January 25, 1999

              Mr. Lawrence T. Loeser
              960 Coventry Drive
              Lake Forest, IL  60045

              Dear Larry:

              We  are   extremely   pleased  and  excited   about  your  joining
              Harrington's  senior  management  team to lead the development and
              ongoing  management of the North Carolina Bank. In this letter,  I
              have  provided the terms of our offer to you as we have  discussed
              over the last week.

              Position: President of Harrington Bank of North Carolina reporting
              to the Chief Executive Officer of Harrington Bank. Also, upon your
              election by the Board of Directors of  Harrington  Bank,  you will
              become a director of  Harrington  Bank.  This  election  will take
              place at the first  board  meeting  held  after your start date of

              Base  Compensation:  $150,000 per annum.  This salary will be paid
              over 26 bi-weekly pay periods from the start of employment.

              Stock  Options:  5,000  Options  on HFGI  Stock  struck at $10 per
              share.  These  options will have a 10 year term and will vest at a
              rate  of 20%  per  year  from  the  date  of  grant,  expected  on
              Harrington  Financial  Group,  Inc.'s  first  Board  or  Executive
              Committee  Meeting  held after your start date of  employment.  We
              will embody these terms in a stock option agreement between us.

              Bonus:  A  guaranteed  first year bonus of $50,000,  paid after 12
              months of employment with the Bank. A partial amount of this bonus
              may be  paid  at the  Bank's  discretion  on an  earlier  date  in
              accordance with the Bank's regular annual compensation reviews for
              senior management, normally conducted in month of December.

Mr. Lawrence T. Loeser
Page 2
January 25, 1999

Employment   Understanding:   In  the  event  that  Harrington  terminates  your
employment  for reasons other than your willful  misconduct or gross  negligence
(or in the event you are reassigned to a position of lesser  responsibility  and
you decide to terminate your  employment)  within the first  eighteen  months of
your employment,  Harrington Bank agrees to continue to pay your base salary (at
a rate of $411.33 per calendar day) until eighteen  months have passed from your
initial date of employment with Harrington.

Any tax due by you on income related to this  compensation will be borne by you.
This  Employment  Understanding  agreement will expire eighteen months after the
date on which your employment with Harrington begins.

Benefits:  Standard  Harrington  Bank  Employee  benefits  available to a senior
manager (Vice President or above).

House Hunting: Harrington Bank will pay the reasonable expenses for a maximum of
three trips to North  Carolina  for house  hunting  purposes,  with one of those
trips  including  all family  members.  Any tax due by you on income  related to
these trips will be borne by you.

Interim Living Expenses: Harrington Bank will pay for interim lodging, meal, and
reasonable commuting expenses acceptable to the Bank from the start date of your
employment  until your children's last day of school for the 1999 school year or
June 30, 1999, whichever is earlier. The tax due by you on any income related to
interim living will be borne by you.

Moving Expenses:  Harrington Bank will pay for reasonable  expenses to move your
household  possessions  and travel to North  Carolina  not to exceed  $15,000 in
total.  Any personal income tax related to  reimbursement  for this move will be
borne by you.

Commission on the Sale of Your Home in Illinois:  Harrington  will reimburse you
for the  commission  cost on the sale of your  home not to  exceed  5.25% of the
sales price,  as evidenced by a broker  statement  and this  commission  will be
grossed up by your actual  total tax rate not to exceed  35%.  If you  terminate
your  employment with Harrington Bank within 18 months from your start date, you
will be  responsible  for  reimbursing  Harrington  Bank for a  portion  of this
commission plus the gross-up  amount for taxes.  The amount owed Harrington Bank
will be  calculated by taking the total amount of the  commission  plus gross-up
divided by 547 days.  The resulting  amount will be multiplied by the difference
between  547 and the  number  of  calendar  days  from  start of  employment  to

Mr. Lawrence T. Loeser 
Page 3 
January 25, 1999

Country  Club Dues:  Harrington  Bank will pay up to $200 per month for  regular
dues for a  country  club or  social  club  membership,  while  you are a senior
management employee of Harrington.

In order to  reimburse  these  expenses,  we will require  documentation  of the
charges including invoices and receipts.

I trust  that  this  letter  includes  all the  terms  of the  offer  as we have
discussed and agreed.  If so, please sign in the space provided below so that we
may have this record for your  employee  file. I look forward to your start date
anticipated in late February 1999 or early March 1999 and to working with you in
accomplishing the Bank's strategic goals.


/s/ Craig J. Cerny
- ------------------
Craig J. Cerny


cc:  HB/HFG Compensation Committee

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Harrington Bank is not bound by any contractual agreement, expressed or implied,
by enforcing the  provisions  of this  document.  Harrington  Bank is an at will

I accept the terms and  conditions  stated herein  regarding my employment  with
Harrington Bank.

/s/ Lawrence T. Loeser                               1/25/99
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Lawrence T. Loeser                                   Date