               1200 South Beckham - P.O.Box 6910 - Tyler, TX 75711-6910 -
               903-593-1767 - Fax 903-593-1094

                                  NEWS RELEASE

For verification,  contact: Gerald W. Free, President and CEO
                   Derrell W. Chapman, Vice President/COO/CFO

Telephone:        (903) 593-1767
Fax:              (903) 593-1094

For immediate release, January 22, 1997

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                       EAST TEXAS FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC.
                             DECLARES CASH DIVIDEND

Tyler,  Texas,  January 22,  1997,  - - - East Texas  Financial  Services,  Inc.
(NASDAQ:  ETFS),  the  holding  Company  for  First  Federal  Savings  and  Loan
Association of Tyler, Texas, today has announced that the Company has declared a
cash  dividend of $0.05 per share for the quarter ended  December 31, 1996.  The
dividend will be payable on February 26, 1997, to  stockholders  of record as of
February 12, 1997.

As of December 31, 1996, the Company had outstanding  1,079,285 shares of stock.
Shares of the Company's  stock traded between $14.75 and $16.50 per share during
the quarter ended  December 31, 1996, and reached an all time high of $18.75 per
share in the past two weeks.

First Federal Savings and Loan Association serves primarily Smith County, Texas,
through  its two full  service  retail  banking  offices  located  in Tyler  and
Whitehouse and its loan production office located in Tyler.

The  Company's  stock is traded under the symbol  "ETFS" on the NASDAQ  National
Market System and is listed in most daily newspapers as "EastTxFnl".

                                     - END -

                   Serving the Financial Needs of East Texas