WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                         Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                                  May 15, 1998
                Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported)

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its Charter)

    Nevada                  333-588-NY                        11-3860760
  (State of          (Commission File Number)        (IRS Identification Number)

                4401 First Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11232
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

                                 (718) 832-0800
                (Issuer's telephone number, including area code)


(a)      On  February  11,   1998,   Transpacific   International   Group  Corp.
         ("Transpacific"   or  the  "Registrant")   consummated  a  merger  (the
         "Merger") with Coffee Holding Co., Inc. ("Coffee") which was treated as
         a  "purchase  business  combination"  and a "reverse  acquisition"  for
         accounting  purposes in which  Transpacific  was the legal acquirer and
         Coffee was the accounting acquirer.

(b)      (1)      On May 15, 1998,  the  Registrant  dismissed  German W. Chacon
                  ("Chacon")  who had been  previously  engaged as the principal
                  accountant for  Transpacific  and had  previously  audited its
                  financial  statements  as of  September  30,  1997 and for the
                  period from October 9, 1995 (date of  inception)  to September
                  30, 1997.

         (2)      Chacon's reports on  Transpacific's  financial  statements for
                  the period from October 9, 1995 to September  30, 1997 did not
                  contain  any  adverse   opinion  or   disclaimer  of  opinion,
                  qualifications or modifications as to uncertainty, audit scope
                  or accounting principles.

         (3)      There was no  "disagreement"  as set forth in Item 304 (a) (1)
                  (iv) of Regulation S-K with Chacon on any matter of accounting
                  principles  or practice,  financial  statement  disclosure  or
                  auditing scope or procedure  within the period from October 9,
                  1995 to September 30, 1997 and the  subsequent  interim period
                  preceding its dismissal which disagreement, if not resolved to
                  Chacon's satisfaction,  would have caused it to make reference
                  to such disagreement.

         (4)      During the period from October 9, 1995 to  September  30, 1997
                  and  the   subsequent   interim  period   preceding   Chacon's
                  dismissal,  there were no "reportable  events" as set forth in
                  Item 304 (a) (1) (v) of Regulation S-K.

(c)      (1)      On May 15, 1998, the Registrant  dismissed the accounting firm
                  of Ira D.  Ganzfried  & Company  ("Ganzfried")  which had been
                  previously engaged as the principal accountants for Coffee and
                  had previously audited its financial  statements as of October
                  31, 1996 and 1995 and for the years then ended.

         (2)      Ganzfried's  reports on Coffee's financial  statements for the
                  years  ended  October  31,  1996 and 1995 did not  contain any
                  adverse  opinion or disclaimer of opinion,  qualifications  or
                  modifications  as to  uncertainty,  audit scope or  accounting

         (3)      There was no  "disagreement"  as set forth in Item 304 (a) (1)
                  (iv)  of  Regulation  S-K  with  Ganzfried  on any  matter  of
                  accounting   principles  or  practice,   financial   statement
                  disclosure or auditing  scope or procedure for the years ended
                  October 31, 1996 and 1995 and the  subsequent  interim  period
                  preceding its dismissal which disagreement, if not resolved to
                  Ganzfried's  satisfaction,   would  have  caused  it  to  make
                  reference to such disagreement.

         (4)      For  the  years  ended  October  31,  1996  and  1995  and the
                  subsequent  interim period  preceding  Ganzfried's  dismissal,
                  there were no "reportable events" as set forth in Item 304 (a)
                  (1) (v) of Regulation S-K.

(d)      The  decision to change  accountants  was  recommended  by the Board of
         Directors  of the  Registrant.  The  Registrant  does not have an audit

(e)      On May 15, 1998,  the Registrant  engaged the accounting  firm of J. H.
         Cohn  LLP  as  the  principal  accountant  to  audit  the  Registrant's
         financial  statements in subsequent  years.  Neither the Registrant nor
         anyone  acting  on its  behalf  consulted  with J. H. Cohn LLP prior to
         engaging them regarding the  application of accounting  principles to a
         specified  transaction  or the  type of  audit  opinion  that  might be
         rendered on the Registrant's  financial statements for which disclosure
         would be required by Item 304 (a) (2) of Regulation S-K.

(f)      The  Registrant  has  requested  Chacon and  Ganzfried  to furnish  the
         Registrant  with  letters  addressed  to the  Securities  and  Exchange
         Commission  stating  whether they agree with the statements made by the
         Registrant  in (b) above  with  respect  to Chacon  and (c) above  with
         respect to Ganzfried,  and if either does not, to state the respects in
         which it does not  agree.  The  Registrant  shall  provide  Chacon  and
         Ganzfried  with copies of this Form 8-K no later than the day this Form
         8-K  is  filed  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.   The
         Registrant  shall file the letters  provided by Chacon and\or Ganzfried
         as exhibits in this Form 8-K. If such  letters are  unavailable  at the
         time this Form 8-K is filed,  the Registrant will request Chacon and\or
         Ganzfried  to provide it with such a letter as  promptly as possible so
         that the  Registrant  can file  such  letter  with the SEC  within  ten
         business days after the filing of this Form 8-K.

ITEM 7.         EXHIBITS

Exhibit 16(a) - Letter from German W. Chacon, Certified Public Accountant.

Exhibit 16(b) - Letter from Ira D. Ganzfried & Company,
                Certified Public Accountants.


Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities  and Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                          Transpacific International Group Corp.

DATE: May 18, 1998                        By:      /s/ Andrew Gordon