STOCK OPTION PLAN
                                  FOR DIRECTORS
                               BALCHEM CORPORATION
                                  (As Amended)

SECTION 1. Purpose. The purpose of the Option Plan for Directors (the "Plan") of
Balchem  Corporation  (the  "Corporation")  is  to  assist  the  Corporation  in
attracting and retaining persons to be directors by providing an incentive which
permits  directors  to share  directly in the growth of the  Corporation  and to
further the identity of their  interests with those of the  stockholders  of the

SECTION  2.  Administration.  The Plan  shall be  administered  by the  Board of
Directors of the Corporation (the "Board").

SECTION  3.  Stock  Available.  The  stock  subject  to the  Plan  shall be such
authorized  but unissued or treasury  shares of Common Stock of the  Corporation
("Common  Stock") as shall  from time to time be  determined  by the Board.  The
total amount of Common Stock which may be issued pursuant to the Plan is 452,000
shares,  subject,  however,  to adjustment in accordance  with the provisions of
Section 15.

SECTION 4.  Eligibility.  Directors and directors emeriti of the Corporation are
eligible to receive  options  under Section 5 of the Plan;  other  employees and
consultants of the  Corporation  are eligible to receive options under the terms
of the Plan (other than Section 5) at the discretion of the Board,  in an amount
determined  by the Board,  at an exercise  price equal to the  reported  closing
price of the Common Stock on the date of grant of an option and under such other
terms not inconsistent  with the Plan as the Board may direct.  In no case shall
any  employee be granted  options to purchase  more than  100,000  shares in any
calendar year.

SECTION 5. Grant of Options.  On each December  31,commencing  with December 31,
1997, each director and director emeritus  ("Optionee") shall be granted options
under the Plan to purchase  that number of shares of Common Stock which is equal
to the maximum number of shares for which options were granted in 1996,  namely,
1,059,  multiplied by the quotient  obtained by dividing (i) the net earnings of
the  Corporation  for the  year  then  ended  by (ii)  the net  earnings  of the
Corporation for 1996, computed to the nearest whole number of shares. The option
exercise  price (the "Price")  shall be the reported  closing price per share of
the Common Stock on the last trading date of the year in which such  December 31

SECTION 6.  Exercise of Right to Purchase  Shares.  An Optionee may exercise his
right to purchase shares of Common Stock in respect of any option granted during
the  ten-year  period  beginning  immediately  after the  grant of such  option,
provided that he is still a director or director  emeritus,  officer or employee
of the Corporation on the date of such exercise. In order to

so exercise such right to purchase,  the Optionee  shall give written  notice to
the Corporation of such election.  The consideration for the shares to be issued
shall be tendered in cash at the time such notice is given.

Any option granted  hereunder  shall terminate and may no longer be exercised if
the Optionee ceases to be a director or director  emeritus,  officer or employee
of the  Corporation  except  that if such  cessation  results  from the death or
permanent and total  disability of the Optionee such option may be exercised for
ninety days  thereafter or until the expiration of such option,  whichever first
occurs, by the Optionee or his legal representatives.

If the Optionee was granted  options  hereunder in his capacity as a consultant,
the duration of his options and the  conditions  of  defeasance  shall be as the
Board directs at the time of grant.

SECTION 7. Government and Other Regulations and Restrictions.  The obligation of
the Corporation to issue Common Stock upon exercise of an option hereunder shall
be subject to all applicable  laws,  rules and regulations and to such approvals
by  governmental  agencies as may be required.  Shares of Common Stock  acquired
pursuant to the Plan shall not be sold,  transferred  or  otherwise  disposed of
unless  and until  either (a) such  shares  shall  have been  registered  by the
Corporation under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"),
(b) the  Corporation  shall have received  either a "no action"  letter from the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission or an opinion of counsel  acceptable to the
Corporation to the effect that such sale,  transfer or other  disposition of the
shares may be effected without such  registration or (c) such sale,  transfer or
disposition  of the shares is made pursuant to Rule 144 of the General Rules and
Regulations  promulgated  under the Securities Act, as the same may from time to
time be in effect, and the Corporation shall have received an opinion of counsel
acceptable to the  Corporation to such effect.  In the event that at the time an
option is exercised  there shall not be on file with the Securities and Exchange
Commission an effective Registration Statement under the Securities Act covering
the shares of Common  Stock to be issued  pursuant  thereto  the  Optionee  will
execute and deliver to the Corporation upon receipt by him of any such shares an
undertaking in form and substance satisfactory to the corporation that (i) it is
his  intention  to acquire and hold such shares for  investment  and not for the
resale or distribution thereof, (ii) he will comply with the Securities Act with
respect to such shares,  and (iii) he will  indemnify  the  Corporation  for any
costs,  liabilities and expenses which it may sustain by reason of any violation
of the  Securities  Act  occasioned  by any act on his part with respect to such
shares.  The  Corporation  may  require  that any  certificate  or  certificates
evidencing shares issued pursuant to the Plan bear a restrictive legend intended
to effect compliance with the Securities Act or any other applicable  regulatory

SECTION 8. Registration of Shares.  The Corporation shall be under no obligation
to register any shares of Common Stock under the Securities Act.

SECTION 9. No Rights in Common Stock.  No Optionee shall have any interest in or
be entitled to any voting  rights or dividends or other rights or  privileges of
stockholders  of the  Corporation 

with  respect to any shares of Common Stock  unless,  and until shares of Common
Stock  are  actually  issued  to such  option  and then  only  from the date the
Optionee becomes the record owner thereof.

SECTION 10.  Adjustments  for Changes in Common Stock. In the event that each of
the  outstanding  shares of Common Stock of the  Corporation  (other than shares
held by dissenting  shareholders)  should be changed  into, or exchanged  for, a
different  number  or kind  of  shares  of  stock  or  other  securities  of the
Corporation,  or,  if  further  changes  or  exchanges  of any  stock  or  other
securities into which such Common Stock shall have been changed, or for which it
shall  have  been  exchanged,  shall  be made  (whether  by  reason  of  merger,
consolidation,     reorganization,     recapitalization,     stock    dividends,
reclassification, split up, combination of shares, or otherwise), then, for each
share of Common  Stock of the  Corporation  subject to the Plan  (whether or not
such  shares are at the time  subject to  outstanding  options)  there  shall be
substituted  and  exchanged  therefor  the number and kind of shares of stock or
other  securities  into  which  each  outstanding  share of Common  Stock of the
Company (other than shares held by dissenting  shareholders) shall be so changed
or exchanged. In the event of any such changes or exchanges, then, if the Board,
in its sole  discretion,  should  determine that in order to prevent dilution or
enlargement  of  rights  under  the Plan,  an  adjustment  should be made in the
number,  kind,  or  option  exercise  price  of the  shares  of  stock  or other
securities  then subject or  potentially  subject to an option or options,  such
adjustment  shall be made and shall be effective and binding for all purposes of
the Plan.

SECTION 11.  Non-transferability  of Option.  No option  granted  under the Plan
shall be  transferable  by the Optionee,  either  voluntarily or  involuntarily,
except by will or the laws of  descent  and  distribution,  and then only to the
extent  provided  in Section 6 of the Plan.  Any attempt to do so shall void the
option.  An option shall be exercisable  during the Optionee's  lifetime only by
the Optionee and,  after the  Optionee's  death,  only by the  Optionee's  legal

SECTION 12. Effective Date and Termination  Date. The Plan shall be effective on
the date it is approved by affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the
outstanding Common Stock. If the holders of a majority of the outstanding Common
Stock  fail  to  approve  the  Plan,  any  options  granted  under  the  Plan in
anticipation  of that approval shall be null and void, it being the condition of
any such grant that the  options so granted  were  contingent  upon  shareholder
approval of the Plan as aforesaid.  Except as to options  previously granted and
outstanding  under the Plan,  the Plan shall  terminate  at midnight on the date
occurring  five  years  after  the date on which  this Plan is  approved  by the
Shareholders  of the Company,  and no option  shall be granted  after that time.
Options then  outstanding  may continue to be exercised in accordance with their