Executive Officer Compensation Program

Statement of Policy

         It is the  policy  of First  Federal  Savings  Bank of the  Midwest  to
attract and retain competent and qualified  executive  officers who will provide
the leadership and management  skills required to attain the long range goals of
the  institution.  The  Board  of  Directors  recognizes  the  importance  of  a
compensation  program  which  encourages  and rewards  achievement  and provides
incentives for continued  performance  excellence.  As such,  First Federal will
recognize  an  executive  officer's  demonstrated  commitment  to the  long-term
objectives of the Bank through a program which consistently  rewards performance
at the upper level of comparable institutions.


         Executive  officer  compensation is comprised of two  components,  base
compensation and incentive compensation.  Base compensation shall be established
at a level  which is  commensurate  with  the  level  of  responsibility  of the
position and an acceptable  level of  performance  by the  incumbent.  Incentive
compensation  shall be used as the  method  to reward  quantifiable  performance
which exceeds that which is expected within the general  responsibilities of the
position.  For purposes of this  compensation  program,  the two  components  of
compensation are discussed separately.

Base Compensation

         It is  the  policy  of  First  Federal  to  provide  a  level  of  base
compensation  which is  commensurate  with  the  position  and the  demonstrated
abilities of the  individual  executive  officer.  As such, a base  compensation
range  has  been  established  that  provides  a  minimum  and a  maximum  level
considered  appropriate  for each  executive  officer  position  covered by this
policy,  see Appendix A. The individual level of base  compensation  within each
range is considered a function of the position and the past experience, level of
achievement and the  anticipation of continued  performance of the officer.  The
base  compensation  ranges  shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors at least
annually and revised as considered appropriate.

         On an  annual  basis,  the  Board  shall  determine  the  level of base
compensation for each executive officer within the guidelines outlined in former
FHLBB R #42  Memoranda  (Exhibit  1) and  Section  310.3 of the Office of Thrift
Supervision  Thrift  Activities  Regulatory  Handbook  (Exhibit 2). All relevant
supporting  information  relied on by the Board in determining such levels shall
be retained and available for future reference.

         Comparative   compensation  information  shall  be  derived  from  such
comprehensive sources as SNL Securities,  MCS Associates,  Savings and Community
Bankers of America,  The  American  Banker and major  accounting  firms.  Use of
comparative  sources shall not be limited to those listed.  Information shall be
utilized which is considered pertinent, taking into consideration the operations
of this institution.

         A review of  individual  performance  shall also include  factors which
demonstrate  conformity with the responsibility for the safe and sound operation
of the Bank. The relevance of specific factors will vary based on the individual
position and will  include  such items as  compliance  with  internal  policies,
accepted business practices and regulatory requirements; observed leadership and

administrative  abilities;  the level of technical  competence  demonstrated  in
carrying out the  responsibilities of the position;  and the ability to plan and
respond to changing  circumstances.  Quantitative  goals are not established for
these factors in the determination of base compensation; however, such goals are
to be used in the determination of incentive compensation where applicable.  The
goals and  objectives  as outlined in the Bank's  strategic  business plan shall
also be a factor in the measurement of individual performance.

Incentive Compensation

         A program of  incentive  compensation  has been  established  to reward
those  officers who provide a level of  performance  for the Bank which warrants
recognition in the form of compensation above base compensation amounts.

         On an  annual  basis,  the Board of  Directors  shall  award  incentive
compensation to those individual  executive officers for which such compensation
is  considered  appropriate.  The Board is not required to  authorize  incentive
compensation to eligible  executive  officers even if all guidelines are met, if
in the Board's  discretion,  the  officer's  performance  does not warrant  such
award.  The Board shall  follow the  guidelines  listed below as a basis for its
decision to award such incentive compensation.

Guidelines for Incentive Compensation

1.       The Bank must,  at fiscal year end, have a level of capital which is at
         least  125%  of  the  regulatory   minimum  for  each  of  the  capital

2.       The Bank's return on average assets must be at least equal to 1.00%. In
         the  event  that  an  acquisition,  or  other  significant  non-routine
         occurrence,  were to cause this requirement not to be met, the Board is
         authorized   to  exercise   discretion   in  the  award  of   incentive
         compensation,  provided that all other  requirements have been met. For
         purposes  of  determining   compliance  with  this   requirement,   net
         non-operating  income  shall not account for greater  than 25% of total

3.       The Bank's  return on average  equity  must be at least equal to 9.00%.
         For purposes of determining  compliance with this guideline,  return on
         equity shall be determined based either on an assumed capitalization of
         the Bank at 8.00% of average  assets,  or on actual  capitalization  if
         less than 8.00%. Also for purposes of this guideline, earnings shall be
         reduced by the  assumed  earnings on capital in excess of 8.00% (net of
         tax, and based on the average  earning  asset yield for the period) and
         shall be increased by the amount of any amortization of goodwill.

         In the event  that an  acquisition,  or other  significant  non-routine
         occurrence,  were to cause this requirement not to be met, the Board is
         authorized   to  exercise   discretion   in  the  award  of   incentive
         compensation,  provided that all other  requirements have been met. For
         purposes  of  determining   compliance  with  this   requirement,   net
         non-operating  income  shall not account for greater  than 25% of total

4.       The Bank's  ratio of  classified  assets to tangible  capital  must not
         exceed 35%.  Classified assets are defined as those assets  classified,
         under current policies and regulations,  as substandard and doubtful as
         reported on the  appropriate  lines of the quarterly  thrift  financial

5.       The Bank's interest rate risk exposure,  as determined quarterly by the
         Office  of Thrift  Supervision  and  based on  Thrift  Bulletin  No. 13
         guidelines for the measurement of interest rate risk exposure, must not
         allow  the  Bank's  capital  position  to fall  below  minimum  capital

6.       The composite  CAMEL  rating,  as reported to the Bank by the Office of
         Thrift   Supervision,   reflects  the  regulatory   perception  of  the
         institution's   overall   strength  and  compliance   with   regulatory
         requirements.  As  such,  a  CAMEL  rating  of 1  or  2  is  considered
         acceptable to allow consideration of incentive compensation.

7.       Prior to the approval of any  incentive  compensation,  the Board shall
         have  reviewed  all  independent   audit  reports,   Office  of  Thrift
         Supervision   reports  of  examination,   Federal   Deposit   Insurance
         Corporation  reports of examination and any relevant  documents related
         to such audits and  examinations  which have occurred during the period
         for which the incentive compensation is considered.  The Board's review
         of  those  documents  should  be  directed  toward a  determination  of
         management's safe and sound implementation and compliance with policies
         and procedures,  and the frequency and significance of any violation of
         law or regulation.

         As  part  of  the  documentation  in  support  of  awarding   incentive
         compensation, the Board shall include its summary conclusions in regard
         to the review of these reports.

Amount of Incentive Compensation

         If the foregoing  criteria have been met and individual  performance is
considered  to warrant,  the following  schedule  shall be used to determine the
allowable incentive compensation to be paid to executive officers.

        If Return on Average Equity               Incentive Compensation Award
             Equals or Exceeds:                    as a % of Base Compensation                  
             ------------------                    ---------------------------  

                                                    Cash         Stock Options
                                                    ----         -------------
                 9.00 %                              10%               -
                 9.25%                               11%               - 
                 9.50%                               12%               -
                 9.75%                               14%               -
                10.00%                               16%              10%
                10.25%                               18%              12%
                10.50%                               20%              14%
                10.75%                               22%              16%
                11.00%                               24%              18%
                11.25%                               26%              20%
                11.50%                               28%              20%
                11.75%                               30%              20%
                12.00%                               32%              20% 

         In the event that return on average  equity exceeds  12.25%,  incentive
compensation  awards  shall be  determined  at the  discretion  of the  Board of
Directors,  with the cash  award not to exceed 50% of the  individual  executive
officer's base compensation.

         The award of stock  options  under this plan is subject to the approval
of such awards by the First Midwest Financial,  Inc. Stock Option Committee, and
is dependent on the availability of such stock options.  In the event that stock
options  are not  available  in amounts  sufficient  to meet total  awards,  the
available  stock options will be awarded on a pro-rata basis to recipients.  The
number  of stock  options  to be  awarded  shall be  determined  by  taking  the
indicated  percentage  times  base  compensation,  divided  by a fixed  price of
$6.6667 per share,  such fixed price to be adjusted for any subsequent change in
outstanding shares by reason of reorganization,  recapitalization,  stock split,
stock dividend,  combination or exchange of shares, merger, consolidation or any
change in corporate structure. The exercise price of stock options awarded under
this plan shall be the closing  average  bid/ask  market price on the  effective
date of grant.

Review and Authorization

         The  executive  officer  compensation  program shall be reviewed by the
Board of  Directors  on an  annual  basis  and  will be  revised  as  considered
necessary.  The minutes of the meeting of the Board shall reflect the review and
the nature of any revisions.

         Authorization  for  changes  in base  compensation  and the  payment of
incentive  compensation  shall be  documented  in the  minutes of the meeting at
which the Board makes such  authorization.  Information  used in support of such
authorization shall be made a part of the board minutes.

                                   Appendix A

                      Schedule of Base Compensation Ranges
                          Executive Officer Positions

           Position                          Minimum    Midpoint     Maximum
           --------                          -------    --------     -------

Chairman of the Board, President & CEO       $138,400    $173,000    $207,600

Executive Vice President, Secretary & COO    $120,800    $151,000    $181,200

Senior Vice President, Treasurer & CFO       $ 84,800    $106,000    $127,200



                                    Exhibit 1

                             [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED]


                                    Exhibit 2

                             [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED]