
                               CAREY DIVERSIFIED

                             5,000,000 LISTED SHARES

                              DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT


                               SHARE PURCHASE PLAN


                                February 11, 1998


                               CAREY DIVERSIFIED



                             5,000,000 LISTED SHARES

                              CAREY DIVERSIFIED LLC

     Carey   Diversified  LLC,  a  Delaware  limited   liability   company  (the
"Company"),  hereby offers participation in its Dividend  Reinvestment and Share
Purchase Plan (the "Plan").  The Plan is designed to provide both interested new
investors as well as existing holders of the Company's limited liability company
interests,  Listed  Shares (the  "Shares"),  with an economical  and  convenient
method to designate  all or a portion of the cash  dividends on their Shares for
reinvestment  in more Shares  through the Dividend  Reinvestment  Program and to
purchase  Shares  under  the Share  Purchase  Program.  Some of the  significant
features of the Plan are as follows:

     o  Participants   may   purchase   additional   Shares,   if  desired,   by
        automatically  reinvesting  all or a portion of their cash  dividends in
        Shares in the Dividend  Reinvestment  Program.

     o  Participants may also purchase additional Shares by making optional cash
        payments of $500 to $25,000  per month or by making an initial  optional
        cash payment of $500 to $25,000 in the Share Purchase Program.

     o  Purchase of  additional  Shares with optional cash payments in excess of
        $25,000 may be made with  permission of the Company.  Such purchases may
        be priced at a  discount  ranging  from 0% to 5%, as  determined  by the
        Company in its sole discretion from time to time.

     o  Shares will be purchased  by the Plan  Administrator  directly  from the
        Company,  in open market or in  privately  negotiated  transactions,  as
        determined from time to time by the Company, to fulfill requirements for
        the Plan.

     o  Participation  in the Plan is entirely  voluntary,  and Participants may
        terminate  their  participation  at any  time.  Shareholders  who do not
        choose  to  participate  in the  Plan  will  continue  to  receive  cash
        dividends,  as  declared,  in the usual  manner.  Participants  may also
        request  that  any or all of the  Shares  held in their  account  ("Plan
        Shares") be sold by the Plan Administrator.


                         CONTRARY IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE.

                 The date of this Prospectus is March 11, 1998.

Carey Diversified LLC, 50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10020
212-492-1100     Fax 212-977-3022

     This  Prospectus  does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of
an offer to buy any of the securities  offered hereby in any jurisdiction to any
person  to whom it is  unlawful  to make such an offer or  solicitation  in such
jurisdiction.  No person has been  authorized to give any information or to make
any representations  other than those contained in this Prospectus in connection
with the  offering  made  hereby,  and if given or  made,  such  information  or
representations  must  not be  relied  upon as  having  been  authorized  by the
Company.  Neither the delivery of this  Prospectus  nor any sale made  hereunder
shall, under any  circumstances,  create any implication that information herein
is correct as of any time subsequent to the date hereof.

                              AVAILABLE INFORMATION

     The Company is subject to the  information  requirements  of the Securities
Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended  (the  "Exchange  Act"),  and in  accordance
therewith files reports and other  information  with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (the  "Commission"  or "SEC").  Reports,  proxy  statements and other
information  filed by the  Company  may be  inspected  and  copied at the public
reference  facilities  maintained by the  Commission at 450 Fifth Street,  N.W.,
Washington,  D.C. 20549,  and at the  Commission's  regional  offices located at
Seven World Trade Center,  13th Floor, New York, New York 10048, and at 500 West
Madison Street,  Chicago,  Illinois 60661.  Copies may also be obtained from the
Public  Reference  section  of  the  Commission  at  450  Fifth  Street,   N.W.,
Washington,  D.C.  20549 at  prescribed  rates.  The Shares of the  Company  are
currently quoted on the New York Stock Exchange.  Reports,  proxy statements and
other  information  concerning  the Company  may be  inspected  at the  National
Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., 1735 K Street, N.W.,  Washington,  D.C.
20006. In addition, holders of the Shares will receive annual reports containing
audited financial statements with a report thereon by the Company's  independent
certified public accountants, and quarterly reports containing unaudited summary
financial  information for each of the first three quarters of each fiscal year.
This Prospectus  does not contain all information set forth in the  Registration
Statement and Exhibits  thereto which the Company has filed with the  Commission
under the  Securities  Act of 1933, as amended (the  "Securities  Act"),  and to
which  reference is hereby made.  The Company files  information  electronically
with the  Commission,  and the  Commission  maintains  a Web Site that  contains
reports,  proxy  and  information  statements  and other  information  regarding
registrants   (including  the  Company)  that  file   electronically   with  the
Commission. The address of the Commission's Web Site is (http://www.sec.gov).


     There  are  incorporated   herein  by  reference  the  following  documents
heretofore filed by the Company with the Commission:

     (a) The  description  of the  Company's  Shares  contained in the Company's
         Registration  Statement  on Form 8-A, as amended  (Reg.  No.  1-13779),
         filed January 13, 1998, under the Exchange Act.

     (b) The  registration  statement on Form S-4 filed on October 15, 1997. (c)
         The Company's quarterly report for the quarter ended September 30, 1997
         on Form 10-Q. All documents  filed by the Company  pursuant to Sections
         13(a), 13(c), 14 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act subsequent to

the date of this  Prospectus and prior to the termination of the offering of the
securities made hereby shall be deemed to be incorporated by reference into this


     The Company  hereby  undertakes to provide  without  charge to each person,
including any beneficial  owner to whom a Prospectus is delivered,  upon written
or oral request of that person,  a copy of any document  incorporated  herein by
reference (or incorporated into the documents that this Prospectus  incorporates
by  reference).  Requests  should  be  directed  to Carey  Diversified  LLC,  50
Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10020, telephone (212) 492-1100.

                              CAREY DIVERSIFIED LLC

     Carey  Diversified  LLC ("Carey  Diversified",  "CD" or the "Company") is a
Delaware limited  liability  company  initially  established to consolidate nine
publicly-registered  real estate limited partnerships  organized by W.P. Carey &
Co.,  Inc.  between  1979  and  1991.  These  nine   partnerships  (the  "CPA(R)
Partnerships")  raised  investor  capital  aggregating  over  $400  million  and
invested the net  proceeds  primarily in  triple-net-leased  properties.  Shares
issued to the holders of units in the CPA(R)  Partnerships are listed on the New
York Stock Exchange.

     Carey  Diversified's  objective  is to increase  shareholder  value and its
Funds from Operations  through prudent  management of its real estate assets and
opportunistic  investments.  CD  intends  to  capitalize  on  its  status  as  a
publicly-traded  real  estate  investment  company  to  take  advantage  of  the
significant  opportunities to make net-lease and other investments at attractive
returns. The Company expects to evaluate a number of different  opportunities in
a variety of property  types and  geographic  locations and to pursue those that
meet its stringent underwriting requirements.

     The Company's  business  plan is an expansion of the business  plans of the
CPA(R) Partnerships.  In addition to acquiring additional net-leased properties,
the Company intends to:

     o   Seek additional  investment and other  opportunities that leverage core
         management  skills  (which  include  in-depth  credit  analysis,  asset
         valuation and sophisticated structuring techniques);

     o   optimize  the current  portfolio  of  properties  through  expansion of
         existing   properties,   timely   dispositions   and  favorable   lease

     o   refinance existing debt; and

     o   increase the Company's access to capital.

     The Company  expects to be a perpetual  life,  growth-oriented  company and
therefore,  instead of selling all of its properties as the CPA(R)  Partnerships
had been designed to do, will continue to own  properties as long as it believes
ownership helps attain its value-building objectives.

     Additional  information  regarding  the  Company,   including  the  audited
financial  statements  of  the  Company  and  descriptions  of the  Company,  is
contained in the documents  incorporated by reference herein. See "Incorporation
of Certain Information by Reference," above.

                                 USE OF PROCEEDS

     The  Company  may  purchase  Shares for the Plan on the open  market or may
issue new Shares.  If Shares are purchased on the open market,  the Company will
not receive any proceeds from the Plan. The Plan would raise additional  capital
for the  Company to the extent  that  Shares  issued  hereunder  are  previously
unissued  shares or treasury  shares  (rather  than shares  acquired in the open
market).  In the event the Company issues previously unissued Shares or treasury
shares  pursuant to this Plan,  the proceeds will be used for  acquisitions  and
general Company purposes.


                                    THE PLAN


     The Plan  provides  both current  owners of the Shares and  interested  new
investors with a convenient  and  attractive  method of investing cash dividends
and optional  cash payments of $500 to $25,000 per month in Shares at the Market
Price without payment of a brokerage  commission or service charge. In addition,
optional cash payments in excess of the $25,000 monthly limit may be invested in
Shares at a discount  from the Market Price in cases where the  Company,  at its
discretion, approves a Request for Waiver for such Share purchases. The discount
is subject to change  from time to time,  but will not vary from the range of 0%
to 5%.

     Optional  cash  payments of less than $500 and that portion of any optional
cash payment which exceeds the maximum monthly purchase limit of $25,000, unless
such upper  limit has been  waived,  are  subject  to return to the  Participant
without interest. For Shares purchased with optional cash payments, Participants
may elect to have the  certificates  for such shares sent to them free of charge
or  retained  by  the  Plan   Administrator  for  safekeeping,   and  additional
certificates  may be sent to the  Plan  Administrator  for  safekeeping  without
payment of any fee. Participants may also request that any or all Shares held in
the Plan be sold by the Plan  Administrator on behalf of such Participants for a
nominal fee, any transfer fees and any  applicable  stock  transfer taxes on the
resales,  all of  which  will be  deducted  by the Plan  Administrator  from the
proceeds of the sale and the balance sent to the Participant.

     Capitalized terms not defined in the body of the Prospectus are included in
the Glossary beginning on page 18.


     The  primary  purpose of the Plan is to  provide  both  current  holders of
Shares and interested new investors with an economical and convenient  method of
increasing  their  investment  in the Company by  investing  cash  dividends  in
additional Shares at the Market Price and/or by investing optional cash payments
in Shares at the Market Price  without  payment of any  brokerage  commission or
service  charge.  To the extent Shares are purchased  from the Company under the
Plan, the Company will receive  additional  funds for  acquisitions  and general
Company purposes.

     The Plan  may  also be used by the  Company  to  raise  additional  capital
through the sale each month of a portion of the Shares  available  for  issuance
under the Plan to  purchasers of Shares  (including  brokers or dealers) who, in
connection  with any resales of such shares,  may be deemed to be  underwriters.
These sales will be effected through the Company's  ability to waive limitations
applicable to the amounts which  Participants  may invest pursuant to the Plan's
Share Purchase Program.  However, the Plan is primarily intended for the benefit
of long-term  investors,  and not for the benefit of individuals or institutions
who engage in short-term  trading activities that could cause aberrations in the
composite trading volume of the Company's Shares. The Company reserves the right
to modify, suspend or terminate  participation in the Plan by otherwise eligible
holders of Shares in order to eliminate  practices which are not consistent with
the purposes of the Plan.

     The Plan was adopted by the Board of  Directors  on  February  11, 1998 and
became effective on that date. The following description of the Plan constitutes
the Plan. Holders of Shares who do not participate in the Plan will receive cash
dividends as declared and paid in the usual manner.



     Dividend Reinvestment Program. Holders of Shares who wish to participate in
the Plan,  whether Record Owners,  Beneficial Owners or interested new investors
who make an initial  investment  through the Share  Purchase  Program  described
below  (each a  "Participant")  may elect to have all or a  portion  of the cash
dividends  paid on their Shares  automatically  reinvested in additional  Shares
when and as  declared  by the  Company's  Board  of  Directors,  generally  on a
quarterly basis.  Subject to the availability of Shares  registered for issuance
under the Plan,  there is no limitation on the amount of dividends a Participant
may reinvest under the Dividend Reinvestment Program.

     Share Purchase Program.  Each month,  Participants may also elect to invest
optional cash payments in Shares, subject to a minimum monthly purchase limit of
$500 and a maximum  monthly  purchase  limit of $25,000.  The  maximum  limit is
subject to waiver at the Company's  discretion.  Participants  may make optional
cash  payments  each  month  even if  dividends  on their  Shares  are not being
reinvested and whether or not a dividend has been declared. Participants are not
required to enroll any Shares  purchased  through the Share Purchase  Program in
the Dividend  Reinvestment  Program but may  designate  all or a portion of such
Shares for such participation on the Authorization  Form if desired.


     (a) The Plan provides  Participants  with the  opportunity to reinvest cash
         dividends paid on all or a portion of their Shares in additional Shares
         without payment of a brokerage  commission or service  charge.

     (b) The Plan provides  Participants  with the  opportunity  to make monthly
         investments of optional cash  payments,  subject to minimum and maximum
         amounts,  for the  purchase  of Shares  without  payment of a brokerage
         commission or service charge. The Participant may designate any portion
         of  such  Plan  Shares  to be  enrolled  in the  Dividend  Reinvestment

     (c) All cash dividends paid on  Participants'  Plan Shares  enrolled in the
         Dividend  Reinvestment  Program  can be fully  invested  in  additional
         Shares  because the Plan  permits  fractional  Shares to be credited to
         Plan accounts. Dividends on such fractional Shares, as well as on whole
         Shares,  will also be  reinvested  in  additional  Shares which will be
         credited to Plan accounts.

     (d) The  Plan   Administrator,   at  no  charge  and  at  the  election  of
         Participants,  either sends  certificates to Participants  for optional
         Shares purchased or provides for the safekeeping of share  certificates
         for Shares credited to each Plan account.

     (e) A  Participant  may also elect to deposit  with the Plan  Administrator
         certificates for the  Participant's  other Shares  registered in his or
         her name for safekeeping without charge.

     (f) Periodic  statements  reflecting all current  activity,  including Plan
         Share  purchases  and the most recent Plan  account  balance,  simplify
         Participants' record keeping.


     (a) No interest  will be paid by the Company or the Plan  Administrator  on
         dividends  or optional  cash  payments  held  pending  reinvestment  or
         investment.  In addition,  optional cash payments of less than $500 and
         that portion of any optional  cash  payment  which  exceeds the maximum
         monthly  purchase  limit of  $25,000,  unless such upper limit has been
         waived,  are  subject to return to the  Participant  without  interest.


         Moreover,  purchases  above the  $25,000 per month limit that have been
         granted  a  waiver  may  also  be  subject  to  return  under   certain

     (b) With respect to Shares acquired from the Company,  the actual number of
         Shares  to be  issued  to the  Participant  or the  Participant's  Plan
         account  will not be  determined  until  after the end of the  relevant
         Pricing Period. Therefore,  Participants will not know the actual price
         per Share or number of Shares they have purchased  until the Investment

     (c) Because   optional   cash   payments  must  be  received  by  the  Plan
         Administrator  by the Optional Cash Payment Due Date, such payments may
         be exposed to changes in market  conditions for a longer period of time
         than in the case of typical secondary market transactions.

     (d) Resales of Shares  credited to a  Participant's  account under the Plan
         will  involve a nominal fee per  transaction  to be  deducted  from the
         proceeds of the sale by the Plan  Administrator (if such resale is made
         by the Plan  Administrator  at the request of a Participant),  plus any
         brokerage  commission  and any  applicable  stock transfer taxes on the


     The Company has designated  Mellon Bank, N.A., (the "Plan  Administrator"),
to administer the Plan and act as agent for the  Participants.  Mellon Bank N.A.
has designated its affiliates, ChaseMellon Shareholder Services, L.L.C., Dreyfus
and other agents to perform certain  services for the Plan. These companies will
purchase  and hold Shares for  Participants,  keep  records and  statements  and
perform  other  duties  required  by the  Plan.  Certificates  for  Plan  Shares
purchased  pursuant  to the  Share  Purchase  Program  but  not  designated  for
investment in the Dividend  Reinvestment Program will be sent to the Participant
or held by the Plan  Administrator,  at the  Participant's  discretion,  free of
charge.  Plan Shares  designated for the Dividend  Reinvestment  Program will be
held by the Plan  Administrator  and registered in the  Participant's  name. The
Plan Administrator will credit dividends to Participants'  accounts on the basis
of whole or fractional Plan Shares held in such accounts, and will automatically
reinvest  such  dividends in additional  Shares  according to the portion of the
Participants'  Shares  designated to  participate  in the Dividend  Reinvestment
Program. Any remaining portion of cash dividends not designated for reinvestment
will be sent to the Participant.  If the Plan Administrator resigns or otherwise
ceases  to act as plan  administrator,  the  Company  will  appoint  a new  plan
administrator to administer the Plan.

     Participants  will incur no  brokerage  commissions  or service  charges in
connection  with  the  reinvestment  of  dividends  and in  connection  with all
purchases  made pursuant to optional cash payments  under the Plan.  The Company
will pay all costs of administration of the Plan. Additionally, Participants may
elect to send the certificates for their other Shares to the Plan  Administrator
for safekeeping, and there is no fee for this service. However, Participants who
request that the Plan Administrator sell all or any portion of their shares must
pay a  nominal  fee per  transaction  to the  Plan  Administrator,  any  related
brokerage commissions and applicable stock transfer taxes.



     Shareholders  who already  own Shares and whose  Shares are  registered  in
their own name may participate  immediately by signing and returning a completed
Authorization Form to the Plan Administrator.  If a Shareholder owns Shares held
in a brokerage account,  arrangements


should be made with the brokerage firm to allow for  participation  in the Plan.
Individuals  who do not own any  Shares  may  participate  by making an  initial
investment in Shares through the Share  Purchase  Program.  See "Share  Purchase
Program" below.

     The  dividend  reinvestment  feature  will be effective on the first record
date after receipt of the  Authorization  Form.  Once in the Plan, a Participant
remains  in the  Plan  until he or she  withdraws  from the  Plan,  the  Company
terminates his or her  participation  in the Plan or the Company  terminates the

     The  Company  reserves  the right to refuse to  permit  any  broker,  bank,
nominee or other  Record Owner to  participate  in the Plan if the terms of such
participation  would,  in the Company's  judgment,  result in excessive  cost or
burden to the Company.

     The  Authorization  Form appoints the Plan  Administrator  as agent for the
Participant  and  directs  the  Company  to pay to the  Plan  Administrator  the
Participant's  cash  dividends  on the Shares  owned by the  Participant  on the
applicable Record Date and enrolled in the Dividend  Reinvestment  Program,  and
thereafter   including  all  whole  and  fractional   Shares   credited  to  the
Participant's  Plan account as they are added with each reinvestment or optional
purchase designated for reinvestment. Such cash dividends with respect to Shares
enrolled in the Dividend  Reinvestment Program will be automatically  reinvested
by the Plan  Administrator in Shares.  Any remaining cash dividends not enrolled
in the Dividend Reinvestment Program are paid directly to the Participant. Whole
Shares  purchased  with  reinvested  dividends on Shares  registered in the Plan
through a brokerage firm will be credited to a Participant's  brokerage account.
Consult with your brokerage firm to determine how it handles fractional Shares.

     Additionally,  the  Authorization  Form directs the Plan  Administrator  to
purchase Shares with a Participant's optional cash payments, if any, and whether
to enroll any of such new Plan Shares in the Dividend Reinvestment Program.

Partial Participation Possible under the Dividend Reinvestment Plan

     Participants may designate any desired percentage of their Shares for which
dividends are to be reinvested.  Dividends will thereafter be reinvested only on
the percentage of Shares specified, and the Participant will continue to receive
cash dividends on the remainder of the Shares. Investment Dates

     The  Investment  Date with  respect  to the  Shares  acquired  pursuant  to
dividend  reinvestments  will be (i) if acquired directly from the Company,  the
quarterly  dividend  payment date declared by the Board of Directors  (generally
the 15th day of the month, unless such date is not a business date in which case
it is the first  business day  immediately  thereafter),  or (ii) in the case of
open market purchases, the date or dates of actual investment, but no later than
30 days following the dividend payment date.

     When  open  market  purchases  are  made by the  Plan  Administrator,  such
purchases may be made on any securities exchange where the Shares are traded, in
the over-the-counter market or by negotiated transactions, and may be subject to
such terms with respect to price, delivery and other matters as agreed to by the
Plan Administrator.

     Shares will be  allocated  and  credited to  Participants'  accounts on the


Purchase Price of Shares Purchased Under the Dividend Reinvestment Program

     Shares  purchased with reinvested  dividends will be purchased for the Plan
at the Market Price. See the Glossary for a definition of Market Price.  Neither
the Company nor any Participant  shall have any authorization or power to direct
the time or price at which  Shares will be  purchased  or the  selection  of the
broker  or dealer  through  or from  whom  purchases  are to be made by the Plan
Administrator.  However,  when  open  market  purchases  are  made  by the  Plan
Administrator, the Plan Administrator shall use its best efforts to purchase the
Shares at the lowest possible price.

Determination of the Number of Shares Purchased for a Participant

     A  Participant's  account in the Plan will be  credited  with the number of
Shares,  including fractions computed to four decimal places, equal to the total
amount to be invested on behalf of such  Participant  divided by the  applicable
Market  Price per Share.  The total  amount to be  invested  will  depend on the
amount of any  dividends  paid on the number of Shares owned by the  Participant
and  designated  for  reinvestment,  plus  dividends  on the Plan Shares in such
Participant's  Plan account  designated for  reinvestment.  Participants will be
credited with dividends on fractions of Shares.  Subject to the  availability of
Shares  registered for issuance under the Plan, there is no total maximum number
of Shares  available  for issuance  pursuant to the  reinvestment  of dividends.
Withdrawal from the Plan

     Participants may withdraw from the Plan with respect to all or a portion of
the Shares held in his or her account in the Plan at any time. If the request to
withdraw is  received  prior to a dividend  Record  Date,  the  request  will be
processed on the day following receipt of the request by the Plan Administrator.

     If the request to withdraw  is  received  by the Plan  Administrator  on or
after  a  dividend   Record  Date,   but  before  the  payment  date,  the  Plan
Administrator,  in its sole discretion,  may either pay such dividend in cash or
reinvest it in Shares for the Participant's  account. The request for withdrawal
will then be processed as promptly as possible  following such dividend  payment
date. All dividends  subsequent to the effective date of the withdrawal  will be
paid in cash unless a shareholder  re-enrolls in the Plan,  which may be done at
any time.

How to Withdraw from the Plan

     A Participant who wishes to withdraw from the Plan with respect to all or a
portion of the  Shares  held in his or her  account in the Plan must  notify the
Plan Administrator in writing. Upon a Participant's  withdrawal from the Plan or
termination of the Plan by the Company,  certificates for the appropriate number
of whole  Shares  credited to his or her  account  under the Plan will be issued
free of charge. A cash payment will be made for any fraction of a Share.

     Upon  withdrawal  from the Plan, a Participant  may also request in writing
that the Plan  Administrator  sell all or part of the Shares  credited to his or
her  account  in the  Plan.  The Plan  Administrator  will  sell the  shares  as
requested  within 10 business days after  processing the request for withdrawal.
The  Participant  will receive the proceeds of the sale,  less a nominal fee per
transaction  paid to the Plan  Administrator,  any brokerage fees or commissions
and any applicable stock transfer taxes,  generally within five business days of
the sale.


Automatic Termination Provisions

     Participation  in the Plan  will be  terminated  if the Plan  Administrator
receives  written  notice  of  the  death  or  adjudicated   incompetency  of  a
Participant,   together  with  satisfactory  supporting   documentation  of  the
appointment  of a legal  representative  at least five  business days before the
next Record Date for  purchases  made through the  reinvestment  of dividends or
Optional  Cash  Payment  Due  Date  for  payments  received  for  optional  cash
investments,  as applicable. In the event written notice of death or adjudicated
incompetency  and  such  supporting   documentation  is  received  by  the  Plan
Administrator  less than five  business  days  before  the next  Record  Date or
Optional Cash Payment Due Date for purchases  made through the  reinvestment  of
dividends or optional cash payments, as applicable,  the Plan Administrator,  in
its sole  discretion,  may  either  pay such  dividends  in cash or invest  such
dividends in  additional  Shares.  Participation  in the Plan will not terminate
until  after  such  dividend  or payment  has been  reinvested.  Thereafter,  no
additional purchase of Shares will be made for the Participant's account and the
Participant's  Shares and any cash  dividends  paid thereon will be forwarded to
such Participant's  legal  representative.


Enrollment in Share Purchase Program

     Any person who has timely signed an  Authorization  Form  indicating his or
her  intention  to  participate  in the Share  Purchase  Program of the Plan are
eligible  to make  optional  cash  payments  during any month,  whether or not a
dividend  is  declared.  The  Authorization  Form  allows any  investor  to make
optional cash investments,  including an initial  investment in Shares,  for any
amount  between $500 and $25,000 by enclosing a check or money order  payable to
"Mellon Bank, N.A. - Carey Diversified LLC DRP" with the Authorization  Form and
sending them directly to the Plan  Administrator.  Each  statement  sent to Plan
participants  will include a form to accompany  subsequent cash investments they
may wish to make in any amount between $500 and $25,000 per month. Optional cash
payments must be  accompanied by an  Authorization  Form.  Each month,  the Plan
Administrator  will apply any optional cash payment  received from a Participant
no later than the Optional  Cash Payment Due Date to the purchase of  additional
Shares for the account of the  Participant on the following  Investment Date and
will enroll the portion of such Shares in the Dividend  Reinvestment  Program as
so  directed  by the  Participant  on the  Authorization  Form.

Limitations on Optional Cash Payments

     For any Investment Date, each optional cash payment is subject to a minimum
of $500 and a maximum of $25,000  (subject  to  waiver).  For  purposes of these
limitations,  all accounts under common control, management or representation by
or on behalf of the same  beneficial  owner will be  aggregated.  Optional  cash
payments of less than $500 and that  portion of any cash payment  which  exceeds
the maximum  monthly  purchase  limit of $25,000,  unless such maximum limit has
been waived by the Company, will be returned to the Participant without interest
at the end of the relevant Pricing Period.

Due Dates and Investment Dates for Optional Cash Payments

     In order for funds to be invested  on the next  Investment  Date,  the Plan
Administrator  must have received an Authorization Form and a check, money order
or wire  transfer by the Optional  Cash  Payment Due Date and such check,  money
order or wire transfer must have cleared before the related  Investment  Date or
generally,  the 20th day of each month or the business day immediately preceding
the 20th day of the  month if the 20th day of the month is not a  business  day.
See Schedule A. Wire transfers may be used only if approved  verbally in advance
by the


Plan  Administrator.  Checks  and money  orders are  accepted  subject to timely
collection as good funds and  verification  of compliance  with the terms of the
Plan.  Checks or money  orders  should be made payable to "Mellon  Bank,  N.A. -
Carey  Diversified  LLC  DRP."  Checks  returned  for  any  reason  will  not be
resubmitted for collection.

     Optional  cash  payments  will  be  invested  every  month  on the  related
Investment Date.  Optional cash payments  received by the Plan  Administrator by
the Optional  Cash Payment Due Date will be applied to the purchase of Shares on
the  Investment  Date  immediately  after the Optional  Cash Payment Due Date on
which such payment is received.


Purchase Price of Shares Purchased Under the Share Purchase Program

     Shares purchased under the Share Purchase Program will be purchased for the
Plan at the Market Price.  See the Glossary for the  definition of Market Price.
Neither the Company nor any Participant shall have any authorization or power to
direct the time or price at which Shares will be  purchased or the  selection of
the broker or dealer  through or from whom  purchases are to be made by the Plan
Administrator.  However,  when  open  market  purchases  are  made  by the  Plan
Administrator, the Plan Administrator shall use its best efforts to purchase the
shares at the lowest possible price.

Return of Optional Cash Payments

     Upon  telephone or written  request to the Plan  Administrator  received at
least two  business  days prior to the  Optional  Cash  Payment Due Date for the
Investment Date with respect to which optional cash payments have been delivered
to the Plan  Administrator,  such optional cash payments will be returned to the
Participant as soon as practicable.  In the case of requests  received less than
two  business  days  prior to such  date,  the Plan  Administrator,  in its sole
discretion,  may either return or invest such cash payments.  Each optional cash
payment,  to the  extent  that it does not  either  conform  to the  limitations
described  herein or clear within the prescribed time limit,  will be subject to
return to the  Participant as soon as  practicable.

Waiver of Monthly Optional Payment Limit

     A Participant  may seek a waiver of the $25,000 per month limit on optional
cash investments.  The following describes the manner in which such a waiver may
be obtained and the rules applicable to such an investment.

     Request for Waiver.  Optional  cash payments in excess of $25,000 per month
may be made only  pursuant  to a Request  for Waiver  approved  by the  Company.
Participants  who wish to submit an optional  cash  payment in excess of $25,000
for any Investment  Date must obtain the prior written  approval of the Company,
and a copy of such  written  approval  must  accompany  any such  optional  cash
payment.  In order to receive a Request  for Waiver  Form,  Participants  should
request the form from the Company via facsimile at (212)  977-3024 or by mail at
50 Rockefeller  Plaza,  New York, NY 10020.  At least two business days prior to
the  applicable  Optional  Cash  Payment Due Date,  the Company  will  determine
whether to waive the $25,000  monthly limit and whether to establish a Threshold
Price and/or a Waiver Discount.  This  determination will be made by the Company
in its discretion after a review of such  considerations  as transaction  costs,
current market  conditions,  the level of  participation


in the Plan and current projected  capital needs.  After the Threshold Price and
Waiver Discount set date,  Participants may ascertain  whether a Threshold Price
has been set or waived,  and obtain the Waiver  Discount,  for the given Pricing
Period by  telephoning  the  Company at (212)  492-8921  to hear a  pre-recorded
message. A Request for Waiver must then be received by the Company via facsimile
at (212)  977-3024  for that month by noon,  New York time on the  business  day
before the Optional Cash Due Date. The Company will then notify the  Participant
if the  Request for Waiver has been  approved  no later than 5:00 p.m.  New York
time on the business day prior to the Optional Cash Due Date. See Schedule A for
the applicable dates.

grant  Requests for Waiver to financial  intermediaries,  including  brokers and
dealers,  and other  Participants  in the future.  Grants of Requests for Waiver
will be made in the  sole  discretion  of the  Company  based  on a  variety  of
factors,  which may include:  the Company's current and projected capital needs,
the  alternatives  available to the Company to meet those needs,  the prevailing
market  price for  Shares,  general  economic  and market  conditions,  expected
aberrations  in the  price  or  trading  volume  of the  Shares,  the  potential
disruption of the price of the Shares by a financial intermediary, the number of
Shares  held  by  the  Participant   submitting  the  Request  for  Waiver,  the
participation of the Participant in the Dividend  Reinvestment Program, the past
actions of a Participant  under the Plan, the aggregate  amount of optional cash
payments  for  which  such  Requests  for  Waivers  have  been  submitted,   the
administrative  constraints  associated  with granting such Requests for Waivers
and other factors deemed  relevant by the Company.  If such Requests for Waivers
are granted,  a portion of the Shares available for issuance under the Plan will
be purchased by Participants  (including  brokers or dealers) who, in connection
with any resales of such  Shares,  may be deemed to be  underwriters  within the
meaning of the  Securities  Act.  To the  extent  that  Requests  for Waiver are
granted, it is expected that a greater number of Shares will be issued under the
Share  Purchase  Program  of the Plan as opposed  to the  Dividend  Reinvestment
Program  of the Plan.  Subject  to the  availability  of Shares  registered  for
issuance under the Plan, there is no pre-established maximum limit on the number
of Shares that may be purchased pursuant to approved Requests for Waivers.

     Financial  intermediaries may purchase a significant  portion of the Shares
issued pursuant to the Share Purchase  Program of the Plan. The Company does not
have any  formal or  informal  understanding  with any such  organizations  and,
therefore, the extent of such financial intermediaries'  participation under the
Plan  cannot  be  estimated  at  this  time.  Participants  that  are  financial
intermediaries that acquire Shares under the Plan with a view to distribution of
such shares or that offer or sell shares for the Company in connection  with the
Plan may be deemed to be underwriters within the meaning of the Securities Act.

     From time to time, financial intermediaries, including brokers and dealers,
may engage in  positioning  transactions  in order to benefit  from the discount
from the  Market  Price of the  Shares  acquired  through  the  reinvestment  of
dividends  under the Plan.  Such  transactions  may  cause  fluctuations  in the
trading  volume  of  the  Shares.   Financial   intermediaries  that  engage  in
positioning  transactions may be deemed to be underwriters within the meaning of
the  Securities  Act.  The Plan is intended  for the benefit of investors in the
Company  and not for  individuals  who  engage in  transactions  which may cause
aberrations in the price or trading volume of the Shares.

     If  Requests  for  Waiver  are  submitted  for any  Investment  Date for an
aggregate  amount in excess of the amount the Company is then willing to accept,
the  Company may honor such  requests  in order of  receipt,  PRO RATA or by any
other  method  that  the  Company  determines  to be


appropriate.  There is no  pre-established  maximum limit applicable to optional
cash payments that may be made pursuant to approved Requests for Waiver.

     Threshold  Price.  The  Company  may  establish  for any  Pricing  Period a
Threshold  Price  applicable to optional cash payments made pursuant to Requests
for Waiver.  If established for any Pricing Period,  the Threshold Price will be
stated as a dollar amount that the average of the high and low price on the NYSE
for each day of the applicable Pricing Period must equal or exceed. In the event
that the  Threshold  Price is not  satisfied  for a Trading  Day in the  Pricing
Period,  then that day and the trading prices for that day will be excluded from
that Pricing Period.  Thus, for example, if the Threshold Price is not satisfied
for three of the 10 days in a Pricing  Period,  then the average sales price for
purchases and the optional cash payments  which may be invested will be based on
the  remaining  seven days when the Threshold  Price is satisfied.  For each day
during the Pricing Period for which the Threshold Price is not satisfied, 1/10th
of each  optional  cash  payment  made  pursuant to a Request for Waiver will be
returned to such Participant, without interest, as soon as practicable after the
applicable Investment Date.

     The establishment of a Threshold Price and the possible return of a portion
of the  investment  applies only to optional  cash  payments  made pursuant to a
Request for Waiver.  Setting a Threshold  Price for a Pricing  Period  shall not
affect the  Threshold  Price for any  subsequent  Pricing  Period.  Neither  the
Company  nor the Plan  Administrator  shall be  required  to provide any written
notice to Participants as to the Threshold Price for any Pricing Period.

     Waiver  Discount.  Each month the  Company  may,  but is not  required,  to
establish a discount  from the Market  Price  applicable  only to optional  cash
payments  made  pursuant to a Request for Waiver.  Such  discount  (the  "Waiver
Discount")  may be  between  0% and 5% of the  purchase  price and may vary each
month,  but once  established will uniformly apply to all optional cash payments
made pursuant to an approved Request for Waiver for that month. Setting a Waiver
Discount for a particular  month shall not affect the setting of or the level of
any Waiver Discount for any subsequent  month. The Waiver Discount will apply to
the entire optional cash payment and not just the portion that exceeds  $25,000.
If no Waiver  Discount is established  for a particular  month, no discount will
apply to purchases in excess of $25,000.

     Due Dates and  Investment  Dates for Optional  Cash  Payments  Subject to a
Waiver.  The Plan  Administrator must receive an Authorization Form and a check,
money  order  or wire  transfer  no  later  than the  business  day  immediately
preceding the Pricing Period. See Schedule A. Wire transfers may be used only if
approved verbally in advance by the Plan Administrator.  Checks and money orders
are accepted  subject to timely  collection  as good funds and  verification  of
compliance  with the terms of the Plan.  Checks or money  orders  should be made
payable to "Mellon Bank, N.A. - Carey  Diversified LLC DRP." Checks returned for
any reason will not be resubmitted for collection.

     Optional  cash  payments  will  be  invested  every  month  on the  related
Investment Date.  Optional cash payments  received by the Plan  Administrator by
the Optional  Cash Payment Due Date will be applied to the purchase of Shares on
the  Investment  Date  immediately  after the Optional  Cash Payment Due Date on
which such payment is received. Generally, optional cash payments received after
the  Optional  Cash  Payment Due Date will be returned to  Participants  without
interest at the end of the Pricing  Period;  such  optional cash payments may be
resubmitted by a Participant  prior to the  commencement  of the next or a later
Pricing Period as to which the Company is entertaining Requests for Waiver.




     Plan Shares will be purchased  either  directly  from the Company or on the
open market, or by a combination of the foregoing, at the option of the Company,
after a review of  current  market  conditions  and the  Company's  current  and
projected  capital needs. The Company will determine the source of the Shares to
be  purchased  under the Plan.  Neither the  Company nor the Plan  Administrator
shall be required to provide any written notice to Participants as to the source
of the Shares to be purchased under the Plan, but current information  regarding
the source of the Shares may be  obtained  by  contacting  the  Company at (212)


     Each Participant in the Plan will receive a statement of his or her account
following   each  purchase  of  additional   Shares.   The  statements  are  the
Participant's  continuing record of the cost of purchases and should be retained
for income tax purposes. In addition,  Participants will receive copies of other
communications sent to holders of Shares,  including the Company's annual report
to its  shareholders,  the  notice of annual  meeting  and  proxy  statement  in
connection with its annual meeting of shareholders  and Internal Revenue Service
information  necessary for the completion of the tax return of each Participant.


Issuance of Certificates

     Normally,  Shares  purchased  for  Participants  will be held in book-entry
form.  No  certificates  will be issued to  Participants  for Shares in the Plan
unless a Participant submits a written request to the Plan Administrator. At any
time, a Participant may request the Plan Administrator to send a certificate for
some or all of the  whole  Shares  credited  to a  Participant's  account.  This
request  should be mailed  to the Plan  Administrator.  There is no fee for this
service.  Any  remaining  whole  Shares and any  fractions of Shares will remain
credited to the Plan account.  Certificates  for  fractional  Shares will not be
issued under any circumstances.

     A  Participant  may also  elect  to  deposit  with  the Plan  Administrator
certificates for the  shareholder's  other Shares  registered in his or her name
for  safekeeping  under the Plan without charge.  Certificates  forwarded to the
Plan Administrator by registered mail will be automatically covered by a blanket
bond up to the first $100,000 of value. Safekeeping provides a convenient way to
keep track of Shares.  Only Shares held in  safekeeping  may be sold through the

Name in which Certificates are Registered

     Each  Plan  account  is  maintained  in  the  name  in  which  the  related
Participant's  certificates  were  registered  at the time of  enrollment in the
Plan.  Certificates  for those Shares purchased under the Plan will be similarly
registered when issued upon a Participant's request. A Participant who wishes to
pledge Shares  credited to such  Participant's  Plan account must first withdraw
such Shares from the Plan.


Sale of Shares

     Shares may be sold at anytime by  contacting  the Plan  Administrator.  The
Plan Administrator will record sales orders on the date of receipt,  and process
them, where  practicable,


on the next Business Day. The Plan Administrator will send by check the proceeds
from the sale of the Shares (excluding a nominal fee, brokerage  commissions and
other costs).

     If a Participant sells or transfers all of his or her Shares other than the
Plan Shares,  the Participant  will still remain in the Plan with respect to any
held Plan Shares and will  continue  to earn  dividends  unless the  Participant
notifies the Plan  Administrator  to terminate  participation by giving the Plan
Administrator  a withdrawal  notice prior to the next relevant  dividend  Record

Dividend Payable in Shares or Share Splits

     Any dividend payable in Shares and any additional Shares distributed by the
Company in  connection  with a Share  split in respect of Shares  credited  to a
Participant's  Plan account will be added to that  account.  Share  dividends or
split Shares which are attributable to Shares  registered in a Participant's own
name  and  not in his or  her  Plan  account  will  be  mailed  directly  to the
Participant as in the case of shareholders not participating in the Plan.

Voting of Plan Shares at Meetings of Shareholders

     If the Participant is a Record Owner,  the Participant will receive a proxy
card  covering both directly held Shares and Shares held in the Plan. If a proxy
is returned properly signed and marked for voting,  all of the Shares covered by
the proxy will be voted as marked.  If a Participant is a Beneficial  Owner, the
Participant  will receive a proxy  covering Plan Shares through his or her bank,
broker or other nominee.  If a proxy is returned  properly  signed but no voting
instructions  are  given,  all of the  Participant's  Shares  will be  voted  in
accordance with recommendations of the Board of Directors of the Company, unless
applicable  laws require  otherwise.  If the proxy is not returned,  or if it is
returned unexecuted or improperly executed, Shares registered in a Participant's
name may be voted only by the Participant in person.

The Responsibilities of the Company and the Plan Administrator under the Plan

     The Company and the Plan  Administrator will not be liable in administering
the Plan for any act done in good faith or required by applicable law or for any
good faith omission to act including, without limitation, any claim or liability
arising out of failure to  terminate  a  Participant's  account  upon his or her
death,  with respect to the price at which Shares are purchased and/or the times
when such  purchases are made or with respect to any  fluctuation  in the market
value before or after purchase or sale of shares. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
nothing  contained in the Plan limits the  Company's  liability  with respect to
alleged violations of federal securities laws.

     The  Company  and the  Plan  Administrator  shall  be  entitled  to rely on
completed  forms  and the proof of due  authority  to  participate  in the Plan,
without  further  responsibility  of  investigation  or  inquiry.

Amendment or Cancellation of the Plan

     The Company may suspend,  terminate  or amend the Plan at any time.  Notice
will  be  sent to  Participants  of any  suspension  or  termination,  or of any
amendment  that  alters the Plan terms and  conditions,  as soon as  practicable
after such  action by the  Company.  The  Company  may also  substitute  another
administrator  or  agent  in  place  of the  Plan  Administrator  at  any  time;
Participants will be promptly informed of any such substitution.


Risk of Market Fluctuations in Shares

     A  Participant's  investment  in  Shares  held in the  Plan  account  is no
different  from his or her investment in directly held Shares.  The  Participant
bears the risk of any loss and enjoys the benefits of any gain from market price
changes with respect to such shares. Contact for Questions about the Plan

     All correspondence regarding the Plan should be directed to:
         Mellon Bank, N.A.
         c/o ChaseMellon Shareholder Services
         P.O. Box 3338
         South Hackensack, NJ 07606-1938
         Telephone: (800) 200-8690

     Please mention Carey Diversified LLC and this Plan in all correspondence.

Plan Interpretation

     Any questions of  interpretation  arising under the Plan will be determined
by the Company and any such  determination  will be final. The Company may adopt
rules and  regulations to facilitate the  administration  of the Plan. The terms
and conditions of the Plan and its operation will be governed by the laws of the
State of Delaware. Participant Responsibilities Under the Plan

     Plan  Shares are  subject to escheat to the state in which the  Participant
resides in the event that such Shares are deemed,  under such state's  laws,  to
have been abandoned by the Participant.  Participant's, therefore, should notify
the Plan  Administrator  promptly in writing of any change of  address.  Account
statements and other communications to Participants will be addressed to them at
the last address of record provided by Participants to the Plan Administrator.

     Participants will have no right to draw checks or drafts against their Plan
accounts or to instruct  the Plan  Administrator  with  respect to any Shares or
cash held by the Plan Administrator except as expressly provided herein.


     The following summary is based upon  interpretations of current federal tax
DETERMINE PARTICULAR TAX CONSEQUENCES,  including state income tax consequences,
which vary from state to state and which may result  from  participation  in the
Plan and subsequent  disposition of shares acquired pursuant to the Plan. Income
tax  consequences to Participants  residing  outside the United States will vary
from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

Dividend Reinvestment Program

     Each  Shareholder  will  report  on his  personal  income  tax  return  his
distributive share of each item of the Company's income, gain, loss,  deduction,
credit and tax preference.  Each Shareholder will be taxed on his pro rata share
of the Company's taxable income,  whether or not he has received or will receive
any  cash  distributions  from  the  Company.   Cash  distributions  (which  are
considered  to include any  reduction in  Participating  Partnership  and/or the
Company  nonrecourse  indebtedness)  made to  Shareholders,  other than those in
exchange for or in redemption of all or part of their Shares, generally will not
affect a  Shareholder's  distributive


share of income, gain or loss from the Company. Such distributions may represent
distributions  of income,  returns of capital or both. A cash  distribution to a
Shareholder by the Company  generally does not result in any recognition of gain
or loss for federal  income tax  purposes but reduces a  Shareholder's  adjusted
basis in his Shares.

     Participants  in the Dividend  Reinvestment  Program under the Plan will be
treated for federal  income tax purposes as having  received,  on the Investment
Date, a distribution in an amount equal to the fair market value on that date of
the Shares acquired with reinvested  distributions.  Such shares will have a tax
basis equal their fair market value  increased by the  Shareholder's  share,  if
any, of the liabilities of the Company (which include the Company's share of the
liabilities of the Participating Partnerships).  That initial basis then will be
increased  by (i) his share of items of income and gain of the  Company and (ii)
any increase in his  proportionate  share of the Company's  share of nonrecourse
indebtedness  to  which  the   Participating   Partnerships'  or  the  Company's
Properties  are  subject  (limited  to the fair  market  value  of the  property
securing such  indebtedness) and reduced,  but not below zero, by (a) the amount
of his share of items of the Company loss and deduction and  expenditures  which
are neither properly  deductible nor properly chargeable to his capital account,
(b) the amount of any cash distributions (including any decrease in his share of
liabilities)  and (c) the basis of any property  distributions  received by such
Shareholder.  For federal  income tax purposes,  the fair market value of Shares
acquired  under the Plan will  likely be treated as equal to 100% of the average
of the high and low sale prices of shares on the related  Investment  Date.  The
trading value on that  specific  date may vary from the Market Price  determined
under the Plan for such Shares.

     The IRS has ruled that a partner must  maintain an  aggregate  adjusted tax
basis  in his  aggregate  partnership  interest  (consisting  of  all  interests
acquired in separate  transactions).  On the sale of a portion of such aggregate
interest, a partner would be required to allocate,  on the basis of the relative
fair market  values of such  interests on the date of sale,  his  aggregate  tax
basis  between the portion of the interest  sold and the portion of the interest
retained.  This  requirement,  if applicable to the Company,  effectively  would
preclude a Shareholder  owning Shares that were acquired at different  prices on
different  dates from  controlling the timing of the recognition of the inherent
gain or loss in his Shares by selecting the specific  Shares that he would sell.
The ruling does not address whether this aggregation requirement, if applicable,
results in the  tacking of the  holding  period of older  Shares on the  holding
period of more recently acquired Shares.  Because the application of this ruling
in the context of a publicly  traded  partnership,  such as the Company,  is not
clear, a person  acquiring  Shares and  considering  the subsequent  purchase of
additional Shares should consult his professional tax advisor as to the possible
tax consequences of the ruling.

     Any gain or loss  recognized by a Shareholder  upon the sale or exchange of
his Shares will generally be treated as capital gain or loss. In determining the
amount  received  upon  the sale or  exchange  of a Share,  a  Shareholder  must
include,  among other things, his allocable share of non-recourse  indebtedness.
Therefore,  it is possible that the gain or other income  recognized on the sale
of a Share may exceed the cash  proceeds  of the sale and,  in some  cases,  the
income taxes  payable  with  respect to the sale may exceed such cash  proceeds.

Share Purchase Program

     The  taxation  of  deemed  distributions   associated  with  optional  cash
purchases  is not  entirely  clear.  Participants  should be  treated  as having
received a  distribution,  upon the  purchase of Shares  with an  optional  cash
payment,  in an amount equal to the excess,  if any,


of the fair market value of the shares on the Investment Date over the amount of
the optional  cash payment.  Participants  should be aware that the Company will
treat the entire amount of such excess value as a distribution for tax reporting
purposes  as a cash  distribution,  which will be taxable  as  described  above.

     Shares  acquired  under the Share  Purchase  Program  will have a tax basis
determined as described  above.  The fair market value of an Investment Date may
differ from the Market Price determined under the Plan for such shares.

     A  Participant's  holding  period for Shares  acquired  under the Plan will
begin on the day following the Investment  Date. A Participant  will not realize
any taxable income upon receipt of certificates for whole shares credited to the

Participant's  account,  either  upon the  Participant's  request for certain of
those shares or upon  termination  under the Plan. A Participant will be treated
as  receiving a cash  distribution  from the  Company  upon  receipt,  following
termination of  participation  in the Plan, of a cash payment for any fractional
Share equivalent credited to the Participant's  account.  Such distribution will
be taxed as described above.


     In  order  to  accommodate   the  provisions  of  this  Plan,  the  Company
anticipates  that Record  Dates will  normally be the last day of each  calendar
quarter. The Company anticipates that dividends will be payable generally on the
15th day of the month subsequent to such Record Dates.

                              PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION

     The  Plan   Administrator  will  either  purchase  Shares  in  open  market
transactions  or purchase Shares directly from the Company through the Plan. The
Company may sell Shares to owners of Shares (including  brokers or dealers) who,
in connection with any resales of such shares, may be deemed to be underwriters.
Such Shares,  including Shares acquired pursuant to waivers granted with respect
to the Share Purchase Program of the Plan, may be resold in market  transactions
(including  coverage of short  positions) on any national  security  exchange on
which  Shares  trade or in  privately  negotiated  transactions.  Under  certain
circumstances,  it is  expected  that a  portion  of the  Shares  available  for
issuance under the Plan will be issued pursuant to such waivers.  The difference
between the price such owners pay to the Company for Shares  acquired  under the
Plan, after deduction of the applicable  discount from the Market Price, and the
price at which such Shares are resold, may be deemed to constitute  underwriting
commissions received by such owners in connection with such transactions.

     Subject to the  availability  of Shares  registered  for issuance under the
Plan,  there is no total maximum number of Shares that can be issued pursuant to
the reinvestment of dividends.  From time to time, financial  intermediaries may
engage in  positioning  transactions  in order to benefit from the discount from
the Market Price of Shares acquired  through the reinvestment of dividends under
the Plan.

     The Company will pay any and all brokerage commissions and related expenses
incurred in connection  with purchases of Shares under the Plan. Upon withdrawal
by a  Participant  from the Plan by the sale of Shares held under the Plan,  the
Participant  will  receive  the  proceeds  of such sale  less a nominal  fee per
transaction paid to the Plan  Administrator  (if such resale is made


by the  Plan  Administrator  at  the  request  of a  Participant),  any  related
brokerage commissions and any applicable transfer taxes.

     Shares may not be available  under the Plan in all states.  This Prospectus
does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation  of an offer to buy, any
Shares or other securities in any state or any other  jurisdiction to any person
to whom it is unlawful to make such offer in such jurisdiction.

                                  LEGAL MATTERS

     The validity of the Shares offered hereby and certain legal and tax matters
will be passed upon by Reed Smith Shaw & McClay LLP, Philadelphia, PA.


     The balance  sheet of the  Company as of August 31,  1997 and the  combined
balance sheets of the Corporate Property Associates  Partnerships as of December
31,  1996 and 1995 and the  related  combined  statements  of income,  partners'
capital and cash flows for the three year period  ended  December  31, 1996 have
been incorporated herein in reliance on the reports of Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.,
independent  accountants,  given on the  authority  of that firm as  experts  in
accounting and auditing.


     "AUTHORIZATION  FORM" means the form submitted by a shareholder  indicating
his or her  desire to enroll in the Plan and the  preferences  relating  to such

     "BENEFICIAL OWNERS" means shareholders who beneficially own Shares that are
registered in a name other than their own (for  example,  in the name of a bank,
broker or other nominee).

     "BUSINESS DAY" means any day other than  Saturday,  Sunday or legal holiday
on which the NYSE or another applicable  securities  exchange is closed or a day
on which the Plan Administrator is authorized or obliged by law to close.

     "COMMISSION" means the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     "COMPANY"  means  Carey  Diversified  LLC,  a  Delaware  limited  liability

     "EXCHANGE ACT" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

     "INVESTMENT  DATE"  means,  with respect to Shares  acquired  pursuant to a
dividend reinvestment, in the case of Shares acquired directly from the Company,
the quarterly  dividend payment date declared by the Board of Directors  (unless
such  date is not a  business  day in which  case it is the first  business  day
immediately  thereafter) or, in the case of open market  purchases,  the date or
dates of actual  investment,  but not later than 10 business days  following the
dividend  payment  date;  and with  respect to Shares  acquired  pursuant  to an
optional cash payment, in the case of Shares acquired directly from the Company,
on or about the 21st day of each month; or in the case of open market purchases,
the last business day of each month.

     "MARKET  PRICE" means,  with respect to  reinvested  dividends and optional
cash payments that do not exceed $25,000 for shares  acquired  directly from the
Company,  the  average  high and low sales  prices,  computed  to three  decimal
places, of the Shares on the NYSE on the business day immediately  preceding the
Investment Date. With respect to reinvested dividends and optional cash payments
for shares to be acquired on the open  market,  Market  Price means the weighted
average of the actual prices paid,  computed to three decimal places, for all of
the Shares purchased by the Plan Administrator with all Participants' reinvested
dividends and


optional  cash  payments for the related  month.  With respect to optional  cash
payment that exceed $25,000 for shares acquired  directly from the Company,  the
average high and low sales  prices,  computed to three  decimal  places,  of the
shares on the NYSE during the Pricing  Period,  subject to any  Threshold  Price
established by the Company.

     "NYSE" means the New York Stock Exchange.

     "OPTIONAL  CASH PAYMENT DUE DATE" means for optional cash payments  between
$500 and $25,000 per month,  one business day prior to the  Investment  Date and
for  purchases in excess of $25,000,  one business day prior to the first day of
the relevant Pricing Period. See Schedule A.

     "PARTICIPANT"  means a Record  Owner of the  Company's  Shares or a current
non-shareholder  who wishes to  participate  in the Plan upon  making an initial
investment in the Shares offered herein.

     "PLAN"  means the Carey  Diversified  LLC Dividend  Reinvestment  and Share
Purchase Plan.

     "PLAN  ADMINISTRATOR" means a plan administrator that administers the Plan,
keeps  records,  sends  statements of account to each  Participant  and performs
other duties related to the Plan.  Mellon Bank,  N.A.,  currently serves as Plan
Administrator of the Plan.

     "PLAN  SHARES" means all Shares held in a  Participant's  account under the
Plan,  including  shares  purchased  through the Share Purchase  Program and all
whole and  fractional  shares  credited to a  Participant's  Plan account as the
result of reinvestment  of dividends on shares of the Company's  Shares enrolled
in the Dividend Reinvestment Program.

     "PRICING PERIOD" means the 10 days on which the NYSE or another  applicable
securities  exchange  is open and for which  trades in the Shares  are  reported
immediately  preceding the relevant Investment Date, or, if no trading occurs in
the Shares on one or more of such days,  for the 10 days  immediately  preceding
the Investment Date for which trades are reported.

     "RECORD DATE" means, with respect to reinvestment of dividends,  the Record
Date declared by the Board of Directors for such dividend.

     "RECORD OWNER" means shareholders who own Shares in their own names.

     "REQUEST FOR WAIVER"  means a written  request from a  Participant  to make
optional cash payments in excess of $25,000.

     "SECURITIES ACT" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

     "SHARE"  means  a  limited   liability  company  interest  in  the  Company
representing an interest in the income, loss and capital of the Company.

     "THRESHOLD  PRICE"  means the minimum  price,  if any,  established  by the
Company  that the average high and low prices of the Shares must equal or exceed
during each day of the Pricing  Period for optional  cash payments made pursuant
to Requests for Waiver.

     "WAIVER  DISCOUNT"  means the discount from the Market Price  applicable to
optional cash payments made pursuant to Requests for Waiver.  Such discount will
vary between 0% and 5% of the Market Price.


                                   SCHEDULE A

Optional Cash Payments

Purchase between $500 and $25,000 per month

Optional Cash Payment                          Investment
Due Date                                       Date (1)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
March 20, 1998                                 March 23, 1998
April 20, 1998                                 April 21, 1998
May 20, 1998                                   May 21, 1998
June 19, 1998                                  June 22, 1998
July 20, 1998                                  July 21, 1998
August 20, 1998                                August 21, 1998
September 18, 1998                             September 21, 1998
October 20, 1998                               October 21, 1998
November 20, 1998                              November 23, 1998
December 18, 1998                              December 21, 1998
January 20, 1999                               January 21, 1999
February 19, 1999                              February 22, 1999
March 19, 1999                                 March 22, 1999
April 20, 1999                                 April 21, 1999
May 20, 1999                                   May 21, 1999
June 18, 1999                                  June 21, 1999
July 20, 1999                                  July 21, 1999
August 20, 1999                                August 23, 1999
September 20, 1999                             September 21, 1999
October 20, 1999                               October 21, 1999
November 19, 1999                              November 22, 1999
December 20, 1999                              December 21, 1999


Purchases over $25,000

Threshold Price     Request for        Optional Cash      Pricing Period
& Waiver            Waiver Due Date    Payment            Commencement        Investment
Discount            (by 12:00 Noon)    Due Date           Date                Date (1)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
March 11, 1998      March 12, 1998     March 13, 1998     March 16, 1998      March 30, 1998
April 13, 1998      April 14, 1998     April 15, 1998     April 16, 1998      April 30, 1998
May 12, 1998        May 13, 1998       May 14, 1998       May 15, 1998        June 1, 1998
June 11, 1998       June 12, 1998      June 15, 1998      June 16, 1998       June 30, 1998
July 13, 1998       July 14, 1998      July 15, 1998      July 16, 1998       July 30, 1998
August 12, 1998     August 13, 1998    August 14, 1998    August 17, 1998     August 31, 1998
September 11, 1998  September 14, 1998 September 15, 1998 September 18, 1998  September 30, 1998
October 13, 1998    October 14, 1998   October 15, 1998   October 16, 1998    October 30, 1998
November 11, 1998   November 12, 1998  November 13, 1998  November 16, 1998   December 1, 1998
December 11, 1998   December 14, 1998  December 15, 1998  December 16, 1998   December 31, 1998
January 13, 1999    January 14, 1999   January 15, 1999   January 19, 1999    February 2, 1999
February 10, 1999   February 11, 1999  February 12, 1999  February 16, 1999   March 2, 1999
March 11, 1999      March 12, 1999     March 15, 1999     March 18, 1999      March 30, 1999
April 13, 1999      April 14, 1999     April 15, 1999     April 16, 1999      April 30, 1999
May 12, 1999        May 13, 1999       May 14, 1999       May 17, 1999        June 1, 1999
June 11, 1999       June 14, 1999      June 15, 1999      June 16, 1999       June 30, 1999
July 13, 1999       July 14, 1999      July 15, 1999      July 16, 1999       July 30, 1999
August 11, 1999     August 12, 1999    August 13, 1999    August 16, 1999     August 30, 1999
September 13, 1999  September 14, 1999 September 15, 1999 September 16, 1999  September 30, 1999
October 13, 1999    October 14, 1999   October 15, 1999   October 18, 1999    November 1, 1999
November 11, 1999   November 12, 1999  November 15, 1999  November 16, 1999   December 1, 1999
December 13, 1999   December 14, 1999  December 15, 1999  December 16, 1999   December 31, 1999
January 12, 2000    January 13, 2000   January 14, 2000   January 18, 2000    February 1, 2000
February 11, 2000   February 14, 2000  February 15, 2000  February 16, 2000   March 2, 2000

Dividend Reinvestments (2)

                    Record Date                           Investment Date
                    -----------                           ---------------
                    March 31, 1998                        April 15, 1998
                    June 30, 1998                         July 15, 1998
                    September 30, 1998                    October 15, 1998
                    December 31, 1998                     January 15, 1999
                    March 31, 1999                        April 15, 1999
                    June 30, 1999                         July 15, 1999
                    September 30, 1999                    October 15, 1999
                    December 31, 1999                     January 18, 2000

(1)  The Investment Date may be as late as the last day of the relevant month if
     purchases are made on the open market.

(2)  The dates indicated are those expected to be applicable under the Plan with
     respect  to  future  dividends,  if  and  when  declared  by the  Board  of
     Directors.  The actual  record date and payment dates will be determined by
     the Board of Directors.



                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


            Available Information                                              2
            Incorporation of Certain Information by Reference                  2
            Carey Diversified LLC                                              3
            Use of Proceeds                                                    3
            The Plan                                                           4
            Summary of Plan                                                    4
            Purpose of the Plan                                                4
            Options Available to Participants                                  5
            Advantages and Disadvantages of the Plan                           5
            Administration of the Plan                                         6
            Dividend Reinvestment Program                                      6
            Share Purchase Program                                             9
            Source of Shares Purchased Under the Plan                         13
            Report to Participants                                            13
            Certificates for Shares                                           13
            Other Information                                                 14
            Certain Federal Income Tax Considerations                         15
            Dividends                                                         17
            Plan of Distribution                                              17
            Legal Matters                                                     18
            Experts                                                           18
            Glossary                                                          18
