THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into as of the 8th day of July
1996,  by and among The Lehigh  Group Inc., a Delaware  corporation  ("Lehigh"),
Lehigh Management Corp., a Delaware corporation and a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Lehigh,  ("Newco") and DHB Capital Group Inc., a Delaware  corporation  ("DHB").
Unless the context indicates  otherwise,  all references herein to Lehigh or DHB
refer to Lehigh and DHB and their respective wholly owned subsidiaries.

                          W I T N E S S E T H    T H A T:

A.       Lehigh has  recently  organized  Newco for the purpose of merging  with

B.       Newco and DHB will  enter  into an  Agreement  of  Merger  (hereinafter
         called the  "Merger  Agreement")  in  substantially  the form  attached
         hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit A, which provides, among other
         things,  for the statutory  merger of Newco with DHB in accordance with
         the General Corporation Law of Delaware.

C.       It is intended that the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement
         shall  constitute  a merger  conforming  to the  provisions  of Section
         368(a)(2)(E) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

                  NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual covenants and
agreements and the benefits to be realized by each of the parties:

1.       The Merger

         (a)      Newco  has an  authorized  capital  stock,  consisting  of 100
                  shares of common  stock,  no par value,  the issued  shares of
                  which are owned by Lehigh.

         (b)      In accordance with the Merger  Agreement,  on the Closing Date
                  hereinafter  referred  to, Newco shall be merged with and into
                  DHB (the "Merger"). DHB shall be the surviving corporation. As
                  part of the Merger,  and in exchange for all of the issued and
                  outstanding shares of capital stock of DHB, Lehigh shall issue
                  shares of Lehigh common stock, par value $.001 per share, (the
                  "Shares")  in order to permit  the  Merger to be  effected  in
                  accordance with the terms of the Merger  Agreement.  The exact
                  number of Shares to be issued to the shareholders of DHB shall
                  be that number of  authorized  but  unissued  shares of Lehigh
                  that  would  equal  97% of the  total  number  of  issued  and
                  outstanding  shares of Lehigh upon  consummation of the Merger
                  contemplated hereby, after giving effect to such issuance.

         (c)      Lehigh  shall  issue and  deliver as and when  required by the
                  Merger  Agreement,  certificates  representing  the Shares for
                  which  the  shares  of  capital   stock  of  DHB   outstanding
                  immediately  prior to the  effective  time of the Merger shall
                  have been converted.

         (d)      Lehigh and DHB shall each submit this Agreement and the Merger
                  Agreement to its  shareholders for approval in accordance with
                  the Delaware General  Corporation Law, at an annual or special
                  meeting of the shareholders (the "Meeting") called and held on
                  a date to be fixed by their  respective Board of Directors and
                  shall use their best efforts to hold such meeting on or before
                  December 15, 1996, or as soon thereafter as practical.

         (e)      Lehigh and DHB shall each use their best efforts to obtain the
                  affirmative  vote of  shareholders  required  to  approve  the
                  Merger  Agreement and the transactions  contemplated  thereby,
                  and  will  recommend  to  their  respective  shareholders  the
                  approval of the Merger,  subject however,  in the case of each
                  company's Board of Directors,  to its fiduciary  obligation to
                  shareholders.  Lehigh  and DHB  shall  each  mail to all their
                  shareholders  entitled to vote at and  receive  notice of such
                  meeting,   the  material   required  in  accordance  with  the
                  Registration  Statement and Prospectus provisions specified in
                  paragraph 9 hereof.

         (f)      On or before the date of the  Meeting,  the Board of Directors
                  of Newco shall duly approve the Merger  Agreement  and Lehigh,
                  as sole  shareholder  of Newco,  shall duly approve the Merger
                  Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby.

         (g)      Following  the approval of the Merger by the  shareholders  of
                  Lehigh,  Newco  and DHB,  and  upon  execution  of the  Merger
                  Agreement  by the  officers  of Newco and DHB as  required  by
                  applicable  law,  a  Certificate  of  Merger   containing  the
                  information  required by the  applicable law shall be executed
                  by the appropriate officers of DHB and Newco.

2.       CLOSING

         (a)      The  closing  of  all  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby
                  (herein  called the  "Closing"  or the  "Closing  Date") shall
                  occur at a date and place mutually  agreed between the parties
                  and on a date within  fifteen (15)  business days after all of
                  the of the conditions described in paragraphs 15 and 16 hereof
                  have been  satisfied or, to the extent  permitted in paragraph
                  17(c)  hereof,  their  satisfaction  has been waived.  Lehigh,
                  Newco  and DHB will use  their  best  efforts  to  obtain  the
                  approvals specified in paragraph 8 hereof and any other of the
                  consents,  waivers,  or  approvals  necessary  or desirable to
                  accomplish the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and
                  the Merger Agreement.  All documents  required to be delivered
                  by each of the parties  hereto shall be duly  delivered to the
                  respective  recipient  thereof  at or  prior  to the  Closing.
                  Without the consent of DHB and Lehigh to extend such date, the
                  Closing Date shall be no later than December 15, 1996,  and if
                  it is delayed beyond said date, or extended date,  then either
                  party shall have the right to terminate  this  Agreement  upon
                  notice to that effect.

         (b)      At the Closing,  Lehigh,  Newco and DHB shall  jointly  direct
                  that the Certificate of Merger be duly filed,  and it shall be
                  in accordance  with such direction be filed, in the Offices of
                  the Secretary of State of Delaware so that the Merger shall be
                  effective on the Closing Date.

3.       LISTING

                  At a time  mutually  agreed  to by Lehigh  and DHB,  but in no
         event later than the date  following  the approval of  shareholders  of
         both Lehigh and DHB,  Lehigh agrees,  at its expense,  to apply for and
         use is best efforts to obtain additional listings on the New York Stock
         Exchange,  subject to notice of issuance, of the Shares to be delivered

         to DHB shareholders pursuant to the terms of the Merger Agreement.  DHB
         agrees  to render  assistance  to Lehigh  in  obtaining  such  listing,
         including  the  furnishing of such  financial  statements as Lehigh may
         reasonably request.


                  Lehigh and DHB acknowledge  that they have made or cause to be
         made  such  investigation  of the  properties  of  the  other  and  its
         subsidiaries  and of its  financial  and legal  condition  as the party
         making such  investigation  deems necessary or advisable to familiarize
         itself  with such  properties  and other  matters.  Lehigh and DHB each
         agree that if matters come to the  attention of either party  requiring
         additional  due  diligence,  each  agrees to  permit  the other and its
         authorized  agents  or  representatives  to  have,  after  the  date of
         execution  hereof,  full access to its premises and to all of its books
         and records at reasonable hours, and its subsidiaries and officers will
         furnish the party making such  investigation  with such  financial  and
         operating data and other  information  with respect to the business and
         properties  of it  and  its  subsidiaries  as  the  party  making  such
         investigation   shall  from  time  to  time  reasonably   request.   No
         investigation  by Lehigh or DHB shall  affect the  representations  and
         warranties of the other and each such representation and warranty shall
         survive any such  investigation.  Each party further agrees that in the
         event that the transactions contemplated by this Agreement shall not be
         consummated, it and its officers,  employees,  accountants,  attorneys,
         engineers,   authorized  agents  and  other  representatives  will  not
         disclose or make  available  to any other person or use for any purpose
         unrelated  to the  consummation  of  this  Agreement  any  information,
         whether  written  or oral,  with  respect  to the  other  party and its
         subsidiaries  or their  business  which it  obtained  pursuant  to this
         Agreement.  Such  information  shall  remain the  property of the party
         providing it and shall not be reproduced or copied  without the consent
         of such party. In the event that the transactions  contemplated by this
         Agreement shall not be consummated,  all such written information shall
         be returned to the party providing it.


                  Each  shareholder  of DHB who is, in the opinion of counsel to
         Lehigh,  deemed to be an  "affiliate" of DHB as such term is defined in
         the rules and  regulations of the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission
         under the  Securities Act of 1933, as amended  (hereinafter  called the
         "1933  Act"),  is listed on Schedule 5 attached  hereto and made a part
         hereof,  and will be  informed  by DHB that:  (i) absent an  applicable
         exemption  under  the 1933  Act,  the  Shares  to be  received  by such
         "affiliate" and owned  beneficially on consummation of the transactions
         contemplated  hereunder may be offered and sold by him only pursuant to
         an effective  registration  statement under the 1933 Act or pursuant to
         the provisions of paragraph (d) of Rule 145 promulgated  under the 1933
         Act;  (ii) Rule 145  restricts  the  amount  and  method of  subsequent
         dispositions by such  "affiliate" of such Shares and (iii) a continuity
         of  interests  by the  "affiliate"  must be  maintained.  Prior  to the
         Closing Date,  DHB agrees to obtain from each  "affiliate" an agreement
         to the effect that such  affiliate  will not publicly  sell any of such
         Shares unless a registration  statement under the 1933 Act with respect
         thereto is then in effect, or such disposition  complies with paragraph
         (d) of Rule 145 promulgated under the 1933 Act, or counsel satisfactory
         to Lehigh  has  delivered  a  written  opinion  to  Lehigh  and to such

         "affiliate"  that  registration  under the 1933 Act is not  required in
         connection with such disposition.


                  Lehigh will take such steps as may be necessary to comply with
         any state  securities  or  so-called  Blue Sky laws  applicable  to the
         action to be taken in  connection  with the Merger and the  delivery by
         Lehigh to DHB shareholders of the Shares pursuant to this agreement and
         the  Merger  Agreement.   Costs  and  expenses  of  any  such  Blue-Sky
         qualifications shall be borne by Lehigh.


                  From the date  hereof,  to and  including  the  Closing  Date,
         except as may be first  approved by the other Party or as is  otherwise
         permitted or contemplated by this Agreement or the Merger Agreement:

                  (i) Lehigh and DHB shall each conduct  their  business only in
         the usual and ordinary course;

                  (ii)  neither  Lehigh  or DHB  shall  make any  change  in its
         authorized  capitalization,  unless  such  change  will not  dilute the
         percentage  ownership of the  shareholders  of the other as further set
         forth  in  Exhibit  1  annexed  hereto  and  made  a  part  hereof,  as
         constituted  in  Lehigh  immediately  after the  Effective  Date of the

                  (iii)  Except  as set  forth  on their  respective  Disclosure
         Statements to be delivered to each other  pursuant to paragraphs  12(b)
         and 13(b) herein, neither Lehigh or DHB shall authorize for issuance or
         issue or enter any agreement or  commitment  for the issuance of shares
         of capital stock;

                  (iv) neither Lehigh or DHB shall create or grant any rights or
         elections to purchase stock under any employee  stock bonus,  thrift or
         purchase plan or otherwise;

                  (v)  neither  Lehigh  or DHB shall  amend  their  Articles  of
         Incorporation  or Bylaws unless  deemed to be  reasonably  necessary to
         consummate the  transaction  contemplated  herein and upon prior notice
         thereof to each other.

                  (vi)  Neither  Lehigh or DHB shall  make any  modification  in
         their employee  benefit programs or in their present policies in regard
         to the payment of salaries or  compensation  to their  personnel and no
         increase shall be made in the compensation of their  personnel,  except
         in the ordinary course of business.

                  (vii)   Neither   Lehigh  or  DHB  shall  make  any  contract,
         commitment,  sale or purchase of assets,  except in the ordinary course
         of business.

                  (viii)  Lehigh  and DHB will  use all  reasonable  and  proper
         efforts to preserve their respective business  organization  intact, to
         keep available the services of their present  employees and to maintain
         satisfactory  relationships  with  suppliers,   customers,   regulatory
         agencies, and others having business relations with it;

                  (ix) Neither  Lehigh or DHB shall create or implement a profit
         sharing plan; and,

                  (x)  Except  as  set  forth  on  their  respective  Disclosure
         Statements to be delivered to each other  pursuant to paragraphs  12(b)
         and 13(b)  herein,  the Board of  Directors  of Lehigh and DHB will not
         declare any dividends on, or otherwise make any distribution in respect
         of, their  outstanding  shares of capital stock unless such dividend or
         distribution   will  not  dilute  the   percentage   ownership  of  the
         shareholders  of the other,  as further  set forth in Exhibit 1 annexed
         hereto and made a part hereof.


                  DHB and Lehigh will use all  reasonable  and proper efforts to
         obtain,   where   required,   the  approval  and  consent  (i)  of  any
         governmental  authorities  having  jurisdiction  over the  transactions
         contemplated  in this Agreement and the Merger  Agreement,  and (ii) of
         such other  persons  whose  consent  is  required  to the  transactions
         contemplated by this Agreement and the Merger Agreement.


         (a)      DHB  and  Lehigh  agree  that  they  shall  cooperate  in  the
                  preparation of and the filing with the Securities and Exchange
                  Commission, by DHB and Lehigh of a proxy  statement/prospectus
                  (the "Proxy  Statement")  in  accordance  with the  Securities
                  Exchange Act of 1934 (the "1934 Act") and the applicable rules
                  and regulations thereunder, to be included in the registration
                  statement of Lehigh referred to below and (ii) the filing with
                  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,  by  Lehigh,  of a
                  registration  statement  on form S-4 or such other Form as may
                  be appropriate (the "Registration  Statement"),  including the
                  DHB Proxy Statement and Lehigh Proxy Statement,  in accordance
                  with the 1933 Act and the  applicable  rules  and  regulations
                  thereunder  covering the Shares to be issued  pursuant to this
                  Agreement.  Lehigh and DHB thereafter shall use all reasonable
                  efforts  to  cause  the   Registration   Statement  to  become
                  effective under the 1933 Act at the earliest practicable date,
                  and shall take such  actions  as may  reasonably  be  required
                  under   applicable   state   securities  laws  to  permit  the
                  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement.  Lehigh  shall
                  advise DHB promptly when the Registration Statement has become
                  effective,  and DHB and  Lehigh  shall  thereupon  each send a
                  Proxy Statement to their respective  shareholders for purposes
                  of the  Meeting  contemplated  by this  Agreement.  The  Proxy
                  Statements shall be mailed not less than 20 days prior to such
                  meetings  to all  shareholders  of record at their  address of
                  record on the transfer  records of DHB and Lehigh.  Each party
                  shall  bear  their  respective  out of  pocket  expenses,  and
                  expenses   related  to  preparing   their   respective   Proxy
                  Statement,   soliciting  proxies,   and  preparing  documents,
                  financial statements,  schedules, exhibits, and like materials
                  for inclusion in the Registration  Statement.  Lehigh shall be
                  responsible  for  the  expenses  of  filing  the  Registration

         (b)      Subject to the conditions  set forth below,  the parties agree
                  to indemnify and hold harmless  each other,  their  respective
                  officers,  directors,  partners, employees, agents and counsel
                  against  any and  all  loss,  liability,  claim,  damage,  and
                  expense  whatsoever (which shall include,  for all purposes of
                  this Section 9, but not be limited to, attorneys' fees and any
                  and  all  expense   whatsoever   incurred  in   investigating,
                  preparing,  or defending against any litigation,  commenced or
                  threatened,  or any claim  whatsoever  and any and all amounts
                  paid in  settlement  of any claim or  litigation)  as and when
                  incurred arising out of, based upon, or in connection with (i)
                  any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material
                  fact made by the party against whom  indemnification is sought
                  and  contained  (1) in  any  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement,  the
                  Registration  Statement,  or Proxy  Statement (as from time to
                  time amended and  supplemented) or any amendment or supplement
                  thereto;  or (2) in  any  application  or  other  document  or
                  communication  (in  this  Section  9  collectively  called  an
                  "application")  executed  by or on behalf  of either  party or
                  based upon written  information  filed in any  jurisdiction in
                  order to qualify the Shares under the "Blue Sky" or securities
                  laws  thereof  or  filed  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange
                  Commission  or any  securities  exchange;  or any  omission or
                  alleged  omission  to state a  material  fact  required  to be
                  stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not
                  misleading;  unless such  statement  or  omission  was made in
                  reliance  upon  and in  conformity  with  written  information
                  furnished  to the  indemnifying  party from the party  seeking
                  indemnification     expressly    for    inclusion    in    any
                  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement,  the Registration  Statement,  or
                  Proxy Statement, or any amendment or supplement thereto, or in
                  any  application,  as the case may be,  or (ii) any  breach of
                  representation,  warranty, covenant, or agreement contained in
                  this Agreement.  The foregoing statement to indemnify shall be
                  in addition to any liability  each party may  otherwise  have,
                  including  liabilities  arising under this  Agreement.  If any
                  action is brought against either party or any of its officers,
                  directors,   partners,   employees,  agents,  or  counsel  (an
                  "indemnified  party")  in respect  of which  indemnity  may be
                  sought pursuant to the foregoing  paragraph,  such indemnified
                  party or parties  shall  promptly  notify the other party (the
                  "indemnifying  party") in writing of the  institution  of such
                  action  [but the  failure to so notify  shall not  relieve the
                  indemnifying  party from any  liability it may have other than
                  pursuant to this Paragraph  9(b)] and the  indemnifying  party
                  shall  promptly  assume the defense of such action,  including
                  the   employment   of  counsel   and   payment   of   expenses
                  (satisfactory  to such  indemnified  party or  parties).  Such
                  indemnified  party or  parties  shall have the right to employ
                  its or their own  counsel in any such  case,  but the fees and
                  expenses  of such  counsel  shall  be at the  expense  of such
                  indemnified  party or parties  unless the  employment  of such
                  counsel   shall  have  been   authorized  in  writing  by  the
                  indemnifying  party in  connection  with the  defense  of such
                  action  or the  indemnifying  party  shall  not have  promptly
                  employed  counsel  satisfactory to such  indemnified  party or
                  parties to have  charge of the  defense of such action or such
                  indemnified  party or parties shall have reasonably  concluded
                  that there may be one or more legal  defenses  available to it

                  or them or to other  indemnified  parties  which are different
                  from or  additional  to those  available to the other party in
                  any of which events such fees and  expenses  shall be borne by
                  the indemnifying  party and the  indemnifying  party shall not
                  have the right to direct the  defense of such action on behalf
                  of  the  indemnified  party  or  parties.   Anything  in  this
                  paragraph to the contrary  notwithstanding,  the  indemnifying
                  party shall not be liable for any settlement of any such claim
                  or action effected without its written consent.


                  DHB and Lehigh shall fully  cooperate with each other and with
         their  respective  counsel and accountants in connection with any steps
         required to be taken as part of their obligations under this Agreement,
         including the preparation of financial  statements and the supplying of
         information  in connection  with the  preparation  of the  Registration
         Statement and the Proxy Statement.


         (a)      If deemed  necessary or  desirable by DHB and Lehigh,  DHB and
                  Lehigh  will use their best  efforts to obtain as  promptly as
                  possible  rulings  from the  United  States  Internal  Revenue
                  Service (IRS),  satisfactory to their respective  counsel,  to
                  the effect  that for  Federal  income tax  purposes no gain or
                  loss will be  recognized to the holders of DHB shares upon the
                  receipt  of  Shares  in  exchange  for  their  DHB  shares  in
                  accordance  with the provisions of this  Agreement,  and as to
                  other matters  incident to the  transactions  contemplated  by
                  this  Agreement as such counsel may deem  appropriate.  Lehigh
                  and  DHB  agree  not to  take  action  inconsistent  with  the
                  representations  made by them in such  ruling  request if such
                  action  would  result  in  the  inapplicability  of any of the
                  rulings given by the Internal  Revenue  Service.  In lieu of a
                  ruling from the Internal  Revenue,  DHB may request an opinion
                  of counsel to DHB, to the foregoing effect which opinion shall
                  be a condition to both parties  obligations  to consummate the
                  Merger.  All  expenses  relating  to said ruling or opinion of
                  counsel shall be DHB's responsibility.


         Lehigh represents, warrants and agrees that:

         (a)      Lehigh is a corporation  duly organized,  validly existing and
                  in good  standing  under the laws of the State of Delaware and
                  it subsidiaries  are duly organized,  validly  existing and in
                  good standing under the laws of the  jurisdiction  pursuant to
                  which they were incorporated. Lehigh and its subsidiaries have
                  the corporate power and any necessary  governmental  authority
                  to own or lease  their  properties  now owned or leased and to
                  carry on their business as now being conducted. Lehigh and its
                  subsidiaries  are duly  qualified  to do business  and in good
                  standing  in every  jurisdiction  in which the nature of their
                  business  or the  character  of their  properties  makes  such
                  qualification necessary.

         (b)      As of March 31,  1996,  the  capitalization  of Lehigh and its
                  subsidiaries  is as set  forth  in  financial  statements  and
                  filings  furnished  to DHB.  The  outstanding  capital  stock,
                  including  warrants  of Lehigh and its  subsidiaries  has been
                  duly   authorized   and   issued   and  is   fully   paid  and
                  nonassessable.  Lehigh and its subsidiaries have no commitment
                  to issue,  nor will they  issue,  any shares of their  capital
                  stock or any  securities or  obligations  convertible  into or
                  exchangeable for, or give any person any right to acquire from
                  Lehigh  or  its  subsidiaries  any  shares  of  Lehigh  or  it
                  subsidiaries capital stock, except for those shares identified
                  in the  Disclosure  Schedule to be  delivered by Lehigh to DHB
                  ("Disclosure  Schedule").  Lehigh  owns all of the  issued and
                  outstanding capital stock of Newco.

         (c)      The  Shares  which are to be issued and  delivered  to the DHB
                  shareholders  pursuant to the terms of this  Agreement and the
                  Merger  Agreement,  when  so  issued  and  delivered,  will be
                  validly  authorized  and  issued  and will be  fully  paid and
                  nonassessable. Lehigh shall have applied for and used its best
                  efforts to obtain approval for listing all such Shares subject
                  to notice of issuance on the New York Stock  Exchange prior to
                  the Effective  Date of Merger and no  stockholder of Lehigh or
                  other  person  will  have any  preemptive  rights  in  respect

         (d)      Lehigh has  furnished  DHB with copies of its Annual Report on
                  Form 10-K filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission
                  for  the  year  ended   December   31,  1995  which   contains
                  consolidated  balance sheets of Lehigh and  subsidiaries as of
                  December  31,  1995  and  1994  and the  related  consolidated
                  statements of operations,  shareholders  equity  (deficit) and
                  cash  flows for each of the three  years in the  period  ended
                  December 31, 1995 audited by BDO Seidman, LLP. Lehigh has also
                  furnished DHB with unaudited financial  statements as of March
                  31,  1996 as set  forth in its  Form  10- Q as filed  with the
                  Securities and Exchange Commission. All of the above financial
                  statements present fairly the consolidated  financial position
                  of Lehigh and its subsidiaries at the periods  indicated,  and
                  the consolidated  results of operations and cash flows for the
                  periods then ended. The interim financial statements have been
                  prepared in  conformity  with  generally  accepted  accounting
                  principles  applied on a consistent  basis, and in the opinion
                  of  Lehigh  include  all  adjustments  (consisting  of  normal
                  recurring  accruals) necessary for a fair presentation of such
                  interim  period.  Since  March  31,  1996  there  has  been no
                  material adverse change in the assets or liabilities or in the
                  business or condition,  financial or  otherwise,  of Lehigh or
                  its  consolidated  subsidiaries,  and no change  except in the
                  ordinary  course  of  business  or  as  contemplated  by  this

         (e)      Neither Lehigh nor any of its  subsidiaries is engaged in or a
                  party to, or to the knowledge of Lehigh,  threatened  with any
                  material legal action or other proceeding  before any court or
                  administrative  agency  except as set forth on the  Disclosure
                  Schedule.  Neither Lehigh nor any of its subsidiaries,  to the
                  knowledge  of  Lehigh,  has  been  charged  with,  or is under
                  investigation  with  respect  to,  any charge  concerning  any

                  presently  pending  material  violation  of any  provision  of
                  Federal,  state,  or other  applicable  law or  administrative
                  regulations in respect to its business  except as set forth on
                  said Disclosure Statement.

         (f)      The  information  to be  furnished  by  Lehigh  for use in the
                  material  mailed to stockholders of DHB in connection with the
                  Meetings  will  in  all  material  respects  comply  with  the
                  applicable  requirement  of the 1933 Act and the 1934 Act, and
                  the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

         (g)      Lehigh and Newco have the  corporate  power to enter into this
                  Agreement,  the execution and delivery and performance of this
                  Agreement have been duly authorized by all requisite corporate
                  action,  and this Agreement  constitutes the valid and binding
                  obligations of Lehigh and Newco.

         (h)      The  execution   and  carrying  out  of  this   Agreement  and
                  compliance with the terms and provisions  hereof by Lehigh and
                  Newco will not conflict with or result in any breach of any of
                  the terms,  conditions,  or  provisions  of, or  constitute  a
                  default under, or result in the creation of, any lien, charge,
                  or encumbrance upon any of the properties or assets of Lehigh,
                  Newco  or  any  of  its  other  subsidiaries  pursuant  to any
                  corporate charter, indenture,  mortgage, agreement (other than
                  that which is created  by virtue of this  Agreement)  or other
                  instrument  to which  Lehigh or any of its  subsidiaries  is a
                  party or by which  it or any of its  subsidiaries  if bound or

         (i)      This  Agreement,   the  Disclosure  Schedule,   documents  and
                  financial  statements  furnished hereunder on behalf of Lehigh
                  do not contain and will not contain any untrue  statement of a
                  material fact nor omit to state a material  fact  necessary to
                  be stated in order to make the statements contained herein and
                  therein not  misleading;  and there is no fact known to Lehigh
                  which  materially  adversely  affects  or in the  future  will
                  materially adversely affect the business  operations,  affairs
                  or  condition of Lehigh or any of its  subsidiaries  or any of
                  its or their properties or assets which has not been set forth
                  in this Agreement the Disclosure  Schedule or other  documents
                  and material furnished hereunder.

         (j)      There are no  agreements or contracts  between  Lehigh and its
                  subsidiaries with any other third party that require approvals
                  or  consents  that could delay or prevent the Merger of Lehigh
                  and Newco and the other transactions contemplated thereby.

         (k)      Neither  Lehigh  nor  any of its  subsidiaries  use or  handle
                  potentially   hazardous   materials   and  have  not  received
                  notification  of,  and are not aware of,  any past or  present
                  event,  condition or activity of or relating to the  business,
                  properties   or   assets   of  Lehigh   which   violates   any
                  Environmental or Occupational Safety Law.


         DHB represents, warrants and agrees that:

         (a)      DHB is a corporation  duly organized,  validly existing and in
                  good standing  under the laws of the State of Delaware and its
                  subsidiaries are duly organized,  validly existing and in good
                  standing under the laws of the jurisdiction  pursuant to which
                  they  were  incorporated.  DHB and its  subsidiaries  have the
                  corporate  power and any necessary  governmental  authority to
                  own or lease their properties now owned or leased and to carry
                  on  their  business  as  now  being  conducted.  DHB  and  its
                  subsidiaries  are duly  qualified  to do business  and in good
                  standing  in every  jurisdiction  in which the nature of their
                  business  or the  character  of their  properties  makes  such
                  qualification necessary.

         (b)      As of  March  31,  1996,  the  capitalization  of DHB  and its
                  subsidiaries  is as set  forth  in  financial  statements  and
                  filings furnished to Lehigh. The outstanding capital stock, of
                  DHB and its  subsidiaries  has been duly authorized and issued
                  and is fully paid and nonassessable.  DHB and its subsidiaries
                  have no commitment to issue,  nor will they issue,  any shares
                  of  their  capital  stock  or any  securities  or  obligations
                  convertible  into or exchangeable  for, or give any person any
                  right to acquire  from DHB or its  subsidiaries  any shares of
                  DHB or it subsidiaries  capital stock, except for those shares
                  identified in the  Disclosure  Schedule to be delivered by DHB
                  to Lehigh ("DHB Disclosure Schedule").

         (c)      DHB has furnished  Lehigh with copies of its Annual Reports on
                  Form 10-KSB filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission
                  for the year ended  December 31, 1995 and 1994 which  contains
                  consolidated  balance  sheets  of DHB and  subsidiaries  as of
                  December  31,  1995  and  1994  and the  related  consolidated
                  statements of operations shareholder equity (deficit) and cash
                  flows for each of the three years in the period ended December
                  31, 1995 audited by Capraro  Centofranchi  Kramer & Co.,  P.C.
                  DHB  has  also  furnished  Lehigh  with  unaudited   financial
                  statements  as of  March  31,  1996 as set  forth  in its Form
                  10-QSB as filed with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission.
                  All of the  above  financial  statements  present  fairly  the
                  consolidated financial position of DHB and its subsidiaries at
                  the  periods  indicated,   and  the  consolidated  results  of
                  operations  and cash flows for the  periods  then  ended.  The
                  interim financial  statements have been prepared in conformity
                  with generally  accepted  accounting  principles  applied on a
                  consistent  basis,  and in the  opinion  of  DHB  include  all
                  adjustments   (consisting   of  normal   recurring   accruals)
                  necessary  for a fair  presentation  of such  interim  period.
                  Since March 31, 1996 there has been no material adverse change
                  in the assets or  liabilities or in the business or condition,
                  financial   or   otherwise,   of  DHB   or  its   consolidated
                  subsidiaries,  and no change except in the ordinary  course of
                  business or as contemplated by this Agreement.

         (d)      Neither  DHB nor any of its  subsidiaries  is  engaged in or a
                  party  to, or to the  knowledge  of DHB,  threatened  with any
                  material legal action or other proceeding  before any court or

                  administrative   agency   except  as  set  forth  in  the  DHB
                  Disclosure Schedule to be furnished to Lehigh. Neither DHB nor
                  any of its  subsidiaries,  to the  knowledge  of DHB, has been
                  charged with, or is under  investigation  with respect to, any
                  charge concerning any presently pending material  violation of
                  any provision of Federal,  state,  or other  applicable law or
                  administrative  regulations in respect to its business  except
                  as set forth on said DHB Disclosure Statement.

         (e)      The information to be furnished by DHB for use in the material
                  mailed to  stockholders of DHB in connection with the Meetings
                  will in all  material  respects  comply  with  the  applicable
                  requirement  of the 1933 Act and the 1934  Act,  and the rules
                  and regulations promulgated thereunder.

         (f)      DHB has the corporate power to enter into this Agreement,  the
                  execution and delivery and  performance of this Agreement have
                  been duly authorized by all requisite  corporate  action,  and
                  this Agreement  constitutes the valid and binding  obligations
                  of DHB.

         (g)      The  execution   and  carrying  out  of  this   Agreement  and
                  compliance  with the terms and  provisions  hereof by DHB will
                  not conflict with or result in any breach of any of the terms,
                  conditions,  or provisions  of, or constitute a default under,
                  or result in the creation of, any lien, charge, or encumbrance
                  upon  any of the  properties  or  assets  of DHB or any of its
                  other   subsidiaries   pursuant  to  any  corporate   charter,
                  indenture,  mortgage,  agreement  (other  than  that  which is
                  created by virtue of this  Agreement)  or other  instrument to
                  which Lehigh or any of its subsidiaries is a party or by which
                  it or any of its subsidiaries if bound or affected.

         (h)      This  Agreement,  the DHB Disclosure  Schedule,  documents and
                  financial  statements  furnished hereunder on behalf of DHB do
                  not contain and will not  contain  any untrue  statement  of a
                  material fact nor omit to state a material  fact  necessary to
                  be stated in order to make the statements contained herein and
                  therein not  misleading;  and there is no fact known to Lehigh
                  which  materially  adversely  affects  or in the  future  will
                  materially adversely affect the business  operations,  affairs
                  or condition of DHB or any of its  subsidiaries  or any of its
                  or their  properties or assets which has not been set forth in
                  this Agreement the DHB Disclosure  Schedule or other documents
                  and material furnished hereunder.

         (i)      There  are no  agreements  or  contracts  between  DHB and its
                  subsidiaries with any other third party that require approvals
                  or consents  that could delay or prevent the Merger of DHB and
                  Newco and the other transactions contemplated thereby.

         (j)      Neither  Lehigh  nor  any of its  subsidiaries  use or  handle
                  potentially   hazardous   materials   and  have  not  received
                  notification  of,  and are not aware of,  any past or  present
                  event,  condition or activity of or relating to the  business,
                  properties   or   assets   of  Lehigh   which   violates   any
                  Environmental or Occupational Safety Law.


                  The  representations  and  warranties  made  herein by DHB and
         Lehigh shall survive this  Agreement for a period of two years from the
         closing date and shall not expire with, nor be terminated by the Merger
         of Newco into DHB.


                  The  obligations  of  Lehigh  hereunder  are  subject  to  the
         satisfaction on or before the Closing Date of the following conditions:

         (a)      This Agreement and the transactions  contemplated hereby shall
                  have  been   approved  by  the  vote  of  a  majority  of  the
                  outstanding shares of common stock of Lehigh and DHB.

         (b)      Each  "affiliate"  of DHB  will  have  properly  executed  and
                  delivered  the  Affiliate's  Agreement  described in paragraph
                  five hereof.

         (c)      DHB shall have furnished  Lehigh with (i) certified  copies of
                  resolutions  duly adopted by the holders of a majority or more
                  of the  issued  and  outstanding  shares of DHB  common  stock
                  entitled to vote,  evidencing  approval of this  Agreement and
                  the Merger Agreement and the transactions  contemplated hereby
                  and thereby; (ii) certified copies of resolutions duly adopted
                  by the Board of Directors of DHB  approving  the execution and
                  delivery  of this  Agreement  and  the  Merger  Agreement  and
                  authorizing  all  necessary  or proper  corporate  action,  to
                  enable DHB to comply with the terms hereof and thereof;  (iii)
                  an opinion  dated the  closing  date of counsel for DHB in the
                  form and substance  satisfactory to DHB and its counsel to the
                  effect that:

                  (1)      DHB and  each of its  subsidiaries  are  corporations
                           duly  organized  and  validly  existing  and in  good
                           standing   under   the   laws   of   its   respective
                           jurisdiction of incorporation, and to the best of the
                           knowledge  of such  counsel  based  on  inquiries  of
                           responsible  officers of DHB, is duly qualified to do
                           business   and  is  in   good   standing   in   every
                           jurisdiction in which the nature of their business or
                           the   character  of  their   properties   makes  such
                           qualification necessary,  except where the failure to
                           be so  qualified  will  not have a  material  adverse
                           effect on DHB's  business or  consolidated  financial
                           condition,  and has all corporate and other power and
                           authority,  including all  governmental  licenses and
                           authorizations,  necessary to own its  properties and
                           to carry on the  business as  described  in the proxy
                           Statement  of DHB  made a  part  of the  Registration

                  (2)      this  Agreement  and the Merger  Agreement  each have
                           been duly authorized and executed by proper corporate
                           action  of DHB and each  constitutes  the  valid  and
                           legally binding  obligation of DHB in accordance with
                           its terms;

                  (3)      no provision of the Articles of  Incorporation or the
                           By-laws  of  DHB  or of any  contract  (except  those
                           pursuant  to which  waivers  or  consents  have  been
                           obtained)  known to such  counsel  to which  DHB is a
                           party,  or any law,  rule or  regulation  prevents it
                           from  carrying  out  the  transactions   contemplated

                  (4)      there is no material  action or  proceeding  known to
                           such  counsel,  pending  or  threatened  against  DHB
                           before  a  court  or  other   governmental   body  or
                           instituted or  threatened by any public  authority or
                           by the holders of any  securities of DHB,  other than
                           as  specifically  set  forth  in the  DHB  Disclosure

                  (5)      DHB has  adequate  title,  subject  only to liens and
                           other matters set forth on the  financial  statements
                           furnished  to  Lehigh  pursuant  to  paragraph  13(c)
                           hereof, to all its real estate properties, except for
                           any  lien  of  taxes  not  yet  delinquent  or  being
                           contested  in good faith by  appropriate  proceedings
                           and easements and restrictions of record which do not
                           materially  adversely  affect the use of the property
                           by DHB, and except for minor defects in titles,  none
                           of  which,   based  upon  information   furnished  by
                           officers of DHB,  does or will  materially  adversely
                           affect   DHB's   use  of  such   properties   or  its
                           operations,  and to which the  rights of DHB  therein
                           have not been  questioned.  In giving  such  opinion,
                           counsel  may  rely  upon  title  policies  previously
                           issued to DHB or updated  certificates  furnished  by
                           title insurance companies.

                  (6)      to the best  knowledge of such counsel and based upon
                           inquiries  of  responsible  officers  of DHB and upon
                           searches of Uniform  Commercial  Code  filings in the
                           offices of the appropriate  Secretary of State, there
                           are no liens  against  properties  of DHB  (excluding
                           real  estate)  except  as to be  disclosed  by DHB to
                           Lehigh in the DHB Disclosure  Schedule.  In rendering
                           this   opinion   with  resect  to  the  laws  of  any
                           jurisdiction  other than  Delaware,  DHB  counsel may
                           rely on the opinion of other counsel  retained by DHB
                           provided that said opinion shall state that Lehigh is
                           justified  in relying on the  opinion or  opinions of
                           such other counsel.

         (d)      The  representations  and  warranties of DHB contained in this
                  Agreement  shall be true in all material  respect on and as of
                  the  Closing   Date  with  the  same  effect  as  though  such
                  representations and warranties had been made on and as of such
                  date,  except for changes permitted by this Agreement or those
                  incurred in the ordinary course of business and DHB shall have
                  received  from DHB at the  Closing  a  certificate  dated  the
                  Closing Date of the Chairman, President or a Vice President of
                  DHB to that effect.

         (e)      Each  and  all  of  the  respective  agreements  of  DHB to be
                  performed on or before the Closing Date  pursuant to the terms
                  hereof shall in all material respects have been duly performed
                  and DHB shall have  delivered to DHB a  certificate  dated the
                  Closing Date, of the Chairman,  President or a Vice  President
                  of DHB to that effect.

         (f)      Rulings and other  actions,  if desirable or required,  to the
                  effect  described  in  paragraph  11 hereof,  satisfactory  to
                  counsel for DHB and Lehigh,  shall have been obtained or filed
                  and the conditions of such rulings or other actions which must
                  be complied  with on or prior to the  Closing  Date shall have
                  been complied with.

         (g)      The completion of DHB's Proxy Statement and the  effectiveness
                  of Lehigh's Registration on Form S- 4, as each may be amended.

         (h)      The approval of this Agreement and the Merger Agreement by the
                  DHB Board of Directors.

         (i)      The absence of any material contingent  liabilities of DHB not
                  previously disclosed to Lehigh.

         (j)      The nonexistence of any agreement or contract that could delay
                  or prevent the completion of the transactions  contemplated by
                  this Agreement.


                  The   obligations   of  DHB   hereunder  are  subject  to  the
         satisfaction on or before the Closing Date of the following conditions:

         (a)      This Agreement and the transactions  contemplated hereby shall
                  have  been   approved  by  the  vote  of  a  majority  of  the
                  outstanding shares of common stock of Lehigh and DHB.

         (b)      Lehigh shall have  furnished DHB with (i) certified  copies of
                  resolutions  duly adopted by the holders of a majority or more
                  of the issued and  outstanding  shares of Lehigh  common stock
                  entitled to vote,  evidencing  approval of this  Agreement and
                  the Merger Agreement and the transactions  contemplated hereby
                  and thereby; (ii) certified copies of resolutions duly adopted
                  by the Board of Directors of Lehigh  approving  the  execution
                  and delivery of this  Agreement  and the Merger  Agreement and
                  authorizing  all  necessary  or proper  corporate  action,  to
                  enable  Lehigh to comply  with the terms  hereof and  thereof;
                  (iii) an opinion  dated the closing date of counsel for Lehigh
                  in the form and substance  satisfactory to DHB and its counsel
                  to the effect that:

                  (1)      Lehigh and each of its  subsidiaries are corporations
                           duly  organized  and  validly  existing  and in  good
                           standing   under   the   laws   of   its   respective
                           jurisdiction of incorporation, and to the best of the
                           knowledge  of such  counsel  based  on  inquiries  of
                           responsible  officers of Lehigh, is duly qualified to
                           do  business  and  is  in  good   standing  in  every
                           jurisdiction in which the nature of their business or
                           the   character  of  their   properties   makes  such

                           qualification necessary,  except where the failure to
                           be so  qualified  will  not have a  material  adverse
                           effect on Lehigh's business or consolidated financial
                           condition,  and has all corporate and other power and
                           authority,  including all  governmental  licenses and
                           authorizations,  necessary to own its  properties and
                           to carry on the  business as  described  in the Proxy
                           Statement  of Lehigh made a part of the  Registration

                  (2)      this  Agreement  and the Merger  Agreement  each have
                           been duly authorized and executed by proper corporate
                           action of Lehigh and each  constitutes  the valid and
                           legally  binding  obligation  of Lehigh in accordance
                           with its terms;

                  (3)      no provision of the Articles of  Incorporation or the
                           By-laws of Lehigh or of any  contract  (except  those
                           pursuant  to which  waivers  or  consents  have  been
                           obtained)  known to such counsel to which Lehigh is a
                           party,  or any law,  rule or  regulation  prevents it
                           from  carrying  out  the  transactions   contemplated

                  (4)      there is no material  action or  proceeding  known to
                           such counsel,  pending or threatened  against  Lehigh
                           before  a  court  or  other   governmental   body  or
                           instituted or  threatened by any public  authority or
                           by the  holders of any  securities  of Lehigh,  other
                           than as  specifically  set  forth  in the  Disclosure

                  (5)      Lehigh has adequate title,  subject only to liens and
                           other matters set forth on the  financial  statements
                           furnished to DHB pursuant to paragraph  12(d) hereof,
                           to all its real  estate  properties,  except  for any
                           lien of taxes not yet  delinquent or being  contested
                           in  good  faith  by   appropriate   proceedings   and
                           easements  and  restrictions  of record  which do not
                           materially  adversely  affect the use of the property
                           by Lehigh,  and  except for minor  defects in titles,
                           none of which,  based upon  information  furnished by
                           officers of Lehigh, does or will materially adversely
                           affect   Lehigh's  use  of  such  properties  or  its
                           operations, and to which the rights of Lehigh therein
                           have not been  questioned.  In giving  such  opinion,
                           counsel  may  rely  upon  title  policies  previously
                           issued to Lehigh or updated certificates furnished by
                           title insurance companies;

                  (6)      to the best  knowledge of such counsel and based upon
                           inquiries of responsible  officers of Lehigh and upon
                           searches of Uniform  Commercial  Code  filings in the
                           offices of the appropriate  Secretary of State, there
                           are no liens against  properties of Lehigh (excluding
                           real  estate)  except as to be disclosed by Lehigh to
                           Lehigh in the Disclosure Schedule.

                           In rendering  this opinion with resect to the laws of
                           any jurisdiction other than Delaware,  Lehigh counsel
                           may rely on the opinion of other counsel  retained by
                           Lehigh  provided  that said opinion  shall state that
                           Lehigh is  justified  in  relying  on the  opinion or
                           opinions of such other counsel.

         (c)      The representations and warranties of Lehigh contained in this
                  Agreement  shall be true in all material  respect on and as of
                  the  Closing   Date  with  the  same  effect  as  though  such
                  representations and warranties had been made on and as of such
                  date,  except for changes permitted by this Agreement or those
                  incurred in the  ordinary  course of business and Lehigh shall
                  have received  from Lehigh at the Closing a certificate  dated
                  the  Closing  Date of the  President  or a Vice  President  of
                  Lehigh to that effect.

         (d)      Each and all of the  respective  agreements  of  Lehigh  to be
                  performed on or before the Closing Date  pursuant to the terms
                  hereof shall in all material respects have been duly performed
                  and Lehigh shall have delivered to DHB a certificate dated the
                  Closing Date, of the Chairman,  President or a Vice  President
                  of Lehigh to that effect.

         (e)      Rulings and other  actions,  if desirable or required,  to the
                  effect  described  in  paragraph  11 hereof,  satisfactory  to
                  counsel for Lehigh and DHB,  shall have been obtained or filed
                  and the conditions of such rulings or other actions which must
                  be complied  with on or prior to the  Closing  Date shall have
                  been complied with.

         (f)      At  the  time  immediately   prior  to  the  closing  of  this
                  transaction,  no more than  473,289  shares of Common Stock of
                  Lehigh shall be issued and  outstanding  resulting from Lehigh
                  shareholders  having  voted for a 21.845  for 1 reverse  stock
                  split with  respect to the  10,339,250  shares of Common Stock
                  presently  outstanding;  no other  class of equity  securities
                  will  be  issued  and  outstanding,  nor  will  there  be  any
                  Warrants,  Options or other securities  outstanding  which are
                  convertible  into common stock or upon exercise  would require
                  common  stock  to be  issued,  except  as  set  forth  in  the
                  Disclosure Schedule.

         (g)      The   completion   of  Lehigh's   proxy   Statement   and  the
                  effectiveness  of Lehigh's  Registration  on Form S-4, as each
                  may be amended.

         (h)      The approval of this Agreement and the Merger Agreement by the
                  Lehigh Board of Directors.

         (i)      The absence of any material  contingent  liabilities of Lehigh
                  not previously disclosed to Lehigh.

         (j)      The nonexistence of any agreement or contract that could delay
                  or prevent the completion of the transactions  contemplated by
                  this Agreement.

         (k)      The Board of Directors of Lehigh shall be  constituted  as set
                  forth on Exhibit B annexed hereto.

         (l)      The  Employment  Agreement  shall be entered into with Messrs.
                  Salvatore  J. Zizza and  Robert A. Bruno in the forms  annexed
                  hereto as Exhibit C and D respectively.

         (m)      The Board of  Directors  of  Lehigh  and the  shareholders  of
                  Lehigh shall have  approved an amendment to Lehigh's  Articles
                  of  Incorporation  changing  the  name of  Lehigh  to "The DHB
                  Group,  Inc."  effective upon the closing of the  transactions
                  contemplated hereby.


         (a)      This  Agreement  (except  for  the  last  three  sentences  of
                  paragraph 4 of this  Agreement)  may be terminated at any time
                  prior to the Closing Date by (i) mutual consent of the parties
                  hereto  authorized by their respective  Boards of Directors or
                  (ii) upon written  notice to the other party,  by either party
                  upon authorization of its Board of Directors:

                  (1)      if in its  reasonably  exercised  judgment  since the
                           date of this  Agreement  there shall have  occurred a
                           material adverse change in the financial condition or
                           business  of the other party or the other party shall
                           have suffered a material loss or damage to any of its
                           property  or  assets,  which  change,  loss or damage
                           materially  affects  or  impairs  the  ability of the
                           other  party  to  conduct  its  business,  or if  any
                           previously  undisclosed  condition  which  materially
                           adversely  affects  the  earning  power or  assets of
                           either  party  come  to the  attention  of the  other
                           party; or

                  (2)      if  any   action  or   proceeding   shall  have  been
                           instituted  or  threatened  before  a court  or other
                           governmental  body  or by  any  public  authority  to
                           restrain or prohibit the transactions contemplated by
                           this  Agreement  or  if  the   consummation  of  such
                           transactions  would subject either of such parties to
                           liability for breach of any law or regulation.

         (b)      As  provided  in  paragraph   2(a),   this  Agreement  may  be
                  terminated  by either  party  upon  notice to the other in the
                  event the Closing shall not be held by December 15, 1996.

         (c)      Any term or condition of this  Agreement  may be waived at any
                  time by the party  hereto  which is  entitled  to the  benefit
                  thereof,  by action  taken by the Board of  Directors  of such
                  party;  and any such term or  condition  may be amended at any
                  time,  by an agreement in writing  executed by the Chairman of
                  the Board,  the President or any Vice President of each of the
                  parties pursuant to  authorization by their respective  Boards
                  of  Directors  provided  however  that  no  amendment  of  any
                  principal  term of the Merger shall be affected after approval
                  of this Agreement by the shareholders of Lehigh, DHB and Newco
                  unless such  amendment  is approved  by such  shareholders  in
                  accordance with applicable law.


         (a)      Salvatore J. Zizza  ("Zizza")  and Robert A. Bruno  ("Bruno"),
                  solely to the extent and in the manner set forth herein, shall
                  jointly and  severally  indemnify  Lehigh and hold it harmless
                  against  and in respect of any and all damage,  loss,  cost or
                  reasonable   expense  (which  shall  also  include  reasonable
                  attorney's fees) suffered,  incurred or required to be paid by
                  Lehigh after the Effective Date of the Merger (herein referred
                  to as  "Losses") by reason of any  representation  or warranty
                  made by  Lehigh in or  pursuant  to this  Agreement  or in the
                  Disclosure   Statement,   documents  or  financial  statements
                  delivered  pursuant  hereto being untrue or incorrect,  to the
                  extent not actually  known by DHB prior to the Effective  Date
                  of the  Merger at the date of this  Agreement,  provided  that
                  Zizza and Bruno had actual knowledge that such  representation
                  or warranty  was untrue or  incorrect  prior to the  Effective
                  Date of the Merger.

         (b)      There  shall  be no  indemnification  for  Losses  unless  the
                  aggregate amount of such Losses exceeds $25,000, and then only
                  the  Losses  in  excess  of   $25,000   shall  be  subject  to
                  indemnification  in  accordance  with this  paragraph  18. The
                  limitation of liability for Losses above the $25,000 threshold
                  shall in the case of each of Zizza and Bruno be the  amount of
                  and shall be paid from the remaining  unpaid salary from their
                  respective employment contracts,  annexed hereto as Exhibits C
                  and D. In computing the amount of Losses, the  indemnification
                  shall be for the net amount of a loss after  giving  effect to
                  anything  which  directly  mitigates the loss and after taking
                  into  account   insurance   proceeds  or  any  other  recovery
                  resulting  from  the  loss.  (If,  after  the  payment  of any
                  indemnification  hereunder,  the  amount  of a loss  shall  be
                  reduced  beyond  the  amount,  if any,  previously  taken into
                  account by a recovery, settlement, or otherwise, the amount of
                  such reduction which is directly  related to the loss less any
                  expenses  incurred in  connection  with such  reduction  shall
                  promptly be repaid to the party that paid the  indemnification

         (c)      Notwithstanding  anything  herein  contained,  Zizza and Bruno
                  shall not be liable for any Losses  referred to in  paragraphs
                  18(a) or 18(b) hereof unless a written notice setting forth in
                  reasonable  detail the breach which is being asserted has been
                  given to Zizza and/or Bruno  within the  applicable  period of
                  limitations  set  forth in  paragraph  18(d)  hereof  and,  in
                  addition,  if such  matter  arises  out of a claim  by a third
                  party,  such notice  shall be given  promptly and in any event
                  (so  long  as the  indemnifying  party  shall  not  have  been
                  prejudiced by delay) not later than thirty (30) days after the
                  party seeking  indemnity shall have become aware thereof.  The
                  party from whom indemnification is sought shall be entitled to
                  defend  against  any such claim as set forth in  paragraph  18

         (d)      No claim may be asserted with respect to indemnification after
                  the period ending two years from the Closing Date.

         (e)      In the event that any claim is made by a third party which, if
                  valid,  would entitle Lehigh to indemnity under this paragraph
                  18, Zizza and Bruno shall be given written notice as set forth
                  in paragraph 18(c) hereof within the time hereinabove provided
                  and they, or either of them, may defend against and settle the
                  claim at their own expense and with counsel of their choosing.
                  Lehigh  shall  have  the  right,  but not the  obligation,  to
                  participate  at its own  expense  in the  defense  thereof  by
                  counsel of its own choosing, but Zizza and Bruno, or either of
                  them,  shall be entitled to control the defense  unless Lehigh
                  has  relieved  them  from   liability   with  respect  to  the
                  particular  matter.  In the event  Zizza or Bruno  shall  fail
                  timely to defend,  contest or otherwise  protect  against such
                  claim, Lehigh shall have the right, but not the obligation, to
                  defend,  contest or otherwise  protect against the same or, on
                  not less than thirty (30) days' written  notice,  to Zizza and
                  Bruno make any  compromise  or  settlement  thereof,  and such
                  settlement   shall  be   binding   on  the  party   from  whom
                  indemnification  was sought for  purposes  of  indemnification
                  under this  paragraph  18 unless  such party  objects  thereto
                  within the thirty (30) day period aforesaid.

19.      BROKERS

                  Each of the  parties  represents  that no  broker,  finder  or
         similar  person has been  retained or paid and that no brokerage fee or
         other  commission  has been agreed to be paid for or on account of this


                  This Agreement  shall be construed in accordance with the laws
         of the State of Delaware.

21.      NOTICES

                  All  notices,   requests,  demands  and  other  communications
         required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed
         to have  been  duly  given  when  delivered  by hand or when  mailed by
         registered or certified mail,  postage prepaid,  or when given by telex
         or facsimile transmission (promptly confirmed in writing), as follows:

         (a)      If to Lehigh or Newco:

                           Salvatore J. Zizza, President
                           810 Seventh Avenue - #27 F
                           New York, NY 10019

                   With a copy to:

                           Robert A. Bruno, Esq.
                           General Counsel & Vice President
                           810 Seventh Avenue - #27 F
                           New York, NY 10019

         (b)      If the DHB:

                           David H. Brooks, Chairman
                           DHB CAPITAL GROUP, INC.
                           11 Old Westbury Road
                           Old Westbury, New York 11568

                  With a copy to:

                           Peter Landau, Esq.
                           Option Handler Gottlieb Feiler & Katz
                           52 Vanderbilt Avenue
                           New York, NY 10017


                  This  Agreement  and all of the  provisions  hereof  shall  be
         binding  upon and inure to the benefit of the parties  hereto and their
         respective successors and permitted assigns, but neither this Agreement
         nor any of the  rights  interests  or  obligations  hereunder  shall be
         assigned by any of the parties hereto without the prior written consent
         of the other parties.


                  This Agreement may be executed  simultaneously  in two or more
         counterparts,   and  by  the  different   parties  hereto  on  separate
         counterparts  each of which  shall be  deemed an  original,  but all of
         which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.


                  The headings of the  paragraphs of this Agreement are inserted
         for convenience of reference only.


                  This Agreement,  including the Disclosure Schedules, documents
         referred  to herein  which  form a part  hereof,  contains  the  entire
         understanding  of the parties  hereto in respect of the subject  matter
         contained  herein.  This Agreement  supersedes all prior agreements and
         understandings between the parties with respect to such subject matter.
         A determination  that any portion of this Agreement is unenforceable or
         invalid shall not affect the  enforceability  or validity of any of the
         remaining portions of this Agreement or this Agreement as a whole.

                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  this Agreement has been duly executed by
         the  parties  hereto  by  their  respective   officers  thereunto  duly
         authorized by a majority of their  directors as of the date first above

ATTEST:                                    DHB CAPITAL GROUP INC.

/s/ Mary Kreidell                          By  /s/ David H. Brooks
- -----------------                              -------------------
AUTHORIZED OFFICER                             David H. Brooks, Chairman
                                               and Chief Executive Officer

ATTEST:                                    THE LEHIGH GROUP INC.

/s/ Robert A. Bruno                        By  /s/ Salvatore J. Zizza
- -------------------                            ----------------------
AUTHORIZED OFFICER                             Salvatore J. Zizza,
                                               Chairman of the Board and
                                               Chief Executive Officer

ATTEST:                                    LEHIGH MANAGEMENT CORP.

/s/ Robert A. Bruno                        By  /s/ Salvatore J. Zizza
- -------------------                            ----------------------
AUTHORIZED OFFICER                             Salvatore J. Zizza, President and
                                               Chief Executive Officer

                               AGREEMENT OF MERGER
                             DHB CAPITAL GROUP INC.
                             LEHIGH MANAGEMENT CORP.

         AGREEMENT OF MERGER made as of the _____ day of  ___________,  1996, by
and  among DHB  Capital  Group  Inc.  a  Delaware  Corporation  ("DHB"),  Lehigh
Management  Corp. a Delaware  Corporation  ("Newco") and The Lehigh Group Inc. a
Delaware  corporation  ("Lehigh").  DHB  and  Newco  are  sometimes  hereinafter
collectively referred to as the "Constituent Corporations".


         DHB  is a  Delaware  corporation  originally  organized  as a New  York
Corporation in 1992 and  reincorporated  in Delaware in 1995, and its authorized
capital stock consists of 25,000,000  shares of Common Stock par value $.001 per
share  ("DHB  Common  Stock"),   of  which  _________  shares  were  issued  and
outstanding as of June 30, 1996.

         Newco  is a  Delaware  corporation  organized  in  July  1996  and  its
authorized capital stock consists of 2,500 shares of Common Stock, no par value,
of which 100 shares are  issued  and  outstanding  and all of which are owned by

         Lehigh is a Delaware  corporation  organized in 1928 and its authorized
capital stock consists of 100,000,000 shares of Common Stock par value $.001 per
share of which ___________ shares of Common Stock were issued and outstanding as
of June 30, 1996

         Lehigh,  DHB and  Newco  have  entered  into an  Agreement  and Plan of
Reorganization dated as of July 1 1996 (the "Reorganization  Agreement") setting
forth  certain  representations,   warranties,  agreements,  and  conditions  in
connection with the merger provided for herein.

         The  respective  Boards of Directors of Lehigh,  DHB and Newco have, by
resolutions, duly approved the execution of and the transactions contemplated by
the Reorganization Agreement and this Agreement of Merger and directed that they
be submitted to the respective shareholders of the two Constituent  Corporations
and Lehigh for adoption and approval.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  premises and of the mutual
covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto have agreed and do
hereby agree,  subject to the terms and  conditions  hereinafter  set forth,  as


1.1      In accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and applicable law,
         Newco  shall be merged with and into DHB (the  "Merger").  DHB shall be
         and is herein sometimes referred to as the "Surviving Corporation".

1.2      Upon the  Effective  Date of the  Merger (as  defined  in  Article  III
         hereof)  the  separate  existence  of Newco shall cease and DHB, as the
         Surviving Corporation,  (i) shall continue to possess all of its rights
         and property as constituted  immediately prior to the effective Date of
         the Merger and shall  succeed,  without other  transfer,  to all of the

         rights and property of Newco and (ii) shall continue  subject to all of
         its debts and  liabilities  as the same shall have existed  immediately
         prior to the Effective  Date of the Merger,  and become  subject to all
         the debts  and  liabilities  of Newco in the same  manner as if DHB had
         itself  incurred  them,  all as more fully  provided under the Delaware
         General Corporation law.

1.3      Lehigh  hereby  agrees  that at the time when the Merger  shall  become
         effective, Lehigh will issue that number of whole shares of Lehigh into
         which  shares of DHB Common Stock  issued and  outstanding  immediately
         prior to the  Effective  Date of the Merger will,  as of the  Effective
         Date of the  Merger  and by  virtue  of the  Merger,  be  converted  as
         hereinafter provided.

1.4      The Merger shall not become effective until the following actions shall
         have been  completed:  (i) this  Agreement  of Merger  shall  have been
         adopted and  approved by the  shareholders  of each of Lehigh,  DHB and
         Newco;  (ii) all of the other conditions  precedent to the consummation
         of the Merger specified in the Reorganization Agreement shall have been
         satisfied or duly waived by the party entitled to satisfaction thereof;
         and  (iii)  a  certificate  of  merger  meeting  the   requirements  of
         applicable   Delaware  law  shall  have  been  filed  with   applicable


         The manner  and basis of  converting  shares of DHB  Common  Stock into
         Shares of Lehigh and the exchange of certificates therefor, shall be as

2.1      The exact  number of Shares to be issued  shall be based on the  agreed
         formula  used for all the issued and  outstanding  shares of DHB Common
         Stock  immediately  prior  to the  Effective  Date of the  Merger.  The
         Shareholders  of DHB will  receive that number of shares of Lehigh that
         would equal 97% of the total number of issued and outstanding shares of
         Lehigh   immediately  after  the  Effective  Date  of  the  Merger.  No
         fractional  DHB  shares  will  be  considered  in the  exchange  and no
         fractional  Lehigh  shares  will be  issued.  Holders  of  Options  and
         Warrants to purchase  shares of DHB Common Stock  immediately  prior to
         the  Effective  Date of the Merger will have the right to exercise such
         Options  and  Warrants  after the  Effective  Date of the  Merger as to
         shares of Lehigh  Common stock for the term, at the price per share and
         in the amounts set forth on Schedule A annexed hereto.

2.2      After  the  Effective  Date  of  the  Merger,  certificates  evidencing
         outstanding  shares of DHB Common Stock shall evidence the right of the
         holder  thereof to receive  certificates  representing 1 whole share of
         Lehigh Common Stock for each share of DHB Common Stock.  Each holder of
         DHB Common  Stock,  upon  surrender  of the  certificates,  which prior
         thereto  represented  shares of DHB Common stock, to a trust company to
         be  designated  by Lehigh  which shall act as the  exchange  agent (the
         "Exchange  Agent")  for such  shareholders  to effect the  exchange  of
         certificates on their behalf,  shall be entitled upon such surrender to
         receive in exchange therefor a certificate or certificates representing
         the number of whole shares of Lehigh Common Stock into which the shares
         of DHB Common  Stock  theretofore  represented  by the  certificate  or
         certificates  so  surrendered  shall  have  been  converted.  Until  so
         surrendered, each such outstanding certificate for shares of DHB Common

         Stock shall be deemed,  for all  corporate  purposes  including  voting
         rights,  subject  to the  further  provisions  of this  Article  II, to
         evidence the  ownership of the whole shares of Lehigh Common Stock into
         which such shares have been converted.

2.3      No  certificate  representing a fraction of Lehigh Common Stock will be
         issued and no right to vote or receive  any  distribution  or any other
         right of a  shareholder  shall  attach to any  fractional  interest  of
         Lehigh  Common  Stock to which any holder of shares of DHB Common Stock
         would otherwise be entitled hereunder.

2.4      If any  certificate  for whole  shares of Lehigh  Common Stock is to be
         issued in a name other than that in which the  certificate  surrendered
         in exchange  therefor  is  registered,  it shall be a condition  of the
         issuance thereof that the certificate so surrendered  shall be properly
         endorsed  and  otherwise  be in proper form for  transfer  and that the
         person  requesting such exchange pay to the Exchange Agent any transfer
         or other taxes required by reason of the issuance of  certificates  for
         whole shares of Lehigh  Common stock in any name other than that of the
         registered  holder  of  the  certificate  surrendered,  paid  or is not

2.5      At the  Effective  Date of the Merger,  all shares of DHB Common  Stock
         which shall then be held in its treasury, if any, shall cease to exist,
         and all certificates representing such shares shall be cancelled.


3.1      Subject to the provisions of this Article III, this Agreement of Merger
         shall be  submitted  to the  shareholders  of Lehigh,  DHB and Newco as
         provided in the  Reorganization  Agreement.  If adopted and approved by
         the  vote of at least a  majority  of the  shareholders  of each of the
         Constituent  Corporations  and  Lehigh  and if  all  of the  conditions
         precedent  to  the   consummation  of  the  Merger   specified  in  the
         Reorganization  Agreement  shall have been  satisfied or duly waived by
         the party entitled to satisfaction  thereof,  then unless terminated as
         provided in this  Article III,  the Merger  Certificate  shall be filed
         with the appropriate  governmental  authorities.  The Effective Date of
         the  Merger is the date upon which a duly  executed  copy of the Merger
         Certificate  is filed  with the  Secretary  of  State  of  Delaware  in
         accordance with Section 103(c) of the Delaware General Corporation Law.
         The date when the Merger shall become  effective as aforesaid is herein
         called the "Effective Date of the Merger".

3.2      This  Agreement of Merger may be  terminated  and the  proposed  Merger
         abandoned  at any  time  prior  to the  Effective  Date of the  Merger,
         subject to and in the manner provided in the Reorganization Agreement.


4.1      For the  convenience of the parties hereto and to facilitate the filing
         of this Agreement of Merger,  any number of counterparts  hereof may be
         executed  and each such  counterpart  shall be deemed to be an original

4.2      At any time  prior to the  Effective  Date of the  Merger  the  parties
         hereto  may,  by  written  agreement,  (i)  extend  the  time  for  the
         performance  of any of the  obligations  or other  acts of the  parties
         hereto,  (ii) waive (in the manner  specified in paragraph 17(c) of the
         Reorganization   Agreement)   any   breach   or   inaccuracy   in   the
         representations and warranties contained in this Agreement of Merger or
         in the  Reorganization  Agreement or in any document delivered pursuant
         thereto,  or (iii) waive (in the manner specified in paragraph 17(c) of
         the  Reorganization  Agreement)  compliance  with any of the covenants,
         conditions or agreement contained in this Agreement of Merger or in the
         Reorganization Agreement.

4.3      Any  notice,  request,  instruction  or  other  document  to  be  given
         hereunder  by any party to the other shall be in writing and  delivered
         personally or sent by certified mall, postage prepaid, as follows:

         (a)      If to Lehigh or Newco

                  Salvatore J. Zizza, President
                  810 Seventh Avenue - #27 F
                  New York NY 10019

         With a copy to:

                  Robert A. Bruno, Esq.
                  General Counsel & Vice President
                  810 Seventh Avenue - #27 F
                  New York NY 10019

         (b)      If the DHB

                  David H. Brooks, Chairman
                  DHB CAPITAL GROUP, INC.
                  11 Old Westbury Road
                  Old Westbury, New York 11568

         With a copy to:

                  Peter Landau, Esq.
                  Opton Handler Gottlieb Feiler & Katz
                  52 Vanderbilt Avenue
                  New York NY 100l7

         or such other person as may be designated in writing by the parties by 
         a notice given as aforesaid.

4.4      After the Merger becomes effective, Newco, through the persons who were
         its officers  immediately prior to the Merger shall execute or cause to
         be executed such further  assignments  assurances or other documents as
         may be  necessary  or  desirable  to confirm  title to its  properties,
         assets, and rights in DHB.

4.5      The  corporations who are parties to this Agreement are also parties to
         the  Reorganization  Agreement.  The two  agreements are intended to be
         construed  together in order to  effectuate  their  purposes,  and said
         agreements are intended as a plan of reorganization  within the meaning
         of Section 368 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as amended.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  each of the undersigned  corporations  has caused
this  Agreement  of  Merger  to be  signed  in its  corporate  name by its  duly
authorized officers, all as of the date first above written.

                                            THE LEHIGH GROUP INC.

                                            Title: Chairman

(Corporate Seal)                            By:
                                            Title: Secretary

                                            LEHIGH MANAGEMENT CORP.

                                            Title: President

(Corporate Seal)                            By:
                                            Title: Secretary

                                            DHB CAPITAL GROUP INC.

                                            Title: Chairman

(Corporate Seal)                            By:
                                            Title: Secretary