Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

[ X ] Filed by the registrant

[   ] Filed by a party other than the registrant      

Check the appropriate box:

[ X ] Preliminary Proxy Statement

[   ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
      (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

[  ] Definitive Proxy Statement

[   ] Definitive Additional Materials

[   ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss. 240.14a-11(c) or ss. 240.14a-12

                            SIRCO INTERNATIONAL CORP.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
                            SIRCO INTERNATIONAL CORP.
                             24 Richmond Hill Avenue
                           Stamford, Connecticut 06901


                                                                    May 11, 1998

To the Shareholders of Sirco International Corp.:

         Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Sirco
International Corp., a New York corporation (the "Company"), will be held at the
Company's  offices  located at 366 Fifth Avenue,  Suite 205, New York,  New York
10001, on Thursday, June 11, 1998 at 10:00 A.M., local time, for the following

         1.  To  elect  six (6)  directors  to the  Board of  Directors  for the
             ensuing year;

         2.  To amend the Company's Certificate of Incorporation to increase the
             number of authorized  shares of Common Stock from 10,000,000 shares
             to 20,000,000 shares; and

         3.  To consider and act upon such other  business as may properly  come
             before the meeting.

         Only  shareholders  of record at the close of  business  on May 4, 1998
will be entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.

         Whether or not you expect to attend the Annual  Meeting,  please  mark,
sign and promptly return the enclosed proxy in the postpaid  envelope  provided.
If you  receive  more than one proxy  because  your  shares  are  registered  in
different  names or addresses,  each such proxy should be signed and returned so
that all your shares will be represented at the meeting.


                                                      /s/Joel Dupre
                                                      JOEL DUPRE
                                                      Chairman of the Board and
                                                      Chief Executive Officer

                            SIRCO INTERNATIONAL CORP.
                             24 Richmond Hill Avenue
                           Stamford, Connecticut 06901

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

         This  Proxy   Statement   is  furnished   to   shareholders   of  Sirco
International Corp., a New York corporation (the "Company"),  in connection with
the solicitation,  by order of the Board of Directors of the Company, of proxies
to be voted at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders  to be held on Thursday,  June
11, 1998 at 10:00 A.M., New York City time, at the Company's  offices located at
366 Fifth Avenue,  Suite 205, New York, New York 10001 and at any adjournment or
adjournments  thereof (the "Annual  Meeting").  The accompanying  proxy is being
solicited  on  behalf of the  Board of  Directors  of the  Company.  This  Proxy
Statement and the enclosed proxy card were first mailed to  shareholders  of the
Company on or about May 11, 1998,  accompanied by the Company's Annual Report on
Form  10-K  for the  fiscal  year  ended  November  30,  1997,  and the  Company
incorporates the contents of such report herein by reference thereto.

         At the Annual  Meeting,  the following  matters will be considered  and
voted upon:

         (1)   Election  of six (6)  directors  to hold  office  until  the 1999
               Annual Meeting of  Shareholders or until their  successors  shall
               have been duly elected and qualified;

         (2)   Approval  and  adoption  of a  proposal  to amend  the  Company's
               Certificate of Incorporation to increase the number of authorized
               shares of Common  Stock,  par value $.10 per share  (the  "Common
               Stock"), from 10,000,000 shares to 20,000,000 shares; and

         (3)   Such  other  business  as may  properly  come  before  the Annual

Voting and Revocation of Proxies; Adjournment

         All of the  voting  securities  of the  Company  represented  by  valid
proxies,  unless the shareholder  otherwise specifies therein or unless revoked,
will be voted FOR the election of the persons  nominated as  directors,  FOR the
other  proposal set forth herein,  and at the discretion of the proxy holders on
any other matters that may properly come before the Annual Meeting. The Board of
Directors  does not know of any matters to be considered  at the Annual  Meeting
other than the election of directors and the other proposal set forth above.

         If a  shareholder  has  appropriately  specified  how a proxy  is to be
voted,  it will be voted  accordingly.  Any  shareholder has the power to revoke
such shareholder's  proxy at any time before it is voted. A proxy may be revoked
by delivery of a written  statement to the Secretary of the Company stating that
the proxy is revoked, by a subsequent proxy executed by the person executing the
prior proxy and presented to the Annual  Meeting,  or by voting in person at the
Annual Meeting.

         A plurality of the votes cast at the Annual Meeting by the shareholders
entitled to vote in the election is required to elect the director nominees, the
approval of the holders of a majority of the outstanding  shares of Common Stock
is required to approve the proposed  amendment to the Company's  Certificate  of
Incorporation  and a majority of the votes cast by the shareholders  entitled to
vote at the  meeting is  required  to take any other  action.  In the event that
sufficient  votes in favor of any of the  matters to come before the meeting are
not received by the date of the Annual Meeting, the persons named as proxies may
propose  one or more  adjournments  of the  Annual  Meeting  to  permit  further
solicitation of proxies.  Any such adjournment will require the affirmative vote
of the holders of a majority of the shares of Common Stock  present in person or
by proxy at the Annual Meeting.  The persons named as proxies will vote in favor
of any such proposed adjournment or adjournments.


         The  solicitation  of proxies  pursuant to this Proxy Statement will be
primarily by mail. In addition,  certain directors,  officers or other employees
of the Company may solicit  proxies by  telephone,  telegraph,  mail or personal
interviews,  and arrangements may be made with banks, brokerage firms and others
to forward solicitation material to the beneficial owners of shares held by them
of record.  No additional  compensation  will be paid to directors,  officers or
other  employees  of the Company for such  services.  The total cost of any such
solicitation  will be borne by the Company  and will  include  reimbursement  of
brokerage firms and other nominees.

Quorum and Voting Rights

         The Board of Directors of the Company has fixed Monday,  May 4, 1998 as
the record  date (the  "Record  Date")  for the  determination  of  shareholders
entitled  to notice of and to vote at the Annual  Meeting.  Holders of record of
shares  of Common  Stock at the close of  business  on the  Record  Date will be
entitled to one vote for each share held.  The presence,  in person or by proxy,
of the holders of a majority of the outstanding  voting  securities  entitled to
vote at the Annual  Meeting is  necessary  to  constitute a quorum at the Annual

Common Stock Owned by Directors, Officers and Other Beneficial Owners

         The following table sets forth, as of May 1, 1998, the names, addresses
and number of shares of Common Stock  beneficially owned by all persons known to
the  management  of the Company to be  beneficial  owners of more than 5% of the
outstanding  shares  of  Common  Stock,  and the  names  and  number  of  shares
beneficially  owned by all directors of the Company and all  executive  officers
and directors of the Company as a group (except as  indicated,  each  beneficial
owner listed  exercises  sole voting power and sole  dispositive  power over the
shares beneficially owned):

                                                                   Shares Beneficially    Percent of Outstanding 
Name and Address                                                          Owned                 Common Stock           
- ----------------                                                          -----                 ------------           
Joel Dupre(1)                                                          1,486,000                    30.0%
c/o Sirco International Corp.
24 Richmond Hill Avenue
Stamford, Connecticut 06901

CLEC Holding Corp.                                                       350,000                     7.1%
4205 Vineland Road
Suite L-15
Orlando, Florida  32811

Pacific Million Enterprise Ltd.(2)(3)                                    266,666                     5.4%
The Gateway, Tower 2, Suite 1807
25 Canton Road
Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Joseph Takada(2)(3)                                                      266,666                     5.4%
c/o Pacific Million Enterprise Ltd.
The Gateway, Tower 2, Suite 1807
25 Canton Road
Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Cheng-Sen Wang(2)                                                        177,778                     3.6%
c/o Kao-Lien International Co., Ltd.
404 Jen-Air Road
6th Floor, Section 4
Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.

Albert H. Cheng(2)(4)                                                     88,888                     1.8%
c/o Constellation Enterprises Co., Ltd.
199 Chung Ching North Road
11th Floor, Section 3
Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.

Paul Riss(5)                                                              75,000                     1.5%

Eric M. Hellige(6)                                                        25,000                       *

Barrie Sommerfield (7)                                                    20,200                       *

Richard Pyles                                                             20,000                       *              

Eric Smith                                                                20,000                       *  

All directors and executive
officers of the Company as a
group (six individuals)                                                1,646,200                     33.3%
- ------------------

* less than 1%.

(1)  Includes  120,000  shares of Common  Stock  subject  to  options  which are
     presently  exercisable and 533,332 shares for which Mr. Dupre has the right
     to exercise sole voting control  pursuant to a Voting Agreement dated as of
     May 1, 1995 (the "Voting Agreement") under which Pacific,  Mr. Wang and Mr.
     Cheng  granted Mr.  Dupre the right to exercise  sole voting  control  with
     respect to 266,666, 117,778 and 88,888 shares, respectively, held of record
     by them. Includes 25,000 shares for which Mr. Dupre has granted to Mr.
     Hellige a stock purchase option.

(2)  As a result of the Voting Agreement,  Mr. Dupre, Pacific (together with Mr.
     Takada -- see Note 3), Mr. Wang and Mr. Cheng may be deemed to be a "group"
     within the meaning of Section 13d-3 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
     and, therefore, deemed to beneficially own an aggregate of 1,486,000 shares
     of Common Stock.

(3)  Pacific has granted to Mr.  Dupre an option to purchase  all of the 266,666
     shares it owns of record.  By virtue of his  ownership of 95% of the issued
     and  outstanding  shares of common stock of Pacific,  Joseph  Takada may be
     deemed  to be the  beneficial  owner  of all the  shares  of  Common  Stock
     beneficially owned by Pacific.

(4)  Mr.  Cheng has granted to Mr. Dupre an option to purchase all of the 88,888
     shares he owns of record.

(5)  Includes  70,000  shares  of  Common  Stock  subject  to  options  that are
     presently exercisable.

(6)  Consists of 25,000 shares of Common Stock  subject to an option  granted by
     Mr. Dupre that is presently exercisable.

(7)  Consists  of 20,000  shares of Common  Stock  subject to  options  that are
     presently exercisable.

                      ELECTION OF DIRECTORS (Proxy Item 1)

         The Amended and Restated  Bylaws of the Company provide that the number
of directors of the Company  shall be at least three,  except that where all the
shares are owned  beneficially  and of record by fewer than three  shareholders,
the number of  directors  may be less than three but not less than the number of
shareholders. Subject to the foregoing limitation, such number may be fixed from
time to time by action of the Board of Directors or of the shareholders,  or, if
the number of  directors  is not so fixed,  the number  shall be five.  In April
1998,  the Board of Directors  fixed the number of directors at six. The term of
office of the  directors  is one year,  expiring  on the date of the next annual
meeting,  or when their respective  successors shall have been elected and shall
qualify, or upon their prior death, resignation or removal.

         Except where the authority to do so has been  withheld,  it is intended
that the persons  named in the enclosed  proxy will vote for the election of the
nominees to the Board of  Directors  listed below to serve until the date of the
next annual  meeting and until their  successors are duly elected and qualified.
Although  the  directors  of the  Company  have no  reason to  believe  that the
nominees  will  be  unable  or  decline  to  serve,  in the  event  that  such a
contingency  should arise, the accompanying proxy will be voted for a substitute
(or substitutes) designated by the Board of Directors.

         The  following  table  sets forth  certain  information  regarding  the
director nominees, all of whom currently serve as directors of the Company, with
the exception of Mr. Scalice.

                                  Principal Occupation for Past Five Years and
Name                     Age      Current Public Directorships or Trusteeships
- ----                     ---      --------------------------------------------
Joel Dupre               44       Director since 1990; Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the
                                  Company since March 1995; Executive Vice President from November 1992 to March
                                  1995 and a Vice President from 1989 to 1992.

Eric M. Hellige          43       Director since 1995 and Secretary of the Company; Partner for more than five
                                  years of Pryor Cashman Sherman & Flynn LLP, counsel to the Company.

Paul H. Riss             42       Director since 1995 and Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of the Company
                                  since November 1996; Chief Financial Officer of Sequins International Inc., a
                                  manufacturer of sequined fabrics and trimmings, from June 1992 to November 1996.

Anthony M. Scalice       60       Vice President of the Company, and President and Chief Executive Officer of Essex
                                  Communications, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, since February
                                  1998; President of Pinnacle Telephone Consultants, Inc., a telecommunications
                                  consulting firm specializing in the private payphone industry, from June 1997 to
                                  February 1998; President of Crescent Public Communications, Inc., a private
                                  payphone sales and servicing company, from May 1995 to May 1997; Owner and
                                  President of Pinnacle Telecommunications Consultants, Inc., a telecommunications
                                  consulting firm specializing in the private payphone industry from July 1991 to
                                  May 1995; Director of the Independent Payphone Association of New York (IPANY), a
                                  non-profit payphone association, from June 1996 to the present.

Eric Smith               53       Director since 1988; Vice President - General Manager of West Coast Distribution
                                  Center of the Company since 1983.

Barrie Sommerfield       68       Director  since  1997;  Vice Chairman of Gore, Sommerfield, Ditnes International, 
                                  Inc.,  a consultant for trademark licenses, for more than five years. 

Board Meetings and Committees; Management Matters

         The Board of Directors held seven meetings during the fiscal year ended
November  30,  1997.  Each  director  attended  at least  75% of the  Board  and
Committee  meetings of which he was a member  during such time as he served as a
director.  From  time to time,  the  members  of the Board of  Directors  act by
unanimous written consent pursuant to the laws of the State of New York. No fees
are paid to directors for attendance at meetings of the Board.

         The Board of Directors has a Stock Option Committee, which met one time
during the fiscal year ended November 30, 1997 and currently consists of Eric M.
Hellige  and  Barrie  Sommerfield.  The Stock  Option  Committee  has  exclusive
authority to grant options to the Company's  executive  officers  under the 1995
Stock Option Plan. In October 1997, the Board of Directors  established an Audit
Committee,  which did not meet during the fiscal year ended  November  30, 1997.
The Audit  Committee  currently  consists of Eric M.  Hellige,  Paul H. Riss and
Barrie Sommerfield.  The Board of Directors does not have standing nominating or
compensation  committees or, except in the case of the grant of stock options by
the Stock Option Committee, any committee performing similar functions.

         The Directors recommend a vote FOR the election of each of the director

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Summary of Cash and Certain Other Compensation

         The following  table sets forth,  for the fiscal years  indicated,  all
compensation  awarded  to,  earned  by or paid to the  chief  executive  officer
("CEO") of the  Company  (Mr.  Joel Dupre,  the  Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer of the Company since March 20, 1995; Mr. Yutaka Yamaguchi, the
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive  Officer of the Company prior to March
20, 1995) and all other executive officers of the Company who received more than
$100,000 in  compensation  during fiscal 1997  (collectively  referred to as the
"Named Executives"):

                                               SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                       Annual Compensation                                      Compensation Awards
                                      --------------------------                              -------------------------
                                                                        Other Annual
Name and                                                                Compensation          Options        All Other
Principal Position           Year      Salary($)        Bonus($)             ($)               (#)(5)      Compensation
- ------------------           ----      ---------        --------             ---               ------      ------------
Joel Dupre (1)               1997       $240,000           None             None               80,000          None
   Chairman of the           1996        216,667           None             None               80,000          None
   Board and Chief           1995        170,000           None             None                None           None
   Executive Officer

Yutaka Yamaguchi (2)         1997         None             None             None                None           None
   Former Chairman of        1996         None             None             None                None           None
   the Board and Chief       1995         None             None             None                None           None
   Executive Officer

Richard Pyles (3)            1997        100,000           None             None                5,000          None
   Senior Vice President     1996         98,341         $6,000             None              135,000          None
                             1995         95,025           None             None               20,000          None

Paul H. Riss (4)             1997        125,000           None             None               20,000          None
    Chief Financial Officer  1996         12,354           None             None               70,000          None
                             1995         None             None             None                None           None

- --------------
(1)  Mr. Dupre held the title of Executive  Vice President of the Company during
     the fiscal year ended  November  30,  1994.  In March 1995,  Mr.  Dupre was
     elected Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Company.

(2)  Mr. Yamaguchi  resigned as an officer and director of the Company effective
     January 1, 1995.

(3)  Mr. Pyles was elected  Senior Vice President in November 1996. At all other
     times,  Mr.  Pyles  served as Vice  President - Marketing  and Sales of the

(4)  Mr. Riss has been Chief  Financial  Officer of the Company  since  November

(5)  Options  have been  adjusted  to reflect a  two-for-one  stock split in May


         The following table sets forth  individual  grants of stock options and
stock  appreciation  rights  ("SARs") made by the Company  during fiscal 1997 to
each of the Named Executives.

                                                 Percent                                    Potential Realizable
                                                 Of Total                                       Value at Assumed
                               Number of       Options/SARs                                  Annual Rates of Stock
                              Securities        Granted to                                     Price Appreciation
                              Underlying        Employees       Exercise or                   For Option Term (3)
                             Options/SARs       in Fiscal        Base Price    Expiration
           Name               Granted(1)         Year(2)         ($/Share)         Date        5% ($)      10% ($)
           ----               ----------         -------         ---------         ----        ------      -------
Joel Dupre                     80,000(4)          57.1%            $2.13         02/24/02      $47,078     $104,031

Yutaka Yamaguchi                  --                --                --               --           --           --

Richard Pyles                   5,000(4)           3.6              1.94         02/24/02        2,700        5,900

Paul H. Riss                   20,000(4)          14.3              1.94         02/24/02       10,800       23,600

All Other Employees            35,000(4)          25.0              1.94         02/24/02       21,600       47,200

- ------------------

(1)  Options  have been  adjusted  to reflect a  two-for-one  stock split in May
     1997. No SARs were granted by the Company in fiscal 1997.

(2)  In fiscal  1997,  the Company  granted  options to purchase an aggregate of
     140,000 shares of Common Stock to six employees.

(3)  The amounts shown in these two columns  represent the potential  realizable
     values using the options granted and the exercise price.  The assumed rates
     of  stock  price  appreciation  are  set  by  the  Commission's   executive
     compensation  disclosure  rules and are not intended to forecast the future
     appreciation of the Company's Common Stock.

(4)  Options  became  exercisable  on the first  anniversary  date of the option
     grant date of February 24, 1997.

Stock Option Exercises

The  following  table  contains  information  relating  to the  exercise  of the
Company's  stock options by the Named  Executives in fiscal 1997, as well as the
number and value of their unexercised options as of November 30, 1997.

                                  Aggregated Option Exercises in Last Fiscal Year
                                         and Fiscal Year-End Option Values

                                                       Number of Securities
                                                      Underlying Unexercised            Value of Unexercised
                           Shares                           Options at                  In-the-Money Options
                         Acquired on      Value        Fiscal Year-End(#)(1)          at Fiscal Year End($)(2)
Name                     Exercise(#)    Realized($)  Exercisable  Unexercisable     Exercisable    Unexercisable
- ----                     -----------    -----------  -----------  -------------     -----------    -------------
Joel Dupre                    --           --          20,000        140,000          $37,500         $217,500

Yutaka Yamaguchi              --           --              --             --               --               --

Richard Pyles              20,000       $46,666        15,000          5,000           28,125            6,563

Paul H. Riss                5,000        25,000        50,000         55,000           97,188           89,688

- -----------------

(1)  The sum of the numbers under the  Exercisable and  Unexercisable  column of
     this heading represents each Named Executive's total outstanding options to
     purchase shares of Common Stock.

(2)  The dollar amounts shown under the Exercisable and Unexercisable columns of
     the heading represent the number of exercisable and  unexercisable  Company
     options,  respectively,  which were  "In-the-Money"  on November  30, 1997,
     multiplied by the difference  between the closing price of the Common Stock
     on November 30, 1997,  which was $3.25 per share, and the exercise price of
     the  Company  options.  For  purposes of these  calculations,  In-the-Money
     options are those with an exercise price below $3.25 per share.

Board of Directors Compensation

         The Company does not currently  compensate directors for service on the
Board of Directors.

Employee Retirement Plan

         In June 1995,  the Board of  Directors  of the  Company  determined  to
discontinue   benefit  accruals  under  the  Company's  tax  qualified  Employee
Retirement Plan (the "Retirement  Plan").  Pursuant to action taken by the Board
of Directors at such time, benefits ceased to accrue for all active participants
under the Retirement  Plan on June 30, 1995. The Retirement Plan is administered
by the Board of Directors.

         Each of the  Company's  United  States-based  employees was eligible to
participate in the Retirement Plan. However, effective as of July 1, 1995 and in
connection with the Board's  action,  the Retirement Plan was amended to provide
that no additional eligible employees may participate in the Retirement Plan and
accrue  benefits  thereunder.  The following table  discloses  estimated  annual
benefits payable upon retirement in specified  compensation and years of service

                                           Projected Benefit at Retirement

                                                   Years of Service
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                15              20                25                  30               35
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         $  20,000          $  3,750         $ 5,000           $ 6,250            $  7,500        $   8,750
            25,000             4,625           6,250             7,313               9,375           10,938
            30,000             5,625           7,500             9,375              11,250           13,125
            35,000             6,563           8,750            10,938              13,125           15,313
            40,000             7,500          10,000            12,500              15,000           17,500
            50,000             9,980          12,604            15,625              18,750           21,875
            75,000            17,105          22,104            26,948              31,986           37,249
           100,000            24,730          31,604            38,873              46,236           53,874
           125,000            31,355          41,104            50,698              60,406           70,499
           150,000(2)         38,480          50,004            62,573              74,736           87,124
           175,000            45,605          60,104            74,448              88,986          103,749
           200,000            52,730          69,604            86,323             103,236          120,374(3)

- -----------------

(1)  The annual  benefits shown in the Table are integrated with Social Security
     benefits and there are no other offsets to benefits.

(2)  In general,  Section  401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code provides that
     for 1994,  compensation  used for computing  benefits under a tax-qualified
     employee pension plan cannot exceed $150,000 (as adjusted).

(3)  Under current law, the maximum annual benefit  payable under the Retirement
     Plan cannot exceed $120,000 (as adjusted).

         The Retirement Plan is funded by the Company on an actuarial basis, and
the Company contributes annually the minimum amount required to cover the normal
cost for current service and to fund  supplemental  costs, if any, from the date
each supplemental cost was incurred.  Contributions were intended to provide for
benefits  attributed to service to date,  and also for those expected to vest in
the  future.  Based on the  assumptions  used in the  actuarial  valuation,  the
Retirement Plan is fully funded.

         The  estimated  credited  years of  service  for each of the  executive
officers named in the Summary  Compensation Table is as follows:  Joel Dupre (12
years),  Yutaka  Yamaguchi  (none),  Richard  Pyles (3  years)  and Paul H. Riss
(none). The frozen accrued monthly benefit for Mr. Dupre and Mr. Pyles is $1,678
and  $239,  respectively.  $150,000  of Mr.  Dupre's  compensation  shown in the
Summary  Compensation  Table was used to compute his projected benefit under the
Retirement Plan.

         Benefits are computed on the basis of a straight-life annuity. Benefits
under the Retirement Plan are integrated with Social Security benefits.

         The  Retirement  Plan  will  continue  to  comply  with the  applicable
sections of the Internal Revenue Code, the Employee  Retirement  Income Security
Act,  and  applicable  Internal  Revenue  Services  rules  and  regulations.  In
accordance with the terms of the Retirement Plan, distributions will continue to
be made  to  retired  and  terminated  employees  who  are  participants  in the
Retirement Plan.

Comparison of Five-Year Cumulative Total Return

         The graph set forth below  compares the  cumulative  total  shareholder
return on the Common Stock for the period commencing December 1, 1992 and ending
November 30, 1997 against the cumulative total return on the NASDAQ Stock Market
Index and a peer  group  comprised  of those  public  companies  whose  business
activities fall within the same standard  industrial  classification code as the
Company and whose stock has been publicly  traded for at least five years.  This
graph  assumes  a $100  investment  in the  Common  Stock  and in each  index on
December 1, 1992 and that all dividends paid by companies included in each index
were reinvested.



                                        FISCAL YEAR ENDING
COMPANY                  1992    1993     1994     1995     1996     1997

SIRCO INTERNAT CORP      100    118.18   113.64    81.82   131.82   236.36
INDUSTRY INDEX           100    114.38   112.45   176.03   196.50   143.38
BROAD MARKET             100    119.03   128.19   162.53   201.65   250.48

Report on Executive Compensation

         The Board of Directors  determines the compensation of the CEO and sets
policies  for and  reviews  with the CEO the  compensation  awarded to the other
principal executives.  The Company's executive officers consist of the CEO, Eric
Smith, Paul H. Riss and Richard Pyles.

         Salaries.  Base  salaries  for the  Company's  executive  officers  are
determined initially by evaluating the responsibilities of the position held and
the  experience  of  the  individual,   and  by  reference  to  the  competitive
marketplace for management  talent,  including a comparison of base salaries for
comparable  positions at comparable  companies  within the  Company's  industry.
Several of such  companies  are in the Company's  Peer Group as described  above
under "-- Comparison of Five-Year Cumulative Total Return." The Company believes
that its  salaries  are below  average as  compared to its  competitors.  Annual
salary adjustments are determined by evaluating the competitive marketplace, the
performance of the Company, the performance of the executive,  particularly with
respect  to the  ability  to manage  growth of the  Company,  the  length of the
executive's service to the Company and any increased responsibilities assumed by
the executive.

         Compensation  of  Chief  Executive  Officer.  The  CEO  is a  principal
shareholder  of the Company and  beneficially  owns and  controls  approximately
30.0% of the  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock of the  Company.  See "Common
Stock Owned by  Directors,  Officers  and Other  Beneficial  Owners."  The Board
believes he is  substantially  motivated,  both by reason of his stock ownership
and his  commitment  to the  Company,  to act on behalf of all  shareholders  to
optimize  overall  corporate  performance.   Accordingly,   the  Board  has  not
considered  it  necessary  to  specifically  relate  the CEO's  compensation  to
corporate performance.

Board  of  Directors  Interlocks  and  Insider   Participation  in  Compensation

         The following former and present members of the Board of Directors were
officers of the Company or a  subsidiary  of the Company  during the fiscal year
ended  November 30, 1997:  Joel Dupre,  Eric Smith,  Eric M. Hellige and Paul H.
Riss.  Such members  participated  in  deliberations  of the Company's  Board of
Directors concerning executive officer compensation during the fiscal year ended
November 30, 1997.

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

         Mr. Joseph Takada,  the beneficial owner of  approximately  5.4% of the
outstanding  shares of Common Stock,  is the Managing  Director of Ideal Pacific
Ltd.  ("Ideal"),  the  Company's  manufacturing  agent in Hong Kong.  During the
fiscal year ended November 30, 1997,  the Company paid aggregate  commissions of
approximately  $40,000 to Ideal.  Mr.  Cheng-Sen  Wang, the beneficial  owner of
approximately  3.6% of the  outstanding  shares of Common Stock, is the Managing
Director  of  Kao-Lien   Industrial  Co.,  Ltd.   ("Kao-Lien"),   the  Company's
manufacturing  agent in Taiwan.  During the fiscal year ended November 30, 1997,
the Company paid aggregate  commissions of  approximately  $168,000 to Kao-Lien.
Mr. Albert Cheng,  the  beneficial  owner of 1.8% of the  outstanding  shares of
Common  Stock,   is  the  President  of   Constellation   Enterprise  Co.,  Ltd.
("Constellation").  During the fiscal year ended  November 30, 1997, the Company
purchased   approximately   $891,000  of  luggage  and  backpack  products  from

         At  November   30,  1997,   the  Company   owed  Ideal,   Kao-Lien  and
Constellation approximately $305,000, $141,000 and $528,000, respectively.

         Paul H.  Riss,  a  director  and the  Chief  Financial  Officer  of the
Company, is a member of the Board of Directors of CLEC Holding Corp. ("CHC"), an
affiliate of the Company  that owns 95% of the capital  stock of The Other Phone
Company, Inc., an integrated  telecommunications  provider based in Florida. Mr.
Riss owns  options  to  purchase  100,000  shares of  common  stock of CHC.  The
Company's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,  Joel Dupre, owns 306,000 shares
of common stock of CHC, or  approximately  2.7% of the outstanding  shares,  and
owns options to purchase an additional 150,000 shares.

         Eric M.  Hellige,  a  director  of the  Company,  is a member  of Pryor
Cashman Sherman & Flynn LLP, counsel to the Company ("Pryor Cashman"). Fees paid
by the Company to Pryor Cashman for legal  services  rendered  during the fiscal
year ended  November 30, 1997 did not exceed 5% of such firm's or the  Company's
revenues. Mr. Hellige owns 25,000 shares of common stock of CHC, an affiliate of
the Company.

         Barrie Sommerfield,  a director of the Company, is the Vice Chairman of
Gore, Sommerfield, Ditnes International, Inc. ("Gore, Sommerfield"), a firm that
provides  consulting  services to the Company  with regard to the  licensing  of
trademarked names. The Company paid fees to Gore,  Sommerfield in fiscal 1997 of
approximately $4,000.

         The Company  believes  that all  purchases  from or  transactions  with
affiliated  parties were on terms and at prices  substantially  similar to those
available from unaffiliated third parties.

                         PROPOSAL TO INCREASE AUTHORIZED
                             SHARES OF COMMON STOCK
                                 (Proxy Item 2)

Proposed Amendment

         The  Company's  Board of Directors has proposed an amendment to Article
FOURTH of the Company's  Certificate  of  Incorporation.  This  amendment  would
increase  the  Company's  authorized  Common  Stock  from  10,000,000  shares to
20,000,000  shares.  On May 1, 1998,  4,950,400  shares of the Company's  Common
Stock were  outstanding  and an aggregate of 858,500 shares of Common Stock were
reserved  for  issuance  under the  Company's  1995  Stock  Option  Plan and the
Company's 1996 Restricted  Stock Award Plan.  Approval of the proposed  increase
would  give the  Company  approximately  14,200,000  shares of Common  Stock for
future issuance.

         The Company also has 1,000,000  authorized  shares of preferred  stock,
par value $.10 per share (the "Preferred Stock"),  none of which was outstanding
at May 1, 1998.  No increase  in the  authorized  number of shares of  Preferred
Stock is requested.

         The Company has no specific plans for the issuance of additional shares
of Common  Stock.  However,  the Board of Directors  believes  that the proposed
increase is desirable so that, as the need may arise, the Company will have more
financial  flexibility  and be able to issue  additional  shares of Common Stock
without the expense and delay associated with a special  shareholders'  meeting,
except  where  shareholder  approval  is  required  by  applicable  law or stock
exchange  regulations.  The additional shares of Common Stock might be used, for
example,  in  connection  with an expansion of the  Company's  business  through
investments or acquisitions,  sold in a financing transaction or issued under an
employee  stock  option,  savings or other  benefit  plan or in a stock split or
dividend to  shareholders.  The Board does not intend to issue any shares except
on terms that it  considers  to be in the best  interests of the Company and its

         The additional shares of Common Stock for which authorization is sought
would be a part of the existing class of Common Stock. If and when issued, these
shares would have the same rights and  privileges  as the shares of Common Stock
presently  outstanding.  No holder of Common Stock has any preemptive  rights to
acquire additional shares of the Common Stock.

         The issuance of additional  shares could reduce existing  shareholders'
percentage  ownership  and voting  power in the Company  and,  depending  on the
transaction  in which they are issued,  could affect the per share book value or
other per share financial measures.

         Although the proposed  amendment is not intended to be an anti-takeover
measure,  shareholders  should  note  that,  under  certain  circumstances,  the
additional  shares of Common  Stock  could be used to make any  attempt  to gain
control  of  the  Company  or  the  Board  of   Directors   more   difficult  or
time-consuming.  Any of the additional shares of Common Stock could be privately
placed  with  purchasers  who might  side with the Board in  opposing  a hostile
takeover  bid. It is possible  that such shares could be sold with or without an
option, on the part of the Company, to repurchase such shares, or on the part of
the purchaser, to put such shares to the Company.

         The  amendment  to  increase  the  authorized  Common  Stock  might  be
considered to have the effect of  discouraging  an attempt by another  person or
entity,  through  the  acquisition  of a  substantial  number  of  shares of the
Company's  capital stock, to acquire control of the Company,  since the issuance
of the  additional  shares of  Common  Stock  could be used to dilute  the stock
ownership  of a person or entity  seeking to obtain  control and to increase the
cost to a person or entity  seeking to acquire a majority of the voting power of
the  Company.  If so used,  the effect of the  additional  authorized  shares of
Common  Stock might be (i) to deprive  shareholders  of an  opportunity  to sell
their stock at a  temporarily  higher price as a result of a tender offer or the
purchase  of  shares  by a person or entity  seeking  to obtain  control  of the
Company  or (ii)  to  assist  incumbent  management  in  retaining  its  present

Text of Proposed Amendment

         The first  paragraph of Article FOURTH of the Company's  Certificate of
Incorporation is proposed to be amended to read as follows:

                           "FOURTH:  A. Authorized  Shares.  The total number of
                  shares of all classes of stock  which the  Company  shall have
                  the authority to issue is twenty-one million (21,000,000),  of
                  which twenty million  (20,000,000)  shall be common stock, par
                  value $.10 per share,  and one  million  (1,000,000)  shall be
                  preferred stock, par value $.10 per share."

Vote Required for Approval

         For this  amendment  to be  approved,  a majority of the holders of all
outstanding shares entitled to vote must vote for approval.

         The Company's Board of Directors  recommends that the shareholders vote
FOR  adoption  of  the  proposed  amendment  to  the  Company's  Certificate  of


         Nussbaum  Yates & Wolpow,  P.C.  ("Nussbaum"),  served as the Company's
independent  public  accountants  for the fiscal year ended November 30, 1997. A
representative  of Nussbaum is expected to attend the Annual  Meeting,  and such
representative  will have the  opportunity  to make a statement if he so desires
and will be available to respond to appropriate questions from shareholders.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

         Proposals of shareholders  intended for presentation at the 1999 Annual
Meeting of  Shareholders  and  intended to be included  in the  Company's  Proxy
Statement  and form of proxy  relating to that  meeting  must be received at the
offices of the Company by January 11, 1999.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

         Other  than as  described  above,  the Board of  Directors  knows of no
matters to be  presented  at the Annual  Meeting,  but it is  intended  that the
persons  named in the proxy  will  vote  your  shares  according  to their  best
judgment if any matters not included in this Proxy  Statement  do properly  come
before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

                                  ANNUAL REPORT

         The Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  November
30, 1997, including financial statements,  is being mailed herewith. If, for any
reason you do not receive  your copy of the Report,  please  contact Mr. Paul H.
Riss,  Chief  Financial  Officer,  Sirco  International  Corp., 24 Richmond Hill
Avenue, Stamford, Connecticut 06901, and another will be sent to you.

                                             By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                             /S/JOEL DUPRE
                                             JOEL DUPRE,
                                             Chairman of the Board and
                                             Chief Executive Officer

Dated:   May 11, 1998
         Stamford, Connecticut

                                 REVOCABLE PROXY
                            SIRCO INTERNATIONAL CORP.



   The  undersigned  hereby  appoint(s)  Joel Dupre and Paul H. Riss,  or any of
them,  lawful  attorneys  and  proxies  of the  undersigned  with full  power of
substitution,  for and in the name, place and stead of the undersigned to attend
the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders of Sirco  International  Corp. to be held at
366 Fifth Avenue,  New York, New York on Thursday,  June 11, 1998 at 10:00 a.m.,
local time, and any adjournment(s) or postponement(s)  thereof,  with all powers
the  undersigned  would possess if personally  present and to vote the number of
votes the undersigned would be entitled to vote if personally present.

  The Board of Directors recommends a vote "FOR" the proposals set forth below.

   PROPOSAL 1. The Election of Directors:

 Joel Dupre, Eric M. Hellige, Eric Smith, Paul H. Riss, Anthony M. Scalice,
 Eric Smith  and Barrie Sommerfield.

         [   ] FOR        [   ] WITHHOLD             [   ] FOR ALL EXCEPT

INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, mark "For
All Except" and write that nominee's name in the space provided below.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   PROPOSAL 2. Proposal to amend the Company's  Certificate of  Incorporation to
increase  the number of  authorized  shares of Common Stock from  10,000,000  to

         [   ] FOR            [   ] AGAINST           [   ] ABSTAIN

   In  accordance  with  their  discretion,   said  Attorneys  and  Proxies  are
authorized to vote upon such other matters or proposals not known at the time of
solicitation of this proxy which may properly come before the meeting.

   This  proxy when  properly  executed  will be voted in the  manner  described
herein by the undersigned shareholder.  If no direction is made, this proxy will
be voted for each of the Proposals  set forth herein.  Any prior proxy is hereby

                         Please be sure to sign and date
                          this Proxy in the box below.


                             Shareholder sign above

                          Co-holder (if any) sign above

    Detach above card, sign, date and mail in postage paid envelope provided.

                            SIRCO INTERNATIONAL CORP.

  Please sign exactly as your name  appears on this proxy card.  When shares are
held by joint  tenants,  both should sign.  When signing as attorney,  executor,
administrator,  trustee or  corporation,  please sign in full  corporate name by
president  or  other  authorized  person.  If  a  partnership,  please  sign  in
partnership name by authorized person.

                               PLEASE ACT PROMPTLY
                     SIGN, DATE & MAIL YOUR PROXY CARD TODAY