THIS  EMPLOYMENT  AGREEMENT  is made and  entered  into this 7th day of
         March,  1997, by and between NDL Products,  Inc. a Florida  Corporation
         having its principal office located at 4031 N.E. 12th Terrace,  Oakland
         Park, Florida 33334  (hereinafter  called  "Employer"),  and Michael C.
         Bell,  who  resides  in  Andover,   Massachusetts  (hereinafter  called

                                R E C I T A L S:

         A.       Employer   is  in  the   business  of  the   manufacture   and
                  distribution  of sports,  fitness and medical  protective gear
                  and equipment.

         B.       Employer desires to employ Employee and Employee desires to be
                  employed   by   Employer,   upon  the  terms  and   conditions
                  hereinafter set forth.

                  In  consideration  of the  mutual  covenants  hereinafter  set
                  forth, it is hereby agreed as follows:

1. EMPLOYMENT AND DUTIES:  Employer agrees to employ Employee as Chief Executive
Officer and Chief Operating Officer of NDL Products, Inc. and Employee agrees to
serve  Employer  in such  capacity  and to engage in those  duties  which  might
reasonably be required of a Chief Executive  Officer and Chief Operating Officer
including,  but not limited to, supervisory  responsibility for day to day sales
operations of Employer and generally do all things for the best interests of the
Employer,  subject to the direction of Employer's  Board of Directors.  Employee
shall also  serve as Chief  Executive  Officer  and Chief  Operating  Officer of
Orthopedic  Products,  Inc. ("OPI"), a sister company of Employer engaged in the
manufacture  and sale of  orthopedic  products and the  distribution  of general
medical  supplies to  orthopedists,  orthopedic  clinics,  hospitals  and sports
medicine  centers.  Employee  shall  serve  in this  capacity  at no  additional
compensation or benefits than set forth in paragraph 7 below.

2.  TERM:  Employee's  employment  hereunder  shall be for a period of three (3)
years  unless  sooner  terminated  pursuant  to  Section 8 hereof  (the  "Term")
commencing  upon  the date  first  above  written  (the  ":Commencement  Date").
Employer  shall have the option of extending  this  Agreement  for an additional
three (3) year period upon the same terms and conditions  contained herein.  The
Employer  shall  notify the  Employee not later than six (6) months prior to the
expiration  of the  initial  three year term and no later than  thirty (30) days
from the receipt of such notice,  Employee shall advise Employer, in writing, of
his acceptance or rejection of such extension of this agreement.

3. DEVOTION OF ATTENTION:  Throughout the Term of his employment, Employee shall
devote his full time and attention  during normal  business  hours,  and at such
times after normal  business  hours as may  reasonably be necessary to carry out
the duties  commensurate with Employee;'s  position,  to the business affairs of
the Employer and OPI.

         4.1  Acknowledgement  and Purposes Employee  acknowledges that he will,
during  the Term of this  Agreement,  learn  and have  access  to,  Confidential
Information relating to the business and affairs of Employer and OPI. As used in
this Agreement,  Confidential  Information  shall mean trade secrets  concerning
Employer's and OPI's operations,  future plans,  projected and historical sales,
marketing,  costs,  production,  growth and  distribution,  any customer  lists,
customer  information,  or  information  relating  to the  products  or service,
whether  patentable  or not,  concerning  the  business of  Employer  and OPI as
conducted at any time prior to the termination of this Agreement.

               Employer and OPI are engaged in highly competitive businesses and
their  competitive  position  depends in great  measure  upon  their  ability to
develop or acquire and maintain the confidentiality of Confidential Information;
and they may have  expended  and are likely to continue  to expend  considerable
efforts  and  resources  in  the  development  or  acquisition  of  Confidential
Information. Based upon the foregoing, Employee recognizes that the unauthorized
disclosure  of  Confidential  Information  in  violation  of the terms hereof is
likely to result in serious and irreparable harm to Employer and OPI.

         4.2 Restrictions on the Use of Confidential Information Employee agrees
and covenants as follows:

                  (a)      All documents and other materials made or compiled by
                           Employee  during the Term of this  Agreement  and any
                           copies    thereof,    whether   or   not   containing
                           Confidential   Information   are  and  shall  be  the
                           property of Employer  and OPI and shall be  delivered
                           to  Employer  and OPI by  Employee  upon  request  by
                           Employer or OPI. Employee will treat as trade secrets
                           all Confidential Information acquired by him prior to
                           or during  the Term of this  Agreement,  and will not
                           use any  such  Confidential  Information  for his own
                           benefit nor discuss it or any part of it to any other
                           person,  firm or corporation (other than Employer and
                           OPI)  (i)  without  the  prior  written   consent  of
                           Employer or OPI; or (ii)  unless such  disclosure  is
                           required by law or in response to a legal  order;  or
                           (iii) unless such Confidential Information has become
                           generally  available to the public other than through
                           the breach by Employee of the terms hereof.

                  (b)      All ideas, reports and other creative works conceived
                           by  Employee  during the Term of this  Agreement  and
                           relating  to   Confidential   Information   shall  be
                           disclosed  to  Employer  or OPI and shall be the sole
                           property of Employer or OPI.

         5.1  Acknowledgement  and  Purposes.  Employer  and OPI are and will be
engaged in the businesses  associated with the  manufacture of sports  medicine,
fitness and related  products and  orthopedic  products in the United States and
throughout the world.  Employee  acknowledges that said business of Employer and
OPI is  international  in scope and that  Employer  and OPI  compete  with other
organizations that could be located in any part of the World.

         5.2  Covenants  Employee  covenants  and agrees that during the Term of
this  Agreement and for a period of six (6) months from the  termination of this
Agreement  including  any  extension  thereof,  Employee  will not  directly  or
indirectly, engage or invest in, own, manage, operate, control or participate in
the ownership,  management,  operation or control of, be employed, associated or
in any manner  connected with or render  services or advice to, any business the
services of which compete,  in whole or in part, with the services or activities
of Employer or OPI described in Paragraph 5.1 above,  within these  geographical
territories; provided, that Employee may invest in less than one percent (1%) of
any class of securities of any enterprise (but without  otherwise  participating
in the  activities  of such  enterprise)  if such  securities  are listed on any
regional or national  securities  exchange or have been registered under Section
12 (g) or Section 15 (d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

                  (a)      Whether for his own account or for the account of any
                           other  person,  during  the  Term of  this  Agreement
                           including  extensions  and  for a  period  of six (6)
                           months  from  the   termination   of  this  Agreement
                           pursuant  to  Section  8  hereof,  Employee  will not
                           solicit the business of any person known to him to be
                           in conflict with  Employer or OPI without  Employer's
                           or OPI's consent,  which consent  Employer or OPI may
                           withhold in the absolute  discretion,  whether or not
                           Employee had personal contact with such person during
                           or by reason of his employment  with the Employer and
                           OPI prior to or during the Term of this Agreement.

                  (b)      Whether  for his own  account  or the  account of any
                           other  person,  during  the  Term of this  Agreement,
                           including  extensions  and  for a  period  of six (6)
                           months  from  the   termination   of  the  Agreement,
                           Employee  will not,  without the  Employer's or OPI's
                           consent,  which consent  Employer or OPI may withhold
                           in its absolute  discretion,  (i) solicit,  employ or
                           otherwise   engage   as  an   employee,   independent
                           consultant or otherwise,  any person who is or was an
                           employee  of  Employer  or OPI at any time during the
                           employment  of Employee by Employer  and OPI prior to
                           or  during  the  Term  of  this  Agreement  including
                           extensions,  or in any  manner  induce or  attempt to
                           induce any  employee of Employer or OPI to  terminate
                           his or her relationship with Employer or OPI, or (ii)
                           interfere  with the  relationship  of Employer or OPI
                           with any person, including any person who at any time
                           during the employment of Employee by Employer and OPI
                           prior  to  or  during  the  Term  of  this  Agreement
                           including  extensions was an employee,  a customer, a
                           vendor, a supplier or a consultant of, or to Employer
                           or OPI.

6. DISCLOSURE AND ASSIGNMENT Employee will disclose fully to Employer or OPI all
inventions,  formulas,  processes,   improvements  and  ideas,  whether  or  not
patentable,  made or  conceived  by Employee in whole or in part,  alone or with
others,  at any  time  during  the  Term,  any  extension  and  within  one year
thereafter and which relate to the then present or planned  business or Employer
or OPI.  Employee  will also (i) assign to Employer or OPI all such  inventions,
formulas, processes, improvement and ideas and all Employee's rights thereto and
(ii)  sign all  documents  reasonably  requested  by  Employer  or OPI to enable
Employer or OPI to obtain  patents  thereon in the United  States of America and
such foreign  countries as Employer or OPI may designate,  and otherwise  assist
Employer and OPI, at the  latter's  expense,  in  obtaining  such patents and in
protecting, maintaining and defending same.

7. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS  Employee shall receive the following  compensation
and benefits for services rendered by him during the Term of this Agreement:

         7.1 Salary Effective as of the  Commencement  Date,  Employee's  annual
compensation  shall be at the rate of One Hundred Thousand ($ 100,000) per annum
payable in accordance with the regular payroll practices of Employer.

         7.2 Common Stock of DHB (unregistered)

                  (a)      50,000 shares to be issued upon the execution of this
                           agreement.  These shares shall be non  refundable and

                  (b)      90,000  shares  to be  issued  for each  year of this
                           Agreement,  45,000  shares of which shall vest on the
                           1st day of each  year of this  Agreement  and  45,000
                           shares  of which  shall  vest and on the 181st day of
                           each  year.  180,000 of such  shares  shall be issued
                           upon the execution of the  Agreement,  135,000 shares
                           of  which  shall  bear  a  legend   indicating   that
                           ownership  rights with  respect to such shares  shall
                           vest in accordance  with the above  provision and are
                           subject  to  termination  and return to  Employer  if
                           Employee's  employment  hereunder terminates prior to
                           vesting.  An additional  90,000 shares subject to the
                           aforesaid vesting and restrictions shall be issued on
                           the 1st day of the third year of the Agreement.

                           Employee  shall have the right to "put" these  shares
                           to the Company at $ 2.00 per share  between the 355th
                           and 365th day of each year of this  Agreement  to the
                           extent such  shares are  vested.  This right does not
                           carry over to the  following  year and expires to the
                           extent not exercised in each year of this Agreement.

                  (c)      Warrants  or  Options  to  purchase   150,000  shares
                           exercisable at $ 2.00 per share are herewith  granted
                           to Employee but shall vest at the rate of 50,000 upon
                           the completion of each year of this Agreement.

                           The shares issued or issuable pursuant to (a) (b) and
                           (c)  above  will  be   registered   pursuant  to  the
                           Securities  Act of 1933 as  soon  as  possible  after
                           vesting either as individual stock grants pursuant to
                           Form S-8 or pursuant to demand registration rights in
                           any other applicable form of Registration Statement.

                           DHB will use its best  efforts  to issue  the  shares
                           contemplated by (a) (b) and (c) above in a manner and
                           at such time so that such  issuance  will not cause a
                           "short swing" profit to Employee, pursuant to Section
                           16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

         7.3 Bonus Employee will be entitled to a bonus at the discretion of the
Board of Directors of Employer or the Boards' Compensation Committee.  The bonus
would be payable in DHB Common Stock and would be registered as soon as possible
either   pursuant  to  Form  S-8,  or  in  any  other  pending  or  contemplated
Registration Statement.

         7.4 Vacation During the term hereof, Employee shall be entitled to such
vacations during each calendar year as the Board of Directors shall specify, but
in no event  shall  Employee  be  entitled  to less  than two (2)  weeks of paid
vacation during each year of employment.

         7.5 Fringe  Benefits In addition  to all the other  compensation  to be
provided to Employee pursuant to this Paragraph 7, Employee shall be entitled to
receive or to participate in any fringe benefits which are or may be provided by
Employer  to its  officers  and/or  employees,  including,  but not  limited to,
insurance,  health, welfare and retirement plans. Employee shall not be entitled
to an automobile allowance.

         7.6  Business  Expenses  Employer  may,  in its  discretion,  reimburse
Employee  toward all reasonable  expenses  incurred by Employee in the course of
his   employment   hereunder,   including,   without   limitation,   travel  and
entertainment  expenses. It is acknowledged that Employee might incur additional
business  expenses for which he will not be  reimbursed  by  Employer.  Employee
shall not be entitled to an automobile allowance.

         7.7 Relocation  Expense Employee shall be entitled to one-half (1/2) of
the expenses for realtors commissions in the sale of his Andover,  Massachusetts
residence, and all moving expenses to Florida.

8. TERMINATION This Agreement shall terminate upon the expiration of the Term or
for the following causes:

         8.1      Causes for Termination   This Agreement shall terminate:

                  (a)      If  during  the Term of this  Agreement  Employee  is
                           unable,  by reason of physical or mental  disability,
                           to carry out or perform  the duties  required  of him
                           hereunder   for  a  period   of  at  least   two  (2)
                           consecutive  months.  In such event,  Employer  shall
                           have the option,  exercisable  at such time or at any
                           later time during the continuance of such disability,
                           to terminate,  upon written notice, the employment of
                           Employee hereunder,  as of the date specified in such
                           notice,  which  date shall be no sooner  than  thirty
                           (30) days after the date when notice is given. During
                           the term of any  disability of Employee  prior to any
                           termination  of  his  employment   pursuant  to  this
                           Paragraph  8.1  Employee  shall  be  entitled  to his
                           regular  compensation  as  provided  in  Paragraph  7
                           above.  If there  should be any  dispute  between the
                           parties as to Employee's physical or mental

                           disability,  the  dispute  shall  be  settled  by the
                           opinion of an impartial,  reputable  physician agreed
                           upon  for  such  purpose  by  the  parties  or  their
                           representatives. The certificate of such physician as
                           to the matter in dispute  shall be final and  binding
                           upon the parties;

                  (b)      Upon the death of Employee;

                  (c)      By  written  notice  for  "Specified  Cause." As used
                           herein,  the term for "Specific  Cause" means (i) the
                           material misappropriation of assets of the Company or
                           perpetration  of a fraud  against  the Company by the
                           Employee;  (ii) the  conviction  of  Employee  of any
                           crime involving  moral turpitude which  constitutes a
                           felony in the jurisdiction  involved and with respect
                           to  which   appeals   have  been   exhausted;   (iii)
                           Employee's  failure,  other than because of temporary
                           illness, to devote his full business time and efforts
                           to the  pursuit in good faith and with due  diligence
                           of the active businesses and purposes of Employer and
                           OPI;  (iv)  habitual  intoxication  which impairs the
                           performance  of his  duties or  illegal  use of habit
                           forming   substances  which  adversely   affects  the
                           reputation,  goodwill  or  business  position  of the
                           Employer  or OPI,  (vi) the  willful  failure  of the
                           Employee  to  carry  out any  reasonable  and  lawful
                           direction of the Board of Directors of the  Employer;
                           (vii)  or the  willful  violation  or  breach  of any
                           material  provision  of this  Agreement.  The Company
                           will not terminate  Employee's  employment during the
                           Term for "Specified Cause" as hereinabove  defined in
                           subparagraphs (iii), (iv), (v), (vi) or (vii), unless
                           (a) he has first received written notice stating with
                           specificity   the   nature  of  the  breach  of  such
                           provisions   and  affording  him  an  opportunity  to
                           correct the act or acts  complained of within 20 days
                           of the actual  receipt of notice thereof by Employee,
                           and (b)  Employee  has failed to correct  such act or
                           acts,  or,  in the  case  of an act  that  cannot  be
                           corrected within such 20 days, failed to commence and
                           continue in good faith to correct such act.

                  (d)      In the event that  Employer  determined,  in its sole
                           and   absolute   discretion,   to   discontinue   its
                           operations.   Such  termination  shall  be  effective
                           thirty  (30) days  following  the giving of notice by
                           Employer to Employee of such termination;

                  (e)      In the event of a material breach of any provision of
                           this  Agreement by Employer,  Employee shall have the
                           option,   upon  written  notice,   to  terminate  his
                           employment  with Employer as of the date specified in
                           such  notice,  but not less than sixty (60) days from
                           the  date of such  notice,  except  if such  material
                           breach arises from the non-payment of compensation.

9. Severance Upon termination of this Agreement,  pursuant to Paragraphs 8.1 (a)
(b) (d) or (e),  Employee shall be entitled to receive accrued salary,  vacation
pay or other  accrued  payments  and  accrued  issuances  of stock  pursuant  to
Paragraphs 7(a) and (b) to the date of such  termination,  as well as salary and
stock  issuances  pursuant to  Paragraphs 7 (a) and (b) for the six month period
following the date of termination.

10.  ASSIGNMENT  Employee  shall  have no right or power to assign or  otherwise
transfer this Agreement,  or any of his rights,  duties or interest herein,  and
any such purported assignment shall be null, void and of no effect.

11. BINDING EFFECT Subject to Paragraph 6 above, this Agreement shall be binding
upon the parties and their respective heirs, legal  representatives,  successors
and assigns.

12.  REMEDIES  Employee  hereby  acknowledges  that in the  event of a breach or
threatened  breach by him of the  provisions of this  Agreement,  Employer would
suffer  irreparable  harm for which there  would be no  adequate  remedy at law.
Accordingly,.  Employee  agrees  that in such  event,  in  addition to any other
remedies  which Employer may have in law or in equity for money damages or other
relief,  Employer  shall be  entitled to  temporary  and/or  injunctive  relief,
without  the  necessity  of posting  bond or  proving  damages,  to enforce  the
provisions hereof.

13.  ENFORCEABILITY  If any  provision of this  Agreement  would be deemed to be
invalid or unenforceable  for any reason,  including,  without  limitation,  the
geographic  or business cope or the duration  hereof,  such  provision  shall be
construed  in such a way as to make it  valid  and  enforceable  to the  maximum
extent  possible.  Any invalidity or  unenforceability  of any provision of this
Agreement  shall  attach only to such  provision  and shall not effect or render
invalid or  unenforceable  any other  provision  of this  Agreement or any other
agreement or instrument.

14. AGREEMENT TO PERFORM NECESSARY ACTS Each party agrees to perform any further
acts and execute and  delivery  any further  documents  which may be  reasonably
necessary to carry out the provision of this Agreement.

15. NOTICES All notices,  requests,  demand and other communications required or
permitted  to be given  under this  Agreement  shall be in writing  and shall be
deemed  sufficiently given when served personally on the party to whom notice is
to be given  one (1)  business  day  after  delivery  to a  reputable  overnight
courier,  four (4) business  days if mailed to the party to whom notice is to be
given, by first class mail,  registered or certified,m return receipt requested,
postage  prepaid,  or when sent by  telecopy  with a copy  following  by hand or
overnight courier or mailed, registered or certified,  return receipt requested,
postage prepaid, and properly addressed as follows:

         To Employer:      NDL Products, Inc.
                                    4031 N.E. 12th Terrace
                                    Oakland Park, Florida  33334

         With a copy to:   DHB Capital Group, Inc.
                                    11 Old Westbury Rd
                                    Old Westbury, New York   11568

         To Employee       Michael C. Bell
                                    c/o NDL Products, Inc.
                                    4031 N.E. 12th Terrace
                                    Oakland Park, Florida  33334

         Either  party may  change  his or its  address  (and in the case of the
Employer, the name of the person(s) to whose attention  communications hereunder
shall be directed)  from time to time by serving  notice  thereof upon the other
party as provided  herein.  The  provisions  of  paragraphs  4 and 5 above shall
survive the termination of Employers  employment with Employer regardless of the
date,  cause or manner of such  termination,  and  neither  the  termination  of
employment  nor the  termination  of this  Agreement  shall  impair or otherwise
affect  Employers  obligation  to strictly  observe the terms and  conditions of
paragraphs 4 and 5.

16. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement constitutes the full and complete agreement
and understanding  between the parties hereto and supersedes any and all similar
agreements heretofore executed.

17. LAW  APPLICABLE  Should any questions  arise at any time as to the validity,
construction,  interpretation  or  performance  of this  Agreement,  it shall be
construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the undersigned have hereunto set their hands as of the day
and year first above written.

                                                     NDL PRODUCTS, INC.

                                   By:        ________________________________ 
                                   Name:      ________________________________
                                   Title:     ________________________________
                                                       MICHAEL C. BELL
                                   Address:   ________________________________

DHB Capital  Group,  Inc.,  hereby  agrees to be bound by the  provisions of the
within Employment Agreement relating to the issuance,  delivery and registration
of shares of its Common Stock and Options or Warrants to purchase  shares of its
Common Stock

                                    DHB CAPITAL GROUP, INC.

                                    By:     /s/David H. Brooks
                                    Name:   DAVID H. BROOKS
                                    Title:  CHAIRMAN AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER