SIRCO INTERNATIONAL CORP.

                             1995 STOCK OPTION PLAN

1. Purpose of Plan

      The purpose of this Plan is to enable Sirco International Corp. to compete
successfully  in  attracting,   motivating  and  retaining  key  employees  with
outstanding  abilities by making it possible for them to purchase  shares of the
Company's  Common  Stock  on  terms  which  will  give  them a more  direct  and
continuing interest in the future success of the Company's business.

2. Definitions

      "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

      "Company" means Sirco International Corp., a New York corporation.

      "Directors"  means those persons duly elected and serving on the Board who
are not Employees.

      "Employees" means employees,  including officers,  regularly employed on a
salary basis by the Company or any Subsidiary.

      "Fair Market Value" means,  as of any day, the last sale price on such day
on the New York  Stock  Exchange,  or,  if the  Shares  are not then  listed  or
admitted  to trading  on the New York  Stock  Exchange,  on the  American  Stock
Exchange,  or, if the Shares are not then  listed or  admitted to trading on the
American Stock  Exchange,  on such other  principal stock exchange on which such
stock is then  listed or  admitted to trading or, if no sale takes place on such
day on any such  exchange,  the average of the  closing bid and asked  prices on
such day as officially  quoted on any such  exchange,  or, if the Shares are not
then listed or admitted to trading on any stock  exchange,  the market price for
each such  business  day shall be the last sale price on such day as reported in
the National  Association  of Securities  Dealers,  Inc.,  Automated  Quotations
System,  or if the Shares are not  reported on the  National  Market  List,  the
average of the closing reported bid and asked prices on such day in the over-the
counter market, as furnished by the National Quotation Bureau, Inc., or, if such
firm at the time is not engaged in the  business of reporting  such  prices,  as
furnished by any similar firm then engaged in such  business and selected by the
Company or, if there is no such firm, as furnished by any member of the National
Association  of Securities  Dealers,  Inc.,  selected by the Company,  or if the
Shares are not so reported, as determined by the Board of Directors.

      "Incentive Stock Option" means an option granted under this Plan which the
Board  intends,  at the time it is  granted,  to be an ISO within the meaning of
Section 422 of the Internal  Revenue Code; and any provisions  elsewhere in this
Plan or in any Incentive Stock Option which would prevent such option from being
an incentive stock option under such Section of the Internal Revenue Code may be
deleted or voided  retroactively to the date of grant of the option by action of
the Board.

      "Internal  Revenue  Code"  means the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as
amended from time to time.

      "Optionee"  means a person to whom an  option  and/or  Stock  Appreciation
Right has been  granted  under  this Plan  which has not  expired  or been fully
exercised or surrendered.

      "Shares"  means shares of Common Stock,  par value $.10 per share,  of the

      "Stock  Appreciation  Right" means the right of an Optionee,  which may be
granted to him at or subsequent to the date of grant as part of the terms of his
option, to receive a number of Shares or, at the election of the Board, cash, or
Shares and cash, based on the increase of the market value of the Shares subject
to his option, as more particularly set forth in paragraph (g) of Section 5.

      "Subsidiary"  means any corporation  that qualifies as a subsidiary of the
Company under the  definition of "subsidiary  corporation"  in Section 424(f) of
the Internal Revenue Code, or any similar provision hereinafter enacted.

3. Limits on Options

      (a) The total  number of Shares  with  respect to which  options and Stock
Appreciation  Rights  may be  granted  under  this Plan  shall not exceed in the
aggregate  200,000 Shares.  This number shall be  appropriately  adjusted if the
number of issued  Shares  shall be  increased or reduced by change in par value,
recapitalization,  combination,  split-up,  reclassification,  distribution of a
dividend  payable in stock, or the like after July 1, 1995. The number of Shares
previously  optioned or subject to Stock Appreciation Rights and not theretofore
delivered  and the  option  prices  therefor  shall  likewise  be  appropriately
adjusted  whenever the number of issued  Shares shall be increased or reduced by
any such procedure after the date or dates on which such Shares were optioned or
Stock Appreciation  Rights were granted with respect thereto.  Shares covered by
options which have expired or which have been surrendered or forfeited otherwise
than  pursuant to the first  paragraph  of  subsection  (g)(ii) of Section 5 may
again be optioned  under this Plan.  Shares  covered by options  which have been
surrendered  pursuant to the first paragraph of subsection  (g)(ii) of Section 5
in connection with the exercise of a tandem Stock Appreciation Right, whether or
not the Company  elects to settle all or part of its obligation in cash, may not
be optioned again under this Plan.  Shares received by the Company in payment of
all or a portion of the purchase price of Shares issued pursuant to the exercise
of any option granted hereunder may again be optioned under this Plan.

      (b) No Incentive Stock Option shall be granted to a Director.

      (c) No  Incentive  Stock  Option  shall be  granted  to any  Employee  who
immediately after such option is granted, owns capital stock of the Company or a
Subsidiary  possessing more than 10% of the total combined voting power or value
of all classes of capital stock of the Company or a Subsidiary unless the option
price at the time such Incentive Stock Option is granted is at least 110% of the
Fair Market Value of the Shares  subject to the Incentive  Stock Option and such
Incentive  Stock Option is not  exercisable by its terms after the expiration of
five years from the date of grant.

      (d) The aggregate  Fair Market Value of Shares  (determined as of the date
of grant) with respect to which  Incentive  Stock Options which are  exercisable
for the first  time by an  Optionee  during any  calendar  year shall not exceed

4. Granting Of Options

      The  Board is  authorized  to grant  options  (which  may be  nonqualified
options  or  Incentive   Stock  Options  as  the  Board   specifies)  and  Stock
Appreciation  Rights to selected  Employees  and is  authorized to grant options
(other than Incentive Stock Options) and Stock Appreciation  Rights to Directors
pursuant to this Plan beginning July 1, 1995 and in any calendar year thereafter
to July 1, 2005, but not thereafter.  The number of Shares,  if any, optioned in
each year or with respect to which Stock  Appreciation  Rights are granted,  the
Directors  or  Employees  to whom  options  and Stock  Appreciation  Rights  are
granted,  and the  number  of Shares  optioned  and  Stock  Appreciation  Rights
granted,  to each  Director  or  Employee  selected  shall be wholly  within the
discretion of the Board,  subject only to the limitations  prescribed in Section

5. Terms of Stock Options

      Subject to Section 3 hereof, the terms of stock options granted under this
Plan shall be as follows:

      (a) The option exercise price shall be fixed by the Board but, in the case
of  Incentive  Stock  Options,  shall in no event be less  than 100% of the Fair
Market  Value of the  Shares  subject  to the  option on the date the  option is

      (b) Options  shall not be  transferable  otherwise  than by will or by the
laws of descent and  distribution.  No option  shall be subject,  in whole or in
part, to attachment, execution or levy of any kind.

      (c) Each option  shall expire and all rights  thereunder  shall end at the
expiration  of such period  (which  shall not be more than ten years)  after the
date on which it was  granted  as shall be fixed by the  Board,  subject  in all
cases to earlier  expiration as provided in subsections (d), (e) and (g) of this
Section 5 in the event of termination  of  employment,  death or the exercise of
Stock Appreciation Rights granted in tandem with an option.

      (d) During the  lifetime of an optionee,  his option shall be  exercisable
only by him and only while continuously employed by the Company or a Subsidiary,
within three  months  after he ceases to be employed or if disabled  (within the
meaning of Section  22(e)(3)  of the Code),  within one year of such  disability
(but not later than the end of the period fixed by this Board in accordance with
the  provisions  of  subsection  (c) of this Section 5) if and to the extent the
option   was   exercisable   by  him  on  the  last  day  of  such   employment.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that an optionee shall be terminated
for cause, all rights as to any outstanding unexercised and unexpired options or
portions thereof shall immediately terminate.

      (e) If an Optionee dies within a period during which his option could have
been  exercised by him,  his option may be exercised  within 12 months after his
death (but not later than the end of the period fixed by the Board in accordance
with the  provisions  of  subsection  (c) of this  Section 5) by his  executors,
administrators,   legatees  or  distributees  under  the  laws  of  descent  and
distribution,  but only if and to the extent the option was  exercisable  by him
immediately prior to his death.

      (f) Subject to the  foregoing  terms and to such  additional  or different
terms  regarding the exercise of the options as the Board may fix at the time of
grant,  options  may be  exercised  in whole at one time or in part from time to

      (g) The Board may  include,  but shall not be  obligated to do so, a Stock
Appreciation  Right with any  option  (other  than an  Incentive  Stock  Option)
granted under this Plan. The terms of each such Stock  Appreciation  Right shall
be as follows:

                 (i) The Stock  Appreciation  Right shall be exercisable  during
           the period and to the  extent,  and only during the period and to the
           extent, the option is exercisable. The Stock Appreciation Right shall
           expire and all rights  thereunder shall end if not exercised upon the
           exercise of the option.

                 (ii) The Stock Appreciation Right may be granted in conjunction
           with and in addition to an option or may be granted in tandem with an
           option. If the Stock  Appreciation Right is granted in tandem with an
           option,  it shall  entitle the  Optionee to surrender to the Company,
           prior to its  exercise,  the option or any portion of the option with
           which the Stock  Appreciation  Right was included and to receive from
           the Company in  exchange  therefor  that  number of Shares,  the cash
           value thereof or a combination of cash and Shares having an aggregate
           market value in an amount equal to that determined by multiplying the
           excess of the Fair  Market  Value of one Share over the option  price
           per  Share  fixed by the Board  pursuant  to  subsection  (a) of this
           Section 5 by the number of Shares  subject to the option,  or portion
           thereof, which is to be delivered to the Company. Notwithstanding the
           provisions of the  immediately  preceding  sentence,  the Company may
           settle all or part of its obligation arising out of the exercise of a
           Stock  Appreciation  Right  by  the  payment  of  cash,  Shares  or a
           combination  thereof  to  the  Optionee  in an  amount  equal  to the
           aggregate  Fair  Market  Value of the  cash  and/or  Shares  it would
           otherwise have been obligated to so deliver.

                 If the Stock  Appreciation Right is granted in conjunction with
           and in addition to an option,  the Optionee shall, in addition to the
           exercise  of the  option,  be  entitled to receive an amount in cash,
           Shares or any  combination  thereof  calculated in the same manner as
           applicable  to a Stock  Appreciation  Right granted in tandem with an
           option.   In  such  event,   the  manner  of  payment  of  the  Stock
           Appreciation Right shall be within the sole discretion of the Board.

                 (iii) The Board may also  reserve  the right to  terminate  any
           Stock  Appreciation  Right at any time prior to its  exercise and may
           include  or reserve  the right to  include in any Stock  Appreciation
           Right terms in addition to, but not inconsistent with, the foregoing.

      (h) Unless  otherwise  provided  at the time of grant,  no option or Stock
Appreciation Right granted hereunder may be exercised prior to the expiration of
one year from the date of grant.

6. Reorganization of the Company

      In the event that the Company is  succeeded  by another  corporation  in a
reorganization,  merger,  consolidation,   acquisition  of  property  or  stock,
separation  or  liquidation,   the  successor   corporation   shall  assume  the
obligations  regarding the  outstanding  options and Stock  Appreciation  Rights
granted under this Plan or shall  substitute new options and Stock  Appreciation
Rights for them,  with only such  modification  in the case of  Incentive  Stock
Options by the  successor  corporation  as may be  necessary  to continue  their
status or the status of the  substituted  options as Incentive Stock Options for
purposes of the Internal Revenue Code.

7. Delivery and Payment for Shares

      No Shares  shall be  delivered  upon the  exercise of an option  until the
option price has been paid in full, and if required by the Board, no Shares will
be delivered upon the exercise of an option or a Stock  Appreciation Right until
the optionee has given the Company (a) a satisfactory  written statement that he
is  purchasing  the  shares  for  investment  and not with a view to the sale or
distribution of any of such Shares,  and (b) a written agreement not to sell any
Shares received upon the exercise of the option or the Stock  Appreciation Right
or any other  Shares of the Company that he may then own or  thereafter  acquire
except  either  (i)  through a broker  which is a member  of the New York  Stock
Exchange,  another national securities  exchange or the National  Association of
Securities  Dealers  or (ii) with the prior  written  approval  of the  Company.
Payment for Shares  received  pursuant to the  exercise of an option may be made
either in cash,  Shares,  or any  combination  thereof  at the  election  of the
Optionee.  If payment is made (either in whole or in part) in Shares,  the value
of the Shares  received  by the Company  shall be the Fair Market  Value of such
Shares as of the date received by the Company.

8. Continuation of Employment

      Neither  this Plan nor any  option  or Stock  Appreciation  Right  granted
hereunder  shall confer upon any Employee any right to continue in the employ of
the Company or any Subsidiary,  confer upon any member of the Board any right to
continue  on the Board or limit in any  respect  the right of the Company or any
Subsidiary  to terminate  the  employment  of any Employee or the service of any
member of the Board at any time.

9. Administration

      The  Board  may  make  such  rules  and  regulations  and  establish  such
procedures as it deems  appropriate  for the  administration  of this Plan.  The
Board may delegate responsibility for administration of this Plan to a committee
of the Board (the  "Committee")  meeting,  and acting in  accordance  with,  the
requirements  of  Rule  16b-3  promulgated  pursuant  to  Section  16(b)  of the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended  ("Rule  16b-3").  The Board or the
Committee  may  interpret  the Plan,  prescribe,  amend or rescind any rules and
regulations  necessary or appropriate  for the  administration  of the Plan, and
make such other  determinations and take such other action as it deems necessary
or  advisable,  except,  in the case of the  Committee,  as such  action  may be
otherwise  expressly  reserved in the Plan to the Board.  Without  limiting  the
generality of the foregoing,  the Committee may, in its sole  discretion,  treat
all or any portion of any period  during which an Optionee is on military  leave
or on an approved  leave of absence from the Company or a Subsidiary as a period
of employment of such  Optionee by the Company or such  Subsidiary,  as the case
may be, for the  purpose  of  accrual  of his  rights  under his option or Stock
Appreciations Rights. Any interpretation,  determination or other action made or
taken by the Board or the Committee shall be final, binding and conclusive,  and
the decision of the Board or the  Committee  shall be final and binding upon all
parties in interest, including the Company and its shareholders. Any decision or
determination  reduced to writing  and  signed by all  members of the  Committee
shall be fully as  effective  as if made by  unanimous  vote at a  meeting  duly
called and held.

      The Board or the Committee may employ such legal counsel,  consultants and
agents as it may deem desirable for the  administration of the Plan and may rely
upon  any  opinion  received  from  any  such  counsel  or  consultant  and  any
computation received from any such consultant or agent.

      No member  or former  member  of the  Committee  or of the Board  shall be
liable for any action or  determination  made in good faith with respect to this
Plan or any option or Stock  Appreciation Right awarded under it. To the maximum
extent  permitted  by  applicable  law,  each  member  or  former  member of the
Committee or of the Board shall be indemnified  and held harmless by the Company
against any cost or expense (including counsel fees) or liability (including any
sum paid in settlement of a claim with the approval of the Company)  arising out
of any action or omission to act in connection with this Plan unless arising out
of such member's or former member's own fraud or bad faith. Such indemnification
shall be in  addition  to any rights of  indemnification  the  members or former
members may have as directors or under the By-Laws of the Company.

10. Reservation of Shares

      Shares  delivered  upon the exercise of an option or a Stock  Appreciation
Right shall,  in the  discretion of the Board,  be either  Shares  heretofore or
hereafter  authorized and then unissued,  or previously issued Shares heretofore
or hereafter acquired through purchase in the open market or otherwise,  or some
of each. The Company shall be under no obligation to reserve or to retain in its
treasury any particular number of Shares at any time, and no particular  Shares,
whether  unissued  or held as  treasury  Shares,  shall be  identified  as those
optioned under this Plan.

11. Amendment of Plan

      The Board without further action by the  shareholders  may amend this Plan
from time to time as it deems desirable and shall make any amendments  which may
be required so that options  intended to be Incentive Stock Options shall at all
times  continue  to be  Incentive  Stock  Options for  purposes of the  Internal
Revenue Code;  provided that no such amendment shall increase the maximum number
of Shares for which  options may be granted,  reduce the minimum  option  price,
extend the option period with respect to any option or Stock Appreciation Right,
permit the  granting  of options  after  July 1, 2005,  increase  the amount the
holder of a Stock Appreciation  Right may receive upon its exercise,  permit the
granting  of  options  or Stock  Appreciation  Rights  to anyone  other  than as
provided in the Plan, or allow  administration of the Plan in a manner violative
of Rule  16b-3.  The Board may  include  in the  terms of any  option  otherwise
qualifying  as an incentive  stock option  (within the meaning of Section 422 of
the Code) a provision that it shall not be an Incentive Stock Option,  and, with
the consent of the  Optionee  and to the extent  permitted  by law,  may amend a
previously issued option to so provide.

12. Termination of the Plan

      The Board may, in its  discretion,  terminate  this Plan at any  terminate
prior to July 1, 2005, but such termination  shall not deprive  Optionees or the
holders of Stock  Appreciation  Rights of their  rights  under their  options or
Stock Appreciation Rights.

13. Effective Date

      This Plan shall become  effective on July 1, 1995,  and options  hereunder
may be granted at any time on or after  that date.  However,  no option or Stock
Appreciation  Right may be  exercised  unless this Plan is approved by a vote of
the holders of a majority of the outstanding  Shares represented at a meeting of
shareholders  of the Company held on or within twelve months after the effective

14. Compliance With Other Laws and Regulations.

      This Plan, the grant and exercise of options and Stock Appreciation Rights
thereunder,  and the  obligation of the Company to sell and deliver Shares under
such options and Stock  Appreciation  Rights shall be subject to all  applicable
federal and state  laws,  rules and  regulations  and to such  approvals  by any
government or regulatory agency as may be required.  If at any time the Board or
the Committee shall  determine in its discretion that the listing,  registration
or qualification of the Shares covered by this Plan upon any national securities
exchange  or under any  Federal or state law,  or the consent or approval of any
government  regulatory  body, is necessary or desirable as a condition of, or in
connection  with, the sale or purchase of Shares under this Plan, no Shares will
be delivered unless and until such listing, registration, qualification, consent
or approval  shall have been  affected or obtained,  or otherwise  provided for,
free of any conditions  not acceptable to the Board or the Committee.  If Shares
are not  required to be  registered,  upon  exercising  all or any portion of an
option or Stock  Appreciation  Right, the Company may require each Optionee as a
condition of such exercise,  to represent that the Shares are being acquired for
investment  only and not with a view to their  sale or  distribution,  and shall
make such other  representations  deemed  appropriate by counsel to the Company.
Stock certificates  evidencing  unregistered Shares acquired upon exercise of an
option or Stock  Appreciation Right shall bear any legend required by applicable
state securities laws and a restrictive legend substantially as follows:

                  "The  securities  represented  hereby have not been registered
                  under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Act"),  and
                  may not be transferred in the absence of such  registration or
                  an opinion  of counsel  acceptable  to the  Company  that such
                  transfer will not require registration under the Act."

15. Withholding.

      Where an optionee or other person is entitled to receive  Shares  pursuant
to the  exercise of an option,  the Company  shall have the right to require the
Optionee  or such  other  person to pay to the  Company  the amount of any taxes
which the Company may be required to withhold with respect to such Shares before
delivery  to such  Optionee or other  person of a  certificate  or  certificates
representing such Shares.

      Upon the  disposition  of Shares  acquired  pursuant to the exercise of an
Incentive Stock Option,  the Company shall have the right to require the payment
of the amount of any taxes which are required by law to be withheld with respect
to such disposition.

      Federal,  state  or  local  law  may  require  the  withholding  of  taxes
(including  income and social security taxes) applicable to gains resulting from
the exercise by an Optionee of an option other than an Incentive Stock Option (a
"Nonstatutory  Option") granted under the Plan.  Unless otherwise  prohibited by
the Stock  Option  Committee  or by  applicable  law,  an  Optionee  who holds a
Nonstatutory  Option may satisfy any such  withholding  tax obligation by any of
the following methods, or by a combination of such methods: (a) tendering a cash
payment;  (b)  authorizing  the  Company to withhold  from the Shares  otherwise
issuable  to such  Optionee  as a result of the  exercise  of such  Nonstatutory
Option  one or more of such  Shares  having  an  aggregate  Fair  Market  Value,
determined as of the date the  withholding tax obligation  arises,  less than or
equal to the amount of the total  withholding tax obligation;  or (c) delivering
to the Company  previously  acquired Shares (none of which Shares may be subject
to any claim, lien,  security interest,  community property right or other right
of spouses or present or former family members, pledge, option, voting agreement
or  other  restriction  or  encumbrance  of any  nature  whatsoever)  having  an
aggregate  Fair Market  Value,  determined  as of the date the  withholding  tax
obligation arises, less than or equal to the amount of the total withholding tax
obligation.  An Optionee's election to pay his or her withholding tax obligation
(in whole or in part) by the method  described in (b) above is irrevocable  once
it is made, may be disapproved by the Stock Option Committee and, if made by any
director,  officer  or other  person  who is  subject  to  Section  16(b) of the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  as amended,  must be made (x) only during the
period  beginning on the third business day following the date of release of the
Company's quarterly or annual summary statement of sales and earnings and ending
on the twelfth  business date following the date of such release or (y) not less
than six months prior to the date such  Optionee's  withholding  tax  obligation
arises in connection with the exercise of the Nonstatutory Option.

16. Name.

      This Plan  shall be known as the  "Sirco  International  Corp.  1995 Stock
Option Plan."