credit
                  outstanding  shall be limited to the lesser of $700,000 or the
                  aggregate of the following:

                  (a)  85% of good  quality  Canadian  accounts  receivable  for
                       "Major  Retailers" ( as approved by the Bank, see below),
                       plus 65% of good qualify Canadian accounts receivable for
                       those Bank approved customers offered Future dating terms
                       (see  approved  list  below),  plus 60% of all other good
                       quality Canadian  accounts  receivable,  excluding contra
                       accounts and intercompany  accounts,  doubtful  accounts,
                       and those aged 60 days and over; plus

                  (b)  50% of all letters of Credit  outstanding and all current
                       season's (i.e. Spring `95) finished goods inventory, plus
                       25% of all  finished  goods  inventory  for  the  prior 2
                       seasons  (i.e.   Fall  `94  and  Spring  `94)   excluding
                       handbags,  combined  capped  at  an  overall  maximum  of
                       $300,000; less;

                  (c)  all claims which rank prior to the Bank's  security (i.e.
                       deductions at source, GST, etc).

                  Major retailers: Bay, Costco, Eaton's, K-Mart, Sears, Zellers.
                  Acceptable  Future dating  customers:  Jovin,  Pelle  Imports,
                  Access Leather and all major retailers.  Non-Acceptable Future
                  dating customers: Curry's Jewelers.

                  All legal and other  documentation to be in a form and content
                  satisfactory  to the  Bank  and  its  solicitors  and is to be
                  supported by all usual representations and opinions to confirm
                  its enforceability. To include but not limited to:
                  1.  General  Assignment  of Book Debts,  registered in Ontario
                      and all other applicable jurisdictions,  providing a first
                      charge over accounts and other receivables.

                  2.  Pledge  of  Inventory  under  Section  427 of the Bank Act
                      providing a first charge over inventory.

                  3.  Assignment  of  sufficient  fire  insurance to protect the
                      Bank's interest.

                  4.  General Security Agreement  providing a first floating and
                      fixed charge over all assets of the Borrower.

                  5.  Subordination and Postponement of Claim to the Bank of all
                      loans,   advances   and   accrued   interest   payable  to
                      shareholder(s)  totalling  $304,581 as at May 31, 1995. US
                      $223,958 @ .7353 exchange rate.

                  6.  A first fixed and floating charge  Debenture in the amount
                      of  $1,500,000  over the  real  property  located  at 1321
                      Blundell Road, Mississauga (the "Property") accompanied by
                      appropriate pledge agreement.

                  7.  General Assignment of Rents and Leases.

                  The following  information/documentation  satisfactory  to the
                  Bank is to be  provided  prior to the  completion  of a formal
                  credit application (or prior to the advance of funds).

                  1.  Receipt  of the  Borrower's  Review  Engagement  financial
                      statement  for the 6 months ending May 31, 1995 which will
                      not be materially different from the May 31, 1995 internal
                      financial statement already received.

                  2.  The licensing  agreement with Airway Industries Inc. is to
                      be reviewed  and deemed  satisfactory  by the Bank's legal
                      counsel.  In  addition,   ad  addendum  to  the  licensing
                      agreement is to be executed by the licensor:
                      (i)  providing  the Bank notice in the event the agreement
                           is to be terminated; and
                      (ii) enabling the Bank to dispose of the  inventory in the
                           event it chooses to realize on its security

                  3.  Satisfactory   report  from  the  Bank's  consultant  with
                      respect  to a review of current  assets  and the  internal
                      financial  reporting  system.  Consultant's cost is to the
                      account of the Borrower, and is estimated at $250.

                  4.  All  legal  and  security  documents  to  be in  form  and
                      substance,  satisfactory  to the Bank and its  solicitors,
                      accompanied  by the relevant legal opinions and registered
                      in the appropriate jurisdictions.

                  5.  Report from Hendren  Mitchell Real Estate  Appraisal  Ltd.
                      updating  the Oct.  31,  1989  appraisal  on the  Property
                      completed by Huronia  York  Appraisal  Corp.  evidencing a
                      minimum value of $900,000.

                  6.  Satisfactory  Phase  I  environmental  audit  from  a firm
                      acceptable  to the  Bank  and  completion  of  the  Bank's
                      standard environmental questionnaire.

                  7.  Any other important information.

                  The Borrower agrees to the following  covenants which shall be
                  calculated  as  indicated  below,  maintained  at all time and
                  tested monthly except where otherwise indicated:

                  1.  Current  Ratio:  The ratio of  Current  Assets to  Current
                      Liabilities will not be less than 1.50 at anytime. Current
                      Assets shall exclude any intercompany  advances,  deferred
                      costs,  or any other  assets  of  doubtful  or  intangible
                      nature.  Current  Liabilities  to  include  only  the true
                      current portion of the commercial mortgage.

                  2.  Debt to Equity Ratio: The ratio of Debt to Equity will not
                      be more than 1.50 at any time.  Debt  shall be  defined as
                      total  liabilities less any shareholder loans postponed to
                      the Bank,  less  deferred  income  taxes.  Equity shall be
                      defined as Share Capital plus  Retained  Earnings plus any
                      Shareholders'  loans  postponed  to  the  Bank,  less  any
                      deferred expenditures,  loans to officers,  directors,  or
                      shareholders,  or  intercompany  advances  and  any  other
                      assets of value.

                  3.  Debt Service Coverage:  The ratio of Net Cash Flow to Debt
                      Service shall be a minimum of 1.20. Net Cash Flow shall be
                      defined  as the  Income  After Tax plus:  deferred  taxes;
                      depreciation;  any other non-cash  expenses;  and all cash
                      interest expense; less: dividends and capital expenditures
                      not funded by debt.  Debt Service  shall be defined as all
                      debt principal payments plus all cash interest expense.

                  4.  Parent  remuneration,  whether a  repayment  of the parent
                      company   advance   ($304,581   @  May  31,   1995)  or  a
                      bonus/dividend,  is  prohibited  without the prior written
                      consent of the Bank. US $223,958 @.7353 exchange rate.

                  1.  Within  25 days  of each  month-end,  the  Borrower  shall
                      provide  the  following  information  on  Bank  documents,
                      signed  by  the  appropriate  authorized  officer  of  the
                      (a) monthly   accounts   receivable   listing   classified
                          according to age;
                      (b) inventory declaration;
                      (c) prior claims declaration;
                      (d) internally  prepared income  statement,  balance sheet
                          and statement of financial changes as compared against
                          last year actual and current year to date budget.
                      (e) order backlog report.

                  2.  The  Borrower  agrees  to  submit  to the Bank its  annual
                      audited  financial  statement within 90 days of the end of
                      its fiscal year.

                  3.  The  Borrower  agrees  to  submit  to the Bank its  annual
                      budget including  budgeted  monthly balance sheet,  income
                      statement,  and cashflow within 90 days of its fiscal year

                  1.  All legal  and  registration  fees  incurred  to  prepare,
                      execute and maintain  legal  documents  will be assumed by
                      the Borrower.

                  2.  The  cost  of all  appraisals  and  environmental  reports
                      requested  by  the  Bank  are  the  responsibility  of the

                  3.  The Bank reserves the right to request  appropriate annual
                      financial  statements or quarterly financial statements at
                      any  time and  whenever  it  deems  it  appropriate.  This
                      information may be required on a continuous basis or for a
                      specific  period  or  periods  and must  always  be to the
                      Bank's satisfaction.

                  4.  The  ownership  structure  of  the  company  shall  not be
                      altered  without the Bank's prior  written  consent  which
                      shall be unreasonably withheld.

                  5.  The  nature  of  the  Borrower's  business  shall  not  be
                      substantially  changed  without the Bank's  prior  written
                      consent which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

                  1.  Transaction fee of $6,250 which is payable upon acceptance
                      of this Discussion  Paper.  These monies are refundable if
                      such approval is not provided as outlined herein.

                  2.  $75 monthly management fee to review the monthly reporting
                      package, margin the account and process note rollovers.

                  1.  The Borrower and the Guarantors represent and warrant that
                      the owner of the  subject  property  has  complied  and is
                      complying  in  all  respects  with  all  applicable   laws
                      relating  to  the   environment,   that  no  contaminants,
                      pollutants  or  other  hazardous  substances   (including,
                      without  limitation,  asbestos,  products  containing urea
                      formaldehyde   or   polychlorinated    biphenyl   or   any
                      radioactive  substances)  have  been or are now  stored or
                      located at the subject property,  that no order, approval,
                      direction  or  other  governmental  or  regulatory  notice
                      relating to the environment  has been threatened  against,
                      is pending or has been issued with  respect to the subject
                      property, and that none of them is aware of any pending or
                      threatened  action,  suit or  proceedings  relating to any
                      actual or alleged  environmental  violation from or at the
                      subject property.

                  2.  The  Borrower  and  Guarantors  shall permit the Lender to
                      conduct, at the Borrower's expense, such test, inspections
                      and environmental  audits as may be required by the Lender
                      including  without  limitation,  the  right  to take  soil
                      samples from the subject  property and the right to review
                      and photocopy all records relating to the subject property
                      or  the  business  or  operations   now  or   hereinbefore
                      conducted  at the subject  property in order to attempt to
                      corroborate    the   veracity   of   the    aforementioned
                      representations and warranties.

                  3.  The Borrower and  Guarantors  agree to pay the cost of all
                      environmental  audits which may be deemed necessary by the

                  4.  The Borrower and Guarantors  agree to delivery to the Bank
                      documents  guaranteeing  compliance  and showing  that the
                      land  and  building  are  not  contaminated  by  hazardous

                  5.  The Borrower and Guarantors  certify that past and present
                      owners have not violated environmental law and regulations
                      and that, to the best of their  knowledge,  no proceedings
                      have been or are being  instituted to make him comply with
                      environmental laws and regulations.

                  6.  The  Borrower  and  Guarantors  agree to  comply  with and
                      respect any and all environmental laws and regulations.

                  7.  The Borrower and Guarantors  agree to maintain a system or
                      mechanism   through  which  the  emission  or  release  of
                      contaminants can be controlled in compliance with laws and

                  8.  The Borrower and Guarantors agree to periodically  provide
                      the Bank  with a summary  report  stating  the  Borrower's
                      status with regard to environmental  laws and regulations,
                      such  as   confirmation   of  the   renewal  of   permits,
                      certificates  of compliance and the proper  application of
                      control procedures.

                  9.  The Borrower and  Guarantors  agree to indemnify  the Bank
                      for all  decontamination  costs or for damages incurred by
                      the Bank or its agents as a result of such contamination.

                  10. The  loan  shall  be  disbursed  upon  performance  and/or
                      completion   of  the  above   conditions   to  the  Bank's

                  11. In  the  event  any   environmental   report   shows  that
                      decontamination  is required the  Borrower and  Guarantors
                      undertake  to  carry  out  decontamination  at  their  own
                      expense should this be required or requested. However, the
                      undertaking of such decontamination's  shall not guarantee
                      that the Bank will make any  disbursements.  All the other
                      conditions  stipulated  in this Offer of Finance  shall be
                      performed to the Bank's satisfaction.

                  The terms and  conditions  contained  in this Offer to Finance
                  shall  not  merge  upon  the  execution  and  delivery  of the
                  security  documentation  referred  to herein  but shall at all
                  times  remain in full force and effect.  The events of default
                  as stated herein (if applicable),  shall be in addition to and
                  not  restrict in any way  whatsoever  the events of default as
                  stated in the security documents.

                  To be reviewed at least  annually,  and in any event not later
                  than March 31, 1996.

                  The  Borrower  agrees  to keep  the  contents  of this  Letter
                  strictly confidential.

If these  conditions  are  acceptable to you,  please  indicate your  acceptance
thereof by signing  and  returning a copy of this letter to the Bank before June
27, 1995, after which time this offer in null and void.

Your truly,

/s/Guy Jarvis                               /s/ R.A. Garrad

Guy Jarvis                                  R.A. Garrard
Account Manager                             Senior Manager




Per: /s/ Doug Turner                              Per: /s/ Maric Weichel
Doug Turner, President                            Maric Weichel, Office Manager