Exhibit 10.1
                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

     AGREEMENT  made as of this 1st day of December,  1992, by and between SIRCO
INTERNATIONAL CORP., a New York corporation with its principal place of business
at 10 West 33rd Street,  Suite 606, New York, New York 10001 (hereinafter called
the "Corporation") and JOEL DUPRE, residing at 37 Fieldcrest Drive,  Ridgefield,
Connecticut 06877 (hereinafter called "Executive").

                              W I T N E S S E T H

     WHEREAS,  the  Corporation  desires to employ  Executive  and  Executive is
willing to undertake such  employment on the terms and subject to the conditions
hereinafter set forth;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual covenants  hereinafter set
forth; the parties hereto agree as follows:

     1. The Corporation  hereby employs Executive to perform such supervisory or
executive  duties on behalf of the  Corporation  as an executive  officer or the
Board of Directors of the Corporation may from time to time determine. Executive
shall be elected to the office of Executive  Vice  President  and  thereafter to
such other offices of the Corporation as the Board of Directors may from time to
time determine.

     2. Executive  hereby accepts such employment and agrees that throughout the
period of his  employment  hereunder,  he will devote his full time,  attention,
knowledge and skills, faithfully,  diligently and to the best of his ability, in
furtherance of the business of the Corporation, will perform the duties assigned
to him pursuant to Paragraph 2 hereof,  subject,  at all times, to the direction
and control of the Chief  Executive  Officer and the Board of  Directors  of the
Corporation,  and will do such traveling as may be reasonably required of him in
the performance thereof. Executive shall at all times be subject to, observe and
carry out such rules, regulations,  policies, directions and restrictions as the
Corporation  shall  from  time to  time  establish.  During  the  period  of his
employment  hereunder,  Executive shall not, without the written approval of the
Board  of  Directors  first  had and  obtained  in each  instance,  directly  or
indirectly  accept  employment or compensation  from or perform  services of any
nature  for,  any  business  enterprise  other  that  the  Corporation  and  its
subsidiaries.  During the period of Executive's employment hereunder,  Executive
shall not be entitled to  additional  compensation  for serving in any office of
the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries to which he is elected.

     3. Executive  shall be employed for a term of three years  commencing as of
the 1st day of December,  1992,  and ending on the 30th day of  November,  l995,
unless his  employment is terminated  prior to the expiration of such three year
term pursuant to the provisions hereof.

     4. As full  compensation for his services  hereunder,  the Corporation will
pay to Executive

        4.1 a base salary of $170,000 per annum,  payable in equal  installments
no less frequently than monthly; and

        4.2  incentive  compensation  for each  fiscal  year of the  Corporation
during  the term  hereof  in an  amount  equal to 10% of the net  income  of the
Luggage Division of the Corporation for such fiscal year.

     For  purposes of this  Paragraph  4, "net  income of the Luggage  Division"
shall mean net income of the Luggage  Division as  reflected  in its  divisional
financial  statements  (A) before  deduction of or allowance  for the  incentive
compensation  payable pursuant to Subparagraph 4.2 hereof,  and (B) exclusive of
extraordinary gain or loss. Any incentive compensation to which Executive may be
entitled  hereunder shall be payable within 120 days after the end of the fiscal
year to which such incentive  compensation  relates.  With respect to any fiscal
year  of  the  Corporation   during  which  Executive's   employment   hereunder
terminates,  Executive  shall  be  entitled  to a pro rata  share  of  incentive
compensation,  based upon net income of the Luggage Division,  and the number of
days in such fiscal year during which Executive was employed by the Corporation.

     5. In addition to such base salary and  incentive  compensation,  Executive
shall be entitled to  participate,  to the extent he is eligible under the terms
and   conditions   thereof,   in  any   pension,   profit-sharing,   retirement,
hospitalization,  insurance,  medical  service,  or other employee  benefit plan
generally  available to the executives of the Corporation  that may be in effect
from time to time during the period of his employment hereunder. The Corporation
shall be under no obligation to institute or continues the existence of any such
employee benefit plan.

     6. The Corporation  shall reimburse  Executive for all expenses  reasonably
incurred by him in connection with the  performance of his duties  hereunder and
the business of the  Corporation,  upon the  submission  to the  Corporation  of
appropriate  vouchers  therefor  and  approval  thereof  by the Chief  Financial
Officer of the Corporation.

     7. Executive shall be entitled to two weeks' paid vacation during the first
year and three weeks paid vacation during each succeeding year of his employment
hereunder.  All such  vacations  shall be taken at times  mutually  agreeable to
executive and the Chief  Executive  Office of the  Corporation.  For purposes of
this  Paragraph  7, the term "year"  shall mean the  12-month  period  beginning
December 1st in each fiscal year. Vacation time shall be cumulative from year to
year to the extent of one week thereof.

     8. In  consideration  of the  Corporation's  entering into this  Agreement,
Executive agrees that during the period of his employment  hereunder,  and for a
further period of six months thereafter,  he will not (I) directly or indirectly
own, manage, operate, join, control,  participate in, invest in, or otherwise be
connected  with,  in any  manner,  whether as an  officer,  director,  employee,
partner,  investor or  otherwise,  any  business  entity which is engaged in the
design,   importation,   manufacture  and/or  sale  at  wholesale  of  handbags,
children's bags, tote bags or soft luggage in the State of New York, New Jersey,
Connecticut,  Massachusetts,  Rhode Island, Pennsylvania,  Maryland, Delaware or
the District of Columbia (the "Restricted Territory") or is engaged in any other
business  in which  the  Corporation  or any of its  subsidiaries  is  currently
engaged or is  engaged  at the time of  termination  of  Executive's  employment
hereunder,  or  (ii)  for  himself  or on  behalf  of any  other  person,  firm,
corporation or entity,  call on any customer of the  Corporation for the purpose
of  soliciting,  diverting  or taking away any  customer  from the  Corporation.
Nothing herein  contained  shall be deemed to prohibit  Executive from investing
his funds in  securities  of a company if the  securities  of such  company  are
listed   for   trading  on  a  national   stock   exchange   or  traded  in  the
over-the-counter market and Executive's holdings therein represent less than one
percent of the total number of shares or principal amount of other securities of
such company outstanding.

     Executive  acknowledges  that  the  provisions  of  this  Paragraph  8  are
reasonable  and necessary for the protection of the  Corporation,  and that each
provision,  and the period or periods  of time,  geographic  areas and types and
scope of restrictions on the activities  specified  herein are, and are intended
to be divisible.  In the event that any provision of the Paragraph 8,  including
any sentence,  clause or part hereof, shall be deemed contrary to law or invalid
or  unenforceable  in any  respect  by a court of  competent  jurisdiction,  the
remaining provisions shall not be affected, but shall, subject to the discretion
of such court, remain in full force and effect and any invalid and unenforceable
provisions  shall be deemed,  without  further action on the part of the parties
hereto, modified, amended and limited to the extent necessary to render the same
valid and enforceable.

     9.  Executive  shall hold in a  fiduciary  capacity  for the benefit of the
Corporation  all  information,  knowledge and data relating to or concerned with
its  operations,  sales,  business  and  affairs,  and he shall not, at any time
hereafter,  use, disclose or divulge any such information,  knowledge or data to
any person,  firm or corporation  other than to the Corporation or its designees
or except as may  otherwise  be required in  connection  with the  business  and
affairs of the Corporation.

     10. Any invention, improvement, design, development or discovery conceived,
developed,  created or made by Executive alone or with others, during the period
of his employment  hereunder and applicable to the business of the  Corporation,
whether or not patentable,  registrable or copyrightable,  shall become the sole
and exclusive  property of the  Corporation.  Executive  shall disclose the same
promptly and completely to the Corporation  and shall,  during the period of his
employment hereunder and at any time and from time to time hereafter (I) execute
all documents  requested by the  Corporation  for vesting in the Corporation the
entire right,  title and interest in and to the same, (ii) execute all documents
requested by the Corporation for filing and prosecuting  such  applications  for
patents,   trademarks  and/or  copyrights  as  the  Corporation,   in  its  sole
discretion,  may  desire  to  prosecute,  and  (iii)  give the  Corporation  all
assistance  it  reasonably  requires,  including  the giving of testimony in any
action,  suit or  proceeding,  in order to  obtain,  maintain  and  protect  the
Corporation's rights therein and thereto.

     11. The parties hereto acknowledge that Executive's services are unique and
that, in the event of a breach or a threatened breach by Executive of any of his
obligations  under this  Agreement,  the  Corporation  will not have an adequate
remedy at law. Accordingly, the event of any such breach or threatened breach by
Executive,  the  Corporation  shall be entitled to such equitable and injunctive
relief  as  may be  available  to  restrain  Executive  and  any  person,  firm,
corporation or entity participating in such breach or threatened breach from the
violation  of the  provisions  hereof.  Nothing  herein  shall be  construed  as
prohibiting the Corporation from pursuing any other remedies available at law or
in equity for such  breach or  threatened  breach,  including  the  recovery  of
damages and immediate termination of the employment of Executive hereunder.

     12.  In  the  event  that  Executive  is  incapacitated  or  disabled  from
performing his duties hereunder for a period of three consecutive  months or for
an aggregate of 90 days in any consecutive six month period, the Corporation may
terminate this Agreement and Executive's  employment hereunder.  In the event of
Executive's death while employed hereunder,  his employment shall terminate upon
the date of his death.  In either  such  event,  the  Corporation  shall have no
further  liability to Executive  hereunder except for compensation due Executive
in respect of the periods ending on or prior to the date of termination.

     13. In the event of  Executive's  death  during the term of his  employment
hereunder,  a death  benefit shall be paid to such person or persons as he shall
designate from time to time by written instrument  delivered to the Corporation.
Executive  initially  designates Cynthia LG Dupre as the recipient of such death
benefit.   Any   subsequent   designation   received   shall  revoke  all  prior
designations.  The death  benefit  shall be an amount  equal to  one-half of the
annual base salary being paid to Executive on the date of death, less the amount
of any life insurance  proceeds payable upon  Executive's  death under any group
life insurance policy or policies  maintained by the Corporation for the benefit
of employees of the  Corporation.  Any death benefit payable  hereunder shall be
paid in a single  lump sum  payment  not later  than 120 days after the death of
Executive.  In any such event,  the Corporation  shall also provide  Executive's
spouse and  children  for a period of six months  after the date of  Executive's
death, at the Corporation's  sole cost and expense,  medical,  major medical and
hospitalization insurance coverage identical or substantially equivalent to that
in effect at the date of Executive's death.

     14. In addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or in this
Agreement,  the  Corporation  may terminate  this  Agreement upon 10 days' prior
written notice to Executive in the event that Executive shall act,  whether with
respect to his employment or otherwise,  in a manner that is in violation of the
laws of the United  States of American or of any State or locality  thereof,  or
which, in the opinion of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, subjects the
Corporation to public opprobrium, disrespect, scandal or ridicule.

     15. This Agreement  constitutes the entire  agreement of the parties hereto
and no amendment or modification hereof shall be valid or binding unless made in
writing and signed by the party against whom enforcement thereof is sought.

     16. Any notice  required,  permitted or desired to be given pursuant to any
of the  provisions of this Agreement  shall be deemed to have been  sufficiently
given or served  for all  purposes  if  delivered  in  person or by  responsible
overnight carrier or sent by certified mail, return receipt  requested,  postage
and fees prepaid to the parties at their  addresses  set forth above.  Either of
the  parties  hereto may at any time and from time to time change the address to
which  notice  shall be sent  hereunder by notice to the other party given under
this Paragraph 16. The date of the giving of any notice by delivery in person or
by responsible  overnight carrier shall be the date of its receipt,  and by mail
shall be the date three days after the posting of the mail.

     17. Neither this Agreement nor the right to receive any payments  hereunder
may be assigned by Executive.  This Agreement  shall be binding upon  Executive,
his heirs, executors and administrators and upon the Corporation, its successors
and assigns.

     18. No course of dealing  nor any delay on the part of the  Corporation  in
exercising any rights herunder shall operate as a waiver of any such rights.  No
waiver of any default or breach of this  Agreement  shall be deemed a continuing
waiver or a waiver of any other breach or default.

     19.  This  Agreement  shall  be  governed,  interpreted  and  construed  in
accordance  with the  laws of the  State of New  York  expect  that  body of law
relating to choice of law.

     20. If any clause,  paragraph,  section or part of this Agreement  shall be
held or declared to be void, invalid or illegal, for any reason, by any court of
competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be ineffective but shall not in any
way  invalidate or affect any other clause,  paragraph,  section or part of this

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Agreement to be
duly executed as of this day and year first above written.

                      SIRCO INTERNATIONAL CORP.

                      BY: /s/Takeshi Yamaguci
                         Takeshi Yamaguchi
                         Executive Vice President

                         /s/ Joel Dupre
                         JOEL DUPRE