Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

[ X ] Filed by the registrant

[   ] Filed by a party other than the registrant      

Check the appropriate box:

[   ] Preliminary Proxy Statement

[   ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
      (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

[ X ] Definitive Proxy Statement

[   ] Definitive Additional Materials

[   ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss. 240.14a-11(c) or ss. 240.14a-12

                          COASTAL FINANCIAL CORPORATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
                          COASTAL FINANCIAL CORPORATION

                                December 28, 1998

Dear Shareholder:

         You are  cordially  invited  to  attend  the  1999  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders  of Coastal  Financial  Corporation  to be held at the Myrtle Beach
Martinique,  7100 N. Ocean Boulevard,  Myrtle Beach, South Carolina,  on Monday,
January 25, 1999, at 2:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time.

         The  attached  Notice  of  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  and Proxy
Statement  describe the formal business to be transacted at the meeting.  During
the meeting, we will also report on the operations of the Corporation. Directors
and  Officers  of the  Corporation,  as well as a  representative  of KPMG  Peat
Marwick LLP, the Corporation's  independent auditors, will be present to respond
to any questions Shareholders may have.

         To ensure proper  representation of your shares at the meeting,  please
sign,  date and return the enclosed  proxy card in the enclosed  postage-prepaid
envelope as soon as possible,  even if you currently plan to attend the meeting.
This will not prevent you from voting in person,  but will assure that your vote
is counted if you are unable to attend the meeting.


                                                 /s/ Michael C. Gerald

                                                     Michael C. Gerald
                                                     President and
                                                     Chief Executive Officer

                          COASTAL FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                                 2619 Oak Street
                     Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29577-3129
                                 (843) 448-5151

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         TO BE HELD ON JANUARY 25, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         NOTICE  IS  HEREBY  GIVEN  that  the  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders
("Meeting") of Coastal Financial Corporation ("Corporation") will be held at the
Myrtle Beach Martinique,  7100 N. Ocean Boulevard, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina,
on Monday, January 25, 1999, at 2:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time.

         A Proxy Card and a Proxy Statement for the Meeting are enclosed.

         The Meeting is for the purpose of considering and acting upon:

         1. The election of three directors of the Corporation;

         2. Such other  matters as may  properly  come before the Meeting or any
            adjournments thereof.

         NOTE: The Board of Directors is not aware of any other business to come
before the Meeting.

         Any action may be taken on the foregoing proposal at the Meeting on the
date  specified  above,  or on any date or dates to which,  by original or later
adjournment, the Meeting may be adjourned.  Pursuant to the Bylaws, the Board of
Directors  has fixed the close of business  on  November  30, 1998 as the record
date for the determination of the Shareholders entitled to notice of and to vote
at the Meeting and any adjournments thereof.

         You are  requested to fill in and sign the enclosed form of Proxy which
is solicited  by the Board of Directors  and to mail it promptly in the enclosed
envelope.  The Proxy  will not be used if you  attend  the  Meeting  and vote in

                                              BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                          /s/ SUSAN J. COOKE

                                              SUSAN J. COOKE

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
December 28, 1998


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                          COASTAL FINANCIAL CORPORATION
                                 2619 Oak Street
                     Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29577-3129
                                 (843) 448-5151

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                January 25, 1999

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation
of proxies by the Board of Directors of Coastal Financial  Corporation ("Coastal
Financial"  or  the   "Corporation")  to  be  used  at  the  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders  of the  Corporation  ("Meeting").  The Meeting will be held at the
Myrtle Beach Martinique,  7100 N. Ocean Boulevard, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina,
on  Monday,  January  25,  1999,  at  2:00  p.m.,  Eastern  Standard  Time.  The
accompanying  Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders  and this Proxy Statement
are being first mailed to Shareholders on or about December 21, 1998.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              REVOCATION OF PROXIES
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Shareholders who execute proxies retain the right to revoke them at any
time. Unless so revoked, the shares represented by such proxies will be voted at
the  Meeting  and all  adjournments  thereof.  Proxies may be revoked by written
notice delivered in person or mailed to the Secretary of the Corporation at 2619
Oak Street, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29577-3129,  or by filing a later dated
proxy prior to a vote being taken on the proposals at the Meeting.  A proxy will
not be voted if a Shareholder  attends the Meeting and votes in person.  Proxies
solicited  by the  Board of  Directors  of  Coastal  Financial  will be voted in
accordance  with  the  directions  given  therein.  Where  no  instructions  are
indicated,  properly  executed and dated  proxies will be voted for the nominees
for directors set forth herein.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Shareholders  of record as of the close of  business  on  November  30,
1998, are entitled to one vote for each share of common stock  ("Common  Stock")
of the Corporation  then held.  Shareholders are not permitted to cumulate their
votes for the election of Directors.  As of November 30, 1998,  the  Corporation
had 6,264,467 shares of Common Stock issued and outstanding.

         The  presence,  in person or by proxy,  of at least a  majority  of the
total number of outstanding shares of Common Stock entitled to vote is necessary
to constitute a quorum at the Meeting.  The three directors to be elected at the
Meeting  will be elected by a  plurality  of the votes cast by the  shareholders
present  in person or by proxy and  entitled  to vote.  Votes may be cast for or
withheld from each  nominee.  Votes that are withheld will have no effect on the
outcome of the  election  because  directors  will be elected by a plurality  of
votes cast.


         Persons  and  groups  who  beneficially  own  in  excess  of 5% of  the
Corporation's  Common  Stock  are  required  to file  certain  reports  with the
Securities and Exchange  Commission ("SEC") regarding such ownership pursuant to
the  Securities  and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended  ("1934 Act").  Based upon
such reports,  the following table sets forth, as of November 30, 1998,  certain
information  as to those persons who were  beneficial  owners of more than 5% of
the  outstanding  shares of Common Stock.  Management  knows of no persons other
than those set forth below who owned more than 5% of the  outstanding  shares of
Common Stock beneficially owned by each director of the Corporation,  the "named
executive officers" of the Corporation, and all executive officers and directors
of the Corporation as a group.

                                               Amount and Nature           Percent of
                                                 of Beneficial            Common Stock
Beneficial Owner                                 Ownership (1)             Outstanding
- ----------------                                 -------------             -----------
Beneficial Owners of More Than 5%
(Excluding Directors of the Corporation)

Sea Mist Associates Corporation  (2)                 339,983                    5.42%

Named Executive Officers (3)

Michael C. Gerald, President, Chief
  Executive Officer and Director                     189,215                    3.02
Jimmy R. Graham, Executive Vice President            104,813                    1.67
Jerry L. Rexroad, Executive Vice President
  and Chief Financial Officer                          53,457  (4)              0.85
Phillip G. Stalvey, Executive Vice President           53,091                   0.84

Directors of the Corporation
(Excluding Named Executive Officers)

G. David Bishop                                      297,083  (5)               4.74
J.T. Clemmons                                        174,266  (6)               2.78
James H. Dusenbury                                    45,639                    0.72
Samuel A. Smart                                       43,332                    0.69

James C. Benton                                      287,611  (7)               4.59
Harold D. Clardy                                      75,140                    1.19
James P. Creel                                       339,701  (8)               5.42
Wilson B. Springs                                    183,622                    2.93

All Executive Officers and
Directors as a
Group (12 persons)                                 1,842,028 (9)               29.40%

- --------------------------
 (1) Under  Pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act, a person is deemed to
     be the beneficial  owner,  for purposes of this table, of any shares of the
     Corporation's  Common Stock if he or she has voting and/or investment power
     with  respect  to such  security  or has a right to  acquire,  through  the
     exercise of outstanding options or otherwise,  beneficial  ownership at any
     time within 60 days from  November 30,  1998.  The table  includes  certain
     shares owned by spouses,  other immediate  family members in trust,  shares
     held  in  retirement  accounts  or  funds  for  the  benefit  of the  named
     individuals,  and other  forms of  ownership,  over which  shares the named
     persons possess voting and/or investment power.

 (2) Includes 2,728 shares owned by Neil Ammons, owner.


 (3) Under SEC  regulation,  the term  "named  executive  officer" is defined to
     include the chief executive officer,  regardless of compensation level, and
     the four most highly compensated  executive officers,  other than the chief
     executive  officer,  whose  total  annual  salary  and  bonus  for the last
     completed fiscal year exceeded $100,000.

 (4) Includes  1,521 shares owned by Jerry L. Rexroad - IRA; 917 shares owned by
     Jerry L.  Rexroad  & Robin E.  Rexroad,  Jt Ten;  6,694  shares by Robin E.
     Rexroad;  and 3,600  shares  owned by Jerry L.  Rexroad  and  2,280  shares
     included in the  Coastal  Financial  Corporation's  401-K Plan for Jerry L.

 (5) Includes  48,700 shares owned by G. David Bishop;  99,724 shares for Bishop
     Investment  Company;  143,105 shares for George Bishop III Trust; and 5,554
     non-incentive  stock  options  exercisable  within 60 days of November  30,

 (6) Includes 151,998 shares owned by J.T. Clemmons & Helen W. Clemmons;  18,666
     shares  owned  by  James  T.  Clemmons  Executor  for the  Estate  of Helen
     McGougan;  269 shares owned by J.T. Clemmons - IRA and 3,333  non-incentive
     stock options exercisable within 60 days of November 30, 1998.

 (7) Includes  266,666  shares  owned  by  RCEE,Inc.  of  which  Mr.  Benton  is
     President;  15,370 shares owned by Mr. Benton; 21 shares owned by Emman Ann
     Lawton Benton and 5,554  non-incentive  stock options  exercisable  with 60
     days of November 30, 1998.

 (8) Includes 254,005 shares owned by Creel Outdoor  Advertising,  Inc.;  51,988
     shares owned by Creel Outdoor Advertising,  Inc. Profit Sharing Plan; 2,914
     owned by Carolyn W. Creel & James P. Creel,  Jr. & Alicia  Creel  Bame,  Jt
     Ten;  392 shares  owned by Carolyn W. Creel & C. Alicia  Creel Jt Ten;  392
     shares  owned by  Carolyn  W. Creel & James P.  Creel,  Jr. Jt Ten;  12,987
     shares owned by Carolyn W. Creel; 4,674 shares owned by Sun Graphics, Inc.,
     Carolyn  W.  Creel,  President;  289  shares  owned by Alicia  Creel Bame &
     Carolyn W. Creel,  Jt Ten;  6,506  shares owned by James P. Creel and 5,554
     non-incentive  stock  options  exercisable  within 60 days of November  30,

 (9) Includes 277,268 shares subject to stock options exercisable within 60 days
     from  November 30, 1998,  (Mr.  Gerald  131,550  shares;  Mr. Graham 51,315
     shares;  Mr. Rexroad 38,444 shares;  Mr. Stalvey 23,744 shares;  Mr. Bishop
     5,554 shares; Mr. Clemmons 3,333 shares; Mr. Smart 3,333 shares; Mr. Benton
     5,554  shares;  Mr.  Clardy  5,554  shares;  Mr. Creel 5,554 shares and Mr.
     Springs 3,333 shares.)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       PROPOSAL 1 - ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The Corporation's  Board of Directors is composed of nine members.  The
Board of Directors of Coastal  Federal  Savings Bank  ("Coastal  Federal" or the
"Bank"),  the  Corporation's  wholly  owned  subsidiary,  also has the same nine

         A former  member of the Bank's Board of  Directors,  William J. Sigmon,
Sr., serves as a Director Emeritus of the Bank.

         The Corporation's  Certificate of Incorporation provides that directors
are to be elected for terms of three years with approximately  one-third elected
annually.  Three  directors  will be  elected  at the  Meeting  to  serve  for a
three-year  period,  or until their respective  successors have been elected and
qualified.  The  Nominating  Committee  has nominated for election as directors,
James C.  Benton,  James P.  Creel and  Wilson B.  Springs,  each to serve for a
three-year term. All nominees are currently members of the Board.

         If any nominee is unable to serve, the shares  represented by all valid
proxies  will be voted  for the  election  of such  substitute  as the  Board of
Directors  may  recommend  or the Board of  Directors  may amend the  Bylaws and
reduce the size of the Board. At this time, the Board knows of no reason why any
nominee might be unavailable to serve.

       The Board of Directors recommends a vote "FOR" all of the nominees
                        for directors of the Corporation.


         The  following  table  sets forth  certain  information  regarding  the
nominees for election as directors and the directors who will continue in office
after the  Meeting.  There  are no family  relationships  among or  between  the
directors listed below.

                                                                   Year First Elected          Year
                                        Principal                     or Nominated             Term
       Name               Age          Occupation                       Director              Expires
                          (1)              (2)                             (3)                  (4)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          Board Nominees

James C. Benton           66   President - C.L. Benton & Sons, Inc.       1979                 2002
                               Heavy Grading, Hauling, Pile Driving
                               Construction Company

James P. Creel            59   President - Creel Corporation              1990                 2002
                               Operational Management Company in
                               the accommodations and golf industry

Wilson B. Springs         70   Owner - H.B. Springs Company               1967                 2002
                               Insurance and Real Estate

                                Directors Continuing in Office

G. David Bishop           45   CEO - WCI Management Group, Inc.           1991                 2000
                               Real Estate Development

J. T. Clemmons            60   Retired - Coastal Federal                  1979                 2000

Samuel A. Smart           69   Retired - United States                    1983                 2000
                               Department of Defense

Harold D. Clardy          71   President - Chapin Company                 1975                 2001
                               General Merchandise Company

James H. Dusenbury        63   Attorney - Dusenbury,                      1996                 2001
                               Hendrix & Little

Michael C. Gerald         49   President and                              1986                 2001
                               Chief Executive Officer

- ----------
(1)  As of September 30, 1998.

(2)  The listed  individuals  have held these  occupations  or positions  for at
     least the last five years.

(3)  Includes prior service on the Board of Directors of Coastal Federal for Mr.
     Bishop, Mr. Clemmons, and Mr. Smart.

(4)  Assuming  re-election  at the Meeting for Mr.  Benton,  Mr. Creel,  and Mr.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The Board of Directors of the Corporation conducts its business through
meetings of the Board and through its  committees.  During the fiscal year ended
September  30,  1998,  the Board of  Directors  of the  Corporation  held twelve
meetings.  Coastal  Federal has its own Board of  Directors  which  conducts its
business through its own committees.  During the fiscal year ended September 30,
1998, the Board of Directors for Coastal  Federal held twenty-six  meetings.  No
director of the  Corporation or Coastal  Federal  attended fewer than 75% of the
total  meetings of the Board and  committee  meetings on which such Board member
served during this period for either the Corporation or Coastal Federal.

         Presently,  Coastal  Financial's  Board of Directors has three standing
committees:  Executive,  Audit,  and Compensation  and Benefits  Committee.  The
following describes the duties, responsibilities and current membership of these

         The Corporation's  Executive  Committee meets when called by management
and is  empowered  to act for the  Board  of  Directors  between  regular  Board
meetings.  The Executive  Committee met four times in 1998. Its current  members
are Messrs. Benton, Clardy, Clemmons (Chairman), Creel, Gerald and Springs.


         The   Corporation's   Audit  Committee  has  the  primary  function  of
evaluating  audit  and  compliance  performance,  handling  relations  with  the
Corporation's  independent  auditors and  establishing  policies and  procedures
relating to internal  auditing  functions  and  controls.  Directors  Dusenbury,
Chairman, Clardy, Smart, Springs and Creel serve on the committee with Directors
Benton and Bishop as alternates.  The Corporation's Audit Committee met one time
during the 1998 fiscal year and the Bank's Audit Committee met four times during
the 1998 fiscal year.

         The Corporation's  Compensation and Benefits  Committee meets as called
by  management  to review  personnel  policies and salary and benefit  programs.
During 1998 the Compensation and Benefits Committee had one meeting. The members
of the Compensation and Benefits Committee are Messrs. Benton, Clardy, Clemmons,
Creel and Springs.

         Article II, Section 14 of the  Corporation's  Bylaws  provides that the
Board of  Directors  shall  act as a  nominating  committee  for  selecting  the
nominees for election as directors.  Such section of the Bylaws also provides as
follows:  "No  nominations  for  directors  except those made by the  nominating
committee shall be voted upon at the annual meeting unless other  nominations by
Shareholders  are  made  in  writing  and  delivered  to  the  Secretary  of the
Corporation in accordance with the provisions of the  Corporation's  Certificate
of Incorporation." The Board of Directors of the Corporation held one meeting in
its capacity as the nominating  committee during the fiscal year ended September
30, 1998.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             DIRECTORS' COMPENSATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Members of the Board of Directors of Coastal  Federal  receive a fee of
$9,500  annually  except  for the  Chairman  of the Board who  receives  $19,500
annually.  Members of the Board of Directors of Coastal Financial receive $2,500
annually.  Directors who are members of the Bank's  Executive  Committee,  which
meets on an as-needed basis, are not  compensated.  Non-Associate  directors who
are members of the Bank's Loan  Committee  receive  $50 per  committee  meeting.
Director's fees increased January, 1998. Total fees paid to Directors,  Advisory
Director  and  Director  Emeritus  of  Coastal  Financial  Corporation  and  its
subsidiaries during the fiscal year ended September 30, 1998 were $145,950.

         1996  Directors  Performance  Plan.  At the 1996  Annual  Meeting,  the
Corporation's  Shareholders  approved the 1996 Directors  Performance  Plan (the
"Plan").  Beginning with the  adjournment of that Meeting and at the adjournment
of the annual  meetings for each of the succeeding  years during the term of the
Plan,  in which the Return on Equity of Coastal  Financial  for the fiscal  year
preceding the annual meeting as reported by Coastal Financial Corporation in its
earnings  release for such prior  fiscal year is greater  than 16.5%,  an option
grant will be  awarded.  If Return on Equity is  greater  than  16.5%,  17.5% or
19.0%,  each Director of Coastal Financial who was also serving in such capacity
as of September 30 of the  preceding  year will be granted an option to purchase
1,108,  2,216 or 3,191 shares of Coastal  Financial Common Stock,  respectively,
subject to  adjustment as provided in the Plan and provided that no Director may
receive grants of options for shares of Coastal Financial Common Stock under the
Plan in excess of 9,998  shares.  In computing  Return on Equity,  net income is
adjusted for any non-recurring  items greater than $250,000,  such as changes in
accounting  methods.  All such  non-recurring  items will be  determined  by the
Compensation Committee.


         Coastal Financial reported for the 1998 fiscal year a return on average
equity of 19.52%. Therefore, after the Annual Meeting on January 25, 1999, 3,191
shares will be granted to each Director.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Summary Compensation Table

         The following Summary Compensation Table sets forth certain information
concerning  compensation to all executive officers whose total annual salary and
bonus for 1998 exceeded $100,000.

                                 SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE (1)
                                       Annual Compensation
                                                                  Long-Term Compensation
                                                                   Awards            Payouts
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------           
                                                                  Restricted    Securities    LTIP      All Other
      Name and        Year     Salary        Bonus    Directors'    Stock       Underlying   Payouts    Compensa-
     Principal               ($)(1)(2)       ($)(3)     Fees       Award(s)     Options/       ($)         tion
      Position                                         ($)(4)        ($)         SARs                    ($)(5)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------           
 Michael C. Gerald   1998    165,000.00   121,275.00  16,100.00       -       17,555          -        7,719.00
 President, Chief    1997    150,000.00   101,250.00  13,600.00       -       12,079          -        8,619.00
Executive Officer    1996    150,000.00    95,000.00  13,400.00       -         -             -        8,064.00
    & Director

 Jerry L. Rexroad,   1998    140,000.00   105,400.00   4,100.00       -       14,222          -        7,701.00
   Executive Vice    1997    125,000.00    86,750.00   4,200.00       -       10,413          -        9,092.00
 President & Chief   1996    120,000.00    74,000.00   4,000.00       -          -            -        7,328.00
 Financial Officer   

Phillip G. Stalvey,  1998    125,000.00    95,875.00   2,600.00       -       14,222          -        8,138.00
   Executive Vice    1997     95,000.00    69,350.00   2,000.00       -       10,413          -        7,731.00
     President       1996     90,000.00    62,600.00   1,000.00       -          -            -        4,280.00
  Jimmy R. Graham,   1998     90,000.00    66,900.00     100.00       -       14,222          -        7,369.00
   Executive Vice    1997     85,000.00    63,550.00     200.00       -       10,413          -        7,988.00
     President       1996     80,000.00    57,200.00         -        -          -            -        4,976.00


(1)  All compensation, including fringe benefits, are paid by the Bank.

(2)  Does not include  amounts  payable  pursuant to an employment  agreement in
     event  of a  "change  in  control"  of  the  Corporation.  See  "Employment

(3)  Reflects  bonuses awarded for the fiscal year which were paid in subsequent
     fiscal year.

(4)  Reflects   directors'   fees  received  during  the  fiscal  year  for  the
     Corporation and its  Subsidiaries.  Does not include  perquisites which did
     not exceed the lesser of $50,000 or 10% of salary and bonus.

(5)  Includes employer  contributions to the 401K Profit Sharing Plan & Trust of
     Coastal  Financial  Corporation.  Also  includes  amounts  paid for  unused
     vacation in  accordance  with the  Corporation's  Compensation  plan to all


Option Grants Table

The  following  table sets forth the incentive  stock options  granted under the
Stock Option and Incentive Plan to the  Corporation's  Named Executive  Officers
during  the  fiscal  year  ended   September  30,  1998.  Also  listed  are  the
hypothetical  gains or "options  spreads"  that would  exist for the  respective
options.  These gains are based on assumed rates of annual  compound stock price
appreciation  of 5% and 10% from the date the options were granted over the full
option term.

                                INDIVIDUAL GRANTS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       Percentage of                                 Potential Realizable Value
                         Number of         Total                                       at Assumed Annual Rates
                         Securities      Options/                                    of Stock Price Appreciation
                         Underlying        SARs                                          For Option Term (1)
                          Options/      Granted to                              ----------------------------------
                            SARs        Associates     Exercise or
                          Granted        in Fiscal     Base Price     Expiration
        Name                (#)            Year          ($/Sh)          Date          5% ($)         10% ($)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------           
Michael C. Gerald          16,604         10.66%         17.300          2007         130,649         457,801

Jimmy R. Graham            14,222          8.64%         18.375          2007         164,349         416,492
Jerry L. Rexroad           14,222          8.64%         18.375          2007         164,349         416,492
Phillip G. Stalvey         14,222          8.64%         18.375          2007         164,349         416,492

(1)  These amounts represent certain assumed rates of appreciation  only. Actual
     gains,  if any,  on stock  option  exercises  are  dependent  on the future
     performance   of  Coastal   Financial's   Common  Stock  and  stock  market
     conditions.  There can be no assurance  that the amounts  reflected in this
     table will be achieved.

Option Exercise Table

The following table shows stock option exercises by the individuals names in the
Summary  Compensation  Table.  In  addition,  this table  includes the number of
shares covered by both exercisable and  non-exercisable  options as of September
30,  1998.  Also  reported  are the values  for  "in-the-money"  options,  which
represent the positive  spread  between the exercise  price of any such existing
options and the year-end price of Coastal Financial Corporation Common Stock.

                                                                                            Dollar Value of
                                                                     Number of                Unexercised
                                                                    Unexercised              In-the-Money
                           Number of                                 Options at               Options at
                             Shares                                    FY-End                   FY-End
                            Acquired             Dollar
                               on                Value              Exercisable/             Exercisable/
         Name               Exercise            Realized           Unexercisable             Unexercisable
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Michael C. Gerald               900              18,837              131,550/30,838         2,110,306/206,183

Jimmy R. Graham              2,300               43,010               51,315/25,271           775,704/139,531

Jerry L. Rexroad             1,500               20,076               38,444/43,061           443,114/371,467

Phillip G. Stalvey           1,200               24,660               23,744/25,271           264,748/139,151


Pension Plan Table

         The following table indicates the annual retirement  benefit that would
be payable under the Retirement  Plan (as discussed  herein) upon  retirement at
age 65 to a participant electing to receive his or her retirement benefit in the
standard form of benefit,  assuming various  specified levels of Retirement Plan
compensation and various specified years of credited service.

                                            PENSION PLAN TABLE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Highest Five Year          10 Years            20 Years              30 Years              40 Years
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Average               Benefit              Benefit               Benefit               Benefit
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Compensation            Service              Service               Service               Service
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       $ 50,000               $ 7,500             $ 15,000             $ 22,500              $ 30,000

        100,000                15,000               30,000               45,000                60,000

        150,000                22,500               45,000               67,500                90,000

        200,000                30,000               60,000               90,000               120,000

        250,000                37,500               75,000              112,500               123,574 *

*    For calendar year 1998, the maximum  retirement benefit permitted under the
     Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended  ("Code") was  $123,574.  This
     amount is subject to future adjustment by the Internal Revenue Service.

       The  Revenue  Reconciliation  Act  of  1993  reduced  the  amount  of  an
Associate's compensation that may be taken into account for qualified retirement
plan purposes. For plan years beginning in 1994, a qualified retirement plan can
only take into account $160,000 of compensation.

          The Bank maintains a noncontributory  defined benefit pension plan for
the benefit of all  Associates  who have  completed at least one year of service
and attained age 21.  Benefits under the plan are based on length of service and
salary,  which is defined to include a participant's total taxable  compensation
as reported to the Internal  Revenue Service on Form W-2.  Participants are 100%
percent vested in their accrued benefits after five years of service.

          At the normal  retirement  age under the plan,  age 65, a  participant
would receive an annual benefit equal to 1.5% times the  participant's  years of
credited  service  times the average of the  participant's  highest  five years'
compensation.  The normal  form of benefit  under the plan is a monthly  annuity
payable  for the life of the  participant  with a death  benefit  payable at the
participant's  death.  Optional forms of benefit  include a lump sum payment and
various alternative annuity payments. The plan also provides for proportionately
reduced  benefits  in the event of a  participant's  early  retirement  prior to
attaining  age 65.  Benefits  under the plan are not subject to  reduction  from
Social Security or other offset amounts. At September 30, 1998, Messrs.  Gerald,
Stalvey,  Graham and Rexroad had 23.58 years,  15.75 years, 20.50 years and 2.42
years service under the pension plan, respectively.


Employment Agreements

         Coastal  Federal  entered into an employment  agreement with Mr. Gerald
upon the  completion  of the  Bank's  conversion  from  mutual  to  stock  form.
Effective  September 30, 1998, such employment  agreement has an initial term of
three years and provides for an annual base salary of $185,000 subject to annual
adjustment by the Board of Directors.  Additionally,  on each anniversary of the
commencement  date of the agreement,  the term of such agreement is extended for
an  additional  year  unless a notice is  received  from  either the Bank or Mr.
Gerald and  subject to the review and  approval of the Board of  Directors.  The
agreement  also  provides for  severance  payments if  employment  is terminated
following a change of control. These payments, which will be made promptly after
any  change  of  control,  will  be  equal  to 2.99  times  the  average  annual
compensation paid to Mr. Gerald during the five years immediately  preceding the
change in control.

         Coastal Federal  entered into an employment  agreement with Mr. Rexroad
effective  March  21,  1995.  Effective  September  30,  1998,  such  employment
agreement  has an initial  term of three years and  provides  for an annual base
salary of  $145,600  subject  to annual  adjustment  by the Board of  Directors.
Additionally, on each anniversary of the commencement date of the agreement, the
term of such  agreement  is extended for an  additional  year unless a notice is
received  from  either  the Bank or Mr.  Rexroad  and  subject to the review and
approval of the Board of Directors.  The  agreement  also provides for severance
payments if  employment  is  terminated  following  a change of  control.  These
payments, which will be made promptly after any change of control, will be equal
to 2.99 times the average  annual  compensation  paid to Mr.  Rexroad during the
five years immediately preceding the change in control.

         Coastal Federal  entered into an employment  agreement with Mr. Stalvey
effective  October 21, 1997.  Such  employment  agreement has an initial term of
three years and provides for an annual base salary of $131,250 subject to annual
adjustment by the Board of Directors.  Additionally,  on each anniversary of the
commencement  date of the agreement,  the term of such agreement is extended for
an  additional  year  unless a notice is  received  from  either the Bank or Mr.
Stalvey and subject to the review and  approval of the Board of  Directors.  The
agreement  also  provides for  severance  payments if  employment  is terminated
following a change of control. These payments, which will be made promptly after
any  change  of  control,  will  be  equal  to 2.99  times  the  average  annual
compensation paid to Mr. Stalvey during the five years immediately preceding the
change in control.

         Coastal  Federal  entered into an employment  agreement with Mr. Graham
effective October 27, 1998. Such employment agreement has an initial term of one
year and  provides for an annual base salary of 110,000.  Additionally,  on each
anniversary  of the  commencement  date  of the  agreement,  the  term  of  such
agreement is extended for an  additional  year unless a notice is received  from
either the Bank or Mr.  Graham and  subject  to the review and  approval  of the
Board of  Directors.  The  agreement  also  provides for  severance  payments if
employment is terminated  following a change of control.  These payments,  which
will be made promptly  after any change of control,  will be equal to 1.00 times
the  average  annual  compensation  paid to Mr.  Graham  during  the five  years
immediately preceding the change in control.

         The term  "control"  is defined in the  agreement  described  above as,
among other things,  any time during the period of  employment  when a change of
control is deemed to have  occurred  under  regulations  of the Office of Thrift
Supervision  ("OTS") or a change in the  composition  of more than a majority of
the Board of Directors of the Corporation. Based upon the compensation levels of
Messrs. Gerald, Rexroad,  Stalvey, and Graham, the aggregate payment which would
have  been  payable  under the terms of the  agreement  had a change in  control
occurred on September 30, 1998 was approximately  $640,000,  $630,000,  $430,000
and $130,000, respectively.

         Notwithstanding  anything  to  the  contrary  set  forth  in any of the
Corporation's  previous filings under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or
the 1934  Act that  might  incorporate  future  filings,  including  this  Proxy
Statement,  in whole or in part, the following  Report of the  Compensation  and
Benefits  Committee and Performance Graph shall not be incorporated by reference
into any such filings.


         Report of the Compensation and Benefits Committee. The Compensation and
Benefits  Committee of the Board of Directors of the  Corporation is responsible
for establishing,  implementing and monitoring all compensation  policies of the
Corporation and its primary operating subsidiary, Coastal Federal. The Committee
is also  responsible  for  evaluating  the  performance  of the Chief  Executive
Officer of the Corporation and recommending appropriate compensation levels. The
Chief Executive Officer  evaluates the performance of executive  officers of the
Corporation and recommends  individual  compensation  levels to the Compensation
and Benefits Committee.

         The  Compensation and Benefits  Committee  believes that a compensation
plan  for  executive  officers  should  take  into  account  management  skills,
long-term  performance results and Shareholder  returns.  Compensation  policies
must be  maintained  to  promote:  1) the  attraction  and  retention  of highly
qualified  executives;  2)  motivation  of  executives  that is  related  to the
performance  of the  individual  and the  Corporation;  3) current and long-term
performance;  and 4) a  financial  interest  in the  success of the  Corporation
similar to the interest of its Shareholders.

         The Corporation's  current  compensation plan involves a combination of
salary and bonus to reward short-term performance and grants of stock options to
encourage long-term performance. The salary levels of the executive officers are
designed to be competitive within the financial services industry.  Compensation
surveys are utilized to determine appropriate salary adjustments. A 401(k) plan,
in which  all  executive  officers  and  Associates  of  Coastal  Financial  may
participate  has  been  designed  to align  their  interests  with  those of the
Shareholders of the Corporation.  Matching  contributions to the 401(k) plan are
paid  based  upon the  attainment  of  established  levels of Return on  Average
Shareholders'  Equity ("Return on Equity").  The  Corporation's  Executive Bonus
Plan  provides  for  the  payment  of  a  bonus  on a  graduated  scale  if  the
Corporation's  consolidated  Return on Average  Equity equals or exceeds  15.0%.
excluding any non-recurring  items as determined by the  Corporation's  Board of
Directors.  The Corporation's  Return on Equity in fiscal 1998 was 19.52%.  This
compares to a Return on Equity in fiscal  1997 of 19.36%.  The  Executive  Bonus
Plan escalates  upon the attainment of higher levels of Return on Equity.  Stock
options are the Corporation's primary long-term compensation program designed to
reward   executive   performance   consistent  with  performance  that  benefits
Shareholders.  Awards of stock options are intended to provide  executives  with
increased  motivation and incentive to exert their best efforts on behalf of the
Corporation  by  enlarging  their  personal  stake in its  success  through  the
opportunity to increase their stock ownership in the Corporation. Options issued
to  executives  are at a price equal to the closing  price of the  Corporation's
stock on the date of grant in order to ensure  that any value  derived  from the
grant is realized by Shareholders generally. The amount of options granted to an
Executive  Officer is based upon the  Corporation's  performance,  the officer's
performance  and  relative  responsibilities  within  the  Corporation.  Options
generally vest over a period of five years.

         During the fiscal year ended September 30, 1998, the base  compensation
of Michael C. Gerald,  President and Chief Executive  Officer of the Corporation
was $165,000.  For fiscal 1999 Mr. Gerald's base  compensation  was increased to

         Based upon the factors  discussed  above, the Compensation and Benefits
Committee continues to believe that Mr. Gerald's  compensation  package as Chief
Executive  Officer and President of the Corporation  appropriately  reflects the
Company's short term and long term performance goals.

The Compensation and     James C. Benton     J. T. Clemmons    Wilson B. Springs
Benefits Committee       Harold D. Clardy    James P. Creel

         Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation.  There are
no  interlocks or insider  participation  with respect to the  Compensation  and
Benefits Committee of the Board of Directors of the Corporation.


         Performance  Graph.  The  following  graph  compares the  Corporation's
cumulative  Shareholder  return  on its  Common  Stock  with the  return  on the
National  Association  of  Securities  Dealers  Automated  Quotation  ("NASDAQ")
Composite Index and a peer group, the NASDAQ's Bank Index.  Total return assumes
the reinvestment of all dividends.

           [GRAPHIC -- Graph plotted to points listed in table below]

                        9/30/93   9/30/94   9/30/95   9/30/96   9/30/97   9/30/98
                        -------   -------   -------   -------   -------   -------
Corporation              100.00    125.25    125.78    197.54    317.90    315.50
NASDAQ Bank Index        100.00    105.20    132.64    169.27    282.00    279.85
NASDAQ Composite Index   100.00    100.83    139.28    165.24    226.82    231.79

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          TRANSACTIONS WITH MANAGEMENT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The loans shown in the following table were made in the ordinary course
of business and were made on substantially the same terms, except for the waiver
of fees,  as those of comparable  transactions  and do not involve more than the
normal risk of collectibility or contain other unfavorable features.

         At September 30, 1998, Coastal Federal had $1.1 million  outstanding in
loans  to  executive   officers  and  directors,   or  approximately  2.8  %  of
Shareholders' equity.

         Director  James H. Dusenbury is a partner in the law firm of Dusenbury,
Hendrix & Little located in Myrtle Beach,  South Carolina.  Mr. Dusenbury serves
as the  Bank's  General  Counsel.  During  the year ended  September  30,  1998,
Dusenbury,  Hendrix & Little received approximately $10,905.00 in legal fees for
legal services rendered to the Bank.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  OTHER MATTERS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The Board of Directors of the  Corporation is not aware of any business
to come  before the Meeting  other than those  matters  described  in this Proxy
Statement.  However,  if any other  matters  should  properly  come  before  the
Meeting,  it is intended that proxies in the accompanying  form will be voted in
respect  thereof in accordance with the judgment of the person or persons voting
the proxies.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The cost of solicitation  of proxies will be borne by the  Corporation.
In addition to solicitations by mail, directors,  officers and Associates of the
Corporation may solicit proxies  personally or by telephone  without  additional

         The  Corporation's  1998  Annual  Report  to  Shareholders,   including
consolidated financial statements, has been mailed to all Shareholders of record
as of the close of business on November 30, 1998.  Any  Shareholder  who has not
received  a copy of such  Annual  Report  may  obtain a copy by  writing  to the
Secretary of the Corporation. Such Annual Report is not to be treated as part of
the  proxy  solicitation  material  or as  having  been  incorporated  herein by

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             SHAREHOLDERS PROPOSALS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         In  order to be  eligible  for  inclusion  in the  Corporation's  proxy
materials for next year's Annual Meeting of  Shareholders,  which is tentatively
scheduled for January 24, 2000, any Shareholder  proposal to take action at such
meeting  must be received at the  Corporation's  main office at 2619 Oak Street,
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina,  no later than August 13, 1999. Any such proposals
shall be subject to the  requirements  of the proxy  solicitation  rules adopted
under the 1934 Act, as amended. Article II, Section 15 further provides that any
new business to be taken up at the annual meeting shall be stated in writing and
filed with the Secretary of the Corporation in accordance with the provisions of
the Corporation's Certificate of Incorporation. Article XI of the Certificate of
Incorporation  provides  that  notice  of  a  Shareholder's  intent  to  make  a
nomination or present new business at the meeting ("Shareholder notice") must be
given  not less than  thirty  days nor more than  sixty  days  prior to any such
meeting;  provided  however,  that if less than  thirty-one  days' notice of the
meeting is given to Shareholders  by the  Corporation,  a  Shareholder's  notice
shall be delivered or mailed, as prescribed, to the Secretary of the Corporation
not later than the close of the tenth day  following  the day on which notice is
mailed to Shareholders.  If properly made, such nominations  shall be considered
by Shareholders at such meeting.

                           BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                       /s/ SUSAN J. COOKE

                           SUSAN J. COOKE

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
December 28, 1998

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                    FORM 10-K

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                 REVOCABLE PROXY
                          COASTAL FINANCIAL CORPORATION


                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                                JANUARY 25, 1999

  The undersigned  hereby appoints the official proxy  committee,  consisting of
all of the members of the Board of Directors of Coastal  Financial  Corporation,
Myrtle  Beach,  South  Carolina,  with  full  powers of  substitution  to act as
attorneys and proxies for the undersigned, to vote all shares of Common Stock of
Coastal  Financial  Corporation which the undersigned is entitled to vote at the
Annual Meeting of Shareholders,  to be held at the Myrtle Beach Martinique, 7100
N. Ocean Boulevard,  Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, on Monday,  January 25, 1999,
at  2:00  p.m.,  Eastern  Time,  and at any  and all  adjournments  thereof,  as
indicated to the right:

1. The election as directors  of all  nominees  listed  (except as marked to the
contrary below):

   For a Three Year Term: James C. Benton, James P. Creel, Wilson B. Springs

INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, mark "For
All Except" and write that nominee's name in the space provided below.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. In their  discretion,  such other  matters that may properly  come before the
Meeting or any adjournments thereof.



                        Please be sure to sign below and
                      date this Proxy in the box provided.

                             Stockholder sign above
                         Co-holder (if any) sign above

   Detach above card, sign, date and mail in postage paid envelope provided.

                          COASTAL FINANCIAL CORPORATION


  Should the  undersigned  be present and elect to vote at the Annual Meeting or
at any  adjournment  thereof  and after  notification  to the  Secretary  of the
Corporation  at the  Meeting of the  Shareholder's  decision to  terminate  this
proxy,  then the power of said attorneys and proxies shall be deemed  terminated
and of no further force and effect.

  The  above  signed  acknowledges  receipt  from the  Corporation  prior to the
execution of this proxy,  of a notice of the Meeting,  a proxy  statement  dated
December 21, 1998 and the 1998 Annual Report to Shareholders.

  Please  sign  exactly  as your name  appears  on this  card.  When  signing as
attorney,  executor,  administrator,  trustee or guardian, please give your full
title.  If shares are held  jointly,  only one  signature is required,  but each
holder should sign, if possible.

                               PLEASE ACT PROMPTLY
                     SIGN, DATE & MAIL YOUR PROXY CARD TODAY