Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                        Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by Registrant        [ X ]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant  [   ]

Check the appropriate box:

[   ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement

[   ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
       (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

[ X ]  Definitive Proxy Statement

[   ]  Definitive Additional Materials

[   ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss. 240.14A-11(c) or ss. 240.14a-12

                             DHB Capital Group, Inc. 
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

       (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[ X ] No fee required

[   ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

     1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:   
     2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     3)  Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
         pursuant to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
         filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined): 

     4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     5)  Total fee paid:

[   ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[   ] Check box  if any part of the  fee is  offset as  provided by Exchange Act
     Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was
     paid previously.  Identify the previous filing   by registration  statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

    1) Amount Previously Paid:  

    2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:  

    3) Filing Party:  

    4) Date Filed:   
                             DHB CAPITAL GROUP INC.
                              11 Old Westbury Road
                          Old Westbury, New York 11568

                             Telephone: 516-997-1155

                            IN LIEU OF ANNUAL MEETING

NOTICE IS HEREBY  given that a Special  Meeting of  Shareholders  in lieu of the
1996 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  of DHB Capital Group Inc., (the "Company")
will be held on Monday,  December  30,  1996 at 4:00 P.M.  at the offices of NDL
Products Inc.  located at 4031  Northeast  12th Terrace,  Oakland Park,  Florida
33334. The meeting is being called for the following purposes:

1.      To elect six directors.

2.      To amend the Company's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to increase the
        number of authorized  Common  Shares of the Company from  25,000,000 to
        100,000,000 Common Shares.

3.      To ratify the appointment of independent accountants.

4.      To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

Accompanying this Notice is the Proxy Statement and Form of Proxy.

Only Shareholders of record at the close of business on December 5, 1996 will be
entitled to vote at the meeting and any adjournments thereof.

DATED: Old Westbury, New York, December 5, 1996

                       BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                                              Mary Kreidell,

                             YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT

Please  complete,  sign,  date and return the enclosed proxy so that your shares
will be represented at the meeting. If you choose to attend the meeting, you may
revoke your proxy and personally cast your votes.


                             DHB CAPITAL GROUP INC.
                              11 Old Westbury Road
                          Old Westbury, New York 11568

                             Telephone: 516-997-1155

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

This Proxy Statement and accompanying proxy are first being sent to shareholders
on or about December 6, 1996.

The accompanying proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors. It may be revoked
at any time before being voted by written  notice given to the  secretary of the
meeting or by the delivery of a later dated proxy.  Proxies  properly  executed,
duly  returned to the Company and not  revoked,  will be voted at the meeting in
accordance  with the  directions  specified in the proxy.  If no directions  are
given,  the proxy will be voted FOR the election of the five nominees  listed on
the proxy and FOR  Proposals 2 and 3. The Board of Directors is not aware at the
date hereof of any other matter  proposed to be  presented  at the meeting,  and
does not  believe  that any  matter  may be  properly  presented  other than the
election of  directors  and  Proposals 2 and 3. If any other  matter is properly
presented,   the  persons  named  in  the  enclosed  form  of  proxy  will  have
discretionary  authority  to vote  thereon  according  to their  best  judgment.
Presence at the meeting does not of itself revoke the proxy.

                                  VOTING RIGHTS

The only  securities  of the  Company  entitled to be voted are shares of Common
Stock.  The Company is authorized to issue 25,000,000  Common shares,  par value
$.001 per share.  There are issued and outstanding  22,999,008  shares of Common
Stock as of the close of  business  December  5, 1996,  the record  date for the
meeting,  each of which is entitled to one vote on each matter to be voted on at
the meeting.

A quorum consisting of a majority of all shares outstanding and entitled to vote
at the meeting,  present in person or represented by proxy,  is required for the
purpose of considering  all of the matters to come before the meeting.  A quorum
being present,  directors are elected by a plurality of shares present in person
or represented  by proxy and entitled to vote;  approval of the amendment of the
Company's  Certificate of  Incorporation  to increase the  authorized  number of
Common Shares  require the  affirmative  vote of a majority of shares issued and
outstanding and entitled to vote, present in person or represented by proxy; and
the  ratification  of the  appointment of independent  accountants  requires the
affirmative  vote of a majority of shares  present in person or  represented  by
proxy and entitled to vote.



At the meeting,  abstentions and broker non-votes (as hereinafter  defined) will
be counted as present for the purpose of  determining  the presence of a quorum.
For the purpose of  computing  the vote  required  for approval of matters to be
voted on at the  meeting,  shares held by  shareholders  who abstain from voting
will be treated as being  "present"  and  "entitled  to vote" on the matter and,
thus,  an  abstention  has the same legal  effect as a vote  against the matter.
However,  in the case of a broker  non-vote  or  where a  shareholder  withholds
authority  from his  proxy to vote the  proxy as to a  particular  matter,  such
shares will not be treated as  "present"  and  "entitled  to vote" on the matter
and, thus, a broker non-vote or the withholding of a proxy's authority will have
no effect on the outcome of the vote on the matter.  A "broker  non-vote" refers
to shares  represented  at the meeting in person or by proxy by a broker or by a
nominee where such broker or nominee (i) has not received voting instructions on
a particular  matter from the beneficial  owners or persons entitled to vote and
(ii) the  broker or nominee  does not have  discretionary  voting  power on such

                         PERSONS MAKING THE SOLICITATION

         Solicitations  will  be  made  by mail  and  possibly  supplemented  by
telephone or other personal  contact to be made without special  compensation by
regular  officers  and  employees  of the  Company.  The Company  may  reimburse
nominees or agents  (including  brokers holding shares on behalf of clients) for
the cost incurred in obtaining from their  principals  authorization  to execute
forms of proxy. No solicitation  will be made by specifically  engaged employees
or soliciting agents. The cost of solicitation will be borne by the Company.

                                  ANNUAL REPORT


         Each director of the Company is elected annually and holds office until
the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders and until his successor is duly elected.
In the absence of instructions  to the contrary the shares  represented by proxy
will be voted FOR the nominees listed below. All the nominees, except Patrick J.
Garvey,  Morton A. Cohen and Robert Trevisani are currently  directors,  and all
have consented to be named and to serve if elected.


The Board of Directors  recommends that Shareholders vote FOR the nominees named
below.  A  plurality  of the votes cast at the Meeting is required to elect each
director.  Certain  information  regarding  each  nominee for  director is given


Name                        Age      Since          Position With The Company
- ----                        ---      -----          -------------------------
David H. Brooks              41      10/92          Chairman, CEO & Director

Mary Kreidell                43      10/92          Secretary/Treasurer/Director

Gary Nadelman                44      11/95          Director

Patrick J. Garvey            61                     Nominee for Director

Morton A. Cohen              61                     Nominee for Director

Robert Trevisani             62                     Nominee for Director

         The Directors  serve for a term of one year following their election at
the Annual Meeting of Shareholders, and until their successors have been elected
and qualified.

         David H. Brooks has served as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
Officer of the Company since its inception.  Mr. Brooks has been the Chairman of
the Board,  President and a Director of Brooks Industries of L.I., Inc. ("Brooks
Industries"), since October 1988, a New York corporation of which he is the sole
shareholder and through which he makes investments. Brooks Industries engages in
the venture capital business and in securities  trading.  Mr. Brooks served as a
consultant  to U.S.  Alcohol  Testing of  America  Inc.  during the period  from
February 1991 to November 1992 and has, through Brooks  Industries,  served as a
consultant to Good Ideas Enterprises, Inc., a majority-owned indirect subsidiary
of U.S. Alcohol pursuant to an agreement having a five-year term expiring in May
1997. Mr. Brooks served as a consultant to The Thunder Group,  Inc. from October
25, 1991,  until the filing of an  involuntary  Chapter 11  bankruptcy  petition
against The Thunder Group in February  1993. In each case,  Mr. Brooks  provided
advice on matters relating to the business,  financial  management and marketing
activities.  Mr.  Brooks does not serve as a consultant  to any other company at
the present time and, other than as previously  described,  he has not served in
such capacity for more than the past five years.  Mr. Brooks received a bachelor
of science  degree in accounting  from New York  University in 1976.  Since that
time he has been engaged principally as an investor for his own account.

         David H.  Brooks,  his  brother  Jeffrey  Brooks,  and  Jeffrey  Brooks
Securities,  Inc.  ("JBSI"),  which was wholly owned by Jeffrey Brooks,  entered
into a consent  decree in December  1992 with the SEC. The SEC had filed a civil
complaint in the United States  District Court for the Southern  District of New
York (Docket No.  922846)  alleging  that an employee of JBSI was involved in an
unlawful  insider-trading scheme allegedly conducted through JBSI and the filing
of false information by JBSI, a registered  broker-dealer.  The SEC alleged that
JBSI did not establish,  maintain or enforce  policies and  procedures  that are
required under Section 15(f) of the Exchange Act, designed to detect and prevent
insider trading by an employee of JBSI, and that



JBSI did not make required  disclosures under Section 15(b) of the Exchange Act.
The SEC  further  alleged  that David  Brooks  exercised  "de facto  control" of
certain  aspects of JBSI's  operations  and that David Brooks and Jeffrey Brooks
aided and abetted the reporting  violations of JBSI.  Pursuant to the settlement
of these charges,  without admitting or denying such allegations,  David Brooks,
Jeffrey  Brooks and JBSI were  assessed an aggregate  civil fine of $405,000 and
were enjoined from future  violations of Section 15(b) and 15(f) of the Exchange
Act; David Brooks was barred from having any direct or indirect  interest in, or
acting as a director,  officer or employee  of, any  broker,  dealer,  municipal
securities  dealer,  investment  advisor,  or investment  company (provided that
David Brooks is able to apply to become so associated after a five-year period);
Jeffrey Brooks is prohibited from acting in a supervisory  capacity with respect
to any employee or any broker, dealer,  municipal securities dealer,  investment
company or investment advisor for a period of one year; and JBSI was required to
institute and maintain procedures pursuant to Section 15(f) of the Exchange Act.
Mr.  David  Brooks is not under any  prohibition  from  serving as an officer or
director  of any public  company  other than a  registered  broker-dealer  or an
investment company.

         Mary Kreidell has served as Treasurer, Secretary, and a Director of the
Company since its inception.  Mrs. Kreidell became a Certified Public Accountant
in 1991.  She worked for  Israeloff,  Trattner & Co.  CPA'S,  P.C.,  a certified
public accounting firm, for four years prior thereto.

         Gary Nadelman has been the president of Synari,  Inc., of New York, NY,
a privately held  manufacturer  and distributor of women's  sportswear and other
apparel, for more than 5 years.

         Patrick J.  Garvey is the  Director of Canal  Enterprises  for the N.Y.
State Thruway authority and is a wholly owned  subsidiary,  the N.Y. State Canal
Corp.   (development   for   commercial   shipping  and   economic   development
initiatives). Prior to joining the Thruway Authority in 1993, he served for more
than  seven  years  as the  Commander  of Camp  Smith in  Peekskill,  N.Y and as
Legislative  Assistant  to the  Adjunct  General  of N.Y.  Mr.  Garvey is also a
retired colonel in the United States Marine Corps Reserve.

         Morton A. Cohen has over ten years  experience  in venture  capital and
over twenty-five  years experience in the public  securities  industry,  both as
securities  analyst and investment  banker.  Also, he has  successfully  managed
several emerging growth  companies.  Mr. Cohen has been Chairman,  President and
Chief Executive Officer of Clarion Capital Corp. since 1982. Mr. Cohen served as
Governor of the Montreal Stock Exchange,  is a Chartered  Financial  Analyst and
holder of an M.B.A.  from the Wharton  School of Business of the  University  of
Pennsylvania.  Mr. Cohen was a member of the Small Business  Investment Advisory
of Small  Business  Investment  Companies and is a member of the Small  Business
Investment  Advisory Council. He is the Chairman of Monitek  Technologies,  Inc.
(Nasdaq) and Zenex Corp. (NYSE),  Chairman of Cohesant Technologies (Nasdaq) and
Director of Gothic Energy (Nasdaq).

         Robert  Trevisani is a senior partner in the Boston and Washington D.C.
law firm of Gadsby &  Hannah.  He was a former  Special  Trial  Counsel  for the
General  Counsel of the U.S.  Treasury  Department  in New York  City.  He holds
degrees  from  Boston  College  (AB),  Boston  College  of Law (JD) and New York
University Graduate School of Law (LLD).


Executive Officers

Two of the executive officers of the Company, David H. Brooks and Mary Kreidell,
are also directors and nominees,  and are identified above.  Information follows
on the other current executive officers and key employees of the Company.

         Leonard Rosen is a founder of Protective Apparel Corporation of America
("PACA"),  the Company's  subsidiary,  and has served as its President since its
inception in 1975. He is actively  involved in all facets of PACA's  operations,
from production to sales.  Mr. Rosen has experience in the apparel  industry for
over  35  years.   He  worked  closely  in  the  research  and   development  of
ballistic-resistant  soft body armor and helmets  with the  Federal  Government,
including  serving  as a charter  member of the  committee  that  conceived  the
National Institute of Justice "Ol" Standard for ballistic body armor.

         Joseph  Giaquinto has been President of the Company's  subsidiary,  NDL
Products,  Inc. ("NDL") since March,  1995. for more than 7 years prior thereto,
he was a vice president of sales for Tru-Fit Marketing of Boston, Massachusetts.

Executive Compensation.

         Summary  Compensation  Table.  The  following  table sets forth certain
summary information  regarding the compensation of the Company's Chief Executive
Officer and each of its other  executive  officers  whose total salary and bonus
for the year ended December 31, 1995, exceeded $100,000:

                                                             Annual Compensation                  Awards
                                                  ------------------------------------------   ------------
                                                                                  Other         underlying
Name and Principal                                                                Annual         Options/-
Position                              Year         Salary(1)        Bonus       Compensation       SAR's
- --------                              ----         ---------        -----       ------------       -----
David Brooks,                         1995          39,583            0              0              02
Chairman, CEO                                         

                                      1994          50,000            0              0               0

Leonard Rosen,                        1995         125,000            0              04              0
President of PACA                                    

                                      1994         115,000            0              0               0
- -------------------------

     (1) Although  certain  officers  receive certain  perquisites  such as auto
     allowances and expense  allowances,  the value of such  perquisites did not
     exceed the lesser of $50,000 or 10% of the respective  officers' salary and


     (2) Certain  warrants  were  awarded to Mrs.  Terry  Brooks in 1994 and Mr.
     David   Brooks  in  1996;   see   "Employment   Agreements"   and  "Certain

     (3) Mr. Rosen is the lessor of PACA's  premises in Norris,  Tennessee.  See
     "Properties" and "Certain  Transactions." The Company does not consider the
     lease  payments to be  compensation,  because they are not in excess of the
     fair market value of the lease.

     (4) In October  1995,  the Company  adopted a plan (the "1995 Stock  Option
     Plan"  or the  "Plan")  pursuant  to which  the  Board  of  Directors  or a
     committee  (the  "committee")  of the  Board is  authorized  to award up to
     3,500,000  shares  of  Common  Stock,  after  giving  effect to a 50% stock
     dividend paid on July 16, 1996, to selected  officers,  employees,  agents,
     consultants  and other  persons  who render  services to the  Company.  The
     options may be issued on such terms and  conditions  as  determined  by the
     Board or Committee,  and may be issued so as to qualify as incentive  stock
     options under  Internal  Revenue Code Section  422A.  The directors who are
     authorized to award  options are not eligible to receive  options under the
     Plan.  The Company has filed a  registration  statement with respect to the
     Plan, and shares ("Option  Shares") of Common Stock acquired under the Plan
     are  eligible for resale by  non-affiliates  without  further  registration
     under the Act;  Option  Shares  acquired by  affiliates  of the Company are
     subject to the registration requirements of the Act.

         Employment Agreements. Mr. Brooks, the CEO of DHB Capital Group Inc. is
employed  pursuant to a five year  employment  agreement  which was entered into
April 1, 1996. Pursuant to the agreement Mr. Brooks receives an annual salary of
$250,000 through April 1997 with annual  increases of $25,000.  The terms of Mr.
Brooks's contract provide for 750,000 of warrants  exercisable at $2.33 for five
years.  In addition,  Mr. Brooks  receives an annual bonus of ten percent of the
net profit.  As the Company has businesses in Florida and requires Mr. Brooks to
spend  considerable time there, this contract include  provisions for certain of
his Florida living expenses.

         Mr. Rosen is employed pursuant to a five-year employment agreement with
PACA  which  was  entered  into at the time the  Company  acquired  PACA,  i.e.,
November 6, 1992.  Pursuant to the agreement,  Mr. Rosen received  salary at the
annual rate of $125,000 until  November 1996, and thereafter  receives an annual
increase of $10,000.

         Mr. Giaquinto,  President of NDL, has a three year employment  contract
providing  for an annual base salary of $100,000 and options to purchase  49,500
shares of common stock at a price of $1.33 per share  exercisable at the rate of
not more than 16,500 shares per year.

         Stock Options. In the year ended December 31, 1995, the Company did not
grant stock options, warrants or similar securities,  rights or interests to any
of the  executive  officers  of the Company  listed in the Summary  Compensation
Table above, and no options, warrants or similar securities, rights or interests
were exercised by any such executive officers.  In 1994, a warrant was issued to
Mrs.  Terry  Brooks in  exchange  for loans by Mrs.  Brooks and her  pledging of
certain assets to secure the Company's indebtedness to The Chase Manhattan Bank,
N.A. ("Chase"). See "Certain Transactions."

         Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934  requires  the
Company's  directors and executive  officers,  and persons who own more than ten


percent of a registered  class of the Company's  equity  securities to file with
the Securities and Exchange  Commission initial reports of ownership and reports
of changes of  ownership  of Common  Stock and other  equity  securities  of the

         To the  Company's  knowledge,  based  solely on review of the copies of
such reports furnished to the Company and written  representations that no other
reports  were  required  during the fiscal year ended  December  31,  1995,  all
Section 16(a) filing  requirements  applicable  to its  officers,  directors and
greater-than-ten-percent beneficial owners were complied with.

                             PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS

         The  following  table  sets  forth  the  beneficial  ownership  of  the
Company's  Common Stock as of September  30, 1996,  after giving effect to a 50%
Stock  Dividend paid on July 16, 1996,  for (i) each person known by the Company
to beneficially  own more than five percent of the shares of outstanding  Common
Stock,  (ii) each of the executive  officers listed in the Summary  Compensation
Table in  "Management - Executive  Compensation"  and (iii) all of the Company's
executive officers and directors as a group except as otherwise  indicated,  all
shares are  beneficially  owned, and investments and voting power is held by the
persons named as the owners.

                                                               Number of Shares
         Name and Address                                     Beneficially Owned        Percent Owned (1)
         ----------------                                     ------------------        -----------------
         David H. Brooks                                        16,500,600 (2)                   60%
         11 Old Westbury Road
         Old Westbury, New York 11568

         Jeffrey Brooks                                          1,987,500 (3)                  7.2%
         44 Coconut Row, Palm Beach, FL 33480

         Leonard Rosen                                             120,142 (4)                    *
         148 Cedar Place, Norris, TN

         Mary Kreidell                                              88,875 (5)                    *
         11 Old Westbury Rd., Old Westbury, NY 11568
         Gary Nadelman                                             247,500 (6)
         6 Old Farm La., Old Westbury, NY 11568

         Patrick J. Garvey**                                           -0-
         14-5 Wood Lake Rd., Albany, NY 12203

         Morton A. Cohen**                                             -0-
         1801 E. 9th St., Ste. 510, Cleveland, OH 44114

         Robert Trevisani**                                            -0-
         125 Summer St., Boston, MA 02110

         All Officers and Directors, 
         as a group (7 persons)                                 16,957,117                       61%  
- -------------------


*      Less than one (1%) percent
**     Nominees for Director

(1) Based upon  27,604,529  shares  outstanding as of September 30, 1996,  after
giving effect to the Stock  Dividend,  increased by, with respect to Mr. Brooks,
3,750,000  shares  acquirable  by his wife  pursuant  to a warrant  to  purchase
3,750,000  shares  at a price  per  share  of  $1.33  and the  750,000  warrants
acquirable  by Mr.  Brooks at $2.33 as well as 75,000  warrants  exercisable  at
$1.33 for each, Ms. Kreidell and Mr. Rosen. (See proposal 2).

(2) Consists of 7,500,600  shares owned by Mr. Brooks and 4,500,000 owned by his
wife as custodian  for his minor  children,  and  3,750,000  shares which may be
acquired by Mrs.  Brooks upon exercise of a warrant to purchase such shares at a
price per  share of $1.33.  Messrs.  David H.  Brooks  and  Jeffrey  Brooks  are
brothers. Each disclaims beneficial ownership of shares owned by the other.

(3) Messrs.  David H. Brooks and Jeffrey  Brooks are  brothers.  Each  disclaims
beneficial ownership of shares owned by the other.

(4) Consists of 45,142 shares  outstanding  and 75,000 shares  acquirable  under
warrants  awarded to Mr.  Rosen;  does not  include  4,350  shares  owned by Mr.
Rosen's wife, as to which Mr. Rosen disclaims beneficial ownership.

(5) Includes  75,000 shares which may be acquired upon the exercise of currently
exerciseable  warrants.  Also  includes  1,500 shares  owned by Mrs.  Kreidell's
spouse. Mrs. Kreidell disclaims any beneficial interest in such shares.

(6) Includes 57,500 owned by his wife as custodian for his minor children.

                              CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

         The Company  obtained funds for the cash payment  required to carry out
the  acquisition of the assets used to start up NDL, and for working capital for
NDL, from (i) the Company's working capital, (ii) the Loan, and (iii) term loans
of $1,140,000 from Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, bearing interest at 9% per year. Under a
collateral  agreement  [third  party]  (the  "Collateral   Agreement")  covering
securities  owned by Mr. David H. Brooks,  Chairman of the Board of the Company,
and Mrs. Terry Brooks, his wife, Mr. Brooks and Mrs. Brooks have pledged certain
marketable securities to the Bank to partially secure the Bank Loan. In exchange
for this,  the Company  has agreed to grant to Mrs.  Brooks  5-year  warrants to
purchase  3,750,000  shares of Common Stock, at a price of $1.33 per share.  The
warrants contain  provisions for a one-time demand  registration,  registration,
and piggyback  registration rights. Mr. David Brooks also lent $2,000,000 to the
Company to provide the funds  needed to purchase  the Point  Blank  Assets;  the
outstanding balance on that loan is now $750,000;  the Company obtained funds to
pay down the loan by  liquidating  certain  investments  at a profit.  In the 12
months ended  December 31, 1995,  the Company has accrued for the account of Mr.
and Mrs.  Brooks a total of $111,750 in interest on their loans to the  Company.
Mr.  and Mrs.  Brooks  have also  pledged  personal  assets to BNY to secure the
Company's debt to that bank. The Company entered into an employment agreement in
April 1996 with Mr. Brooks, See "Employment Agreements."

         During 1995 and 1996,  the Company sold  unregistered  shares of Common
Stock to  approximately  12 persons.


         NDL,  Point  Blank and OPI  operate at a 67,000  square foot office and
warehouse  facility (the  "Facility")  located at 4031 N.E.  12th Terrace,  Fort
Lauderdale, Florida 33334, which it leases from V.A.E. Enterprises ("V.A.E."), a
partnership  controlled by Mrs.  Brooks and  beneficially  owned by Mr. and Mrs.
Brooks'  minor  children,  which  purchased  the Facility on or about January 1,
1995. The lease is a 5-year net-net lease; annual base rental is $480,000 and is
scheduled to increase by 4% per year. The Company, as lessee, is responsible for
all real  estate  taxes and other  operating  and capital  expenses.  Management
believes  that the terms of the lease are no less  favorable to the Company than
could be obtained from an unrelated party.
         PACA leases 23,400 square feet of office,  manufacturing  and warehouse
space at 148 Cedar Place,  Norris,  Tennessee from Leonard  Rosen,  President of
PACA, at a present annual rental $43,200 plus real estate taxes of approximately
$4,800  annually.  The space is occupied  pursuant  to a  five-year  lease which
expires  October 31, 1997,  with an option to acquire the property for $500,000.
In the  opinion  of  management,  the  rental  is  fair  and  reasonable  and is
approximately  at the same  rate that  could be  obtained  from an  unaffiliated
lessor for property of similar type and location.

         The Company was  organized by David H. Brooks on October 22,  1992.  On
November 6, 1992, Mr. Brooks purchases 12,000,000 shares of the Company's Common
Stock for the sum of $8,000 and loaned the Company  $1,200,000  on an  unsecured
basis.  The purchase price of the shares of Common Stock purchased by Mr. Brooks
was arbitrarily  determined.  The loan was evidenced by a demand promissory note
which bore  interest at the rate of 8% per annum and was repaid in March 1993 in
full from the proceeds of a private placement transaction described above.

         On  November  6,  1992,  the  Company  acquired  all of the  issued and
outstanding capital stock of PACA for $800,000 from ESC Industries, Inc. ("ESC")
and  loaned ESC  $100,000.  In  addition,  and as part of the  transaction,  the
Company  acquired  2,000,000  common stock  purchase  warrants  from The Thunder
Group,  Inc., ESC's parent,  for $205,000.  Each warrant permits the purchase of
one share of common  stock of The  Thunder  Group,  Inc.  and ESC are now out of
business and the warrants have no value. At the time of these transactions,  Mr.
Brooks and certain of his affiliates owned 775,000 shares of the common stock of
The Thunder Group,  Inc.,  representing  approximately  5.6% of such outstanding
shares,  and warrants to acquire an additional  750,000 shares. The transactions
between the Company,  The Thunder Group,  and its affiliates  were negotiated at
arm's  length  and were  supported  by an  opinion  of an  independent  business
appraisal as to the fairness of the purchase price paid for PACA.


Proposal 2.


         The total  authorized  capital of the Company,  as set forth in Article
Fourth of the Company's  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  consists of 30,000,000
shares,  of which  25,000,000 are Common Shares,  par value $.001 per share, and
5,000,000 of which are designated  Preferred  Shares having a par value of $.001
per share.

         Under the proposed  amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation,  the
total  authorized  capital  will be increased to  105,000,000  shares,  of which
100,000,000  shall be Common  Shares par value $.001 per share and  5,000,000 of
which  shall be  Preferred  Shares,  par  value  $.001 per  share.  The Board of
Directors approved the proposal on October 31, 1996. The Board of Directors does
not  presently   contemplate  proposing  any  other  changes  to  the  Company's
Certificate of Incorporation.  In addition to the 22,999,008 Common Shares which
were issued and  outstanding  as of December 5, 1996,  the Company has  reserved
4,699,500  Common  Shares for issuance  upon the exercise of  outstanding  stock
purchase Warrants. (See Certain Transactions)

         On July 16, 1996,  the Company paid a 50% Common  Stock  dividend.  The
payment  of this  dividend  together  with  the  full  reserve  of the  Warrants
outstanding  would  exceed the  authorized  capital.  The holder of  Warrants to
purchase  2,500,000 shares of common stock (the wife of the Company's  Chairman)
released the Company from its  obligation to reserve these shares and agreed not
to exercise her Warrants until such time as the Company increased its authorized

         The principal purpose for the proposal is to make available  additional
Common  Shares  for  possible  splits  or  dividends,  employee  benefit  plans,
acquisitions,  public or private stock offerings and other corporate purposes as
well as to  provide  for the full  reserve  of  Common  Shares  issued  upon the
exercise of the Warrants  referred to above. The Company does not presently have
any agreements or understandings  with respect to transactions  which would call
for the  issuance of any of the  additional  75,000,000  (other than those to be
resolved for issuance upon the exercise of the Warrants, Common Shares, although
management is  continuously  investigating  various  acquisition  possibilities.
Shareholders  have  no  pre-emptive  rights  with  respect  to the  issuance  of
additional Common Shares, and the issuance of additional Common Shares would not
require any further shareholder approval.

         As noted above, the Company's  Certificate of Incorporation  authorizes
the Board of Directors to issue up to 5,000,000 shares of preferred stock, $.001
par value per share in such amounts and with such rights to  dividends,  voting,
conversion, redemption and other terms as the Board may determine. At this time,
no preferred stock is issued or outstanding, nor are there any plans to do so.


The Board of Directors  recommends that the shareholders  vote FOR the following
resolution,  approval of which requires an affirmative vote of a majority of the
outstanding Common Shares.

                  RESOLVED,  that  Paragraph  1. of Article  Four of DHB Capital
                  Group Inc.'s  Certificate of  Incorporation be amended to read
                  as follows:

         FOURTH.           Authorized Shares.

         1. The  aggregate  number of shares  which the  Corporation  shall have
authority to issue is 105,000,000 of which 5,000,000  shares of the par value of
$.001 per share shall be designated "Preferred Shares" and 100,000,000 shares of
the par value of $.001 per shall be designated "Common Shares."



Proposal 3.


         Management proposes the appointment of Capraro, Centofranchi,  Kramer &
Co., P.C. as independent  accountants to examine the financial statements of the
Company for the fiscal year 1996.  The Board of Directors has directed that such
appointment be submitted for ratification by the shareholders at the meeting.

         Capraro, Centofranchi, Kramer & Co., P.C. has served as the independent
accountants   for  the  Company  since  1992.  A   representative   of  Capraro,
Centofranchi,  Kramer & Co.,  P.C., is expected to be present at the meeting and
will have the  opportunity to make statements if he desires to do so and will be
available to respond to appropriate questions.

         The  affirmative  vote of a majority of the Common Shares  present,  in
person or represented by proxy, is required for  ratification of the appointment
of Capraro, Centofranchi, Kramer & Co., P.C. as the independent accountants.

The Board of Directors recommends that Shareholders vote FOR ratification of the
appointment of Capraro, Centofranchi, Kramer & Co., P.C.

          Compliance with Section 16(a) Securities Exchange Act of 1934 

Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934  requires the  Company's
directors and executive officers, and persons who own more than ten percent of a
registered class of the Company's equity  securities to file with the Securities
and Exchange  Commission  initial reports of ownership and reports of changes of
ownership of Common Stock and other equity securities of the Company.

To the Company's knowledge, based solely on review of the copies of such reports
furnished to the Company and written  representations that no other reports were
required  during the fiscal years ended December 31, 1994 and December 31, 1995,
all Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to its officers,  directors and
greater than ten percent beneficial owners were complied with.



                                  ANNUAL REPORT


                                FUTURE PROPOSALS

         If any member  wishes to submit a proposal  for  inclusion in the Proxy
Statement for the Company's 1997 Annual Meeting,  the rules of the United States
Securities and Exchange Commission require that such proposal be received at the
Company's  principal  executive  office by a  reasonable  time prior to the 1997
annual  meeting.  All such  proposals  are subject to the  applicable  rules and
requirement of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

         Management  knows of no other  matters to come before the meeting other
than those  referred  to in the  Notice of  Meeting.  However,  should any other
matters  properly come before the meeting,  the shares  represented by the proxy
solicited  hereby  will be voted on such  matters  in  accordance  with the best
judgement of the person voting the shares represented by the proxy.

                       BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 

                                            Mary Kreidell,



                             DHB CAPITAL GROUP INC.


The undersigned  hereby appoints David H. Brooks and Mary Kreidell,  and each of
them  individually  with the power of  substation,  as Proxy or  Proxies  of the
undersigned,  to  attend  and Act for and on behalf  of the  undersigned  at the
Special  Meeting  of  Shareholders  in  lieu  of  the  1996  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders of the Company to be held at the offices of NDL Products located at
4031 Northeast 12th Terrace, Oakland Park, Florida 33334 at 4:00 P.M. local time
and at any adjournment thereof hereby revoking any prior Proxy or Proxies.  This
Proxy when on Monday,  December  30,  1996  properly  executed  will be voted as
directed herein by the undesigned. If no direction is made, shares will be voted
FOR the election of directors named in the proxy and FOR Proposals 2 and 3.

              (Continued, and to be dated and signed on other side)

         Please mark your
         votes as in this
[X]      example.

1.       To elect as directors all the persons named below:

         David H. Brooks                    Mary Kreidell
         Morton A. Cohen                    Gary Nadelman
         Patrick J. Garvey                  Robert Trevisani

          For: [  ]                         Withhold Vote:  [  ]

           For, except vote withheld from the following nominees(s).




2.       Proposal to Amend the Company's Certificate of Incorporation.

           For:  [  ]          Against: [  ]          Abstain: [  ]

3.       To  appoint  Capraro, Centofranchi, Kramer & Co., P.C., as  Independent
         Accountants of  Company.

           For:  [  ]          Against: [  ]          Abstain: [  ]

4.       In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon such other
         business as may properly come before the meeting.

         (Signature  should conform,  exactly to name shown on this proxy.  When
shares are held by joint tenants, both should sign.  Executors,  administrators,
guardians, trustees, attorneys and officers signing for corporations should give
full title).

                                         Dated   ___________________________1996


                                         Signature if held jointly

   Date sign and return the Proxy Card promptly using the enclosed envelope.

