Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
Check the appropriate box:
[ ]      Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]      Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only 
         (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X]      Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]      Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]      Soliciting Material Pursuant to '240.14a-11(c) or '240.14a-12

                                 DOLLAR GENERAL
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]      No fee required.
[ ]      Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4)and 0-11.

         1)    Title of each class of securities to which  transaction  applies:

         2)    Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: N/A

         3)    Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed
               pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule  0-11.  (Set forth the amount on
               which  the  filing  fee  is  calculated  and  state  how  it  was
               determined): N/A

         4)    Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: N/A

         5)    Total fee paid: N/A

[ ]      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]      Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act 
Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         1)    Amount Previously Paid:  N/A
         2)    Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: N/A
         3)    Filing Party:  N/A
         4)    Date Filed:  N/A


                           TO BE HELD ON JUNE 7, 1999

      The Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  (the  "Annual  Meeting")  of Dollar
General Corporation (the "Company") will be held in the Goodlettsville City Hall
Auditorium, 105 South Main Street, Goodlettsville, Tennessee, on June 7, 1999 at
10:00 a.m. local time, for the following purposes:

1.    To elect nine (9)  directors  to serve until the next  Annual  Meeting and
      until their successors are duly elected and qualified;

2.    To consider and act upon two shareholder proposals; and

3.    To transact such other business as properly may come before the meeting or
      any adjournments thereof.

      Only  shareholders  of record at the close of business on April 12,  1999,
are entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual  Meeting.  Your attention is
directed to the proxy  statement  accompanying  this notice for a more  complete
statement regarding matters to be acted upon at the Annual Meeting.

                                              By order of the Board of Directors
                                              /s/ Robert C. Layne
April 30, 1999                                Robert C. Layne
                                              Corporate Secretary
         Whether  or not you  expect to be  present  at the  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders in person, please vote your proxy as soon as possible. You may vote
your proxy electronically according to the instructions on the enclosed card, or
sign, date and return the enclosed  printed proxy card in the enclosed  business
reply envelope. No postage is necessary if the proxy is mailed within the United
States. You may revoke the proxy at any time before it is voted.

                           DOLLAR GENERAL CORPORATION
                              Nashville, Tennessee
                            Telephone (615) 783-2000

                               Proxy Statement for
                         Annual Meeting of Shareholders

         The  enclosed  proxy is  solicited  by the Board of Directors of Dollar
General   Corporation   (the  "Company")  for  use  at  the  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders (the "Annual Meeting") to be held in the  Goodlettsville  City Hall
Auditorium, 105 South Main Street, Goodlettsville, Tennessee, on June 7, 1999 at
10:00 a.m.  local time,  and any  adjournment  thereof.  This proxy material was
first mailed to shareholders on or about April 30, 1999.

         The mailing address of the principal executive office of the Company is
104 Woodmont Boulevard, Suite 500, Nashville, Tennessee 37205.

         All valid proxies  which are received will be voted in accordance  with
the  recommendations of the Board of Directors unless otherwise specified on the
proxy.  Any  shareholder  giving a proxy is  entitled to revoke it by giving the
Secretary of the Company written notice of such revocation at any time before it
has been voted or by duly executing a proxy bearing a later date.

         Only holders of the Company's  Common  Stock,  $.50 par value per share
(the "Common  Stock"),  and Series A Convertible  Junior Preferred Stock, no par
value per share  (the  "Series A  Preferred  Stock"),  of record at the close of
business  on April 12, 1999 (the  "Record  Date"),  are  entitled to vote at the
Annual Meeting. On such date, the Company had 211,811,699 issued and outstanding
shares of Common  Stock,  the holders of which are entitled to one vote for each
share  held.  On such date,  the Company had  1,715,742  issued and  outstanding
shares of Series A Preferred  Stock,  the holders of which are entitled to 19.07
votes for each share of Series A Preferred Stock held (an aggregate voting power
equal to 32,725,188 shares of Common Stock).  Pursuant to the Company's Charter,
each share of Series A Preferred  Stock shall entitle the holder thereof to vote
with the  holders  of Common  Stock on all  matters  submitted  to a vote of the
holders of the Common Stock.

         Throughout  this statement  "1998" refers to the year ended January 29,
1999; "1997" refers to the year ended January 30, 1998; and "1996" refers to the
year ended January 31, 1997. All share amounts have been adjusted to reflect the
effects of all common stock splits.



         The following table sets forth certain information  concerning persons,
who as of January 29, 1999, known by management to be beneficial  owners of more
than five percent (5%) of the  Company's  Common Stock and/or Series A Preferred
Stock. Unless otherwise  indicated,  the person for whom information is provided
had sole  voting and  investment  power over the Common  Stock  and/or  Series A
Preferred Stock beneficially owned.

                                                           Amount and Nature of
                                                      Beneficial Ownership - Common     Percent of Class - Common
                      Name and Address of                Stock/Series A Preferred       Stock/Series A Preferred
                       Beneficial Owner                         Stock (1)                         Stock
           ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- ------------------------------
           Cal Turner, Jr.                              35,713,864 / 1,715,742 (2)            17.0% / 100%
           104 Woodmont Blvd., Suite 500
           Nashville, TN 37205

           James Stephen Turner                         31,895,464 / 1,643,037 (3)            15.2% / 95.8%
           138 Second Avenue
           Nashville, TN 37201

           Turner Children Trust                        30,779,686 / 1,613,742 (4)            14.7% / 94.1%
           dated January 21, 1980,
           Cal Turner, Jr. and James Stephen
           Turner, Co-Trustees
           104 Woodmont Blvd., Suite 355
           Nashville, TN 37205

           W.    P. Stewart & Co., Ltd.                      23,985,000 / NA                   11.4% / NA
           129 Front Street
           Hamilton, HM12, Bermuda

- --------------------
(1)  The Common  Stock is the only equity  security  of the  Company  registered
     pursuant to Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The Series A
     Preferred Stock (a) is convertible  into Common Stock pursuant to the terms
     and  conditions  set  forth  in  the  Company's  Charter  (currently,   the
     conversion ratio is 19.07 shares of Common Stock for each share of Series A
     Preferred  Stock)  and (b)  votes  with the  Common  Stock  on all  matters
     presented to the holders of Common Stock.

(2)  Includes  30,779,692 shares of Common Stock issuable upon conversion of the
     Series A Preferred  Stock held by the Turner  Children Trust (for which Cal
     Turner,  Jr.  serves as  Co-Trustee);  1,386,738  shares  of  Common  Stock
     issuable upon  conversion  of the Series A Preferred  Stock held by the Cal
     Turner  Family  Foundation  (for which Cal Turner,  Jr. serves as Trustee);
     558,758  shares of Common Stock  issuable  upon  conversion of the Series A
     Preferred  Stock held by the Turner  Foundation for Lindsey Wilson College,
     Inc. (for which Cal Turner,  Jr. serves as  Co-Trustee),  420,715 shares of
     Common Stock held by various trusts and  foundations  for which Cal Turner,
     Jr. has sole voting and  investment  power;  465,656 shares of Common Stock
     held by Cal Turner, Jr.'s wife; 6,975 units of Common Stock held in Company
     retirement plans;  73,565 shares of Common Stock which may be acquired upon
     the exercise of options  which are  currently  exercisable  or  exercisable
     within 60 days; and direct ownership of 2,021,765 shares.  Cal Turner,  Jr.
     disclaims ownership of the shares of Common Stock and/or Series A Preferred
     Stock held by the various trusts and  foundations,  except to the extent of
     his pecuniary interests.

(3)  Includes  30,779,692 shares of Common Stock issuable upon conversion of the
     Series A Preferred Stock held by the Turner Children Trust (for which James
     Stephen  Turner  serves as  Co-Trustee);  558,758  shares  of Common  Stock
     issuable upon conversion of the Series A Preferred Stock held by the Turner
     Foundation for Lindsey Wilson College, Inc. (for which James Stephen Turner
     serves as a  Co-Trustee);  353,011  shares of Common  Stock held by various
     trusts and  foundations  for which James Stephen Turner has sole voting and
     investment  power;  and 36,125 shares of Common Stock held by James Stephen
     Turner's wife.  James Stephen Turner  disclaims  ownership of the shares of
     Common Stock and/or Series A Preferred Stock held by the various trusts and
     foundations, except to the extent of his pecuniary interests.

(4)  The shares of Common Stock  represented  are the number of shares issuable
     upon  conversion  of  the  Series  A  Preferred  Stock  held by the  Turner
     Children Trust. See notes (2) and (3) above.



         The following  table sets forth certain  information  as of January 29,
1999, concerning all directors and nominees, the executive officers named in the
Summary  Compensation  Table (the "Named Executive  Officers") and all executive
officers and directors as a group. Unless otherwise  indicated,  the persons for
whom  information  is  provided  had sole voting and  investment  power over the
shares of Common  Stock  and/or  Series A Preferred  Stock  beneficially  owned.
Computations  are based on  210,032,485  shares of  Common  Stock and  1,715,742
shares of Series A Preferred Stock outstanding as of January 29, 1999.

                                                         Shares of
                                        Director    Series A Preferred
                                       or Officer          Stock                       Shares of Common Stock
  Nominee/Executive Officers              Since     Beneficially Owned   Percent         Beneficially Owned        Percent of
                                Age                                       of Class                                  Class (1)
 ----------------------------- ------- ------------ -------------------- ----------- --------------------------- ----------------
 Dennis C. Bottorff              54       1998                       --          --                1,250                *

 James L. Clayton                65       1988                       --          --              296,478  (2)           *

 Reginald D. Dickson             53       1993                       --          --               33,068  (3)           *

 John B. Holland                 67       1988                       --          --              368,755  (4)           *

   Barbara M. Knuckles           51       1995                       --          --                6,599  (5)           *

 Cal Turner                      83       1955                       --          --            4,251,569  (6)         2.0%

 David M. Wilds                  58       1991                       --          --              171,018  (7)           *

 William S. Wire, II             67       1989                       --          --               46,770  (8)           *

 Cal Turner, Jr.                 59       1966                1,715,742      100.0%           35,713,864  (9)         17.0%

 Bob Carpenter                   51       1981                       --          --              659,377  (10)          *

 Stonie O'Briant                 44       1995                       --          --              139,923  (11)          *

 Phil Richards                   51       1996                       --          --              163,974  (12)          *

 Leigh Stelmach                  59       1989                       --          --              286,459  (13)          *

 All directors and executive     --        --                 1,715,742      100.0%           42,774,914  (14)        20.3%
 officers as a group (21


(1) * Denotes less than 1% of class.

(2)   Includes  106,540  shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the exercise of
      outstanding options currently exercisable or exercisable within 60 days.

(3)   Includes  20,862  shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the  exercise of
      outstanding options currently exercisable or exercisable within 60 days.

(4)   Includes  165,073  shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the exercise of
      outstanding  options currently  exercisable or exercisable  within 60 days
      and 61,461 shares owned by Mr. Holland's spouse.

(5)   Includes  2,107  shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the  exercise  of
      outstanding options currently exercisable or exercisable within 60 days.

(6)   Includes 4,251,429 shares beneficially owned by trusts established for the
      benefit of Mr.  Turner's  children for which Mr. Turner serves as Trustee.
      Mr. Turner is the father of Cal Turner, Jr.

(7)  Includes  124,102  shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the  exercise of
     outstanding options currently exercisable or exercisable within 60 days and
     2,193 shares owned by Mr. Wilds' daughter.

(8)  Includes  36,540  shares of Common   Stock  issuable  upon the  exercise of
     outstanding options currently exercisable or exercisable within 60 days.

(9)  See Note 2 on page 2.  Cal Turner, Jr. is the son of Mr. Turner.

(10) Includes  206,881  shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the  exercise of
     outstanding  options currently  exercisable or exercisable  within 60 days.
     Also  includes  322,328  shares  for which Mr.  Carpenter  has  voting  and
     investment  rights  as a  Co-Trustee  of  the  Calister  Turner,  III  1994
     Generation Skipping Trust.

(11)  Includes  18,266  shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the  exercise of
      outstanding  options currently  exercisable or exercisable within 60 days.
      (12) Includes 100,536 shares of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of
      outstanding  options currently  exercisable or exercisable within 60 days.
      Mr.  Richards  resigned  from his executive  officer  position on April 1,

(13)  Includes  26,385  shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the  exercise of
      outstanding options currently exercisable or exercisable within 60 days.

(14)  Includes  880,857  shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the exercise of
      outstanding options currently exercisable or exercisable within 60 days.



         Directors  are elected  each year to hold office  until the next Annual
Meeting and until their  successors are duly elected and qualified.  The current
Board of Directors consists of nine members.  At its February 1999 meeting,  the
Board of Directors  nominated each of the current directors as nominees to stand
for election at the Annual Meeting.

         In the election of directors,  pursuant to Tennessee law, each share of
Common  Stock (or Series A Preferred  Stock as adjusted  for its voting  rights)
entitles its holder to cast one vote for each director nominee.  Unless contrary
instructions are received, the enclosed proxy will be voted in favor of electing
the nominees  listed below.  Each nominee has consented to be a candidate and to
serve,  if elected.  While the Board of  Directors  has no reason to believe any
nominee will be unable to accept  nomination or election as a director,  if such
an event should occur,  the proxies will be voted with  discretionary  authority
for a substitute or  substitutes  as shall be designated by the current Board of

         Certain information concerning each of the nominees is set forth below:

      Dennis C. Bottorff serves as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of First
American  Corporation,  a bank holding company. Mr. Bottorff served as President
of First American  Corporation  from 1991 through 1994. Mr. Bottorff serves as a
director  for  Ingram  Industries,   a  privately-held   provider  of  wholesale
distribution, inland marine transportation, and insurance services.

      James L. Clayton serves as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Clayton
Homes, Inc. Clayton Homes, Inc. produces, sells and finances manufactured homes.
Mr. Clayton has served as Chairman of BankFirst.  In addition,  Mr. Clayton is a
director of Chateau  Communities,  Inc.,  a property  ownership  and  management
company in the manufactured housing industry.

      Reginald  D.  Dickson is Chairman  of Buford,  Dickson,  Harper & Sparrow,
Inc., investment advisors, and President Emeritus of Inroads, Inc., a non-profit
organization supporting minority education.  Mr. Dickson served as President and
Chief Executive Officer of Inroads,  Inc. from 1983 to 1993. He also serves as a
director of First American Corporation.

      John B. Holland served as President and Chief  Operating  Officer of Fruit
of the Loom,  Inc., a manufacturer of underwear and other soft goods,  until his
retirement  in  February  1996,  at which  time he became a  consultant  to that

      Barbara M.  Knuckles is Director of Corporate  and External  Relations for
North Central College in Naperville,  Illinois.  From 1988 to 1992, Ms. Knuckles
was a private investor managing several family  businesses.  Ms. Knuckles serves
as a  member  of the  board of  directors  of J. R.  Short  Milling  Company,  a
privately-held  specialty  corn-milling  company, and Harris Bank of Naperville,

      Cal Turner,  the founder of the  Company,  served as  President  from 1955
until 1977 and  Chairman of the Board until  December  1988.  He is  currently a
consultant to the Company.

      Cal Turner, Jr. is the Chairman,  President and Chief Executive Officer of
the Company.  Mr.  Turner  joined the Company in 1955 and has held the office of
Chief  Executive  Officer since 1977. Mr. Turner became Chairman of the Board in
1989 and President in 1977.  Mr. Turner is a member of the board of directors of
First American Corporation and Thomas Nelson, Inc., a publishing company.

         David M. Wilds is a general  partner of 1st Avenue  Partners,  L.P.,  a
private equity partnership and president of Nelson Capital Partners III, L.P., a
merchant banking company. From 1990 to 1995, Mr. Wilds served as Chairman of the
Board of Cumberland  Health Systems,  Inc., an owner and operator of psychiatric
hospitals.  Mr.  Wilds is a director of  Mattress  Giant  Corporation,  a retail
company; Inphact Inc., a teleradiology company; and Feldkircher Wire Fabricating
Company, a metal fabricating company.


      William  S. Wire,  II served  from 1986  until his  retirement  in 1994 as
Chairman of the Board of Genesco, Inc., a manufacturer,  wholesaler and retailer
of footwear and clothing. Mr. Wire served as Chief Executive Officer of Genesco,
Inc.  from  1986 to 1993.  Mr.  Wire  currently  serves as a  director  of First
American Corporation, and Genesco, Inc.

      COMMITTEES  OF THE BOARD.  The  Company  has a  Corporate  Governance  and
Compensation Committee (the "CGC Committee") and an Audit Committee.

      In fiscal 1999, the CGC Committee consisted of Messrs. Bottorff, Wilds and
Wire  (Chairman).  The CGC Committee  reviews the  compensation  policies of the
Company  and  compensation  programs  in  which  officers  may  participate.  In
addition,   the  CGC  Committee   develops  general   criteria   concerning  the
qualifications  and  selection of Board  members and  officers,  and  recommends
candidates for such positions to the Board of Directors.  The CGC Committee will
consider persons recommended by shareholders as potential nominees for directors
if the names of such persons are submitted in writing to the chairman of the CGC
Committee  or the  Secretary  of the Company (as  required by the  bylaws).  The
recommendations must be accompanied by a full statement of qualifications and an
indication  of the  person's  willingness  to  serve.  The  CGC  Committee  also
administers  the  Company's  stock  option  plans,  excluding  the 1988  Outside
Directors'  Plan,  the  1993  Outside  Directors'  Plan  and  the  1995  Outside
Directors'  Stock  Option  Plan  which are  administered  by Cal  Turner and Cal
Turner, Jr. At least one time per year, the CGC Committee  specifically  reviews
the  standards  of  performance  of the  Chief  Executive  Officer  ("CEO")  for
compensation purposes. (See "Report of the Corporate Governance and Compensation
Committee  of the  Board  of  Directors  on  Executive  Compensation.")  The CGC
Committee met four times during fiscal 1999.

      The Audit  Committee  is composed  of Messrs.  Clayton,  Dickson,  Holland
(Chairman)  and Ms.  Knuckles.  The  functions  of the Audit  Committee  include
providing  advice  and  assistance  regarding  accounting,  auditing,  corporate
compliance and financial reporting practices of the Company. Annually, the Audit
Committee  recommends to the Board of Directors a firm of independent  certified
public  accountants to serve as auditors.  The Audit  Committee will review with
the  auditors the scope and results of their annual  audit,  fees in  connection
with their audit and nonaudit  services,  and the  independence of the Company's
auditors. The Audit Committee met three times during fiscal 1999.

         During  fiscal 1999,  the Board of Directors  held five  meetings.  All
directors  attended  more than 75% of the  aggregate  number of  meetings of the
Board and committees on which they serve.

         COMPENSATION  OF  DIRECTORS.   Directors  receive  a  $5,000  quarterly
retainer  plus  $1,250  for  attending  each  regular  meeting  of the  Board of
Directors or any committee.  Committee  Chairmen  receive an additional $250 for
each  committee  meeting  attended.  Compensation  for  telephonic  meetings  is
one-half  the above rates.  Board of  Directors  members who are officers of the
Company  do not  receive  any  separate  compensation  for  attending  Board  of
Directors  meetings,  or committee  meetings if  requested  by the  committee to
participate  therein.  In addition,  the  directors who are not employees of the
Company are  entitled to receive  nondiscretionary  options for the  purchase of
Common Stock  pursuant to the Company's  1998 Stock  Incentive Plan and the 1995
Outside Directors' Stock Option Plan.

         DEFERRED  COMPENSATION PLAN FOR DIRECTORS.  In December 1993, the Board
of Directors  unanimously approved a voluntary,  nonqualified  compensation plan
for director compensation.  All outside directors are eligible to participate in
the plan. Under the plan, each director may voluntarily  defer receipt of all or
a part of any  fees  normally  paid by the  Company  to the  director.  The fees
eligible for deferral are defined as retainer,  board meeting fees and committee
meeting fees. The compensation deferred is credited to a liability account which
is increased  quarterly at a minimum rate of 6% per year.  The benefits  will be
paid, upon termination from the Board, as deferred  compensation to the director
as a lump sum of the accumulated  account, as follows: (a) upon attaining age 65
or any age thereafter; (b) in the event of total disability; (c) in the event of
death; or (d) in the event of voluntary termination.


1998, the CGC Committee was comprised of Messrs.  Bottorff, Wilds and Wire. None
of these  persons  has at any time been an officer or employee of the Company or
any subsidiary of the Company. With the exception that Cal Turner, Jr. serves on
the Board of First American  Corporation  for which Dennis C. Bottorff serves as
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, no executive officer of the Company served
during  1998 as a member of a  compensation  committee  or as a director  of any
entity of which any of the Company's Directors served as an executive officer.

      VOTE REQUIRED.  The  affirmative  vote of a plurality of the votes cast by
the shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting is required for the election of





         A shareholder, Calvert Asset Management Company, Inc., has notified the
Company of its  intention  to propose  the  following  resolution  at the Annual
Meeting.   Proxy  regulations  require  the  Company  to  present  the  proposed
resolution  and  supporting  statement.  Following  the  shareholder's  proposed
resolution  and  supporting  statement  is the  Company's  Board  of  Directors'
response.  The  shareholder  recommends  you  vote  for  this  proposal;  Dollar
General's  Board of  Directors  unanimously  recommends  you vote  AGAINST  this
proposal.  The text of the proposed  resolution  from Calvert  Asset  Management
Company, Inc. is as follows:

      "WHEREAS,  the  high  cost of legal  expenses  and  both  the  social  and
      financial  consequences  of potential  discrimination  allegations  on the
      corporate  image,  for example,  Home Depot's $104 million  settlement and
      Texaco's  $170  million  settlement,  has  placed  this  issue high upon a
      priority list for Stockholders.

      WHEREAS,  over 150 major  employers  publicly report on work diversity and
      EEO  information  in annual  reports to  Stockholders  or public  interest

      WHEREAS,  a clear corporate policy opposing all forms of discrimination is
      a sign of responsible  corporate leadership and of important  significance
      to Stockholders and employees.

      WHEREAS,  in 1996,  the  Secretary of Labor and  Chairperson  of the Glass
      Ceiling Commission, Robert Reich, and a 21-member Glass Ceiling Commission
      released  a report  called  "Good  for  Business:  Making  Full use of the
      nation's Human  Capital." This report stated that major EEO problems exist
      with many  large  companies  and that  diversity  in the  workplace  has a
      positive impact on a corporation's bottom-line.

      WHEREAS,  we believe that  diversity is essential to the company's  future

      WHEREAS,  we are asking management to report to Stockholders and employees
      the progress  Dollar  General  Corporation  has made and the  obstacles it
      still has to overcome on EEO issues relevant to the company.

      RESOLVED,  a report  shall be prepared at  reasonable  cost,  by September
      1999,  excluding  confidential  information,  and shall focus on the areas
      mentioned below. The company will inform all Stockholders and employees of
      the availability of this report in its next annual report.

      o     A chart identifying employees according to their race and gender for
            each of the reporting categories  identified by the Equal Employment
            Opportunity  Commission for 1996,  1997, and 1998,  listed either in
            numbers or percentages for each category.

      o     Report on the race, gender and compensation of senior management.

      o     A summary  description  of  corporate  policies and  initiatives  to
            attract and hire women and minority job applicants and advance equal
            opportunity for women and minorities  among  management.  applicants
            and  advance  equal  opportunity  for  women  and  minorities  among
            management.en and minority job

      To support improved  disclosure,  we urge our fellow  Stockholders to vote
      your proxy FOR this resolution."




         The  Company  believes  in the dignity of work and the dignity of every
person.  The Company firmly supports  diversity in the workplace as evidenced by
its policies and programs.  For example,  the Company focuses its recruiting and
retention  efforts on all people  without  regard to race,  gender or other such
characteristic.  The  Company's  representation  of women and  minorities at the
Board-of-Director and senior-management levels is reflective of this policy.

         The Company  has already  considered  the  principles  set forth by the
Glass  Ceiling  Commission  and a  committee  made up of members of the Board of
Directors of the Company  reviews  various  policies and programs of the Company
that  support  workplace  diversity.  The  Board  of  Directors  also  considers
workforce issues relating to the effective  recruitment of and opportunities for
women and minorities.

         In policy  statements  distributed to all employees,  the Company makes
clear that all employees have the right to work in an environment  free from all
forms of discrimination and conduct which can be considered harassing,  coercive
or  disruptive.  The Company values and respects the rights of each employee and
will not tolerate  discrimination or harassment based on race, color,  religion,
sex,  national  origin,  age,  disability,   citizenship  status  or  any  other
characteristic protected by law.

         In   addition   to   publishing    the    Company's    "zero-tolerance"
Anti-discrimination  and Harassment Policy on a routine basis to employees,  the
Company regularly  publishes notices to employees of the Company's mechanism for
reporting any form of  discrimination  or harassment  which includes a toll-free
hotline linked directly to the corporate headquarters.

         Since the Company's commitment to equal opportunity  employment is part
of its  ordinary  business  operations,  the time and  expense  involved  in the
process of gathering  data and producing  reports as requested by the proponents
would  do  nothing  to  further  the  Company's  equal  employment  efforts  and
therefore, would not be a prudent use of the Company's resources.

VOTE REQUIRED.  To approve the shareholder  proposal above, the affirmative vote
of the holders of a majority  of the votes cast by the holders of the  Company's
Common Stock and series A Preferred Stock (on an as converted basis) on the item
will be required for approval.




         A  shareholder,   the  International  Ladies  Garment  Workers  Union's
National  Retirement  Fund has notified the Company of its  intention to propose
the following  resolution at the Annual Meeting.  Proxy regulations  require the
Company to present to its  shareholders  the proposed  resolution and supporting
statement.  Following  the  shareholder's  proposed  resolution  and  supporting
statement  is the  Company's  Board  of  Directors'  response.  The  shareholder
recommends  you  vote for  this  proposal;  the  Company's  Board  of  Directors
unanimously  recommends  you  vote  AGAINST  this  proposal.  The  text  of  the
International  Ladies Garment Workers Union's National Retirement Funds proposed
resolution is as follows:

         "RESOLVED:   That  the  Stockholders  of  Dollar  General   Corporation
         ("Company")  recommend  that our Board of Directors  take the necessary
         steps to adopt and  implement  a policy of  cumulative  voting  for all
         elections of directors,  which means each Stockholder shall be entitled
         to as many  votes as shall  equal  the  number of shares he or she owns
         multiplied  by the number of directors to be elected.  The  Stockholder
         may cast all of his or her votes for a single director or apportion the
         votes among the candidates.

         In support of the resolution,  the International Ladies Garment Workers
         Union's National Retirement Fund has submitted the following statement:

         Our Company's recent change of its state of incorporation from Kentucky
         to Tennessee  weakens the rights of  Stockholders.  Until our Company's
         corporate  reorganization  in 1998,  Stockholders  have  benefited from
         having the right to vote  cumulatively by virtue of Kentucky law. Under
         Kentucky  law,  cumulative  voting for  directors is  mandatory.  Under
         Tennessee law, Stockholders do not have a right to cumulate their votes
         for director  unless a company's  Charter  expressly  provides for this
         right. Our Company's Charter does not contain  cumulative voting rights
         for Stockholders.

         Cumulative  voting enables  Stockholders to cumulate their voting power
         in support of director  nominees who may not be endorsed by management.
         We believe  cumulative  voting increases the ability of Stockholders to
         elect  independent-minded  directors and results in increased board and
         management accountability to Stockholders.

         Cumulative  voting may also  invigorate and improve board  performance,
         fostering  improved  financial  performance  and increased  Stockholder
         value. Our Company's recent sluggish stock performance  underscores the
         value of cumulative voting rights which we urge the Board to adopt.

         Without  cumulative voting rights our Company's  Stockholders have lost
         an  important  tool  that  places a check  and  balance  on  management
         nominees by creating more  competitive  elections when situations arise
         that call for such measures.

         In the U.S.  corporate  governance  system,  the  election of corporate
         directors  is  the  primary  vehicle  for   Stockholders  to  influence
         corporate affairs and exert  accountability  on management.  We believe
         that the Company's  financial  performance is affected by its corporate
         governance  policies and  procedures,  and the level of  accountability
         they  impose.  A number of  studies  indicate  the  connection  between
         democratic   corporate  governance  practices  and  positive  corporate

         Cumulative  voting if adopted by our Company will  continue to increase
         the  competitiveness  of  director  elections.  We believe  competitive
         elections for director deter  complacency  on the Board,  which in turn
         improves  the  performance  of our  Company and  increases  Stockholder

         We urge you to vote FOR this proposal."



         Each  director of the Company  currently is elected by the holders of a
plurality  of the  voting  power of the  Company's  shares  present in person or
represented  by proxy at an annual or special  meeting,  thereby  permitting the
directors to administer  the affairs of the  corporation  for the benefit of all
shareholders.  The  Board  of  Directors  believes  that  cumulative  voting  is
undesirable  because it is directed toward the election of one or more directors
by a  special  group  of  shareholders.  The  shareholder  or  special  group of
shareholders  electing a  director  by  cumulative  voting may seek to have that
director  represent  the  shareholder's  or  group's  special  interest  to  the
exclusion of and rather than the interests of the shareholders as a whole.  This
partisanship  among  directors could impair their ability to work together which
is essential to effectiveness of the Company's Board of Directors. The directors
have the responsibility to represent all shareholders, not just the interests of
one  shareholder  or one  group.  The  Board  does  not  believe  that a  narrow
constituency  of  shareholders  who  have  pooled  their  votes  should  have an
advantage over the interests of the Company's shareholders as a whole.

         In 1998,  the Company asked  shareholders  to vote in favor of changing
the Company's state of  incorporation  to Tennessee from Kentucky.  In the proxy
statement's  discussion of this change, it was made clear that the Company would
not be adopting  cumulative  voting as a Tennessee  corporation  and that if the
change was approved,  directors would be elected by a plurality of votes cast by
the shares  entitled to vote in an election at which a quorum was present.  With
that information, shareholders voted in favor of moving the Company to Tennessee
from Kentucky thereby eliminating cumulative voting.

         The Company  believes that the present method of voting has very strong
support from the  majority of its  shareholders  and  believes  that its current
structure (7 of 9 independent  directors) guarantees the continued  independence
of the Board in representing all shareholders.

VOTE REQUIRED.  To approve the shareholder  proposal above, the affirmative vote
of the holders of a majority  of the votes cast by the holders of the  Company's
Common Stock and series A Preferred Stock (on an as converted basis) on the item
will be required for approval.




     The three-member  Corporate Governance and Compensation Committee (the "CGC
Committee") prepared the following executive compensation report.


     The  Company  has  adopted  the  concept  of  pay-for-performance   linking
management  compensation,  Company  performance  and  shareholder  return.  This
strategy  reflects the Company's  desire to pay for results that are  consistent
with the key goals of the Company and its  shareholders.  The CGC  Committee and
the Company believe that combining variable,  direct and indirect pay components
of its compensation program enables the Company to attract,  retain and motivate
result-orientated employees to achieve higher levels of performance.


     At nearly  all  levels of the  Company,  a  significant  portion  of pay is
variable,  being  contingent  upon  Company  (or store  unit)  performance.  The
performance-based component, whether annual incentive or long-term incentive, is
significant  enough to serve as a strong  incentive for  excellent  performance.
Additionally,  performance-based  compensation  through  the  granting  of stock
options to employees serves to increase employee ownership of the Company.


     Though  performance-based  compensation  is to be  emphasized,  base pay is
competitive.  The Company believes base pay should relate to the skills required
to  perform  a job  and to the  value  of each  job  performed  relative  to the
industry,  market  and  strategic  importance  to the  Company.  This  method of
valuation  allows the Company to respond to changes in its employment  needs and
changes in the labor  market.  Increases in base pay require a  satisfactory  or
better level of performance as determined by the CGC Committee.


     The  Company's  indirect-compensation  programs are intended to protect its
employees from extreme financial hardship in the event of a catastrophic illness
or injury and provide limited income security for retirement years. Health, life
and disability benefit programs should provide  competitive levels of protection
without jeopardizing the Company's position as a low-cost retailer.  The Company
manages  health-care costs aggressively and enlists employee  assistance in cost
management.  Employees  have  various  opportunities  to  share  in  health-care
cost-reductions and are encouraged to adopt healthy lifestyles.

     The Company's  retirement  plans should provide  limited income security at
retirement  for the typical  employee.  Employees  are also  invited to share in
ownership of the Company through  participation  in the Dollar General  Employee
Stock Purchase Plan and the Company's 401(k) plan.


     Under the  supervision  of the CGC  Committee,  the Company  has  developed
compensation  policies and programs  designed to provide  competitive  levels of
compensation  that  integrate  pay  with  the  Company's  annual  and  long-term
performance  goals.  The Company is committed  to creating an incentive  for its
employees  to  contribute  to  the  overall   results  of  the  Company  thereby
encouraging a team approach toward the  accomplishment  of corporate  objectives
and creating value for shareholders.

      The  executive  officers'  compensation  for 1998  reflected the Company's
increasing  emphasis on tying pay to both  short-term and long-term  incentives.
The  short-term  incentive is an annual cash bonus based on a percentage  of the
executive officer's salary. The long-term incentives are performance-accelerated
stock  options.  Incentive pay awarded to the CEO and the other Named  Executive
Officers  was  controlled  by Company  performance  goals which


are  established   annually.   While  the  CGC  Committee's   approach  to  base
compensation  is to offer  competitive  (although  slightly  lower-than-average)
salaries to the CEO and the other Named  Executive  Officers in comparison  with
market  practices,  base salaries have become a relatively  smaller component of
the total executive officer  compensation package as compared with the Company's
pay-for-performance  component.  The 1998  average  base  salaries for the Named
Executive Officers (not including the CEO) increased 9.96%. The increase in base
salaries in 1998 was  determined  based upon  recommendations  made by the human
resources  department to the CGC  Committee,  a review of peer group  comparison
data  (using  the  peer  group  compensation   survey  published  by  Management
Compensation Services)(1) and the subjective analysis of the CGC Committee after
evaluating  the   recommendations,   peer  group  data,  the  Company's  overall
performance  and the  respective  individual  performance  criteria of the Named
Executive Officers.

- -------
(1)   The peer group  compensation  survey is published  annually by  Management
      Compensation   Services.   The  1998   survey   included   the   following
      mass-merchandising companies: Ames Department Stores, BJ's Wholesale Club,
      Bradlees,  Caldor,  Consolidated Stores, Dayton Hudson, Filene's Basement,
      Garden Ridge,  Hills  Stores,  K-Mart  Stores,  Meijer,  Montgomery  Ward,
      Pamida, Quality Stores, Sears Roebuck, Service Merchandise, ShopKo Stores,
      TJX Companies,  Value City and Wal-Mart  Stores.  For the past nine years,
      the Company has used this well-known  peer-group annual salary survey when
      reviewing and establishing the Company's executive  compensation policies.
      Because  the  Company   uses  this  survey  for   executive   compensation
      comparison,  and because the Company ties executive  compensation directly
      to Company performance,  the same peer group survey, with the exception of
      those  companies  that  are not  publicly  traded  (and  for  which  stock
      comparison data is therefore unavailable), is used for Company performance
      comparison purposes.

            1.    ANNUAL CASH BONUSES

     The Company's  annual cash bonus  opportunity  for the  executive  officers
makes up the  short-term  incentive  component of their cash  compensation.  The
payment  of  annual  cash  bonuses  is based on both  objective  and  subjective

     Objective criteria include actual earnings-per-share  results versus target
earnings-per-share results as established by the CGC Committee at the end of the
prior  fiscal  year.  The  Company  uses   earnings-per-share   improvement  for
determining target goals for the executive  officers' variable pay for primarily
two reasons:  first,  it is a defined  measure of total Company  performance and
second,  it  is a  measure  that  can  be  easily  identified  and  reviewed  by

     In order for an  officer  to  receive  a cash  bonus  under the cash  bonus
incentive    program   effective   for   1998,   the   Company   had   to   meet
committee-established  earnings-per-share goals, each exceeding the prior year's
performance.  If the Company reached the "target" goal,  which was considered by
the CGC  Committee  to be  challenging,  then 25% of salary was to be awarded to
each  executive  officer as a cash bonus.  If the Company  reached the "stretch"
goal,  which was considered by the Committee to be extremely  challenging,  then
75% of salary was to be awarded to each executive  officer as a cash bonus.  The
percentage of salary awarded for earnings-per-share  performance falling between
the "target" and "stretch"  goals is on a graduated scale (from 26% of salary to
74% of salary) commensurate with the earnings-per-share performance.

     Subjective  performance  criteria  include  the  results of each  executive
officer's  performance  review  pursuant  to the  Company's  Development  Review
Process ("DR Process"). The Company's DR Process is a comprehensive program that
focuses on total  performance  improvement by  concentrating on "Key Development
Areas"  ("KDAs")  and  "Key  Result  Areas"   ("KRAs").   KDAs  emphasize  skill
enhancement,  leadership development,  and career goal aspirations of employees.
KRAs focus on the key results required to actively pursue the Company's mission.
KDAs and KRAs are set annually for each  management  employee by the  employee's
supervisor,  and the payment of an annual bonus is dependent upon each executive
officer achieving his individual goals. That is, Company  performance is not the
sole  criterion  by which an  executive  officer's  annual cash bonus  payout is
determined.  Two factors determine whether an executive officer would receive an
annual   cash   bonus:   (a)   The   Company   must   achieve   an   established
earnings-per-share  goal;  and (b) the  individual  must achieve a  satisfactory
performance  evaluation  based  upon the  above-described  DR  Process  factors.
Therefore, equal weight is given to each of these factors.


     Because the Company  exceeded  its target goal but did not meet its stretch
goal for 1998, the executive  officers will receive 67% of their annual salaries
as cash  bonuses  (paid in 1999).  Because  the Company did not meet its stretch
goal for 1997, the executive  officers  received 69% of their annual salaries as
cash bonuses for 1997 (paid in 1998).


     The  Company's,  1993 Employee Stock  Incentive  Plan ("1993  Plan"),  1995
Employee Stock Incentive Plan ("1995 Plan") and 1998 Stock Incentive Plan ("1998
Plan"),  award  non-qualified   performance-accelerated  stock  options  to  the
executive officers, department directors and other personnel considered to be in
key positions, as approved by the CGC Committee.

     The CGC Committee granted  performance-accelerated  stock options under its
Stock Incentive Program with annual  accelerated-vesting  schedules based on the
achievement of corporate  performance goals (as measured by  earnings-per-share)
and individual  performance goals (as measured by the Company's DR Process).  To
further  encourage  outstanding   performance,   the  CGC  Committee  adopted  a
compensation  program  that ties the  acceleration  of stock  option  vesting to
earnings-per-share  goals.  Each executive  officer receives stock option grants
with a  nine-and-one-half  year  vesting  schedule.  However,  if the  executive
officer  meets  his  individual  goals  and the  Company  meets or  exceeds  its
established  earnings-per-share  goal then the stock  option  grant tied to that
goal   will   vest   earlier   than   nine-and-one-half   years.   If  the   CGC
Committee-established  earnings-per-share,  goal for the Stock Incentive Program
is met,  then  grants  tied to that fiscal  year's  performance  will vest on an
accelerated basis.

     In determining the number of the shares subject to stock options granted to
the employees  eligible to participate  in the stock  incentive  plans,  the CGC
Committee  takes  into  account  the  respective  scope of  accountability,  the
strategic and operational  responsibilities  of such  employees,  as well as the
salary levels of such employees.

     Compensation data from the Management  Compensation  Services  compensation
survey reveals that annual stock grants  (calculated  by  multiplying  the grant
price by the number of shares granted) are typically  expressed as a multiple of
salary. Annual grant amounts fall within a range of one to three times the CEO's
annual  salary,  and  executive  officers'  grant amounts fall within a range of
one-half to one-and-one-half  times the executive officer's salary.  Because the
CGC  Committee has decided to place  greater  emphasis on the  performance-based
component of compensation,  it pays lower-than-average  salaries for the CEO and
other executive officers but sets incentive  compensation  multiples at or above
the high end of the peer group survey ranges for these positions.  Specifically,
the  CGC  Committee  has  established  an  incentive  compensation  multiple  of
approximately  three to  four-and-one-half  times salary for determining  annual
stock option grants for the CEO and the other executive officers.  These options
are valued by  multiplying  the option  exercise price (fair market value at the
time of grant) by the number of shares granted.

     In addition,  the CGC Committee  established a stock-option  program called
the Stock Plus Program.  This program,  which is composed of option grants under
the 1993 Plan, the 1995 Plan and the 1998 Plan,  awards each  executive  officer
additional stock options if the executive officer maintains, from May 1 to April
30 of the grant year, a level of Company-stock ownership (determined by the fair
market value as set by the NYSE trading  price at the close of business on April
1)  equal to at  least  two-and-one-half  times  his or her  salary.  The CEO is
required  to  maintain  ownership  of four  times his salary to be  eligible  to
participate in this program.

     Because   (1)   the   Company    exceeded   its   stock   option    program
earnings-per-share goals for 1998, (2) each named Executive Officer achieved his
previously  established  performance  goals and (3) each Named Executive Officer
met the ownership  requirements of the Stock Plus Program, the maximum number of
options  which could vest on an  accelerated  basis or  otherwise in 1998 became
fully vested.

     Because   (1)   the   Company    exceeded   its   stock   option    program
earnings-per-share goals for 1997, (2) each Named Executive Officer achieved his
previously  established  performance  goals and (3) each Named Executive Officer
met the ownership  requirements of the Stock Plus Program, the maximum number of
options  which could vest on an  accelerated  basis or  otherwise  in 1997 fully


     As with the other executive officers,  the CEO's compensation  reflects the
Company's  increasing  emphasis on tying  compensation  to both  short-term  and
long-term  performance  goals.  When  determining  the  CEO's  salary,  the  CGC
Committee  considers  the  CEO's  prior-year  performance  and  expected  future
contributions to the Company as well as peer-industry  survey results  published
annually.  The CEO's salary was 12.8% lower than the industry  comparison  group

     The CGC Committee,  believing that the CEO should have some compensation at
risk in order to encourage  performance that maximizes  shareholder  return, has
created  a  significant   opportunity   for  additional   compensation   through
performance-based  incentives. The performance-based  compensation for which the
CEO is eligible takes the form of both short-term and long-term incentives. Like
the  other  executive  officers,  the  CEO is  eligible  for a cash  bonus  (the
short-term   incentive)   based  on  the  attainment  of  individual  goals  and
earnings-per-share  goals.  Also like the other executive  officers,  the CEO is
eligible for Stock Incentive Program non-qualified performance-accelerated stock
options  and  stock-ownership-based   Stock  Plus  Program  stock  options  (the
long-term  incentive).  The Stock Incentive Program stock options,  which have a
nine-and-one-half  year  vesting  schedule,  can be  accelerated  to an  earlier
vesting  date if  certain  Committee-established  earnings-per-share  goals  and
individual performance goals are achieved.

     The CGC Committee believes that in order to maximize the CEO's performance,
a  substantial  portion of the CEO's  compensation  should be tied  directly  to
overall Company performance.  Consistent with this philosophy, the CGC Committee
has established a lower-than-average  salary for the CEO (as compared to CEOs of
the  peer-group   compensation   survey   participants)  while  emphasizing  the
pay-for-performance  components of the CEO's total  compensation  package.  When
considering the CEO's pay-for-performance component of his compensation package,
the CGC Committee took into consideration prior pay-for-performance  awards. The
CGC Committee determined that based on the CEO's individual  performance and the
performance  of  the  Company,  it  was  important  to  continue  its  incentive
compensation  program in a manner that is  competitive  in the industry and that
continues to motivate and reward outstanding performance.

     Under the Company's  short-term  incentive program (cash bonus),  the CEO's
total possible cash-bonus incentive is 100% of his salary. To be eligible for an
earnings-per-share  cash bonus award, the CEO must achieve personal  performance
goals  established by the CGC Committee,  and the Company must meet at least one
of its  cash  bonus  program  earnings-per-share  goals.  If the CEO  meets  his
individual  performance  goals and the Company  meets its  Committee-established
cash bonus program "target" goal, the CEO will receive a cash bonus equal to 25%
of his  annual  salary.  If the  CEO's  individual  goals  are  met  and the CGC
Committee-established  cash bonus program "stretch"  earnings-per-share  goal is
met, then the CEO will receive a cash bonus equal to 100% of his annual  salary.
The  percentage of salary  awarded for  earnings-per-share  performance  falling
between the "target" and  "stretch"  goals is on a graduated  scale (from 26% to
99% of salary) commensurate with the earnings-per-share performance.

     Because the Company  exceeded  its target  earnings-per-share  goal set for
1998, but did not achieve its stretch  earnings-per-share  goal  established for
awarding  cash  bonus,  the  CEO's  short-term  incentive  compensation  program
rewarded  the CEO with a cash bonus (paid in 1999) of 67% of his annual  salary.
Because the Company  exceeded its target  earnings-per-share  goal set for 1997,
but did not achieve its stretch earnings-per-share goal established for awarding
cash bonus, the CEO's short-term incentive compensation program rewarded the CEO
with a cash bonus (paid in 1998) of 88% of his annual salary.

     The CEO's long-term  incentive  compensation  program  effective for fiscal
1999  rewards  the CEO with stock  option  grants up to  approximately  three to
four-and-one-half  times his  annual  salary.  If the CGC  Committee-established
stock option program "target"  earnings-per-share  goal is met and the CEO meets
his individual  performance  standard, he will vest on an accelerated basis in a
stock option grant that represents approximately 67% of the total non-Stock-Plus
stock option benefit. If both individual and  earnings-per-share  goals are met,
then the CEO will vest on an accelerated basis in the grants tied to that fiscal
year's performance.

     The CEO  also  participates  in the  Company's  Stock  Plus  program.  This
program,  which is composed of option grants under the 1993 Plan,  the 1995 Plan
and the 1998 Plan,  rewards  the CEO with  additional  stock  options if the CEO
maintains a level of  Company-stock  ownership  equal to at least four times his

     For 1998 and 1997,  because the Company exceeded the  Committee-established
stock  option  program  earnings-per-share  goals,  the CEO met his  performance
standard  and the  CEO met the  Company  stock  ownership  requirement,  the CEO
vested,  on an accelerated  basis,  in the maximum number of the available stock
option grants.


     The  CGC  Committee  continues  to  analyze  the  potential  impact  of the
$1,000,000  limit on the  deductibility  of executive  compensation  for federal
income tax purposes  enacted as part of the 1993 Omnibus  Budget  Reconciliation
Act  ("OBRA").  Under the  regulations,  compensation  pursuant to the Company's
stock plans  should  qualify as  "performance-based"  and  therefore,  should be
excluded from the $1,000,000 limit. Other forms of compensation  provided by the
Company to its  executives,  however,  are not  excluded  from such  limit.  The
Company  currently  has an  agreement  with the CEO  which  will  result  in the
deferral of  compensation  in excess of the $1,000,000  limit to a year in which
the limit would not be exceeded.

         William S. Wire, II - Committee Chairman
         David M. Wilds
         Dennis C. Bottorff


                            COMMON STOCK PERFORMANCE

            As a part of the  executive  compensation  information  presented in
this Proxy Statement,  the Securities  Exchange  Commission (the "SEC") requires
the Company to prepare a performance  graph that compares its  cumulative  total
shareholders' return during the previous five years with a performance indicator
of the overall stock market and the Company's peer group.  For the overall stock
market  performance  indicator,  the  Company had been using the S&P Mid-Cap 400
Index.  However,  since the Company  became one of the S&P 500 stocks this year,
the  Company  will begin using that index.  For this  year's  presentation,  the
Company  will also  include the S&P Mid-Cap 400 Index.  For the peer group stock
market  performance  indicator,  the Company has chosen to use the stock  market
results of the publicly-held  participants of the compensation  survey published
by Management Compensation Services used by the CGC Committee when reviewing and
establishing the Company's executive  compensation  policies. See "Report of the
Corporate  Governance  and  Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors on
Executive Compensation."

                                                                           Cumulative Total Return
                                             1/31/94        1/31/95        1/31/96        1/31/97        1/31/98        1/29/99

DOLLAR GENERAL CORPORATION                     100            149            145            227            419            451
PEER GROUP                                     100             85             92            116            176            326
S & P MIDCAP 400                               100             95            125            153            191            214
S & P 500                                      100            101            139            176            224            296


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

      The following table provides information as to annual,  long-term or other
compensation  paid or accrued during years 1998, 1997 and 1996 for the Company's
CEO  and  the  persons  who,  at the end of  1998,  were  the  other  four  most
highly-compensated  executive  officers of the Company  (collectively the "Named
Executive Officers").

                                                       SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
                                                    Annual Compensation                    Compensation Awards           All Other
                                         -----------------------------------------    ------------------------------- --------------
                                                                      Other Annual    Restricted      Securities       Compen-sation
                                                                      Compensation       Stock        Underlying       
Name and Principal Position       Year    Salary ($)    Bonus ($)       ($)(1)          Awards ($)   Options (#)(2)        ($)(3)
- ---------------------------       ----    ----------    ---------       ------          ----------   --------------        ------
Cal Turner, Jr., Chairman,        1998     704,167       528,000         8,153             0            134,149            151,410
President and Chief Executive     1997     599,129       600,000         9,076             0            228,879             64,315
Officer                           1996     586,564             0         9,425             0            367,835             60,795
Bob Carpenter, Executive Vice     1998     230,833       138,000         8,738             0             43,155             32,150
President, Chief Administrative   1997     195,000       135,000         8,169             0             77,816              6,350
Officer and Chief Counsel         1996     174,168             0         9,305             0            125,671              6,000
Stonie O'Briant, Senior Vice      1998     186,667       117,300         2,525             0             87,024             18,404
President, Merchandising          1997     165,000       105,000         2,506             0             57,309              6,350
                                  1996     137,500             0             0             0             91,337              6,000
Phil Richards, Chief Financial    1998     206,667       138,000         5,647             0             58,718             20,280
Officer(4)                        1997     200,000       150,000         5,715             0            111,585              6,350
                                  1996     116,667             0        88,144             0            404,732                  0
Leigh Stelmach, Executive Vice    1998     318,750       207,000         9,070             0             43,155             44,091
President Operations              1997     293,750       206,250         9,588             0             77,816              6,350
                                              1996       270,314             0             0            125,671              6,000

- ----------
(1)   The  amounts   reported  in  this  column   include   gross-ups   for  tax
(2)   Includes options granted under the Stock Plus program, which awards grants
      to key employees  who maintain a specified  level of stock  ownership,  as
      well as options granted under the Stock  Incentive  Program which are tied
      to employee and company performance.  All share amounts have been adjusted
      to reflect all common stock splits as of the date of this report.
(3)   Includes the following  amounts  contributed to retirement  plans in 1998:
      $151,410  for Mr.  Turner,  $32,150  for Mr.  Carpenter,  $18,404  for Mr.
      O'Briant, $20,280 for Mr. Richards and $44,091 for Mr. Stelmach.  Includes
      $5,600  contributed  in 1998 and 1997 and $5,250 in 1996 to each  eligible
      executive officer's retirement account.  Includes $750 contributed to each
      eligible executive  officer's Employee Stock Ownership Plan account during
      1996 and 1997.  Includes  for Mr.  Turner the  following  amounts  paid as
      premiums on a split-dollar life insurance policy: 1998: $0, 1997: $57,964,
      1996:  $54,795.  (1) 

(4)   Mr.  Richards  resigned  from  the  position  of Chief  Financial  Officer
      effective April 1, 1999.


         The following  table provides  information as to options granted to the
    Named  Executive   Officers  during  1998.  The  Company  granted  no  Stock
    Appreciation  Rights in 1998, and no Named Executive Officer holds any Stock
    Appreciation Rights.

                                                                                                Potential Realizable Value at
                                                                                             Assumed Annual Rates of Stock Price
                                                                                                      Appreciation for
                                                                                                         Option Term
                                               Individual Grants                
                              Number of           % of Total                     
                              Securities        Options Granted                  
                              Underlying         to Employees In   Exercise or 
                               Options            Fiscal Year       Base Price   Expiration
             Name            Granted(#)(1)          1998 (%)        ($/Share)       Date            5% ($)             10% ($)
             ----            -------------          --------        ---------       ----            ------             -------
      Cal Turner, Jr.             71,543              3.4%            $29.50       4/27/08         $2,514,096          $6,317,212
                                  35,775                              $29.50       4/27/08
                                  26,831                              $31.00        6/1/08

      Bob Carpenter               23,018              1.1%            $29.50       4/27/08           $808,770          $2,049,583
                                  11,506                              $29.50       4/27/08
                                   8,631                              $31.00        6/1/08

      Stonie O'Briant             52,266              2.2%            $29.50       4/27/08         $1,622,645          $4,112,102
                                  26,127                              $29.50       4/27/08
                                   8,631                              $31.00        6/1/08

      Phil Richards (2)           23,018              1.5%            $29.50       4/27/08         $1,112,183          $2,818,489
                                  11,506                              $29.50       4/27/08
                                  24,194                              $31.00        6/1/08

      Leigh Stelmach              23,018              1.1%            $29.50       4/27/08           $808,770          $2,049,583
                                  11,506                              $29.50       4/27/08
                                   8,631                              $31.00        6/1/08

- ----------
(1)   Options   granted   under   the   Stock   Incentive   Program   will  vest
      nine-and-one-half  years from the date of grant. These options may vest on
      an  accelerated  basis  upon the  attainment  of  individual  and  Company
      performance  (earnings-per-share)  goals. Each Named Executive Officer met
      Company stock ownership  requirements to receive  additional  grants under
      the Stock Plus Program. The above-identified  stock option grants for each
      Named  Executive  Officer  are listed in the  following  order:  (1) Stock
      Incentive  Program grants which,  for purposes of accelerated  vesting are
      tied to  earnings-per-share  goal one, (2) Stock Incentive  Program grants
      which, for purposes of accelerated vesting are tied to  earnings-per-share
      goal two and (3) Stock Plus Program grants.

(2)   Mr.  Richards  resigned  from  the  position  of Chief  Financial  Officer
      effective April 1, 1999.



       The following table provides  information as to options exercised or held
by the Named Executive Officers during 1998.

                                                                     Number of Securities                      Value of
                                                                   Underlying  Unexercised                    In-the-Money          
                                                                  Options at Fiscal Year End          Options at Fiscal Year-end ($)
                                                                 -------------------------------      ------------------------------
                              Shares             Value  
                           Acquired on          Realized
      Name                 Exercise (#)         ($)(1)           Exercisable       Unexercisable      Exercisable      Unexercisable
      ----                 ------------         -------          -----------       -------------      -----------      -------------
 Cal Turner, Jr.             359,657           7,857,950                 0            913,249                   0        10,944,176
 Bob Carpenter               231,886           6,473,394           181,746            301,713           3,112,648         3,618,574
 Stonie O'Briant              91,534           2,902,697                 0            275,631                   0         2,569,916
 Phil Richards(2)            120,977           2,902,697                 0            246,642                   0         2,064,238
 Leigh Stelmach              314,540           9,449,467             1,250            301,713              20,420         3,618,574

- ----------
(1)   Market value of  underlying  securities  at  exercise,  minus the exercise

(2)   Mr.  Richards  resigned  from  the  position  of Chief  Financial  Officer
      effective April 1, 1999.


                            EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PLAN

                  In 1997,  the Company  combined  its two  existing  retirement
plans, the Dollar General Money Purchase  Retirement Plan and the Dollar General
Employee Stock Ownership Program, to create a new retirement program. The Dollar
General  Corporation  401(k)  Savings and  Retirement  Plan (the "401(k)  Plan")
became  effective  on January 1, 1998.  Balances in the two  earlier  plans were
transferred into the 401(k) Plan and the other plans were terminated.

                  The Company makes an automatic  annual  contribution  equal to
two percent of each eligible employee's  compensation.  Seventy-five  percent of
this  automatic   contribution  will  be  made  in  cash,  while  the  remaining
twenty-five percent will be contributed in the Company's Common Stock.  Eligible
employees  are not  required to make any  additional  contributions  in order to
receive this automatic contribution from the Company. However,  participants may
elect to contribute  between one and fifteen percent of their annual salary,  up
to a maximum  annual  contribution  of $10,000.  The  Company  will match 50% of
employee contributions, up to six percent of annual salary.

                  The 401(k) Plan covers  substantially all employees  including
the Named Executive Officers,  subject to certain eligibility requirements.  The
401(k)  Plan is subject to the  Employee  Retirement  and  Income  Security  Act

                  A  participant's  right to claim a distribution  of his or her
account  balance is  dependent on ERISA  guidelines,  Internal  Revenue  Service
regulations and the vesting schedule below:


Employee Contributions                      Immediately Vested                 
Dollar General Automatic Contribution (2%)  Immediately Vested
Employer Matching Contribution              At the end of the 1st - 3rd  Years     0% Vested
                                            At the end of the 4th Year             40% Vested
                                            At the end of the 5th Year             100% Vested

                   As  of  January  31,  1999,  Messrs.  Cal  Turner,  Jr.,  Bob
 Carpenter,  Stonie O'Briant, Phil Richards and Leigh Stelmach had 33, 18, 8, 3,
 and 10 years of credited service,  respectively. The estimated present value of
 benefits  under the plan as of January  31, 1999 was  $554,145  for Cal Turner,
 Jr., $268,490 for Bob Carpenter,  $85,184 for Stonie O'Briant, $17,235 for Phil
 Richards,  and $159,531 for Leigh Stelmach.  Upon retirement,  each participant
 has the  option  of  taking  a lump sum or an  average  annual  payment  over a
 ten-year period.

                            OTHER EXECUTIVE BENEFITS

                  Since 1988,  the Company has  provided  the Master  Retirement
Plan  for  Select  Key  Employees  (the  "Select  Retirement  Plan"),  a  salary
continuation  plan for  eligible  employees.  On January 1,  1998,  the  Company
started a new  Supplemental  Retirement  Plan (the "SERP") to replace the Select
Retirement Plan.  Balances in the Select Retirement Plan were transferred to the
new SERP Plan and the old plan is being terminated.

                  The  SERP  Plan  will be  available  to the  same  select  key
employees  as the  old  plan.  Other  employees  may be  designated  by the  CGC
Committee to  participate.  The Company will make an annual  contribution to all
participants  who  are  actively  employed  on  December  31.  The  contribution
percentage is based on age plus service where:

     Age plus Service               Percent of Base plus Bonus
     ----------------               --------------------------
                                    Non-Officer      Officers
                                    -----------      --------
          <40                          2.0%             3.0%
        40-59                          3.0%             4.5%
        60-79                          5.0%             7.5%
     80 or more                        8.0%            12.0%


                Participants will have phantom investment funds to choose from
which mirror the investment  options available in the 401(k) Plan.  Participants
will be 100% vested at the earlier of ten (10) years of service or age 50. Death
or total and permanent  disability  will also trigger 100% vesting.  The SERP is
non-qualified and therefore not subject to ERISA. The estimated present value of
benefits under the SERP as of March 31, 1999 was $1,045,485 for Cal Turner, Jr.,
$148,918  for Bob  Carpenter,  $52,353  for Stonie  O'Briant,  $23,078  for Phil
Richards, and $129,540 for Leigh Stelmach.

                  Commensurate with the new SERP, the Company also offered a new
Compensation Deferral Plan (the "Deferral Plan"). The Deferral Plan is available
to select key  employees as designated by the CGC  Committee.  Participants  may
defer up to 50% of base pay, reduced by any deferrals to the qualified plan, and
up to 100% of bonus. Elections to defer must be made prior to January 1st of the
following  year.  Participants  may elect to have deferrals and earnings for the
current  Deferral  Plan  Year  paid out in a lump sum  prior  to  retirement  or
termination,  but no sooner  than five years  following  the end of the  current
Deferral Plan Year.  Participants  will have phantom  investment funds to choose
from which mirror the  investment  options  available  in the 401(k)  Plan.  All
participants are 100% vested for all compensation deferrals.


                   On May 21, 1998, the Turner  Children  Trust, a grantor trust
 made by Cal Turner,  Jr.,  James Stephen  Turner,  Laura Jo Dugas and Katherine
 Turner  Weaver,  entered into a  transaction  with the Dollar  General  STRYPES
 Trust,  a  Delaware  trust  formed  for the  purposes  of the  transaction  and
 otherwise  unrelated  to the  Company.  Pursuant  to a Purchase  Agreement  and
 Forward Purchase  Contract,  each dated May 21, 1998, the Turner Children Trust
 received  proceeds from the sale of Structured  Yield Product  Exchangeable for
 Stock SM (the  "STRYPES") of the Dollar General  STRYPES Trust in the amount of
 approximately  $245,000,000.  The  obligation  of  the  Turner  Children  Trust
 pursuant to the Purchase Agreement and Forward Purchase Contract is to deliver,
 at the maturity date of the contract (May 15, 2001), up to 8,417,000  shares of
 Common Stock held by the Turner Children Trust,  subject to various  conditions
 and  consideration  set  forth  in  such  agreement.  In  connection  with  the
 transaction, the Company filed a registration statement on Form S-3 registering
 the shares of Common Stock which may be delivered to the Dollar General STRYPES
 Trust upon the maturity date.


                   Shareholder  proposals  intended for presentation at the 2000
 annual meeting of shareholders  must be received by Robert C. Layne,  Corporate
 Secretary, at 104 Woodmont Boulevard, Suite 300, Nashville, Tennessee 37205 not
 later than December 29, 1999 for  inclusion in the proxy  statement and form of
 proxy  relating  to that  meeting.  All such  proposals  must be in writing and
 mailed by certified mail, return receipt  requested,  and must comply with Rule
 14a-8 of Regulation 14A of the proxy rules of the SEC.


                   Section 16(a) of the 1934 Act and the disclosure requirements
 of Item 405 of Regulation  S-K of the Rules and  Regulations of the SEC require
 the Company's  executive  officers and directors,  and any person who owns more
 than ten percent of a registered class of the Company's equity  securities,  to
 file reports of ownership and changes in ownership on Forms 3, 4 and 5 with the
 SEC, the  applicable  market or exchange  upon which the  Company's  shares are
 listed, and the Company. Based solely on the Company's review of copies of such
 forms  it has  received  and  based on  written  representations  from  certain
 reporting  persons  that they were not  required to file Forms 5 for  specified
 fiscal  years,  the  Company  believes  that all its  officers,  directors  and
 greater-than-ten-percent   beneficial   owners   complied   with   all   filing
 requirements  applicable to them with respect to transactions  during 1998 with
 the  exception of Mr. Wilds and the Turner Family  Foundation.  With respect to
 these transactions, appropriate filings have been completed.

                            METHOD OF COUNTING VOTES

       Unless a contrary choice is indicated,  all duly executed proxies will be
 voted in  accordance  with the  instructions  set forth on the back side of the
 proxy card. Abstentions and "non-votes" will be counted as present for purposes
 of  determining  a  quorum,  but  will not be  counted  as votes in favor of or
 against  a  particular  proposal.  If a broker  or  nominee  holding  shares in
 "street" name indicates on the proxy that it does have discretionary  authority
 to vote on a particular matter,  those shares will not be voted with respect to
 that matter and will be disregarded  for the purpose of  determining  the total
 number of votes cast with respect to a proposal.


       Deloitte & Touche LLP,  has served as the  Company's  independent  public
+ accounting firm  since 1997.  A  representative  of  Deloitte & Touche LLP is
 expected  to be  present  at the  Annual  Meeting  to  respond  to  appropriate
                                  OTHER MATTERS

                   The cost of soliciting  proxies will be borne by the Company.
 In addition to this solicitation by mail, proxies may be solicited by officers,
 directors and regular  employees of the Company,  without  extra  compensation,
 personally and by mail, telephone or telegraph. Brokers, nominees,  fiduciaries
 and other  custodians will be requested to forward  soliciting  material to the
 beneficial  owners of shares and will be  reimbursed  for their  expenses.  The
 Company  may also  retain an  investor  relations  firm to  solicit  proxies by
 telephone or mail. Proxies may be voted by returning the printed proxy card, or
 by voting via the telephone or Internet. For more information about how to vote
 your proxy, please see the instructions on your proxy card.

                   The  Board of  Directors  is not  aware of any  matter  to be
 submitted for consideration at the Annual Meeting other than those set forth in
 the accompanying  notice.  If any other matter properly comes before the Annual
 Meeting for action, proxies will be voted on such matter in accordance with the
 best  judgment  of the  persons  named as  proxies.  Each  shareholder  has the
 unconditional  right to revoke his or her proxy at any time prior to the voting
 thereof  by  giving  the  Secretary  of the  Company  written  notice  of  such
                   The Annual  Report of the  Company is mailed  with this proxy
 statement.  A copy of the  Company's  Annual  Report  on Form 10-K for the year
 ended January 29, 1999 (as filed with the SEC) is available  without  charge to
 any shareholder upon request.  Requests for the Company's Annual Report on Form
 10-K should be directed to Robert C. Layne, Corporate Secretary.

       Whether  or not  you  expect  to be  present  at the  Annual  Meeting  of
 Shareholders  in person,  please vote your proxy as soon as  possible.  You may
 vote your proxy  electronically  according to the  instructions on the enclosed
 card, or you may sign,  date and return the enclosed  printed proxy card in the
 enclosed  business  reply  envelope.  No postage is  necessary  if the proxy is
 mailed within the United States.


VOTE BY PHONE - 1-800-690-6903
Use any  touch-tone  telephone to transmit  your voting  instructions. Have your
voting  instruction  card in hand when you call.  You will be  prompted to enter
your 12 digit  Control  Number which is located  below and the follow the simple
instructions Vote Voice provides you.

Use the  internet  to  transmit  your  voting  instructions.  Have  your  voting
instruction  card in hand when you access the web site.  You will be prompted to
enter your 12 digit Control Number which is located below to obtaib your records
and create an electronic voting form.

Mark,  sign and date your voting  instruction  card and return it in the postage
- -paid envelope we've provided or return to Dollar General Corporation,  c/o ADP,
51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, NY 11717

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             DETACH AND RETURN THIS PORTION ONLY


Vote On Directors

1.    To elect nine  directors  to serve for the  ensuing  year and until  their
      successors are elected. 01) Dennis C. Bottorff,  02) James l. Clayton, 03)
      Reginald D. Dickson, 04) John B. Holland, O5) Barbara M. Knuckles, 06) Cal
      Turner, Jr., 08) David M. Wilds and 09) William S. Wire, II.

Vote on Proposals                                 For     Against     Abstain

2.   Shareholder proposal regarding Equal        [  ]      [  ]        [  ]
     Employment Opportunity informaion            

3.   Shareholders proposal regarding             [  ]      [  ]        [  ]
     cumalative voting.


For    Withold   For all    To withhold authority to vote, mark "For All Except"
All      All     Except     and write the nominee's number on the line below
[  ]    [  ]      [  ]      ----------------------------------------------------

                           DOLLAR GENERAL CORPORATION

The  undersigned   shareholder  of  Dollar  General  Corporation,   a  Tennessee
corporation (the "Company"), hereby acknowledges receipt of the Notice of Annual
Meeting of  Shareholders  and Proxy  Statement,  each dated April 30, 1999,  and
hereby appoints Cal Turner,  Jr. and Robert C. Layne, or either of them, proxies
and attorneys-in fact, with full power to each of substitution, on behalf and in
the name of the  undersigned,  to represent the  undersigned  at the 1999 Annual
Meeting of  Shareholders  of Dollar  General  Corporation  to be held on June 7,
1999, at 10:00 a.m. local time, at the Goodlettsville City Hall Auditorium,  105
South Main Street,  Goodlettsville,  Tennessee and at any adjournment(s) therof,
and to vote all ahares of Common Stock (or Series A Convertible Junior Preferred
Stock, on an as converted basis) which the undersigned would be entitled to vote
if then and there personally present, on the matters set forth below