Schedule 14A Information

                    Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
                          of the Securities Act of 1934

Filed by Registrant  [ X ]
Filed by a Party other than Registrant  [   ]

Check the appropriate box:

    [   ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
    [ X ] Definitive Proxy Statement
    [   ] Definitive Additional Materials
    [   ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss. 240.14a-11(c) or
                        ss. 240.14a-12

                              Carey Diversified LLC
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

          (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement) Michael B. Pollack

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[ X ] $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii),
      14a-6(i)(1), or 14a-6(j)(2).

[   ] $500 per each party to the  controversy  pursuant to  Exchange  Act Rule

[   ] Fee Computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

         (1) Title of each class of  securities  to which  transaction  applies:
             Common Stock
         (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
         (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
             pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:
         (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated  and state how it was

[   ] Check  box if any  part of the fee is  offset as  provided by Exchange Act
Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

        (1) Amount previously paid:
        (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
        (3) Filing Party:
        (4) Date Filed:

                         [letterhead-CAREY DIVERSIFIED]

                                                                  April 28, 1998


                             TO BE HELD JUNE 9, 1998

     The Annual Meeting of the  Shareholders  of Carey  Diversified  LLC will be
held at The Waldorf~Astoria, 301 Park Avenue, New York, New York on June 9, 1998
at 10:00 a.m. for the following purposes:

     1. To elect  three (3) Class I  Directors,  each to hold office for a three
        year  term  and  until  their  respective  successors  are  elected  and

     2. To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

     The  Directors  have fixed the close of  business  on April 20, 1998 as the
record date for the Shares  entitled to vote at the meeting.  If you are present
at the meeting, you may vote in person even though you have previously delivered
your proxy.

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                              /s/H. Augustus Carey
                                              H. Augustus Carey


Carey Diversified LLC, 50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10020 212-492-1100 
                                                            Fax 212-977-3022

                                                     The New York Stock Exchange

                             CAREY DIVERSIFIED LLC

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                                 April 28, 1998

     The enclosed proxy is solicited by the Directors of Carey  Diversified  LLC
(the  "Company") for use at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held at The
Waldorf~Astoria,  301 Park Avenue,  New York, New York at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday,
June 9, 1998 (the "Annual Meeting").  The proxy may be revoked at any time prior
to voting  thereof by notifying  the persons  named in the proxy of intention to
revoke,  by execution and delivery of a later dated proxy  (including a proxy by
telephone)  or by  appearing  at the  Annual  Meeting  and  voting in person the
limited  liability  company  interests  ("Shares")  to which the proxy  relates.
Shares  represented  by  executed  proxies  will be  voted,  unless a  different
specification  is  indicated  therein,  for election as Directors of the persons
named therein.

     The Proxy Statement and the enclosed proxy were mailed on April 28, 1998 to
Shareholders  of record at the close of business on April 20, 1998 (the  "Record

     Alternatively,  in lieu of returning signed proxies, Shareholders of record
on the Record  date can vote  their  Shares by  calling a  specially  designated
telephone number set forth on the enclosed proxy.

     The  holders of a majority of the Shares  entitled  to vote  present at the
Annual Meeting in person or represented by proxies will  constitute a quorum for
the transaction of business.  The affirmative  vote of a plurality of the Shares
whose holders  constitute a quorum is required to elect Directors.  At the close
of business on the Record Date,  the Company had 24,302,955  Shares  outstanding
and entitled to vote. Each Share has one vote on all matters  including those to
be acted upon at the Annual Meeting.

     The mailing address of the Company is 50 Rockefeller  Plaza,  New York, New
York 10020. Notices of revocation of proxies should be mailed to that address.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     The Company has a classified  Board of Directors  currently  consisting  of
three Class I Directors, three Class II Directors, and four Class III Directors,
who will serve  until the Annual  Meetings of  Stockholders  to be held in 1998,
1999 and 2000,  respectively,  and until their  respective  successors  are duly
elected  and  qualified.  Directors  in a class are  elected for a term of three
years to succeed the  Directors  in such class whose terms expire at such annual

     Nominees for election as Class I Directors are Steven M. Berzin,  Gordon F.
DuGan and Reginald Winssinger.  If elected, the nominees will serve as Directors
until the Company's  Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  in 2001,  and until their
successors  are elected  and  qualified.  Unless  otherwise  specified,  proxies
solicited  hereby will be voted for the election of the named  nominees,  except
that in the event any of those named  should not  continue to be  available  for
election,  discretionary authority may be exercised to vote for a substitute. No
circumstances  are  presently  known that would render any nominee  named herein
unavailable. All of the nominees are now members of the Board of Directors.

     The information below sets forth for each member of the Board of Directors,
including each Class I nominee to be elected at the Meeting,  such person's age,
their   principal   occupations   during  the  past  five  years  or  more,  and
directorships of each in public companies in addition to the Company:


     Steven M.  Berzin,  age 47, Vice  Chairman  and Chief Legal  Officer of the
Company,  was elected Executive Vice President,  Chief Financial Officer,  Chief
Legal Officer and a Managing Director of W. P. Carey & Co., Inc. ("W. P. Carey &
Co.") in July 1997.  From 1993 to 1997, Mr. Berzin was Vice  President--Business
Development  of  General  Electric  Capital  Corporation  in the  office  of the
Executive Vice  President  and, more  recently,  in the office of the President,
where he was responsible for business  development  activities and acquisitions.
From 1985 to 1992, Mr. Berzin held various  positions  with  Financial  Guaranty
Insurance Company, the last two being Managing Director,  Corporate Development,
and Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. Mr. Berzin was associated
with the law firm of


Cravath,  Swaine & Moore  from 1978 to 1985 and from 1976 to 1977,  he served as
law clerk to the  Honorable  Anthony M. Kennedy,  then a United  States  Circuit
Judge.  Mr. Berzin received a B.A. and M.A. in Applied  Mathematics from Harvard
University,  a B.A. in  Jurisprudence  and an M.A. from Oxford  University and a
J.D. from Harvard Law School.

     Gordon F. DuGan,  age 31, President and Chief  Acquisitions  Officer of the
Company,  was elected  Executive Vice President and a Managing Director of W. P.
Carey & Co. in June 1997. Mr. DuGan rejoined W. P. Carey & Co. as Deputy Head of
Acquisitions  in February 1997. Mr. DuGan was until September 1995 a Senior Vice
President in the  Acquisitions  Department of W. P. Carey & Co. Mr. DuGan joined
W. P. Carey & Co. as  Assistant to the  Chairman in May 1988,  after  graduating
from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania  where he concentrated
in Finance. From October 1995 until February 1997, Mr. DuGan was Chief Financial
Officer of Superconducting  Core Technologies,  Inc., a Colorado-based  wireless
communications equipment manufacturer.

     Reginald  Winssinger,  age 55, was elected to the Board of Directors of the
Company in 1998 and is  currently  Chairman of the Board and Director of Horizon
Real Estate Group, Inc. and National Portfolio,  Inc. Mr. Winssinger has managed
portfolios of diversified real estate assets  exceeding $500 million  throughout
the  United  States  for more than 20  years.  Mr.  Winssinger  is active in the
planning and  development  of major land parcels and has developed 20 commercial
properties.  Mr.  Winssinger  is a native of Belgium  with more than 25 years of
real  estate  practice,  including  10  years  based  in  Brussels,   overseeing
appraisals,  construction  and  management.  Mr.  Winssinger  holds  a  B.S.  in
Geography from the University of California at Berkeley and received a degree in
Appraisal and Survey in Belgium.  Mr.  Winssinger  presently  serves as Honorary
Belgium Consul to the State of Arizona, a position he has held since 1991.


     Francis J. Carey, age 72, was elected in 1997 as Chairman,  Chief Executive
Officer and a Director of the Company. From 1987 to 1997, Mr. Carey held various
positions with affiliates of the Company,  including  President of W. P. Carey &
Co., and President and Director of CPA(R):10,  CIP(TM) and CPA(R):12.  Mr. Carey
also served as  Director  of W. P. Carey & Co.  from its  founding in 1973 until
1997.  Prior to 1987, he was senior  partner in  Philadelphia,  head of the real
estate  department  nationally  and a member of the  executive  committee of the
Pittsburgh-based firm of Reed Smith Shaw & McClay LLP, counsel for W. P. Carey &
Co. and the Company.  He served as a member of the executive committee and Board
of Managers  of the Western  Savings  Bank of  Philadelphia  from 1972 until its
takeover by another bank in 1982, and is a former chairman of the Real Property,
Probate and Trust Section of the Pennsylvania Bar Association.  Mr. Carey served
as a member of the Board of  Overseers of the School of Arts and Sciences at the
University of Pennsylvania  from 1983 to 1990. He has also served as a member of
the  Board  of  Trustees  and  executive  committee  of the  Investment  Program
Association  since 1990 and on the  Business  Advisory  Council of the  Business
Council for the United  Nations since 1994. He holds A.B. and J.D.  degrees from
the University of  Pennsylvania  and completed  executive  programs in corporate
finance and accounting at Stanford  University  Graduate  School of Business and
the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Carey is the father of
H. Augustus Carey and the brother of William P. Carey.

     Eberhard  Faber,  IV, age 61, was elected to the Board of  Directors of the
Company in 1998 and is currently a Director of PNC Bank,  N.A.,  Chairman of the
Board and  Director  of the  newspaper  Citizens  Voice,  a Director of Ertley's
Motorworld,  Inc.,  Chairman  of the Board of Kings  College  and a Director  of
Geisinger  Wyoming  Valley  Hospital.  Mr.  Faber  served as Chairman  and Chief
Executive  Officer of Eberhard  Faber,  Inc.,  from 1973 to 1987. Mr. Faber also
served as the  Director of the  Philadelphia  Federal  Reserve  Bank,  including
service as the  Chairman  of its Budget and  Operations  Committee  from 1980 to
1986. Mr. Faber has served on the boards of several  companies,  including First
Eastern Bank from 1980 to 1994.

     Barclay G. Jones, III, age 37, was elected to the Board of Directors of the
Company in 1998 and is Vice  Chairman  and a Managing  Director of W. P. Carey &
Co. Mr. Jones  joined W. P. Carey & Co. as  Assistant  to the  President in July
1982,  after  his  graduation  from the  Wharton  School  of the  University  of
Pennsylvania where he majored in Finance and Economics.  Mr. Jones has served as
a Director  of W. P.  Carey & Co.  since  April  1992 and as a  Director  of the
Wharton  School  Club of New  York.  Mr.  Jones is a  director  of  CIP(TM)  and



     William P. Carey, age 67, Chairman,  President and Chief Executive  Officer
of W. P.  Carey & Co.,  has been  active  in lease  financing  since  1959 and a
specialist in net leasing of corporate real estate  property since 1964.  Before
founding  W. P. Carey & Co., in 1973,  he served as  Chairman  of the  Executive
committee of Hubbard, Westervelt & Mottelay (now Merrill Lynch Hubbard), head of
Real Estate and Equipment Financing at Loeb Rhoades & Co. (now Lehman Brothers),
head of Real Estate and Private  Placements,  Director of Corporate  Finance and
Vice  Chairman of the  Investment  Banking  Board of duPont  Glore Forgan Inc. A
graduate of the  University of  Pennsylvania's  Wharton  School of Finance,  Mr.
Carey is a Governor of the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts
(NAREIT) and a Trustee of The John Hopkins  University and of other  educational
and  philanthropic  institutions.  He has served for many years on the  Visiting
Committee to the Economics  Department of the  University  of  Pennsylvania  and
co-founded  with Dr. Lawrence R. Klein the Economics  Research  Institute at the
University.  Mr. Carey also serves as Chairman of the Board and Chief  Executive
Officer of CPA(R):10, CIP(TM), CPA(R):12 and CPA(R):14. Mr. Carey is the brother
of Francis J. Carey and the uncle of H. Augustus Carey.

     Dr. Lawrence R. Klein, age 77, was elected to the Board of Directors of the
Company in 1998 and is Benjamin  Franklin  Professor  Emeritus of Economics  and
Finance at the University of Pennsylvania and its Wharton School,  having joined
the faculty of the University in 1958. He is a holder of earned degrees from the
University  of  California  at  Berkeley  and  the  Massachusetts  Institute  of
Technology  and has been  awarded the Alfred  Nobel  Memorial  Prize in Economic
Sciences,  as  well  as  a  number  of  honorary  degrees.  Founder  of  Wharton
Econometric  Forecasting  Associates,  Inc.,  Dr.  Klein has been  counselor  to
various corporations, governments and government agencies, including the Federal
Reserve  Board and the  President's  Council for  Economic  Advisers.  Dr. Klein
joined W. P. Carey & Co. in 1984 as Chairman of the  Economic  Policy  Committee
and as a Director.

     Charles C. Townsend,  Jr., age 70, was elected to the Board of Directors of
the Company in 1998 and  currently is an Advisory  Director of Morgan  Stanley &
Co.,  having held such  position  since 1979.  Mr.  Townsend was a Partner and a
Managing  Director  of  Morgan  Stanley & Co.  from  1963 to 1978 and  served as
Chairman of Morgan Stanley Realty  Corporation  from 1977 to 1982. Mr.  Townsend
holds  a  B.S.E.E.   from  Princeton  University  and  an  M.B.A.  from  Harvard
University. Mr.

Townsend serves as Director of CIP(TM) and CPA(R):14.

     Donald E.  Nickelson,  age 65, was elected to the Board of Directors of the
Company in 1998 and is currently  Vice-Chairman  and  Director of Harbour  Group
Industries  Inc.,  a leveraged  buy-out  firm.  From 1988 to 1990,  he served as
President of PaineWebber  Group, Inc., an investment banking and brokerage firm.
He is also Chairman of the Board of OmniQuip International, Inc., Del Industries
and Rapid Rack Industries. He also serves as Director of Surgen, Inc. and serves
as a Trustee of the Mainstay Mutual Funds Group. Previously, Mr. Nickelson was a
Chairman of the Board of Greenfield  Industries and the Pacific Stock  Exchange,
in addition to serving on many other Boards  which  included  Allied  Healthcare
Products, Inc. and DT Industries.


     The  Company's  Executive  Officers are elected  annually by the  Company's
Board of  Directors.  Certain  information  regarding  the  Company's  Executive
Officers who are not Directors of the Company is set forth below.

     Claude Fernandez, age 45, Executive Vice  President--Financial  Operations,
is a  Managing  Director,  Executive  Vice  President  and Chief  Administrative
Officer of W. P. Carey & Co. Mr. Fernandez joined W. P. Carey & Co. as Assistant
Controller in March 1983, was elected  Controller in July 1983, a Vice President
in April 1986, a First Vice  President in April 1987, a Senior Vice President in
April 1989 and Executive  Vice  President in April 1991.  Prior to joining W. P.
Carey & Co., Mr. Fernandez was associated with Coldwell Banker, Inc. in New York
for two years and with Arthur  Andersen & Co. in New York for over three  years.
Mr. Fernandez, a Certified Public Accountant, received a B.S. in Accounting from
New York  University in 1975 and an M.B.A.  in Finance from Columbia  University
Graduate School of Business in 1981.

     John J. Park, age 33, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and
Treasurer,  is a Senior Vice President,  Treasurer and a Managing Director of W.
P. Carey & Co. Mr.  Park became a First Vice  President  of W. P. Carey & Co. in
April 1993 and a Senior Vice  President in October  1995.  Mr. Park joined W. P.
Carey & Co.  as an  Investment  Analyst  in  December  1987  and  became  a Vice
President in July 1991. Mr. Park received a B.S. in Chemistry from Massachusetts
Institute of Technology  in 1986 and an M.B.A.  in Finance from the Stern School
of New York University in 1991.


     H. Augustus Carey, age 40, Senior Vice President and Secretary, is a Senior
Vice  President,  Secretary  and a  Managing  Director  at W. P.  Carey & Co. He
returned to W. P. Carey & Co. as a Vice President in August 1988 and was elected
a First Vice  President  in April 1992.  Mr. Carey  previously  worked for W. P.
Carey & Co. from 1979 to 1981 as Assistant to the President.  From 1984 to 1987,
Mr. Carey served as a loan officer in the North American Department of Kleinwort
Benson  Limited in London,  England.  He received his A.B. in Asian Studies from
Amherst  College  in 1979  and a  M.Phil.  in  Management  Studies  from  Oxford
University  in 1984. He is the son of Francis J. Carey and the nephew of William
P. Carey.

     Edward V. LaPuma,  age 25, First Vice  President--Acquisitions,  is a First
Vice  President  and Research  Officer for W. P. Carey & Co. and its  Affiliate,
CIP(TM).  Mr. LaPuma joined W. P. Carey & Co. as an Assistant to the Chairman in
July 1995,  became a Second Vice  President  in July 1996,  a Vice  President in
April 1997 and First Vice  President in April 1998. A graduate of the University
of Pennsylvania,  Mr. LaPuma received a B.A. in Global Economics Strategies from
The College of Arts and Sciences and a B.S. in Economics with a concentration in
Finance from the Wharton School.

     Samantha K. Garbus,  age 30, Vice  President--Asset  Management,  is a Vice
President and a Director of Property  Management of W. P. Carey & Co. Ms. Garbus
became a Second  Vice  President  of W. P.  Carey & Co. in April 1995 and a Vice
President  in April  1997.  Ms.  Garbus  joined W. P.  Carey & Co. as a Property
Management Associate in January 1992. Ms. Garbus received a B.A. in History from
Brown University in 1990 and an M.B.A. from the Stern School of New York

University in January 1997.

     Susan C. Hyde,  age 29,  Vice  President--Shareholder  Services,  is a Vice
President  and a Director  of Investor  Relations  of W. P. Carey & Co. Ms. Hyde
joined W. P. Carey & Co. in 1990,  became a Second Vice  President in April 1995
and a Vice President in April 1997. Ms. Hyde graduated from Villanova University
in  1990  where  she  received  a  B.S.  in  Business   Administration   with  a
concentration in marketing and a B.A. in English.

     Robert C. Kehoe, age 37, Vice President--Accounting, a Vice President of W.
P. Carey & Co.,  joined W. P. Carey & Co. as a Senior  Accountant  in 1987.  Mr.
Kehoe  became a Second Vice  President  of W. P. Carey & Co. in April 1992 and a
Vice  President in July 1997.  Prior to joining W. P. Carey & Co., Mr. Kehoe was
associated  with  Deloitte  Haskins & Sells for three  years and was  Manager of
Financial Controls at CBS Educational and Professional Publishing for two years.
Mr. Kehoe received his B.S. in Accounting from Manhattan College in 1982 and his
M.B.A. from Pace University in 1993.


     The following table sets forth certain information regarding the beneficial
ownership of Shares as of the April 15, 1998 by (i) each of the Directors;  (ii)
the  Chief  Executive  Officer  of the  Company;  and (iii)  all  Directors  and
executive  officers  of the  Company  as a group.  The  business  address of the
individuals listed is 50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10020.

                                                    Amount of Shares
                                                      Beneficially        Percentage
                Name                                    Owned (1)          of Class
                ----                                    ---------          --------
         Francis J. Carey                                 15,368               *
         Steven M. Berzin (2)                             28,113               *
         Gordon F. DuGan (3)                               5,300               *
         William P. Carey (4)                            797,928             3.28
         Eberhard Faber, IV (5)                            7,013               *
         Barclay G. Jones, III (6)                        31,344               *
         Lawrence R. Klein                                 2,026               *
         Donald E. Nickelson (7)                           8,821               *
         Charles C. Townsend                               3,026               *
         Reginald Winssinger                               2,026               *
         All Executive Officers and Directors
         as a Group (14 persons)                         928,810             3.82

- ---------
* Less than one percent.


(1) Beneficial ownership has been determined in accordance with the rules of the
    Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.  Except as noted,  and except for any
    community property  interests owned by spouses,  the listed individuals have
    sole investment  power and sole voting power as to all Shares which they are
    identified as being the beneficial owners.

(2) 17,500 of these Shares are held pursuant to a compensation  arrangement with
    Carey  Management LLC (the  "Manager")  and are subject to the  restrictions
    connected therewith.

(3) 5,000 of these Shares are held pursuant to a compensation  arrangement  with
    the Manager and are subject to the restrictions connected therewith.

(4) Includes  610,363 Shares held by the Manager which Mr. Carey is deemed to be
    the  beneficial  owner of as a result  of his  indirect  ownership  of Carey
    Management LLC through W. P. Carey & Co., Inc.,  Carey  Corporate  Property,
    Inc.,  Seventh  Carey  Corporate  Property,  Inc.,  Eighth  Carey  Corporate
    Property, Inc. and Ninth Carey Corporate Property, Inc., the shareholders of
    Carey Management LLC. Also includes 66,300 Shares held by W. P. Carey & Co.,
    Inc.,  17,171 Shares held by Carey Corporate  Property,  Inc.,  5,539 Shares
    held by Seventh Carey Corporate Property,  Inc., 6,955 Shares held by Eighth
    Carey  Corporate  Property,  Inc.,  and  5,263  Shares  held by Ninth  Carey
    Corporate Property,  Inc. for which Mr. Carey is deemed to be the beneficial
    owner. See "Certain  Transactions." Officers of Carey Management LLC who are
    not officers of the Company own an additional 23,000 Shares.

(5) Includes  3,175 Shares held by trusts of which  Mr. Faber is a trustee and a

(6) 12,500 of these Shares are held pursuant to a compensation  arrangement with
    the Manager and are subject to the restrictions connected therewith.

(7) Includes 388 Shares held by Mr. Nickelson's wife.


     Members of the Company's Board of Directors have been appointed to serve on
various  committees  of the  Board of  Directors.  The  Board of  Directors  has
currently  established three committees:  (i) the Executive Committee;  (ii) the
Compensation Committee; and (iii) the Audit Committee.

     Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may authorize the execution of
contracts and  agreements,  including those related to the borrowing of money by
the Company.  The Executive  Committee will exercise,  during intervals  between
meetings of the Board of Directors  and subject to certain  limitations,  all of
the powers of the full Board of Directors  and will monitor and advise the Board
of Directors  on strategic  business  planning  for the Company.  The  Executive
Committee consists of Messrs. William Carey (Chairman), Francis Carey and DuGan.
No Executive Committee meetings have been held to date.

     Compensation  Committee.  The  Compensation  Committee is  responsible  for
assuring  that the  officer  and key  management  personnel  of the  Company are
effectively  compensated  in terms of salaries,  supplemental  compensation  and
benefits  which  are  internally  equitable  and  externally  competitive.   The
Compensation  Committee will review annually the compensation and allowances for
directors as recommended by Company management,  review and approve distribution
of  incentive  compensation  or bonuses  and the design of any new  supplemental

compensation program and, upon recommendation of company management,  review and
approve the number of Shares,  price per share, and period of duration for stock
grants under any approved share incentive plan. The members of the  Compensation
Committee are Messrs. Townsend (Chairman),  Faber and Nickelson. No Compensation
Committee meetings have been held to date.

     Audit  Committee.   The  Audit  Committee  has  been  established  to  make
recommendations  concerning the engagement of  independent  public  accountants,
review  with the  independent  public  accountants  the plans and results of the
audit  engagement,  approve  professional  services  provided by the independent
public   accountants,   review  the  independence  of  the  independent   public
accountants,  consider  the range of audit and  non-audit  fees and  review  the
adequacy  of the  Company's  internal  accounting  controls.  Messrs.  Nickelson
(Chairman), Winssinger and Faber serve on the Audit Committee. One Audit

Committee meeting has been held in 1998 through March 31, 1998.

     The Board of Directors does not have a standing nominating committee.


     The Company pays its Directors who are not officers of the Company fees for
their services as Directors.  Such  Directors  receive  annual  compensation  of
$35,000,  currently  consisting of $4,000 ($1,000 for each quarterly meeting) in
cash and $31,000 in the form of restricted  Shares.  In addition,  Mr. Nickelson
receives  additional  compensation  in the  amount  of  $10,000  in the  form of
restricted Shares for serving as Chairman of the Company's Audit Committee. This
compensation may be changed by the Board of Directors.  Officers or employees of
the Company or Manager who are Directors are not paid any director fees.


     Pursuant to the Company's  Non-Employee  Directors'  Plan, each independent
Director  who was a member of the Board of Directors on the first day of trading
of the Shares  (January 21, 1998) was granted an option to purchase 4,000 Shares
at an exercise price of $20 per Share and 1,250 restricted  Shares. The exercise
price of options granted under the  Non-Employee  Directors' Plan may be paid in
cash,  acceptable cash  equivalents,  Shares or a combination  thereof.  Options
issued under the  Non-Employee  Directors'  Plan are  exercisable  for ten years
beginning one year from the date of grant.

     The  options  granted  under  the   Non-Employee   Directors'  Plan  become
exercisable  as  follows:   1,333  Shares  on  each  of  the  first  and  second
anniversaries of the date of grant and 1,334 Shares on the third  anniversary of
the date of  grant  provided  that the  Director  is a  member  of the  Board of
Directors  on such  anniversary  date or has not  voluntarily  retired  from the

     The  Non-Employee  Directors' Plan authorizes the issuance of up to 300,000
Shares.  In addition to the initial grant, in subsequent  annual  periods,  each
independent  Director is eligible  to receive  quarterly  an award of options to
purchase Shares or restricted  Shares.  Awards may be made on each April 1, July
1, October 1 and January 1 (each date, a "Quarterly Award Date") during the term
of the  Non-Employee  Directors'  Plan.  As part of the  compensation  described
above,  each Independent  Director may receive in lieu of restricted  Shares, on
each Quarterly Award Date on which he is a member of the Board of Directors, the
number of options to purchase  Shares or restricted  Shares having a fair market
value on that  date  that as  nearly as  possible  equals,  but does not  exceed

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The  Company  was  organized  as a Delaware  limited  liability  company in
October  1996.  On January 1, 1998,  the Company  completed its merger with nine
CPA(R) Partnerships.  During 1996 and 1997 the Company had no employees and paid
no  compensation  to any  executive  officer.  The  Company  currently  has  one
employee.  The following table sets forth the base compensation to be awarded to
Francis J. Carey, the Company's Chief Executive Officer, during 1998.

                                  SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                        Annual Compensation                Long Term Compensation
                        -------------------                ----------------------
                                                 Restricted Stock      Securities Underlying
                             Salary (1)            Awards ($) (2)          Options (#) (3)
                             ----------            --------------          ---------------
Francis J. Carey              $250,000               150,937.50                113,500
Chairman & Chief
Executive Officer

- -----------
(1) Amount  specified does not include bonuses or other annual  compensation not
    reportable as Salary that may be paid.

(2) On January 1, 1998,  Mr. Carey  received a grant of 7, 500 Shares as part of
    his annual  compensation.  On January 1, 1998,  the Shares were not publicly
    traded.  On March 31,  1998 the  closing  price of the  Company's  Shares as
    listed on the New York Stock Exchange was $20.125.  The  transferability  of
    these Shares is restricted.

(3) On January 1, 1998, Mr. Carey received  options to purchase 38,500 Shares at
    $20 per  Share.  Mr.  Carey also  received  a  one-time  grant of options to
    purchase 75,000 Shares at $20 per Share.

                                               OPTION GRANT IN FISCAL YEAR 1998

                                          Percent of
                                             Total                                                    Potential Realizable
                                            Options                                                     Value at Assumed
                                          Granted to                                                  Annual Rate of Share
                                           Employees                                                   Price Appreciation
                          Options         in Fiscal        Exercise Price       Expiration
                         Granted (1)         Year             per Share            Date                5%              10%
                         -----------         ----             ---------            ----             ----------     ----------
Francis J. Carey           113,500            100%               $20               1/08             $1,427,590     $3,617,795

- ---------
(1) The options will become  exercisable  for one-third of the covered Shares on
    each of January, 1999, January, 2000 and January, 2001.



     The  Company  has  recently  established  a  Compensation  Committee.   The
Compensation  Committee  has the  responsibility  to monitor and  implement  the
compensation  program for the Company's  executive  officers and key  management
personnel.  For 1998, the base salary of the Company's Chief  Executive  Officer
was  established  by the  Board  of  Directors  prior to the  completion  of the
Company's merger with the nine CPA(R) Partnerships.  The Compensation  Committee
will meet  during  1998 to  determine  the annual  compensation,  including  any
bonuses to be paid to the Company's Chief Executive  Officer during 1998 and his
1999 compensation.

                                PERFORMANCE GRAPH

     For companies with securities  registered under the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, Securities and Exchange Commission regulations require the presentation
of a performance  graph comparing the yearly  percentage change in the Company's
cumulative  total  shareholder  return on its securities to the cumulative total
return of a broad  equity  market  index and of a peer group of issuers  for the
past five  years.  No  performance  graph is required  to be  presented  for the
Company's Shares since the Company first became subject to such  requirements in

                              CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

Management Contract with Carey Management LLC

     Carey  Management LLC, the Manager of the Company,  provides both strategic
and  day-to-day  management  services  for  the  Company  including  acquisition
services,  research,  investment  analysis,  asset  management,  capital funding
services,  disposition  of  assets  and  administrative  services  for  which it
receives a fee from the  Company.  W. P.  Carey & Co., a company  which is owned
solely by William P. Carey, a director of the Company, and its affiliates (Carey
Corporate Property,  Inc., Seventh Carey Corporate Property,  Inc., Eighth Carey
Corporate Property,  Inc., and Ninth Carey Corporate Property, Inc.) own 100% of
Carey Management, LLC.

Amounts Payable to the Manager

Amounts Payable by the Company.

     The  following is a  description  of the fees payable by the Company to the
Manager in connection with the services provided by the Manager.

     Management  Fee  and  Performance  Fee.  The  Manager  is  paid  a  monthly
Management  Fee at an annual rate of .5 percent of the Total  Capitalization  of
the Company and a monthly Performance Fee at an annual rate of .5 percent of the
Total  Capitalization of the Company. The Performance Fee is paid in the form of
restricted  Shares which vest ratably over five years. The Total  Capitalization
of the  Company  is  measured  each  month by adding  (i) the  average  of total
principal  amount of the debt owed by the Company  (measured as of the first and
last day of each  month)  and  (ii) the  Average  Market  Capitalization  of the
Company (measured by multiplying the closing price of the Shares on each trading
day of the month by the total  number of Shares  issued in  connection  with the
merger of the Company with the nine CPA(R)  Partnerships  (the  "Consolidation")
outstanding  each trading day,  adding the product for each day and dividing the
sum by the number of trading days in the month).

     Before the Shares are vested,  the restricted  Shares are not  transferable
and are subject to forfeiture  in the event the Manager is terminated  for cause
or resigns.  The restricted  Shares vest immediately in the event of a change of
control and certain other circumstances.  The Management Fee and Performance Fee
is each  reduced by  one-half of the amount  received  by the  Manager  from the
Subsidiary   Partnerships   for   property   management   or  leasing  fees  and
distributions of Cash from Operations from the Subsidiary Partnerships. The sale
of the Shares is restricted  pursuant to Rule 144 of the Securities Act of 1933,
as amended.  The fee amount is divided by the closing price of the Shares on the
last  trading day of the month to  determine  the number of Shares to be paid to
the Manager.

     Termination  Fee. If the  Management  Agreement is terminated in connection
with a change of control,  by the Company  without  cause or by the Manager with
Good  Reason,  the  Manager  is  entitled  to  receive a  Termination  Fee.  The
Termination  Fee  equals  the sum of (A) any fees  that  would be  earned by the
Manager  upon the  disposition  of the assets of the Company and the  Subsidiary
Partnerships at their appraised value as of the date the Management Agreement is
terminated (the "Termination Date") and (B)(1) if the agreement is terminated by
the  Company  after a 


change in  control,  $50  million if the  change in control  occurs on or before
December 31, 1998 and thereafter,  five times the total fees paid to the Manager
by the Company and the Subsidiary  Partnerships  in the 12 months  preceding the
change in control and (2) if the  agreement is  terminated  without cause or for
Good Reason,  $50 million if the  agreement is  terminated  before  December 31,
1999; $40 million if the agreement is terminated  before  December 31, 2000; $30
million if the agreement is terminated  before December 31, 2001; $20 million if
the  agreement  is  terminated  before  December 31, 2002 and $10 million if the
agreement is terminated before December 31, 2003.

     The  Manager  may  also  be  paid  fees  on  a   transactional   basis  for
acquisitions,  dispositions  and other similar  transactions.  The terms of such
fees will be negotiated with the Board of Directors.

Amounts Payable by the Subsidiary Partnerships.

     The Manager is entitled to the distributions from the respective Subsidiary
Partnerships  described  below.   Distributions  paid  to  the  Manager  by  the
Subsidiary  Partnerships  described in the following table reduce the management
fee and performance fee otherwise  payable to the Manager by the Company each by
one-half of the amount paid by the Subsidiary Partnership:

        Subsidiary                                                                      Percentage of Distributions
        Partnership                     Property Management/ Leasing Fee                  of Cash from Operations
        -----------                     --------------------------------                  -----------------------
         CPA(R):1                     5% of Adjusted Cash from Operations                             1%

         CPA(R):2                     5% of Adjusted Cash from Operations                             1%

         CPA(R):3                     5% of Adjusted Cash from Operations                             2%

         CPA(R):4                     1% of gross lease payments(1)                                   6%

         CPA(R):5                     1% of gross lease payments(1)                                   6%

         CPA(R):6                     1% of gross lease payments(1)                                   6%

         CPA(R):7                     1% of gross lease payments(1)                                   6%

         CPA(R):8                     3% of gross lease payments over first
                                      five years of original term of each lease                      10%

         CPA(R):9                     3% of gross lease payments over first
                                      five years of original term of each lease.                     10%

- ----------- 
(1) The management fee for properties not subject to leases with an initial term
of less than 10 years is (i) six  percent of the gross  revenues  of such leases
where such Affiliate performs leasing,  re-leasing and leasing related services,
or (ii) three  percent of gross  revenues of such leases where such services are
not performed;  provided,  however,  that in no event shall such  management fee
exceed  an  amount  which  is  competitive  for  similar  services  in the  same
geographic area and further provided that bookkeeping  services and fees paid to
non-Affiliates for management services shall be included in the management fee.

     Incentive Fee. The Manager is entitled to be paid an Incentive Fee equal to
15  percent  of the  amount  of the net  proceeds  received  from  the sale of a
property  previously  held by a CPA(R)  Partnership  in excess of the  appraised
value of the equity interest in such property used in the Consolidation  less an
adjustment  for the share of such net proceeds in excess of the appraised  value
of the equity interest attributable to the Manager's interest in the Shares.

Amounts Paid to W. P. Carey & Co.

     Upon completion of the merger of the nine CPA(R) Partnerships,  W. P. Carey
& Co.  received  warrants  to  purchase  2,284,800  Shares  at $21 per Share and
725,930 Shares at $23 per Share as compensation for investment  banking services
provided to the  Company.  The warrants  are  exercisable  for a ten year period
beginning January 1, 1999.


Amounts Paid/Payable to the General Partners

     In connection with the merger of the nine CPA(R) Partnerships,  W. P. Carey
&  Co.  and  Affiliates  (collectively,   the  "General  Partners")  received  a
subordinated preferred return of $5,111,000,  measured based upon the cumulative
proceeds  arising  from the sale of the  CPA(R)  Partnerships  assets  (with the
exception  of  CPA(R):5).  Carey  Management  is entitled to be paid a Preferred
Return in  connection  with  CPA(R):5 of  $1,067,133 if the closing price of the
Shares exceeds $23.11 for five consecutive days.

Livho, Inc. Transaction

     In  connection  with the  Consolidation,  the  Company  obtained a hotel in
Livonia,  Michigan which was not subject to a lease.  The Company would be taxed
as a corporation if it received more than a small  percentage of its income from
the  operation  of a hotel.  In order to avoid  taxation as a  corporation,  the
Company leased the hotel to Livho Inc., a corporation wholly-owned by Francis J.
Carey,  the chairman and chief  executive  officer of the Company  pursuant to a
10-year lease. Livho Inc. pays the Company a rent of $2,347,607 for 1998.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

     Any proposal  which a Shareholder  intends to present at the Company's 1999
Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  must be  received by the Company no later than
December 15, 1998 in order to be included in the Company's  Proxy  Statement and
form of proxy relating to that meeting.


     The Company  has  engaged the firm of Coopers & Lybrand as its  independent
public accountants, and the Board of Directors has selected Coopers & Lybrand as
auditors for 1998.

     A  representative  of  Coopers  & Lybrand  will be  present  at the  Annual
Meeting,  will be given the opportunity to make any statement he desires to make
and will be available to respond to questions.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     The Board of Directors  does not know of other  matters which are likely to
be brought  before the  meeting.  However,  in the event that any other  matters
properly come before the Annual Meeting, the persons named in the enclosed proxy
are  expected to vote the Shares  represented  by such proxy on such  matters in
accordance with their best judgment.

     The cost of preparing,  assembling  and mailing this Proxy  Statement,  the
Notice of Meeting and the enclosed proxy is to be borne by the Company.

     In addition  to the  solicitation  of proxies by the use of the mails,  the
Company may utilize some of the officers and  employees of the Manager (who will
receive no  compensation  in  addition  to their  regular  salaries)  to solicit
proxies  personally and by telephone.  The Company does not currently  intend to
retain a solicitation firm to assist in the distribution of proxy statements and
the solicitation of proxies,  but if sufficient  proxies are not returned to the
Company it may retain an outside firm to assist in proxy  solicitation for a fee
estimated  not to exceed  $7,500  plus out of pocket  expenses.  The Company may
request banks, brokers and other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries to forward
copies of the Proxy Statement to their  principals and to request  authority for
the execution of proxies,  and will reimburse such persons for their expenses in
so doing.

                                              By order of the Board of Directors

                                              /s/H. Augustus Carey
                                              H. Augustus Carey
